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ABOUT 1 / ba t/ adverbio

1. (approximately) ms o menos, aproximadamente; she must be ~ 60 debe (de) tener alrededor de or unos 60 aos,debe (de) andar por los 60 (fam); at ~ six o'clock alrededor de or a eso de las seis, sobre las seis(Esp); there were ~ 12 of us ramos unos 12, ramos como 12; in ~ three hours en unas tres horas; ~ a month ago hace cosa de un mes, har un mes 2. to be about to + INF : I was ~ to say something iba a decir algo; we were just ~ to start estbamos a punto de empezar; I'm not ~ to mention it to her no tengo la ms mnima intencin de mencionrselo 3. (movement): the dog followed him ~ el perro lo segua a todas partes; she can't get ~ very easily le cuesta desplazarse; he glanced ~ nervously miraba nervioso a su alrededor 4. (in the vicinity, in circulation) (esp BrE): is Teresa ~? Teresa anda por aqu?; there's a lot of flu ~ hay mucha gente con gripe about 2 preposicin 1. a. (concerning) sobre, acerca de; what's the play ~? de qu se trata la obra?; he wants to see you about something quiere verte acerca deor por algo; ~ tonight: are you coming? (con) respecto a lo de esta noche vas a venir?; what's so unusual ~ that? qu tiene eso de raro?; what was all that shouting ~? a qu venan todos esos gritos?; what ~ Helen? isn't she coming? y Helen? no viene?; I don't know what to buy her what ~ a record? no s qu comprarle qu te parece or qu tal un disco?; she won how ~ that! gan pues qu te parece! orpues mira t! b. (pertaining to): there's something ~ him that I don't like tiene un no s qu or algo que no me gusta 2. (engaged in): while you're ~ it, could you fetch my book? ya que ests me traes el libro?; why did you take so long ~ it? por qu tardaste or (esp AmL) demoraste tanto (en hacerlo)? 3. a. (in, on, through) (esp BrE): they were playing ~ the houseestaban jugando en la casa; do you have a pencil ~ you? tienes un lpiz? b. (encircling) (liter) alrededor de aboutface / ba t fe s/ , (BrE also) about-turn /- t rn / || /- t n/sustantivo cambio m radical de postura; to do an ~face cambiar radicalmente de postura; about face , (BrE also) about turn interjeccin ( Mil ) media vuelta!

about [ 'ba t] adverbio & preposicin 1 (presenta un tema o un asunto) acerca de, sobre a book about Cervantes, un libro sobre Cervantes what's all this about?, qu pasa aqu? to be about (pelcula, etc) tratar de to speak about sthg, hablar de algo 2 (presenta un motivo, una causa) por, to be worried about sthg,estar preocupado,-a por algo 3 (aqu y all = around) por todas partes to look about, mirar alrededor don't leave things lying about, no dejes las cosas por el medio there was nobody about, no haba nadie to rush about, correr de un lado para otro we went for a walk about the town, dimos una vuelta por el pueblo 4 (aproximadamente) ms o menos at about eight o'clock, a eso de las ocho he's about fifty, tiene unos cincuenta aos 5 (casi) it's just about finished, est casi terminado 6 (accin inmediata) I was about to ring you, estaba a punto de llamarte LOC: it's about time you bought a dictionary, ya es hora de que te compres un diccionario familiar how/what about a game of tennis?, te apetece un partido de tenis? what about grandfather?, y el abuelo, qu?

AGO: /

/ adverbio: five days ~ hace cinco das;

a long time ~ hace mucho (tiempo); how long ~ was it that you wrote to him? cunto (tiempo) hace que le escribiste?; as long ~ as 1960 ya en 1960 ago [ 'g ] adverbio hace: how long ago?, hace cunto tiempo? ages ago, hace mucho tiempo ten years ago, hace diez aos LOC: as long ago as 1547, ya en 1547 Ago se usa con el pasado simple y continuo pero jams con los tiempos compuestos: She arrived two days ago. Lleg hace dos das.


ri / verbo transitivo

agree [ 'gr :] verbo intransitivo 1 estar de acuerdo: he agrees with me, est de acuerdo conmigo 2 (llegar a un acuerdo) ponerse de acuerdo: the two sides must agree before next week, las dos partes tienen que ponerse de acuerdo para la semana que viene 3 consentir to agree to do sthg, consentir en hacer algo: she agreed to do it immediately, accedi a hacerlo inmediatamente 4 Ling concordar 5 (personas) llevarse bien verbo transitivo acordar LOC: garlic doesn't agree with me, el ajo me sienta mal Hay que tener cuidado con este verbo, porque, al contrario que en espaol, NO se forma con el verbo to be: Estoy de acuerdo contigo. I agree with you. Cuando existe un complemento, to agree se usa con to ms gerundio. En este caso, el complemento se expresa mediante el adjetivo posesivo: They agreed to my working on the project.Estaban de acuerdo en que yo trabajase en el proyecto. Sin embargo, en situaciones menos formales se permite el uso del pronombre personal: They agreed to

me working on the project.Si no hay complemento, se emplea el infinitivo en lugar de gerundio: They agreed to work on the project. Acordaron trabajar en el proyecto.


/ ns r / ||/

ns (r)/ sustantivo

1. a. (reply) respuesta f, contestacin f; what was their ~? qu respondieron or contestaron?; there's no ~ (to doorbell, phone) no contestan; in ~ to your question para contestar tu pregunta; to be the ~ to sb's prayers llegar(conj. ) como cado del cielo; to know all the ~s (colloq) saberlo(conj. ) todo b. (response) ~ (TO sth): her ~ to his rudeness was to ignore itrespondi a su grosera ignorndola; Britain's ~ to Elvis Presley el Elvis Presley britnico c. (plea) ( Law ) contestacin f answer 2 verbo transitivo 1. a. (reply to) person/letter contestar; ~ your father! contstale a tu padre!; because it's too far, she ~ed porque est muy lejos

contest or respondi

b. telephone contestar, atender(conj. ) (AmL), coger(conj. )(Esp); will you ~ the door? vas t (a abrir)? c. critic/criticism responder a

2. (conj. ) a. need satisfacer ; their prayers were ~ed el cielo escuch sus plegarias b. (fit): to ~ (to) a description responder a una descripcin verbo intransitivo contestar, responder; I phoned but no one ~ed llam por telfono pero no contestaron; if the doorbell rings, don't ~ si tocan el timbre, no contestes/abras Phrasal Verbs answer back 1. v + adv a. (rudely) contestar b. (defend oneself) responder a las acusaciones (or a sus crticos etc) 2. v + o + adv: her son ~ed her back su hijo le contest mal or de mala manera answer for v + prep + o

a. (accept responsibility for) conduct/consequences responder de; his parents have a lot to ~ for sus padres tienen mucha culpa b. (guarantee) truth/integrity garantizar(conj. ) , responder de; person responder por answer to v + prep + o a. (be accountable) to ~ to sb (FOR sth) responder ante algn (DEalgo) b. [dog/cat]: it ~s to the name of Bob responde al nombre de Bob c. See Also answer verbo transitivo 2 B

answer [' :ns ] nombre 1 (a una carta, etc) contestacin: there's no answer, (telfono)no contesta (puerta) no abren in answer to, contestando a o en respuesta a 2 (a una pregunta) respuesta 3 (de un problema) solucin verbo transitivo 1 (pregunta, telfono) contestar (puerta) abrir 2 (problema) resolver verbo intransitivo contestar, responder


ra nd/ adverbio

1. a. (in a circle): ~ and ~ they drove estuvieron dando vueltas y vueltas con el coche b. (so as to face in different direction): she glanced ~ ech un vistazo a su alrededor; see also look, turn etc around c. (on all sides): there's nothing for miles ~ no hay nada en millas a la redonda; everyone crowded ~ todo el mundo se api alrededor d. (in circumference) de circunferencia; it is 12m ~ tiene 12m de circunferencia 2. a. (in the vicinity): is John ~? anda or est John por ah?; there's no one ~ aqu no hay nadie; (I'll) see you ~! (colloq) nos vemos! b. (in existence) (colloq): computers weren't ~ in those days en aquellos tiempos no haba computadoras; the idea had been ~ for quite a while la idea no era nueva; it's the best one ~ es lo mejor que hay (en plaza)

3. (from one place, person to another): the dog followed us ~ el perro nos segua a todas partes; she showed us ~ nos mostr or ense la casa (or la fbrica etc); he knows his way ~ conoce la ciudad (or la zona etc); there's a rumor going ~ corre un rumor; I phoned ~ hice unas cuantas llamadas, llam a varios sitios; he's been ~ (colloq) tiene mucho mundo; he prefers to travel ~ on his own prefiere viajar solo (approximately) ms o menos, aproximadamente; he must be ~ 35 debe (de) tener unos 35, debe (de) andar por los 35; at ~ five thirty alrededor de or a eso de or sobre las cinco y media; ~ two million people unos dos millones de personas; ~ 1660 alrededor de 1660; ~ the turn of the century hacia finales de siglo around 2 preposicin 1. (encircling) alrededor de; he put his arm ~ her la rode con el brazo; they sailed ~ the world dieron la vuelta al mundo en un velero; the myths that have grown up ~ these events los mitos que han surgido en torno a estos acontecimientos (within, through): I had things to do ~ the house tena cosas que hacer en casa; they traveled ~ Europe viajaron por Europa; she took them ~ the house les mostr or ense la casa around [ 'ra nd] adverbio 1 alrededor to look around, mirar (a su) alrededor all around, por todas partes 2 to turn around, dar la vuelta 3 cerca: is the boss around?, est el jefe (por aqu)? preposicin 1 alrededor de 2 just around the corner, a la vuelta de la esquina 3 por a trip around France, una vuelta por Francia 4 cerca around here, por aqu 5 aproximadamente: I spent around one hundred pounds at that store, me gast unas cien libras en esa tienda to have been around vi fam tener experiencia, tener mucho/ser de mundo: my sister has been around and will not be fooled by flattery, mi hermana es una persona de mundo y es difcil engatusarla con alagos

