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Jeanne G. Smithey RAVEN ON HIS SHOULDER CONTENTS Part I Abbot Brendan Meets Prince Niall County Galway, Ireland Spring, AD 570 1 The Prince of Tara Meets Abbot Brendan Page 1 2 Niall Defends Himself Page 8 3 Escape Page 13 4 Father Colman Volunteers Page 20 5 Logh Derg Page 23 6 Holy Island Page 28 7 Rage Page 35 8 Remembering Page 35 9 The Cave Page 41 10 Niall's 15th Birthday Page 47 11 Niall's Journals Page 51 12 Two Bards Page 56 13 Abbot Colman Page 59 14 Brendan's Verdict Page 65 15 Planning a Voyage Page 70

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter

Part II The Voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog At Sea Summer, AD 570 Chapter 16 Aran Islands Innishmore Island Page 75 Chapter 17 The Hebrides Page 80 Island of Iona Page 82

Smithey/raven/contents Page 2

Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 20 21 22 23 24

Faroe Islands Page 108 North Atlantic Ocean Page 121 Community of Abbot Ailbe Page 128 Iceland Page 143 Greenland Page 152 Northwest Atlantic Ocean Page 161 Tir-Na-n'Nog Page 163 Atlantic Ocean Page 169

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter

Part III Clonfert Abbey, County Galway, Ireland Fall, AD 577 Page 175 25 Voyagers' Reunion 26 Abbot Brendan Page 192 27 Niall, Kevin and Maeve Grieve Page 199 28 Prince, Artisan,and Queen Raven Look to the Future Page 203



Jeanne G. Smithey Select Bibliography RAVEN ON HIS SHOULDER Aakhus, Patricia, THE VOYAGE OF MAEL DUIN'S CURRAGH, Story Press, Inc., Brownsville, OR, 1990 Ashe, Geoffrey, LAND TO THE WEST: ST. BRENDAN'S VOYAGE TO AMERICA, Viking Press, N.Y., 1962, Collins, London, 1962 Benedictine Monks of St. Augustine's Abbey, Rarnsgate, BOOK OF SAINTS, Morehouse Publishing, Wilton, CN, 1989 BIBLITECA SANCTORUM, Instituo Pontificalete, --Rome, nd Bieler, Ludwig, IRELAND, HARBINGER OF THE MIDDLE AGES, Oxford University Press, London, 1968 Boorstin, Daniel, THE DISCOVERERS, Random House, N.Y., 1983 Buechner, Frederick, BRENDON, Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1988 Butler, Alban, BUTLER'S LIVES OF THE SAINTS, FOUR VOLUMES, revised by Thurston, Herbert, SJ and Attwater, Donald, J.P Kenedy & Sons, N.Y., 1956 Cahill, Thomas, HOW THE IRISH SAVED CIVILIATION, Doubleday, N.Y., 1995 Chapman, Paul H., THE MAN WHO LED COLUMBUS TO AMERICA, Judson Press, Atlanta, GA, 1973 Cunliffe, Barry, THE CELTIC WORLD, McGraw Hill Book Co, N.Y ., 1979 D'Arcy, Mary Ryan, THE SAINTS OF IRELAND, Irish American Cultural Institute, St. Paul, MN, 1974 Delpar, Helen, Ed., THE DISCOVERERS: AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EXPLORERS AND EXPLORATIONS, McGraw & Hill, N.Y. 1980 Dengler, Sandy, THE EMERALD SEA: THE QUEST OF BRENDAN THE NAVIGATOR, Moody Press, Chicago, 1994 DePaor, Maire and Liam, Eds., EARLY CHRISTIAN IRELAND, Thames and Hudson, London, 1959 deVaragin, Jacobus, Caxton, William, Trans. and Printer, THE GOLDEN LEGEND, Temple Classics, VOL. IV, AMS Press, Inc, NY, 1973

smithey/bibliography/raven Edwards, Tugh Dudley, AN ATLAS OF IRISH HISTORY, 2nd. edition, Methuen, London and N.Y., 1981 Ellis, Peter Berresford, A DICTIONARY OF IRISH MYTHOLOGY ABC, Clio, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, 1987 Farmer, David Hugh, OXFORD DICTIONARY OF SAINTS, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1979 Forde, Johnson, PREHISTORIC BRITAIN AND IRELAND, J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., London, 1976 Frazer, Sir James George, THE GOLDEN BOUGH: A STUDY IN MAGIC AND RELIGION, McMillan & Co., N.Y., 1978 Frazer, Sir James George, Douglas, Mary, Ed., ILLUSTRATED GOLDEN BOUGH, Doubleday & Co., Garden City, N.Y., 1978 Fritz, Jean, BRENDAN THE NAVIGATOR: A HISTORY-MYSTERY ABOUT THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, N.Y., 1979 Gantz, Jeffrey, Translator, Introduction, Notes, EARLY IRISH MYTHS AND SAGAS, Penguin Books, Ltd., London, 1981 Green, Miranda J., DICTIONARY OF CELTIC MYTH AND LEGEND, Thames and Hudson, London, 1992 Laing, Lloyd and Jennifer, CELTIC BRITAIN AND IRELAND: THE MYTH OF THE DARK AGES, St. Martin's Press, N.Y., 1991 Lattimore, Deborah Nourse, THE SAILOR WHO CAPTURED THE SEA: A STORY OF THE BOOK OF KELLS, Harper Collins, N.Y., 1991 Lehane, Brendan, THE QUEST OF THREE ABBOTS, John Murray, London, 1968 Little, George, BRENDAN THE NAVIGATOR, M.H. Gill & Co., Dublin, 1945 Lynch, Patricia, KNIGHTS OF GOD: TALES AND LEGENDS OF THE IRISH SAINTS, Holt, Rhinehart & Winston, N.Y., 1968 Macdonald, lain, Ed., SAINT BRENDAN, Floris Books, Edinburg, 1992 Macmanus, Seamas, THE STORY OF THE IRISH RACE, Devin-Adair Co., Old Greenwich, CT, 1984 Matthews, Caitlin and John, Eds., CELTIC WISDOM: ENCYCLOPAEDIA, Element Books Ltd, Dorset, 1994

smithey/bibliography/raven Morison, Samuel Eliot, THE EUROPEAN DISCOVERY OF AMERICA: THE NORTHERN VOYAGES, A.D. 500-1600, Oxford University, N.Y. and London, 1993 Muir, Ramsey, HISTORICAL ATLAS, MEDIEVAL AND MODERN, 10TH. Ed, George Phillip & Son, London, 1964 Newby, Eric, Ed., THE RAND McNALLY WORLD ATLAS OF EXPLORATION, N.Y., 1981 O'Donovan, John, LLD, ANNALS OF THE KINGDOM OF IRELAND BY FOUR MASTERS, VOL.1, University Press, Dublin, 1851 O'Driscoll, Robert, Ed., THE CELTIC CONSIOUSNESS, George Braziller, N.Y., 1981 O'Hart, John, IRISH PEDIGREES: THE IRISH NATION, Vol I and II, P. Murphy & Son, N.Y., 1915 O'hOgain, Daithi, MYTH, LEGEND & ROMANCE: AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE IRISH SAGAS AND FOLK TALES, Henry Z. Walck, Inc., N.Y., 1954 O'Kelly, Michael J., EARLY IRELAND, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989 O'Meara, John J., Translator, THE VOYAGE OF SAINT BRENDAN: JOURNEY TO THE PROMISED LAND, Colin Smythe, Ltd., Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, 1991 0'Riordain, Sean P., ANTIQUITIES OF THE IRISH COUNTRYSIDE, Methuen, London, 1979 Otway-Tuthven, A. J., A HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL IRELAND, St. Martin's Press, N.Y., 1979 Pepper, Elizabeth and Wilcos, John, MAGICAL AND MYSTICAL SITES IN EUROPE AND THE BRITISH ISLES, Harper & ROW, N.Y., 1977 Ryan, John, SJ, MN, IRISH MONASTICISM: ORIGINS AND EARLY DEVELOPMENT, Talbot Press, Ltd., Dublin, 1972 Ryan, Michael, Ed., TREASURES OF IRISH ART, Royal Irish Academy, National Museum of Ireland and Trinity College, Dublin, 1983 Scherman, Katherine, THE FLOWERING OF IRELAND, Little Brown & Co., Boston, 1981

smithey/bibliography/raven Scott, Michael THE RIVER GODS , Real Ireland Design, Ltd, Wicklow, Ireland, 1991 Selmer, Carl, Ed., NAVIGATIO SANCTI BRENDANI ABBATI FROM EARLY LATIN MANUSCRIPTS, Publications in Medieval Studies, University of Notre Dame Press, South Bend, IN, 1959 Severin, Tim, THE BRENDAN VOYAGE, McGraw Hill Books, N.Y., 1976 Severin, Tim, THE BRENDAN VOYAGE, Century Travellers, Arrow Books, London, 1978 Sharp, J.J., DISCOVERY IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC FROM THE 6TH TO THE 17th CENTURY, Nimbus Publishing, Ltd., Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1991 Stewart, R.J., CELTIC GODS, CELTIC GODDESSES, Blandford, London, 1994 Thomas, Charles, BRITAIN AND IRELAND IN EARLY CHRISTIAN TIMES, AD 400-800, Library of Medieval Civilization, Rice, David Talbot. Ed., McGraw Hill Book Co., N.Y., 1990 _____ TREASURES OF IRISH ART: 1500 BC to AD 1500, Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y., National Museum of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy, Trinity College, Dublin, 1977 VandeWeyer, Robert, Ed., CELTIC FIRE, Doubleday, N.Y., 1990 Webb, J.F. VOYAGE OF SAINT BRENDAN, Penguin Books, N.Y., 1965 Wright, Thomas, Ed., ST. BRANDAN, 1844 Bibliography from Manuscript Library, THE BRITISH LIBRARY, London Original Tenth to Fourteenth Century Manuscripts Unknown, NAVIGATIO SANCTI BRENDANI ABBATI, Addit. 36736, Provo St. Maximin, Trier Unknown, NAVIGATIO SANCTI BRENDANI ABBATI, Addit. 6047, Cat. of Romances Unknown, NAVIGTIO SANCTI BRENDANI ABBATI, Addit 15106, Provo Charterhouse, Erfurt

Unknown, NAVIGATIO SANCTI 330s Unknown, NAVIGATIO SANCTI Vespa XIV, XII, XIII Unknown, NAVIGATIO SANCTI Unknown, NAVIGATIO SANCTI smithey/bibliography/raven









Woodcut from SANKT BRENDAN'S SEEFAHRT, Printed By Anton Sorg At Augsburg, 1476


A Retelling of the Voyage of Saint Brendan to ~erica in the Sixth Century'

For Young Adult Readers by Jeanne Gray Smithey



. "

Jeanne Gray Smithey RAVEN ON HIS SHOULDER Glossary AES DANA ARMORER Artisan Class A maker of defensive covering for warriors BELTAlNE A Celtic festival held in the Spring. Cattle were driven between two fires to purify them BILGE Foul water in a ship's hull Maker of swords and spears for warriors BLADESMITH BLUE MOON A moon which appears twice in one month about every three years. It has a blue halo around it. BOMB A lump of lava thrown out of a volcano during an eruption BOON A blessing or gift bestowed by one in authority A round hand-drum made of bent oak, BOUDHRAN covered on one side with sheepskin, beaten with a stick or the hands BLACKSMITH A worker in a forge using dark metals BRAZIER A large flat pan used to burn charcoal or wood, used under a pot or for heating BRENDAN TIME Time warp: Brendan's miracle to compress time BUION Irish bagpipe CAULDRON A large kettle or boiler used to cook over a fire CHALICE A cup for consecrated wine served at the Eucharist CLAIRSEACH Irish harp CLOCHAN A hut made of daub over woven wicker COENA The last meal of a Irish monk's day COIGEDH CORMORANT Irish clan chieftains from the provinces A large northern sea bird




A hood; part of a monk's robe that covers his head Legendary warrior/hero of Ulster two thousand years ago. Name of Nialls's Irish wolf hound, shorted to CUCH Irish tin whistle Irish monks, also known as ANCHORITES, HERMITS OR BLUE MONKS. They sailed West to find a solitary life on an island IIbeyond the seas" A wicker-framed long boat covered with waxed ox hides. Still used by Irish fishermen. Communion, Last Supper. One of the Sacraments of Christians A leather bag worn at the waist for personal possessions Parental care given to children by other persons than the parents A large sea bird of Northern costal regions, having white plumage and black wing tips A history of a family or clan A worker in a forge making jewelry, crowns, utensils and sacred vessels A fulvous vulture with sharp talons The excrement of sea birds or bats, used as fertilizer Hell, netherworld Rural religious building, used for retreats by clergy A game played with a bat and ball; the earliest game played in Ireland; still popular in the British Isles To make one understand; to make things clear; to decorate a manuscript either with pictures or designs painted in brilliant color A man dressed in a clown suit hung with bells, paid to entertain kings and their courts in ancient times

Jeanne Gray Smithey 40,300 words Young Adult Historical Fiction Adventure RAVEN ON HIS SHOULDER PART I CLONFERT ABBEY, COUNTY GALWAY, IRELAND Spring, AD 570 Chapter 1 The Prince of Tara Meets Abbot Brendan "I see an island covered with mist. I'm going to claim that island. I'll name it after me, Niall Mac Neill, Prince of Tara." The boy stood on a clochan, a bee-hive-shaped hut, his arms reaching out toward River Shannon. "Don't bother adventuring," an old man said. III sailed west twice and found the Island of Paradise both times. Discovering broke my heart." Abbot Brendan of Clonfert Abbey sat on a stone bench, surrounded by huts where his monastery school students lived. His white beard matched his home-spun 1


wool robe.

A trace of red sprinkled his white hair,

cut ear to ear in an Irish tonsure. Niall noticed a worn, dirty rope cinched the old man's robe. bony feet. Leather sandals flopped loosely on his The ancient man's skin looked transparent.

Faded blue eyes squinted from a wrinkled face, sunburned almost black and puckered like a prune. eyed raven perched on his left shoulder. unlike the other monks at Clonfert. A one-

He looked

Perhaps he was a

beggar wanting a meal and a cell for the night, Niall thought. "What do you know about discovering things, old Father? I'm young and strong and smart," Niall said.

IIYou're old and useless.

Go back to chapel to say

your prayers and leave us students at Clonfert Abbey alone. " Niall threw his hurling ball and hit Brendan on the head. The raven flew at the boy to peck his eyes, but Niall batted her away with his hurling stick. The old man pulled the hood over his eyes. body slumped. A monk's staff knocked the boy off the top of the hut. "Dare you speak to Abbot Brendan like that? His

You'll spend a month doing penance, Prince Niall," dour-faced Brother Malo said. IIDon't you recognize

your own Abbot, the man who crossed the mighty sea to

Smithey Iraven the west to find the Island of the Blessed?" "Let him be, Malo. useless. The lad's right--I'm old and

Maeve and I will go back to our cell to

rest," Abbot Brendan said. Brother Malo helped the Abbot rise and watched as he hobbled down the hill to his Abbey, leaning on a tall staff and stroking the feathers of his black bird. "Is that Abbot Brendan, The Navigator?" asked a student. IlTel1us about his voyages, please."

Brother Malo motioned to the boys and girls to gather around him. Niall dusted his tunic, pushed his long black hair out of his face, and joined the group. others students turned their backs on him. "Only Abbot Brendan, Navigator and Discoverer, tells of his voyages," Brother Malo said. /Jlnthe The

year of our Lord 545, I sailed with Brendan on his first voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog. He rarely talks about

his discovery of the island. I never do." Niall's chin dropped to his chest. In the three years he'd studied at Clonfert Abbey, he'd dreamed of meeting Ireland's famed Brendan. monasteries allover The Abbot founded

Ireland for thousands of monks,

as well as finding the Island of the Promise twice. As the students drifted to the playing field, Niall hung back to speak to Brother Malo.

Smithey Iraven "Brother, I made a mistake. I'd never seen Abbot Brendan before. important.

The man I insulted didn't look Niall said.

I thought he was a beggar,"

know I must do penance for offending and hitting

It was a small offense, wasn't it?" Brother Malo looked down his long, narrow nose at


Niall and said, "Your arrogance offends all of us at Clonfert. Today you broke one of our Abbey Rules.

You're lucky your insult didn't bring on Abbot's black rage." Malo returned to the Abbey, where he was Assistant Abbot and teacher. Clonfert Abbey spread over four acres of meadowland enclosed by a stone wall. The students lived on a hill overlooking the Abbey. The boys and girls built their huts themselves, of wattle and stone, and lived in clusters according to their ages. The students yelled at Niall as he joined them. "Big mouth! Braggart! Got us all in trouble! The girls

You broke Abbot Brendan's rule of order."

threw dirt in his face and the boys stuffed nettles down his tunic. "We'll get no meat tonight, and be

lucky to get bread and water." "I didn't know the old man was Brendan. let's have a game of hurling was Niall's favorite sport. before coena." Come on, Hurling

He carved his sticks from

ash tree limbs and sewed cow-hide around a wads of

Smithey Iraven hair for balls. "Leave us alone, you stinking royadama. trouble. You're

We'll finish our May Day game without you," His mates found their curved bats and

a boy said.

ball and began playing on the rock-walled playing field.

UPoor Niall.

I'm afraid you've gone too far this The yellow-haired student, a

time," Rose said.

royadama of the prince's clan, always took Niall's side, and made excuses for his bragging. But she knew

this offense against their abbot might cause the abbey's top student's explulsion. IIHelpme if you can, Rose," Niall said. IlI'11

honor you with a gift if you convince Abbot to keep me at Clonfert." His friend muttered as she ran to the playing field, IlIfyou're so smart, why don't you see I don't need gifts? I'd like some attention from you, the

handsome eldest son of my father's best friend." The fourteen-year-old boy sulked in his hut. He went to vespers because he feared breaking any more rules. No one walked up the hill with him tonight.

His single candle shone dimly compared to the hundreds carried by his classmates. Niall couldn't sleep. He walked to the highest point at Clonfert to look east toward home on the Hill of Tara to see if any Beltane fires burned. His clan


hadn't celebrated the pagan spring festival since they became Christians. Many Celts, caught between pagan

and Christian beliefs, continued to set two fires and run their cattle between the flames to protect them from underworld spirits. Fires burned in every direction he looked. Beltane? Pagan spirits? For a moment he thought of

using the pagan festival as an excuse for abusing Brendan. Could a witch disguised as a rabbit have He

caused his outburst at Abbot? he asked himself.

remembered seeing a hare before he got in trouble. "No. No. No." Niall denied himself the possibility of evil spirits causing him to misbehave. He hit himself on the head with both fists to knock sense into it. The boy went back to his hut, and offered his prayers to Jesus. Tears dampened his tunic as he

confessed his attack on his Abbot. Niall waited. He tried to pardon himself by reasoning he didn't recognize Abbot Brendan. No forgiveness lightened his heart, only reality. His behavior sank his hopes for an education at Clonfert, with Abbot Brendan as his mentor. Except for Rose his friends hated him. The priests and monks

would gossip about his abuse of Abbot, he faced a heavy penance, and he probably wouldn't be top boy at Clonfert anymore.

Smithey/raven Someone knocked on his leather door. "Meet

Brother Malo in the Chapel before our morning meal," a voice said. "Do you hear me?" Yes, I hear,"

"Brother Malo before prandium. Prince Niall answered.


Chapter 2 Niall Defends Himself The sun rose behind his back as Niall looked down from Student's Hill to Clonfert Abbey, built by Abbot Brendan to house three thousands monks in AD 555. Because of the founder's skill in building and designing, Clonfert became known as the most beautiful Abbey in Early Christian Ireland. Abbot Brendan's

rule and the excellence of the Abbey School enhanced Clonfert's reputation. NOw, fourteen years later, Niall studied with young men and women who came from allover to study at Clonfert. the world

Niall's family and clan chose

Abbot Brendan's School for their prince's final years of education. He learned the Scriptures, Latin,

Greek, cursive writing, astronomy, mathematics, Irish history, poetry, music and manuscript illumination. The Abbey's students ate their two meals, prandium after morning mass and coena following evening vespers, with the monks in the refectory. Their classes met outside on the hill in good weather, in the Abbey rooms in Winter. Brother Malo found Niall waiting in the Chapel after dawn mass. "What say you?" Brother Malo asked him.

Kneeling in front of the assistant Abbot, the boy bowed his head and folded his hands. "I know of no


penance large enough for my sin, Brother. me to leave Clonfert, I will."

If you wish

Tears from his dark blue eyes ran down his cheeks when he looked up at Brother Malo. be expelled, sir." Without warning, Niall's temper exploded. His IIIdon't want to

eyes squinted, his fists doubled up, his face turned red, he ground his teeth together. The old man was unknown to me. Navigator before. "It's not fair.

I'd never seen the

How could I know that scruffy old

man was Abbot Brendan?" he shouted as he pointed a finger at Brother Malo. who he was? IIWhydidn't you tell a lad

I've waited all my life to meet the

Navigator, and because I didn't know how he looked, I made a mistake!" Niall stomped up and down the chapel aisles. fists crashed into all four walls, leaving bloody stains on their white stones. The furious boy threw His

himself down before the altar and hit his forehead on the stone floor. He screamed warrior yells loud He pulled out

enough to echo on the chapel walls.

hunks of his black hair and threw them on the altar. 1I0nemistake and my life plan is ruined," Niall screamed. He knelt, bent his body back and forth and began the ancient rite of mourning, crying in a high voice. Brother Malo covered his pale, stern face with

Smithey Iraven his hands. He feared the boy would strike him. He


ran from the chapel, saying, "I will inform you of your penance after I talk to Abbot Brendan. You'd do well to pray for forgiveness." Niall stopped keening and prayed for forgiveness and an easy penance. Malo went to the refectory to report to Brendan. He complained about Niall's rage and lack of repentance. "The Prince lost control. He acted like

Cu Chulainn shape-changing before going into battle." Malo wiped his face. IIThenhe keened like a pagan. We must send him down." I

fear for my life, Abbot.

Abbot Brendan choked on his prandium gruel as Malo related Niall's brash excuse for defaming his Abbot. "Called me a beggar monk, did he? The lad from

Tara is right," Abbot Brendan said. IIIfeel like a dirty old bag of bones sometimes. sassy pup. He's a bright,

Niall's rage reminds me of myself, Malo.

When my foster father, Bishop Erc, took me to his Hermitage at Slane for education I was an eight-yearold red-headed terror, I was. Took to Latin, Greek,

and the Psalms like salmon to River Shannon, I did. Like Niall, I suffered because of my temper and pride. "Raged at everyone and everything, even dear Jesu. Bishop Erc tamed me, finally, by sending me to I chanted psalms in that

live in Fenit Cave alone.

Smithey Iraven


dark place until I hated the sound of my voice echoing in the cave. I learned to listen. Heard Christ say Jesu told me to

He was glad to get my ear at last.

save my big mouth for bringing pagan souls to Him. After He spoke I only used the voice to preach and to tame the waves of the sea." "I remember, Abbot. I heard you tame the waves on our first voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog. hard to educate. About Niall. He's

His arrogance and temper hurt him.

Yet, he's Clonfert's best scholar." "Yes, he's faulted but I admire his good qualities more than I despise his bad ones. island to put his name on," Brendan said. Seeks an His

eyelids drooped as remembered his journeys. IlIfhe only knew what I found out: questing satisfies the soul more than discovering," he said in a whisper.

He rubbed his cross with one hand and patted his raven's head. Minutes passed.

Brother Malo broke the silence. "What punishment will Niall receive, Abbot?" IIWhat do you suggest?" "A black fast. Clonfert School." The Abbot scratched the top of his head where his hair was shaved. "Would any of those help the boy?" You might take him No games. Expulsion from

"No. You'd be a fine mentor.

to Holy Island this summer as your body servant."

Smithey /raven


"Giving me penance instead of him? think, Maeve?"

What do you

He put his ear close to the bird's


beak and listened.

raven offers to humble the


She says together we can tame Niall."

Malo left, scowling.

"Niall deserves a heavier penance than a Sunnner on Holy Island with his hero."

Smithey Iraven Chapter 3 Escape What will happen to me? mother and father from Tara? Will they summon my Will I be sent from Or will I get easy


Clonfert, where I want to study? penance.

I've never made a mistake this serious,

Niall thought. He couldn't eat, nor sleep. None of his friends Rose shook

talked to him, or played games with him.

her blonde braids from side to side when he asked if her plea on his behalf had worked. On a Sabbath afternoon three days after his first meeting with Brother Malo, Niall went to the chapel to hear his penance.

look thin and have dark circles under your

eyes, Niall. I hope you have been praying for forgiveness," Malo said. "Yes, sir, I have," Niall answered. "1 promise I won't rage again, Brother Malo." "Hrrump. Your penance for disobeying the order's rule is to become Abbot's body servant, in word and deed, for the Summer months he spends on Holy Island in Logh Derg. You must keep him well and happy." The monk raised the boy from his kneeling position, and held the handsome head in his hands. Malo said, "You must read Abbot's mind, understand

his wishes, and behave yourself. Can you do that?"




I will.

Thank you for not expelling


Niall said. Malo smiled. Perhaps his idea would work, and

Abbot would be pleased. IJTheprocession to Holy Isle leaves the Abbey entrance gate the morning before the next full moon. Be packed and ready. Kneel for my blessing, Niall. You will need it." Niall lay on his straw pallet in his hut after Vespers, trying to decide what to do. His pride would not allow him to be a servant, even to a famous man like Abbot Brendan. Summer on an island taking care of an old man is not the job for Niall Mac Neill, he thought. He decided to run away to his family at Tara to avoid his penance. The next morning he took a new tablet of yew wood coated with wax from his polaire and sharpened a stylus. Niall ran to the library with a smile on his

face to plot his route to the Hill of Tara. The librarian monks wondered why Niall spent hours pouring over their maps of Ireland. scholarly. "So

A pity about his temper," one said. The

monks clucked their tongues and shook their heads. Niall studied the maps. He decided to build a

raft. He'd row five miles up River Shannon to River Brosna, leave the raft, and walk overland ten miles to Clonard Abbey. The monks would remember him from his



school days there.

