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АСТ • Астрель
ÓÄÊ 373:811.111


Ñìèðíîâ, Þðèé Àëåêñååâè÷

Ñ50 55 (+ 1) óñòíûõ òåì ïî àíãëèéñêîìó ÿçûêó äëÿ
òîâêè ê óðîêàì â ïè
òåëüíûì ýêçàìåíàì/Þ.À. Ñìèðíîâ, – Ìîñêâà : ÀÑÒ :
Àñòðåëü, 2016. – 159, [1] ñ.
978-5-17-093529-1 (ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî ÀÑÒ»)(ÅÃÝ)
978-5-271-47247-3 (ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî Àñòðåëü»)(ÅÃÝ)
(ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî ÀÑÒ»)(êðàñí.)
(ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî Àñòðåëü»)(êðàñí.)

÷àþòñÿ â 5–11 êëàññàõ, à òàêæå âûíîñÿòñÿ íà âûïóñêíûå ýêçàìåíû.

Âñå òåêñòû òùàòåëüíî îòîáðàíû, ñîäåðæàò íîâåéøóþ èíôîðìàöèþ

âðåìåííûõ ïðîáëåìàõ ìîëîäåæè. Òåìàòè÷åñêèå ñëîâàðèêè è âîïðîñû

ê òåêñòàì ïîìîãóò ó÷àùèìñÿ ïîâòîðèòü èçó÷åííûé ìàòåðèàë.
Ïîñîáèå ïðåäíàçíà÷åíî äëÿ ïîäãîòîâêè ê óðîêàì â 5–11 êëàññàõ,
óñòíûì ýêçàìåíàì â 9 è 11 êëàññàõ, âñòóïèòåëüíûì ýêçàìåíàì â âóç.

ÓÄÊ 373:811.111

978-5-17-093529-1 (ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî ÀÑÒ»)(ÅÃÝ)

978-5-271-47247-3 (ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî Àñòðåëü»)(ÅÃÝ)
(ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî ÀÑÒ»)(êðàñí.)
(ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî Àñòðåëü»)(êðàñí.)

© Ñìèðíîâ Þ.À.
© ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî Àñòðåëü»

Предисловие ........................................................................ 6

My Profile
Моя биография ................................................................... 7
About Myself / Обо мне ..................................................... 7
My Family / Моя семья ..................................................... 8
My Flat / Моя квартира ..................................................... 10
My Friends / Мои друзья ................................................... 12
My School / Моя школа .................................................... 13
My Day / Мой обычный день ........................................... 15
My Hobbies and Pastime / Мое хобби
и времяпрепровождение ................................................... 17
My Favourite Holidays and Celebrations /
Мои любимые праздники ................................................. 19

Russia Is My Home
Россия – мой дом ............................................................... 21
My Country / Моя страна .................................................. 21
Moscow / Москва .............................................................. 24
Yaroslavl / Ярославль ......................................................... 26
Russian Holidays and Traditions / Праздники
и традиции России ............................................................ 28
Education in Russia / Образование в России .................... 31
Russian Sports / Спорт в России ....................................... 33
ВЫДАЮЩИЕСЯ ЛЮДИ РОССИИ ................................... 35
Mikhail Lomonosov / Михаил Ломоносов ........................ 36
Alexander Pushkin / Александр Пушкин .......................... 37
Yuri Gagarin / Юрий Гагарин ............................................ 38
Evgenij Pluschenko / Евгений Плющенко ........................ 39
Englishspeaking Countries
Англоговорящие страны .................................................. 42
Great Britain / Великобритания ........................................ 42
London / Лондон ............................................................... 45
Oxford / Оксфорд .............................................................. 49
Stratford<upon<Avon / Стратфорд на Эйвоне ................... 50
British Holidays and Traditions /
Праздники и традиции Великобритании ........................ 51
Education in Britain / Образование
в Великобритании ............................................................. 54
British Sports / Спорт в Великобритании ......................... 57
William Shakespeare / Уильям Шекспир ........................... 59
Alexander Bell / Александр Бэлл ....................................... 61
Robert Burns / Роберт Бернс ............................................. 62
Charles Dickens / Чарльз Диккенс .................................... 63
Princess Diana / Принцесса Диана ................................... 65
The United States of America /
Соединенные Штаты Америки ........................................ 68
Washington, D.C. / Вашингтон, округ Колумбия ............ 70
New York City / Нью<Йорк ............................................... 74
American Holidays and Traditions /
Праздники и традиции Америки ..................................... 77
Education in the USA / Образование в США .................... 80
American Sports / Спорт в США ....................................... 84
ВЫДАЮЩИЕСЯ ЛЮДИ АМЕРИКИ ................................ 85
Albert Einstein / Альберт Эйнштейн ................................. 86
Ernest Hemingway / Эрнест Хемингуэй ............................ 87
Martin Luther King / Мартин Лютер Кинг ....................... 89
Madonna / Мадонна .......................................................... 90
Canada / Канада ................................................................ 92
Australia / Австралия ......................................................... 94
New Zealand / Новая Зеландия ......................................... 97

World Around Me
Мир вокруг меня ................................................................. 100
Choosing a Career / Выбор профессии .............................. 100
Doing Sport and Keeping Fit / Занятие спортом
и здоровый образ жизни ................................................... 102
Learning Foreign Languages /
Изучение иностранных языков ........................................ 105
Travelling / Путешествие ................................................... 107
Environmental Problems /
Проблемы окружающей среды ......................................... 110
Mass Media / Средства массовой информации ............... 113
Arts / Искусство ................................................................. 116
Music / Музыка ................................................................. 119
Museums and Art Galleries /
Музеи и художественные галереи .................................... 121
Books / Книги .................................................................... 124
Youth Problems / Проблемы молодежи ............................. 126
Shopping / Поход по магазинам ....................................... 129
Wars and Peace / Войны и мир ........................................... 131

Приложение ..................................................................... 134


Сборник включает все разговорные темы, входящие в

программу по английскому языку для средних и старших
классов общеобразовательной школы.
Тексты содержат информацию о выдающихся личностях
прошлого и настоящего, культуре англо<говорящих стран и
России, окружающем мире, проблемах современности и т. д.
Для удобства работы пособие разделено на четыре части.
Каждая содержит набор текстов по определенной тематике:
My Profile (тексты, относящиеся непосредственно к учаще<
муся, его семье, личным проблемам); Russia Is My Home (тек<
сты об истории, культуре и традициях России); English
Speaking Countries (раздел, включающий тексты об англо<го<
ворящих странах, их культуре и традициях); World around Me
(тексты, затрагивающие проблемы современности, а также
тексты общекультурного характера). Широкий диапазон тек<
стов дает возможность выбрать нужный материал при подго<
товке монологического высказывания. Объем текстов соот<
ветствует экзаменационным требованиям.
После каждого текста дается словарик с новыми словами
и выражениями и словами, представляющими сложность для
учащихся. К словам дана транскрипция и перевод. Вопросы,
предлагаемые после списка слов, помогут учащимся лучше
усвоить тему, а также обсудить ее с учителем или однокласс<
Для достижения хорошего результата тексты рекоменду<
ется читать несколько раз. В первый раз надо прочитать текст,
выделить и выучить незнакомые слова. Во второй раз чтение
текста необходимо, чтобы ответить на вопросы, данные пос<
ле него. В третий раз текст следует пересказать, используя
вопросы как подсказку, или самостоятельно.
Пособие предназначено для подготовки к урокам в 5–11
классах, устным экзаменам в 9 и 11 классах, а также вступи<
тельным экзаменам в вуз.

My Profile
Моя биография

My name is Oleg, my surname is Petrov. I am fourteen
years old. I was born on the 25th of October, 1992. I am
Russian. I was born in Vologda and this is my hometown.
When I was a child, I went to a kindergarten. I learnt
how to draw, read and write letters and words. We learnt
Russian alphabet too.
When I was seven my parents moved to Moscow. We
have lived in this city for seven years already. My family
is not very big: I have got a mother, a father and an elder
I am a pupil. I study in the 9th form. I like studying.
My favourite school subjects are English, Russian and
Biology. I want to be a teacher of English like my mother.
I am very good at foreign languages. I want to learn
Spanish and French, too.
My teachers and parents say that I am hard<working
and clever. Sometimes I like spending time at home,
listening to music or watching TV. I also like reading,
playing computer games and drawing. Sometimes I play
football with my friends and my brother. My favourite
music genre is rock music and I always argue with my
brother who likes popular music.
When I was a child, I had a lot of hobbies, but now
I do not have much time for them. I used to collect badges
and stamps, but I gave it up, too. Now my major hobby
is English, so I read English books and watch films in
the English language.
argue [gj] спорить
badge [bd] значок
elder brother [eldə brðə] старший брат
genre [ŋr] жанр (музыки)
hard<working [hd
w :kŋ] трудолюбивый
hometown [
həυmtaυn] родной город
kindergarten [kndə
gtn] детский сад
major [medə] основной, главный

1. What is your name?
2. What is your surname?
3. Where are you from?
4. Do you have a family? Is it big?
5. Are you a pupil? What form are you in?
6. What do you like doing in your free time?

I want to tell you about my family. It is not very big. I
have got a mother, a father and a brother.
My mother’s name is Elena. She is 42. She is a teacher
of English. She works at Moscow City Pedagogical
University. She is a very good teacher, students like her a
lot. My mother likes reading books and magazines and
she knows a lot of interesting things. She is always ready
to help me with my homework if I have problems.
My father’s name is Eugenij and he is 44 years old.
He is an architect. He works for a construction firm. He
is very good at Maths and Physics. He draws schemes
and plans of buildings and I like to look at them. My
father is also very good at sport. I like to go skiing and
play football with him! My father cooks well too. He
always makes up new dishes and they are very tasty.
My elder brother Dmitry is 21. He is a student already
and he studies in Moscow State University. He is in his
fourth year. He is going to be an economist. Sometimes
he helps me with my homework when he has time, but
he doesn’t like doing it. He says that I must study myself.
I also like to go jogging with him in the morning. I think
my brother is very nice. I like talking and discussing
different things with him. He also plays the guitar very
well and sometimes we sing together.
My grandparents live in the country. Every summer
we go there to visit them. I like my grandparents and
their village. My grandmother Anna is 65. She bakes
wonderful pancakes. My grandfather is 67. In the country
I usually swim and sunbathe. My parents and my brother
join me. We usually go to the forest together and pick up
berries and mushrooms.
I love my family very much. I think it’s the best in the

architect [ktəkt] архитектор
bake [bek] печь
berry [ber] ягода
construction firm [kənstrkʃ(ə)n f :m] строительная
go jogging [dɒgŋ] бегать по утрам
join [dɔn] присоединяться
make up [mek p] выдумывать
pancake [pnkek] блин
pick up [pk p] собирать
scheme [skm] схема
tasty [test] вкусный

1. Is your family big? What members are there in your family?
2. What can you say about your parents?
3. Do you have a brother/sister? What is his/her name?
4. Do you have grandparents? Where do they live?

My family and I live in Moscow, in Leninsky Avenue.
We live on the seventh floor of a brick block of flats. Our
flat is not very big. There are three rooms in it: a kitchen,
a bathroom and a toilet.
Our living<room is small, but cozy. It is light, because
there is a big window in it. We usually sit there in the
evening and watch TV. There is a big bookcase on the
left of the door, a flat TV<set on the right and two chairs
in front of it. There is also a sofa by the window. In the
middle of the room there is a round table. We sometimes
drink tea and have dinner in the living<room. I like this
room and our guests like it, too.
I have a brother, so we have one room. It is bigger
than the others, but I sometimes think that it is too small
for the two of us. There is a wall unit, two tables, a big
window and two beds in it. We have a TV<set with a DVD<
player in our room too. I like our room, but sometimes
my brother makes a mess there and I have to clean it.
My parents’ bedroom is cozy, too. There is a big bed in
the middle, a large wardrobe for clothes, a computer and a
stereo. My brother usually plays computer games there.
The kitchen is very nice. The furniture is light brown
and the table is big. There is a microwave oven, a fridge
and an oven there. We usually have breakfast and supper
in the kitchen.
Our bathroom is small, so we have to keep our
washing<machine in the kitchen. There is a big hall in
our flat. When guests come we dance in the hall.
I like my flat a lot and I think that it is very comfortable.

avenue [vnj] проспект
bedroom [bedru(:)m] спальня
block of flats [blɒkəvflts] многоквартирный дом
brick [brk] кирпичный
clean [kln] убирать
cozy [kəυz] уютный
fridge [frd] холодильник
furniture [f :ntʃə] мебель
hall [hl] коридор
living<room [lvŋru(:)m] гостиная
make a mess [mekəmes] устраивать беспорядок
microwave oven [makrəυwevvn] микроволновая печь
oven [vn] плита
stereo [stərəυ] стереосистема,
wall unit [wljnt] стенка
wardrobe [wdrəυb] гардероб
washing<machine [wɒʃŋmə
ʃn] стиральная машина

1. Do you live in a flat?
2. Is your flat big or small?
3. How many rooms are there in your flat?
4. What is there in the living<room?
5. What is there in the kitchen?
6. Do you have your own room? Is it big?
7. What is there in your parents’ bedroom?
8. Do you like your flat? Why (not)?
It is important to have friends. I have a lot of them.
But my best friend is my classmate Denis. He is fourteen.
He is a tall boy with an oval face and brown eyes. His
hair is short and brown. Denis lives not far from my
house. We usually go for a walk, play computer games
and do our homework together. I really like spending my
time with him. Denis is a very good pupil. Sometimes he
helps me with this or that subject.
Denis loves sport. His favourite winter sport is skiing.
At weekends we go to a nearby park and ski together. In
summer we cycle and go rollerblading in the park.
Sometimes he goes with my family to our country house
and we swim in the river and pick up mushrooms and
berries in the forest.
I have other friends, too. Katya is not my classmate,
she is older. She studies in the 10th form. She likes plants
and has a big collection of violets at home. She wants to
be a biologist and she knows many interesting things
about flowers and plants. Playing the piano is Katya’s
other hobby. She plays very well. Her parents want her to
be a musician, but she doesn’t want it. Sometimes I go
to her place and listen to her playing.
All of us like computer games. We play together online
and have fun. I think that my friends are very nice and I
am glad to have them.

classmate [klsmet] одноклассник
cycle [sakl] кататься на велосипеде
nearby [nəba] близлежащий
oval [əυvl] овальный
plant [plnt] растение
rollerblade [rɒləbled] кататься на роликах
violet [vaəlt] фиалка

1. Is it important to have friends?
2. Do you have many friends?
3. Do you have the best friend? What can you say about him/
4. What do you usually do when you meet with your friends?

I want to tell you about my school. I am a pupil of
the ninth form. My school is big: it has four floors. On
the ground floor there is a gym, a canteen, a medical
room, a school museum and a library. We usually have
breakfast and lunch in the canteen. They are always very
tasty and nice.
Our gym is very up<to<date. School sports
competitions take place there.
The school library is rather big. It has a lot of modern
books and even books published in the 19th century!
Pupils get textbooks for free in the library.
The first floor is for primary school pupils. There are
several big classrooms and one with games and toys. After
school pupils can stay at school, play games and do their
homework there until their parents come to take them
On the second floor of my school you can find the
classrooms of Russian, Literature, Biology and English.
There are three classrooms of English. They are
decorated with pictures and maps.
On the third floor there are the classrooms of
Chemistry, Biology, Maths and others. We have a big
computer lab there, too. There are a lot of modern
computers in the lab. Pupils can make reports and
prepare their homework there. The Internet access is also
available for all pupils for free. Our chemistry lab is very
big. During Chemistry lessons we make experiments with
teacher’s help. I am not good at Chemistry, but I like
working in our lab a lot.
Most of our classrooms have tape<recorders, TV<sets,
video< and DVD<players, so teachers show us educational
films and documentaries. All classrooms are very cozy.
There are a lot of flowers and posters on the walls.
There are also a lot of interesting clubs at school.
I like the theatre club. We have staged a lot of plays and
I am proud that I can take part in them. We also have a
handicraft club, a dancing studio and an art studio. Any
pupil can be a member of this or that club. They are all
free of charge.
There is a large assembly hall on the third floor.
School meetings and concerts take place there. There is
a large stage and modern equipment necessary for school
plays and concerts.
I really like my school and I am happy to study in it.

assembly hall [əsembl
hl] актовый зал, конференц<зал
canteen [kəntn] столовая
cozy [kəυz] уютный
equipment [kwpmənt] оборудование
for free [fəfr] бесплатно
ground floor [graυnd
fl] первый этаж
gym [dm] спортзал
handicraft [hndkrft] ремесло
Internet access [ntənətksəs] доступ в интернет
lab [lb] лаборатория, класс
play [ple] пьеса
primary [pramər] начальный
proud [praυd] гордый
publish [pblʃ] публиковать
report [rpt] доклад
stage [sted] ставить (пьесу)
up<to<date [ptədet] современный

1. Are you a pupil?
2. What form are you in?
3. Is your school big? How many floors are there in your school?
4. What classrooms are there in your school? Is there a gym?
Is it up<to<date?
5. Where do you eat at school?
6. Are there special classrooms for every subject? Do you
have labs?
7. What is a typical classroom like in your school?
8. Are there any clubs in your school?
9. Do you like your school? Why (not)?

I want to tell you about my daily routine. I get up at 7
o’clock in the morning and go to the bathroom. I wash
myself, brush my teeth and comb my hair. While I am in
the bathroom my mother makes breakfast. I usually have
porridge and a sandwich with tea for breakfast. After it I
walk with my dog. At 8 o’clock I leave home and go to
school. It is not far from my house, but I don’t like to be
late for my lessons, that’s why I leave home earlier. On
my way to school I sometimes meet my classmates and
friends. We talk and discuss things.
I usually have six lessons at school, sometimes seven,
but never eight or nine. The first lesson starts at 8:30 in
the morning and the seventh lesson finishes at 2:05 in
the afternoon. At school we have a lot of subjects: Maths,
Russian, Literature, English, Computing, Physical
Education and others. We learn a lot of interesting and
useful things at school.
After school I go back home. I leave my bag at home
and go for a walk with my friends. I don’t go for long
walks, because I usually have a lot of homework. So, after
walking I come back home and start doing my homework.
When I have problems with it, I ask my mother or my
brother for help. My father comes back from work at 6
o’clock, and at 7 in the evening my family has supper. If
I finish my homework before supper I watch TV or play
computer games after it. Sometimes I play chess with
my father. In spring I usually go for walks with my friends
after supper and come back home at 9 in the evening or
I usually go to bed at ten, after my evening tea. That’s
my usual day.

be late [blet] опаздывать
comb hair [kəυm heə] причесываться
go for a walk [gəυ fərəwk] ходить гулять
porridge [pɒrd] каша

1. When does your usual day start?
2. What do you do in the morning?

3. What do you eat for breakfast?
4. What do you do after breakfast?
5. How many lessons do you usually have at school? When
does the first lesson start?
6. What time do you usually go home? What do you do there?
7. When do you usually have supper? What do you do after
8. When do you go to bed?


Hobby is what people like doing in their free time.
Most people choose a hobby according to their likes and
One of the most popular hobbies is collecting
different things. Some people collect badges and stamps,
some people collect bottles or flowers. There are people
who collect paintings or cars.
I collected coins when I was a child. I have a
collection of more than one thousand coins from all over
the world. My father collects stamps. His grandfather
started collecting them and then he gave his collection
to my father as a birthday present. There are very rare
stamps in the collection.
Making things with hands is another type of hobbies.
This includes drawing, painting, handicraft, etc. For
example, my friend sews small plush toys. My brother
makes toy planes. He has a big collection of them at home.
Playing computer games has become a very popular
hobby today. My brother is fond of computer games.
On the one hand it is good that a person has such a
hobby, but on the other hand it is not healthy, it can
harm his eyes.
Speaking about me, my major hobby is English. I am
very good at it. My hobby includes reading books in
English, listening to English radio stations and watching
films in English. I also talk to my foreign friends and this
helps me improve my knowledge of the language.
I also like listening to music. I have a big collection
of CDs with different kinds of music. I also have some
favourite singers and I collect information about them.
Sport is another type of hobbies. It is not a
professional sport, mostly amateur sport. Some people
play football or volleyball. Others prefer spending their
free time watching sports programmes on TV. I think that
doing sport is a good hobby.
Now I want to talk about ways of spending free time.
I think that hobbies and pastime are connected with each
other because you do whatever you like in your free time.
My friend likes travelling and he spends most of his free
time travelling to small Russian towns. He has a car and
every weekend he drives to the country to see new places.
Sometimes I go with him. I think that this is a very good
hobby. You spend much time outdoors and you see new
Personally, I like reading and watching TV in my free
time. Most of all I like English educational programmes,
though there are few of them unfortunately. I think it is
necessary to have a hobby. Your free time is not wasted.

according [əkdŋ] согласно
coin [kɔn] монета
dislikes [dslaks] отсутствие интереса
handicraft [hndkrft] ремесло
improve [mprv] улучшать

include [nkld] включать
likes [laks] увлечения, интерес
outdoors [aυtdz] на улице
plush toy [plʃtɔ] плюшевая игрушка
rare [reə] редкий
sew [səυ] шить
unfortunately [unftʃntl] к сожалению
waste [west] тратить по пусту
weekend [wkend] выходные

1. What is a hobby?
2. What is one of the most popular hobbies?
3. Do you collect anything?
4. What hobbies do the members of your family have?
5. Do your friends have any hobbies?
6. What is your hobby?
7. How do you usually spend your pastime?

