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Plant Syst. Evol.

249: 173–189 (2004)

DOI 10.1007/s00606-004-0203-6

Contributions to the functional anatomy and biology

of Nelumbo nucifera (Nelumbonaceae)
III. An ecological reappraisal of floral organs
S. Vogel and F. Hadacek

Institute of Botany, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Received November 6, 2003; accepted June 1, 2004

Published online: October 18, 2004
 Springer-Verlag 2004

Abstract. The flower of Nelumbo nucifera dis- that becomes exhausted during the metabolic
plays some highly specialized structural details flare-up. Spot measurements confirm the
apparently related to its pollination ecology. flower’s capacity to maintain a temperature
The functional significance of these structures, level of ca. 31 C by compensating the envi-
however, is still under debate. This paper ronmental temperature fluctuations. The sta-
presents new anatomical and chemical data minal appendages warm up because they are
that contribute to our knowledge of the floral close to the receptacle; they are not actively
life of the lotus. Special focus is directed on the thermogenous, as formerly proposed. Their
source of scent and heat production, the role of starch load remains nearly unaffected until
the staminal appendages, and stigma charac- defloration. The appendages, besides contrib-
teristics. The receptacle, the staminal append- uting to olfaction, may represent food bodies.
ages and connectives are covered with a Along with the pollen – shed at the male stage
papillose, osmogenous epithelium and func- of anthesis – the appendages may function as a
tion as osmophores. A fractioned GC-analysis primary attractant for coleopteran pollinators,
revealed that mainly 1,4-dimethoxybenzene an interpretation corroborated by the remain-
(1,4-DMB) is emitted by these parts, whereas ing floral traits, which suggest the cantharoph-
high amounts of C15 – C17-alkanes, n-alkenes, ilous syndrome. Published field data, so far
n-alcadienes and n-alkatrienes dominated the only available for the American subspecies,
volatile blend that was diffusely emitted by the reveal variable mixed assemblages of insect
petals. In accordance with the literature, visitors; no feeding on the staminal append-
absolute predominance of 1,4-DMB and pen- ages is recorded. Possibly, the system once
tadecane was found, while some differences involved a partnership that has not persisted
occurred in minor components. The active during the long history of the genus, which is
source of heat generation, apparently a means nowadays attended by opportunists.
to enhance fragrance volatilization, was the
receptacle. The compact mesenchyma under- Key words: Cantharophily, floral ecology, floral
lying its upper platform and flanks is glandular receptacle, floral scent, food body, osmophore,
and rests on a storage zone replete with starch protogyny, thermogenesis.
174 S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo

Introduction and general traits of the flower carpels are separately and distantly embedded
in a receptacle, which is an axial, fleshy
The flower of the sacred lotus, Nelumbo
emergence shaped like an inverted, truncate
nucifera, exhibits a multitude of interesting
cone. The receptacle’s upper, flat platform
aspects and has been the subject of numerous
(3 – 4 cm in diameter) is perforated by
investigations. Detailed descriptions of the
circular pits, allowing each of the button-like
flower were provided, among others, by
stigmata to become exposed on a very short
Schneider and Moore (1977), Sohmer and
style. After anthesis, the receptacle enlarges
Sefton (1978), Schneider and Buchanan
and becomes a dry, spongy, caducous carpo-
(1980), Moseley and Uhl (1985), Williamson
phore able to float, bearing nutlets of extreme
and Schneider (1993) and Borsch and Barth-
lott (1994). Ontogeny was studied by Hayes et
Anthesis lasts 2(3) days and undergoes
al. (2000), anther and ovule morphology by
drastic changes of flower shape (Figs. 1A, 2 A).
Gupta and Ahluwalia (1977) and Igersheim
On the first day (D-1), when the blossom opens
and Endress (1998), embryology by Ito (1986)
around 7:00, the petals unfold only with their
and vascularization by Khanna (1965).
distal halves; these form a bowl with an
Several authors have focussed on the ecol-
opening 2 – 5 cm across, which widens towards
ogy and physiology of the floral life of
noon. With unfolding, the interior production
Nelumbo. As some of their conclusions are
of scent and also of warmth commences.
controversial, we attempted to clarify some
Around 16:00, the perianth recloses to almost
disputed points based on our own observations
bud shape and remains so until ca. 7:00 of the
made on N. nucifera in the Botanical Gardens
second day (D-2), while scent and warmth
of Mainz and Vienna. These concern: (1) The
production continues. Then it opens again, but
source of scent production, (2) The source of
now completely, achieving a shallow, rotun-
heat generation, (3) The role of the staminal
date disk-shape  20 cm in diameter (Figs. 1B,
appendages, (4) The characteristics of the
2B). In the afternoon of D-2 , the perianth
stigma. In a separate chapter, the pollination
closes once more, but less tightly, and starts to
ecology will then be discussed in the light of
wither; on the third morning it expands again,
the floral features investigated and the avail-
but in the course of D-3 the perianth and
able field data.
stamens abscise.
The large, solitary blossoms of Nelumbo
The flowers are protogynous. Stigmata are
nucifera rise up to 1 m above the water
receptive through D-1, while the androecium
surface on a pedicel axillary to a bract
remains enclosed; the androecium is tightly
preceding a foliage leaf. They are polymerous
appressed to the receptacle side walls by the
throughout. The 18–28 spirally inserted peri-
still unexpanded basal halves of the petals,
anth segments are differentiated without a
allowing only the sterile appendages to emerge
clear-cut boundary into a few smaller pale-
and become exposed (Fig. 2A). The flower is
green sepals (following Hayes et al. [2000] the
thus strictly herkogamous at D-1. With the
two lowermost only are true sepals) and rose-
complete expansion on D-2, the flower enters
coloured, UV- absorbing, ovate petals of
its male stage. The now exposed stamens
distally increasing size. The more than 200
spread, and the anthers dehisce; much of the
stamina consist of an initially very short (9–
yellow pollen falls down, collecting at the
7 mm) filament, the linear, much elongated
perianth’s floor (Fig. 2B). Receptivity contin-
(ca. 2 cm), latrorse/introrse, yellow anther,
ues, however, at least during D-2. The stigmata
and a terminal, connectival, cylindrical, stipi-
are selfcompatible (Schneider and Buchanan
tate, ivory-white appendage 3.5–5 mm long.
1980), but autogamy, unless insects mediate it,
The gynoecium is superior and apocarpous,
remains excluded.
with usually 15 – 20 uniovulate carpels; the
S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo 175

