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Office of -the Chief quartermaster APO BS7

quart ernaster Field Observation Report Ho.
U, S f


.She purpose of this Field Observation Report is to rive proper dissemination of information collected in this theater regarding Quartermaster Equipment ,\u25a0 Supply , Activities, and Installations. Contained in this report are experiences of personnel of all yanks and positions' in the use of Quarter^ ' Opinions, suggestions, and recommendations master Equipment published herein do not necessarily have the concurrence of this' -Office. This communication is forwarded as information





A. '?eii.bd, of Tine


V This fteprrt

9 Oct. to 26 Oct. 19UU,

First US
4my area

Wfriph Report JSnanated,

Weather Crnditlon Ifein fell sporadically*




10 C.

D. Units and- Individuals Interviewed

following individuals cf

tactical units



XIX Co3?s

j3oth Division
QjtiSO Acting Hegt'l. S-U 0, iiegt^l S-U Sec

29th Division
01. 1 Supply 0 S/Sgt 2 Enl Assts Cl. I 3 Enl truck drivers s/srt, ci ii T/U, Stationery & Off Sup Sgt in charge 01 XX

.WO, Service Co li/Sg*f Re??t T l S-U. Co Hess Sgt

Co Supply Sgt
Co Supply Cpl 6 EX Service Co
& Div'QjM Chief Qlk (Cl II It) 2 Enl Assts : . Co Hess Sgt & U cooks Ist it., o/c Piv t>JCS HCO in charge of. effects


Inf Co Condr

2 iiegt 1 S^-US I^t... Hegt'l Salv.. 3 I'i/sgts, S-U Offices 2 Cpls, S^U Enl assts 12 Enl -^ssts & Laborers S~k v;o t 3n Sup 0 3 3n Sui/ply Sgts Capt , Bn S-k . Cc~ Condr, Jnf Oc Ist it., ?ank 3n Atchd 1 Co Sup Sgt 1 Do Hess Sgt 3 Inf 3M (front line supply

5 Enl



U UCQs Conbat Inf

1,5-^1 Coubat Inf

Q>i Field Observation Report Ho. J (ccnt)^ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0fi^

2d Arnored

Div Q^i


gj*v- v


Cl I Chief* 11/Sst


Chief Clerk, DC^i & Officer, Cl II IV H/.Sgt, Chief Clk, Cl II IV & 6 Wi ASStS Supply 0 Cl I

6 ELi Assts
S-U, Inf Regt
Co Condr

Hi; (Tankers )
U ITCQs Cenbat Inf
7 Enl Conbat Inf

3 iTCOs (Tankers)

Officers and key enlisted nen in the folio-wine service units of " 3 First Amy were Questioned* : .
;3; \t u2666





Class I Hailhead & Depot' (3UB' 'os' Depot Co) &IV Depot (3U5 ,^:Dep-ot Co) Class II
Sales Strre

2.33 dQJd Salvage Collecting Co

235, th <v-i 'Salvage C oileating Cc
216t1l <^i' Salvage Kepair Co (Ser.ii-Jao'bile) .
22Uth QJ-i Salvage Eepair Co (Ser.ii-LohiiU)
29Uth Q^i Salvage Eepair Co (Se^i-iidDile) 57Sth Q.i Laundry Co
3Qllth Q|l BaltG^lCo
Ist Platoon, 13th Field Hospital

2d Evacuation Hospital

Eeport Prepared 3y

Captain John 3. BanlsuSj 'Csi(J Captain Gillian E. Sutler/ Ist S^t , Jerorae . I^aj-iprud



iilke E. Capadalis T Vernon w Leeper



Conplaints have "been received that nany itens in

Hation A^ the 3' ration are repeated in the G and 10-rin-4, nainly corned beef,
chili, pork sausage, etc. Troops corainr off of operational rations would like to receive different .fords froia those which they have "oeen eatinp for prolonged periods, of 'tine.

3 . C.JfeitiQn^V The 29th' fciv. has "been issued several, of .the new C ration- nenus an.d has. li-^ed thea very well. ??he infantry-nan's objection, to. the C ration"' is "that it is nore inconvenient to qarry than tne X ration, "but when rations are "brow;ht tr then 'in a- stationary position it is preferred "by nest of the nen, particularly the new nenus, Hen in the 2d, An.iorcd Div. like the "bulk of the G rations and thought -it "aye then nore energyCocoa is popular with the nen as a "beverage. One rc^inental S-U suggested substituting scr.e type of nilk tablet -for one surar tablet tr- Toe used v/ith coffee or cocoa. A li^ht ' the , weL:;ht, self-h^atirii:- can for : 'C ration was sur-:ested,

C, D Hatio-n \u25a0-' TJi'is -ration is 1 operat : ional ration' -vrjicn requested,.'



be inr issued as a supplehent







t^ the

D This"' rat itn is-tho .np:st -popular cp-craticnal

Nation : antryncn because' it- &S. easi&st to-. carry, lien eat
ration with the inf this ra.tien fcj?--several da.ys in a 'row and nany surest that tho ncnus
be varied. The breakfast .'uni^ vza. r the.;^:ost popular. TJie lih and K5
crackers are nore acceptable *'thah'"?hc ethers. The lenrn crystals a-re
unaninoiisly 'unpopular and a ccn.tant ;reqU'est for inclusion of coffee



en. Repcai -$To-.


* \" 3 (cent) r^ . _y


in each unit is received, For short periods of tine , four or nore ration units have "been issued per day. In nest units, over a lenr period of tine, three "boxes have proved sufficient. 10~tn~l Bat ion This ration is well liked. It is. the diet for tank crews and arno red units under conbat conditions. Objection -was raised to the English style stew.

D, standard

Troops en operational I. Supplements to Operational Rat ions rations are Currently' t-ci&f: issued either Iflbs. of soluble coffee or four pounds of It &G- coffee per hundred nen. The reaction ~by troops Supplencntal was nost favorable. A P ration is also issued on request issues of "bread have also :been nade. The 2d Arncred Div, Cs, stated
that on the rations.

'out of-: his 22 fOOO troops, ... .



9000 vrcre on



A. Clothing



of Type 11, XXI, and Coi.i"bat Boot.,

COiIBAT TBOOPS' -r lie con"bat b^ots have be en "observed -.as. an itera of issue. Host officers either have the conbat beet or paratroop boot. Approxi nately one third rf the troops have discarded len'-'in~s and inprcvised jiXl troops are leather tops %q the service shoe fron i.iany scurco-s. eagerly await inr; the issue of conbat boots-. The.' unrjri:.:ous op.iniin is that the Type. 11l sjh.ee absorbed v/ater r.crc readi-Xy "thf-n the- Type ll shoe. As a natter of f act , nany individuals specifically retruested the issue of the- Type IIshoe in preference to the Type 111 and requested repair of the IX shoe several tines rather than be issued a new pa,ir of the Type JU T The estimated life cf each type is approximately the sane, Troops questioned have been issued nothing but Type 111 shoes since coning to the continent and -very few Type IIshoes have been worn in the nuddy and wet conditions now bein-' encountered. . ,
29kth.q, SALVES HIPPIE OO (SELI^i.OBIIiE) Type .IU shoes turned in fcr repair, v/erc v.vrn oiit in the sole 'and heels. The uppers withstood nornal fair, wear and tear* This is also true rf the Type II shoe, Very few conbat bcots had been repaired^ but over a period of four nonths several hundred Type II& Type 111 service shoes have been improvised by this unit as conbat boots with leather furnished by the individual, Kany shoes are not reparable because they are worn conbat troops they arc c-npletely worn out, because they only have the me. pair until lie failures. 0.3f uppers .or fastening of of shoes in their possession, prevalent sole to uppers are This is true of all nodels, Type II and me, two or -three half soles. This unit 111. Uppers would last for was u.rnishect .rubber heels of three thicknesses which necessitated buildixv- up the heel with leather when the two narrower heels v/erc used.

\u25a0216TK Q^-: S4XVA&S Es?^ia GO -(SBi!~KOBILE) Sane consents as the 29kth (29Uth did re-ular half sole and heel job m shoes, whereas the 21bth
used full leather

welt under the half sole and heol),'

300 ncn he that Type 111 reversed upper was less waterproof to than Type XI even if dubbed, This unit had repaired no conbat b:ots. There v/as no difference, in the net he d of repair between the two types, Sane coni'icnt "on.the various . sized heels was '.na.de ,. One. nan is kept- busy constantly on officers, nurses and orthopedic" she e repair's,'
claimed, that


Ist Lt.



QJi Field obser Hm|

recoived recently, 5,000 were sold in ftrnr days at the remainder were distributed to the two act Up sales stores covering First Aray for eventual sale to officers of frent-line divisions.

IJ - Ist iwwi i^i^J was a -reat denand for LtT^^WcfJ^j"tB|? 3SIST (4i SALES STORE conbat "boots and paratroop boots. Out of ib.OOO&fairs conbat boots^ Hcrbestahl, Belgiun;

f^l |4L|^i

rtRoV^|T^R 0






noticed no particular foot the -Type IIor Type XII shoe, or^co^bat boot* to- either
.laedi,cal officer had

Tariff o,| . Sizx^'


ws Io units interviewed substituted sTs-cs en. shoes.' Al3 cent illations of .length's and widths in the present .tariff of sizes were -. ... . '\u25a0, felt- necessary. '. . -, \.. ....


3USTH DEPOT CO (Supply) r m& CL II& IV, and C^iSO 30TH DIVISIOIT they dr net substitute' "'size's 'in issuing sho-es.
3..- Overshoe, U; buckle, cloth



It was- c"bserved- on s.everal,.aen that the "first buckle at the instep was tc" t-i^ht causing either the "buckle to "break or the cloth to tear.


COtlBA? TROOPS '- Most 'units ebserved had paid no particular attention
to the type sh--e lace Issued."' Sone nylon laces. have been issued and
were acceptable to troops,' Jc excessive breakage rr v;earinr cut has ' "\u25a0 \u25a0''.\u25a0.\u25a0 .
. been e:qperienced.

D^POT CO (Supply) ARtDf CliiiSS II&XV ilo 'trouble with laces.

r llylon type have been issued. ll increased or decreased demand, was \u25a0'


noted in the. amount -*flaces requested.'


