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Using Hibernate With Eclipse

In-Memory Database
Thomas Engelin Itancan Consulting AB 2008

Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

1. Terminology
1.1. Abbreviations
ORM PK POJO RCP Object-Relational Mapping Primary Key Plain Old Java Object Rich Client Platform

1.2. Definitions
Bundling Hibernate HSQLDB Creating an Eclipse plug-in from third-party JARs Open source ORM framework Open source relational database

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database

Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

2. Abstract
It is pretty common to find programmers struggling with setting up and using Hibernate to access a database from within Eclipse RCP applications. This document is intended as a quick guide with the basic steps on how to make this work. The main software used is in this document is: SuSE Linux (SLES9) Eclipse SDK 3.4.1 Eclipse RCP SDK 3.4 Hibernate 3.3.1.GA HSQLDB

2.1. Who should read this?

Eclipse developers.

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database

Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

3. Problem Statement
Eclipse RCP (or plug-in) developers sometimes need to use a database for storing applicationor domain information. A common way forward is to use an ORM framework such as JDO, iBatis, ObJectRelationalBridge or Hibernate, which is the ORM choice in this document. An ORM framework takes care of the mapping between plain Java objects (POJOs) and the relational database model. Once up and running, the ORM framework simplifies the parts of the coding that has to do with persistence. The hard part is to get things up and running! What follows is a brief step-by-step description on how to access a database (HSQLDB) from within an Eclipse RCP application using Hibernate as ORM framework.

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database

Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

4. Data Model
Just to have something concrete to work with, assume were developing an application that stores questions together with correct answer(s) and hints (suggestions). The problem domain architecture could look like this (white boxes indicate domain classes, shaded boxes indicate infrastructure classes):







The database will store a number of Questions, where each Question has one or several correct Answers and any (including zero) number of Suggestions. These classes will be used in the actual application, and when we store this model as a data model we end up with only one table:

QUESTIONS ID integer <<PK>> QUESTION varchar ANSWERS varchar SUGGESTIONS varchar

Multiple answers and suggestions will be stored as one string in the database, separated with a delimiter character (very simple solution). The QuestionBean class will be the glue between the Eclipse RCP application and Hibernate, but more about that later.

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database

Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

5. Set Up HSQLDB Database

Download the HSQLDB database from http://sourceforge.net/projects/hsqldb, unzip it in a directory of your choice, enter the hsqldb directory and run these commands: $ cp demo/runManager.sh data/ $ cp demo/runServer.sh data/ $ cat > data/shutdown.sh java cp ../lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.util.ShutdownServer ^D $ chmod a+x data/shutdown.sh $ cat > data/server.properties server.database=questions server.port=9001 ^D $ cd data $ ./runServer.sh & $ ./runManager.sh & You can use the database manager after entering the following values in the shown dialog: Setting Name: Type: Driver: URL: User: Password: questions DB HSQL Database Engine In-Memory org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001 sa <leave blank>

To set up the database schema, create a file setup.sql containing: CREATE TABLE QUESTIONS ( ID INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1), QUESTION VARCHAR NOT NULL, ANSWERS VARCHAR NOT NULL, SUGGESTIONS VARCHAR NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ID) ) In the database manager, select File > Open Script, select your setup.sql file and press OK, then hit the Execute button. Select View > Refresh Tree to see the result. The database setup is now finished. Close the database manager but leave the database server running.

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database

Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

6. Set Up Eclipse For RCP Development

Before starting development, the target needs to be set up. Download the RCP SDK (for example eclipse-RCP-SDK-3.4-linux-gtk.tgz) and unpack it in a location separated from the standard Eclipse installation. To hook the development environment and target together in Eclipse, go to Window > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform and set the location of the downloaded target distribution. Click Reload, make sure all plug-ins are checked, and then press OK.

