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Eugenio Maul 2010-10-22 content in brackets corresponds to optional arguments, do not necessarily write them as part of the command.

Stata 11.0 Reference Card

System Setup
pwd shows you current working directory shell dirs -l will result in the same shell mkdir [exitingdir/]dirname You can also include quotation marks if referencing outside your source directory. set mem 500m [,permanently] Will set the memory to 500m clear clears the memory from information retained there allowing you to open a new file set more off Useful to avoid screen breaks (pauses) when running long code. cd "/Users/johndoe/Work" to change to the specified working directory erase filename or "/path/filename" or rm filename will delete the specified file however is has to be in the working directory or this directory must be changed. With erase if the file is not there prompts an error. With rm must specify file extension typically .dta but better because no error prompt. save filename.dta [,replace] the ,replace option should be almost always specified to prevent errors when stata attempts to overwrite a file. findit keyword will look in stata supported sites and my help files for the keyword. typical pathway to find user written functions on the web that can do something specific. Every Do File Should Start With capture log close useful command to start a do file, if a log is open you cannot open another log file unless the previous has been closed or an error will be generated set memory 100m[, permanently] Setting More Memory permanently. The stata default is very low. version 11 useful command to ensure a dofile is run only in stata 11 set linesize 80 useful to determine length of lines in log file set more off gets rid of annoying pauses while running code clear all useful command macro drop _all also useful to prevent previous macros from bothering me. log using logfilename, replace text will open a txt based file in the current directory where the data sent to the output will be saved.

list varlist [if var1==1] This command will allow you to list the variables specified in the variable list (see below on how to specify a varlist). Using the if command will allow you to list observations that meet a specific criteria. save file1.dta [,replace] Most of the time you will use replace, but avoid by all means overwritting the original dataset. Typically in a do file you use the source file (.txt) and end the dofile with a stata .dta file that you save. Since the process requires to be repeated several times while improving your code the replace will prevent you from having mutiple copies of the dataset and being confused about which is the right one. Observations in the Dataset set obs ### will change the number of observations (rows) in the datased to the specified number as long as the number is larger than the current number of observations. The newly created observations will have missing data. Can also be used to start a database from scratch in stata (rarely used). sort var1 Ascending sort based on var1 sort var1 var2 var2 Will sort the variables based on the levels of var1, then var2 and lastly var3. gsort -var1 var2 Useful when you want to sort the variables in descending instead of descending order. In this case the first level of sort is based on var1 (descending) and then var2(ascending) preserve This command will save a copy of the current database in the virtual memory. Useful when you want to run a command that will delete or modify important part of the data to get to a calculation, but you want to have a safe and fast way to going back to the current point restore This command will bring the data back to the status at the time of the last preserve command. typically used in do files.

Specifying a Variable List

v1 v2 v3 Will indicate stata that you are referring to variable va,v2 and v3. (See the varlist optional argument below) v1-v3 Will do the same as above if vaariables in the dataset are ordered as v1,v2,v3. If the dataset had the following order of the variables v1,v2,x1,x2,x3,v3; then that would be the selection. This can be a good option to specify large range of variables in a short command, but beware of sorting the variable order. v* Will selet all the variables in the dataset that start with v Variable Management describe [varlist] will list the names and format for the variables in the dataset. codebook [varlist] will describe all the variables in the dataset. Values, missing data, values labels if present. order varlist will put the variables in the varlist at the beginning of the dataset order varlist, after(specificvar) will move the variables in the varlist and put them immediately after the specific variable. format %9.2f varlist will change the format of the valist variables to 2 decimals. The stored number still has the full precision, but only 2 decimals are displayed. The 2 may be replaced for other numbers. This format applies only to a typical numeric variable in stata (i.e.float)

Reading and Saving Data

use filename.dta, clear to open a stata dataset in the working directory. (if file outside wd, indicate path) insheet filename.txt, clear [delimiter("char") case noname] Open a .txt file in stata. The delimiter can be specified, typically stata determines it automatically, case preserves stata from lowercasing all variables when read, noname means there are no varnames. edit Will let you visualize and edit the dataset in your memory like an excel spreadsheet.

