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GENERAL INFORMATION: Universidad Tecnolgica de El Salvador Jenny Carolina Dimas Guerra English Major Module 4 management of technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the English Language. 2011. 2. INTRODUCTION The main purpose of this activity is to notice what kind of perspective we have if I will decide to be a teacher, for do that we will use a online test call TPI (Teaching Perspectives Inventory), It show a short questionnaire to measure our preferences in perspectives. It is necessary complete it according with you own criterion. What is exactly TPI? It is a way to know your teaching preferences discovering your individual perspective on teaching. It helps you to clarify your dominant teacher behaviors, values and beliefs. How many perspectives are? They are five perspectives Transmission, Apprenticeship, Developmental, Nurturing, and Social Reform; each area is sub-divided in three areas Beliefs, intentions, and actions. In my personal opinion knowing the score of the test could help me to take future decisions in a classroom and select the best objectives in order to improve the Teaching-Learning process.

3. TPI RESULTS My test results, according with the test that I am took online, shows me that I got 36 points in Transmission, 38 points in Apprenticeship, 39 points in Developmental, 37 points in Nurturance and 32 points in Social Reform. The overall Total was 182.00 points. This means that I have dominant perspectives in all the areas.

The score in Transmission reflect that I would be good transmitting information or knowledge to my students, I would guide students in order to accomplish the objectives and through different kind of activities to they internalize the content to avoid misunderstandings. Also, I always would teach something in which I am an expertise the strategy to use would be teach from simple to complex, giving less directions and waiting for students take responsibility about their learning process. Besides the results shows that I am able to develop the cognitive structure of learners because I would provide meaningful knowledge according with the way they think and the level they have. Other perspective is that I will help student to achieve goal encouraging them; trusting in their abilities and supporting their efforts in order they have an individual growth. Finally if I were a teacher, I always will find a way to incorporate values in every content because it does not mater create intellectual people if they do not have ethic, discipline, and good social practice as humans. Otherwise, education would seem commercial and material oriented only in economic benefits. 4. CONCLUSION I got the highest score in the Developmental perspective; then the Apprenticeship, after the Nurturance continuing with the Transmission perspective and finally the Social Reform. As a conclusion I could say that if I were teacher I would be an Integral teacher because my perspectives are oriented to develop in the best way the learners abilities; of course it does not mean that I would be a perfect teacher but I think I have the necessary perspectives to accomplish that kind of labor.

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