AS: 1 /z/ , weak form / z/ conjuncin

1. a. (when, while) cuando; ~ she was eating breakfast cuando or mientras tomaba el desayuno ; ~ you go toward the bank, it's the first house on the leftyendo hacia el banco, es la primera casa a mano izquierda

b. (indicating progression) a medida que; ~ (and when) we need them a medida que or segn los vamos necesitando; he mellowed ~ he grew older se fue ablandando con los aos 2. (because, since) como; ~ it was getting late, we decided to leave como se haca tarde, decidimos irnos a. (expressing comparison, contrast) igual que, como; in the 1980s, ~ in the 30s en la dcada de los 80, al igual que en la de los 30 b. (in generalizations) como; it's quite reasonable, ~ restaurants go para como estn los restaurantes, es bastante razonable c. (in accordance with) como; ~ I was saying como iba diciendo; the situation, ~ we understand it, is

la situacin, tal como nosotros la entendemos, es

(defining): it would be the end of civilization ~ we know itsignificara el fin de la civilizacin tal y como la conocemos; I'm only interested in the changes ~ they affect me slo me interesan los cambios en la medida en que me afectan a m; Sri Lanka, or Ceylon, ~ it used to be known Sri Lanka, o Ceiln, como se llamaba antes as adverbio 1. (equally): it's not ~ cold today hoy no hace tanto fro; I can't run ~ quickly now no puedo correr tan rpido ahora; I have lots of stamps, but he has just ~ many/twice ~ many yo tengo muchos sellos, pero l tiene tantos como yo/el doble (que yo); I was disgusted and said ~ much estaba asqueado y lo dije 2. as as: these animals grow to ~ much ~ 12ft long estos animales llegan a medir 12 pies de largo; ~ recently ~ 1976 an en 1976; ~ many ~ 400 people hasta 400 personas; ~ long ago ~ 1960 ya en 1960 as 3 preposicin 1. a. (in the condition, role of): ~ a child she adored dancing de pequea or cuando era pequea le encantaba bailar; ~ a teacher como maestro ; she was brilliant ~ Cleopatra estuvo genial en el papel de Cleopatra; he works ~ a clerk trabaja de oficinista b. (like) como; they answered ~ one man respondieron como un solo hombre 2. (in phrases) as against frente a; as for en cuanto a, respecto a; and ~ for you y en cuanto a ti , y en lo que a ti respecta ; as of o (BrE) as from desde, a partir de; as to en cuanto a, respecto a 3. as [z, forma dbil z] adverbio & conj 1 (comparacin) as... as..., tan... como...: he's not as clever as you, no es tan listo como t as far as, hasta twice as expensive, dos veces ms caro,-a Ver nota en ms 2(modo) como: he's working as a builder, est trabajando de albail it serves as a desk, sirve de escritorio

he was disguised as a fox, iba disfrazado de zorro as you like/wish, como quieras as I said, como dije as a rule, por regla general as from, as of, a partir de as usual, como siempre as yet, an, todava Ver nota en como 3 (tiempo) cuando, mientras (que): as I was having lunch the phone rang, mientras coma son el telfono as they left the building they began to sing, al salir del edificio se pusieron a cantar as a youth, de joven 4 (concesin) no obstante, aunque be that as it may, por mucho que as sea 5 (causa) como, ya que: as it's so hot you can go home, ya que hace tanto calor podis iros a casa 6 (de la misma manera) igual que: as do I, igual que yo as well, tambin 7 (resultado) para so as to do sthg, para hacer algo

ASHORE: ashore /
to go ~ desembarcar(conj. ; to put sb ~ desembarcar(conj. ) a algn; we swam ~ nadamos hasta la orilla ashore [ ' : ] adverbio 1 (posicin) en tierra 2 (direccin) a o hacia tierra to go ashore, desembarcar to swim ashore, nadar hacia tierra 'ashore' also found in these entries: English: wade - wash

r/ adverbio en tierra;

ashore: WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary 2011

Compound Forms: tripa shore (take a) desembarcar.

ASIDE: 1 / sa d/ adverbio
a un lado; 2 see also cast aside, put aside, set aside, stand 2 A, step aside, take aside aside from (as prep) (esp AmE) a. (except for) aparte de 2 b. aside sustantivo (line, comment) aparte m aside [ 'sa d] adverbio al lado, aparte to put aside, poner a un lado (dinero) guardar preposicin aside from aparte de: aside from his wife he was alone, aparte de su mujer estaba solo

n Teat aparte

ASK: /sk/ ||/

sk/ verbo transitivo

1. (inquire) preguntar; (inquire of) preguntarle a; ~ your mother pregntale a tu madre; to ~ a question hacer(conj. ) una pregunta; to ~ sb sth preguntarle algo A algn; I ~ed him his name le pregunt cmo se llamaba; don't ~ me! (colloq) yo qu s! (fam); honestly, I ~ you! (colloq) no te parece increble?; I often ~ myself muchas veces me pregunto ; to ~ sb ABOUT sth/sb/-ING : have you ~ed him about his trip/his mother? le has preguntado por el viaje/por su madre?; ~ her about doing overtime pregntale si sera posible hacer horas extras 4. (request) approval/advice/favor pedir(conj. ) ; (invite) invitar; to ~ sb (TO sth) invitar a algn (A algo); we'll ~ them to dinner los invitaremos a cenar; (demand) price pedir(conj. ) ; (conj. ) to ~ sth FOR sth pedir algo POR algo; how much is he ~ing for the car? cunto pide por el coche? verbo intransitivo 1. (inquire) preguntar; how are things? don't ~! (colloq & hum) qu tal? mejor ni hablar!; you may well ~! buena pregunta!; to ~ ABOUT sth/sb: he ~ed about your health/you pregunt por tu salud/por ti 2. Phrasal Verbs ask after v + prep + o preguntar por; he ~ed after your health pregunt por t, se interes por tu saludask around 1. v + adv (make inquiries): I don't have one, but I'll ~ around yo no tengo, pero preguntar por ah or preguntar a ver si alguien tiene uno 2. v + o + adv (invite) invitar; I ~ed them around for a meal los invit a comer ask back v + o + adv a. (invite home) invitar a casa b. (invite again) volver
(conj. )

a invitar

c. (reciprocate invitation) devolverle(conj. ) la invitacin a ask round See Also ask around 2. verbo transitivo 1 preguntar to ask sb a question, preguntar algo a alguien 2 (un favor, etc) pedir

to ask sb to do sthg, pedirle a alguien que haga algo 3 invitar: I asked several people to dinner for Friday night, he invitado a varias personas a cenar el viernes verbo intransitivo 1 preguntar 2 solicitar, pedir

AT: at /t/ , weak form / t/ preposicin

1. (location) en; ~ Daniel's en casa de Daniel, donde Daniel, en lo de Daniel (RPl); don't call me ~ the office no me llames a la oficina; who was ~ the wedding? quin estuvo en la boda?; where it's ~ (colloq): Dino's is where it's ~ el lugar del momento es Dino's 2. (direction): to point ~ sth/sb sealar algo/a algn; she aimed the gun ~ him le apunt con la pistola; he smiled ~ me me sonri 3. (time): ~ 6 o'clock a las seis; ~ Christmas en Navidad, por Navidades (Esp); ~ night por la noche, de noche; ~ that very moment en ese mismo momento 4. a. (indicating state): ~ a disadvantage en desventaja; ~ war/peace en guerra/paz b. (occupied with): people ~ work gente trabajando; children ~ play nios jugando; to be ~ it (colloq): she's been hard ~ it studying all morningha estado toda la maana dale que dale estudiando (fam); they're ~ it again! han vuelto a empezar!; while you're ~ it you can wipe the table ya que ests (en ello) psale un trapo a la mesa; to be ~ sth: she's been ~ my things ha estado hurgando en mis cosas; Joe's been ~ the brandy again Joe le ha vuelto a dar al brandy (fam); (conj. ) to be (on) ~ sb darle la lata a algn (fam); she's been on ~ him to stop smoking le ha estado dando la lata para que deje de fumar 5. a. (with measurements, numbers, rates etc): they sell them ~ around $80 las venden a alrededor de $80; three ~ a time de tres en tres; ~ 80 mph a 80 mph; ~ high temperatures a altas temperaturas; ~ a depth of 200m a una profundidad de 200m b. (with superlative): ~ the latest a ms tardar; bureaucracy ~ its most exasperating la burocracia en su forma ms exasperante; French cooking ~ its best lo mejor de la cocina francesa 6. (because of): he was surprised ~ the decision le sorprendi la decisin; they fled ~ the sound of footsteps huyeron al or pasos 7. (concerning): she's good ~ her job hace bien su trabajo; I'm bad ~ organizing things no sirvo para organizar cosas 8.

