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October 27, 2006

Dear Editor in chief,

A scholar asked: I heard a religious TV star said that our times or our culture is
dying. There is no great man like Pope John Paul 2nd, Mother Theresa, and Mahatma
Gandhi -it is a time of depression, no hero-no great man. What can you say about what he
said? The A.I. answered: “He is exaggerating thing. He is bias. He selected two people
who are members of his group and get one to cover his bias. But the truth, there are many
people who are alive and great but humble. Perhaps Billy Gate & his team of Microsoft,
Billy Gates’ friends that also donated billions worth of hard earned money, the
entrepreneur and discoverer of Yahoo, President Bush, Prime minister Tony Blair-leading
on war on terror, Former President Carter & former President Clinton who are moving to
fight Aids & people victims of major natural disaster, UN secretary Anan-leading on
humanitarian and world peace, the new Pope Benedict -accepting other groups as also
good groups, Pastor Joel and his likes-leaders of born again movement, charismatic
movements, protestant movements. Perhaps the President of China and President of
Russia are also charismatic leaders especially when hardheaded leaders are being
persuaded to change for the better by each of the strong leader letting their ancestor’s
principle on changing negative to positive be more known to men. There are many to
name a few. Perhaps, UN secretary Anan, President Bush, with his coalition team and
others especially religious leaders of Iraq who are also inspiring their moderate Muslim
to remain cooperative to the government of Iraq- are good people. If these good moderate
people who don’t give so much emphasis on their group’s superiority complex would
continue to let universal words be more credible than men’s word or men’s capabilities or
group’s superiority then perhaps the result of their efforts would be one of the best
accomplishments of modern times-example letting religious Muslims extremists or
terrorists become moderate, forgiving and tolerant; or more balanced. Perhaps the major
accomplishments of the last 200 years if all discoveries, economic achievements, social
and religious reforms would be enumerated, perhaps they would be just equaled by the
accomplishments for the last 50 years! With regards to the last 50 years, the revolution
and changes by important people caused by post 9/11/01 would perhaps be something
that would affect present and future people for sometime or long time.
A scholar asked: “I heard from the news that another hardheaded leader- who perhaps
wants to boost his ego to instill fears to his neighbors by his “not sorry” comments that he
could just “wipe out” a small country because of his brilliant scientists and determined
supporters - would now most probably lose the support of one of the big brothers of this
world. Could a strong leader who has some bonding with the hardheaded leader because
of economic reasons change his mind?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps I heard also that
another big brother is withdrawing his support to this hardheaded leader; but I am not
sure. Perhaps if it is really true that that charismatic strong leader could let change the
heart and mind of that hardheaded leader, the big brother should be applauded and much-
admired. Perhaps he would become one of the most admired big brothers if ever these
hardheaded “not sorry” to their twisted words would change their heart and mind from
being extremists to be more moderate, tolerant and humble leaders. Perhaps these big
brothers and the repentant hardheaded leader will be remembered in history as crusaders
or warriors for peace, for moderation and tolerance without using sword but only words
with their charismatic personalities because of their convictions - universal words are not
debatable; or hard to understand.
A scholar asked: “I saw from the TV news that many big bill boards were destroyed
by a strong typhoon. And a consensus decided that bill board should be removed on
public road’s right of way and should be only on private property. What other law should
be passed so that if a strong typhoon would destroy big bill board, damages to others
would be minimized?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps the key so that the steel frame would
not be destroyed by the next strong typhoon if the structure is still allowed- because of
completing those necessary documents needed required by law- depends on several
sensitivities: example: a) maintenance of the steel frame b) type of the materials of the
canvass being laid on the steel frame c) The type of strong wind or gusty wind.
There could be many cheap ways to let the structure be maintained and not be
destroyed by announced strong wind of 150-200kph. Example: a) Just letting the canvas
designed to tear before the steal frame breaks. Principle behind: the canvass should break
first before the steel frame breaks b) Automatic or manual folding of the canvass-
especially if there is an announced strong typhoon.
As for those new and future big bill boards, stiffer law could perhaps do something
like: Pass building or structural code on steel frame of big bill board and also on canvass
of bill boards. The permit should be supported by structural plans and with structural
computation to withstand 200 kilometer strong wind and the allowed or designed spacing
where the canvass could tear first before letting more stress and strain be carried to the
