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x6 is a universal system for pen-and-paper roleplaying games. This core edition presents the basic game mechanics comprising the x6 system, along with a basic selection of character abilities and equipment that would suit a contemporary game setting. With some work, the information presented here can be adapted to suit a science fiction, fantasy, horror or almost any other roleplaying genre. ECHANICS The main design goal was to come up with a set of rules and mechanics that were relatively simple in principle, easy to learn and fast to use without sacrificing too much detail and realism. A game system that perfectly BILITIES balances detail, flexibility and ease of use has been the Holy Grail of game designers since the inception of ATTRIBUTES.......................5 roleplaying games and x6 does not boast to strike that perfect balance; whether it comes close to the golden SKILLS..............................9 ideal or not is up to you to decide! An important design goal was to create a system in which the abilities defining a character would dynamically HARACTERS interact with each other. x6 accomplishes that in two distinct ways. First, there are mechanics to describe short-term interactions between abilities. Skills and attributes may be combined together to accomplish CTION Prowess be ORGANISATION..................18 different tasks. For example, the can allowskill maycraftcombined with Strength to attack with a sword, but when combined with Aptitude it you to a makeshift weapon from simple materials. Pairing COMBAT...........................19 Prowess with Perception will allow you to detect weaknesses in an opponent's fighting style, while combining HAZARDS..........................21 it with Memory will let you recall historical facts about a particular kind of weapon. Perhaps more importantly, x6 makes provisions for long-term relationships between skills and attributes, PPENDIX which describe exactly what makes you good at the things you're trained to do. A system of reciprocating WEAPONS........................23 influences enables you to link skills and attributes together, so that as one improves so will the other. This can ARMOUR...........................24 be a great roleplaying tool, being used to explain the driving forces behind your abilities. If you are an accomplished politician, is that because of your charismatic personality or your talent at spin and deception (or perhaps a bit of both)? Though there are exceptions, most game settings will usually involve action and conflict to spice up things, and these will often take the form of combat. Combat in x6 mixes both abstract and detailed elements. There are no critical hit locations or called shot rules to worry about, but there is a more or less detailed initiative and damage system. As with the other sections of the game, combat rules were designed as a compromise between speed and realism. Being only a few pages long, they should be easy to learn and use. Of course, the danger with oversimplified combat is that it may end up being too bland and boring. x6 combat actually allows you to take quite a few strategic decisions to keep things interesting. Instead of having a lot of combat manuevers to memorise, options have been kept simple, but important resources like actions and defence have been rationed so that you'll have to decide the most effective way to use them in combat. While you are reading through x6 core, you may notice the occasional spelling mistake, syntax error, rogue comma or simplistic language. Please consider that English is a second language for me. Although Ive taken every effort possible to ensure that most of the material presented here makes sense, the document is probably not error-free. Which brings me to the point of feedback. If you spot any spelling mistakes or grammar inconsistencies, please consider dropping me a line by using the contact form at x6system.net or by writing to george@x6system.net. I would also like to hear your experiences while using x6 and any thoughts or suggestions you have on how it could become better. Your feedback will be extremely helpful while designing future expansions.



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Kind regards, George



negate a success on a roll of 1) and you are entitled to decline rolling it.

Tests come into play whenever there is a need to check if an attempted action (or, in some cases, resistance against an action) succeeds or fails. Not all actions involve tests; simple, everyday tasks considered to be well within a characters competency are generally successful without a test required, unless undertaken under adverse conditions or extraordinary circumstances. When a test is needed, dice are used to add an element of uncertainty and boost the excitement of the game. The dice used are always the traditional six-sided dice that can be found in many other games and hobby stores. The number of dice rolled for a test depend on your characters competency and capabilities. A test made to force a door open would probably involve your characters Strength ability, hence the test will more likely use a number of dice equal to the Strength level. The more able your character is, the more numerous the dice used for a test, and chances of success increase accordingly. When rolling dice for a test, do not add them together. Instead, each die scoring 3 or 4 provides 1 success, and each die scoring 5 or 6 provides 2 successes. Dice that score 1 or 2 are failures and do not contribute anything to the test. The goal for a test is to score more successes than the tasks difficulty level (DF). Simple tasks may have DF 0, requiring only one success to be rolled, while more difficult tasks may require several successes. If a test fails, its failure margin (FM), which is the number of successes the test was short of being successful, can be used as an indicator of how badly it failed.

Sometimes you will roll one or more blackdice. Despite their name, blackdice do not have to be black, but they must have a distinct colour or shape that separates them from other dice. They are much less effective than normal dice; a blackdie only scores 1 success on a roll of 5 or 6 and fails with any other score. A roll that uses blackdice only still gets a fate blackdie, but the fate blackdie only scores a success on a roll of 5 or 6, like the other blackdice.

Some of the rules require division of numbers, meaning that in some cases you'll end up with fractions. Always round a fraction down, unless otherwise specified. For example, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.9 all become 2.

Special circumstances may make a test easier or harder and are represented by modifiers. Positive modifiers (bonuses) add more dice to the ones available for a test. Negative modifiers (penalties) increase the DF of the test, or negate successes if the test doesn't have a DF. Bonuses and penalties cancel each other out; a -2 penalty and a +3 bonus make a +1 bonus.

Obstacles are limiting factors that reduce the availability of effective dice in a test; they are used in very specific situations. When rolling dice in a test that has an obstacle, any dice over the obstacle's level will be rolled as blackdice. If a test faces multiple obstacles, the worst one applies. For example, if you have 5 dice available for a test with obstacle 3, you will roll 3 regular dice and 2 blackdice for the test.


Simple Easy Moderate Challenging Hard Gruesome Phenomenal Epic Legendary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The DF of a failed task increases by 1 every time it is attempted again in the same scene. This applies to static tasks where circumstances remain pretty much the same throughout a scene (like when trying to pick a locked door). The DF will reset back to the original if circumstances change significantly, for example if you get your hands on a set of expert lockpicking tools. This rule does not apply to actions governed by fluid, constantly changing conditions, like most combat tasks.

One of the dice used for a test is the fate die and should be of a distinct colour or size (if only one die is rolled, it is by definition the fate die). The fate die is used to spice things up by representing luck or misfortune. Although it acts as any other die by scoring successes, a result of 1 or 6 has additional effects. v If the fate die scores 1, then one success is immediately cancelled. If the test fails, the task is fumbled. A fumble occurs when things go horribly wrong; the failure margin of a fumbled test is doubled and you may suffer any negative consequences the Gamemaster considers appropriate (e.g. activating an alarm if you were trying to disable a security device). v If the fate die scores 6, you have the option of rolling another fate die. Although this mechanic can be used to score additional successes and succeed in seemingly impossible tasks, it can be unpredictable because the new die is also a fate die (and thus can

If you score more successes than what you needed to complete the task, you are rewarded for your exceptional performance with the ability to "burn" (that is, spend) those extra successes in order to receive certain benefits. For example, if a test had DF 3 and you scored 6 successes, you have 2 extra successes to burn. The benefits you can receive by burning successes will vary according to the task, but the following ones are very common. On a Roll: If the successful test is part of a complex test, you can burn successes to get a bonus on your next test in the series. One success will grant you a +1 bonus, while 3 successes will provide a +2 bonus. Quick Task: You can reduce the time usually required to complete a task by 25% per success burned on this benefit. A maximum of 3

successes may be burned on this benefit. Tasks measured in terms of simple and standard actions cannot benefit.

Resisted tests are used when your action is directly resisted by another character or force, or when you are competing with another character. For example, if you try to punch someone with your Prowess skill, your target may attempt to dodge you punch using his Acrobatics skill. Or, if you are involved in an arm wrestling contest, bot you and your opponent would use your Strength attribute. In a resisted test, both characters roll dice and the one scoring the highest number of successes wins, although his successes are reduced by those of his opponent. If both characters score the same number of successes, the result is a draw (the test can be repeated until there is a clear winner if a draw would be unreasonable for the situation at hand). So, if you try to punch with Prowess and score 5 successes, while your target dodges with Acrobatics and scores 3 successes, you would have successfully struck him with 2 overall successes. Thus, while your target didn't manage to completely evade your blow, he succeeded in at least lessening its impact.

possibly testing different abilities. Complex tests will usually have a flowchart designed by the Gamemaster to show what happens if one of the tests succeeds or fails. While some complex tests will be straight enough to move from one successful test to the next one, others may have different paths or consequences for successful and failed tests. Because such complex tests require a bit of work from the Gamemaster to set up, they're best saved for important points of the ongoing story. Complex tests can even be designed so as to include multiple characters, where success depends on the combined effort of several people.

There will be times when characters will have to cooperate to achieve a common goal. A group of characters may increase their chances of success by combining their efforts. The character with the highest applicable level among the group makes any tests required to resolve the task, receiving a +1 bonus per person assisting him. However, characters with a level less than half that of the leader do not provide any assistance, as they are too feeble or unskilled to make any significant contribution. The nature of the task determines how many people can practically assist the leader. For example, let's assume that a group of characters is trying to push an obstacle out of the way. They have Strength levels of 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2 and 1. The leading character makes a test using his level 6 dice plus 4 extra dice contributed from the other characters (characters with Strength less than 3 are not strong enough to contribute anything).

A complex test is used to handle an extensive task that may combine many smaller tasks. This is done by performing a series of tests,


Creativity measures the ability to generate new ideas or improve old ones through mental and social processes that are often too abstract to define or understand clearly. These processes may be both conscious and unconscious and depend on the analytical assessment of existing creations and ideas, and the ability to develop the associations between them so as to arrive at new results that may be very distant from the original concepts that spawned them. Although popularly associated with art and literature, Creativity is also an essential part in the innovating and inventing aspects of business and science. Idea: If at any point during the story you hit a roadblock and cannot decide what to do next, the Gamemaster may decide to call for an Idea test so as to get things back on track without the game getting bogged down. A Creativity test is made to combine the clues and information you have encountered into something useful that can help you go on. This test cannot fail, since by calling it the Gamemaster has already decided to help you out, but the number of successes rolled may be used by the Gamemaster to decide what suggestions to make about your next move.

Abilities form an extensive set of traits that attempt to describe and measure your character's inborn potential, natural talent, trained skills and learnt knowledge. Abilities lie at the core of each character and determine not only what your character can do but also, to a large extent, who he is. Your abilities are not isolated, monolithic entities, but have a dynamic nature and interact with each other throughout the game. Abilities are measured by their level, a number that provides a direct indication of the ability's strength and potential. The level determines how many dice are rolled when the ability is tested. A level of 0 indicates no training in the field represented by the ability, while a level of 3 indicates average proficiency. For example, Strength 3 is possessed by the average man, while Medicine 3 is possessed by the average physician. Ability modifiers: Some factors may temporarily increase or decrease an ability's level. For example, Strength may be increased by certain drugs or reduced by illness. An ability level cannot be reduced below 0. If you have to make a test for a level 0 ability, use one fate blackdie only.



Dexterity measures your fine motor skills, especially the use of small muscle movements in your hands in coordination with your eyes. It affects many skills relying on precision work and hand-eye coordination.

Attributes are abilities defining the basic qualities of every character, such as his physical might or intelligence.

Empathy measures your capability to understand another person's feelings and share his emotional state from your own unique perspective. Copying another person's projected emotional state is a blind process requiring little thought or intelligence, but Empathy provides you with the ability to both go deeper than the superficial layer of another's emotions and state of thought, as well as understand how they function and what they mean in relation to you. Despite being commonly associated with positive traits like sympathy or compassion, Empathy is a "neutral" attribute because it does not dictate your thought or action with regards to fellow human beings but merely provides a framework upon which to build your perspective. Empathy can be easily used in a negative or even cruel way, for example by preying on the negative feelings of other people or understanding how to take advantage of them when they're vulnerable. Cold Read: Empathy vs DF 0 (resisted by Guile if the subject wants to conceal his emotional state). Empathy can be used to "cold read" someone after a short interaction, determining his current state of mind in very rough terms. Success provides some useful but generic information, usually in a one-word description like "afraid", "confused" or "stressed". Extra successes will help in determining how to best approach the subject and may be used to provide a bonus to subsequent social interaction tests involving him later in the same scene, although a single test can never receive more than a +1 bonus.

Agility measures the ability to change your body's position in the most advantageous and timely fashion. As an attribute, it affects many tasks depending on movement, like swimming or climbing. Agility combines elements of balance, coordination, gracefulness and speed to control your body's motion and guide it towards a specific result.

Aptitude measures an abstract form of intelligence that determines how efficient you are in a wide variety of tasks, especially those requiring both physical and mental input. Aptitude involves learning the theoretical framework of a craft, trade or profession and applying this knowledge in practice. Far more than simple memorisation of an instruction set or copying of existing results, Aptitude requires awareness and a degree of innovation to adapt learned knowledge to the variables of a specific task and helps in carrying out work with the minimum outlay of time and resources and the maximum quality outcome.

First Aid (Level 3): This talent provides knowledge of first aid techniques without the benefit of more extensive medical training. It can be used to emulate the Emergency Medicine function of the Medicine skill. A test for such tasks uses a number of dice equal to your Aptitude level and the DF is one point higher than if you used the Medicine skill. First Aid cannot emulate any other functions of the Medicine skill.