9. at [t] preposicin 1 (posicin) a, en at the airport, en el aeropuerto at the door, en la puerta (en ciertos casos sin artculo): at school/work/home/church/ university/college, en el instituto/el trabajo/casa/la iglesia/la universidad/el colegio 2 (hacia) a to laugh at sb, rerse de alguien to look at sthg/sb, mirar algo/a alguien to throw sthg at sb, tirarle algo a alguien 3 (tiempo) a, en at Christmas, en Navidad at ten o'clock, a las diez at the weekend, el fin de semana at first, al principio at last, por fin at once, en seguida at the moment, ahora 4 (al expresar la edad) he died at ninety, muri con noventa aos 5 (modo) a, en at best/worst, en el mejor/peor de los casos at least, por lo menos 6 (velocidad, precio, etc) a: I sold them at a dollar each, los vend a un dlar la unidad at ten kilometres an hour, a diez kilmetros por hora 7 she's good at tennis, se le da bien el tenis

AWARE: aware /

wer / || /

we (r)/ adjetivo

a. (conscious) (pred) to be ~ OF sth ser(conj. ) consciente DE algo,darse(conj. ) cuenta DE algo; I'm well ~ of that soy or (Chi, Mx) estoy muy consciente or tengo plena conciencia de eso, me doy perfecta cuenta de eso; he's not even ~ of my existence ni siquiera sabe que existo; as far as I'm ~ que yo sepa; we want to make people ~ of their rights queremos que la gente tome conciencia de sus derechos; to be ~ THAT : is your father ~ that you drink? sabe tu padre que bebes?; he became ~ that something was wrong se dio cuenta de que pasaba algo b. (alert, knowledgeable): they are very politically ~ tienen mucha conciencia poltica c. aware [ 'we ] adjetivo consciente, enterado,-a to be aware, ser consciente [of, de]: are you aware of the fact that our sales have fallen by twenty percent?, eres consciente de que nuestras ventas han cado un veinte por cien?, to be (well) aware that..., saber (muy bien) que... to become aware, darse cuenta [of, de] Ver nota en ablaze d.

AWAY: away /

we / adverbio

1. a. (from place, person): I looked ~ apart la vista; he limped ~ se alej cojeando; they dragged the fallen tree ~ se llevaron el rbol cado arrastrndolo b. (indicating removal): the bark had been stripped ~ haban quitado la corteza; see also blow, take, wash, wipe etc away

2. a. (in the distance): it isn't far ~ no queda lejos; a long way ~ muy lejos; Easter is a long way ~ falta mucho para Pascua; it's 20 miles ~ queda a 20 millas; she lives an hour's drive ~ vive a una hora de aqu en coche away [ 'we ] adverbio 1 (posicin) lejos: it's 20 kilometres away from here, est a 20 kilmetros de aqu to be away, estar ausente o estar fuera to keep away from sthg, apartarse de algo Dep to play away, jugar fuera 2 (movimiento) to go away, irse: go away!, lrgate! to look away, apartar la vista right away, en seguida 3 (como parte de verbos compuestos) to give sthg away, regalar algo (secreto) revelar algo to run away, irse corriendo 4 to work away, trabajar sin parar: he was working away when I called him, estaba trabajando como un loco cuando le llam

BASE: base 1 EH Vsustantivo
(of column, wall) base f, basa f; (of mountain, tree) pie m; (of spine, skull) base f (in baseball) base f; to be off ~ (wrong) (AmE) estar(conj. ) equivocado; (conj. ) (lit: in baseball) estar fuera de (la) base; to catch sb off ~ (by surprise) (AmE) pillar or (AmL) agarrar a algn desprevenido; (lit: in baseball) pillar or (AmL) agarrar a algn fuera de (la) base; to touch ~: I called them, just to touch ~ los llam, para mantener el contacto base 2 verbo transitivo 1. (found) to ~ sth ON o UPON sth opinion/conclusion basar orfundamentar algo EN algo; the movie is ~d on a real event la pelcula se basa or est basada en una historia real 2. (locate) basar; he's/the company is ~d in Madrid tiene/la compaa tiene su base en Madrid; where are you ~d now? dnde ests (or vives etc) ahora? base 3 adjetivo baser, basest a. conduct/motive abyecto, innoble, vil

b. (inferior): ~ metal metal m de baja ley baseline / be sla n/ sustantivo

1. (starting point) lnea f base; 2. (in tennis, volleyball) lnea f de saque; (in baseball) lnea f de bases; baseman / be smn/ sustantivo (pl -men /-men/ ) (AmE):first/second/third ~man jugador m de primera/segunda/tercera base base pay n uncountable (AmE) sueldo m base or bsico; base rate sustantivo (BrE) tasa f or (esp Esp) tipo m

Diccionario Espasa Concise 2000 Espasa Calpe: base [be s] nombre 1 base (de montaa) pie (de columna) base 2 Dep (en bisbol) base 3 Mil base Com (de empresa) sede I verbo transitivo 1 basar, fundar [on, en]: she based the book on her own experiences, bas el libro en sus propias experiencias 2 (organizacin) the company is based in the south, la compaa tiene su base o sede en el sur II adjetivo 1 (persona) vil, infame III 2 (metal) comn

BELIEVE: believe /b

li v / || /b li v/ verbo transitivo

I don't ~ a word she says no le creo ni una palabra; I don't ~ she's capable of that no la creo capaz de eso; ~ it or not aunque no lo creas, aunque parezca mentira; I could hardly ~ my ears/eyes no daba crdito a mis odos/mis ojos; don't you ~ it! (colloq) cretelo! (fam & ir); you won't ~ who I've just seen no te imaginas a quin acabo de ver!; to make ~ (that) hacer(conj. ) de cuenta que (think) creer(conj. ) ; I ~ so/not creo que s/no, tengo entendido que s/no; to ~ sb/sth to + INF (often pass): the police ~ him to be dangerousla polica cree que es peligroso; it was ~d to be harmless se crea que era inofensivo verbo intransitivo (conj. ) creer ; (conj. ) to ~ IN sth/sb creer EN algo/algn; (conj. ) to ~ in God creer en Dios; I ~ in discipline soy partidario de la disciplina

BULL: bull E



countable a. (male bovine) toro m; to be like a ~ in a china shop ser(conj. ) como chivo orelefante en cristalera (fam); to take the ~ by the horns agarrar or (esp Esp) coger(conj. ) al toro por los cuernos or las astas

b. (male of other species) macho m; (before n) macho adj inv 2. uncountable (sl) (boasting, lying) estupideces fpl, chorradas fpl(Esp fam), macanas fpl (RPl fam), jaladas fpl (Mx arg); See also shoot2 verbo transitivo 1 A bulldog sustantivo bul(l)dog m; bulldoze verbo transitivo (conj. ) demoler , derribar; bulterrier m bull [E O] nombre 1 toro 2 (elefante) macho 3 Fin alcista LOC: figurado so he took the bull by the horns, as que agarr el toro por los cuernos

BUSY: busy 1 /

b zi/ adjetivo busier, busiest

1. (occupied) person ocupado; the children keep me very ~ los nios me tienen muy atareada orme dan mucho que hacer; to get ~ ponerse(conj. ) a trabajar; I was ~ writing a letter estaba ocupada escribiendo una carta 2. street/market concurrido, de mucho movimiento; I've had a ~ day he tenido un da de mucho trabajo; I have a ~ schedule tengo un programa muy apretado; a ~ road una carretera con mucho trfico or muy transitada 3. ( Telec ) ocupado (AmL), comunicando (Esp) busy 2 verbo reflexivo busies, busying, busied: to ~ oneself -INGponerse(conj. ) A + INF ; (conj. ) to ~ oneself WITH sth entretenerse CON algo busybody sustantivo (colloq) entrometido, -da m,f, metomentodo mf(fam), metiche mf (AmL fam); busy signal sustantivo (AmE) tono m or seal f de ocupado (AmL),seal f de comunicando (Esp) busy ['b z ] adjetivo 1 (persona) ocupado,-a, atareado,-a (vida) ajetreado,-a: she is so busy that she never has time to see her friends, est tan ocupada que nunca tiene tiempo para ver a los amigos 2 (sitio) animado,-a, concurrido,-a 3 Tel ocupado,-a, comunicando verbo transitivo he busied himself painting the door, se entretuvo pintando la puerta

BUT: but

E W, weak form E Wconjunci

(however) pero; she was fired, ~ they were not la despidieron a ella pero no a ellos; everybody, ~ everybody knows that eso no hay nadie que no lo sepa; you're really bugging me ~ good! (AmE colloq) qu manera de darme la lata! (fam) b. (used for introductory emphasis) pero; ~ what made you say it? pero por qu lo dijiste?;

surely he doesn't believe that? but 2 preposicin

oh, ~ he does! no puede ser que se crea eso

pues s que se lo cree

a. (except): everyone ~ me todos menos or excepto or salvo yo; but 3 adverbio (frml): we can ~ try con intentarlo no se pierde nada; he's ~ a child no es ms que un nio; one can't help ~ admire her audacity uno no puede (por) menos que admirar su audacia but 4 /b t/ sustantivo pero m; no ~s: come here at once! no hay pero que valga, ven aqu inmediatamente! but [b t] conj 1 pero: I rang, but you were out, llam, pero no estabas but where were you?, pero dnde estabas? 2 (despus de negativo) sino: my name is not James but John,no me llamo James sino John adv frml slo: he is but a dreamer, no es ms que un soador if you had but told me, si tan slo me lo hubieras dicho you can but try, en todo caso intntalo preposicin salvo, menos: Madrid's anything but quiet, Madrid es todo menos tranquilo she hates everyone but you, odia a todos menos a ti

sustantivo plural no buts!, no hay pero que valga!


