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Kundalini Reiki Master

Course Manual

Virtued Academy International


Introduction to Kundalini Reiki ............................ 3

The Reiki Energy.................................................... 7
Aura and Chakra ............................................... 13
Feeling the Reiki Energy..................................... 25
Applying Kundalini Reiki on Self ........................ 28
Applying Kundalini Reiki on Others................... 31
Applying Kundalini Reiki on Group................... 34
Level II Traditional Reiki Symbols ....................... 36
Level II Kundalini Reiki Symbols ......................... 40
Distance Kundalini Reiki..................................... 48
Level III Traditional Reiki Symbol ........................ 51
Level III Kundalini Reiki Symbol .......................... 52
Teaching Kundalini Reiki and Certifying Students
............................................................................. 54
Attuning Kundalini Reiki Students ..................... 55
Setting up an Kundalini Reiki Business .............. 62
Marketing Kundalini Reiki Services ................... 65

Introduction to Kundalini Reiki

Before I explain what is Kundalini Reiki, let me

explain what is Reiki.
In the late 1800s, energy healing known as reiki
first appeared in Japan. Through touch or
certain hand positions, universal life energy, or
ki, is transferred from the practitioner to the
recipient. This energy is sent from the
practitioner to the client, who then uses it to
advance physical, emotional, and spiritual
The foundation of reiki is the idea that the healer
may access an endless stream of life force
energy and channel it into the client to aid in
their own natural healing process. It is thought to
function by restoring equilibrium to the
recipient's body's energy and assisting in the
clearing of any imbalances or blockages that
might be causing pain or illness.
Typically, a number of hand postures are used
to apply reiki to the recipient's body. It is a gentle
and non-invasive method of healing that can
be applied to a variety of mental, emotional,
and spiritual problems. It is thought to be safe for
people of all ages and frequently used in
conjunction with other healings.

Dr. Mikao Usui is credited with restoring the old
technique of energy therapy and modernising
it, which led to the creation of reiki.
In accordance with the Reiki tradition, Dr. Usui
spent 21 days fasting and meditating on Mount
Kurama in Japan before receiving the
knowledge of Reiki through a spiritual
experience. After some time of study and
practice, he created a system for instructing
people in the application of Reiki.
In Tokyo, Dr. Usui established a clinic and started
imparting Reiki to people. He also created a
training programme for Reiki practitioners that
comprised a series of initiations or attunements
that were thought to clear the practitioner's
energy pathways and improve their ability to
channel Reiki energy.
Let's go on to Kundalini Reiki now. Kundalini Reiki
is a more precise Reiki technique.
The concept of kundalini has its roots in ancient
Indian spiritual and healing practices. It is
frequently linked to the practices of yoga and
meditation. It alludes to a dormant spiritual
energy located at the "root chakra," or base of
the spine.
"Kunda" means "coiled" and "lini" means "to be
wrapped up" in the Sanskrit language, which is

where the word "Kundalini" originates. This
illustrates how Kundalini energy is similar to a
coiling serpent that is just waiting to be
awakened and released.
The Kundalini energy rises from the base of the
spine and goes upward. On its way up, it passes
through seven primary energy centres, or
chakras, which are activated and purified.
Kundalini induces a variety of transforming
experiences and states of awareness as it
passes through each chakra. You will learn
about the chakras in detail in upcoming

The benefits of Kundalini Reiki:

 Physical healing: Physical healing and
wellbeing can be aided by balancing
and harmonising the body's energy
 Release of emotional blockages: It aids in
the release of emotional blockages and
to support harmony and balance in the
emotional body.
 Tension reduction: Energy work practices
and meditation on particular symbols are
said to help lower stress and encourage

 Increased spiritual awareness: Reiki is
seen as a spiritual activity, and its
adherents think it can aid in fostering
spiritual development and raising
awareness of one's own spiritual nature.
 Improved overall well-being: By removing
obstructions and fostering harmony and
balance in the body's energy centres, we
may enhance all aspects of wellbeing,
including physical, emotional, and
mental health.

The Reiki Energy

Before going further and deeper in Kundalini

Reiki, let me explain you the Reiki energy,
because Kundalini Reiki is actually the Ancient
Indian Kundalini practices integrated with the
Reiki principles.
Reiki is a form of energy healing which utilizes
the universal energy which is transferred through
the practitioner to the recipient in order to
encourage healing. In Reiki we are utilizing an
energy which is already existing in the universe,
in the human beings, in the animals, and in the
plants. This energy is universal. It is present
everywhere. But in Reiki, what we do we simply
become a medium to transfer this energy to the
recipient. This Universal energy has many
names. E.g., in Chinese it's called Chi, in
Japanese it's called Ki, in Hindu religion in Indian
mythology it is called Prana or normally many
people also call it life force. So this Universal
energy has always existed there's nothing new
in it. In fact the evidence of use of the energy
healing is also found in the history and the
mythologies. For example, if you read Bible
you'd have seen many miracles where
someone touches Jesus Christ or touches the
cloth of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ turns back
and tells that person that go your faith has

