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September 2006

Vol. 171, No. 9
Soil Science
Printed in U.S.A.
Copyright © 2006 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.


Jay D. Jabro, Bart W. Stevens, and Robert G. Evans

Knowledge of the spatial variability of soil physical properties is

important for site-specific soil management. The objectives of this study
were to characterize the field-scale spatial variability of cone index (CI),
soil bulk density (Pb), moisture content (Ov), and sand and clay contents
in the A horizon of a Lihen sandy loamy soil (sandy, mixed, frigid Entic
Haplustoll), and to describe the relationship among these soil physical
properties. This study was conducted on a grassland site of approxi-
mately 4.75 ha that has been in rain-fed crested wheatgrass-alfalfa hay
production for over 20 years. Soil bulk density was determined from
samples collected using a core sampler, whereas CI was measured by
inserting a digital penetrometer into the soil at three different locations
within a 300-mm radius from where the Pb samples were extracted. The
measurements were made on a 16 x 36-m grid sampling system, which
created 72 individual grid cells. Soil properties were measured at the
center of each grid cell at depths of 50 to 100 mm and 200 to 250 mm.
Soil parameters were modeled as normally distributed random variables.
Cone index at 50 to 100 mm and 200 to 250 mm depths, Pb, 0,, and
sand and clay contents exhibited medium to strong spatial dependence
that was well described using either spherical or exponential models. The
semivariogram for clay content shows a small range of spatial depend-
ence and nearly zero nugget effect. Positive correlations indicated that
direct relationships existed between Pb and CI (r = 0.57, P < 0.01) at 50 to
100 mm depth and between 0v and content of clay (r = 0.58, P < 0.01) in
the soil. Spatial variability of soil physical properties was attributed to a
combination of previous farming practices, vegetation history, erosion,
and weather conditions. The degree of variability in soil physical
properties was concluded to be of sufficient magnitude to influence the
spatial distribution of crop yield, thus having considerable implications
regarding the implementation of site-specific management practices.
(Soil Science 2006;171:719-727)

Key words: Spatial variability, precision farming, physical properties,

cone index, bulk density, moisture content, geostatistics.
agriculture or site-specific management. Spatial
(e.g., inherent (e.g., texture)
water content and dynamic
and compaction) soil variability of soil physical properties across the
properties vary across agricultural fields, causing landscape has been characterized and well
variability in crop yields. Knowledge of the documented (Cambardella et al., 1994; Fulton
spatial variability and relationships among soil et al., 1996; Gaston et al., 2001; Huang et al.,
properties is critical to the success of precision 2001; lqbal et al., 2005; Mzuku et al., 2005).
These researchers showed that soil bulk density
(Pb), compaction, moisture content (Ov), and
Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Sidney, MT.
texture can vary significantly within a single
Dr. Jabro is corresponding author. E-mail:ijabro@sidney.ars.usda.gov
field. Furthermore, spatial variability in soil
Mention of trade names, proprietary products, or specific equipment is intended
physical parameters can have a major impact
for reader information only and constitutes neither a guarantee nor warranty by the
ARS-USDA or does it imply approval of the product named to the exclusion of on the spatial distribution of crop productivity
other products. potential.
Received Dec. 14, 2005; accepted Apr. 17, 2006. Inmna et al. (2005) reported that fields that
DOI: 10.1097/01.ss.000022804 .
4 8 7894
.aa have a high degree of spatial variability in soil