5* ffrOUSGES,. Wool, OP

COiSAT TROOPS. -All troops interviewed felt that carrx pockets on

wocl- trousers. were, not necessary and that they would rather. have the
hany cf the
r,en type that could be worn as dress uniforu trousers interviewed said that the i:as flap m the trcuser fly -~avc then
add iti 0hal war:.ith


Our -attention was invited

'22UTH Q^r SALVAGE HSPaIH CO (SEII-KOBXLE) "trousers, v/001, OP which had an apparent defect at the
tt^ a nu:-.iber rf
fly. The protective flap', when sewn on at tlio" crotch, did not follow
the fly scan' but veered off, and caused a weak spot where the sewinr

6. grousers,

Combat, Winter

2d Arr.cred Div CJ. recoixAended that jeep and i.iotorcycle drivers be issued this iten becatise they need then as
rmch if not r::ore T .than tankers who are authorized th6h. . ll ':ne of- the new style corfbat
suits had been issued" as yet' to any of the troops interviewed. .


'^ui^ryi.^3l^.3,, and.' 2 piece

OOIDBAT TROOPS. All individuals expressed a desire that these- itc::.s ' b.c.; manufactured in'an OJ) 'cclorVsirdlar--to the;- woolens because
in its present -ce^or : it is' toe easily mistaken for:a G-ernan uniform/ l*ost questioned would rather have' two sets <>f wocl-ejas 'jJlia^ one- -set unit's


of v/ooXens and one set of K3Ts. line if woolens are available.

8, Jackets,

E3T suits are never


on the front

Field (General)

COMBAT TROOPS The combat jacket was preferred. Some comment was made that_ the color cf the combat jacket made an ideal target at night and many troops wore the jacket reversed at night. The color
of the jacket, field, lil9U3 was preferred..
Nearly all men prefer the combat jacket "but like the pockets on the jacket, field, K-19U3 color and jacket was not warm enough "by itself (sweaters have not been issued, in this area).

29th Div.

30th Div.

color and pockets -of

itearly all men prefer the combat jacket, but prefer the 'the jacket, field, h-1914-3

9. Mackinaw
The new type mackinaw was considered too light ~by some units, In the 3O'th Div. the truck drivers and some other people who are authorized
tc 'drau the nackinavr chose to draw the overcoat instead because warmer

it is


3attle Jerkin

CO2I3AT TROOPS The battle jerkins issued in the STO were used for the landing "by the assault troops. Officers and men of the Ist and 29th Divs. who used this jacket have "been cuestioned. They felt that it had its place in a landing operation "but was not useful afterwards. Specific complaints about the jacket for a landing are that it was too lons and had toe much cargo carrying space. This caused overloading and dissatisfaction with the jerkin. Items carried in the jerkin in cluded ammunition, grenades, rations, raincoats, TiTT, toilet articles and many personal items. Several of the men had to get off the "boats in four or five feet of water and in jumping into the water, the packets filled up. Several men were drowned as they could not make it to the shore with this heavy load. 11.
Cargo Pockets

Experience with this type pocket was observed only COMBAT TROOPS on HBT suit, 2 piece,, and jacket , field, L-19U3. The consensus of opinion was that 'the pocket on the trousers was hard to get into and larger than necessary. Same comment applies to jackets, "H3T, with the additional comment that it was placed inconveniently high. The type pocket oh the jacket, field, L-19U3 was liked "by the few individuals observed equipped with this jacket t The only uniform worn consistently on the front is the OD wool trousers, OD shirt, and some type jacket. Allmen Questioned felt that nc cargo pecket was needed en the trousers, wool, OD. The men questioned wanted cargo pockets on field jackets similar to those on the h-19U3 jacket.


Two .company officers cargo pockets on H3Ts did' not nefed .particular repair. 'stated that Requests were received, -from' several dbzen .individuals to sew the pockets down tc form patch pockets. Seme were observed that had' "been sewn down by the individuals t'Hems'elves. Shop foreman' and the section chief "in charge of the textile trailer substantiated the above, fhese men also stated that for their own use they preferred the U pockets (old style) because' it gave them a "more even distribution cf their personal belongs ' ' ings. ;; \



QI; Field Observation Report !!o.

3 (cent)

salvage bep*l3 cc (shjwO3lle) xvro section chief s (s/Sgts) in clothing repair stated. there was no excess wear or tear en c:\rgo pockets. They had reoues'ts for, and had seen, some cargo pockets sev/n down. Three ITGOs in this organization expressed personal objection to this pocket as "being bulky, in their way, and not adapted to working ' < around machinery-,

216TK c^;

22UTE g. SALVAGE HEtala CO" (SEfcJ-i< 4 031LE) Approximately 100 suits, E3T, 2 piece are observed in this unit per month in which the pockets have been sewn flat by the individual. This company stated that they had seen-. several thousand cargo pockets on the trousers, -E3T, which had been tern at the top apparently through ordinary wear and; tear. .-. Ist Lt stated that units complained- to him that these pockets are hard to get into, bulky and the- appearance v/as unsightly.

12. Bairic'cats'c: Ponchos (General)

COMBAT THOOPS The present raincoat, was unanimously described as too short. It was . thought' that it should. be" long enough to nect at least the top of the ccmbat' boot Slanted .pockets and those without flaps seem to collect- water. General dissatisfaction v/ith-all types was expressed because they "leaked. Overcoat, field, officers 1 type, was being sold to. nos't -officers lit dombat .'areas The alligator
type raincoat .v/as not available for sale and .was.. thought toe fragile by..many front line officers questioned, Shcltcrhalvcs are used almost universally. Tents arc pitched when possible. At the front men dig in separately and use the shcltcrhalf to cover their foxholes. The raincoat is used as a ground sheet.

13. Buttons
17c esjccial breakage of any., type, button was noticed

\u25a0216TE and 29UTH

amount of breakage

SALYaG-S IxEtalxl COS (SZiJ~IiQ3ILS,) ITo unusual or loss of any type button has been experienced.

comi.icnt on button- trouble received was that when an English tyt)e of insertion button, presently on hand, vras used in the repair of fatifra.es and field jackets, the buttonhole or the slit holding' the button hnd to be cut by hand and the button slid through without any type of rein forcement. Subs e cue nt use stretched the hole and the button slid out.
ITo unusual amount of 579TE tyi LAUHLHT (S^J-.i.O3XLE) loss of any .type, button has been experienced.

SaLVaGE RS?aI3 CO (SiiJ-I.OaiLl)

The .only


1U ITurses Clothing and Souipmcnt

desire for p.=.ra.trcop or combat boots was expressed. present field shoe, v/as reported as not The bein/? adequate for -field use because it did not keep, out the vvfitcr. The. nurses' 'type, overshoes could net be worn over the nurses' field shoe's, and men's overshoes had to be worn. .Objection was alec raised concerning .leggings and a shoe similar to the comb-it or p-\rn,troop boot was desired-, ..Of all. nurses who possessed paratroop or. combat boots, all agreed that -the mSrJs style shoe fitted satisfactorily.


A general


HOSPITAL ~ The field shoe was reported as. net being adequate for the same reasons as given, above. ; Lrg-ings were objectionable not' only for the inconvenience, but also during operations in muddy weather the leggings could not be removed without soiling 'the hands. Out of 28 'nurses in this .unit , 27 have combat boots or p---.rr.tr oop boots. The one was not able to- y \u25a0g,-gj,ge,sm^.l.^n^Tk Am rfjii ty fcrt. They i




<#* Field o"bscrvationfJfepoiffEo.'3


1 reported that they wore two i_aghgfl__ socks, and ;J|^| men s last fitted v prior to the EiSe of obtaining combat or paratroop satisfactorily., -and 111 service shoes in preference to boots,, the nurses wore Type II the nurses field shoes for field service. Practically all these nurses wore OD trousers and OD shirts (01")- tailored to fit. preference was expressed for combat jackets. It was reported they were all wearing A sales store reported between UOO and 500 pair of long, GI, underwear, paratroop boots were sold to the nurses in the past 30 days. She sales .They have ample store also reported nurses are not buying field shoes. stocks but only U pair were sold in the iast 30 days,

B,' Xndivid-ual


1. Blankets, 'V/qoI,- OD,

There is no excess of blankets in the area. Four blankets, or two blankets and one
sleeping bag, are issued per individual. In some units the fourth blanket is now in the process 'of being issued.
Sleeping bags have just been received, and approximately 3,000 have
\u25a0\u25a0 been issued to the front-line divisions. \u25a02.

COMBAT TEOOPS Ml troops questioned prefer the bag, duff.el to the

bag, barracks. Jfo units questioned have had, duffel bags on
continent as they were withdrawn' from them for the operation, replacements arc equipped, with duffel bags but these are taken away
from them at the division. Some unit commanders preferred that
issue be made of duffel bags because
it would act as a of baggage to transport.
recrotaclc and would thus increase the amount Th 2d Armored Div. had very recently requisitioned this item.




to duffel bags had. be en made.

Practically no repairs

snaps were repaired, primarily because during carrying, the weight of the
bag rested on the spring of the snap inVtead of the heavy shank.

216 TH & SALVAGE ESP&I& 00 (SB-iX^OBILS) Several dozen

Sgt reported that very few came in as

233P SALYA&E COIiIiEGOTG CO salvage. However, several came fton casualties and these were used

as containers

or bags for use by the salvage yard.


,. 01o thin^, Wat c rproo f Individual


of infantry, are ordinarily made up and left "behind with the kitchens .. during 'This roll has as its outer cover a shcltcrhalf or Some ' blanket, and averages approximately 10" in diameter by y long. units have their men put: their personal items and extra clothing inside

item was not in use among the units observed.' As a matter of.
fact, units did not even possess duffel bags as they were withdrawn
blanket rolls, in the case for; operatim. the continental


clot-hing those rolls. Other units have the personal itczns and -extra _ . rolled separately T usually with fatigues as the outer" cover.

3aff, Carrying, Aianmiitiop.

This bag is used extensively by combat troops for tha ,t .carrying various types of ammunition and grenades ? Xt was
reported carried.
the shoulder, strap was not strong cnoufh tc surroort the loads


HSjii^a^Ai- :'L




. .


a r






r"!o. 3 \cont;
Further observation on this item w5.1l "be made. In one infantry company it was observed that 22 new type haversacks were "being used to transport mortar shells. ..Covers, canteen are "being used extensively The 2d Armored Div. CJ-. placed a special requisition to carry grenades. prior and received -.2200 salvage canteen covers, for this purpose just ' .\u25a0-\u25a0;' to D Day. \u25a0. \u25a0.



Individual Sack' for Protective


' Men of the three divisions questioned wore impregnated COMBAT THOOPS ' wool clothing from the . time of landing, until commanding offioers felt it was no "'longer- accessary to wear this type
clothing. Thu.s they had no need for any. storage, "bags because only the one set ".was .is spied.





