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Connor Montgomery ENG 1102 - N2 Annotated Bibliography

Belson, William A. The Public and the Police. London: Harper & Row, 1975. Print. This book is an extended summary of three large reports dealing with the investigation of the relationship between the police and the public in London. These reports were conducted in the 1970s, but the work addresses public opinion in the 19th century as well. It was observed that the majority of people have strong trust and respect for the police force, quite the opposite of the general opinion in the 19th century, which was that the police were corrupt and tyrannical. Public opinion of the Metropolitan Police Force is a major topic in my research, so this work will be quite helpful. I plan to use this source to demonstrate public opinion of the Metropolitan Police Force and how it has changed over the years.

Bloy, Marjie. The Metropolitan Police. The Victorian Web. 2002. Web. 28 Sep 2011. The web article details the history of the Metropolitan Police Forces creation as well as the previous system of upholding laws. It goes on to describe important legislation relating to the Metropolitan Police Force as well as the role they played in shaping modern policing. Many of the main questions posed are at least partly answered in this article, so it will be very useful in my research. I plan on using this source to identify the roots of the Metropolitan Police Force and the role it played in shaping policing in the years to come. Bloy, Marjie. The Police and Prisons. The Victorian Web. 2011. Web. 3 Oct 2011. This web article explains the previous system of law enforcement, need for a change in policing, and changes to the prison system after the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829. The prison system is very important in relation to the effectiveness and public opinion of the Metropolitan Force, so this article is very relevant to my research. I plan to use this source to describe the prison system of the Metropolitan Police Force in the 19th century and how it affected its efficiency and public opinion.

History of the Metropolitan Police. Metropolitan Police. Metropolitan Police Force. 2011. Web. 29 Sep 2011.

The web article from the modern Metropolitan Police Force includes a detailed history of the Metropolitan Police Force in the 19th century, including their involvement in a variety of social issues and a thorough description of the prison systems used at the time. As well as providing useful historical information on the actions of the Metropolitan Police Force, this article will assist in better explaining the prison system of the time, so this source will prove very useful. I plan on using this source to describe the major events in 19th century London and the role the Metropolitan Police Force played as well as the prison system that was established.

Lentz, Susan A. and Robert H. Chaires. The Invention of Peels Principles: A Study of Policing Textbook History. Journal of Criminal Justice. 2007: 69-79. EBSCO. Web. 3 Oct 2011. This article explains the ideas of statesman Robert Peel and how those ideas developed into the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829. In essence, most of modern policing are based on the ideals of Robert Peel. This is very relevant to my research, as the origins of the Metropolitan Police Force as well as its effect on modern policing are main ideas of my research. I plan to use this article to show the origins of the Metropolitan Police Force and how the ideals it was based on shaped policing around the world.

Lyman, J.L. An Analysis of Certain Events Influencing the Passage and Character of the Metropolitan Police Act In England. The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science. Illinois: Northwestern University, 1964. 141-154. JSTOR. Web. 28 Sep 2011. The journal article identifies and analyzes the events that led up to the passing of the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829 and their influence on its passing. It relates the problems with earlier policing and the main causes for the formation of the Metropolitan Police Force. The motivations behind the passing of the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829 and the previous system of law enforcement are key questions in my research, so this article should prove very useful. I plan on using this article to detail the events that led to the creation of the Metropolitan Police Force as well as the problems with the system that preceded it. Metropolitan Police Act. Cleaves Illustrated. 1839: 3. A Web of English History. By Marjie Bloy. 2011. Web. 28 Sep 2011. The newspaper cartoon satirizes the Metropolitan Police Act of 1839 (the second Metropolitan Police act, which gave the Metropolitan Police force greater powers).

Police officers can be seen terrorizing British citizens and seemingly taking advantage of their newly gained powers. Public opinion of the Metropolitan Police Force is one of the main topics of my research, so this piece will prove very relevant. I plan on using this cartoon to illustrate that there was public sentiment against the powers of the Metropolitan Police Force and many people felt oppressed by them.

Police Tyranny. Punch. Dec 1870: 260. The Making of a Policeman. By Haia Shpayer-Makov. London: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 116. Print. This cartoon from Punch magazine satirizes the Metropolitan Police Force by showing a police officer reprimanding a tramp for standing in the way. The cartoon illustrates that some British citizens thought the Metropolitan Police Force a bit overzealous. Because public opinion of the Metropolitan Police Force is one of my research questions, this source will be useful. I plan on using this source to show that even after the Metropolitan Police Forces continued existence, people still thought they were overstepping their bounds.

Shpayer-Makov, Haia. The Making of a Police Labour Force. Journal of Social History. Virginia: Peter N. Stearns, 1990. 109-134. JSTOR. Web. 28 Sep 2011. The journal article details the sociocultural atmosphere in the period immediately preceding the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829 and the social, cultural, and economic factors that led to its passing. The beginnings of the Metropolitan Police Force are a major element of my research, so this article is very relevant. I plan on using this article to identify the social and cultural factors that led to the creation of the Metropolitan Police Force to supplement the inefficiencies of the previous system of law enforcement found in other sources.

Shpayer-Makov, Haia. The Making of a Policeman. London: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2002. Print. This book greatly details the life of a Victorian policeman, from the start of his career to the finish. It begins with the selection process and goes on to describe how a policeman could be promoted as well as his everyday life. This book has a great deal of detail on the life of the Metropolitan Police officer, so it will be useful in my research, especially part one of the text (23-95). I plan on using this source to portray the life of a police officer, from his hiring to his promotions and everyday work.

Wilkes, John. The London Police In The 19th Century. London: Cambridge University Press, 1977. Print. This book goes over the complete history of the Metropolitan Police Force in the 19th century, from its creation to its role in Londons social issues. It discusses reasons for its creation, its effectiveness, and public opinion. Covering such a vast array of topics on the Metropolitan Police Force, this book will be very useful as I conduct my research. I plan on using this source for a variety of topics, including (but not limited to) the effectiveness of Metropolitan Police Force, a policemans everyday life, and public opinion of the force.

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