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Obviously we both think totally different when it comes to believing in the bible.

Yes, I agree the

bible was written by men, but these were inspired by God to write such things (John 17:3). It's like
a boss dictating a secretary to write what he says.. at the end, it's not the secretary's letter, it's the
boss'.. she just typed it up for him. Same with the writers of the bible.. God basically told them
what to write. These of course weren't morally higher.. everyone is still a sinner.. but they were
used by God to teach people and to carry out what God wanted them to do.. if they did think they
were higher, God would have disciplined them. Just like he did with Moses by not letting him see
the promised land for taking all the credit for making water come out of the rocks. Jesus as well
taught to be humble when washing the apos. feets. Now the pharisees .. they thought they were
all that. lol. Jesus mentioned that about them.. but never did he talk bad about his disciples.
Now I guess we do agree that there is a loving God that has created all things..and his son Jesus.
but, what I don't understand is, how can you learn about them if you don't believe in the bible? Is
there some other book aside from the bible that you believe in that mentions them? If you don't
believe in the bible, then shouldn't Jesus and God be simply stories in a book written by men?
Shouldn't the story about Adam and eve be simply just a story.. and therefore, possibly God never
created anything nor exists? That is why is hard for me to believe that the bible is book. I believe
that if you believe in God and Jesus, then you have to believe in the bible. God can't simply have
us in this earth with no guide. He teaches us to get close to him and learn from him.. but how can
you do this if he doesn't provide us something to learn about him? How can we know what we do
is either wrong or right in His eyes?.. Only way is by the bible. The bible is the oldest book ever
that ever survived. The writers wrote them in different cities.. with hundreds of years of
separation.. yet they all teach the same things and they all managed to survive? I'm sure there
were other books back in the days aside from the bible.. but did any of them survive aside from
the bible? Now, I'm sorry.. but I never will stop believing in the bible... I don't believe it is wrong in
any way... that's just me.. now.. you probably would never believe in it as you seem very
convinced from it... but I still am confused on how you can believe in God and Jesus if you don't
believe in the bible. Where else does it say that Jesus was going to born and what he did for us?

Now I totally agree with you as how we should be as human beings..because these are all things
that the bible teaches us. And yes there are many out there that call themselves Christians yet
they are "wolves dressed as sheep" (as mentioned in matthew 7:15).. but all this is expected as
the bible itself says to be careful from these. it says that "from their fruit" you will be able to
recognize these wolfs.. .. but it also mentions that there will be the righteous ones that will
possess the earth (Psalms 37:29).. so not all are bad. I too once believed like you. and thought
religion was very hypocritical... but once I found a religion that actually tries to live life in
accordance to what they teach from the bible... then I no longer felt that way. I actually am very
happy with my beliefs... I grew up as a catholic.. now, there I would say that they are totally wrong
for me.. all i saw was greed, and they didn't teach a thing. They say they follow the bible.. yet,
they never taught anything about it.. and they did so many things that the bible was against.. like
worship of saints and statues, having to pay for baptisms, weddings, the teaching of hell.. having
to recite prayers repeatedly.. and much more.. so because they did the opposite of what the bible
teaches as you said... so ofcourse I wouldn't believe in it.. I changed religions and found one that
does follow the bible as strictly as possible so I'm very happy and feel very satisfied spiritually as
I've learned so much. And yes, agree again, nobody should judge anyone.. nobody knows who is
worthy of being saved. Only God knows for sure. But we have to do our best as individuals to
please God to be saved. And that is why, since I believe the bible is the word of God, I feel I
should follow the scriptures since it shows me what I should do to be able to be one of those that
God considers "righteous" that one day will possess the earth. Talking about this.. what plans do
you believe God has for us? where you got this belief from?

Anyhow you said "The fact that you compare two men engaging in lawful, consentual relationship
to murder and infanticide is morally twisted and vile. Stop using these outdated biblical societies,
please, we're in the 21st century".... I mentioned Israel and Canaan... only because you
mentioned it in Deut. 20... and Deut. 20 is basically About these... and I was only giving you a
valid reason as to why God permitted Israel to conquer Canaan.. you probably got confused as
my reply was sent in different sections... they were meant to be together. Or possibly you just
forgot what you wrote in your previous message as I did take some time to reply. I wouldn't have
brought them up for no reason.. but since you mentioned Deut 20:10-14 on your previous
message.. I had no other option but to try to reply using the same info. You posted a scripture that
talks about Israelites and Canaan.. so it's expected that i would talk about them and not about
cities today.