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database

Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

7. Create a Hibernate Plug-In (Bundling)

This step will bundle JAR files from a Hibernate distribution into an Eclipse plug-in that can be used from your Eclipse RCP application. Download the Hibernate core from http://www.hibernate.org and unzip it in a directory of your choice. In Eclipse, do File > New > Project > Plug-in Development > Plug-in from existing JAR archives > Next > Add External. Include all JAR files from the Hibernate subdirectory lib/required, as well as the hibernate3.jar file found directly under the Hibernate installation directory. Sometimes log4j issues an error message at Hibernate start up: ... java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder To avoid that, download slf4j-jdk14-1.5.2.jar (or equivalent) and add it to the project. Finally, add hsqldb.jar from the HSQLDB distribution as well. Click Next. Set the following values: Project Plug-in Plug-in Plug-in Plug-in name: ID: Version: Name: Provider: org.hibernate.core org.hibernate.core 1.0.0 Hibernate Plug-in Hibernate.org

Uncheck the option to unzip the JAR archives into the project. Click Finish. To install this plug-in at the target location, it must be exported. Right-click the project and select Export > Plug-in Development > Deployable plug-ins and fragments > Next. Select the new plug-in in the list of available Plug-ins. In the Destination tab, check Directory and set its value to the target installation location (the goal is to export the plug-in to a directory named org.hibernate.core_1.0.0 in the targets plugins directory). In the Options tab, uncheck all options. Click Finish. Go to Window > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform, click Reload, make sure the newly added plug-in is selected, then press OK.

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database

Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

8. Create Eclipse RCP Project

In this section we will create the actual RCP project, some Hibernate support code, and the Java class that will be used in the ORM mapping. The application code itself is left out.

8.1. The Eclipse RCP project

Create a new Plug-in Project with the following settings: Project Plug-in Plug-in Plug-in Plug-in name: ID: Version: Name: Provider: com.itancan.quiz com.itancan.quiz 1.0.0 Quiz Itancan Consulting

Select the Hello RCP template, click Next and then Finish. In the manifest editor, select the Dependencies tab and add org.hibernate.core to the list of Required Plug-ins.

8.2. The ORM mapping Java file

Next, create the Java Bean class used in the ORM mapping, QuestionBean.java: package com.itancan.quiz; public class QuestionBean { private Long id; private String question; private String answers; private String suggestions; public QuestionBean() {} protected void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } public void setQuestion(String question) { this.question = question; } public void setAnswers(String answers) { this.answers = answers; } public void setSuggestions(String suggestions) { this.suggestions = suggestions; } public public public public } Long String String String getId() getQuestion() getAnswers() getSuggestions() { { { { return return return return this.id; } this.question; } this.answers; } this.suggestions; }

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database

Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

8.3. Hibernate support code

Next, create Hibernate support code, HibernateUtil.java: package com.itancan.quiz; import java.io.File; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; public class HibernateUtil { private static SessionFactory sessionFactory = null; public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() { if (sessionFactory == null) { try { sessionFactory = new Configuration(). configure(new File("hibernate.cfg.xml")).buildSessionFactory(); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex); } } return sessionFactory; } }

8.4. Eclipse run configuration

Next, we need to create an Eclipse Application run configuration. Enter the following values on the Main tab: Name: Location: Run an application: Quiz ${workspace_loc}/../runtime-com.itancan.quiz com.itancan.quiz.application

Enter the following values on the Arguments tab: Program arguments: Working directory: In the Plug-ins tab, enter: Launch with: plug-ins selected below only -os ${target.os} -ws ${target.ws} -arch ${target.arch} nl ${target.nl} -consoleLog ${workspace_loc}/../runtime-com.itancan.quiz

Press Deselect All, then select com.itancan.quiz and press Add Required Plug-ins. Deselect the org.hibernate.core plug-in from the Workspace and select it in the Target Platform instead. Save the run configuration by pressing Apply. It should now be possible to launch the RCP application, which of course is empty and can do nothing.

