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Discussion Report


Topic - Creative Economy

Initiator - Jane Needles Participants - Vicky Marcock, Peter McGibbon, Rob Lutes, Charles Taker Discussion Key Points Value of Community and arts and culture in the concept of the Creative Economy Issue of importance of urban planning issues in relation to cultural assets of the community landscape, esthetic values (areas such as Eastern Townships, Wakefield, St. Camille) Industry must not compromise nature and therefore arts and culture Importance of educating government partners of the value of Creative Economy and how it can revitalize communities and make them stronger, hence attracting economic growth. A community that is strong in arts and culture attracts economic growth. Key to success of Wakefield is everyone participates and has fun in creating the adventure associated with arts and culture. Importance of value placed volunteer base of any community and how they contribute to the success of arts, culture and place a value on heritage as well. Older generation is now tending to educate and mentor the younger generation which is very valuable to the ongoing support of arts and culture as a major force in a healthy community Arts, culture and heritage are tending to contribute more and more to youth retention and the fact that youth return to their home towns, especially within the rural areas, as they have something to contribute to and participate in. Government partners need to support arts and culture more and not consider them a frivolity or a luxury. Regional areas such a Eastern Townships, Gatineau, etc., are considered to be more affordable by many artists and therefore they migrate there with family. Therefore, this increases the artistic components of rural areas. Arts develop a commitment to community and the development of a stronger community as they allow freedom of exchange and ideas without fear of reprisal or criticism as people are doing something they enjoy and benefit from Value of the Creative Economy needs to be addressed more within the larger community to enable people to understand clearly what this concept is and how they can all benefit from the concept. This would apply especially within the government sector. In any successful community that demonstrates arts and culture as a catalyst often owes this success to a spark or person with a passionate idea or ideas, and how this person or persons can transmit this passion to people around them so that it is nurtured and grows. -

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