, Individual

Approximately three hundred (300 )" were... observed lira salvage collecting These, were" ",.p]?taincd from company sorted- out-. .for special evacuation. The", out side package had ,s-c en -plenty of ;wcar,.. out very casualties.
little damage -to the contents -was observed. present "being carried "by the individuals.
Masks, "gas, are not at

;OOPS combat troops

Cover, Waterproof.,;



'over, th'cir weapons because they wanted Most men did not use them No subsequent nothing to hamper the use, of the equipment. absolutely bcen-aade, _but a few men have retained them issues of this itcn-iisvyr ' ; '..\u2666' . . '\u25a0 . to carry personal- it'-eais,

These were ,issued", to troops' 'for

_%c' landing operation,.

g. Helmet Suspensions.

&IVDepot reported that "no evidence' of mildew The First Army Class
II of this item during storage had. been observed.




Hess G-ear

In a static position most ail troops nave- complete COHMMEOOPS. mess gear with them. There is no arbitrary order in effect on what some

an individual should carry during an assault,' and in such cases.taking kitchens,, men will,leave their entire mess gear behind at., the spoon, while 'others carry the Set with them. perhaps a canteen cup and However, it was noted in several
companies of the 2^th Uiv. that when a hot meal,
it is possible, or planned, to feed the men on the line is transported all mess gear is 1.-eft behind at the kitchen and it It was forward with the -hot food' in containers, .round, insu.lat,..ca,. .German, spoon and observed that., those individuals who possessed the _.".' :, . fork combination carried this item with them.


Cant c en

were COMBAT TROOpS" Both' stainless steel and aluminum canteens the canteen, Troops reported no metallic taste in used, and acceptable, tablets -aluminum, when. chlorinated water, or dissolved salt or chlorine extensively. So reports were \u25a0"were 'used. Halazone tablets are used .minute, hole? in the horizontal received describing the development of complaints wore seams of the canteen,, stainless steel, '.Ho -especial plastic caps of 'the new, depressed received
describing broken or deformed ..'>-',
\u25a0top typ" c. \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*


Csa Field ObscrvationWeport

Kb t

3 s(cont)


This unit repairs only^ process in repair procedure is a dip the final aluminum canteens in nitric acid arf caustic soda which gives, the cant e.en the appearance of a new item, However, 'this can only, be done- on -aluminum. During the period of 12 July to 5' October UU over 330.0 ea,ch' had been repaired and turned over to First Army Glass IX &XV "Depot V -flew gaskets were placed in the caps -of all repaired canteens.. Linute holes in scans had not been noted.


, and

This unit repaired aluminum ty. 'SALVa&S 'ItEPAIxI CO (SSJ-LOBILS) same manner as outlined above, and reported that it canteens in the cannibalized many depressed top plastic caps and even gaskets in re pairing canteens;' i>inute, holes in scams had not been noted....



Some coated mess gear was observed which obviously was not as durable as the stainless steel or the aluminum. 'The section chief in charge of metal repair fcund because they stainless steel canteens were favored over the aluminum did not dent as easily and were easier tc keep clean. Approximately 1,000 canteens were repaired during the 'month. It was report cd".:-t.hat approximately 50>o of the aluminum cap gaskets fell out; and approxi mately lO.j of the plastic cap gaskets fell Cut.



11 T

Shovel, Intrenching, hr49U3

Most soldiers on the line felt that this iten; was

every individual, ''hen they wanted to dig in there was no
needed by Seme, ex-
time to waste until someone had finished with a shov.cly
pressed the opinion that -these shovels should be individual equipment,
ilany have equipped themselves from various sources already... ~fo . excessive breakage of this item was observed, probably because ..the men had learned to use it properly. The cutting edge has been used to some extent but no specific requests for additional sharpening of the edge had been received,



Tent,- ShoXtcrhalf

At the present time oombat troops are using, shelterhalves for shelter except those
few taking advantage of buildings. I'lany have improvised small walls as well as other more luxurious
features on the ..sheltcrhalf* Xn the tear areas troops are
buildings-.- The double-ended shelterhalf is universally preferred
in over the open-end type. A heavier material of a darker green had
been recently received and was reported to be greatly superior to
the lighter khaki-colored material. The 2nd armored piY j, stated
that only about 500 men in his division 'had the double-ended type,
and He" was still drawing the op en- end. type. Another infantry regi mental ottpp^y officer reported" that his unit was equipped with half
of one .type and half of the other,


Items Carried in the Combat Pack
The items normally carried in the soldier's combat
pack vary with the individual. Host infant rymen ? in an assault, ' ' carry the following:\u25a0\u25a0".'' Toilet articles wrapped in a towel o#ne0 ne "pair of socks COMBAT ROOPS



Haincoat X Ration ;' .Canteen,, cup and spoon


ll inl^fe*^.


.... '".


QJti Field Observ: I

UplW%s<* lofVWMIf

Some individuals carry their full- ness equipment, and some carry no combat pack at all and put the toilet articles and rations in their pockets. At present they wear wo-61-en underwear, wool OB shirt and trousers, some type of field jacket, socks, shoes and loggings, or improvised combat "boots, helmet, net and liner and wool knit cap,' . blankets , shelter'half , overcoat , overshoes, They leave "behind their : gear, one pair of shoes and extra clothing. At night, 'or when mess " in a stabilized position,, the .overcoat , overshoes, "blanket s and shelterhalves, or specific single itiSttsf are brought forward to them. case of armor cjd units, packs arc carried on the vehicles and
arc removed .only ..when- the. .men go into a.. stabilized, position. It is
report c*d 'that during 'the period -of o."bseryat ion many of 'the armored
units were in a holding position., arid the' anno red "infantry ha;d their'
packs with.-tllem.'. ,-\u25a0 \u25a0-. ; ..; .-. _: -\j" ..

Xn- the

- . .

11+ ,

Tags-. Idontificatjcn


to replace tags , ident them all the time,,

In. the combat -area observed .it was seldom accessary


if icaticn r as .the men arc

very, "careful to 'wciti*

C, , Oyganiz^ticna^ Sq.'aippcnt

C'^ns , "at er t



Ho complaints on. the taste .of water.. attributable to the

ins-id e coating The cans failed 'first because of rust which invariably
were received. began at the- cap, , -Later
the bo.t torn and side scams commenced to rust ' and finally it"spread throuho"ut the entire inside, Almost all cans
observed had rust spot& on the cap, ITcnc were salvaged solely because
of this deficiency unless rust was so .extensive
as to seriously effect the contents. -Incopbat units, ca,ns arc salvaged primarily 'because
of shrannel and bullet, holes, In several battalions it"was observed-
that these cans were used to transport hot coffee to the "front lines, Ho desire was expressed for a spigot' attached to some 'of tncs'e cans 'factor because it was deemed unnecessary and would involve a
complaints A dozen cans
in use were- noted, all- haying -rusty .caps -and a certain amount of rust
in the bottom and alons the scams.
Other than ti4s failure, the rivet
'in the .hinge on the cover breaks occasionally..

SA^V^OS BW&U COS (55^i.0311.3) on the taste of water in the coated cans were received.


2^H <y,

..23 JD SALYivG"^

Three hundred .(3Q) cadh sent to ASC2

majority of
this time covering, collections for three 'weeks. 2hc rusted, leaked
these, in addition -to the .fact that they .were heavily . . \u25a0at the scams. ..

2,. ?ans-,


dpemed necessary

Extra handles for this item were not


by all units

"3* * \u25a0Cgffbaj.ners, Reund, v lnsulated,.

Extensive use* was made of this item for transporting hot foods and coffee. The only point at which leakage was reported was around the top, and in over 50$ of the cans. in. use at present, rubber washer*/
had been lost and replacements were not:"obtainable f -Individual rations .are 'often hea-t<ed in hot water' and: then \u25a0'transported- in "this
container tor distribuHon to' the front -line troops.;' Several-" -officers



QJ; Field Observation

kfcll^^i^jj.Cg^yfW *

and men from infantry units cojgplaincd that tjj^| container was too heavy and awkward for one nan *6 carry?, and that two men together at the front were a sniper target.. They suggested that a smaller insulated container "be adopted, to be carried "by a handle or "by one strap over the shoulder, so that it"could "be dropped in a hurry to allow the man to go into action immediat ely,. Units on operational rations very often bring hot coffee to the men at night,. Evidence that the container., round., insulated,, was not entirely adequate was that ordinary five-gallon water cans are being used for this purpose. One ness sergeant recommended that especial care during manufacture "be taken to smooth the. 'bottom of the inside to prevent- collection of moisture., food particles and subsequent rusting. This item was salvaged primarily because of shrapnel and bullet .\u25a0holes. loss of rubber gaskets., rusting of handles on containers, of inside after continuous cleaning with steel wool:. failures noted were the same as above,



failures noted included and rusting

'- Repaired none-, but 22UTH <#, S-aiVAGE REPAIR CO (SSfctf -liOBILS)u5\u2 a0'\ 25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'.-\u25a0
0 each we're shipped to aSCZ-13 -Get UU Twenty e covering accumulations for a pc riod of approximately two wc-eks incomplete, and twenty were' both incomplete and smashed of these were or dented or broken at the top astening >ar and the rubber gasket




U. Openers, Can

a , Individual Hand Type, (issued with 10-in^l ration).. The is well liked and many are carried by the troops .questioned., : : %o change' in design is deemed necessary,. Individuals usually carry this item- lias it in their watch pocket j. and no injury attributable to "\u25a0 been reported.

\u25a0i>rescnt : item

: ;


~ This item-, at present a component of officers'" messes and some small cooking outfits has been reported as not -satisfactory because it is not durable enough. An opener making a smooth edged opening on cans is more desirable, than the ragged edge.

