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>career development

Graduated but not employed: Simple strategies for what to do next

By Susan Balcom Walton, M,A., APR
It's an aU-too-conimon scene right now.You've spent four hard years earning your degree in public reladons. You're at commencement, and you've just cros-sed the stage and shaken hands with the dean.Your friends and family are in the audience,Twittering away. There's just one problem. In one hand you're holding your new diploma, but the other hand is empty you have no job offer. What do you do now? This is a challenging time for college graduates, including PR majors. It's natural to be concerned when you can't seem to find an entry into the profession you've prepared so hard tojoin. But there are still jobs to be had now and on the horizonand there are important steps you should take to position yourself The key is understanding that your path to success might not look exactly like you thought it would. Says Dr. Isabel Botero, assistant professor and former internship director at the School of Communications at Illinois Sute University (ISU),"You might not start where you want to start, but you can end up where you want to end up. Look closely at all the different routes you can use to get there." In other words,don't panicjust focus. Here are some ideas:

Buiid your network, teil your story

In today's tight job market, says McGarr, "Networking is the name of the game. Get involved in as many things as you can. You never know when your opportunity will surface, and it's amazing how much more often 'who you know' is going to get you in fitjnt of people." One of the most valuable things about networking is that it allows us to not only leverage our direct contacts, but also their contacts and their contacts' contacts. "Most of us look only at our'strong links'the people we know personally," Botero says. "But the'weak links' the ones you can't see or who may be one or two steps removed fiom you may be the most valuable." One important part of networking IS putting yourself out there for people to see.This is not the dme to be shy or self-effacing. "You've learned in your college career how to conduct a PR campaign now it's dme to make yourself the object ofthat PR campaign,"Wilhams says. How? Seek for visibility and get your name and messages out there. Williams su^ests wridng guest editorials, posdng comments or submitting letters to the editors of PR-related publications. You can alsojoin professional organizations such as PRSA. Take on assignments or volunteer positions, and attend your local chapter meetings and professional development events.

Find other ways to gain PR experience

It a tull-timejob hasn't materialized yet, consider internships. Adrienne McGarr, vice president at Ruder Finn in Chicago, notes that many agencies are offering project-based or lower compensation internships now. And, more agencies are offering PR internships to graduates. Ifyou have the financial flexibility to fulfill an internship in PR or a related field, it will likely strengthen your resume more than a higher paid job in a completely unrelated field. In my own experience as a PR hiring manager before I entered the academic field, I never once asked a candidate about the financial details of his or her internship. I was only interested in whether that internship had provided quality experiences that better prepared the candidate for the job I was offering. It's also important to set realistic job expectations. McGarr says,"It's a mistake not to consider jobs that you feel you may be'overqualified'for." And. don't discount the opportunity to work at a 18 May 2009 TACHCS

smaller organization. Adds McGarr, "While agencies are one good option, startups and nonprofits are another. They may have a greater need for volunteer help, and you can gain a wide variety of experiences." McGarr notes that freelance writing is another good way to gain experience. With so many publications reducing full-time staff these days, the extra help may be welcomed. Freelancing can also yield writing samples that will strengthen your portfolio. ISU's Botero used volunteer internships as a way to enter the PR profession. A college squash player. Botero noted that her league didn't have any PR representation, so she volunteered to do the public reladons herself. While in that role, she made many contacts who were influential in sports and local business. Through this network of contacts she landed her first payingjob, doing PR for a bank. Other options for gaining experience include study abroad and service abroad opportunides. Notes Botero, "The opportunity to have lived in a different culture can give you an edge and become a topic of conversadon at your interview Graduates can also enroll in or audit additional classes that can round out their skills. Graphic design, digital media, PR measurement and evaluation, and courses such as business management or statisdcs can help qualify you for addidonal opportunities.

The key is understanding that your path... might not look exactly like you thought it would.
stay focused on tiie big picture
In dmes of uncertainty, it's more important than ever to keep your perspecdve and stay focused on your longterm goals. McGarr says/'If you have to work for little money or on a volunteer basis for awhilejust suck it up and do it. In the long run, it will posidon you better over candidates who haven't gained the same experience." Louis C.Williams, Jr., chairman, L.C.Williams & Associates in Chicago, agrees. Early in his career,Wllams took a five-figure pay cut for a job that offered him a chance to work with a great mentor and better posidon himself in the long run. It paid off,and a few years later Williajns launched his own successful PR firm. His advice: "Make sacrifices for the long term. You have to look at all your options and ask yourself,'What will get me where I want to go?"'

