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ROACHES (LET THE SUN SHINE) 1. COLD TURKEY INT. ASTON'S APARTMENT - MORNING A TAPE RECORDER sits on a chair and a dirtied finger comes into frame pressing the RECORD BUTTON. ASTON (VO) You see the thing with "Cold Turkey" is that no-one really knows the first thing about it, not really. See. All of my fellow addicts, or 'friends' to use the term loosely, and I'm talking Maggie fuckin' Carter 'loose'. Anyway, they see "Cold Turkey" as time wasted. Perfectly good time that could be used productively for such things as, say, well. Well for jacking up. And the NHS? Well. They wouldn't call it Not Helpful in the fucking Slightest for any reason now, would they? ASTON POPPY enters the room carrying two BUCKETS and a huge box of CHOCOLATE BARS. He places them down on the floor and sits on a MATTRESS. ASTON (VO) So basically, the only resource I have to turn to is "Trainspotting". Oh Ewan, you angel, to have coined the phrase "one for shit" and "one for piss". Beautiful. CUT TO: ASTON paces the room, TAPE RECORDER in hand. ASTON Now just for the record: I'm recording myself to remind myself that I'm alive in this hell-hole, as I'm sure as the weeks go on I will quite quickly forget this nifty little fun-fact. You may call it "crazy", but I'd call it "resourceful". But then again, you call it "addiction" while I'd prefer the term "extensive hobby", so: you're probably right.. He paces up and down, as the CLOCK ticks down past 12. He leaps to the wall and scratches a neat little 1.

CUT TO: ASTON arranges a circle of chairs. ASTON (VO) My name is Aston Poppy and I am 25 years old - I know: "Poppy". Prolific eh? ASTON sits on the head chair observing his handiwork. ASTON (VO) I like to think that Daddy Poppy, god rape his soul, had a prophetic sense of humour, you know, like: there's your drug addled life Aston, go on, now play nice. CUT TO: ASTON reaches into his bag and pulls a SYRINGE out before delicately placing in a FISHTANK alongside a KEY for the DOOR. He pulls out the TAPE RECORDER:ASTON The carrot for the Donkey motivation I call it. CUT TO: ASTON lies on the sofa, post-jacking, the SYRINGE hanging limply from his hand. ASTON (VO) Trouble is: I've always liked my vegetables. ASTON places another SYRINGE in the FISHTANK. ASTON lies in a fetal position limply peeling the paint off the wall. ASTON (VO) Now I know it's silly, but I need this motivation. Almost as much as I need my smack, my dope, my horse, my love, my heroin. Because well. Well, there is this infamous moment during "Cold Turkey", or so I've been told, that happens just as you're trying to make yourself comfy on a bed of stomach contents and dignity, that you begin to think "is reality really worth this?". And all of a sudden that little

carrot of bliss becomes oh-soappealing. You see, it's a test: takes the temperature down a notch, and keeps you away from that fucking moment. An ADDICTED suddenly bursts it's way through ASTON'S door. We FREEZE on it's face: pasty skin bursting with over-pumped veins, it's pale blind eyes wide with hunger. ASTON Well. This is my moment. ASTON gives a yelp of horror, before rolling out of the way of the on-coming salivating mess. The ADDICTED falls into the bucket: "THE 'one for shit' bucket". ASTON grimaces, before frantically looking for a weapon. The ADDICTED vigorously navigates the room, crashing into everything and anything in it's way. ASTON reluctantly lands on the SYRINGE. THE ADDICTED, by this time, has shaken off the bucket and is now giving ASTON a look that inspires a certain fear that only a shit-covered zombie can inspire. The ADDICTED stops, standing silent in the center of the room. ASTON watches it in stunned horror. It's ear twitches. ASTON, seeing his chance, grabs for the SYRINGE just as The ADDICTED lunges, and flings his arm in a haymaker. The ADDICTED stands stunned, SYRINGE protruding from his head. A look of pure ecstasy passes it's face before it collapses. ASTON And there goes my bliss. He kicks the ADDICTED as it spasms on the floor. Before wearily eyeing the door to see if any other unwanted guests are making their way into his domain of turkey, he slowly edges out of the doorway... 2. THE ENDS HAVE ENDED EXT. OUTSIDE ASTON'S APARTMENT - CONT The world is empty, devoid of all human presence. The only sound is a soft whistle of the wind. With shocked navigation he makes his way past a BURNING CAR complete with severed arm still on the door handle. A woman sits in the car, bullet wound to the head, with a large yellow "X" splashed across her body: her eyes are closed. We're in "the ends" on a dull estate, brightened up only by the frequent splashes of red and destruction. More bodies litter the floor, face down, with similar yellow "X"s sprayed onto their tops.

ASTON observes his new surroundings of the post-apocalyptic nature before kicking over the nearest body, the woman's eyes are pale and blind. He lifts up the TAPE RECORDER. ASTON (clicking the record) It seems the world has tried to out do me once again. The minute I decide to go "Cold Turkey", so does society: like the older brother I never wanted. Fucking typical. TITLES. EXT. CLAPTON LANE - CONT He wanders past a headless ELDERLY COUPLE enjoying their endless wait for the bus. ASTON Well. It's enough to turn a man to drink. (he shrugs) Anywayyy.. Now that my freezing turkey related stint has failed so monumentally, may as well go find out whether we've resorted to charging organs instead of moolahHe suddenly interrupts the meal of an ADDICTED, which seems to be enjoying itself immensely, so he carefully backs away until... CRACK. He looks down to see his foot resting on the remains of a SYRINGE. ASTON Seriously? (pause) Only in Clapton. The ADDICTED'S head shoots up. It stares through ASTON for a second before returning to it's meal. ASTON stands still, bemused and confused; he waves a hand slowly in front of him. No response. Suddenly, the skies open rain thunders down, soaking ASTON within moments. The ADDICTED stops it's munching and listens: it listens to each individual rain drop as it hits it's surroundings, building a scene, almost picture perfect, of ASTON'S silent observing. It takes a huge sniff before breaking into a sprint of hungry proportions. The realisation of finding himself soon becoming a prospective happy meal freezes ASTON in fear. ASTON

Aston: this is not Jurassic Park, this is not a Tyrannosaurus Rex fucking run. Pause. Another ADDICTED pokes it's head around the corner of an abandoned ICE CREAM TRUCK - a mixture of vanilla ice cream, dirt and blood forming a Neapolitan face pack. Ok. He takes flight, closely followed by the ADDICTED duo. He races down the street, and the ADDICTEDS, or ADDICTIS, taking chase quickly begin to multiply - fast becoming a rabid mob intent on munching. ASTON Fuck, fuck, fuck! He suddenly spots a sign for "RED HILLS". How very fitting.. He races around the corner and quickly takes an alley, back tracking on himself, so as to lose the persistent fan base. He waits in silence as we hear the savage mob take chase, unaware of their escaped prey. ASTON takes a moment before taking out his TAPE RECORDER: he presses rewind before hitting play. ASTON (RECORDED) Now just for the record: I'm recording myself to remind myself that I'm alive in this hell-hole. He stops it and hangs his head before putting the RECORDER back in his pocket, he then brings his hand up to his face before stopping - his hand is shaking uncontrollably. ASTON (with a bitter laugh) Cold Turkey. EXT. BURNTHOUSE LANE - EVENING The rain has stopped, leaving only a trail of puddles. ASTON cycles a BLUE TRIKE along an abandoned street, TAPE RECORDER still in hand. ASTON (into the RECORDER) Funny how it happens. Everyone gone, but that someone like me ASTON

should be alive, when I could really do with the exercise, even the social life of those fuckers - "Zombies" huh? (looking to the sky) You have an odd sense of humour. (pause, as the absurdness of his statement hits him) "Zombies": really? He spots a MOTORBIKE and abandons his TRIKE to try his luck - no such thing for ASTON, the keys are nowhere to be found. He trudges back to the TRIKE and sums up the futility of his journey. ASTON Fuck, I need a hit. (getting back on the TRIKE and pedaling away) Really Aston? A hit? Now? Priorities, pri-or-i-ties Aston. Well. To be honest I think 'priorities' can be slotted into the problem section of my life, along with the whole heroin addiction shindig. He skids round a corner and finds a blockade of cars. He lovingly discards the TRIKE and opens the door of a small VOLVO before attempting to scramble to the other side. ASTON For example. Right now: situation unknown and I am wasting valuable focusing time on this self indulgent little rant. Nice Aston, real nice. His foot becomes trapped in the steering wheel, he tries to free himself and inadvertently presses the HORN. ShiEXT. RED HILLS - CONT A KEEN ADDICTED who has broken from the pack, that ASTON so skillfully lost, stops mid gallop and turns back towards the road and consequent sound. EXT. BURNTHOUSE LANE - CONT ASTON tries to free his foot, subsequently becoming entangled in the SEATBELT and STEERING WHEEL. ASTON Brilliant. Foiled by a safety procedure: how satisfying ironic. ASTON