Influence is the dynamic, personal force that connects attributes and skills together. A brilliant physician may depend on his incredible memory to recognise the signs and symptoms of disease, while his colleague may use his natural ability to empathise with patients to understand their needs and problems. A third doctor may rely on his instinct. All may achieve the same result, but each in different ways. Attributes and skills can interact with each other by combining their ratings, as it will be discussed later. These kinds of interaction are opportunistic and depend on the circumstances surrounding a test. Influence relationships on the other hand, are long-term and explain the driving forces behind an ability - what makes a character excel in a particular field and what gives him strength to continue improving. As an example, consider a politician that tries to spread misinformation about a current matter. This kind of task would be likely to see his Politics skill combined with Guile, but this is a temporary relationship that will last only for the duration of the task. However, if Guile was added as an influence to his Politics skill, it would mean that his entire political career is based on manipulation, propaganda and dishonesty. When an attribute reaches level 1, you can select one skill (from a list unique to each attribute) to be influenced by it, assuming that you already have the skill at level 1 or better. At each subsequent level the attribute attains, you can select an additional skill to be influenced. For example, a level 4 attribute can influence up to 4 skills. Group skills count as one choice and the attribute will influence all skills belonging to the group (or at least those which you have at level 1 or better). When an influencing attribute reaches level 2, it grants 5 experience points to all skills influenced by it. These experience points can be invested in a skill or in talents attached to the skill. For every 2 additional levels the attribute attains, it grants new experience points to its skills and the experience award increases by 5 points. So, at level 4 the attribute will grant 10 experience points, at level 6 it will grant 15 experience points and so on. Modifiers may increase or reduce the level of an attribute during the game. Such fluctuations will not grant experience points based on the attribute's improved level or take away points that have already been granted by the attribute. Influence rewards are not necessarily one-way from the attribute to the skill. Skills can return the favour by awarding experience points to all influencing attributes whenever they reach an even-numbered level (i.e. 2, 4, 6 and so on). After all, if you have linked Dexterity and Accuracy, there is no reason why training in guns should not result in steadier hands in general.

perfect definition of Intuition or a good understanding of how it works, but it seems to depend on common sense, previous experiences and instinct. Sometimes manifesting as a knowing, insight, revelation or gut feeling, Intuition measures your ability to understand things without apparent effort or resorting to logical processes. As Intuition often relies on synthesising information from different sources, it also forms an important part of the learning process and can aid in acquiring new knowledge, skills and talents.

Memory measures your ability to store, retain and recall information. It does not only involve the simple memorisation of knowledge, people and events, but also the ability to process memorised information and associate it with current events and goals. In this way, Memory not only determines the clarity with which a stored memory is recalled, but also the understanding of how it relates to your current situation and how it can be adapted to serve your needs. Memory is crucial in making the most out of learned information and affects many skills dependent on a large body of theory. Memory can be combined with several skills to draw on their theoretical knowledge. For example, Memory can be combined with Accuracy to remember information about a particular gun, or Art to remember facts about the life of an important artist. Such tasks have DF 0 for common subjects, 1 for uncommon subjects, 2 for rare subjects and 3 for obscure subjects. Memorise: Memory vs DF 1 (common name), 2 (phone number, unusual name, basic facial features), 3 (poem, textbook section, detailed facial features), 4 (large number), 5 (text in unknown language), 6+ (very large text or numbers), +1 if stressed while memorising. A Memory test can be used to check how well you have committed a piece of information in your Memory. Depending on the situation at hand, Memory tests are usually rolled when you are asked to recall the memorised information. In any case, success enables you to recall the information with enough clarity so as to be useful, although perfect reproduction usually requires 3 or more successes for a large amount of info (such as reciting a long poem by heart). Extra successes may offer access to knowledge somehow connected to the recalled information, for example recalling a newspaper article about a murder in a bar as you remember its address. Failing the test means that you can't remember anything useful, but a fumbled test will feed you misleading information.


Ability Level 2 4 6 8 10 12 Experience Granted by Attributes 5 10 15 20 25 30 Experience Granted by Skills 1 2 3 4 5 6

Perception measures your alertness, sharpness of senses and the quantity and quality of information you derive from them. As an attribute, Perception influences a wide range of skills that depend on assessing environmental stimuli and formulating a coherent response to them. Perception requires to be thought of as more than simply having acute senses, but also as the ability to process sensory information in a way that allows you to react in the most beneficial manner. Observe: Perception can be used to see, listen, smell, taste or feel things that are somehow important to the ongoing story. Such tests will usually be called for by the Gamemaster when such an opportunity arises, for example a Perception test may be used to detect the faint odour of gas beginning to fill the room occupied by the players or to see the license plate number of a car speeding away in the night. A successful test means you detect whatever there is for you to observe, with the number of successes determining the amount of information you gain. A failed test means that you remain oblivious. 1 success: Gross details (a few of the license plate digits). 2 success: Small details (most of the license plate digits). 3 successes: Accurate picture (all of the license plate digits). 4+ successes: +1 bonus to subsequent Memory tests requested by the Gamemaster to link your observation to memorised people or events (for example, linking the perfume you smell on a fleeing assailant to a person you've met before).

Guile measures your astuteness, especially as applied in social situations. It often involves a degree of artful deception, but is much more than simply lying in a convincing way. As an attribute, it depends on a certain sense of cunning and its application to generally gain advantage of a situation or events. Although Guile is crucial in socially manoeuvring yourself to an advantageous position or deceiving to gain unmerited perks or property, it is not selfish by definition; the advantages gained through Guile may be in the name of a group of people, religion, political party or other ideology.

Intuition is an elusive concept that can perhaps be described as the ability to know that which cannot be justified. There may never be a

As your level in an ability improves, you will be able to buy talents, extraordinary abilities that provide various benefits. Talents will usually provide their benefit only in relation to the ability you buy them for, unless otherwise stated. Talents have a level indicating their relative power and usefulness. Before you can buy a talent, your ability has to have a level at least equal to the talents level. Many talents also have other requirements which you must meet before buying them. Talents can only be purchased once for the same ability, unless otherwise stated. Several talents may provide benefits that have to be activated. Activating a talent usually doesnt require an action (unless otherwise stated), but a talent may have a restriction in how many times it can be activated (e.g. once per scene or once per session). : When you make a test involving 2 or more dice, you may use this talent to roll 2 fate dice instead of one. This talent may be used once per session. You can purchase Gambit multiple times; each purchase will give you one more use per session. : You may use this talent once per session to make each 6 scored on a test generate 3 successes instead of 2. However, the talent has to be used before the dice are rolled. You can purchase Gifted multiple times; each purchase will give you one more use per session, but Gifted cannot be used more than once for the same test. : Requires Gifted. You can use Gifted even after you have rolled the dice for a test, but before the tests results have been applied. : Once per session, when you make a successful test, you may use this talent to add one success to your total. You can purchase High Achiever multiple times; each purchase will give you an additional use per session, but High Achiever cannot be used more than once for the same test. : Requires High Achiever. Once per session, when you make a successful test, you may use this talent to add 2 successes to your total. You can purchase Supreme Achiever multiple times; each purchase will give you an additional use per session, but Supreme Achiever cannot be used more than once for the same test. Moreover, you cannot use both High and Supreme Achiever for the same test.

The following talents can be purchased for any ability. When the talent is purchased for an attribute, its effects will also apply on skill tests using the attribute. However, if both the attribute and the skill have the talent, only one copy of the talent will function at a time. Requires Intuition 4. When you score more successes than the dice you roll in an ability test, you gain one experience point for the ability. An ability can benefit from Fast Learning only once per scene. When you make a skill test and you have Fast Learning for both the skill and the attribute combined with it, both will benefit from Fast Learning. : Requires Fast Learning and Intuition 6. When you use Fast Learning, you gain 2 experience points. : Requires Fast Learning, Greater Learning and Intuition 9. When you use Fast Learning, you gain 3 experience points. : When you burn successes for the Quick Task option, you reduce the time required to complete the task by an additional 25%. The maximum reduction is still 75%. : Once per session, you may use this talent to ignore the negative effects of a 1 scored on any fate die. You can activate this talent even after the dice have been rolled, but before the tests results are applied. You can purchase Flawless multiple times; each purchase will give you one more use per session. : Requires Flawless. When you can re-roll a fate die, you may choose to roll 2 standard dice instead of a new fate die.


The following talents can be purchased for any skill. : When the skill can assist another skill, you gain the +1 synergy bonus as long as the assisting skill has a level at least equal to half that of the assisted skill.


The following talents can be purchased for any broad skill. : This talent may be used to develop a level in a specialty that is not the main focus of a broad skill. When a skill test relying on that specialty is made, use the talents level as an obstacle. Proficient may be purchased at any level up to the skills level. When you want to improve the talents level, you only have to spend 3 experience points per level improved instead of purchasing it from scratch (e.g. if you have Proficient at level 3 and you want to improve it to level 5, you will have to spend 6 experience points rather than 15). Proficient may be purchased multiple times, each time for a separate specialty.
Greater Alertness (Level 6): Requires Alertness. The bonus received for surprise tests improves to +2. Additionally, you may use Alertness to recover Initiative points up to twice in the same phase. Master Alertness (Level 9): Requires Alertness and Greater Alertness. The bonus received for surprise tests improves to +3. Additionally, you may use Alertness to recover Initiative points up to thrice in the same phase. Celerity (Level 4): Your Initiative bank increases by one point permanently. Greater Celerity (Level 8): Requires Celerity. Your Initiative bank increases by an additional point (for a total of 2 points) permanently. Master Celerity (Level 12): Requires Celerity and Greater Celerity. Your Initiative bank increases by an additional point (for a total of 3 points) permanently.

Search: One of the most common uses for Perception is when you are searching a particular place for clues, hidden valuables or for a specific item. You can exhaustively search a moderate-sized room (about 25 square metres) in about 10 minutes, or perform a quick search in about 1 minute (but in this case you suffer a -2 penalty to your test) for a specific item; searching an area for anything interesting takes twice that time. Rooms with sparse furniture will require perhaps half that amount of time to search. If you want to conceal your attempts to search the area, the time you spend searching is doubled. When searching for a particular item, the Gamemaster will usually set a fixed DF and you either happen to find what you were looking for or not. When you are searching an area for whatever interesting may turn up, a sliding scale of success is used. For example, you may need to roll 3 successes to discover the hidden safe behind the painting and 5 successes to locate the secret compartment built in the desk.

Alertness (Level 3): You gain a +1 bonus to any test made to determine if you are surprised. Once per scene, you may use this talent to recover one Initiative point, although the recovered point will not be available until the beginning of the next phase. You may purchase Alertness multiple times; each purchase will give you an additional use per scene, but you cannot use Alertness more than once in the same phase.

Presence measures your ability to draw attention (which can also manifest as fear) and admiration (or sometimes envy). It depends on many personality traits that affect your ability to charm and influence people, but first and foremost a powerful, sophisticated communicability and persuasiveness, often combined with assertiveness and confidence. Presence can manifest in the form of strong speech skills, assertive body language or seductive appearance, but is more often a combination of these traits. This often makes Presence an elusive, but nevertheless undeniable quality to lead, inspire or control people.

Seduce: Presence vs DF 1 (get a phone number), 2 (small favour), 3 (big favour), usually resisted by Willpower unless the subject doesn't want to deny your advances. Your charms may be used to get you many things in life, ranging from an emphatic yes when asking someone out on a date to persuading a guard to look the other way. Any seduction attempt, from the harmless to the downright exploitative, involves making the subject compliant to your suggestions by sexually exploiting him. In order for that to happen, the subject has to be able to be sexually attracted to you in the first place; a male character trying to seduce a heterosexual male will quickly hit a wall. A seduction involving requesting something that would go against the subject's duty or personal code of honour is quite difficult, increasing the subject's Willpower by 3 points. As many things involving personal interaction, seduction requires time to function properly. A normal attempt would require about 30 minutes of personal interaction. Anything quicker than that inflicts a -2 penalty to the test, while spending a day or more would provide a +1 bonus.

Stamina measures your physical endurance and state of health. It represents something more than simple resistance to exertion and depends on inner strength and perseverance as much as trained muscles. Stamina determines how fatigue affects you, in addition to influencing recovery from injuries and resistance against disease, poison and similar health threats. In cooperation with Strength, Stamina also determines your resistance against physical damage.

Endurance (Level 3): Once per session, you may use this talent to immediately erase a fatigue level. Endurance may be purchased multiple times; each purchase will give you an additional use per session, but Endurance cannot be used more than once in the same scene. Greater Endurance (Level 6): Requires Endurance. You may use Endurance twice in the same scene. Master Endurance (Level 9): Requires Endurance and Greater Endurance. You may use Endurance thrice in the same scene. Fortitude (Level 4): You gain a +1 bonus to tests made to resist poison or disease. Additionally, once per session you may use this talent to immediately use one point from your Recovery bank. Fortitude may be purchased multiple times; each purchase will give you an additional use per session, but Fortitude cannot be used more than once in the same scene. Greater Fortitude (Level 8): Requires Fortitude. The bonus to tests against disease and poison improves to +2 and you can use Fortitude twice in the same scene. Master Fortitude (Level 12): Requires Fortitude and Greater Fortitude. The bonus to tests against disease and poison improves to +3 and you can use Fortitude thrice in the same scene. Vitality (Level 3): Your Recovery bank increases by one point permanently. Greater Vitality (Level 6): Requires Vitality. Your Recovery bank increases by an additional point (for a total of 2 points) permanently. Master Vitality (Level 9): Requires Vitality and Greater Vitality. Your Recovery bank increases by an additional point (for a total of 3 points) permanently.

Reason measures the mental faculties a person uses to analyse and combine information in order to reach logical conclusions. Extremely important in many academic and scientific pursuits, Reason depends on several mental processes to analyse, calculate, compare and judge facts or events. In a nutshell, Reason attempts to describe the way people think about things and events logically. Solve: Reason vs DF 0 (simple riddle), 2 (brainteaser), 4 (rubik's cube), 6 (master puzzle). A Reason test can be used to solve a riddle, puzzle, enigma or any other logic-based problem you encounter during the story. The time required will depend on the complexity and scope of the problem.