healed you. You see, Jesus Christ could feel that
someone has touched him and the energy has
left him.
So you see these are already evident if you look
at any other religion Hinduism you look at the
pictures of the Hindu gods and goddesses or
you look at the picture of Buddha, they all are
blessing with one hand raised. What does it
mean? It means they are blessing others they
are transferring this Universal energy.
Even if you look at many other historical books
or many other mythological books you'll find
these kind of miracles where the energy was
Many people used to pray for years and years
to accumulate this energy and then use the
accumulated energy to heal someone or bless
someone or curse someone. But in Reiki, we
simply become a medium to heal. We don’t use
our own energy.
All this may be sounding little complex to you,
but trust me, Reiki is not complicated at all. In
fact, after learning many other healing
techniques, I have realized that Reiki and it’s
variations are the easiest to use.
It’s simple because everyone has energy and
everyone has experienced its flow at certain

point of time. So, it's just about being aware of
its use. Now you may think that you don't
remember experiencing Reiki to flow. Let me
simplify it. Forget the term Reiki for now. Just
remember the term energy at this point of time.
Have you experienced that you are traveling in
a bus or in a train and you are sitting close to
someone a stranger or known person. When
you entered in the bus you were very energetic.
You were awake. You were conscious. But just
after 15 minutes - 30 minutes, you start feeling
drowsy or sleepy only because you are sitting
next to that particular person. Why so? Because
there is a very simple thumb rule of energy
which is also called the second law of
Thermodynamics. It says that the energy flows
from high concentration to a low
concentration. So, if your energy level is higher
than the energy level of the person sitting next
to you the new energy automatically starts
flowing to that person and you start feeling
drowsy. At the same time, you may have also
experienced that you are feeling a bit tired or
drowsy or and you sit next to a person in the bus
or you sit next to a priest or you sit next to a very
energetic person and all of the sudden you start
feeling better. You start feeling energized. Why?
Because that person’s energy is higher than
your energy level and that's why you start
feeling good. The same concept works in the

holy places. Why do people go to the churches
to pray? or a mosque to do Namaz? or to
gurudwara or temple? It’s simply because the
energy level at those places is so high, that
when you go in there, the energy automatically
starts flowing in you and it starts healing you.

The Core of Reiki:

Now if we talk about Reiki or any variation or
type of Reiki, there are three important things for
effective healing.
 Intention,
 Intuition, and
 Visualization
That's all. When we talk about Reiki as far as you
have strong intention to heal someone, that
person will be healed.
Now the second important thing- the intuition.
Always, and always, follow your intuition. That's
the most beautiful thing in Reiki and it’s
variations. Yes! you will learn in this course what
are the chakras, what are the types of chakras,
diagnosis of chakras etc. But the bottom line is
intuition. Let your intuition guide the healing
because your intuition will be guided by the Ki
or the chi or the Reiki energy.

The third is visualization. When you have
intention to heal, and you are letting your
intuition guide the healing, you also have to
visualize that the healing is taking place. If I
have strong intention that I am going to heal
you, and my intuition has guided my palm let’s
say to the top of client’s skull; then it becomes
very important to me to also visualize that I am
healing you through the Reiki energy. How do I
visualize it? I can visualize that the Reiki energy
is falling on my top of the head which is Crown
chakra… flowing through me and through my
palm going inside the client’s body through the
top of the client’s skull where I am touching, and
cleaning up all the negative energies and
healing the client.
So, you need to remember these three crucial
things. However, the most important thing out of
all these three is the “intention”. Intention is
above anything else. If you have the strong
intention, you can do anything.
I hope you remember the proverbs that don't
hurt the poor people, or don't hurt the people
who are in need, because they may curse you.
Now, understand… how is it possible that they
curse you and you will have the side effects? It
is because they are already so much worry, that
any suffering you give will stress them so much

that if they curse you, they will curse you with
their whole heart, with full intention.
The same way, if you instead help them even a
bit, they will bless you and this blessing will be
with their full heart from the bottom of their heart
with full intention.
So the intention is the core, but it goes very
much hand in hand with the intuition and
No matter which type of Reiki or energy healing
you learn, this is the core concept.

Indications of Reiki:
Any physical, mental, spiritual, social challenges
or aspirations of any living organism.

Contraindications: None
Reiki is a complementary therapy and not a not
a sole treatment for illness or disease. It is not a
replacement of any treatment.

Aura and Chakra

Introduction to Aura:

Aura is a perceived field of energy that

surrounds living things. It's frequently
characterised as an energy field or coloured
light that is thought to be coming from the
body. The concept of an aura is connected to
several complementary medical techniques,
including aura reading, aura healing, and
energy healing.

Introduction to Kundalini:
The word kundalini refers to an energy or
essential force that holds us within. The term is
also referred to as serpent power or sleeping
goddess and is pictorially represented by the
presence of a coiled serpent at the basis of the
The chakra system runs lengthwise from the
base of the spine upwards. When kundalini rises,
it travels up this path from the root chakra to the
crown chakra, boosting each chakra as the
energy rises.

Introduction to Chakra:

Simply put, a chakra is a nucleus of energy. It
acts as a vortex of revolving energy that
interacts with different neurological and
physiological structures in the body. Chakras
help to regulate every process in the body from
emotions to organ function and immune system
There are seven main chakras in the human
 Root or Base Chakra – Muladhara
 Sacral Chakra – Svadhistana
 Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura
 Heart Chakra – Anahata
 Throat Chakra – Vishuddha
 Third Eye or Brow Chakra – Ajna
 Crown Chakra – Sahasrara

The chakras move clock and anticlockwise.

When it rotates in clockwise direction, it absorbs
energy and when it rotates in anticlockwise
direction, it releases it. This motion and opening
of chakra should be balanced. If a chakra is
blocked or too open, it causes problems.
The chakras can balanced and the kundalini
can be awakened using different methods.