properties could be better managed using site- Particle size distriburion analysis indicated that
specific zones. The above studies also concluded the textural class of the surface horizon (0-250
that spatial variability of various physical proper- nam) fell consistently within the sandy loam
ties are scale dependent. classification (Table 1). The site is a new
The spatial variability of soil properties has research area that has been in rain-fed crested
been evaluated through classical statistics and wheatgrass-alfalfa (Agropyroin cristattin (L.)
also through geostatistical techniques that verify Gaerm. and AlIedicago sativa L., respectively) hay
relationships among several soil samples of a production for more than 20 years and will be
specific area or field using the study of region- converted into a long-term, irrigated cropping
alized variables (Davis, 1986). Geostatistics is systems study. Thus, the site was selected
based on the theory of regionalized variables and because it presents an opportunity to study the
developed primarily by Matheron (1963). effects of various agricultural management sys-
Regionalized variables have an average spatial tems on the spatial relationships among selected
continuity from point to point plus a random soil properties.
component which is not spatially continuous A georeferenced sampling scheme using
(Journel and Huijbregts, 1978). Differential Global Positioning System was used
Furthermore, geostatistical analysis methods for acquiring soil samples and making soil
have proven to be useful for mapping spatial compaction measurements. Soil physical proper-
variability of soil properties and have increas- ties measured at the site include Cl as an
ingly been used by soil scientists and agricultural indicator of soil strength or compaction, Pb,
engineers in recent years (Webster and Oliver, 0, and particle size distribution. Soil bulk
2001; lqbal et al., 2005). Geostatistics often density and 0, were measured by collecting
consists of variography and kriging. The vario- undisturbed soil cores from 50 to 100 mm and
graphy uses seniivariograms to characterize and 200 to 250 mm depths using a standard 50-mm-
model the spatial variance of the data, whereas diameter probe. Particle size distribution for
kriging uses the modeled variance to estimate each core was determined by the hydrometer
values between samples (Journel and Huijbregts, method. Cone index was measured by inserting
1978). In this paper, geostatistical methods were a handheld digital penetrometer (Field Scout,
used to characterize spatial variability for cone SC 900 Soil Compaction Meter; Spectrum
index (CI), Pb, Ov, and contents of sand and clay Technologies, Inc., Plainfield, IL) into the soil
before designing site-specific application rates of at three different locations within a 300-mm
irrigation, fertilizer, soil sampling, and planning radius where soil cores for Pb were extracted.
for other future land management practices. Measurements were made based on a 16x36-m
Therefore, the specific objectives of this study grid sampling pattern, which created 72 indi-
were (i) to characterize the field-scale spatial vidual grid cells. Soil properties were measured
variability of CI, Pb, Ov, and sand and clay at the center of each grid cell at depths of 50 to
contents in the A horizon; and (ii) to describe 100 mm and 200 to 250 trm.
the relationship among these soil physical
properties. Statistical Methods
Descriptive statistics, including mean, vari-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ance, coefficient of variation (CV), range,
maximum, and minimum were obtained for
Soil Description, Data Collection, and Site
each measured soil property using SAS software
Characterization (SAS Institute, 2003). Linear regression analysis
This study was conducted from April 6-7, was performed between variables that were
2005, on a grassland site of 4.75 ha at the strongly correlated. All data were checked for
USDA-ARS Nesson Valley Research farm normality using SAS probit procedure, which
located approximately 23 miles east of Williston, indicated no need to transform the data before
North Dakota (48.1640 N, 103.0986 W). The using geostatistical analysis. A student t test
topography of land gently slopes (2%) from NW showed that there were no significant differ-
to SW (Fig. 1). The soil is classified as Lihen ences between the two depths for all measured
sandy loam (sandy, mixed, frigid Entic Haplus- soil variables, except for CI parameter, thus
toll) consisting of very deep, somewhat exces- allowing the two depths to be averaged for the
sively or well-drained soils that formed in sandy assessment of spatial variability of soil properties
alluvium, glaciofluvial, and eolian deposits. using geostatistical methods.

Elevation Map

Ký 7

S 77.61






57 525 578.463 577.823

*• 0,L
578.285 . 57 844

578.269 578.008

578.132 _ 578.00

577.563 577.669 76.437

577.732 577.233 i76.236

577.792 577224 576.759 576.123

*576.528 576.231

577.217 576.31

Elevation in meters = 576.6 - 577.0 = 577.6- 578 = 578.6- 579 = 579.8- 580.5
576.0- 576.5 F7 577-1 -577.5 7 578.1 -578.5F[71 579.1 -579.7

Fig. 1. Site elevation contour map.


Statistical summary of soil physical properties

CI (MPa) Pb 0, Sand content Clay content

50-100 inm 200-250 rm (Mg m-3) 3 3
(m m- ) (g kg-') (g kg-')
Mean 1.499 2.259 1.54 0.152 667 171
Variance 0.212 0.196 0.0032 0.00026 3440 591
CV (%) 30.7 19.6 3.7 10.5 8.8 14.2
Range 1.898 1.858 0.27 0.064 240 146
Minimum 0.557 1.241 1.38 0.127 535 86
Maximurn 2.455 3.099 1.65 0.191 775 232
tStatistics are based on 72 measurements.