I want to tell you about my favourite holidays.
Russians like holidays a lot. We usually celebrate each of
them with a lot of food and presents and in big groups of
relatives and friends.
I like New Year a lot. My mother and I usually
decorate a New Year tree with colourful glass balls and
toys. I also like cooking New Year supper, especially
Olivier salad. At night we have a real feast. We eat what
we have cooked and watch TV. After clock strikes
midnight, New Year comes. We drink champagne and
give each other presents.
My other favourite celebration is my birthday which
is in September. On this day I am in the centre of
attention. My parents and friends give me presents, and
I usually have a birthday party at home. I invite close
friends and we have fun together.
I also like St.Valentine’s Day, which is a new holiday
in Russia. It is celebrated on the 14th of February. On
this day I usually give small greeting cards to all my friends
as a sign of my attention. We also have Love mail at school.
A box is placed on the ground floor of the building and
anybody can put into it a card with the name of the person
it is addressed to and the number of the form. In the
middle of the day the mail is delivered and it is nice to
get a card from a person you don’t know.
I really enjoy holidays and celebrations!

be addressed [b ədrest] быть адресованным
be delivered [b dlvəd] быть доставленным
celebrate [selbret] отмечать
celebration [
selbreʃ(ə)n] праздник
close friend [kləυz frend] близкий друг
colourful [kləfυl] разноцветный
decorate [dekəret] украшать
feast [fst] пир
glass ball [gls bl] стеклянный шар
relative [relətv] родственник
strike [strak] бить (о часах)

1. Do Russians have holidays?
2. What are your favourite holidays?
3. How does your family celebrate them?
Russia Is My Home
Россия – мой дом

I want to tell you about my country. Russia is the
largest country in the world. It covers eastern part of
Europe and northern part of Asia. Total area of Russia is
about seventeen million square kilometres with the
population of about 145 million people.
The official name of Russia is the Russian Federation.
The colours of the national flag are white, blue and red.
Russia’s state emblem is a double headed eagle. The
country is a parliamentary republic, which means that
the President is the Head of the state. The main law of
the country is the Constitution. It guarantees the rights
of the citizens.
The country is washed by twelve seas and three
oceans: the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Arctic Ocean
in the north and the Atlantic Ocean in the west. Russia
borders on many countries: China, Georgia, Finland,
Norway, Byelorussia, Ukraine and others. The landscape
of Russia is varied. There are highlands in the east,
steppes in the south, plains and forests in the midland,
the tundra and the taiga in the north.
There are several mountain chains in my country, too:
the Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai and others. The largest
chain is the Urals which separates Russia’s European part
from its Asian part.
Russia is rich in rivers and lakes. The Volga which
flows into the Caspian Sea is the longest river in Russia.
Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
There are different types of climate on the territory
of Russia. It is very cold in the north, even in summer. In
the central part of the country winters are usually cold,
summers are very warm. The climate of Siberia is
continental: summers are hot and dry, winters are very
cold and snowy. In the south of Russia the temperature
is usually above zero all year round, even in winter.
Russia is an industrial country. It has a lot of mineral
resources: coal, natural gas and iron. There are a lot of
large factories and plants all over the country. Russia is
also an agricultural country. Russians plant corn, fruit
and vegetables.
Russia has a very rich history. It is an ancient country
with a lot of historic places of interest, big cultural centres
and small towns. There are a lot of museums, theatres,
cinemas, libraries, restaurants and clubs in big Russian
cities. Such cities are usually noisy with heavy traffic in
the streets and are full of smoke.
The capital of Russia is Moscow. Moscow is one of
the biggest cities in Europe with the population more
than ten million people. The second largest city in
Russia is St. Petersburg. This is a city of numerous
monuments, museums and art galleries. The city is on
the Neva River.
Russia is a great country with a great culture. I love
my country.

above zero [əbvzərəυ] выше нуля
be washed by [bwɒʃt
ba] омываться
cover [kvə] зд. занимать
double headed eagle [dbl
heddgl] двуглавый орел
heavy traffic [
hevtrfk] интенсивное

iron [aən] железо
law [l] закон
mountain chain [maυntntʃen] цепь гор
noisy [nɔz] шумный
numerous [njmərəs] бесчисленный
parliamentary [
pləment(ə)r парламентская
republic rpblk] республика
plain [plen] равнина
population [
pɒpjυleʃ(ə)n] население
state emblem [stet embləm] эмблема государства
steppe [step] степь
total area [
təυtleərə] общая площадь
varied [vrd] разнообразный

1. Where is Russia situated?
2. What is the total area of Russia and how many people
live in the country?
3. What is the official name of Russia?
4. What can you say about Russian national flag and state
5. Is Russia a monarchy? What is the main law of the
country? Who is the head of the Russian Federation?
6. How many seas and oceans is Russia washed by?
7. What is Russian landscape like?
8. Are there rivers and lakes in Russia? Can you name the
biggest ones?
9. What can you say about the climate of Russia?
10. Is Russia an industrial country? Why (not)?
11. What places of interest are there in the country?
12. What is the capital of Russia?

I would like to tell you about Moscow.
Moscow is the capital of Russia. The city was founded
in 1147 on the Moskva River by Prince Yuri Dolgoruki.
In the 16th century Tsar Ivan the Terrible made Moscow
the capital of the country.
Today Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world.
It is a big political, economic and cultural centre of
Russia. The total area of Moscow is about nine hundred
square kilometres and the population is about eleven
million people.
The centre of Moscow is Red Square, which is the
most popular sight for tourists. It is a place for parades,
demonstrations and meetings. In Red Square there is
St. Basil’s Cathedral, a masterpiece of Russian
architecture, erected in memory of Russia’s victory over
the Kazan Kingdom in the 16th century. Tourists can
see the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in front of
the Cathedral. It is the oldest monument in Moscow
built in memory of the victory over the Polish invaders.
The State History Museum is situated opposite St.
Basil’s Cathedral. It is one of the biggest museums in
On the territory of the Kremlin, which is the heart of
Moscow, there are old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan
the Great, the Palace of Congress, the Tsar Cannon and
the Tsar Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world.
The tallest tower, the Spasskaya Tower, is the symbol of
the Kremlin. Alexandrovsky Garden with the Tomb of
the Unknown Soldier is a memorial to the soldiers who
died in World War II.
Moscow is a big cultural centre of Russia. There are
a lot of cinemas, clubs, concert halls, numerous drama
and musical theatres, including world famous ones like
the Bolshoi Theatre and the Maly Theatre.
The city is proud of its museums and art galleries,
too. The biggest museum is the Pushkin Museum of Fine
Arts, which has one of the world’s largest collections of
ancient, oriental and classical art. The Tretyakov Gallery
is famous all over the world. It has a great collection of
works by Russian artists. The Gallery is 150 years old.
Moscow is a large educational centre with a lot of
schools, institutes, colleges and universities. The biggest
university is Moscow State University named after
Lomonosov which is on the Vorobyovy Hills. Students
from all over the world come to Moscow to study at this
Muscovites are fond of going in for sport, that is why
there are a lot of stadiums, swimming pools and sport
grounds in the city.
Moscow has large green parks where people walk and
spend weekends. The biggest among them are: Gorky
Park, Izmailovski Park and Sokolniki Park.
Moscow changes every day. This is a city of contrasts
and one should definitely come and visit Moscow.

ancient [enʃ(ə)nt] старинный
be founded [b faυndd] быть основанным
cathedral [kəθdr(ə)l] собор
city of contrast [stəvkɒntrst] город контрастов
definitely [defntl] определенно, четко
erect [rekt] сооружать, устанавливать
invader [nvedə] захватчик
masterpiece [mstəps] шедевр
oriental [
rentl] восточный
sports ground [spɒtsgraυnd] спортплощадка
1. What is Moscow? When was it founded?
2. Who made Moscow the capital of Russia?
3. How many people live in Moscow?
4. What is the centre of Moscow? What can be seen there?
5. What can be found on the territory of the Kremlin?
6. Can you prove that Moscow is a cultural centre?
7. What is the most famous university in Moscow?
8. Are there any parks in Moscow? Can you name them?

Yaroslavl is an ancient city to the north of Moscow.
It was founded in 1010 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise. There
is an old beautiful legend about the foundation of
Yaroslavl. Once Prince Yaroslav with his warriors came
to the place where the Kotorosl River flowed into the
Volga. The Prince liked the place, but the pagans who
lived there didn’t like this invasion and let their sacred
bear kill the Prince, but Yaroslav fought against the sacred
animal and killed it with his pole axe. Then he founded
the fortress and it was called Yaroslavl and the coat of
arms of the town was a bear with a pole axe on its
Yaroslavl has the rich historic past. It saw the Tatar
invasion, the Polish intervention, was damaged during
the Revolution and suffered a lot. But in spite of all these
difficult periods of history it has remained magnificently
beautiful and it is one of the greatest attractions for
tourists. Yaroslavl is one of the cities of the Golden Ring
of Russia. Every day a lot of tourists come to visit this
ancient Russian city and admire its wonderful cathedrals,
monasteries, churches and the famous embankment.
The first Russian theatre was built in Yaroslavl by
Feodor Volkov. Yaroslavl is a big industrial city. Big plants
and factories produce engines, paints, oil, tires, and other
important things. The first in the world plant producing
synthetic rubber was built in Yaroslavl, too.
When we speak about this city we can’t help
mentioning Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman
cosmonaut, who was born there.
In 2005 Yaroslavl became a member of UNESCO
because of its wonderful architecture and rich history.

admire [ədmaə] восхищаться
coat of arms [kəυtəvms] герб
embankment [mbŋkmənt] набережная
engine [endn] мотор
fortress [ftrs] крепость
found (founded, [faυnd] основывать
foundation [
faυndeʃ(ə)n] основание
intervention [
ntəvenʃ(ə)n] вторжение
invasion [nve(ə)n] нашествие
magnificent [mgnfsnt] великолепный
pagan [pegən] язычник
pole axe [pəυlks] секира
sacred [sekrd] священный
synthetic rubber [sn
θetkrbə] синтетический каучук
tire [taə] автомобильная шина
warrior [wrə] воин

1. When was Yaroslavl founded?
2. What is the legend about the foundation of the city?
3. Why are the tourists attracted by Yaroslavl?
4. What and who is Yaroslavl famous for?
Every country has customs and traditions. I want to
tell you about some holidays and traditions of my country.
Russians really love holidays. We usually celebrate
them with a lot of food, presents and in big companies
of relatives and friends.
There are three types of holidays in Russia. They are
family holidays, state holidays and religious holidays.
Let me tell you about family holidays first. They
include birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and others.
Each family has its own traditions of celebrating this or
that holiday. For example, my family celebrates my
birthday for two days. On the first day I celebrate it with
my parents, grandparents, my uncle and aunt. The
second day of celebration is only for my close friends.
They usually come in a big group with a lot of presents.
I like my birthday very much.
State or public holidays in Russia include
Constitution Day, New Year’s Day, the International
Women’s Day, May Day, Victory Day and Russia Day.
During these holidays, people do not work. They spend
time with their families and friends or go to the centre of
big cities to celebrate there. Banks, companies and some
shops do not work on these days either.
New Year’s Day is the major holiday in Russia. We
put up a New Year tree and decorate it with colourful
toys and glass balls. The main fir<tree of the country is
put up in the State Kremlin Palace. Small fir trees are
put up in shop windows, in streets and squares, even on
roofs of buildings. A lot of people like buying natural fir
trees, others prefer plastic ones. Children like the holiday
a lot. They can stay up late and then get their presents.
At ten minutes to midnight on the 31st of December
families gather in front of the TV<set and watch the
president making his traditional speech. After the clock
on the main tower of the Kremlin strikes midnight,
everybody says Happy New Year and drinks champagne.
After that the time for presents comes. Russian children
believe that Father Frost brings presents. After all the
presents are given out, Russians have fun, drink, eat, and
play games all night long.
Victory Day is a very important holiday for Russian
history. On this day we remember those who protected
our country from the German invaders during World War
II. A great parade is held on this day in Red Square.
Numerous war and patriotic films are shown on
television. On this day people congratulate veterans and
give them flowers.
The so<called religious holidays include Christmas,
Easter and others. There is also a pagan holiday –
Shrovetide or Pancake Day. These holidays are not state,
so people usually work and study on these days. At
Shrovetide, people see spring in, eat pancakes and burn
a scarecrow, which symbolizes winter.
Russian Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January,
but there is no exact date for Easter, it is different every
Nowadays foreign celebrations are becoming more
and more popular in Russia. They are Halloween and
St. Valentine’s Day. On Halloween Day some clubs
organize parties and masquerades. St. Valentine’s Day is
mostly popular with young people. They usually buy
presents for their girlfriends and boyfriends such as
chocolate and sweets and make greeting cards in the
shape of a heart.
I like Russian holidays and look forward to celebrating
each of them!
anniversary [
nv :s(ə)r] юбилей
close friend [kləυz frend] близкий друг
custom [kstəm] традиция
Easter [stə] Пасха
family holidays [fmlhɒlədez] семейные праздники
fir tree [f :tr] елка
in the shape [ʃepəvəht] в форме сердца
of a heart
masquerade [
mskəred] маскарад
pagan holiday [pegən hɒləde] языческий праздник
public holidays [pblk hɒlədez] народные праздники
put up [pυtp] ставить (елку)
relative [relətv] родственник
religious holidays [rldəshɒlədez] религиозные
scarecrow [skeəkrəυ] чучело
see spring in [ssprŋn] встречать весну
speech [sptʃ] речь
state holidays [stethɒlədez] государственные
strike [strak] бить (о часах)
wedding [wedŋ] свадьба

1. What are the three types of holidays in Russia?
2. What are family holidays? How does your family celebrate
3. What are the state holidays in Russia?
4. What is the major holiday in the country? What do Russians
do on this day? What are the traditions of this holiday?
5. What is Victory Day and when is it celebrated?
6. What do religious holidays include? How are they
7. What foreign celebrations are there in Russia?
Every Russian citizen has the right to free education.
Before going to school children may go to nursery
schools or kindergartens. At the age of six children start
going to school. First they go to primary school where
they learn to read, write and count. Primary school
finishes in the 3rd form. Then pupils go to secondary
school. After the 9th form pupils take school exams and
get a school certificate. After it they can choose either
to stay at school or go to a college to get a profession.
Most pupils stay at school and finish it with a school
diploma which allows them to enter an institution of
higher education.
After finishing school pupils can go on to higher
education. There are a lot of institutes and universities
in Russia. They offer various departments which an
entrant can choose according to his or her abilities. It is
difficult to enter an institute. Entrants should attend
university courses and then pass entrance exams.
Nowadays a new examination system is being introduced.
The so<called General State Exam1 allows pupils to enter
any Russian university if they get good and excellent
marks for it. This system hasn’t been settled yet, but in
some regions of Russia it works already. Pupils take this
examination after the 11th form.
Students in Russian universities usually have five years
of studies. At the end of every semester students have an
examination session and take exams. If students pass the
exams well they get a scholarship paid by the government.
In most universities and institutes graduates have to pass

General State Exam – Единый Государственный Экзамен
State exams and defend their final project. After
graduating from an institution of higher education they
can continue studies and enter a post<graduate school.
After defending a dissertation they get a Master’s
Degree. In medical universities students usually study
for 6 years.

ability [əblt] способность
allow sb to do sth [əlaυ] позволять кому<то
сделать что<то
attend courses [ətendksz] ходить на курсы
citizen [stzn] житель, гражданин
defend a dissertation [dfendəds : защищать
teʃ(ə)n] диссертацию
department [dptmənt] факультет
entrance exam [
entr(ə)ns вступительный
gzm] экзамен
entrant [entrənt] абитуриент
examination session [gzmneʃ(ə)n экзаменационная
seʃ(ə)n] сессия
final project [fanəlprɒdəkt] дипломная работа
graduate [grdjυət] выпускник
graduate from [grdjυet
frəm] заканчивать
institution of higher[
nsttjʃ(ə)n высшее учебное
education əvhaədju(:) заведение (ВУЗ)
introduce [
ntrədjs] зд. вводить
kindergarten [kndə
gtn] детский сад
nursery school [n :sər
skl] ясли
offer [ɒfə] предлагать
post<graduate school [pəυstgrdjυt аспирантура

primary school [pramər
skl] начальная школа

scholarship [skɒləʃp] стипендия
school certificate [sklsətfkt] школьный аттестат
secondary school [sek(ə)nd(ə)r
skl] средняя школа
semester [smestə] семестр
settle [setl] устанавливать(ся)

1. What right do Russian children have?
2. When do children start going to school? What can they
attend before going to school?
3. What do children do in primary school?
4. What can a pupil do after finishing secondary school?
5. Do pupils have any exams after the 11th form?
6. What new system is being introduced into Russian
education? What is special about it?
7. What do entrants have to do to enter an institution of
higher education?
8. Do students have any examinations during the period of
studies in a university?
9. What must students do to graduate from an institution of
higher education?
10. What can they do after graduation?

There are many popular kinds of sport in Russia. They
are: hockey, skating, figure skating, skiing, football,
swimming, running, judo and others. There are many
stadiums, sport clubs, gyms and swimming<pools now.
Many national and international matches and
championships take place in Russia. The most important
sports events are broadcast live from the stadiums.

Numerous people come to watch the games, others prefer
to do this at home watching special sports channels.
Water kinds of sport are popular in our country.
These include swimming, diving, water skiing and
boating. Fishing is very popular in all parts of Russia,
Football is one of the most popular sports in the
country. There are several football clubs and football fans
not only come to watch matches, but play football
themselves. Hockey is very popular, too.
Russia is famous for its chess players, tennis players
and figure<skaters. At the 2006 Turin Olympic Games
our country won several gold medals in figure skating.
Physical education is one of the main subjects in
Russian schools now. During the lessons pupils play
different sports games, take part in school, district and
city sports competitions.
Such sports activities as bowling and billiards have
become very popular with the Russians, especially young
ones. Such indoor games are played in sports centres
and clubs.
Even though many Russian people do not have time
for going in for sport, they still find some hours to do
sports activities.

be broadcast live [bbrdkstlav] транслироваться
в прямом эфире
billiards [bljədz] бильярд
district [dstrkt] зд. районный
diving [davŋ] прыжки в воду
event [vent] событие
figure skating [
fgəsketŋ] фигурное катание
fishing [fʃŋ] рыбалка
gym [dm] спортзал
indoor game [ndgemz] игра в помещении
judo [ddəυ] дзюдо
numerous [njm(ə)rəs] бесчисленный

1. What are the most popular sports in Russia?
2. What are the places for doing sport professionally in
3. What can you say about football as one of the most popular
kinds of sport in Russia?
4. What do pupils do during lessons of physical education?
5. What kinds of sports bring prizes to the country?
6. What new sports activities have become popular with the


Russia is the largest country in the world with a very
rich history. So it has a lot of outstanding people. Most
of them are world famous and it is nearly impossible to
enumerate all of them. There were such great scientists
as Lomonosov, who founded Moscow State University;
Mendeleyev, who discovered the Periodic System of
Elements; Popov who invented the radio. Russia is called
the mother of aviation and cosmonautics because of such
people as Tsiolkovsky, Korolyov and Gagarin. People all
over the world admire paintings by such great artists as
Surikov, Levitan and Repin. Works by our wonderful
writers and poets are translated into many languages.
I would like to tell you about some of Russian
outstanding people.
Mikhail Lomonosov is the father of the Russian
science and one of the most famous universities in the
world. Lomonosov was born in 1711 in Arkhangelsk
province. He began to read when he was a little boy. He
always wanted to study and when he was nineteen he went
to Moscow. He entered the Slavic<Greek<Latin Academy
and six years later, in 1736, he was sent abroad to
complete his studies in Chemistry and mining.
Lomonosov worked hard and became a great scientist.
He was the first Russian academician. Lomonosov
opened the first Russian chemistry lab. He was a
physicist, a painter, an astronomer, a geographer, a
historian and a statesman. In 1755 Mikhail Lomonosov
founded Moscow University which is now Moscow State
University named after him. Mikhail made research in
electricity, gravity and the character of colour.
Lomonosov was also the author of many odes and poems.
He also published a lot of scientific works, including the
first book on Russian grammar. Lomonosov died in 1765
but people still remember him.

academician [ə
kdəmʃ(ə)n] академик
Arkhangelsk [
hŋgəlsk зд. Архангельская
province prɒvns] область
chemistry lab [kemstr
lb] химическая лабора<
complete studies [kəmplt
stdz] завершить учебу
gravity [grvt] сила тяжести
enumerate [njməret] перечислять
make research [mek rs :tʃ] исследовать
mining [manŋ] горное дело
outstanding [aυtstndŋ] выдающийся
physicist [fzsst] физик
statesman [stetsmən] политик

1. Who was Lomonosov?
2. What can you say about Lomonosov’s childhood?
3. Where did he study?
4. What professions did Lomonosov have?
5. What did the scientist found in Moscow?
6. Was he an author?

Alexander Pushkin is one of the most outstanding
Russians. He was the greatest Russian poet and writer.
Pushkin devoted his life to writing poems. The young
Alexander’s first poems appeared when he was fifteen,
and by the time he left school he was regarded as a rival
by the literary leaders of that time. Pushkin was the first
poet who touched problems that were important for
Russia and its people. Because of that he was sent to exile
a few times. Pushkin wrote a lot of poems and novels.
Among his famous ones are: Eugenij Onegin, Ruslan and
Lyudmila and others. Children like to read his fairy tales
and watch wonderful cartoons based on them. When I
was a child I read all the fairy tales by this talented poet.
First my grandmother read them for me, but then when
I learnt to read, I read his tales myself. Most of Pushkin’s
best works are studied at school. There is a statue to
Pushkin in Moscow at Pushkin Square. Young and old
people gather by the statue, read poems and just meet
Pushkin is respected not only in Russia, but all over
the world. His novels and poems have been translated
into many languages and are enjoyed by foreigners.

appear [əpə] появиться
be based on sth [
bbezdən] основываться на чем<то
be regarded [
brgdəd] считаться (кем<то)
be sent to exile [
bsent(t)ə быть сосланным
cartoon [ktn] мультфильм
rival [rav(ə)l] конкурент, соперник
touch [ttʃ] зд. затрагивать

1. Who was Alexander Pushkin?
2. When did his first works appear?
3. What problems did Pushkin touch in his poems and prose?
4. Can you name some of his most famous works?