Reflexes measures your reaction time and responsiveness against incoming threats and other rapid changes in your immediate surroundings. It determines not only how fast you react to a sudden change, but also the quality of your counteraction to a great degree. As an attribute, Reflexes can help in avoiding several kinds of attacks and influences several skills relying on quick and decisive reactions to a rapidly changing environment.

Haste (Level 4): Your Sequence increases by one point permanently. Greater Haste (Level 8): Requires Haste. Your Sequence increases by an additional point (for a total of 2 points) permanently. Master Haste (Level 12): Requires Haste and Greater Haste. Your Sequence increases by an additional point (for a total of 3 points) permanently. Swiftness (Level 3): Once per scene, you may use this talent to increase your Sequence by 2 points for the rest of the phase; this has to be declared at the beginning of the phase. Alternatively, you may use Swiftness to immediately take a simple action. Swiftness may be purchased multiple times; each purchase will give you one additional use per scene, but Swiftness cannot be used more than once in the same phase. Greater Swiftness (Level 6): Requires Swiftness. You can use Swiftness twice in the same phase. Master Swiftness (Level 9): Requires Swiftness and Greater Swiftness. You can use Swiftness thrice in the same phase. Supreme Swiftness (Level 12): Requires Swiftness, Greater Swiftness and Master Swiftness. When you use Swiftness, you can extend its effects to last a number of phases up to half your Reflexes level. However, you gain a fatigue level at the end of each phase in which you have used Supreme Swiftness.

This attribute measures your physical might and build. It can influence various abilities relying on the direct application of physical strength, controls the damage of muscle-powered weapons and is used to calculate your weight-carrying and lifting capabilities. Along with Stamina, Strength also determines your resistance against physical damage. Carrying loads: You can carry up to 4 times your Strength in kilos of equipment as a light load without any consequences. A heavy load consists of up to 8 times your Strength in kilos. It will inflict a -1 penalty to all actions requiring flexibility or quickness and halves your ability to sprint (I.e. you can only increase your movement rate to 20 metres per phase). While carrying a heavy load, you suffer a fatigue level per hour. Your max load is up to 12 times your Strength in kilos. This load inflicts a -2 penalty to actions requiring flexibility or quickness and prevents you from sprinting. You suffer a fatigue level for every 15 minutes of carrying a max load. Lifting: Strength vs DF 0 (Strength x 5 kg), 1 (Strength x 10 kg), 2 (Strength x 25 kg), 3 (Strength x 20) kg, 4 (Strength x 25 kg) and so on... With a successful Strength test you can lift a weight over your head for 1 phase. For each subsequent phase you want to continue lifting the weight you have to make a new Strength test, with the DF increasing by 1 per phase passing.

Pain Resistance (Level 4): You ignore a total of one point of wound and stun penalties.

Greater Pain Resistance (Level 8): Requires Pain Resistance. You can ignore an additional point of wound and stun penalties (for a total of 2 points). Master Pain Resistance (Level 12): Requires Pain Resistance and Greater Pain Resistance. You can ignore an additional point of wound and stun penalties (for a total of 3 points). Toughness (Level 3): Once per scene, when you are hit by an attack, you may use this talent to increase your Resilience by one point against the attacks damage. Toughness may be purchased multiple times; each purchase will give you an additional use per scene, but Toughness cannot be used more than once against the same attack. Greater Toughness (Level 6): Requires Toughness. You can use Toughness twice against the same attack. Master Toughness (Level 9): Requires Toughness and Greater Toughness. You can use Toughness thrice against the same attack. Supreme Toughness (Level 12): Requires Toughness, Greater Toughness and Master Toughness. When you use Toughness, its effects last against a number of attacks equal to half your Strength level.


If you don't have any level in a skill but still want to use it, you can simply roll a number of blackdice equal to the level of the attribute it would be combined with. For example, if you need to pick a lock but don't have the Security skill, you can roll a number of blackdice equal to your Aptitude for the test. Skills that are described as trained only cannot be used if you don't have a level in them.

A group skill is a collection of subskills with a similar theme but different bases of knowledge. For example, Language is a group skill containing many different languages. Knowledge of the English skill will not help at all if you're trying to communicate in French. Each different subskill has to be purchased and developed separately and has its own talents. Subskills belonging to a group skill are separated with a dash following the group skill, for example Language-English.

Willpower measures the ability to exert your will over your actions. Seemingly attempting to defy and complicate such a simple definition, Willpower can manifest in a myriad different ways, such as decisiveness on a course of action, courage in the face of overwhelming opposition, or even the obsession of proving oneself right despite contrary beliefs or evidence. In an ever-changing, dangerous world, Willpower provides you with the means of staying firm, resolute and persistent.

A broad skill encompasses a large field of interconnected human knowledge, like medicine or law. Broad skills give a general understanding of the subject they cover, but that understanding has to be honed by specialising in specific areas in order to be truly effective. For example, a character who has taken the Medicine broad skill maybe good in surgery, but not so knowledgeable in psychiatry. Each broad skill has a number of specialties covering the various areas of knowledge it controls. Specialties are separated with a dash after the broad skill, for example Medicine-Surgery. When a broad skill is first acquired at level 1, you are allowed to select one of these specialties as your main focus. Other specialties can be developed by using the Proficient talent. Whenever you have to test the broad skill in a specialty that is not your main focus, you use the level of the specialty as an obstacle to the test. If you haven't actually developed a level in that specialty, all of your test's dice will be blackdice.

Inner Strength (Level 3): Once per session, you may use this talent to gain a +1 bonus to any one ability test. Inner Strength may be purchased multiple times; each purchase will give you an additional use per session, but Inner Strength cannot be used more than once for the same test. Greater Strength (Level 6): Requires Inner Strength. You may use Inner Strength twice for the same test. Master Strength (Level 9): Requires Inner Strength and Greater Inner Strength. You may use Inner Strength thrice for the same test.

Skills may be able to assist each other in specific circumstances. For example, it is reasonable to expect a good level in Electronics to help your Demolitions ability when trying to disarm a bomb controlled by a complex electronic detonator. In order for a skill to assist another skill, the Gamemaster has to approve the rationale and the assisting skill's level must be at least equal to the assisted skill's level (Electronics won't help a lot if you know less about it than what you were taught in your bomb disposal course). If these conditions are met, a +1 bonus is applied to the skill test. Only one skill may assist in a given test.



Skills are the abilities describing the knowledge and experiences a character develops throughout his life. Business, Law and Medicine are examples of skills.

Broad skill Influenced by Dexterity, Reflexes, Perception and Willpower Specialties: Bows, Crossbows, Machine Guns, Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, Submachine guns, Thrown weapons Accuracy provides training with all sorts of ranged weapons, from guns to bows to thrown weapons. Identify weapon: Accuracy[Memory] vs DF 0 (common weapon), 1 (uncommon weapon), 2 (rare weapon), 3 (obscure weapon). Allows you to identify a weapons manufacturer and recall information about its traits and performance. Shoot/throw weapon: Accuracy[Dexterity] vs DF 0 or targets Acrobatics[Reflexes] if he takes a reaction. Simple repairs: Accuracy[Aptitude] vs DF 0. Allows you to repair jams. More complex repairs require the Trade-Gunsmith or other appropriate skills.

Before you can make a skill test, you have to combine the skill with the one attribute that best fits the nature of the attempted task. For example, when firing a gun you combine Accuracy with Dexterity, but when you want to repair your gun you would combine it with Aptitude. Combinations of skills and attributes are presented in the text by the name of the skill followed by the name of the attribute in brackets, for example an Accuracy[Dexterity] test. Once you have combined a skill with an attribute, the effective level for your test is equal to the average of the skill's and attribute's levels (add them together, then divide by 2). Thus, Accuracy 6 and Dexterity 3 would give you 4 dice to roll when firing a gun. The same combined level is used in resisted tests as well.


Fast Cycling (Level 4): Requires Reflexes 3. Manual action weapons do not require a simple action to load a new round. Marksman (Level 3): Requires Perception 4. Once per scene, you may use this talent to perform aimed fire as a standard action instead of a complex action. Marksman may be purchased multiple times; each purchase will give you one more use per scene, but Marksman cannot be used more than once in the same phase. Greater Marksman (Level 6): Requires Marksman and Perception 6. You can use Marksman twice in the same phase. Master Marksman (Level 9): Requires Marksman, Greater Marksman and Perception 9. You can use Marksman thrice in the same phase. Supreme Marksman (Level 12): Requires Marksman, Greater Marksman, Master Marksman and Perception 12. When you use Marksman, its benefits extend for a number of phases equal to half your Perception level. During this time, you can perform aimed fire as a standard action. Precision Shooter (Level 3): Requires Perception 3. When you fire a weapon at medium range or farther, you can combine your Accuracy skill with Perception instead of Dexterity. Quick Reload (Level 2): Requires Reflexes 3. You need an action category less than normal, to a minimum of a simple action, to reload a weapon. For example, a 1-phase complex action would become a standard action and a standard action would become a simple action. Quick Trigger (Level 6): Requires Reflexes 4. You treat all weapons with the autoloading or revolver action as if they also had the burst 1 action. Rapid Shot (Level 4): Requires Reflexes 4. Once per scene, you may use this talent to attack with a ranged weapon as a simple action instead of a standard action. Rapid Shot may be purchased multiple times; each purchase will give you an additional use per scene, but Rapid Shot cannot be used more than once in the same phase. Lightning Shot (Level 8): Requires Reflexes 8 and Rapid Shot. You can use Rapid Shot twice in the same phase. Zen Shot (Level 12): Requires Reflexes 12, Rapid Shot and Lightning Shot. You can use Rapid Shot thrice in the same phase. Sharpshooter (Level 4): Requires Perception 4. When you perform aimed fire against a target that has cover, you ignore one point of penalty provided by the cover. Greater Sharpshooter (Level 8): Requires Sharpshooter and Perception 8. When you perform aimed fire against a target that has cover, you ignore an additional point of penalty provided by the cover (for a total of 2 points). Sniper (Level 4): Requires Perception 4. When you perform aimed fire, range band penalties are reduced by one point. Greater Sniper (Level 8): Requires Sniper and Perception 8. When you perform aimed fire, range band penalties are reduced by an additional point (for a total of 2 points). Master Sniper (Level 12): Requires Sniper, Greater Sniper and Perception 12. When you perform aimed fire, range band penalties are reduced by an additional point (for a total of 3 points).

Evasion (Level 3): Requires Reflexes 4. Once per scene, you may use this talent to gain a +1 bonus to an Acrobatics[Reflexes] test made to defend against an attack. Evasion can be purchased multiple times; each additional purchase will give you one more use per scene, but Evasion cannot be used more than once against the same attack. Greater Evasion (Level 6): Requires Evasion and Reflexes 6. You can use Evasion twice against the same attack. Master Evasion (Level 9): Requires Evasion, Greater Evasion and Reflexes 9. You can use Evasion thrice against the same attack. Intuitive Dodge (Level 6): Requires Perception 4. You can take a reaction to defend against an attack with Acrobatics even after the attacker has rolled his attack test (but before damage is calculated). Reflexive Dodge (Level 4): Requires Reflexes 4. When you dont take a reaction against an attack, you may still resist it as if you were using Acrobatics[Reflexes] at half its normal level.

Influenced by Creativity, Aptitude, Reason Administration increases your understanding of bureaucracies, corporate structures and their principles of function and organisation. Navigate bureaucracy: Administration[Intuition] (assisted by Politics for state agencies or Business for private corporations) vs DF 0 (passport application), 2 (firearm license), 4 (planning permission for large development), 6 (banking license). Each success scored reduces the time needed for your request to be considered and processed by 10% (to a maximum of 50%). FM 3+ increases the time needed by 10% per FM point over 2. Burning 2 or more successes makes the relevant authority take a favourable view towards your application, assuming its reasonable. Project management: Administration[Reason] (assisted by Leadership and any skills related to the project) vs DF 0 (upgrading the software of a small company), 2 (updating the electoral index of a county), 4 (building a dam), 6 (implementing a major national policy). Success ensures that the project is completed on time and within budget. Extra successes reduce the time required to complete the project by 10% (to a maximum of 50%) or the budget consumed by 5% (to a maximum of 25%). On a failure, each FM point increases the time required by 10% or the budget consumed by 5%.

Group skill Influenced by Aptitude, Creativity, Dexterity, Empathy Skills: Any specific art, e.g. Music (Specific Instrument), Painting, Photography, Sculpting. Art provides training in a particular field of artistic creation and improves your ability to create artworks of value and meaning. Appraise art: Art[Perception]. Success allows you to judge the artistic value of a piece of art and estimate its monetary worth. With 3+ successes, you may be able to identify the artist behind it. Allegorical artwork may increase the DF of the test. KnowledgeArt[Perception] may also be used to appraise art. Create art or perform: Art[Creativity]. The number of successes gathered determine the artistic value achieved: enjoyable (1 success), interesting (3 successes), great (5 successes), masterpiece (7+ successes).

Influenced by Agility, Perception and Reflexes Acrobatics measures your competence in tasks requiring balance and coordination. It can be used to maintain your balance on slippery or precarious surfaces, as well as dodge incoming attacks. Dive to catch a falling object: Acrobatics[Agility]. Dodge attacks: Acrobatics[Reflexes]. Used as a reaction. Highvelocity projectiles and/or restrictive stances inflict a -1 penalty. Maintain balance: Acrobatics[Agility] vs DF 0 (wet floor), 2 (oil), 4 (tightrope), 6 (very narrow ledge battered by strong winds). Success allows you to move 1 metre per success; every metre counts as 4 metres against your movement allowance. Failure means you cant move. FM 3+ means you fall.

