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CV Format

There are two common types of resume:

- Chronological - (jobs listed by time period)

- Skills-based - (jobs listed by type of work.) Following is an overview of information to
include on each type of resume:

1. Heading: List your contact information at the top of the resume. Include your full name,
mailing address, phone number and e-mail address. If you have a personal Web site, include
the URL only if the site shows off your skills or applies to your career goals.

2. Objective: The objectives section gives recruiters an immediate sense of who you are and
what you're looking for, without forcing them to wade through the entire resume. If you decide
to include an objective, stress what you'll add to the company, not what you're looking to take

Here's an example of an effective job objective: Objective: To obtain an entry-level

account management position in financial services utilizing my strong analytical and
interpersonal skills.

3. Summary of skills: A summary statement is a one to two sentence overview that

captures the essence of your skills and experience. It highlights what makes you a qualified
candidate as well as what makes you different (and better) than other applicants.

Here's an example of a strong summary statement:

Summary: Public relations professional with five years of experience managing PR campaigns
across multiple media, working with national and local press and coordinating large-scale

4. Employment Experience: List your experience chronologically, with your most recent job
first. If your latest experience wasn't the most impressive, arrange your list by importance.
Include the company name, location, your title and dates of employment. Also, give a brief
description of your accomplishments.

Your resume should be customized to reflect the skills and experience desired for each
particular job. If you do not have a lot of paid work experience, you may list volunteer and
internship work. Use specific examples and numbers whenever possible.

5. Education: List most recent degree first, including type of degree, name and location of
school, and dates. You may also want to add your GPA (if 2.8 or higher).

6. Skills: Today's workers are more tech-savvy than ever, so make sure you mention your
technical and computer skills. List programming languages, software programs and operating
systems you've used as well as certifications you have. Don't forget "soft skills" like foreign
languages and public speaking. Always include memberships in professional organizations,
because it shows you're serious about your career. Mentioning your interests is optional.
Listing activities and hobbies can portray you as a well- rounded person, but it can raise
eyebrows, too. Be careful what you list. (You should probably keep your passion for
professional wrestling to yourself.)

7. Awards and Affiliations: Include any honors you have received, or positions you have
held in community organizations

8. References: Don't waste valuable space on references. Employers assume you'll provide
them upon request. Finishing Touches:
• Create several versions of your resume, each tailored to the type of position you're
applying for. Writing multiple resumes can be time-consuming, but it's a small price to
pay for the job you want.
• If you're applying for a specific job, research the position and company. Pay attention
to the job requirements, and highlight your qualifications as they reflect the hiring
company's needs.
• Be concise. Stick to one page. Make sure every word is meaningful.
• Choose fonts that are easy-to-read, clean and consistent. Don't use non-traditional or
overly creative fonts.
• Read, edit and re-read your resume to make sure it's well written, clear and typo-free.
Do it again. Then, ask your friends and family to do the same.
• If you use an online resume, consider saving a text (".txt") version that will look good
on any computer. Send your resume as an attached file and also paste the text into
the body of the e-mail just to be safe. Online resumes should also include plenty of
keywords, since they may be searched.
• With some self-evaluation, careful organization and savvy choice of words, your
resume will rise to the top of the pile on any recruiter's desktop.

Remember these tips:

• Emphasize your most important responsibilities even if they weren't your primary
• Use active voice. Strong sentences are those in which a subject performs an action
(active voice) as opposed to an action being performed on the subject (passive voice).
"I planned an event," creates a stronger impression than "An event was planned by
• Impress employers with cause-effect relationships and tangible results. Quantify your
achievements with percentages and numbers like "increased enrollment 20 percent"
and "supervised three-person staff."
• Use descriptions to highlight your sense of initiative. Paint yourself as a "go-getter"
with strong verbs like "proposed," "launched" and "managed."

*Objective and summary of skills information could, and should, be covered in a

cover letter.

Resume Keywords:
Using "action words" is a guaranteed way to capture the attention of hiring managers by
strongly highlighting your past accomplishments. Replace your bland and boring verbs with
some of the powerful action words below:

Achieve Acquire Adapt Address Administer

Assemble Assist Audit Build Calculate
Conduct Construct Coordinate Analyze Create
Budget Change Devise Discover Cultivate
Develop Design Demonstrate Evaluate Establish
Edit Explain Forecast Guide Generate
Promote Hire Implement Improve Interview
Launch Manage Market Motivate Negotiate
Obtain Operate Organize Oversee Perform
Plan Produce Select Recruit Survey
Staff Solve Test Train Teach
CV Writing Do's and Don't's
CV Do's:

• Be explicit when stating facts, employer should have no questions.