Geostatistical analyses, including semivar- to 100 mm depth. The variability of soil physical
iance model fitting and kriged mapping, were properties within the study site was classified as
performed using GS÷ (Gamma Design Software, low (0%-15%) to medium (15%-75%) based on
2004; Geostatistics for the Environmental Sci- the CV values according to the groupings
ences, St. Plainwell, MI) to assess the degree of described by Dahiya et al. (1984).
spatial variability of each soil property. Measure-
ments of CI, Pb, 0v, and sand and clay contents
were point-ordinary kriged to produce interpo- Semivariance Analysis
lated spatial maps. Before applying geostatistical Isotropic models were fitted to the semi-
procedures, each soil variable used in this study variograms, and spherical or exponential models
was checked for presence of trends in the data were obtained as the best fit to the experimental
and for anisotropy at various directions (0, 45, results. Table 2 presents, the semnivariogram
90, and 135 degrees). Isotropic semivariogram parameters for CI at two depths along with Pb,
models were best fitted to the experimental data. 0_, and sand and clay contents averaged across
Residual surns of squares (RSS) in combination the two depths. The R 2 values in Table 2 show
with R were used to select the exact form of that the model fit the actual semivariance data
the semivariance model. The RSS provides a very well for CI 50-100 mm, Pb, and sand and
sensitive, robust measure of how well the model clay contents, whereas the fit was somewhat
fits the semivariogram data: the lower the RSS, poorer for CI 200-250 mm and 0v. The nugget-
the better the model fits the data (Geostatistics to-sill ratio expressed as the structural variance
for the Environmental Sciences). A trial and was calculated for each soil physical property
error procedure based on optimization of both and used to evaluate the degree of spatial
RSS and R 2 was used to select the model, dependence associated with each soil property
providing the best fit between actual and fitted (Table 2). Structural variance values were then
semivariance values for each soil property. categorized into one of three classes of spatial
Spherical or exponential models provided the dependence as proposed by Cambardella et al.
best fit for the senivariograms of all soil physical (1994). A structural variance value close to zero
properties used in this study (Journel and indicates continuity in the spatial dependence.
Huijbregts, 1978). Structural variance was categorized to define
Kriged contour maps were created of each distinctive spatial dependence. If the structural
soil variable using ordinary point kriging variance was less than 0.25, the variable was
(Joumel and Huijbregts, 1978) using GS+ geo- considered strongly spatially dependent; if the
statistical software. structural variance was greater than 0.25 and less
than 0.75, the variable was considered moderately
spatially dependent; and if the structural variance
was greater than 0.75, the variable was considered
Descriptive statistics, including mean, var- weakly spatially dependent (Cambardella et al.,
iance, CV, range, maximum, and minimum for 1994; Iqbal et al., 2005).
each measured soil property is given in Table 1. Figures 2A-F show the isotropic senivario-
The CV values of measured physical properties grams of CI at 50 to 100 mim, CI at 200 to
ranged between 3.7 for Pb and 30.7 for CI at 50 250 mm, Pb, 0_,, sand content, and clay

