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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 178 (2002) 299^319


High-resolution planktonic foraminiferal analysis from the

Cretaceous^Tertiary boundary at Ain Settara (Tunisia):
evidence of an extended mass extinction
Valeria Luciani 
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Universita' degli Studi di Ferrara, Corso Ercole I d’Este 32, 4410 Ferrara, Italy
Received 25 July 1999; accepted 9 August 2001


The Ain Settara section, located in the Kalaat-Senan area of north^central Tunisia, spans the Cretaceous^
Tertiary (K^T) boundary which is characterized by a red layer and a thin non-bioturbated boundary clay. Sediment
accumulation across the K^T boundary at Ain Settara was probably interrupted by three short hiatuses and/or
condensed sedimentation. The first hiatus occurs at the top of the CF1 Zone; the second hiatus/condensation
occurred just below the boundary clay and the third hiatus at the P0/P1a boundary, in the earliest Danian. These
hiatuses are marked by weak unconformities, bioturbation and sudden disappearances/appearances of species which
are known to disappear/evolve sequentially in continuous sections. Quantitative high-resolution planktonic
foraminiferal analysis across zones CF1(upper), P0 and P1a(1) reveals an extended and selective mass extinction.
All 41% of the species which disappeared at or below the K^T boundary are rare to very rare and primarily
ecologically specialized keeled deeper-dwelling tropical^subtropical forms (Globotruncana, Globotruncanita, Gublerina,
Planoglobulina, Rosita (Contusotruncana), Racemiguembelina). Their combined relative abundance varies between 10%
and 15% of the total population at the end of the Maastrichtian. The K^T crisis thus appears more catastrophic when
viewed in tropical^subtropical assemblages and based on analysis of larger species ( s 200 Wm) which preferentially
includes the more specialized forms, though, in fact, the K^T mass extinction actually involved a relatively small part
of the foraminiferal population in terms of relative abundance. The pattern of extinction and changes in dominant
population at Ain Settara appear to be very similar to the planktonic foraminiferal turnover of the other north^
central Tunisian sections (El Kef, Elles). The selective mass extinction pattern suggests that the catastrophic effects of
the bolide impact superimposed those related to long-term environmental changes, such as variations in temperature,
sea-level and associated water-mass changes. ß 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cretaceous^Tertiary boundary; hiatus; mass extinction; biostratigraphy; planktonic foraminifera; central^northern

1. Introduction

The Cretaceous^Tertiary (K^T) boundary re-

* Fax: +39-0532-206468. cords a catastrophic crisis in the history of life
E-mail address: lcv@unife.it (V. Luciani). on Earth and is one of the most investigated

0031-0182 / 02 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 1 - 0 1 8 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 4 0 0 - X

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stratigraphic intervals. It is now commonly ac- gradual versus simultaneous disappearances of

cepted that the impact of a large meteor caused planktonic foraminiferal species across the K^T
a sudden mass extinction (Alvarez et al., 1980). boundary, and hence whether a single impact or
The circular gravity anomaly structure near multiple events caused the mass extinction, is still
Chicxculub in northern Yucatan (Mexico) has ongoing.
been identi¢ed as the impact crater (e.g. Pope et Tunisian K^T boundary sections with their
al., 1991; Hildebrand et al., 1991; Swisher et al., high sediment accumulation rates and relatively
1992; Sharpton et al., 1992, 1993, 1996). Though continuous sedimentary records have contributed
it has yet to be demonstrated whether this crater signi¢cantly to our understanding of this mass
is of K^T boundary age (Keller et al., 1993b; extinction in planktonic foraminifera. The El
Ward et al., 1995), and whether a meteoric impact Kef section was formally designated the K^T
was the sole cause of the biotic crisis. boundary Global Stratotype Section and Point
Among marine organisms, planktonic forami- (GSSP) (XXVIIIth International Geological Con-
nifera which are generally abundant in relatively gress, Washington, DC, USA, 1989). As a result,
shallow to deep marine environments across lat- the section has been extensively studied based on
itudes are one of the most useful tools for inves- closely spaced sampling of various microfossil
tigating the nature of this crisis. Although it is groups, geochemistry, and stable isotopes (Jiang
evident that this group su¡ered a mass extinction, and Gartner, 1986; Posphical, 1994; Perch-Niel-
the detailed studies carried out in recent years sen, 1981a,b; Perch-Nielsen et al., 1982; Smit,
demonstrate that the boundary turnover is quite 1982; Donce et al., 1982, 1985; Peypouquet et
intricate and composite. A large amount of data al., 1986; Brinkhuis and Zachariasse, 1988;
from di¡erent latitudes, depositional environ- Brinkhuis and Leereveld, 1988; Me¤on, 1990;
ments and paleodepths document complex extinc- Smit and Tenkate, 1982; Kuslys and Kraehen-
tion patterns, with deeper-dwelling, complex trop- buehl, 1983; Keller and Lindinger, 1989; Robin
ical^subtropical forms more a¡ected by the crisis, et al., 1991; Keller, 1988a,b, 1992; Ben Abdel-
including some forms disappearing before the kader, 1992; Keller et al., 1995).
K^T boundary, and other forms, among the less In order to increase the low latitude planktonic
specialized species, constantly found into the foraminifera dataset and better document the
Danian and mainly considered as survivors (e.g. catastrophic e¡ects of the K^T mass extinction,
Keller, 1988a, 1989a,b, 1993, 1996; Keller et al., other Tunisian K^T transitions were closely
1993a, 1995; MacLeod and Keller, 1994; Pardo et sampled during the Workshop on the K^T tran-
al., 1996, 1998; Arz et al., 1999). sition, held in May 1998 and made available to
Although the end of the Maastrichtian was a interested parties. This study evaluates one of the
time of stressful environmental conditions charac- sections, Ain Settara, based on high-resolution
terized by rapid climatic changes documented in planktonic foraminiferal analysis, similar to that
marine realm (e.g. Barrera, 1994; Li and Keller, previously published for El Kef (Keller et al.,
1998c), relatively few studies have investigated 1995) and Elles (Karoui-Yakoub et al., 2002; Kel-
the biotic response to these long-term changes ler et al., 2002) and hence allows for close corre-
(e.g. Abramovich et al., 1998; Li and Keller, lation and comparison with these sections (Fig. 1).
1998a,b,c). The related variations in water-mass The speci¢c aim of this study is to evaluate the
strati¢cation may have pre-disposed populations nature and extent of the mass extinction and the
to the mass extinction or may have been contrib- completeness of the sedimentary record.
uting causes, albeit probably not the main perpe-
trator of the crisis. To date, neither impact, vol-
canism, nor any other long-term factors has 2. Location and lithology
de¢nitively been linked to the extinction crisis as
testi¢ed by the continuing intense scienti¢c de- The Ain Settara section is located in the Atlas
bate. Correspondingly, the controversy regarding mountains of north^central Tunisia (Kalaat-Se-