1. Base or Root Chakra (Muladhara)

 Meaning: Mūlādhāra meaning root

 Located: base of spine
 Body connection: bones, skeletal
 Gland connection: Adrenals
 Color: Red
 Element: Earth
 Governs: Physical needs, safety and
 Diagnosis:
o Balanced Chakra: Grounded, high
physical energy, self-mastery, and
o Too open: Self-centered, overly
materialistic, physical recklessness,
o Blocked: Self-destructive, fearful,
emotionally needy, and low self-

o Emotional Dysfunctions: losing
focus, Mental lethargy, incapable
of sitting at one place, difficulty
achieving goals
o Physical Dysfunctions: bone and
skeleton related conditions e.g.
arthritis, joint pain, neck pain, etc.
2. Sacral Chakra – Svadhistana

 Meaning: Svadhisthana meaning seat of

the self
 Located: lower abdomen
 Body connection: sex organs, uterus,
prostate, urinary bladder, and circulatory
 Gland connection: ovaries, testes
 Corresponding Color: orange
 Element: water
 Governs: Sexuality, Emotions, and Desires
 Diagnosis:
o Balanced: Expressive, creative,
attuned, trusting.

o Too open: Fantasist, sexually
addictive, manipulative, low
emotional intelligence.
o Blocked: Impotent, overly sensitive,
feels guilty for no reason
o Emotional Dysfunctions:
Unbalanced sex drive, loneliness,
o Physical Dysfunctions: bladder &
prostate problems, Impotence,
lower back pain etc.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura

 Meaning: Manipura meaning lustrous

 Located: between navel and base of
 Body connection: digestive system,
 Gland connection: pancreas, adrenals
 Corresponding Color: Yellow
 Element: fire

 Governs: Power
 Diagnosis:
o Balanced: Spontaneous, self-
respects, respectful, personal
o Too open: Short tempered,
judgmental, dominating
o Blocked: Anxious, insecure,
monophobic, worried about others
o Emotional Dysfunctions:
oversensitive to criticism, addictive
personality, aggressiveness, low
o Physical Dysfunctions: Stomach
ulcers, fatigue, weight around
stomach, allergies, diabetes etc.
4. Heart Chakra – Anahata

 Meaning: Anāhata meaning unhurt,

unstruck, unbeaten
 Located: center of chest

 Body connection: heart, chest, lungs,
 Gland connection: thymus
 Corresponding Color: green
 Element: air
 Governs: Love, Forgiveness, and
 Diagnosis:
o Balanced: Unconditional love and
o Too open: Tantrums, possessive,
loves conditionally
o Blocked: Self-pitying, afraid of
rejection, feeling of unworthiness to
be loved
o Emotional Dysfunctions: Co-
dependency, melancholy; fears
concerning loneliness,
commitment and/or betrayal
o Physical Dysfunctions: Breathing
difficulties, high blood pressure,
heart disease etc.
5. Throat Chakra – Vishuddha

 Meaning: Viśhuddha meaning especially
 Located: centrally at the base of the neck
 Body connection: throat, ears, nose,
teeth, mouth, neck
 Gland connection: thyroid, parathyroid
 Corresponding Color: blue
 Element: ether
 Governs: Communication
 Diagnosis:
o Balanced: Good at
communication, good negotiators
o Too open: Over-talkative, rigid,
arrogant, self-righteousness
o Blocked: Lack self-expression,
unreliable communication
o Emotional Dysfunctions:
Perfectionism, inability to express
emotions, blocked creativity
o Physical Dysfunctions: Sore throats,
neck ache, thyroid problems,

hearing problems, tinnitus, asthma
6. Brow or Third Eye Chakra – Ajna

 Meaning: Ājñā meaning monitoring

 Located: above and between eyebrows
 Body connection: eyes, base of skull
 Gland connection: pituitary gland
 Corresponding Color: indigo
 Element: light, telepathic energy
 Governs: Intuition and Reasoning
 Diagnosis:
o Balanced: Intuitive, not
materialistic, sixth sense
o Too open: Dictatorial, authoritarian,
arrogant, bully
o Blocked: Short-sighted, poor

o Emotional Dysfunctions:
Nightmares, learning difficulties,
o Physical Dysfunctions: Headaches,
poor vision, neurological
disturbances, glaucoma etc.
7. Crown Chakra – Sahasrara

 Meaning: Sahasrāra meaning thousand-

 Located: top of head
 Body connection: upper skull, cerebral
cortex, skin
 Gland connection: pineal gland
 Corresponding Color: violet, gold, white
 Element: thought, cosmic energy
 Governs: Spirituality and Understanding
 Diagnosis:
o Balanced: Peaceful, inspiring,
otherworldly, considered lucky

o Too open: Manic, illusive,
depressive, frustrated
o Blocked: Tired, confused, lonely
o Emotional Dysfunctions:
Depression, obsessional thinking,
o Physical Dysfunctions: Sensitivity to
pollution, chronic exhaustion,
epilepsy, Alzheimer’s etc.