Then he'd eat, rest, and build a

stronger raft to row up River Boyne to his family's Hill Fort in Tara. He calculated the raft trip would take three or four days. Perhaps his parents and clan would honor him as an adventurer. Dried bread, cheese, and fruit went into a linen food bag he kept under his cot. Niall worked on his

astronomical chart, and plotted his route while the students slept. Niall bounced down student's hill, deep in spring shamrocks and grass, walked slowly through the abbey grounds to avoid attention, and slipped out the Abbey Gate. Momentum carried him down the steep hill to He built his raft from drift wood and

River Shannon.

vines he found on the river bank, held together with linen rope. v The abbey vesper bell rang. He hid his raft in the brush and ran to the chapel. The raft-building project took ten days. Niall was too busy to copy manuscripts in the scriptorium, but he had a stockpile of finished work that satisfied his teachers. The last day of work on the raft, Niall found a strong limb to use as a pole and a shorter one for an oar. He shaped them with his knife. ready. The raft was

Smithey Iraven Niall threw his hands up in the air and yelled like a victorious warrior. He danced up the path to Clonfert and smiled during vespers and conea. Niall packed his book bag, covering it with an second waxed cowhide for protection. His clothes,


food, water, knife, and extra linen cord went into a bag. The next morning, he stumbled down the hill before sunrise. The boy loaded his raft and strapped

his leather and linen bags to his waist. Niall signed the cross. "Bless this vessel and my voyage, Jesus," he said. Niall rowed the raft into the River Shannon. Poling into the middle of the river, he frantically tried to keep on course up stream. Swift currents The

pulled his raft into white water down stream.

fragile craft snagged on a tree limb, rammed into an underwater rock, and overturned, tossing the boy into the rapids. The power of the downstream current swept him almost past Clonfert, in spite of his strong swimming stroke. Niall panicked. Farming monks working early in their garden near the river heard his cry, "Help me. drowning! " IILook. See the black haired boy trying to swim in Help me. I'm

Smithey Iraven the white water? It's the young Prince from Tara. He must be trying


The one who abused Abbot Brendan.

to run away from Clonfert," said one of the monks. Niall's head bobbed up and down in the swift river.

we rescue him, or let him drown?" a monk

asked. JJLet's save him. His father's rich. We might

get a reward," another said. The monks tied ropes to a tree and their waists to make a human chain to rescue the drowning boy. They carried him in a sling made of a cloak to the Abbey Infirmary, where the healing monks treated him. After they pumped the Shannon River water out of his lungs, they summoned Brother Malo. "What have we here?" Malo sneered at Niall. "A half-drowned swan? bird, is it? It's not even a River Shannon

This looks to me like a River Boyne

black swan, trying to swim back to Tara." Too exhausted to reply, his head away. the adventurer turned

"No more escapes for you, boy.

You sleep in the

abbey where I can see you from now until you leave with Abbot Brendan." Malo blessed him, and Niall closed his eyes and bowed his head in submission. The exhausted boy slept until morning. When he

Smithey Iraven


awoke, he thought about his river experience and realized how near he came to dying. He decided he wouldn't try the river route to Tara again. His pride demanded that he try another

way to avoid penance. Niall decided to pester the monks so much Brother Malo would send him home. He made a list of

the worst tricks students had pulled in other abbey schools he attended, and decided to pelt the monks with rocks. He could perch in one of the trees lining

the path from the abbey to Clonfert Crossroads, where five roads met. He constructed a sling shot of a chewed leather thong tied to an ash branch shaped like a Y. Niall collected round river rocks to use as projectiles. Climbing a tree near the Abbey gate, he

bombarded monks, tradesmen, and visitors. After six days, a victim, his tonsured head dripping with blood, and roaring with pain, climbed the tree, dragged the boy down and boxed his ears. His victims took Niall to Malo's cell to protest. They showed him the knots on their heads and complained. "No more speeches, no more tricks, no more classes. Scullery duty this time, boy. Pots and

floors to scrub.

Bread and water. Only three days Thanks

until Abbot Brendan takes you to his island.

Smithey Iraven


be to Jesu!" Brother Malo forgot to bless him this time. He reported Niall's bad behavior to Abbot Brendan, and suggested the student be expelled from Clonfert Abbey and sent home in disgrace.

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Chapter 4 Father Colman Volunteers

UYou sent for me?" entered Brendan's cell.

Father Colman asked as he

"Sun-bright bard of the Kingdom of Munster,


Lennin, now priested as Colman, help me with Niall mac Neill, Prince of Tara, County Meath, like us roydama, and suffering from the glory of it," Brendan said.

"The wild, raging, brilliant scholar, player of tricks, plague of Brother Malo, good with shots, bad with rafts? day in the refectory. sling

I hear stories of him every What's his punishment?" Father

Colman asked as he settled himself on Brendan's cot. The weight of the large man caused the cot's legs to collapse. llMust not have fasted enough this month," Colman muttered. III'mto take Niall to Holy Isle this Surrnner for his penance. servant." He's to take care of me as my body

The old man scratched the dry skin on his

neck, rubbed his lips together, and fiddled with his cross.

fear he will interrupt my quiet meditation

and peace." "You have reason to worry, Brendan. terror on Holy Isle. A holy

Reminds me of myself, the

brawling, drunken, loud-voiced mac Lennin, Bard of the Kingdom of Cashel. Don't forget your early years,

Smithey Iraven Brenain mac Finlugh. Kerry. You were the raging voice of


You and I acted the same at his age,

remember?" Colman asked. "That's my problem." eyes. The old Abbot closed his

lilt's like I'm reliving my youth. I remember Help me find a way to ease Niall

the pain of it.

through his difficult young years, old friend." IIDidanyone ease ours?1I IINotmuch. Bishops Erc and my teachers helped.1I

IIBishop Jarlath cured me when you sent me to Tuam Abbey for study." Colman laughed, and pointed at Brendan. IIDid Jarlath put you in a cave to yell away your fears and frustrations, like he did me?1I

IISeveral times. Took a while to cure my raging with black fasting and cave dwelling. I yelled the

psalms and beat the walls so loud dear Jesu sent angels down to tell me to shut up and listen." Brendan chuckled. in a cave? II Colman's loud, deep voice echoed off the stone walls of the small cell. "How many stars are in the sky? Compared to this heathen bard's case, Niall is "How many times did you do penance

an angel. II IIIlike Niall's spirit. Don't want to break it.

I want to build him up instead of knocking him down. II Brendan looked at Colman, hoping for a suggestion. IILetme think what might help Niall." A giant

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man, he could pace Brendan's tiny cell in two steps. Brendan crunched his frail body into a corner of his broken cot to avoid being stepped on. At last an idea formed in Colman's mind. "I could go with you to Holy Isle, Brendan. abbey this Summer. Malo can run the

He's a good monk, who gets on well This lad

with most of our students, except Niall.

comes from a different background than Malo, being of royal blood and all. We've been in the same place

he's in now--too high-born for hardship, too smart for learning, too stubborn to give in. make a change in his life." "Using your fancy bardic words, you've explained part of Niall's problems. leave for Pack your belongings. Go in Peace," We Together we might

Holy Island in two days.

Brendan said. IIIfNiall lives up to his reputation, will be disturbed all summer," our peace

Colman mumbled.



Chapter 5 Logh Derg Monks, priests, and Abbot Brendan rode in the procession to the River Shannon. Two-wheeled wicker

chariots pulled by horses carried some; others rode horses. Niall walked behind in the dust. The strap of

his heavy leather book bag dug into his shoulder. The boy heard a whistle. He looked back at the She

abbey and saw Rose standing in the gateway. waved. face.

Niall thought he saw her wipe tears from her

Tears came to his eyes, too, when he realized he had one true friend at Clonfert Abbey. When the group stopped for bread and cheese, he served them. He ate the scraps of their meal.

Never in my life have I been a lowly servant, Niall thought. I won't let 'him' know how upset I am. Useless old man. Sitting in a comfortable chair in

the chariot with that one-eyed black bird on his shoulder. I'd like to replace the raven as his pet, I want to sit beside him, listening to He's my hero. And I'm his


his adventure stories.

servant. I wish I hadn't offended him. The trip from the Abbey to the river took two hours. When the group reached River Shannon, Niall

helped carry Abbot in his chair onto one of the three boats.

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"How much longer, Brother?" he asked a monk. "Eight miles down the Shannon, then twenty-seven more across Logh Derg. shore of the Logh." Niall knew that Abbot Brendan lived on his island in the summer alone, praying and doing penance, Now, monks came along We'll spend this night on the

until he became old and feeble. to help. penance.

Niall would be his major care-taker for his

I'd rather spend all Summer in the chapel saying Pater Nosters and Aves than look after this dirty old man, Niall fumed to himself. Serve us bread and drink. looks faint. The monks say, 'Boy. He

Fan our Abbot Brendan. Don't they I

Look after your charge.'

know I'm royadama?

I'm not an ordinary prince.

might be elected High King of Tara!

The boy chewed

his nails and twisted his hair in frustration. After vespers, the monks settled down on woven mats. A full moon rose over the logh. Niall pointed up at the sky, "Look. It's a blue moon. See the blue halo? This only happens every

three years."

He stayed awake all night watching the No one else

reflection of the moon on the logh.

seemed interested in him or the blue moon. He rose for dawn mass, served bread and water to the others, and helped load the boats. When the curraghs entered the logh Niall



noticed clear, blue sky except for one place, where mist hung low over the water like a fluffy ball of sheep's wool suspended from a cloud. "How much longer, Brother?" Niall asked again. "Fifteen miles more. Watch for ravens and swans. They'll be welcoming Abbot Brendan, and you'll see one of his miracles," the monk said. I'll have to see that to believe it, Niall thought. I'm bored. Maybe salmon will bite for me.

That will be my miracle--to have a decent meal for a change. A linen fishing line, a hook hand-beaten from a bronze hasp, and a bread crumb made up his fishing gear. He sat in the back of the curragh, baited the The

hook several times, felt a tug, and pulled hard.

salmon sailed over him and the monks into Abbot's lap. "What do I have here--a gift hermitage?" Brendan asked. Niall moved forward in the boat, and said, "It's my fish, Abbot. his mouth." "I'm sure you'll want to share your bountiful catch. Cook this beauty when we get to the island. See. My line and hook are still in to welcome me to my

We'll break fast tomorrow to enjoy your fish." Niall held the salmon to his chest and moved to the back of the boat. "You are my supper," he told the fish. I won't share you with anyone." He wrapped it



in waxed hide and stowed the fish in his food bag. "Boy! Come be my staff," a voice roared.

"Abbot, you want me?" Niall knelt in front of Brendan. "Stand sturdy while I rise." The Abbott's worn The boy

knees buckled as he rose from his chair. steadied him and handed him his staff.

"I will walk onto the Isle instead of riding in my chair. a welcome." Hold me upright while old Brendan arranges The Abbot's bony arm lifted his staff

toward the sky. "Land us safely on my Holy Island, my dears." Niall took a deep breath. The miracle I've heard

of will happen now or never, he thought. The sky darkened with black raven wings beating the air. The water turned white from swans churning the logh with their wings and feet.

The boat rode high in the water as the large white birds ducked under the curraghs, spread their wings, lifted, and moved the boats filled with men and supplies onto the beach. Ravens circled and squawked. Maeve whispered in her master's ear and swooped landward to join the flock. The mist covering Brendan's Island vanished when the boats touched land. Niall grew light-headed. His legs went limp.

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His body sank to the bottom of the boat. Is this real, or is it a vision? he asked himself. Abbot Brendan that I have offended? fear the power of this man. Abbot called his name. shaky legs. Niall went to Brendan on Who is this Jesus, help me, I

Smithey Iraven Chapter 6 Holy Island


The buildings hugging Holy Island were either low tigos, or bee-hive clochans. Niall had expected to

see beautiful stone buildings like those at Clonfert Abbey. "Where is your palace, Abbot, that I may lead you there?" beach. Niall asked when they stepped onto the sandy One of Brendan's hands rested on Niall's head,

the other held his crooked staff. "Here I live as a hermit. No palaces for me. A

hard floor in the chapel, a rock, a cave or a curragh is the place for Brendan. And for you, too, Niall."

"Here comes your bird, sir." Maeve dived from the sky, lit on the old man's staff and squawked before circling with the flock again. A bird sang three times.

"What's that?" Niall asked, looking around. "A blessed sign from the linnet bird: three calls for the Trinity." Brendan lifted his staff, to sign

the cross toward the land, to the hovering birds, then over the monks who knelt on the sand. "Jesu,

bless this isle and those of us who come to do you honor. Amen." Niall supported Abbot Brendan as he walked in a procession behind a monk holding a large wooden cross. Forty monks and priests marched single file up the

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Niall saw a few larger

beach toward the Hermitage. buildings.

One stone building looked like a ship. A

cross, with a circle around it, stood on its top. The raven moved to Abbot's shoulder. "Maeve, you've come to roost on old Brendan again, in time for vespers. Lead me to the chapel, lad. It's the

building that looks like a ship." Once Niall settled his charge in chapel,he unloaded their belongings from the curragh and carried them to the hut he would share with Brendan for three months. Niall's stomach growled. He knew vespers would A flint

last long enough for him to cook his salmon.

ignited the dry wood he gathered to make a fire. He cleaned his fish, spitted it, and turned the fish slowly over the fire. The scent of the salmon reached the Chapel. Monks punched each other with their elbows, and whispered, "Niall's cooking his salmon."

Abbot Brendan smelled the fish, too, and heard the smothered laughter from his monks. shook up and down. His shoulders

The Latin words of the mass At the

tumbled from his mouth and mixed with giggles.

end of the mass, he lay on the floor in front of the altar, overcome by his fit of laughter. "Forgive me, dear friends. 'Twas not appropriate

for me to laugh at mass," Abbot told the departing




"We haven't had a sassy student with a mind of Keep an eye on him, he'll

his own in a long time. make trouble for sure."

Niall felt pleased with himself for fooling them all and enjoying a meal. Fasting does not suit a Prince of the mac Neill clan, he thought. He buried the fish bones and stored the rest of the salmon in his food bag before Father Colman came to give him orders. "You sleep on the ground beside Abbot's bed to be ready to care for Brendan's needs. Arrange his books

on the shelf, and yours as well," Colman said. All the huts were alike, except the rounded ones where the lesser monks lived. served the community. A well in the courtyard

A small glade of trees shaded

the buildings, but most of the island was barren. "Father Colman, I don't understand anything that's happened today. Can you help me understand the

miracle of our landing on Holy Isle?" Niall asked. "No. Be patient. Watch and write down what you

see and hear. Did you notice Brendan's scribe writing on his tablet in the curragh, on the beach, and in the chapel? Be like him. Record everything Abbot does

and says. You can write in Latin, can't you?"

"I write and read Latin and Greek well.

I'm the

best student at Clonfert. educated."

I'm high-born and well

Niall's lower lip dropped in a pout.



IINeverdid I imagine I would be a servant boy." "Bless me, you are full of yourself, aren't you?" Colman sighed. "Pray thanks to Jesu for your chance No book learning could

to serve Abbot Brendan.

compare to the education you'll get by being in the holy man's presence. IIAnother thing, Niall, Prince of Tara." Colman's voice boomed when he announced Niall's title. IIShow reverence to Abbot. Your Abbot's temper mellowed with Hear me?"

old age, but don't provoke him. "I understand you."

Niall swept the hut's dirt floor and arranged the books. One tied-up stack of floppy sheep-skin pages Others lay in

looked as if they had been in a flood.

leather boxes decorated with gold letters and jewels. He wanted to examine and read them, but feared being discovered. "Fetch Abbot from chapel. bed," Colman ordered. The student lit a candle and ran to guide his master home. "You hungry, boy?" Brendan asked as Niall helped Put him gently to

him into his sleeping garment and onto his cot. "Father er Abbot er . No. hungry. Aren't you? I mean, yes. I am

Fasting's hard."

Niall turned

away from Abbot Brendan. The Abbot noticed the boy's hands knotting and

Smithey fraven unknotting the rope around his waist.


"Easy for me." Brendan pulled a sheepskin blanket over his thin body. for a year. IIFasted for days, months, once I remember as a

For my sins, you know.

lad feeling my stomach bump into my back bone, it was so empty. Here. " He took bread and a jug of water

from his linen food bag hanging on the wattle wall and gave them to Niall. "Thank you, sir. I'm most terribly hungry.

Thought I'd be too weak to serve you, if I fasted another day." water. "Where did you hang your salmon, Niall?" The boy busied himself restacking Brendan's books before saying, "It's gone. and swam away." "Swam away?" The Abbot covered his mouth to hide Flopped back to the logh Niall nibbled at the loaf and drank

the smile on his face. "Say your prayers, lad. Kneel for my blessing," Abbot said.
111'11 pray for you, and I'm sure Brother

Malo back at Clonfert is working over-time on your behalf." "I will, Abbot. Sometime, sir, when you aren't

so angry with me, would you tell me stories of your voyages?" "When I rest my bones from the trip, I'll tell you tales, lad. You may write them on your tablets.

Smithey Iraven Say your prayers and sleep now." Brendan turned his face toward the wattle wall and slept.


Niall woke before sunup, drew water from the well and carried a pail back to the hut. He washed his

face and hands and put on a clean white tunic. When Abbot woke the boy helped him wash and dress. As they

stepped outside the hut, Maeve flew from her roost on their roof to ride Brendan's shoulder to morning chapel. "Does the raven go everywhere with you, sir?" Niall asked. "Yes, she does. Speaks to me, gives me advice. She's my

Navigates for me when I'm lost at sea.

dearest possession, except for my cross and Bible," Brendan said. Niall stood aside to let Brendan enter the chapel. Maeve flew from the Abbot's shoulder to the She turned her head so her good

roof to wait for him.

eye could stare at Niall and made angry bird noises. He reacted by sticking his tongue out at her.
111'11 show you what I think of Brendan's pet."

Niall scooped up a hand full of sand and threw it in Maeve's face. The raven shook her head and blinked her eye to remove the sand. She cocked her good eye at him,

sighted through her yellow legs, and splashed a bird dropping between his eyes.

Smithey Iraven "What! yelled. The dropping slid down the boy's nose, and into his mouth. "Ugh. You foul bird! I'll get you for this." No! The smell! I'm ruined," Niall


He ran from the chapel to the well, drew water, washed his face and rinsed his mouth. His tunic reeked. On

the way back to the hut to change clothes, Niall plotted his revenge. A trap baited with bread would work, he thought. He cut vines to weave around sticks of wood for the trap. The door took longer to make. He decided on a

door he could close by pulling on a grape vine through his hut's window. pull the door shut. When Maeve squawked Niall would I'll kill that nasty bird. Maybe

Abbot will notice me more if she's dead, he decided. The trap was finished and hidden in the bushes in time to help the old man walk to the dining hall for breakfast. After nightfall Niall set and baited the trap to capture his rival for Brendan's attention.



Chapter 7 Rage Loud squawking woke Brendan before daylight. "Light a candle, boy. Niall didn't answer. My Maeve is hurt." His cot was empty. He sat

on the roof, pulling the raven's tail feathers out as she lay helpless in the trap. Father Colman heard the noise, lit a candle, and came to help Brendan walk outside to rescue his pet. The priest grabbed the boy and pulled him off the roof. He cuffed the boy's ears, and said, "Kneel, you

rascal." Brendan took the wounded bird in his arms. "Maeve, my dear. Stripped of your glory, your pride, My beloved companion, who

your heroic tail feathers!

helped me navigate on my voyages and who lost an eye rescuing me from the claws of a vulture." Tears fell down his rutted cheeks and wet his sleeping garment. death. loose. The raven shook, and seemed near Her beak hung

Her only eye rolled back.

Her head sagged against Brendan's chest.

"My cross, Colman, at once," Brendan ordered. Colman fetched the cross and put it in the old man's hand. Abbot touched Maeve's body with it,

whispering words no one could hear, except Jesu and the bird. Brendan wrought a miracle. A white light blinded



Niall and Colman.

Brendan's and Maeve's bodies glowed Maeve lifted her head and

with a heavenly radiance.

looked at her master with two golden eyes. She blinked them, surprised. Full, glossy, black feathers began She struggled from Brendan's

to grow from her tail.

grasp and flew to her usual place on his left shoulder. Her master's hand stroked her back. Maeve focused her two golden eyes on him and fluttered her restored tail feathers. Niall felt faint and sank to the ground. He greatly feared Brendan's miraculous power. Brendan's old, remembered, shameful, black rage burst out at Niall Mac Neill. The Abbot towered over the cowering boy. face glowed red, light flashed from his eyes, His black

smoke rose out of his head, his teeth showed white from his mouth, which enlarged to bellow, "You highborn bully! You smarty rascal! You ungrateful, mean-

hearted terror of Tara! sight.

Remove yourself from my I ban

I strike your voice from your throat. To the cave with you!"

you from my hermitage.

Holy Island became as bright as a summer day, but there was no sun. The ground heaved and rumbled. High waves

Trees shook so hard their leaves dropped. crashed on the beach. Sleepy

Wind blew Colman off his feet.

monks stumbled out of their huts to see



what miracle their Abbot had made. When they saw Niall curled up into the smallest ball possible, his body glowing as though struck by lightning, the monks went back to their tigos. "Abbot's Black Rage," they whispered to one another. "Poor lad. He brought it on himself." Maeve still on his

Brendan strode into his hut,

shoulder, and closed the leather door. Niall called to Colman, "Help me!" from his throat. He was mute. No sound came

He covered his lips His body

with his hands which glowed like an ember. burned and his bones rattled. hugged his knees with his arms.

Sobbing silently, he

Father Colman took charge. First, he put Brendan and Maeve to bed, then he stuffed Niall's clothes and books into a leather bag, pulled him up, and led him with a candle's faint light to the other side of the island. "Abbot Brendan feels great anger at you, lad. It's best you stay out of his sight for a few days," Colman said. away. The boy felt abandoned. hopeless. And afraid. And He left Niall in a damp cave and walked

He had fallen from grace of man and Jesus. No ideas came to

What could he do to help himself? him. The candle burned out.

The blackness of the

cave matched the darkness in his heart.

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Chapter 8 Remembering "You sent for me, Abbot?" kissed Brendan's ring. The two friends sat on a bench in the chapel. Colman waited for Abbot to talk. "Last night I dreamed about meeting you on the Hill of Cashel long ago, priest," Brendan said. shortly before I became a were the famous mac Lennin Colman knelt and


the Bard, reciting poetry out of a face purple from drink, spewing nonsense about the pagan, Hugh the Black, who aimed to be chosen High King of Cashel. Writing the best bardic poetry in Ireland's history. Keen on genealogy, too, weren't you?" "Yes, Brendan. You won me to Holy King Christ I've been

that day with honeyed words and miracles.

Christ's Bard since, with the new name you gave me: Colman. " "You're a boon to our company of monks and a blessing to me." Brendan's voice quivered. shook. His hands

He'd aged twenty years since Maeve was



favor, old friend. Send a boat back to I need confessing."

Clonfert to fetch Brother Malo.

Colman took frail Brendan in his strong, hairy arms, and rocked him back and forth. Niall, isn't it? "It's the boy,

Your rage against him last night?"

Brendan cried. "I thought I was free of that sin

Smithey Iraven of rage. All my fasting and praying on my knees in


moldy caves and windy hill-tops went for naught. flawed and need Malo to shrive me." "I could help you myself," Colman said.

I am

"You care for me too much, Little Dove. I need Malo's hard heart to set me right. Niall, until I can compose myself." Take care of Brendan waved

Colman away and knelt again on the cold chapel floor to pray. A curragh with four monks rowing left Holy Island that day. In four days, it returned to the cove near Malo found Brendan in the chapel on

the hermitage.

his knees before the altar. Niall lay on his stomach, his head supported by his arms, looking at Logh Derg. He spent the night

trying to yell every psalm in the scriptures, hitting his head against the cave's walls, praying all the prayers he knew, even squeezing his throat. brought his voice back. Abbot's taken my voice, maybe forever. I Nothing

offended him mightily. I'm tired, but I'm too scared to sleep, Niall thought. The eerie noises made by strange animals, the sounds of the waves breaking on the beach, the smells of the musty cave, the wet sandy floor where he lay, and the ultimate darkness closed in on him. took over his brain and his senses. Terror

The brave

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Warrior-Prince of Tara cried like a new-born baby and lost control of his bladder and his bowels. What can I do? I have debased myself to the

level of the lowest human being in Ireland, he thought. The boy pushed his straight, black hair out

of his face and dug his dirty hands into his swollen eyes. He chewed his nails until they bled. Maybe

I can write down what's happened to me.

that will help me understand why I hurt Abbot, Maeve, and myself, Niall decided.

At first light, he washed in the lake and began writing. When he reread the tablets, he found an

answer, but no solution. All the deadly sins against Christ are here! against Abbot Brendan, too. will help me? Niall wondered. rot? Wait. I hear someone coming. I'm a lost soul. Who And

Will I be left here to

He left the mouth of the cave to look.

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Chapter 9 The Cave Colman appeared. hands. Niall buried his head in his

He pointed to his throat and shook his head

from side to side. "I know, lad. You're mute."

Colman showed Niall a beach where he could bathe again. Niall put on the clean white tunic the priest brought him. "Help me carry our supplies up the hill to the cave," Colman said. while." A horse, tied to a tree at the bottom of the hill, carried two straw panniers full of goods to make cave living more comfortable. Each of them unlaced a There was a
"You and I will stay here a

basket and slung it over his shoulder.

pottery jug of water, dried meat, fruit, fish, bread, oats, eggs, honey, a bronze pot for cooking, wooden eating utensils, bronze bowls and cups, fishing hooks, sheep skin blankets, an oil lamp and candles, and a Bible and writing material. Colman unpacked a gold

cross for the shelf on the cave wall, which would serve as their altar. Colman read aloud from the tablet Niall handed him. IICould I have some bread, Father?" "Better than that, Niall. We'll break fast

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together. Help me build a fire and we'll cook a hearty prandium after we pray." Both slept after their meal. hungry again. Niall woke first,

He crept from the cave to the kettle,

cut a piece off a loaf with his meat knife, and scraped left-over oatmeal into his mouth with the bread. Former bards know how to cook and eat. By the

size of him, he must not have ever been hungry in his life, Niall thought. I'm lucky he came to help me.

I'll ask him to tell me some Bardic stories when he wakes. Soon, the priest joined Niall at the cauldron. He grabbed bread to dip in the stirabout. his chin. "I'm always hungry, lad." Colman said

Some ran down

being priested, I miss the banqueting halls and the mighty feasts. know. We bards get fed well and often, you

Have a special niche of honor to sit in, on a

soft cushion, and are served right after the King. Brendan won me to Christ at Cashel Castle, where I was Chief Bard and Genealogist. and kings already. But you know about bards

Coming from Meath, your father the

Warrior-Lord of Tara, you have the same background as I do." The big man ate more oatmeal.

Niall nodded. "Took to Brendan's Jesu right away, I did, but



not so easily to fasting." cauldron easier.