Influenced by Creativity, Intuition, Reason Business improves your understanding of money and how it can grow. This skill is essential in running a successful business, as well as making sound financial investments. Run business: Business[Creativity] (assisted by any skills related to the business in question). Success indicates that the business has a profitable season. Failure indicates that the business runs at a loss.


Influenced by Agility, Stamina, Strength, Willpower Climb improves your ability to scale barriers. Climb barrier: Climb[Agility] vs DF 0 (rope), 2 (plenty of handholds), 4 (scarce handholds), 6 (almost no handholds). Each success allows you to move 1 metre up or down as a standard action; each metre counts as 4 metres against your movement allowance. Failure means that you cant move during your action, while FM 3+ indicates that you fall. When facing a large obstacle (like a mountain), it is better to treat the task as a complex test. A disastrous failure in this case may mean a potentially fatal fall, or the Gamemaster may instead choose to insert a complication, such as dangerous weather, an avalanche or an encounter with hostile wildlife.

Broad skill, Trained only Influenced by Aptitude, Creativity, Intuition, Memory, Reason Specialties: Hacking, Operation, Programming Computers provides training in working with computers, creating new software code or infiltrating secure systems. Hacking: Computers-Hacking[Reason] vs DF 0 (unsecured personal computer), 2 (firewalled personal computer), 4 (minor state agency), 6 (corporation R&D department). Used to gain illegal access to secure computer systems. The number of successes dictates the level of access you achieve, which can be used to gauge how much information you can withdraw or what changes you can make: limited (1 success), moderate (2 successes), major (3 successes) or total (4+ successes). Complex computers systems that are important to the story are best dealt with complex tests. Programming: Computers-Programming[Reason] vs DF 0 (calendar application), 2 (word processor), 4 (large networked database), 6 (cutting-edge operating system). Used to code a program or improve existing code. 4+ successes will grant a +1 bonus to whatever task the program is designed to assist or some other benefit (like an increase in processing speed). System operation: Computers-Operation[Aptitude]. Success allows you to use a computer and necessary software to complete a task, such as searching a database for specific matches or creating a spreadsheet detailing the profits and expenses of a business.

Influenced by Creativity, Empathy, Guile Deceive improves your ability to bluff, fast-talk or otherwise lie without being detected. Deceive tests are usually resisted by the subjects Empathy. Intuition may also be used to resist a Deceive test, but in this case its effective level is reduced by one. Fast-talk: Deceive[Guile] vs DF 0 (reasonable request), 2 (unreasonable request), 4 (absurd request), resisted by Empathy or Intuition. Success allows you to persuade someone to do something rash (such as convincing a guard to let you past a security checkpoint without the necessary credentials) by using smart talk, half-truths and cleverly concealed lies. Fast-talking is at best a temporary fix; people deceived by it may change their mind once they had time to re-think the situation.

Trained only Influenced by Aptitude, Intuition, Reason, Willpower Demolitions provides training with explosives and their effective use. Demolish Structure: Demolitions[Aptitude] (assisted by ScienceStructural engineering) vs DF 0 (small house), 2 (block of flats), 4 (tower block), 6 (skyscraper). Although anyone with rudimentary training in explosives can set an explosive charge, it takes a skilled specialist to successfully destroy an object or building using the optimal amount of explosive. A successful Demolitions test will allow you to identify load-bearing columns or weak points in a construction

and set the explosive charges so that their combined concussion waves will bring down the structure successfully. A -2 penalty is applied to your test if the explosive you have available is less than the ideal amount for the job you've undertaken. If the test fails, the structure may collapse partially only or may suffer just minor damage. FM 3+ may mean that adjacent structures may unintentionally suffer damage from the explosion. The time required to investigate the structure and set the explosives depends on its size and can take from a few minutes to a day or more. Disarm Bomb : Demolitions[Aptitude] (assisted by Electronics for a bomb using electronic detonators) vs DF 0 (landmine), 2 (booby trap), 4 (undetonated smart bomb), 6 (nuclear warhead with countermeasures). You can safely disarm an explosive device before it detonates. This includes mines, undetonated munitions and of course ticking bombs. If the job is pretty straightforward or the Gamemaster doesn't want the flow of the game to suffer, a bomb disarmament task may be handled with a simple test requiring 5-30 minutes of work. A successful test renders the device harmless, while a failure means that the device is still live. If the test fumbles with 3 or more FM, you screw up and the bomb blows up in your face. Very complex explosive devices that are somehow central to the ongoing story could be handled by complex tests, with each section of the test dealing with a separate part of the bomb. Explosives Knowledge: Demolitions[Memory] vs DF 0 (common explosive), 1 (uncommon explosive), 2 (rare explosive), 3 (obscure explosive). You can recall information about specific explosives, their advantages and disadvantages in combat and their historical use, with the quantity of information you receive dependant on the successes you score. Forensic Demolitions: Demolitions[Perception] (assisted by Forensic Science) vs DF 0 (small explosion), 2 (large explosion), 4 (huge explosion), +1 per each day post-event, +1 if the site has been contaminated. You can gather useful information by examining an explosion site. A forensic examination needs to be careful and thorough and usually takes a few hours or days, depending on the size of the site, plus at least a day running tests in a forensic lab. If you score 4 or more successes, the information you gain gives you a +1 bonus to Investigation tests related to the explosion. Manufacture Explosives: Demolitions[Aptitude] (assisted by Science-Chemistry). You can manufacture a variety of explosive substances using relatively simple equipment and freely available materials. The DF of the test depends on the properties you wish the explosive to have, which must be selected beforehand: Damage: +1 DF per 3 points of Power (the damage multiplier is x1 per quarter kilo). Homemade explosives can have a maximum Power of 12. Stable/Unstable: A stable explosive gives +1 DF, but can be carried around without worrying about accidental detonation due to shock or temperature. A highly unstable explosive reduces the DF by 1, but will set off extremely easily. Plastic: +1 DF to make the explosive into a soft, mouldable material. A successful test and one day's worth of work is enough to make half a kilo of explosive substance. Extra successes may be burned to increase the quantity produced by half a kilo per success. Fumbles are potentially lethal, considering that your basement or a warehouse is not a safe controlled environment for manufacturing explosives. If the Demolitions test is fumbled, you blow up your makeshift lab and suffer damage equal to the Power level of the explosive you've been manufacturing multiplied by the result of a single die. Set Explosive Device: Demolitions[Aptitude]. Demolitions is used to set up a mine, bomb or other stationary explosive device designed to attack nearby targets. When the explosive goes off, an "attack test" is made using a number of dice equal to Demolitions[Aptitude]. Extra successes may be burned to increase the damage multiplier of the explosion. A test that fails to gather any successes will halve the damage of the explosion.


Influenced by Aptitude, Empathy, Guile Disguise improves your ability to pass undetected by altering your appearance or mannerisms. Disguise: Disguise[Aptitude] vs DF 0, +2 if poor props are available. A successful Disguise test and the use of some props (like clothes, hats, makeup or wigs) gives you a chance to evade detection by those searching for you. Someone who knows you or has seen pictures of you has to succeed in a Perception test with a DF equal to the number of successes you gathered on your Disguise test in order to recognise you.

Forensic Science provides training in the techniques used to examine crime scenes for clues. Examine Crime Scene: Forensic Science[Perception] vs DF 0, +1 to +6 for a scene that has been "contaminated". By carefully scanning a crime scene for any useful information, you can amass a number of clues that will hopefully assist with the investigation. Such clues may include fingerprints, DNA samples, cloth fibres, shoe or car tracks and others. The number of successes scored determines the quantity and quality of information you receive; 4 or more successes will provide you with the maximum amount of information you can gather from the crime scene and will grant a +1 bonus to Investigation tests related to the crime. A typical examination takes about an hour, plus a day or more for relevant lab tests.

Broad skill Influenced by Dexterity, Perception, Reflexes Specialties: Cars, Heavy ground vehicles, Motorcycles Drive provides training in the operation of ground vehicles. Having a level of 1 or more in Drive allows you to use ground vehicles to simply drive from point A to point B without a test usually required, unless you have to drive through dangerous terrain or adverse weather conditions or you want to drive faster than what would be considered safe. Races or chases may be resolved by resisted Drive tests, with the owner of the faster vehicle getting a bonus to his test. A Drive test with FM 3 or higher will usually result in an accident.

Influenced by Empathy, Guile, Intuition, Presence Interrogate improves your ability to interview a subject with the goal of obtaining valuable information. An Interrogate[Presence] test, resisted by the subjects Willpower, may be used to interview a subject. The amount of information gained depends on the number of successes gained.

Influenced by Empathy, Presence, Strength, Willpower Intimidate improves your ability to coerce a subject with threats. An Intimidate[Presence] test is resisted by the subjects Willpower and suffers a -1 to -3 penalty if you are not in a position strong enough to coerce the subject. The number of successes gathered determines how much the subject is intimidated by you; 1 success may provide a minor advantage, while 4 or more successes are usually enough to convince anyone to back down.

Trained only Influenced by Aptitude, Creativity, Intuition, Memory, Reason Electronics provides training in working with electronic devices and their components. Electronics tests may be used to build, modify or repair electronic devices. Building or modifying a device requires an Electronics[Creativity] test vs DF 0 (radio), 2 (television), 4 (computer), 6 (cutting-edge device). Repairing a device requires an Electronics[Aptitude] test vs a DF equal to half that of building it.

Influenced by Creativity, Intuition, Perception, Reason Investigate improves your ability to research about a particular subject using every available source of information. Research: Investigate[Creativity] vs DF 0 (common subject), 1 (uncommon subject), 2 (rare subject), 3 (obscure subject). You can research a specific subject, such as a person, item, location or event, using several information venues like the Internet, libraries, public agencies, contacts and interviewing people. The amount of info gathered depends on the successes gained on your Investigate test: one success will provide basic information, while 4+ successes will gain you all the information that can possibly be gathered from your sources.

Influenced by Empathy, Intuition, Presence Etiquette improves your understanding of behavioural norms within society as well as particular groups. It is essential in establishing smooth social communications and understanding the social dynamics present in a group. First impressions: Etiquette[Presence] vs DF 0. An Etiquette test may be used to determine the first impression you give a person or group of people you have just met socially. 0-1 successes: You cause nothing but indifference. Other people may act in a polite fashion, according to their usual manners, but will probably not seek to interact with you or get to know you better, unless you approach them with a proposition they're interested in. 2-3 successes: Other people are slightly interested in you. They are likely to spend some time in light conversation to find out more things about you, but will probably not reveal anything but the most trivial information about themselves. 4-5 success: You intrigue people, making it likely to be approached in an effort to get to know you better. Interactions become more engaged and meaningful. People may have a friendlier, more open disposition towards you, but some may be more hostile if they feel threatened by your presence in their social circle. 6+ successes: You provoke a certain admiration among other people. This admiration may manifest as the desire of other people to become your friends, or as envy by people who feel threatened by you.

Group skill, Trained only Influenced by Intuition, Memory, Reason Skills: Art, Culture, Geography, History, Trivia Knowledge provides you with information pertaining to fields of human knowledge, such as history, culture or geography. Knowledge contains the subjects of human knowledge that do not fit the strict definition of science. Knowledge skills are dependent on the learning of accumulated information and recalling or combining that information to reach useful conclusions, rather than experimenting in order to arrive to new scientific discoveries.

Group skill, Trained only Influenced by Empathy, Intuition, Memory, Reason Skills: Any specific language, such as English, French, German, Greek. Language provides knowledge of a particular spoken and written language. Language does not usually require tests. Instead, the level of a Language skill is used to determine your competency with the language in question.

Trained only Influenced by Creativity, Intuition, Memory, Perception, Reason


Level 0: No real communication is possible beyond a few very common isolated words or phrases (yes, no, ok, how much). Level 1: You can use very simple language to convey and understand general meaning but suffer from frequent breakdowns in communication. Level 2: You possess a partial command of the language and should be competent in most social situations, but prone to mistakes. Level 3: You have an overall efficient command of the language, but occasionally fall victim to inaccuracies or misunderstandings. Level 4: You can use complex language well and understand detailed reasoning. Your accent is only slightly different from that of a native speaker. Level 5: You have a well-developed and honed command of the language and can form complex arguments without mistakes or inaccuracies. Your accent is indistinguishable from that of a native speaker. Level 6: You have mastered the language and can express yourself with the ease of a scholar.

Broad skill, Trained only Influenced by Intuition, Memory, Reason Specialties: Business, Criminal, Family Law provides the knowledge necessary to understand legal principles and proceedings.

Influenced by Empathy, Presence, Willpower Leadership improves your ability to command and inspire people, and coordinate their efforts towards a common goal. Coordinate: Leadership[Presence] vs DF 0. You can improve the results produced by a group of people cooperating towards a common goal. When leading a group using the cooperation rules, the number of successes gathered on your Leadership test will be added as blackdice to the test used to determine the result of your efforts. You can gain a maximum number of blackdice equal to the number of people able to assist you in the task.

Influenced by Dexterity, Guile, Perception, Reflexes Legerdemain measures your competence in secretly manipulating small objects, for example when performing card tricks or trying to pick someone's pockets. Legerdemain tests are usually resisted by the subject's Perception.

Trained only Influenced by Aptitude, Creativity, Intuition, Memory, Reason Mechanics provides training in working with mechanical devices and their components. Mechanics tests may be used to build, modify or repair mechanical devices. Building or modifying a device requires a Mechanics[Creativity] test vs DF 0 (hair dryer), 2 (simple engine), 4 (performance engine), 6 (cutting-edge device). Repairing a device requires a Mechanics[Aptitude] test vs a DF equal to half that of building it.

