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the 2 kind of observation

An observation is something noticed directly by your senses. There are three different types of observations. A qualitative observation is an observation about essential attributes of an object. For example, color, shape, texture, etc would be examples. A quantitative observation is an observation that can be described or measured in concrete numerical quantity. For example, weight, temperature, height, length, and mass would be examples. two types of observation: participant & non-participant

refind the cummunication

The purpose of the merit badge is to allow you to explore and understand the subject. In order to complete the merit badge you need to do some research. Resources are:

The merit badge pamphlet Your merit badge counselor Your school teachers Your school or community library The BSA website at Scouting.org[linked] MeritBadge.org[linked]

The members of a population may be small or hard to find. Indirect observation is when it would be easier to observe what the animals left behind, like a nest or tracks, rather than the organism themselves. Ex: If there are 120 nests in an area, you can find the number of swallows by multiplying 120 by , or 480 swallows

Agile communication is quicker than traditional software development communication in the following ways: First, the project teams are "co-located" so that any questions are immediately answered instead of using phones, email, etc to ask coworkers for ideas, thoughts or answers. Every day an Agile team meets for a quick 15 minute meeting (sometimes called a daily scrum) to refine what tasks were completed the previous day, what will be done by the team today and what impediments are prohibiting the team from getting the work done.

Agile teams are constantly refining scope based on empirical data from previous releases, test results a nd discoveries where traditional projects design and code up to the delivery date only to discover problems when it's very expensive to correct.

The measuring values that we use today are from the System International or S.I. for short. I will give you as much as I can find... Meter, Feet is to measure distance Gram, Pounds, BTUs is to measure mass Second is to measure time Ampere is to measure current Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit is to measure temperature Mole is to measure the amount of substance Candela is to measure the intensity of light Decibel is to measure sound intensity Of course these can be combined to make other units of measure. Something like speed will combine the measure of distance and time. Another unit of measure like the Newton is a measurement of mass, distance, and time. These fundemental units can combine to make the most basic and complecated math and physics problems that we know today.

If it is a right triangle (one angle is exactly 90 degrees) it is much easier: use the Pythagorean Theorem. Pythagorean Theorem states that for right triangles: a2 + b2 = c2 Where a and b represent the length of the sides adjacent (next to) to the right angle, and c represents the length of the side opposite the triangle. Plug the two sides you do know into this equation to get the third. If it is an equilateral triangle, then all sides are the same by definition. If it is an isosceles triable, then remember that two sides are equal to each other. If it is none of these then I believe you need to provide more information in order to get help.

To find an 'inference' requires that you consider what is not said as being as important as what is said...

This is quite a specific topic; I doubt you could find said articles with ease.

1:see2:touch3:smell4:taste:5 hear

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