Fig. 1. Floral movements of Nelumbo nucifera during anthesis, schematically. A Flower on D-1 (female stage),
B Flower on D-2 (female and male stage). a position of petals at noon of D-1, b position of petals during the
first and second night, s stigma, r receptacle, an anther (in B dehisced), ap staminal appendage

Material and methods injector port at 250 C. The liner used was a special
liner for SPME sample injections (0.75 mm ID,
Flowers of Nelumbo nucifera subsp. nucifera were Perkin Elmer 2631201). All injections were carried
taken from plants cultivated in a greenhouse of the out in the splitless mode.The column used was a
Botanical Garden of Mainz (Germany) and in an polar PE-WAX (60 m, 0.25 mm ID, 0.25 lm
open-air basin of the Botanical Garden of Vienna polyethylene glycol film, Perkin Elmer N931-
(details under Material and Methods in part I of 6013). The CG oven was programmed to stay
this series [Vogel 2004]). Vital staining of the initially at 40 C for 3 min, to increase from 40 to
osmophores was performed using neutral-red in a 120 C at a rate of 6 C/min)1, from 120 to 180 C
1: 10 000 watery solution (pH ¼ 7), applied to at a rate of 10 C/min)1 and finally to stay at
hand-cuttings. For other observations of fresh 220 C for 21 min. Helium was used as carrier gas
material, a freezing microtome was used. at a flow rate of 1 mL min)1. The transfer line of
Analysis of scent components: Whole fila- the MS was thermostatically controlled at 250 C.
ments, anthers, antheral appendages, as well as The temperature of the ion source was 150 C.
the distal and proximal half of one petal were Mass spectra were recorded from 40 – 400 amu per
collected on D-1 of anthesis on 9 July 2003 from a 0.6 sec in the electron ionisation mode (EI) at an
flowering colony cultivated in the Botanical Gar- electron energy of 70 eV and a filament emission of
den of the University of Vienna. These parts were 200 lA. Tentative identification of the odour
placed into headspace vials (Perkin Elmer compounds was carried out by careful comparison
B104235), and sealed with PTFE-coated rubber with commercially available mass spectra libraries,
septa (Perkin Elmer B104239). The whole recepta- Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral data, 6th edition,
cle was transferred into a 250 mL beaker that was NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library 1.5a, and
sealed with parafilm. Odour collection was per- ADAMS (2001). TIC signal peaks were integrated
formed by applying the solid phase microextraction to express relative amounts of volatiles as the
methodology (SPME) with a 65 lm poly- percentage of the total peak area.
dimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene fibre (Supelco Temperature readings on the flower were taken
57310-U) in a manual fibre holder (Supelco with a thermocouple connected with a Fluke 52
57348-U). Volatile collection in the headspace of digital thermometer (resolution 0.1 C). Permanent
each sample lasted for 30 min. GC–MS analyses slides for LM were prepared by the paraffin
were performed on a Turbomass quadrupole mass method, cut with a Reichert-Jung rotary micro-
spectrometer (Perkin Elmer), directly linked to an tome 2050 (7 lm), stained with hematoxylin/safra-
Autosystem gas chromatograph (Perkin Elmer). nin and mounted in Euparal.
The fibre holder was inserted into the split-splitless
176 S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo

Fig. 2. Floral stages, receptacle and staminal appendages of Nelumbo nucifera. A Receptacle and staminal
appendages on D-1 at noon. B Flower on D-2. C Longisection of receptacle: part of platform and edge. D Part
of platform and subjacent glandular tissue, enlarged. E, F Staminal appendages in transection, in E on D-1, in F
at the end of D-2 with starch contents largely conserved. e epithelium, st stoma, h tanniferous hypodermis, g
glandular mesenchyma
S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo 177