Broad skill, Trained only Influenced by Aptitude, Creativity, Empathy, Intuition, Memory, Reason Specialties: Forensic pathology, Internal medicine, Psychiatry, Surgery Medicine provides the knowledge necessary to understand the body and its workings, and treat illness and injuries. Autopsy: Medicine-Forensic Pathology[Perception] (assisted by Forensic Science) vs DF 0 (1 day post-mortem), 2 (1 week post-

mortem), 4 (1 month post-mortem), 6 (1 year post-mortem), -1 for bodies preserved in cold temperatures, -1 (excellent facilities), +1 (poor facilities). You can perform a medical autopsy to gather information about the circumstances which led to the subject's demise. A full autopsy will usually take about 2 hours to perform, but toxicological studies may delay the result of the investigation depending on the backlog existing for such services. 1 success: You can determine the time of death, any major trauma sustained, as well as speculate on the cause of death. 2 successes: You can determine the exact cause of death (if it is common enough), a detailed report on trauma sustained, common toxins found in the subject's body and any major health conditions affecting him at the time of death. 3 successes: You can determine the exact cause of death (no matter how uncommon) and detect any toxins and health conditions that afflicted the subject. 4 or more successes: The quality of the information you gather is such that anyone investigating the subject's death gains a +1 bonus to related Investigate tests. Diagnosis: Medicine-Internal Medicine[Memory] vs DF 0 (common disease), 2 (uncommon disease), 4 (obscure disease), 6 (medical mystery), -2 (poor testing facilities), +1 (excellent testing facilities) You can diagnose the disease or poison afflicting a subject, which usually is a very good start at treating him. An attempt at a diagnosis will usually require about 10 minutes to 2 hours asking questions, examining the subject and running various tests, assuming that you are not very busy with something else and there is no backlog in your testing facilities. Every 2 extra successes burned will provide a +1 bonus to your therapy tests for the patient. Emergency Medicine: Medicine-Surgery[Aptitude] or MedicineInternal Medicine[Memory] vs DF 0 (hospital), 2 (first aid kit), 4 (poor medical equipment available). You can provide urgent treatment to a wounded character, hopefully stabilising his condition long enough for him to access better care. This task requires about 5 minutes of work. For every success you score over the task DF, you allow the treated character to immediately use one point from his Recovery bank (normally, a character has to rest for at least 6 hours before he can use his Recovery bank). FM 3+ actually worsens the subject's condition, inflicting a light wound on him. A character can benefit from emergency treatment only during or shortly after the scene in which the wounds were sustained. Emergency treatment can halt the deterioration of critical wounds, at least for a little while. A successful test prevents critical wounds from deteriorating for an hour per success, unless of course the subject suffers new injuries. However, each subsequent test made for that purpose suffers a -1 cumulative penalty (-1 for the 2nd test, -2 for the 3rd test and so on); the need for proper medical attention cannot be staved off indefinitely. Emergency treatment can also be provided to victims of poisoning, using the Internal Medicine specialty; in this case, the treated character receives a +1 bonus for every 2 successes scored over the DF to his next Stamina test against the poison. FM 3+ will inflict a -1 penalty per FM over 2 on the subject's next test. Therapy: Medicine-Surgery[Aptitude] or Medicine-Internal Medicine[Memory] vs DF 0 (good facilities), 2 (average facilities), 4 (mediocre facilities), 6 (poor facilities). Having a patient under your good care can accelerate his recovery from injuries or illnesses. This task requires you to be generally available throughout the day to care for the patient. At the end of each day you make a test to determine the results of you care. Every success scored over the DF provides 1 recovery point, which the patient has to use immediately. A fumbled test actually worsens the patient's condition, inflicting a light wound on him. The Internal Medicine specialty can be used to treat people affected by a disease or poison, assuming that they have been properly diagnosed first. In this case, each 2 successes scored will give the patient a +1 bonus to his Stamina tests against the poison or disease. If the patient has already made his Stamina test, he can roll a new test but the bonus is only +1 per 3 successes. FM 3+ will inflict a -1 penalty per FM over 2 on the patient's tests.


Trauma Surgery: Medicine-Surgery[Aptitude] vs DF 2, +1 for every critical wound the subject has, +1 for poor facilities. The Surgery specialty may be used to repair major damage and help a patient recover from critical wounds. Such a task requires at least a basic operating theatre and 4 hours of work. A successful test will convert one critical wound to a serious wound or one serious wound to a light wound. Each 2 extra successes burned will allow you to convert one more critical or serious wound. A fumbled test is potentially lethal, with the patient suffering an additional critical wound. A patient cannot benefit from more than one surgery per day, whether the attempt was successful or not.

Broad skill, Trained only Influenced by Aptitude, Dexterity, Perception, Reflexes Specialties: Helicopters, Jet fighters, Large aircraft, Small aircraft Pilot provides training in the operation of airborne vehicles. Having a level of 1 or more in Pilot allows you to use airborne vehicles to go from point A to point B without a test usually required, unless you have to fly through dangerous weather conditions or you want to push your vehicle faster than what would be considered safe. Races or chases may be resolved by resisted Pilot tests, with the owner of the faster vehicle getting a bonus to his test. A Pilot test with FM 3 or higher will usually result in an accident or some other mishap.

Influenced by Empathy, Guile, Presence, Reason Persuade improves your ability to debate subjects and convince people using reason and charm instead of coercion. Debate: Persuade[Reason] (assisted by any ability related to the discussion), resisted by opponents Persuade[Reason]. Persuade may be used to debate your position on an issue with one or more opponents, using arguments, facts or ploys. Unlike persuasion, the purpose of a debate is often not to convince the opposition of the merits of your position (as they will often have a set agenda of their own), but rather to win people witnessing the debate over to your side by presenting a superior argument. Thus, all debating involves resisted tests between the opponents' Persuade skill. Participants may get bonuses or penalties depending on how easy or difficult their position is to defend as well as the disposition of the witnesses. Many debates, especially those on issues that are not clear-cur or involve several layers of complexity, are handled as complex tests, with the side that wins the largest number of resisted tests finally winning the debate. For example, if you are debating on the advantages of nuclear energy over wind energy, the Gamemaster may ask you to make a complex resisted test, with one test for every separate aspect of the debate (like safety, effectiveness, environmental impact and cost). If this debate is held for the benefit of a group of environmental activists, you will probably have a penalty while debating in favour of nuclear energy, as the crowd's disposition will be hostile towards your position. Negotiate: Persuade[Presence], resisted by opponents Persuade[Presence]. The Persuade skill may be used to bargain with someone for an advantage, whether that is obtaining a lower price for an item he's willing to sell or settling a long-standing territorial dispute between two neighbouring nations. This use of Persuade always takes the form of a resisted test between the two sides, which could also be a complex test if the subject to be negotiated is extensive and complicated. The winner of the contest will get some sort of concession from his opponent, which may be minor (1-2 success), moderate (3-4 successes) or major (5+ successes). Negotiation is not mind control and you can never force someone to negotiate if he doesn't think he'll be getting something out of the final deal (e.g. you'll probably fail to convince a store owner to lower the price if his shop is full with other potential customers and a nation that has a superior economy and military advantage over its neighbour is unlikely to be dragged into loss-making negotiations). Convince: Persuade[Presence] (assisted by any ability related to the discussion) vs DF 0 (subject very favourable towards idea), 2 (subject generally favourable but has doubts), 4 (subject very sceptical), 6 (subject dismissive but slightly open to conversation). A Persuade test may be used to guide a person or group of people towards an idea or action using a variety of tools and tactics, from logical arguments and proof to use of propaganda and populist statements. The time required for such a task will depend on the complexity of the argument and may range from a few minutes to days or even more. Persuade almost always require the subject to be at least a little bit open to dialog and cannot be used to convince people that are hostile against the presented idea.

Influenced by Creativity, Empathy, Guile, Intuition, Presence Politics improves your understanding of political principles, processes and structures, as well as how to bend them to your advantage. Analysis: Politics[Reason] (assisted by Administration) vs DF 0 (small town hall), 2 (city hall), 4 (national ministry), 6 (national government). By researching and familiarising yourself with a political structure or issue, you can determine the major factors, key people and interested parties influencing it as well as the relations between them. The time required to arrive at a conclusion may be significant if the structure to be analysed is large and complex (such as a national ministry). One success gives you a basic idea of who they key movers are and the relationships between them. Three or more successes will provide a very comprehensive picture of major and minor parties, politicians, advisors, lobby groups and influential administrators. Becoming familiar with a political structure is instrumental in influencing it to achieve your goals. Without first analysing it, you can only use half your effective level in any Politics tests involving it. Superb knowledge of a political structure will certainly provide benefits: for every success you score over 3 you get a +1 bonus to a future Politics test involving that structure (no more than a +1 bonus can be used on a single test). Arm-pulling: Politics[Presence] (assisted by Intimidate), resisted by subjects Politics[Willpower]. You can use well-placed political threats and influence to coerce a political opponent to do your will. Your Politics test may suffer a modifier depending on whether your opponent has more or less political influence or authority than you. A modifier may also be applied according to the graveness of what you require from him (it's usually easier to "persuade" someone to back down from an action he has proposed than making him follow a plan that opposes his political beliefs and agenda). Campaign: Politics[Presence] (assisted by Persuade) vs DF 0 (minor issue), 2 (moderately important issue), 4 (major issue), 6 (hugely important issue), +1 (favoured by majority), -1 (not favoured by majority), -1 (polarising issue with wide repercussions for everyone involved). You can use your knowledge of politics to organise influence, public relations, lobbying and public support in order to gain political support for a certain issue or goal. Such a task will usually require time and patience, especially for a complex issue affecting a lot of people. While small issues can be resolved by a simple test, larger issues are best broken down in components and handled by complex tests. Entire stories can be built around such political crusades, with a Politics test at the end of a story receiving modifiers according to how well the players accomplished their campaign goals during the story.

Broad skill Influenced by Agility, Dexterity, Reflexes, Strength, Willpower Specialties: Axes, Bludgeons, Long blades, Small blades, Spears, Unarmed combat, Wrestle Prowess improves your ability to use weapons and unarmed strikes in hand-to-hand combat. Attack: Prowess[Strength] vs DF 0, resisted by Acrobatics or Prowess if target takes a reaction. Attacking with a close combat


Power Strike (Level 4): Requires Strength 4. Once per scene, you weapon or unarmed strike takes a simple action and requires a DF 0 may use this talent to increase the Power of an unarmed strike or test, unless the target chooses to take a reaction and resist with an appropriate defensive rating (Acrobatics or Prowess). On a success, close combat weapon by 2 for your next attack only. This has to be declared before the attack dice are rolled; if the attack fails Power the target suffers the weapon's damage rating. Extra successes can be Strike is wasted. Power Strike may be purchased multiple times; each burned to increase the damage multiplier of the attack. purchase will give you an additional use per scene, but Power Strike Craft Shiv: Prowess[Aptitude] vs DF 2. Using very simple materials may never be used more than once for the same attack. (ranging from glass shards to a sharpened toothbrush) and about an Fierce Strike (Level 8): Requires Power Strike and Strength 4. hour's worth of labour, you can craft an improvised blade weapon with game statistics similar to a pocket knife. Such a weapon will When you use Power Strike, Power is increased by an additional 2 points (for a total of 4 points). function until a fumble is scored on an attack test with it, at which Devastating Strike (Level 12): Requires Power Strike, Fierce point it will break and be rendered useless. If the Prowess test is not Strike and Strength 12. When you use Power Strike, the damage successful, you still come up with a usable weapon, but it can only be multiplier of your attack increases by one. used for a number of successful attacks equal to the score of a single Precise Strike (Level 3): Requires Dexterity 3. When you attack die before breaking. If the test fails with FM 3 or more, the weapon with an unarmed strike or with a close combat weapon that has a will break on the first successful attack with it, failing to do any Strength requirement equal to half your Strength or lower, you can damage to your opponent and probably ruining the rest of your day as combine Prowess with Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack test. well. Reflexive Block (Level 4): Requires Reflexes 4. When you dont Feint: Prowess[Guile], resisted by targets Prowess[Intuition]. take a reaction against an attack, you may still resist it as if you were You can attempt to feint an attack as a simple action in order to catch using Prowess[Reflexes] at half its normal level. your opponent off-guard. A successful Prowess test will give you a +1 Swift Strike (Level 4): Requires Reflexes 4. Once per scene, you bonus to your next Prowess attack (or a +2 bonus with 4+ successes) may use this talent to attack with an unarmed strike or close combat against that opponent in the same phase. However, if you fail with FM weapon as a simple action instead of a standard action. Swift Strike 3 or more, you will instead get a -1 penalty. may be purchased multiple times; each purchase will give you an Maintenance: Prowess[Aptitude] vs DF 0. Given a simple set of additional use per scene, but Swift Strike cannot be used more than tools, you can perform essential maintenance and very simple repairs for close combat weapons. Complex repairs will require the Trade- once in the same phase. Lightning Strike (Level 8): Requires Reflexes 8 and Swift Blacksmith or other appropriate skills. Strike. You can use Swift Strike twice in the same phase. Size Up: Prowess[Perception], resisted by subjects Zen Strike (Level 12): Requires Reflexes 12, Swift Strike and Prowess[Guile]. You can analyse the technique of a fighter you have Lightning Strike. You can use Swift Strike thrice in the same phase. the chance to watch (either live or from recent recorded footage) or fight with for at least 5 minutes. A successful test will allow you to exploit any weaknesses you detect in his fighting style so as to get a +1 IDE bonus in one of your Prowess attack tests against him (or one of your Broad skill Prowess reaction tests versus his attacks) when you meet in combat. Influenced by Agility, Empathy, Perception, Reflexes Each extra success scored will allow you to use the bonus an additional Specialties: Any specific riding animal, e.g. Camels, Elephants, Horses. time before the target learns to compensate, although a single test Ride improves your ability to handle riding animals and use them for can never get more than a +1 bonus. Alternatively, extra successes travelling. may be burned in order to decrease the time needed for you to gain Having a level of 1 or more in Ride allows you to use a riding the insight. You cannot accumulate several uses of the skill together; animal to simply ride from point A to point B without a test usually only the most recent will apply. required, unless you have to ride through dangerous terrain or Regardless of how you choose to use any extra successes, if you adverse weather conditions or you want to ride faster than what manage to score over 3 successes on the Prowess test you can find out would be considered safe. Races or chases may be resolved by resisted the major regions the target has trained at, and with more than 5 Ride tests, with the owner of the faster animal getting a bonus to his successes you might find out the individual trainers that most test. A Ride test with FM 3 or higher will usually result in an accident, influenced him, assuming they are relatively well known. most often ending with you being dismounted and probably injured A failed test with FM 3 or more will result in misleading from the fall. information that will hamper your offence and defence until you Break: Ride[Empathy] resisted by animals Willpower. Before an realise it's no good, giving you a -1 penalty to all Prowess attacks and animal will allow you to put a saddle on it and ride it, it has to be reactions against the subject for a number of phases equal to the FM. Weapon Knowledge: Prowess[Memory] vs DF 0 (common started. This process is gradual and requires you to accumulate 10 successes on Ride tests, with each test representing a days worth of weapon), 1 (uncommon weapon), 2 (obscure weapon), 3 (very rare work. weapon). You can recall information about specific weapons, their Train: Ride[Empathy] vs DF 0 (walking along a dismounted rider), advantages and disadvantages in combat and their historical use, with 2 (jumping over high obstacles), 4 (warmount training). After breaking the quantity of information you receive dependant on the successes an animal, you can continue training it in order to teach it more you score. If a weapon has been hand-crafted, you may trace it to its specialised skills. Each skill will require 10 successes on Ride tests to region of origin with 2 successes, or to a particular craftsman with 4 be taught, with each test representing a days worth of work. successes. Particularly intelligent animals may provide a +1 bonus to the test, while dumb animals will inflict a -1 penalty.