Colman looked in the empty

and poured water in it to make cleaning "Want to explore the island a bit, boy, Food's gone." Niall wrote

before we clean our cave and settle in? IIHow long will I stay here, Father?" on his tablet.

"All summer, if Brendan wills it," Colman answered.

IIDid we walk across this spit last night? I don't

remember much that happened," Niall wrote, then pointed to a narrow passage connecting two parts of Holy Island. "You were in shock, boy. Abbot Brendan laid a

black rage and heavy penance on you for maiming Maeve. "

deserved it," Niall's tablet read. To answer your Water

"Yes. For sure, you did. question,

we indeed walked across the spit.

covers it during flood times and the island is split in two." Niall took the tablet from the priest, and scribbled, IILook. This part of the island has different vegetation, higher hills, and caves. larger, sandier, shore." "Good observation, Niall. That's one reason He can And a

Brendan chose this island for his hermitage. be isolated,

while the others live in the huts across

Smithey Iraven the spit. In this cave, he spends long weeks on his knees, praying and fasting." Niall led the way to the top of the hill. the chapel on the west side of the island, and wondered if Brendan was there.


He saw

Seeing the roof of the

hut they shared brought back his memory of trapping Maeve and enraging Abbot. at the hermitage. Grabbing his tablet, he wrote, "I'm ashamed of my behavior and fearful for my future. What could I do He sat on a rock and stared

to change Abbot's mind about having me around?" "Maybe angels know. I don't, lad," Colman said.
"You might think about asking Abbot's forgiveness

before planning your future with him." Niall hung his head. Colman spoke the truth

about his ambition to have Brendan for a mentor. For a long time, neither man spoke nor wrote. Time hung suspended, as though waiting like the boy for the answer to his question. fingernails. Doubts chilled him. He chewed his

The older man ran his hands through his thick, dark hair and beard. "We've not a clue about your future with Brendan and Clonfert Abbey, have we, Niall? that smelly, smoky What say we make

cave of Brendan's more livable,

take a swim, fill the pot with fish we've caught, pray some, then talk about what you can do to make amends."



Niall worked harder than Colman, scrubbing soot off the cave's walls, unpacking their possessions, catching and cleaning fish and building a fire. The

priest cut vegetables and herbs to add to the fish in the cauldron for their evening meal. Brought it with me

"This is my family cauldron. from Cashel Castle.

Only relic left from my druidic, except for my harp,

bardic life as Bard mac Lennin, meat knife, and sword. in Tara, don't you?"

You have a sword at your home

Niall's tablet was full. the cave, and wrote, fourteenth birthday. held it in my hand.

He got a new one from

Yes , a gift from my clan on my

I've never seen my sword, or Today's my birthday, Father. A

gift may be waiting for me at the abbey from my family." He handed the wooden slate to Colman. Fifteen years old

"Indeed, indeed, I understand. today.

We'll celebrate here tonight, to honor your I might agitate my near-

entrance into manhood.

forgotten poetic thoughts and compose a poem for you, young man. You stir the stew, and I'll write a

birthday verse for you." Colman fetched his harp from the cave and tuned it as he walked up the hill.

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Niall thought of home as he stirred the fish stew. He stretched his mind to recall his mother's

face bending over his bed box to kiss him goodnight, and his father sitting tall in his stall of honor in the Warriors' Hall. Even if he were home for his fifteenth birthday, his mother wouldn't dote on him like she did when he was younger. the back. The warm kisses would become a pat on

The offering of a choice piece of meat to

her baby boy would pass to the youngest child at table, not him. His father would be busy overseeing

the warrior training and education of his younger brothers, as well as leading his clan in battles to protect their land and cattle. What am I grieving for? long past. Unreasonable things, Grow up,

A childhood remembered fondly.

Niall, he said to himself. the spoiled baby. know how?

You had your turn being But, do you

It's time to be a man.

Niall's head dropped low. smoke flooded his face. hermitage

Tears from sadness and

He stood to look at the He

and thought again of Brendan's rage. Niall

brought it on himself by hurting Maeve. shivered and moved closer to the fire.

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Chapter 10 Niall's 15th. Birthday Niall's head popped up when he heard harp music. He strutted around the fire, smiling and thinking of the honor of having the best bard in Ireland write his birthday poem. He wished for his princely garments

and his gold torc to show Colman how handsome a prince he could be. He stirred the stew faster in time to the music. After vespers and coena, Father Colman took his

harp out of its leather case, tuned, and said, "For Niall mac Neill, in honor of his fifteenth birthday."

A POEM FOR PRINCE NIALL On Holy Isle, this 6th of June, Niall mac Neill of Tara attains manhood. The handsome Trumpeting youth appears at Clonfert Abbey

like a learned prince.

His mentor

sees an unfinished mouth


The princely Selfishness

spouts no wisdom.

and lack of compassion goodness.

keep him from perfecting

Love of Jesu and mankind

is missing. call

The coo of the dove and triple

Smithey /raven


of the linnet fallon

deaf ears.

Hearken to this bard and priest's voice.

Search for the treasure hidden inside the Sa1mon of Knowledge Finn mac Cumhaill left you, Niall, Prince of Tara, as an inheritance.

Strive for inward peace and bring harmony to our fair land. Walk the great high road of Lugh, the Shining One, your kinsman.

Seek soulful radiance. Niall, great-great-grandson and namesake of

Eocchu Muigmedon, High King of Ireland. Hearken to this bard and priest's voice.

U Niall, heir to Ireland's throne. Dig like the Hound of Ulster, Cu Chulainn, to uncover your true self. Bury the lawless boy on Holy Isle.

Bend your knees to the Wise Ones. Draw courage from your brave sires. Harness the power of your faith to transform yourself into a man of honor.



May you go forth boldly into manhood, glorifying The High King of Heaven and honoring your mentors, Brendan and Colman. Hearken to this bard and priest's voice.


more, sir, please," Niall wrote.

The priest and bard chanted his poem again. Niall bent over his tablet. He turned his back

to Colman so he couldn't see his sorrowful face. Colman put his harp in its leather case, and walked toward the cave. The boy followed him and shoved his tablet into the priest's hand. what I am?" Colman answered firmly,

It read:


A lawless boy.

Is that

The older man sat

by the fire and waited for a response from Niall. The prince looked out over the dark waters of Logh Derg. He dug his toes in the sand, skimmed a A half moon rose on

rock on the water, bit his lip.

the horizon while he struggled to admit his faults to himself. Colman's poem showed the dark side of his

life that he was ashamed of, but had been taught at Warrior School as a requirement for a Warrior Prince. Niall walked the length of the beach. I can

change, if someone cares enough to guide me, he thought. I want to become like the man Colman wrote


50 Would he help me? I'll ask him.

about in his poem.

He wrote on his tablet by the light of the moon, directly overhead now, and walked back to the fire. Colman read the words. IIWillyou help me change?" Niall's tablet said.

Colman stared at the dirty, tear-stained face. He was tempted to be gentle with the boy, but decided to reinforce the poem's challenge. "Why do you want to change? You have everything. You're a handsome man, You already

except now, when you look like an urchin.

know everything we try to teach you at the Abbey School. training. few years. You're good at hurling. You've had warrior

You might be elected High King of Tara in a Why should you want to change?" When I

IIBecause I don't like myself as I am.

reread my journal of the last four weeks, I saw myself as others see me," Niall wrote.

poem I act like an

reinforces what I wrote in my journal.

lawless boy, not a future king, nor a man of honor, nor a man of Christ. When I heard you chant your birthday poem I realized "

Smithey Iraven Chapter 11 Niall's Journals Niall stopped writing, handed the board to the priest and walked into the lake to wash his face Colman joined him. "How old were you when your


parents put you in fosterage?" Neill held up two fingers. "Two years old? tablet in the dark. Where? Wait. I can't read your

Walk back to the cave with me."

When they were in the cave with lamps lit, Niall wrote, liToMother Ita's first, at the age of two years. Kildare I went to Mother Brigid's Convent School at when I was four."

"And then?"
liTo Durrow Abbey, then to Clonard Abbey, now at

Clonfert Abbey to finish my education. training fit in between school terms."


"Haven't been home with your family at Tara much of your life, have you?" Colman asked. IIHasthat

made a change in your life?" Niall took a long time to write his answer. find myself lonely at times. angry." Father Colman sat beside the boy. He strummed Also abandoned and

his harp to fill the void of their silence. "Tomorrow," he told Niall. more, you and I. "Tomorrow, we'll talk

Tonight, we rest, we think, we

Smithey Iraven sleep. And we pray."


Father Colman and Niall, Prince of Tara, followed a schedule similar to Clonfert Abbey's, except they lived in a cave on a hill on Holy Isle in Logh Derg. Praying before conea and prandiurn, studying

scriptures, copying manuscripts, cleaning the cave, fishing for salmon, finding roots, wild vegetables, and berries for food filled the day from dawn until candle time. Colman declined an offer of a hurling

match, citing old age, and a sagging stomach as excuses. A week passed, with no word from Brendan at

the hermitage. Afternoons became the time for the two princes to share their life stories. chosen to be a Druid, Colman told of his being how he

what he learned,

studied to be worthy of becoming a bard and genealogist to the King of Cashel. He described

Brendan's visit to Cashel Castle and the power of the soon-to-be priest's, Brendan's, miracle.

That Tears

miracle convinced me to become Christ's man."

flowed while he recalled the time of his baptism by Brendan in a horse trough, when a dove flying over him fell dead into the water. liThedove brought me a call from Christ to take up His work," Colman said. "To show you how I trust you, I'm going to tell you a secret. Abbot Brendan renamed me 'Colman,' at



my baptism,

which means 'Little Dove' in Latin. He Would you like

calls me that name when we are alone. to call me 'Little Dove?'" IJFather Little Dove, I would. honor of it," the boy wrote. On the wooden

Thank you for the

boards coated with wax, both men After vespers,

wrote daily of their early lives. Colman read them aloud.

Niall wrote of being angry at his parents for sending him to fosterage with Mother Ita when he was a baby. IJPeople, nuns, and other children surrounded me, but they weren't my people. I greived because my

mother couldn't nurse me from her soft breasts, or put me to bed with kisses and stories in my own bed box next to hers. Instead, I was one of fifty children I couldn't understand why my

the nuns took care of.

parents sent me away from the hill fort, and no one explained it was for my own good. I thought I was To

abandoned so I acted lonely and sad all the time.

make myself feel better, I learned to boast and brag. IJI'mbeginning to understand why I rage. I

haven't accepted that my parents do the best they can for me. They want me to be prepared for whatever I've been blaming I want to

Christ and my clan wish me to be.

everyone except myself for my lawlessness.

be like the man you described in my birthday poem."

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"After reading this, I begin to understand how your childhood brought on your problems, Niall. Now

write about your responsibility to Holy Christ, the King of Tara, and your clan," Colman said. Niall filled up ten boards, and bound them together with leather thongs to make a book. Colman read the book, and told Niall, "You write

better than any of the old monks at Clonfert Abbey who call themselves historians. If Abbot Brendan hadn't

taken your voice during his black rage, I wouldn't have discovered your talent. lad. This is your calling,

Do you know how well you write?" "Yes, Father, I own that I write well. Would you

teach me to be a poet, too?" Niall wrote. JlOnly you, with the training of a bard and priest, could teach me what I yearn to know." "You've a grand thirst for learning, Niall. Later, I'll teach you to acclaim the power of Jesu instead of some pagan king like I did at your age. Took me ten years to learn to commemorate a battle, or a king's election with words. "I'll teach you to honor Jesu with a poem some day, but first you must work on finding your self." In three days, Niall wrote another ten tablets about his life and bound them into a book. He wrote,

"Little Dove, I am ready to compose poetry now." "You will not have your way, Niall, until I see a

Smithey Iraven change in you. Go, write more, probe deeper in your You still show traits Colman said.


heart, and explore your soul. of a lawless and selfish boy,"

Niall grabbed his book from Colman's hands, ran to the shore, and threw it into the lake. The ash

tablets floated and washed up on the shore. Colman and Niall ignored them. All night the boy paced up and down the beach of Logh Derg. Colman knelt before the cross and prayed,

Jesu , give Niall the strength to conquer his pride.

Help him to drop his princely armor enough to let your light illuminate his heart." Niall had stirabout ready in the cauldron when Colman came out of the cave the next morning. prayed and ate. IIPlease forgive me for destroying my tablets. Here are those ten tablets and ten more I wrote by candlelight," Niall's tablet said. After he read his work. You show We'll begin They

Colman took the tablets. student's words, he said, improvement.


I accept your apology.

poetry writing tomorrow."



Chapter 12 Two Bards Colman said, "Let's sleep less and write more

while I teach you to put words together to create a Christian poem. For now, I want you to find a theme Write

to explore that warms the center of your heart. words that unexpectedly bring tears to your eyes.

Take a tablet and stylus and disappear until vespers." Niall wrote ideas all day. He wrote about his

uncontrollable rage and pride and his wish to become a worthy man. The portly priest and the slender prince forgot about meals and study while they huddled with their waxed tablets. Niall began writing his first poem on

the day of a new moon and finished it the next day, a Sabbath. JlThis is a good start, Niall," Colman said as he read the words. JlI'll set it to music. Stay here--

I'll whistle when I'm ready to chant and play it for you. " Niall ran back and forth in front of the cave so he could hear Colman's whistle. Wish I had a voice to chant it myself. Wonder if Abbot Brendan will ever

release me from the curse of losing my voice? he thought. Colman whistled.

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"Prince Niall's First Poem," Colman announced


Jesus, tame my stormy temper.

forgive me for my sins.


Jesus, pardon me for raging. Christ, guide me to the High Road. please,

High King of Heaven,

Teach me to love Peace.


"My harp and I rejoice with you, lad. fair start. My heart lifts entirely.

It's a

I've made a

poet out of a blue-white skinned, thin-faced, blackhaired, blue-eyed sassy lad from Tara and River Boyne! Who would have believed what you're becoming this summer, Niall? harp tomorrow." Niall pointed to his throat. "I know you can't talk. you can write. lacking. " Niall nodded his head in agreement, took a newly waxed ash tablet, and began writing a new poem. The schedule of the priest and the student included harp lessons now. sunup to sunset. Three more days passed, with no word from the They stayed busy from But you can hear. And I'll start teaching you to play the

Celebrate what you can do, not what's

Smithey fraven hermitage.


Niall carved a walking stick out of a slender ash limb in his idle hours. He copied the decorative with a piece of

swirls on Colman's clan cauldron

charcoal, then used his knife to etch the wood. He added Christian symbols and carved a cross to bind on top of the staff. He looked carefully at his work, and decided it was a worthy gift for Father Colman, the best friend he ever had.



Chapter 13 Abbot Colman On the night before the Summer Solstice, a hooded figure entered the cave and nudged Colman on the shoulder with his foot. figure out of the cave. "A messenger awaits you at the hermitage, Father. He wears the livery of the King of Munster. I'll stay with the lad." Help me stow my Colman followed the sturdy

Abbot says to come now.

"I've been expecting a message.

belongings in the panniers, and strap them to my horse. " "Wake up, Niall." Colman shook him. to the hermitage. Brother Kevin


brought a message

for me and one for you.

' hl.ffi "

Stay here in the cave with

The boy scribbled on a tablet. JJWait, Father, don't leave me! Aren't you coming back? Are you

leaving Holy Isle?

I'm not ready to be a man yet.

You're the only one who can help me." He grabbed the priest's robe and pushed the tablet into his hand. Colman read the words, and said, "You underestimate yourself. You've mastered many skills: I

a scholar, a warrior, a future king, and a poet. must leave you to answer the summons of my clan's King.

We'll meet again, but your instruction from me

Smithey fraven is over. Kneel for my blessing, Niall of Tara.



Instead of the usual blessing, Colman chanted a poem Niall composed, made the sign of the cross over him, and walked down the hill to where his horse waited. The student ran after his teacher with the staff he carved and put it in his friend's hand. liltwill serve me well, lad. of an Abbey at Cloyne." on the staff.

I'm to be founder

Colman examined the carving

Abbot needs a sturdy, beautiful

staff, and I'll treasure this because you made it for me. I'm sixty-two years old and King Hugh chose me as Mac Lennin the Bard, now Abbot Colman, Pray for me, Niall."


Christ's man in my own county.

Abbot Brendan gave Colman the scroll from the King of Munster. "The king asks me to come at once. He deeds me

land in Cloyne for a large Abbey, as he promised when I was priested. I will be Abbot now, later Bishop. Brendan, that a pagan, druidic

Would you believe,

bard would be chosen by dear Jesu for such an honor? What did I do to deserve this?" "I schooled you to be an Abbot and Bishop, Little Dove," Brendan answered. IIIrecognize a good man, no

matter if he's dressed in a purple bard's mantle or a monk's habit. My blessing on you, Abbot Colman.

Smi they lraven Youlll be high cockalorum of Cloyne.1I Colman knelt and kissed Brendanls ring. liMyheart is heavy about leaving the boy in the cave. What will happen to him?1I Colman asked. IIBrother Kevin will tire him out with hurling, swimming, and running, as well as prayers and study, until Brother Malo comes from Clonfert to direct the hermitage. I plan to join Kevin and Niall for the


rest of the summer.

I will tell my remembrances while

Niall writes the story of my voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog." IIAreyou strong enough, Abbot?1I IIITisthe binding truth, I donlt know how long
1111 last in that damp cave.

"Your report on Niall encourages me.

I see a

worthwhile man developing in our young Prince of Tara.


IIIfGod wills it. tamed somewhat. be firm with him.

His temper and pride seem

I tried not to break his spirit, yet Will you let me know his progress?

Wish I could become a lark in a tree, watching the two of you reliving your voyage with words.


looked toward the cave where he left Niall. "Thank you for mentoring Niall, Little Dove. now. Your curragh waits. Go

Ask Good King Hugh to fit for

your chapel with silver chalices and candlesticks the Glory of Blessed Jesu. you need.

Remember to ask for what

Kings often forget past favors from God or



man, unless you remind them." "Thank you for reminding me. friend, for now." The new Abbot followed the rowing monks to the lake, got into the boat, and left Holy Isle. Good-bye, old

Niall walked to the beach to watch Colman's curragh leave for Cashel. thought. Abandoned again, he

He kicked at the sand with his bare foot, Or am I?

then stopped and put his hands on his hips.

Colman left me with the confidence I need to grow up. So did my parents. The rest is up to me, he decided.

The sun set late, because this was the longest day of the year. One last golden sunbeam lit up

Colman's face as he turned his head toward the cave and raised his hand toward Niall in benediction. Niall watched as the boat turned North on Logh Derg, following the East side of the lake to River Suire From there the party would row down the river

until they neared the Hill of Cashel, where a chariot would take him to meet his kinsman, King Hugh. In anger Colman's student threw a tablet in the fire. The new Abbot looked back toward Holy Isle as the waxed wood hit the fire and sent bright red sparks up into the night sky. "Prince, I see your anger that I left you. I'm Colman did not look

not gone forever from your life."



back again. Brother Kevin cooked a fish stew, and brought Niall a bowl. more. IIAbbotColman forgot his cauldron, Brother," he wrote. IIWe'llhave to send it to him." Also He ate and went back to the pot for

"Father Colman said he leaves it to you. his harp."

Kevin got the musical instrument from the

cave to give to Niall. The young man threw his bowl on the sand. scribbled, IIAIII had to give him was a staff I carved. A poor exchange." He

"Your gift of the staff pleased him," Kevin said. "His family's cauldron and his harp. loved most. wrote. Kevin read the message, and asked, "What do you mean? " "Every bard's harp has a secret name, known only to it's owner. I don't know my harp's name," he wrote What he

He didn't tell me his harp's name," Niall

before leaving the fire to walk on the beach. The next morning after dawn Mass and a stirabout prandium, they ran on the sand. Niall hit his

leather ball with his bat up and down the beach. Kevin asked, "Could you carve me a bat? to learn to hurl. I'd like My

Never had time for it before.

father is a bladesmith and armorer for the King of

Smithey Iraven


Munster, and I was apprenticed at ten years to learn blacksmithing." Niall made the motions of cutting a tree limb and shaping it into a stick with a curved end. He also

imitated warriors fighting with swords and throwing spears. "Yes. Took warrior training early, before I I shoe horses, mainly, I have my iron

joined the monks at Clonfert.

but I also hammer out iron objects. spear points with me.

We can put them on wooden

lances to hunt game for food." Both smiled, nodded their heads, and ran back to the cave for their knives to begin carving. IIWemust keep to the schedule Colman wrote for us, of study and prayer," Niall wrote.

we can

make time for sporting, hunting, and exercise." IJIdecide what we do. I have written Kevin said.

instructions from Abbot Brendan,"

Niall's face reddened and his hands made fists before he remembered not to lash out in anger at the blacksmithing monk who gave him, a Prince, orders. Part of him wanted to refuse the muscular, overgrown, simple, working monk's authority. Little Dove's voice

echoed his birthday poem in his ear. lawless boy on Holy Isle."


He grabbed his stick and

ball. Niall ran and hit until the ball's seams burst.



Chapter 14 Brendan's Verdict Brendan read Niall's journals written during his time in the cave. He prayed in the chapel, "Jesu, I pray to do well by this lad during his transition from boy to man. Show me how to help him." Brendan knelt two days waiting for an answer from Jesus. When an angel brought it, Abbot wrote two

messages on sheepskin, rolled them up, tied a thong around each one, and gave them to a monk to deliver to the cave. The monk brought the letters: one for Brother

Kevin, the other for Niall mac Neill.


fear Abbot's judgement.

I angered him


Kevin read on Niall's tablet.

"My letter says for me to stay in the cave with you for another week. Go on, open yours."

Niall held the letter in his hand, but dreaded opening it. Kevin grabbed it, and untied the thong. "Brendan says he'll come here in one week." From cockcrow to candletime, the two young men played, prayed, hunted, and ate. Also cleaned. The Even Colman's

cave sparkled from their scrubbing. ancient sun.

bronze cauldron shone like a bright summer

Smithey fraven For the meal when Abbot came, they prepared a


boiled hare, with fresh herbs and vegetables gathered on the island, salmon from the lake, and berries with

sweet cream and honey, brought by the messenger from the hermitage. Abbot Brendan arrived on horseback. hovered over him. Maeve

Two monks carried him to the beach,

where he sat in his chair to receive the two young men. His raven settled on his shoulder, folded her

wings, and looked at Niall with her two golden eyes. Niall knelt. Abbot blessed him. The lad kissed

his ring and withdrew to the cave.

Kevin knelt for Niall

his blessing and stayed to talk to Brendan.

paced inside the cave, rearranging belongings, polishing the gold cross on the altar with his clean tunic, chewing his nails. Before he lost heart

entirely, Abbot called his name. "Go into the cave and busy yourself, Brother. Niall and I will talk." Brendan raised himself from his chair and took Niall by the arm. "We will walk. Maeve, stay here."

IIIsuffer remorse for raging and placing a curse on you. Will you forgive me this grievous sin I Brendan asked.

committed against you?"

Niall wrote on a freshly waxed tablet, IIAbbot Brendan, please, sir, I am the one who needs forgiving. I insulted you, lied to you, hurt your


I acted like a lawless boy. Please,

dear raven.

Abbot, give me a chance to show you I have changed." "One forgiveness at a time. me?" Brendan asked again. Niall's head bobbed up and down so hard his straight black hair almost covered his face. "And I forgive you." Brendan raised his arm and "In Will you forgive

made the sign of the cross over Niall's head.

Christ's name, I forgive you for your sins, Niall mac Neill." He dropped his staff to wrap his arms around "I abolish the curse of muteness Let your voice

the boy's shoulders.

I placed on you, Prince Niall of Tara. be heard in praise of Holy Christ.

Play your harp and

chant your poems, using your voice for the first time since I laid my curse on you." Niall ran into the cave, pulled the harp with no name out of its case, returned to the beach, and chanted his poems for his Abbot. He ended with the first poem he wrote. His voice

rose on each verse to match the ascending notes of the harp. Brendan asked him to repeat the last two lines.
IIHigh King of Heaven, please

teach me to love peace. AMEN."

Niall realized he was crying. changing.


voice is

For the time in a month I heard my voice,

Smi they Iraven Abbot, and it's lower now. me speech.u robe. I thank you for granting


He wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his

The ancient also brushed moisture from his faded eyes. IIFather Colman told me of your talent. Jesu blessed you with a gift. What say I move He's a fair You

write well, lad.

"Now, we plan for our future.

into the cave with you and Brother Kevin?

cook, isn't he? Whatever's cooking in the pot smells good." uBrother Kevin can cook," "I read your journals, lad. change your attitude. Niall admitted. You worked hard to

Afraid I haven't changed mine I'm

much, because I'm too old and set in my ways.

asking you to be my scribe while I retell my voyage stories. Those above me in rank want a record of what

I did and saw while seeking the Land of the Blessed before my memories fade away completely. suit you?" Niall's knees crumbled beneath him. He sat on Does that

the sand, hands over his mouth, eyes damp again, looking at Abbot. honor?" "Huh. abbey. Same thing Little Dove said about his "What did I ever do to deserve this

Can't you people come up with some original

language?" Brendan asked. "I'll try. Thank you, Abbot. I'll be the best


I trust you will let me know if I Niall said.

scribe I can be. get out of line,"

Brendan assured him he would. Kevin heard the boy's laughter ring like Patrick's bell. "Thanks be to Jesus, the lad's

forgiven," the blacksmith said. "Enough talk. coena. Let's say vespers, then eat

My stomach's rubbing on my backbone," Brendan IIHelpme back

said, taking Niall's arm for support.

to the cave to pray and try Kevin's cooking." The monks accompanying the Abbot moved his belongings into the cave, placed torches around its sides for light, brought in stacks of wooden tablets, parchment pages, a desk, a stylus, inks, and leather They bowed to

thongs for binding tablets together. Brendan and left.

Smithey Iraven Chapter 15 Planning a Voyage Brendan woke Kevin and Niall before sunrise. After mass and prandium, Brendan told the young men, "My plan was to tell my tales of voyaging to Tir-na-


n'Nog to you, Niall, to write on your waxed tables. My monks stocked the cave with all the supplies you will need. Clonfert's scribes or you, if you wish, can

adorn the pages with pictures and colored letters later. "However, a vision came to me last night. I saw

the three of us arriving in two curraghs at the Isle of the Blessed." Niall and Kevin looked at each other and at Abbot.

The monk covered his face with his hands. you mean we, Kevin and I, are going with you Niall asked.

to Tir-Na-n'Nog?"