Hand Type

This was a highly Table 2op, Mechanical ?;rpc among the ness sergeants who were fortunate enough to prized item

have them In their kitchens. All mess sergeants thought that this item should be included as a component of the field range, ii-1537 was that this item be modified to include One suggestion/received shaft., and an easily replaceable blade, or toller .bearings on the " one which could be re sharpened*

5. Stoves

and Outfits, Cooking

1' Burner

The 30th Div. had just received

a partial issue of stoves, cocking, gasoline, one burner, which were very well received. Ho experience
data, was available as yet. The 2Sth Div. was equipped with these
stoves, for the landing but no replacements for. those lost and un They were well lilced; the utility cups serviceable were received. .are ised for.cooking, and while some simple carrier strap would' be. . ' desirable, the demand for the stoves is so groat that most of the soldier.s-'said, "get us the stoves and we"'-1 1' cary111 carry thei-i." Hep air .parts There have for stoves have not been available and are badly needed, stoves, been. UP iti.dicatj.c-ns. of lead poisoning from use of the




<# Field





23hTd, 21oTE and 22UTE <&* SALVaGS RBPAI3. COS 60 to JO? of stoves, gasoline, 1 "burner and 2 "burner turned in for repair had made use of the spare parts kit provided, host ;,of these needed the cup shield replaced which had "burned out. J>o to Uo# of the stoves turned in needed only cleaning which could have been done "by the unit, using the spare parts kit. When an unserviceable -item is turned in for. repair a serviceable item is issued interchange, especially if the unit has travelled some distance. It was' observed in the 2l6th, that approximately '' 200 burners were on hand awaiting repair. These stoves were turned' ih:r mostly "by one armored division. The cup' shield was "burned out in'many cases., .In t-.had "been "broken off when 'the' stove v/as taken agart others :<i " ' for cleaning was fused to the brass upright,



6 , Stoves


Individual cooking in the field is done extensively, especially by armored units* and infantry units-e n. the line,- when separated from their kitchen and where it is possible to "build fires. The soldiers supplement C and X rations "by locally obtained food items and prepare meals using mess gear, liotorised units carry extra pots .an.d. pans for this purpose. During an advance, most men of combat units are. at some time or other unable to take advantage of the company, kitchen, and some type of individual heating units are used*, In some, cases it is even possible to bring- hot coffee and hot food from 'the company 'kitchen to th: men in e' containers', round., insulated,.-;. ',' . ; \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.' \u25a0'.


Range, Field,

1^1937 .

All units- questioned have used gasoline for fuel exclusively in the field range, The wood grates have never be,eh used on the continent, most of the combat units 'having discarded them. The new type generator for use with leaded gasoline works very satisfactorily. After a period of use from 120 to 14.00 hours, depending upon conditions, this generator had to be replaced. Because replacement units have not been available, some generators have been cut open, repacked with steel wool and re-" -' welded. This steel wool "packing has also been cleaned with gasoline" or

lye solution and again repacked. It was suggested that the generators be constructed with a screw plug in one end to facilitate repacking.


29UTH, 216 TH and 22iE QJ* SALVES KEPaIS. COS (SEUr-rliOBILi) ~ These units stated that they have installed approximately three hundred of the new type generators in field ranges which have been presented tb them for repair, 'and so far they have proven very satisfactory. In three instances it.-was \u25a0observed that ranges, so equipped function satisfactorily for as long as 300 hours In a few instances the generator tube was cut open and the replaced with ste.el wool and the assembly functioned satisfactorily. Ordinarily when.. a unit brings in an, unserviceable fire unit it is immediately given a serviceable unit in exchange, especially if the using unit is located some distance away. It.was acknowledged that when field, ranges arc properly cared for their life is greatly ex tended.


Baking to Field Hange AH ness sergeants" interviewed did as much baking as possible with the present field /range. One mess sergeant .suggested modifying one .bake pan with' some type of heat retain ing material to be used solely for baking in. the present range.- Host mess sergeants felt,.that- additional equipment for baking purposes is not needed for the present field rang.c. All were" very enthusiastic about the > ,. -->\u0084 field range as is.



.a.! fi iffc^** \u25a0'.\u25a0"

_ ___

.^ ssssass^.^-....


tyt-i jfieict uoservation



two thought b. ffront Panel Hirror that it was a useful part., anc^ToflW^i^W^Wi^^ney never used it. Stock Pots., 31ack, Iron .All"mess sergeants interviewed had used this item at one time or another and none -of them liked it. They com plained that they. rusted, were hard to keep clean, and in some instances discolored and made food and 'beverages taste. Uonc were observed in use



Bag, Dolousing

One infantry regiment used dclousing bags for the first time on infested clothing of two men, and reported they were able to reissue these individuals the sane clothing after it had been fumigated.

9. Barber Kits
These-kits are used extensively and are well liked. They arc used almost exclusively for haircuts and not shaves. Commercial type stick shaving soap would be preferred for shaving around the ears and neck in- place of present all-purpose type. Tac present kit is satisfactory and in many cases has been used by tv/o barbers at the sane time. Several barbers have suggested that a hair thinner be added to the kit. 10. Packboard, plywood
the 29th Division Quartermaster and made 600 of these were drawn available to the regiments, They are not used extensively in ordinary However, on one occasion it was necessary to pack-carry operations. food, ammunition and water to a battalion which, was partially cut off. ilo complaints were In this case they are extremely satisfactory, received as to. fit, Hone of the no rtep- carrying attachments arc avail able and opinion was divided as to whether or not these would be used. The main objection to a heavy pack near the front lines is that it cannot be dropped fast enough to allow the soldier to go into action The 30th Division and the 2d Armored Division have never immediately. ' packs, used these


Stoves,, gent
pipes and several

units had- improvised openings in the window*

It. was noted that CP tents had no opening for stove

12. Burner,

Tcntj Oil Stove

One oil stove was observed to be in -use in a Division y/ Q? tent.

Q-ne regiment al S-U was experimenting with the *rl9Ul model tent stove
in an attempt to convert it into an oil steve by utilising a brake drum.


13. .lent age

A general- desire for- blackout arrangement was expressed by all users of tents. Tents are erected on poles and not frames because of the moving situation. No evidence of mil daw was noted in the. field. Tarpaulins are used extensively for outside storage. Units themselves make minor repairs to- tents, using tent repair kits., .and other improvised equipment to sew and patch. This has. not been availr a. Compound,, Recoloring., Type -X > Color "C" ablc for retreatment purposes, nor has any other type of waterproofing compound. This is a most necessary item and would, extend the life o

many tents now in rather poor




Q^'l Field. Observation Report Ho. 3 (cont

they had improvised One platoon of the 13th Field Hospital reported "by lacing them together one large tent fron two hospital ward tentsforty patients in such a at the wall, side "by side. Approximately readily. One such ,en, douSlVtent could be attended to much more to date was experienced was used as a post-operative ward. ITo trouble stoves, tent \u0084,.^-iyiil. in heating a single hospital ward- tent with two dampers and possioly . Suggestions were made for the,dn6tallatipn of uoal was tribute heat an elbow on the stove pipe to regulate and dis used for- fuel.

29li!CH, 21bTE and-

repaired at tentagewasooserved-tc 'be: erected on frames. Tent age,, is ho.spitals, depots and these installations,, both:. "by teams sent out to unit repair other heavy tent users , -and. also at the installation : on a to A small. amount of.heavy tent age -is repaired \u25a0basis. with termite proof-^ or poles treated the depot. present time are been observed.
. Some tents in use at the solution have leaking and need waterproofing.







.So tent age was erected on frames^ due " IST ASi-iT CjisS II& IV DEPOT. necessity of moving so, often, Herbesthal, Belgium, present ;>(; to the space tms location of the depot, was the -first closed storage installation worked in since landing. It has
moved seven times.



Tent age in this unit was in poor condition

leaking and patched in due to freouency of moving. The canvas was A small tent several places' and could not be properly blacked out.
used by this unit. repair kit was carried and






gasoline lanterns All units ouestioned had very little experience with ilantles invariably brea-K issue, few were authorized for because moving. Otherwise, mantles lasted from one wock to a when , several weeks, defending upon the care, received*

verY unites


During the. past trdrty^ lanterns' from S-canti-e satisfactory to o.ae.* t;n?e, which have proved very the badly no.odc^/cxean The greatest portion of the lanterns so converted Thirty
irg, a condition resulting from use of leaded gasoline. wflU.in;- r.onvr.r.sion units. This item is usually lanterns were on hand waiting conversion uni^s. some repaired en an exchange basis, especially when a unit is located ;: . distance a,way.

2<WS i SAL^OE KEPAIK CO (SEKI^iIOBXLS) days this company converted approximately






216 TH & SplN^Z BZX&IR. CO (SSa-iXOJLS)

done considerable work on, this of -conversion units, to continue It wag. reported that in hand verted lanterns
were blown out Six such cases were;. known.

This company also has

item and at present is awaiting -a
supply the work on .over 10Q- .-lanterns en a few instances,' mantles on_thc con- during the lighting process^ at the bottom

15. -Chest,' FFiberr r Record

ana is well .luced.... This Itch is standing up satisfactorily in use supplies that arc carried mto The tvpc and Quantity of records and has been supplemented this In some c-mbat" by units varies. locker, cases The itemDivision company boxes 29th by -improvised T?o*es and . records were centered at the division rear echelon. administrative


*v! K^ Hff



i^l\ :-?^%i




yield, Observation





4*w (U*2Sli


,i Jam

si I

10. Plastic Itens First Army* Class II IV Depot', ,reported no evidence .of warping of ..& plastic bugles or whistles was noted. Units made some complaint on the "breakage of plastic "bugles. However ft it was observed that very
little use is made of "bugles and whistles in the combat ' areas ;: :<: -:\u25a0\u25a0 .; most units had stored these items.

and .

Officers and


,., Canvas

fleers, use this item "for map s . records v '

arid' personal items. It was.' suggested that- the 'hoo. ; be" placed on the ks case itself rather .than, on the carry strap (same as "bag . canvas, . field) then the case could "be detached from the strap and hooked to a "belt,: vehicle, or any other object. $Jo use of the case, map, roll, was observed. However , many units "possess and like a flat ,., transparent nap case, s cabled en three sides-, "' size approximately 12 W x;ljp".; issued ' "' ' " ' \u25a0; by the 'Engineers, . .




P, General Supplies and Equipment

1.. Coiroound G-ermicidal Rinse The 13th Field. Hospital reported this rinse was used when available and proved to- be 'Very satisfactory. In this connection, a suggestion was received to make available a type of water softener for use in ness "kit'water to create sufficient suds as Well as save soap, droops in the 3'Oth division used this item extensively and believed" it an aid in sanitation of mess gear. :2d: 2d Armored Division troops use it to some extent but -mainly in- cleaning kiteh'en equipment. 29th Division troops use very. .lit tie of this item, . ..Jt appee-rs that troops who are educated to use this item like it very much/,

2. DDT Powder
Insect Powder, Louse, has been issued to each soldier and subsequent issues, arc made when necessary. In one division seven cases of fleas, lice', and species of small \ black spider, and crsiblice, were reported to have been controlled by this powder, y Ho cases of disinfect ing clothing in bulk with this ..powder have, been reported. Units observed

never had occasion

to fumigate personnel*


Writing Paper & Stationery


Divisions questioned requisitioned stationery and .office supplies

according to nced-..with S3, 10-12 as a guide to maximum -allowances . All three divisions" thought that the allowance of stencils and mineo i-ledals, .awards and graph paper was too low to meet requirements. special orders took a great quantity of paper.