/ba / preposicin

a. (at the side of, near to) al lado de, junto a; come and sit ~ me ven a sentarte a mi lado or junto a m; it's right ~ the door est justo al lado de la puerta b. (via, through) por; I came in ~ the back door entr por la puerta de atrs; ~ land/sea/air por tierra/mar/avin a. (indicating means, method): made ~ hand hecho a mano; to travel ~ car/train viajar en coche/tren; (conj. ) to pay ~ credit card pagar con tarjeta de crdito; to navigate ~ the stars guiarse(conj. ) por las estrellas; ~ moonlight a la luz de la luna; ~ -ING : you won't get anywhere ~ shouting no vas a conseguir nada con gritar; I'll begin ~ introducing myself empezar por presentarme b. (owing to, from): ~ chance por casualidad; she is Spanish ~ birth es espaola de nacimiento; he had two children ~ his second wife tuvo dos hijos con orde su segunda mujer; ~ -ING : ~ specializing, she has limited her options al especializarse, ha restringido sus posibilidades; they have lost public support ~ being too extreme han perdido apoyo popular por ser demasiado extremistas 6. a. (according to): ~ that clock it's almost half past segn ese reloj son casi y media; ~ the look of things por lo visto or al parecer; that's fine ~ me por m no hay problema

b. (in oaths): I swear ~ Almighty God juro por Dios Todopoderoso ; ~ God, you'll be sorry you said that! te juro que te vas a arrepentir de haber dicho eso 7. a. (indicating rate) por; we are paid ~ the hour nos pagan por hora(s); they make them ~ the thousand hacen miles y miles de ellos b. (indicating extent of difference): she broke the record ~ several seconds bati el rcord en or por varios segundos; we missed the train ~ seconds perdimos el tren por unos segundos; I'm taller than you ~ an inch or two soy una pulgada o dos ms alto que t c. (indicating gradual progression): one ~ one uno por uno; they went in two ~ two entraron de dos en dos; little ~ little poco a poco, de a poco (CS) by 2 adverbio a. (past): let me ~! djenme pasar!; she rushed ~ without seeing me pas corriendo y no me vio; they watched the parade march ~ vieron pasar el desfile b. (aside, in reserve): I put a little money ~ each week ahorro un poco de dinero cada semana c. (to sb's residence): call o stop ~ on your way to work pasa por casa de camino al trabajo bygone adjetivo (liter) (before n) age/days de antao (liter), pasado; by [ba ] preposicin 1 (agente) por: this was painted by Velzquez, esto fue pintado por Velzquez a poster by Picasso, un pster de Picasso 2 (manera) by bus/car/train, en autobs/coche/tren to pay by cheque, pagar con taln made by hand, hecho,-a a mano 3 (va) he went in by the front door, entr por la puerta principal I little by little, poco a poco adverbio 1 cerca, al lado as time goes by, con el paso del tiempo to walk by, pasar de largo two cars went by, pasaron dos coches 2 I'll stop by and see you tomorrow, pasar a verte maana 3 by and by, con el tiempo


carefully / kerfli / || / ke f li/ adverbio handle/drive con cuidado; plan/examine cuidadosamente, detenidamente; designed/chosen con esmero; think it over ~ pinsatelo bien;

listen ~ presta atencin

CENTURY: century /


ri/ sustantivo (pl -ries)

a. (100 years) siglo m; in the 19th ~ en el siglo XIX; a centuries-old tradition una tradicin secular or de siglos b. (in cricket) centena f


century ['sent r ] nombre siglo the eleventh century, el siglo once

CAVE: cave /ke

v/ sustantivo

cueva f; (before n) ~ dweller (prehistoric) caverncola mf, troglodita mf; (modern) habitante mf de las cuevas; ~ painting pintura f rupestre Phrasal Verbs cave in v + adv (collapse) [roof/tunnel] derrumbarse, hundirse (yield) (colloq) [person] ceder cave [ke v] nombre cueva

COTTAGE: cottage /

k t d / || / k t d / sustantivo casita f

cottage cheese n uncountable requesn m; cottage industry sustantivo industria f artesanal: cottage ['k t d ] nombre casa pequea (usu de campo)

Ver nota en chalet

D. DO: do 1 /du
(conj. )

/ , weak form /d / , /d / (3rd pers sing pres does; presdoing; past did; past p done) verbo transitivo

1. hacer ; ~ something! haz algo!; are you ~ing anything this evening? vas a hacer algo esta noche?; to have something/nothing to ~ tener(conj. ) algo/no tener(conj. )nada que hacer; it was a silly thing to ~ fue una estupidez; can I ~ anything to help? puedo ayudar en algo?; he does a lot for charity trabaja mucho para obras de caridad; 2. (carry out) job/task hacer ;; let me ~ the talking djame hablar a m; well done! muy bien! 3. (as job): what do you ~? usted qu hace or a qu se dedica?; what does he ~ for a living? en qu trabaja? 4. (achieve, bring about): she's done it: it's a new world record lo ha logrado: es una nueva marca mundial; it was climbing those stairs that did it fue por subir esa escalera;
(conj. )

to ~ sth FOR sb/sth: that mustache really does something for himla verdad es que le queda muy bien el bigote; what has EC membership done for Greece? en qu ha beneficiado a Grecia ser miembro de la CE? verbo intransitivo 1. (act, behave) hacer(conj. ) ; ~ as you're told! haz lo que se te dice! 2. (get along, manage): how are you ~ing? qu tal ests or andasor te va?; how do you ~? (as greeting) mucho gusto, encantado; how ~? (colloq & dial) qu tal?; how are we ~ing for time/cash? cmo or qu tal vamos orandamos de tiempo/dinero?; she did well/badly in her exams le fue bien/mal en los exmenes; he's done well for himself ha sabido abrirse camino; to ~ well/badly out of sth salir(conj. ) bien/mal parado de algo 3. (go on, happen) (colloq) (in -ing form): there's nothing ~ing in town no pasa nada en el pueblo; nothing ~ing! ni hablar!, ni lo suees! 4. a. (be suitable, acceptable): look, this won't ~! mira, esto no puede ser!; it's not ideal, but it'll ~ no es lo ideal, pero sirve; I'm not going to cook, bread and cheese will ~ for them!no pienso cocinar, se tendrn que conformar con pan y queso; it doesn't ~ to get emotional no hay que ponerse sentimental b. to ~ FOR o AS sth: this box will ~ for o as a table esta caja nos servir de mesa 5. (be enough) ser(conj. ) suficiente, alcanzar(conj. ) , bastar; one bottle will ~ con una botella basta or es suficiente; one egg will ~ for me un huevo es suficiente para m; that'll ~! shut up! basta! cllate la boca! Phrasal Verbs do away with v + adv + prep + o a. (abolish) privilege/tax abolir need eliminar, acabar con
(conj. )

, suprimir;

b. (kill) (colloq) eliminar, liquidar (fam) do down v + o + adv, v + adv + o (BrE) menospreciar, hacer(conj. ) de menosdo for v + prep + o (BrE) (cause collapse of): to be done for (also AmE): they've spotted us, we're done for! nos han visto, estamos perdidos!; we've been walking for hours, I'm absolutely done for! (colloq)hemos caminado horas, estoy molido or hecho polvo (fam)do in v + o + adv, v + adv + o (colloq) a. (kill) eliminar, liquidar (fam) b. (tire out) agotar, reventar (fam); to be done in estar(conj. ) reventado or molido or hecho polvo (fam) c. (injure, ruin) (BrE) back/shoulder hacerse dao en,embromarse (AmS fam); engine estropear, arruinar (CS), cargarse(conj. ) (Esp fam)
(conj. ) (conj. )

do out v + o + adv, v + adv + o a. (clean out) (BrE) room hacer(conj. ) una limpieza a fondo de b. (decorate) (esp BrE): the bedroom was done out in pink el dormitorio estaba pintado de/empapelado en rosa do out of v + o + adv + prep + o (colloq) quitar, birlar; he was done out of his share le quitaron or le birlaron su partedo over 1. v + o + adv, v + adv + o (beat up) (BrE sl) darle(conj. ) una paliza a, sacarle(conj. ) la mugre a (AmL fam) 2. v + o + adv (do again) (AmE) volver(conj. ) a hacer do up v + o + adv, v + adv + o a. (fasten) coat/necklace/button abrochar; zipper subir; to ~ up one's shoes atarse los cordones or (Mx) las agujetas or(Per) los pasadores (de los zapatos); ~ up your tie hazte el nudo de la corbata b. (wrap up) parcel envolver(conj.