Counterstrike (Level 5): When you successfully use Prowess to resist an attack and you score 3 or more successes higher than your opponent, you may take a reaction to make an immediate Prowess attack against the attacker. Critical Strike (Level 4): When you make a successful Prowess attack and the fate die scores 6, your damage multiplier increases by one. Intuitive Block (Level 6): Requires Perception 4. You can take a reaction to defend against an attack with Prowess even after the attacker has rolled his attack test (but before damage is calculated).

Influenced by Agility, Stamina, Strength, Willpower Run improves your ability to move fast. Run will increase your movement rate when sprinting in combat. Races or chases may be resolved by resisted Run tests. A Run test with FM 3 or higher will usually result in an accident, such as crashing into an obstacle.


Group skill, Trained only Influenced by Creativity, Intuition, Memory, Reason Skills: Any specific science, such as Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Structural engineering. Science provides knowledge in a particular scientific field.

or to feed other people. Failure with FM 3+ may mean that you find resources that may be unsafe (poisonous or contaminated) or you encounter some danger (like a natural hazard or dangerous wildlife). Hazard Sense: Survival[Perception] vs DF 0 (obvious hazard), 2 (subtle hazard), 4 (hidden hazard). A successful test allows you to identify and hopefully avoid natural hazards, like pits, quicksand and areas prone to landslides or avalanches.

Influenced by Agility, Stamina, Strength, Willpower Swim improves your ability to move through water. In combat, you are allowed to swim as a standard action, with each metre swam counting as 3 metres against your movement allowance. This assumes that you are trying to swim through calm waters; when moving through rough waters you have to make a Swim[Agility] test vs DF 2 (currents), 4 (stormy sea), 6 (whitewater). A successful test allows you to move 1 metre per success in a standard action. A failed test means that you spend your action trying to stay above the surface. If the test fails with FM 3 or higher, you begin to sink and have to make a successful Swim test to get to the surface again (each subsequent failed test will inflict a -1 cumulative test to your attempts to get to the surface before drowning).

Influenced by Aptitude, Intuition, Perception Security improves your understanding of security devices, measures and principles, as well as how to defeat them. Disable security device: Security[Aptitude] vs DF 0 (simple lock), 2 (good quality lock), 4 (fingerprint scanner), 6 (retinal scanner). A successful test will disable a security device and allow you to bypass it; this will usually require 1 minute of work per DF point (1 phase for DF 0). Failure with FM 3+ will activate any alarm rigged to the device. Evaluate security: Security[Perception] vs DF 0 (small bank), 2 (corporate HQ), 4 (prison), 6 (intelligence agency), +1 if you are not in the inspected area in person, +1 to +3 for poor information available. A successful test will allow you to evaluate the security measures of an area, such as placement of surveillance, patrols and security protocols. You can then use your findings to suggest measures to improve security or to come up with a plan to bypass it.

Influenced by Intuition, Perception, Reason Track allows you to observe human or animal tracks and other signs in other to understand the landscape and your quarry. A successful Track[Perception] test vs DF 0 (snow or sand), 2 (mud), 4 (dirt), 6 (raining) will gain you one piece of information about your quarry per success. Example information about your quarry may include the direction it has taken, its identity (if its an animal or vehicle), how many people it involved (if youre tracking a group), how long ago it passed through that area and whether it carried a load or not.

Influenced by Agility, Intuition, Perception Stealth improves your ability to move undetected. Shadow: Stealth[Intuition] vs DF 0 (crowded street), 1 (busy street), 2 (quiet street), 3 (empty street), resisted by subjects Perception. A Shadow test allows you to follow someone without being detected. Sneak: Stealth[Agility] vs DF 0 (darkness and lots of cover), 1 (darkness or lots of cover), 2 (lowlight and some cover), 3 (lowlight or some cover), resisted by onlookers Perception. Stealth can be used to move through an area unseen, provided the area is not brightly lit and/or there is some cover available. A Stealth test must be made every time you happen on someone who can detect you and is always resisted by that someones Perception.

Group skill, Trained only Influenced by Aptitude, Creativity, Intuition, Reason Skills: Any specific skilled occupation, such as Blacksmith, Carpenter, Electrician, Goldsmith, Gunsmith, Locksmith, Plumber, Potter. Trade provides the training and knowledge necessary in pursuing an occupation requiring particular skills, for example being an electrician or plumber. Trade skills can be used to accomplish anything falling under the jurisdiction of a particular trade. Most often, this will involve repairing things, which would require a Trade[Aptitude] test. Trade[Aptitude] can also be used to build common items having a standard design in mind. Trade[Creativity] is used to make modifications or to come up with improved designs.

Influenced by Intuition, Perception, Stamina, Willpower Survival improves your ability to survive in inhospitable environments. Forage: Survival[Intuition] vs DF 0 (plenty of resources available), 2 (sparse resources available), 4 (almost no resources available), 6 (barren land). A successful Forage test allows you to gather enough food and water to sustain yourself for one day. Extra successes may be burned to increase the quantity of sustenance by one day per success



Experience points are an in-game currency used to create and develop characters. They are awarded during the course of the game by the Gamemaster or through the effects of influence between attributes and skills, and can be invested directly in the experience bank of an ability. When the bank of an ability accumulates a certain number of experience points, the abilitys level improves. You can continue putting experience points in an ability to improve it, although you will find that as an ability gets better its experience requirements for the next level also become higher. Once experience points are invested in an abilitys bank, they cannot be removed. However, you can spend experience points from an abilitys bank to buy a talent for that ability. Talents cost 3 experience points per level, but you also have to meet their requirements before you can buy them. When spending experience points to buy talents, bear in mind that you cannot spend enough experience points to make your ability drop in level. For example, if you have 75 points in a skill (which would make it level 4), you can at most spend 15 experience points on talents (any more and your skill will drop in level). This restriction limits the talents you can buy at each level, so carefully planning the use of your experience points is a must.

Creating a new character is a simple, straightforward process. Before dealing with game stats, it would be useful if you already had an idea about what kind of character you would like to play. A well-defined character concept will not only make the game more enjoyable, but can also help you decide which abilities to favour and how to make the best use of your resources. You receive 1500 experience points to buy the attributes, skills and talents defining your characters capabilities. Additional experience points for attributes and skills will be gained through the influence mechanics described in chapter 2. The amount of starting experience may be modified if the Gamemaster wishes to have more powerful starting characters for his game. 2000 experience points may be used to create characters that are veterans in their field, while 2500 points may be used for truly powerful characters.

As you utilise your abilities, interact with other people, find confidence in your successes and learn from your failures, you can expect to develop and become more capable. This process happens in the experience phase at the end of each game session. During the experience phase, the Gamemaster rewards each player with experience points that can be invested in his characters abilities. Any experience points gained must be invested in abilities by the end of the experience phase; they cannot be hoarded over future sessions while you're making up your mind. The judge over how many experience points are awarded at the end of a session is the Gamemaster. The guidelines presented here are suggestions only that should be modified if the Gamemaster wishes for a faster or slower rate of development for the players' characters. In general, experience awards can be either general (given to all players) or personal (given to a specific player). General awards include: Participation: Each player receives 5 experience points just for participating in the game. Difficulty: If the players faced dangerous opponents with considerable resources they should be rewarded with 1-3 extra experience points. Success: This award is saved for the end of a chapter and could be worth 3-7 experience points for each player, depending on how well they managed to accomplish their goals. Personal awards include: Role playing: A player who presented a decent portrayal of his character gets one point, while exceptional acting nets him 2 points. Intelligence: A player who comes up with an ingenious way to solve a puzzle, defeat an opponent or get around a difficult situation gets 1-2 extra experience points for his trouble. Entertainment: An extra experience point is awarded to players whose actions, whether comical or dramatic, greatly added to the group's gaming experience. This award is best reserved for a few select entertaining moments. Heroism: A player who stands up for his beliefs or his friends despite the odds or repercussions is worth 2 extra experience points.

An ability cap is determined by the Gamemaster before the game begins and represents the maximum level any ability can attain through experience. Experience points invested in an ability have no effect after its level has reached the cap, but can still be spent for talents. However, modifiers can still raise an ability level beyond the cap. Gritty, realistic games will usually have an ability cap of 6. Games featuring larger than life characters who have the potential for stunning feats may benefit from a cap of 9. Truly super-heroic games could have a cap of 12. There are no rules presented here for ability levels higher than 12. Ability caps may be mixed between the different ability types. For example, the Gamemaster may decide to apply a cap of 6 for attributes and a cap of 9 for skills and talents.


Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Attribute Experience 0 25 50 100 150 225 300 400 500 625 750 900 1050 Skill Experience 0 10 20 40 60 90 120 160 200 250 300 360 420

Beware of suicidal tendencies or pure stupidity masquerading as heroism, however.



E.g., you are affected by a paralytic toxin on the 5th segment of the 3rd phase of combat and the toxin's effect lasts for 1 minute (10 phases). You will be paralysed until the 5th segment of the 13th phase.



A character's Sequence level determines how quickly he can act in a phase and shapes the order of action. Combatants with high Sequence levels can act before their opponents, gaining a significant edge. Sequence is usually equal to a character's Reflexes level, but there are factors that can modify it during combat. Sequence determines the earliest segment during a phase at which you can take an action. A character with Sequence 5 may act on the 5th or lower segments, but not on higher segments. If you wish to wait to see how things turn out, you may withhold your action until a later segment; Sequence is an indication of action, not an obligation. When two characters act on the same segment, the one with the highest Sequence level goes first; if their Sequence is the same, then their actions happen simultaneously. Initiative is a bank of points measuring your ability to act decisively and effectively in the chaos of combat. Initiative depends both on reflexes as well as processing sensory information from one's surroundings. When a character joins combat, he gets a number of Initiative points equal to the half the sum of his Reflexes and Perception. You can burn points from the Initiative bank at any point during a phase. Initiative points can increase Sequence by 2 per point burned, but this increase lasts only until the end of the current phase. You can also burn Initiative points to take additional simple actions, with each Initiative point allowing you to immediately take a new simple action. With 2 Initiative points burned, you can immediately take a new standard action, as long as there is a gap of at least 3 segments from your last standard action in the current phase. When using this option, remember that 0 is the last segment in a phase. For example, let's say that you have found yourself in a tight spot, facing multiple opponents. You have Sequence 2 and 3 Initiative points left. As you intend to act as many times as possible in the current phase, you spend an Initiative point as soon as the phase begins to increase your Sequence to 4 for the rest of the phase. You take your first action on the 4th segment and when the 1st segment arrives you spend your remaining Initiative points to take a second standard action. If you hadn't increased your Sequence, you wouldn't be able to take a second standard action. Once Initiative points are burned, they are lost for the remainder of the combat, so they have to be used wisely. The only way to get a new supply of Initiative points is to choose to regroup, pausing to evaluate the situation around you, get your bearings and formulate new plans. Regrouping is a complex action taking one phase. As soon as regrouping is completed, your Initiative bank refreshes. Any unused Initiative points are lost when the bank refreshes.

