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Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...



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Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua.

Un PIC 12F675 Controla y monitorea el nivel de agua o cualquier liquido en un tanque. (05/20/2004)
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Source: http://josepino.com/pic_projects/index.php?water_level.jps

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CODIGO: JP6751 - PIC: 12F675 Estuve pensando por varios dias acerca de este proyecto. Pensaba: "Por qu la gente esta pidiendo ste circuito?" Finalmente me di cuenta que equipos de este tipo tienen un costo de $300.00 a $1,200.00 USD. Encontr algunos circuitos similares pero no me convencieron. Algunos circuitos miden la resistencia del agua para determinar el nivel. Eso es peligroso para agua potable (contaminacin) o en liquidos explosivos por que el metal con electricidad toca directamente el liquido. Entonces, Cmo poder medir el nivel sin contaminar o sin riesgos de explosin? Veamos el circuito:

Cmo funciona: El sensor de presin tiene un tubo el cual llega hasta el fondo del tanque. Cuando el liquido llena el tanque, la presion aumenta en el tubo. El 12F675 tiene convertidores A/D, as que mido la presin para calcular el nivel del agua y encender el led correspondiente: Verde = lleno, Amarillo = Mas de la mitad, Rojo = Casi por acabarse. Cuando no hay ningun led encendido significa que el tanque est vaco. Al detectar el tanque vacio, el microcontrolador activa el TRIAC el cual enciende la bomba de agua para llenarlo.(o puede actival el zumbador para llenar el tanque manualmente). Antes de usar el circuito, hay que calibrarlo. Es muy sencillo: Comience a llenar el tanque. Cuando el nivel sea de unos centimetros presione el switch del led ROJO para asignar el nivel cuando debe activarse la bomba de agua. Cuando el tanque este a la mitad, presione el switch del led AMARILLO. Al llenarse el tanque presione el switch del led VERDE. Una vez calibrado, el circuito activar la bomba de agua cuando el tanque este vacio y la apagar cuando se llene. Descargue el archivo HEX AQUI. Use el boton derecho y elija la opcion "Guardar como..." USE CUALQUIER SENSOR DE PRESION DE TIPO RESISTIVO QUE FUNCIONE CON 5 VOLTS. Enero, 2005 - Encontre que las Lavadoras de ropa usan este metodo, sin embargo, utilizan un interruptor que se activa cuando la presion llega a cierto punto. No utilizan un sensor.
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Clock Pic Pic 16F877 Pic Pic Microchip Programmer

james geronimo from philippines wrote: hi sir.can u send this document on my email add james_geronimo2001@yahoo.com
03/03/08 - 00:42:08 -



Jose Pino wrote: I'm not able to. lkn from mexico wrote:

--------------------03/31/08 - 20:34:42 -

hola jose,

Getting Started with PICs. ADC without ADC. Air Display.

1 de 15

28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...


tendras mas informacion sobre tu diseno??? estoy tratando de hacer un proyecto paresido a tuyo para una clase de instrumentacion tendras el archivo fuente del codigo que nos puedas compartir?? y los disenos del sircuito?? gracias
--------------------04/16/08 - 23:56:23 -

David from Colombia wrote: Estoy tratando de hacer un circuito parecido, me podria ayudar diciendome que sensor de presion utilizo, o por lo menos que marcas exiten, y de que manera uso el tubo que iba en el fondo del recipiente para que el sensor entregara una medida exacta?
--------------------04/25/08 - 03:54:01 --------------------04/30/08 - 06:30:18 -

Naveed from RWP wrote: i m naveed from uet taxila and want to do projects in Micro.Controller Robert from South Africa wrote: Hi Jose, Your Water Level Control is very interesting. I am a student and would like to ask the following questions: Can you recommend a suitable pressure sensor? Can this design be changed to be used as a Temperature sensor and thermostat. The pressure sensor could be changed for a temperature device like LM35. The calibration could be very similar. with a High Temp and a Low temp setting. Best Regards Robert
04/30/08 - 22:19:55 -

Jose Pino wrote: I don't remember the part number for the pressure sensor but to get one you must specify a "5V resistive pressure sensor". Yes. You can use a a temperature sensor and use this project as temperature control.