• Use bullet points to make your CV more concise and easier to scan.
• Include ALL of your contact details - name, address, home and mobile telephone
number and email address (you’d be surprised how many people forget!)
• Set out the information under clear headings.
• Keep it truthful, concise and jargon-free.
• Keep it simple - when it comes to producing the ideal curriculum vitae remember that
“Less is More”
• For experienced professionals, job responsibilities should be detailed, explained in
paragraphs if required, but easy to read.
• Use dates consistently when talking about qualifications and experience. Start with the
most recent and work backwards.
• Keep your CV to no longer than 1 – 2 pages if you are just starting your career, 2 - 3
pages if you are seeking mid-management position and 3 – 4 pages if you are seeking
senior management positions.
• Use a spell check and ask someone to read through it before sending. Spelling
mistakes make you look careless and inaccurate.
• Use present tense for current jobs and past tense for previous, keep it consistent
• Include your availability (e.g., ‘immediately available’ or ‘4 weeks notice’)
• Keep it factual – avoid any use of opinions
• Use a font size that is large enough to read!
• Make it clear on a covering letter or email which job you are applying for.

CV Don't's:

• Repeated use of “I” is hard on the eye – drop it

• Stay away from flowery language, fancy fonts and brightly colored paper – let the
content do the talking
• Don’t use a humorous or inappropriate email address such as
“lover_boy@hotmail.com”. This may make a recruiter smile but won’t get you an
• Do not use jargons, acronyms or abbreviations that are not well known in the sector.
Remember that your CV may be read by HR who may not know these.
• Don’t include irrelevant facts – a potential employer will not be interested in how many
children and grandchildren you have!
• Time gaps on your CV give the impression that you have something to hide. If you
have been made redundant, and spent 2 months looking for a new job, this is fine. If
you have taken a career break or gone traveling – say so!
• Phrasing which reads negatively has no place on a CV e.g., but, although, however,
despite, nevertheless, etc
• Repeats of bullet points are a waste of valuable selling space!
• Post or fax CV’s only when absolutely necessary or if you are asked to do this. Email is
now the accepted standard and these tend to be dealt with first.
• Include your current employer as a referral at your peril! (Unless you don’t want them
to know you are looking elsewhere!)
• Do not include a photograph unless it is a requirement by the company.
• Exaggerating your experience will cause you problems later on. Interviews are
designed to weed out fibbers!
• If you speak a foreign language, don’t embellish your level of fluency – GCSE French
does not make you a ‘fluent’ speaker.


How to write a winning CV

Is your CV a “yes”, “no”, or a “maybe”?

The manager recruiting for the position you’ve applied for will be faced with an enormous pile
of CVs, which they will put into 3 piles; “yes” – interview, “no” – reject, and “maybe” – come
back to later if the “yes” pile fails to deliver.
For your CV to be put into the “yes” pile it must very clearly state the skills you have to offer.

It’s important to remember that we’re talking about technical recruitment and our clients
therefore want to see technical skills. The recruiting manager may have only a matter of
seconds to initially scan your CV, so the skills must be immediately apparent. How can you
achieve this?

• Put the technical skills in bold. Simple, but immensely effective.

• Use bullet points to draw the reader’s eye to the important area of your CV.
• Put the most relevant experience first.

The most effective way to demonstrate technical skills is to provide a breakdown of the
projects you’ve worked on. Remember that a project should comprise the following pieces of

• Title
• Timescales
• Number of staff involved
• Technology used
• Technology you used
• Your role
• What you actually did

Sell Yourself

Writing “I was an analyst programmer” does not do you justice. Far more effective is:
“Accounting Project - 6 months, team of 5
I worked as a developer on a complete rewrite of an Accounting application. The software was
written in VB6 with a SQL Server database using an ODBC and linked to a back end Mainframe
running MVS.
My role required me to speak to users covering initial requirements and then design the
screens. I also talked to the database designer regarding the Entity Relationship Diagram and
became involved in writing SQL stored procedures. The majority of my time was spent coding
in VB5 using AD02, and I also gained exposure to COM and DCOM. The last month of the
project was spent testing the software using SQA Team test.”
Providing this type of breakdown for 3 projects you’ve been involved in will ensure that you
submit a CV that tells the reader exactly what you did. If what you’ve done is what the reader
wants, then your CV will be put into the “yes” pile.