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nan area) about 50 km southeast of the El Kef

section and west of Elles (Fig. 1). The paleogeo-
graphic setting of these three sections is similar;
all are located on the continental shelf, but Ain
Settara (and Elles) was deposited in a slightly
more proximal position to the Kasserine Island
and at a shallower depth (middle to outer neritic)
with respect to El Kef (Figs. 1 and 2).
An interval of 2.2 m spanning the K^T bound-
ary was sampled at 5^10 cm intervals, except for
the boundary clay where samples were taken at
0.5^2 cm intervals. Sediments of the uppermost
Maastrichtian consist of gray silty marls. The
K^T transition is marked by a lithological break
from silty marl to a thin dark clay layer with a 0.5
cm thick red oxidized layer at its base. A similar
thin red layer is present at the base of the bound-
ary clay at El Kef, as well as at Elles, El Melah
and in all relatively complete K^T boundary sec-
tions, and contains the maximum Ir concentra-
tions and Ni-rich spinels (Rocchia et al., 1995;
Fig. 1. Simpli¢ed paleogeographic map of central^northern Robin et al., 1995).
Tunisia during the Late Maastrichtian^Early Danian showing
Details of the lithological K^T transition at Ain
the depositional setting of the Ain Settara section (modi¢ed
after Burrolet, 1967). Isolines indicate depth in meters. Settara are schematically shown in Fig. 3. Only
the top 60 cm of the Upper Maastrichtian gray
silty marls was sampled due to the steep slope and
debris cover (Fig. 2). At the top of this interval,

Fig. 2. The K^T transition at Ain Settara is located on a steep slope consisting of soft marls and marly shales. The K^T bound-
ary itself is not marked by any major lithological changes, but from a distance is evident by a darker gray clayey shale layer. Up
close, the K^T boundary is marked by bioturbated gray marls underlying a bioturbated dark silty shale (2 cm thick), followed
by a 0.5 cm thin red layer containing the maximum Ir anomaly, a 2 cm thick dark clay (not bioturbated) and a thin (1.5 cm)
‘tempestite’ layer. Upsection, sediments consist of about 1 m of dark gray shaley clays followed by gray shales.

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Fig. 3. Stratigraphic column of the Ain Settara section across the K^T transition.

and about 2 cm below the K^T red layer and dark nature of this bed. The erosional event associated
clay is a weak disconformity marked by truncated to this bed could be responsible, at least in part,
chondrites burrows. A 2 cm thick dark silty shale for the unusually thin boundary clay in this sec-
overlies the disconformity. The top of this silty tion as compared with Elles and El Kef. Above
shale is also marked by chondrites burrows the probable tempestite, the 70 cm sediments an-
some of which are vertical, truncated and in¢lled alyzed grade from dark gray ¢ssile shaley clay to
with the overlying dark clay. This suggests anoth- gray (sometimes silty) shale (Fig. 3).
er disconformity is centered at the K^T boundary. The K^T succession from Ain Settara has also
No burrowing is observed across the red layer been studied by Molina et al. (1998), Arenillas et
and in the dark 2 cm thick boundary clay. Above al. (2000) and Dupuis et al. (in press). However,
the boundary clay layer is a 1.5 cm thick silty their study was based on a composite of litholog-
layer containing diagenetic calcite; this silt layer ical features observed at several outcrops along
may be interpreted as a small storm deposit (tem- strike, rather than a single transect as in this
pestite?) (see also Dupuis et al., in press). The study. Since there are signi¢cant lithological var-
presence of reworked transported species in the iations along strike at Ain Settara, this may
sample from this layer con¢rms the resedimented largely explain the di¡erences in the stratigraphic