Yuri Gagarin was the first spaceman in the world.
Born in 1934, young Gagarin was a very curious and
clever boy. Since childhood Yuri was interested in planes
and made toy planes himself.
After the War the Gagarins moved to another city and
Yuri entered a vocational school in a small town near
Moscow. He attended an aero club and started flying.
After finishing a school for pilots Gagarin joined the first
group of spacemen. On the 12th of April, 1961, Yuri
Gagarin flew into space and spend more than one hour
there. He was the first man in the world who flew into
space on board a spaceship. After the successful landing
Yuri Gagarin became a national hero. He died in 1968,
but people all over the world still remember the first
Russian spaceman.

attend [ətend] посещать
curious [kjυərəs] любопытный
join [dɔn] присоединяться
national hero [
nʃən(ə)lhərəυ] национальный герой
spaceman [spesmən] космонавт
successful [s(ə)ksesfυl удачное приземление
landing lndŋ]
vocational [vəυkeʃənlskl] профессионально<
school техническое училище

1. What was Yuri Gagarin famous for?
2. When was he born?
3. What was Yuri like?
4. What institutions did Gagarin finish?
5. When did the great flight take place?
6. Was the space journey successful?

Pluschenko was sent to the ice<rink by his mother at
the age of four. His mother liked figure skating and had
some friends at the rink. When Evgegij was 11, his ice<
rink in Volgograd closed, and the boy left his home and
moved alone to St. Petersburg to train. His mother came
to Petersburg later, while his father and elder sister stayed
in Volgograd.
Pluschenko is one of the few male skaters to perform
great spins and jumps. At the age of 16, Evgenij was the
youngest male skater to receive the perfect score of 6.0.
Pluschenko’s parents never watch him compete live, even
when competitions took place at home. Pluschenko
withdrew from the 2005 World Championship after the
short program because of injury. He underwent surgery
in Munich, Germany in spring 2005.
On June 18, 2005, Pluschenko married Maria
Yermak. His wife studies sociology at the University of
St. Petersburg. They met in 2004 when Pluschenko,
driving in St. Petersburg, noticed her in a convertible and
decided to follow her.
At the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin, Italy,
Pluschenko skated two brilliant programs, and became
the Olympic champion. Looking to the future,
Pluschenko will be doing some skating tours, including
Champions on Ice.

compete [kəmpt] соревноваться
convertible [kənv :təbl] автомобиль с откидным
ice<rink [asrŋk] каток
injury [nd(ə)r] травма
live [lav] зд. вживую
male skater [
melsketə] мужчина<фигурист
move [mv] переезжать
perform [pəfm] выполнять
skating tours [sketŋ
tυəz] зд. соревнования
по фигурному катанию
spin [spn] спираль (в фиг.катании)
train [tren] тренироваться
undergo [
ndəgəυ быть прооперированным
surgery s :d(ə)r]
withdraw [wðdr] выбыть (из соревнования)

1. When was Evgenij sent to the ice<rink? Who sent him
2. What happened with Pluschenko when he was 11?
3. What is great about this male skater?
4. What happened to Evgenij during the 2005 World
5. Is he married?
6. What were the results of his performance at the 2006
Olympic Games?

Englishspeaking Countries
Англоговорящие страны

I would like to tell you about Great Britain.
The official name of the country is The United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The
country is situated in the north<west of Europe and
consists of two large islands, Great Britain and the Isle
of Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. There
are four regions in the UK: England, Wales, Scotland
and Northern Ireland. The country is washed by the
North Sea in the north, the Irish Sea in the west and the
English Channel in the south. The English Channel
separates Great Britain from France.
The climate of the country is humid and oceanic
because of the small size of the country and the
surrounding water. The English weather changes very
often. It is not very cold in winters and not very hot in
Great Britain has a lot of rivers and lakes. The most
important river is the Thames which flows into the North
Sea. The longest river is the Severn. The Lake District in
the west is the most beautiful region on the British Isles.
Famous British poets wrote their poems about the Lake
District because of its beauty. The most famous lake is
the Loch Ness. There is a legend that Nessie, the Loch
Ness monster, lives in it.
The United Kingdom has a lot of industrial cities like
Manchester and Birmingham and educational cities like
Cambridge and Oxford. The two world famous
universities, Cambridge University and Oxford
University, are situated there.
Every region of Great Britain has its own
administrative centre and the symbol.
England is the biggest region in the country. The
symbol of England is the Red Rose. London is the capital
of England and Great Britain. London is one of the
biggest and most expensive cities in the world situated
on the river Thames.
The symbol of Scotland is the thistle. Edinburgh is
the administrative centre of the region. Scotland is a
mountainous area. Ben Nevis, the highest peak of Great
Britain, is situated there. The administrative centre of
Wales is Cardiff and the symbol of the region is the
daffodil. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland and
the shamrock is its symbol.
The flag of Great Britain is called the Union Jack. It
has three crosses on the dark blue background. The
currency of the country is the pound which consists of a
hundred pence.
Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy with the
Queen as the Head of the state.
The legislative body of the country is British
Parliament consisting of two houses: The House of Lords
and the House of Commons. The head of the government
is Prime Minister. The two main political parties of
English Parliament are: the Labour Party (which is the
leading democratic party) and the Tory (the conservative
Great Britain is famous for its great poets and writers
such as William Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Arthur
Conan Doyle and others. The Beatles rock group was
born in England.
English people are famous for their love for gardening.
Many of them live in small houses surrounded by
beautiful green gardens.
English food does not vary much. The only dish that
can be called traditional is fish and chips (fried fish with
French fries). English people like going to pubs where
they can have a snack and drink a pint of beer.
Great Britain is a wonderful country. I would love to
go there one day.

administrative [ədmnistrətv административный
centre sentə] центр
consist of [kənsstəv] состоять из
constitutional [
kɒnsttjʃənl конституционная
monarchy mɒnək] монархия
currency [kr(ə)ns] валюта
daffodil [dfədl] (бот.) нарцисс
flow into [fləυntə] впадать в
have a snack [
hvəsnk] перекусить
head of the [hedəvð´əgv(ə) глава правительства
government mənt]
humid [hjmd] влажный
leading [ldŋ] ведущий, главный
legislative body [ledslətvbɒd]
mountainous area [
maυntnəseərə] гористая местность
oceanic [
əυʃnk] океанский
peak [pk] горная вершина
pence [pens] пенс (монета в 1 цент)
pint of beer [pantəvb] пинта (мера емкости,
равная 0,57 л)
pound [paυnd] фунт стерлингов
separate [sepəret] разделять
shamrock [ʃmrɒk] трилистник
surrounding [səraυndŋ] окружающий
thistle [θsl] чертополох
vary [veər] разниться, отличаться

1. What is the official name of Great Britain? Where is it
2. What does Britain consist of?
3. What is the climate of the country like?
4. What can you say about rivers and lakes of Great Britain?
5. Does the UK have a lot of cities? Can you name some of
6. What is interesting about every region of Great Britain?
Can you tell anything about their administrative centres
and symbols?
7. What is the flag of Britain like?
8. What can you say about the political system of Great
9. What are the British famous for?
10. What can you say about British national food?
11. Would you like to go to Britain and why (not)?

I want to tell you about London. London is the capital
of Britain. It was founded in 55 BC1 by Romans. This
city is Britain’s political, economic and cultural centre.
London has three big parts: the City, the West End and
the East End. The City of London is a big business centre.
After the Great Fire of 1666 the City was rebuilt, and

BC (Before Christ) – до нашей эры

since then the City has become a centre of commerce,
finance, and trade.
The West End of London has many historic places
and places of interest. The East End is the poorest district
in London with piers, warehouses and slums.
Piccadilly Circus is the heart of London. On special
occasions many people come to the statue of Eros in the
centre of the Circus. St.Paul’s Cathedral is Sir
Christopher Wren’s creation. It contains a lot of
paintings, sculptures and other works of art.
The Houses of Parliament are the building in which
Parliament sits. Big Ben, the famous clock, is situated
there. Westminster Abbey is one of the most popular
cathedrals. A lot of famous people are buried inside:
Queen Elizabeth I, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin,
William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and many others.
London has a number of royal palaces. Buckingham
Palace is one of them. It has been the residence of British
kings and queens for ages. When Queen Elizabeth is at
home the flag is above the palace.
Trafalgar Square is famous for the tall monument in
the centre of it. The monument, which is called Nelson’s
Column, was built to commemorate the Battle of
Trafalgar and to honour Admiral Nelson. The National
Gallery, which is situated near the square, contains the
national collection of Western European painting.
The British Museum is one of the biggest museums
in the world. It was founded in 1753 by an act of
Parliament. In 1857 the famous Reading Room was built
in the museum. There are a lot of artifacts and pieces of
art on display at the museum. There is a big clock
exhibition, the Egyptian Sculpture Gallery.
But still one of the most famous museums in London
is Madam Tussaud’s Museum, which has a great
collection of wax figures. The museum consists of several
galleries where visitors can see wax figures of presidents,
pop<stars, football players, film stars, musicians and other
outstanding people.
The Tower of London is the oldest building in the
city built in the 11th century. It used to be a prison, a
fortress, a palace, a treasury and even a zoo. The oldest
part of the Tower is the White tower. Most of the public
displays are in the White Tower nowadays. They include
a big collection of armour, jewels and clothes. Twelve
black ravens live in the Tower of London. There is a
legend that England will be prosperous till the ravens live
behind the Tower walls. If one of the ravens dies, it is
replaced by another.
One of the London sites is Tower Bridge. This is a
bridge across the Thames built because of the need for
an open waterway for large ships.
London is an educational centre, too. From all over
the world students come to the University of London,
the largest university in England. London is also a cultural
centre. There are more than forty theatres in the West
End of London.
London is also a big shopping centre. It has many
cheap and expensive shops of different kinds, so
visitors can find anything in them. Harrods is one of
the most famous and most expensive shops in the
world. Famous people including the Royal Family buy
things there.
London is really a great city. I would love to visit it
one day.

armour [mə] оружие
be buried [b berd] быть захороненным
be dedicated to [b dedketd] быть посвященным
clock exhibition [klɒk
eksbʃ(ə)n] выставка часов
commemorate [kəmeməret] чтить память
commerce [kɒm :s] коммерция
contain [kənten] содержать
creation [kreʃ(ə)n] создание
fortress [ftrs] крепость
honour [ɒnə] почитать
jewel [dυəl] драгоценность
masterpiece [mstəps] шедевр
monument [mɒnjυmənt] памятник
occasion [əke(ə)n] событие
open waterway [əυp(ə)nwtəwe] открытый водный
pier [pə] пирс
poorest district [pυərəsdstrkt] беднейший район
prison [przn] тюрьма
prosperous [prɒsp(ə)rəs] процветающий
public display [pblk dsple] всеобщее обозрение
raven [revn] ворон
replace [rples] заменять, подменять
sit [st] зд. заседать
slum [slm] трущобы
the Middle Ages [
mdledz] средние века
trade [tred] торговля
treasury [tre(ə)r] сокровищница
warehouse [weəhaυs] товарный склад
wax figure [
wksfgə] восковая фигура

1. What is London?
2. When was the city founded?
3. How many parts does London consist of and what are they?

4. What places of interest are there in the city centre?
5. Why are the Houses of Parliament famous?
6. What is Buckingham Palace famous for?
7. What art galleries and museums are there in the city?
8. Why can London be called a cultural and educational
9. Is London a shopping centre? Why (not)?

No one knows Oxford’s age. The city was first
mentioned in 912. The city is famous for the university.
Oxford University is over 800 years old. Today it consists
of 35 independent colleges and 5 halls. It also has central
libraries and laboratories.
There are some museums and art galleries in Oxford,
too. For example, the Ashmolean Museum which is the
oldest museum in Britain. It has a good collection of
antiques, European paintings, sculptures and silver. In
the Christ Picture Gallery you can see works of Italian
painters from the 14th to the 18th century.
The Museum of the History of Science is the home
to many scientific instruments of the 16 th century,
collections of ancient chemical machines, watches and
clocks and medical instruments.
Oxford is a very beautiful town with narrow streets,
small shops and markets. Every year it attracts tourists
from all over the world. They visit the famous university
and get to know about students’ life in Oxford. I would
love to go there one day to feel the atmosphere of this
old educational centre of England.

antique [ntk] антикварная вещь
be mentioned [
bmenʃ(ə)nd] упоминаться
hall [hl] здание колледжа
independent [
ndpendənt независимый колледж
college kɒld]
silver [slvə] зд. серебряные изделия

1. When was Oxford first mentioned?
2. What is Oxford famous for?
3. Does the city have any museums and galleries? What can
you say about them?

The town is called Stratford<upon<Avon because it
stands on the river Avon. This town is very much popular
with tourists. This is because William Shakespeare, the
greatest English dramatist and writer, was born and
brought up there. Stratford is small, but it has a lot of
places of interest. Among them is the house where
Shakespeare was born. Nowadays this is a museum which
has a big exhibition illustrating Shakespeare’s life and
New Place is the house where William Shakespeare
spent his last years and died. Ann Hathaway’s Cottage
attracts tourists too, because this is the house of
Shakespeare’s wife. The Holy Trinity Church is the place
where the Shakespeares are buried.
The Butterfly Farm is a wonderful place with ponds,
streams and waterfalls. Different exotic flowers grow up
there. The Insect City has a large collection of spiders
and other insects that are kept in glass cages.
The Teddy Bear Museum houses a great collection
of bears from all over the world.

attract [ətrkt] привлекать
be buried [
bberd] быть захороненным
bring up [
brŋp] воспитывать
butterfly [btəfla] бабочка
dramatist [drmətst] драматург
exotic [gzɒtk] экзотичный
glass cage [glsked] аквариум (для насекомых)
pond [pɒnd] пруд
spider [spadə] паук
stream [strm] река
waterfall [wtəfl] водопад

1. Why is the town called Stratford<upon<Avon?
2. Why is it popular with tourists?
3. What museums are there in Stratford?
4. What places can be interesting for tourists?


Great Britain is an old country and it has a lot of
holidays and interesting traditions. Holidays in the
country are historic and public. Most public holidays are
called bank holidays because banks, companies and most
shops do not work on these days. Such holidays include
New Year’s Day, Easter Monday and others.
At Easter, the British give each other chocolate eggs,
which they eat on Easter Sunday.
Christmas is on the 25th of December. Families spend
this day together. For many people this is the most
important holiday of the year. Family members wrap up
their presents and put them under the Christmas tree.
Children hang colourful socks at the end of their beds
for presents. They believe that Father Frost puts presents
inside the socks.
New Year’s Day is not as important in Britain as it is in
Russia. People usually make promises to themselves such
as to give up smoking, to change their lifestyle and others.
St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14 th of
February. This is the traditional day for those who are in
love. Young people give flowers and greeting cards to their
Valentines and celebrate this day together.
Halloween is a holiday loved by all children. It takes
place on the 31st of October. There are a lot of parties
and people dress up in costumes of witches and ghosts
and make lanterns of pumpkins with a candle inside.
People also play different games and have fun. Children
usually go from one house to another with empty baskets
or bags, knock on doors and say: Trick or treat. People
should give them something, or they will play a trick on
Among historic holidays, Guy Fawkes Night can be
mentioned. In the 15th century, a group of people with
Guy Fawkes as their leader decided to blow up the
Houses of Parliament. They did not manage to do this
and Guy Fawkes was caught and hanged. Since then
the British celebrate this day burning a doll made of
straw and dressed in old clothes on a bonfire. Children
dress in old clothes and beg in the street saying: A penny
for the Guy.
There are a lot of customs in Great Britain. One of
the most famous is gardening. Most of the English
keep small gardens full of flowers behind their houses
or around them. In spring, there are a lot of flower<
shows and vegetable<shows with prizes for the best
In Northern Ireland there is a holiday called
St. Patrick’s Day. It is celebrated on the 17th of March.
On this day people wear green clothes and drink Irish
beer. There are carnivals and barbeques all over the

basket [bskt] корзинка
be caught [
bkt] быть пойманным
be in love [
nlv] влюбиться
beg [beg] просить подаяния
blow up [
bləυp] взрывать
bonfire [bɒn
faə] костер
carnival [knv(ə)l] карнавал
change one’s [tʃendlafstal] поменять образ жизни
dress up [dresp] наряжаться
flower<show [flaυəʃəυ] выставка цветов
ghost [gəυst] привидение
give up [gvp] зд. бросать
hang (hanged, [hŋ] казнить через пове<
hanged) шение
hang (hung, [hŋ] вешать
knock [nɒk] стучать
lantern [lntən] фонарь
manage [mnd] справляться, удаваться
promise [prɒms] обещание
pumpkin [pmpkn] тыква
straw [str] солома
treat [trt] угощение
trick [trk] шутка
vegetable<show [vedtəblʃəυ] овощная выставка
witch [wtʃ] ведьма
wrap up [
rpp] заворачивать

1. What kind of holidays are there in Britain?
2. What do bank holidays mean?
3. What is the most popular holiday with the British?
4. What can you tell about Halloween?
5. Can you tell anything about historic holidays?
6. What British customs do you know?

Schools in Britain are of two types: free state schools
and public schools, which are for money. There are four
kinds of state schools: county schools, voluntary schools,
special schools and self<governing schools.
About 93 per cent of pupils in Great Britain get free
education while the others go to public schools.
Compulsory education begins at the age of five in Britain
and at the age of four in Northern Ireland, when children
go to infant schools. At the age of seven many children
go to junior schools. Some pupils attend comprehensive
schools or grammar schools, to which they are sent after
exams at the age of eleven.
About 7 per cent of schoolchildren attend
independent schools. Independent schools range from

small kindergartens to large day and boarding schools.
Preparatory schools prepare children for going to
senior school. Some independent schools are re<
The National Curriculum consists of major subjects,
which are compulsory for 5 to 16<year<olds. In England
the major subjects of the Curriculum are English,
mathematics and science, and the basic subjects are
technology (design, technology and information
technology), history, geography, music, art, physical
education and, for secondary school pupils, a foreign
About 67 per cent of pupils continue to study after
the age of 16. Education after 16 is divided into further
and higher education. After the state exams pupils can
stay at school or study in a further education college.
Most post<school education is provided at universities,
polytechnics, colleges of further or higher education,
adult education centres or specialized colleges.
There are about 90 universities in Britain, of which
one, Buckingham, is private, and one, the Open
University (OU) is open to students of any age. Most of
them are employed people who study in their free time.
They get education through radio and television, in
classes at local centres and at summer schools.
The biggest universities are Cambridge, Oxford and
London University. British universities are rather small;
the approximate number of students is about 7<8
thousand people. London and Oxford universities are
international: people from all over the world come to
study there. A number of well<known scientists and
writers, such as Newton, Darvin, Byron studied in

approximate [əprɒksmtnmbə] приблизительное
number число
basic [besk] основной
be divided [dvadd] делиться
be provided [prəvadd] обеспечиваться
boarding school [bdŋ
skl] школа<интернат
comprehensive [
kɒmprhensv] общеобразователь<
school ная школа
compulsory [
kəmpls(ə)r] обязательный
county school [kaυnt
skl] школа графства
employed [mplɔd] работающий
free education [fr
edju(:)keʃ(ə)n] бесплатное обучение
free state school [frstet
skl] бесплатная государ<
ственная школа
further [f :ðərədju(:)< дальнейшее образо<
education keʃ(ə)n] вание
higher [haərədju(:)< высшее образование
education keʃ(ə)n]
independent [ndəpəndənt
skl] независимая школа
infant school [nfənt
skl] дошкольное учреж<
junior school [dnjə
skl] младшие классы
major [medə] главный, основной
National [nʃənlkərkjυləm] государственная
Curriculum учебная программа
post<school [pəυst
skl обучение
edju(:)keʃ(ə)n] в аспирантуре
preparatory [prprət(ə)r
skl] подготовительная
school школа
public school [pblk
skl] частная школа для
range [rend] варьироваться
self<governing [selfgvənŋ
skl] автономная школа
senior school [snjə
skl] старшая школа
special school [speʃ(ə)l
skl] специализированная
summer school [smə
skl] летняя школа
take courses [tekksz] ходить на курсы
voluntary [
skl] благотворительная
school школа

1. How many types of schools are there in Britain?
2. Do the British get free education?
3. What is the National Curriculum? What does it consist
4. Do young people continue to study after the age of 16?
What are the possibilities for them?
5. Are there any universities in Britain? What are the biggest

Sport plays a very important role for the British. Many
of them spend their leisure time playing outdoor and
indoor games, cycling, mountain climbing, boxing, etc.
The national sports of Great Britain are: football, golf,
lawn tennis, table tennis, racing and darts.
There are two kinds of football in Britain. They are
soccer and rugby. Soccer is the traditional football, which
is played in many other countries in the world. Rugby
appeared in 1895 at Rugby School. It differs from soccer.
For example, rugby players may carry the oval ball during
the match. It is played in teams of 15 men.
Golf, which is one of the most popular kinds of sport
in Britain, originated in Scotland. Golf is mostly played
by well<off people, which is different from cricket. This
game is played in schools, universities and colleges.
Nobody knows exactly how old this game is, thbut some
form of cricket was played in England in the 13 century.
Wimbledon Championship in lawn tennis is world
famous. It takes place in the town of Wimbledon in
summer. People come to the stadium to watch the game
and many of them watch it on television.
The British are fond of racing and its different kinds.
Horse racing, dog racing, boat racing and motor racing
are among the most popular kinds of sport in Britain.
The most famous boat race takes place in England and it
is between Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
There are also very exotic kinds of sport for the rich,
such as fox<hunting or just hunting. But many people
are against them now because these kinds of sport mean
killing animals. This sport was very popular with English
All people in Great Britain are fond of sports and go
in for sport regularly.

appear [əpə] появляться
carry [kr] носить (в руке)
darts [dts] дартс (метание дротиков)
hunting [hntŋ] охота
indoor game [nd
gem] комнатная игра
lawn tennis [ln
tens] большой теннис
leisure [leə] досуг, свободный
mean [mn] означать, предполагать
originate [ərdnet] возникать, брать начало
outdoor game [aυtd
gem] игра на открытом воздухе
racing [resŋ] гонки
rugby [rgb] регби
soccer [sɒkə] классический футбол
table tennis [tebl
tens] настольный теннис
well<off [welɒf] обеспеченный, богатый

1. What are the British national kinds of sport?
2. What kinds of football are there in Great Britain? What’s
the difference between them?
3. What do you know about golf and cricket?
4. What is Wimbledon famous for?
5. What kinds of racing are popular in Britain?
6. What sports make people alarmed?