Winning Answers to Key Interview Questions

Why do you feel you can be successful in this position?

Analysis: A fairly open-ended question, this provides an opportunity for applicant to

demonstrate a sense of excitement and challenge. The response will give the interviewer key
information on applicant's drive and self-confidence in relation to this position.

OK Answer: “I don't know; I am pretty good at most things I do. If I get offered this job and
decide to take it I'm sure I could rise to the occasion. I've always been successful in the past”.

Evaluation: It may sound acceptable, but it is lacking in several ways. First, the language is
weak. Phrases such as “I don't know” and “pretty good” do not reflect the sort of
aggressiveness required to break into the best companies. Further, lumping this position with
everything else the applicant has done dilute the person's success and real enthusiasm for this
particular position. Finally, the suggestion that the applicant might not take the position once
offered also reflects a lack of enthusiasm.

Winning Answer: “Given my history, this is the perfect position at this point in my career. I
have been studying this field and watching your organization for several years in anticipation
of such an opportunity. I have the requisite skills [tell a brief story to prove it]. I am in a
perfect position to take this job and really run with it”.

Evaluation: This is a strong response because it tells the interviewer the applicant has both
the skill and the knowledge to do the job. The story illustrating the applicant's skill reinforces
the initial statement. Finally, the applicant's intention to “run with it” supports the desired
enthusiasm and aggressiveness.

2. What is your greatest strength and weakness, and how will these affect your
performance here?

Analysis: The biggest danger with this question is that it is really two questions in one, plus a
follow-up. The two pitfalls are not taking the part about strengths seriously enough, and
taking the part about weaknesses too seriously. Remember, your responses will not only
inform the interviewer of your assets and liabilities but also present a broad view of your
values and your sense of self-worth.

OK Answer: In terms of strengths, I really can't pinpoint one thing that stands out. I think
my skills are pretty well rounded. As far as weaknesses go, I guess I get bored if a project
drags on too long.

Evaluation: The biggest problem with this response is that the applicant essentially refuses to
answer the first part of the question. The response to the second part hints at a potential lack
of enthusiasm. Finally, the responses to the first two parts of the question leave the applicant
with little chance for a respectable response to the third point.

Winning Answer: In terms of strengths, I believe my greatest asset is that I have a highly
organized mind, capable of creating order out of confusion. My greatest weakness perhaps is
that I have little patience for people who don't value the same sense of order that I do. I
believe my organizational skills can help this organization achieve its goals more quickly, and
that my appreciation of streamlining complex problems can sometimes rub off on my

Evaluation: This response does three important things. It clearly identifies the applicant's
greatest strength. It identifies a weakness that really could just as easily be perceived as a
strength. Finally, it points out the benefits of the applicant's strength and weakness to the
organization and to other employees.

3. For job advancement, would you consider further education?

Analysis: This is a simple question designed to gauge your ambition and see if your level of
investment in your future dictates an investment in you by the company.

OK Answer: I don't know; I've got my B.A. in management and I think I got a pretty good
education. I think real world experience is far more valuable than anything you learn in school.

Evaluation: Although this response attempts to show the applicant in a positive light and
indirectly to flatter the interviewer (who is part of the “real world”), it speaks poorly of
applicant's willingness to improve. Consequently, applicant conveys, at best, a lack of ambition
and, at worst, arrogance.

Winning Answer: I learned a lot as an undergraduate and would certainly consider an

advanced degree for the right reasons. I'd want to be careful though; I think a lot of people go
back to school for the wrong reasons. If I feel that I am doing the work that I really value and
I need more education to excel in that field then I won't hesitate at all.

Evaluation: This response shows ambition, enthusiasm, and drive. It also shows that the
applicant has a discriminating mind and is careful about making major career decision.

4.How do you go about influencing someone to accept your ideas?

Analysis: Your answer will tell the interviewer, first, how comfortable you are with the notion
of influencing others, and second, how able you are at influencing.

OK Answer: I usually depend on the value of the idea. If it's a good idea and the people I'm
dealing with are reasonable, I generally don't have much trouble getting my ideas accepted.

Evaluation: This response does not address the real problem, which is how you deal with
people who don't think your ideal is good. It suggests that you are willing to work in a
pleasant situation, but not in a discordant one.

Wining Answer: That's something I have worked very hard on over the years. At some point
I realized that good ideas, even great ideas, sometimes don't get accepted. I now appreciate
the fact that the way you present an idea is just as important as the idea itself. When trying to
influence people I usually try to put myself in their position and think about their perspective.
I'm then able to present thoughts to them in a way more likely to succeed.