c. (dress up) (colloq): she was all done up estaba muy elegante d. (colloq) house arreglar (pintando, empapelando etc) do with v + prep + o 1. (benefit from) (with can, could): that door could ~ with a coat of paint no le vendra mal una mano de pintura a esa puerta; you could ~ with a change te hace falta or te vendra bien un cambio 2. (expressing connection) to have/be sth to ~ with sth/sb: I don't want to have anything to ~ with him/this business yo no quiero tener nada que ver con l/este asunto; what's that got to ~ with it? y eso qu tiene que ver?; it's to ~ with your son se trata de su hijo; it's nothing to ~ with you! no es nada que te concierna or que te importe a ti; I've had nothing to ~ with my family for years hace aos que no tengo ningn contacto con mi familia do without 1. v + prep + o: to ~ without sth/sb prescindir de or arreglrselas sin algo/algn; her coming to stay is something I can ~ without! ni falta que me hace que ella se venga a quedar!; you really think you could ~ without me? te las puedes arreglar sin m?, te las puedes arreglar solo? 2. v + adv arreglrselas; you'll just have to ~ without, like everyone else te las tendrs que arreglar, como todos los dems do 2 /du / sustantivo (pl dos) 1. countable (party, gathering) (colloq) fiesta f, reunin f 2. (state of affairs) (colloq) (no pl): fair ~s (BrE colloq): fair ~s all round a partes iguales para todos;

(as interj) seamos justos! 3. do's and don'ts (rules) normas fpl; the ~'s and don'ts of foreign travel qu hacer y qu evitar cuando se viaja al extranjero do 3 /d / sustantivo (pl dos) ( Mus ) do m

Diccionario Espasa Concise 2000 Espasa Calpe: do 1 [d :, forma dbil d , d ] v aux irregular (3. persona sing presdoes pasado did).No hay traduccin del verbo auxiliar do en espaol. Se usa normalmente para formar frases negativas, interrogativas e imperativos negativos. En frases afirmativas solo se emplea para enfatizar el verbo o para sustituir al verbo principal, como en las respuestas abreviadas y las tags o coletillas. No se usa con otros auxiliares (can, must, should, ought, have1), ni en el caso de preguntas donde la palabra interrogativa es el sujeto del verbo. 1 (preguntas) do you live near here?, vives cerca de aqu? when does our plane leave?, cundo sale nuestro avin? did you come by train?, viniste en tren? what did you say?, qu has dicho? (pero who spoke to you?, quin te habl? Ver nota arriba) 2 (frases negativas) (en uso corriente se suelen abreviar: do not = don't, does not = doesn't, did not = didn't): I don't want to go out, no quiero salir she doesn't eat meat, ella no come carne he didn't read the instructions, no ley las instrucciones 3 (preguntas negativas) why don't you stop smoking?, por qu no dejas de fumar? doesn't she speak English?, no habla ingls? why didn't you ring?, por qu no llamaste? 4 (imperativo negativo) don't be silly!, no seas tonto! don't touch that!, no toques eso! 5 (afirmativo enftico) (se acenta al hablar): he does talk nonsense,l s que dice tonteras but I did ring you!, pero s que te llam! (tambin suaviza un imperativo): do come in!, pase, por favor! 6 (sustitucin del verbo principal) do you speak English?, - yes, I do,hablas ingls?, - s, (lo hablo) she smokes a lot but he doesn't, ella fuma mucho pero l no he cooks very well and so does she, l cocina bien y ella tambin I didn't understand, - nor did I, yo no entend, - yo tampoco 7 (confirmacin de un comentario): you live at home, don't you?, vives en casa, verdad? he doesn't look happy, does he?, no parece muy contento, verdad? do 2 (3. persona sing pres does, ps did, pp done) vtr irregular 1 hacer: what does she do?, - she's a lawyer, a qu se dedica?, - es abogada do what you can, haz lo que puedas I'll do my best, har todo lo posible what can I do for you?, en qu puedo ayudarle? to do one's homework, hacer los deberes to do a job, hacer un trabajo to do a translation, hacer una traduccin 2 cumplir to do one's duty, cumplir con el deber 3 (+ ing) to do the cleaning/cooking, limpiar/cocinar to do the shopping, ir de compras to do the washing, hacer la colada 4 Teat representar: they are doing King Lear, representan El rey Lear 5 (estudiar) he's doing maths at university, est estudiando matemticas en la universidad I 6 (prepararse, arreglarse) do your hair, pinate

to do one's face, maquillarse to have one's hair done, arreglarse el pelo 7 (distancia) recorrer: he does about 100 km a day, recorre alrededor de 100 km al da (velocidad) my new car does 200 kph, mi nuevo coche alcanza los 200 km/hora we were only doing fifty, solo bamos a cincuenta 8 (beneficiar) a bit of exercise does you good, un poco de ejercicio viene bien 9 (vender, tener) that restaurant does a good paella, ese restaurante tiene una buena paella verbo intransitivo 1 (actuar) hacer do as I tell you, haz lo que te digo you did right, hiciste bien 2 (ir bien o mal) to do well, tener xito: the company is doing well, la empresa va bien how are you doing?, qu tal? he did badly in the exams, los exmenes le salieron mal 3 (ser suficiente) fifty dollars will do, con cincuenta dlares ser suficiente familiar that will do!, basta ya! 4 (servir de) this cave will do as a shelter, esta cueva servir de cobijo II

Ver nota en hacer

n fam GB (guateque) fiesta (acto) ceremonia LOC: frml (al saludar por primera vez a alguien) how do you do?, - how do you do?, cmo est usted?, mucho gusto (la pregunta sirve a la vez de respuesta) III a list of do's and don'ts, algunas normas

E. EXPLAIN: explain /

k sple n/ verbo transitivo

) explicar ; (conj. ) to ~ sth TO sb explicarle algo A algn; that ~s everything! eso lo explica or aclara todo

v refl to ~ oneself explicarse verbo intransitivo: will you ~? me lo explicas?; he's got some ~ing to do nos debe una explicacin Phrasal Verbs explain away v + o + adv, v + adv + o fact/result encontrar(conj. )una explicacin convincente para; how are you going to ~ that away? cmo te las vas a arreglar para explicar eso? explain [ k'sple n] verbo transitivo 1 explicar, aclarar: he explained his plan, explic su proyecto I 2 to explain oneself, dar explicaciones II verbo intransitivo explicarse

(conj. )

EXPENSIVE: expensive /

k spens v/ adjetivo

caro; an error like that could prove ~ un error as podra costar or salir caro expensive [ k'spens v] adjetivo caro,-a an expensive mistake, un error costoso

F. FEEL: feel 1 /fi

l/ (past & past p felt) verbo intransitivo

1. (physically) sentirse(conj. ) , encontrarse(conj. ) ; how do you ~ o how are you ~ing? cmo or qu tal te encuentrasor te sientes?; I ~ fine me encuentro or estoy or me siento bien; (conj. ) to ~ hot/cold/hungry/thirsty tener calor/fro/hambre/sed; I'm not ~ing quite myself today hoy no me siento del todo bien; my arm ~s stiff tengo el brazo entumecido 2. (emotionally, mentally) sentirse ; to ~ sad sentirse(conj. ) or estar(conj. ) triste; I ~ (like) a complete idiot me siento como un perfecto imbcil; how do you ~ about your parents' divorce? cmo has tomado el divorcio de tus padres?; it ~s wonderful to be back es maravilloso estar de vuelta; I ~ bad about not having asked her me da no s qu no haberla invitado; how does it ~, what does it ~ like? qu se siente? 3. (have opinion): I ~ that me parece que , opino or creo que ; it's something I ~ strongly about es algo que me parece muy importante; how do you ~ about these changes? qu opinas de or qu te parecen estos cambios? verbo transitivo 1. (touch) surface/body tocar to ~ one's way ir(conj. ) a tientas
(conj. ) (conj. )

, palpar;

2. (perceive, experience) sensation/movement/indignation/shame sentir ; I couldn't ~ my fingers no senta los dedos; he felt the bed move sinti moverse la cama or que la cama se mova; the consequences will be felt for a long time to come las consecuencias se sentirn or se notarn durante mucho tiempo feel 2 sustantivo (no pl) 1. a. (sensation) sensacin f; I love the ~ of the wind on my face me encanta sentir el viento en la cara b. (act of touching): to have a ~ of sth tocar c. (sense of touch) tacto m; it's smooth to the ~ es suave (al tacto) 2. a. (atmosphere of house, room) ambiente m; the music had a baroque ~ to it la msica tena un aire barroco b. (instinct): to have a ~ for sth tener sensibilidad para algo; (conj. ) con algo to get the ~ of sth acostumbrarse a algo,familiarizarse feel [f :l] (ps & pp felt)
(conj. ) (conj. )