steel frame.
Since it is very hard to inspect one by one those remaining standing big steel frame
for big bill board on legitimate places, perhaps it will be good for the owner to have a
certificate that their bill board had withstand a strong typhoon with the canvass on placed;
and supported with documents that the steel structure is being maintained or repaired by a
certified contractor or engineering firm supported with picture with people doing some
repairs with dates. This could generate cash to flow and enhance people to create cycle of
cash to flow especially on maintenance industries plus other businesses connected with it.
To stop the business of advertisement on legitimate bill boards is extreme.
A scholar asked: “I saw in TV that elite policemen were apprehending a suspected
hired or contract assassin. What countermeasure should strong leaders do to minimize
people do this kind of “snake syndrome”? The A.I. answered: “Perhaps during the 1930’s
gang war because of “godfather syndrome” and lack of law and intelligence, contract
assassins were unchecked. But because strong leaders and strong law makers were
unafraid of those ‘snakes,’ many counter measures where done that checked many
hardheaded people with ‘snake syndrome’ to become humble and better person. The key
is: there should be a strong leader that is unafraid to stop those hardheaded people. But if
there would be just promises and no concrete law being made that would really give
power to those elite forces to pre-empt, to spy, and to give safe protection or reward
people giving information then perhaps the fight would be difficult. Witness protection
program of other countries is a powerful deterrent against this kind of crimes.
A scholar asked: “I heard that a popular religious leader is asking people from all
nations to help build Iraq in spite that most people there have different faith than his. It is
a good gesture and good example that religious leader or leaders should make initiatives
to rally behind people suffering from sectarian violence or sectarian hating or at war.
Would people around the world really help the people there?” The A.I. answered: “I think
if a charismatic religious leader could initiate a good cause then perhaps many people of
different nationals would follow. People are just waiting for someone especially a
charismatic leader to initiate, to motivate, to encourage ordinary people to do something
good for anybody especially if that someone or if those people are not his neighbors or
not his relatives or not his love ones. There are many good examples by people that
should be imitated. Doing something very extraordinary especially if it something that
puts an end to discrimination, an end to hatred to his enemies, end to hatred to other race
or end to other religious hatred should be well propagated so that many good example
could penetrate the mind of many.
A scholar asked: “Is exist-poll really reliable?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps most
exist-polls are reliable especially if the samples are well conducted scientifically. There
could be some error of margins. With regards to trending using surveys to instill to the
voters that their votes would just be useless if they would vote to those perceived to lose
perhaps this strategy might still be effective. But if some people would fake surveys to
make trends to hypnotize people to side with them is extreme. Perhaps there must be law
that putting surveys conducted by their own political parties should not be aired on TV
networks. Only those certified, scientific firms allowed by department of election
checked by both parties should conduct exist polls.
A scholar asked: “Could different religion become friendly to each other?” The A.I.
answered: “I think each religion has its different interpretations of the word and
democratic countries respect freedom of religion. But what if there are conflicts that the
majority is called to decide; and when the majority rules it is the law of the land. If each
would be given especial favor to enjoy each belief then there would be anarchy or chaos.
A scholar asked: “Is divorce allowed by a good religion?” The A.I. answered: “I think
example on Matthew 5:32: “But now I (or Jesus) tell you: if a man divorces his wife for
any cause other than her unfaithfulness, then he is guilty of making her commit adultery
if she marries again; and the man who marries her commits adultery also.” I think “other
than” denotes that there is an exemption to the rule. But if majority rule that divorce is
allowed as an exemption; and statistics rule that 6% is with in the range of exemption but
if it goes beyond… say 20%, 40% of the population are divorcee, single parent, etc. then
I think it is no longer an exemption to the rule but the rule itself. I think science and good
teaching could intervene when men are abusing law; because others would surely be the
one to execute the checking of the abuse especially becoming religious fanatic like being
a suicide bomber.
Remember: the stories of Sodom & Gomorrah, the Great Deluge-Noah’s ark, and
perhaps Armageddon or ball of fire-perceived to be the explosion of dirty bombs or
nuclear bombs carrying his call to be “martyr” to inflict damage to the ‘Great Satan’
because of so much extremes on flesh as perceived by a suicide bomber. Moderate and
balanced men should never yield or give way to terrorists and extremists even if the
struggle would be a “long war”.

From someone,

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