"Yes. The vision showed me I couldn't tell you the adventures of my sea voyage. wonders. We sail tomorrow," I must show you the

Brendan said.

anxious to be on the water as soon as possible. Before I woke you I used my powers to supply our needs for the journey." He pointed to two leather curraghs beached upside down, looking like large black turtles. Beside them

on the sand were four oars, leather for patching, jugs of water, dried meat and fruit, bread, rope, four



masts and four linen sails. other supplies.

Lumpy linen sacks held

"Can you row, lads?" Brendan asked. Both claimed to be experienced sailors. "Good." confident.

Abbot got up from his chair, looking propose we load the boats and sail as On

soon as the sun rises in search of Tir-na-n'Nog. my first voyage I was gone four years. the first day of July.

Tomorrow is

I am needed at Clonfort in Dear

September for the opening of the Abbey School.

Jesu will help me compress time and distance in order to be back at Clonfert for Fall term. miracle Brendan Time. We'll call this

How sounds it, lads?"

"Excellent idea, sir. A voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog will be exciting indeed, " Niall said.

"Fine, Abbot," Kevin said in a shaky voice. "I'll spin you a tale before we begin. while I talk," Brendan said. Let's sit

IIRemember in your

clan's genealogy a monk named Barinthus, Niall?" "Yes, Abbot. I learned my clan history before I Niall answered.

entered Sister Brigid's School,"

to brag, but clan genealogy is important in my family." "Of course. prince? You know everything, don't you,

In fact, all Irish clans value their Brendan said.


IIBarinthus told me a story long ago about the



Land of the Promise.

His son took him there.

Barinthus' tales of the island of resplendent beauty, fragrant apples, beautiful people, singing birds and eternal life interested me. What I remembered most

was the delicious scent that surrounded him after his trip to Tir-na-n'Nog. Years later, I heard an angel

say in a dream, 'Arise, Brendan, for God has given you what you sought, the Land of Promise.'" "Your friend, Brother Barinthus, was the greatgrandson of King Niall of Tara, my kinsman and yours. I know the story of Barinthus' voyage to Tir-nan'Nog," Niall said. "I'm telling this story." finger at him and said,

Brendan pointed a

listen, I'll talk."


Niall ducked his head, and said, Forgive me."

sorry, sir.

He covered his lips with his hands to

remind himself to be quiet. "Yes, yes. Getting back to my tale, I had a

yearning to become a blue monk like many of my friends who loved to sail to an island to be alone with Jesu. I prayed about it, and He helped me decide to make a voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog. volunteered to go with me. Fourteen Abbey monks For forty days we fasted

to prove the worthiness of our dream. "We built our boat from cured hides, rubbed with fat to make them waterproof. Our sails were linen. We

cut our mast from the North side of sturdy ash trees.



In due time, the vessel was ready. "We put in at Bantry Bay and sailed from Kerry to the Aran Islands to receive a blessing from Abbot Enda. Three days later we made for Iona in the Some water to wet my throat, Kevin," "Haven't talked aloud this much in


Brendan said. years."

While Kevin poured Abbot's drink, he cut his eyes at Niall and shrugged his shoulders. his shoulders back at him. "That's about all I'll tell you now, boys. want to spoil the surprise. Don't Niall shrugged

We leave tomorrow after A quick stir-about

dawn mass and our morning meal. prandium will do, I think.

"Prepare four wooden waxed tablets, Niall, and wrap them in leather to keep them dry. any vellum. We won't take

You can transfer your notes when we

return to Clonfert Abbey. Both of you are free for the rest of the day to get your personal things together for the voyage. Tomorrow we go adventuring." Brendan

went into the cave to rest. Kevin rolled his eyes at Niall as he cleaned the pot after the evening conea. The scholar prepared his They

ash tablets and sharpened several styluses.

whispered their doubts about the Abbot's sanity while they worked. Early the next day, after mass and a quick meal,

Smi they Iraven the chosen sailors washed the cauldron again, and packed their remaining possessions in skin bags. Brendan waited impatiently by the black boats. "I'm anxious to get under way. us on Innishmore Island," yelled.


Abbot Enda awaits

Brendan the Navigator

His voice rang loud and clear.

UHe looks younger and sounds better than he did yesterday," Kevin said. uAnd he walked to the boats by himself," Niall noted.

Are you coming?"

Brendan called.

The boys ran to him.

Smithey Iraven



Chapter 16 Aran Islands Innishmore Island

"Clear skies, warm waters, enough wind to puff the sails. entirely," A day on the water lifts my heart Brendan said. He lifted his

"First, we christen the curraghs."

staff. "I christen thee Cara, in honor of my blessed mother. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Guide our path, Jesu, and lead us safely back to our blessed Ireland. Amen." Kevin placed a chair in the back of one of the leather boats, tied it securely to each side with leather thongs, and carried Abbot Brendan through the water to his seat. He and Niall rowed the curragh to

the middle of the Logh, towing the second boat behind. "To the Aran Islands we go," Brendan announced. "What does he mean, the Aran Islands?" whispered Kevin.
"I've no idea.

Only place to go from here is up Niall

or down the Logh, or into the River Shannon."



pointed to the West. Bay, in the big ocean. happens."

JlTheAran Islands lie off Galway Let's keep rowing and see what

"Keep your eyes wide open. noon," the Navigator called. The boys rowed steadily.

Landfall by high

Abbot whistled.

flock of ravens flew over their boat, darkening the sky. "Come, Old Maeve. Time for another voyage. Say

ta to your mates, and roost on Brendan's shoulder." Niall watched as the bird dived from the cloud of black birds and landed gently on the Abbot's shoulder. Brendan stroked his pet, and cooed to her. answered with squawks. "Good day to you, dear Maeve." Niall rose from his rowing seat, and bowed to the raven. ask your pardon for abusing you." Maeve whispered in Abbot's ear. "She almost forgives you," Brendan said. "Extra bread at mealtime "I humbly She

will set things right between you." "Land Ho!" Ho!. Kevin shouted and pointed. "Land

I can't believe it. It's a miracle." "I believe it, I do, I do." Niall shipped his "I've seen drawings He smiled and

oar and shook his head in wonder. of desolate Inishmore Island. clapped his hands.

for you, Abbot Brendan! Now I understand

What a voyage we have ahead of us.

why you called your Abbey Clonfert, Meadow of

Smithey Iraven Miracles."


A tall, rocky island with limestone cliffs surged upward from the angry sea. High waves rocked the tiny

boats, but they found a clef in the rock for a harbor. Fifteen hooded monks, one with a staff like Abbot Brendan's, stood on the rock. "How did they know we were coming?" Kevin asked. IIAbbots communicate in miraculous ways." Brendan cupped his hands and shouted, "We come for your blessing before our voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog, Enda. " "Welcome, my dear Abbot Brendan. And welcome to you, too, Maeve. Let my monks pull your curragh up Abbot

on the rock," Abbot Enda said. The young men tied the extra boat to an iron ring hammered in the rock, then passed ropes under their boat and threw them to the monks. The monks lifted the boat and its crew out of the pounding surf, singing a sailing chant as they pulled. Led by a monk carrying a cross, the party wound up a narrow mountain path to a monastery. There was

no soil on the island: the surface resembled limestone pavement. "These islands are made of rock. What a desolate place. How do the monks grow food to eat? There's

not even grass for sheep to graze on," Kevin said. "They fast a lot. I've heard that the islanders

Smithey Iraven bring soil with them from Ireland, mix it with guano left by the birds, and plant small gardens vegetables," Niall said. to grow


IIFishermen probably leave a Also birds can be

tithe of fish on the landing. caught and eaten.

Did you see those bright puffins Thousands of

flying around us before we came ashore? them. The rocks are covered too.

I wish I had one

for a pet.

Their orange bills and feet make them look

like court jesters." "One bird in a boat is enough. bring one on board the Cara. I wouldn't try to

Maeve would

scratch your eyes out and the bird's too," Kevin said. Ilyougive sensible advise, Kevin. Thank you."

The two Abbots said mass in a small chapel built of large stones stacked one upon the other. While

Brendan and Enda gossiped, the kitchen monks fed Niall and Kevin, then led them to a cell to rest. "Miracles. All we see and do are miracles. Are

you writing this down as miracles?"

Kevin asked.

"I'm writing down what's happening and where. The readers can recognize the miracles when they read my books," Niall answered. "Is that what's this is all about?" Kevin looked puzzled. voyages?" "Yes. I believe that's why all this trouble IlYou'rewriting books about Abbot Brendan's

happened between Brendan and me--to bring us together

Smithey/raven to rewrite the Navigatio. Holy Christ wants Abbot's


deeds recorded," Niall said. After dawn mass Abbot Brendan announced three days had passed, and the Cara would leave for the Hebrides after prandium. of Iona by noontime." JlWe'll arrive at the Island


Chapter 17 The Hebrides

"Where's the Hebrides, Niall?" Kevin asked during

geogr aphy "


a blacksmith, I don't know

"The Hebrides are islands to the north and east of Ireland, hundreds of miles from here," Niall answered. The monks put hides of water, wine, and loaves of bread aboard the Cara, and carried Abbot Brendan to his seat. The boys scrambled aboard and helped the monks lower the boat into the sea. Abbot Enda stood

on the rock, signing the cross, and blessing the navigators. "Another lovely day, lads. You comfortable on my shoulder?" What say, Maeve?

Brendan patted his

bird, and moved her to a more comfortable place. The boys rowed, and Brendan manned the tiller. He set a course to the north, then to the east. put up both sails to catch a favorable wind. "Land Ho, lads. The Island of Iona lies dead They

ahead," Brendan announced two hours later. "I can't believe this." Kevin dropped his hands from the oars and whispered, II00es this look like the

drawings you've seen of the Hebrides, Niall?" "Yes. the sea. Tall hills, with waterfalls cascading into I see a monastery." Niall pointed.


Smithey Iraven on top of the tallest hill." "Seek the cove. It hides itself. May have to


circle the island twice to catch sight of it.

I told

you we would be in the Hebrides by noonday," Brendan bragged. "Are you writing this down, Scribe Niall?

What you write about these journeys will be read by generations to come." Niall nodded. "I write everything I see, you say, and we do, Abbot." "Put in your notes that Iona is the outpost of Irish Monasticism, Niall. Know what that means?"

Brendan cut his eyes to see if his scribe paid attention to him while rowing. "I do. Some of the first Irish missionaries The founding abbot was exiled

settled here on Iona.

from Ireland for copying a manuscript of Abbot Finnian's. Will we see Abbot Columba?" Niall asked. "You know everything, I chose wisely when I Be patient. Open your

The old man laughed. Niall, and you're alert. selected you as my scribe.

heart and mind to the adventures we'll have on our voyage. Every island offers a opportunity to learn. I

Some experiences will be delightful, some painful. can hardy wait."



Island of Iona Kevin leaned toward Niall, and whispered, need to talk to you. I've heard about Brendan's My head "I

rages and odd behavior, but not the miracles. feels like bees are buzzing in it." Niall nodded, and said, "Later.

When we land."

Brendan rose from his chair, rocking the curragh.

IIAII eyes seek a landing place."

The boys rowed around the island three times without spotting a beach, cove or bay. "What should we do, sir?" Kevin asked. "Birds of Iona, hearken to my croaking raven. Show us a harbor," Brendan yelled. Nothing happened. Brendan lifted his shoulder, looked at Maeve and said, "Persuade your winged friends to quit fishing

and be our guide." The raven soared to the tops of the cliffs, where a flock of gulls called, to the sea, cormorants catch. terns dived from the heights watched, hoping for a dropped

Maeve squawked louder than the combined voices She flew into the mass of

of the various species.

feathered creatures and pecked their backs to encourage the birds to take flight. Brendan's pet led

the winged delegation to the curragh, where the Abbot stood with his staff raised.



"Lead us to safe harbor, you lovely creatures of God's sky. Old Brendan will bless you mightily for

your effort." The birds circled the boat and turned as one to the North. The rowers tried to turn the boats around Kevin dropped

to follow them but ran into trouble.

his oar and fell into the sea head first when he reached for it. Pulling the large man back into the

light boat posed a problem for Niall.


told me you were expert sailors," Brendan

complained. Jllfyou can't even turn a boat around, we'll never get across the big ocean. deceived." I've been

He put his head in his hands to hide the

sight of the boys' poor seamanship. /lWe'll get adept with practice, Abbot," Niall said. He whispered to Kevin how to hold his oar while

Niall rowed so the boats would turn in the right direction. With hard rowing, the crew found the cove where the birds hovered. Brendan cheered up. Port na Curraich, Columba landed.
/lOur winged friends found

the same fine beach where Abbot I hear Columba ordered his curraghs

buried to keep him from returning to Ireland, where he yearned to be. We'll not bury ours. We need them to Look lively."

continue to Tir-na-n'Nog.

The old man raised his cross toward the flocks,



and blessed them.

They circled three times, called

three times, and flew away. "I remember, Abbot. Three calls for the Trinity

means good luck," Niall said. Brendan got out of the curragh, waded into the

shallow water, and waited on the sandy beach. "He walked. Niall nodded. "Where do we go?" Kevin asked. "Be patient. Can't rush miracles." Brendan said. Did you see that?" Kevin whispered.

Kevin rubbed his hands together. As he dug a hole in the sand with his sandal he mumbled, "Miracles." "Be at peace, brother. Here he is," Brendan said. A beagle ran down the path from the monastery, and sat at the feet of Abbot Brendan. Abbot bent and patted the dog's head. "God sent us a capable guide." The sailors followed the hound up the hill to the Abbey. Later, after mass and coena, led the young men to their cell. Kevin's Problem "Tell me what's happening, before I go crazy. Abbot makes miracles. I've heard of miracles, and the serving monks A messenger will come.

read them in the scriptures, but I've never been in the middle of any." Kevin paced back and forth in the



small room.

III'mscared. I want to go back to beat out knives from I'm a

Clonfert Abbey, to shoe horses,

iron, say mass, and live as a working monk. simple man. Talk to Abbot Brendan.

Ask him to send

me home, before I fall apart ... Niall knelt before the burly blacksmith and watched tears fall from his eyes. with sobs. "Would you miss this re-creation of Abbot Brendan's voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog?" Niall asked. IIYou've heard of his two journeys lasting four years, to places no one has ever seen before, in a curragh like the one we row. Would you go back to your blacksmith shop instead of being a part of this adventure?" "Yes. I've heard all his tales and wondered if Now I see there's danger on His chest heaved

Brendan made them up. this voyage. Kevin said. "1 believe you.

I want to go home to Clonfert Abbey."

Let me tell Abbot about your Sleep now, if you

fears and your wish to go home. can. "

Niall knocked at the door of Brendan's cell. "Enter," a weak voice said. The old man lay on his cot, covered with a sheepskin. His face looked gray instead of ruddy. Niall

His cheekbones were sharp enough to cut bread.

Smithey Iraven


couldn't believe the change.

The eighty-five-year-old

priest seemed to glow with health while they were sailing in the boat. Niall knelt by the cot. ill?" "No more than usual. My younger self returns to "Abbot Brendan, are you

me while voyaging; my infirmities return when my feet touch land. Price I pay for pushing against time. Brendan asked. He

What need you, Niall?"

UYour miracles seem to fill Kevin with fear. wants to go back to his life at Clonfert as a blacksmith, and asks leave of you and our journey."

Brendan sat up in bed, his face reddened, and he roared, "The insolent monk! Does he think he can No. He will not He will row

desert his Abbot in time of need!

return to his simple life at Clonfert.

along with you, until we finish our voyage." "Please don't rage, Abbot. Holy Jesus, help me! tame

As you calmed the waters of the Sea of Galilee,

dear Brendan's black rage, and let your dove of peace descend on him," Niall prayed.

He held Abbot tightly as the man shouted his rage about a crewman deserting him. Niall whispered in Brendan's ear, "Peace, calm,

peace, calm, peace, calm, peace, calm, peace, calm." Muscle by muscle, Niall saw and felt the old man relax. The drawn face softened, the closed fists

SmitheyIraven opened, the stiff body became limp. his eyes and took a deep breath "You worked your first miracle. disappears. My rage Thank Brendan closed


Holy Jesu answered your prayer.

you," Brendan said. The elderly man slept. Niall's Solution A hand shook Kevin's shoulder. Abbot needs me tonight. things tomorrow." The big man woke enough to say, "Aye. Tomorrow." He "It's Niall. We'll settle

Try to sleep.

Niall took his belongings to Brendan's cell.

spread his sheepskin blanket on the cell floor by his mentor's cot and lit a candle. Taking a new tablet

and stylus from his book bag, he made a list. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS TO KEVIN'S PROBLEM: 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Take K back to Clonfert Find another rower at Clonfert Leave K at Iona Nand B go alone

Recruit Ionian monk for journey Call journey off

Niall gnawed on his nails as he searched his brain for more options. Colman instructed me to become a worthy man. Little Dove, I wish you were here to help me, Niall thought. I feel responsible for Abbot Brendan's


I don't

health, as well as Brother Kevin's sanity. know what do to. I can't decide. guidance. "High King of Heaven, Dear Jesus, Abbot Brendan, help me.

I must pray for

Abbot Colman,

I love old Brendan, don't

want to let him down. confidence.

He honors me with his

But what of Kevin, so strong in body, yet I

full of fear of miracles and unknown seas. understand. I've been afraid, too.

No prayer in my

books tell me what to do.

I can only offer my humble

petition to you, High King of Heaven, and Dear Jesus. Please help me keep Kevin rowing. Amen." He He

Brendan woke and heard Niall's prayer. pretended to sleep.

One crinkled eyelid opened.

saw the fifteen-year-old young man kneeling on the stone floor, hands together, eyes closed. Good lad, he thought. You can handle Kevin yourself. I'll back you up with my prayers.

At first light, Niall washed, left Abbot sleeping, and tiptoed out of the cell. He shook Kevin. in ten minutes." "Huh, what? Oh, Niall. What did Brendan say "Wake up. Meet me on the beach

about my going home?" "Beach. book bag. Niall sat on a rock on the beach. Rolls of Ten minutes." He left, carrying his

Smithey fraven vellum tumbled out of his bag. He selected six


Gospels, located the passages he needed, and reread them. White mist sat on the water, topped by black clouds. A single apricot-colored beam streamed skyStronger rays shot through the

ward from the east.

mist and tinted the clouds peach and orange. The sun peeked up from the horizon, and thousands of vivid rays streaked upward into the Western sky. on the sea lifted enough to let him see the endlessness of the ocean they would try to cross. storm clouds lightened and blew away. In the darkness last night, I lost heart, like Kevin, Niall thought. With the mist lifting, and the Brendan, Kevin and I The The mist

sun rising, my heart gladdens. will find Tir-na-n'Nog


with Jesus' and Maeve's help.

can find the Island of the Blessed," Niall He threw his arms up in the air and danced a can! We will!" Niall's First Try

shouted. jig.

IIWhat are you yelling about?"

Small rocks

tumbling down the path announced Kevin's appearance on the beach.


"What did you say?"

said we will find Tir-na-n'Nog," Niall


don't care about that island.

Did Abbot say I

can I go back to blacksmithing at Clonfert?"



"You'll know soon.

Race you from this rock to If I

where the Cara is beached and back ten times. win, you sail with us to Tir-na-n'Nog." "No way, Prince. blacksmithing. I'm going back to

But I would like to race you."

The boys stripped down to their linen kilts, took off their sandals and ran. The blacksmith monk's upper body strength gave him an edge the first three laps. warrior training and hurling his lean, muscular, build, The scholar's

practice, combined with gave him the advantage.

Niall finished two laps ahead. They sprawled on the sand to recover their wind. "Good race, lad. I'm not usually the loser," Kevin said. Niall's Second Try liTheonly one who has ever won over me is Jesus, through his servant, Brendan. I want to read several I know you read,

miracles from the Gospels, Kevin.

but you don't own many manuscripts." "Don't have any of my own. monks do. libraries." "True, and I was fortunate to be taught how to copy volumes for myself. liThe first hand-written manuscript I wrote while I was a student at Clonard Abbey was Matthew, Chapter 8, Not many working

Only the high born like yourself have


91 'When he was come down the mountain, A leper came and worshipped And Jesus

verses 1-3:

multitudes followed him.

him, saying, Lord, you can make me clean.

put out his hand, touched him, saying, I will; be clean. Immediately his leprosy was cleansed.' Do you

believe this scripture, Kevin?"

"I do."

"The other gospels tell of miracles, like Jesus walking on the water, calming the waves, removing unclean spirits, raising from the dead. One, Luke

7:11, speaks to the fear you have about Brendan's miracles. 'He went to a city called Nain. A dead man

was carried out, the only son of his widowed mother. The Lord had compassion He touched the bier ... and said to her, Weep not. and said, young man, arise. And there God.'

The dead man sat up, and began to speak. came a fear on all: and they glorified

"This shows Jesus' compassion, but also tells of a great fear that came upon the people who witnessed the miracle. Like the fear you have when Brendan

works miracles to move us from Ireland to the Hebrides in two hours. Can you see that, Brother?"

"Aye, Niall." "Another. John 11: 1. 'Lazarus, the brother of

Mary and Martha, from the town of Bethany, was sick. When Jesus heard, he said, 'This sickness will not

end in death, but is for the glory of God so the Son



might be glorified.' Lazarus.

Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and 'Lazarus is

After two days, Jesus said,

dead ..nevertheless let us go to him.' The man lay in the grave four days. will rise again.' Jesus told Martha, 'Your brother

Martha said, 'I know that he will Jesus said to her,

rise again in the resurrection.'

'I am the resurrection, and the life, he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And

who ever lives and believes in me shall never die. Believe you this?' She said, 'Yes, Lord: I believe

that you are Christ, the Son of God, who came into the world to give us eternal life.' "The last of the story, said, 'Take away the stone.' 'Jesus wept ..... and He cried with a loud

voice, 'Lazarus, come forth.' The dead man came out bound with cloth. and let him go. ' "Lazarus was alive. Jesus waited to come until Jesus said to them, 'Loosen him,

his friend died so he could resurrect him, in order to show the people that God glorified Jesus as the Son of God. He also glorified Jesus' disciples so they could

work miracles. "This is the same power of the Holy Spirit Abbot Brendan has. God allows Brendan to perform miracles Does

that glorify Him, to help his people believe. this make any sense to you, Kevin?" "Maybe.

But not enough for me to sail west with



you and Abbot. I'm safe."

I want to go back to Clonfert where

Defeat "You try my patience, Kevin. while. Let me rest a

Go to the Abbey for food, or run, or jump off No, don't do that. I'm not angry. Come

the cliff.

back after prandium." In his chair on the hill overlooking the beach, the Abbot scratched his chin, and shook his head. "Niall presented a good case for Kevin to overcome his fear and understand miracles," Brendan told the monks gathered around him. scaring him--his clan's paganism.

know what's

They profess

Christ, but hold on to the gods, goddesses and otherworld spirits their ancestors believed in. hard to convince Kevin to take a leap of faith. did well." Brendan called Niall to the top of the hill. "Kevin's being pulled apart by two kinds of spirits: evil pagan spirits and our blessed Christian Holy Spirit. How can I convince him?" Niall asked. 'Tis Niall

"He understands physical labor and blacksmithing more than spiritual matters. You did all you could to persuade him to journey with us, Niall." "No, wait. Something you said gives me an idea. I'll try one

Kevin understands physical strength.

more way to help him understand his fear of miracles.



First, I need to feed my body. We'll be back."

Wait here if you wish.

Niall's Third Try Word of the battle for Kevin's presence on the voyage reached the community of monks. They clustered around Brendan to watch. Both the student and the blacksmith had clean tunics beach. They sat facing each other. "Tell me how you feel about the miracles Abbot Brendan works on our voyage," Niall said. " "I'm afraid. I see Abbot at Clonfert and on Holy and faces when they loped down the path to the

Isle, eating, saying mass, praying, like the rest of us. When we begin the voyage, he makes miracles. I

shake like a leaf.

Jesus' miracles happened way back Brendan's involve me.

at the beginning of things.

I'm moved from Ireland to the Hebrides in two hours. I don't understand. Brendan isn't God or Jesus. Why

does he have this power?" "Are you afraid of the power Abbot "Yes." "Jesus, through God, gave his disciples the power to work miracles, didn't He?" "But Brendan is an Abbot, not a saint." "He will be, as sure as Patrick and Brigid will be. God anointed Brendan for special work, like the Brendan has?"

Smithey/raven voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog. throughout his ministry. He's worked miracles Don't you remember them?1I


"1 do, but they didn't involve me." "Were you scared by spirits as a child, when you heard tales of the pagan gods, goddesses and spirits?" Kevin looked down, then out to sea. want to answer. He didn't

Niall let him take time to remember.

"I'm a Christian, but scary stories about pagan spirits, mainly the ones under the ground and the sea. haunt me. sin?" "I'm not a priest so I can't judge that. scary dreams, too. Almost everyone does. I have I'm sorry. Do I need to confess that as a

Do you

think you are more pagan than Christian?" "No. Brendan's miracles and my clan's pagan spirits get mixed up in my head sometimes. scared, I lose my faith in Jesus. not yours, Prince. When I get

It's my problem,

When I'm back in Clonfert, I'll

feel safe being a Christian again." Niall's Fourth Try Niall looked at the waves pounding the beach. Waves don't give up when a rock is in their way. beat it with all the power they possess until they wear the rock down to a pebble. I must wear Kevin They

down, physically, not with words, he thought. "1 want you on this voyage with Abbot and me because you are my friend. You've come to a




You must make a choice now, on whether

you embrace pagan ways or Christian ways. "This voyage with Brendan could change both our lives. I'll do anything to keep you from leaving. Would you

I'll even wrestle the pagan out of you.

agree to a wrestling match to decide whether you continue the voyage, miracles and all, or go back to Clonfert?" Kevin laughed, and clouted the younger boy on the shoulder. "I can't be whipped at wrestling, lad. You wouldn't stand a I'm

twice your size and strength. chance of pinning me." "Jesus will empower me.

I'll be whipping the

pagan spirits out of you, to make room for more of His Holy Spirit. "Don't expect to win, little man." Kevin and Niall stripped off their tunics. were better for wrestling. The student turned away, knelt and said, "Send me your strength so I may uphold your Holy word with my deed, if this pleases you, Jesus. May I wrest the Kilts

pagan fear from this good man, whom I love as a brother. Amen. " He crossed himself, and took a

crouching position on the sand. "I don't want to hurt you, little Niall," Kevin said. A monk ran down the path to the beach to referee.