Consider graduate schooi - but for tbe right reasons

Many graduates consider graduate school in the hopes that the additional educadon will make them more competitive or that the market will have improved by the time they finish. However, remember that additional educadon is not a substitute for soUdjob experience. Says Dr. Steven Thomsen, professor of communications and graduate coordinator in the department of communications at Brigham Young University, "Gainingjob experience is paramount. Having a graduate degree with no job experience doesn't help you any more than having an undergraduate degree with no job experience, unless you are interested in a specialized area that requires additional research skills." Working in a PR-related field while pursuing graduate studies is one way to
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keep up your skills. Another is to consider graduate school after you get ajob and have been in the field a couple of years. At that point, your employer may help finance your graduate degree, and you can make a better decision about what graduate degree to pursue Master ofArts, MBA, Mi'A, or law to fulfill your interests and improve your job skills. Williams notes that, all other things being equal, a graduate degree can give a candidate an advantage. "If I'm looking at two candidates and all other faetn are equal, including strongjob experience, Pll consider the master's degree," he says. "We need an intellectual foundation in the profession." Graduate school right after your bachelors degree is a good option to consider if you plan on a career in teaching or simply have a genuine interest and desire to continue your stutlies. "You should go to graduate school because you're curious and want to know the critical thinking behind everything," Botero says. "Graduate school is hard and takes time, and you don't go just to prepare for an entrylevel job." To sum it up, the best advice for job-seeking graduates is prtjbably this: Start NC'TW to build your netwoi-lc, gain more experience, and make yourself as relevant to your field as possible. "The question unemployed F'R graduates ask themselves 'What do I do now?' comes a little too late," Williams says. "The question should actually be,'What have I done so far?' You really start preparing by about your sophomore year. Get internships (paid or unpaid) or volunteer experiences. Join and become involved in professional groups such as PRSSA; establish networks; get your name out there." If you're a graduating senior and haven't done these things to the extent you'd have liked,start now.There is still an opportunity foryou to have many of these experiences and leverage them to yourprcfessional advantage. Remember focus, and keep a positive oudook. Says Botero: "Don't give up. If you believe there's ajob out there for you, there will be. Time and time again we've seen that students who persevere, succeed." O

What's out and in on the job-hunting front

Clunky, outdated job search tools Uke Rolodexes and the classifieds have given way to modern must-haves, such as Facebook accounts and Twitter updates. Here, the Creative Group, a staffing agency, compiled a list of what's out and ^vhat's in for today's job seekers:

Overly detailed resumes An "objective" on rsums Blanketing local employers witli your rsum and cover letters addressed "To whom it may concern" Stilted language in application materials (i.e.,"Please find my rsum atuiched in response to the job posting... ") "Canned" responses to interview questions (i.e.,"My weakness is that I work too hard ...") A prefered reference list Generalized ele\^tor pitches Occasionally networking Using unusual rsum formats to hide employment gaps A narrowly focused job search Ending the interview by asking when the company will be contacting you Post-interview thank you notes that tell the interviewer how much you want the job

Streamlined rsums that list relevant accomplishments A "summary of qualifications" that highlights applicable skilk Researching prospective employers and applying to companies where your skiUs and interests match their needs More natural prose that provides a sense ofyour personality Authentic responses that provide insight into your thought processes and how you can contribute to the company A customized reference list for each opportunity Htchingyour contacts so that they'll provide you with recommendations on Linkedln Constantly networking witli tools such as Linkedln, Facebook andTwitter,as well as in person Filling potential gaps through volunteer or fi^elance work A broad view of how your skills might be useful in various roles Ending the interview by asking for the job on a trial basis Post-interview thank you notes that provide more insight into why you are the best penon for the job


PRSA's Jobcenter featured on "The Early Show": Pius, tips for job seekers
On March 25, CBS' "The Early Show"featured PRSA sjobcenter in a stor)' about finding a PR job in today's economy. Job seeker Kelsy Nova, a recent communications graduate from New York University, reached out to PRSA for guidance as she sought employment during the current economic downturn. PRSA supplied information and guidance, including a mentor fiom its Jobcenter Mentorship Program, to provide the candidate with tlie expertise and perspective of a senior member firom the PR profession. Nova partnered with PRSA mentor Deborah Radman, APR, Fellow PRSA, senior vice president and director of public relations at Cramer Krasselt PR in New York. CBS News also created a Web site that includes a career advice column by Radman, who provided the follovv-ing tips for job seekers: Be proactive. Don't n?ly onjob feeds and job alerts, but use a targeted job board like the PRSA Jobeen ten Throw out old rsum myths. Tell them what you accomplished, not what you did. Show how many sales you created, press coverage you generated, etc. Dump the "professional summary." Use valuable up-fix>nt space for key qualifications get recruiters to read on. Don't trust spellcheck: Proof your rsum, have others proof it and then proof it again. C^ne tj'po can knock you out ofthe running. Network. Contacts are key; look for conferences, seminars and events sponsored by professional associations like PRSA, Engage with social media. Use Linkedln, Facebook andTwitter and

Susan BalcomWatton,MA, APR. is an associate professor of puhiU relations at tirighaniYoun/i iniiTrsity. She Ihu also held communications managemetit positions at various hortime 500 companies. E-mail. iusan_u'aUon

look for "job ofthe day" tweets, too. Profiles, though, must be totally professional. Find a mentor. A mentor can bringyears of experience to bear for rsum writing, interviewing techniques, and industry perspective. Do your homework. Research a company before you interview and create a mock pre.sentadon on how you can help the organization. I'ay attention to timing. Keep on top of all leads; a company may start hiring again soon, and you'll be the first to know. Read instructions carefijlly. Companies' application procedures dif^ fer, so read the instructions. It's the first screening filter companies use. O

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