Results showed that all flower parts were involved in

scent emission, but there was considerable
Scent production
variation in quality and quantity of the emitted
The flowers develop a powerful scent. Scent compounds in the different floral parts of the
emission starts with the first opening and investigated plant. The detected compounds
continues throughout anthesis. The perfume comprised three broad classes of volatiles:
was characterized as benzene-like, heavy, aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic compounds
sweetish, syrup-like, ‘‘chemical’’, or ‘‘medici- and terpenoids. Table 1 summarizes the
nal’’ by a number of test persons. It is strong results.
enough that, as Robertson (1889) and Schnei- The receptacle, the anthers and the stami-
der and Buchanan (1980) attest, honey bees nal appendages emitted 1,4-dimethoxybenzene
and other insects died after several hours when (1,4-DMB) in a relative amount exceeding
enclosed in D-1 flowers. 90% of total emitted volatiles. The monoter-
Scent emission is apparently not diffuse but pene a–terpinene occurred as a minor com-
confined to certain parts of the flower. Schnei- pound in the anthers (5.4%), the monoterpene
der and Buchanan (1980) concluded that aldehyde b–cyclocitral in the receptacle
stamens, pollen and stigmata were chief (4.2%); cis-jasmone and the sesquiterpene a–
sources, while Sohmer and Sefton (1978) stated farnesene were near-trace compounds in both
that the top of the receptacle might be organs. The appendages additionally emitted
responsible. Our own olfactory tests of the the sesquiterpenes farnesal and methyl farne-
perfume of different floral organs that were senoate. The irregular monoterpene ionol was
enclosed in glass vials also suggested that the only detected in the receptacle.
receptacle plays a major role in scent genera- The proximal and distal half of the petal
tion, in congruence with Sohmer and Sefton’s differed considerably from the former organs,
(l.c.) observations. both quantitatively and qualitatively. Alt-
Gas-chromatography of the volatiles has hough our methodology did not allow absolute
already been carried out by two research quantification of volatiles, the results suggest
groups. Mookherjee et al. (1990) analyzed the that, considering all petals together, by far the
odour of the whole flower and reported the most emitted volatiles originate from the distal
presence of 6 compounds in the headspace. half of the petals. The predominating com-
Omata et al. (1991) and Nakanishi and pounds in the material we investigated
Yomogita (1999) concentrated on stamens consisted of C15–C17 aliphatic hydrocarbons.
and petals and found 32 compounds in the The major components were pentadecane,
headspace and about 70 compounds in the heptadecene isomers and heptadecadiene.
n-pentane extracts. To obtain an even more 1,4-DMB was present only as a minor com-
differentiated spectrum of volatile emission pound (3.3%). The monoterpene cis-sabinene
within the lotus blossom, we separately deter- hydrate was the only representative (in a near-
mined the volatile compounds that were pres- trace amount: 0.3 %) of that class of com-
ent in the headspace of the receptacle, the pounds, which usually dominates volatile
anthers, the staminal appendages, and the blends.
proximal and distal halves of the petal. In accordance with previously published
analyses, the most prominent compounds
were 1,4-DMB and a series of saturated and
Differential GC analysis of scent
unsaturated C 15 and C 17 hydrocarbons.
The latter were emitted by the petals as
We tentatively identified 35 compounds in all dominating volatiles. Especially the distal part
analysed headspace samples. The results emitted most of the hydrocarbons along with
178 S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo

Table 1. Identified floral volatiles in the headspace of the receptacle, the anthers, anther appendages, and
basal and distal parts of the petals, analysed by SPME-GC-MS (for experimental details see Materials and
Methods). tr = traces
Compounds Receptacle Anthers Anther append. Petal basal Petal distal
Aliphatic carbohydrates
Undecane 2.1 0.1
Tetradecane 4.8 0.2
Pentadecane1 0.1 45.0 56.0
Hexadecane 0.2
Heptadecane1 1.1 1.4
Octadecane 0.1
Pentadecene1,2 0.1 16.5 7.8
Hexadecene2 0.2
Hexadecene isomer1,2 0.1
Hexadecene isomer2 0.1
Hexadecadiene isomer1,2 0.1
Hexadecadiene isomer2 tr
Heptadecene isomer1,2 4.5 8.0
Heptadecene isomer2 3.6 6.9
Hexadecadiene2 tr
Heptadecadiene isomer1,2 4.1 13.8
Heptadecadiene isomer2 0.1
Heptadecadiene isomer2 0.1
Heptadecatriene2 1.4
Octadecene 0.1
Cis-jasmone1 0.3 0.7
Isopentyl alcohol 3.3
Aromatic compounds
1,4-dimethoxybenzene1 93.7 90.4 99.3 4.7 3.3
Sabinene1 4.5
b-myrcene1 1.9
a-terpinene1 5.4 1.9
Limonene1 1.7
c-terpinene1 3.2
1,8-cineole1 3.4
b-cyclocitral 4.2
Cis-sabinene hydrate 1.0 0.3
a-farnesene 0.5 0.2
Farnesal 0.2
Methyl farnesenoate 0.3
Ionol 1.3
Compounds that have already been reported by previous investigators.
Unambiguous determination of position of double bonds was impossible based on the available MS spectra.
S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo 179