(conj. )


verbo transitivo 1 tocar, palpar: feel this silk!, toca esta seda! 2 (darse cuenta de algo) notar, sentir: I felt the floor shake, sent temblar el suelo verbo intransitivo 1 (emocin, sensacin) sentir: I feel (like) an idiot, me siento como un imbcil to feel cold/hot/sleepy, tener fro/calor/sueo to feel sad, sentirse triste to feel sorry for sb, compadecerse de alguien 2 (parecer, dar una impresin) this house feels damp, esta casa parece hmeda my ears feel hot, tengo las orejas calientes it feels like winter, parece invierno 3 opinar: I feel we should be careful, creo que deberamos tener cuidado what does he feel about it?, qu piensa l de eso?

nombre 1 (sentido) tacto, sensacin 2 (de un sitio) ambiente un adjetivo posesivo (its). G. GET: get / et/ (pres p getting; past got; past p got or (AmE also) gotten)verbo transitive where did you ~ that beautiful rug? dnde conseguiste or encontraste esa alfombra tan preciosa?; these pears are as good as you'll ~, I'm afraid estas peras son de lo mejorcito que hay (fam); the public can't ~ enough of her el pblico no se cansa de ella; to ~ sth FROM sb/sth: we ~ our information from official sources sacamos la informacin de fuentes oficiales; you can ~ any information from my secretary mi secretaria le podr dar toda la informacin que necesite ~ your coat anda or vete a buscar tu abrigo; she got herself a cup of coffee se sirvi (or se hizo etc) una taza de caf c. (catch, trap) pillar (fam), agarrar (AmL), coger
(conj. )

(esp Esp)

d. (assault, kill) (colloq): I'll ~ you yet! ya me las vas a pagar! (fam); the sharks must have got him se lo deben de haber comido los tiburones (fam)

(contract) cold/flu agarrar, pescar

(conj. )

(fam), pillar (fam),coger

(conj. )

(esp Esp);

1. ) ; I got here yesterday llegu ayer; can you ~ there by train? se puede ir en tren?; how do you ~ to work? cmo vas al trabajo?; can anyone remember where we'd got to? alguien se acuerda de dnde habamos quedado?; 1 1 to ~ nowhere, not to ~ anywhere see nowhere 1, anywhere 1B ; (conj. ) to ~ somewhere avanzar , adelantar; we're finally ~ting somewhere! por fin estamos sacando algo en limpio!; to ~ there: it's not perfect, but we're ~ting there perfecto no es, pero poco a poco 2. a. (become): to ~ married casarse; (conj. ) to ~ dressed vestirse ; your dinner's ~ting cold se te est enfriando la cena; he got very angry se puso furioso; they ~ tired easily se cansan con facilidad

b. (be) (colloq): she ~s invited to lots of parties la invitan a muchas fiestas; her bike got stolen le robaron la bicicleta

Phrasal Verbs get about v + adv v + prep + o (BrE) See Also nfulasget across

get around I 1get above v + prep + o: to ~ above oneself llenarse de

1. v + prep + o v + adv (cross) river atravesar(conj. ) , cruzar(conj. ); (conj. ) road cruzar 2. v + o + adv (take across) passengers/supplies pasar or llevar al otro lado 3. v + o + adv, v + adv + o meaning/concept hacer get ahead v + adv a. (get in front) [horse/runner] tomar la delantera; [student/worker] adelantar b. (progress, succeed) progresar get along v + adv 1. (be on one's way): I must be ~ting along now me tengo que ir,tengo que ponerme en camino 2. (manage, cope): the firm couldn't ~ along without her la compaa no podra funcionar sin ella; we got along for years without a computer nos las arreglamos durante aos sin computadora 3. (progress) [work/patient] marchar, andar ; he's ~ting along just fine at school le va muy bien en el colegio get around I. v + adv v + prep + o 1. (conj. ) a. (walk, move about) caminar, andar ; (conj. ) (using transport, car) desplazarse b. (travel) viajar; you certainly ~ around in your job tu s que viajas con tu trabajo c. (circulate): it o word soon got around that he was having an affair pronto corri el rumor de que estaba teniendo una aventura 2. II. a. (gather in circle): we can't all ~ around this table no cabemos todos alrededor de esta mesa
(conj. ) (conj. )


v + prep + o (avoid, circumvent) difficulty/obstacle sortear, evitar; rule/law eludir el cumplimiento de; there's no ~ting around it: it was a terrible mistake hay que reconocerlo: fue un error garrafal

(nag, criticize) (colloq): you're always ~ting at him siempre te ests metiendo con l (fam), siempre (te) la ests agarrando con l (AmL fam)

(hint at, mean) (colloq): what are you ~ting at? qu quieres decir? get away I. v + adv 1. (escape) escaparse; there's no ~ting away from the fact that

hay que reconocer or es un hecho insoslayable que

2. a. (leave) salir(conj. ) ; I got away from work early sal or me escap pronto del trabajo b. (conj. ) (conj. ) c. (go on vacation) irse or salir de vacaciones; to ~ away from it all alejarse del mundanal ruido 3. (expressing incredulity) (BrE colloq): ~ away (with you)!dale! (fam), anda (ya)! (esp Esp fam)

II. v + o + adv (remove, take away): ~ that dog away from my petunias! quita or saca a ese perro de mis petunias!; we got the knife away from him le quitamos el cuchillo get away with v + adv + prep + o 1. (make off with) llevarse, escaparse con 2. a. (go unpunished for): you won't ~ away with this esto no va a quedar as; don't let them ~ away with it no dejes que se salgan con la suya; do you think I could ~ away with wearing the dark blue dress? te parece que pasara si me pusiera el vestido azul oscuro? b. (be let off with) fine/warning escaparse or librarse con get back 1. v + adv (conj. ) a. (return) volver , regresar; (arrive home) llegar(conj. ) (a casa); OK, ~ back to work everybody bueno, todo el mundo a trabajar otra vez; to ~ back to what I was saying, volviendo a lo que deca, b. (retreat): ~ back! atrs!, retrocedan! 2. v + o + adv, v + adv + o (regain possession of) property recuperar; health recobrar, recuperar; we never got our money back nos devolvieron el dinero 3. v + o + adv (conj. ) a. (return) borrowed item devolver ; can you ~ the children back here by eleven? puedes traer a los nios de vuelta antes de las once? b. (put back): to ~ sth back in/out volver
(conj. )

a poner/a sacar algo

get back at v + adv + prep + o vengarse de, desquitarse conget back to v + adv + prep + o: I'll ~ back to you when I have

the details volver a ponerme en contacto con usted (or lo llamar etc) cuando tenga los detallesget behind 1. v + adv (fall behind) to ~ behind (WITH sth) atrasarse (CON algo) 2. v + prep + o (move to rear of) ponerse (conj. ) (fall behind) rezagarse , quedarse atrs get by 1. v + adv a. (manage) arreglrselas; we earn just enough to ~ by ganamos justo lo necesario para sobrevivir or arreglrnoslas; I speak enough French to ~ by me defiendo or me manejo en francs; to ~ by ON sth arreglrselas CON algo; she ~s by on just a few dollars a week se las arregla con unos pocos dlares a la semana; I can ~ by on six hours sleep a night puedo pasar con seis horas de sueo al da; to ~ by WITH sth arreglrselas CON algo b. See Also get past 1 get past 2 A
(conj. )

detrs de;

2. v + prep + o See Also get down

1. v + adv a. (descend) bajar; ~ down from there this minute! bjate de ah inmediatamente! b. (crouch) agacharse; (conj. ) to ~ down on one's knees arrodillarse, ponerse de rodillas 2. v + o + adv, v + adv + o a. (take, lift, bring down) bajar b. (write down) message/details anotar, tomar nota de; first ~ it down on paper, then we'll discuss it primero ponlo por escrito y luego lo discutiremos 3. v + o + adv (conj. ) a. (reduce) costs/inflation reducir ; blood pressure bajar; I got my weight down to 100 lbs adelgac hasta pesar 100 libras b. (depress) deprimir 4. v + prep + o (descend) stairs bajar; ladder bajarse de; rope bajar por get down to v + adv + prep + o (start work on) ponerse a; let's ~ down to business (let's start working) pongamos manos a la obra; (let's get to the point) vayamos al grano; See also tack 1 Aget in 1. v + adv v + prep + o (enter) entrar;
(conj. )

~ in the car sbete al coche; I was just ~ting in the bath justo me estaba metiendo en la baera 2. v + adv (conj. a. (arrive) [person/train] llegar

b. (gain admission to, be selected for) entrar, ser

(conj. )


c. (be elected) ( Pol ) ganar, resultar or salir(conj. ) elegido d. (intervene): I was about to say something but she got in first o before me yo estaba a punto de decir algo pero ella se me adelant 3. v + o + adv v + o + prep + o (put in) meter; seedlings plantar 4. v + o + adv (conj. ) a. (hand in) essay entregar ; bid presentar b. (cause to be accepted, elected): 35% of the vote is not enough to ~ them in el 35% de los votos no es suficiente para que resulten elegidos 5. v + o + adv, v + adv + o a. (bring in, collect up) washing/tools/chairs entrar, meter (dentro); (conj. ) harvest recoger b. (buy, obtain) (BrE) wood/coal aprovisionarse de; did you remember to ~ more candles in? te acordaste de comprar ms velas? c. (summon, call out) doctor/plumber llamar get in on (colloq) 1. v + adv + prep + o (take part, have share in) meterse en 2. v + o + adv + prep + o (involve): I want to ~ the marketing people in on the project from the start quiero darle participacin en el proyecto a la gente de marketing desde el principio get into 1. v + prep + o a. (enter) house entrar en or (AmL tb) a; car subir a; hole/cranny meterse en b. (arrive at) station/office llegar(conj. ) a c. (be selected for, elected to) college/club/Congress entrar en or (AmL tb) a