Suddenly, ASTON sees the oncoming KEENY and screams with terror. His panic increases the frequency of the BEEPING and sets off the AIRBAG. KEENY maneuvers his way past the problem of the door by smashing head-first through the WINDOW. ASTON let's out another scream before re-doubling his efforts to release his foot from the STEERING WHEEL, KEENY makes a lunge for ASTON'S foot just as he tumbles backwards through the open WINDOW. ASTON turns to make a run for it when he hears a whirring sound; he turns to see that KEENY has somehow trapped himself in the open WINDOW and has unwittingly pressed the AUTOMATIC UP switch. ASTON watches with a mixture of horror and amusement as KEENY'S own keenness severes his own head. However, this satisfaction is quickly cut short as a large swarm of neglected ADDICTED proceed to leap over the tiny VOLVO. ASTON takes the initiative and runs like a motherfucker. 3. THE ESTATE EXT. "THE WOLVES" ESTATE - CONT ASTON hobbles past a poster that reads: "OUTBREAK HELPLINE" but the number has been torn down, instead being replaced large crude penis illustration and "call me if in need of an outbreak ;)". Finally, he arrives at his destination. A huge block of ominous flats - "THE WOLVES" turf, including CREEDY'S residence. INT. "THE WOLVES" ESTATE - CONT ASTON launches himself up a short set of stairs before grinding to a halt, the huge staircase leading up the block of flats seems to have become the "chill zone" for the ADDICTED. ASTON Ok. First things first: determine the good and the bad. He suddenly spots a LIFT. Good. Hearing a commotion behind him, ASTON flicks a gaze over his shoulder and instantly regrets it: the ADDICTED are approaching him en-masse. Bad.. Realising the LIFT is his only chance he presses the up ASTON ASTON

button. Nothing. He presses again. The crowd of ADDICTED have begun to clamber up the steps and railings. He frantically clicks the button, until suddenly, just as the first ADDICTED gets within nibbling distance the doors open.. An ADDICTED is lent against the door as it opens, and is pleased about the delivery of human to it's residence. ASTON, in panic, swings a punch. The ADDICTED stumbles back, bouncing off the back wall of the lift and falls forward, just as the doors begin to close perfectly on it's head. Suddenly the ADDICTED finds itself stuck, ASTON can not believe his luck. He shimmies past the lodged ADDICTED and presses floor 15. EXT. CREEDY'S RESIDENCE - CONT The lift arrives and the door opens as a headless ADDICTED flops to the floor. ASTON delicately steps over the body and makes his way along the balcony. He arrives at a door that is absolutely shattered, to such an extent that only the door handle remains attached to a flimsy piece of wood. ASTON gives it an experimental push and it collapses. INT. CREEDY'S RESIDENCE - CONT ASTON Creed? (he steps across the threshold) Creedy? He is suddenly confronted by the smell of rotting flesh and gags. On the sofa lie two figures, both post-jacking, belts wrapped around their arms. ASTON (lifting the TAPE RECORDER up) It seems even the undead have standards. (pressing STOP) I on the other hand.. He leans over and plucks a SYRINGE from one of the junkies hands, alas, it is empty. He chucks it to the ground and begins to explore, when a noise floats in from the KITCHEN. ASTON freezes. Something clatters to the floor. He begins to slowly back towards the front door when something catches his eye - a SAFE under the sofa, with it's door ajar. Keeping an eye on the KITCHEN doorway ASTON begins to lower himself slowly to the floor when suddenly an

ADDICTED enters his line of vision; it is sniffing the CUPBOARDS. ASTON stops his descent, but the ADDICTED is distracted and rips the CUPBOARD door off it's hinges before beginning a thorough search. ASTON swallows in anticipation and resumes his mission, with one fearful eye on the ADDICTED, he swings open the DOOR of the SAFE. Inside is a PACKAGE, inside the PACKAGE is a cellophane PARCEL and inside the PARCEL is a tightly compacted kilo of COLUMBIA'S FINEST. ASTON'S mouth drops in delight. The ADDICTED finds what it was looking for - a box of IRON SUPPLEMENT - and begins to gulp down mass handfuls at a time. ASTON looks frantically around for something to carry his prize, unfortunately, he can only see a HANDBAG from one of the deceased: leopard print and all. Begrudgingly he quietly drags the BAG towards him and places the PARCEL inside. He slowly gets up and takes a step backwards... CRACK. He looks at his foot - it's the SYRINGE he discarded. Once again, foiled by his own addiction. Oh.. The ADDICTED spins towards the noise, IRON SUPPLEMENT dripping from it's mouth, it's eyes wide with hunger. It hits it's hand against the CUPBOARD. A moments silence as the ADDICTED says grace. It leaps.. Suddenly the room erupts with noise: PICTURE FRAMES explode, the thin WALL disintegrates, closely followed by the ADDICTED. ASTON crashes to the floor, narrowly missing death once again, as he clutches his leopard print CLUTCH. Silence. A PICTURE falls from the WALL. ASTON'S POV under the gap of the SOFA: we can see a NIKE HI-TOP slowly enter the room, crushing glass underfoot, the nozzle of a MACHINE GUN hanging loosely beside. ASTON (slowly rising to his feet) T-t-thank you? The figure jumps with shock before it swings the GUN towards ASTON and pulls the trigger. CLICK. It's empty. This doesn't stop ASTON springing back in fear into the arms of the dead of junkie. ASTON ASTON


HUMAN! HUMAN! The figure, GUN still pointed at ASTON, experiments with a few more clicks before grunting in annoyance. ASTON (the fear turns into anger) I'M FUCKING HUMAN! The anonymous figure steps forward into the light, he's wearing a BALACLAVA. He brings the gun in front of him, pointing it once again at ASTON. ASTON (the anger slowly makes way for pleading) H-human? The figure taps the leopard print BAG. ASTON (and the pleading leads to confusion) Oh. It's, uh. But the figure is already ignoring him as he searches the room. ASTON It's my, my girlfriends bag, I'm just looking after it until she, uh. (with a glance at the corpse he's sitting on) Gets back. The figure has found the SAFE and opens it, he searches quickly before realising the PACKAGE isn't there. ASTON Uhm, if you're. Not. Uh.. excuse me? The figure looks at the two dead bodies, and SYRINGES before concluding as to where the stash has disappeared to. He sighs and exits the room, leaving a bewildered ASTON in his wake. EXT. CREEDY'S RESIDENCE - CONT ASTON pokes his head out of the doorway just in time to see the figure head towards the staircase, nonchalantly blasting an ADDICTED out of his way. INT. CREEDY'S RESIDENCE - CONT ASTON sits back on the sofa observing his two new companions.