var label var1 "Var1's label" This will assign a name to the variable, often useful because we use short variable names and might not remember what they mean. label define examplelabel 0 "No" 1 "Yes" This creates a label tag where 0 is No, and 1 is yes. label var varlist examplelabel this command is used to apply the label example label to all the variables specified in the variable list, typically on variable at a time. When you type edit, you will see that the database now displays the label and not the actual value for that ariable. But it is numbers that are stored. numlabel _all,add [mask(#)] will add the number to all the value labels. For example instead of No and Yes, the label would be 0.No and 1.Yes. This can be useful sometimes when you have many different categorical variables. To remove simply type numlabel _all, remove label list will provide you with a list of labels and their values, that have already been defined in the dataset. label drop labelname will drop the label from the dataset label define examplelabel 3 "dont know",modify will add the value label or modify and exisiting label for that specific number label save using testfile will save a do file with the code to reproduce the labels in the current dataset. drop varlist will drop the specific variables from the dataset. In this case the dropped elements will be full columns. drop if (var1==1 | var2==1) & var3==2 If no varlist is specified and the command is used with an "if" statement, selected rows will be deleted. In this case all observations where var1=1 or var2=1 while at the same time var3 is also=2. note that this are relational and not mathemathical statements and therefore we use "==" and not "=". by id,sort: drop if _n!=1 for each unique observation of id will drop all observations that are not the firt observation. keep varlist will drop all but the specified variables from the dataset. generate [double] newvar= numvar1+numvar2 generating numeric variable. Mathemathical variable operators are + ; - ; * ; / ; ^ generate newstringvar= "textvar1" + " " + "textvar2" Generating a string variable from 2 string variables. generate newlogicalvar= (sex==2) This var will be = 1 if true and 0 if false. Relational operators are == (for equal), != (for not equal), >, >=, <, <=. Logical operators are & (for and), | (for or) and ! (for not). generate newlogicalvar2 = (sex!=1 & sex !=.) Assuming the same variable has only 1(male), 2(female) or .(Missing) values. This second variable results in exactly the same. generate newlogicalvar3 = (sex!="male" & sex != "") This is the same as newlogicalvar2 but sex is a string instead of a number. rename oldvarname newvarname Will rename a variable String-to-Number or Number-to-String destring var1,replace [force] will convert var1 previously a string into a numeric variable. The force option will make any non number in the variable a missing value. use with

caution because you might loose info, but when missings are coded for example with "M" and the rest of the variables are numbers this command will be very useful. tostring var1,replace [force] will do the opposite, except that the missing values "." in the numeric form are changed to nothing "". encode stringvar1, generate(codedvar1) A string variable is transformed to numeric variable. The text in the variable is assigned to a string that labels each number. Numbers start from 1, and assigned according to alphabetical order of the variables. decode codedvar1,generate(stringvar1) Will transform a labeled numeric (typically categorical) variable into a string assigning the label to the value in the string. Recoding and Percentiles-Quantiles Calculation recode var1 (0=1) (1=2) Will change the zeros for 1 and the 1 for 2 in var1. If the variable had value labels you will have to drop, change or create and assign a new value label or you will end up with a mess. In my opinion it is safer to use recode with the generate option seen below. recode var1 (min/5=1) (5/10=2) (10/max=3) If there is overlap, numbers will be put in the lower category. i.e. in this case number 5 will be recoded as 1 and not 2. recode var1 (0=1) (1=2),gen(var2) In this case a new variable var2, is created from the recode process while preserving the original variable data. xtile newvar=oldvar,nq(3) Will create 3 tertiles based on oldvar.

