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"Devoid of Radha" (Traduo abaixo) Many vaisnavas make it their daily habit to recite the dasa namaparadha the

ten offenses to the holy name as described in the Padma Purana The first of these of fenses is sadhu ninda to offend a devotee of the Lord. Out of the ten offenses, Sr ila Vyasadev describes only this one as paratna aparadha "the greatest offense". B ut what exactly constitutes sadhu ninda? How serious is it, really? What are the c onsequences? What have our acaryas instructed us in this regard? This issue of S ri Krishna kathamrita explores this important topic. Srila Haridas Thakur (in Cc. antya 3.60), quoting the namaparadha bhanjana stotra of Padma Purana describes: namaikam yasya vad smarava patha gatam srotra mulam gatam va suddham vasuddha varnam vyavahita rahitam tarayaty eva satyam The holy name is so powerful that if it is simply once remembered or heard it wi ll certainly deliver one from material bondage, even if the pronunciation is inc orrect. However, the verse goes on to say: tac ced deha dravina janatii lobha pasanda madhye nik~iptath sy~ln na phala janakwh sighram evatra vipra But if one commits offenses out of greed to enhance one's bodily comforts, wealt h, or Mahashakti Dasifollowers, then such chanting will still give results, but they will be delayed. Bhagavad gita (2.40) states: nehdbhikrama ndo 'sti pratyavayo na vidyate sv alpam apy asya dharmasya trdyate nahato bhaydt In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution and a little advancement on thi s path can protect hari katha, affectionate encouragement, and valuable advice. Al so one from the most dangerous type of fear. Since the chanting of the holy name is bhakti,the result of such chanting cannot be destroyed. But the Padma Purana clarifies, na phala janakam sighram if there a re offenses then the result will not come soon. One will become distanced from d evotion. Therefore the Gaudiya vaisnava abhidhfina . iya . . (Gaudiya Vaishnava dic tionary in Bengali) defines aparaddha as, radha sunya "devoid of Radha". So there are ten offenses to the holy name, and But still, sadhu ninda is parama aparadha Why is In his Bhakti sandarbha (313), Srila Jiva Goswami quotes this statement concer ning the severity of sddhu ninda: ye nindanti hrsikesam tad bhaktam punya rupi . nam sata janmarjitam punyam tesam nasyati niscitam te pacyante maha ghore kumbhtpake Mayanake bhaksitah kita sanghena yavac candra divakarau

One who criticizes Lord Vishnu or His devotees loses some pleasure to our revere d spiritual master and have compiled this issue hoping that it may bring all the benefits accrued in a hundred pious births. Such a exalted va isnavas. We also hope that by this endeavor person rots in the Kumbhipak hell an d is bitten by worms as long as the sun and moon exist.

Vaisnava aparadha is thus a very serious offense and a great obstacle on the pat h of devotion. This issue of Sri Krishna kathamrita examines this offense from a n umber of perspectives: from the teachings of our acaryas such as please overlook my faults and make me your servant." His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Saraswati Thakur, as well through stones from the lives of Sachi ma ta, Devakinandan Das, jahnava Devi, Srila Rupa Goswami and Krishna priya Thakurani . We have compiled this issue hoping that it may bring some pleasure to our revere d spiritual master and the exalted Vaisnavas. We also hope that by this endeavor we might gain freedom from dangerous grip of Vaisnava aparadha, witch will allo w us very soon being to taste the fruit of chanting the holy name. Dosa Ksami ma adhame koro nija dasa O Vaisnavas please overlook my faults and ma ke me your servant. Madhavanada Das Editorial "Destitudo de Radha"

Muitos vaisnavas tem o hbito dirio de recitar o dasa namaparadha ou as as dez ofe nsas ao santo nome como descrito no Padma Purana. A primeira destas ofensas sa dhu ninda ou ofender devoto do Deus. Mas das dez ofensas, Srila Vyasadev descre ve est como paratna aparadha ou "a maior ofensa ". Mas o que exatamente constitu i sadhu ninda ? Quo srio ela realmente? Quais so as conseqncias? O que os Nossos Aca yas nos instruram acerca desse assunto? Esta Edio de Sri Krishna kathamrita explora este importante tema. Srila Haridas Thakur (em Cc. antya 3.60), citando um strota do namaparadha bhanj ana do Padma Purana que assim estabelece: namaikam yasya vad smarava patha gatam srotra mulam gatam va suddham vasuddha varnam vyavahita rahitam satyam de eva de tarayaty O Santo Nome e to poderoso que por simplesmente se lembrar dele ou ou ouvi-lo a p essoa certamente se libera da escravido material, at mesmo se a pronncia no for corr eta. Porm, este verso continua explicando: tac ced deha dravina janatii lobha pasanda madhye nik~iptath sy~ln na phala janakwh sighram evatra vipra Mas se a pessoa comete ofensas, e por ganncia desejar, aumentar o seu conforto, r iqueza, ou Mahashakti Dasi, seguidores, assim mesmo tal cantar ainda assim dar re sultados, mas eles sero mais demorados. Bhagavad gita (2.40) declara: nehdbhikrama nado sti pratyavayo na vidyate sv alpam apy asya dharmasya trdyate nahato bhaydt

Neste esforo no h nenhuma perda nem diminuio e um pouco avano neste caminho pode prot ger hari katha, encorajando afetuosamente, e sendo uma conselho valioso. Tambm li bera do tipo mais perigoso de medo. Desde que o cantar do santo nome bhakti, o resultado de tal cantar no pode ser de strudo. Mas o Padma Purana esclarece, na phala janakam sighram, se h ofensas o res ultado demorar para vir. A pessoa se distanciar da devoo. Ento o Gaudiya vaisnava abh

idhfina (Gaudiya dicionrio de Vaishnava em bengali) define aparaddha como, sunya "destituido de radha". Assim h dez ofensas ao nome santo, e mas ainda, sadhu ninda parama aparadha. Por que est no Bhakti Sandarbha (313), Srila Jiva Goswami declara quo severo sadhu ni nda; ye nindanti hrsikesam tad bhaktam punya rupi. nam sata janmarjitam punyam tesam nasyati niscitam te pacyante maha ghore kumbhtpake Mayanake bhaksitah kita sanghena yavac candra divakarau Uma pessoa que critica o Senhor Vishnu ou os seus devotos perde todos os benefcio s acumulados em cem nascimento piedosos. Tal pessoa apodrece no inferno Kumbhip ak e mordido por vermes tanto tempo quanto exista o sol e a Lua. Vaisnava Aparadha assim uma ofensa muito sria e um grande obstculo no caminho de d evoo. Este assunto que ser tratado ma Sri Krsna kathamrita examinara esta ofensa de vrias perspectivas: dos ensinamentos de nossos acaryas o Divine Grace A.C dele. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Thakur Baktivinode, Prabhupada Bhaktisidhanta Sa raswati Thakur, assim bem historia da vida de Sachi mata, Devakinandan Das, jahn ava Devi, Srila Rupa Goswami e Krsna priya Thakurani. Ns compilamos este assunto esperando poder trazer um pouco de prazer ao nosso mes tre espiritual venerado e o Vaisnavas exaltado. Ns tambm esperamos que por este em penho nos libere do perigoso grampo da Vaisnava Aparadha de Vaisnava, o qual nos permitir rapidamente provar a fruta de cantar o santo nome. Dosa Ksami ma adhame koro nija dasa - O Vaisnavas por favor perdoem minhas falta s e me faam seu criado. Madhavanada Das fonte http://www.guardioes.com/aparadha1.htm

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