Brendan's lips moved constantly as the boys began their match. Maeve whispered in his ear. He stroked

her feathers for good luck. liTheblacksmith's chest and arms bulge with muscles. The student moves faster and recovers from a

take-down quicker," one monk said to another. When Kevin fell on the prince, the watchers on the hill groaned, thinking the match was over. Niall

took a deep breath, and flung the giant man off him, then bounced up to pin the monk's arm behind him. monk easily broke the grip. Soon the wrestlers were covered with sand referee said, "Time. Wash off in the surf." The The

Brendan's raven flew from his shoulder, and circled low over the boys. finally landing on his head. stroked her feathers. Maeve. I need it." She hovered over Niall, He reached up and

"Thank you for your support,

The match resumed, and neither lad had a point. Hours passed. The tide inched up the beach, almost Niall showed no signs

covering the wrestlers. of tiring.

His strength amazed Kevin, whose red face He began to pant.

dripped with sweat.

"If we go up the hill path to dry land we can continue the match," the student said. "Nay, lad. I want to cool off in the water a

minute and think."



They waded out into the surf, turned on their backs, and floated. The sun dropped lower, turning

the water gold and red. Anxious eyes followed them from the hill. "What

say you, Abbot, did Niall or Kevin win the match?" asked a monk. Brendan shook his head.

Maeve flew over the swimmers again, squawking. "Ask Maeve. Only she and Jesu know," Victory Kevin put his arm around his friend's shoulder, and said, "Niall, your Jesus gives you strength I can't match. I'm Christ's man now, for sure. God, Jesus, Brendan said

You made a miracle I can believe in.

Abbot Brendan and yourself beat the pagan spirits out of me, entirely. Bless you, Prince Niall. I'll never

be fearful of miracles again. you and Brendan, for sure."

I'll go voyaging with

Brendan hobbled down the hill, a smile cracking his wrinkled face. "Good lads. My fine crew. God We

bless our voyage anew.

Rest, refresh yourselves.

sail for the Island of Lewis in the morning." ************* "Before me sit two tired sailors, who slept through mass, and are about to fall face-first in their gruel," Brendan said at prandium the next day. What say

"Wrestling must use more energy than rowing. we rest here another day?"



Niall and Kevin agreed, and slept all day and night in their cell. Two Old Abbots Abbots Brendan and Columba met in the Refectory to gossip before vespers. "Good things are said about your prodigy, young Niall Mac Neill. Columba asked. "Nothing. I'd been searching for a scribe who What do you plan for his future?"

yearned for a quest. First words I heard Niall say were about searching for an island and naming it for himself. Niall insulted me and hit me with his

hurling ball at the Abbey when I told him not to bother adventuring. Brendan sighed. III'mtoo old and frail to be with a brash

reliving my journeys to Tir-na-n'Nog prince and a strong-willed monk.

However, the

archbishop wants a manuscript of my travels to guide future explorers and reassure Christians of a heavenly afterlife." "Back to Prince Niall. finishes the NAVIGATIO?" "Who knows? Niall will follow his own way. He's What will he do after he

heir to the throne of Tara, you know. Niall, Colman, you and me."

We're kinfolk,

Almost all of Irish Royadama are kin if you look You think he's king material?"

back far enough.

Smithey/raven IIProbably. When Niall came to me to finish his education, I recognized his talents and faults.


Tamed him out of a raging temperament at Holy Isle by taking his voice away. was mute. well. The boy wrote a book while he

That's how Colman and I found out he writes

Has faults that might block his way to

kingship, or priesthood, but don't we all, Columba?" "That's why I'm in the Hebrides instead of my beloved Ireland. I envied Abbot Ninnian of Moville

Abbey his Vulgate Bible and secretly wrote myself a copy. He caught me, expelled me from the Abbey, and

reported my theft to the High King of Ireland, who found me guilty. I called up my Northern mac Neill

warriors and won a battle over King Diorrnid. Three thousand Irishmen died." IIWait. Stop talking." Columba's mouth. Brendan put his hands over

IIIwon't listen to your sad story

again about being excommunicated and exiled for copying a Bible. I'm thirty-seven years older than

you are and my time's too valuable to hear you rehash your sins. If you continue, I'll be tempted to fill

your ear with my own shortcomings."


right. My transgression lays sour on my Columba said. "I'm

tongue, and causes me to whine," miserable. arrogance.

I pay a heavy price for my greed and If I explored other lands and founded more

monasteries would it take my mind off my grief?"

Smithey/raven IIWhoknows but Jesu himself. I've not found


peace from my quests for Tir-na-n'Nog." and stretched.

Brendan rose We

"I need to rest my rusty bones.

sail tomorrow after mass and prandium for the Butt of Lewis." "Sail Little Minch, the inner passage. so rough." Brendan laughed. or me?" They fell in each other's arms, and cackled their old men's laugh. The noise woke the raven on "Who's the navigator here, you Sea's not

Brendan's shoulder. "Maeve, let me look at you. now. You have two eyes

How did it happen, Brendan?" "Read Niall's manuscripts, Columba. He's written

that story in his first book. "If God wills it, may we meet again here and in Heaven, Abbot Columba." "Jesus make your path easy, Abbot Brendan." They blessed each other with the sign of the cross, and parted to go to their cells. Learning to Navigate After the morning meal, Brendan said, "Young

men, from now on you will be participants in planning our voyage. I failed to count on your bountiful Follow me to the

energy and need for involvement. cove where our curraghs

await us."

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sail today to the Isle of Lewis, due North of


With my staff, I will draw a map in the sand to You

show the two ways we can reach the Butt of Lewis. decide which route we take."

He drew the islands and mainland of Scotland on the sand. The boys knelt for a closer look. Brother

"What do you say to the western route, Kevin? " "Higher seas and winds, Abbot. pulled off our course." "Good thinking. Minch, Niall?"

We might be

And of the inner route, Little

"From my study of your map, we will be sheltered by the chain of islands called the Hebrides from the gales of the mighty sea. will be calmer." "I agree with both of you," Brendan said. JlWe will travel the inner route. the monks have ready. Kevin, stow the supplies Therefore, the inner route

Put them in our extra curragh. Niall,

We sail in an hour, for our next adventure.

stay here, to write the end of our stay on Iona. The Hidden Demon "On my first journey West, one of the three latecomers who joined my fourteen monks stole a silver chalice from the chapel here at Iona," Brendan told Niall. lIAn angel told me and I accused the man, who collapsed on the floor. A demon jumped out of him,

Smithey fraven screaming to be allowed to dwell in the monk. I


ordered the demon out, the monk died after taking the Eucharist, and his soul was received by the angels. We buried him in the cemetery. on your board?" Niall said, "Yes, sir. it, Abbot. I write it as you tell I fill four Did you get that down

Here's a wonder, though.

tablets a day, and place the finished ones in my book bag. The next morning they are replaced by empty tablets. Another miracle?"

"You are too valuable a scribe to waste time preparing tablets. A minor miracle speeds things up.

How long will it take you to write the story of my Voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog?" "As long as your miracles say it will, Abbot." "Bless you for your faith in me, Prince Niall. We'll finish this book before old Brendan's time is up, won't we?" "For sure, sir. For sure." Inside Passage Brother Kevin loaded the extra curragh with an

anvil, tongs, hammers, and scrap iron as well as the boys' hurling sticks and balls. He questioned

Brendan, who said, "All part of my adjustment to your needs, yours and Niall's." "Thank you. If I could, I would also like to Since Niall read me

learn more of the scriptures.



parts of the gospels, I want to know more." "That's grand, lad. You study and read as well Hear that,

as rowing, blacksmithing, and hurling. Niall?

Another student aboard the Cara." He and I can both learn from you."


Brendan steered west from Iona to Tiree, North into Little Minch Channel past the Isle of Skye, into North Minch. Ca~ seas and a light wind made perfect

sailing conditions. Maeve moved from Abbot's shoulder to the prow of the boat. She spread her wings, and let the wind blow "Her wings are as

them out to their full span.

wide as I am tall," Kevin said. "Old Maeve was reborn on Holy Island. Jesu gave

her a new life when He brought her back from the dead. Get Niall to tell you the story sometime." "I wrote that story while I was mute, living in the cave," Niall said. "Enjoy this calm part of the voyage. Our next

destination takes us across an angry sea, with merciless winds. left. The Island of Lewis looms on our

We sail up its coast, to the Butt of Lewis." Island of the Cannibal Mice

Brendan lowered the anchor one hundred feet from shore. "We need not land at this place. the late-comers died here. Another of

A jester came to me after

the other three, and said, 'Brendan, take me for God's




A vision showed me the man would die soon, and

I told him to come aboard, if that would make his last days happier. "When we approached this fair island, we saw it was covered with hideous furry mice as large as calves. My monks feared them and asked what they 'They want to devour us,' I

wanted of our crew. said."

Niall shivered as he wrote on his tablet.

"An angel came to tell me it was the death hour

of the jester. Christ.

I gave him the body and blood of

He rejoiced, his spirit leapt forth and was

received in heaven." The boys' eyes searched the beach and saw the four foot long mice Brendan described. Kevin's eyes widened with understanding. "We see what the monks saw fifteen years ago. thank Christ I didn't go back to Clonfert. understand the honor of this voyage." The mice piled up four deep at the edge of the sea, trying to build a living mouse bridge so they could jump aboard the boat. Their red eyes and long Now I I

sharp teeth added to the horror the boys felt as the mice neared the boat. "Shall I raise the anchor, Abbot, so we can sail before we are eaten?" Kevin asked. "No need to, Brother. Look at Maeve," Niall




"She drives the mice away from us by pecking She's our protector, isn't she?" I'm glad you appreciate

their eyes.

"That and more, lad. her," Brendan said.

Maeve flew to the ship, opened her beak, and dumped a dozen mouse eyes at Brendan's feet. "Thank you, Maeve, for sharing your meal. You

may pick out more eyes while I finish telling the story. " The raven flew back to the island to resume her mouse eye hunt. Some of the eyes rolled to the middle of the boat where the rowers sat. Niall gagged, turned his head

and threw up over the side. "Don't be a coward," Kevin said.

About that time one of the bloody eyes lodged under his bare foot. "Sticky, slimy, horrible things. Still warm.

Dozens of eyes looking at me. Ugh! I'm going to be sick. " Abbot waited until the boys' stomachs settled down before continuing. "The Island of the Mice story ends sadly. slept. The mice ate the body of the jester, then

I went ashore, buried the man's bones, prayed

for him, and we went on. "For forty days we sailed until we came to another island. Let's leave this fearful place, and



take our tiny boats to toss upon the mighty sea." "Gladly. work a miracle? said. "Listen to the lad, Niall. First, he wants me to If it gets too rough, could you please I'm seasick in high seas," Kevin

quit making miracles, now he asks for one." "A man can change his mind, can't he Abbot?" Niall asked. The boys took up the oars, and Brendan manned the tiller as they began another leg of their adventure. "Bishop Erc taught me to bell the silver-horned stags, the heaving waves of the sea, when I was four Two hundred miles of wild sea and gales I could calm the sea with a miracle, but I

years old. face us.

want my scribe to experience its power. "However, I shall compress time, to shorten your misery." He whistled Maeve back to the boat.

The raven brought her final meal of mouse eyes aboard, again offering to share them with the sailors. The lads gagged again and threw up their coena. Maeve tucked her head under her wing and slept.

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Chapter 18

Raging Seas Mighty waves, stirred up by a gale, attacked the Cara. The ocean became calm for a short time. Dark

clouds rolled and reshaped, and the wind changed to the South, whipping heavy rain across the sea. curragh began filling with water.


stronger gale

tossed the leather boat like a leaf falling from a tree. The hissing rain soaked the crew.

"The boat is lifting and falling, lifting and falling," Niall said. All three sailors clung to the Maeve deserted Brendan's

sides of the curragh.

shoulder for a dry spot under a cover of waxed leather.

"I find myself afraid, Abbot," Kevin said.

"Me too.

get used to the calm, then the sea The boat is out of control and Do something before we capsize,"

goes wild again.

filling with water.

Niall squealed in a high-pitched voice. Kevin mumbled a spell he learned from his clan, "Manannan mac Lir. Manannan. Manannan mac Lir. Save me,

Take me in your sea-chariot to your Manannan mac Lir. Manannan, save

Undersea Kingdom. me."

"Are you praying, Brother?" Niall asked him. Kevin didn't get a chance to answer before the

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Cara swept forward, sideways, and backward, all in a minute. She rode up and down the waves, sometimes

skittering on top of them, before dropping twenty feet. The mainsail ripped away from its mooring and

fell, covering the rowers. IIGrabthe sail, Niall. Help me roll the wet Kevin said

linen into a ball and stow it."

The mainmast splintered, toppled and fell into the sea, missing the boys by inches. Brendan noticed the white faces and furrowed brows of his crew. "I shall turn the tiller loose, lads. our navigator on this sea. Jesu is

Wipe the salty water off

your tablet, Niall, and record your feeling of helplessness when the ocean becomes angry." "Sir, I don't have a tablet. instead?" Kevin asked. "Pray to Jesu, Brother. boat and our voyage." "Aye, Abbot. Our Father, who art in Heaven ." He's in charge of this What can I do

He prayed to be delivered from the storm, but also not to die like the monk at Iona and the jester at the Island of the Mice. first voyage. Brendan said three died on his

Kevin worried that he or Niall would be He

killed to illustrate the perils of this journey.

dared not talk about it--the others would think him a coward.

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"Land Ho," Niall shouted. The wind blew the Cara past an easy harbor. The main tide ran in a circle around the island, carrying their boat with it. Maeve flew to the high cliffs on the north side of the island to circle a safe landing place. An eddy caught the boat. curragh spun. Around and around the

Brendan sat gripping the seat of his Kevin and Niall held on

chair with his eyes closed.

to the sides of the boat and threw up. A tide race, common during a gale, shot them out of the eddy and into the deep water of the Mykines Fjord. Kevin crossed himself and said, IIThanks be to Jesus." He took up an oar. The Island of the Sheep "No need to exert yourself rowing, Brother.
A favorable wind and tide will see us into the


Brendan said.

The young men landed


curraghs on the sand, unloaded them, and propped them upside down on rocks to let the sea water drain out. Abbot Brendan led his crew up the hill. spring-fed streams full of fish. "Come higher. said. "Look at the sheep. They're as big as oxen. And A surprise awaits you," Brendan They saw

white--all of them are white.

Hundreds of huge, white




So thick I can't see the grass they graze on.

Great Archbishop Patrick, what a treat for Irish eyes." Kevin laughed and ran up the hill, scattering

the sheep. "I believe Brother Kevin takes to land better than sea, Scribe. My first voyagers called this IThe

Island of the Sheep,'" Brendan said. be on land again?" "Abbot, I'm grateful. waves scared me.

you glad to

That encounter on the wild

A month ago, before I admitted my

fears, I would have pretended to be brave. The experience with the gale helps me write more graphically about the power of the ocean." "You're getting the idea, Niall. You can't write My first

about an adventure without being there. scribe wrote the facts only.

I want you involved in

the fear, suffering, surprises, and joys of the voyage. Also I want you to record the hard decisions

we make every day." "Each day I understand my mission as your scribe better, " Niall said. The Abbot looked around the island. to a grove of trees near a spring. "Shall we have our Maundy Thursday Service here? Take what you need from the flock for our meal tonight. Later we will choose a spotless lamb for our He pointed

Easter feast."



"Excuse me, Abbot, but this is July, not April," Niall reminded him. "Don't forget I've put us on Brendan Time. The

church calendar will speed up, as our sailing time does, to let us experience all of the Holy Days during these two months I've allotted for the trip." Kevin wandered back from his romp with the sheep. uTell me what needs doing and I'll do it," he said. UGuess what today is?" Niall asked Kevin.
IIToday is Maundy Thursday, Brendan Time."

IIHoly Days?

When will we repair the curragh?


lost the main mast and need to repair the sails," Kevin said. IIJesuwas a fisherman. is sea-ready now,"

He understands.

The Cara

Brendan said.

like this miracle," Kevin decided.

While they were preparing their meal, a man dressed in white appeared, holding a basket full of bread, wine and vessels needed for mass. before Abbot Brendan, saying, He knelt

"I am honored to God ordains

prepare food for you for these Holy Days.

that you celebrate Good Friday and Holy Saturday on this island, and Easter on the island you see nearby." He pointed to the west." The man served them and appeared the next two days to bring more food. He said, "Your boats cannot carry any more than

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eight days' supply, so I will bring you food and drink until Pentecost." "Do you know where we will be after eight days?" Brendan asked. "Saturday night and on Easter Sunday until noon you will be on the island I showed you. Afterward you will sail to another island, to the west, called the 'Paradise of the Birds.' Pentecost." "Can you tell us why the sheep here are so large?" Kevin wanted to know. "No one takes milk from the sheep and the winters are mild. They graze in their pastures always, day There you will stay until

and night, and grow as large as cattle." ********* UHoly Days gave us a chance to come together as a crew," Kevin said. IIAbsolutely. IIIfeel better about our voyage." I began gaining confidence on Elbe, Niall

and have no doubts we'll reach Tir-na-n'Nog," said.

Brendan sat under a tree, stroked Maeve, and smiled. Holy Saturday afternoon Abbot suggested they gather their supplies and food and sail to the isle their provider recommended. "Our Easter feast will be bountiful," Brendan said.

Smithey Iraven The Cara and her crew sailed to the island they saw on the horizon, at peace with each other, expecting a quiet Easter. Jasconius Brendan steered the Cara to a stony, ugly, sandy, landing place.


He directed Niall and Kevin to

jump into the water to secure the boat to driftwood.

"Go ashore for your prayers and Easter vigil.

I'll stay in the boat." Kevin cut his eyes at Niall, who shrugged his shoulders. They carried out Abbot's directions.

When morning came, Brendan led them in the Easter Mass from the boat. "Prepare the lamb we brought for our Easter Feast. I will rest myself a bit."

The young men's stomach's growled because of their fasting. They gathered driftwood and built a Lamb and fresh water went

great fire in the brazier.

into Abbot Colman's cauldron, and soon boiled. Suddenly, the island began to move, back and forth, to and fro, like Atlantic waves during a storm. A tail as big as a tigo appeared at one end, splashing the sea into a furious eddy. At the same time, water

spouted from its center, and the end opposite the tail opened, spewing out more of the sea. Two glassy blue

eyes as large as warriors' shields opened, one on each side of the beast's head.



"All the Saints protect us, we have landed on a monster instead of an island," Kevin yelled. "Save, us, Holy Brendan." Niall joined Kevin's cry. They abandoned all

they had on the moving island and swam to the boat as fast as they could. The "island" moved out to sea

with their cauldron of mutton boiling on its back. "Brendan, you fooled us. You knew what would "You sat in the

happen, didn't you?" Niall asked.

boat to watch us react with surprise and terror." The ancient's eyes twinkled, and his toothless mouth spread open like a cave. His laughter reached

his shoulders as well as his voice. "Wanted to add adventure to our voyage, don't you know? Don't be afraid. God revealed to me in a

vision the secret of our Easter Island--it's not an island, but a fish as big as an Irish County. He

tries to bring his tail to meet his head, to ensure God's blessing on him, but he cannot, because of his length. "You have met Jasconius, a whale, where we were

destined to spend every Easter for four years on my first voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog." Niall said, "When I journal this adventure, I will draw a picture of the wondrous creature, so readers can see what Jasconius looks like. sent by God to help us?" Was he

Smithey Iraven Even though his back was covered with sand from the ocean floor, the heat reached his tender skin, and hurt him. The pain caused him to throw water on


himself and frighten you." "Will we see him again this voyage?" Kevin asked. "Wait. Be patient. All things will be revealed Brendan explained.

as our journey unfolds," looked around the Cara. from us.


Easter meal sailed away

What did our brother on the Island of the

Sheep supply for our Easter Feast?" "There's cooked mutton, salted fish, wine, Abbot. We won't go hungry. bread, and

But my cauldron

sailed away on the monster's back," Niall said. "Put that in your story, too," Kevin said. help you describe Jasconius. never forget. "I'll

He's a creature I'll

You can see our fire burning brightly

on the monster's back, far on the western horizon." They ate in the boat, prayed, Brendan and Kevin slept, but Niall wrote and drew on his tablet by candlelight until the voyagers departed at dawn for their next destination.

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The Paradise Of Birds To the west of the Island of the Sheep, the explorers found another island. "Maeve, find us a landing place," Brendan ordered. The raven flew from his shoulder, and circled a fertile spot covered with grass, trees, and flowers. She came back followed by a flock of white birds, who hovered over a stream. its banks. "Corne,Niall, grab a rope. farther up on land," Kevin said. They pulled her almost a mile to the source of the spring, while Brendan stayed in the boat. "Jesus has given us a beautiful place to stay. Look at this large tree, covered with white gannets," Brendan said.

The curraghs

barely fit into

We'll pull the Cara

don't understand why so many birds Call this chapter

are collected here on this island.

of your story 'The Paradise of the Birds,' Niall." "I will. 'Tis an amazing sight. Shall we

unload the boats, sir? yourself.

I wish you would rest

Kevin and I can handle everything." After unloading, have a game of

"Yes, I will. hurling gannets.

while I ponder the reason for this host of We'll have vespers in three hours." You get the lorgs and

"Let's go, blacksmith.



I'll find the liethroid. like we are."

Hope they're not waterlogged

Soon they were hitting the ball with their sticks up and down the grassy hills, glad to be out of the smelly, wet curragh. "I like hearing you laugh, lads," Brendan called from his resting place under the tree. "I'm still puzzled by the mystery of the birds. secret will be revealed to me." One of the white birds flew from the tree and landed near the Abbot. She rubbed her wings together, The gannet I pray the

making sweet music like a hand bell

stretched her wings, cocked her head, and stared at him. "If you are God's messenger, tell me where you birds come from and why you gather here," Abbot said. "We are the spirits of people who weren't chosen go to heaven as soon as they died," sang the bird. "On Holy Days and Sundays, we have bodies of birds and praise our Creator with our songs. singing vespers? May we join you in

Avoid the fruit and the spring Food will be

water--it brings on sleeping sickness. provided."

Brendan thanked the bird as she flew away.


came to sit on his shoulder to squawk her jealousy of the beautiful white creature. "Dear Maeve, you are my best friend. No one can



take your place. the birds. island.

Enjoy the trees here.

Mingle with

You needn't watch after me on this lovely

I gave the lads the day off and I offer the

same freedom to you." The black bird cocked her head, blinked her yellow eyes at Brendan, and flew away, chirping at her new winged friends perched in the trees. Niall and Kevin, faces red, tunics to Brendan, asking about dinner. "The bird said the spring water is unsafe--it causes those who drink it to fall into an unnatural sleep. Who do I see coming in a boat? It's our Go meet him and dirty, came

friend from the Island of the Sheep. help him unload his stores."

The steward told the voyagers to stay on the Island of the Birds until the beginning of Pentecost, when he would come with more supplies. With their food and drink supplied, the three adventurers spent what seemed like a month with the singing birds. Kevin's hurling improved, and Niall Brendan taught the gannetts to

added to his journal.

sing his favorite hymns. Only three days passed, however, because of the miracle of Brendan Time. The steward came at Pentecost, bringing with him

enough food and water to last several months. The birds sang a hymn Brendan taught them as the



Cara sailed away to discover another island. "What a delightful place," Niall said. "Surely

our bad and scary experiences lie behind us."



Chapter 19 North Atlantic Ocean Hardship "For three months, my feet have not touched land. I've rowed with nothing to eat but moldy bread and a sip of water every third day. Kevin moaned. "Endure, Kevin. Pray God to deliver us to a Brendan pleaded. He Has God forsaken me?"

friendly harbor on yon isle,"

decided to make this leg of the journey hard for his crew. They had become complacent, believing the

Abbot's miracles would solve any discomfort or problem they encountered. He reasoned another hard lesson

would bring out the best in the lads. Again and again they circled the island seeking a landing place. Maeve flew low, her eyes searching for an opening in the rock. "I've watched the sun set forty days while the wind has blown us away from this land. do?" Kevin whined. No comforting words carne through Brendan's Niall's cracked lips. Maeve fell off Brendan's shoulder, depleted. "You're not doing your part of the rowing, Prince Niall," Kevin complained. her strength or What are we to

Smithey Iraven "The only time I quit the oars is when I'm writing on my tablet, you great ox of a man. be a scribe and row at the same time," Niall responded. "Because you can write Latin on a waxed tablet you think you're better than I am. who's the best man in this boat." Kevin swung his oar at Niall's head. I'll show you


I can't

The younger

man ducked and shoved the paddle aside, then used the oar to push the blacksmith overboard. The heavy man grabbed the side of the light leather boat. "Don't turn us over, you dumb oaf!" yelled. "If I drown, you go, too. tablets will keep you afloat," Or maybe your wooden Kevin said. Niall

"Better than your anvil, for sure." Kevin sputtered sea water as he pulled himself back into the curragh. reddened his face. The student ignored him and kept writing on his tablet. "write that you don't pull your weight, Prince Niall of Tara. Write that I am likely to throw you to He glared at Niall. Anger

the hungry monsters in the sea if you don't shape up," Kevin said. Brendan moved his sun-blackened arm off the



tiller and flipped it into the sea.

"If you

adventurers lose courage and continue fighting, we won't need this." Later in the day at each other again. "Write and read. do, smarty boy," Write and read. That's all you Niall and Kevin began picking

Kevin said.

"I've written that I threw you in the sea and you smelled so badly the sea monsters threw you back," Niall smirked. "Lads, lads, let us be at peace, one with another." Brendan's voice sounded hoarse from thirst

and yelling. Kevin grabbed the prince and threw him over the side. him. The younger boy scrambled aboard, yelling like a Celtic warrior, grabbed the blacksmith's arm, and twisted it behind his back. The bigger man lowered Wooden tablets from his book bag floated around

his shoulder and head and flipped Niall into the water again. Instead of climbing back into the first boat, Niall pulled himself into the supply boat. Brendan shrank into a bundle of dry bones and wet white wool robe. He prayed, then said aloud, "Colman,

my strong friend, I wish you were here to help me bell these boys' tempers like I can calm the waves, without



sacrificing the lesson I'm trying to teach them." "Come to me, dear Brendan," he heard a quiet voice say. The elderly man shaded his faded blue eyes with his hands and peered out to sea. The new Abbot of Cloyne stood on a rock motioning to him. Brendan made a miracle which caused the boys to sleep before he left them. "Thank you, Jesu, for sending my friend to me." He stepped out of the curragh. His robe barely

touched the water as he walked on the waves to join Colman. "I put a bit of hardship into the voyage and my strong boys become weaklings. Little Dove?" "Miracle us to the nearby Isle of Ailbe. the next stop on your voyage, right?" Brendan nodded his head. "Allow the lads to work out this problem themselves. team. Maybe they'll learn about working as a we'll celebrate That's What's to be done,

When they find Ailbe's harbor,

their arrival. IIMay I put my arm around your shoulder as we walk the waves to Archbishop Ailbe's island?" "You're tired and deserve some rest." Bishop Ailbe met the two Abbots and took them to Colman said.



the refectory

of his Abbey without speaking.