U. Luminous Tape COKBAT TxIQOPS

combat units.

~ tfhis item has not been observed

in use among the

j,Tc"v er . hjid. c<.ix\' 0 n /na nd ; 3USTH QJ* IX&m 00 (SUPPLY) Attt-iT CI^SS-II & IV however, -^the unit expressed 'a need for this item as a method of guiding traffic during blackout ,.

3UBT Q>; DEPOT (SUPPLY) 'mX CLASS I Luminous tape was never used but the luminous spotter was very well received. Because of the necessity

tyl Field Observation Report


traffic, "both personnel and vehicular.

5- Candlos,

Stcaric Acid


Mainly used- for lighting,


Bags, Waterproof,



landing, 2dr;Armored Division '<s' reported 'this : itdm was,used in the available, operation "by the Signal Corps. ITo experience data was

Lockers, 3o:c

Used 3Usth D3POT CO (STJPJPLy)'AHI-.T CLASS. 11 is IV moving, A ens and for and loose it was used to ship effects.

to store sensitive while snail percentage Others- are turned to personal use "by officers.

g. -Athletic. Squlpaent

, baseball-, fooW Popular American sports arc also popular; here such as carry a snail stock ball., volleyball, etc. Special Service officers

of bats, gloves, and -balls


9. Orean, Protective, Flash Burn

This, was an unknown iten First Army Class II& IV

insofar as the tr\oops interviewed

or the tjepot were concerned.'


Ho damage caused by rodents has been reported.

1 1

. .

Rodent Damage

Leather Repair Taps 'for Shoes

~ Coi.v 216TE, 22UTH'and 29UTK QJ'I SALVAGE REPAIR COS (S&J-U031L3) 'position soles were used in the shoe repair section except in the case ."'\u25a0.of officers! shoes and those requiring medical prescription. -o repairs to shdes other than those of troops have been made,

12. PX Supplies a. . Tooth 3rushes '. ..& . Shaving Brushes


COI3AT TROOPS ..-r....Th.c cement used tc set bristles was apparently satis factory. Some complaints were received that the bristle was not stiff Official, SIX Corps, stated that there was a very enough! Red A regimental Sr-k, WO, and a front-line he&vy call for tooth brushes. company commander stated that: nine oxit of ten soldiers will take^ this .\u25a0toilet, item with them as first preference when going an the line




A battalion supply sergeant,. 29th Division, stated that seven out 'of ten bags brokeri down from -casualties contain: a .Buttons are the main item repaired, but in sewing kit of. some, type many cases snags "and tears were -also repaired when replacement of the Insignia and stripes arc also garment was not immediately available. sewn'on, Red Cross Official, XIX Corps, reported that there was a ' ;liecivy demand for this 'item.


Sewing Kit










Q-.: Field




Evidence that some combat troops possess sewing kits was^twetti 6a "by garments which cane in for repair. 3uttons, especially, had "been replaced.

29UTH and 2I6TE SALVAGE RSFAiyj!^^jHi|ffWWMr^

- lighter ,Cigarette

Host soldiers would .like to have, a cigarette lighter if they do not have, one already,, -he Sippo type is very popular,, will'burn a number including gasoline, and. is reported to "be. .v.dry.d urable. of fuel's, Besides lighting' cigarettes such an item is 'used for "lighting field ranges, gasoline burners, lanterns and candles. It. is"reported that the Sippo will operate without replacing the wick or a flint for two . or three months.
,&, Pocket


Practically all soldiers have equipped thens elves with" sane type of pocket knife, Many of these arc of the "boy scout" type;"- This is the Utensil which is ordinarily used in eating X rations, host officers and men felt that tnis was a personal iten and should "be made readily available to soldiers through the Pa. They are not now available. 2To known itens could "be replaced- "by the. pocket knife..

c. . Razors Metal razprs are generally preferred to the plastic. ITo failures of the metal type were .tiaervved, A few complaints were nade about the plastic: namely, that the threads "became stripped, it clogged up too easily and the "blade did not seat properly*

13. MO Kit
,- Kits now ->eing received have tooth powder -in- cans Complaints which is a great improvement ever the paper container.. received. a"bou,t the poor quality of the razor ."blades-. It hav.e "been is practically universally oliserved that the "brushless shave cream is not at all popular. Becaiise of the rapid advance and- the tight supply situation BAC kits' have not "been received in the scheduled Deliveries quantities causing a shortage of items contained therein. ;Jo molding of cigarettes, 20s, was reported have currently improved* "by combat troops or depots.

IU. Fuel Tablets, Ration Heating

All troops questioned had used tablets, ration heating, with; operational channels on request, preference rations. Issues are made through Class I as. to type'-of unit and comments on each follows:

ffuei Tablet , Hation Heating, Type_A__(_Colurabia J^ax Tvorkg,. Ozone Park, Itew York]! TT~sect ion typeT

This unit satisfactorily warms a cup or pan of food. Objections arc? that it burns with a bright yellow flame, gives off -smoke, which blackens utensils ,and may reveal a soldier's position, .They liked the fact that the tablets could be' broken down and used' separately,


* "Hot-Box1 (Kade."by --Ij:& F-Kfg-Co-, lac, Buffalo, ill) ~ """\u25a0" "; : . i-g'j >quagg.y g'f high) .




Comments the same as ..above., except that it is not as. easy, to prepare ' ; separate meals. .' . . .




Qjt-i Field

ObservatiW lc|d|Jf jjjjtol l^. i^tf


c Solidified Spirii^ {\xk oz made "by W..S. Jenkins &Qo Ltd, Tottenham, If. I7> Similar to Sterno Canned Heat)

unit is packaged in a can about Lj." in diameter and lj-" high. It hajs ..a. 'pan rest of either a collar, or upright pieces of metal. It heats food effectively," "burns With a "blue iflame, does not give off smoke nor does it dirty utensils, and can be neatly carried "by replacing the lid after cocking. Thi& "is. the-,, favorite unit of this type with the troops. An American unit of similar design has also been used' and was well liked.



Generally speaking,, tablets, ration heating, are not a suitable subfor one burner st.oves., . 'Ordinarily,, groups of men can get ' together to share a hot. meal . except under severe combat conditions wn'efc the tablet is 'the' only means available for heating Coffee or ra-tions,





A. -Xaundry
X, 'She 57,3th & laundry Go, (Seai-frobile) has operated as a- company It has never operated with an F"&-3 since arriving on" the continent Approximately 25^ of its. work has been for individuals, the unit. rest has been' processing salvage. ITo body insects were observed by Individual laundry slips this unit in any of the wor/i they processed. continent; each man turning in had never been used 'by t&is. unit on the laundry prepared a list on any -available scrap of paper.'

'- "So small detachments 2. Hashing ilachine, for.'^mall ' ' c which we re "on thei r _own"?' .'in a s tat i s ituat ion for pro tracied periods of time were observed. ', ..IV. is therefore difficult to establish -whether there is a needfo.r. a washing ' machine capable -ef handling- :: I'bs per 30 " hour .weighing abpu\' ,SOP' Xbs , Except for the problem of movement during ' rainy periods, the present trailers seemed apparently satisfactorily.

" 33. ffunj,ntion

<m 3n,th and I^avmcLry "units

Although there was a bath unit available in the area further officers, and men of the 29th, J^Vn and 2d Armored Divisions, .plus Corps Siid Army troops, took advantage of the excellent

towards" the. rear,.

bathing facilities offered by several civilian mining companies in and around the town of Hee-rlen, Holland. Division Quartermasters renarked that ordinarily if the front was at all active, JtS> units were too far toward the rear to be utilized. In this sector most all troops were committed' and groups were withdrawn for a bath in "the showers provided by the civilian concerns,. In the case of the 30tn Division and 2d Armored Division a small stock 6i underwear, socks,, shirts and trousers, wool,;0D was,. available from extra clothing withdrawn' from replacements The personnel ..and those items withdrawn from the effects of casualties'.. underwear;, socks, of the service company then issued each man a set of and woolens in exchange for his dirty clothing, Subseciucntly, the service company sorted the serviceable items from unserviceable
items, had the serviceable items laundered in bulk and turned the definitely
unserviceable items in to salvage. In this manner the snail stock of
'.clothing wa:s turned over, quite frequently and' helped to ease the /supply .'situation. /The system worked very well"-and' apparently 'saved trans portation,, collection, 'and handling of item&-'by non-diVisional, service .troops/ The 2st> Division handled the situation,' of bathing the -ncn and ;.issua,ng clean clothing for dirty in much the'-'same' aaftner 'except. -that 'the companies' in most cases managed' ;to 'keep a small- stock of socks and . . underwear only.. ...-;


Ci Field


0 iiiiiii



that the three divisions, in principle,, operated in the same manner, namely,- that a snail stock of essential clothing items (Class 3) was maintained in the division, regiment or company and was issued Then -the dirty items to men just prior to their 'opportunity to "bathe. were -laundered and sorted within the division, serviceable items were retained for the small stock, and*. unservicea Die items 'evacuated rear, Eventually repair companies received this- cib thing and repaired it for Class B or classified it as Class X.. It appears



3. She IX Corps Quartermaster

that experiments- oe conducted "by attaching a- shower unit to with the present it. The' possibility of using the trailer as a "bathing unit as^ well as for. laundering and^ issuing clothing on the spot was discussed.*

mobile laundry trailers

C , Graves Registration & Effects

'each, have a platoon The divisions of XIX Corps (29th,- 30th and 2d Armored) ' of a Graves Registration Co., less four clerks, attached to the division Quartermaster's staff, Their normal pet hod of operation is as follows: 1,- The 29th Division companies evacuate their own dead to the "battalion aid station. Service company troops Taring the bodies back to Division collecting points f The G-raves Registration unit personnel take charge from here on, handling the records, effects,, and making the evacuation to the Corps collecting point or cemetery. .'...'