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Table 1
Relative percent abundances across the K^T boundary at the Ain Settara section, calculated for the s 38 Wm fraction on counts
of 300^500 specimens in each sample (x = rare species, 6 1%)

columns and species ranges between this study 3. Methods and materials
and theirs. Other di¡erences may derive from
the di¡erent sizes of the populations analyzed: Samples were disaggregated in dilute H2 O2
larger than 38 Wm in this study (see below) and (20% vol.) and washed through a 38 Wm screen
larger than 63 Wm from the other authors. in order to avoid the loss of very small species

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Fig. 4. Commonly used planktonic foraminiferal zonal schemes across the K^T transition. The datum event sequence is referred
to the data from the most complete K^T boundary sections (MacLeod and Keller, 1991). Zonal indices are in bold type. The
zonal scheme of Keller (1993) and Keller et al. (1995) is followed for the Ain Settara section.

earliest Danian planktonic foraminifera. Keller 4. Biostratigraphy

(1993) and Keller et al. (1995) have shown that
the earliest Danian species are only present in the The great interest in the K^T boundary in re-
smaller (38^63 Wm) size fraction. In addition, rel- cent years has provided a large database from
ative species abundances may di¡er widely be- di¡erent latitudes and geological settings. These
tween the s 63 Wm and the s 38 Wm size fraction. high-resolution studies have also enhanced the bi-
The washed residues were dried in an oven at ozonations across this interval, particularly for
50‡C. Ultrasonic treatment was not necessary be- the Lower Danian interval (Smit, 1982; Ben Ab-
cause the microfossil assemblages proved to be delkaber, 1992; Keller, 1988a, 1993; Keller et al.,
clean and well preserved. Only in the upper part 1995; Pardo et al., 1996; Berggren et al, 1995;
of the section are planktonic foraminiferal tests Olsson et al., 1999). Although high-resolution
partly recrystallized. studies for the Late Cretaceous are at present
Population counts are based on representative less numerous, the standard zonal schemes (e.g.
splits of 300^500 specimens of the s 38 Wm size Caron, 1985; Robaszynski and Caron, 1995;
fraction. The remainder of the residue was care- Berggren et al., 1995) have recently been im-
fully searched for rare species. Results of the proved for the Upper Maastrichtian (from about
quantitative analyses are listed (in percent) in 70 to 65 Myr; Li and Keller, 1998a).
Table 1. Fig. 4 shows a comparison between the most

Fig. 5. Planktonic foraminifera species ranges during the uppermost Maastrichtian and earliest Paleocene at Ain Settara (Tunisia).
Note the gradual and extended disappearances of species across the K^T boundary, and the great number of species still present
in the earliest Tertiary. The percentage of disappearing species with respect to the total number is also indicated.

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commonly used biozonations across the K^T pearance of Parasubbotina pseudobulloides

boundary and the main planktonic foraminiferal (Fig. 4). At Ain Settara the CF1, P0 and P1a(1)
events. The use of the standard total range Aba- zones have been recognized (Fig. 4). Taxonomic
thomphalus mayaroensis Zone for the uppermost criteria are mainly based on Robaszynski et al.
Maastrichtian presents some problems because (1983^1984), Caron (1985), Nederbragt (1991)
the zonal marker is often rare or absent at the and Keller et al. (1995).
top of the Maastrichtian, particularly in relatively
shallow-water sections and tropical regions, and 4.1. Uppermost Maastrichtian Plummerita
¢rst and last appearance datums are diachronous hantkeninoides (CF1) Zone
across latitudes. This is because A. mayaroensis is
a deep-water species and generally more abundant The Plummerita hantkeninoides (CF1) Zone was
in higher latitudes where it appears earlier (Keller, recognized at Ain Settara below the red layer and
1988a; Huber, 1991; Masters, 1994; Barrera, boundary clay. The 60 cm analyzed below the
1994; Canudo et al., 1991; Olsson and Liu, 1993). boundary clay does not encompass the base of
In the low latitude Tethys, the uppermost the zone, because the marker already occurs in
Maastrichtian sediments are characterized by the the basal sample. Abathomphalus mayaroensis is
range of Plummerita hantkeninoides, or Zone CF1 absent in this interval, possibly because of the
(Plummerita reicheli of Masters, 1993, 1984; Kel- relatively shallow-water environment at Ain Set-
ler et al., 1995; Pardo et al., 1996). Though this tara during the latest Maastrichtian. A total of
marker species may be too rare or absent in some 57 species are recognized at the top of the Maas-
localities at the top of the Maastrichtian. How- trichtian, in the Plummerita hantkeninoides (CF1)
ever, even in the absence of P. hantkeninoides, the Zone (Fig. 5). (P. hantkeninoides was distin-
top of CF1 which marks the K^T boundary can guished from Plummerita reicheli based on the
be easily identi¢ed in low latitudes by the disap- criteria given in Pardo et al. (1996).
pearance of the largest and most complex globo- Relative species abundances indicate that the
truncanids. Biozone CF1 spans the upper half of bulk of the population consists of small relatively
C29R below the boundary, or the last 200^300 unornamented heterohelicids (particularly Hetero-
kyr of the Maastrichtian based on the Berggren helix navarroensis, Heterohelix globulosa, Hetero-
et al. (1995) time scale. Keller (1993) and Keller et helix dentata and Pseudoguembelina costulata,
al. (1995) distinguish the P0 and P1a zones in the Fig. 5). Hedbergella monmouthensis and Globige-
lowermost Danian (Fig. 4). rinelloides aspera are also quite common. Large
Zone P0 generally spans the boundary clay, keeled forms and complex heterohelicids represent
from the LAD of Plummerita hantkeninoides a minor part of the population. Guembelitrids,
(and the larger, more ornate globotruncanids) to including Gu«mbelitria cretacea, are not abundant
the FAD of Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina and/ in the uppermost Maastrichtian (less than 10% of
or Parvularugoglobigerina longiapertura. Zone P1a the total population).
corresponds to the total range of P. eugubina. The Six species (Globotruncana insignis, Globotrun-
zone has been subdivided into two subzones, cana duwi, Rosita (Contusotruncana) contusa,
P1a(1) and P1a(2), on the basis of the ¢rst ap- Pseudoguembelina hariaensis, Heterohelix morema-