Monks served a meal and took each of them to a cell to rest. Both prayed that the lads would find

the island before they damaged each other. Cooperation The fifteen-year-old student and the nineteenyear-old blacksmith awoke from the deep sleep Brendan placed on them. When he discovered the Abbot was missing, Kevin keened, rocking his body back and forth, and crying in a high pitched voice, as his clan did when a death occurred. "Abbot, you abandoned me. You left me to

die on this wretched sea.

I wish I had gone back to I'm angry at you

Clonfert to my blacksmithing job. and Jesus and Niall." throughout the night.

He continued his keening

Niall moved back to the first boat when the sun rose. "We ran him off, with our bad tempers and jealousy of each other. Kevin. Our leader tests our courage,

We can give up and perish, or solve our Which do you choose?" I can sit here and rot

problems and live.

"Keening didn't help me.

in this leaky boat or try to find a way to get home alive." "I don't believe Abbot's dead. He wants us to

find our way alone to the next isle to prove our

Smithey/raven courage to him and to ourselves. spiritual and physical strength.

126 It's a test of our Can we do it?"

Kevin looked around him at the shining sea, the blue sky, the sun warming him for the first time in days, and said, to steer or row? find a harbor." Maeve roused from her sleep. searched for her master. Her yellow eyes "I'm ready to try harder. You want

At least we have Maeve to help us

She cocked her head as

though listening and hopped to each boy, chirping instructions. "I don't understand. black bird?" Kevin asked. What are you telling us,

The raven stretched her wings and took to the air. She circled the boat, squawked at them, and flew

to the south. "Hoist the sail. I'll attach the extra rudder.

If we work together we'll find that illusive island," Niall said. IIWhenwe find land, let's take out our differences in a game of hurling, what say? enough dunking and fighting." "A splendid idea, friend Kevin." Maeve flew back to the boat as the sun set, weary from her search for a harbor. "Thank you for trying. I saved one piece of He I've had

bread and I want you to have it," Kevin told her.

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pulled the dry morsel from his fes to feed the bird. She ate, folded her wings and rested. The The

sailors hauled down the sails and quit rowing. sea calmed. They dozed. The sudden flurry of a cormorant's them at sun-up. The wind stilled.

Tired muscles relaxed.

wings woke

A tree branch loaded with fruit fell

from the creature's beak into the boat. "Another Brendan miracle?" "Yes, a welcome one, Brother." Niall stuffed his

mouth so full that purple juice ran down his chin. The branch held enough sweet, purple grapes to satisfy the boys' and raven's hunger and thirst. their strength returned, so did their courage. Maeve flew south again to search for a harbor, while the sailors hoisted sails and began rowing. The raven circled a location Niall and Kevin had overlooked many times. When the Cara sailed into the As

harbor, they saw eleven white-robed monks waiting on the shore. silence. Each held a finger to his lips to indicate After helping them beach the boats, the men

led them to the Abbey, washed their feet, and fed them white bread, vegetables and fresh water. The boys

shared a cell, and kept the rule of silence.

Smithey Iraven The Community of Archbishop Ailbe Twenty-four monks, led by Abbot Ailbe, sailed


from Ireland to an island in the Atlantic Ocean eighty years ago during the time of Archbishop Patrick. were culdees, monks who sailed west looking for a They

place where they could worship Jesus in solitude. Miracles happened on the Island of Ailbe, as well as in Brendan's curragh. Each day twelve loaves of

bread appeared on their table, more on feast days and Sundays. All other supplies arrive when needed.

After resting and bathing, Kevin and Niall found the chapel and knelt for Abbot Ailbe's blessing. pointed to two abbots entering the room. Forgetting that speech was forbidden, Kevin said, "You're not dead. Thanks be to Jesus, you're alive. He

We thought you'd drowned yourself in despair over our fights." "Abbot Colman--where did you come from?" Niall asked. Suddenly remembering the rule of silence, they clamped their hands over their mouths. The abbots motioned for them to kneel for their blessing. Two hands rested on each head--one plump

and soft, the other bony and dry. Niall covered their hands with his and brought

Smithey lraven them down to his lips to kiss the rings they wore.


Niall knew his temper took control of him again, when he and Kevin I fought. Niall prayed,


you, Jesus, that abbot is safe.

this test."

Help me learn from

Abbot Ailbe escorted his guests to seats on each side him. The young men sat with the monks. They

found it hard to concentrate on the words of the mass because of the beauty of the crystal room. The square-shaped chapel was carved from crystal. Twenty-four seats encircled the space. Each of the three altars held crystal patens, chalices, and cruets. Seven lights, three before the main altar and

two before each of other two, were unlit. After the evening meal, Niall and Kevin went to their cell, making signs to each other, trying to figure out how Colman and Brendan got to the island "Maybe we'll know tomorrow," Niall wrote on his tablet. Kevin nodded. They slept.

The three abbots kept watch for the miraculous flame at candle-lighting time. A fiery arrow sped

through a window, lit the seven lamps in the chapel, then darted out another window. Brendan rose to examine the candles. spoke for the first time of their visit. never burn away or get smaller." "Why?" Colman asked. Abbot Ailbe "The candles

Smi they Iraven "My dear brother in Christ, the light is spiritual, like the burning bush at Mount Sinai," Ailbe said. Brendan and Colman sighed, and nodded their understanding. All night the Abbots knelt before the altar,


keeping vigil and praying for the success of Brendan's voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog. After morning prayers and prandium, Abbot Ailbe

gave the travelers permission to speak to one another. Colman put his arms around Niall and Kevin's shoulders "Could we spend time together? your hurling game. I want to referee

Had any time to write poems and prince?"

compose songs on the harp,

"Our adventures on the wild seas and islands are waiting to be told, written, played and chanted," Niall answered. IIAndyou, Kevin. Been plying your hammer and

anvil at blacksmithing?" "I only replace broken iron parts of the curragh and row."

I see," Colman said.

Brendan and Ailbe met to plan the rest of the voyage. The Navigator asked permission to set out on

his journey at sunrise. "No, you must celebrate Christmas with us, and



stay until Epiphany.

Abbot Colman may return to his

abbey when he pleases, but God sent me a message to keep you here to rest and renew your strength," said. "Thanks be to Jesu I have a High King who looks after me. Never learned to do the job myself," Ailbe

Brendan admitted. The monks fed Brendan nourishing food. His only

activity was to say mass when Ailbe needed him. Reunion "Blacksmith, get the hurling sticks and ball. hope your game has improved. harp and your tablets. I

You, Niall, fetch your

We'll write a song together."

When the monks saw a hurling game starting, they brought out their sticks, tucked their robes up into their belts and joined in the game. Colman cheered both sides. The athletes washed in the spring and put on fresh tunics and robes supplied by the Abbey monks. After vespers and conea, Colman and Niall took

their harps out of their leather cases. "I thank you for this harp, abbot. spirits. It cheers my

Abbot Brendan won't listen to any music He keeps balls of wax strung on a'rope

except choirs.

around his neck to plug up his ears when I play." "Ask him why. said. 'Tis an interesting story," Colman

IIBrendan's a grand abbot, but he does have some

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peculiar habits." "Tell me something. Every harp has a name." "You left

Niall pointed an accusing finger at Colman.

Holy Island without telling me this harp's name."


name for her was 'Little Dove.' Listen to She will tell you her name." strings, his ear

your harp.

Niall plucked the clairseach's close to the dark wood. a melody. face.

He closed his eyes and played

A smile broke through his usually serious

He danced around Colman and Kevin. "A song came

to me, a gift from my harp:

'My name is Coo of Little My master is Prince Dove.


My maker was Bard Mac Lennin, Now Abbot Colman of Cloyne.

I take Niall

as my master, God with and mind, and chanting.

that he may glorify his hands and heart plucking my strings

I, Prince Niall of Tara, pledge myself to honor Jesus harp, Dove.

with music whose

from this blessed

name is Coo of Little

I promise

to strum true

notes on your strings, as you, Coo of Little will sound pure notes Dove, for me.


I pledge


to write


and compose Lauding

sweet melodies name. ..


The former bard said, "Never has Little Dove sounded so well. entirely, " Bless you. You gladden my heart

Colman said. "Le't play and chant your 's

song together." When the monks heard the music of the harpers, they came to listen and play. One brought a boudran

made of a sheep skin stretched around a circle of ash wood which he drummed with a stick. wooden cuislean. Another brought a

While the musicians played lively

Irish tunes, the monks danced the intricate steps they learned as children at their clan ceilis. Kevin

taught them dances he learned at his family gatherings in Munster. Colman put his harp away before candlelighting time and waved the monks away. Colman Confesses his Weaknesses "On my voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog with Abbot Brendan years ago, I showed my cowardly self. Understanding

your guilt about behaving badly on the hard part compels me to confess my own shortcomings.

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IIAbbothas used miracles to make most of your adventures pleasant and comfortable. When he put in you two

some hardship and pain to test your mettle, reacted like I did. "Remember, he journeyed twice before.

Do you

think he enjoyed quartering the ocean for the four years each voyage took, watching his beloved brothers in Christ become destitute in spirit, resigned to death, pressed together in the stinking boats? eyes cast down, we existed in a nameless region between waking and sleeping, neither alive nor dead. None of us had any hope of survival. "Brendan turned the tiller loose to let Jesu guide the Cara, never faltering in his faith we would be delivered to the Island of the Promise. "When our hearts were sick and faint, his pulsed with faith and hope. adventures. God sent Brendan on these He was Our

Abbot bent his will to God's.

determined to find Tir-na-n'Nog. gave the glory of it to God."

He succeeded and

Colman towered over the boys. "I offer you these words of comfort and strength. I admit to you my own

weakness on my voyage, so you won't be overcome with shame for losing heart. I confess. The worseThe powerful,

spirited of the fourteen monks was me."

strong abbot put his head in his hands and cried. Colman blew his nose and wiped his eyes. "You've

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come through with courage most of the time. you to keep faith with Brendan.

I command

Your reward will be Be

great, but claiming recognition may take time. patient.

"Brendan's voyages will be celebrated and written about through all ages to come. Niall, you were

chosen by God and Brendan to write a record of the Navigatio. You do them both honor with your words.

"You were chosen, Kevin, because of your strength and blacksmithing skill. can fix. Anything that breaks, you

You show your obedience to Brendan and Jesus I believe you will find a satisfying

with your work.

vocation because of this journey." Kevin wiped away tears with his robe sleeve. Niall let his fall. He ran to Colman to hug him, and I understand now.

said, "Thank you, Little Dove.

Brendan and Jesus can count on me to tell the world about Brendan's heroic voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog write the Navigatio." "And I will try to row harder, quit fighting, and stop complaining," Kevin said. The two friends walked to the Abbey arm in arm with Colman to join their mentor, Brendan. Kevin Confides in Colman Before Colman left the island, Kevin asked to talk to him alone. He twisted his hair and shuffled when I

his feet before he began talking.



"You helped Niall become a better man. can help me.

Maybe you

There have been two deaths in Brendan's

re-creation of his Navigatio and he said there will be another. Will either Niall or I die to show the

dangers of the quest for the Land of Paradise?" "No, Kevin. journey. No deaths or sacrifices mar this

I assure you, Brendan will take you safely Colman said. I feel better." He sat on a

back to Ireland,"

"Thank you, sir. bench in the garden.

"Something else is bothering you, brother. it with me. your future?" The blacksmith paced the stony path. He I'm your friend.


Are you concerned about

scratched his beard and rubbed his callused hands together. "You read my mind, changing me. abbot. This voyage is

I've seen different lands and seas,

animals and people, and survived things I didn't think I'd live through. Latin better, and on waxed tablets." "Going back to Clonfert Abbey as a blacksmith won't be enough to keep me interested. experiences have widened. My world and I've learned to read and write to draw and journal my experiences

I want to keep learning."

Colman asked, "Any idea what you'd like to do with your life?"

Smithey Iraven "I have dreamed of studying metalsmithing. I'd


like to be able to work in silver and gold as well as bronze and iron. If I knew how to design and make crosses for bishops and

objects for cathedrals,

abbots, maybe even jewelry for kings and warlords, I would be a contented man. I must have a way to show

others the wonderful sights I've seen and the beauty of the world and its creatures. "When we get back to Clonfert Abbey, Abbot Brendan will tell of his voyages, Niall will write the story of our journey, and I will pound on iron bars in a forge. "Hrnm. It's not enough for me now." You'll be the forgotten man when you get I see your point. Yes,

back to Clonfert, won't you?

you should have a way to create art to express your participation in this journey. Let me work on this, I Keep

leave tomorrow, but I'll be in touch with you. heart, brother."

Colman left before sunrise to return to his Abbey. This time he went in a boat, instead of

walking on water. Sailing Again After Christmas and Epiphany, the monks stocked the voyagers' two curraghs with food and water.

"Kevin and I start this leg of our journey with a new understanding of our mission, Abbot," Niall said. IIAbbot Colman helped us see a larger picture of

Smithey Iraven this voyage," Kevin added. "Colman. His wise words strike the depths of a Good lads.


person's heart.

I count on your help in

the hard days ahead," Brendan said. "We sail west." AT SEA The Island of the Three Choirs Brendan pointed to an island where one of the three late-comers found a home. "On this island live three choirs: one of boys in white garments, one of adults, dressed in blue, and one of elders, wearing purple. "Growing there were fruits as large as a man's head, which tasted like honey. twelve days. One fed a monk for

We departed with our boat filled with

these fruits, which nourished us for four months." Niall wrote this experience on his tablet, while Kevin rowed and tended the sails. AT SEA The Grypton A noise caused Niall to look up from his writing. A bird's wings, spanning seven and a half feet,

disturbed the air above the boat. "Abbot, Kevin, look--we are about to be snatched and eaten by that monstrous bird." The black gryphon stretched her talons wide and

curved them to grab Brendan's head.

Her strength Niall batted

seemed great enough to carry a man away.

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the buzzard away with an oar. "Don't be afraid. sure. " Brendan's raven attacked. the gryphon's face, Squawking, she flew in God will send us a savior, for

and tried to peck out its eyes.

The powerful bird's wing knocked her into the sea, filling the sky with black feathers. beak down to where Maeve struggled. Then it dived Scraping its

sharp claws across one of her golden eyes, the gryphon blinded her. The raven spread her wings, shook off

the sea water, and flew into the buzzard's face again, trying to keep it away from Brendan's head. The

strong wings knocked Maeve into the ocean once more. Their savior came. The same friendly cormorant who dropped grapes to the boys arrived to defend the voyagers The gryphon turned to attacking the cormorant, who fought back by pecking the vulture's eyes out. Croaking a terrible cry, the injured bird soared high. The friendly bird flew faster, caught the gryphon, and killed it. The sailors watched the ugly body fall into the sea. The cormorant flew back to the Cara and called to the injured Maeve. Kevin and Niall rescued the wet raven, whose eye hung from its socket, wrapped her in a robe, and put



her in Brendan's arms. Brendan blessed the cormorant, and she flew back to her island. "Can you save her eye?" Niall asked.

"No, she's blind in that eye, unless Jesu grants her a miracle. she won't The best I can do it cut it loose so Hand

try to scratch it out with her claws.

me a sharp knife, Niall." Brendan said. The scholar took the knife from his belt for Brendan to use. "Hold her still. She's shaking." muscles to release the dangling eye. He cut the eye "I'll save this

in my treasure box, dear Maeve, to remember your brave deed. Twice you attacked the grypton who would have

carried me off and eaten me." comfort her.

He held her close to

Niall sat with his head down, remembering the time he trapped Maeve on Holy Island. "Your noble raven fought for you again, and lost another eye. I remember my black deed against her, when Jesus I

and the miracle on Holy Island,

brought her back to life, and gave her a new eye. pray she may be granted another miracle."

As the prince talked, he stroked the dark wings

and head of the object of his jealousy and vengeance at the Hermitage. "My forced isolation in the cave on Holy Island

Smithey/raven helped me see what an arrogant bully I was. I'm


trying to become a decent young man," he told Brendan. IIThankyou for giving me a second chance." The scribe took a fresh tablet out of the leather bag, and wrote of the day's scary events. "Only been gone from the Island of Ailbe for half a day, and we've had enough adventures to fill a book," Kevin said to Brendan. "Thank you for choosing

me to sail on this voyage with you." "Your strength helps me, Kevin. count on you." Niall said. I know I can

"Bless you both for indulging an old man's fancy," Brendan answered. of Ailbe restful? long stay?" "My hurling game got better. The monks may be "Was the time on the Island

Did you learn anything during our

old, but they can run," Kevin said. "Abbot Colman taught me more about harping and composing, but my most important lesson came when the two of us were lost at sea, and you disappeared. Never in my life have I been as fearful and alone, except in the cave at Holy Island. Both times I

admitted my helplessness to Jesus, and asked him to guide me," Niall said.

"I felt angry at you, Niall and Jesus, when you left us alone. help. Sulking like a spoiled child didn't

Praying did," the blacksmith said.



"Anger and fear are allowed in this life, you know," Brendan said. "I act the same way sometimes, then sentence myself to harsh penance. the test, boys. I put you to

You showed me you have strength

enough to finish the voyage. When you appeared in the crystal chapel at Ailbe, my heart leaped with joy." He reached his arms out to his two companions, put his hand on each head, and ruffled their hair. Maeve squawked her jealousy and bit Brendan's hand. "You're my savior and protector and I won't neglect you, raven," Abbot told her. "Druids and

bards reciting our pagan history told us the raven was a symbol of war and death. her breed's bad habits. loving." "Of course she is. Here, let me bandage your My Maeve works to overcome

She is protective, sweet and

bleeding hand," Niall said. All three laughed at the paradox of Maeve's disposition. "Listen to me. pout," Kevin said. "Everyone needs to laugh," Brendan said, wiping his eyes. "It does us good." I've learned to laugh instead of

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Chapter 20 ICELAND Island of the Smiths What seemed like eight days passed. It was only four hours, Brendan Time. A breeze moved the curraghs

smoothly atop the waves in a westerly direction. Brendan's eyes closed, and his head dropped to his chest. Niall took over the tiller while Kevin

tended the sail. The blacksmith pointed to a land mass dead ahead. Niall nodded. and rough. island," "Looks bleak. No grass or trees. Rocky

The wind is carrying us toward the he whispered. "Not

"Ugliest land I ever saw," Kevin remarked.

like our dear Ireland, with its forty shades of green. I'm homesick, to be sure." Brendan woke, saw the island, and yelled, "Man the oars. mightily. " What promised to be a peaceful day at sea turned into a nightmare, a vision of hell. As the powerful Pull away from that island. I fear it

wind took Cara closer to the hideous island, fire and smoke rose from the core of the place, accompanied by noises louder than thunder. A stench burned the voyagers' noses. "What is this island?" Kevin asked.



"Looks like a huge forge on top of a mountain. Many more on the sides ooze fire and puff smoke," Niall said. Kevin stood to see better. coming out of the forge. see us." "Row, man, row. Niall pleaded. Brendan prayed for their deliverance. The relentless tide and wind carried the curraghs onto the rocky beach. One islander tossed a fiery missile at the voyagers with a pair of tongs. The tephra glowed like Let's get away from this hell," "Look, people are They

And going back inside.

a fireball until it hit the water, where it sizzled and threw a burst of steam hundreds of feet in the air. The rock turned black, then floated alongside

the Cara. More howling men came from the forge, all of them carrying tephras, and hurling them at the sailors. None hit the men or the boats. The rocks bobbed in the sea, glowing, hissing and steaming. "Jesus, help us. off! us. hell." It's afire. The top of the mountain blew

Flaming rocks and soot will bury

We don't have a chance to live through this Kevin pushed Niall, Brendan, and Maeve under Niall stuck his

the extra leather skins with him. head out to see what was happening.



A blob of molten lava as large as a room flew two hundred yards over their heads into the sea, where it sent a spurt of steam higher than a man could see. Pieces of the bomb broke off, exposing the fire inside. The ocean boiled. The weight of the tephra

caused a wave to form. their boats.

The power of the wave tilted

Some of their stores fell into the sea;

others caught fire. "Holy Patrick! rocks. The sea is hot from the fiery

The water looks like a huge cauldron boiling He grabbed a tablet to

over a fire." Niall said. write on. "Put that tablet down. kill us.

Help me.

The demons will

They surround the boat.

Don't write, Our supplies will

prince, help me put the fires out. be lost.

Our skins to keep us warm, even our boats

may burn," the blacksmith yelled. The islanders howled their names, "Brendan,

Niall, Kevin; Brendan, Niall, Kevin; Brendan, Niall, Kevin. Burn. you. We will roast you in our furnace. Burn. Then we will eat you. Burn. Eat

Eat you.

Eat you." "Truly, we have reached the edges of hell,"

Brendan said.

He held his cross and prayed, "Jesu,

send us a southwesterly wind, and a tide to carry us safely away from this wretched place." The Abbot's prayer was answered. Their sail

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filled with wind and the tide lifted the boat off the glowing beach. The demons followed them into the sea,

threw tephra at the men and the boat, and shouted threats of torture until the boat was out of sight. The boys bent their backs to the oars to get away from them. When the Cara was two miles southwest of the blazing island, Brendan asked them to rest. "Look

back at the Island of the Smiths and tell me how you will remember our visit that hellish place." "Humph!" Kevin growled. about it." "I don't want to talk

He moved to the other boat, covered

himself with skins, and slept. "Our blacksmith reacts to danger with action, not words," Niall said. /lWe11 said." Brendan laughed his toothless chuckle. Niall caught his mood and doubled over, his eyes streaming tears. He laughed himself breathless. He

rolled around in the bilge until his mouth filled with the foul water. "What a relief to be alive. I may laugh all day. But first I'm going to strip off these sooty clothes and bathe in the sea," Niall announced. Brendan joined him. They ducked each other, washed their

scrubbed the ash from their bodies,

robes, then got back in the boat to rinse the their

Smithey fraven skin with fresh water from their supply. Maeve appeared from under the skins that protected her from the ash and rock. had healed, and she could fly again.


Her eye socket She dipped in

the sea, then sat on the prow and preened her feathers. "Get your tablet, prince. Put in your tale of my

voyage that here the third newcomer monk leaped from the boat. His hair caught fire from the glowing slag Brendan said.

floating in the sea,"

of the

demonic smiths carried him up the mountain and threw him in the furnace, where he perished.
ham. "

I pray for

When Kevin awoke, he saw the others were clean. He bathed, dressed in fresh clothes, and joined them. He didn't talk. He looked at the sea, and wondered if Things that were happening

he would ever be the same.

to him on the voyage were changing his life, and enlarging his vision of the world and the people in it. Yet he had left his companions and sulked again. He

He hadn't been brave when the volcano exploded.

wished he could have laughed and swam with Brendan and Niall, to celebrate their escape from danger. I'll learn from this, Kevin thought. Next time,

I will be braver. I won't run off and hide. Kevin decided to risk asking for help. "I'm sorry I moved to the other boat," Kevin




"My fear of death returned.

I wanted to laugh

and swim with you after the danger passed, but I sulked again. I don't want to act like a coward any

more. Could you help me trust Jesus to look after me?" "Not to worry. You are being transformed now, by

asking for help," Brendan said. "You acted as bravely as we did. The eruption and demons scared us all. I

see a difference in you--your strength and good sense grow with every adventure." Niall punched the blacksmith on the arm, and said, "You're as courageous as we are. honest than I am. And more

Having 'prince' in front of my name My insides boil when

obligates me to fake bravery. we're in danger. well."

You came through our last peril

"Thank you, but I want your help to become a braver crewman." "We'll help each other," Brendan said. Niall nodded. The Island of Unhappy Judas The rudderless ship sailed southwesterly. IIWhat's that?" Kevin asked. IIIsee a rock. that a large bird sitting on it?" As they grew closer, and said, "It's a man. Niall shaded his eyes, Is

Why is a man sitting on a rock He looks miserable."

in the middle of the ocean?

The wretch, covered with bird droppings, wore



The wretch, covered with bird droppings, wore only a rag of cloth. battered him. JlWhoare you and why are you here?" "I am Judas. abode. Niall asked Waves breaking over his head

This place is better than my usual I live

It seems almost like paradise to me.

in the depths of hell in the fiery mountain under this rock. The good Lord in his mercy allows me to spend

the Sabbath and Holy Days on this rock--my place of refreshment." A cormorant dived and left a dropping on the man's head. He didn't seem to notice.

"Poor devil," Kevin said. "I take you for a Holy Servant of Christ, sir," said Judas to Brendan. "I beseech you to intercede

with the Lord Jesus Christ to let me stay here until sunrise tomorrow, that I may rest one more night from the torture of the demons." "I will help you, if Jesu agrees." prayed. When the sun set and the sea darkened, Judas's time was over. However, Jesu honored Brendan's prayer Brendan

to allow Judas twelve hours more on the rock. Hundreds of demons appeared near the rock, carrying torches. the solitary man. "Move away. Do not protect this sinner from us The boat barred them from grabbing

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tonight," they screeched. Brendan stood in the boat, raised his cross high over his head, and said, "I do not protect him. The

Lord Jesus allows him to remain here until morning." "This evil man betrayed your Lord. to burn. Give him to us," He deserves

the demons demanded. Brendan spoke to them,

The boys looked confused. "This is not my doing. as Jesu wills it."

Let the scene be played out,

To the demons, he said, "I order you to do him no evil this night." More demons filled the sea around the rock. They

howled and cursed the Abbot and his crew all night. The sailors stood watch, protecting Judas. Daybreak came. The rock where Judas sat rose out Steam rose from its

of the sea covered with demons. top.

The sides of the mountain split, and molten lava

ran out like a red river seeking the ocean. Thunderous noises deafened the voyagers. "One more day, Holy One," Judas cried, stretching his arms out to Brendan. day of peace for me." "I cannot, Judas. You willed yourself to "Ask Lord Jesus for one more

suffer," Brendan answered. Their boats' sails filled and the Cara pulled away from the island. falling ash, The stench of sulfur, the

the tephra and the glowing cone



eyes. Brendan watched the mountain rise higher than the Hill of Cashel. The devil's helpers lifted Judas, held him high, and threw him into the inferno inside the cone. howled louder than the volcano's explosions. He As his

body reached the fire, the top of the mountain blew off, bombs. "Merciful Jesu granted him one more night of comfort," Brendan sighed. IIThisisland and its showering the sea with glowing slag and lava

Niall looked back.

suffering Judas will not be easy to forget." The crew seemed dazed after the encounter with the betrayer of Christ. tiller. Brendan slept sitting at the

Maeve slept on his shoulder.

