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However, the ending brings some changes like the ones that follow to some

Definitions, definitions
Adjectives are used to modify (to describe) nouns. Alicia is beautiful. I want to buy a long skirt. The blue coat over there is Adverbs are use to modify (to describe) verbs, adjectives or even other adverbs. Alicia sings beautifully. My brother works hard for his exams. The neighbours dog barked loudly all the other night.

adjectives. Adjectives ending in -y preceeded by a consonant, change it to -i and add -ly.

happy happily

Exception s!!

good well late late (lately means recently) fast fast hard hard (hardly means not much)

How can I make the difference?

Adverbs, with some exceptions, can be made from adjectives by adding -ly. nice nicely cold coldly slow - slowly
Theres no change of the adjective to

Verbs with adjectives and adverbs Look, feel, smell, taste can be followed by both but theres a change in meaning when theyre used with adjectives and when they are used with adverbs. She looks good. (reference to appearance) She looks pretty well. (reference to

There are some verbs that can be followed only by adjectives.

Circle the correct form, either the adverb or the adjective, in each sentence.
1. We walked [quick/quickly] because we were late to the office. 2. The runner was [quick/quickly], and so he won the race. 3. He drove [careful/carefully] on his way home. 4. He was [careful/carefully] when he drove that car. 5. He entered the room [quiet/quietly]. 6. Speak [slow/slowly], I have a terrible headache. 7. She is so [slow/slowly] that shell never finish her work in time! 8. I met a [beautiful/beautifully] woman at the party. 9. She played [beautiful/beautifully] the violin. 10. This is a [beautiful/beautifully] house to buy! 11. He sat [quiet/quietly] in a corner.

Be Become Get Stay Turn Keep Remain Sound Seem

It looks nice. She remained cold. It got dark. His face turned red. This sounds beautiful.

And now some exercises for you to practice! Use the suitable adjective/adverb to complete the This She learns sentence. woman
walks quickly / quick.

Italian easy / easily.

Angelina Jolie is beautiful / beautifully.

She is a happy / happily singer.

12. Tom is a very [quiet/quietly] boy. 13. Do your job [quiet/quietly]. Your father is tired. 14. The boys played [noisy/noisily] and bothered everybody in

The girls talk loud / loudly.

They work hardly / hard at the office.

the room. 15. These are such [noisy/noisily] children! 16. Stop being so [noisy/noisily]! Can't you play [quiet/quietly]?

The biker rides slowly / slow.

The orchestra performed good / well.

17. He wrote his composition [careless/carelessly] and he made a lot of mistakes. 18. Hes so [careless/carelessly] with his work!

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