Great Britain is known for its poets, writers and
singers. It gave birth to such famous people as William
Shakespeare, Robert Burns, Charles Dickens, Arthur
Conan Doyle, Alexander Bell, Princess Diana, and
others. The Beatles group was also founded in Britain.
I would like to tell you about some of Britain’s
outstanding people.

William Shakespeare, the greatest dramatist and
writer, was born in Stratford<upon<Avon in 1564. His
father was a glover and his mother was the daughter of a
famous farmer. Shakespeare went to grammar school,
but he never entered any university. He is famous for his
great tragedies including Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth and
the best known love story in the world Romeo and Juliet.
Many well<known sayings come from his works, and
Shakespeare also had a great influence on English
literature and the language. His plays are studied by
British schoolchildren as part of their school programme.
Shakespeare’s works are known for their beautiful
language and for the understanding of how people think
and feel. William Shakespeare also wrote poetry,
including the sonnets. He worked as an actor and a
playwright at the Globe Theatre in London, which
has recently been rebuilt as a copy of the original
Shakespeare married once and had three children.
After his death in 1616 his house in Stratford became a
museum and now it is a popular place with tourists.
Shakespeare’s plays were staged in many theatres and
translated into numerous languages. They are still read
and loved by many people.

be studied [
bstdd] изучаться
be translated [
btrnsletd] быть переведенным
give birth [gvb :θ] порождать
glover [glvə] перчаточник
grammar school [grmə
skl] школа грамматики
have an influence [
hvənnflυəns] влиять
marry [mr] жениться
numerous [njm(ə)rəs] бесчисленный
play [ple] пьеса
playwright [plerat] драматург
poetry [pəυtr] поэзия
saying [seŋ] поговорка
sonnet [sɒnt] сонет
stage [sted] ставить (пьесу)
tragedy [trdd] трагедия

1. Who is Britain famous for?
2. Who was William Shakespeare?
3. What can you tell about Shakespeare’s early years and his
4. What did Shakespeare write? What are his works famous
5. Where did Shakespeare work? What was he?
6. When did the writer die?

Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the
telephone. He was born in Scotland in 1874. Bell entered
the University of Edinburgh and became a teacher. Later
he decided to become a doctor and he entered the
medical department at the University of London.
Then Bell left for the USA and studied sounds there.
An idea of inventing a special machine for deaf people
occurred to him. Working on this machine he invented
the telephone in 1876. At first the telephone was not
popular with the public, but after a big campaign it
became famous in America. Bell started the Bell
Telephone Company to produce telephones.
Alexander Bell also improved the telegraph which
could send more than one message at a time. Later he
gave up his business and spent his money on other
scientific research. He also founded the National
Geographic Society in 1888.
Bell died in 1922 in Canada respected both in Britain
and the USA.
inventor [nventə] изобретатель
medical [medk(ə)l медицинский
department d
ptmənt] факультет
study sounds [stdsaυndz] изучать звуки
deaf [def] глухой
occur to sb [ək :] осенять кого<то
(об идее)
campaign [kmpen] рекламная кампания
give up [
gvp] зд. бросать, оставлять
scientific [
saəntfk научное исследование
research rs :tʃ]
respect [rspekt] уважать

1. Who was Alexander Bell?
2. Where was he born?
3. Where did Bell study?
4. What was the country Bell moved to? What did he do there?
5. Did Bell continue his business?

Robert Burns, a well<known Scottish poet, was born
in 1759 into a poor family of a farmer. He was the eldest
child of the seven in the family. Robert’s mother knew a
lot of folk tales and she used to tell them to the children.
At the age of six Burns went to school because his father
wanted him to be an educated person. The boy liked
reading and read a lot. William Shakespeare was his
favourite writer. When Robert was fifteen he started
writing poems about common people and things around
Later he organized a society for young people where
they could discuss different problems. After his father’s
death, Robert had to work on a small farm, but then he
sold it and became an officer. At the age of twenty<seven
Burns published his book of poems called Poems.
He also wrote the words of the song Auld Lang Syne,
the song which the Scots sing on New Year’s Day. Robert
Burns died in 1796 in poverty, but people all over the
world know and love his poetry. Scottish people all over
the world celebrate his birthday on January 25, called
Burns Night.

folk tale [fəυk
tel] народная сказка
educated [edju(:)ketd] образованный
common [kɒmən] обыкновенный
organize a society [gənazəsəsaət] организовать
in poverty [pɒvət] в нищете

1. What can you say about Robert Burns’ family and
2. When did Robert start writing poems?
3. What was the society Burns organized?
4. What is the famous song which Robert Burns wrote?
5. What is the celebration of his birthday called?

Charles Dickens, a famous English writer, was born
in 1812 into a poor family in London. When Charles was
ten his father was taken to prison and the boy stopped
going to school. Dickens had to work hard to earn money
for his family. Later he described this period of life in his
book David Copperfield. This novel is a biographical one.
At the age of 12 he started going to school again.
In 1829 Dickens became a reporter, and in 1830 he
met and fell in love with Maria Beadnell, the daughter
of a banker. In 1833 their relationship ended because
Maria’s parents did not think Dickens a suitable man
for their daughter.
When Dickens was twenty<five he became one of
the best newspaper reporters in London. He liked the
job a lot. In 1838 he published his novel Oliver Twist
which had a great success. His books show how hard
life was in Victorian England, especially for poor people
and children. Dickens’s father was taken to prison again
and Charles had to pay to help him. Later the family
asked Dickens to give them money again and again. In
1835 Charles met and became engaged to Catherine
Charles Dickens spent much of his adult life abroad
travelling with his family in France, Spain, Switzerland,
but died suddenly at Gadshill near Rochester in 1870.
His novels are still popular and people read them with
pleasure. Some of his works are: Little Dorrit, A Tale of
Two Cities, Great Expectations and other wonderful novels.

adult life [dlt
laf] взрослая жизнь
be taken [btekntəprzn] быть арестованным
to prison
describe [dskrab] описывать
newspaper [njs
pepə ri
ptə] журналист
Victorian [vktrənŋglənd] Викторианская Англия
England (эпохa королевы
with pleasure [wð pleə] с удовольствием

1. Where and when was Charles Dickens born?
2. Was his life in childhood easy?
3. What was Dickens’s private life like?
4. What was Dickens at the age of 25?
5. What are his famous works? Why are they popular?

Diana Frances Spencer was born in Sandringham,
Norfolk on the 1st of July in 1961. She was the youngest
daughter of Viscount Althorp. Diana had two elder
sisters, Jane and Sarah, and a younger brother, Charles.
Diana was only six years old when her parents
separated: her mother, Frances, left to join a wealthy
businessman. Diana and her brother, Charles, spent
much of their childhood moving from one parent to the
When Diana was twelve she attended West Heath
School in Kent. She left at the age of sixteen and spent a
few years in Switzerland.
In 1979 Diana worked as a nanny and as an assistant
at the Young England kindergarten. At that time she got
acquainted with Prince Charles and they started seeing
each other.
On the 29th of July, 1981, about 600,000 people filled
the streets of London on Prince Charles and Lady Diana
Spencer's wedding day. They married at St Paul’s
Cathedral. In less than a year Charles and Diana had
their first child, William, on the 21st of June, 1982. A
second son, Prince Harry, was born on the 15 th of
September, 1984.
Princess Diana appeared a glamorous Princess who
won the hearts of the nation, as well as international
acclaim. She did a lot of charitable work and in 1989 she
opened the Landmark AIDS Centre.
However things were not well with her relationship
with her husband and his family, partly because of Prince
Charles’ long<running relationship with Camilla Parker<
Bowles. Because of this the couple separated in 1992 and
divorced in August, 1996.
Princess Diana continued her charitable work and
became a campaigner against landmines making trips to
Angola and Bosnia.
Diana died in a car crash on the 31st of August, 1997.
Her lover, Dodi Al Fayed and the driver, Henri Paul, were
also killed in the accident in a tunnel under the Place de
l’Alma in Paris after the group were being chased by
Still Princess Diana remains the Princess of the hearts
and millions of people remember her.

accident [ksd(ə)nt] происшествие
AIDS [edz] СПИД
appear [əpə] зд. казаться
assistant [əsst(ə)nt] помощник
attend [ətend] зд. ходить (в школу)
be chased [
b tʃezd] преследоваться
campaigner against [kmpenə участник компании
landmines lndmanz] против мин
car crash [k
krʃ] автомобильная авария
charitable work [tʃrtəbl
w :k] благотворительная
childhood [tʃaldhυd] детство
couple [kpl] пара (муж и жена)
divorce [dvs] разводиться
get acquainted [
getəkwentd] знакомиться
glamourous [glmərəs] обаятельная
international [
ntənʃənl международное
acclaim əklem] признание
join [dɔn] зд. соединиться
kindergarten [kndə
gtn] детский сад
long<running [lɒŋrnŋr< длительные
relationship leʃ(ə)nʃp] отношения
make trips [mektrps] совершать поездки
nanny [nn] няня
paparazzi [ppərtz] папарацци, фотографы
partly [ptl] отчасти
remain [rmen] оставаться
separate [sepəret] расставаться
start seeing sb [sttsŋ] начать встречаться
tunnel [tn(ə)l] тоннель
wealthy [welθ] обеспеченный, богатый
wedding day [wedŋ
de] день свадьбы

1. What do you know about Diana’s early years?
2. What was Diana when she met Prince Charles?
3. How many children did Diana and Charles have?
4. Was Diana’s marriage successful? Why (not)?
5. Why did Diana win the hearts of the British?
6. What happened in Diana and Charles’ family in 1992?
7. What happened to Diana in 1997?

The United States of America is situated in North
America and is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west
and the Atlantic Ocean in the east. The country borders
on Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. It sea<
borders on Russia as well.
The landscape of the country varies much. The
country has a lot of mountain chains, plains, canyons
and even deserts. The Rocky Mountains are the highest
mountains in the USA; the Appalachian Mountains go
along the eastern coast.
The USA is rich in lakes and rivers. The Great Lakes
are the five biggest lakes in the country: Lake Superior,
Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake
Ontario. The longest river in the USA is the Mississippi
which joins the Missouri. The famous Niagara Falls are
situated in New York State and are the biggest falls in
the world.
The climate of the country is varied. The winter
temperature in Alaska is twenty<five degrees below zero
while in Florida it is twenty degrees above zero. In
Southern states it is warm all year round while in northern
states the weather is changeable and mostly cold.
The USA is rich in mineral resources such as coal,
gas, oil and different metals. It exports computers and
electronics, transportation equipment and machinery.
The flag of the USA has thirteen white and red
stripes and 50 white stars on the dark blue background
(one star is for one state). The currency of the country
is the dollar which consists of one hundred cents. The
United States is a federative republic which includes
fifty states and one independent district – District of
Columbia with the city of Washington, the capital of
the USA. The President is the head of the country. Every
state has its own constitution and laws, but the main
law of the country is the Constitution. The main
political parties in the country are the Republicans and
the Democrats.
The population of the USA is mixed. There are white
people, Afro<Americans, South Americans, the Chinese
and the Japanese. There are also American Indians that
are called natives. The country has numerous big cities
and small towns. New York City is the largest city in the
USA and the fourth largest city in the world with the
population more than 14 million people.
Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States.
This is a political centre of the country. The Capitol and
the White House (the residence of the president) are
situated there. This city is also famous for its numerous
monuments, museums and art galleries.
Los Angeles on the western coast is one of the most
popular cities in the world. San Francisco is famous for
its Golden Gate Bridge and small trams going in the city.
The United States is a fascinating country and I will
definitely visit it one day.

above zero [əbvzərəυ] выше нуля
rich in [rtʃn] богатый чем<то
below zero [bləυzərəυ] ниже нуля
border [bdə] граничить
changeable [tʃendəbl] непостоянный
constitution [
kɒnsttʃ(ə)n] конституция
currency [krəns] валюта
definitely [defntl] определенно, точно
desert [dezət] пустыня
fascinating [fsnetŋ] очаровательный
federative [fedərətv федеративная
republic rpblk] республика
independent [
ndpendənt независимый
district dstrkt] округ
join [dɔn] сливаться
machinery [məʃnər] машинное оборудование
mixed [mkst] смешанный
numerous [njm(ə)rəs] бесчисленный
plain [plen] равнина
residence [rezdəns] резиденция
sea<border [sbdə] иметь морскую границу
stripe [strap] полоса
tram [trm] трамвай
transportation [
trnspteʃ(ə)n транспортное
equipment kwpmənt] оборудование
vary [veər] разниться

1. Where is the USA situated?
2. Is the landscape of the country varied?
3. What major lakes and rivers are there in the USA?
4. What can you say about the climate of the country?
5. What can you say about the flag of the USA and the
political system of the country?
6. What famous American cities can you name?
7. Would you like to go to the USA? Why (not)?

Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia) is the
capital of the USA. It was named after George
Washington, the first president of the country. This is a
political centre of the US. The city stands on the Potomac
River. The central part of D.C. is called the Mall. This is
a green avenue where museums and art galleries are
situated. The Capitol and the White House (the residence
of the president) are situated there, too. The members of
Congress meet in the Capitol to discuss new laws.
The Capitol Building is one of the greatest buildings
in Washington. It is easy to recognize because of its large
white dome, which is the fourth largest dome in the
world. There is a law that no building in D.C. can be
taller than the Capitol, so it can be seen from any part of
the city. This tradition is still kept.
The Library of Congress was established by an act of
Congress in 1800. In 1814 the library was burned by the
British and Thomas Jefferson gave his collection of books
to the Library. It included books in foreign languages and
volumes of philosophy, science, literature, etc.
The White House is the oldest public building in the
District of Columbia, and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is
the most famous address in the United States. Here every
President, except George Washington, has lived. In the
past 200 years, the White House has become the symbol
of American Presidency all over the world. Tourists can
visit many rooms in the House except for those that the
President and his family occupy.
Washington is also famous for its numerous
monuments, museums and art galleries. The
Smithsonian Institution, the world’s largest museum
complex, consists of sixteen museums and the National
Zoological Park. The National Museum of American
History was opened in 1964, and named as the National
Museum of History and Technology. In 1980, the name
was changed to the Museum of American History. This
museum has collections and objects of transportation,
communications, agriculture, medicine, science, and
technology. The National Air and Space Museum which
opened in 1976, has a great collection of flying machines
and spacecraft.
The Zoo is located in Rock Creek Park. This place
occupies a hillside. Altogether the Zoological Park has
about 2,800 animals.
The Washington Monument is a tall obelisk. It was
built in 1878 in memory of George Washington, the first
President of the USA. A lift takes visitors to the 500<foot
level in 70 seconds. From the observation floor people
enjoy the view of the city.
The Lincoln Memorial was built in 1922. It looks like
a Greek temple with the statue of Lincoln inside. The 36
columns around the memorial represent the states in the
Union at the time of Lincoln’s death. The names of 48
states at the time when the memorial was completed in
1922 are written on the walls.
Thomas Jefferson’s memorial is very beautiful,
especially in early spring when the Japanese cherry trees,
surrounding it, are in bloom. The trees were given as a
gift from Tokyo in 1912.
Most of the people who live in Washington work for
government. Others live in the outskirts of the city, in
the so<called villages. The Metro system of the city is
very well<organized. It is very clean as it’s prohibited to
eat or drink anything in cars and on platforms.
The city is planned very well. Streets that run from
south to north are numbered. The streets that go from
east to west are lettered. Large streets are called avenues
and have the names of big states. For example,
Pennsylvania Avenue. So it’s hard to get lost in
It is a very interesting city and I will visit it one day.
avenue [vnj] проспект
be in bloom [blm] цвести
be kept [kept] зд. сохраняться
car [k] зд. вагон метро
cherry tree [tʃertr] вишня
dome [dəυm] купол
established [stblʃt] основанный
Greek temple [grktempl] греческий храм
law [l] закон
lettered [letəd] обозначенный буквами
member of [membərəv член Конгресса
Congress kɒngrəs]
museum [mju(:)zəm музейный комплекс
complex kɒmpleks]
numbered [nmbəd] пронумерованный
numerous [njm(ə)rəs] бесчисленный
observation [
ɒbzəveʃ(ə)nflɒ] смотровая площадка
occupy [ɒkjυpa] занимать
outskirts [aυtsk :ts] окраины
prohibit [prəhbt] запрещать
recognize [rekəgnaz] узнавать
sign [san] знак
spacecraft [speskrft] космический корабль
subway [sbwe] (AmE) метро
volume [vɒljυm] том (книги)
well<organized [welgənazd] хорошо организо<
1. What is Washington, D.C.?
2. What famous buildings are there in the city? What are they
famous for?
3. Are there any museums and galleries in D.C.?
4. What monuments to great American presidents are there
in Washington?
5. Who mostly live in the city? Where do other people live?
6. What can you say about the city plan?


New York City, which is situated in New York State,
is the biggest city of the USA. It is also called The Big
Apple. In the 19th century it was very dirty with chickens
walking along streets and avenues. When immigrants
began to arrive, New York started to grow fast. Trains,
railways, bridges, steam boats and skyscrapers appeared.
The first skyscraper was built in 1888. It had only
thirteen floors, but the next one had twenty<two. The
Empire State Building has 102 floors. Now New York
is an industrial, financial, political, cultural and business
centre of the country.
The city is situated in the mouth of the Hudson River
and is divided into five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn,
Queens, Bronx and Staten Island. Brooklyn is also called
the bedroom of New York because many people live there.
Richmond is a poor district of New York. The Bronx is
more residential, and Queens is both residential and
industrial borough of the city. A lot of Latino people live
in Queens and Brooklyn.
Manhattan is the heart of New York. It is the centre
of American finance, art, theatre, fashion, shopping, etc.
Manhattan is divided into two sides: the West Side and
the East Side. There is also a division into Downtown,
Midtown and Uptown Manhattan. The Wall Street is one
of the most famous streets in New York. The New York
Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange are
situated there.
Chinatown is another tourist attraction of New York.
It has a lot of restaurants and small shops. The financial
centre of New York is Midtown Manhattan where there
are plenty of offices, companies and skyscrapers. The
Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building are one
of the tallest buildings in the world.
Times Square is famous for its colourful
advertisements and Theatre District which begins at the
Square and goes to Broadway Street. Broadway is the
home to many big and small theatres of New York. It
starts in Times Square.
Central Park which is in Uptown Manhattan was
designed in the 1850s. There are many places of interest
in it: a skating<rink, a zoo, a lake where you can row,
and an outdoor theatre. People can take a horse ride
through Central Park or rent a bicycle.
New York is also famous for its museums and art
galleries. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the biggest
and one of the most important among them. It is one of
the largest and finest museums in the world. It houses
more than two million works of art.
The Statue of Liberty is the American symbol of
freedom. It has stood in New York harbour since 1886.
The Statue was given to the USA as a gift by the French.
The statue is made from copper sheets and it is hollow
inside. There is a circular stairway and a lift inside the
New York is a well<planned city, so it is easy for
strangers to find their way there.
Streets are called by ordinal numbers or letters of the
alphabet, for example, First Avenue, Second Street,
Avenue B, etc.
New York is an exciting city and I would love to visit it.
advertisement [ədv :tsmənt] реклама, объявление
borough [brə] район Нью<Йорка
circular [s :kjυlə] круглый, циркулярный
copper [kɒpə] медь
district [dstrkt] район
division [dv(ə)n] деление
hollow [hɒləυ] пустой
masterpiece [mstəps] шедевр
mouth [maυθ] устье
ordinal [dnl] порядковый
plenty of [plent] много
residential [
rezdenʃ(ə)l] жилой
row [rəυ] грести
skating<rink [sketŋrŋk] каток
skyscraper [ska
skrepə] небоскреб
steam boat [stm bəυt] пароход

1. Where is New York City situated? What’s the second
name of it?
2. What do you know about the history of New York?
3. How many boroughs are there in New York City?
4. What borough is the heart of the city? What can be seen
5. Do you know anything about Chinatown?
6. What is Times Square famous for?
7. What is Central Park and where is it situated?
8. What museums and art galleries are there in New York?
9. What is the most famous monument in the city?
10. Is New York planned well? Why (not)?