Four Digit Counter Hitachi LCD Displays How To Control Multiple Leds LCD Clock/Calendar Led Chaser. Led Chaser II Led Clock Matrix Led Display. ON/OFF with Microcontrollers. One Second Timebase. PIC 16F505 My PIC Programmer PIC Programmer sent by Fco. Arroyo. Security Keypad. Security Keypad II Soundmeter Tachometer/RPM. Tachometer/RPM II. Tachometer for Bikes (circuit). Timebase generator. Traffic Light. Water Level Control/Monitor. Where to get parts. Back to Previous Page. Go to Main Menu. Go to www.josepino.com

--------------------05/15/08 - 09:01:25 -

kalind Singh from South Africa wrote: HI Jose I am a student at unversity. I have a design project using a PIC 16F874 to control the switching on and off of Quick Links: loads. The controller includes a keypad and an LCD. Please would you check my code and suggest any changes. At the moment, it does'nt seem to be working. Best of the Web Kind regards A collection of interesting and the best Kalind Singh web pages on the Web. ; geyser controller software card at www.josepino.com/best ; **************************************************************************************************** list p=16f874 Digital & Analog Circuits. ; equates section A collection of non-microcontroller, adcon1 equ 9fh easy to build circuits. pie1 equ 8ch t1con equ 10h at www.josepino.com/circuits pir1 equ 0ch opt_reg equ 81h Let's Discover. intcon equ 0Bh Let's discover interesting things from porta equ 05h everyday items. portb equ 06h at www.josepino.com/discover portd equ 07h status equ 03h Funny e-mails. trisa equ 85h Funny and Interesting e-mails that I trisb equ 86h received. trisd equ 88h at www.josepino.com/humor timer0 equ 01h tmr1l equ 0eh tmr1h equ 0fh Lego Robots. status_temp equ 20h Some robots built with LEGO w_temp equ 21h Mindstorms. test equ 22h at www.josepino.com/lego_robots seconds equ 23h minutes equ 24h My Opinion hours equ 25h Some of my writings, complaints and days equ 26h opinions. count equ 27h at www.josepino.com/opinion dy1 equ 28h temp1 equ 29h Other Projects temp3 equ 2Ah hr1 equ 2Bh Interesting non-electronic and hr2 equ 2Ch science projects. Some useful min1 equ 2Dh projects included. min2 equ 2Eh at www.josepino.com/other_projects temp2 equ 2Fh mofh equ 30h PHP Codes and Examples mofm equ 31h Useful php codes and samples monh equ 32h for different applications. monm equ 33h at www.josepino.com/php cnt1 equ 34h temp6 equ 35h store equ 36h Microcontroller PIC Projects ;**************************************************************************************************** A collection of some of my projects errorlevel-302 using Microchip microcontrollers org 0 at www.josepino.com/pic_projects goto start org 4 The Real Meal goto isr Here is how the advertisement and ;****************************************************************************************************** the ; subroutine section Real Meal looks like from fast-food ; keypad scan subroutine restaurants. scan at www.TheRealMeal.com column1 bcf portb , 0 bsf portb , 1 bsf portb , 2 My Trips call delay_half Visiting places and locations around movf portb , 0 USA and, hopefully, around the world. andlw 0F0h at www.josepino.com/trips movwf store check1 btfsc store , 4 Youtube Videos goto check4 Funny and Interesting videos found on call delay_half YouTube. check1a btfss portb , 4 at www.josepino.com/videos goto check1a call delay_half retlw .1 Mary's Creations

2 de 15

28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...