Slavery... I wasn't painting pretty colors.. you say that the bible promotes it and that it's horrible for
God to permit this.... ..Yes, You think of the word slave.. and automatically, most people think of
people being mistreated and working nonstop with no hopes of being free. That's
understandable.. because yes.. slaves were mistreated for years.. but the bible wasn't in favor of
this. Yes, it permitted slavery.. but it gave slaves rights as everyone else and i showed you many
things that showed how the bible protected slaves and doesn't promote something horrible. Bible
taught to treat them with respect.. to not mistreat them, and even gave them opportunity to be
free. Now if somebody didn't follow the rules that the bible taught.. then why blame the bible? If
somebody chooses not to follow the rules.. they're to blame.. if they mistreat the slaves.. they are
to blame. Bible is not responsible for slaves that were mistreated. Can't compare Egyptians when
they had israelites as slaves... Egyptians didn't follow the teachings of the Bible.. so they didn't
follow the rules when it came to treating slaves with respect. Israelites did believe in the bible,
and so they had to treat the slaves way different than the Egyptians did. Israelites didn't treat
them like trash.. if you read more into the bible. you would even read about slaves that stayed
with their owners even after being set free. These slaves were basically paying off a debt.. and
the work they did wasn't horrendous.. most simply did simple housework and served as
messengers. Not much different than live-in maids, butlers, and mail carriers.. they work for
somebody to get paid.. same as a slave.. they are working for someone to pay them back. Would
I sell my own daughter? Even though I don't got one.. of course not. Like you mentioned.. most
people today say they are christians yet they are wolfs.. If I know for a fact that they would harm
her.. no parent would do that.. but if I find a home that I know would treat her well.. then why not?
If i got no money.. she would eventually die of hunger... so why not give her to somebody that I
know would treat her well? Isn't this what many parents end up doing today anyhow? it's not like
they leave their child knowingly to somebody that will treat them bad. Same as slavery with the
israelites.. since they had to follow the bible and treat slaves right (which would be a loss for them
if they did treat them bad anyhow as they would have to set them free if they did) some parents
probably preferred to sell their sons and daughters to somebody else and had no problem with it
as they knew they were probably better off with them. Now.. I doubt they would willingly sell them
to a society that didn't treat slaves right. So again, even though slavery is known to be as
something horrible.. bible isn't responsible for them being mistreated as it teaches people to treat
the slaves with respect... if they don't follow that teaching.. then it's simply the person's fault.. not
the bibles. Holocaust, same story.. can't blame the bible.. obviously Hitler didn't follow the bible...
if he truely did, he wouldn't have done such horrible things. And we know about the holocaust..
Jews weren't the only ones who suffered from it... Jehovah Witnesses also suffered from it.