Feeling the Reiki Energy

But before I make you feel the Reiki energy,

remember, that the feeling of Reiki energy the
sensation of Reiki energy highly varies for
different people and there is no right or wrong
sensation like few people feel warmth or cold or
rubbery sensation or repulsion or vibration or
tickling etc. For example, I feel repulsion when I
touch an energy. When I start healing someone,
I start feeling tingling sensation when the Reiki
energy starts coming out of my palm. You can
also sensitize your palm to better experience the
Reiki energy through improving tactile sensitivity
or visualization and there are few exercises that
you can do for them.
Water-Drop mindfulness: In the morning, go to
the bathroom and stand a little far from the
bathroom shower and open the shower spray
so that the water doesn't sprinkle directly on
your body. After that, close your eyes, take in
deep breath through the nose and take out
through the mouth until you feel relaxed. Once
you are relaxed, spread your arms, and put the
palm under the shower so that the water starts
sprinkling on your palm. Start feeling each and
every drop of it. Feel everything about the drops
of water for example the temperature of water
the pressure of the drop etc. Try to hear the

sound of each drop, smell of the dops, the
moisture… feel everything you can feel about
that water and the drops on your palm. Do this
exercise for five to ten minutes every day after
that you can do the next exercise for palm
Palm Sensitization: Dry your palm and sit on a
chair with eyes closed. Relax yourself, bend your
elbows at 900 and let the palms face each
other. after that slowly slowly bring your palms
close to each other with the intention to feel
energy or aura of another palm. So the right
palm would be feeling the energy of left palm
and the left palm would be feeling the energy
of the right palm. After that start sensing any
variation in the sensation while moving the
Palms closer for example it can be a pressure or
repulsion or tickling or change in temperature
anything it highly varies for example when I
bring my palms together slowly at certain point
I start feeling a pressure and then I feel repulsion,
like I cannot bring the Palms further closer. Once
you feel such sensation, move your palms away.
When you move back you palms away from
each other, you'll start feeling that that
sensation fading away. Now bring the palms
closer again and again you will feel the same
sensation. Do this repetition of exercises for 10 to
15 times. You bring your palms closer then take

them away, bring them closer take them away
and experience the changes in the sensation.

Visualization Reiki with Body Connection:

It is a kind of meditation so you need to sit
comfortably at a peaceful place with minimal
or no distractions taking deep breaths and then
breathe out until you are relaxed and then
visualize a bright white Reiki energy falling on
your crown chakra which is on the top of your
head and getting into your body. You would
feel mild pressure on the top center of your
head. This pressure is actually the sensation of
Reiki energy. Visualize the energy cleaning your
whole body and energizing it and then slowly
open your eyes once you feel that your body is
clean and energized. How to know it? Just trust
your intuition.

Applying Kundalini Reiki on Self

Once you have understood the concepts of this

variation of Reiki, and have learned how to feel
the Reiki energy, even applying Reiki becomes
very simple.
There are 3 levels in this Reiki course. In level I,
you will learn the basic Reiki techniques to heal
yourself, others, and group of people. it’s
exactly same as the traditional Reiki. In level II,
you will learn special Reiki symbols that will help
you amplify the effect of your healing energy
and will also enable you to do effective distant
healing. In level III, you will learn the master
symbols. These master symbols are the most
powerful ones. They enable you not only to
heal, but also to attune your students.
So now let’s learn how heal yourself.
 Sit comfortably at a peaceful place with
minimal or no distractions.
 Take deep breaths so that you can go
into a relaxed state where you can
 Close your eyes and focus on your breath
to relax you further.
 After 10-15 deep breaths, invite the Reiki
energy to help you.

 Now, visualize Reiki energy in the form of
very bright light, falling on your crown
chakra and entering your body.
 At this point of time, you will feel a mild
pressure on your crown chakra.
 Visualize that this energy is filling in your
 Your body now is so much filled with this
energy, that it's coming out of your both
 Now, request the Reiki Energy to heal your
body, mind and spirit. You can also
request any special or specific healing at
this time. But no matter what, remember
that your intention is the key.
 Now place your palm over/ above the
part to be healed or chakra to be
balanced. Otherwise, you can just let
your intuition guide you to put your palm
at different locations on your body. You
can also use one of the top 25 locations
provide with this course in PDF format. If
you forget everything, just keep the palm
over or above the crown chakra. It will
act like simple thermodynamics. The
energy will automatically go where it is
needed the most and heal.
 Visualize that the energy from your palm
is first cleaning the area / chakra and
then filling the area/ chakra with energy.

You can also move your palm anti-
clockwise while cleaning and clockwise
while energizing.
 Keep doing it until you feel that now the
part/ chakra is fully energized. If you feel
nothing, let your intuition guide you.
 Remember, there is no hard and fast rule
about the duration of session or
sequence of palm placement. However,
most of the practitioners range their
sessions from 15 minutes to 1 hour.
 At the end of the session, drink a glass of
cold water for grounding.

Applying Kundalini Reiki on Others

Healing others is as simple as healing self.

Remember the thumb rule. Keep your palm
where your intuition guides you with strong
 Make the client sit comfortably at a
peaceful place with minimal or no
 Ask the client to close the eyes and take
a few deep breaths to relax
 Now you also take few deep breaths to
enter into a relaxed state.
 Ask the client to keep the eyes closed
and experience the healing.
 Ask the client to verbally permit you help
him/her heal. Let the client give you
verbal consent. This verbal consent
unblocks his/her aura and chakras for you
to help.
 Close your eyes and focus on your breath
to relax you further.
 After 10-15 deep breaths, invite the Reiki
energy to help you heal the client.
 Now, visualize Reiki energy in the form of
very bright light, falling on your crown
chakra and entering your body.