content, respectively. The parameters for the relatively high in 0, to areas high in clay content
models corresponding to the semivariograms generally shows the expected direct relationship
are also listed in Table 2. The ranges of spatial with the highest values of both properties
dependencies vary between 9 m for C1 at occurring at the lowest topographic position.
200 to 250 mm depth and 120 m for Ov, Kriged contour maps indicated that soils
indicating that the optimum sampling inter- with high Pb were found in the northwestern
val varies greatly among the different soil part of the field, extending mainly from north-
properties. west to southeast (Fig. 3C). The Cl at 50 to 100
Furthermore, the resulting seniivariograms mm depth map shows a similar scenario with
(Figs. 2A-F) indicate strong spatial dependencies higher Cl values (2-2.5 MPa) are on the
for C1 in the 50 to 100 mm depth (0.16), CI in western half of the field, and low values (1-1.5
the 200 to 250 mm depth (0.09), and sand MPa) are located on the eastern half. This
content (0.17). The structural variance also relationship is discussed in greater detail in the
showed moderate spatial dependencies of 0.50 following section.
and 0.33 for Pb and Ov, respectively. However, Spatial statistics indicated that CI, Pb, 0,-,
the sen-ivariogram for clay content shows a and sand and clay contents were spatially
nugget value close to zero and a small range of structured explaining some trends in soil varia-
spatial dependence (Table 2, Fig. 2F). The zero bility within the field. The surface soil variations
or pure nugget effect value indicates a very may also be affected by other factors, such as
smooth spatial continuity between neighboring vegetation, previous farming practices, and
sample points. This small range of spatial weather conditions. For example, soil erosion
dependence of clay content (14 m) indicates by both wind and water may have caused finer
that this continuity diminishes rapidly over a soil particles to be transported from higher to
short distance. The other soil variables have lower landscape positions, causing differences in
larger ranges of spatial dependence, except for soil moisture holding capacity. There is also
CI at 200 to 250 tum depth (Table 2). strong evidence at the site that previous tillage
In general, results from both classical and management has accelerated wind erosion. This
spatial statistics indicated small to moderate spatial soil particle transport, along with inherent topo-
variability across the field for all parameters. graphic variation, would be expected to influ-
ence the amount and type of biomass produced
Kriged Contour Maps by both native and cultivated forage species,
Continuous maps of the individual soil leading to spatial variability in soil organic
attributes were also generated by point kriging matter content, which influenced moisture
(Figs. 3A-F). The spatial distribution of 0, and holding capacity, soil structure, and Pb- Regard-
clay content follows the topographic feature of less of what factors caused the spatial variability
the field (Fig. 3D), where the land gradually observed, its magnitude may be expected to
slopes from northwest to southeast at approx- influence the spatial distribution of crop yield,
imately 2%. Consequently, comparison of areas thus having considerable implications regarding

Geostatistical parameters of soil physical properties
Structural aneA(m S ,2 Moe
Soil variable Nugget C,, Sill Co + C ra Range A) (in) RSS P Model

CI at 50-100 0.0385 0.235 0.16 117 2.9 X 10-4 0.99 Spherical

nun (MPa)
Cl at 200- 0.0166 0.1922 0.09 9 5. X 10- 0.50 Exponential
250 nurn
Pb (Mg m-3) 0.0018 0.0036 0.50 39 1.89 x 10-7 0.82 Exponential
Ov (in M-3) 0.00011 0.00033 0.33 120 1.6 x 10-' 0.59 Exponential
Sand content 527 3020 0.18 54 52,513 0.97 Exponential
(g kg-')
Clay content 1 448 0.002 14 2389 0.87 Exponential
(g kg-')

A 0-3o






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 40 60 80 100 120 140 1
Separation Distance, h (m) Separation Distance, h (m)

C 0.005

E 0.004 0.00030
E -----------.-.- -
. . ..- . .. ... -.
.. .. .. . -..
0.00025 0
S0.003 E
0.00020 0 S
S0.002 0.00015

0.00005 0
.000. . .. 0 00000
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 16( 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 110
Separation Distance, h (m) Separation Distance, h (m)


0 400

S2000 300

F 200

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Separation Distance, h (m) Separation Distance, h (m)

Fig. 2. Isotropic semivariograms for (A) CI at 50 to 100 mm depth, (B) CI at 200 to 250 mm, (C) Pb, (D) 0v, (E) sand
content, and (F) clay content. The dashed line represents sample variance.

the implementation of site-specific management sand content (r = -0.68, P < 0.01) in the soil
practices. samples. The relationship between Ov and clay
content at the depth of 200 to 250 mm is
Relationship Among Soil Properties described by the linear regression equation
Soil properties with strong and moderate shown in Fig. 4. The basis of the positive
spatially dependence were regressed against each relationship between soil Ov. and clay content is
other. Linear correlation coefficients (r) among direct; that is, higher Ov values are associated with
soil physical parameters were computed using SAS finer rather that coarser textured soil. In addition,
software (SAS Institute, 2003). The 0, was a positive correlation (r = 0.57, P < 0.01)
positively associated with clay content (r = described the relationship between Pb and Cl at
0.58, P < 0.01) and negatively correlated with the depth of 50 to 100 mm (Fig. 5). It would be

