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There are several varieties of fracture that occurs in Adults due to different ways of break.

Simple Fracture: When a single fracture or a simple break is caused because of an injury in the bone, it is known as a Simple fracture. It is again of two types:

Simple Transverse Fracture: A single crack is formed across the shaft or neck of the bone. This is common in occurrence. Oblique Fracture: The bone breaks at an angle across the bone. This is rare to occur.

Complex Fracture: A more complex spiral type fracture may occur in a long bone like that of our thigh bone. This type of fracture is named as a Complex fracture. Due to the break the surfaces are less likely to re-unite easily.

Stress Fracture: Frequent small stress and strain on the bone may also result in a type of fracture. This is called the Stress fracture or the Fatigue fracture. Athletes are most prone to get this at their foot bone or lower leg bones.

Avulsion Fracture: A muscle or a ligament supports the bone. But when they pull the bone, they cause a fracture named as the Avulsion fracture. Hairline Fracture: A trip or a fall cause a hairline fracture where the bone undergoes a partial crack on it. This makes it very difficult to get detected. Depressed Fracture: When a part of the bone is pushed out of the line in respect to the other bones, it is called a Depressed fracture. This is most likely to occur in the skull.

Pathological Fracture: When a disease or a tumour weakens the bone, a fracture is caused. This is named as a Pathological fracture. Complicated Fracture: There are various structures present around the bone like the ligament, tendons, blood vessels (artery) etc. When any of these structure are damaged during a fracture, it is termed as a Complicated fracture.

Compound Fracture: Sometimes the broken end of the bone breaks the skin and may even protrude through the skin. This is called as an Open fracture or a Compound fracture. This type of fracture often leads to blood loss and infection.

Closed Fracture: When the broken end of the bone do not protrude through the skin, it is termed as a Closed fracture. Comminuted Fracture: A more serious accident can result in breaking the bone into several pieces. This is called as a Comminuted fracture. Impacted Fracture: The broken fragments of the bone separate to some degree. But sometimes one fragment gets driven into another resulting in an Impacted fracture.

Fragility Fracture: When weakened bones are fractured due to a minor fall or a common stress on the bones, it is known as Fragility fracture. It occurs mostly in middle-aged women and men who are osteoporotic, arthritic or are undergoing menopause.

Children also undergo different kinds of fracture in their bones. But their fracture is different from that occurs in adults. Bones in children softer and more flexible that can bend easily.

Greenstick Fracture: When the break is incomplete in a long bone of a child, it is named as a Greenstick fracture. It may result in a simple buckle or split in the bone. Epiphyseal Plate Fracture: This fracture is most common in children. The bone grows in their length from the growth plate. The growth plate are present near the end of the long bones. When the fracture occurs at the growth plate, it is called a Growth Plate fracture or an Epiphyseal Plate fracture. It can affect growth of the bone further.

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