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SNO Name of the Experiment Date

1 Markup the first paragraph. Use H1 for selection header and

P for text. STRONG for the first word every sentence EM for
IV B.Tech (CSE2) I semester VNR VJIET
all Capital letters
2 Markup the first paragraph. Using Left align Horizontal rule
to separate sentence. The size of each Horizontal rule should
be same as number of words in the preceding sentence.
Every alternative Horizantal rule should have the NO
SHADE attribute applied
3 Take an image xyz.gif (any name) that is 200 pixels wide and
150 high. Use the width and height attribute of the image
identity Tag to
a) Increase image size by 100%
b) Increase image size by 50%
c) Change the width height ratio 2:1

4 Create a link to each of the following

a) Index.html(take any html file) located in file
b) Index.html(take any html file) located in the text
subdirectory of the file directory.
c) Index.html (take any html file) located in other
directory in your parent directory
Hint: signifies parent directory
d) A link to the any email address(vnr123@yahoo.co.in
any example).
e) An ftp link to the file name readme(any file ) in the
pub directory www.jntu.ac.in.
5 Write an HTML code that produces the grades of the student
6 Write an HTML program to create a new titled image
“welcome to my webpage” and apply the image color
effected . hyperlink with background and foreground
different colors
7 Write an HTML program to create hyperlink to msword
document.(welcome.doc file or any example)
8 Write a Java Script that take three integers from the user and
outputs their sum, average, largest use altert dialog box to
display results.
9 Write a Java Script that reads three Non zero values entered
by the use in prompt dialog and determine they could
represent the size of the triangele or not
10 Write a Java Script for small retail shop example
11 Write a function that determines a pair of inters whether the
second integer is multiple of first
12 Write a Script for selection sort
13 Write a Script for Word equivalent of check amount
a) Using dialog box (display output)
b) Normal method
14 Writing CSS rules
a) Write a CSS rule that removes the underline from all
links inside list items(L1) and shift them left by 3
b) Write a CSS rule that takes a background image and Web Design Lab
halfway down the page tiling horizontally.
The image should remains in place when scrolls up or
IV B.Tech (CSE2) I semester VNR VJIET

Multimedia and Web Design Lab

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