ASTON (clutching the clutch) Well.. CUT TO MONTAGE: - A KNIFE carefully opens the cellophane PACKAGE. - ASTON searches through the pockets of his new "friends". - He delicately sets up a spoonful of "bliss". - He pulls out a dirtied IPOD from one of the pockets with a smile. - A LIGHTER igniting. - ASTON greedily taking up chase. - His thumb hitting play. "Road Zion" by NAS and DAMIAN MARLEY begins to echo tinnily from the HEADPHONES until he places them on over his ears, and we're flooded by the sound. - ASTON floating to the floor. 4. DON'T BE STEPPIN' ON MY TRIP EXT. "THE WOLVES" ESTATE - CONT ASTON sits behind the wheel of a CONVERTIBLE, navigating the streets of his own 'fuckedness', VINCENT VEGA style. EXT. BURNTHOUSE LANE - CONT ASTON walking backwards down a street miming the words into his TAPE RECORDER. EXT. LINCOLN PARK - CONT ASTON swings in SM, watching the world tilt too-and-fro. In the background, figures lurk menacingly. EXT. BURNTHOUSE LANE - CONT ASTON stops outside a house and pushes the door, it opens. He moves to the next one and repeats. He carries on until he gets to a door that is locked, he frowns in anger. EXT. LINCOLN PARK - CONT An ADDICTED sits on the swings beside ASTON, casually attempting to swing. EXT. "THE WOLVES" ESTATE - CONT


ASTON turns the wheel and we follow suit. EXT. BURNTHOUSE LANE - CONT ASTON runs at the door with his shoulder and smashes through, satisfied, he stands up and moves to the next house - he gives the final door a push and smiles as it swings open. EXT. "THE WOLVES" ESTATE - CONT We continue the 360 degree turn until we're right-side up. ASTON leans the seat back until he's in a horizontal position and lovingly observes his leopard print BAG that has been stashed under the seat of the car. ASTON Now you just sleep little one.. He closes one eye and then the other before being rudely awakened by a distasteful punch to the face. ASTON is dragged from the car. His assailants wear similar BALACLAVAS to his previous attacker/saviour, each with a ladder of scars up their arms, except this time there are three angels/devils: DANGEL, lanky and white; KANO, stocky and black; and NERO, fat and black, bundle him to the floor. DANGEL Just grab anythin' he's got on him, clouds coming in fastASTON groans. NERO (administering a remedying kick) What does it look like I'mKANO He's not a mirgin Dange, stop upping in his face. NERO pulls out the TAPE RECORDER, before discarding it to the floor, the TAPE bounces out. This event seems to snap ASTON out of his "bliss". DANGEL (squaring up to KANO) Don't be thinking you're a bad man Kane. Just 'coz you're tallying with us now - it dunt mean shit in the ranksKANO interrupts DANGEL with a shove. KANO


Fuck you man! I 'aint tallying bummers like you. What. NERO Kano just shut the fuck uBut DANGEL interrupts him by pulling his GUN and shooting KANO in the leg, who immediately drops to the floor with a scream of pain. NERO (jumping up from his mugging) Holy shit Dange, you psycho! What'ta fuck you do dat for? The shot prompts ASTON into action, as he slowly reaches for the TAPE and TAPE RECORDER. DANGEL (paying no attention to NERO, instead directing his eloquence at KANO) See that yeah?! That means the only tally I count is pussy and pussios. And you dick'ed, are a pussio! ASTON slots the tape back into the TAPE RECORDER, and allows himself a brief smile, which is instantly eradicated as an animalistic roar interrupts the mugging party. DANGEL and NERO freeze, even KANO manages to stifle his groans. Ever so slowly DANGEL cocks his GUN. DANGEL (in a whisper) Let's out this man. He begins to move in the opposite direction to the roar, but stops: blocking his way is another gang, 6 strong. Their leader K-SIDE is a small menacing black man in a bomber jacket with an AK47 complete with silencer. K-SIDE (in a sing song voice) Uh oh.. Oh. DANGEL looks to the nearest sign - it reads "WOLVES LANE". DANGEL DANGEL


K-SIDE Hm. What's the magic word blud? NERO (stepping forward) Look manWRONG! He shoots DANGEL in the face. K-SIDE Try again? (shocked silence) Nah, I didn't fink so. Now the right answer goes something along the lines of: "I'm a little pussio, black and round, this is 'Wolves Turf' and you are the hounds." (he shoots KANO) "And if I ever jack another mug round here, I'll be losing more than just a fuckin' ear." (he shoots NERO in the ear) Now fuck off and tell Jackson to keep his rats on a leash. NERO (through clenched teeth and tears) There's a whole fuckin' horde of Dicts coming dis side man! Come on K.. K-SIDE Unfortunately my face cannot form a "give a shit" expression, so please leave before I have to waste my metal. K-SIDE watches as NERO hobbles away towards the ever increasing roars. K-SIDE Now grab smackie-mcgee and let's bounce. 5. EVOLVE LIKE A HOUND EXT. THE WOLVES DEN (THE HILTON) - CONT The "DEN" is an abandoned HILTON HOTEL, covered in yellow GRAFFITI. INT. THE WOLVES DEN (FOYER) - CONT K-SIDE


K-SIDE and his gang escort ASTON through the FOYER to a huge STAIRCASE. As they walk up, they pass hallways filled with hundreds of rooms, some abandoned, but some playing host to a party of corpses - the walls are also covered in an assortion of yellow GRAFFITI. INT. THE WOLVES DEN (4th FLOOR) - CONT They finally arrive on the 4th floor and begin the trek down a hallway of empty rooms. They approach a room emitting a series of muffled moans. ASTON takes a peak as they pass: a WOMAN sits astride a man, smoking a CRACK PIPE as he fucks her. Her back is covered in scars. Before he can catch her face, he's shoved into a room a couple of doors down. INT. THE WOLVES DEN (THE APARTMENT) - CONT The room is actually an entire corridor of rooms smashed together via some shoddy DIY into one long room. People lounge on MATTRESSES and SOFAS not dissimilar to the ones in ASTON'S apartment. All of them are in the process of ingesting some form of addictive substance - they are quickly joined by the 6 others from K-SIDE'S gang. K-SIDE (dropping his GUN on a nearby SOFA) Tea? ASTON (surveying his surroundings) Squash'd be fine. K-SIDE Kitchen's through to the left. K-SIDE drops beside his gun and picks up a nearby SYRINGE. ASTON wanders in a post-smack haze towards the "KITCHEN". INT. THE WOLVES DEN (KITCHEN) - CONT A man sits on a plush seat HANDCUFFED to the radiator he looks in a sorry state: track marks run up his arms, and his eyes hang loosely in their sockets woefully observing the dirt on the wall. This is FLINTLOCK. ASTON enters begins to rummage in the CUPBOARDS which stirs FLINTLOCK into a state of frantic murmuring. FLINTLOCK (to himself) It's f..funny. Ain't it. Funny how things turn around for, for. For us all, eh?


ASTON leans close, locking him with a worried gaze. ASTON (in a whisper) Where's the squash? This stirs FLINTLOCK even more, as he pulls on his SHACKLES, he stares fiercely at ASTON before carrying on. FLINTLOCK Exactly! Human evolution squashed first by the squishing of "survival of the fittest". Religion first: no longer could you.. You, the strongest man take what he needed, for damnation is what must be heeded. And second, and, then.. ASTON finds the SQUASH and pours himself a glass - half squash, half water. He then pulls out the TAPE RECORDER and presses RECORD. FLINTLOCK Second is: is- is Natural Selection: squashed by the uglies, by th-the. The ugly people fuck the ugly people, so the ugly people survive as well as the pretty people - so no-one gets uglier and no-one gets prettier. And now this: ASTON looks out the window: he hears muffled gunfire coupled with roars. FLINTLOCK Now. We are foiled by our own desire to live, our own addiction to healthy living. Foiled by free-range steak - ironic 'aint it. We.. He spots ASTON'S own track marks. ..the addicted. Out live those who are now more addicted than we will ever be. Only. Only, because of our addiction that we survive. FLINTLOCK finally clocks as to what is going on. FLINTLOCK Oh. You're my promotion. ASTON, from his window view, see's a figure sprint across the empty street. A GUNSHOT rings in his ear as the figure collapses.