String Functions
gen newvar=word(oldvar,1) Will return the first word of the string variable newvar. A -1 will return the last, so on so forth. gen newvar=substr(oldvar,3,7) Will create a variable with the third to seventh character of oldvar. If we use . instead of 7, then it returns from third to the last character. gen newvar=subinstr(oldvar,"aa","bb",2) Will generate a variable equal to oldvar, but the first 2 matches for aa in the text will be substituted for bb. If you type "" instead of "bb", they are eliminated from the variable, if you type . instead of 2, all the "aa"s in the variable will be replaced. help string functions for more useful functions Merging and Appending Data merge 1:1 indexvarlist using file2.dta There must be an open dataset in stata, this command will make stata add the information of file2.dta (must be in stata format) to file 1 based on matching of the indexvarlist. Indexvarlist (as a combination) must have no duplicates in either file. Typically it is one variable called id, the name for index variables must be the same on both datasets or the command will not work. A new variable called _merge will be created, if the value is 3 it means there is a match between both datasets. Values of 1 or 2 means a match only in either the first or second dataset. You often only want to keep the observations that match only. In that case after the merge command type keep if _merge==3

merge 1:m indexvarlist using file2.dta For the unique values of the indexvarlist combination there can be many records in the using file. append using file2.dta, [generate(newvar) force] Will add observations (rows) to the dataset instead of variables(cols) as done by merge. The generate(newvar) will create a variable that indicates the source of each row, the force will stack variables with the same name even if in one dataset it is string and in the other it is numeric. Date and Time generate newdatevar= date(olddatevar,"DMY",2010) generating a date variable from a string containing a date. Stata by default imports all dates as txt files, they must be converted. See help for other date formats, in this case stata will assume the string variable has the date in the format dd-mm-yyyy, if there are some 2 digit years they will be set to 19XX if >2010, and 20XX if <=2010. The variable is a number that represents number of days from 01Jan1960 up to today. To display as date rather than numbers you should type format %td newdatevar (%td here is the same as %tdDDmonCCYY) generate double newdatetime= clock(olddatetimevar, "DMYhms") Smilar principles as above, this will be the number of milliseconds elapsed since 01Jan1960. To preserve precision it is important to type double. To display as the date time now type format %tc newtimevar (%tc here is the same as %tcDDmonCCYY_HH:MM:SS) generate double newtime= clock(oldtimevar, "hm") We asume oldtimevar has time in the form of 23:50 or 11:50pm. Similar principles as above, this will be the number of milliseconds elapsed since 01Jan1960. To preserve precision it is important to type double. To display as the time now type format %tcHH:MM newtimevar (23:50) or alternatively %tchh:mmam (11:50pm). generate before2000=1 if datevar < date("01-012000","MDY") The last part of the command is called a date pseudofunction, the same could be done with a time pseudofunctions. his command will generate a variable that will have a 1 only if datevar is before 2000, the rest of the values of the variable will be missing. See cond command in programming functions for details on how to generate in one command 1 <2000 and 0 > 2000. A second simple way of using one line is with a logical expression: generate before2000= (datevar> date("01-01- 2000","MDY")) if datevar !=. generate dayvar= dow(datevar) This variable returns the day of the week to the newly created dayvar. Instead of dow you can use day(for day of month), month(for month of the year), year(for year), doy(for day of the year). In a time-date variable using hh(will retunr number of transcurred hours in the day), mm(number of minutes of the day), to extract date from a time date variable you must first convert to date using the dofc(date- timevar) function. Remember that in one hour there are 60*60*1000 miliseconds. generate age= (td(01jan2010)-dobvar)/365.25 This is the same as generate age= (date("01-01-2010","MDY")- dob)/365.25 Reshaping Data