I would like to tell you about holidays and traditions
in the United States of America. The so<called legal
holidays include Christmas, New Year’s Day, Martin
Luther King Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Thanksgiving and others.
Christmas is a religious holiday celebrated on the 25th
of December. On this day Americans celebrate the birth
of Jesus Christ and sing Christmas carols. Another
important tradition is sending Christmas cards. People
start sending cards to their relatives and friends early in
December. Going home for Christmas, is another good
tradition. Christmas is considered to be a family
celebration and every person must come back home on
this day. This means that at Christmas, American houses
are full of aunts, uncles, cousins and other relatives who
might not see each other for a year. Americans put up a
Christmas tree and decorate it with toys and sweets.
There are religious ceremonies at churches on Christmas
Day and families usually attend them. The Christmas
table is very big. You can see turkey, ham, sweet potatoes,
pies and other food. In the morning children hurry to
the Christmas tree to look for presents. They hang big
colourful socks for Santa Claus to put presents inside.
Everybody starts unwrapping presents and thanking each
New Year’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of January,
but Americans begin celebrating it on the 31 st of
December. There is a big celebration in Times Square in
New York City on this day. New Year’s Day is not as
widely celebrated as Christmas. On January 1 Americans
visit friends, relatives and neighbours. There are parties
and a lot of food. People watch television together and
write New Year’s resolutions.
Martin Luther King Day is celebrated on the third
Monday in January. Martin Luther King was a black man
who won full civil rights for black Americans. On this
day schools, offices and federal agencies are closed.
Memorial Day is on the last Monday of May. On this
day Americans honour the memories of their dead
relatives. This day is also the beginning of summer.
Americans go to relax at the beach or go to the
Independence Day is one of the most important
holidays in America. It is celebrated on the 4th of July.
On this day in 1776 the Declaration of Independence
was signed in Philadelphia. There are picnics, parades
and fireworks all over the country on Independence Day.
Americans do not work: they have day<long picnics with
their favourite food like hot<dogs, hamburgers, potato
salad and others.
Halloween is a holiday celebrated mostly by children
and the young. On the 31st of October they dress as
vampires, witches and ghosts and go from house to house
saying trick or treat. People should give them a treat
otherwise, the children will play a trick on them.
Thanksgiving is one of the popular American holidays,
too. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.
This holiday dates back to the time when the first settlers,
the Pilgrims, came to America. Their first winter was very
hard, they had little food. In spring, the Indians taught
them to plant and grow new crops, hunt and fish. The
following autumn the colonists made a great feast for the
Indians. At Thanksgiving American families gather and
spend this day together. The traditional Thanksgiving
food is roast turkey, pumpkin pies, cranberry jelly, ham,
sweet potatoes, and other delicious food.
The United States is a young country, but it has a lot
of great old and new holidays that are fun to celebrate.

attend [ətend] посещать
Christmas carol [krsməskr(ə)l] рождественская
cranberry jelly [krmb(ə)r
kek] клюквенное желе
crop [krɒp] урожай
date back [det
bk] относиться к
day<long [delɒŋ] длиной в целый день
Declaration of [
Independence ndpendəns] независимости
feast [fst] пир
federal agency [fedər(ə)ledəns] федеральный орган
firework [faəw :k] фейерверк
full civil rights [fυlsvlrats] полные граждан<
ские права
ghost [gəυst] привидение
ham [hm] ветчина
hurry [hr] спешить
honour [ɒnə] почитать
hang (hung, [hŋ] вешать
legal holiday [lg(ə)lhɒləde] государственный
pumpkin pie [pmkn pa] тыквенный пирог
put up [
pυtp] ставить (о елке)
relative [relətv] родственник
relax [rlks] расслабляться
resolution [
rezəlʃ(ə)n] обещание
settler [setlə] поселенец

treat [trt] угощение
trick [trk] шутка
turkey [t :k] индейка
unwrap [
nrp] разворачивать
witch [wtʃ] ведьма

1. What do the legal holidays in the USA include?
2. What do you know about Christmas? What are its
3. Is New Year’s Day celebrated in America?
4. What is Martin Luther King Day?
5. What is one of the most important American holidays and
6. What holiday is loved by children?
7. What is celebrated at Thanksgiving?


Education in the USA begins at the age of six. This is
when a child goes to school for the first time and stays at
school till the 12th grade. But before that children can go
to kindergartens and nursery schools to get some good
preparation for elementary school. The main purpose of
the elementary school is the general development of
children’s abilities in reading, writing, spelling, maths,
history, geography, art, etc.
The school year usually begins in early September
or even at the end of August and lasts till June. American
students usually have three holidays during the year
of studies: winter break, spring break and summer
break. After the 6th form students enter junior high

school and stay there till the 9th form. After that they
go to high school. Pupils usually choose subjects in
the fields of science, foreign languages, art and vocational
training. But courses may be different in different
schools. Most young people finish schools with a high
school diploma.
The grading system is usually from A (excellent) to F
(failed). Students also have final exams, or finals, at the
end of a year and they can also have mid<term exams on
different subjects.
There are some kinds of schools in the USA. There
are state<supported schools, or public schools, that are
free of charge and private schools which are often
religious. Such schools are often expensive.
After students finish high school, they can choose
what to do next. They can apply for a university, a four<
year college, technical training institutions or a
community college. Students go to college for four years
and after graduating they get a bachelor’s degree. A first<
year student is called a freshman, a second<year student
is called a sophomore, a third<year student is a junior and
a fourth<year student is a senior. After they are accepted
to a college, students can think of choosing their majors,
or the subjects which will be connected with their future
profession. Some colleges allow students to take several
Students’ life in college is very interesting. There are
usually a lot of different clubs and societies, theatres,
museums, a swimming<pool, a gym, a large library and
everything that can make students feel at home far from
their families. 93% of students usually live on campus,
in dorms. Freshmen and sophomores usually live in
double rooms, but they can also choose between a single

or a double room while juniors and seniors mostly get
single rooms. There are also several dining<halls on
campus and they offer big variety of food.
Besides colleges American young people can enter
universities. They usually don’t have any entrance exams,
but students must take state exams. Such exams are taken
during the school year in the middle of the 12th year. All
colleges and universities are for fees, but those students
who can’t afford paying for their education, can apply
for Financial Aid. These are sums of money for students
who need money to pay for studies.
After graduating from colleges or universities students
can enter a graduate school to get a master’s degree.

ability [əblt] способность
apply for [əpla] подать заявление
bachelor degree [btʃ(ə)lədgr] степень бакалавра
campus [kmpəs] территория колледжа
community [kəmjntkɒld] общественный
college колледж
dining<hall [danŋhl] (AmE) столовая
diploma [dpləυmə] аттестат
dorm (dormitory) [dm] общежитие
double room [dblrm] комната на двоих
elementary [
elment(ə)r начальная школа
excellent [eks(ə)lənt] отличная оценка
failed [feld] двойка (оценка)
field of science [fldəvsaəns] сфера науки
Financial Aid [fannʃ(ə)l
ed] финансовая под<
freshman [freʃmən] первокурсник
general develop< [den(ə)r(ə)ld< общее развитие
ment veləpmənt]
grading system [gredŋsstəm] система оцени<
graduate school [grdjυ ət
skl] магистратура
high school [ha
skl] средняя школа
junior [dnjə] студент третьего
junior high school [dnjəha
skl] младшая школа
kindergarten [kndəgtn] детский сад
major [medə] основной
Master’s Degree [mstəzdgr] степень магистра
midterm exam [mdt :mgzm] экзамен в середине
nursery school [n :sər
skl] ясли
senior [snjə] студент последнего
single room [sŋglrm] комната на одного
sophomore [sɒfəm] студент второго
state exam [stetgzm] государственный
state<supported [stetsəptd государственная
skl] школа
technical training [teknk(ə)ltrenŋ техническое
institution nsttjʃ(ə)n] училище
variety [vəraət] разнообразие
vocational training [vəυkeʃənl профессиональное
trenŋ] образование

1. When does American education begin?
2. What schools can children attend before going to
elementary school?
3. When does the school year begin in the USA? Do school
children have breaks?
4. What kind of grading system is there in the USA?
5. What kind of schools are there in the USA?
6. What can students do after they finish high school?
7. What can you tell about colleges and universities in the
8. Is there graduate schools in the USA?

Sport plays a very important role in American life.
Most of them do sport in childhood, in colleges and even
older people go in for sport regularly.
The most popular kinds of sport in the USA are
swimming, tennis, squash, bowling and others. The four
major kinds are hockey, football, baseball and basketball.
The choice and the variety of sport can be explained by
the size of the country and the variety of its climate. For
example in southern states such sports as windsurfing,
swimming, racing and baseball are popular, while in
northern states skiing and skating are widely spread.
American schools, colleges and universities have
sports teams and hold different competitions. They have
all conditions and equipment for doing sport
professionally. So sportsmen and those students who are
fond of sport can get an education in this or that college
and combine studies with doing sport. There are no
special universities or colleges devoted to sport only.
Every year schools and colleges take part in the national
kinds of sports competitions. The students, who want to
be in good shape, go jogging in the morning and cycle.
Americans win many gold medals in the Olympic
Games and are famous for their success in various
international competitions.

bowling [bəυlŋ] боулинг
choice [tʃɔs] выбор
combine [kəmban] совмещать
condition [kəndʃ(ə)n] условие
devote [dvəυt] посвятить
equipment [kwpmənt] оборудование
go jogging (jog) [dɒgŋ] бегать по утрам
shape [ʃep] форма
squash [skwɒʃ] сквош (игра в мяч
с ракеткой)
take part [tekpt] принимать участие
variety [vəraət] разнообразие
widely<spread [wadlspred] широко распростра<

1. What are the most popular kinds of sport in the USA?
2. Why are there so many kinds of sport in America? What
kinds of sport are played in southern and northern
3. What kinds of sport can students do in colleges and


The United States of America is a young country, but
it has a lot of outstanding people. Thanks to Hollywood
there are a lot of famous American actors and actresses.
But the USA is also famous for its writers, poets, scientists
and politicians. I would like to tell you about some of

Albert Einstein, one of the most famous scientists in
the world, was born in Germany. When he was fifteen
his family moved to Switzerland because of money
difficulties. There Albert graduated from the Polytechnic
Academy of Zurich where he had got scientific
education. After that he worked at a patent office. Albert
spent his free time studying philosophy, mathematics and
science. In 1914 he returned to Germany and worked as
a professor of Berlin University.
Einstein’s discoveries began in 1905 when he
formulated the Theory of Relativity which was published
in 1915. Einstein also proved that every planet has a
gravitational field similar to the magnetic field around a
magnet. This work made him famous.
His other work was called Photoelectric Law. He
explained the photoelectric effect in it. In 1922 Einstein
got the Nobel Prize for this discovery. In his later years
Einstein worked on the Unified Field Theory.
In 1933 Albert moved to the United States as the
protest against fascism. He found his new home there.
In 1934 the fascist government confiscated his property.
Einstein died in 1955. His discoveries were a great
contribution to science. Einstein is considered to be one
of the most intelligent people ever born, and people
sometimes use the name Einstein to talk about someone
who is very intelligent.

contribution [
kɒntr bjʃ(ə)n] вклад (в науку)
discovery [dskv(ə)r] открытие
fascism [fʃzm] фашизм
formulate [fmjυlet] формулировать
graduate from [grdjυtfrəm] закончить (ВУЗ)
gravitational field [
grvteʃənlfld] гравитационное
patent office [pet(ə)ntɒfs] патентное бюро
photoelectric [
fəυtəυlektrk фотоэлектричес<
effect fekt] кий эффект
protest against [prətest] протестовать
prove [prv] доказать
Theory of [θərəv теория относи<
relətvt] тельности
Unified Field [jnfadfld теория единого
Theory θər] поля

1. Who was Albert Einstein?
2. What do you know about his education?
3. What theories did he formulate?
4. What discovery helped Einstein get the Nobel Prize?
5. Why did Albert move to the USA?

Ernest Hemingway is another outstanding person. He
is one of the greatest American writers. Ernest was born
in Illinois in 1899 into the family of a doctor. In
childhood Ernest went in for sport and was a great
sportsman. He was also a very bright student at school.
He wrote poetry and prose for the school magazine.
In 1914 World War I began, and Hemingway joined
the Army. He was sent to Italy and was badly wounded
there. Later he was awarded a silver medal by the Italian
government. The war made a great influence on his future
In 1920 Ernest returned to the United States and
started working as a foreign journalist in a newspaper.
But his dream was to write novels. He travelled a lot to
get material for his work. In 1929 his first novel, A
Farewell to Arms, was published. It made Hemingway
famous. In this novel he protests against war. In 1936
Hemingway went to Spain and took part in the Civil War.
Later he wrote another novel called For Whom the Bell
Tolls. It was devoted to the Americans who died in the
war for Spain.
During World War II Hemingway was a war journalist.
In 1954 he was given the Nobel Prize for literature for
his last novel The Old Man and the Sea which was called
the best of his works. Ernest Hemingway died in 1961 by
shooting himself in Cuba.

award [əwd] награждать
badly wounded [bdlwndd] сильно раненный
bright [brat] зд. способный,
devoted to sth/sb [dvəυtd] посвященный
influence [nflυəns] влияние
join the Army [dɔnðəm] идти в армию
poetry [pəυtr] поэзия
prose [prəυz] проза
protest against [prətest] протестовать против
shoot oneself [ʃt] застрелиться
war journalist [
wd :nəlst] военный журналист

1. What can you tell about Hemingway’s early years?
2. Did he take part in World War I?
3. What was Hemingway when he returned to the USA?
4. What novel made Hemingway famous?
5. What was Hemingway during World War II?
6. Did Hemingway get any awards?
7. What is the best of his works?


Martin Luther King was another outstanding person
of the United States. He was the first black American
who won the full civil rights for black people.
Martin Luther King was born in 1929 in Atlanta, to
the family of a black pastor. He graduated from the
University of Boston where he got a doctor’s degree in
theology in 1955. Later he was a pastor of a Baptist church
in Montgomery where black people lived in strong
limitation of their civil rights. The blacks of the city
followed King who believed in peaceful protests against
the government. Black people of the city went to
restaurants and demanded the same rights as white
customers. They sat there for hours until they were served.
A lot of them were arrested.
In 1963 a big march took place in Washington, D.C.
It was organized by Martin Luther King. About 250,000
Americans took part in it.
In 1968 King was killed by a white man and the nation
was shocked. Martin Luther King still remains a great
person in American history and there is Martin Luther
King Day in the USA when people remember what he
did for the black people of the country.

be served [s :vd] быть обслуженным
demand [dmnd] требовать
doctor’s degree [dɒktəzdgr] докторская степень
full civil rights [fυksvlrats] полные граждан<
ские права
government [gv(ə)mənt] правительство
pastor [pstə] духовный пастырь
peaceful [psfυl] мирный
remain [rmen] оставаться
strong limitation [stroŋ
lmteʃ(ə)n] сильное ограни<
theology [θɒləd] теология

1. Why is Martin Luther an outstanding person?
2. What do you know about his family and education?
3. What protest actions did King and his followers do? What
did they protest against?
4. What march took place in 1963?
5. How did King die? Is there any holiday to remember King?

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone was born on
16 August, 1958, in Michigan.
She won a dance scholarship to Michigan
University, but dropped out and went to New York.
Madonna performed in various dance troupes and bands,
and was briefly a backing vocalist/dancer to a French
disco star.
Madonna’s debut album, titled Madonna, was
released in 1983, and although it sold three million copies
it was her next album, Like a Virgin that made her famous.
Her music continued to be a critical and commercial
success and in the past twenty years, Madonna has sold
more than 250 million records.
Madonna has been a very succesful singer, but she is
a woman of many talents. Her photo<book had a great
commercial success. Madonna has also appeared in a
variety of films including Desperately Seeking Susan
(1985), In Bed with Madonna (1991) and Evita (1996).
She has also written several children’s stories.
Up until recently Madonna ran the record company
Maverick, which (after a dispute) she sold to Warner
Madonna has two children: Lourdes and Rocco.
Madonna came 8 th in the list of the most powerful
celebrities 2005 in the Forbes magazine.

appear [əpə] появиться
backing vocalist [bkŋvəυkəlst] певица на подпевках
band [bnd] группа
briefly [brfl] недолго
dance troupe [dnstrp] танцевальная труппа
debut album [deblbəm] дебютный альбом
dispute [dspjt] спор, разногласие
drop out [drɒpaυt] выбыть, перестать
perform [pəfm] выступать
scholarship [skɒləʃp] стипендия
various [veərəs] разнообразный
1. What can you say about Madonna’s early years?
2. Where did she work before her career began?
3. What was Madonna’s debut album?
4. Can Madonna only sing?
5. What films did she play in?
6. How many children does she have?

Canada is the second largest country in the world.
It occupies northern part of North American
continent and borders on the United Stated in the
south and in the north<west. The country is washed
by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific
Ocean in the west.
The climate of Canada is rather cold: winters are
usually long and snowy and summers in Northern
Canada are short and cool. Summers in Southern
Canada are longer and warmer. Canada is mostly covered
by forests which are one of the most important resources
of the country.
Canada is divided into ten provinces. The biggest
provinces are Quebec (which is the largest province of
Canada), British Columbia and Ontario.
The capital of Canada, Ottawa, is situated in Ontario.
It is mainly a government city but it also has a lot of places
of interest such as The Chateau Laurier, Notre Dame
Cathedral and the Parliament Buildings which are the
symbol of Ottawa.
English and French are the two official languages of
the country. English is the first language for most
Canadians, but in Quebec province French is the main
The flag of Canada has two red vertical stripes and a
big middle white vertical stripe with a red maple leaf in
the centre. Canada is a member of the Commonwealth.
It is a confederation with parliamentary democracy.
Queen Elizabeth II is not only the Queen of Great
Britain, but of Canada as well. Every Canadian province
has its own government.
Canada has numerous cities and towns. Montreal
which is situated in the province of Quebec is the largest
city in Canada. It is divided into two parts: the English
part and the French part. The heart of Montreal offers
some excellent restaurants, shops and a lot of leisure
Toronto, which is the capital of the province of
Ontario, is the second largest city in Canada. It is an
international commercial and business centre and it has
always been an artistic and cultural centre as well. The
CN Tower, the world’s tallest free<standing building, is
the symbol of Toronto.
Niagara Falls is the most beautiful city in Canada.
Tourists from all over the world come here to enjoy the
view of the Canadian Falls or the Horseshoe. The city is
a big entertaining centre with a lot of bars, restaurants,
small shops, hotels and a big casino.
Canada is a very interesting country to visit!

border on [bdə] граничить с
Commonwealth [kɒmənwelθ] Британское Содру<
confederation [kən
fedəreʃ(ə)n] конфедерация

cool [kl] прохладный
covered [kvəd] покрытый
free<standing [frstndŋ свободно стоящее
building bldŋ] здание
leisure activity [leərəktvt] занятие в свободное
occupy [ɒkjυpa] занимать
parliamentary [
pləment(ə)r парламентская
democracy dmɒkrəs] демократия
province [prɒvns] провинция
vertical stripe [v :tk(ə)lstrap] вертикальная полоса

1. Where is Canada situated?
2. What can you tell about the climate of the country?
3. How many provinces are there in Canada?
4. What’s the capital of the country?
5. How many official languages are there in Canada?
6. What can you say about the flag of the country and
Canadian political system?
7. What can you say about Canadian cities?
8. What else is Canada famous for?

Australia is an island continent in the southern
hemisphere. It is washed by the Indian Ocean in the west
and the Pacific Ocean in the east. The territory is not
very big with the population more than eighteen million
The climate of the country is very hot. The biggest
part of Australia lies in the tropical belt. It rains heavily
in summer, but it’s very hot, too.
Northeast coast of the country is protected by the
Great Barrier Reef, and in the east there is the Great
Dividing Range with Mount Kosciusko, the highest
mountain of Australia.
The deepest river in Australia is the Murray River and
the Darling is the longest one. In desert regions there
are salt lakes like Lake Eyre. The inner part of Australia
is occupied by deserts. The most famous ones are Desert
Victoria and Gibson’s Desert. In the west semi<deserts
turn into savannahs.
The plant life of Australia varies. There are desert
grasses, scrub, eucalyptus, acacias and others. Australian
animals are unique, they can not be found in any other
place of the Earth. For example, kangaroos, koalas,
Tasmanian devils, echidnas, platypuses, dingos and
Australia is a member of the Commonwealth. It is a
federation of 6 states and 2 territories. A governor heads
each state. Australia is a constitutional monarchy with
the Queen of Great Britain (Elizabeth II) as the head of
the state. The head of government is Prime Minister. The
national currency is the Australian dollar.
English is the official language of Australia. There
are also a lot of aboriginal languages and dialects in
The capital of Australia is Canberra which is often
called the Garden City because of its streets lined with
trees. Other world famous cities are Sydney and
Melbourne. Sydney is the largest city<port called the
Queen City of the South. It is Australian main commercial
and industrial centre. Sydney Opera House in Sydney is
considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in
the world.
Australia is an industrial country rich in coal, gas,
oil, ores, gold, opals. It is an agricultural country, too.
Most food products are produced for exporting. Australia
is number one in producing lamb meat and sheep wool.
Bee<keeping is developed as well.
Australia is a very interesting country with rich culture
and strange animals. I would love to go there one day.

aboriginal [
bərdənl] аборигенский
acacia [əkeʃə] акация
bee<keeping [bkpŋ] пчеловодство
city<port [stpt] город<порт
constitutional [
kɒnsttjʃənl конституционная
monarchy mɒnək] монархия
currency [krəns] валюта
dingo [dŋgəυ] динго
echidna [ekdnə] ехидна
eucalyptus [
jkəlptəs] эвкалипт
export [ekspt] экспорт
island continent [aləndkɒntnənt] островной континент
lamb meat [lm(m)t] мясо ягненка
oil [ɔl] нефть
opal [əυp(ə)l] опал (драгоценный
ore [] руда
platypus [pltpəs] утконос
scrub [skrb] кустарник, поросль
sheep wool [ʃpwυl] овечья шерсть
southern [sðənhemsfə] южное полушарие
tropical belt [trɒpk(ə)l
belt] тропический пояс
unique [jnk] уникальный
vary [veər] разниться,
1. What kind of a continent is Australia and where is it
2. What can you tell about Australian climate?
3. Are there any rivers and lakes in the country?
4. What kinds of plants and animals are there in Australia?
5. What can you tell about Australian political system?
6. What is the capital of the country?
7. Why can Australia be called an industrial and agricultural

New Zealand is situated in southwest Pacific. The
country consists of two large islands, North and South,
and several smaller islands. The two main islands are
separated from each other by the Cook Strait. New
Zealand is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east and
the Tasman Sea in the west. The territory is small with
the population more than three million people.
The relief of each of the islands is mostly hilly and
mountainous. There are active volcanoes, geysers and
hot springs in New Zealand. The highest peak is
Mountain Cook in the Southern Alps on South Island.
The climate of the country is mostly temperate with
moderate rainfall.
The country has unusual animals and birds. The most
interesting one, the kiwi, the non<flying bird, can be
found only in New Zealand. It has become the national
emblem of the country.
The national currency of New Zealand is dollar. The
official language is English, but there is also the Maori
language spoken by the natives. New Zealand is a
constitutional monarchy with the Queen of Great Britain
as the head of the country. Queen Elizabeth II is
represented by Governor<General and the head of
government is Prime Minister.
The capital of New Zealand is Wellington which is
situated on North Island. It is the political centre of New
Zealand because the House of Representatives and the
residence of the Governor<General are situated there.
There are several museums in Wellington. The Dominion
Museum and the National Art Gallery are the most
famous ones. Horse racing is very popular among the
citizens of Wellington.
Auckland is the largest city<port in New Zealand.
It is a big commercial and business centre of New
Zealand. The city is full of parks and gardens. Most of
them are situated on hills and give a beautiful view on
the city.
New Zealand is an agricultural country. It specializes
in sheep<breeding and exports lamb meat, sheep wool
and butter.
This country is sometimes called Green Paradise
because of its nature: green hills, clean water and air.
I would love to visit this country.

constitutional [
kɒnsttjʃənl конституционная
monarchy mɒnək] монархия
currency [krəns] валюта
geyser [gazə] гейзер
Governor<General [gvənəde генерал<губернатор
horse racing [hsresŋ] лошадиные скачки
hot spring [hɒt sprŋ] горячий источник
lamb meat [lm(m)t] мясо ягненка
moderate rainfall [mɒd(ə)rt умеренные осадки
native [netv] коренной житель
non<flying [nɒnflaŋ] не умеющий летать
separate [səpəret] отделять
sheep wool [ʃpwυl] овечья шерсть
sheep<breeding [ʃpbrdŋ] овцеводство
temperate [tempərt] умеренный (о климате)

1. Where is New Zealand situated? What does the country
consist of?
2. What can you say about the relief of the country?
3. What unusual is there in New Zealand?
4. What can you say about the political system of the country?
5. What’s the capital of New Zealand? What do you know
about it?
6. Why can New Zealand be called an agricultural country?
Green Paradise?

