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Monday, September 26, 2011 Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian 6:30 - Donna Marie Skoczylas 8:30 - Al Steffek Tuesday, September 27, 2011 Saint Vincent de Paul 6:30 - Ann, Matt, Kate & Rachel Michels - Blessing 8:30 - Emily Sekan Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Saint Wenceslaus, Saint Lawrence Ruiz 6:30 - For the Parishioners 8:10 - Morning Prayer of the Church 8:30 - Jozef & Maria Szuba 3rd Anniv. of Death - Joyce Pubins Thursday, September 29, 2011 Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel Saint Raphael - Archangels 6:30 - Lisa Eret 8:30 - Michael Drozdowski - Mitchell Oleksy 7:00PM - Parish Holy Hour Friday, September 30, 2011 Saint Jerome 6:30 - For the Parishioners 8:30 - Robert OGrady, Patricia Ciemny Saturday, October 1, 2011 Saint Therese of the Child Jesus 8:30 - Michael Walker - Shaughnessy & Mearna Families - Wilhelmina Virtusio 1st Anniv. of Death 12:00PM - Wedding: Jacek Sojka & Grazyna Wasik 5:00PM - In reparation for abortion - Walter Marszalek Sunday, October 2, 2011 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 - For the Parishioners - Innocenza Sturino 9:00 - George Sweeney - Mary L. Lewis 10:30 - Kenneth M. Keselica Sr. - Mary C. Sherp, Margaret Kasper 12:00PM - Sophie & Leon Latocha, Anna Cyrwus - Angel Lucena 1:30PM-Polish Mass - Jan Cybulski, Maria Kurczak - Boleslaw Cudzich 5:00PM-Polish Mass - Waclaw Kozmik

God Bless Our Pastor Fr. Michael L. Zoufal Welcome

Bishop Andrew Wypych
Thousand Blessings for Our Pastor
There is not much we can give you Dear Fr. Michael And call it a gift of our own, But with Gods help we will extend our hands, When you need us, we shall answer the call. In good times and in trials We shall be your friends, Listen when you teach, Read from the Holy Bible, The book with the happiest of all ends. May today and always Graces from heaven Into your life steadily flow And make the deeds of goodness You plant here Day by day abundantly grow. May God Bless you a thousand times Our Dear Pastor, brother, friend May He Bless you and watch over Till our journeys very end. May His wisdom guide your spirit As our flock behind you climbs May He keep you and protect you May God Yless You! May God Bless You a thousand times!
For the sick: John Smykowski, Marge OKeffe, Mary Ellen Conley, Brian Szwab, Bernice Ciszek, Peter Boyko, Michael Mazurek, Walter Rombach, Daniel Stopka, Anthony Shalton, Greg Brynda, Bill Lyons, Harriet Madey, Richard Polancyk, Timothy Polancyak, Andrea Pellicano, Christina Gazda, Sister Patricia Labuda, Cooper Grant, Jeffrey Andrews, Carol Berghuis, Johana Pusateri, Janelle Demski, Walter & Betty Anderson, Denis Hedderman & Family, Loretta Paulus, Shirley McVane, Catherine, Katie & Lucy Hedderman, Marilyn Buchalski, Rose Thomas, Don Kupiec, Cheryl Korosa, Betty Anderson, Carol Mariano, Penny Prokop, Mary Ann Riccio. For the deceased: Enrique Rodriguez.


M y G o o d Pe o p le o f St . A l b e r t t h e G re a t:
I am grateful that Cardinal George has placed confidence in my ability to serve the people of St. Albert the Great as pastor. I will do my best to build upon the good foundations that are in place and with Gods help, I hope we will have a grace filled future together. For the last 12 years, I have served as Pastor of the Parish of St. Blase in Summit. My experience there was filled with many blessings. It is a tri-lingual community (English, Spanish and Polish). Working in St. Blase Parish gave me the opportunity to experience and appreciate the richness of different cultures. Before being appointed to St. Blase, I served as associate pastor of Our Lady of Knock Parish in Calumet City. I grew up in the small suburb of North Riverside. I went to the neighborhood public schools and graduated from Loyola University. After graduating from Loyola, I entered Mundelein Seminary and was ordained a priest on 23 May 1987. I have 3 brothers who are married and I have 8 nieces and nephews. Two of my brothers live in Chicago and one lives in Georgia. My mother lives in the suburb of River Forest. I have many good memories of St. Blase Parish and now look forward with great hope to the possibilities and great memories that are waiting for me at St. Albert the Great Parish.