reshape long varlist, i(uniqueidvars) j(newvar) [string] Will reshape data from wide to long format. Uniqueidvars are the variable - variable combination that identifies the row in the wide format). The varlist is the list of variables to be reshaped to the long format. The optional "string" is very useful and it indicates that the newvar content can be of string type for example if reshaping iopod and iopos to long, I specify reshape long iop, i(id) j(eye) string and the newvar will be iop with values "od" or "os". This is a hard to learn command but hugely useful. reshape wide varlist, i(wide-id-vars) j(suffixvar) [string] Same as above the string variable is optional. The suffix var means that all reshaped variable names will be added the value of suffixvar. the iop var now has iopod and iopos version. Wide-id-vars means the combination of those var values will canstitute a unique value in the wide format. collapse varlist1, by(varlist2) varlist1 can be cont categorical (numeric) variables, typically continuous. Varlist2 is typically categorical. For each unique combination of observations defined by varlist2 the mean of varlist1 is created and all the variables that are not in varlist1 or varlist2 are eliminated. i.e. collapse (mean) avgage=age numwt=wt (count) numkids=birth, by(famid) you can specifically indicate what kind of summary measure you want generated for each of the vars in varlist1 expand, stack, expose, assert Are other useful commands, see help. Basic Programming Functions #delimit ; Will change the newline from carriage return to semicolon. Can only be used in do files #delimit cr will change back the line delimiter from ; to cariage return. /* */ in a do file whatever is between both signs is ignored by stata, no matter how many lines are in between. ** line ignored by stata after the two signs // same as above /// added at the end of a line will concatenate the current and next line as one when read by stata in a do file. by as a prefix is very important to obtain separate analysis for different subpopulations depending on a variable by catvar1 , sort: egen contvar2=mean(contvar3) (var 1 categorical, var 2 and 3 numerical) By each level of catvar1 a new variable called contvar3 is generated with the average of the of contvar2 bysort catvar1: In the example above it would be equivalent to by catvar1,sort: if Example uses of If: List If Missing(Age) or list if age==. (< less than ,<= less than or equal, == equal, > greater than, >= greater than or equal, != not equal, & and, | or, ! not (logical negation; ~ can also be used). ( ) parentheses are for grouping to specify order of evaluation. In logical operations & is evaluated before |. The order of evaluation (from first to last) of all operators is ! (or ~), ^, - (negation), /, *, - (subtraction), +, != (or ~=), >, <, <=, >=, ==, &, and |. generate id = _n Creates a variable with the observation number generate nt = _N Creates a variable with the total number of observations available

[_n+1] Use of _n to calculate across rows. i.e. gen deltavar= var1- var1[_n-1] this system will calculate the delta from the previous observation (current minus previous value of var1) Of course it is assumed that they have been correctly sorted before (i.e. by time). sort id, and then list if id == id[_n + 1] will find duplicates asciiplot will generate a plot with signs that you can insert using the char() function. di char(240) will display the Mac "apple sign". This can also be used in the title of a graph for example using title("This is a test to display `=char(240)' ") generate newvar=cond(var1>10,1,0) Just like in excel you can nest multiple arguments using if, In stata you can do it using cond command. gen newvar=cond(expression, result if expression is true, relut if expressoin is false) You can nest as many conditions as you want apparently there is no limit, except for the limits for an expression length. local localexpression = expression local localexpression "string" This is called a local macro, they are typically used within a specific do file to run code on a dataset. Restrict = to mathemathical expressions or calculated expressions. The length of this macros is limited compared to macros saved as text using quotes. local localexpression : after the colon you can use an extended function (see help local) `localexpression' note the special kind of quotes used to invoke saved local macros in stata. return list ereturn list see help for details, but this command is useful to return the scalars (rclass) and eclass objects generaed after a command.

foreach x in any_list { foreach x of local lmacname { foreach x of varlist varlist { forval x = numlist { All of this are potential loops that excecute the same commands specified within the loop for each of the x elements. Within the loop they must be cited as `x' rather than x. Loops cnan be nested within each other. You can replace the x for any word or letter that you like. Each loop must always be clsed with a closing curly bracket }. if exp { ; commands ; } ; else if { ; commands ; } ; ( ";" represent new line) harder to use than loops, save for later when more experienced. while expression { ; commands ; } ; similar to if, less efficient.