Evaluation: This answer demonstrates your appreciation of the complexity of interpersonal

communication and the difficulty in getting others to change their minds. It conveys an
understanding of the importance of strategy when influencing someone and articulates a
reasoned approach. Finally, you demonstrate an understanding of the importance of form as
well as substance when communicating under difficult circumstances.
5.How should supervisors and subordinates interact?

Analysis: This question is designed to discover applicant's approach to communication in the

organizational hierarchy. The response is likely to indicate an applicant's level of skill in a
potentially complex area.

OK Answer: I like to think that we can be friends. After all if you're going to work closely with
someone you might as well get to know that person. That way everyone understands each
other and you can avoid a lot of unnecessary conflict.

Evaluation: The worst thing about this answer is that it shows a high level of immaturity.
Everyone knows that “conflict” is an inevitable part of the working life. The notion that
creating close friendship can simplify things shows a real lack of understanding of the
relationship between work and personal boundaries.

Winning Answer: I believe clear communication throughout the hierarchy of an organization

is critical to the company's success and well being. I'd like to think I've developed good strong
skills in that area. In terms of superior-subordinate relationships, I think it's most important to
realize that each person and each relationship is different. The best approach for me is to
begin with no assumptions and see how the relationship evolves.

Evaluation: This answer indicates an understanding of the complexity of interpersonal

communication and the diversity of human relationships. Applicant clearly articulates the
importance of strong communication skills and conveys confidence in this area.

6.How would you be described by a close friend?

Analysis: This question is designed to shed some light on an applicant's character. It's one
those questions that seems to have nothing to do with an applicant's potential, but it reflects a
trend in business for hiring people with high personal standards as well as strong skills.

OK Answer: I think people would say I'm a fun person to be with. The best way to describe
me is I like to work hard and play hard.

Evaluation: Although this response may sound entirely positive to some of you, it raises
several problems. First, it does not answer the question, leaving interviewer wondering
whether applicant has any chose relationships.

Winning Answer: My friends are very important to me. The most important aspect of my
relationship with them is the sense that we can rely on each other. We're all very busy so
there are times we don't meet often. With the few people I would call close friends; what
counts is knowing that we are there for each other.

Evaluation: This response reflects a sense of maturity, so much a concern in today's

corporate world. Applicant's commitment to high standards and to a few key people suggests
that the individual is well balanced.

7.How do you get along with coworkers?

Analysis: The response to this question, gives the interviewer an overall impression of your
ability to communicate effectively. It is one of the most critical communication questions
because 80 percent of the people leave their jobs because they don't fit in with other people.
Your ability to communicate your effectiveness in peer relationships will help ease the
interviewer's concern that you may be a bad match.
OK Answer: I get along mostly with everyone. I am an easygoing kind of person. I've never
really met anyone that I couldn't get along with. Once in a while everyone meets someone
that they don't like as much as the rest of the staff, but I try to overlook that. If someone is
really obnoxious they usually don't last anyway – so I wait it out, knowing that eventually
they'll disappear.

Evaluation: Although this response seems fairly harmless, it has several problems. First, no
one gets along with everyone. After making this broad statement the interviewee then goes to
talk about people that he or she doesn't like, which makes the response sound somewhat

Winning Answer: I generally get along very well with coworkers. Occasionally I might run
into a conflict with someone. When that happens I usually focus on what the conflict is about
rather then on personalities. I find that approach helps me maintain a respectful relationship
with anyone, and often leads to resolution and strengthened relationships.

Evaluation: This response suggests that applicant is well balanced, with a high level of
human relation skills. By making the distinction between problems and personalities, applicant
appears to be someone who has worked out problems in the past and has a history of
successful interpersonal relationships.

8.Under what conditions have you been most successful in your undertakings?

Analysis: This question probes the conditions under which you work best. Your response will
reveal information about your preferred way of working, factors that influence your chances of
success, and possibly your limitation.

OK Answer: I can succeed at just about anything I put my mind to. As long as I know what's
expected of me, I usually get results.
Evaluation: Although this seems like a reasonable response, it has flaws. It is what we would
call a generic response that leaves a weak impression at best. The real problem with this
answer is that it presumes the organization is looking for people who are good at following
others directions, not charting their own. In these lean times, most corporations are seeking
people who are self-motivated. Communicating that you are someone who needs direction
from others can be deadly.