btfsc store , goto check7 call delay_half check4a btfss portb , 5 goto check4a call delay_half retlw .4 check7 btfsc store , goto check11 call delay_half check7a btfss portb , 6 goto check7a call delay_half retlw .7 check11 btfsc store , 7 goto column2 call delay_half check11a btfss portb , 7 goto check11a call delay_half retlw .11 column2 bsf portb , 0 bcf portb , 1 bsf portb , 2 call delay_half movf portb , 0 andlw 0F0h movwf store check2 btfsc store , goto check5 call delay_half check2a btfss portb , 4 goto check2a call delay_half retlw .2 check5 btfsc store , goto check8 call delay_half check5a btfss portb , 5 goto check5a call delay_half retlw .5 check8 btfsc store , goto check0 call delay_half check8a btfss portb , 6 goto check8a call delay_half retlw .8 check0 btfsc store , goto column3 call delay_half check0a btfss portb , 7 goto check0a call delay_half retlw .0 column3 bsf portb , 0 bsf portb , 1 bcf portb , 2 call delay_half movf portb , 0 andlw 0F0h movwf store check3 btfsc store , goto check6 call delay_half check3a btfss portb , 4 goto check3a call delay_half retlw .3 check6 btfsc store , goto check9 call delay_half check6a btfss portb , 5 goto check6a call delay_half retlw .6 check9 btfsc store , goto check12 call delay_half check9a btfss portb , 6 goto check9a call delay_half retlw .9 check12 btfsc store , 7 goto column1 call delay_half check12a btfss portb , 7 goto check12a call delay_half retlw .12 ;pulse lcd character configuration clock bsf porta , 0 nop bcf porta, 0 retlw .0 a1 bsf porta , 1 movlw 4h movwf portd call clock movlw 1h movwf portd call clock

Amazing cakes and crafts from Mary's Creations. at www.marys-creations.com Comments? Questions? Complaints? e-mail me:

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3 de 15

28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...













call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf bsf call movlw movwf bsf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf bsf call movlw movwf bsf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf bsf call movlw movwf

delayp1 .0 porta , 1 4h portd clock 2h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 4h portd clock 3h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 4h portd clock 4h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 4h portd porta , 1 clock 5h portd porta , 1 clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 4h portd clock 6h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 4h portd clock 7h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 4h portd porta , 1 clock 8h portd porta , 1 clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 4h portd clock 9h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 4h portd clock 0ah portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 4h portd clock 0bh portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 4h portd porta , 1 clock 0ch portd

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28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...













bsf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf bsf call movlw movwf bsf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call

porta , 1 clock delayp1 .0 porta , 4h portd clock 0dh portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 4h portd clock 0eh portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 4h portd porta , 1 clock 0fh portd porta , 1 clock delayp1 .0 porta , 5h portd clock 0h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 5h portd clock 1h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 5h portd clock 2h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 5h portd clock 3h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 5h portd clock 4h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 5h portd clock 5h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 5h portd clock 6h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 5h portd clock 7h portd clock

5 de 15

28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...














call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw movwf call movlw movwf call call retlw bsf movlw

delayp1 .0 porta , 1 5h portd clock 8h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 5h portd clock 9h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 5h portd clock 0ah portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 3h portd clock 0h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 3h portd clock 1h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 3h portd clock 2h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 3h portd clock 3h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 3h portd clock 4h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 3h portd clock 5h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 3h portd clock 6h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 3h portd clock 7h portd clock delayp1 .0 porta , 1 3h

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28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...