ASTON turns to see a rifle perched on the shoulder of MAGGIE, the WOMAN from the room - her eyes show a hard confidence, as she smiles humourlessly. MAGGIE Flintlock: (motioning to the now quiet prisoner) Our very own Nietze. I am Maggie and I will be your host for tonight. Now, if you'd kindly take a step into our palace, we can begin the tour.. MAGGIE turns, as does ASTON, only to be confronted by an ADDICTED - he's huge with a collar secured around his neck; the chain leading from the collar rests in MAGGIE'S hand. ASTON screams and picks up the nearest weapon, a LOAF OF BREAD, before launching it at the blind head. Unsurprisingly, the BREAD bounces harmlessly to the floor. The BREAD KNIFE besides, however, appears much more threatening. He swings it in an arc. THUD. It's embedded in a BREAD BOARD held by the ADDICTED, who leans in close, sniffing as he goes. He grunts before twisting the BOARD and headbutting ASTON in one swift movement. MAGGIE (as she carefully takes the BOARD from THE ADDICTED) I hope, for your sake, that next time you find yourself surrounded by Dicts you're not in a bakery: it doesn't seem to work in your favourShe attaches the CHAIN to a HOOP secured to the wall just as THE ADDICTED'S jaw twitches - a serene look glazes his face. MAGGIE looks to the clock: 5 o'clock. ASTON follows her gaze before looking back to MAGGIE who has now plunged a SYRINGE into the massive arm of THE ADDICTED. As the plunger sinks down, a spark reignites in his eyes. MAGGIE Happy families. (to ASTON) He's a DD, don't worry. ASTON


(in a daze) Oh. Looks more like a b-cup to meMAGGIE (ignoring him) Let's go - we've got you a special little treat. I tried to get you something in leopard print, but K didn't seem to understand. She smirks. ASTON stops: THIS was the massive beast who "saved" his ass at CREEDY'S - appearances can be deceiving. 6. PEARL NECKLACE INT. THE WOLVES DEN (LIVING ROOM) - CONT ASTON sits on a SOFA, with K-SIDE and MAGGIE either side. A huge mound of HEROIN lies in front of him. ASTON You just want me to jack up? Yes. ASTON Just like that? (pause as he looks at her face, eager in anticipation) I'm kinda on a break at the moment, you know.. K-SIDE is taking a look at the TAPE RECORDER, he presses PLAY. ASTON (RECORDED) I am an addict: a heroin one to be more specific. Our ninth anniversary of holy matrimony will be next month some time. And no, I cannot be a bit more specific about the date - it was a bit hazy. ASTON (almost pained) Please don't touch that.. MAGGIE Look. We can do this two ways: either you chase this until your hearts content; or you chase this with my 47. to your head and your MAGGIE


balls in my fist. ASTON I'm really not very good at the whole "relationship" thing.. K-SIDE suddenly brains ASTON in the side of the head with his TAPE RECORDER, before slamming him face first into the HEROIN. K-SIDE (holding his head down) This is simple dickhead, very fucking simple. You are going to check if this dope is cut with anythin', and you're gonna do it now. Coz' if Iron outweighs the Heroin, then Addicted outweighs the Human. And you, dickhead, will outweigh your use. From his limited POV, ASTON can see FLINTLOCK, in all his sorryness: head slumped, drool dangling fresh. Opposite him stands DD, stock still, eyes glazed and chain around neck. Two very unsatisfying options. Suddenly, a THUMP interrupts the ordeal. K-SIDE and MAGGIE instantly freeze and look to the source. But it's only a ragged member of the group: back to the wall, eyes glazed over in a heroin induced state. MAGGIE Jamin what th' fuck are doing?! y're

He slams his hand against the wall again. JAMIN (oblivious) You know: it's just like in Jackie Chan's Adventures. The one with pearl monkey.. Slam. K-SIDE draws a PISTOL from his pocket. JAMIN How he, (he motions towards DD) and all of 'em, can see us without even seeing. Slam. K-SIDE points the GUN at JAMIN. K-SIDE


Jamin I am fuckin' warning youJAMIN All because of little old this.. His hand is about to hit the wall again, when K-SIDE cocks the GUN - JAMIN rises out of his fucked state at last, finally realising the perilous situation he's in. K-SIDE is shaking with rage, MAGGIE slowly lowers his gunhand. MAGGIE (softly) It. Is. Not worth the trouble K. In the background we can see DD'S head suddenly shoot up. A distant THUD is heard, similar to JAMIN'S. Silence. Again, but this time there are 6 THUDS one after another; followed closely by the sound of running feet. MAGGIE, K-SIDE, and JAMIN all freeze. ASTON slowly reaches for the TAPE RECORDER and TAPE that has once again fallen out. MAGGIE (to DD) DD.. (no response) DAMIAN! (DD finally looks to her) How many? DD'S ear twitches, the walls shake: we see 6 pairs of feet running, each slamming 6 hands against the wall in a canon movement. He thumps the wall 6 times. 7. SHOOT FIRST, ASK QUESTIONS NEVER ASTON clicks the TAPE back into place. K-SIDE (turning back to JAMIN) Not worth the fucking trouble. K-SIDE shoots JAMIN in the head. MAGGIE Fuck'sake K! K-SIDE Grab as many as you can, we bounce in 1.


MAGGIE Seeing as you just shot one of our only conscious hitters in the head, I think we may have a fucking problem on our hands! But K-SIDE isn't listening, he's ran to the end of the long apartment and kicked a WOODEN POST that disappears into the CEILING and FLOOR. We race up the POST as it knocks over CUPBOARD after CUPBOARD on every floor, and as each CUPBOARD hits the ground hundreds of POTS and PANS shower out, sending out a wave of ringing noise. INT. THE WOLVES DEN (KITCHEN) - CONT MAGGIE who is dousing DD in VODKA, jumps back in shock as DD roars in pain before dropping to his knees. MAGGIE KEIRAN! How many cunting times have I gotta tell you to warn me before dis-dropping! Jesus, your brother nearly took my fucking arm off.. She re-screws the VODKA before shoving it back in the CUPBOARD and begins a run down the APARTMENT. INT. THE WOLVES DEN (APARTMENT) - CONT She slaps gang members as she passes - a few of them moan groggily, but none make the move to stand. ASTON sits on the SOFA, with his TAPE RECORDER clutched safely in his hand, the RECORD BUTTON pressed down. He observes the manic rush that is now taking place - the monumental ringing still sounds throughout. K-SIDE unclips DD'S chain and drags him back along the APARTMENT to meet in the middle with MAGGIE. K-SIDE (shouting over the din) I'll take DD to floor 3 and work my way down until the dis-drops done. You take- Where the fuck is everyone?! MAGGIE stands with one man, JACKS. MAGGIE This is everyone. They're all too fucked K, this is all we've got. K-SIDE Shit! How we gonna take 6 with only 4 of us?!


He suddenly spies ASTON listening intently to his TAPE RECORDER. He grabs a PISTOL off the nearest collapsed body and shoves it into ASTON'S hands. K-SIDE You're with Mag. INT. THE WOLVES DEN (CORRIDOR) - CONT ASTON looks bewildered, before being dragged out into the CORRIDOR by MAGGIE. K-SIDE and JACKS lead DD by the chain towards the STAIRS, while ASTON and MAGGIE take the LIFT. INT. THE WOLVES DEN (LIFT) - CONT ASTON stands awkwardly beside MAGGIE, who silently dons body armour, giving her the bulk that ASTON observed on their first encounter. She presses every button on the lift from 4 to 15. The lift begins it's ascent. ASTON You know: I've only ever really shot dope before. The lift doors open. Maggie stands in silence listening. Nothing. She closes the door and they continue up. She silently slides a magazine into her pistol, before slotting it into her holster and removing her PUMP-ACTION SHOTGUN. ASTON Couldn't I have that one instead? Seems a bit unfair, with your body armour and big guns.. The door opens on floor 5. MAGGIE listens before closing the door. ASTON - give 'em a bit of a chance, you know.. She reaches over and flicks the safety off his PISTOL, and chucks him a BALACALAVA. He looks at it questioningly. MAGGIE They can smell your breath. She dons her own, the lift doors open. The ringing has stopped. She listens, before silently moving out of the lift. INT. THE WOLVES DEN (FLOOR 6) - CONT MAGGIE silently treads down the corridor, with ASTON in


