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Branding, Advertising and Politics

14 JANUARY 2009
ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Background How is that you know that the color of can of Coca Cola is red and that a can of Pepsi is blue? Branding. What is Branding?
ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Background What message is conveyed to you? What do you feel? What do you believe? What is the single word that describes this message?

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Background What about these brands? What is the word?

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Background What about these brands? What is the word?

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Background What about this brand?

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

How do you create a brand? The theme, the messages, the issues. The metaphor of a tree.
ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

How do you create a brand? The genius of Obamas brand.
The O represents Obama and he can use the logo without his name next to it. Hes claiming the O as George W. Bush claimed the W. The blue O and the red stripes represent the flag The red stripes represent the plains, the American farmland The Os whitespace represents the sun, shining over the plains. Because its white, it evokes sunrise, not sunset.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

How do you advance a brand? Control the image. A logical syllogism. Major Premise Minor Premise Conclusion

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

How do you defend the brand?

Deny Explain Admit Respond

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

What is advertising?
While there is a difference between a 30 second broadcast TV ad the specific focus of this presentation -- in the end it is all about the brand. What does that mean? It means that advertising is a term that needs to be defined much more broadly than a traditional :30 TV ad. Obamas first ad for President ran in June, 2007 in Iowa. While that commercial may have been the official start of the advertising campaign, his ad supplemented a month's worth of voter contacts that began with a mass mailing of DVD biographies, followed by a day-long canvass that knocked on 30,000 doors. So the ad was a tactic involved in a larger outreach strategy.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Ads on television are usually :30 or :60 in length. In campaigns an ad usually doesnt run more than a week and voters wont see them more than 7or 8 times. A news story however can be covered on TV, radio, print, every where -- for days or weeks. Images and stories lines developed in the media can define a candidate more completely than any campaign ad. Here are the Top 10 News Stories of the campaign that have defined the candidates and shaped the outcome of the election more than particular ad.


News Stories, Media Coverage


ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics



Obama: 'Bitter' comments were ill chosen

Talking about how the loss of jobs over 25 years has sapped the hope of small-town Pennsylvania residents, Obama said at a fund-raiser, "they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." The statement was used extensively by Hillary Clintons campaign to promote the charge that Obama is not a friend to the working class.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics


"How," a woman asked Hillary Clinton at an event in Portsmouth, N.H., designed to woo undecided voters, "did you get out the door every day? I mean, as a woman, I know how hard it is to get out of the house and get ready. Who does your hair?" Clinton chuckled, made a few jokes about how she "has help" on certain days (but those are never the pictures you see on Web sites, she joked). Then she paused. Her eyes grew red. The coffee shop, packed with about 100 members of the media and 16 outnumbered voters, grew silent. "I just don't want to see us fall backward as a nation," Clinton began, her voice strained, her eyes welling. "I mean, this is very personal for me. Not just political. I see what's happening. We have to reverse it." She was talking about the country under George W. Bush, but it may well have been a metaphor for her campaign.

Clinton chokes up, is applauded, at campaign stop

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics


On primary election day in South Carolina, former President Bill Clinton had a run in with the media when talking about Obamas impending victory in that states primary. The flack resulted in Bill Clinton moving away from the spot light and into the shadows for almost 3 months neutralizing one of Hillary Clintons largest assets among Democratic party primary voters.

"No. I think that they played the race card on me. And we now know, from memos from the campaign and everything, that they planned to do it along.
Bill Clinton

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics


In the closing weeks of the campaign, the endorsement of Paul Volker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Warren Buffet, Americas most respected businessman and investor, and Colin Powell, former General and Secretary of State under President Bush were, in my opinion, incredibly powerful (in that they demonstrated support for Obama on the two questions of the day economic security and national security) and beautifully timed.

Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama is a vote against GOP

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics


Barack Obama raised and presumably spent approximately $750,000,000. Obama crushed all previous records and will outspend John McCain about 3 to 1. To put that money into perspective, in the last 11 months, Barack Obama will have spent more money to advance his brand (using TV, radio, print, free media, etc.) than did Diet Coke, GEICO or even McDonalds. Having so much money for advertising and other strategies provided a safety net for the campaign. On the one hand, when there was bad news the Obama campaign was able to temper the message with positive images and messages of their own. On the other hand, the campaign had almost limitless ability to attack (and continue to attack) McCain-Palin. The campaign was always able to disseminate its message to people. That is why Obamas polling numbers have been so consistent and why he is doing so well in so many states (the campaign is advertising in states like Virginia, Montana, Colorado, Missouri, Florida where Democrats rarely spend money late in the race).