Niall unfurled both sails to catch the prevailing wind. Kevin shipped the oars. They slept fitfully. No one ate or drank.

Visions of Judas being

carried to the pit of Hell haunted their dreams.



Chapter 21 Greenland

The Contest of the Sea Monsters Kevin felt a change in the sea's motion. the others. He woke

"The air is still, the sky is unclouded,

but the waves are building like they do in a storm," he said. Niall splashed water in his face to wake himself up. "I feel the boat being tossed around. Day is


Soon we can see what's causing the

disturbance." Abbot Brendan lit a candle and moved to the front of the curragh. "Come see this creature, lads. 'Tis

a sight to behold." "Whale. teeth," Spouting steam and showing its big "Pushing our boat around, trying

Kevin said.

to dump us in the ocean." "Jasconius, is that you?" Niall asked.

"No, prince, our friend Jasconius swims near the Faroe Islands. This monster of the deep likes colder Grab your oars. Try to

water and is a man-eater.

push him away from us." Abbot said. Abbot wet his finger, and held it up to test the direction of the wind. He adjusted the sails, and

hoped a breeze would carry them away from the whale. "The mouth. He has a mouth large enough to

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swallow all of us.

His teeth shine in the sunlight. He's chewing and eating the What can we do?"

They're half a foot long.

leather on the bow of the boat. Kevin asked.

"We need a champion to defend us," Niall said. "Jasconius, hear our prayer. Come to our rescue,

kindly whale, wherever you swim in this vast sea." The killer whale thrashed his tail. Salt water

splashed into the boat, half filling it, drenching the sailors. "Both of you bail," Brendan ordered. heavy in the water." Niall said, "This whale is black and white, Abbot. Jasconius covered himself with gray sand from "We sit

the sea bottom, so I don't remember what color he was. I wish he would come to save us." "Quit talking and bail, Niall," "And pray Jasconious comes soon." "Look to the North. water. I see a twenty foot spout of Dear Jesu, send us a Kevin said.

I hope it's not a cloud.

savior," Brendan prayed. The sixty-foot sperm whale cut a wake through the ocean, parting the water as Moses did the Red Sea. Before he fought his enemy, he flipped Colman's cauldron into Niall's arms with his tail. The killer whale quit chewing on the leather boat and turned to fight Jasconius.



"Holy Patrick and Jesus, look at our friend's teeth. They look like tent pegs, and must be eight

inches long," Kevin said. "They both have teeth," Niall remarked. "Which monster will win this battle, "We'll soon know. Abbot Brendan?"

I wish they would move farther

from the boat, so we could mend the leather and sew up the rips. I fear sinking. Keep bailing, lads. Use

Colman's cauldron." Bailing water seemed boring to the young men, while ten feet away two whales battled with teeth, lashing tails, and bodies weighing twenty-five tons. Finally, Brendan took over the job of emptying the boat of water and let the boys watch. Their hands

held onto the prow of the curragh, their bodies tensed, as first the black and white, then the gray whale gnashed rips in the other's skin. The mighty

power of their tails roiled the sea like a gale. Brendan's arms tired from bailing water. He

prayed, "Jesu, let this battle end, so I may rest myself." Jasconius opened his mouth as wide as the killer whale's girth, fended off the other whale, and bit the killer's tail off. "Look, our friend is winning," Kevin said. "The monster lost his tail." Quickly, the sperm whale moved to the front of



the wounded man-eater and severed its head from his body. The ocean turned red.

The sailors' savior dived to wash the blood from his body and teeth, then surfaced to allow his friends to thank him. Brendan raised his cross, blessed the

mammoth creature, and patted his head. "Thank you, Jasconius, for saving our lives, and returning the cauldron Abbot Colman gave me." Niall bowed to the whale. Kevin said, "Continue to be our friend and watch over us for the rest of voyage, and we will do you honor when we return to Ireland." The whale spouted water twenty feet into the air, stood on his tail, making him taller than their mast, and spoke in a shrill, whistling voice. "Jas says to tie the three

Brendan translated.

parts of the killer whale to the side of the boat, cut him up, and salt his flesh. to make oil for our use. We can boil the blubber

The beast's carcass can be

eaten by other sea creatures and birds." Kevin and Niall obeyed. With their oars, they

pulled the head, body, and tail of the dead whale to the boat, and tied them to the second boat with rope. Both sharpened their knives, looked at each other, shook their heads, and turned to Brendan. "How do we cut up a a whale and salt it? Where

Smithey/raven do we start? We have twenty-five feet of carcass, cutting off all the Niall said.


about the length of our boats. flesh and fat will take weeks,"

"We can tow the whale to yon island, pull it up onto the beach, and prepare it there," said the Abbot. "I'll show you how, and will use my powers to shorten the labor." The three men finished butchering the whale in two hours, Brendan Time. "Now we have enough food on hand for the rest of our voyage, as well as oil for our lamps," said. /lColman's cauldron is large enough to boil the blubber." Niall said. /lI'mglad Jasconius brought Kevin

Colman's gift back to me." The Cara and crew alike reeked of whale oil. Maeve groomed her black feathers with whale oil after a dip in the ocean, and took her place on the prow as the Figurehead of the Cara. The Crystal Column "I see a column rising from the sea. like crystal or marble," Kevin called out. "Row toward it and I'll set the sails to catch the wind," Brendan said. For three days, one hour Brendan Time, the sailors tried to reach the magical sight. It looks



When they drew near it, Brendan said, "I've looked up as far as I can, but can't see the top. column seems to pierce the sky." Kevin pointed ahead. "More buildings behind the The

column make it a huge crystal city." "This building material puzzles me, Abbot. It's

shiney like silver, clear as glass, hard as marble," Niall said. "Lower the sails and ship the oars. this beautiful place, " Brendan said. We'll enter the


sides of the column and pull the curraghs through the opening in its base." Looking up, a dazzling white light shone in their eyes. Looking down, they saw endless crystal columns

under the sea. "The glittery, shimmering formations remind me of quick-silver. Their beauty takes my breath away. Niall The

pinnacles must be two thousand feet tall."

grabbed a tablet and began writing and drawing. Kevin's mouth gaped open. His head moved from

side to side, trying not to miss any of the amazing sights. Brendan lay back in the boat, folded his hands inside his robe sleeves, and smiled. Maeve flew from the Abbot's shoulder, circled the tallest column, and examined every room. She stayed

in flight for an hour, then reported back to Brendan

Smithey Iraven


about a discovery she'd made. "My raven wants us to follow her. She's found

something she thinks was left here for us." Moving around in the "cathedral" was easy. Walls

were close together. They could move the boat around by pushing on the walls with the oars and their hands. Maeve sat on a window ledge, waiting. a clear crystal chalice, cruet, and paten Beside her picked up

rainbow colors from the sky, the sun, and the sea. "Jesu has sent us a gift of communion vessels, so we may say a proper mass to thank Him for this wonder," Brendan said. and rested. For what

After mass, they ate a meal

seemed like days they explored the place. By Brendan Time, they stayed two hours. At day break, the three voyagers left the place that enraptured them, raised the mast and spread the sail. A favoring wind blew behind them. Niall Maeve flew

continued to write of the crystal columns.

in and out of the magical city until the curraghs were almost out of sight. until darkness fell. Brendan and Kevin looked back



Chapter 22 Northwest Atlantic Ocean Darkness and Despair For forty days, four days Brendan time, the sun did not rise or set. Endless darkness and dense mist

as well as hail the size of a hurling ball depressed the adventurers.



Our quest ends in darkness and


The Terra Repronnnissionis does not exist," IIIwelcome death to stop the pain of

Niall wailed.

failure I feel in my heart." Kevin's head, body and facial hair matted and grew into the loose weave of his wool robe. He

hunched over, looking like a dejected brown bear.


Manannan . Manannan mac Lir.

Manannan, "


from his mouth like an unending chant. Brendan spoke. "I recall on my original voyage this passage took forty days. All of us, even me, Days and

despaired of finding the island we sought. nights ran together; lifted. shredded.

the gray threat of the sea never

Our faults loomed large, our nerve ends felt Fights broke out for a morsel of bread, a I remember one monk

better blanket, a warmer cloak.

asked me if there was no God to save us." "Is there a God to save us,?" Kevin asked. fear the end is near." Brendan laid his hand on the blacksmith's head "I

Smithey /raven


and said,

"Indeed He will save us.

Jesu has his hand

on our tiller, and will steer our boat to the Land of Promise." Both the boys moved closer to Brendan, as if to draw strength from him. and change. "Abbot, I sense how small I am, compared to this immense and murderous sea," Niall said. "Even if we He prayed for patience, mercy

don't find the Island of the Blessed our voyage will be a success for me." After a restless night Kevin saw the man who supplied their food for most of the voyage sitting in the second boat. He woke the other men. You are nearing the

"Be of good cheer.

destination you sought," the steward said before he disappeared.

"We're almost there," Brendan said.

A small glow of hope begins to grow in my heart

that Tir-na-n'Nog lies beyond this mist," Niall said. "I see a light!" Kevin pointed to the west. Is this

"It's brighter than any sun I've ever seen. Tir-na-n'Nog, "Aye. Abbot?"

Long sought, seldom found, the Land of

Forever Young lies ahead," Brendan affirmed.

Smi they Iraven


Chapter 23 Tir-na-n'Nog Discovery "The white misty cloud lifts magically from the ocean and the island," Niall said. with his hands. Kevin sniffed. IIIsmell heavenly scents. birds singing." IIWe've found Tir-na-n'Nog." Niall dropped his oar and bowed to .Abbot Brendan. bringing me on this voyage. IIIthank you for I hear He shaded his eyes

The pain and hardships

were nothing compared to this moment of bliss." A powerful light lifted them to the shore of a fair country seen only by persons on the way to Heaven. IITrees heavy with ripe fruit, blooming flowers, clear, bright skies, ever-lasting sunlight, with a temperature neither too hot or too cold, clear streams full of jewels, radiant people. Surely we have found the paradise we and voyagers throughout eternity sought," Brendan shouted.



Elation and Illumination "Jesu's' Light lifted us to this blessed place. Let us thank him." They knelt and Brendan prayed. became

IIYour faces, wrinkled and sun-burned,

soft and white as soon as we stepped on the island," Kevin said. IIOur calluses and broken nails on our hands and feet smooth out. And we smell good."

Maeve's golden eye, lost in the fight with the gryphon, grew back. She flew over the island,

squawking her joy at having two eyes again. "Look, look at Maeve." Niall pointed to her as she circled them. "See the inside of her wings?" "Amazing! Her wings are

Brendan's mouth opened. lined with silver.

Maeve, my dear, you are

gloriously beautiful." The raven caught the wind with her silvery wings, and soared and dipped as the voyagers watched. "She'll hate to lose her silver wings when we leave here," Brendan said. "If you notice, boys, our but will return to

looks are changing for the better,

their former condition when we leave." The stench of sheep and whale blubber disappeared from their bodies. Brendan's wild, wiry, long

white hair changed into its usual ear-to-ear Irish tonsure. White robes, golden ropes, and sandals

replaced their tattered clothes.



Niall laughed.

"I must show my joy.

My spirit

overflows with happiness." His feet moved to an ancient Irish step. blacksmith's He caught the abbot and

hands and they danced together,

laughing, singing, joyously happy. "Play your harp," Abbot said. Niall's instrument appeared in his arms. The

weathered wood became gold, the strings turned to silver. The music reached others on the island who

joined in the Ceili, playing instruments, singing with heavenly voices. "Let's rest a bit," Kevin said later. "I want to

lie on the soft grass to look around me and count my blessings." Brendan's knees, worn from kneeling in prayer, loosened up enough that he could sprawl among the flowers and fruit trees with his crew. breathing became even. His raspy

His eyes, having seen so much

suffering and terror, looked serene as they viewed the vistas of Tir-na-n'Nog. No one spoke. Human words might break the Maeve sat

heavenly peace of the place and the moment.

on Brendan's chest. She rubbed his face with her yellow beak. "I need to be alone to find my own meaning of this holy place," Niall said. go our own ways for a time?" "If you will, could we



They set off in three different directions. When they met again, the Abbot suggested their discoveries remain their own. illuminations "Keep your Let

in your heart and soul.

them shine in your life and work.

Trying to explain

what happened to us on this Isle of the Blessed is impossible. I tried, and failed miserably. This

gift from God is yours alone, to cherish and remember." Niall and Kevin nodded their heads. understood. "Have you tasted the fruit, sir?" Kevin asked. They

"After hearing the story of Adam and Eve, I feared eating any until I checked with you." Instead of his old man chuckle, Brendan broke into a young man's deep belly laugh. "Of course, All is

let's eat fruit and drink from the springs.

safe here, all is unique, all is ideal, as we hope to find in the hereafter. The banquet awaits us." Come, we are Jesus' guests. They feasted.

"The birds have feathers and colors I've never seen before," Kevin said. "See the one with the tail

feathers four feet long, carried upright like a cock's comb? And the long-armed animals with people's faces Everywhere I look, I The

that swing from tree to tree? see a miracle.

I do believe in miracles, Abbot.

whole island is a miracle.

And you miracled us here



to see it." "This must be a place of innocence, Abbot," Niall said. shame. "I see men and women embracing with no

I see wondrous trees, jewels sparkling

in the springs, fruit as delightful to look at as to taste. No one is afraid or angry or selfish or mean.

I never dreamed I'd have a glimpse of paradise like this." Kevin said, "I never want to leave Tir-na-n'Nog." Expulsion After forty days, four days Brendan Time, party came to a appeared. river too wide to cross. the

A young man He

"Greetings to you, Abbot Brendan." "Welcome,

knelt and kissed his hand. and Brother Kevin. you sought.

Prince Niall

Be joyful, for this is the land

Do not cross the water you see, because

no person can see that place until he dies. Seeing this Isle gives you a taste of eternal life." The young man told them to load their boats with fruit, flowers, spring water, and precious stones and sail back to Ireland. Kevin was the first to fallon and saying, The his face, crying,

"Please, don't send us away."

Prince of Tara joined the blacksmith in

begging for more time on Tir-na-n'Nog. Brendan bowed and added his voice to the lads' plea for another day.



"Bless you, Abbot, and your companions. wills that you return to your land.


Brendan will tell The

multitudes of people about finding Tir-na-n'Nog. book Prince Niall writes will give hope to all who read it. Kevin will recreate his

experience in a

different way." The young man embraced them and wiped away their tears with his robe.

Smithey Iraven


Chapter 24 ATLANTIC OCEAN Voyage Home When their curraghs were loaded, they asked Jesu's blessing of their voyage east to their homeland. As soon as the boats were launched, their skin Their

returned to its black and sunburned state.

white robes with gold belts disappeared and once again they wore their smelly, soiled brown ones. Abbot's The

hair stood on end and his tonsure disappeared.

Coo of Little Dove played as sweetly as ever, but the original scarred wood replaced the gold finish it acquired on Tir-na-n'Nog. The heavenly scent of the voyagers' bodies was the only gift which endured the rest of their lives. However, Maeve kept her second eye and silvered wings. "Dear bird, you must be one of God's favorites-he left you adorned and blessed," Niall said. "Here we are, three enlightened men, once again poor servants of Jesu, calling. humbly dressed as suits our

Back to Ireland we sail, hurried on our way Brendan said.

by a following breeze,"

They passed through the dense fog and hail storm, unafraid this time.

Smithey/raven II bbot , Tir-na-n'Nog A


has as many names as Niall asked.


Could you tell us about them?"

Brendan mused a while, recalling the names of the Land to the West from pagan times through the present. IIIwill tell you, but not in chronological order. write the words on your tablets and use the Library at Clonfert to date them." Niall and Kevin grabbed tablets and styluses.











of these are pagan names," Niall said.

How far back in history does the search for Tir-nan'Nog go?"

recorded history.

The legend of Manannan

mac Lir's

Undersea Paradise and his chariot that rode

the waves still lives in the west of Ireland," Brendan said. legends.

of the tales are myth.

Some are

Some are visions.

Our journey is real."

Kevin said, III want to admit that I called out the god of the sea's name twice when I feared we were lost in the darkness. I asked him to save us. Please

forgive me, Abbot, for my lapse of faith.1I IIIheard you petition Manannan mac Lir, Kevin,"



Brendan said. IICrewmembers on my other voyages have done the same. Ours is only the third Christian quest The other voyagers

for the Land of the Blessed.

relied on pagan gods for help .." Brendan laid his hand on Kevin's head and said,
"You are forgiven.

You are Christ's man now, Brother

Kevin." Niall also heard his friend call for Manannan to rescue them. He changed the subject. "Abbot, when we

met I spouted off about finding an island I could name after myself. You told me not to bother, you

discovered one and it broke your heart," Niall said. "I know two of the island Tir-na-n'Nog's' names are

Brendan, but I don't know why they broke your heart." "I felt a little foolish when I became famous for finding the island. I'd hoped to live and die in I still wonder

blessed obscurity at Clonfert Abbey.

if I followed Jesu's will or mine when I went discovering. Brendan asked I won't know until my death, will I?" liltbreaks my heart to know I might

have followed my own path instead of Jesu's." "Thank you for telling me." Niall said. III've

never met a man as honest and humble as you." "I hope Jesu agrees," Brendan whispered in an uncertain voice. The curraghs sped by the islands they had visited on the way to Tir-na-n'Nog. Niall and Kevin reviewed



their experiences at each place.

Brendan remained

quiet, his eyes searching the seas to the east for a glimpse of his beloved Ireland. A strong current and breeze carried the Cara to the Aran Islands in two days, Brendan Time. Aran Islands Abbot Enda waited to welcomed them at the landing. JlHow did you know when we would arrive?" asked. liThewind brought Tir-na-n'Nog's fragrance," Enda Brendan

said as he gathered his monks to hear Brendan's stories. Niall and Kevin listened, but didn't talk.

The moment belonged to their leader, Abbot Brendan, the Navigator. Clonfert Abbey The next day they sailed up the River Shannon to Clonfert Abbey. Maeve, flying as fast as a young

raven, flew over the settlement, squawking to announce the voyagers' arrival home. A farming monk pointed at Brendan's raven, saying, "Look at Maeve in her heavenly raiment. She had silver wings and both golden eyes. They found Tirna-n'Nogl Another miracle for our Brendan."

Brother Malo stepped out of the Refectory into the courtyard. He sniffed.
IIRing the bell. Assemble

the monks and the students.

Breathe in the heavenly



fragrance wafting upward from our Abbot's boats on the river. Our voyagers are home."

The Abbey's monks shouted "Hosanna" and waved river reeds in welcome as the abbey's chariots entered Clonfert's gate. IILook at the treasures they brought from Tir-nan'Nogl a monk said. of riches."
IIMore than last time," another monk said.

liThe second chariot carries heaps


of the fruit and flowers look as if they've just been plucked." liThe jewels will support Clonfert Abbey for a hundred years," said another brother. Kevin and Niall carried Brendan from their chariot to the chapel. IINowthirty-one of us at Clonfert walk with a sailor's rolling gait," an older monk said. got over mine, nor wanted to." Outside the chapel, Abbot Brendan said, "Please excuse us, Brothers. We will join you in the


Refectory after we thank Jesu for our deliverance from the perils of the sea." The Navigator, Prince Niall, and Brother Kevin thanked God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in their own words for the successful voyage.

hour later, after the voyagers bathed and Abbot Brendan told the monks,

changed clothes,



priests, and students of their journey to the Island of the Blessed. Again, Niall and Kevin listened.

111'11 never tire of hearing him tell about our


Not once did he claim the glory of it," Kevin

whispered. IIIknow. His humility sets an example for us, His eyes searched the section

Brother," Niall said.

of the dining hall where the students sat. Kevin punched him on the ann. Illsshe here?" IIYes. I see

The young man's face turned red. Rose.

She's twisting her braids and ignoring me." IIShe's one I might tell about Tir-

Niall grinned. nan'Nog."

Brother Malo said, IITonight's vespers will be a Service of Thanksgiving for the safe return of Abbot Brendan, Prince Niall, and Brother Kevin to our Abbey. liThe stories you have heard from Abbot Brendan will outlast everyone at Clonfert Abbey. He will travel to enlighten our brothers in other lands with his tales of his voyages and discoveries of Paradise. Brother Kevin will express his views of the journey in his artistic work. Prince Niall will write of their Monks will

journey on vellum and illuminate the book.

copy it and carry the NAVIGATIO BREDANI ABBATI when they travel as missionaries. Reading about Brendan's

discovery of the Island of the Blessed will give hope of a life everlasting to the world. The NAVIGATIO



will live forever." The date was August 31, AD 570.



PART III Clonfert Abbey, County Galway, Ireland Fall, AD 570 Chapter 25 The Voyager's Reunion

Prince Niall and Kevin ran, sweaty and out of breath, to visit Abbot Brendan in the refectory a month after their return to Clonfert Abbey. Brendan said. IILetme guess--you've been on the hill hurling with the boys and girls." "We try to find time between classes and our jobs to hurl every day," Niall said. liTheAbbey School children say we help them play better," Kevin added.

"I'm glad you fit me in your busy schedule.


you satisfied with Abbey life, or does the restless sea draw you to it for more adventures?"

like to do both, Abbot," Niall said. IIBut

first I want to finish our books." "I miss the excitement of our sea adventures, and the beauty of the new world we discovered," Kevin answered. IIIfwe could journey with you again, Abbot,

I'd be the first one in the boat." Brendan rubbed his wrinkled face with his bony hands, and said,

finished my voyaging when we

Smithey/raven landed in Ireland a month ago.

175 Having you young men

with me made me forget I'm almost ninety years old. I aged mightily as soon as my feet hit land. open for you to adventure, however. anywhere you want to go. be worthy sailors." The room became quiet. "Show me what you have been working on since our return," Brendan said. Kevin took a wooden box from his fes, opened it and took out a brooch. "I asked the Abbey goldsmith to teach me to work in gold and silver, Abbot. I need more training, The way is

I'll send you

You've proven yourselves to

perhaps at Cloyne Abbey, where Abbot Colman has hired a fine goldsmith." "May I see that?" Abbot Brendan held the brooch close to his eyes,

turned it around, examined the clasp, and said, "Look, Niall. Kevin has recreated our savior-whale,

Jasconius, in his fanciful work." "How did you make it?" Niall asked. "I drew the pattern on vellum I borrowed from you, hammered out a bronze piece to fit the pattern, layered other metals on the bronze, then placed the silver whale so he curves around the brooch. To

fasten the pin you close Jasconious' mouth. I haven't finished the etching, or set the stones."

Smithey/raven "Your work pleases me.

176 You used what you saw on

our voyage as an inspiration for the design. I chose you because you seemed to be waiting for an experience that would change your life," Brendan said. artistic talent shows in this brooch. "Your

I'll transfer

you to Cloyne Abbey to study metalsmithing." "Thank you, Abbot," Kevin said. JlI'd rather stay

at Clonfert Abbey with you and Niall for a year or two. You're like family to me." Brendan said he understood, and felt the same way. Niall nodded his head in agreement. "Have you any book pages to show us, Prince?" Niall spread four vellum pages on the table. The

black-inked Latin words stood out on the sheepskin. The first letter of the first chapter was large, enclosed in a decorated box. A rectangular drawing

of the first island they visited, decorated with the unending Celtic design called "La Tene, " the left side of the first page. "When I finish writing, I will fill in the enlarged box with lapiz and paint the initial gold," Niall said. "Next, I will color the picture I drew. ran along

One of the scribes taught me how to apply the paint. Gold is hardest to work with; lapiz is the costliest." "You show us trying to land on Innishmore Island, where waves swamped us until Abbot Enda's monks pulled us up the mountain with ropes," Kevin said. "That was

Smithey/raven the first time you used Brendan Time, Abbot." IIHowwell I remember. problem for you," My miracles posed a


Brendan said.

"Excellent work. I chose well when I picked you to be my scribe. The illuminations of the wave-dashed

isle and Enda's brave culdees show the difficulties voyagers endure. easy to read. You write well and the script is

Do you need some gold and lapiz to

highlight the letters and pictures?" "Of course. But so does my brother, Kevin, to

decorate his cloak fastener." "I can speak for myself, to ask for what I need. Niall. You taught me

Abbot, I need gold, silver,

amber, precious stones, and lapiz," Kevin said. "I will supply the gold and lapiz," Abbot said.

for the gems, you may choose what you need from

the jewels we picked from the springs at Tir-na-n'Nog. One-third of them belong to you."

Kevin sat with his mouth open. part of the treasure was mine.


had no idea

I'm no longer poor. I'm so

Now I'm rich in experience and goods. grateful." and over.

He knelt and kissed Brendan's hands over

"1'11 decorate the Navigatio's book boxes with some of my gems," Niall said. the Abbey's treasury."

rest will go into



"Seeing your beautiul work brings back memories of our voyage. Old men's only pleasure is reliving

our blessed moments, you know." Kevin blew his nose on his sleeve. Niall cleared his throat. "You'll see I have duplicate pages of the Navigatio." I'm making four

copies of the book: one for the Abbey Library, and one for each of us." "Very generous of you. to see it finished. beside me."
USo be it," Niall said.

I hope I live long enough

Promise me you'll bury our book

Kevin nodded his

approval. Kevin picked up a page and said, this in Latin. "I can read

You taught me to read and write the What have you been doing,

language of our church. sir?"

"Not anything that satisfies my restless spirit. Your first impression of me as old and useless fits me well, Niall." "Not so. I was a lawless boy then You're the

best Abbot in Ireland, and my respected mentor." Brendan wiped away a tear. Kevin put an arm around the Abbot. "Let me help you do anything, or go anywhere you wish, Abbot ... "No, your lives lie ahead. You've served me I'm

well, but it's time you man your own tillers.



thinking of building another monastery for my sister, Briga, and her nuns. mind. I have a picture of it in my

I'm well satisfied if I'm building, sailing, or

converting pagans to Christ. "We've haven't we? been productive since we got back home,

My heart warms when I see how you used

your travel experiences in your work. Bless you both." Kevin Recalls Tir-na-n'Nog Kevin seemed edgy. "About Tir-na-n'Nog. We

agreed not to tell about our personal experience on the island. me. " "I wanted you to know my insights, but didn't want to bore you," Brendan said. I want to talk about what happened to

"I've been anxious to share my vision, too. Thanks for bringing it up, Kevin. Niall asked. His large hands rubbed his face. Kevin walked up and down the dining room and drew a deep breath. "I'm not as good at talking as you are. tell you in my simple words what I remember." Kevin closed his eyes and took a few minutes to recall the Isle of the Blessed. were there today." "I choose a path from the sandy beach down the left side of the island. I see trees heavy with "I'll tell it as if I I'll Will you go first?"

fruit, flowers of every color, a stream that sings as

Smithey fraven it runs to the sea.