2, . The 30th Division units evacuate their own dead to the Division collecting point, (l or 2 depending on the situation). The Special Service Officer of one. regiment and an officer from the service companies of the others are in charge of a squ<ad from the service They company that brings the bodies' to. th.pv .division collecting point make the pickups. The G-BU use a l/U ton truck and a trailer .to -a ton truck anda.l- ton ."trailer and evacuate the personnel have , collecting point -or- cemetery.. dead to the Corps


2d Armored Division.- Down as far as battalion, there is an officer Companies responsible.^for the evacuation and identification of the dead. have one ITCC with this responsibility* Bodies are evacuated to the battalion aid stations where
the Division 'G-KU personnel make their ,
. pickups.


had been very \. All three division vaartcrmasters. stated that there had been, almost few dead that, had. not been identified and these bodies' stated that more The Division completely .destroyed.needed, They do not think that they could do as (HU personnel were not pood" a job of location,- evacuation and identification of the dead as

themselves,. It is an unpleasant is at present being done by the units job taking care of a man in your company that has been killed, but it is better to take care of him quickly and have the body identified than to see him lying-in the field unattended or have him lost or unknown. The men seem tc feel that they are the best ones- to get the " get bodips evacuated because; they know where they are and know how to doing it. to them without being killed themselves while they 'arc


Salv -'y;c Collect ion

Approximately 25 stretchers, UOO gas Warfare and Ordnance masks, 300 covers, protective* and 100 gloves, rubber were noted as following items havin- been received over a period of 15 days. She


233 dSalvage

Collecting Co, evacuated




Q;i Field

OoscrUHi %s2Wi^
each week:

g^ |J

of Ordnance are evacuated

10,000 rounds assorted TJ,S. ammunition 2,000 roimds assorted enemy ammunition 2,000 II1 clips

500 Cal. ,30 carbine 30 Rifles


2V For tiie most part these items cone into the Amy Salvage^ Depot on The Thickheads the return trip of trucks taking 'rations to the Class I they go back to divisions deliver their salvage to the truckheads when good draw 'rat ions. The itens sent are usually -unserviceable, out in a many, cases are the serviceable equipment of casualties which was not reissuablc within' the/ 1 division.* [The Salvage Collecting -Company sorts these itciis and those belonging to ""o-bh^r, services are' turned over to other services has then.'* Ho collection or evacuation of equipment oflieavy ordnance itens by these companies and- ho collection "bf been done such' as tanks 'has be eh"made.", The companies have had "very little use


for the wrecker trucks that they arc equipped with in the job -of
salvage collecting.


collecting In the First Array area at present there are three salvage One of 'these is in' charge of the salvage depot, receiving, companies. They ship itens to the laundry, to sorting and classifying salvage.to ASCZ Salvage Depot where repair is not to bo done by Army units, and other two the services concerned in the case of other material. The companies are used by the Army quartermaster to findr inventory- end guard captured enemy stores, She officers follow leads given them and determine whether stocks. are of sufficient importance to guard and inventory. If so,, guards are post.cd T The stocks are turned over to 1 s direction. It-is quartermaster at the Army Quartermaster 'the of captured enemy material is becoming reported that the administration increasing importance, First Army has recently provided for a Oxxi Rt.fiffnT.-n.ni nation of two officers assigned, officers assigned, and six officers attached, organization of staff (Sec Appendix HG^ for details.) doing this type of work.




B. Salvage Ropr.ir
The 29Uth, 2l6th and 22i;th Salvage xtepair Companies 'were located within Qormany, a rpdius of 2 miles, approximately 10 miles south of Aachen, th) arc also Three salvage collecting companies (233 d, 235th and 999 located in this vicinity. L"o civilian labor has been used by army salvage repair companies.' ...They are now working two' S hour shifts,' and on capacity the' beach 'worked three 2 hour, shifts. -They were not working at /when this study, was made. Work done
in these companies will be dis^ cusscd section by section,

!\u2666' Metal Repair-

The jobs done by ..this section- have-e xpanded ; prance/- . They do repair' work on: h-1937 greatly lanterns, mess Field Ranges, 1 and 2 'burner gasoline stoves, gasoline Neither men nor gear and .-\u25a0canteens , helmets and a little cot repair, equipment in the present *T/O&E 'arc' adequate to do the volume of work rcouircd on these itens. Some of the specific items requested were? bracing
sinco coming, to


wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, welding,. 'cut ting and ' cning equipment, a paint spray for' helmets, special fixtures' for straight vices, cant eens\ molds for straightening' mess kits, co\d. chisels 'and Hammers,

Tent.'fiepair Pemand for this service ha.s.been great in Prance. 2f2 ' men, At .the The 29Uth has a section : consisting of a sergeant, and. 2o work; shop for major comnany they have 2. large jewing machines and a 1, 2 or '.repairs. .They .also send teams consisting oj" a; T/5 and either -patching is done men to units, requiring repairs^. Hand sewing and








without taking the tents down. Additional equipment requested includes sewing machines with arms long enough to take care of heavy tent age. Present Singer 132K6 is too short. For typical work figures for teams, see Appendix UC II The 2l6th's- tent repair section is made up of two
' 5 man teams working in the field only. A typical week's work for a
5 man team is 100 command past, UO -large storage flies, 30 small' storage
flies, and small wall tents. She present tent patch is excellent. In
the 22Uth f 2 men work on tentage in the company area. Heavier equipment
was requested.

Unit repairs, only are now done by all three Repair Section, companies. One section from each company was attached to a Corps of First, ilrmy (V, VII, XIX), Shoe repair sections are no.t working at . For production figures, see Appendix "D" f capacity.

3. Shoe

Textile Section I^east operated in all three companies f One v/as.. entirely closed down on U Aug UU. Ken and equipment a.re being used to supplement tent repair sections, clothing sections and metal sections. Much of the salvaged, textiles are dirty and cannot be reissued without repeated laundering which "bleaches then. Production figures are given in Appendix "S%
5, Clothing Section Over 90p of the work done in this section is on salvage garments for return to stock; however, during periods of short supply noticed recently, divisions will, assemble' clothing in bulk ' for Xauhdering , repair and return to them for subsequent: .issue, It has been noted that it has been extremely difficult to- determine exactly what the Class 3 standard is. Repair companies Will patch 'the garments very neatly yet in some Instances they are rejected as Class X. ::-, Fumigation & Bath units do utilise a certain amount of' such stock. production figures, See Appendix "F" for



Typewriter .Repair Section It was observed that the 29Utii . Salvage .Repair Co. had converted one clothing trailer into a type writer repair and field" range parts unit.



# OK Hq &.gq


Engineer Special Brigade, g/O&g

10-2765 .
\u25a0 \u25a0

'items for the .'Engineer Special Brigade. In early August all Class I First Army were delivered to the. Amy D.epot near Vire,'France, and distributed from truckheads from there.

Depot Co. , Army -Class X, stated The commanding officer of the. JU^tJi Engineer Special Brlj|a4o' Ijade all deliveries 1 of rations for the the s"fch landing to Army Truckhea&s until X) plus 214* On that date a part of _ Army Depot but considerable trudkhead the rations were delivered' to an deliveries continued. Army Quartermaster's representatives worked with

It v/as noted that the coffee roasting and grinding unit formerly with the 3011th Bakery Co.. v/as concentrated at the First Ar:ny Class I Depot together v/ith five other roasting and grinding units of First Army, where they operated as a unit, Bakery personnel v/ere being used to do the job. G-.
H. Prisoners 1. of. 'Jar

Coffee Roasting Unit'

The; throe salvage collecting companies, three salvage repair conpanies,. and -the.' Army Class II&,IV Depot company had never used prisoners of war.

2. The 3^Sth- Csi -Depot; Co-. Army''Cl^ss I, had used frbi.i 100 to. 300 prisoners of war when located 'at Huy and Labii.'. These prisoners were -and worked exceptionally well loading and unloading borrowed" from"'AS.CZ , rations ...




$i Jield Observation Report

A. T/E Revisions

U^.3- .(.ant)



*. Personnel -of the Division Quarter-* Office of' several ,division* stated.' that some additional . tent.age ;": master's was needed for, the ."breakdown of supplies to ''units! Several had already ' , ; acquired additional t-enta'ge,'; ; ' . ..



COKP&tfIES ~ JTearly all officers 'and men questioned expressed a' need ' for a storage or -squad tent to "be used as a kitchen. Such tent's should "be equipped, for ventilating gases' from' "burning field ranges. Blackout


is of urinary importance' and cooking, must start "before daylight and end after dark. Shelter of petrs:pnncl and protection of unit property is " "\u25a0 '. also an ir-iportant consideration,.;. ..

Tent age: These 29UTK* and 21.6-TE S^\ tkLXifiZREPAIR COS (SSII-HOBILS)' ' 12 July to date..." The units have worked out of doors In- tents from



.. .

company worked as -a"- singlo unit. The functions of octal repair and tent repair have expandeS.--a.nd require^additional tent space and repair supplies, " lietal Repair' Section;'-"' stic jpb of' repairing stoves,, ..lanterns*" field ranges, r \u25a0; and raess..cquipr-ient* Ha ; 'bccone.yT;ry important-. 'Tools-, and. eauipnent/'and s" inprovisat.iqns to ' > ; tenta{rc have been acquired fron "captured stocks and ' ' equip this /sect&ji..-' a J/S. 'tc provide for this'- work -should be stuiile4 % is, :divided bct'ween one- section wKi'ch-- Tent ago Repair/ ScetJoh: operates in' t|ie.depot area "VSd; ".of'.tv/o -to- four ucn.whc^ /;:o .to th _ \u25a0' installation and repair tents without taking then down; \u25a0Jn- the company area heavy- "duty sewinj; ;.iachines with a Ion;: am are needed so that large tents car; be sewed, TVo Singer, Type 132K&, -Eiachincs are in use by the 2 9Uth "C^-i Salvage Repair Co,. This nhchine is satisfactory except that the ara is not lonr enou,;h. Tents
bcin^; 'repaired nust be dry and work oust be carried out under shelter.' Tents should be provided.
traveling teans take hand sewing and patchinr equipment with then. and #5 orounets , haoaers and hand Additional #U and #s. die" sets, pains- are .needed so that teans and company sections nay be fully equipped, Waterproof in-: naterial is badly needed "oy tent ape repair sections "as nothing at all alone this line is available at present. /" Shoe' Repair Sections The cast 'iron fixed bench jack, had been break-inland an. inprovised Tench jack (revolving) fron a Landis. -upright. jack In repairing T^pc^ was nadc and has been work-in.; very satisfactorily. (reversed upper) which are thicker in the sole, on. the Land! s 111 shoes finisher, a ITo.lTo 32 cutter edge trinner'is needed. to replace 'tHe #2U.. ' This is similar to a Heel recovers in present equipment are breaking screw driver; Ga^t'urcd G-ernan. abrasives are being used on Landis shoe, The present machinery . These 'are much coarser than U.S. abrasives.
"adequate and have, been
are 'not folding benches' on the cor.ipany supplemented by improvisations and captured- German benches.