H. HIM: him /h
m/ , weak form / m/ pronombre

a. (as direct object) lo, le (Esp); I saw ~ lo or (Esp tb) le vi; call ~ llmalo, llmale (Esp) b. (as indirect object) le; (with direct object pronoun present) se; I sent ~ a card le mand una tarjeta; I sent it to ~ se la mand; give ~ the book dale el libro; give it to ~ dselo; I gave it to ~ se lo di c. (after preposition) l; near/in front of ~ cerca/delante de l 2. (emphatic use) l; it's ~ es l (for himself) (AmE colloq or dial): he went and got ~ a wife fue y se busc una mujer him [h m] pron 1 (objeto directo) lo, le: we saw him, lo/le vimos 2 (objeto indirecto) le: I gave him my address, le di mi direccin (con otros pronombres de 3. persona) se: she gave them to him,ella se los dio

HOW: how /ha / adverbio 1. (in questions, indirect questions) cmo; ~ are you? cmo ests?; ~'s the new job? cmo marcha el nuevo trabajo?; ~'s your French? qu tal es tu francs?; ~ do I look? cmo or qu tal estoy?; ~ would Monday suit you? te viene bien el lunes?; I asked him ~ he knew le pregunt cmo lo saba; ~ will you vote? a or por quin vas a votar? 2. (with adjs, advs) a. (in questions, indirect questions): ~ wide is it? cunto mideor tiene de ancho?, qu tan ancho es? (AmL exc CS); ~ heavy is it? cunto pesa?; ~ high can you jump? hasta dnde puedes saltar?; ~ often do you meet? con qu frecuencia se renen?; ~ bad is the damage? de qu gravedad son los daos?,qu tan graves son los daos? (AmL exc CS); ~ old are you? cuntos aos tienes?; I can't tell you ~ grateful I am! no puedo decirte lo agradecido que estoy or (liter) cun agradecido estoy! b. (in exclamations) qu;

~ strange/rude! qu raro/grosero!; ~ right you are! cunta razn tienes! 3. (in phrases) how about o (colloq) how's about sth: ~ about a drink? nos tomamos una copa?; Thursday's no good; ~ about Friday? el jueves no puede ser qu te parece el viernes?; I'd love to go; ~ about you? me encantara ir y a ti?; 10 out of 10! ~ about that? 10 sobre 10 qu te parece?; how come (colloq): ~ come the door's locked? cmo es que la puerta est cerrada con llave?; and how! (colloq) y cmo! how [ha ] adverbio 1 (en preguntas directas e indirectas) cmo?: how did you get here?,cmo llegaste? how is it that...?, cmo es que...? I know how they do that, s cmo lo hacen 2 (en preguntas sobre cantidades, frecuencia, etc) cunto: how heavy is it?, cunto pesa? I don't remember how much it cost, no me acuerdo de cunto cost how often do you cook?, cada cunto cocinas? how wide is the river?, qu anchura tiene el ro? 3 qu: how extraordinary!, qu extraordinario! 4 (sugerencia) how about a cup of coffee?, te apetece un caf? I'm hungry how about you?, tengo hambre, y t?

(condicin) si: if she had time, si tuviera tiempo if you're good..., si te portas bien if I were you, yo que t if necessary, si hace falta if not, si no if so, de ser as 2 cuando, siempre que: if I see her, I always say hello, siempre que la veo la saludo 3 aunque: even if he's out, aunque no est 4 excl if only...!, ojal!: if only I could!, ojal pudiera! if only he had read the warning, si (al menos) hubiera ledo el aviso LOC: it's a big if, es una duda importante there are lots of ifs and buts, tiene muchos peros

IF: 1

M. MAKE: make 1 /me

k/ (past & past p made) verbo transitive
(conj. ) (conj. )

, fabricar ; (create, produce) paint/cars hacer ) dress hacer(conj. , confeccionar (frml); meal/cake/sandwich/coffee hacer(conj. ) , preparar; film hacer(conj. ) , rodar; record grabar; (conj. ) fire/nest/hole hacer ; (conj. ) ; list/will hacer (conj. ) to ~ a noise hacer ruido; to ~ a note of sth anotar algo; (on signs) made in Spain/Mexico hecho or fabricado en Espaa/Mxico; (on signs) made in Argentina/Peru industria or fabricacin argentina/peruana; to ~ sth INTO sth: I'll ~ this material into a skirt con esta tela me har una falda;

to ~ sth OUT OF/FROM/OF sth: she made the dress out of an old sheet se hizo el vestido con/de una sbana vieja; we made another meal from the leftovers hicimos otra comida con las sobras; it's made of wood/plastic es de madera/plstico; don't ~ an enemy of her no te la eches encima como enemiga; 1 1 see also difference 1 B, fuss , mess 1, 2 etc 2. a.

(carry out) repairs/changes/payment hacer(conj. ) ,efectuar(conj. ) (frml); (conj. ) preparations/arrangements hacer ; (conj. ) journey hacer ; ~ a left (turn) here (AmE) dobla or gira a la izquierda aqu remark/announcement hacer(conj.


II. 1. (cause to be): I'll ~ you happy/rich te har feliz/rica; don't ~ life difficult for yourself no te compliques la vida; that made me sad eso me entristeci or me apen; the work made me thirsty/sleepy el trabajo me dio sed/sueo; what ~s me angry is lo que me da rabia es ; I couldn't ~ myself heard above the noise no poda conseguir que me oyeran con el ruido; they've made him supervisor lo han nombrado supervisor,lo han ascendido a supervisor; we'll ~ a man of you haremos de ti un hombre; if nine o'clock is too early, ~ it later si las nueve es muy temprano, podemos reunirnos (or encontrarnos etc) ms tarde; two large pizzas , no, ~ that three dos pizzas grandes , no, mire, mejor dme tres.

N. NEAR: near [n

adverbio 1 (espacio) cerca: I live very near, vivo muy cerca it's near enough, est bastante cerca to come near, acercarse 2 (tiempo) to come/draw near, acercarse: Christmas is near,se acerca la Navidad I preposicin 1 (espacio) cerca de, junto a: my parents live near the station,mis padres viven cerca de la estacin 2 (tiempo) his birthday is near mine, su cumpleaos es poco antes (o despus) del mo near the end of June, a fines de junio II adjetivo 1 (espacio: a menudo en superlativo) cercano,-a, prximo,-a, inmediato,-a: where's the nearest bank?, dnde est el banco ms cercano? just work it out to the nearest Euro, redondalo en euros 2 (tiempo) cercano,-a, prximo,-a, inmediato,-a in the near future, en un futuro inmediato III verbo transitivo acercarse a IV verbo intransitivo acercarse: the building is nearing completion,estn a punto de terminar el edificio LOC: to be/come near to doing sthg, estar a punto de hacer algo: she was near to crying, estaba a punto de V llorar

T. TELL: tell [WHO]

vtr (ps & pp told) 1 decir, informar: she told me she loved me, me dijo que me amaba I told you so!, no te lo dije? (I'll) tell you what..., se me ocurre una idea to tell a lie, mentir to tell the truth, decir la verdad Ver nota en decir 2 avisar, indicar: this dial tells the temperature, este cuadrante indica la temperatura 3 (un cuento, etc) contar: tell me about it, cuntamelo 4 (aconsejar, mandar) decir: he told me to go home, me dijo que me fuera a casa 5 saber, deducir: you can't tell her age, no sabras decir qu edad tiene to tell the time, decir la hora 6 distinguir [A from B, A de B] to tell the difference, ver la diferencia verbo intransitivo 1 frml to tell of, contar algo 2 chivarse, soplar 3 saber: you never can tell, nunca se sabe 4 frml (la edad, el estrs) notarse to tell against, obrar contra to tell on, afectar time will tell, ya veremos o el tiempo dir LOC: all told, en total El verbo to tell se construye de diferentes maneras: con un complemento directo ms una frase subordinada introducida porthat, what, where, when, etc. (can you tell me when the train arrives?, puedes decirme cundo llega el tren? (can you tell what it is?, puedes decirme qu es?), con un complemento directo ms el infinitivo con to (they told us to be there on time,nos dijeron que estuvisemos all a la hora) o con can, could o to be able to ms una frase subordinada introducida por that, what, where, when, etc.: I can easily tell which way is North. Puedo distinguir fcilmente dnde est el Norte.

W. WHAT:what 1 /hw
t / || /w t/ pronombre 1. (in questions) qu; ~'s that? qu es eso?; ~'s the problem? cul es el problema?; ~ is 28 divided by 12? cunto es 28 dividido (por) 12?; ~'s `I don't understand' in Russian? cmo se dice `no entiendo' en ruso?; ~ do you mean? qu quieres decir?; ~ did you pay? cunto pagaste?; ~'s the jacket made (out) of? de qu es la chaqueta?; I threw it away you did what? lo tir a la basura qu? ; what? (say that again) cmo?, qu?; (expressing disbelief) qu?, que qu?