Fig. 6. Relative abundance changes of planktonic foraminifera species across the K^T boundary in the s 38 Wm size fraction at
Ain Settara. Note that the species disappearing at or below the K^T boundary are relatively rare, their total relative abundance
being less than 15% of the total fauna. The disappearing species mainly belong to the larger, more ornate, tropical^subtropical
and deeper-dwelling group. The biserial heterohelicids which represent the latest Maastrichtian dominant population (in particular
Heterohelix navarroensis, Heterohelix dentata, Heterohelix globulosa, Pseudoguembelina costulata) decline above the K^T boundary,
and are substituted by the triserial low-oxygen-tolerant guembelitrids. The relative abundances of the new Tertiary species are low
at ¢rst; their percentages increase when guembelitrids decline, suggesting the progressive recovery after stressful environmental

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ni, Globotruncanella citae) disappear simultane- species, in particular guembelitrids, decline. A

ously below the weak unconformity above sample marked decrease in abundance of Globoconusa
4 (Fig. 5). In the 35 cm below the unconformity, conusa also coincides with this level (Fig. 6).
another six late Maastrichtian species are rare and
sequentially disappear (Globotruncanita angulata,
Globotruncana falsostuarti, Heterohelix planata, 5. How complete is the Ain Settara K^T
Plummerita reicheli, Gublerina robusta, Gublerina transition?
The K^T boundary is placed at the thin red The interval across the K^T boundary is mag-
layer at the base of the boundary clay, which is ni¢ed in Figs. 7 and 8 in order to highlight the
a characteristic lithostratigraphic marker that gen- relationship between lithology, species distribu-
erally contains maximum Ir- and Ni-rich spinel tion and population abundances at Ain Settara.
concentrations (Robin et al., 1991). Twelve spe- In the latest Maastrichtian CF1 Zone, closely
cies disappear at this interval and another seven spaced samples emphasize the relationship be-
disappear in the overlying clay and silt layer (tem- tween truncated species ranges in sample 4 and
pestite, Fig. 5). the disconformity at the top of the bioturbated
interval (Fig. 7). These features suggest that the
4.2. Lowermost Danian: P0 Zone and P1a(1) simultaneous species disappearances (7% of spe-
subzone cies) are due to a hiatus and/or condensed sedi-
mentation related to the disconformity, rather
Zone P0 at Ain Settara coincides with the thin than biological factors. Since the six species are
(2 cm) boundary clay. The ¢rst Tertiary species relatively rare, deeper-dwelling tropical^subtropi-
are present in this clay. They are represented by cal taxa, their disappearance has little e¡ect on
very small, rare Globoconusa conusa, Woodringina the overall foraminiferal population.
hornestownensis and Globanomalina archaeocom- Burrows in¢lled with dark clay and truncated
pressa (Fig. 5). In most expanded boundary clays at the top just below the K^T boundary (red
these species have been recorded as appearing in layer) are also evidence of hiatus and/or non-de-
sequence (e.g. El Kef stratotype, Keller et al., position. The species that simultaneously disap-
1995). 56% of the latest Maastrichtian species pear at the K^T boundary may here be also, in
are still present in P0 Zone (Fig. 5). part, artifacts of the incomplete or condensed
The P0^P1a zonal boundary is marked by the record making di⁄cult to identify the authentic
¢rst appearance of Parvularugoglobigerina eugubi- biotic response to the K^T event.
na and/or P. longiapertura. These species ¢rst ap- Hiatuses at or near the K^T boundary have
pear just above the boundary clay, together with been widely documented and related to sea-level
Eoglobigerina eobulloides, Eoglobigerina simplicis- changes. On the basis of a sequence stratigraphic
sima, Eoglobigerina edita, Eoglobigerina fringa. In model, together with faunal evidence, several
other K^T sections these species ¢rst appear se- studies have documented a sea-level lowstand pre-
quentially (Olsson et al., 1999) (Fig. 4). At the ceding the K^T transition, followed by a general
studied interval only the lower part of P1a(1) sub- rise in sea-level in many sections of continental
zone is represented as evident by the fact that the shelf to basin margin settings (e.g. Donovan et
FAD of P. pseudobulloies is not encountered, and al., 1988; Baum and Vail, 1988; Mancini et al.,
only those events generally occurring at the base 1989; Keller, 1989a; Savrda, 1991, 1993; Habib et
of the subzone have been identi¢ed, such as the al., 1992; Moshkovitz and Habib, 1993; Stinnes-
¢rst occurrences of Chiloguembelina midwayensis beck et al., 1993; Keller et al., 1993a, 1994; Pardo
and Globanomalina taurica (Fig. 4) (Olsson et al., et al., 1996; Keller and Stinnesbeck, 1996). Some
1999). Relative abundance of eoglobigerinids and of these authors have interpreted clastic deposits
parvularugoglobigerinids is low at the base of at or near the K^T boundary as sea-level low-
Pla(l) and increases upsection where Cretaceous stand deposits, and others interpreted the same