Time in the game world flows differently than in real life. Days or weeks of downtime between action may be described with only a few words by the Gamemaster, while mere minutes of intense action may take an hour or more to resolve. Phases are the smallest units of game time and are used whenever action becomes frantic, like during combat or a chase. Each phase only lasts 6 seconds in the game world, but will usually take much longer in real world terms to resolve all the events taking place in it. Scenes are well-defined, self-contained pieces of the ongoing story. Each scene has a clear beginning and end, but the time spent may vary widely between different scenes. A brutal firefight lasting 20 seconds and a complex negotiation taking hours are both considered scenes. A session is a single meeting of the game group. Sometimes a session will be enough to play through a story, but long adventures may spread over multiple sessions. A chapter consists of multiple scenes and usually leads to some kind of accomplishment or resolution. Sometimes, the end of a chapter is a cliff-hanger or provides clues and motives for the forthcoming chapter. Multiple chapters linked together form a series. Well-crafted series have an underlying plot or theme. As the players complete individual chapters, their victories (or setbacks) bring them closer to the final climax of the series. At the end of the series, the players should ideally feel like they have accomplished an important goal.

A phase is the unit of time used to keep combat organised and flowing. As modern combat tends to be quite frenetic, due to the prevalence of firearms, phases are only 6 seconds long. Within this small time frame combatants attack, take cover and manoeuvre in the battlefield, and thus a large, chaotic battle is divided into small manageable chunks of action. As a phase ends, a new phase begins and this transition continues until hostilities cease. Each phase is divided into a varied amount of segments, the exact number of which depends on the participants' Sequence. Segments do not equal a specific amount of time; rather, each segment represents an instance during the phase when a character can take an action. Higher-numbered segments come earlier than lower-numbered ones, for example the 5th segment happens earlier than the 2nd segment. The last segment of a phase is 0; after that action rolls over to a new phase. Segments can also be used to keep track of time between phases, which can be useful for some game mechanics. The amount of time sepalevel two same-numbered segments on consecutive turns is equal to a phase or about 6 seconds long.

Sometimes, combatants may not be aware of the opposition when combat starts, for example is they are ambushed by the enemy. This may even be true for both sides of a conflict if they stumble upon each other without prior warning. Characters caught unaware when combat begins are said to be surprised. There is no hard and fast rule


to determine surprise, since this element can occur in a myriad different situations. The Gamemaster is the final arbiter as always, and may call for tests of relevant abilities (such as Perception) to determine surprise status. A character can substitute any ability tested to determine surprise with his Reflexes level, if it is higher. Reflexes may also be used if nothing else seems appropriate. A surprised character can still engage in combat, but cannot burn any Initiative points and his Sequence if halved during the first phase. Moreover, he cannot use reactions to defend himself until his (halved) Sequence comes up. After the first phase, his Sequence returns to its full value and he can use reactions and Initiative points as normal.

Anything undertaken by a character to accomplish something is considered an action. The earliest opportunity to take an action is on the segment equal to your Sequence (with the notable exception of defensive reactions). Actions are generally divided into three types: simple, standard and complex. Simple actions do not require much time or attention. They include things like speaking a short sentence, picking up or dropping something, pushing a button, opening an unlocked door, standing up etc. You can take a number of simple actions equal to your Agility in each phase; if you run out you can substitute standard actions for simple actions. Multiple simple actions can be taken in the same segment, if you so wish, as well as along with a standard action. Simple actions don't need to be separated by segment gaps like standard actions do. Reactions are a special type of simple actions that can be used to defend against an attack. They cost one of your simple actions, but they can be used any time during a phase, even earlier than your Sequence. However, reactions cannot be combined with movement. Reactions have to be declared before the attacker rolls his attack dice. Standard actions are all the things that can be accomplished within a few seconds and include most of the important actions during combat, such as attacking. You can usually take one standard action per phase, possibly more with the use of Initiative points. However, standard actions must be separated by a gap of at least 3 segments. Given that 0 is the last segment of a phase, your Sequence limits the number of standard actions you can take in a given phase. Complex actions require time and undivided attention. They include tasks such as dressing wounds and disarming bombs, which are not very well suited for combat. Depending on the task, a complex action requires one or more full phases to complete. While taking a complex action, you cannot use any of your standard actions and can only use half your normal allowance of simple actions.

character taking a complex action would still be able to move a little bit by using his simple actions. Movement tends to be distracting when combined with actions requiring finesse or concentration. Such actions include ranged attacks, but usually not closed combat attacks since the momentum generated is actually beneficial. Walking for more than a metre will inflict a -1 penalty to any test associated with the combined action. Sprinting increases the modifier to -2. A prone character can use his movement allowance to crawl. Each metre covered while crawling counts as 4 metres against the character's allowance. This means that a character will be able to crawl a quarter of a metre using a simple action, or up to 2.5 metres using a standard action. Difficult terrain, such as heavy undergrowth, mud or a broken floor, may hamper movement. Each metre of difficult terrain counts as 2 metres of normal movement.



The most common action taken in combat will probably be attacking a foe, either with an unarmed attack or some kind of weapon. An attack usually takes a standard action and its success or failure depends on an attack test. An attack test uses an ability appropriate for controlling the weapon you're utilising (eg Accuracy-Pistols for firing a pistol, Prowess-Unarmed Combat to punch or Accuracy-Thrown to throw a grenade). The DF of the attack test is usually 0, but the target can take a reaction to resist the attack using an appropriate defensive ability (this must be declared before the attack dice are rolled). If the attack test is successful, your attack damages the target. Each weapon has a damage code consisting of a Power level and a damage multiplier, for example 4x3. Extra attack successes can be burned to boost damage by increasing the multiplier. Thus, if an attack with a 4x3 damage weapon scores 3 successes, the 2 extra successes can be burned to inflict 4x5=20 points of damage.

: Attack with ranged weapons (bows, grenades, guns, thrown weapons etc.) : Attack with unarmed strikes or close combat weapons (clubs, spears, swords etc.)

Movement in combat in not considered an action on its own; rather, it is something that can be combined with another action. For example, you can move and fire a pistol or swing a sword. However, movement can happen only before or after an action. For example, you cannot move out of a corner, fire a gun and then move back under cover as part of the same action. You can only move when you have the opportunity to take an action; movement cannot occur outside the framework of actions, although there's nothing stopping you from taking an action with the sole purpose of moving. The total distance you can cover during a phase is 10 metres. This allowance can be increased by sprinting, although this can lead to exhaustion very quickly. A character who sprints can increase his maximum movement allowance by 4 metres plus twice his Run[Agility] level for every fatigue level he is willing to suffer, to a maximum of 40 metres per phase. When taking a simple action, you may not move more than 1 metre (when taking a reaction you cannot move at all). Standard actions are more flexible and can use any remaining movement allowance. Movement cannot usually be combined with complex actions (unless the Gamemaster dictates otherwise), although a

Prowess-Unarmed Combat[Reflexes]: Defend against unarmed close combat attacks. Prowess-weapon specialty[Reflexes]: Defend against armed or unarmed close combat attacks. You must be holding a suitable close combat weapon. Acrobatics[Reflexes]: Defend against both close combat and ranged attacks. High-velocity projectiles (such as bullets) will inflict a -1 penalty to your defensive test. Restrictive stances (like being prone or kneeling) or narrow spaces will also inflict a -1 penalty.

Any time you suffer damage, you run the risk of getting seriously or even mortally injured. Fortunately, your body has a limited ability to cope with physical injury, measured by your Strength and Stamina attributes. The sum of Strength and Stamina constitutes your Resilience, which is compared to the damage total of an attack to determine its effects on you.


Attacks that do less damage than your Resilience have no significant effect on you. Damage equal to or higher than your Resilience will inflict a light, serious or critical wound. When the damage is equal to or higher than 7 times your Resilience, the attack is severe enough to instantly kill you.

recovered naturally; only medical attention will help. Stun damage cannot be recovered; you have to wait for it to wear off. You can use your Recovery bank only after you have had at least 6 hours of rest.


Damage<Resilience Damage=Resilience Damage=Resilience x 3 Damage=Resilience x 5 Damage= Resilience x 7 No effect Light wound Serious wound Critical wound Dead

Close combat attacks are made using either an unarmed strike or a suitable weapon, such as a dagger, club or sword. Distances in close combat are kept abstract on purpose; keeping track of fractions of a metre would quickly kill any excitement combat provides. The requirement to make a close combat attack is to be next to the target, but the exact distance between combatants is fluid throughout the combat, even if they don't take any movement actions (slight movement like small steps is considered a natural part of close combat).

Light wounds do not have any immediate effect on you, but can be dangerous when accumulated. You can only sustain 3 light wounds; any additional light wounds are recorded as serious wounds. Serious wounds are debilitating and inhibit your performance. If you have one or more serious wounds, you suffer a -1 penalty to all tests. If you have 2 or more serious wounds, you are unable to sprint. You can suffer up to 3 serious wounds; any additional serious wounds are inflicted as critical wounds. Critical wounds are life-threatening and tend to rapidly deteriorate. If you have suffered any critical wounds you drift in and out of consciousness. You have to take a fatigue level in order to perform one phase's worth of actions, and even then you suffer a -1 penalty per critical wound to all tests and are unable to stand unsupported (you can only crawl if nobody's available to help you). While being critically injured, you live on borrowed time and will suffer a new critical wound with a frequency depending on your Stamina level. You can only suffer 3 mortal wounds; any additional injuries will kill you.


Attacker prone Defender prone Attacker has higher ground Cant see target -1 +1 +1 -4

When you are engaged in close combat with an enemy, you can take a standard action to withdraw cautiously; this will allow you to move away without retaliation. Every metre moved while withdrawing counts as 2 metres against your movement allowance. If you turn around and flee without withdrawing, your opponent can take a simple action to make an attack against you before you can move safely away; defensive tests against this attack suffer a -2 penalty.


Stamina 1 Stamina 2 Stamina 3 Stamina 4 Stamina 5 Stamina 6+ Per minute Per 5 minutes Per 15 minutes Per hour Per 6 hours Per day


Using a firearm becomes especially difficult once you find yourself engaged in close combat with a foe. In such a situation, you must use Prowess-Unarmed Combat[Strength] to attack with the firearm (essentially trying to break the gun free to point and shoot) and you suffer a -2 penalty to attack tests. This applies even if you're trying to attack a target other than your close combat opponent. As this becomes an unarmed close combat attack, Acrobatics can be used to defend at its full level and is not the only defensive option; the target can also use Prowess to defend.

Stun damage is inflicted by weapons designed to temporarily disable, like stun guns. Stun damage does not cause wounds. Instead, a light wound result will inflict a -1 stun penalty to all tests, a serious wound result will inflict a -2 stun penalty and a critical wound result will inflict a -4 penalty. If the damage is equal to or higher than 7 times your Resilience, a -8 stun penalty is inflicted. A total stun penalty that exceeds your Stamina level will also make you unable to sprint. If your total stun penalty exceeds twice your Stamina level, you are rendered unconscious. Stun penalties are reduced by 1 per (10-Stamina minutes) (minimum 1 minute).

A Prowess-Wrestle[Strength] attack can be used to attempt to grapple and overpower an opponent. If the initial attack is successful, a resisted Prowess-Wrestle[Strength] test is made between you and your opponent; you receive a bonus equal to the number of successes scored on the first attack test. If this resisted test is also successful, you have established a hold over your opponent. While your opponent is held, you can attack with the ProwessWrestle skill for normal unarmed damage as a standard action with a +1 bonus; this attack can only be resisted by ProwessWrestle[Strength]. Alternatively, you can take a standard action to move while grabbing your opponent; you cannot sprint and every metre moved counts as 2 metres against your movement allowance. The only action allowed to your opponent is to attempt to break free from your grapple. This requires a standard action and success on a resisted Prowess[Strength] test.

Recovering from injuries is a gradual process, the speed of which depends on your Stamina. You have a Recovery bank equal to your Stamina level, which is refreshed every week. Points from this bank may be burned to recover from wounds. You can recover from a light wound by burning one recovery point. Serious wounds cost 2 recovery points each (you are able to pay this cost in instalments, but you cannot recover until the full cost is paid). Critical wounds cannot be



Short Range Medium Range Long Range Extreme Range Ultra Range 0 -2 -4 -8 -12

A weapon held for some reason in the hand not favoured by a character (e.g. in the left hand if you're right-handed) attacks with a -1 penalty. It is possible but difficult to hold a close combat or even ranged weapon in each hand (eg two handguns, or a sword and dagger) and attack with both. When you attack with your primary weapon, you can also spend a simple action to attack with the secondary weapon as well. If you choose to do this, both attack tests suffer a -1 penalty (-2 if the attacks are not directed against the same target). Don't forget that the off-hand weapon also gets the usual -1 penalty on top.


Target prone Target engaged in close combat with friendly character Low visibility (light fog, lowlight) Very low visibility (moderate fog, night) No visibility (heavy fog, darkness, blinded) Tiny target (mobile phone) Small target (dog) Large target (car) Huge target (helicopter) Colossal target (passenger jet) Titanic target (cargo ship) Target speed > 50 kph Target speed > 100 kph Target speed > 150 kph Target speed > 300 kph Target speed > 500 kph -1 -2 -1 -3 -5 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3 +4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5

Explosive weapons range from hand grenades to rockets to demolition charges. Because of their ability to affect an entire area rather than single target, they are very forgiving in terms of accuracy as they don't have to be dead-on to inflict damage. On the other hand, their indiscriminate nature makes them likely to cause unwanted or dangerous collateral damage when used carelessly. When using an explosive weapon, the attacker selects the centre of the area he wants the explosive to affect, rather than a specific target. This means that the attack test is unaffected by modifiers related to specific targets, for example if someone is prone, and that targets cannot resist the attack test (however, they may still be able to protect themselves; see below). A single attack test is made to determine success and damage. If the attack test fails, the explosive still goes off but its damage is halved. The area affected by an explosive is determined by its Blast level, which consists of two numbers measured in metres. Within its primary Blast radius (the smaller number), an explosive has full power and deals normal damage. The explosion will affect targets outside the primary blast radius but still inside the secondary radius (the larger number) with half its damage multiplier. Any targets able to do so are usually allowed the chance to dive for cover by taking a reaction, unless circumstances would deem that impossible (for example, it's not really possible to take cover against a grenade thrown into an elevator). This allows a target to make a Reflexes test, with each success reducing the Power of the explosion by one point. If you already have protection from cover when the explosion occurs, you can roll 2 extra dice for your Reflexes test assuming the cover can reasonably withstand the force of the explosion.