2. (in phrases) or what? (colloq) o qu?; are you stupid, or ~? eres tonto o qu?; so what? y qu?; what about: but ~ about the children? y los nios qu?; ~ about my work? ~ about it? y mi trabajo? y qu?; you know Julie's boyfriend? yes, ~ about him? conoces al novio de Julie? s por qu?; what for: ~'s this button for? para qu es este botn?; ~ are you complaining for? por qu te quejas?; to give sb ~ for (colloq) darle(conj. ) una buena a algn (fam); what have you (colloq): she sells postcards and souvenirs and ~ have you vende postales, recuerdos y esas cosas or y dems; what if: ~ if she finds out? y si se entera?; what like: ~'s she like? cmo es?; ~ does he look like? cmo es fsicamente?, qu aspecto tiene?; ~'s his new film like? qu tal es su nueva pelcula?; what of: so we're not married: ~ of it? no estamos casados y qu?; what's-her/-his/-its-name (colloq): go and ask ~'s-her-name next door ve y pregntale a la de al lado cmo se llama?; the ~'s-its-name o ~-d' you call it is broken la cosa sa est rota(fam), el chisme se est roto (Esp, Mx fam); what with entre; ~ with one thing and another, I haven't had time entre una cosa y otra, no he tenido tiempo 3. a. (in indirect speech) qu; she knows ~ to do ella sabe qu hacer; Mike will tell you ~'s ~ Mike te pondr al tanto de todo; I still don't know ~'s ~ in the office an no s cmo funcionan las cosas en la oficina; (do) you know ~? I'll ask him for a raise! sabes qu? orsabes qu te digo? le voy a pedir aumento!; (I'll) tell you ~, mira, b. (relative use) lo que; they did ~ they could hicieron lo que pudieron; I don't know and, ~'s more, I don't care no lo s y lo que es ms, no me importa what 2 adjetivo 1. a. (in questions) qu; what book are you reading? qu libro ests leyendo?; ~ color are the walls? de qu color son las paredes?; ~ more does he want? qu ms quiere? b. (in indirect speech) qu; she didn't know ~ color to choose/~ language they were speaking no saba qu color elegir/en qu idioma estaban hablando c. (all of the, any): ~ few hotels there were were full los pocos hoteles que haba, estaban llenos; ~ little she owned she left to her son lo poco que tena, se lo dej a su hijo 2. (in exclamations) qu; ~ a surprise! qu sorpresa!; ~ a friend you've turned out to be! (iro) valiente or vaya amigo has resultado ser t!; ~ a lot of people! cunta gente!, qu cantidad de gente!

Diccionario Espasa Concise 2000 Espasa Calpe: what [w t, forma dbil w t] adjetivo 1 (en preguntas directas e indirectas) qu?: I don't know what day it is, no s qu da es what sort of meat do you want?, qu tipo de carne quieres? 2 (relativo) frml what little I have is yours, lo poco que tengo es tuyo 3 (excl) qu: what big teeth!, qu dientes ms grandes! I pron 1 (en preguntas directas) qu?, cul?, cmo?, cunto?:what?, qu?, cmo? what did you say?, qu has dicho? what does it cost, cunto cuesta? what is his name?, cul es su nombre? what is that?, qu es eso? what's the matter?, qu pasa? what is she like?, cmo es? what about a coffee?, qu te parece un caf? what if...?, y si...? what of it?, y qu? familiar are you deaf or what?, eres sordo,-a o qu? 2 (en expresiones indirectas) qu: I don't know what he said, no s qu dijo I asked what she thought, le pregunt qu pensaba tell you what..., se me ocurre una idea... 3 (relativo) lo que: that's not what I said, eso no es lo que dije what we want is peace, lo que queremos es la paz II excl what?, qu?, qu me dices? what a cheek!, vaya morro! what a nice man!, qu hombre ms simptico! III fam GB you what?, que qu?

WHEN: when 1 /hwen / || /wen/ adverbio

1. (in questions, indirect questions) cundo; ~ did you arrive? cundo llegaste?; I asked him ~ the next train was le pregunt cundo sala el prximo tren; that was ~ I realized that fue entonces cuando or (esp AmL tb) que me di cuenta de que ; say ~! di cundo 2. (as relative): the year ~ we got married el ao en que nos casamos; in December, ~ we were on holiday en diciembre, cuando estbamos de vacaciones when conjuncin 1. a. (temporal sense) cuando; I'll ask him ~ I see him se lo preguntar cuando lo vea; reduce speed ~ approaching a junction reduzca la velocidad al acercarse a un cruce b. (if) si, cuando; these results aren't bad ~ you compare them with los compara con 2.

estos resultados no son malos si or cuando se

a. (since, considering that) si, cuando; why go to a hotel ~ you can stay here? por qu ir a un hotel si or cuando te puedes quedar aqu? b. (although) cuando; he said he was 18 ~ in fact he's only 15 dijo que tena 18 aos cuando en realidad slo tiene 15 when 3 pronombre cundo; ~ do you have to be in London by? para cundo tienes que estar en Londres?; since ~ have they had the farm? desde cundo tienen la granja?,cunto hace que tienen la granja?

when [wen] adverbio 1 (en preguntas directas e indirectas) cundo: when were you born?, cundo naciste? I don't know when I'm leaving, no s cundo me voy 2 (uso relativo) cuando, en que: one of those days when you can't get up, uno de esos das en los que no puedes levantarte the day when we met, el da en que nos conocimos I conj 1 cuando: when I was young..., de joven... tell me when you see me, dmelo cuando me veas 2 si, cuando: why complain now when it's all settled?, por qu quejarte ahora que todo est arreglado?

WHERE: where 1 /hwer/ ||/we

(r)/ adverbio

1. dnde; (indicating direction) adnde, dnde; ~'s Lewes? dnde est or queda Lewes?; ~ are you taking me? (a)dnde me llevan?; ~ are you from? de dnde eres?; put the scissors back ~ they belong vuelve a poner la tijera en su sitio; that's ~ you're mistaken en eso ests equivocado; ~ it's at (colloq): Aspen's OK for skiing, but Hartlepool is really ~ it's at Aspen no est mal para esquiar, pero adonde hay que ir es a Hartlepool 2. (as relative) donde; the house ~ she was born la casa donde naci where conjuncin a. donde; (indicating direction) adonde, donde; you won't be needing any money ~ you're going adonde vas no te har falta dinero b. (in cases where) cuando; ~ her private life is concerned cuando se trata de su vida privada ; ~ appropriate cuando or all donde sea apropiado c. (contrasting) cuando; ~ others would lose heart, she remains optimistic cuando otros perderan el nimo, ella permanece optimista II

where [we ] adverbio 1 (en preguntas directas e indirectas) dnde, adnde: where do you live?, dnde vives? where is she going?, adnde va? do you know where we are?, sabes dnde estamos? I don't know where to go, no s adnde ir 2 (relativo) donde, en que: the street where you live, la calle en que vives I II conj cuando: where food is concerned..., cuando se trata de comida...

WHO: who /hu

/ pronombre

1. a. (in questions) (sing) quin; (pl) quines; ~ is that? quin es se?; ~ are they? quines son?; ~ are you writing to? a quin le ests escribiendo?; Bridget ~? Bridget qu or cunto?; ~ do you think you are? t qu te crees? b. (in indirect questions) quin; I don't know ~ you're talking about no s de quin ests hablando; a letter from you know ~ una carta de ya sabes quin or(fam) del/de la que te dije 2. a. (as relative): the boy ~ won the prize el chico que gan el premio; there are blankets for those ~ want them hay mantas para quienes quieran b. (the one, ones that): you can tell ~ you like se lo puedes decir a quien/quienes quieras who [h :] pron 1 (en preguntas directas e indirectas) quin, quines: who are they?,quines son? who will you support?, a quin apoyars? he won't say who did it, no quiere decir quin lo hizo 2 (relativo: determinante) que: the man who lives next door, el hombre que vive al lado (no determinante) que, quien, quienes, el/la cual, los/las cuales: my father, who is 87, is still active, mi padre, que tiene 87 aos, sigue activo (con una preposicin al final de la oracin) who are you talking to?,con quin hablas? Ver nota en whom

WHY: why 1 /hwa

/ || /wa / adverbio

por qu; ~ are you laughing? por qu te res?; ~ not? por qu no?; ~ don't you apply for the post? por qu no solicitas el puesto?; there's no reason ~ you shouldn't do it no hay ningn motivo para que no lo hagas; this is ~ the attempt failed fue por esto or por esta razn que el intento fracas; because he lied to me, that's ~! porque me minti! por eso!; the reason ~ he couldn't attend la razn por la cual no pudo asistir why 2 interjeccin vaya!, anda!; ~, of course! por supuesto que s!

why sustantivo porqu m; she has to know the ~s and wherefores tiene que saber todas las razones or todos los detalles why [wa ] adverbio 1 (en preguntas directas e indirectas) por qu: ask him why he's so unpleasant, pregntale por qu es tan desagradable why did he say that?, por qu dijo eso? (a qu propsito) why do you wear that hat?, para qu llevas ese sombrero? 2 (relativo) that is why I love you, es por eso por lo que te quiero there's no reason why you can't come, no hay motivo para que no vengas I

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