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Fig. 7. Detail of the Ain Settara section, showing species distribution against the lithological changes across the K^T boundary.
The enlarged interval highlights the truncation in species distribution in correspondence with the unconformable surface at the
top of the uppermost Maastrichtian CF1 Zone. These sedimentological and biostratigraphic features are probably the result of a
hiatus and/or condensation. Another hiatus/condensation probably occurred just below the K^T boundary as suggested by bio-
turbation truncated at the top. Note also the simultaneous appearance of six new Tertiary species (which usually appear in se-
quence) in the Lower Danian (sample 8) associated with the deposition of a ‘tempestite’ level. These characteristics are also prob-
ably related to a hiatus. Hiatuses at the P0^P1a boundary are widely documented, and are generally related to a sea-level
lowstand in the Early Danian (e.g. Keller and Stinnesbeck, 1996; Pardo et al., 1996).

deposits as impact-generated megatsunami depos- ity and possibly a sea-level lowstand. At Elles II,
its (e.g. Bourgeois et al., 1988; Hildebrand and a cross-bedded foraminiferal packstone also
Boynton, 1990; Alvarez et al., 1992; Smit et al., marks a disconformity just below the K^T bound-
1992, 1994a,b; Bralower et al., 1998). ary red layer and clay (Keller et al., 2002).
There is strong evidence for a sea-level low- A third disconformity and hiatus at Ain Settara
stand below the base of the Plummerita hantkeni- is present at the P0^P1a boundary, associated
noides Zone at about 65.5 Ma, coincident with the with deposition of the silty layer (sample 8) above
late Maastrichtian maximum cooling (Keller and the boundary clay (Figs. 7 and 8). The silty layer
Stinnesbeck, 1996; Pardo et al., 1996; Li and Kel- appears to consist largely of reworked sediments,
ler, 1998b). After this cool event there is rapid as indicated by an increase in the abundance of
warming between 200 and 400 kyr before the Maastrichtian species (Fig. 8), and may represent
K^T boundary, followed by a rapid cooling dur- a storm event (‘tempestite’). Maastrichtian spe-
ing the last 100 kyr of the Maastrichtian (Li and cies, however, are also present above and below
Keller, 1998b). It is possible that the disconform- the silty layer. This suggests either that reworking
ity 2 cm below the boundary at Ain Settara is is ubiquitous above the K^T boundary, or that
related to the cooling of the last 100 kyr of the the Maastrichtian species are actually survivors,
Maastrichtian, associated increased current activ- but that most of the specimens in the ‘tempestite’

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Fig. 8. Enlarged interval across the K^T boundary at Ain Settara showing the relative abundance changes of selected planktonic
foraminiferal species plotted against the lithology. It is clearly visible that the increase of uppermost Cretaceous species in lower-
most Danian within the ‘tempestite’ (sample 8) is related to reworking by the deposition of the ‘tempestite’ level. On the other
hand, the specimens in the non-bioturbated boundary clay and in the shales above may be survivors. This is suggested by their
good preservation, consistent presence at Ain Settara and by the fact that most of these species have been recognized as survivors
in other K^T transitions.

are transported and reworked. There is some sup- database derived from detailed multidisciplinary
port for a hiatus and the reworking interpretation studies aimed at determining the paleodepths
in that six new Tertiary species simultaneously and relative sea-level changes, indicates a gener-
appear within the silty ‘tempestite’ layer, includ- ally rising sea-level after a main lowstand at the
ing Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina and P. lon- end of the Maastrichtian. The sea-level rise was
giapertura. Since these species evolve sequentially interrupted by at least two short-term lowstands
(Fig. 4), such simultaneous ¢rst occurrences gen- in the earliest Danian, one of them at or near the
erally indicate a hiatus and/or condensed sedimen- P0^Pla boundary. The lowstands are generally
tation, and at Ain Settara they are also associated marked by hiatuses involving part or entire bio-
with the disappearance of four globotruncanids. zones and/or by condensed sedimentation related
The relative abundances of the new Tertiary spe- to the transgression which follows the lowstand.
cies in the ‘tempestite’ layer and in the overlying Thus, the transition between the zones P0 and
5 cm are very low. This may either indicate the P1a is generally characterized by a hiatus, and
early part of their evolutionary range where most marks the ¢rst short-term Paleocene sea-level low-
species populations are small, or winnowing and stand (Keller and Stinnesbeck, 1996; Pardo et al.,
poor preservation (dissolution and mechanical 1996). The deposition of the ‘tempestite’ layer at
breakage). Since the latter is not observed and the Ain Settara section appears to be related to
the Danian species are characteristic of the lower this lowstand.
part of the Pla Zone, the hiatus at the Ain Settara
section is probably very short, corresponding to
the lowermost part of Pla(l) and part of P0. 6. Extended and selective K^T boundary turnover
Hiatuses at the P0^P1a boundary are widely
documented in numerous expanded shallow-water 6.1. K^T boundary extinctions
K^T sections (Keller and Stinnesbeck, 1996; Par-
do et al., 1996). As previously pointed out, the Species distribution and relative abundance