tow. She suddenly stops: THUD. She looks to the nearest room - the door is open. She nudges it open with her BOOT, before disappearing inside. ASTON (in a whisper) I'll just, uh, wait here then. No response. ASTON looks down the corridor, absolutely silence, then again: THUD. He slowly wanders down the corridor, away from the noise. THUD. He looks back towards the room that MAGGIE disappeared into: where the hell is she?! Suddenly, in the BACKGROUND, an ADDICTED bursts through a door, slamming into the wall. It begins to sprint towards ASTON; slamming the wall with it's hand at regular intervals. ASTON freezes, once again, the Jurassic Park generation. Just as the ADDICTED is two doors away from ASTON, the door is blasted away along with the ADDICTED. MAGGIE follows as it hits the opposite locked door. She quickly fires another round into it's head before kicking the locked door and disappearing within. All within a matter of seconds. ASTON stands stunned. We TRACK around in front of him, as a 2nd ADDICTED stands silently behind him sniffing the air. As it's hand goes to slam the door, it opens and it falls inside, followed by a brief GUNSHOT. MAGGIE exits the room, sprays a YELLOW CROSS on the body of the dead ADDICTED and brushes past ASTON. MAGGIE Thanks for the help. ASTON I. What(it clicks) You were using me as bait?! INT. THE WOLVES DEN (LIFT) - CONT ASTON silently fumes as MAGGIE reloads her SHOTGUN. She hits the FOYER button. MAGGIE Rule number oneASTON (turning to her in anger) Use some poor helpless mug as


fucking bait, maybe? MAGGIE sighs. ASTON (anger evolves into sarcasm) Oh no, sorry, how silly of me! These are "zoooombies" aren't they - so, let take another guess, eliminate the head with a blunt object a la George Romero? Or even better, how aboutMAGGIE (cutting him off) They're human. ASTON (stopping his rant) What? MAGGIE They're human: they have emotions - anger, sadness, fear - just like you. ASTON (sarcasm returns) Oh. Again, so so sorry. Are you worried I'll hurt their feelings? MAGGIE No. They're human: which means they die like any other human - a shot to any internal organ, or severe bloodloss. They're addicted, but that doesn't mean fuck all to scum like us. So shoot to kill, and hope to god you succeed. Yeah? ASTON doesn't quite know how to react to this last little insight, but is thankfully interrupted by the overly cheerful DING of their arrival. 8. BEAUTY IN SLOW MOTION INT. THE WOLVES DEN (FOYER) - CONT The LIFT DOORS open to reveal carnage: - JACKS flies past the lift, embraced in a deathly hug as he pummels the ADDICTED again and again with his fists. - K-SIDE fires round after round not caring if he hits the ADDICTED or JACKS.


- OLD SUITCASES scatter the floor, along with CHAIRS and TABLES and SMASHED EVERYTHING. - DD is nowhere to be seen. The scene descends into SM as MAGGIE runs in to join the fray. ASTON, still standing in the LIFT, brings the TAPE RECORDER up to his mouth. ASTON (clicking RECORD) Great. All addicted: fighting each other to sustain a life that mirrors one another. (pause, as he watches K-SIDE run out of ammo and launch his gun at the ADDICTED) I wonder when it ends. I guess when the batteries run out. Then we've gotta find another hobby to keep us occupied. (a shot narrowly misses his head, causing him to cower in a corner) Or maybe not. Suddenly, DD smashes through a window and lands in an awkward roll. MAGGIE finally manages to blast the ADDICTED off JACKS, but K-SIDE quickly enters with a SPRAY CAN to tag a yellow "K" on it's back. Closely following DD are two ADDICTED: one HUGE; the other MASSIVE. They land on the floor, ears twitching: searching for their next meal. They turn to MAGGIE who has a VODKA bottle to a WATER BALLOON - filling it up. They begin to run towards her just as she LAUNCHES the BALLOON at DD. It explodes, showering him with VODKA. The ADDICTED freeze, sniffing greedily - suddenly they only have "eyes" for DD. They rush him, but DD is too quick: he jabs HUGE in the face, before slicing him open with his KNIFE. He then push-kicks HUGE in the stomach, launching him into MASSIVE who stumbles back onto a SUITCASE TROLLEY. DD runs after the skidding contraption, before spinning it into a FOUNTAIN that shatters and erupts with a powerful JET of WATER, sending MASSIVE crashing to the ground. MASSIVE begins to limp away, coughing blood as he goes. DD retrieves his KNIFE and throws it: it spins through the air piercing MASSIVE through the HEAD. He removes the knife as MAGGIE clips a CHAIN back onto his COLLAR. K-SIDE, JACKS and ASTON join him. JACKS is bleeding profusely from the shoulder.


ASTON I think that went well. They all look at him. ASTON Well. As well as it could have. JACKS is observing his arm. JACKS (prodding his bleeding arm) Shit man. He near nuff took my whole shoulder with him. That doesn't seem too "well" to me. ASTON (jumps back in shock, fumbling with his PISTOL) JESUS! He shoots JACKS in the head. The others all stare in bewildered shock. MAGGIE What the fuck are you doing?! K-SIDE (wiping his tracksuit, that is now covered in blood) Now why'd you have to go and do a thing like that? ASTON (in shock himself) He was- He. He was bitten, they, they turn. Into. (pause as he looks at them) Don't they? MAGGIE They're human! Not fuckin' zombies! How many times are we going to have this conversation?! She hands K-SIDE the CHAIN. Oh.. MAGGIE (dragging JACKS' lifeless body away) So you can't lift a gun when we're fighting Dicts, but the minute you have a chance to shoot someone on your own fucking side, you're all aboard the dickhead ASTON


train! K-SIDE pulls a bit of brain matter out of his hair. K-SIDE (shaking his head) Dickhead. He pistol whips ASTON into unconsciousness. 9. BODYBUILDERS ARE FUCKED, VEGETARIANS ARE NOT INT. THE WOLVES DEN (KITCHEN) - NEXT DAY ASTON stirs from his "sleep" - he takes account of his surroundings: - He's in the KITCHEN. - DD is sat opposite him munching on a CARROT, chained to the wall. In front of him is a DOG BOWL filled with VEGETABLES. - ASTON is also HANDCUFFED to the RADIATOR. On this revelation ASTON jerks in shock: he has become FLINTLOCK. The subsequent noise stirs DD'S attention, who looks up. There is a moments silence as they stare at each other, DD tries to take a closer look at ASTON'S HANDCUFFS but is restrained by his own restraint. He sits back in disappointment before throwing ASTON a CARROT from the BOWL, ASTON picks it up and gives a weak smile. ASTON Uh, thanks? DD is still staring at him. ASTON takes a tentative bite in gratitude, and with each munch disdain clouds his face. Satisfied, DD returns to his meal. ASTON subtly spits out the orange remains just as MAGGIE enters the kitchen. Hi there.. MAGGIE barely acknowledges him. ASTON Uhm. I don't suppose you've got any steak? I know I may look like the house pet right about now. (he shakes his shackles) But I could really do without the ASTON


rabbit food. MAGGIE (without turning to him) I don't think so cowboy. Iron-rich protein shakes did that to him. (indicating DD, as she searches the cupboards) So: steak is also a no-no - now, eat your vegetables and you may be lucky enough not to grow big and strong like him. Finding for what she's looking for, she smiles and dips a SPOON into a JAR labeled "Sugar" before firing it up. ASTON Ah I see: hence, why they've got the whole body builder Manson thing going on. She takes it up in a SYRINGE before injecting DD. MAGGIE No. Hence, why he is not a Dict. Hence, why he is not blind despite those beautiful eyes. And Hence why he is not ripping you body from soul: this addiction staves off his addiction for iron, which your.. (she pauses, eyeing up ASTON'S bulging veins) ..body plays a very cosy home too. In fact, addiction saved your life, this addiction saved your life: it saved every single one of our lives. She takes another spoonful and chases it herself. He is addicted like them and addicted like us. He can hear, taste and smell like them; but see like you and me. He is evolution perfected. So, please don't piss him off, I don't wanna play clean up. ASTON Perfection with a lovely heroin addiction: brilliant little lecture. MAGGIE


And what a lovely hypocrite you are. She closes the lid of the "Sugar" jar before unlocking DD'S chains. ASTON Yes, but I'm not under the delusion that I'm perfected. Anyway. I think he likes me: we're kindred spirits see? He rattles his shackles. MAGGIE takes a look out of the window, observing the SKY. ASTON In fact, it looks like the only people to piss him off would be you people. MAGGIE He's Keiran's brother. And that, along with the dope, counts for somethin' even in his mangled mind. She unlocks ASTON'S HANDCUFFS. MAGGIE Now let's go walkies. 10. IT'S A DOG MUG DOG WORLD OUT THERE EXT. THE ARENA (THE ASTORIA) - CONT The SKY is clear as ASTON is dragged along by MAGGIE, while K-SIDE holds DD'S chain: behind them follow the gang, about 30 strong. As they walk the street ASTON notices little settlements have sprung up in the most unusual of places: a school, a swimming pool, a toys'R'us, etc. MAGGIE Now if heat gets started or the weather breaks, you best be ready to run or you're down in the ground: coz' we ain't stopping for anything, even a valuable little taster like yourself. ASTON Very reassuring. And as fragile as this whole situation may be, I think the likelihood of the weather "breaking" is very unlikely.