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics


Since winning the Iowa caucuses, the National Media has loved Barack Obama. Whether because of his message of hope, his historic campaign, or when compared with Bush, McCain and Hillary Clinton, they just liked him more the medias coverage of Obama has been incredibly favorable. This coverage has given him not only a huge advantage over John McCain but helped sustain his brand image in the face of criticism by the Republicans.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics


While a number of events triggered the bail out of Wall Street (legislation that was signed into law on Oct. 3, 2008), for our discussion, I maintain that the political implications of crisis began on September 3, 2008 when the government took control of Fannie Mae the giant mortgage guarantor. In early September, John McCain held a slight lead of Barack Obama in several national polling samples. Since then, the Republican has never been ahead trailing between 3% to 7%. The incredible intensity of the issue magnified the anger and frustration felt by many Americans galvanizing their distrust of George Bush and those in charge. As a result, Barack Obama a black man from a culturally mixed family who has virtually no record in Washington, when compared with Republican John McCain who is a friend of George Bush and had served in Washington for 25 years easily solidified his image as the agent of change. Further, such a tsunami of news (about the bail out) completely drowned out the messages of both candidates freezing their positions in the polls.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics


For a brief moment, the selection and media circus surrounding the selection of Sarah Palin brought energy and support to John McCains campaign. Immediately after the announcement of her selection, three issues evolved to define her role and ultimate affect on the campaign.

Sarah Palins convention speech on September 3rd. The expectation of and interest in Sarah Palin was extraordinary. More people tuned into watch her speech on TV than for any other night of the convention. She was the star. And, for the next several weeks after her speech, the expectation lessened and the suspicion that maybe she was not the right choice for McCain was established.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics


Sarah Palins Debate with Joe Biden on October 2nd. Although boring, the event was viewed by 70 million Americans, the second most watched debate in History. Far more people watched Palin v. Biden than the McCain v. Obama debates.

70 Million Viewers

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics


Couric: But he's been in Congress for 26 years. He's been chairman of the powerful Commerce Committee. And he has almost always sided with less regulation, not more. Palin: He's also known as the maverick though, taking shots from his own party, and certainly taking shots from the other party. Trying to get people to understand what he's been talking about - the need to reform government. Couric: But can you give me any other concrete examples? Because I know you've said Barack Obama is a lot of talk and no action. Can you give me any other examples in his 26 years of John McCain truly taking a stand on this? Palin: I can give you examples of things that John McCain has done, that has shown his foresight, his pragmatism, and his leadership abilities. And that is what America needs today. Couric: I'm just going to ask you one more time - not to belabor the point. Specific examples in his 26 years of pushing for more regulation.

Sarah Palins interview with Katie Couric that aired September 24th-25th. Attacked for not granting interviews to national broadcast journalists, Palin met with Katie Couric of CBS news. During the interview, it was clear that Palin was not nearly as briefed on world and national as was expected and when compared with the other three national candidates.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics


As a result of this interview, the national media characterized Palin as uninformed, inexperienced and not ready to be President. She was not only neutralized as an asset for McCain but has proved to be a major liability. After examining the TV news coverage of Palin from September 29 to October 12, one organization found that ABC, NBC and CBS news shows ran 69 stories about Palin; 2 stories were positive, 37 were negative and 30 were neutral. The 2 positive stories were a two-part interview with Palin's parents on the CBS Early Show. Polls showed a 17 percent increase in Palin's unfavorability ratings in the last month. As evidence of the magnitude of her liability, Obama ran anti Palin ads something a Presidential candidate has never done before.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics


Despite being wildly outspent and without the conservative base, McCains campaign used the campaign of former Arkansas Governor Mike Hucklebee as cover to conservatives to beat Mitt Romney. The strategy (and luck) allowed McCain to bring home the conservative base. As of October 30, 2008, McCain was supported by 88% of the GOP base.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Without much doubt, the most important media story during the campaign (up until today), is the Obama's stunning victory of Hillary Clinton to win the nomination of the Democrat Party. When he first started his campaign, Barack Obama was a long shot candidate. Every candidate running against Hillary (and Bill) Clinton was considered a long shot. Hillary Clinton had the team, the money, the legacy of Bill Clinton, and she was the only woman in an 11 person primary. Her incredibly flawed political strategy ignored caucus states (allowing Obama to run up his delegate counts) and did not extend beyond Super Tuesday. By beating Hillary, Barack Obama instantly became Presidential worthy, it developed, tested and perfected his grass roots and other organizations, his communications team (and discipline), his fundraising team. It was as if he had a warm up game before the real game began.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Images of the Candidates Not made by Ads or the News
Driven in a large part by the Top News Stories of the 2008 Presidential Campaign, are indelible images of the candidates. These images are the derivative of the news coverage. Some favorable, some not so favorable, these images are more defining of the candidates than either their news source or political ads.


ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Images of the Candidates Not made by Ads or the News


The Celebrity

In Philadelphia, PA, Barack Obama gave a policy speech on matters not just of race and recent remarks but of the fundamental path by which America can work together to pursue a better future. More than 5 million people have downloaded this 37 minute speech. The image created here is that Obama is a celebrity.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Images of the Candidates Not made by Ads or the News


The Winner

Following his victories in Iowa and New Hampshire (the first two primary/caucus states) over Hillary Clinton and his other opponents, Obama gave uplifting speeches about hope, progress and winning in November.

Millions of people watched these two speeches live, tens of millions of people read about them in the news papers, heard about them on the radio and saw clips of them on TV. Further more than 3 million people downloaded these 13 minute long speeches. Both speeches were statesman like, classy and strategically brilliant. Right out of the gate, Obama looked and acted Presidential. The speech in NH reminded people that Obama's victory in Iowa was not a fluke and that he was the clear front runner in the campaign for the nomination.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Images of the Candidates Not made by Ads or the News


In the history of Television, more people watched Sarah Palins speech before the Republican National Convention than any other speech by any other VP candidate.

The Expectation

37.2 Million Viewers

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Images of the Candidates Not made by Ads or the News


In all most every news cycle since the second week of September and at much stronger volume since Palin's interview with Katie Couric, the media has parodied Sarah Palin as a candidate who is unprepared to be President of the United States. The consistency and level of the parodies on national television, talk radio, newspapers and thousands of blogs on the internet have kept the attention on her inabilities and inexperience and away from John McCain's messages and McCain's comparisons with Obama. The largest audience for the show in 14 years.

The Joke

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Images of the Candidates Not made by Ads or the News


The Connection

Before a single vote was cast in Iowas caucuses in early January, it was clear that any Democrat would want and need to tie George W. Bush to the Republican Nominee. While it could have been a little more difficult to tie Bush to McCain, who opposed him during the election in 2000 and on many key issues since, the message that Republican McCain would continue the same failed policies of George W. Bush was successful and arguably fatal to McCain campaign. Images such as those above and statements made by McCain during the Republican primary made the job of the Democrats easier.

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Now that we know what the top media stories were during the campaign and now that we know what images were created as a result, lets talk about the top campaign ads. I define best as ads that are memorable all unto themselves -- spots that will last the test of time. If you know Daisy, Willie Horton, Tank, or Bear, you will remember these ads years from now.



ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Campaign Ads

In early January, 2008, MoveOn.org Political Action placed this ad on TV in NH and IA. The ad is like more than a dozen others paid for by Obama and other groups all designed to link President George W. Bush with John McCain. Weaving together a variety of different issues ranging from their connection on the war in Iraq, the bailout of Wall Street, their policies to give tax breaks to the rich, health care, etc., all of these ads effectively linked McCain to George W. Bush - who has had among the lowest level of pubic approval of any President in US history. Fair or not, accurate or not -- the image stuck.

MOVEON.ORG Escalation

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Campaign Ads

Titled "His Choice," the spot begins with quotes from McCain admitting his lack of economic know-how. The last line has McCain declaring, "I might have to rely on a vice president that I select" for expertise on economic issues. The ad ends with the challenge: "On November 4th, You Get to Make Yours." It is considered politically taboo for a presidential candidate to go after a vice presidential candidate. To be sure, much of the ad focuses on McCain's record on the economy. But the inclusion of Palin is indicative of just how large a liability the Obama campaign -indeed, the political community at large -- believed she had become for the GOP ticket.