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changes in species populations reveal a progres- and indicate that the K^T crisis was more severe
sive and selective planktonic foraminiferal turn- in low latitudes where it selectively eliminated the
over at Ain Settara (Figs. 5 and 6). 20% of the highly specialized tropical to subtropical species
Maastrichtian species disappear between 35 and group. The numerically abundant survivors and
5 cm below the K^T boundary. Thirteen species, the pre-K^T disappearance of some species sug-
or 21%, disappear at or below the boundary gest that environmental factors other than a me-
and their combined relative abundance is less teorite impact also contributed to the K^T crisis.
than 10% of the total population (Fig. 6). All
41% of the species which disappeared at or below 6.2. Reworked or survivors in Danian sediments?
the K^T boundary are rare to very rare and pri-
marily ecologically specialized keeled deeper- Above the K^T boundary, in the thin non-bio-
dwelling tropical^subtropical forms (Globotrun- turbated boundary clay (sample 7), 33 (or 56%) of
cana, Globotruncanita, Gublerina, Planoglobulina, the Maastrichtian species are present and 7% of
Rosita (Contusotruncana), Racemiguembelina). these species disappear at the P0^P1a boundary;
Their combined relative abundance varies be- 34% gradually disappear within the P1a(1) sub-
tween 10% and 15% of the total population at zone, and 16% are present to the top of the sec-
the end of the Maastrichtian. The K^T crisis tion analyzed (Fig. 5). Are any or all of these
thus appears more catastrophic when viewed in species reworked? Or are they survivors? The ex-
tropical^subtropical assemblages and based on tent of the mass extinction largely depends on the
analysis of larger species ( s 200 Wm) which pref- interpretation of these species, whether reworked
erentially include the more specialized forms, or survivors, in Lower Danian sediments.
though, in fact, the K^T mass extinction actually The Cretaceous species present in the Lower
involved a numerically small part of the foramini- Danian are mainly small cosmopolitan surface-
feral population. water dwellers such as Heterohelix, Pseudoguem-
The extinction pattern at Ain Settara K^T belina, Globigerinelloides, Hedbergella, and Guem-
boundary is very similar to the extinction pattern belitria (Plate I). All of these taxa are of small
observed in other sections from north^central Tu- morphology with little or no surface ornamenta-
nisia (El Kef and Elles; Keller, 1988a; Keller et tion, similar to the new evolving Early Danian
al., 1995, 2002; Molina et al., 1998; Karoui-Ya- fauna, and they are relatively evenly distributed
koub et al., 2002) and other low latitude K^T in Lower Danian sediments of Ain Settara. There
boundary successions, such as those from Italy, are also isolated occurrences and a few poorly
Spain, Mexico, and Texas (Luciani, 1997; Canu- preserved specimens that are considered reworked
do et al., 1991; Keller, 1989a,b; Keller and Lo- (e.g. Racemiguembelina powelli in sample 7, Glo-
pez-Oliva, 1994; Lopez-Oliva et al., 1996). Varia- botruncana aegyptiaca and Rugoglobigerina ma-
tions in the extinction pattern are primarily due to crocephala in sample 32 and Plummerita hantke-
di¡erent taxonomic concepts (lumpers versus ninoides in sample 20, Fig. 5).
splitters, see Karoui-Yakoub et al., 2002), di¡er- The Cretaceous species observed in the P0 and
ential preservation, analytical methods used (size P1a zones at Ain Settara are largely the same as
fraction analyzed, sample intervals) and local en- in the El Kef and Elles sections (Keller et al.,
vironmental conditions. 1995, 2002; Karoui-Yakoub et al., 2002). The sur-
Closely comparable planktonic foraminiferal face dwellers Rugoglobigerina rugosa and Rugo-
turnovers in di¡erent sections increase the reliabil- globigerina hexacamerata and the keeled deeper
ity of data. In the above mentioned studies, spe- dwellers Globotruncana arca and Globotruncanita
cies disappearing at or below the K^T boundary stuarti have also frequently been observed in the
mainly consist of large, complex, specialized trop- lowermost Danian, but these are not generally
ical^subtropical taxa, with a combined relative viewed as survivors (MacLeod and Keller, 1994;
abundance of less than 20%. The data from Ain Keller et al., 1995).
Settara con¢rm this selective extinction pattern Although reworking versus survivorship argu-