World around Me
Мир вокруг меня

Choosing a career is not an easy matter. I am leaving
school in two years and I haven’t yet decided which
profession to choose.
There are a lot of interesting things in the world, so it
is difficult to make the right choice.
In childhood I wanted to be a pilot, then I wanted to
become a fireman. But now I have to think about my
future career seriously. Some people are good at Maths,
Physics and Biology, others enjoy History, Literature and
In my opinion I am good at foreign languages. My
favourite language is English. I like it very much and
I want to be either a teacher of English or an interpreter.
I like watching films in English, reading books in the
original and listening to music in English.
I think that young people should ask themselves: What
am I interested in? What do I want to become? When they
find the answer, they will have the goal to achieve. And
then they should do everything to achieve this goal. If
you are good at Maths and you want your profession to
be connected with this subject, you should start studying
it very seriously. The same is with other subjects.
My father wants me to follow in his footsteps and
become a businessman. But I am not interested in
business or economics. I have always been bad at these
subjects and I want my profession to be connected with
My mother says that I should choose my future
occupation myself. But I am still not sure what to choose.
Of course there are a lot of special books about different
professions. In addition, a lot of universities and institutes
have open house days, so I can go there and choose a
good place for my future studies.
However, it is very difficult to enter a university. If
you do not have money and if you are not a genius, you
will never enter a good university or an institute. I have
some friends who were in this situation and they had to
choose a career not to their interests and liking.
But some young people still do not know which career
to choose even after they finish school, so they have to
waste time deciding, or go to find a job. For men it is
harder because they may be taken to the Army, that’s
why a lot of them enter any institute or university just
not to become soldiers.
Sometimes young people choose a career they are
interested in, they enter a university and after some time
they understand that this occupation is not for them, they
get poor marks and have to leave the university.
The problem of choosing a career is very widespread
among young people and they should think about it
seriously before making any decisions.

achieve [ətʃv] добиваться, достигать
fireman [faəmən] пожарный
follow in one’s [fɒləvnfυtsteps] идти по стопам
footsteps кого<либо
future occupation [fjtʃə
rɒkjυ< будущая профессия
genius [dnjəs] гений
goal [gəυl] цель
interpreter [nt :prtə] переводчик
poor mark [
pυəmk] плохая оценка
waste [west] тратить

1. Have you already chosen your future profession? If yes,
what will it be?
2. What did you want to be in your childhood?
3. What school subjects are you good at?
4. What are your parents? Would you like to follow in their
5. Do your friends know about their future profession?
6. Why is choosing a career a difficult matter?


We live in a polluted world, that is why more and more
people are concerned about their health and that is why
more and more of them start going in for sport.
Sport plays an important role in people’s life. It is
popular among the young and the old. Many people do
morning exercises, go jogging and go to the gym. Others
prefer watching sports games on TV and listening to
sports news rather than going in for sport.
There are some reasons for that. The main reason is
that sport takes a lot of time. If you want to be a
professional sportsman, you will have to train hard several
times a week, or even every day. Those who work hard
making money can’t afford that. But you can be an
amateur, too. This means that you are not a professional
sportsman and you go in for sport because you like it. A
lot of people are sports amateurs today. In winter they
ski and skate, they like playing football, cycling and
roller<blading in summer.
Sport is also a good way to keep fit, and everybody
knows that keeping fit and being healthy is important. A
healthy person can work easily and live a happy life.
Keeping fit has become an important part of our life. We
should remember that we were not created for sitting at
table all day, so it is very important to spend a few minutes
doing some exercises every day.
Physical Education is an important subject in Russian
schools now. Pupils have physical training twice a week.
Boys and girls play volleyball and basketball during the
lessons. School teachers turn pupils’ training into
enjoyment, not obligation. A lot of different competitions
are held at school and many pupils take part in them. All
participants try to get good results and win.
There are many kinds of sport in Russia. They are:
football, hockey, skating and skiing. Russia is also known
for its gymnasts, figure skaters and tennis players.
As for me, I do sport regularly. I am not a professional,
I am an amateur. I play football with my friends and I
jog in the morning. But my favourite sport is swimming
and I go to the swimming<pool twice a week. This helps
me feel fit and healthy. My father used to play football
and hockey when he was a teenager but now he prefers
watching these sports games on television. My mom likes
watching figure skating.
But keeping fit doesn’t mean only doing sport. It also
includes the right way of eating. Nowadays it is very
popular to go on a diet. On the one hand, it makes you
feel better because you avoid eating fatty and unhealthy
food, but on the other hand, some people start eating
very little and they lose weight and do not look healthy
at all.
You need to get all types of vitamins to keep your body
healthy. You should eat fruit and vegetables because they
contain a lot of important vitamins and one of them is
vitamin C. Fruit and vegetables also have fiber, which is
very important for our health.
A lot of people like spending most of their spare time
watching TV or working at computers. Such people ruin
their eyes and their muscles do not work well. This way
of life is not healthy. There are also bad habits that can
damage your health. They include smoking, drinking
alcohol and taking drugs. A lot of young people prefer
smoking to going in for sport and this is not good.
I try to lead a healthy life, because I like feeling fit
and happy.

amateur [mətə] любитель
avoid [əvɔd] избегать
concern [kəns :n] беспокоиться
cycle [sakl] кататься на велосипеде
do sport [spt] заниматься спортом
enjoyment [ndɔmənt] наслаждение
fatty food [ftfd] жирная еда
fiber [fabə] клетчатка
go in for sth заниматься чем<либо
go jogging [dɒgŋ] заниматься бегом
habit [hbt] привычка
go on a diet [daət] сидеть на диете
lead [ld] вести
make money [mekmn] зарабатывать деньги
obligation [
ɒblgeʃ(ə)n] обязательство
participant [ptspənt] участник (соревнования)
reason [rzn] причина
roller<blade [rəυləbled] кататься на роликах
take drugs [tekdrgz] принимать наркотики
the old [ðəəυld] пожилые люди
the young [ðəjŋ] молодые люди

1. Why are more and more people concerned about their
2. Why does sport play an important role in our life?
3. What kinds of sport are popular in Russia?
4. Do you go in for sport regularly?
5. What can you tell about diets? Are they a good way to keep


There are many languages in the world. Some of them
are spoken in small tribes, others are spread all over the
world like English or French.
There are languages that are extremely difficult to
learn, others are very easy. But anyway learning a foreign
language is not an easy task and it takes a lot of time and
People still learn foreign languages and there are some
reasons for that. The most important is communication.
More and more people travel abroad and the knowledge
of a foreign language helps them understand each other.
There are also a lot of interesting books and magazines
in foreign languages and people read them to get various
If you want to get a good job, you will have to know
one or several foreign languages. This is another reason
for learning foreign languages. There are languages of
international communication and they are English and
The English language is the official language of many
international organizations such as the Olympic
Committee, the United Nations and others. This is the
language of computing, too. Most Internet sites and
software are in English. It is the native language of many
countries such as Great Britain, the USA, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand and others.
A lot of scientific books and articles are published in
English. This language is becoming more and more
popular and now it is hard to live without knowing it.
Moreover, many languages borrow English words and
expressions and people use them in their everyday speech.
Sometimes people think that English is the most spoken
language in the world. However, Chinese is considered
to be the most spoken language. The Chinese language
together with Japanese and Arabic are believed to be the
most difficult foreign languages!
I learn English at school. I am very glad that I have
such an opportunity. Every week we have tests, do
exercises and write compositions. We also talk at our
lessons a lot. This helps me to improve my English. Now
I can read books in English, watch films in English and
speak English with foreigners. I am thinking about
choosing English as my future career because I am very
good at this language.
I would also like to learn German if I had a chance.

spread [spred] распространенный
borrow [bɒrəυ] заимствовать
effort [efət] усилие
expression [kspreʃ(ə)n] выражение
have a chance [tʃns] иметь шанс
improve [mprv] улучшать
international [
ntənʃənlkə< международное
communication mjnkeʃ(ə)n] общение
Olympic Committee [əυlmpkkəmt] Олимпийский
software [sɒftweə] компьютерная
tribe [trab] племя
United Nations [jυnatdneʃ(ə)nz] ООН
various [veərəs] разнообразный

1. Why do people learn foreign languages?
2. Is role of English big in our world? Why (not)?
3. Why do you learn English? Do you like the language? Why

There are many ways of spending holidays. Some
people like going to the country, others prefer sitting at
home and watching TV all day long. But more and more
people travel. There are many reasons for travelling.
Some people travel on business, others travel to visit their
families, but most people travel to see the world and
different countries.
There are also a lot of ways of travelling. People can
travel by car, by plane, by ship, by train, by coach or on
foot. Travelling by plane is the fastest way of travelling.
This is the best way to get to a foreign country fast.
Modern planes are comfortable and it is very nice to fly
to the destination point.
The most comfortable way of travelling is by ship.
Modern liners have everything to make people feel nice
and comfortable. There are swimming<pools, bars,
restaurants and even shops on board a modern liner.
People enjoy spending time on the deck looking at the
ocean and talking. Sunsets and sunrises are beautiful in
the open sea. There are some disadvantages of travelling
by ship. The main disadvantage is that travelling by ship
is the most expensive way of travelling. Tickets cost a lot
and some people cannot afford them. Some people can
be sea<sick and this is another disadvantage.
Travelling by train is rather popular now, too. People
go from one city to another by train if the distance
between them is too big, or if they do not have a car.
Modern trains are also rather comfortable and travelling
by train is convenient and cheap.
Travelling by coach to Europe is rather cheap. There
are special international tours by coach when you travel
through several countries. Instead of one foreign country,
you can see a few of them. However, it also has
disadvantages. Some people feel sick in coaches and their
trip can be spoilt. It is also not very comfortable to sleep
on a seat. Sometimes tourists do not have enough time
to see the sights of this or that city.
My favourite way of travelling is travelling by car. I
think this is one of the most comfortable means of
travelling. You can enjoy the view looking through the
window and this way of travelling is rather fast. You can
travel to different cities and towns of your native country
and even abroad. In summer I like travelling on foot. This
way of travelling is called hiking. I take a tent, backpacks,
food and start walking. This kind of travelling is slow,
but you spend a lot of time outside and you do not have
to think about tickets. During such hikes, one can see a
lot of interesting places and meet new people. It is so
nice to sleep in a tent in the open air, too.
If you decide to travel by any means of transport you’ll
have to prepare for the trip. If you travel by plane, train
or ship, you have to book tickets beforehand. You can do
this over the phone or in a travel agency. If you travel by
plane, you have to be at the airport two hours before an
international flight and one hour before a domestic flight.
The officers will check your luggage and you will have to
get though the passport control. When you go by train, it
is easier, because you have to go through ticket control
Travelling is always nice. It gives you an opportunity
to see foreigners and interesting places. I love travelling!

advantage [ədvntd] достоинство
backpack [bk
pk] рюкзак
coach [kəυtʃ] туристический
convenient [kənvnjənt] удобный
deck [dek] палуба
destination point [
pɔnt] место назначения
disadvantage [
dsədvntd] недостаток
domestic flight [dəυmestk
flat] внутренний рейс
feel sick [flsk] тошнить
hiking [hakŋ] туризм (поход)
international [
ntənʃənlflat] международный
flight рейс
liner [lanə] лайнер
luggage [lgd] багаж
means [mnz] средство
native [netv] родной
on foot [ft] пешком
open sea [əυpns] открытое море
passport control [psptkəntrəυl] паспортный
reason [rzn] причина
sea<sick [ssk] иметь морскую
seat [st] зд. кресло автобуса
spoil [spɔl] портить
sunrise [snraz] восход
sunset [snsət] закат
tent [tent] палатка
ticket control [tktkəntrəυl] билетный контроль
travel agency [trvled(ə)ns] туристическое
travel on business [trvlənbzns] отправляться в ко<
trip [trp] поездка

1. What are the ways of spending holidays?
2. What ways of travelling do you know? How can you
characterize each of them?
3. What is the cheapest way of travelling / the most expensive
4. What is your favourite way of travelling?

The problem of ecology is very important today,
because we live in a polluted world. People all over the
world discuss environmental protection, but they still
continue to pollute air, water and soil.
Plants and factories are being built near rivers and
lakes. The water is full of industrial waste and this kills
animals, insects and plants.
There are some organizations that were created to
protect our nature from pollution. The most famous
organization is Greenpeace. It protects animals from
dying out. There are special farms and organizations that
help wild animals to survive. People who work in such
places feed animals and cure them.
There are several types of pollution: air pollution,
water pollution and soil pollution.
Air pollution is caused by different means of transport
in big cities. Our cities are full of smog because of heavy
traffic and people notice that it is hard to breathe there.
Cars, buses and planes are among the worst air polluters.
Factories and plants also pollute air pouring harmful
gases and smoke into the air and that causes lung diseases
among people and does harm to our health. Acid rains
that appear because of air pollution damage forests and
Water pollution is another dangerous kind of
pollution. Factories and plants throw wastes into rivers
and lakes making them dirty. Animals die when they
drink this water, people get sick when they swim in it
and eat fish that live there.
Soil pollution stops plants from growing and makes
people sick when they eat fruit and vegetables grown on
polluted soil. People also pollute soil by leaving litter on
it. Forests are full of used bottles, wrappers and cans.
Such litter can be found in rivers and lakes, too. Wild
animals get sick and die because of this.
Every day we throw away a lot of litter. However, we
can use it again, for example paper, cloth, glass, plastic,
etc. Everybody must know the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse
and Recycle. We can reduce the usage of water and
electricity. We should reuse whatever we can, for example,
plastic bags, paper, cans, glass and bottles.
It is not possible to stop technological process, close
factories and plants. People need to invent new waste
free technologies that will not do harm to nature. There
are new inventions such as filters that make water and
air clean. Some factories and plants have started using
these machines already and this helps to prevent
pollution. Special kinds of gasoline for cars can help to
reduce air pollution.
We must not ignore the problems of environmental
pollution and try to make everything possible to reduce
if not stop it.

acid rain [sd
ren] кислотный дождь
appear [əpə] появляться
breathe [brð] дышать
create [kret] создавать
cure [kjυə] лечить
die out [da
aυt] вымирать
do harm [hm] наносить вред
environmental [n
vaər(ə)nmentl< охрана окружающей
protection prətekʃ(ə)n] среды
gasoline [gsəυln] бензин
get sick [getsk] заболевать
harmful gases [hmfυlgsz] вредные газы
heavy traffic [hevtrfk] интенсивное дви<
industrial waste [ndstrəlwest] промышленные
insect [nsəkt] насекомое
invent [nvent] изобретать
litter [ltə] мусор
lung disease [lŋdzz] болезнь легких
pollute [pəlt] загрязнять
pollution [pəlʃ(ə)n] загрязнение
pour [p] зд. выбрасывать
prevent [prvent] предупреждать
recycle [rsakl] снова использовать
reduce [rdjs] уменьшать
reuse [rjz] повторно использовать
smog [smɒg] смог, густой дым
survive [səvav] выживать
usage [jsd] использование
wrapper [rpə] обертка

1. Why is the problem of ecology important today?
2. What are the types of pollution? What can you say about
each of them?
3. Do you reduce, reuse and recycle litter? Why (not)?
4. What should people do to prevent pollution?

We live in the world of information. It is everywhere
and sometimes it is even more valuable than money. Mass
media, that is the press, radio, television and the Internet,
play an important role in our society. They inform,
educate, entertain and give us any kinds of information.
The press is one of the most powerful kinds of mass
media. Nowadays there are daily, weekly and monthly
newspapers and magazines. My family is subscribed to
Komsomolskaya Pravda which is one of the most famous
Russian daily newspapers. I read it every day to know
what is happening in the world. My mother buys women’s
magazines and my father reads sports magazines. There
are also a lot of children’s magazines. They are colourful
and full of pictures.
Television plays a big role in our society, too. Most
people have several TV<sets at home. Television gives a
great opportunity for people to learn latest news. There
are also a lot of educational programmes, children’s
programmes, films and soap operas on TV. Talk shows
are also very popular with people nowadays. I usually
watch news and films on television. My mother likes soap
operas, my father prefers sports programmes and political
talk shows. My brother watches cartoons and educational
programmes. I think that it is impossible to live without
television now.
Radio is less popular than newspapers and television.
People listen to the radio in cars and at work. I usually
listen to the radio when I do my homework because it
helps me think. There is a lot of music on modern radio
and very few conversations. Every hour radio stations tell
us news in brief. There are different types of radio
stations. They are divided according to the style of music
they play. There are radio stations where you can hear
only classical music, rock or pop music. There are radio
stations only with Russian music, for example, Russian
Radio. Some of the stations only have news and talk
shows. Older people like listening to them.
The Internet is the newest kind of mass media. More
and more people use it in Russia regularly, but it is very
expensive and not every place has the Internet
connection. The Internet is the greatest source of
information. Almost everything can be found there. If
you have the Internet, you may not read newspapers or
listen to the radio. You may not watch television either.
All main newspapers and television companies have web<
sites, so you can read news and watch television without
turning on a TV<set.
I use the Internet very often. I chat with people all
over the world online and read news. I use the Internet
to find important information for my studies, too. E<
mail has become a good way of communication. You can
send a letter to your friends from other countries without
buying an envelope and it will be delivered within a few
There are advantages and disadvantages of mass
media. The advantages are the following: mass media
educate and entertain people. But you need to have a
TV<set to watch television, a radio set to listen to the
radio. To look for information in the Internet you will
need a computer and the Internet connection and they
both cost a lot. Another disadvantage is that sometimes
this or that information is not reliable. The Internet is
full of sites with wrong information.
But in spite of all disadvantages, people still watch
TV, listen to the radio and browse the Internet.

browse the [braυzðəntənət] «сидеть» в интернете
cartoon [ktn] мультфильм
chat [tʃt] болтать
connection [kənekʃ(ə)n] связь
daily newspaper [delnjs
pepə] ежедневная газета
e<mail [mel] электронная почта
envelope [envələυp] конверт
in brief [brf] кратко
in spite of [nspatəv] несмотря на
mass media [msmedə] СМИ (средства мас<
совой информации)
opportunity [
ɒpətjnt] возможность
powerful [paυəfυl] влиятельный
regularly [regjυləl] регулярно
reliable [rlaəbl] надежный
soap opera [səυpɒprə] мыльная опера
society [səsaət] общество
source of [ssəv
nfə< информационный
information meʃ(ə)n] ресурс
style of music [staləvmjzk] стиль музыки
subscribe [səbskrab] подписываться,
valuable [vljυəbl] ценный

1. What are mass media?
2. What is one of the most popular kinds of mass media?
3. Why is radio less popular than TV? What TV programmes
do you and your family watch?
5. What can you say about the Internet? Do you use it often?
Why (not)?
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mass media?