movwf portd call clock movlw 8h movwf portd call clock call delayp1 retlw .0 num9 bsf porta , 1 movlw 3h movwf portd call clock movlw 9h movwf portd call clock call delayp1 retlw .0 gap bsf porta , 1 movlw 2h movwf portd call clock movlw 0h movwf portd call clock call delayp1 retlw .0 dot bsf porta , 1 movlw 2h movwf portd call clock movlw 0eh movwf portd call clock call delayp1 retlw .0 clrdisp bcf porta , 1 movlw 0h movwf portd call clock movlw 1 movwf portd bcf porta , 1 call clock call delayp1 retlw .0 hash bsf porta , 1 movlw 2h movwf portd call clock movlw 3h movwf portd call clock call delayp1 retlw .0 ; cursor on first line fline call clrdisp bcf porta , 1 movlw 8H movwf portd call clock movlw 0H movwf portd bcf porta , 1 call clock call delayp1 call chome retlw .0 ; cursor on second line sline bcf porta , 1 movlw 0cH movwf portd call clock movlw 0H movwf portd bcf porta , 1 call clock call delayp1 call chome retlw .0 ; cursor home chome ;?nop ;?bcf porta , 1 ;?movlw 00H ;?movwf portd ;?call clock ;?call delayp1 ;?movlw 2H ;?movwf portd ;?call clock ;?call delayp1 retlw .0 ;retrieve info retrieve call scan movwf hr1 call scan movwf hr2 call scan movwf min1 call scan movwf min2 movlw .12 movwf temp2 again2 call scan subwf temp2 , 0

7 de 15

28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...


btfss status , 2 goto again2 retlw .0 ; a subroutine to convert data from keypad to format for input convert movlw .2 xorwf hr1, 0 btfsc status , 2 goto two movlw .1 xorwf hr1, 0 btfsc status , 2 goto one goto nil two movlw .20 addwf hr2, 1 goto next one movlw .10 addwf hr2, 1 goto next nil nop next movlw .5 xorwf min1, 0 btfsc status , 2 goto t5 movlw .4 xorwf min1, 0 btfsc status , 2 goto t4 movlw .3 xorwf min1, 0 btfsc status , 2 goto t3 movlw .2 xorwf min1, 0 btfsc status , 2 goto t2 movlw .1 xorwf min1, 0 btfsc status , 2 goto tt1 goto t0 t5 movlw addwf goto t4 movlw addwf goto t3 movlw addwf goto t2 movlw addwf goto tt1 movlw addwf goto t0 nop fin retlw ;lcd sub 1 mesg1 call call call call call call call call call call call call call call ;call chome retlw ; lcd message 2 mesg2 call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call .50 min2, 1 fin .40 min2, 1 fin .30 min2, 1 fin .20 min2, 1 fin .10 min2, 1 fin .0 fline delayp1 h1 delayp1 e1 delayp1 l1 delayp1 l1 delayp1 o1 delayp1 delay3 clrdisp .0 fline delayp1 e1 delayp1 n1 delayp1 t1 delayp1 e1 delayp1 r1 delayp1 gap delayp1 d1 delayp1 a1 delayp1 y1 delayp1 gap delayp1 a1 delayp1

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28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...


; lcd mesg3

; lcd mesg4

call call call call call call call call retlw message 3 call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call retlw message 4 call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call

n1 delayp1 d1 delayp1 sline delayp1 hash delayp1 .0 fline delayp1 e1 delayp1 n1 delayp1 t1 delayp1 e1 delayp1 r1 delayp1 gap delayp1 t1 delayp1 i1 delayp1 m1 delayp1 e1 delayp1 gap delayp1 a1 delayp1 n1 delayp1 d1 delayp1 sline delayp1 hash delayp1 .0 fline delayp1 e1 delayp1 n1 delayp1 t1 delayp1 e1 delayp1 r1 delayp1 gap delayp1 num1 delayp1 gap delayp1 f1 delayp1 o1 delayp1 r1 delayp1 sline delayp1 d1 delayp1 e1 delayp1 f1 delayp1 a1 delayp1 u1 delayp1 l1 delayp1 t1 delayp1 delay3 fline delayp1 o1 delayp1 r1 delayp1 gap delayp1 num2 delayp1 gap delayp1 f1 delayp1 o1 delayp1

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28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...