Barack Obama His Choice

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Campaign Ads

In this ad Barack Obama is sarcastically mocked as "The One" -- a quasi-religious figure who "anointed" himself to lead the world. "Can you see the light?" the hard-hitting negative ad asks, following up on Republican McCain's campaign theme that the Illinois Democrat is arrogant, transfixed by his own celebrity and not yet ready to lead.

John McCain The One

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Campaign Ads

On July 30, 2008, John McCain's campaign launched this ad featuring images of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. The ad was designed to link the young, reckless celebrities with Barack Obama. The ad questions whether he is ready. The ad led to Paris Hilton and others to respond to the charge with their own ads -- which only kept the issue before the media for another two weeks. While millions of voters down loaded the spots off the internet, TV news coverage of the spots was huge.

John McCain Celebrity

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Campaign Ads

The ad features images of people (including children) sleeping in their beds in the middle of the night. They are unaware of potential threats to their security. While they sleep, threats may be on the move. When the call comes in the middle of the night, who do you want answering the phone, Hillary Clinton who has lived in the White House and served as a Senator for years -- or Barack Obama who has no experience. The ad plays on all of our fears and projects an image of Obama that helped define his candidacy.

Hillary Clinton 3 AM

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Commercial Campaigns

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Commercial Ads
TOP TEN SLOGANS 1. Diamonds are Forever (DeBeers) 2. Just do it (Nike) 3. The pause that refreshes (Coca-Cola) 4. Great Taste, Less Filling (Miller Lite) 5. We try harder (Avis) 6. Good to the last drop (Maxwell House) 7. Breakfast of Champions (Wheaties) 8. Does she... Or doesnt she? (Clairol) 9. When it rains it pours (Morton Salt) 10. Wheres the beef? (Wendys)

TOP 10


ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Commercial Ads
TOP TEN JINGLES 1. You deserve a break today (McDonalds) 2. Be all that you can be (US Army) 3. Pepsi Cola hits the spot (Pepsi Cola) 4. Mm Mm good (Campbells Soup)) 5. See the USA in your Chevrolet (GM) 6. I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Wiener (Oscar Meyer) 7. Double your pleasure, double your fun (Wrigleys Gum) 8. Winston taste good like a cigarette should (Winston) 9. Its the Real Thing (Coca-Cola) 10. A little dabll do ya (Brylcreem)

TOP 10


ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Commercial Ads
TOP TEN ICONS 1. The Marlboro Man (Marlboro) 2. Ronald McDonald (McDonalds) 3. The Green Giant (Green Giant) 4. Betty Crocker (Better Crocker) 5. The Energizer Bunny (Eveready) 6. The Pillsbury Doughboy (Pillsbury) 7. Aunt Jemima (Aunt Jemima Pancakes and Syrup) 8. The Michelin Man (Michelin Tires) 9. Tony the Tiger (Kelloggs) 10. Elsie (Borden Dairy)

TOP 10


ideas and analysis

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Commercial Ads
TOP TEN AD CAMPAIGNS 1. Volkswagan, Think Small, 1959 2. Coca-Cola, The pause that refreshes, 1929 3. Marlboro, The Marlboro Man, 1955 4. Nike, Just do it, 1988 5. McDonalds, You deserve a break today, 1971 6. DeBeers, A diamond is forever, 1948 7. Absolut Vodka, The Absolut Bottle, 1981 8. Miller Lite Beer, Tastes great, less filling, 1974 9. Clairol, Does she... Or doesnt she?, 1957 10. Avis, We try harder, 1963


ideas and analysis

TOP 10

Don Walter

Branding, Advertising and Politics

Presentation Links
Katie Couric Interview with Sarah Palin

Victory Speech, January 3, 2008. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqoFwZUp5vc A More Perfect Union, March 18, 2008. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWe7wTVbLUU Yes We Can, January 9, 2008. Iowa Victory Speech http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe751kMBwms Palin Convention Speech (13.58 Piper Palins Lick) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCDxXJSucF4 Sarah Palin Parodies. http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/update-palin-rap/773781/ Original TV ad by Obama linking McCain to Bush http://origin.barackobama.com/tv/advertisements/

ideas and analysis

Don Walter

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