There many arts in the world, but the most popular
are: literature, music, theatre, cinema and others. Every
person has his or her own favourite art.
Music has always fascinated people. It touches their
hearts and makes them laugh or cry. Music can be heard
everywhere. Nowadays there are a lot of musical genres:
classical music, rock music, pop music, club music and
others. I can listen to any genre of music. It depends on
my mood. When I am sad I listen to classical music.
When I am happy I like listening to energetic, fast music
and hard beat. However, some people listen to one kind
of music only and they listen to it no matter what mood
they are in.
There are a lot of wonderful works of literature.
Famous writers and poets created a big variety of poems,
stories and novels that are read all over the world. Russian
poets and writers like Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky
are famous all over the world. Their works are translated
into many languages.
Theatre is a popular kind of arts, too. There are a lot
of theatres in Russia, but most of them are situated in
Moscow. The Bolshoi Theatre and the Maly Theatre are
world famous. If you like opera you should go to the
Bolshoi Theatre. The tickets are rather expensive though.
The Maly Theatre stages dramas and plays based on
classical novels.
I am a theatre<goer. I prefer going to drama theatres.
I do not like opera and ballet. Not long ago I saw Uncle’s
Dream by Dostoevsky in the Vakhtangov Theatre. I liked
the play a lot. The decorations were rich and the famous
actors played very well. There was a storm of applause
after the performance.
Nowadays theatres are becoming less and less
popular, and cinema has got big popularity instead. There
are a lot of cinemas in Moscow: modern and old<
fashioned, cheap and expensive. Modern films are full
of audio and computer special effects and people go to
the cinema to enjoy them. The so<called home cinemas
have appeared lately. More and more people buy modern
TV<sets with large flat screens and special sound
equipment and watch films at home.
My favourite art is painting. I enjoy going to art
galleries to look at paintings. I think that this type of
art will exist forever. Artists express their feelings and
emotions in their paintings. There are a lot of art
galleries in Moscow, but the most famous one is the
Tretyakov Gallery. It has large collections of paintings
by Russian and foreign painters. My favourite genre of
painting is landscape. I think that Russian landscapists
are the best in the world. I love going to this gallery when
I have free time. One of my friends draws very well. She
is going to enter the University of Arts to become a
professional artist. But I think that amateurs are the best
Unfortunately I do not have any talent for this or that
art. I used to sing in childhood, but then I gave it up.
I think that arts are not for me.

amateur [mətə] любитель
appear [əpə] появляться
applause [əplz] аплодисменты
ballet [ble] балет
decoration [
dekəreʃ(ə)n] украшение
depend on sth/sb [dpend] зависеть от чего<то/
emotion [məυʃ(ə)n] эмоция
equipment [kwpmənt] оборудование
exist [gzst] существовать
express [kspres] выражать
fascinate [fsnet] очаровывать
flat screen [fltskrn] плоский экран
give up [gvp] сдаваться, бросать
landscape [lndskep] пейзаж
mood [md] настроение
old<fashioned [
əυldfʃ(ə)nd] устаревший
popularity [
pɒpjυlrt] популярность
stage [sted] ставить (пьесу)
theatre<goer [θətə
gəυə] театрал
touch one’s heart [ttʃht] трогать чье<либо
сердце (в пере<
носном смысле)

1. What arts do you know? What are the most popular ones?
2. Why is theatre becoming less and less popular? Are you a
theatre<goer? Why (not)?
3. Do you often go to the cinema? Why (not)?
4. What are your favourite arts? Why?

Music plays a big role in our life. Can you think of a
day without it? We hear music everywhere: in the street,
in shops, in parks and at home. Music follows us from
childhood and we can’t live without it. We listen to
music when we are happy or sad, we dance to it and we
learn to play music, too. Music is not a combination of
sounds, it is art. There are a lot of kinds of music: classical
music, jazz, popular music or pop<music, rock and club
music. They are all different, but still people listen to
them and enjoy. Music reflects our life, our feelings and
I prefer Russian pop<music. I have no favourite pop
group. I just listen to the songs and melodies I like. My
brother loves rock music. His favourite rock groups are
Aria and Rammstein. Sometimes he turns the music up
and enjoys it.
My father likes classical music. His favourite
composer is Mozart. Sometimes he listens to Vivaldi or
Tchaikovsky. When I am in a bad mood I can listen to
classical music, too. It calms me and I start feeling better.
As for my mother, she is fond of Elvis Presley. She
can listen to his songs all day. She says that he is great
and his voice makes her forget about everyday problems.
I like to go to clubs and discos. Most of them play
club music: trance or techno. I like to dance to such
music, but I can’t listen to it alone. The beats and sounds
are too aggressive sometimes and I usually have a
headache later.
My friend studies in a musical college. She likes folk
music. Students of this college usually sing and dance to
it. I have been to the concerts where they performed and
I enjoyed it a lot.
Nobody knows when music appeared, but I think that
if there were no music, our life would be very boring and

appear [əpə] появляться
beat [bt] ритм
boring [brŋ] скучный
calm [km] успокаивать
combination [
kɒmbneʃ(ə)n] сочетание
emotion [məυʃ(ə)n] эмоция
folk music [fəυk
mjzk] народная музыка
follow [fɒləυ] зд. преследовать
perform [pəfm] выступать
reflect [rflekt] отражать
techno [teknəυ] техно (муз. стиль)
trance [trns] транс (муз. стиль)
turn up [t :np] делать громко

1. What is music? Why does it play a big role in our life?
2. What kinds of music do you know?
3. What are your favourite kinds of music?
4. Do you have a favourite group or a composer?
5. What music do your relatives like to listen to?
Every country has museums and art galleries. Some
of them are world famous. A museum is a place where
various collections of works of art are displayed. There
are different kinds of museums: history museums,
museums of art, archaeological museums, science
museums and others. I would like to tell you about some
of the most famous museums in the world.
I live in Moscow, the capital of Russia and there are a
lot of large museums in the city. One of the biggest
museums is the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts which
houses one of the world’s largest collections of the
ancient, oriental and classical art. You can see sculptures,
paintings and other works of art by world<famous artists.
The museum holds one of the biggest collections of
Ancient Egyptian Art.
The Tretyakov Gallery is one of the biggest art
galleries in the world. It was founded by a Russian
merchant, Tretyakov, who gave his private collection of
paintings to Moscow. The Gallery has a great collection
of works by Russian famous painters. It consists of seven
departments. You can see portraits, seascapes, landscapes
and other genres of painting there.
St. Petersburg, which once was the capital of Russia,
is famous for its museums, too. The Hermitage is one of
the biggest museums in the world. A lot of permanent
and temporary exhibitions are displayed there. The
museum consists of six buildings. The most famous are:
Winter Palace and the Hermitage. You can see portraits
of Russian tsars, Roman statues, works of Western
European Art, Egyptian Art and Oriental Art there.
If you go to Great Britain you should definitely visit
the British Museum in London. The museum is very big
and you can see works of art in glass, stone, gold and
also a few collections on natural history there.
The Tower of London is another big museum in
London. It used to be a treasury, a prison, an observatory
and even a zoo. The Tower of London hosts a big
collection of arms and jewels.
The United States of America is famous for its
museums and galleries, too. There is the Smithsonian
Institution in Washington, D.C. It consists of several
museums and art galleries that are free and open to the
public. The National Portrait Gallery has a big collection
of those who played an important role in the history and
culture of the USA. The National Museum of Natural
History is popular with children. The museum contains
one of the world’s largest scientific collection: exhibits
on human culture, evolution, dinosaurs, birds, animals,
sea life, meteorites, plants, rocks and minerals.
Another famous museum is the National Air and
Space Museum. It houses the world’s most expensive
collection of aircrafts and spacecrafts. Visitors can see
exhibits on the history of air crafting and watch
documentaries in the IMAX movie theatre that is situated
inside the building. The National Museum of American
History explores America’s scientific, cultural and
political history. It also houses the first American flag.
All museums are very interesting to visit. Museums
and art galleries give us an opportunity to learn facts about
art, history and culture of different peoples and countries.

aircraft [eəkrft] самолет
ancient [enʃ(ə)nt] древний
arms [mz] оружие

consist of [kənsst] состоять из
definitely [defntl] точно, определенно
dinosaur [danəυs] динозавр
display [dsple] выставка, показ
documentary [
dɒkjυment(ə)r] документальный
evolution [
vəlʃ(ə)n] эволюция
exhibit [gzbt] экспонат
explore [kspl] исследовать
found (founded, [faυnd] основывать,
founded) учреждать
hold [həυld] содержать, хранить
house [haυs] содержать, вмещать
merchant [m :tʃənt] купец
meteorite [mtjərat] метеорит
observatory [əbz :vətr] обсерватория
opportunity [
ɒpətjnt] возможность
oriental [
rentl] восточный
peoples [pplz] народы
permanent [p :mənənt] постоянный
rock [rɒk] горная порода
seascape [sskep] морской пейзаж
spacecraft [speskrft] космический
temporary [temp(ə)rər] временный
treasury [tre(ə)r] сокровищница
various [veərəs] разнообразный
work of art [w :kəvt] произведение

1. What kinds of museums are there in the world?
2. What can you say about Moscow museums and art
galleries? Which is one of the biggest galleries in the

3. What museums are there in St. Petersburg? Have you ever
been to any of them?
4. Are there any interesting museums and galleries in
London? What are they?
5. What museums are there in Washington, D.C.?

I think it is impossible to live without reading. Books
appeared long time ago in ancient times. It became
easier to publish books when the printing was invented.
Books can be divided into two large groups: fiction and
non<fiction books. Fiction books are most popular with
readers. Such books include stories, novels and poetry.
As for non<fiction books, they are dictionaries,
biographies, historical books, encyclopedias and others.
When I was a child, my parents read different books
to me. I learned a lot from them. When I learnt to read,
I liked reading fairy tales and adventure stories. I loved
novels about pirates and brave knights. I like reading
books a lot. I read non<fiction books when I prepare
for my studies. But in general I like fiction books. My
favourite genres of books are fantasy and horror. I think
it is very popular with young people nowadays. My
favourite author of fantasy books is J. Rowling. I like her
books about Harry Potter. I reread them and watched
films, too. My favourite author of horror stories is
Stephen King. Actually I do not like books about
monsters and ghosts a lot. I prefer King’s psychological
novels. My favourite novel is Dolores Claiborne. This is
a story about a woman who had a hard life. My family
likes to read, too. We have a big library full of books of
different genres.
My brother is interested in science<fiction. He likes
reading novels about aliens and future. As for my father,
he reads detective stories. I think that this genre of books
is really very popular with older people. His favourite
authors are Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie and
Boris Akunin.
My mother likes historical novels and love stories. Her
favourite author is Sidney Sheldon. She also reads
classical novels by Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Chekhov.
I can say that reading is my hobby. When I have time
I prefer reading to watching TV. Sometimes a book is so
interesting that I cannot stop reading it.
I think that books help us solve some problems, too.
Every person can find a book which will accompany
him or her for the whole life. I have such a book, too. It
is The Catcher in the Rye1 by J. Salinger. It reminds me
of my own life somehow and it really helped me with
some problems.
Nowadays we have television and the Internet; so
many people prefer getting information from these
sources. Some people think that in the world of
information we do not need books at all. But I think that
we should not forget about them. Books contain a lot of
useful information and give pleasure.

accompany [əkmpən] сопровождать
adventure [ədventʃə] приключение
alien [eljən] инопланетянин
appear [əpə] появляться
brave knight [brevnat] смелый рыцарь
dictionary [dkʃ(ə)nr] словарь
The Catcher in the Rye – Над пропастью во ржи

encyclopedia [en
sakləυpdjə] энциклопедия
fairy tale [feər tel] сказка
fiction [fkʃ(ə)n] художественная
genre [ŋr] жанр
give pleasure [gvpleə] доставлять удоволь<
include [nkld] включать
invent [nvent] изобретать
non<fiction [nɒnfkʃ(ə)n] документальная
printing [prntŋ] книгопечатание
psychological [
sakəlɒdk(ə)l< психологический
novel nɒv(ə)l] роман
remind sb of sth [rmand] напоминать кому<то
о чем<то
science<fiction [saəns
fkʃ(ə)n] научная фантастика
solve [sɒlv] решать
source [ss] источник

1. How can books be divided?
2. Did you read a lot when you were a child? What kinds of
books are your favourite?
3. What can you tell about your favourite author?
4. What books do the members of your family read?
5. Do you think that books can solve our problems? Why (not)?
6. Is reading getting less popular? Why (not)?

There are a lot of problems in our world that people
have to face and try to cope with. But I would like to talk
about youth problems.
Adults think that it is very easy to be a teenager, but
this is not true. Nowadays there are a lot of different
things that young people want to try. They are alcohol,
drugs, cigarettes and it is not easy to manage them,
especially for teenagers. Most teenagers try such things
because their friends do and if they do not, they are not
considered to be cool. Some young people take drugs or
drink alcohol because they are bored and they have
nothing to do. Some of them do such things because their
life is hard.
One of the biggest problems among teenagers is the
poor relationship with parents. My parents always tell
me which clothes to wear, which music to listen and
who I should spend my free time with. Parents call
me a naughty child and do not give me pocket money
if I do not listen to their advice. They always ask me
to pay more attention to my studies and they do not
allow me to go to night clubs and discos. But at the
same time we should understand that all they want is
to have their child safe and sound. And I appreciate
that. However, the only thing that I do not like about
them is that they still consider me their child, but I am
a young adult already and they should try to understand
Another problem is friendship. It is really hard to find
a true friend now. Most of young people have friends
because they are rich or clever. Some teenagers like
showing off and children from poor families feel
uncomfortable in their presence.
One of the problems is school. Teachers usually think
that all we have to do is study hard. But sometimes it is
so dull! We have a lot of homework and we do not have
enough time to go for a walk or to spend time with our
friends. But I know that education is very important for
young people and this is another problem that I want to
Every teenager wants to have a good future, to get a
good education and a good job afterwards. Everybody
wants to lead a good life and have a lot of money. But if
you are not bright or you do not have enough money to
pay for your entrance exams you won’t enter a good
university. That is why some of my friends had to give up
trying to pass entrance exams and they got a profession
which they were not interested in.
Nowadays a lot of teenagers are looking for a job to
get some money. They sell newspapers, wash cars and
work as mail couriers. These people think about their
future already and do not just sit at home or spend a lot
of time outside with hooligans.
We are all teenagers and we should start thinking
about our future. There are a lot of youth problems
nowadays, but we need to do everything possible and
impossible to solve them.

appreciate [əprʃet] быть благодарным
bright [brat] умный, сообрази<
consider [kɒnsdə] считать, считаться
cool [kl] (сленг) крутой
cope with [kəυp] справляться с
drug [drg] наркотик
dull [dl] скучный
entrance exam [entrənsgzm] вступительный экзамен
especially [əspeʃ(ə)l] особенно
face [fes] сталкиваться
give up [gvp] бросать, сдаваться
hooligan [hlgən] хулиган
lead [ld] вести
mail courier [
melkυrə] почтовый курьер
naughty [nt] непослушный
pocket money [pɒktmn] карманные деньги
relationship [rleʃ(ə)nʃp] отношения
safe and sound [sefəndsaυnd] цел и невредим
show off [ʃəυɒf] хвастаться
solve [sɒlv] решать
uncomfortable [nkmf(ə)təbl] неудобный

1. Is it easy to be a teenager? Why (not)?
2. What is the biggest youth problem now?
3. What can you say about friendship as a problem of
4. Is it dull for you to study? Why (not)?
5. Do you work to get pocket money?
6. Do you have any problems as a teenager? What are they?

Shopping means going to some place to buy things.
For some people this is a hobby. They go shopping in
their free time. Some people go shopping on weekdays
to buy food.
My family and I do the shopping at weekends. My
family is not very big, but my parents work hard and they
have no time to go to buy things during a week. On
Sunday we usually go to a large supermarket and buy food
for the whole week. I don’t like going there, because there
are usually many people. This supermarket has a lot of
departments: a food department, a grocer’s, a butcher’s,
a fishmonger’s and even a chemist’s department.
Sometimes my mother goes to the cosmetics department
while my father and my brother go to the pet shop, which
is situated there.
There are a lot of shops in Moscow. Some of them
are expensive, others are cheap and you have a choice.
I don’t understand those people who go to some
specialized shops to buy things of a certain brand. Such
things are rather expensive. I prefer going to a market
and buy clothes there.
I prefer doing the shopping alone when I need clothes
or books. My favourite bookshop is in the centre of
Moscow. I can spend hours there looking at different
books and choosing the most interesting ones to read.
My brother hates shopping. Our parents buy clothes for
him and he is not against it. I also like to go shopping
when I need to buy presents for my family or friends.
Sometimes my friend helps me choose presents. She is a
very nice girl with a good taste and she knows what things
are good. Sometimes I have to go to the baker’s to buy
bread and to a dairy shop to buy milk or sour cream.
In my childhood I liked to do the shopping because I
felt grown<up, but now I see that this process is quite
boring. And I don’t like shopping without any need.

baker’s [bekəz] булочная
be against быть против
brand [brnd] марка (одежды, продукта)
butcher’s [bυtʃəz] мясник
certain [s :t(ə)n] определенный
cheap [tʃp] дешевый
chemist’s [kemsts] аптека
cosmetics [kɒzmetks] косметика
dairy [deər] молочный магазин
fishmonger’s [fʃmɒŋgəz] рыбный магазин
grocer’s [grəυsəz] бакалея
hate [het] ненавидеть
mean [mn] означать
need [nd] нужда
pet shop [petʃɒp] зоомагазин
taste [test] вкус

1. What does shopping mean?
2. When does your family go shopping?
3. Do you like to do the shopping?
4. When do you do the shopping?
5. What shops do you usually go to if you need anything?
6. Did you go shopping in your childhood?


Our planet Earth is our home. People have lived on it
for centuries. A lot of things have changed and a lot of
generations have replaced each other, but there has
always been a big global problem – wars. People have
been fighting since the beginning of the world. It is very
difficult to explain why.
When we watch TV shows, films and documentaries,
we often see blood and people being killed. We also hear
such words as: I will kill you, You’re dead!, Die! and so
on. Children watch television and they think that killing
is quite a normal thing. A lot of computer games are based
on killing monsters and people. I think this is all wrong.
In the 20th century a lot of wars broke out: World War
I, World War II, Cold War, Iraqi War and others. Millions
of people died in those wars, but this didn’t stop anybody.
Our country suffered from the war in Chechnya.
Nowadays a lot of countries are very powerful. Maybe
because of this there are so many wars?
I think it is silly to have wars today. Many states have
nuclear weapons, so it is enough to push the button to
make the world disappear. The Americans dropped two
atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese
cities. Many citizens were killed because of this terrible
Another problem is terrorism. More and more
countries are suffering from this problem. It is difficult
to catch terrorists and prevent their acts to kill people.
The most terrible terrorist act was committed in the USA
on the 11th of September, 2001. World Trade Centre, the
pride of all Americans and one of the symbols of New
York City was destroyed and thousands of people died.
This act shocked everybody and most countries decided
to fight against terrorists. However, new acts have been
committed. Russia has suffered from them, too. Many
innocent people were killed and nobody can stop
terrorists now. They promise more blood and murders.
I wonder why people can’t live in peace. I can’t
understand why we should kill each other, fight with each
other when life is so beautiful. I think that the peoples of
the world must try to stop wars and save our children.

generation [
denəreʃ(ə)n] поколение
atomic [ətɒmk] атомный
blood [bld] кровь
break out [brekaυt] разразиться (о войне)
citizen [stzn] житель
commit [kəmt] совершать
innocent [nəs(ə)nt] невинный
murder [m :də] убийство
nuclear [njklə] ядерный
peoples [pplz] народы
powerful [paυəfυl] могущественный
prevent [prvent] предупреждать
replace [rples] зд. сменять
silly [sl] глупо
suffer [sfə] страдать
weapon [wep(ə)n] оружие

1. What is one of the biggest global problems nowadays?
2. Where can people hear about wars and murders?
3. What wars in the history of the world do you remember?
4. Do you think that the problem of terrorism is very big?
5. What biggest terrorist acts were committed in the world?
6. How do you think people can fight terrorism?


Some useful everyday dialogues

Meeting people
A: Hello!
B: Hello!
A: What’s your name?
B: My name is Dima. And what’s your name?
A: My name is John. Nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?
A: I am from England. And what about you?
B: I am from Russia. Where do you live?
A: I live in Oxford Street.
B: And I live in Pokrovka Street.
Asking for personal information
A: Hello, what’s you name?
B: Hello, my name is John Smith.
A: What’s your address, Mr. Smith?
B: My address is 24 Main Street.
A: And your telephone number?
B: It’s 677<141356.
A: Where are you from?
B: I’m from London.
A: Thank you for answering my questions.
B: You are welcome.
Asking for personal information
Jack: Do you live here, Wendy?
Wendy: No, I don’t. I live in Brighton.
Jack: Oh, I see. What do you do?
Wendy: I am a teacher.
Jack: Do you have any children?
Wendy: Yes, I do. A boy and a girl.
Jack: Oh. Are you their teacher?
Wendy: No, I am not. They don’t go to school yet. My
son is three and my daughter is two.
Jack: What does your husband do?
Wendy: He works for the National Bank.
Jack: In Brighton?
Wendy: No, he lives in London. We usually go there to
see him at weekends.

Lena: I hear you’re moving to St. Petersburg.
Andrej: Yes. I’ve got a job there.
Lena: Oh, that’s great! But I’m going to miss you.
Andrej: Me, too. Let’s keep in touch (Давай держать
Lena: Yeah. Don’t forget to send me an e<mail when
you get there.
Andrej: Trust me. I won’t. I’ll keep you posted.
Lena: Do you have my e<mail address?
Andrej: Yes, I do.
Lena: All right! I look forward to hearing from you
soon. Good luck!
A new flat
A: Hi, Jim! How are you?
B: Hi, Diana, I am good, and you?
A: I fine, too, thanks. I hear you’ve got a new flat.
B: Yes, I have. Now I live in a five<storied building.
A: How many rooms are there in your flat?
B: There are three rooms: a living<room, a bedroom and a
dining<room. I also have a kitchen and a big bathroom.
A: Sounds very nice! I am very happy for you!
B: Thanks, Diana. You can come to visit me any time!
A: Great! I would love to look at your flat. I will call
you next week.
B: Super! See you!

At the doctor’s
A: Hello, Doctor Smith.
B: Hello, Mrs. Black. How are you?
A: Not very good, I don’t feel well.
B: Sorry to hear that. What’s the problem?
A: I have a bad stomachache.
B: What did you eat last night?
A: Fried chicken with macaroni. But I think that it is
probably because I drank too much Coca Cola yesterday.
B: Do you usually drink coke?
A: Yes, I like it very much.
B: OK, Mrs. Black. I will prescribe a good medicine
for you stomach. Here is the prescription.
A: Will it help?
B: I am sure it will. But try to drink less coke next time!
A: Thank you, Doctor Smith, I promise!
After exams
A: I can’t believe Mary failed her History exam. She is
such a good student!
B: I hear she didn’t have time to prepare for it.
A: Why not?
B: She was ill last week and she had to take a test in
maths and English.
A: Oh I see. Will she have another chance to take her
History exam again?
B: Yes, as you know, we can retake exams three times.
A: Good! I hope she will pass.
B: Me, too.