A Cl, 50 -100 mm B Ci, 200 -250 mm

293- 293

234- 234-

E E p
176- S?176

• 117

59- 59

0 0
14 126 0 31 63 914 12f
0 31 63
X coordina te, m X coordinat e, m

C Bulk Density D Moisture Content


• 176-

8117 00 117


0 31 63 94 126
X coordinate, m X coordinate, m

E Sand Content F Clay Content

293- 293

234- 234

E Sand g/kg i 176

, 17

4 8 17


0 31 63 94 126
0 31 63 94 126
X coordinate, m X coordinate, m

Fig. 3. Kriged contour maps for (A) CI at 50 to 100 mm depth, (B) Cl at 200 to 250 mm, (C) Pb, (D) 0,, (E) sand
content, and (F) clay content.
y = 7.31 + 0.42x, R2 = 0.34, P< 0.01
0.20 0
Depth = 200 - 250 mm
0.18 [ 00 0 0
0 0
0r0o 8 0 0
0.16 0
o 8o
8 0 0oo 0 0
0.12 1 00
0 0
0.10 F

1010 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
Clay Content (g kg- )

Fig. 4. Relationship between moisture content and clay content at 200 to 250 mm depth.

expected that Pb and CI would increase simulta- to 100 mm and 200 to 250 mm depths, Pb, 0,,
neously; however, weak and nonsignificant (P > and sand and clay contents across the field. The
0.01) correlations were detected among other soil variability of these soil physical properties
physical parameters at both levels of soil depth. exhibited medium to strong spatial dependence
The results from this study are in agreement with that could be well described using either
those found by Ayers and Perumpral (1982) who spherical or exponential models. The semivario-
found a significant and direct correlation between gram for clay content shows a small range of
Pb and CI. spatial dependence and approximately zero
nugget effect. Positive correlations indicated
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS that direct relationships existed between Pb and
CI (r = 0.57, P < 0.01) at 50 to 100 mm depth
The spatial variation of CI, Pb, Ov, and sand and between O0 and content of clay (r = 0.58,
and clay contents in the surface horizon of a P < 0.01) in the soil. Furthermore, weaker
sandy loam soil was assessed. The geostatistical correlations were found among other soil
methods revealed spatial variability in CI at 50 properties at both depths. Spatial variability of

y = -2.38 + 2.69x, R = 0.33, P< 0.01 0 0
0 0
2.5 I Depth =50 - 100 mm 0o
0 00

10 0

2.0 I
0 o8 oc o
0 1 °

1.5 1

1.0 I

1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
Soil Bulk Density, Mg m

Fig. 5. Relationship between CI and Pb at 50 to 100 mm depth.


soil physical properties is caused by a combina- ceedings of the ASAE (paper No. 961002)
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history, erosion, and weather conditions. Gaston, L. A., M. A. Locke, R. M. Zablotowicz, and
K. N. Reddy. 2001. Spatial variability of soil
ACKNOWLED GMENTS properties and weed populations in the Mississippi
Delta. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65:449-459.
The authors thank Dr. Keith Goyne from the Huang, X., E. L. Skidmore, and G. Tibke.' 2001.
University of Missouri-Columbia, Missouri; Dr. Spatial variability of soil properties along a transect
Douglas Miller from Penn State University, of CRP and continuously cropped land. In: D. E.
University Park, Pennsylvania; Dr. Upendra Stott, R. H. Mohtar, and G. C. Steinhardt (eds.).
Sainju, from USDA-ARS-NPARL, Sidney, Sustaining the Global Farm. West Lafayette, IN:
Montana; and Dr. Ann Jabro from the Robert Purdue University. 319-344.
Morris University for valuable comments hnmna, D. J., R. Khosla, and D. G. Westfall. 2005.
and suggestions. The authors also thank Amy Nitrogen uptake across site-specific management
McGregor for assistance in the laboratory. zones in irrigated continuous corn production
systems. Agron. J. (Print), 97:169-176.
Iqbal, J., A. Thomasson, J. N. Jenkins, P. R. Owens,
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TITLE: Spatial relationships among soil physical properties in a

SOURCE: Soil Science 171 no9 S 2006
PAGE(S): 719-27
WN: 0624400619007

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