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ments are still a matter of intense debate, it is now whereas the specimens in the non-bioturbated
currently accepted that at least a certain number boundary clay and in the shales above may be
of species may have survived the K^T mass ex- survivors. This is suggested by the fact that
tinction. Criteria for evaluating species survivor- most of these species have been recognized as
ship include dwar¢ng, continuity in stratigraphic survivors in other K^T transitions (see also Arz
range, good preservation, wide geographic distri- et al., 1999), but also by their good preservation
bution and Cretaceous carbon isotope signals in and consistent presence at Ain Settara.
foraminiferal shells. In addition, the decline of
potential survivors coincides with the prolifera- 6.3. Species survivorship patterns
tion of new Danian species and suggests ecologi-
cal competition, rather than mechanical rework- In higher latitudes, the K^T crisis had little
ing (e.g. Keller, 1988, 1989; Barrera and Keller, e¡ect on species survival rates, but signi¢cantly
1990; MacLeod and Keller, 1994; Keller et al., reduced the relative abundances of species in the
1995). Biogeographic analysis of Cretaceous spe- earliest Danian (Keller, 1993; Keller et al., 1993c;
cies in Danian sediments reveals higher extinction Pardo et al., 1998). A major change in the dom-
rates of the survivor fauna at the P0^P1a transi- inant population also coincides with the K^T
tion in low latitudes than in higher latitudes where boundary at Ain Settara as well as at El Kef
species tend to persist into the overlying P1b and and Elles. Species that dominated during the
P1c zones. This complex paleobiogeographic pat- Late Maastrichtian generally survived into the
tern is further support of survivorship (MacLeod Early Danian, though their relative abundance
and Keller, 1994). drastically declined after the K^T boundary (e.g.
All the above mentioned criteria are encoun- Heterohelix globulosa, Heterohelix navarroensis,
tered for the Cretaceous species found in the low- Heterohelix dentata, Fig. 6). The decline of the
ermost Danian at Ain Settara. Moreover, the biserial group was accompanied by the rising
presence in this section of the resedimented ‘tem- dominance of the triserial group. Guembelitrids,
pestite’ at the P0^P1 boundary provides the op- in particular Gu«mbelitria irregularis, became dom-
portunity to separate the e¡ects of reworking inant in the planktonic foraminiferal assemblages
from normal deposition. For example, the in- above the K^T boundary. The same replacement
creased percentage of Cretaceous species within of biserial by triserial taxa is observed in all Tu-
the ‘tempestite’ seems to be related to reworking, nisian sections (Keller et al., 2002) and is repre-

Plate I. Scale bar = 50 Wm. Some of the simple ecological generalist species which are possible survivors of the K^T mass extinc-
tion from the Ain Settara section, Tunisia.

1 Heterohelix navarroensis Loeblich. 90^95 cm above the K^T boundary.

2 Heterohelix dentata Stenestad. 20^25 cm above the K^T boundary.
3^6 Globigerinelloides aspera (Bolli), 3: 90^95 cm above the boundary; 4: 3 cm below the boundary; 5: 35^40 cm
above the K^T boundary; 6: 50^55 cm above the K^T boundary.
7^10 Heterohelix globulosa (Ehrenberg). 7 and 9: 3 cm below the K^T boundary; 8: 7 cm above the K^T boundary;
10: 10 cm below the K^T boundary.
11^13 Gu«mbelitria trifolia (Morozova). 11: 2 cm above the K^T boundary, from the boundary clay; 12 and 13: just
below the K^T boundary.
14 and 15 Gu«mbelitria irregularis (Morozova). 12^14 cm above the K^T boundary.
16 and 17 Gu«mbelitria cretacea (Cushman). 16: just below the K^T boundary; 17: 2 cm above the K^T boundary, from the
boundary clay.
18^21 Hedbergella monmouthensis (Olsson). 18: 4 cm below the boundary clay; 19: just below the K^T boundary;
20 and 21: 2 cm above the K^T boundary, from the boundary clay.
22 and 23 Hedbergella holmdelensis Olsson. 22: 2 cm above the K^T boundary, from the boundary clay; 23: 4 cm below the
boundary clay.

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314 V. Luciani / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 178 (2002) 299^319

sentative of the faunal turnover in all low and El Kef and Elles, were deposited during the K^T
middle latitude sections. The decline of common transition in a region of the North African plat-
Cretaceous survivors in the Early Danian is grad- form which was strongly in£uenced by sea-level
ual and associated with the increased abundance £uctuations and variations in the oxygen mini-
of evolving early Tertiary species. This suggests mum zone. These e¡ects may have been ampli¢ed
increasing competition with Danian species better in this relatively shallow shelf region and com-
adapted to the changing environment (Canudo et bined with the superimposed global changes in
al., 1991; Keller, 1989a,b; Keller et al., 1993c, thermal and chemical strati¢cation, as well as
1995). the e¡ects of a meteorite impact, were likely re-
The marked increase in guembelitrids above the sponsible for the extinction of the tropical^sub-
boundary to about 70% at Ain Settara is charac- tropical faunas at the K^T boundary in both shal-
teristic for most K^T boundary successions. These low and deep-sea environments. However, major
very small triserial morphotypes are present in the climatic changes began well before and continued
latest Maastrichtian, but rare in deep-sea and out- well after the K^T boundary. The survivorship of
er continental shelf regions, and more abundant the cosmopolitan species appears to be directly
in shallow epicontinental seas (Leckie, 1987; Kel- linked to their greater tolerance of these environ-
ler, 1989; Liu and Olsson, 1992; Schmitz et al., mental £uctuations. Their decline and eventual
1992; Keller et al., 1993c, 1998). Numerous data demise in the Early Danian seems to be a conse-
from ancient successions as well as analogies with quence of direct competition with the evolving
the extant triserial morphotypes (Gallitellia vivans) and better adapted Early Danian fauna.
indicate that guembelitrids were tolerant of unsta- The following conclusions can be reached based
ble environments, and that they adapted to low- on the Ain Settara section:
salinity and low-oxygen conditions and variations (1) The thin red layer that marks the K^T
in temperature and nutrients (e.g. Wang et al, boundary and contains enhanced Ir and spinel
1985; Kroon and Nederbragt, 1990; D’Hont concentrations is present at Ain Settara. Never-
and Keller, 1991; Keller et al., 1998a,b). Evidence theless, the sediment record across this section is
of an expanded oxygen minimum zone which in- not continuous and three disconformities have
vaded the shallow continental shelf has been been identi¢ed based on lithological changes, bio-
documented at El Kef on the basis of a detailed turbation, and the simultaneous appearance and
integrated study (Peypouquet et al., 1986; Donce disappearances of many species which are known
et al., 1985; Keller, 1988b, 1992; Keller et al., to evolve or disappear sequentially in continuous
1995). sections. The three disconformities occur a few cm
It is possible that the marked increase in guem- below the K^T boundary, just below the red layer
belitrids at Ain Settara corresponds to the expan- and at the top of the 2 cm thick boundary clay
sion of the oxygen minimum zone which may and overlying silty ‘tempestite’ layer which marks
have invaded the Kalaat-Senan shelf with the ris- the P0^Pla boundary. However, there was rela-
ing sea-level across the boundary. The decrease in tively little active erosion at these disconformities
abundance of these forms coincides with a litho- as suggested by the presence of a 2 cm thick
logical change from dark gray clayey shale to gray boundary clay and Zone Pla (l).
¢ssile shale. This change also coincides with the (2) The species recognized, the relative popula-
consistent increase in abundance of the earliest tion abundance and the extinction pattern appear
Danian species thus suggesting the progressive en- very similar, and comparable with those of the El
vironmental recovery after stressed conditions. Kef I and II (Keller et al., 1996) and Elles I and II
sections (Keller et al., 1995, 2002). At Ain Settara
21% of species disappear between 25 and 5 cm
7. Summary and conclusions below the K^T boundary; these species (Plum-
merita reicheli, Globotruncanita angulata, Hetero-
The Ain Settara succession, as well as those at helix planata, Gublerina robusta, G. cuvilleri, G.