Generate Random Variables

set seed #### used when you want to generate a reproducible list of pseudorenadom numbers gen randvar = runiform() use set seed immeidately before if you are interested in reproducible simulation. rnormal(m,s) default for m(mean) is 0, and for s(standard deviation) is 1. Type help functions to get other types of randomly distributed numbers. ralloc Great program for generating a randomization sequence. Type findit ralloc in the command line and download the program from the internet. Density Functions

gen cumprob=binomialtail(n,x,p) So cumprob is the probability of X(my outcome) being greater than > x out of n trials. Given a probability of sucess in one attempt of p and n attempts. gen nprob=binomialtail(n,x,p)binomialtail(n,x+1,p) This would generate the probability of actually getting exactly x successes in n attempts with a one trial probability of p. gammap(x,k) Using poisson distribution it is the probability of observing x or more events when k is expected. (P X>=x). gammap(x+1,k) this calculates the probability of greater than x events. cprob=1- gammap(x+1,k) this calculates the probability of x or fewer events. 1-gammap(1,k) This calculates P(X<=0) which is the same as P(X=0). gammap(x,k)-gammap(x+1,k) this calculates the probability that p(X=x) normal(z) gives you the cumulative probability for a given z value. invnormal(p) gives you the Z value for that cumulative probability ttail(n,t) Gives you the 1 - cummulative distribution of a t value for n degrees of freedom. invttail (n,p) gives you the t value at which 1-cummulative is equal to p. (i.e. invtail(1000,0.975) = -1.96. Missing Values any_number < . < .a <. b etc. A missing value is considered positive infinity in stata. In addition to ., you can have .a-.z, the higher the letter the higher the value. mvdecode var1, mv(0=.) var1 values = 0 are changed to missing misstable sum (varlist) gives a count of missing values per variable (VERY USEFUL) misstable pattern (varlist) gives an estimate of the rows with missing values. Useful for multiple imputation to determine the appropriate options to impute data depending on the pattern. egen newvar= rowmiss(varlist) newvar will contain the numbe of missing variables of the varlist in the row egen newvar=anycount(varlist), values(99) This is good if I have assigned a value of 99 to the missing variable. Exploring Continuous Variables (Normality-Outliers) stem varlist Stem and leaf plots graph matrix varlist, half histogram var, (normal kdensity) normal will draw the normal curve kdensity will draw the density function. graph box contvar Boxplot, to display by levels of a categorical variable use graph box contvar, by(catvar) . see dotplot for an alternative. quietly lv contvar ; list contvar if ( (contvar >=( r(u_F) + 1.5*(r(u_F) - r(l_F)))) / (contvar <=( r(l_F) - 1.5*(r(u_F) r(l_F)))) ) Will display Tukey outlier values. swilk contvarlist (explore normality) qnorm var1, grid (to explore normality) boxcox contvar, nolog find optimal scale for normal distribution. If Lambda =1 no transformation, 0 log transform, -1 reciprocal Exploring Continuous Variables (Summary - Dispersion) summarize varlist, (detail) Varlist must all be cont variables. If you add a ,detail it gives you much more information(var, skewness, kurt, percentiles)

tabstat varlist, statistics(n mean sd) Probably the best command available in stata for sumarizing continuous variables. tabstat varlist, statistics(n mean sd) by(categvar) c(s) lo The c(s) means that instead of putting the variable in the cols, the statistic be put in the column, this is much better. lo option makes the left stub wider, and the table will show in one line. table rowvar colvar supercolvar, by(up to 4 superrowvars) contents (statistic var1 statistic2 var2 statistic3 var3...etc) not as used as tabstat, consider for more complex tables. centile varlist, centile(50) cci level(95)95% confidence interval for the median Exploring Categorical Variables tab1 varlist [,missing nolabel] only one categorical variable at a time. The ,missing will include in the report and percentages missing values. The nolabel option will display numbers instead of labels. tab var1 var2,row [chi2 exact] cross tabulation with row percentages, instead of row can use col or all. exact will calculate Fischer's exact test. tabi a b \ c d , [chi2 row col] (tabulation 2x2, useful when reproducing tables from literature that you are reading to verify statistics, or do your own statistical analysis) tab2 varlist can be used to tabulate multiple variables all combinations in the list or just the first against the rest cii n p will produce a confidence interval for a single proportion. bitesti n x p(hypothesized) Testing Differences in Proportions: Unpaired Data prtest varname == #p, level(#) One sample comparison to #p. varname must be coded as 0 and 1. np and nq must be above 5. prtesti #obs1 #p1 #p2 [, level(#) count] count indicates that p1 is a count and not percentage. One sample comparison immediate test. prtest varname1 == varname2 [, level(#)] 2 sample proportions test. (data must be coded as 0 and 1. Remember that prtest is a z test, and it requires np and nq to be above 5. prtest varname , by(groupvar) [level(#)] 2 sample proportions test different version of the above. prtesti #obs1 #p1 #obs2 #p2 [, level(#) count] Immeidate form of the above 2 sample tests, if count is specified, everything is expected to be specified in counts. bitest varname == # [, detail] (gives more exact p values than prtest but designed for only one tail) bitesti #N #succ #p [, detail] tab2 var1 var2, chi2 exact With chi2 or fisher exact test we only get a p value, no confidence interval. prtest requires certain assumption that involve a higher number of cases and higher totals in the group, so chi2 is very handy. tabi a b \ c d , chi2 row col Similar to above. cs casevar expovar [, or woolf exact] cs refers to cohort studies, it will test for differences in proportions in the form of relative risk. (As oposed to the previous commands that test the

