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Nursing Care Plan

Assessment S: pano ko ma iiwasan ang dengue? Nursing Diagnosis Knowledge deficit r/t unfamiliarity with information resources Scientific Explanation Deficiency of cognitive information related to specific topic. Planning Within the shift pt will be able to verbalize understanding of condition/disease and prevention as evidenced by verbalization of necessary lifestyle changes such as practicing proper storage of water. Intervention 1.established rapport 2.v/s taken and recorded 3.encourage to increase oral fluid intake Health teachings done as follows 4.emphasizing the importance of covering water drums 5.use of kulambo 6.regular cleaning of the gutters 7.use of insect repellant 8.clearing of stagnant water 9.attending forums or seminars at the barangay healthcenters 8.to reduce reservoir of mosquitos 9.for better understanding Rationale 1.to gain the trust of the pt 2.to have a baseline data 3.to keep pt hydrated 4.because mosquitos lay their eggs on stagnant waters 5.to prevent being bitten by mosquitos 6.to prevent collection of stagnant water 7.to prevent being bitten by mosquitos Evaluation Within the shift pt was able to verbalize understanding of condition/disease and prevention as evidenced by verbalization of necessary lifestyle changes such as practicing proper storage of water.

O: >Conscious and coherent

S: medyo masakit ang iyan ko O: >received pt on bed >with facial grimace >with pain scale of 6 of 10 >afebrile

Nursing Diagnosis
Alteration in comfort r/t irritation of intestinal mucosa

Scientific Explanation
Unpleasant sensory and emotional experience arising from actual or potential tissue damage

Within 30 minutes or 1 hour pain will be subsided



Within 30 minutes or 1 hour pain subsided as evidence by pt was able to sleep.

1.established rapport 2.v/s taken and recorded 3.IVF checked and monitored 4.encouraged to do diversional activities such as talking with S.O texting reading news paper listening to music 5.encouraged to do deep breathing exercises

>to gain the trust of the Pt. 2. to have a baseline data 3. to prevent fluid overload 4. to divert pt attention from pain.

5.to promote good circulation

S: nilalagnat ako O: >received pt on bed >warm to touch >febrile with temp of 38C >weak in appearance >chapped lips

Nursing Diagnosis

Scientific Explanation
The reaction of our body and its defense mechanism when it is being invaded by an infection is to increase its temperature in the hope it may inform our brain that our body is being breached.

With in 30 minutes or 1 hour. The pts body temperature would be at normal range



With in 30 minutes or 1 hour. Body temperature was in normal range as evidence by V/S.

Increased body temperature r/t disease process

1.established rapport 2. v/s taken and recorded 3. encouraged to increase oral intake 4 TSB done 5. encouraged to wear comfortable clothes. 6. due meds given on time

1. To gain the trust of the pt 2. To have a baseline data 3. Keep pt hydrated 4. To lower body temperature 5. For pt comfort 6. For better action of the drug

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