call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call retlw ; lcd message 5 mesg5 call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call retlw ;lcd message 6 mesg6 call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call retlw ; lcd message 7 mesg7 call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call

r1 delayp1 gap delayp1 m1 delayp1 a1 delayp1 n1 delayp1 u1 delayp1 a1 delayp1 l1 delayp1 delay3 clrdisp .0 fline delayp1 d1 delayp1 e1 delayp1 f1 delayp1 a1 delayp1 u1 delayp1 l1 delayp1 t1 delayp1 delay3 clrdisp .0 fline delayp1 e1 delayp1 n1 delayp1 t1 delayp1 e1 delayp1 r1 delayp1 gap delayp1 t1 delayp1 i1 delayp1 m1 delayp1 e1 delayp1 gap delayp1 o1 delayp1 n1 delayp1 sline delayp1 a1 delayp1 n1 delayp1 d1 delayp1 gap delayp1 hash delayp1 .0 fline delayp1 e1 delayp1 n1 delayp1 t1 delayp1 e1 delayp1 r1 delayp1 gap delayp1 t1 delayp1 i1

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28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...


call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call

delayp1 m1 delayp1 e1 delayp1 gap delayp1 o1 delayp1 f1 delayp1 f1 delayp1 sline delayp1 a1 delayp1 n1 delayp1 d1 delayp1 gap delayp1 hash delayp1

retlw .0 ; subroutine to reset clock reset movf dy1 , 0 movwf days clrw movf hr2 , 0 movwf hours clrw movf min2 , 0 movwf minutes clrw retlw .0 ; displays data from keypad on lcd for days disp1 call gap bsf porta , 1 movlw 3H movwf portd call clock movf dy1 , 0 movwf portd call clock call delay3 call clrdisp retlw .0 ; displays data from keypad to lcd for time disp2 call gap bsf porta , 1 movlw 3H movwf portd call clock movf hr1 , 0 movwf portd call clock call delay3 call delayp1 bsf porta , 1 movlw 3H movwf portd call clock movf hr2 , 0 movwf portd call clock call delayp1 bsf porta , 1 movlw 3H movwf portd call clock movf min1 , 0 movwf portd call clock call delayp1 bsf movlw movwf call movf movwf call call call retlw ;store manual time off strmof movf movwf clrw movf movwf retlw porta , 1 3H portd clock min2 , 0 portd clock delay3 clrdisp .0 hr2 , 0 mofh min2 , 0 mofm .0

11 de 15

28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...


; stores manual time on temp file strmon movf hr2 , 0 movwf monh clrw movf min2 , 0 movwf monm retlw .0 ; on second delay delay1 call delayp1 call delayp1 call delayp1 call delayp1 call delayp1 call delayp1 call delayp1 call delayp1 call delayp1 call delayp1 retlw .0 ; rudy point one second delay delay_half bsf t1con , 0 bcf pir1,0 movlw 02Bh movwf tmr1l movlw 0CFh movwf tmr1h here3 btfss pir1, 0 goto here3 bcf pir1, 0 bcf t1con, 0 retlw .0 delayp1 bsf t1con, 0 bcf pir1, 0 movlw 08Eh movwf tmr1l movlw 0FDh movwf tmr1h here4 btfss pir1, 0 goto here4 bcf pir1, 0 bcf t1con, 0 retlw .0 delay3 movlw .30 movwf temp6 do call delay_half decfsz temp6 goto do retlw .0 ; this routine services the default settings default eight movlw .17 once xorwf hours, 0 btfss status, 2 goto once call defon movlw .19 twice xorwf hours, 0 btfss status, 2 goto twice call defoff goto eight retlw .0 ; this routine services manual settings manual seven movf monh, 0 three xorwf hours, 0 btfss status, 2 goto three movf monm, 0 four xorwf minutes, 0 btfss status, 2 goto four call manon movf mofh, 0 five xorwf hours, 0 btfss status, 2 goto five movf mofm, 0 six xorwf minutes, 0 btfss status, 2 goto six call manoff retlw .0 ; turns on according to default defon bsf porta, 2 retlw .0 ; turns off according to default defoff bcf porta, 2 retlw .0 ; turns on according to manual manon bsf porta, 2 retlw .0 ; turns off according to manual manoff bcf porta, 2 retlw .0 ;************************************************************************************************************** ; configuration section start bcf status, 6 bsf status, 5 movlw 06h movwf adcon1 movlw 07h movwf opt_reg