absolute differences) (casevar is 0 for non case, 1 for case: expovar determines whether patient was exposed or not) csi #a #b #c #d [, csi_options] an immeidate form of the above command (where a is case exposed, b is case unexposed, c is noncase exposed, d is noncase unexposed) cc case_var expovar [weight] Stands for case control study. Will calculate OR cci #a #b #c #d Works in the same way as the csi in terms of how to in put the variables glm vary varx, link(identity) family(binomial) Beta coeff will be risk difference (like prtest). Intercept is the risk for unexposed. glm vary varx, link(logit) family (binomial) Beta coeff will be lnOR (like cc). If you add eform option, you should get the same coefficient as cc glm vary varx, link(log) family(binomial) Beta coeff will be lnRR. If you add the eform option you should get the same coefficient as cs logit vary varx (same as glm link logit) logistic vary varx (will report only OR, but not the constant) Testing differences in proportions: Paired data mcc var_exposed_case var_exposed_control [, tb level(#)] stands for matched case control data. Will result in McNemars test. tb will give the test based p values, although for research purposes only the CI should be used. mcci #a #b #c #d [, tb level(#)] a and b are values for the first row, cd and d for the second row. Row 1 and 2 correspond to cases exposed and cases non exposed. Column 1 and 2 correspond to cases exposed and non exposed. therefore b and c are discordant cells. (look at symmetry command and symmi for more functionality and expanding to more than 2x2)

Testing differences in continuous variables: Unpaired data

ttesti n x s mu (requires sample size(n), sample average (x), sample standard deviation (s), and the hypothesized value for the sample mean(mu)) Used for one sample t test sdtest varname == # [, level(#)] sdtesti #obs {#mean | . } #sd #val [, level(#)]both are one sample sdtest. Important if n less than 50 , to determine if there are unequal variances and therefore if the unequal option must be added or not ci var1, level (95) cii n average s, level(95) confidence interval based on normal distribution sdtesti n1 x1 n2 x2 sdtest var1 == var2 sdtest command is an F test that will test for equal variances, to determine formula for degrees of freedom ttesti n1 x1 s1 n2 x2 s2 (two sample t test) ttest var1 == ## (one sample t test) ttest var1=var2, unpaired [unequal] performs a independent samples t test ttest var1, by(var2) [unequal] also an independent samples ttest. Normally for sample size over 50 per group compared test with equal or unequal variances changes very little.