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database

Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

9. Create Test Driver Code

To set up a really simple test driver, create a menu with two menu items, Fill and List. Heres sample code for the Fill action: public void run() { QuestionBean bean1 = new QuestionBean(); bean1.setQuestion("World's greatest platform?"); bean1.setAnswers("Eclipse"); bean1.setSuggestions("Open source | Originally by IBM"); QuestionBean bean2 = new QuestionBean(); bean2.setQuestion("Great language?"); bean2.setAnswers("Java | Eiffel"); bean2.setSuggestions("Think of an oak or a high tower"); org.hibernate.Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.save(bean1); session.save(bean2); session.getTransaction().commit(); } Sample code for the List action: public void run() { org.hibernate.Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List<QuestionBean> beans = session.createQuery("from QuestionBean").list(); for (QuestionBean bean : beans) { System.out.println("Question: " + bean.getQuestion()); System.out.println("Answers: " + bean.getAnswers()); System.out.println("Suggestions: " + bean.getSuggestions()); } session.getTransaction().commit(); } If you run the RCP application and trigger one of the actions, you will get exceptions since the file hibernate.cfg.xml does not exist. Also, we havent described the mapping to Hibernate yet. We will do that next.

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database


Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

10. Create the Hibernate Configuration File

This file describes database properties and points to mapping files. Create the following file in the runtime location (see the run configuration) and name it hibernate.cfg.xml: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN" "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd"> <hibernate-configuration> <session-factory> <!-- Database connection settings --> <property name="connection.driver_class"> org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver </property> <property name="connection.url"> jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001 </property> <property name="connection.username">sa</property> <property name="connection.password"></property> <!-- JDBC connection pool (use the built-in) --> <property name="connection.pool_size">1</property> <!-- SQL dialect --> <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect</property> <!-- Enable Hibernate's automatic session context management --> <property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property> <!-- Disable the second-level cache --> <property name="cache.provider_class"> org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider </property> <!-- Echo all executed SQL to stdout --> <property name="show_sql">true</property> <mapping file="QuestionBean.hbm.xml"/> </session-factory> </hibernate-configuration> Running the application again, another exception says that the file QuestionBean.hbm.xml is missing. We deal with that next.

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database


Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

11. Create the Hibernate Mapping File

This file describes database mapping. Create the following file in the runtime location (see the run configuration) and name it QuestionBean.hbm.xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd"> <hibernate-mapping> <class name="com.itancan.quiz.QuestionBean" table="QUESTIONS"> <id name="id" column="ID"> <generator class="native"/> </id> <property name="question" column="QUESTION"/> <property name="answers" column="ANSWERS"/> <property name="suggestions" column="SUGGESTIONS"/> </class> </hibernate-mapping> Running the application, an exception says that the class QuestionBean can not be found. This has to do with Eclipse class loading and third-party libraries. The problem is that the org.hibernate.core plug-in depends on the the RCP applications class QuestionBean, and this class does not have the correct visibility. A mechanism called Buddy classloading offers an integration strategy that does not require code modification, and that can be used in situations like this. In the MANIFEST.MF file for the org.hibernate.core plug-in, add the following line and re-export the plug-in to the target platform: ... Eclipse-BuddyPolicy: registered ... In the MANIFEST.MF file for the RCP application, add the following line: ... Eclipse-RegisterBuddy: org.hibernate.core ... Now everything should be set up and working!!

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database


Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

12. Final Words

This is a very simple example, just focusing on the integration of Hibernate and an Eclipse RCP application. For example, the packaging of the RCP application is not discussed at all. Some of the Java code, the run configuration, the database setup, and the Hibernate configuration files will look different in a real-world application.

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database


Thomas Engelin, Itancan Consulting AB

13. References
http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/reference/en-US/html/tutorial.html Eclipse Rich Client Platform (McAffer, Lemieux) ISBN 0-321-33461-2 Eclipse Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins (Clayberg, Rubel) ISBN 0-321-42672-X Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse (Hemrajani) ISBN 0-672-32896-8

Using Hibernate With Eclipse - In-Memory Database


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