1,4-DMB, which was the main component in current knowledge, these discrepancies cannot
the anthers, their appendages and the recep- be explained, but might reflect variability
tacle. In view of the amounts of tissue between the cultivars. (3) Omata et al. (1991)
analyzed the distal part of the petal produced report the monoterpenes terpinolene, linalool,
by far the most volatiles emitted in all terpineol and terpinen-4-ol as well as the
analyzed samples. Among those, heptadecane, sesquiterpene caryophyllene to be prominent
n-heptadecene and n-heptadecadiene isomers constituents of the volatile blend of the
were the most prominent. The otherwise stamens. We failed to detect these volatiles in
typical floral monoterpenes occurred only in any of our samples, but instead found
the proximal half of these phyllomes. Small a-farnesene in the receptacle and in the stami-
quantities of cis-jasmone and the sesquiter- nal appendages, as well as farnesal and methyl
pene a-farnesene were confined to the three farnesenoate in the staminal appendages.
non-petal organs. Of the minor components, Omata et al. (1991) report only pentadecane
b-cyclo-citral and ionol only appeared in the as a major compound of the petals. Unfortu-
volatile blend of the receptacle, the monoter- nately, the authors present only a headspace
pene a-terpinene and isopentyl alcohol only in analysis for the stamens alone. However, the
the anthers, and the sesquiterpenes fanesal dominating compounds in their solvent extract
and methyl-farnesenoate only in the append- analysis comprise higher-weight n-alkanes that
ages. are usually specific components of epicuticular
Comparing the sums of all integrated waxes. The scope for the interpretation about
peaks, the proximal part of the petal emitted possible merits in attracting pollinators
40 times lower amounts of volatiles than the remains limited.
distal part. In contrast to the distal part, a
number of monoterpenes comprised only
Anatomical aspects of odour production
about 18% of the relative total amount of
emitted volatiles of that tissue. Of the hydro- Receptacle. The epidermis of this axial struc-
carbons characteristic for the volatile blend of ture is a glandular epithelium. This layer
the proximal part, only the major components covers the yellowish upper platform in which
were found. The relative amounts of 1,4-DMB the carpels are embedded, and also lines the
resembled the distal part, but the actual peak upper two thirds of the side walls. The
area amounted to only 3% of that of the distal epithelium consists of columnar, papillose cells
part. with dense cytoplasmic content (Fig. 2C, D),
Our results support earlier studies, but on the platform with numerous sunken sto-
disagree in some aspects: (1) Omata et al. mata. The epidermis is separated (like most
(1991) published a chromatogram of a head- other floral parts) from the mesenchyma by a
space analysis of the stamens that showed tanniferous hypodermis. The subjacent tissue
abundant pentadecane and pentadecene. In is again of glandular appearance; it is a
our samples, those two compounds appeared compact yellowish body ca. 18–20 layers thick
only as trace compounds in the appendages. (0.6 mm) on the top and ca .12 layers thick at
Omata et al. investigated many cultivars of the flanks (0.4 mm). It lacks interstices, is well
lotus and found that the ratio of 1,4-DMB and supplied with open vascular bundles, and is
pentadecane was quite variable in the head- interspersed with single tanninic and crystal
space. Our results fall within that variation. 2) idioblasts. The glandular cells are moderately
Omata et al. (1991) further reported several cytoplasmic and in D-1 flowers the proximal
monoterpenes in the headspace of the fila- layers contain starch. The non-glandular
ments that our sample lacked. In contrast, we parenchyma below, although spongy due to a
detected most of those monoterpenes in the system of large air caverns, contains the main
proximal half of the petal. Based on our storage of starch at D-1 stage. The starch
180 S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo

content becomes largely exhausted at the end osmophore, in analogy to those of aroids, etc.
of D-2, except for that contained in the The new GC results reveal the participation of
stomata. other floral parts, requiring modification of
Active osmogenous tissues can be detected this opinion. Based on the features of the
by selective vital staining with neutral red staminal appendages and on heat production
(Vogel 1963, 1990). Unfortunately, the method (see below), the epidermal epithelium alone
is often applied uncritically. Schneider and appears to be osmogenous.
Buchanan (1980) reported red dying of the Staminal appendages. These cylindrical
stigmata, the anthers and pollen. They con- bodies have a large surface and probably
cluded, as mentioned above, that these parts contribute more to scent production than the
should be osmogenous. This reaction is, how- receptacle. 1,4-DMB is absolutely dominant in
ever, insufficient to deduce scent generation if both organs (Table 1). The bodies of the
the colour hue and anatomical circumstances staminal appendages are covered throughout
are not considered. Neutral red also tinges with a glandular epithelium whose densely
non-glandular tissue including anthers, pollen, cytoplasmic cells are less columnar, but elon-
stigmata and necrotic cells; the resulting colour gate papillose and thin-walled. Stomata are
is orange to brick-red. In contrast, the hue of absent here; positive neutral red reaction is
diagnostic value, achieved by neutral red confined to this layer, and the tanninic hypo-
solution (pH 7) in active glands is a deep dermis is present. The remaining mesophyll,
bluish or raspberry red. This is caused by rapid with a single central bundle, consists of storage
accumulation of pigment molecules in the parenchyma with small interspersed intercellu-
vacuole, where they become chemically bound lar gaps and single tanniferous cells but no
to temporarily present by-products involved in calcium oxalate druses. Appendages taken
the secretion process. By this reaction, a sink is from D-2 flowers at 17:00 were somewhat
maintained for further permeation of pigment shrunk, the epithelium necrotic and the inters-
molecules (Höfler 1954). The scent substances titia enlarged to radial stripes at the expense of
themselves, which originate in the cytoplasm, storage cell size. Some radial sectors showed
are not directly tinged. This mechanism also empty cells; most starch, however, was pre-
works in other gland types such as nectaries. served (Fig. 2E, F). The presence of starch was
We applied the neutral red method with the proved by applying iodine solution to hand-
above-mentioned precautions, using fresh cuttings cleared with chloral hydrate and by
microscopical slices of the receptacle, and comparison with cuttings of D-1 appendages.
obtained a strong raspberry red vacuole tinc- The result argues against the involvement of
tion in the glandular epidermal and the sub- the mesophyll in scent production, which thus
jacent glandular tissue. Schneider and is confined to the epidermis, as in the recep-
Buchanan (l.c.) failed to stain the receptacle tacle. Nevertheless, the bodies can be termed
tissue because they possibly administered neu- osmophores and the starch load serves some
tral red solution to the entire receptacle en other function.
bloc; this would have led stigmata react readily Anthers. These are also considerably
(but unspecifically), while the pigment was scented, even though they are hidden under
unable to permeate the rather thick and the petal bases at D-1. Small amounts of
unwettable axial epidermal walls. a-terpinene and isoamylalcohol, which are
The complex thus exhibits a stratification confined to the anthers, may originate from
characteristic of many scent glands: emission the pollen, but 1,4-DMB is probably produced
layer (epidermis), production tissue and stor- in the papillose epithelium that lines the
age tissue. The first author (S.V.) therefore adaxial connective surface.
postulated, in a preliminary communication Petals. They bear a papillose epidermis on
(1993), that the receptacle represented a typical their inner flank, but this epidermis is not
S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo 181