Winner Answer: My approach to problem solving involves a systematic process of gathering

relevant information about a problem, clearly identifying the problem, setting a strategy, and
then implementing it. I find most people skip the first two parts and jump straight to strategy.
As long as I have enough information and a clear view of the problem, I can tackle anything.

Evaluation: This response demonstrates that applicant has solved difficult problems in the
past, has thought about strategy, and has developed a method for solving difficult problems. It
also shows a sense of confidence and willingness to use proven skills in the future.

9.How hard do you work to achieve your objectives?

Analysis: The most obvious thing about this question is that the interviewer wants to hear
that applicant is a hard worker. The key is presenting a response that shows applicant's
willingness and ability to fulfill responsibilities.

OK Answer: My energy level on a particular task depends on the difficulty of the task and
how badly I want to achieve it. If I decide that something is really important I'll put my 100%
into it and make it happen.
Evaluation: The first mistake here is the introduction of the idea that applicant has a limited
reservoir of energy. No successful company is interested in anyone who doesn't seem to have
unbounded energy. Second, the notion that the applicant works hard only on tasks that he or
she is personally committed to suggests an unwillingness to accept less than desirable

Winning Answer: For me the question is not how hard I work. It's given that if I've set an
objective or if I've been given an important assignment, I would work as hard as necessary to
achieve the desired results. The question for me is how smart do I work – that is, what can I
do to make the completion of the task come as easily and smoothly as possible so that I can
move on to other things.

Evaluation: The strength of this response is that it suggests that applicant has unlimited
energy and high level of commitment. It also indicates that applicant approaches problems so
as to ensure maximum utilization of his or her resources – what the question was really after.

10. In what ways have you been a leader?

Analysis: Leadership potential is one of the most highly valued traits in the corporate world.
Your response to this question can go a long way in the campaign for a job offer.

OK Answer: Some people are born leaders and I think I'm one of them. I don't think
leadership is a quality you can teach. Either you have it or you don't.

Evaluation: This response does not say anything substantive about applicant, and it implies
that this person would not contribute to the leadership potential of other people in the

Winning Answer: I've had several jobs where I've played a leadership role, responsible for
seeing that jobs get done, and I've always had successful outcomes. More important though, I
feel in the past few years that I've developed the ability to spot potential in others and have
been able to foster their development. For me, that's the real challenge of leadership; helping
others meet their potential.

Evaluation: This indicates that you have a successful track record. More important, it shows
that you have an understanding of what the outcome of effective leadership can be, thus
suggesting that you are speaking from experience.

11.What are your personal long-term and short-term goals? How did you determine
them? How did you prepare to meet them, in the long run and short run?

Analysis: This is a difficult question because it is really a four-part statement requiring a

multitude of responses. It is important to remember with this set of questions - and they are
often presented as a set - that you are being asked about personal goals not professional
goals. This is important because chances are you will be asked separately about professional
aspirations, and if you don't distinguish between the two you are left with less than impressive
task of having to repeat yourself. The question is in the planning and organizing section
because it sheds light on your ability to use these skills in your personal life.

OK Answer: I read somewhere that my generation will be the first one in Pakistan history to
be worse off than the previous generation. That concerns me and my goal is to make sure I
don't come up short in the long run. That may sound pessimistic but I'm a realist and I believe
it's important to face facts.
Evaluation: Aside from focusing on the negative condition of the economy - an unwise move -
this response is deficient for several reasons. First, it attempts to lump all the questions into
one. Second, it is too philosophical, thus revealing nothing about planning or organizing.
Finally, it suggests that applicant has a less than optimistic view of his or her future and is
primarily concerned with overcoming obstacles and surviving - not thriving.

Winning Answer: Like any realistic goals, mine change periodically. My personal strategy,
both long and short term, is to keep assessing where I am in relation to a current goal and
modifying my plans accordingly. For e.g., every five years I establish a personal plan with an
overall goal and set of objectives. I review my progress every six months and make the
necessary modification. My current plan obviously includes a career shift toward more
satisfying work. Aside from that, I'm meeting the personal goals I've set most recently.

Evaluation: This response shows an organized mind, one adept at planning. By discussing
your approach to personal goal setting, you convey a sense of self-esteem and confidence in
your ability to manage personal affairs.

Hints for success on your New Job

Starting a new job is an exciting challenge!
Read on for tips to make your first days (and weeks) on the job go smoothly.

Arrive 15 minutes early the first day, and 5-10 minutes early on the following days.

• Being prepared and ready to go at the start of your day, instead of rushing in the door
in the nick of time, will start every work day off right!