: Ho provisions for; 'spray

221^K V^'SALTOE 'REPAIR CO (SBxI-HOBILS) There should be;a
gun for steel helmet' repair are available on T/S straightcner tool and mess oar straight ener mold.
standard' cant e-en Canteen straight' ener "and mess gear straight ener ar.e improvised in some



manner by all., three salvage .repair companies.. Metal section- needs hammers' (claw l''sledge,; ballpc in) pliers, cold chisels f three- corner and

flat files. The U7^7O Singer' 'Darner is- frequently out of order 'and "is seldom ..used.. Preference was expressed for the 3H5 Singer Singlc-I'eedle
' ,
-v. \u25a0\u25a0 ...- . .. liachinG. . . Machine isnot.as satis Shoe. Repair Section; .Old, type Landis /; s 6 factbry"'.as the. new^typ c becaus e.it is toe s lov^ in op.erat i.on.. and' ii 1 0
; difficult,to leVei ; grease leaks and; the belt becomes slack .if not level.
At present only, fbur*, hammers fire-, issued, whereas ;fiftepn are_ needed. Screw, type. -heel, remo.vcr Is, frequently Woken,-. In gne section a










" \u25a0^,

mm' taw



nan "brought his own heel remover ..from civilian ocCTjffktion (fixed mechanical type) and this item is much more convenient and speeds the work. Tent age: -12 storage tenths authorized at present :are 'used one on each end of each trailer; "'.no provision is made for stor.ag'e of repaired itens.

i U Mtb

fa 'ill



233 DSALVAGE COLL3CTIIT& 00 ~ Due to the fact that this unit" does

not haul heavy ordnance

the wreckers are used very little.

The acetylene welding and cutting equipment is also used very little.
CO (SUPPLY) ,A2]-IY CLASS II IV ~ The depot commander & stated that the warehouse he was using 'was the first, closed storage space the First Army Depot had used on the continent , Prior to that \u25a0they drew tent age and tarpaulins from stock as needed* to protect stock. shis arrangement was more flexible than establishing an allowance in the T/S. Material handling equipment deemed necessary "by this depot company: Three tow-motor tractors, 2U trailers , 2]i hand trucks, a,nd a number of sections of conveyors, ilo .heavier materials handling equipment such as fork lift trucks were thought useful in an army depot. Additional vehicles, preferably 3/U ton trucks could "be used to unload railroad cars when sufficient platforms are not available-, At present three captured German vehicles are "being used.'

6\ 3U5-H QJ-1 DEPOT

A desire was expressed for the following tools to "be included in the maintenance set for each platoon, or if operating "by section, in each section: Extra spark plugs, solder ing iron, feeler gauges for magneto gap and spark plug adjustments, an electrical kit of wrenches, pliers and screw drivers for repairs It was observed that one such set, privately owned, on panel "boards. was "being used. One trailer has an "automatic switch to cut off the' generator motor when the oil pressure drops. This was improvised "by safety measure. one of the men as a




S, 3USTH Q>; DEPOT CO (SUPPLY) AHiIY CLASS I Due to the moving situation when as many as three locations are- in existence for the same depot, a desire for additional vehicles- was expressed, T/s ht present ton trucks.. calls for 1 Jeep, 1 3/U ton weapons carrier and 3 li To properly operate reap and advance sections of the depot, additional '.transportation is necessary for supervisory personnel.

tyi 3AIEEiY CO. ~ 1 second echelon tool kit is in the corpany and is used on the motor vehicles. An additional kit is needed for the maintenance of the ."bakery equipment A ~>QO gallon trailer was improvised to replp.ee the canvas stationary tank. The canvas stationary tank is not "being used. Since 20 July this company has produced over 1,500,000 lbs. of "bread. The maximum output for one day v/as 3U,500 lbs. There were 13 inoperative days during this period. 35 Vbs per 100 men is the "basis of issue (by ,-trmy order).

9. 3011TE

B. Materials Handling Equipment 1. Fork Lift Vehicles


use of a fork lift vehicle was definitely not move too fast, arc located out of doors most of the time, and the n.iount of turnover of stock did not warrant such heavy equipment,


CLaSS, II IV 6c The favored, xtrry depots

r Qi, DEPOT CO .(SUFPLY) \u0084A2iJ CLASS J Tlic same' Obsc;rvo,tions were made .at this depot. This depot had moved Severn- times on the qontincnt, had used open storage, exclusively, and heavj r e'quipmcnt is not favored.


Qfri Field Cbserva 2. Holler Conveyors

Conveyors are used extensively especially on "box packages. In- the case of "bag or burlappcd * items it was necessary to use a flat piece of uct'al or "board to make Ho the i-r iten roll freely,,- Boxes were used for sta,.nds and supports.. expressed for a special stand or support. desire was Sone desire was expressed for a "flat piece to be used on. conveyors in rolling burlap ,. . ens, and "bag it . .
qpl S3POT' CO (STIPPLY) iUu,T CLASS I. Roll.pr conveyors were .7 used extensively (approximately UOO ft). I"o desire was expressed for Conveyors were stands as C ration cases, etc. were used for stands. used to load, and, unload vehicles and were also set up in an assembly line .to facilitate the -sorting of canponents of the 3 rations.





- Roller ,conveyors conveyor production line "for the bakery,


were .set up to nake a gravity



3. Pallet, U


jhe unit does not'& 3US?H Qa D3POT CO :(SUPPLY) *$% CIiSS -I^ jy feel that palletizing would be a liaterial aid in their operation f

C. Packaging

Jood Cans

COMBAT TEOQPS Ration brcal-;do\\rn v/ithin divisions, p^nd sna.llcr units " is done out of doors. Packaging of food is satisfpxto'ry in nearly all cases. Sone conplaints were na.de that, the- ordinary ailk cans were frequently found to bo rusty. OD'food Cans are "being received in this area and arc generally in good condition. Storage within these units is only for a few days.


CO ( SUPPLYCLa-SS I l trouble was experienced -containing corned "beef packed "by the following' conpanies: cans




(a) Arqour's Corned 3_ce, (Product of Uruguay) (6 - packed :*: *

&-Co, TJSui,
for Prigcrif'ico



Lontevidb-,-' Uruguay


("b) Donald Cook^s Coi:rpressed Corne4 Beef (6 Vo. cans) . Londorif

(c) Armour of Brazil Corp, (6 lb, cans)

Sao paulo

These cans of corned, -beef are placed 12 in 'a case weighing over ~\Z lbs. . jlgreat raahy cases were broken during nornal handling-, and in such instances invariably a,t least one or two cans were" punctured. The case appears "to "be too light for the heavy 'contents. The cp.ns are punctured .-when the corner ;bf one\ strikes -the f3,at surface of another'; Re-cooperage v/.as h'eing done in this depot, and this was the





r.iost troublesome


Citrus fruits' Were not observed to cause ah a-bpreciaTolc ai.iountof fust. Very lit-tle trouble has-'-becn* nad "with cither OP coated or uncontcd cans. Ideal Brand canned nilk scene 4 subject to rust. Coated cans containing peanut' butter, nilk,.citrus fruit juices, fruit's, tonato juice, jans and' jellies were observed.

tyl Field Observation Report ITo.

3 (cont)

dump has operated under open storage to date, C This Army Class I ration cases have "been used as dunnage for three weeks at a tiiae ammunition 4oxcs, paulins, without damage to the rations. timber, andwlnp -local material was also used as lumber, cut sapling dunnage. Stacks are usually .covered with paulins during semi^-permancnt storage, Seven noves were made by this depot since ,P~Day.. .The only mechanical handling equipment that was used was about UOO ft f of roller conveyors.


Camouflaging of

Inside Lnds of Pans

that this camouflaging

All people interviewed on this subject stated was unnecessary.

COS (SHOS.OTAISt SECTIONS) ~ Reported that these supplies were Doing received in GfxdboarcL con tainers. Experience has proved that constant noving "breaks up the cartons and the units have found that "burlap sacks are much "better for this xmrpose.

!> Beds and Soles 216 TH, 221#H and 29UTH




Burlap "bags were used to distribute "bread from These are laundered after each use and arc bakery to truckheads. the It was noted that -a stock of 25,000 large generally satisfactory. captured German paper bags was also being used for this purpose.

3011TH Qi^ 3AK3HI CO


Green Coffee

(&. SaJCTT CO Green coffee comes in Brazilian burlap bags which do not keep out water and the' bags are very fragile,


English Soap, Lighter Fluid and Snk,


\u25a0aJftiY P3C
Irgland easily,


Jhc cardboard containers packaging these items from heavy enou;;h for the handling received and break up not '

7* Standard Pack

Some trouble vas experienced in receiving, $BMX CIiASS II&'IV DSPO 1? Extreme satisfaction storing and issuing items not standardly packed. was noted from the present method of baling clothes. All loose packaging invites pilferage, considerable of which has been experienced. Metal strapping on boxes and bales apparently aids in cutting down pilferage as well as broken containers.

D. Ousting of Hctal Parts All water


Out of 50 cans observed to date have been coated. some degree, especially on the caps where all had rusted to moisture collects. ,hen the next places to rust' are the scans, onal rust usually at the bo11oav ." Finally , aft er being dent ed , aciditi gathers at the. points of strain, - Black iron stock pots were observed to "produce' a dark rust .'during cooking process, and also even after' being cleaned became .ru^ty. -JTct many black iron stock pots have thus \u25a0far been 'observed

Incls: Appendix A, 3, i-ia j0r General, L, a S

mti t^*

J PistrilDution on "badte^ 'J j)|

Ui--^4*# tyi Field Observation B.ep^t 7iJuV^> \u25a0\u25a0yf&mir)^

.. \u266

~ W

i*.J* * "\u25a0 V K

IS OCQJv, Con Zone . 1 iiroy \u25a0. Q/i First US 1 QJK Third US Amy Q^'l' Seventh US Arnjr....,,. 1 I q}i Hinth. US ."Arny :
Sixth. tTS Arr:iy Group ;\u25a0 1 QJl Cjti Twelfth US ,Army Grroup ;\
1 QJi Ady'Sco Con Zone ; \u25a0. ;,> . , "5 ESIS Te-ui CaptainS



... ..



... ..


*> **





* * *'

field, ii-1937 J^ais-hOST JKEqUSHTIY; HEPLAC3D

PAHS FO...'.