The main factor affecting ranged weapons, such as bows or firearms, is the distance to the target. Each ranged weapon has a Range trait consisting of 5 different bands (short, medium, long, extreme and ultra) and the attack test may suffer a range penalty depending on which range band the target falls under. For example, a weapon with a Range of S20wM40wL80wE120wU200 metres will suffer no penalties for shots up to 20 metres away, a -2 penalty for shots up to 40 metres away, a -4 penalty for shots up to 80 metres away, a -8 penalty for shots up to 120 metres away and a -12 penalty for shots up to 200 metres away. A ranged weapon cannot attack beyond its Ultra range band. Range penalties can be reduced by aimed fire, taking time to carefully aim before you attack. Aimed fire requires a 1-phase complex action instead of a standard action, but allows you to reduce range penalties by an amount equal to your Perception. Projectiles tend to lose power with distance. Projectile-based weapons, like firearms, bows and most thrown weapons, have their damage multiplier reduced by 1 at extreme range and by 2 at ultra range (to a minimum multiplier of x0). Explosives and a few other weapons retain their full damage multiplier across all range bands.



Sharp blades and screaming bullets are not the only dangers your character may face. Mundane threats can put an end to his career just as easy as guns and swords can.

Taking cover behind a solid obstacle is one of the best and most convenient ways of protecting yourself against ranged attacks. As long as at least 50% of your body is covered, cover will inflict a -2 penalty to ranged attacks against you. The effectiveness of cover will of course depend on how well it fares against the attacking weapon; a wooden wall that protects fairly well against a small-calibre gun may be useless against a .44 magnum.

Physical exertion, hard mental labour and exposure to the elements can wear a character down and even threaten his life in extreme circumstances. Such conditions cause a character to gain fatigue levels, which are up to a certain point offset by his Stamina level. A character that has gained a number of fatigue levels equal to his Stamina level is tired. All tests suffer a -1 fatigue penalty. When a character's fatigue levels reach twice his Stamina level, he is exhausted. An exhausted character cannot sprint and all his tests suffer a -2 fatigue penalty. If a character gains enough fatigue levels to reach thrice his Stamina level, he collapses from exertion. A collapsed character is unconscious. Any additional fatigue levels gained over this limit are recorded as light wounds, eventually killing from from exertion.


Recovering from fatigue requires the character to rest and becomes slower as fatigue increases. If the character is tired, all fatigue levels are erased after an hour of rest. An exhausted or collapsed character requires 8 hours of sleep for his fatigue levels to be erased.


Torch Bonfire Conflagration 1 die 2 dice 3 dice

You are able to hold your breath for a number of phases equal to your Stamina. Afterwards, you gain one fatigue level for every phase passing without drawing oxygen. This will eventually kill you due to oxygen deprivation. If you are more than mildly active, you gain 2 fatigue levels per phase.

number of dice depending on its intensity. Each success scored on these dice increases the damage multiplier by one. Flames can also set flammable objects on fire.

Threats to your health include disease and poisons. Each of these has unique, distinct effects on your character. Cobra venom: Injected toxin. A DF 6 Stamina test is required to resist the effects of the venom. Success: You do not suffer any significant effects. FM 1-2: -2 to all tests made to resolve actions or reactions, appearing 5 phases after exposure. You cant sprint and your movement rate is halved. These effects last for 30 minutes, then the penalty drops to -1 for another 3 hours. FM 3+: As above, but after 5 minutes the penalty increases to -3 and after 10 minutes you pass out and begin to suffocate until you die. Flu: Airborne disease. If you are exposed to the flu, you have to make a DF 4 Stamina test one day after exposure to determine the severity of the symptoms you suffer. Success: You recover swiftly without suffering any significant symptoms. FM 1-2: -1 to Agility and Strength for 3 days FM 3-4: -2 to Agility and Strength for 3 days, dropping to -1 for an additional 2 days. FM 5+: -2 to Agility and Strength for 1 week. At the end of the week you have to succeed in a DF 1 Stamina test or die from respiratory complications. Hantavirus: Airborne disease. Exposure to hantavirus requires a DF 6 Stamina test to resist its effects, made 2 weeks after exposure. Success: You make a speedy recovery without suffering any significant effects. FM 1-2: -1 Agility and Strength for 1 week. FM 3+: As above, but the penalty is -2. At the end of the week, you have to make a DF 4 Stamina test to avoid dying. If successful, the penalty drops to -1 for another week before you make a full recovery. Nerve gas: Airborne toxin. Exposure to nerve gas forces a DF 6 Stamina test. Wearing a gas mask will give you a +2 bonus, but only a full-body chemical suit will provide complete protection. Success: You suffer no significant effects. You have to make a new Stamina test for every minute spent exposed to the gas. FM 1-2: -2 to all tests made to resolve actions or reactions. You cant sprint and your movement rate is halved. These effects last for 10 minutes, then the penalty drops to -1 for another hour. FM 3+: As above, plus at the end of the 3rd phase you pass out and begin to suffocate until you die. Tear gas: Airborne toxin. Exposure to tear gas forces a DF 4 Stamina test. Failure inflicts a penalty equal to the FM to all tests made to resolve actions or reactions for as long as you remain exposed. After leaving the affected area, this penalty is reduced by one point per minute until it vanishes. Success allows you to resist the effects of the gas, but you have to make a new Stamina test for every minute spent exposed.

Electricity from appliances or power lines does 5x1 electrical damage and "attacks" with a number of dice depending on its intensity. Each success scored on these dice will increase the damage multiplier by one. Electricity disrupts neural and muscular function, so in addition to its normal damage you also suffer an equal amount of stun damage.


Car battery Domestic current Power lines 2 dice 4 dice 6 dice

Falling from a height does 5x1 impact damage and "attacks" with a number of dice according to the distance fallen. Each success scored on these dice will increase the damage multiplier by one. No form of armour will protect against this damage. If you actually jump from a height rather than fall because of slipping or being thrown, you can reduce the falling distance by your Acrobatics[Agility] level. Falling on a soft surface (eg snow or a pile of leaves) halves the distance fallen before Acrobatics has been factored in, while falling in water will divide the distance fallen by 4. On the other hand, falling head-down will double the attack dice used.

Fire deals damage according to its intensity on every phase a character is exposed to it. Fire does 5x1 fire damage and "attacks" with a


1m 3m 6m 10 m 20 m 50 m 100 m 200 m 350 m 500+ m 3 dice 4 dice 5 dice 6 dice 7 dice 8 dice 9 dice 10 dice 11 dice 12 dice



resolve the attack and the results are applied against each target separately. Ammo: The amount of ammunition carried in a firearms magazine as well as the type of magazine used. Weapons with a clip magazine can be reloaded in a standard action by exchanging a used clip with a fresh one. When a weapon uses a cylinder or internal magazine, you can load 3 new rounds with a standard action, or 1 new round with a simple action. Cylinder magazines can also be fully reloaded in a standard action by using a speed loader. Belts require a 1-phase complex action to be loaded, but can hold a very large amount of ammunition. Reach: This trait measures the relative length of close combat weapons. Long weapons can provide an advantage against shorter ones. When facing an opponent with a weapon of lower Reach, you gain a +1 bonus to Prowess attack tests with your weapon, as well as a +1 bonus to Prowess defence tests made with your weapon. However, in narrow spaces the longer Reach weapon has a -1 penalty instead of a bonus. Strength: The minimum Strength required to effectively operate the weapon. For every point of Strength you have below the requirement, one of your attack test dice is turned into a blackdie.


Action: The type of action used by a firearm. Autoloading and revolver action means that you do not have to do anything after firing a shot for the weapon to load a new round in the chamber. Manual action can be pump-, bolt- or lever-operated; a weapon with manual action requires you to take a simple action between shots to load a new round in the chamber. Weapons with burst action are capable of automatic fire and their burst rating shows how fast they can fire. Such weapons can use one or more burst points when they attack. Each burst point will consume 3 rounds of ammunition and increase the weapons Strength requirement by 1, but also provide a +1 bonus to the attack test. Burst fire weapons can be used to attack multiple targets in a single action. You can attack a number of targets up to the burst points used, but all targets have to be within a 3 metre radius. If you use more burst points than the number of targets attacked, the excess will give you an attack bonus (e.g. If you use 5 burst points to attack 3 targets, you will get a +2 attack bonus). A single attack test is made to

Accuracy-Pistols : S10wM20wL40wE120wU200 : Autoloading : 0.95 kg : No penalty when firing in close combat. : 5x3 ballistic :2 : 15 clip

Accuracy-Shotguns : 7x4 ballistic : S20wM40wL80wE160wU320 :3 : Manual : 5 internal : 3.3 kg : -1 penalty to attack tests in narrow spaces. : Instead of slugs, a shotgun can fire shells containing lead shot. This will decrease the damage multiplier by 1 and halve all range bands, but also add a +2 bonus to the attack test.

Accuracy-Pistols : S10wM20wL40wE120wU200 : Autoloading : 1.1 kg : No penalty when firing in close combat. : 6x3 ballistic :3 : 7 clip

Accuracy-Rifles : S40wM80wL160wE500wU1000 : Autoloading, Burst 3 : 3.6 kg : -1 penalty to attack tests in narrow spaces. : Ignores 10 points of armour. : 7x2 ballistic :3 : 30 clip


Accuracy-Pistols : S10wM20wL40wE140wU240 : Revolver : 1.4 kg : 7x3 ballistic :4 : 6 cylinder

Accuracy-Machine guns : 8x2 ballistic : S40wM80wL160wE600wU1250 :4 : Burst 4 : 50 clip/100+ belt : 7.9 kg : When prone, the integral bipod can be extended as a standard action to reduce the Strength requirement by 2. If the bipod is not retracted when standing up again, a -1 penalty to attack tests is inflicted. : -1 penalty to attack tests in narrow spaces. : Ignores 10 points of armour.


Accuracy-Submachine guns : S20wM40wL80wE200wU300 : Autoloading, Burst 4 : 2.5 kg : 5x3 ballistic :2 : 30 clip


Accuracy-Rifles : 10x2 ballistic : S50wM100wL200wE900wU1750 :5 : Manual : 5 clip : 6.9 kg : When prone, the integral bipod can be extended as a standard action to reduce the Strength requirement by 2. If the bipod is not retracted when standing up again, a -1 penalty to attack tests is inflicted. : -1 penalty to attack tests in narrow spaces. : Ignores 10 points of armour. : -1 penalty to attack tests when it is not aimed. : When used for aimed fire, the range modifier is reduced by 3.

Prowess-Small blades : (Strength+4) x1 piercing : 0.2 kg :0 :0

Prowess-Long blades : (Strength+7) x1 piercing : 2 kg : Ignores 3 points of armour. :2 :1

Prowess-Unarmed combat : Strength x1 impact or x2 stun (impact) : N/A :0 :0

Prowess-Small blades : (Strength+2) x2 piercing : 0.4 kg :1 :0

Prowess-Bludgeons : Strength x2 impact or x3 stun (impact) : 1.3 kg :1 :1

Prowess-Long blades : (Strength+4) x2 piercing : 2 kg :3 :3

Prowess-Bludgeons : (Strength+1) x2 impact or x3 stun(impact) : 2 kg :2 :2

Prowess-Axes : (Strength+3) x3 piercing : 2 kg :2 :3

Accuracy-Thrown weapons : 10x1 concussion : S5wM10wL20wE30 :0 : N/A : 3m/9m : 0.4 kg : When used in a small, enclosed area (such as an average-sized room), increase the damage multiplier by one. : Ultra range is Strengthx10 metres.

Accuracy-Thrown weapons : S5wM10wL20wE30 : N/A : 0.4 kg : Ultra range is Strengthx10 metres. : 6x3 ballistic :0 : 5m/15m


Rating 10 vs piercing, 5 vs ballistic 15 vs ballistic, 5 vs piercing 20 vs ballistic, 10 vs piercing 25 vs ballistic, 15 vs piercing

Armour protects by absorbing an amount of damage equal to its rating. For example, if you are hit for 30 points of damage but are wearing an

armour with rating 20, only 10 points of damage will affect you. Most armour will only protect against certain kinds of damage; a bulletproof vest may offer good protection against guns but no protection against fire. Usually, an armour will offer different ratings against the types of damage it can protect from. Heavy armour may be impossible to conceal and may decrease your agility.

Armour Stab resistant vest Light kevlar vest Medium kevlar vest Heavy kevlar vest Notes : Can be easily concealed under a light jacket. : Can be easily concealed under a light jacket. : Can be concealed under a heavy overcoat. : Must be worn over clothing. : Reduces Agility by 1.



Rating Experience

Rating Experience Influences Talents Talents



Talents Talents

Talents Talents

Talents Talents

Talents Talents


















Stamina x 1 Resilience x 1 Resilience x 3 Resilience x 5 Resilience x 7 Light Wounds Stamina x 2 Serious Wounds Stamina x 3 Critical Wounds Dead Collapsed Exhausted



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