glandular. The scent emanation of the petals measurements of the appendage, but from
mainly contains hydrocarbons and appears to circumstantial features. Comi had noted the
be diffuse, as is common in most scented high starch content and determined that this
flowers. A smelling test revealed that only the material diminished in aged flowers. The
inner flank is scented. analogy with the aroid spadix, with its rapid
respiratory combustion of starch reserves in
the process of heating-up (and odour produc-
Heat production
tion), prompted her to ascribe that role to the
Thermogenicity, the most remarkable feature appendages of Nelumbo. This interpretation
of the flower, was discovered by Miyake (1898) was supported by Skubatz et al. (1990), who
in the Asian lotus. He noted a temperature rise recognized an elevated number of mitochon-
by as much as 10 C above ambient. The dria in the appendix cells. The authors also
source of the heat was not specified. Schneider reported the occurrence of the ‘uncoupled’,
and Buchanan (1980) extended this finding to cyanide-resistent respiration pathway in these
the American subspecies, measuring here an bodies, as is typical for the mentioned araceous
excess of up to 6 C. Recently, thermogenicity inflorescences.
in Asian Nelumbo was the subject of extensive In order to examine whether the staminal
physiological research by Seymour and appendages themselves actively produce
Schultze-Motel (1996, 1998), Seymour et al. warmth, I removed appendages from a D-1
(1998) and Lamprecht et al. (1998). The flower around noon, packed them immediately
unexpected outcome was that the flower has into a tightly fitting cavity made in styrofoam,
the capacity to rather precisely regulate heat and measured the temperature against a dis-
generation. It manages to maintain 30 – 35 C tant portion of the styrofoam bed. Reading
during anthesis against fluctuations of ambient was done after slightly pressing the sensor
temperatures ranging from 10–30 C. This plate (4 mm Ø) of a thermocouple upon the
resulted in differences of 10 C on cool nights appendage mass or, alternatively, by piercing a
and differences approaching zero during the sensor needle 3–4 mm into the sample.
daytime in sunny weather. This was accompa- In no case did temperature rise beyond a
nied by variation in oxygen consumption. A few tenths of a centigrade compared to the
similar homoeothermic regulation was previ- surrounding material, and this difference
ously established only in araceous plants dropped within a few minutes to zero. Note
(Philodendron, Nagy et al. 1972, Seymour again the insignificant losses of reserve mate-
et al. 1983, and Symplocarpus, Knutson rial in D-2 appendages versus major losses in
1974). This phenomenon clearly has adaptive the receptacle.
significance. A possible explanation for the inconsis-
The question about which parts generate tency with previous records is that Comi’s
heat has been evaluated differently by various samples were brought to the laboratory from
workers. Comi (1939) claimed the staminal an outside culture and fixed after the trans-
appendages as the site of thermogenesis. Indi- port, during which they may have been
rectly based on Comi’s results, Skubatz et al. negatively affected. The ultrastructural fea-
(1990), working on the American lotus, found tures are hardly specific for thermogenous
similarities in metabolism and ultrastructure cells, but occur in other glandular cell types
with the thermo-(and osmo-) genic spadix as well. The presence of a metabolism
tissue of the arum lily. This corroborated the otherwise found in thermogenous tissues
interpretation that the appendages produce the remains obscure in the absence of heat
heat. production. However, the occurrence of such
Neither Comi’s nor Skubatz et al.’s con- a metabolism is no longer necessarily conclu-
clusions were drawn from direct temperature sive, because it has now been detected in
182 S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo

other kinds of plant tissue (Lambers 1985). In noon in shaded D-1 and D-2 flowers (N=22
D-1 flowers, appendages and anthers appar- and N=7, respectively) by placing the ther-
ently warm up by conductivity because they mocouple sensor plate tightly upon the sur-
are so close to the receptacle. In D-2 flowers, face, or by piercing a sensor needle 2 – 3 mm
however, they spread in many directions. into the receptacle. Pierced samples were used
Even if the appendages were actively thermo- only once. Four points of the surface were
genous, the heat would continuously fade due chosen (Fig. 3): centre (A) and rim (B) of the
to the small size but large overall surface area upper surface, submarginal zone (C) and side
of these bodies. Considering the absence of wall 15 mm below the edge (D). Ambient
thermogenous tissue and the effect of neigh- temperature was measured concomitantly.
bour radiation, I question Seymour and The warmth of the receptacle averaged
Schultze-Motel’s (1996) statement that ‘‘the 6.3 C above ambient temperature (range 12.1
receptacle is responsible for about one half of – 0.1 C on both anthetic days. The mean
active heat generation, and petals and sta- differences were 0.3 C (N=29) between A and
mens about a quarter each’’. B, 0.24 C between A and C, and 0.75 C
(N=28) between A and D. These positive
differences were more marked in D-1 than in
The receptacle as source of the heat
D-2 flowers, no doubt because the flanks of the
Initially unaware of previous records, one of us receptacle were protected and isolated by the
(S.V.), felt the warmth by chance when touch- appressed immature androecium during D-1
ing the receptacle with his lip. Further anthesis. Nevertheless, the average relative
experimentation convinced him that the heat excess was still 0.7 C at D-2 when the flanks
originates in this organ (Vogel 1993). Com- became exposed; this indicates that interior
parative temperature measurements of this conditions also play a role, i.e. that the heat is
organ were made between 1990 and 2003 in mainly seated near the level of the storage
greenhouse and outdoor cultures. Few flowers zone.
were available per year, and usually only a The extent to which the receptacle heated
single flower could be observed at any one up responded to the ambient temperature. This
time. Readings were manually taken around organ maintained an average of 31.3 C
despite a range of +18.7  to +33.0 C
outside at daytime (Diagram 1). This agrees
with the compensative, homoeothermic regu-
lation capacity found by Seymour et al. (1998)
in the Nelumbo flower, which, remarkably, is
also operative at night. For example when
testing a D-1 flower at 23:30 and at an ambient
temperature of 22.8 C, we found an excess in
A of 10.4, in B of 9.8, in C of 10.8 and in D of
11.3 C. As experimentally established by the
above-mentioned authors, this regulation is an
autonomous response to ambient temperature
and is independent of light periodism; light
periodism does, however, trigger the perianth
The heat produced by the receptacle sec-
ondarily warms up the flower’s free interior as
Fig. 3. Heat production of the receptacle; surface well as the adjacent stamens and petals; this
temperatures at noon of D-1 (example) clearly only occurs at the closed or semi-closed
S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo 183

Diagram 1. Differences between temperature of the receptacle and ambient temperature. Readings taken from
receptacular platform centre of D-1 flowers at noon

stages of the blossom, whereas the heat is Ecological role of heat, potential rewards,
dissipated during the fully open, male period. and volatile cues
Internal air temperature at D-1 averaged 25 C
Volatilization of scent. Schneider and Bucha-
(N=7); this contrasts to the value given by
nan (1980) and Seymour and Schultze-Motel
Seymour and Schultze-Motel (1996), who
(1996) concur that the heat enhances the
reported 30–35 C from flowers in a pond in
volatilization of the odour, invoking the classic
analogy of thermogenicity in the Araceae. As
In conclusion, the site of active heat gener-
noted above, the androecium, at least, receives
ation and the accompanying metabolic flare-up
heat by radiation and thus participates in the
is the glandular, sub-hypodermal ‘‘crust’’ of the
volatilizing effect. As an alternative or com-
receptacle and the subjacent storage tissue. In
plementary hypothesis, these authors also
the staminal appendages the epidermal epithe-
suggest that the heat provides a warm shelter
lium alone is responsible for scenting and the
to pollinators, at least in D-1 flowers and the
epithelium apparently also plays this role in the
following night(s), thus even acting as a
receptacle. Although non-thermogenous osmo-
primary attractant. For the arum lily, such
phores in which a glandular and storage mes-
an interpretation was disproved experimen-
enchyma is involved in synthesising volatiles are
tally by Knoll (1926). The hypothesis claiming
known (Vogel 1963, 1990), this pattern does not
the operation of an energetically expensive
seem to apply for Nelumbo. Accordingly,
‘‘stove’’ in a warm-temperate to tropical
Lamprecht et al. (1998) concluded that ‘‘…heat
environment appears less attractive to us than
loss is not a by-product of biosynthetic activ-
the volatilization theory. The issue also
ity’’. Nevertheless, both phenomena, heat and
revolves around the type of pollinator, on
fragrance, are functionally linked, and the
which Nelumbo depends.
occurrence of thermogenicity also strongly
Pollinators. Knuth (1904) provides the
suggests that it serves a purpose in the pollina-
only record on Old World lotus – a halictid
tion ecology of lotus.
184 S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo

bee – in his (otherwise partly incorrect) only specific relationship. These bees are
description of the flower from Java, and secondary and local pollinators at best: they
Snigirevskaja (1964) noted ‘‘bees and wasps’’ have a short flight period, whereas their host
as visitors in the Caspian region, we failed to has a blooming period of up to three months.
locate any other relevant record on Old World Moreover, they restrict their activity to the
lotus. However, ample lists of flower visitors of harvest of pollen, thus paying visits to D-1
the American subspecies exist. The first was flowers only casually. Their adaptation to our
presented by Robertson (1889) from Illinois, plant is presumably unilateral and secondary.
enumerating 30 spp. of three insect orders. In summary, we are dealing with a mixed
From Texas, Sohmer and Sefton (1978) assemblage of insects involved; most of these
recorded 70 spp., members of 53 families and appear to behave as opportunists and none of
10 orders, and Schneider and Buchanan (1980) them reveal a particular relationship to the
listed 25 insects determined to species, belong- elaborate floral design and course of anthesis
ing to four orders. of this plant. Considering the empirical data, is
Remarkably, the comprehensive data of it, then, justified to follow Bernhardt’s (2000)
these authors reveal no coincidence at the classification of the Nelumbo flower as a
species level between the three lists, except for generalist?
the (non-native) honey bee. Only two corre- Rewards. The first step is to critically
spondences, the coleopterans Chauliognathus examine the flower’s potential offerings as a
pennsylvanicus (Cantharidae) and Diabrotica primary attractant: pollen, stigmatic sub-
undecimpunctata (Chrysomelidae), and at gen- stance, and staminal appendages, not counting
eric level, nine further coincidences appear in shelter. The significance of surplus pollen is
the two Texan populations; one genus, undisputed, though only D-2 flowers offer
(Diabrotica), corresponds in all three lists. pollen. Records on nectareous fluid of the
Most visitors were pollen-feeding or pollen- stigmata, reportedly licked by some visitors,
collecting at D-2 flowers; none fed on staminal are rather inconsistent. Meeuse (1990), for
appendages and none was found imprisoned in example, claimed the ‘‘stigmatic fluid’’, besides
closed floral chambers in the first night. Honey pollen, as the most important floral reward of
bees, halictid bees and syrphids were also seen lotus. He even termed it a kind of pollination
probing the stigmata with their mouth parts by drop, possibly derived from those of gymno-
Schneider and Buchanan (1980). No doubt, a sperm ancestors. Sohmer and Sefton (l.c.)
number of visitors transfer pollen by crawling mention a ‘‘sweet secretion’’ of the stigma
around in D-2 flowers, effecting autogamy in and Igersheim and Endress (1998) noted a
D-2 flowers (when receptivity and pollen issue ‘‘secretory surface of stigma’’. Other authors
overlap) or xenogamy. speak of ‘‘moist appearance‘‘ (Schneider and
While Robertson (1889) regarded andrenid Buchanan, l.c.) and ‘‘mucilagineous secretion’’
bees and syrphids to be principal pollen (Seymour and Blaylock 2000). Gupta and
vectors, Sohmer and Sefton (1978) indicated, Ahluwalia (1977), in their detailed study of
besides halictid bees and hover flies, beetles of the ovary, also stated that the stigma bears a
the genus Diabrotica as the most important. thick cover of mucilage. They regarded it to be
Schneider and Buchanan (1980) also noted a secretion of the epithelium of long, unicellu-
halictids, but emphasized the role of coleop- lar hairs. This mucilage not only lines the
terans (Chauliognathus) – at least in some of stigmatic plate but also continues through the
the Texas stands. Note that Robertson in a stylar canal onto the ovule and fills all these
later paper (1890) described two bees, Ephyla- gaps. Our own examination indicates, that the
eus (Halictus) nelumbonis (Halictidae) and continuous cover originates by fusion of the
Hylaeus (Prosopis) nelumbonis, as oligotropic swollen, gelatinized cell walls of the trichomes
to Nelumbo in Illinois. This appears to be the rather than representing a true secretion.
S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo 185

We never encountered the stigmatic surface that lotus is basically adapted to pollination by
being covered with a liquid, except for a few coleopterans (although today it depends on a
microscopic oily droplets on the mucilage. multitude of opportunists including beetles),
Previous observers were apparently deceived goes back to Delpino (1873/74), who classified
by the glossy, strongly reflecting stigmatic the flower among his ‘‘tipo magnoliaceo’’: ‘‘…
cover. Insects may be similarly deceived. In é un apparecchio senza dubbio cantarofilo’’.
reality, the mucilage actually has a dry though Whereas Robertson (1889) contested this
very soft skin. The supposition that visitors are typification, recent American observers, albeit
rewarded with nectareous fluid is certainly with some reservations, do not dispute Delpi-
erroneous. no’s assumption, also shared by Willemstein
Pollen probably first adheres by pollenkitt (1987). Bernhardt (2000), although terming the
(not lacking in Nelumbo as held by Zetter and lotus a generalist flower, classified it as a
Keri, cit. by Meeuse 1990). Pollenkitt becomes combination of his cantharophilous subtypes
apparent, when it forms yellow droplets in ‘‘painted bowl’’ and ‘‘chamber blossom’’. In
chloral hydrate. The grains seem to locally fact, the flower has many traits in common
liquify the jelly, and drawings of Gupta and with those of Magnolia (Thien 1974), and
Ahluwalia (1977) suggest that the grains sink Talauma (Gibbs et al. 1977). Nelumbo com-
into the medium until they germinate. bines most of the characteristics associated
The staminal appendages are the third with beetle pollination, such as actinomorphy,
possible reward. Their organ-like appearance polyandry, protogyny, strong aromatic fra-
and starch freight indicate some destiny grance, thermogenicity, a temporary pollina-
beyond only scent emission. Since the starch tion chamber, pollen shed from anthers and
supply largely persists, an auxiliary role con- collecting at the perianth floor, and presence of
nected with anther nutrition can be excluded. putative food bodies. An uncommon deviation
The nutritious content of the appendages is that anthesis already starts in the morning
suggests that they represent food bodies. Their and continues during the night and the fol-
pronounced exposition and accessibility in D-1 lowing day.
flowers strongly supports this view, already
advocated by Sohmer and Sefton (1978) and
Secondary attractants
Schneider and Buchanan (1980). The circum-
stance that both teams of observers never Does the nature of the colour and scent of the
found them removed or gnawed, remains a lotus blossom, i.e. its secondary attractants,
serious obstacle to this hypothesis. An exhaus- help specify potential adapted pollinators? The
tive survey of undisturbed natural Old and showy, UV-absorbing perianth (Burr and
New World stands could yield a verification. Barthlott 1993) no doubt plays an important
Sohmer and Sefton (l.c.), considering the age role, but this feature is too general (widespread
of the taxon and lack of a recent partnership in angiosperms). Regarding the olfactory cues,
revealing mutual adaptation, attribute to the we focus here on the two dominant classes of
bodies tentatively the status of an ancient volatiles emitted: 1,4-Dimethoxybenzene (1,4-
residual that no longer finds its proper clients DMB) and the hydrocarbons. 1,4-DMB,
among the existent assemblage of co-visitors. mainly produced by the osmogenous epithe-
Accordingly, the flower may, indeed, represent lium of the central organs of the flower, and
a living fossil that survives with the help of a thus preferentially volatilized by heat, was
surrogate of its original relationship. found to be a floral scent component in
Food bodies are frequent in cantharophil- Syringa, Hyacinthus, Cucurbita, cherry, and
ous flowers. The staminal appendages of several orchidaceous perfume flowers (Omata
Calycanthus, well known as food bodies, are et al. 1991). All these plants attract bees of
a nice parallel to those of Nelumbo. The notion various groups, and Syringa also attracted
186 S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo

Lepidoptera. The attraction properties of this secretions of bombardier beetles (Eisner et al.
aromatic compound to chrysomelid beetles, 2001) and in venom glands of social wasps
such as Diabrotica speciosa and Cerotoma (Sledge et al. 1999). Thus, the probability exists
arcuata tingomariana, based on spiced artificial that the neural cells of certain insects including
baits, was demonstrated by Ventura et al. beetles recognize these carbohydrates.
(2000). As mentioned above, Diabrotica was One scenario would imply that coleopterans
the only genus of insect visitors that occurred in – (assumed to be the characteristic pollinators)
all three American stands of lotus investigated. – are lured throughout D-1 and D-2 stages;
Although species of Diabrotica (‘‘root worms’’) those entering on D-1 stay in the flower, feed on
are known pollen feeders in many different the appendages, thereby depositing pollen on
hosts (Knuth 1905) and Chrysomelidae are not the stigmata. D-1 entrants remain overnight in
typical guests of cantharophilous flowers, the the closed chamber and may eat pollen during
attractive power of 1,4-DMB for coleopterans the next morning before they leave. Those
supports the scenario outlined above. attracted on D-2 may eat pollen and dust the
The long-chain saturated and unsaturated still receptive stigmata with foreign or self
hydrocarbons, diffusely produced by the distal pollen, while the appendages become less
halves of the petals, are less specific and more accessible to them. The circumstance that
widely distributed in floral fragrances. C14 – advertisement is set forth nocturnally while
C17 alkanes and alkenes have been recorded the perianth is almost closed, appears a paradox
from the scent of cantharophilous Magnolia at first glance (although a small mouth is
and Victoria (Knudsen 1993). A combined usually kept open on top and allows the
occurrence of pentadecane, pentadecene, hep- internally produced scent to escape). However,
tadecene and heptadecadiene is reported for irrespective of body size, beetles manage to
the flowers and pollen of Papaver rhoeas force their way between rather tightly overlap-
(Dobson et al. 1996). Dafni et al. (1990) have ping petals, as nitidulids do in Calycanthus
shown that poppy flowers attract Amphimallus (S.V., unpubl.). In nocturnal waterlilies such as
beetles (Scarabaeidae), which feed and copu- Nymphaea amazonum (Prance 1980, Vogel,
late in them. Beyond being found in plants, unpubl.) the flowers were impetuously occupied
these particular hydrocarbons are present in that way by Cyclocephala beetles and relatives
the Dufour glands of ants (e.g. Morgan et al. already at dusk before the flower opened at
2003, Gokcen et al. 2002), in the defense nightfall (Fig. 4).

Concluding remarks and outlook (parts I–III)

The present contribution, along with the two
other parts (Vogel 2004, 2004), attempt to
improve and critically survey our knowledge
of this remarkable waterplant in three points:
the aeration system, the modified stellate
crystal druses, and the floral life including
heat production and scent emission. The
sacred lotus is one of the most ancient
angiosperm fossils dating from the mid-Cre-
taceous (Albian, 112 my ago). It encompasses
Fig. 4. Beetles (Cyclocephala putrida) forcing their archaic features as well as surprisingly
way through the semi-closed perianth of a Nymphaea advanced, sophisticated adaptations. Primi-
amazonum flower at nightfall (Pantanal, Mato tive traits include the dichotomous submar-
Grosso; phot. S. V.) ginal nervature of the leaves; an initially open
S. Vogel and F. Hadacek: Functional anatomy and biology of Nelumbo 187

stylar canal with a continuous papillose tome, S. Sontag and S. Pamperl kindly assisted in
conductive path leading from the ovule up various practical problems. Suggestions given by
to the stigma; polymery of the floral organs Prof. Dr. A. Weber and anonymous referees, as well
and choricarpy. On the other hand, several as the stylistic improvement of the manuscript by
traits appear as derived evolutionary achieve- Dr. M. Stachowitsch are gratefully acknowledged.
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thermo-osmosis, enabling the plant to grow References
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