K-SIDE It's not a question of "if", it's question "when". And when the sky breaks, this situation will get a whole lot more fragile, 'coz then they can see like us and we ain't so special no more. ASTON I don't think I ever was special. They all stop outside THE ASTORIA, as K-SIDE whistles softly through a small WINDOW in a SOLID METAL DOOR. An eye briefly passes the WINDOW, before the door opens. INT. THE ARENA (ENTRANCE HALL) - CONT THE ASTORIA is full of GANGS: JACKSON'S DOGS, K-SIDE'S main rivals, hang back as the GANG enter. K-SIDE obviously rules the roost as different gangs separate to make way for him and DD, whom they look upon with fear. INT. THE ARENA (WOLVES BALCONY) - CONT Everyone regards each other with hostility as they all move up via STAIRS to separate BALCONIES looking down onto the "EVENT FLOOR". K-SIDE smirks as he sees NERO minus an ear, whose hand flicks edgily towards his holstered PISTOL. JACKSON grabs his arm and gives a shake of the head. Each GANG occupies their own individual BALCONY, smoking and murmuring nervously as one woman, KADIE, makes her way from BALCONY to BALCONY. K-SIDE (in a hushed whisper to MAGGIE) Jackson's looking edgy today. MAGGIE You think he's out for blood for blood? K-SIDE I guarantee it girl. I swear down, there's gonna be trouble. MAGGIE Good thing everyone's as sober as can be then. What do you think he's packing? K-SIDE (looking out the window at the SKY) 40-50 kilos. It doesn't matter.


Whatever he's carrying is ours. Suddenly, KADIE appears on their BALCONY: she is a chubby black woman with a NOTEPAD in hand. KADIE (with a nod) K-side. Kadie. KADIE Let's keep it clean today, yeah? K-SIDE (ignoring her) Why's jackson so dodge today Kade? KADIE I got no fucking clue, but that doesn't mean shit. You keep your nose clean Keiran. K-SIDE I ain't gonna touch your precious arena, don't worry. KADIE I know you ain't. Coz' if you did, my boys would be on you like herpes. Anyway.. (she looks at her NOTEPAD) You know we got more turning everyday.. (she spits) Soon we're gonna have to be calling a truce or somethin'. MAGGIE Not a chance. KADIE (to MAGGIE) I don't recall asking you, your highness. (turning back to K-SIDE) So don't be making any trouble with your future "comrades". It'll make for an awkward reunion. K-SIDE I'd rather be dead than truce with these fuckers Kadie. KADIE K-SIDE


(with a laugh) I'm sure that day ain't too far away boy. MAGGIE (with a patronising smile) As yours is too I'm sure: I'm amazed you've been able to keep such a girth on a meatless diet Kaitlin. KADIE (looking MAGGIE up and down) Looks like you need another chain K: this dog needs neutering. K-SIDE (moving in between them) Leave it Mag, and Kadie: back yourself off girl. We come here to play, so let's play fucking nice yeah? MAGGIE continues her glare, as does KADIE. K-SIDE Maggie. Go prep the taster. ASTON It's Aston.. MAGGIE (pushing him in the back) Shut the fuck up. They walk to the STAIRS, as K-SIDE and KADIE resume negotiation. 11. THE ARENA OF EVOLUTION INT. THE ARENA (CORRIDOR) - CONT They make their way down to to the lower floor into a CORRIDOR just before the entrance to the "EVENTS FLOOR". MAGGIE takes out a SYRINGE before pumping it into ASTON'S arm. ASTON Jesus, what the fuck.. MAGGIE We got 15 kilos riding on this. Don't worry though - we won't let him kill you. Just aim for his throat. ASTON


(who collapses in a heap on the floor) What- wh..what's going on? Suddenly two MEN appear through the main carrying a struggling ADDICTED who has a it's MOUTH and thick CHAINS holding it's attempts to lunge at ASTON as it passes, the MEN. MAGGIE (holding a hand inbetween ASTON and the ADDICTED) Oi! This is valuable property Rich.. RICH (restraining the wriggling ADDICTED) Sorry Mag, Jackson found a fiesty one this week. MAGGIE How much he got on it? RICH Uhm.. Craig? CRAIG About 25 kilos of horse, a kilo of MD and any loose amphets he's got lying about. ASTON and the ADDICTED share a moment as the three talk. MAGGIE Jesus. What's fucked his ego man, why the big stakes? RICH No idea, probably 'coz Millsie's been having a bad week, thinks he can out him. Although I know he's chucking his phets coz' of the Dixon twins. Didn't keep 'em craving did it, poor fuckers, so he's chucking 'em before everyone finds out. You ain't got any 'ave you? MAGGIE You know we don't work that shit Rich. You know how much Jackson has on our taster round? RICH Uh- Craig? entrance MUZZLE around ARMS back. It but is held back


CRAIG About 85 k of horse and 40 of MD. MAGGIE is speechless. RICH Big stakes I know.. (pause) Anyway, me and Craig was thinkin', that, that maybe you could sort both of us out next time. You know, 'coz of the heads up and everythin'. MAGGIE (still in shock at the stakes) Wha? RICH You know.. The big 3. You, Craig and me? MAGGIE shakes the stakes out of her head and returns to business. (a pause as she makes the calculations) Uh. Yeah sure, but it'll cost you a kilo and we do it on my grounds, at the Hilton. Suddenly, a huge muffled roar sounds through the closed door to the "EVENTS FLOOR". RICH (with a smile) Sorted. See you on friday then. MAGGIE unlocks the double door into "EVENTS FLOOR". RICH picks up the ADDICTED, as MAGGIE watches both him and CRAIG struggle to take off the ADDICTED'S MUZZLE. She sneers. The MUZZLE comes off and CRAIG takes his knife and slices it's arm, before kicking it through the double doors into the "EVENTS FLOOR". As the door swings open ASTON catches a brief glimpse of the scene: - Another ADDICTED lumbers around the other side of the room, hands chained behind it's back in a similar fashion as it roars at the silent gangs watching down. - As the other ADDICTED enters the arena, it turns and sniffs. Before beginning an awkward run towards it. The door slams shut, and they quickly lock it.


They wait in silence as they hear the battle inside taking place: roars and the splash of blood echo bluntedly around the corridor. ASTON stares in wonder at the three figures standing in silence observing this horrific act of violence. The heroin slowly begins to take effect, and the SMASH and THUD of the battle increase in volume. He takes out his TAPE RECORDER, and presses RECORD. ASTON (in a whisper to the figures) Y-y..you hear that? That is not the sound of evolution. They all ignore him; listening intently, instead, to the outcome of the fight. ASTON You're not even human anymore.. RICH finally takes notice of the crumpled heap on the floor. RICH Mag, he's not allowed to have a weapon. You know that. MAGGIE It's a fucking tape recorder Rich. He's not gonna interview him to death, is he? (awkward silence as ASTON continues mumbling) You know who we got? CRAIG (cutting in) It's Jackson's again. MAGGIE (tutting) Typical! That explains his fucking stakes. Who'd he fuck to get us again.. RICH I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Kadie. MAGGIE Poor guy, I almost feel sorry for him. A GUNSHOT rings out from inside the "EVENTS FLOOR", signalling the end of the fight. Both CRAIG and RICHARD


unlock the door and disappear. ASTON drools onto the RECORDER. MAGGIE bends down and picks up the RECORDER, before wiping the drool away with ASTON'S own sleeve. MAGGIE Put your toy away already or you're gonna get us into some shit that K-side would truely love. She tucks the RECORDER into his pocket and stands him up. The doors open and CRAIG and RICH appear dragging the dead ADDICTED, who has a bullet hole through it's head. MAGGIE (with sarcasm) Oh. Jackson's won, what a surprise. RICH Yeah.. Jesus, you should see the other Dict. Absolutely obliterated. Also, I forgot to say.. Jackson's- Well. Actually, I probably shouldn't say.. He gives MAGGIE a look, making a proposition with his eyes. She sighs and accepts. MAGGIE Fine. You can fuck me in the ass. But only you, I don't know where Craig's been. (CRAIG shifts uneasily on his feet) Now out with it Rich, before I beat it out of you. RICH Well.. Well, I heard your taster's are fighting on Acid today and wellMAGGIE "And well" what? RICH Well, Jackson must have fucked Kadie good and proper, 'coz he's got one of our guys feeding his taster Amphets instead of Acid.. MAGGIE (letting go of ASTON in shock, who slides to the