Cr>p, Fuel .Tank Filler Tube, Complete Tu"bc, Manifold, Complete Tube, Fuel, Short Tube, ?uel or Air, Long Gauge, Air Pressure



Fire' Unit

116 117 133 \u0084 ;


135 130 137 139

Knpl?, Vr;lve Stcia, Air' -.Kncrt ; - Valve Stea, Flai-ie

Steq, Air anq. Fuel, Valve Valve, Flane without Kno"b

Sten,' ?X&ne Valve




155 190

Burner, Fire Unit " Hut, Burner Generator, Fire Unit Screw, Filter Case, Generator Puqp, Air Pressure ' Eose, Air Pressure Puup



l/ire Steel

Based on information fror: field ran/:e repair section, 2%th Q/'i Salvage Hepair Co. (Scni-aoMlc)




QJi Field Observation Eeport

}loto t

3 (cont)



29Uth qjK

Salvage Repair



12 July to REMARKS

5 Oct. X9UU?

$1-1937 iField Range
Can , Meat




Cup, Canteen



Shortage of repair parts held this item down. Aluminum mess gear only was repaired "by. this unit , They use a nitric acid & caustic soda "bath as the final process, Hew gaskets are inst ailed in repaired canteens

2,U60 525




Utensils -mainly v/ere from casualties: -and only needed

cleaning. ,.
11 ti it



0 0



Cots, Folding, Canvas



"Carried spare end sticks

and covers. Cannibalized

for legs.

Unit: 2l6th" q)i Salvage Repair Co.


Weekly Production Report. Sept,

g-lli Sep.t.


Hre Unit


lantern, G-asoline 2 Burner Units 1 Burner Units Immersion Heaters

*B S

*S X9 2 0 U 1





75 U X



0 U


29 Sept ,-5 Oc * SO
3UU 6
X2U 10 9
19 3

Rec'd 2

- Repaired Salvaged

Salvage Repair

o?ent repair work done "by 'the from 12 July to 5 Oct. 19UU*
SOTB Tent, Squad Tent', Ely, Storage Tent, Hospital Yard Tent , Command Post
Tarpaulins (all Tent, Pyramidal Tent, Storage








6 55 S3 29






Tent, Wall

S3 26 52

I4any "blackouts have also been made for various kinds of ten^s. Personnel Major consisted of two sergeants and 18 men frcfci the textil section. repairs were done &.V |h| s

r 3

i MP^lont) jfi^^ax^l tion QJi Field Observation Reportlio. 37


Typical ''jo"bs of 'rtfvxng fie'l.d. teams are:


2(58 \u25a0* '\u25a0



Days' days





";/; .;



r .; *1 Hospital '.ard; f Vail, large ~


: . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'" \u25a0;.*'

Sneineer.ingvCo. '\u25a0'... v'"



12 Tank-, water,;: 5000 gaj. f


13-th Field

Hospital . "" \u25a0\u25a0"









.-.. ;



'2 Tent, pyraaidal iTarpa-olin, Tnack 29 Hospital \/ard 1 Ho.&pitfil-fly . Small veil 3 Pyramidal 2 Siiiall v/all fly

97th Svac.
na chine)


(Took one scwin/3


U5 Hospital Ward





5 9

Pyramidal s Large .wall

.wall Snail wall


* *.. ************ * - SEOJJ E3PAIE -



29Uth $d Salvage Repair Co. (Semi-KolDilc).



12 July t0..5 Oct.


17,003 Prs

'2,915 Prs.

RBiaSES: f these,., a"bout '5,000' prs. ' : \u25a0were unit repair and went back to troops < The 'salvage 'repair units did repair to salvage shoes at the "beach and -.-.'tlic s e v/erc turned over to ASCZ.

qy> 216?E qy>

Ik Sep to 21 Sep UU \u25a022 Sep to 29 Sep UU


(aII Unit Repair) \u0 84

1 "t--








1 93





?IGIXRSS (Ail Unit Sopair)


7 Sep 6 Oct

to lUSep


'\u25a0"\u25a0 -329

to 13 Oct UU


'0 Prs \u26 '\u25a0\u25a0


\u0 84 ;0.


A^P^JDIX vis"




this section ggUth Salvage Eepal^o -Save not " to wor* U A-UfTj/t\u25a0""X9UU.- 'Pen and equipment,, nave oeen used * tentp^e and metal' repair,




0)1 Salvage

- Production'
... .



9 22 Sept. ii HU

Leggings. Haversacks




h ^T

husette 3a, ? 22Uth




. Salvase


- ?rodu


for Veek Ending

21 Sep UU 460 Saly.

7 Sep Uk Hep Salv

Cover, canteen
ieggi-igs VJ el) Ding, assorted-


30 37 UU7 151 290 . 12

320 656


IU7 1295


3 502 Hi

*^* * * * * \u2666*#.***.********* **;*****




29Uth \u25a0; Sal^e Repair Co


*.*** n^^ipfend this raised tne passed

throt^h salvage repair companies /'^and this



During tld period that these units



figures shoWlx here.

Production Figures for period ffA2 July

Shirt, Wool, OD Jackets, H3S Troupers, Iffcol, 0D




RSPaJB.^ 12,366 3,635 12,087



3,603 U.Obl

kbS 2,750



Suit, 1 pc. K3T

Jacket, Pield Drawers, wool Undershirts, wool Blankets, wool, OD

6,069 521






QII Field Observation Report o. 3. Appendix "F" (cont)

216th Qjti Salvage Eepair Co,

- Production -

for 'ieeks Snding:

1U Sep UU Hep Salv

23 S ep UU
Rep Saly

5 Oct liU Bep Salv

131 13S 126 95 67 85 125 9U 171 60 51 61

Jacket, Field Jacket, E3? Shirt, Wool, OD Suit, H3?i 1 |>c Trousers, H3T



377 207

155 325




Trousers* Wool,-. OD Undershirts-, Blanket s , \*ool, OD Drawers ,' '.J6OI Jacket',- Combat
\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0



352 1150


567 069

2UUth C^-i Salvage Repa ir Co, " :\u25a0 ^


- Clothing t

172 377


35 25

Repairr figures for Vfeeks


7 s ep UU





21 Sicp UU / Salv



Oct UU. Salv

Drawers, Wool Jacket, Fielo., Oon'bat Jacket, H3T , Shirt, T .focl, 05 ' Shoes, Service Suit., E3T, 1 ?c. Trousers, *..'ooi, OD Trousers; H3T, Undershirt, '[00l Vool


132 USS S6l


BU9 '1&6 ' IUS7" 300

USU 137" \u25a062


173 323 ' IST


0 0.

153 107

39 q


l 6 '31 XU7 75





737. 2];s VI- 27.S

75 75
bS bS

10JU 329 9P.


53 13





19 131 .3k





/IBST UITIT^D S^aT2S Office of the Quartermaster



3 October 19UU
QJJ^gERI&STBft SO? 103. Oa??URSD JEITSU? ll^SaigL

"be inventoried, classified, and' safe-guarded by representatives of the Quartermaster through the CaFTURED laTSRIEL S^CTXOiI until such
time as they- arc accepted for immediate Army use or, if surplus
to arc turned over to the Cormuni cat ions. Zone. Army requirements,

All captured items of enenv equipment and supplies, classified as Ciuartermaster. itens, which are located within the Army "boundaries, will

2. Information^ as to location of such materiel vrill Tdc' gained through the use of. "intelligence teams which vill emanate from the CaPTIHSD MTSRI3L SSGSIQ^I and act as feelers in a systematic search, area
V area, as the A^ay lines, move forward. Such information will also b.e _.
gained from otlxer sources, such as Corps Quartermaster representatives,
Civil Affairs (G--5) and other special staff sections of this Head


Having discovered, from any source, that captured or abandoned enemy materiel exists at a -certain location, , the following steps will "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .'{\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0 "be taken. \u25a0'".':: as ,aJJI wSMyaii^upx)lic s will Tae a. To prevent unauthorized




om ilb^|I m t^M^j^ wy "2



immediately placed under


a report of inventory to the

Id. An intelligence team will t>e


to inventory and turn in from which it operates..

The chief of section, CAPTIHED EtTEfoY fc&TERIEL., will circulate to appropriate <$* Section, by class of supplies as all well as salvage, for recommendation
as to retaining any or all of the items in question for Army use.



d. Upon return of the inventories in question to the CaPTIHSD ems HaTSHIEL SSC?IOU a review will be made, and should there applied for not reouired for military purposes "out which might be to civil use, a list of such items will be extracted and Likewise items pertaining to G~5 for comment -and for recommendation. staff other branches of the service will be extracted to the proper section for their information and recommendation.



are complete on all items of any one in final inventory, they will be presented to the Army quartermaster changes as he sees fit. form for his approval or disapproval or c... T .faen


f as directed by the Quartermaster, supplies will or will not be made.

disposition of equipment


release, g For all materiel desired or recommended for Army use a by number, will be made by the CAPTtfaiD MSaIEL SLOTIOiI will be to the supply section or G-5 who recommended Army use. It or 0-5 to make the responsibility of the supply section concerned immediate use or transfer of materiel covered by the numbered release. The CAPTU&SD MaTERISL SECTIOF is not a supply section nor will it physical function as such. Neither will it become involved in the transfer of equipment , he supply sections concerned and to whom transportation releases are issued will make their own arrangements for When supplies desired for Army use have through proper channels, placed in .army stocks, the supply section been picked up, used, or CAPTURE ii^SRtSL 53CTX0IT, to that effect concerned will notify and nrke reference to the release numbers in question, that the records of the CAPTURE IIATERISL SECTION may be up to date and the release of guards may be accomplished.



h. All equipment and supplies not used by the Army will be released to the Communications Zone. aII such releases will be forwarded promptly by command signatures, through G~ft for concurrence, to the Commanding" General, Communications Zone, showing items, quantities, location, and time of availability, with information copy to Commanding General, 12th Army Group,
<$; i. Copies of all such releases will be furnished the 58th Chase, Copies of all releases furBase Depot, Attention of Colonel nished the QJ* Base Depot will be dispatched in sufficient tine hours so that the information will become known to them at least US ahead of the contemplated release t ii:.e mainj, Records of all inventories, transfers and releases will be Section in tamed and weekly reports will be furnished the Statistical the manner desired for historical or other purposes.

FotOt This SOP approved for local publication by P/O/S HQ, FUSA by Q..K. No 2 ? 8 Oct 19UU.

UrvLCc&L w, OQixassa jut. C01,., i^.ji.Q, as st. Army Quartermaster

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