Now.. Hell.. you are totally right! God is a God of love. So I understand perfectly when it comes to
not believing in hell.. Hell is not a teaching of the bible.. hell is a teaching that many religions
teach.. and this is a false teaching. I don't believe in hell.. well.. not the fiery hell.. the word hell in
hebrew means "sheol".. and sheol simply means the common grave of mankind where good
people as well as bad ones go. So if you believed that the bible teaches that people will have
eternal suffering in hell.. then I would understand why you would think of it as infallible... but,
again, this is not in the bible. Even Job himself asked God to protect him in hell..referring to the
grave. Bible teaches that once a person dies.. their sins have been paid.. death pays for our sins..
with no sins.. there's no need for hell anyways. I still don't understand why many people do
believe in it though.. I guess because they are being misleaded by people who are teaching them
false things. And bible isn't sexist.. bible promises that 144,000 people will help rule the earth with
Jesus...and in these, it won't only be man, but women as well will rule. And both man and women
will also be able to live on earth for eternity in perfect conditions.. just as it was his purpose in the
beginning... don't understand why people think that he has changed his plans..
Cherokee indians..big difference.. Anybody can learn from trial and error..... only thing is, it takes
time.. so who knows how long it must have taken them to learn some hygiene stuff... I'm sure
they noticed after eating raw meat they would get sick.. but, I doubt they blamed their unwashed
hands for sicknesses. Just like many small tribes today... (I see alot of National geographic lol)..
they do some really bad stuff that is bad for their health so they still aren't aware of good
hygiene.. and I doubt they will learn that there's germs everywhere unless that somebody tells
them. But ancient times..Bible didn't let them do trial and error.. bible already told them what was
right for them to do. That's exactly my point here.. those that probably never heard from the bible,
had to do trial and error and later found out what is true. Yet, those that followed the bible didn't
have to do trial and error.. bible already told them what is right.. bible is never wrong. Building a
plane? Yep it took years of trial and error.. but it didn't take noah trial and error to make the Ark as
God provided him with exact measurements and material he had to use. Even though Noah
wasn't an engineer he built a ship strong enough to be considered a very safe ship worthy of
examining according to engineers of today.you can google investigations on this.. infact. here's
one link you can check out " http://www.answersingenesis.org/tj/v8/i1/noah.asp" Again, no trial
and error was necessary.

flood... when it comes to opening the doors.. don't take this literally.. if you were to read many
scriptures in the bible.. a majority speaks in metaphors, illustrations..symbolism..etc. So, when
they open the doors.. they didn't mean it literally.. is not like they saw 2 doors beings opened in
the sky.. they simply wanted to show how quickly it came down and the amount of water that
poured. If you fill a box with doors on the bottom with water and open it.. the water pours rapidly..
same applies here. Can't always take everything in the bible literally. Just like you mentioned the
wolfs being dressed as sheep.. it's not like wolfs really disguise themselves as sheep and so we
have to watch out for them.

If I believe in bible prophets do I believe in Nostradamus? No way! The only reason I believe in
the prophets from the bible is because these wrote prophesies by being inspired by God. So
basically.. in a way these prophecies were given to us by God.. the prophets just wrote them
down. Nostradamus is not inspired by God.. if he were.. his predictions would be in accordance to
the rest of the scriptures.. yet he predicts many things that contradicts the bible's prophecy.
Therefore he is not inspired by God. For example, he predicted the the earth was going to suffer
another world flood.. yet the bible teaches that there will never be another flood like the one in
noah's time. Anyhow, Nost. predictions aren't considered to have occured officially. It is
considered to have some prophecies fullfilled because some people interpret it in a certain way. If
any was really fullfilled.. I wouldn't be surprised anyhow, as he did study the "occult"..and bible
does show how many people that practiced witchcraft and such were capable of doing this.. yet,
the bible strictly says to not practice such things and to get away from those that do(Leviticus
19:26;20:27;Deuteronomy 18:10-14). I think I had already posted the scriptures where it shows
the girl that predicted the future.. yet she lost these powers once a prophet expelled the demon
that gave her this power. So.. I don't believe in anybody that predicts things, nor would I even go
to anybody that does this as I am going againt bible teachings.

Think that replies to everything.. I know you're not angry.. you're just stating your point of view
and protecting your belief.. just as I am.. hopefully I don't sound angry though..lol... If I do.. let me
say sorry before hand.

Oh, and when it comes to the site with contradictions.. I can't explain every single one to you.. it
would take forever.. but just starting from the beginning...
1. In Gen 1:31 God is satisfied with his works at this time because he had just finished creating
the earth and just created Adam.. nothing wrong occured at that moment.. all was good.. so no
problems.. everything was perfect at that moment.. so God was satisfied. In Gen. 6:6.. God is not
satisfied because at this time, everything was bad.. this scripture is based during Noah's time. Big
difference. So just like anyone.. If one day all is good.. we're satisfied... but if all goes wrong..
we're not satisfied.
2. There's no contradiction here. In Acts 7:48 here Esteban (think that is the correct name in
english.. I know biblical terms more in spanish so sorry if I said name wrong) is not saying that
God doesn't dwell in temples.. He just wanted to make a point by saying this that is not necessary
to build a temple for God to be there as his actual place of dwelling is not in a temple.. but in the
heavens.. He wanted to make this point as David was making petition to build a temple for God
but Solomon had already built one... it wasn't necessary to build another one as God doesn't
really live in them.. they just represent his dwelling.. but its not his dwelling.
3. There's no contradiction with light and darkness.. if you read more of 1 kings chapter 8 atleast
starting with verse 6.. you would see that after the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of
Jehovah to the Most Holy.. then a cloud filled the house of Jehovah God... and when Solomon
saw this.. he remembered what God said to Moses.. in Exodus 19:9.