floor) WHAT?! RICH Your taster's out-drugged Mag. Speed or somethin'. MAGGIE Shit! That scumming little fucker! RICH And Kadie will destroy you if you pull out. Sorry Mag. I hope you ain't got too much riding on this. They drag the dead ADDICTED out the other doors leaving MAGGIE and ASTON in silence on their own. MAGGIE (to herself) K-Side's gonna steam: there's gonna a fucking war. She suddenly hears the muffled SLAM of a door, the time for the fight is here. MAGGIE (suddenly remembering ASTON) Oh yeah. Sorry about this, we might be able to stop him before he rips your face off. She levers open his MOUTH and places an ACID TAB on his tounge. She unlocks the door and kicks ASTON in the back, who stumbles into the arena onto his face. 12. SLEEP LITTLE ONE INT. THE ARENA (EVENTS FLOOR) - CONT The door slams behind him as he groggily stands to his feet. He slowly spins around: looking at the silent gangs all looking down from their BALCONIES, as he spins faster the ACID kicks in and the gangs of people slowly begin to transform into gangs of ADDICTED. He shakes his head and looks at the oncoming figure sprinting his way. He takes one last look up to the BALCONIES. MAGGIE is whispering to K-SIDE who eyes grow wide in shock as he looks from ASTON to JACKSON to MAGGIE. ASTON is suddenly spear tackled to the floor. The other


TASTER is a scrawny PAKISTANI whos eyes are wide with manic fury, as he pummels ASTON again and again in the face. As the PAKISTANI'S fist pulls back for another punch it TWISTS and DISTORTS into a SLUDGE that enevelopes ASTON in a WHITE COATING. ASTON shakes the SLUDGE from his eyes and opens them. EXT/INT. THE ACID PLANES - CONT He's not in "THE ARENA" anymore. He's in an endless white plane. He begins to walk, his foot bouncing off the spotless floor. He suddenly hears a whirring behind him. ASTON turns to see a giant TAPE RECORDER standing tall. He wanders over in amazement as the TAPE DOOR opens, revealing no TAPE - only the whirring mechanism. He begins to climb into TAPE COMPARTMENT, curling around the mechanisms as the TAPE DOOR slowly shuts behind him. A contented smile crosses his face, as he closes his eyes to sleep. ASTON Sleep little one.. Suddenly, a THUD interupts his sleep, similar to the THUD of an ADDICTED. He looks out of the TAPE WINDOW to see the PAKISTANI battering the side of the TAPE RECORDER. This angers ASTON greatly, who begins to rock the RECORDER back and forth, until finally it topples over crushing the PAKISTANI to a pulp. CUT TO BLACK. INT. THE ARENA (EVENTS FLOOR) - CONT We come out of ASTON'S IRIS and continue pulling back until we see that he holds a bloodied TAPE RECORDER in his hand, the only sound heard is the mechnical whirring. A smile slowly dawns on him, as he looks at the destroyed PAKISTANI on the floor. I won.. He turns to raise his RECORDER in triumph only to be confront with a scene of pure chaos, the whirring stops and every sound returns: - A manic shoot out is taking place between the BALCONIES, as every gang fires at everyone. - K-SIDE is firing manically, round after round. ASTON


- Bodies fall onto the "EVENTS FLOOR". - KADIE screams hysterically as her "Boys" fire at K-SIDE'S gang. - JACKSON fires back. ASTON turns and slowly walks out of the door. INT. THE ARENA (CORRIDOR) - CONT He walks through the corridor, which is splashed with blood. The body of RICH lies crumpled in a corner. EXT. THE ARENA (THE ASTORIA) - CONT ASTON stands outside THE ASTORIA, TAPE RECORDER in hand, as the battle rages on inside. ASTON (holding the RECORDER up) I win. He clicks STOP and the skies open. Rain thunders down, as ASTON frowns: the shooting has stopped. ASTON (a sudden realisation) Oh. The sky broke. Suddenly, the thunder of feet joins the thunder of the sky as all the gangs evacuate the ASTORIA as quickly as possible. Only a few exchange shots as all race to their respective hideouts. MAGGIE appears with a large HOLDALL in her arms, she spots ASTON, and raises an eyebrow in surprise, before grabbing his arm and dragging him up the road. 13. THAT OLD FAMILIAR CRACK (WHORE) INT. THE WOLVES DEN (LIVING ROOM) - CONT They both enter the room, soaked through, no-one else is there; she drops the HOLDALL on the table and begins to remove bricks of HEROIN. ASTON (as he slumps onto the sofa in a daze) I didn't know heroin was asexual? MAGGIE (throwing him another bag from within the HOLDALL) Shut the fuck up and help me count.


ASTON ..I can't really count. MAGGIE stops and looks at him angered bemusement. Suddenly, she hears GUNSHOTS from outside. INT. THE WOLVES DEN (KITCHEN) - CONT She runs to the WINDOW in the KITCHEN and looks out before grabbing a RIFLE that is sneekily concealed above the CUPBOARD. ASTON wanders over to see what the fuss is about, just as MAGGIE aims the RIFLE out the WINDOW. ASTON can see a gunfight taking place outside: - K-SIDE hides behind an abandoned car with DD. - JACKSON, who is with KADIE and 4 other gang members, fires round after round into the car from his MACHINE GUN. MAGGIE fires, taking KADIE clean through the head. This new arrival to the fight stuns JACKSON'S gang for a second. Giving K-SIDE and DD time to slip into the HILTON FOYER. JACKSON and his gang are about to follow when they suddenly hear a crowd of roars incoming. They freeze. MAGGIE (stopping mid-reload) Shit. MAGGIE grabs ASTON by the arm and RE-CUFFS him to the RADIATOR. Before sprinting out of the room, but not before turning out the light. ASTON Uh- Wait- I.. Really? He looks back out the WINDOW to see that JACKSON and his gang have disappeared, in their place an army of ADDICTED approach the HILTON. ASTON sits back in the PLUSH SEAT and waits in silence. He can hear THUDS echoing throught the HILTON: every corridor seems to be swarming with ADDICTED. Suddenly, a THUD hits the door of the APARTMENT. The door slowly creaks open. ASTON'S breath quickens, he tries to silent it with a hand over his mouth.


Feet CRUNCH over abandoned SYRINGES as a hand THUDS the wall. ASTON desperately searches for a weapon, he spots the abandoned RIFLE. He reaches for it, but it's too far away with his hand CUFFED to the RADIATOR. The THUDS and CRUNCHES edge closer. He tries to lean the chair ever so slightly over to gain more leverage: his fingers are within an inch of the RIFLE when the ADDICTED enters the kitchen. It sniffs the air. ASTON makes one last attempt to grab the RIFLE, but leans too far and the CHAIR falls over, CRASHING to the ground. The ADDICTED lunges for ASTON. A GUNSHOT rings out, flinging the ADDICTED into the wall. MAGGIE walks into the KITCHEN and hoists the ADDICTED out of the WINDOW. MAGGIE I should really not make this whole "saving your life thing a habit. We hear a CRASH as the body of the ADDICTED hits a car. K-SIDE limps into the room, followed by DD, who MAGGIE chains to the wall. She throws K-SIDE a bottle of VODKA, before unlocking ASTON'S CUFFS. K-SIDE collapses on the CHAIR before beginning to fill BALLOON after BALLOON with VODKA. K-SIDE This is fuckin' out of order Mag! Making a truce without inviting the Wolves?! Fuck dat! MAGGIE I know Keiran.. K-SIDE (stopping his filling) We lost everyone. We've lost everything.. MAGGIE (taking down a FIRST AID KIT from the CUPBOARD) Nah we havn't.. (trying to make eye contact) K? (raising his chin with her hand) Keiran.. Don't sweat about it. I


jacked at least 400 kilos of Mills', Haines' AND Jackson's product. K-SIDE (in admiring shock) What?! MAGGIE (she tends to his wound) At least. K-SIDE (pause, as he relaxes for a second) Fair play Maggie. Well done girl.. There is a moments silence as they both return to their jobs: K-SIDE filling the BALLOONS and MAGGIE tending to his leg wound. ASTON observes this tender act between K-SIDE and MAGGIE, when suddenly her head shoots to the CLOCK which reads 6 o'clock. MAGGIE Cuntfucker! I missed Damian's 5 o'clock. They both turn to DD who seems fine. MAGGIE jumps SUGAR JAR, when suddenly through the door: making APARTMENT. Shit! stands silently in a corner, he up to the cupboard to find the a swarm of ADDICTED break their way speedily down the