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V. Luciani / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 178 (2002) 299^319 315

insignis, G. duwi) also gradually disappear below sition. These changes appear peculiar and largely
the boundary at El Kef I, as do the ¢rst four related to the shallow continental shelf depth
species at Elles II (Keller et al., 1995; Keller et (Keller et al., 1995). Sea-level £uctuations, expan-
al., 2002). The simultaneous disappearance of six sion of the oxygen minimum zone and related
other species below the boundary at Ain Settara is water-mass changes may have ampli¢ed their ef-
presumably related to a short hiatus and/or con- fects in this area with respect to other shallow-
densed sedimentation as marked by a weak un- water K^T successions, thus explaining the
conformity. The species becoming extinct at this marked decline of survivors above the boundary
level are mainly deeper dwellers, and belong to unrecorded in other K^T transitions. Albeit it is
the tropical^subtropical group. Their disappear- possible that the disappearance of the Maas-
ance could be related to the cooling documented trichtian species at the boundary clay and above
at the very latest Maastrichtian (100 kyr; Li and it is related to the environmental changes resulting
Keller, 1988c). from a bolide impact (Arenillas et al., 2000; Du-
The main extinction event involved 22% of the puis et al., in press), it appears more probable that
total species, which constitute only 10% of the the e¡ects of a bolide impact may have superim-
total population, in terms of relative abundance. posed those related to long-term environmental
The extinction pattern is gradual and selective: changes such as temperature variations, sea-level
most of the tropical complex and deeper-dwelling £uctuations, major volcanism and possibly multi-
species disappear below or at the boundary event scenario of impacts (Stinnesbeck et al., in
whereas the majority of the small cosmopolitan press) with associated perturbation in the water
surface dwellers are still present in the Lower column.
Danian. These forms largely correspond to those
found in the P0 and P1 zones at El Kef and Elles
(Keller et al., 1996, 2002). Acknowledgements
A hiatus is implied by the deposition of the
‘tempestite’ level and is marked by the simultane- I am grateful to G. Keller for initially proposing
ous appearance of six Tertiary species, included and encouraging this study, and for providing the
Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina. Hiatuses at the samples and for helpful comments and suggestions
P0^P1a boundary are widely documented in shal- of an early draft of the manuscript. Samples were
low-water sections, and are related to a sea-level collected during the May 1998 Workshop on K^T
lowstand which re£ects a negative in£ection in the transitions and I am grateful to T. Adatte and W.
general rising trend in the earliest Danian (e.g. Stinnesbeck for sampling the section and supply-
Pardo et al., 1996; Keller and Stinnesbeck, 1996). ing the lithological description, and to A. Pardo
The opportunist low-oxygen tolerant guembeli- for kindly providing outcrop photos. I sincerely
trids became the dominant population in the ear- thank H.P. Luterbacher and X. Orue-Etxebarria
liest Danian, substituting the latest Maastrichtian for the careful review, and the editor J. Remane
dominant groups. The relative abundances of the for further improving of the final manuscript. This
emerging Tertiary species are low at ¢rst; their work is financially supported by the Ministry of
percentages increase when guembelitrids decline, the University, Scientific Research and Technol-
suggesting the progressive recovery after stressful ogy (ex 60% Program, resp. V. Luciani).
environmental conditions.
In conclusion, the extended pattern of extinc-
tion and changes in dominant populations at Ain
Settara show close analogies with the planktonic References
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parable environmental changes at the K^T tran- terminal Cretaceous faunal crisis. Geology 26, 63^66.

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