Booking a flight
A: I’d like to book a flight to London, please.
B: Which airline would you like to use?
A: Which is the cheapest airline?
B: When do you want to travel?
A: August the 15th.
B: Would you like a return ticket (обратный билет)?
A: Yes, I’m coming back on the 25th.
B: Let me see... The cheapest direct flight (прямой рейс)
is 300 pounds.
A: How long does it take?
B: Total time is 3 hours 20 minutes.
A: I’ll take it then.
B: How many seats would you like?
A: Just the one.
B: Good. The flight has just been booked.
A: Thank you.
B: You are welcome.
At passport control
A: May I see your passport, please?
B: Here you are.
A: What is the purpose of your visit?
B: I’m on business.
A: How long will you be staying?
B: Ten days.
A: Thank you very much. Enjoy your stay.

At a hotel
A: Good evening. Can I help you?
B: Yes, please. I’d like a room for the night.
A: Would you like a single room, or a double room?
B: A single room, please. How much is it?
A: It’s 40 pounds per night.
B: Can I pay by credit card?
A: Certainly. Could you fill in this form, please?
B: Do you need my passport number?
A: No, just an address and your signature.
B: Here you are.
B: Here’s your key. Your room number is 312.
A: Thank you.
B: Thank you. If you need anything, dial 1 for the
reception area. Have a good stay!

Discussing the hotel

Mark: So how’s your hotel, Jenny?
Jenny: Well, it’s OK. It has a restaurant and a coffee bar.
Mark: Is there a shop?
Jenny: Yes, there is a shop where you can buy
newspapers, magazines and all that.
Mark: What about your room?
Jenny: Well, the room is very nice. It’s small though,
but it has a TV<set, a radio and a bathroom.
Mark: Is it cozy?
Jenny: Yes, it is.
Mark: Does it have a refrigerator?
Jenny: No, and I don’t really need it.
Mark: Well, seems that you like everything. That’s
Jenny: Yes, you are right. Next time I will definitely
stay at this hotel!

Asking the way

A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to Red
B: Sure. Walk down Tverskaya street to Okhotnyj Ryad
metro station. You’ll have to cross the road using
the subway and you will find yourself just near Read
A: Is it far from here?
B: Not very. It will take you about 20 minutes.
A: Thank you very much!
B: You are welcome.

Asking the way
A: Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to
the police station?
B: Sure. Walk along Main Avenue until you get to
Water Street, then turn left. The walk down Water
Street and you’ll see the police station on the right,
opposite the petrol station.
A: Thank you very much.
B: Not at all.

Calling from abroad

A: Hi, John, this is Tim. I am calling from Oxford.
B: From Oxford? What are you doing there?
A: I’m on holiday.
B: How’s the weather in Oxford?
A: It’s very nice. Rather warm.
B: How do you like the city?
A: Oh, it’s beautiful! It has many places of interest.
B: Are you having a good time?
A: Yes, I am. I really like the place!
B: Good! Thanks for calling me, Tim. Have a good
time in Oxford!
A: Thank you, John. Bye.

Shop assistant: May I help you?
Mary: Yes. Do you have these shoes in size
Shop assistant: I’m not sure. But let me look in the
stockroom (на складе).
Mary: Thanks. I’d like to try on a pair if you
have them.
Shop assistant: I’ll be right back.

Customer: Good morning.
Shop assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?
C: Yes, I’d like three pounds of tomatoes
and some cheese, please.
SA: OK, tomatoes. How much cheese?
C: Half a pound of that German cheese.
SA: OK. Here you are. Anything else?
C: Yes, I’d like some mushrooms.
SA: Sorry, sir. We don’t have any
mushrooms today.
C: OK. Then I’ll take a loaf of white
bread. That’s it. How much is that,
SA: Six pounds fifty.
C: Thank you.

A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, I’m looking for a jumper.
A: What size are you?
B: I’m a small.
A: How about this one?
B: Yes, that’s very nice. Can I try it on?
A: Certainly, there’s a changing room there.
B: Thank you.
A: How does it fit?
B: It’s too large. Do you have an extra small?
A: Yes, here you are.
B: Thank you. I’ll buy it.
A: OK, how would you like to pay?
B: I will pay cash.
A: It’s 7 pounds. Thank you. Have a nice day!
B: Thank you, goodbye.

In a restaurant
Waitress: Are you ready to order now?
Maria: Yes. I’ll have some salad, roast beef, and
mashed potatoes.
Waitress: How do you want the beef? Rare, medium,
or well<done?
Maria: Well<done, please.
Waitress: Anything to drink?
Maria: Do you have coffee or tea?
Waitress: Yes, we have both. Which one would you
like, coffee or tea?
Maria: Iced tea, please.

In a restaurant
A: Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?
B: Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?
A: Certainly, here you are.
B: Thank you. What’s today’s special (блюдо дня)?
A: Grilled chicken and rice.
B: That sounds good. I’ll have that.
A: Would you like anything to drink?
B: Yes, I’d like a coke, please.
A: Thank you. Here you are. Enjoy your meal!
B: Thank you.
A: Would you like to have anything else?
B: No thanks. I’d like the bill, please.
A: That’ll be 5 pounds.
B: Here you are. Keep the change (сдачи не надо)!
A: Thank you! Have a good day!
B: Bye.

On a Diet
Tom: Would you like to have some ice<cream? I’ve got
many flavours for you to choose from. I’ve got
strawberry, banana, peach, chocolate, coffee and
Jane: What choices you have! I wish I could, but I’m
on a diet to lose weight.
Tom: Come on, it will not harm you if you have a little
Jane: I’d better not. Please don’t tempt me (не иску<
шай меня). Please!
Tom: You are really strong<willed.
Jane: You’re right.
Tom: Well, then I’d better not tempt you. We’ll eat ice<
cream together when you stop keeping to a diet.

Making plans
A: Let’s go to the cinema together, shall we?
B: I’d love to. When shall we go?
A: How about next Saturday evening?
B: Let me see... Oh, I am sorry, I’m having dinner
with a friend.
A: How about the following Tuesday?
B: That’d be great. What shall we see?
A: “Barnyard”?
B: No, that’s a cartoon, I don’t want to watch it. How
about “Ghost Rider”?
A: Sounds good to me. When shall we meet?
B: Let’s meet at seven in the middle of Pushkinskaya
metro station.
A: Great, see you there.

Making plans
A: Hi, Ilya. How are you?
B: Hi, Boris, I am good, thank you. And you?
A: I am fine, too. Where are you going to spend New
B: At home with my parents, as usual. What about
A: I am going to a party with my friends. We are going
to have much food, drink champagne, watch TV
and dance all night long. Do you want to join us?
B: Well, this sounds great. I will talk to my parents and
then I will give you a call.
A: Good! I am waiting for your call then.
B: OK. Bye!
A: See you!

Planning a holiday
H: Where shall we go for our holiday this year, Alex?
A: How about Turkey, Helen? It’s cheap, and it’s very
warm there!
H: I’d prefer something more exciting this year. Have
you heard about holidays in Scotland?
A: I prefer lying on a beach to mountaineering.
H: But we spend every year lying on a beach, Alex! I’d
like to do something different this time. I’d rather
not go anywhere so crowded.
A: Well, probably you are right. Turkey was very
crowded last time. I’d prefer a place a little quieter,
but I want to do something active too.
H: How about Egypt then? The weather’s usually good
and we can ride camels there!
A: Sounds OK to me. Would you prefer to stay in a
hotel or rent a flat?
Favourite means of travelling
A: I hear you are going to Paris next summer, Victor.
B: Yes, I am. I really like this city.
A: How are you going to get there? By plane?
B: No, I have always been afraid of flying. I’d better go
there by train.
A: Yes, now it’s dangerous to fly... And what is your
favourite means of travelling?
B: I like travelling by train. I have never travelled by
ship. I think it’s comfortable too.
A: Yes, it is. My family and I went on a cruise last year
on a big liner. I loved it. It had a swimming pool,
two restaurants, a dance floor and lots of other
B: I envy you! Maybe I should go on a cruise rather
than going to Paris. I will think about it.
A: Yes. You should!

At home
Tim: Mum, may I go for a walk with my friends?
Mother: Have you done your homework?
Tim: Yes, I have done part of it. I will finish it after
Mother: No, first you should do the whole thing and
then go for a walk.
Tim: But, mum...
Mother: I have said everything, Tim. You stay at home
and finish your homework.
Tim: Okay...
At home
Tim: Mum, I want to go to Peter’s place. May I?
Mother: Have you cleaned your room, Tim?
Tim: Umm... well, no, I am going to do it
Mother: No, Tim. Go and clean your room and then
you may go wherever you want.
Tim: But mum! The room is clean.
Mother: I will go upstairs now and see. If it’s dirty you
will not go anywhere until you clean it.
Tim: OK... I’d better go and do it now.
Mother: Good boy!

At home
Tim: It smells wonderful! What are you cooking,
Mother: Chicken with fries.
Tim: My favourite! When will the dinner be ready?
Mother: It’s almost ready. Now go and wash your
Tim: I’m running! I am very hungry today!
Mother: Good to hear it, Tim.

A telephone call
Receptionist: Alder Publishing House. Can I help you?
Caller: Hello, is Mrs. Amari Donaldson
available, please?
Receptionist: I’m sorry, she is not in the office at the
moment. Can I take a message (что ей
Caller: Yes. I’m her sister Jane. Can you tell her
that I have some important news for her?
My telephone number’s 6587354.
Receptionist: Certainly. Do you want her to phone you
Caller: Yes, please. I will be available till 6 p.m.
The lunchtime is from 1 to 2 p.m.
Receptionist: Thank you. Anything else?
Caller: No, that’s all. Thank you very much.
Receptionist: Don’t mention it. Goodbye.
Caller: Bye.

Discussing a play
A: Hello. How was the play last night?
B: It was terrible!
A: Why?
B: The story was bad, the actors were terrible and the
scenery was awful!
A: What about the music?
B: The music was very nice. That was the best thing
about the play.
A: So then the play was OK?
B: Well, maybe. But I didn’t like it anyway.

Welcoming a guest
A: Would you like some more salad, Jane?
B: Yes, please. It’s lovely. Only a little. Is there more chicken?
A: Sure, here you are. Would you like some more
B: No, thank you, I’d like some peas instead. The
food is excellent, Maria. You cook so well!
A: Thank you very much. I really like cooking. Could
you pass me the salt, please, Jane?
B: Yes, here you are.
A: Thanks.

Choosing a present
A: Mike, have you heard about Jack’s birthday next
B: I have! He is making a big party for all his friends.
A: I suggest buying a present for him together.
B: Let’s do it. Have you thought of it already?
A: No. Let’s discuss it, shall we?
B: Let’s. I know that his hobby is collecting toy trains.
Do you think we could buy him a small car (вагон)
for his collection?
A: I don’t think it’s the best present. But it’s a good
idea though.
B: I know where we can buy it. What about a greeting
A: I will buy it myself. But don’t you think that one
car for the collection is enough...
B: We can buy something else as an addition. What
about a bottle of whisky?
A: Well, sounds nice. But the problem is that he
doesn’t drink alcohol...
Talking about musical preferences
A: Hey, Mark. What are you listening to?
B: Hi, John. I am listening to Madonna’s new album.
It’s very nice.
A: Do you like Madonna?
B: Yes, I do. What about you?
A: No, I don’t like pop music. I prefer rock. My
favourite rock group is The Scorpions.
B: They are nice, too. Actually I can listen to any kind
of music. It depends on my mood.
A: How so?
B: Well, when I am in a good mood, I listen to rock and
pop music. When I am sad, I prefer classical music.
A: I see that today you are in a good mood, right?
B: Yes, I am!

An interesting hobby
A: What a wonderful picture, Maggie! Where did you
buy it?
B: Oh, Kate, I didn’t buy it. I drew it myself.
A: What?? It’s wonderful!
B: Thank you! Drawing is my hobby. When I have free
time, I draw pictures.
A: And my hobby is reading. But I think that it’s not
so interesting as drawing. Maybe I should start
learning to draw?
B: You can try. It’s not difficult. But it takes much
time to learn.
A: Oh, yes. I am afraid I won’t be able to take drawing
lessons, because I work too much.
B: If you want, I can give you lessons in drawing at
A: Sounds fantastic! When shall we start?

A bad day
A: Michael looks upset. Do you know what
B: Yes, he had a bad day.
A: Why?
B: When he was walking his dog, he fell and hurt
A: That’s terrible? Anything serious?
B: No, just a scratch (царапина) on his knee.

Asking for help

A: Boris, it’s Alice.
B: Hi, Alice. How are you?
A: Well, not very good. I am calling you because I need
your help.
B: What’s the matter?
A: Well, I would like you to help me with maths. I am
really bad at it and we are having an exam next
B: Sure I will help you, no problem. When do you
want to start?
A: As soon as possible. What about tomorrow in the
B: Sure. I will be waiting for you.
A: Thanks a lot!
Useful Expressions and Word Combinations

Expressions with the verb “to be”

to be hungry хотеть есть (быть голодным)
to be thirsty хотеть пить
to be good at быть способным (к чему<либо)
to be bad at быть неспособным (к чему<либо)
to be proud of гордиться чем<либо
to be fond of любить что<либо делать
to be pleased/ быть довольным/недовольным
displeased at кем<либо, чем<либо
to be sure of быть уверенным в чем<либо
to be surprised at быть удивленным чем<либо

Phrasal verb “to look”

look about оглядываться по сторонам
look after присматривать, ухаживать
за кем<либо, чем<либо
look at смотреть на кого<то, что<то
look back оглядываться
look for искать
look forward to (+ Ving) ожидать с нетерпением
look in заглянуть к кому<либо
look on наблюдать
look out выглядывать
look through просматривать
look up смотреть вверх, искать что<либо
в справочнике, словаре
Phrasal verb “to take”
take after походить на кого<либо
take around сопровождать, показывать досто<
take away убирать, уносить
take back отказываться (от сказанного,
от написанного)
take for принимать за кого<либо
take in принимать (гостя), обманывать
take out удалять, выводить (пятно)
take to увлечься (чем<либо), привыкать
English Tenses

The Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense

Настоящее простое время
(Обычное действие в настоящем времени)
I go to school every day. Я хожу в школу каждый
She goes to the cinema Она ходит в кино
on Sundays. по воскресеньям.
They usually walk in the garden. Они обычно гуляют в саду.
We don’t like exams! Мы не любим экзамены!
Does he study well? Он хорошо учится?

The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense

Прошедшее простое время
(Обычное действие в прошлом)
I went to a bookshop yesterday. Вчера я ходил в книжный
We translated this article Мы перевели эту статью
an hour ago. час назад.
He came back two days ago. Он вернулся два дня назад.
What did you do last week? Что ты делал на прошлой
They didn’t finish their work Они не закончили работу
yesterday. вчера.

The Future Simple (Indefinite) Tense

Будущее простое время
(Обычное действие в будущем)
I will go to the park tomorrow. Завтра я пойду в парк.
He will not dance the day after Он не будет танцевать
tomorrow. послезавтра.
Will she work in a week? Она будет работать через
When will they read? Когда они будут читать?
Shall I go to the shop? Я пойду (мне сходить)
в магазин?
The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense
Настоящее продолженное время
(Действие, происходящее в момент речи/
на данный момент)
I am going to the theatre now. Я иду в театр (сейчас).
What are you doing Чем ты сейчас занимаешься?
at the moment?
She is not writing a letter. Она не пишет письмо (сейчас).
We are not watching TV now. Мы сейчас не смотрим
They are going to Italy Они едут в Италию летом.
in summer.

The Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Прошедшее продолженное время
(Действие, происходившее в прошлом на протяжении
какоголибо промежутка времени)
I was watching TV Вчера в это время
at this time yesterday. я смотрел телевизор.
They were chatting Они болтали вчера с 19 до 20.
from 7 to 9 p.m. yesterday.
He was not playing football Он не играл в футбол
at 6 p.m yesterday. в 18 часов вчера.
Was she reading the whole Она вчера читала весь вечер?
evening yesterday?
What were they doing Что они делали в 2 часа дня?
at 2 in the afternoon?

The Future Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Будущее продолженное время
(Действие, которое будет происходить в будущем на протя
жении какоголибо промежутка времени)
Tomorrow at 9 p.m. I will be Завтра в 9 вечера я буду
watching an interesting смотреть интересную
TV show. программу по телевизору.
He will be reading at this time Завтра в это время он будет
tomorrow. читать.
She will not be studying Она не будет заниматься
at 5 p.m. tomorrow. завтра в 17 часов.
Will they be walking Они будут гулять
at 7 in the morning? в семь часов утра?
What will you be doing Что вы будете делать
the whole day tomorrow? завтра весь день?

The Present Perfect Tense

Настоящее завершенное время
(Действие, которое началось в прошлом,
но имеет важность и результат в настоящем)

I have gone to the bathroom Я уже сходил в ванную.

She has not read this book yet. Она еще не прочитала
эту книгу.
Has he already come back? Он уже вернулся?
Have you looked through Вы просмотрели статью?
the article?
They have never seen this film. Они никогда не смотрели
этот фильм.

The Future Perfect Tense

Будущее завершенное время
(Действие, которое начнется и завершится
к определенному моменту в будущем)

I will have found a job Я найду работу к тому

by the time I graduate времени, как закончу
from the university. университет.
She will not have finished Она не закончит писать
writing her book свою книгу завтра к семи
by 7 p.m. tomorrow. вечера.
Will you have finished cooking Ты закончишь готовить ужин
dinner by the time к тому времени, как он
he comes home? придет домой?

The Past Perfect Tense
Прошедшее завершенное время
(Действие, которое завершилось
к определенному моменту или действию в прошлом)
I had seen him before he went Я видел его перед тем, как он
to St.Petersburg. уехал в Санкт<Петербург.
I learnt that my brother Я узнал, что мой брат
had found a job already. уже нашел работу.
Had you met your friends Ты встретился с друзьями
before you left for Britain? перед тем как уехал
в Великобританию?
She had never had many toys У нее никогда не было много
when she was a child. игрушек, когда она была

The Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Настоящее завершеннопродолженное время
(Действие, которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось
в течение какоголибо времени до настоящего момента
и только что закончилось или ещё продолжается)
We have been studying since Мы учимся с 9 часов утра
9 a.m. and are very tired. и очень устали.
He has been learning English Он учит английский
for 2 years. два года.
How long have they been Как долго они работают
working for this company? в этой компании?
My brother has not been Мой брат давно не пьет
drinking coke for a long кока<колу.

The Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Будущее завершеннопродолженное время
(Действие, которое начнется и будет продолжаться
на протяжении какоголибо времени до определенного
момента в будущем)
I will have been waiting Я буду ждать два часа, когда
for two hours when her ее самолет приземлится.
plane finally arrives.
They will not have been working Они не будут работать
for a week by the time неделю к тому времени,
the boss comes back. как начальник вернется.

The Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Прошедшее завершеннопродолженное время
(Действие, которое началось в прошлом,
продолжалось в течение какоголибо времени
до определенного момента в прошлом)
I had been waiting for her Я ждал ее два часа перед
for two hours before she тем, как она наконец<то
finally arrived. пришла.
She had been studying English Она изучала английский
for three years before два года перед тем,
she got the job. как нашла работу.
John wasn’t tired because Джон не устал, так как он
he had not been studying не учился в тот день.
that day.

English Irregular Verbs

be was/were been быть, находиться

begin began begun начинать(ся)
bind bound bound связывать
break broke broken разбивать
bring brought brought приносить
build built built строить
buy bought bought покупать
choose chose chosen выбирать
come came come приходить
do did done делать
draw drew drawn тащить, волочить
drive drove driven вести (машину)
eat ate eaten есть, кушать
fall fell fallen падать
find found found находить
fly flew flown летать
forbid forbade forbidden запрещать
forget forgot forgotten забывать
get got got получать
give gave given давать, отдавать
go went gone идти, ходить
grow grew grown расти, выращивать
have had had иметь
hear heard heard слышать
hold held held держать, проводить
hurt hurt hurt ранить
keep kept kept держать
know knew known знать
lead led led вести, руководить
learn learnt learnt учиться
leave left left покидать, оставлять
let let let позволять, разрешать

Продолжение таблицы
lie lay lain лежать
lose lost lost терять
make made made делать
mean meant meant значить, означать
meet met met встречать(ся)
pay paid paid платить
put put put класть
read read read читать
run ran run бегать
say said said говорить, сказать
see saw seen видеть, смотреть
sell sold sold продавать
send sent sent посылать, отправлять
set set set устанавливать
shake shook shaken трясти
show showed showed показывать
sing sang sung петь
sit sat sat сидеть
sleep slept slept спать
smell smelt smelt нюхать, пахнуть
speak spoke spoken говорить
spend spent spent тратить, проводить
stand stood stood стоять
take took taken брать
teach taught taught учить, обучать
tell told told рассказывать
think thought thought думать
throw threw thrown кидать
understand understood understood понимать
unwind unwound unwound разматывать(ся)
wake woke woken просыпаться
wear wore worn носить (одежду)
win won won побеждать
write wrote written писать

Þðèé Àëåêñååâè÷ Ñìèðíîâ

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Ðåäàêöèÿ «Îáðàçîâàòåëüíûå ïðîåêòû»

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Ïîäïèñàíî â ïå÷àòü 12.08.2015. Ôîðìàò 84 × 108 1/32. Óñë. ïå÷. ë. 8,4.

(êðàñí.) Äîï. òèðàæ 1500 ýêç. Çàêàç ¹
(ÅÃÝ) Òèðàæ 2500 ýêç. Çàêàç ¹

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Ñåðòèôèêàò ñîîòâåòñòâèÿ № РОСС RU.AE51.H16647 от 17.12.2014 г.

ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî ACT»

129085, ã. Ìîñêâà, Çâ¸çäíûé áóëüâàð, ä. 21, ñòðîåíèå 3, êîìíàòà 5

ÎÎÎ «Èçäàòåëüñòâî Àñòðåëü»

127299, г. Москва, улица Клары Цеткин, д. 18, корп. 3, комн. 19

Ïî âîïðîñàì ïðèîáðåòåíèÿ êíèã îáðàùàòüñÿ ïî àäðåñó:

123317, г. Москва, Пресненская наб., д. 6, стр. 2,
Деловой комплекс «Империя», а/я № 5
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