MAGGIE quickly grabs her PUMP-ACTION SHOTGUN from the COUNTER, leaving the kitchen, to blast the ADDICTED one after another, but they still come thick. K-SIDE clumsily hobbles out of the CHAIR grabbing an AK47 to join the fight. But they're losing: the ADDICTED make their way down the APARTMENT slowly growing closer. It is only a matter of when MAGGIE and K-SIDE have to reload that determines this battle. ASTON sits in shock once more. MAGGIE (screaming back to ASTON) UNLOCK DAMIAN AND SOAK HIM IN THE VODKA! ASTON doesn't respond.


ASTON! MAGGIE knowing his name snaps him out of his trance. ASTON (rising from the FLOOR) Where- Where's a key?! MAGGIE knocks an ADDICTED to the FLOOR with the stock of her GUN. MAGGIE IN THE FUCKING SUGAR JAR! ASTON stumbles to the CUPBOARD, and fumbles around manically. He tries to grab the SUGAR JAR but it falls to the counter. He watches as it falls in SM, before SMASHING on the floor: nestled among the HEROIN is a tiny KEY. He grabs it and unlocks the collar around DD'S neck, before grabbing a nearby BALLOON and raising it about DD'S head. He stops. He looks at his hand that now has some remnants of VODKA on it, a realisation hits him - if he bursts the BALLOON, VODKA will soak him as well - he quickly scrubs his hand off on his trousers. He grabs DD by the arm and leads him out of the KITCHEN before giving him the biggest shove he can towards the fight. He then launches the BALLOON at DD as he stumbles forward. Unfortunately, the BALLOON misses him, instead hitting the crowd of ADDICTED that are trying to break through the heavy fire that MAGGIE and K-SIDE are supplying. The ADDICTED suddenly stop. They sniff greedily before quickly turning on themselves: they begin to tear at each other, and soon the few that are left run in fear. INT. THE WOLVES DEN (LIVING ROOM) - CONT MAGGIE and K-SIDE stand confused for a second. K-SIDE Now why have we never thought of that? MAGGIE They're retreating. Why are they retreating? K-SIDE Because they know they've lost Mag! (turning to ASTON)



You're a fucking genius. Suddenly, the SPRINKLERS turn on and water begins to rain down upon the four individuals. Oh. K-SIDE (in stunned shock) They hit the fucking alarm. The clever fuckers hit the fire alarm.. He runs to grab as many GUNS as he can. And why have we never thought of that either?! MAGGIE That's why they retreated.. 14. I WUB WUB WUBBLE YOU A roar echoes through the building, as hundreds of feet pound up stairs. ASTON I'm guessing my genius status been revoked? K-SIDE (shoving a MACHINE GUN into his hand) You best hope it hasn't. 'Coz they can see like us now, and only a genius can survive those odds. (turning to MAGGIE, who is stood in shock) Maggie! Grab the speakers already! MAGGIE What about Damian?! K-SIDE GRAB THE FUCKING SPEAKERS! As the sound of thundering feet draws closer, MAGGIE drags two huge SPEAKERS from the edge of the room to point at the closed entrance to the APARTMENT. K-SIDE rushes to her side with an I-POD in his hand, he grabs the connector and plugs it in. He presses play just as the doors burst open and 100 hundreds of ADDICTED begin to flood in. MAGGIE


The speaker blasts out "It was written" by DAMIAN MARLEY and CHASING SHADOWS. The BASS of the DUBSTEP immobilises the oncoming ADDICTED who freeze in confusion: they can no longer use their echo relocation to navigate. The four soaked junkies wait with bated breath. Then, ever so slowly, they begin to edge around the ADDICTED out into the CORRIDOR. INT. THE WOLVES DEN (CORRIDOR) - CONT The CORRIDOR is swarming with ADDICTED all stood like statues, heads and ears twitching as they try to hear something other than the deep BASS echoing around them. ASTON passes so close to one he can see the blind EYE twitching in it's socket, and the dried BLOOD around it's mouth flaking from it's flicking tounge. MAGGIE motions towards the LIFT. K-side drags DD behind by the arm as they slowly edge their way around the ADDICTED. Suddenly, the DUBSTEP stops - they all freeze. As one, the ADDICTED slam their hands into the walls and an almighty THUD echoes around the four lone figures. The I-POD was on shuffle: JACK JOHNSON replaces the heavy DUB and the fight begins. K-SIDE spins around to face the few remaining ADDICTED between them and the LIFT, knocking ASTON to the floor. His TAPE RECORDER and GUN fall in front of him. He watches as they come to a rest, side by side. He looks to the fight in around him, and snaps out of the heroininduced state he's been in since "THE ARENA". He grabs the MACHINE GUN and the TAPE RECORDER and joins the fight: - DD defends the front: battering ADDICTED after ADDICTED. - MAGGIE clears a path towards the lift with K-SIDE'S help. - While ASTON fires into the wall, ceiling and floor, and occasionally an ADDICTED. They finally make it to the lift and the doors close. 15. CLAUSTROBIA IS OVER-RATED INT. THE WOLVES DEN (LIFT) - CONT MAGGIE instantly presses the emergency STOP, as ADDICTED


batter at the lift door. No-one talks as they catch their breath. Suddenly, ASTON begins to laugh. They all look at him in bemused wonder. He begins laugh so hard he's crying. ASTON (in between laughs) And all I wanted was a peaceful cold turkey! His laughter finally dissolves completely into tears and he sinks to the ground. K-SIDE'S POV: he looks at ASTON, before turning to MAGGIE who is checking her SHOTGUN. MAGGIE'S POV: as she looks at her gun before reloading it, she looks up to K-SIDE who smiles. DD'S POV: as he looks at K-SIDE and MAGGIE looking at each other, and then to ASTON snivelling on the floor. His vision flickers: once, twice, and cuts to black. We can hear every minute detail in the lift: everyone's breathing, rustle of clothes, and the beat of hearts. ASTON'S POV: as he looks up from his crying to see K-SIDE and MAGGIE still looking at each other, and then to DD who is staring into space once more. DD sniffs the air very slightly at first, then louder. MAGGIE breaks her stare with K-SIDE and turns to DD, but it's too late. DD slams his hand into the side of the LIFT, sending an echo of VIBRATIONS reverberating around the lift. MAGGIE (raising her SHOTGUN) DAMIAN NO! But DD backhands her in the face, instantly breaking her neck, the SHOTGUN hits the floor and slides towards ASTON'S feet. DD launches himself at K-SIDE, who grabs him by the neck and arm while trying to reach for his gun. K-SIDE (struggling through the tension) Damian.. I'm your fucking brother.. DD breaks free and rips out K-SIDE'S throat. He turns to ASTON who grabs the SHOTGUN just as he pounces and blasts DD in the face, who drops to the ground with a THUD. The VIBRATIONS stop. ASTON shakes with shock, SHOTGUN still in hand, as he scans the three dead bodies.


He drops the SHOTGUN and steps forward into the midst of this carnage. He slowly takes out the TAPE RECORDER and lifts it up to his mouth, he clicks RECORD. Nothing happens. He clicks again. No response. He looks down to the RECORDER and flicks open the TAPE COMPARTMENT. There is no TAPE. He frantically scans the LIFT, before taking a step back in shock: CRUNCH. He looks down to his foot and lifts it up, half a COCKROACH lies beneath his shoe. His vision flickers. CUT TO BLACK THE END.

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