 At this point of time, you will feel a mild
pressure on your crown chakra.
 Visualize that this energy is filling in your
 Your body now is so much filled with this
energy, that it's coming out of your both
 Now, request the Reiki Energy to heal your
client’s body, mind and spirit. You can
also request any special or specific
healing at this time. But no matter what,
remember that your intention is the key.
 Now place your palm over/ above the
part to be healed or chakra to be
balanced. Otherwise, you can just let
your intuition guide you to put your palm
at different locations on the client’s body.
Remember, if the client is not comfortable
you putting the palm on his/her body
part, you can keep the palm
approximately two to four inches away
from the body so that you are still within
the aura of the client. You can also use
one of the top 25 self-healing locations
provide with this course in PDF format. The
locations will be the same for other clients
too. If you forget everything, just keep the
palm over or above the crown chakra. It
will act according to simple
thermodynamics. The energy will

automatically go where it is needed the
most and heal.
 Visualize that the energy from your palm
is first cleaning the area / chakra and
then filling the area/ chakra with energy.
You can also move your palm anti-
clockwise while cleaning and clockwise
while energizing.
 Keep doing it until you feel that now the
part/ chakra is fully energized. If you feel
nothing, let your intuition guide you.
 Remember, there is no hard and fast rule
about the duration of session or
sequence of palm placement. However,
most of the practitioners range their
sessions from 15 minutes to 1 hour.
 At the end of the session, drink a glass of
cold water for grounding.

Applying Kundalini Reiki on Group

You can heal a whole group of people at once.

Again, the key is strong intention.
 Simply let the people of the group sit at a
comfortable and peaceful place with
minimal or no distraction.
 Ask the group to close the eyes and take
a few deep breaths to relax themselves.
 Now you also take few deep breaths to
enter into a relaxed state.
 Ask the group to keep the eyes closed
and feel the Reiki energy heal them.
 Ask the group to verbally permit you to
heal them using Reiki. Let the group give
you verbal consent. This verbal consent
unblocks their aura and chakras for you
to help.
 Close your eyes and focus on your breath
to relax you further.
 After 10-15 deep breaths, invite the Reiki
energy to help you heal the client.
 Now, visualize Reiki energy in the form of
very bright light, falling on your crown
chakra and entering your body.
 At this point of time, you will feel a mild
pressure on your crown chakra.
 Visualize that this energy is filling in your

 Your body now is so much filled with this
energy, that it's coming out of your both
 Now, request the Reiki Energy to heal the
body, mind and spirit of every individual
in the group. You can also request any
special or specific healing at this time. But
no matter what, remember that your
intention is the key.
 Visualize that the Reiki energy is coming
out of your palm and showering on the
whole group and on each individual to
cleans and energizing them.
 Keep doing it until you feel that now all
the people in the group are fully
energized. If you feel nothing, let your
intuition guide you about when to stop.
 Remember, there is no hard and fast rule
about the duration of session. However,
most of the practitioners range their
sessions from 15 minutes to 1 hour.
 At the end of the session, drink a glass of
cold water for grounding.

Level II Traditional Reiki Symbols

The Reiki symbols are some of the most

significant and fascinating elements of the
practice. These symbols allow practitioners to
channel Reiki for very specific purposes. The
symbols influence the subconscious. Reiki
symbols stimulate the body and mind to switch
the use of Reiki energy when activated.

Activating the symbols

In themselves, Reiki symbols do not hold special
energy or power. They were designed as a tool
to teach Reiki at certain levels and are only
energized when the practitioner activated
them. Here are some ways to activate the
 Use your hand to draw the symbol on
yourself or your patient. Wait for some
seconds to feel the effect.
 For distance Reiki, visualize the target and
draw the symbol on them. Give some
time for it to take effect.
 Say the name of the symbol while using
the first or second activation method
mentioned above. If you don’t want to

visualize, you can say the name three
times and wait for it to take effect.

Cho Ku Rei: Power Symbol

This is a symbol of increasing or decreasing
energy. Whether it is clockwise or anticlockwise,
it represents chi (energy transfer through the

Meaning: All the powers of the universe

placed here.
Uses: Focus, purification, cleansing, healing

Sei Hei Ki: Emotional Symbol
This is a harmony and protection symbol of
balance. Using this symbol over time can help
you memorize things better.

Meaning: Earth and sky meet

Uses: Unblock energy, heal from past emotional
or physical trauma

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: Distance Symbol

It is the symbol for transferring Reiki over space
and time. It does not change the past or the
future, it only allows access to those times to
provide healing and help.

Meaning: Having no present, no past, no future
Uses: Past life or inner child problems

Level II Kundalini Reiki Symbols

There are total 7 symbols in level II Kundalini

Reiki. Each symbol is used to heal different type
of conditions and balance specific chakras.
Since you have already studies the body and
mind connection of each Chakra in one of the
previous lectures, it will be easier for you to use
the symbols.
You also need to know that each chakra has its
own color. The crown chakra is of violet color,
the third eye chakra is of indigo color, the throat
chakra is of blue color, the heart chakra is of
green color, the solar plexus chakra is of yellow
colour, the sacral chakra is of orange color, and
the root chakra is of red colour.
For healing, all you have to do is to draw the
relevant symbols above the related chakra or
body part. E.g., if you someone has any issue
related to eyes, simply draw the Third Eye
Chakra Reiki Symbol on/ above the eyes, or the
third eye chakra. While drawing, visualize
drawing it in the chakra’s color. So, if you are
drawing the third eye chakra symbol, draw it in
Indigo color.