Take notes! Bring a small notebook, and take notes as you go. Things to jot down:

• Co-worker's and manager's names and job responsibilities.

• Your duties and the processes you oversee.
• How the telephone and computer systems work.
• Key customers, both within and outside the company.
• Who the "Go-to" people are for questions and advice.

As you finish tasks and projects, ask for new ones if you are not sure what to do next.

Keep your manager informed about your progress and timelines.

• After the first week on the job, it can be helpful to set a 30 and 60 day plan for
yourself, with visible tasks and goals.

Hold personal phone calls for lunch and work breaks only.

• If you must have a cell phone at work, put it on "meeting" mode and answer it only for
emergency calls.

Do not use company computers for personal use, including email and "web surfing."

• Most companies have specific policies against this, and personal use of computers can
result in termination.
Keep unplanned days off to an absolute minimum.

Have fun!
Enjoy learning new things and meeting new people, and planning what you can contribute to
your new company.

Sourcing the right candidates takes work

Connecting with Candidates

Since most jobseekers and students may feel intimidated and nervous about starting a
conversation with a stranger, the onus falls on the proactive employer to attract them to the
company. You, as the organizational representative can do a great deal to generate interest in
your organization and have meaningful conversation with the jobseeker. Below are a few tips
that may help you be successful at the ROZEE.PK Job Fair.


Set a goal and design your entire effort around that aim:

1. Recruiting professionals and students for full/part time employment or internship

2. Employers should expect to have a lot of fresh graduates at the job fair.
3. Have your open positions clearly visible.
4. Enhancing image and gaining brand recognition.
5. Sharing personal career information and typical steps to success.
6. Anticipate problems before the event--be prepared for anything (even though
ROZEE.PK has a proven track record of having hugely successful events, it is still
better to be prepared for any unforeseen incidence).
7. Take advantage of recommended set-up times - often, the best and most motivated
candidates are waiting at the door and you don't want to be unpacking boxes when
they walk by.


1. Although an eye-catching exhibit goes a long way to attract job seekers, at the end
the focus will get centered around you and what you have to say and not the exhibit
2. Make sure your company banners are highly visible.
3. Your visual message should give even a casual observer a clear idea of what you do.
Invest in plasma TVs, if available, nicely done banners, etc


Do have brochures on hand, but keep paper to a minimum. You can use handouts to initiate a
conversation with job seekers but it should not be your entire presentation. Their opinion of
your organization will be based on their interaction with you more than anything else.

Exhibit Staff

1. It is about personalities at the booths, not the display that visitors remember.
2. Make a good first impression - candidates will base their opinion of your organization
on YOU. Staff must be very knowledgeable.
3. Know yourself, your position, your organization, and where candidates may fit into
that entire scheme.
4. Visitors are potentially long-term leads; don't expect an immediate "hire." Candidates
will get turned off if you try a "hard sell" with them.
5. Visitors prefer a short, overall view of what you have to offer.
6. Ensure your exhibit is staffed at all times - like it or not, if you are absent, it "shows"
you don't care.
7. Avoid eating at your exhibit - it takes away from the "professional" look.
8. Stand; don't sit, at your exhibit. Sitting in the chair behind your exhibit doesn't
indicate a sense of excitement and a welcoming atmosphere.
9. Wear name tags prominently - we recommend that students try to get your name/title
from them.
10. Visit other exhibitors when your shift ends - it is a great way to meet other
professionals in your field.


Entertaining exhibits get results – remember to have any sort of multimedia, for e.g. Plasma
TVs or Projectors. If you don't have a wonderful exhibit, it comes down to you to make the
right impression.


1. Don't wait for visitors to approach you - be assertive, friendly and sincere.
2. Ask passers-by friendly, open-ended, yet specific questions such as: "Are you
interested a career in finance?" or "Do you want to put your communications skills to
work in a great career?"


1. 75% of Career Fair attendees want to see more demonstrations.

2. Keep them short and simple, ideally 3 to 5 minutes.
3. Students tend to remember what they visualize and participate in, rather than what
they hear.


Presentations should be no more than 5-10 minutes long. Many job seekers see a Fair as a
buffet - they want to explore all their options before getting more in-depth information.

Surviving a long day at the Fair

1. Take brief, brisk walks to keep your feet and back from hurting - visit the refreshment
table often!
2. Try and have your staff work shift rotations.
3. Negotiate for peace with neighbors that have noisy presentations - make it a win-win

After the Fair

Try to respond to all inquiries personally to reinforce your good image and to "strike the iron
when it is hot."

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