God Bless! Fr. Michael L. Zoufal

ST. ALBERT THE GREAT PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Saint Albert the Great Parish is a Catholic community, A sacramental people of God. We embrace all age groups, Interests and backgrounds and are drawn around The Table of the Lord. We pray together, laugh and cry together, And work together for the purpose of drawing strength To make the Gospel message and its values alive in our people. We are a community steeped in tradition with Many ministries to offer. We welcome all to share in our Education and spiritual life.
The Lords Prayer The Eucharistic Prayer ends with the great Amen, the acclamation of assent by the assembly. Then the Communion rite begins with the Lords Prayer. We pray this prayer in many contexts, both inside and outside the Churchs liturgy. Here, in the context of the Mass, the Lords Prayer is profoundly eucharistic. When we ask for our daily bread, we are asking for the gift of the Eucharist. When we ask God to forgive us as we forgive others, we are seeking forgiveness and purity of heart before we approach the altar to receive the sacrament of the Lords Body and Bloodso that what is holy may, in fact, be given to those who are holy (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 81). At Mass, a prayer for peace is inserted between the prayer and the doxology. In this prayer, called the embolism, the Church asks God for freedomfreedom from sin and all anxiety and distress. We are living in an in-between time; even as we rejoice in Christs presence, we await his coming in joyful hope. Corinna Laughlin, Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.

MONARCH BUTTERFLIES The 4th & 5th graders in Mrs. Debbie Jimenez' science class enjoyed a presentation on the life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly and their migration to Mexico. The presentation was given by Mrs. Pat Haynes, a retired psychologist from the AERO CO-OP who is a butterfly enthusiast and has raised thousands of butterflies over the past 22 years. She is also an advocate for increasing the Monarch population which is endangered. Mrs. Haynes brought a few butterflies that were ready to be released and a left a caterpillar for the students to observe the cycles of the Monarch. All the students of St. Albert watched the release of the Monarch Butterfly and together prayed a Hail Mary for the safe travel of the Monarch to Mexico.Everyone can help to increase the Monarchs numbers by planting Milkweed plants which are their sources of food and reproduction environment.

St. Albert the Great Catholic School in Burbank will have a 6 ton visitor on Wednesday, September 28. The World's Finest Chocolate Candy Bar that will be in the Guinness Book of World Records will be in our school parking lot in the morning at 9:30. The chocolate bars weighs a little over 12, 000 lbs.! Come visit us and see the candy bar in person.

October is Respect Life Month

Come, Pray with us on October 2, 2011 during

Feast of St. Francis of Assisi is on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2011

The Respect Life Sunday Holy Hour at 4:00 pm

September 26 - 30 at St. Alberts
Monday, September 26 7:00 pm Baptismal Prep Class Tuesday, September 27 7:00 pm Bingo Wednesday, September 28 6:00 pm Boy Scouts Thursday, September 29 7:00 pm Parish Holy Hour Friday, September 30 6:00 pm Cub Scouts

Blessing of the animals will take place at 2:30 p.m.

in the parking lot by the statue of St. Francis

September 17 & 18, 2011 Collection: $13,469.00 THANK YOU


III-Jacek Sojka & Grazyna Wasik II-Krzysztof Golonka & Katarzyna Bartoszek II-Grzegorz Kijania & Agnieszka Niedziela I-Rafal Stelmach & Anna Pieniazek

ARCHDIECESE OF CHICAGO Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

September 25, 2011

This weekend we celebrate Seminary Sunday in the parishes of the Archdiocese of Chicago. On this occasion, we honor the ministry of the many priests who serve you so faithfully each day, as well as those who are preparing to serve you with that same charity in the future. In the Archdiocese of Chicago, Mundelein Seminary is a place where vocations to the diocesan priesthood are discerned and strengthened. Each year, as I ordain the graduates of Mundelein Seminary to the priesthood of Jesus Christ, I do so with confidence that they have been formed for fidelity and service and are well educated in the Catholic faith. The best example of the work of the seminary is reflected in the quiet and compassionate ministry of your pastors and parish priests as they live out their ordination commitment each day to bring Christ to you as they preach, teach and administer the Sacraments. I thank them for their good example and I thank you for your prayers and financial contributions, which provide our future priests with the education and environment they need to prepare well to serve Gods faithful. I ask you to pray for those whom God is now calling to the ordained priesthood from among our families and friends. Talk to young men you know whom you think might be good priests; encourage them to explore the possibility of priesthood. I ask you to especially remember your bishops, your parish priests and our seminarians each day in prayer. You and your intentions are in ours. May God bless you and those you love. Sincerely yours in Christ, Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. Archbishop of Chicago

Exploring Priesthood Weekend Mundelein Seminary October 7- 9, 2011 FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL RECTORY 708-423-0321

BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN Today baby bottles will be distributed after all the Masses for Womens Care Center, a local crisis pregnancy center dedicated to helping women facing unexpected pregnancies so they know they have alternatives to abortion. Please bring home a bottle and fill it with change and dollars over the next three weeks. Bottles will be collected on October 15 and 16 as you come to Mass. Thank you for caring!