Root Chakra Symbol:

The Root Chakra, which is identified by the
colour red and serves as the starting point for
energy flow throughout the body, is situated
near the base of the spine. It is connected to
security, grounding, and bodily survival. A
balanced Root Chakra fosters a sense of
security and empowerment in one's life path by
encouraging a sense of stability, comfort, and
connectedness to the physical world.

Sacral Chakra Symbol:

The sacral chakra, which is orange in colour, is
located below the belly button in the lower
abdomen. It is connected to our capacity for
creativity, pleasure, and tolerance of different
people and new experiences. It controls sexual

activity and fluid balance on a bodily level, and
it controls happiness and pleasure on an
emotional level. An openness and adaptability
are fostered by a balanced sacral chakra,
which fosters a positive relationship with your
emotions and those of others.

Solar Plexus Chakra Symbol:

In the area of the stomach is the Solar Plexus
Chakra, which is bright yellow in colour. It
controls one's sense of authority, self-worth, and
aggressiveness. It is physically related to the
gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. When this
chakra is in balance, it supports healthy
decision-making and control, fostering a strong
sense of self-awareness and self-confidence.

Heart Chakra Symbol:
In the middle of the chest, directly over the
heart, is the Heart Chakra, which is shown in
green. It serves as a link between the lower
(body-focused) chakras and the upper
(thought and spirit-focused) chakras by
standing for love, compassion, and forgiveness.
It also controls the immunological system and
the vascular system. The Heart Chakra promotes
the ability to love and be loved, fostering
harmony, goodness, and compassion when it is
in balance.

Throat Chakra Symbol:
The throat is home to the Throat Chakra, which
is connected to a blue colour. It is the chakra of
expression, communication, and judgement. It
is a physical representation of the thyroid, the
respiratory system, and the vocal chords. The
ability to communicate oneself and one's
beliefs is improved by a balanced Throat
Chakra, which also fosters a strong feeling of
personal integrity and sincerity.

Third Eye Chakra Symbol:
The Third Eye Chakra, which is symbolised by
indigo color, is situated between the eyebrows
on the forehead. It is associated with intuition,
creativity, wisdom, and the capacity for
thought and decision-making. It controls the
eyes, sinuses, and pituitary gland physically. A
healthy Third Eye Chakra supports the
development of a keen intuitive sense,
encouraging mental clarity, a strong
connection to one's inner wisdom, and insight
beyond the range of the five senses.

Crown Chakra Symbol:
At the very top of the head lies the Crown
Chakra, which is pictured as violet or white. It is
related to enlightenment, spiritual connection,
and global consciousness. It is physically
connected to the nerve system and brain.
When this chakra is in balance, it fosters a
profound sense of calm, spirituality, and
understanding, opening up a world of
enlightenment and assisting in the harmony of
the body, mind, and spirit.

Distance Kundalini Reiki

The process of distant Kundalini Reiki remains

very similar to healing a group.
 First of all, you and the client should
mutually agree on a time when you
would start healing session.
 Ask the client to sit comfortably at a
peaceful place with minimal or no
distractions at that time.
 The client has to close the eyes and take
a few deep breaths to relax
himself/herself. Ask the client to verbally
say, that he/she allows you to heal
him/her. It can be something like this- “I
____[client’s name]___ allow ____[your
name]___ to heal me for my physical,
mental, social, and spiritual wellness.” This
verbal consent unblocks his/her aura and
chakras for you to help.
 Now you also take few deep breaths to
enter into a relaxed state.
 After 10-15 deep breaths, with a strong
intention, invite the energy to help you in
healing the client.

 Now, visualize healing energy in the form
of very bright light, falling on your crown
chakra and entering your body.
 At this point of time, you will feel a mild
pressure on your crown chakra.
 Visualize that this energy is filling in your
 Visualize your body so much filled with this
energy, that the energy starts coming out
of your both Palms.
 Now, visualize the picture of the client
and request the energy to heal the
person. Speak it out because speaking
strengthens the intentions and
visualization. You can say something like-
“I request Kundalini Reiki energy to heal
Mr. /Ms./ Mrs.____________ of
______[city]_____, _______[country]______
for ________[problem]______.”
In case, where you don’t have the picture
or the address of the client for example if
you get the client through email who
doesn’t want to disclose his/her identity,
just strongly intend to heal the email
sender. Remember intention is the key.
 At the end of your request, draw any of
the level II or level III symbols of Kundalini
Reiki in the air. This Reiki symbol will be
filled with abundant energy.

 Now visualize that the symbol, flies
beyond the time and space, and
reaches to the client.
 Visualize that the symbol is now glowing
with bright light and the rays from the
symbol are reaching to the body parts,
and chakras. It is cleaning and energizing
the body parts and chakras.
 Keep visualizing until you feel that now
the part/ chakra of the client is fully
 Once your sensations or intuition tells you
that the healing is done, visualize that the
symbol flies and gets absorbed in the
crown chakra of the client.
 Remember, there is no hard and fast rule
about the duration of session. However,
most of the practitioners range their
sessions from 15 minutes to 1 hour.
 At the end of the session, drink a glass of
cold water for grounding.

Level III Traditional Reiki Symbol

Dai Ko Myo: Usui Master Symbol

This is the most sacred and nourishing symbol.
The strong transformative powers of this symbol
can affect the aura, chakras, and the soul.

Meaning: Bright shining light

Uses: Healing the healers, attunements

Level III Kundalini Reiki Symbol

The level II symbol or the master symbol of

Kundalini Reiki is - "Om" or "Aum".