In the stream are colorful fish

and jewels as big as my hand. "Lovely people talk, eat, and drink. together on the soft grass. shame. Jesus' . "A pretty lass takes my hand, and we walk together. She feeds me a ripe apple. against hers and laughs. She rubs my face They lie

They hug and kiss without

I see love between men and women, as pure as

I laugh, too. I've never

been close to a woman before, and I like it. "Everywhere I look I see beauty. Peace. Love. vision. I Harmony.

"This is my Heaven, my Tir-na-n'Nog want that feeling again.

When I go home to Munster to

study goldsmithing, I will ask my family to find me a lass to marry. I can still be a monk, have a wife,

raise a family, and honor Jesus with my goldsmithing." "Beautiful, Kevin." Niall said. "Don't ever apologize for the way you talk. eyes moist." "Amen to that," Brendan said. "Your total transformation from an unlettered, shy blacksmith to a creative artist will go down as a miracle in my journal. Now you talk, Niall." Prince Niall's Visions The Prince stood tall like the U Neill warrior he was trained to be: feet apart, arms behind his back. Your words made my



His voice deepened during the Summer just past, and he spoke with the authority of a Royadama. Abbot Brendan and Kevin exchanged glances. Niall's maturity and physical growth escaped their attention until now. Niall spoke. of the island. "My path takes me to the right side

My vision of the island's landscape is

similar to Kevin's. "Instead of people on a hillside, however, my eyes discover a Scriptorium, a Cathedral, a Each

Battlefield and the Hall of High Kings at Tara. place draws me to it, as a magnet draws metal. The Scriptorium

"I enter the library, and sit at a desk. With a pen, I draw fanciful pictures, and write beautiful script on page after page of vellum. fidget, and spill ink on my paper. "Linnets call in the trees outside my window. Ravens squawk and fight for bread stolen from the Abbey kitchen. "The walls in the Scriptorium close in, making it hard for me to breathe. Except for the bird noises I find no contentment It's not After a while, I

outside, the room is silent.

or companionship there except for the books. enough.

I leave to seek another place, where I can be

with people." The Cathedral



"Angelic music fills the Cathedral. white.

I wear

My body forms a cross on the stone floor in A bishop speaks words in Latin. The loving

front of the altar. I feel content.

Suddenly my heart pounds.

spirit of Abbot Brendan enters my body. Instead of the service or the music, I hear Brendan say, JThrow away the tiller, Niall. Let Jesu be your navigator.'

"A dark cloud passes over, and the noise of thunder echoes in the stone cathedral. The monks cry

out in fear as lightening strikes a tree outside the window. I rise, bow to the bishop, and leave, sad and

disappointed I will not be ordained as a priest. JJWhen I realize my search for a life-work is not over, I'm full of excitement. I trust Jesus and

Brendan to guide me on my quest." The Battlefield "My next vision takes me home to the Hill of Tara. "A rival clan makes a cow raid on our lands at Meath. The High King of Tara calls for our clan to

raise our army, and fight to recover our losses. "My father is Warrior High Lord of Tara, I am his Adjutant. Three of my brothers serve under me. "An armorer fits my leather vest and helmet, fastens my shield to my arm, and I mount Lugh. sword and spear are sharp and ready. "I whistle for Cuch. He, unlike me, is always My



ready for war. My wolfhound outruns my horse. Nothing interests the dog except food, a warm fire, and battle. "Our armies win over the other clan. good men die, ten of them ours. Fifty-five

Forty-five newly-

severed heads will hang in the Warriors Hall tonight. Blood will drip from their helmeted faces. of celebrating the victory sickens me. horse lot and vomit. his muzzle in my hand. "lIt's easier for you, Cuch. blood. You like battle and The idea

I go to the

My hound follows me and nestles

I hate war. Would you be loyal to me if I gave His warm tongue assures me

up warrioring?' I ask him. of his devotion.

"Cuch and I enter the Warrior's Hall.

I hang my

bloody shield and sword in my stall of honor. "The High King of Tara, my uncle, calls to me. 'You took four heads today, Prince Niall. bravest warrior of your clan. You're the

We recovered all of our

cows and one hundred of our enemy's animals.' "I bow my thanks, and accept a sword as reward." "A poor exchange. Warrior's lives for cows," I mumble as I sit and wait for the Victory Feast. JlWarriors get bored sitting around the hill fort. If they don't have an enemy to fight, they kill each other, to practice their warrior skills Couldn't a wise king control cattle raids? Abbot

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Brendan wrought a miracle to stop the King of Cashel from raiding the herds of the King of Connacht--he pulled off tufts of fleece from a sheep, gathered it in a cloth, and let the wind blow the white wool over the battlefield. It turned into a mist so dense

the blinded warriors from both clans fell in the River Shannon. Not a man or cow was lost. "I can't do miracles like Abbot to keep the peace, but I can refuse to battle again. Lugh want to fight, If Cuch and

I'll loan them to my brothers."

IIItake my armor off the wall, bow to the High King, army. " Teach Miodhchuarta The Banquet Hall of the High King of Tara liTheHall of the High King has changed since my last vision. A cross of Jesus stands where heads cut Tapestries, and go to speak to my father about leaving the

off in battle hung when I was here last. woven with Irish walls.

and Christian symbols, brighten the

Some things I remember from childhood remain.

Stalls decorated with shields and swords of the Royadama circle the room. The King, Queen, and Bard's

stalls dominate the round hall. "I enter, and see only one empty stall--the High King of Tara's. I realize I am that king.

"A lovely lady, her blonde hair coiled on top of her head, meets me, takes my arm, and kisses my cheek.



She smoothes my hair, and places a golden circlet on my head which matches hers. "We're waiting for you, dear Niall. I let the

children stay up to hear news of the clan's gathering." "My queen fits a tartan cape around my shoulders, and fastens it with a golden brooch, adorned with a whale for a clasp. I sit on my throne. Two boys and

a girl fight to climb on my lap. arms, content and happy.

They snuggle in my

"A raven with silver wings and golden eyes sits on the back of my throne. her.

She coos and I understand

books have a stall of honor. NAVlGATIO SANCTI

BRENDANI ABBATIS, encased in a jewel-encrusted leather box sits in a candle-lit niche of its own. "I rise, and say, 'The war with our neighbors is canceled, thanks be to Jesus.'

Coigedhs, my Aes Danas, their wives and The Archbishop of Tara says

children stand and cheer.

a prayer of thanks to our High King of Heaven for peace. "Cooks bring platters of beef, venison, potatoes, bread, fruit, and flasks of pork,

mead and wine.

"We feast. After the children are bedded down, we push the tables back to clear the floor. I say,

'Royal Bard, play the songs of Jesus and the music of

Smithey/raven the MacNiell clan.

186 Let us sing and dance all night.'

liThe harpers, drummers and bagpipers tune and we celebrate with singing and dancing."

"My wife dances with me, then takes 'Coo of

Little Dove' from its niche of honor, and asks me play and chant a song I wrote about my voyage to Tir-nan'Nog with Abbot Brendan and Brother Kevin.

"We never tire of hearing it, Niall," she says "I'll play Land of Forever Young later. First,

the one I wrote today: a poem about peace in our land," I say. "A fulfilling life as the first Christian High King of Ireland replaces the restless spirit that haunted my younger years." Niall drank a mug of water, and spoke again. "My visions let me experience four vocations I could follow. I discovered mine was follow the High Road of Christ, and become a worthy prince who might be elected the first Christian High King of Tara. "I own that my problems would have overcome me if you had not sent Abbot Colman to mentor me when I was in the cave, then taken me with you to Tir-na-n'Nog, Abbot. My life had to change. With Jesus' love, and

your example, I'm beginning to become a better man. without your faith in me, my head would probably be dripping blood in some Warrior's Hall. Thank you for

helping me want to change myself into a man of honor."



Niall Lauds Maeve "And I want to thank Maeve for taming me with her bird droppings," Niall said. Maeve woke when she heard her name. She hopped Giving

around, trying to discover what she'd missed.

up, she tucked her head under her wing and slept again. "Maeve hates to be left out of our conversation," Niall said. The raven opened her eyes and turned her head from side to side, questioning each one of the sailors. She fluttered her silver wings and cawed

impatiently. "Maeve will not be left out of anything we do or say," Brendan said, as his raven flew to his shoulder "She heard Niall say 'bird

and whispered in his ear.

droppings,' and is ready to do the act if someone needs correcting." "No, no, Maeve," Kevin said. "We're civilized

and nice enough not to need any more training." Maeve seemed to believe him, and flew outside to peck the ravens in the oak trees who might be misbehaving. The former War Raven's actions broke the seriousness of the meeting. belly-laughed chuckle. Niall giggled, Kevin

and Brendan produced his old-man's

They slapped their legs with their hands,

Smithey/raven pounded each other on the arms and danced. Monks


peeked in the window and wondered what made three men, including their Abbot, dance a jig in the middle of the day. "We deserve a laugh after all this 'vision' retelling," Kevin said. Brendan shook his head. "You two are the only ones left on earth who make me laugh. took with you was the best one. aren't you?" "Indeed, sir, indeed, " Kevin said. "I don't know what my life would have been without the lessons I learned on the sea. May I serve The voyage I

I'm glad we went,

you a cup of mead before we hear your vision?" Niall asked. They sat quietly as they refreshed themselves. When he was ready, Brendan began his remembrance of the Island he sought and found three times. Brendan's Future

vision of Tir-na-n'Nog

shows me my death at

Anaghdown Abbey, my sister Briga's new nunnery," Brendan said.


have the plan here."

He unfolded a "The King of

vellum map, and spread it on the table.

Connacht deeded me the land when I stopped a cattle raid for him with the Miracle of the Mist. "I will build a worthy nunnery on Logh Corrib, and live my last four years with my sister." A smile



spread over his toothless gums, and he said, 111'11 be content with Briga. She and I can look West towards I won't have

Tir-na-n'Nog while I relive my voyages.

long to wait to revisit the Isle of the Blessed if Jesu chooses me for Heaven. old. " "You danced that jig like you were Niall's age, Abbot," Kevin said. "We promise to corne to visit you, to dance and sing and play and laugh, wherever you live, as long as you live." Niall said.

I'm almost ninety years

can't imagine your not being at Clonfert


Abbey," Kevin said.

would be honored to make the

altar pieces for your sister's chapel, sir." "My fine lads." Brendan tried to pat their They knelt

heads, but they were taller than he was.

for his blessing before they went back to work.

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Chapter 26 Abbot Brendan Brendan and Brother Malo Plan Brother Malo joined Abbot Brendan in the monastery garden two weeks following his visit with Niall and Kevin. harvest has begun. IISunnner flowers have faded. Fall

Clonfert Abbey School overflows the new 'headmaster

with returning and new students," of the school said. "Good day, Maeve.

You look fine with your two

good eyes and your silver wings. You, Abbot, look sad and tired. voyage?" "Not sad or tired or sick. I'm restless. Old Are you still weary from your ocean

and useless, that's what young Prince Niall called me. Much has passed since that Mayday."

wild boy grew into a man.


A blacksmith rid

his spirit of pagan demons.

old priest undertook a

voyage full of perils and taught two lads that striving counts more than gaining. accomplished in three months." "Aye, we accomplished many things in a short time. Of course, Brendan Time helped. I've been back All that you

at Clonfert six weeks, long enough to see the Abbey is in good hands. You are my choice to follow me as

Abbot as well as Headmaster, Malo.



"I've told my new adventure tales to everyone at Clonfert, even the fosterlings. sister, Briga, and my brothers. Archbishop. I've written to my I've reported to the I don't think "Niall

He ordained me a Bishop.

I'm worthy of the honor."

Brendan sighed.

writes my tale on vellum from the tablets he inscribed. and silver. "I need a new project to keep my mind and hands busy. I will build a monastery for my sister at You run Clonfert while I'm away." Kevin makes beautiful objects from gold


Malo thanked Abbot Brendan for his confidence in him, and left smiling. Brendan and his Sister Brendan's sister, Abbess Briga, came to see him as soon as she read his letter. She was the only All his life

woman with whom the Bishop was at ease.

he had been too shy with girls to communicate with them. "Briga, remember that lovely spot on Loch Corrib the King of Connach gave me? Would you like me to build you a place at Anaghdown? restless." "You've been saving that spot for my nunnery, haven't you? I'd love for you build me a new home. I'm bored and

We could see each other more, and I could see that you eat well, don't fast so often and get enough rest."



Briga hugged him, and kissed his hands. Brendan's restless feeling was replaced by excitement. After Briga left to go back to her nuns,

he walked briskly to the scriptorium to begin redrawing plans for Annaghdown Abbey. The stonemason and carpenter monks who constructed Clonfert Abbey built Abbess Briga's nunnery with Brendan's supervision. "I pray that it's not pride that pushes me to leave monuments of stone allover landscape, sister," the Irish

Brendan said to her in a quiet IIIf it is pride, may

moment during the construction. Jesu forgive me."

After the Abbey on Loch Corrib was finished, Brendan spent more time there than at Clonfert. He

sat in the sun to watch the nuns weave linen and wool, milk their cows and churn butter, tend their sheep and fowl, and read the gospels. and Holy Days. What he loved most was being with his sister, and feeling her warmth and devotion. "I don't feel the itch to travel the seas to the West anymore, Briga. Watching the sun rise and set He led mass on Sundays

satisfies me as much as discovering another island." Brendan patted his sister's hand. "You would have been a good wife and mother. you regret your vocation to be a nun?" Do




Then I remember I take care of two

hundred children, girls and women, and do it well. Being an Abbess suits me, as being an Abbot satisfies you. Neither of us was handsome enough to

catch a good looking mate, you know." She felt Brendan's long, hooked nose, and he felt hers. IIWe inherited our noses from our father, didn't we? And our tempers. Our marriages would be sorely

tested by our black rages, sister." Anaghdown Abbey After three years of traveling the forty-five miles from Clonfert Abbey to Anaghdown, Bishop Brendan settled at his sister's nunnery. of his needs. Malo replaced Brendan as Abbot of Clonfert Abbey. Often the brother and sister sat looking into the West, watching the sun set. Maeve ate the bread Two monks took care

crumbs Brendan fed her, and scratched in the grass for worms. Her golden eyes and silver-lined wings set her She

apart from the other ravens, who shunned her. stayed by Brendan's side. "Maeve, you're not getting old, like I am.

You've been made younger by your trip to Tir-nan 'Nog," Brendan told his bird.

The raven strutted around leaving three-toed prints in the sand, spreading her wings and cawing at



her master. After four years with his sister Brendan declared his wishes about his burial. "I'm of an age when I When I die, and

need to think of last things, Briga. I think that will be soon,

I want my two monks to

take my body back to Clonfert Abbey for burial in the Cathedral. Keep this a secret. I've heard gossip

that the Archbishops wants to bury me beside Archbishop Patrick and Abbess Brigit in Downpatrick Cathedral. Don't let that happen. Clonfert is the

Abbey dearest to my heart, and my choice for my final resting place. Make sure my copy of Niall's NAVIGATIO

rests beside me, and the gold and silver cross Kevin hannnered for me over my heart. Bible. " "I will see it's done as you wish." Briga held his hand. "Was Tir-na-n'Nog beautiful? really And of course, my

Are you yearning to go back, as Jesu

promised you, on your first stop to Paradise?" she asked. "Yes. I've never heard a word fit to describe But I'm not anxious to The longer I

the island's loveliness. return.

I worry about my many sins.

live, the more I fear my journeys did not please Jesu. I could have gathered more monks and priests, built more monasteries, educated more children, traveled East instead of West. Did I listen to His plan for

Smithey/raven me, or did I choose my own path? of the Master." Tears dampened his beard and the front of his robe. Briga knelt in front of him, and embraced him. She wiped away his tears with her veil. The Death of Bishop Brendan

195 I fear the judgment

Three weeks before Christmas, in the year of our Lord 577, Bishop Brendan said mass for the nuns, assisted by his two monk helpers. As he started out

the door of the chapel with his sister, he saw flakes of snow falling. his shoulder. Maeve flew from the roof to sit on

He looked to the heavens and said, Briga. Ask

"Now is the time I am taken up by death,

my monks to feed me the blood and body of Christ and anoint me with Holy Oil." The nuns walking away turned back when they saw Bishop Brendan sink to the steps of the chapel. They

covered him with their cloaks, and knelt around him. Abbess Briga held his head in her lap. "I fear the judgment, sister. sinner. " "A saint more likely, brother Brendan." Bishop Brendan's eyes opened wide.

Pray for me, a

see a

light, Briga, brighter than the one that carried me onto Tir-na-n'Nog. People beckon me to join them."

Brendan inhaled a deep breath.

you smell the

Smithey lraven


aroma of fruits and flowers, sister? to Tir-na-n'Nog. Brendan died.

I'm going back

I'm on the way to Heaven."

She closed his eyes, and kissed them. III always knew your only port after death would be Heaven, my dear brother."



Chapter 27 Niall, Kevin and Maeve Grieve Brendan's Death Niall bent over the last page of his manuscript, which told of the crew's arrival at Clonfert Abbey after their voyage seven years and four months ago. He blew on the vellum to dry the ink. Dipping his quill in red ink, he stretched his arm out, and wrote in large, embellished letters:

The young man painted a cross in gold and wrote his name on the bottom of the page: Niall McNeill of Tara, and the date: December, AD 577 Maeve flew in the scriptorium window and lit on Niall's shoulder. She quivered. "Are you here to tell me Bishop Brendan's life on this earth is over? I know it must be true. You Her head nestled under his chin.

wouldn't leave him as long as he drew breath." The Prince knelt and prayed for the soul of his bishop, mentor, hero and friend. "I wish he could have seen his finished book before he died. I wrote the last words of NAVAGATIO BRENDANI ABBATIS as he lay dying." Maeve flew to the top of his head. The Prince rubbed her wings, and brushed the tears off his face.

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"Will you let me take care of you now that Bishop Brendan is gone?" Maeve turned her tail toward his face, sighted and hit Niall's face with a bird dropping. when it ran into his mouth, then laughed. "Seven years and eight months since you first did that, bird." sleeve. He wiped his face and mouth with his I need you with me--you Abbot Brendan suggested I He winced

"Please be my raven.

know how to keep me humble.

ask for your help if I try to win the Crown of the High Kingdom of Tara. He said Ireland needs a

Christian King who will bring us peace." The Prince lifted Maeve off his head, and held her high. span. The raven's wings spread to their five foot

A sunbeam coming in the window illuminated the

silver lining she acquired on Tir-na-n'Nog. "You are beautiful and regal. I declare you the I will

High Queen of the Ravens of Ireland, Maeve.

place you in a stall for Royadama, and I will honor you all my life." The beam of light formed a golden coronet which settled on her head. The Prince, a candidate for High King of Ireland, laughed again. Royadama. "I knew all along you were

Brendan hinted you'd lived four lives.

You've been a Queen in another life, haven't you, old bird? Tell me, which Queen were you?"



She bit his hand. Niall placed his best copy of the NAVlGATlO BRENDANl ABBATlS in a leather box, adorned with gems from Tir-na-n'Nog. He found Abbot Malo and asked him

to put the volume beside Bishop Brendan in his coffin. IJlinscribed it to him," Niall said. IIFor The Navigator, Bishop Brendan, beloved teacher and friend." Niall's tears hampered him as he hitched his horse to his chariot. He drove to Tara for his

princely clothes to wear to Brendan's funeral. His raven perched on his shoulder. Raven Queen Maeve used the bumpy ride to Niall's family's hill fort to teach the Prince the language of ravens. Before their arrival at the Hill of Tara, he could speak to and understand her. Maeve set the rules he must abide by in his new role as her Master on the journey back to Clonfert Abbey for Brendan's funeral mass. Prince Niall knelt with his friend, the Artisan Kevin of Munster, six Kings, twelve Abbots, five Bishops and three Archbishops who came to honor Brendan in his beautiful cathedral. said the Mass. Bishop Colman

Niall played his harp and chanted Maeve sat on a window sill.

Brendan's favorite psalm.

Bishop Brendan was laid to rest in a crypt in his



Cathedral with NAVIGATIO BRENDANI ABBATIS in one hand, his Bible in the other. Kevin's cross layover heart. his



Chapter 28 Prince, Artisan and Queen Raven Look to the Future The Raven Queen Maeve flew to the Prince's shoulder as they left the cathedral. her. "Come, let's have a visit before you return to Cashel Castle, Kevin," Niall said. "Did Maeve bite you?" Kevin asked Niall, whose hand dripped blood on the stone floor of his cell. Niall nodded. to me when he died. her master." "Bishop Brendan told Maeve to come I'm to take care of her and be Kevin bowed to

Niall shook his head from side to side.

"She'll never let me be her master." "No, but she can teach you valuable lessons in exchange for her care. She'll lead you to the Crown

of Ireland, like she helped Brendan navigate our way to Tir-na-n'Nog." "Maybe, if she wills it," Niall answered. "Can you believe the changes the journey with Bishop Brendan made in us?" Kevin asked.

see a great change in you,"

Niall said.


were a monk blacksmith with the heart of an artist, without any hope of rising above your station. Land of the Blessed The

opened your eyes to beauty, and

Brendan and Colman helped you learn Latin and goldsmithing and whitesmithing. Now you're honored

Smithey fraven


and promoted to the Aes Dana, the Artisan Class, with a lovely wife and a son, living in Cashel Castle and working for the King." "It wasn't only Tir-na-n'Nog that changed you Kevin said.

from a spoiled brat into a worthy man,"

"Bishop Brendan invested time and prayers in your future, and trusted you to write the book about his journeys. Bishop Colman helped you see yourself as a

lawless boy, admit your mistakes, and change the direction of your life." "You re

right," Niall said.


taught me to

journal and write poems, which helped me stay on the High Road of the High King of Heaven. IIBrendan showed me the traits I lacked: honesty,

bravery, charity, leadership, trust in and love of the High King of Heaven." liThevisions we had on Tir-na-n'Nog futures, and gave us hope," Kevin said. decided our JJIwant to

leave a legacy of the voyage with my art work." JJIhope to be worthy to serve my people when the time comes," Niall said. "Don't forget Maeve's part--she taught you humility. That's the trait you haven't learned. I

trust she will continue to train you." JJOfcourse she will, won't you Queen Maeve?" Niall asked as he fed her bread and rubbed her head. The raven ate the bread, looked for more food in



Niall's hand, didn't find any, and bit his palm.

II Good

, Maeve, keep the Prince in line."


gave the raven his bread. The artisan Kevin looked out the window and imagined what his, Niall's and Maeve's lives would be like twenty years from this day. himself as goldsmith to abbots, Ireland. He envisioned bishops and kings of

His house was filled with a happy family.

studio and workshop with a dozen artisans busy at work was attached. Kevin pictured Niall being crowned High King of all the Kings of Ireland. He had won the election

with Maeve's magic and knowledge of Irish politics and his own piety. him.

A loving wife and family surrounded

you are crowned High King of Tara and to hold your cape IIThisbrooch Gold and

Ireland, I will make you a brooch

together, old friend," the artist said.

will be like none other the world has seen.

jewels set in an intricate design will show the highlights of our voyage to Tir-na-n'Nog." "Thank you, Kevin. Also, make a gold circlet for If I gain the throne 1/11 Prince Niall looked at his

Maeve's glossy black head. share the glory with her."

hand, dripping blood from the latest raven bite. "I have a corrnnission for you now, Kevin. Could

you make two armored gloves for me that would repel

Smithey/raven Maeve's bites?

204 And a wide-brimmed hat with a flat top

where she could perch while she keeps an eye on all of Ireland?" Niall asked. He pulled the hood of his

robe over his head before Maeve could land on his head and deposit a bird dropping. The irate black raven circled the cell, squawking and flapping her wings. Since Niall's head was

covered, she chose Kevin as the target of her anger. The goldsmith yelled, your master. Niall is.

No , no, Maeve, I'm not I never

This is terrible.

knew how bad it is to have a bird, you know what, on your head." Niall sat on the floor of his cell, his head and hands covered with skins to protect him, laughing until he lost his breath. here.

IIIwish Bishop Brendan was

I hope his spirit stays with us." know it will," Kevin said. He sniffed, then

inhaled deeply. IITake a deep breath, Niall." liTheheavenly aroma of flowers and fruit we smelled on Tir-na-n'Nog surrounds us! Brendan's He's sent

spirit comes to us as a familiar fragrance. us a sign he is headed for Heaven!"

Niall shouted. Maeve

He grabbed his harp and played as Kevin danced. fluttered her wings.

She rubbed her wings together to The gannets who lived

make a sound like hand bells.

on the Paradise of the Birds taught her to make music. IIMayI share your cell for the night? I leave

Smithey Iraven tomorrow for Cashel Castle after I talk to Bishop Colman," Kevin said as he washed his head in the


water bowl.

IISince we three are bonded for life, I'll

make some gloves and a hat for myself when I make yours." Maeve sat on the window cell, her eyes hooded, staring into the future. Her master, Brendan, left The raven would carry

Niall and Kevin in her care. out his plans for them.

She cooed like a dove three

times, tucked her head under her wing, and slept. IIHolyPatrick, Maeve cooed. mean?" Kevin asked. IIMaevewants us to understand she is inscrutable and unpredictable," Niall answered. "Cooi.nqlike a What does that

peaceful linnet today, she'll be fierce as a gryphton tomorrow. Part of her soul is War Raven, part is She cooed the

Brendan, but the largest part is Jesus. Trinity to bless us."

The next morning, the friends talked about the sweet scent of Tir-na-n'Nog them. lilt'sBrendan's last gift to us," Niall said.

which still clung to

wonder if he left the scent with his sister

and Bishop Colman," Kevin said. In truth, the delicious smell faded with time but returned abundantly to Sister Briga, Bishop Colman, Aes Dana Kevin, and Prince Niall whenever they spoke



about Bishop Brendan or Tir-na-n'Nog. Niall and Kevin promised to meet again at Clonfert Abbey on Easter Day. "If Jesus, Brendan and Maeve make it happen," the friends pledged, clasping hands. Maeve sat in the window looking inscrutable. She knew their adventures were only beginning.


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