ranksum varname, by(groupvar) [porder] this test is Mann Whitney or Wilcoxon signed rank test for unpaired data. porder can add exact for Fishers exact probability. If n less than 25-35 per group analyzed and non normal observations, you should use mann-whitney. Use the swilk and sfrancia to test for normality. median varname , by(groupvar) [median_options] Nonparametric equality-of-medians test. regress vary i.varx1 [robust] robust is very useful when there is heterogeneity of variance. vary is the outcome, a cont variable, and varx a categorical variable. pnorm more sensitive to deviation fro normality near the center of the distribution qnorm more sensitive to deviation from normality towards the extremes of the distribution. oneway vary varx, tab bonferroni this is a oneway anova. First check Bartletts test, if non significant variances are assumed similar across groups, proceed. If significant variances are assumed different, either transform variable, perform separate ttest for unequal variances and do bonferroni adjustment or use non parametric. (kruskall wallis) If anova model significant, then look at multiple comparisons data to determine with which comparison is significantly different. glm vary i.varx, family(normal) link(identity) same as anova using a linear model. regress vary i.varx regress uses t statistic, glm uses z statistics, therefore regress produces wider confidence intervals. Also same as anova. Testing differences in continuous variables: Paired data ttest var1 == var2 (paired ttest unless instructed otherwise) paired ttest. If small sample size perform swilk signrank varname = exp wilcoxon matched data test. in exp you could write a value for a one sample test or specify a different variable for a 2 sample test) signtest varname = exp alternative to signrank Graphs Sample Size Calculation Comparing Proportions Comparing Continuous Vars

double -8.9884656743*10^307 8.9884656743*10^307 +/10^-323 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------Precision for float is 3.795x10^-8. Precision for double is 1.414x10^-16.

Appendix 2: Specifying Format for Date-Time vars already in stata format of either date or time
Format | Implied (fully specified) format -------+-------------------------------| %tCDDmonCCYY_HH:MM:SS | %tcDDmonCCYY_HH:MM:SS | %td | %tdDDmonCCYY | %tw | %twCCYY!www %tm | %tmCCYY!mnn %th | %thCCYY!hh %ty | %tyCCYY ---------------------------------------Code Output ---------------------------------------------------------------CC century-1 01 99 cc century-1 1 99 YY 2-digit year 00 99 yy 2-digit year 0 99 JJJ 366 jjj 366 Mon month Feb, ..., Dec Month month January, February, ..., December mon month feb, ..., dec month month january, february, ..., december NN month 12 nn month 12 DD 31 dd 31 DAYNAME day of week Sunday, Monday, ... (aligned) day within month 1 day within month Jan, day within year 1 day within year 001 Meaning %tC %tc


Appendix 1:Variable Types

Closest to Storage 0 without type Minimum Maximum being 0 bytes --------------------------------------------------------------------byte -127 100 +/-1 1 int -32,767 32,740 +/-1 2 long -2,147,483,647 2,147,483,620 +/-1 4 float -1.70141173319*10^38 1.70141173319*10^38 +/10^-38 4

01 1 01 -

Dayname day of week Sunday, Monday, ... (unaligned) Day day of week Mon, ... Da day of week Mo, ... day day of week mon, ... da day of week mo, ... h q WW 52 ww 52 HH 23 Hh 12 hH 23 hh 12 MM 59 mm 59 SS second 60 (sic, due to leap seconds) ss second 60 (sic, due to leap seconds) .s tenths .9 .ss hundredths .99 .sss thousandths - .999 am or or or or pm a.m. p.m. AM PM A.M. P.M. . , : _ / \ !c + display display display display display display display display period comma colon hyphen space slash backslash character show A.M. or P.M. show AM or PM show a.m. or p.m. show am or pm minute minute hour hour hour hour week half quarter week

Sun, Su, sun, su, 1 - 2 1 - 4 01 1 00 00 0 0 00 0 00 0 .0 .00 .000 am a.m. AM A.M. . , : / \ c

---------------------------------------------------------------Note: + displays nothing; it may be used to separate one code from the next to make the format more readable. + is never necessary. For instance, %tchh:MM+am and %tchh:MMam have the same meaning, as does %tc+hh+:+MM+am. Code | Meaning ------+-------------------------------------M | month D | day within month Y | 4-digit year 19Y | 2-digit year to be interpreted as 19xx 20Y | 2-digit year to be interpreted as 20xx | h | hour of day m | minutes within hour s | seconds within minute | # | ignore one element ---------------------------------------------

separator (see note)

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