It is the most powerful and most sacred symbol

of Kundalini Reiki. Its vibrational frequency is
considered to be in harmony with the universe's
natural rhythm, and it symbolises the fusion of
the mind, body, and spirit. The sound of "Om"
when uttered aloud reverberates throughout
the body, reaching one's very core. This sonic
vibration can have a calming and balanced
impact on the person, which can help with

stress reduction, mental clarity, and the removal
of emotional blockages. Additionally, it can
improve the body's energy flow, promoting the
recovery of bodily ills. Additionally, the attention
needed to recite "Om" attentively promotes
mindfulness and concentration, making it an
effective meditation practice. This facilitates
spiritual healing and a sense of unity with all of
existence by bringing about the alignment of
the person's own vibration with the universal
You can use this symbol when every symbol fails
to help. This symbol is also used for Kundalini Reiki

Teaching Kundalini Reiki and

Certifying Students

Teaching any form of Reiki can be fun if you love

teaching. You can use any method of teaching
you want. You can teach online, live, or offline.
This course enables you practice as well as
teach. You can train and certify people after
doing this course. You can do it as an individual
or you can register an organization. But make
sure that you comply with the laws of the land.
You need to consult your lawyer to ensure
As far as attuning students is concerned, I will
teach you how to attune them.
It is always good to attune students. However,
since Reiki is an energy that always existed,
everyone has it, and people always use it even
unintentionally; even if you don't attune a
student, the student will be able to deliver the
Reiki sessions. But of course, it is preferred to
attune the students because the attunement
helps them cross the spiritual levels that they
may take some good amount of time to cross
by themselves.

Attuning Kundalini Reiki Students

Let us talk about how you can attune your

students. Once you start teaching, you can do
face-to-face attunement or distant
attunement. You can also do individual
attunement, or group attunement. If you prefer,
then you can also organize an attunement
ceremony at the end of attunement. Attuning is
All you need to remember is the Kundalini Reiki
Master Symbol, i.e. – Om. Wherever I say
“Master Symbol”, just know that I am talking
about this symbol only.

You need to learn how to draw it. There is no
right or wrong sequence of drawing the master
symbol. You also don’t have to be perfect in
drawing it. Remember, it’s not a smart phone
locking and unlocking pattern or a password.
It’s simply a tool to strengthen your intention to
attune. As long as your intentions are strong, it
will hold the power to do what it is supposed to
do, which is attunement in this case.

Face-to-face attunement:
For face-to-face attunement, the teacher and
the student meditate at the same time for 5 to
15 minutes because attunement usually takes 5
to 15 minutes.
 Ask the student to sit at a calm and
comfortable place, close the eyes, take
a few deep breaths, and be ready to
receive the attunement.
 As a master, you also need to sit at a calm
and comfortable place, close the eyes,
take a few deep breaths, and enter into
meditative state.
 Invite the Reiki energy and visualize it
falling on the top of your crown chakra.
 Let the energy fill your body and start
coming out from your right palm.

 Then you put your right palm on the top
of crown chakra of the student and
visualize the Reiki energy entering the
student’s body to attune him/her. You
can recite something like this- “I, Kundalini
Reiki Master ____[your name]____ request
the Kundalini Reiki energy, to attune
____[student’s name]____ to the Master
level of Kundalini Reiki for his/her highest
 After that, draw the master symbol on the
crown chakra of the student and visualize
the bright Reiki energy enlightening the
 Remember, once you initiate the
attunement, it will automatically stop only
when it is completed. Even if something
happens and the student gets up or you
get an emergency; don't worry since you
have already initiated it will be done
because here, the intention of the master
is far more powerful than the intention of
the student.
The experience of these students may vary. Few
people feel calmness, few people feel a pain
on forehead, many people feel any other
sensation, and sometimes there are a few
people who feel nothing. But you or your
students don't have to worry about it because

once you do the attunement it will be
completed for sure.

Distant Attunement:
During distant attunement, the master and
student need to sit in meditation state at the
same time for 5 to 15 minutes.
 As a master, you also need to sit at a calm
and comfortable place, close the eyes,
take a few deep breaths, and enter into
meditative state.
 Invite the Reiki energy, visualize it falling
on the top of your crown chakra, and let
it fill your body.
 Now, recite something like this- “I,
Kundalini Reiki Master ____[your
name]____ request the Kundalini Reiki
energy, to attune ____[student’s
name]____ to the Master level of Kundalini
Reiki for his/her highest good.”
 While reciting, visualize the picture of
student. If all you know is only the name
of the student, simply keep strong
intention that you are going to attune
“xyz” student. It will be more than enough
to ensure that the attunement reaches
the right person.

 You now visualize the master symbol
coming out of your crown chakra, flying
beyond time and space, and reaching
the student.
 Visualize the master symbol entering the
crown chakra of the student where it is
absorbed by the student’s chakra and
enlighten him.