The following babies became members of Gods Family here recently: Madison May Harrison, Michael James Kerley III, Michael Ferris Panek, Isabella Rehacek, Aiden Andrew Shewmaker, Oliver Chris Mietus, Anna Janina Dziubek, Alicja Soja, Olivia Figus, Maria Elena Melendez, Natalian Monserat DeLaTorre Enriquez, Jackson Oliver Vosburg, Benjamin Sanchez, Kaya tulowiecka, Adrianna Maria Ligas, Kamil Krol, Karina McLees, Pedro Ruben Mendez Jr., Liam Robert Doyle.

We extend our best wishes and pray that what has begun in them will be brought to perfection.

S e rde c z n e y c z e n i a , W i e lu a s k i B o g o s a w i e st w a B o e g o
ARCHDIECEZJA CHICAGO Drodzy Bracia i Siostry w Chrystusie,
W ten weekend w parafiach Archidiecezji Chicago obchodzimy Niedziel Seminaryjn. W tym dniu oddajemy szacunek ksiom, ktrzy su Wam wiernie kadego dnia, jak rwnie i tym, ktrzy dopiero przygotowuj si, aby w przyszoci suy Wam z takim samym oddaniem i mioci. W Archidiecezji Chicago miejscem, gdzie rozwija si i umacnia powoania do kapastwa diezezjalnego, jest Seminarium Duchowne w Mundelein. Co roku udzielajc wice kapaskich absolwentom seminarium w Mundelein, ktrych Chrystus powoa do swojej suby, czyni to z przewiadczeniem, i otrzymali oni dobr formacj w zakresie wiernoci i posugi, oraz e maj dogbn znajomo wiary katolickiej. Owoce tej formacji wyniesionej z seminarium najlepiej odzwierciedla cicha i ofiarna posuga waszych proboszczw i ksiy parafialnych, gdy wypeniajc swoje kapaskie zobowizanie przyjte w dniu wice nios wam Chrystusa kadego dnia - goszc kazania, nauczajc oraz udzielajc sakramentw. Dzikuj ksiom za to, e s godnym przykadem dla innych, a wam za wasze modlitwy i wsparcie finansowe, ktre zapewnia naszym przyszym kapanom odpowiedni edukacj oraz atmosfer konieczn do dobrego przygotowania si do posugi pord Ludu Boego. Prosz was o modlitwy w intencji tych osb z krgu waszej rodziny i przyjaci, ktrych Bg powouje obecnie do kapastwa. Inicjujcie rozmowy z modymi ludmi z waszego otoczenia, ktrzy wedug was mogliby w przyszoci by dobrymi ksimi; zachcajcie ich, aby rozwayli moliwo wstpienia do seminarium duchownego. W sposb szczeglny prosz was, abycie w kadego dnia pamitali w modlitwie o waszych biskupach, ksiach z waszych parafii oraz o naszych seminarzystach. Wy wszyscy wraz z waszymi intencjami jestecie obecni w naszych modlitwach. Niech Bg bogosawi Wam i tym, ktrych kochacie. Szczerze oddany w Chrystusie, Francis Kardyna George, O.M.I. Arcybiskup Chicago

25 wrzenia 2011 r.

Bardzo dobrze pamitamy sowa Jezusa, e nierzdnice i celnicy bd w raju przed nami. Zbytnio nas one nie szokuj, a ju na pewno nie gorsz tak, jak musiay gorszy sprawiedliwych i pobonych ydw, cykapanw i starszych ludu. Gdybymy jednak w miejsce jawnogrzesznic i celnikw wstawili naszych osobistych wrogw albo ludzi, ktrych z rnych powodw nie lubimy, to by moe nasze zachowanie byoby podobne do reakcji faryzeuszy. Jak to? On lub ona przede mn? Kto nie potrafi dostrzec, e jest czowiekiem grzesznym, niezasugujcym na niebo, nie bdzie te w stanie przyj aski iosierdzia. Jezus nikogo nie odsya od bram nieba. Daje jedynie pierwszestwo tym, ktrzy nawracajc si, nie kryj, e s grzesznikami. Na nasz grzeszno moemy patrze dwojako: bezbonie i z wiar. Bezbonie, czyli zapominajc o Bogu, ktrego miosierdzie jest wiksze ni kady, nawet najgorszy, najbardziej krpujcy i zawstydzajcy nas grzech lub z wiar, ktra pozwala dostrzec. O. Jarosaw Krawiec

Z okazji wspomnienia w. Franciszka z Asyu, mionika zwierzt, we wtorek, 4-go padziernika 2:30 pm przy figurce w. Franciszka pobogosawimy opiekunw oraz ich zwierzta.

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