and the list goes on and on...there's actually some sites that already answers this list.. but I don't
use these as some have some false teachings as well.. like the trinity.. don't believe in that yet,
they use that as an answer.. so gotta be careful if you look up those answers from those sites as
well. but, an advice.. the link you posted goes totally against the bible and God as they are trying
to prove there isn't a God as well.. you said you believe in God and Jesus so be careful with
believing everything from sites like these... just with the beginning..already it doesn't prove the
bible wrong... you seem to be somebody that is not easily convinced of things...yet you believe
this site so easily.. i don't understand?.. but if you would research on your own, then you would
see that the whole list is useless. So research on your own.. that is all i can say... because i doubt
that even though I explain every single so called "contradiction".. you probably won't believe me
still.. not until you research on your own atleast.

I'm gonna be honest with you.. even though it is very interesting to share my beliefs with you as
this is something i do anyhow as i'm a JW.. at the end, it may be useless. so being honest here..
are you truely interested in hearing my reasons of why i believe in the bible to see if I might have
a point? or are you a very closed person and simply just want to prove me wrong? because if that
is the case..I suggest you not to waste your time with me.. I've done my own personal research
and that is why i'm 100% convinced that the bible is true..and so these little sites that tries to
make the bible seem false won't convince me because they haven't proved a thing.. on the
contrary.. like i said, I've already heard about these "contradictions" yet i always found a
reasonable answer to prove it wrong. and honestly my only intention is to teach you and hopefully
put atleast a small doubt.. even if it's just a little bit..so that you can atleast consider researching
this a bit more on your own..so that you are personally convinced about your beliefs... and
possibly research some religions too... because i'm sure some false teachings have also braught
you into the belief that the bible isn't true.. wouldn't blame you for it if that's the case.. cuz many
teachings of these don't make any sense. Anyhow Please don't think that I'm trying to avoid you
or cut you off.. like I said.. I'm very interested in this as I preach door to door regularly.. so I'm
used to this and I feel is my duty to atleast teach people about what the bible teaches.. but if I am
making no sense to you.. then I see no point in carrying on this conversation.. we always will end
up not agreeing with each other right? Anyhow.. as mentioned before.. i try the best to follow the
bible.. in Luke 9:5 Jesus says to his disciples when preaching " And wherever people do not
receive YOU, on going out of that city shake the dust off YOUR feet for a witness against them.”..
and so.. since it seems you don't receive my witnessing the best thing to do is shake the dust of
my feet and just go to someone that actually listens. I shouldn't waste your time or mines as
ephesians 5:16 says "buying out the opportune time for yourselves, because the days are
wicked.".. I know we're living in wicked days.. the last days of this system in fact.. so because of
this, I need to use my time wisely and for me, using time wisely in helping those interested in
learning from the bible and teach them what it promises us in the near future. so that I can help
the most possible. so please.. if you think that we're wasting our time.. let me know. Because
again, I'm just being honest.. I told you in a mesage before.. I don't lie.. so if your purpose is to
change my mind.. don't waste your time . with full honesty I will never change my belief. Even if I
am wrong which i doubt..I have nothing to loose by believing. Because.. if it's not his word and i
follow it.. atleast it was a good book with morals that hopefully makes me seem as a decent
person in God's eyes. yet I can take a risk of not pleasing him by rejecting the bible if it is his word
at the end. Just like many rejected Jesus thinking he was not the Mesiah... hope you understand
my reasoning toward all of this. Nothing personal.. I just don't want to continue this circle if all we
do is contradict each other. I'm sure you agree? If not, let me know.

take care,

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