Group Attunement:
It is pretty similar to the distant attunement. Its
just that you need to keep with you a list of all
the students who are supposed to be attuned.
 Just like distant attunement, during group
attunement also the teacher and all the
students (no matter where they are) need
to sit in meditation state at the same time
for 5 to 15 minutes.
 As a master, you also need to sit at a calm
and comfortable place, close the eyes,
take a few deep breaths, and enter into
meditative state.
 Invite the Reiki energy, visualize it falling
on the top of your crown chakra, and let
it fill your body.
 Recite something like this- “I, Kundalini
Reiki Master ____[your name]____ request
the Kundalini Reiki energy, to attune all

my students as mentioned in this list, to the
Master level of Kundalini Reiki for their
highest good.”
 While reciting, visualize the list of students
as kept with you. If you know the name of
all student, you can integrate their names
in your citation.
 You now visualize the master symbol
coming out of your crown chakra,
multiplying into the number equivalent to
the number of students to be attuned,
and then flying beyond time and space
to reach the crown chakra of all the
student. So, for example, if there are 25
students, you visualize that the master
symbol that came out of your crown
chakra has multiplied and become 25
master symbols now, each of them flying
and reaching to the crown chakra of the
students where it is absorbed by the
students’ crown chakra and has
enlightened them.
 Remember, intention is the key.

Attunement ceremony:
it is also fun to organize attunement ceremony
because it gives a different experience to the
participants. So, you can gather the students,
announce the confirmation of attunement.
Read out names of the students and then
provide certificates to those students. This
declares that these students have reached or
acquired the skills.
You can also allow a few students to share their
testimonies to share their experiences. At the
end, organize some snacks for networking
session so that students can interact with each
other and add value through their experiences.

Setting up an Kundalini Reiki


Here are some steps you can take if you want

to start a Reiki business:
Plan your business: Before launching Reiki
services, a thorough business plan must be
written. This should contain information about
your aims, goals, target market, pricing
structure, marketing strategies, and any other
pertinent elements. You can focus your efforts
and create a clear route for success by having
a well-defined business strategy.
Form an organization: The next stage is to
formally create your organization after you
have a sound business strategy in place. This
include registering your trade name, setting up
a business bank account, and acquiring any
required licences and accreditations.
Additionally, having a website and a presence
on social media can help you market your
company and draw in new clientele.
Gain more clients: Developing a loyal
client base is one of the keys to operating a
successful business. To do this, you must create
a marketing plan that successfully reaches your

target market. Networking, advertising, or
providing special discounts or promotions are a
few examples of this.
Provide outstanding service: Developing a
positive reputation in the Reiki sector requires
offering top-notch care. In order to provide your
clients with the finest service possible, this entails
remaining current with the newest methods and
technological developments and furthering
your knowledge.
Be persistent and patient: Starting and
operating a business can be difficult, and both
qualities are necessary. It takes time to establish
a profitable business, and there may be
challenges along the road. Maintaining your
commitment to your objectives is crucial. You
should also keep working to enhance your
offerings and expand your clients.
Think about adding new services: If you want to
grow your company, you might think about
adding new services like workshops, training, or
certification. You'll have the chance to broaden
your audience and grow your money stream as
a result.
Network: Networking is a crucial component of
growing any business, but it is especially crucial
in the realm of Reiki. You can learn important
lessons from other practitioners, exchange

knowledge, and gain access to future clients by
developing relationships with them. Consider
participating in online forums, going to
conferences and events, and joining
professional groups.
You can start a successful and fulfilling Reiki
business by following these steps, concentrating
on offering high-quality service, and forging
deep bonds with clients and other practitioners.

Marketing Kundalini Reiki Services

You can market your services in a number of

ways to attract clients and grow your client
base. Here are a few ideas:
1. Create a website: A website is an
excellent platform for marketing your
services, sharing information about
your training and experience, and
outlining the benefits of Reiki. You can
advertise your services and entice
consumers via your website.
2. Social media usage: Websites like
Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook can
be useful marketing tools for your
business. Share details about your
services on social media, highlight
testimonials from clients, and advertise
special offers or discounts.
3. Connect with other industry leaders: By
networking with other professionals in
your community, you can share
referrals and grow your clientele.
Consider becoming a member of
local professional organisations or
attending courses and events to
network with other practitioners.

4. Offer exclusive deals or promotions:
Offering distinctive discounts or
promotions might assist you in attract
in new clients and cultivating a sense
of loyalty. You can provide special
rates for first-time consumers, package
discounts, or other promotions to
persuade people to try your services.
5. Inform people about the benefits:
Getting the word out about the
benefits of this form of Reiki can be a
successful marketing tactic. Promote
the benefits by using your website,
social media, or instructional resources
like pamphlets or posters.
6. Establish a referral scheme: Offer
current clients a discount or referral
bonus to entice them to suggest
friends and family. This not only helps
you attract new clients, but it also
encourages client loyalty among your
current clientele.
7. Host conferences or workshops: Giving
conferences or workshops is a
fantastic method to advertise your
business and inform people about this
form of reiki. To highlight the
advantages, you might hold a lecture
or event, provide free introductory
classes, or both.

8. Use internet directories: Add your
company to sites like Google Business.
This makes it simpler for prospective
clients to locate your company and
find out more about your services.
9. Printing media: Create flyers,
pamphlets, or business cards to
distribute at events, give to referral
partners, or leave at nearby
establishments. Make sure your
documents are expertly written and
contain all the relevant details about
your company and its products and
10. Make your website search engine-
friendly: To increase the likelihood that
your website will show up in search
results when people are seeking for
Reiki services, optimise it using
pertinent keywords and meta tags.
You may effectively market your services
and draw a steady flow of clients by
combining these marketing strategies. It's
crucial to keep in mind that different
strategies may be more effective for various
audiences, so it's worthwhile to experiment
with various approaches to determine which
ones are most effective for your company.
Additionally, you may keep one step ahead

of the competition by routinely reviewing
and modifying your marketing strategies.


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