12 de 15

28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...


movlw 00h movwf trisa movlw 0f8h movwf trisb movlw 00h movwf trisd movlw 01h movwf pie1 bcf status, 5 movlw 0a0h movwf intcon movlw 30h movwf t1con movlw .77 movwf count movlw .60 movwf seconds clrf porta clrf portb clrf portd bsf portd,4 call delayp1 bsf portd,5 ; lcd initialization routine movlw 02h movwf portd bcf porta, 1 call clock movlw 08h movwf portd bcf porta, 1 call clock call delayp1 movlw movwf bcf call movlw movwf call call 0h portd porta, 1 clock 06h portd clock delayp1

bcf porta, 1 movlw 0h movwf portd bcf porta, 1 call clock movlw 0dh movwf portd bcf porta, 1 call clock call delayp1 call clrdisp ;************************************************************************************************************** ; program starts here begin call mesg1 call mesg2 call scan movwf dy1 movlw .12 movwf temp1 again call scan subwf temp1, 0 btfss status, 2 goto again call disp1 call mesg3 call retrieve call disp2 call convert call reset call call movwf movlw subwf btfss call call call call call call call call call call call call goto nop movwf swapf movwf decfsz goto movlw movwf mesg4 scan temp3 .2 temp3, 0 status,2 default mesg6 retrieve disp2 convert strmon mesg7 retrieve disp2 convert strmof manual reent w_temp status, w status_temp count, 1 bot .77 count


isr push top

13 de 15

28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...


bot pop

decfsz goto incf movlw movwf movlw xorwf btfss goto incf clrf movlw xorwf btfss goto incf movlw xorwf btfss goto clrf clrf clrf bcf swapf movwf swapf swapf retfie end

seconds,1 bot minutes,1 .60 seconds .60 minutes, 0 status, 2 bot hours,1 minutes .24 hours, 0 status, 2 bot days, 1 .7 days, 0 status, 2 bot minutes hours days intcon, 2 status_temp, w status w_temp, 1 w_temp, w

--------------------05/24/08 - 08:39:19 -

Alex F from Israel wrote: Hi mr.Josepino! I'ts a very nice device! Working great!Can you change the Hex file that it will also make alarm? Sorry for interuption and Thank you.
--------------------07/11/08 - 06:54:44 -

calibrate to the

svsraju from Hyderabad wrote: Dear Jose, This is what I experienced: The device is working perfectly. While the Tank is getting filled and the RED and Yellow LEDs are ON after the tank is filled to more than HALF but less than FULL the Pump is still ON and then power went OFF and when the power came up the Pump did not start until all the water is out from the tank and the Low level is reached. Is this the condition that is right as per the program.? Please let me know where i can get the + 5V Resistive Pressure Sensor. Thanks Regards svsraju@mail.com
--------------------08/11/08 - 20:59:13 -

Fabin Chicaiza from Ecuador wrote: He revisado todo este proyecto y me parece muy interesante, solo que un inconveniente con el sensor de presion a usar podria dar un numero por lo menos de referencia para buscar aca, o entodo caso el que se uso en este proy. de antemano muchas gracias att. Fabin

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28/8/2008 17:14

Circuito para controlar el nivel de Agua. Un PIC 12F675 Controla y moni...


Ideas, Text Code and Designs are my sole property. 2006, 2007 Jos Pino
If any information, data, picture or design infringes a copyright material, please send me an e-mail asking to remove it along with the supporting data. JPC version PHP3.0.7

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28/8/2008 17:14

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