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Interfaith Declaration of Rosh HaShanah 5772

Bogota D.C., September 28, 2011. We, leaders of churches, congregations, religious denominations, communities and another faith traditions presents in the Republic of Colombia, answering to the calling of the Manhig of Shggel, Rabbi Richard Gamboa Ben-Eleazar in order to reunite ourselves around the common prayer for peace and with occasion of the Jewish New Year,

That Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Setter of United Nations, the Colombian National Political Constitution and the laws of the Republic shows the grave obligation that we have to respect among ourselves and do not disturb or attack to nobody because religious, conscience and cult reasons, That we recognize in public that we human beings with any distinction of race, genre, faith, nationality social, economic or ideological condition, were one family created by God, That religious, conscience and cult liberties are the foundation of all the rest of the freedoms into a society, and that when these freedoms are suppressed, violated, restricted, manipulated or unknown, all the rest of the freedoms and rights are violated into the society, That religious conflict in Colombia lived into families, schools and colleges, and expressed with aggression and negation to the persons because differences of faith

profession and cult is and aggravator of social conflict in that millions of Colombians have been victims of the violence in all manifestations and levels, and that civil society claims to us concrete actions in order to build a Colombia in peace, That we recognize that were the public and living representation of the conscience of Colombian People, that we have the supreme responsibility to educate about spiritual and moral qualities, the most great human qualities, and that we have the obligation to offering to the families the example and the teachings so that they become in schools of love and peace, That making echo to the Declaration of Geneva about Religious Freedom signed on 1st. September 2008, weve decided of common accord going beyond of tolerance relations, hold plurality and working together with the objective of building a new Colombia leader of the path of spiritual renovation for all our brother peoples of Latin America,


1. We ratified our adhesion to the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights, to the Letter of the United Nations, to the Colombia Political National Constitution and to the laws of the Republic about religious, conscience and cult freedoms; we also manifested our commitment by diffusing their knowledge, their observance and respect. 2. We rejected and we condemned all initiative that proposes or promotes more blood spill in our beloved Colombia, without matter the origin of that initiative. Human life is sacred since its gestation until its natural transit to the spiritual world; no person, collective or structure can profane the sacred status of their existence providing from it. 3. We rejected and we condemned, comes from where comes, all act or pronouncement that promotes hate, violence, discrimination, disqualification or signalizing of "sect," "pseudo" or "false religion" against any person, entity or religious collective, and we especially condemned all those expressions of violence for action or omission made in name of God and of our religious traditions. We ratified that this type of actions and words are not of the pleasure of God and that don't correspond to the purity of the teaching of our respective faiths. 4. We make a solemn called to the Ministry of National Education, so that the so yearned reformation to the Scholar Religious Education becomes a reality, and we ratified our suitability as leaders of the traditions of faith in order to guide the

National Government in this task that doesn't give more wait and that Colombian students community claims with urgency. School cannot continue being a space in which human rights are violated, especially religious, conscience and of cult freedoms. 5. We adhered to the work that the Manhig of Shggel advances to world level in the diffusion of the Declaration of Religious and Spirituals Rights of Men and Women, and we commit to promote, from our teachings and preaching, respect to all person and veil because no person is bothered or attacked by reason of their beliefs and religious practices, lived on individual or collective, public or private way. 6. We believe that the mutual knowledge will allow us to demolish the walls of hate and of bad understood between religions, conflict which per decades has gotten up in our country. Therefore we commit to support all those initiatives that promote the interreligious cooperation and we will support the education for youth accentuating the respect and the appreciation toward all the faiths, confessions and cultures; we will do it leading to the schools and universities the knowledge of the religious traditions present in Colombia of objective and fraternal way and absentee of all triumphalism, abusive proselytism and theological arrogance. 7. We will promote dialogue, understanding and cooperation among religious people and the no-religious, in order to walk fraternally toward peace. We believe that, even, that who calls himself no-believer, is image and likeness of God too. 8. We will promote the care and the respect for the Nature, call for the native ethnics of our country "the Mother Land"; because how is taught in the Sacred Scriptures of our traditions of faith, we human beings received the task on behalf of the Creator of the Universe of administering the natural resources wisely and to offer it to the future generations the same ecological kindness of which we have enjoyed until the day of today. Peace with God and peace with the people also must include peace with the natural ambient. 9. We will continue working in defense of the human rights, as ordered by the Letter of the United Nations and our National Constitution, and we will insist in the negotiated solution to the Colombian conflict armed, in the social justice and the national reconciliation. 10. From conformity with him approved by the United Nations General Assembly in the Resolution A/65/L.5 of date 15 October of 2010, we commit to promote the peace between our churches and religious traditions in Colombia, promoting and participating actively of the World Week of the Interfaith Harmony, to take place in the first week of February every years.

11. We invited the brother peoples of Latin America and to all the religious authorities of all the faiths present in the Continent of the Hope, to that they continue our example and they reply this experience of fraternity and harmony in their respective countries, in order to build a world in unit where the coming generations could live in peace. 12. In testimony of these feelings and ideals, and with the purpose of that the whole Colombian People and the International Community know what we have manifested today, this Declaration will be a correspondent to the respective authorities of the United Nations, of the Organization of American States, of UNASUR and of the Andean Parliament among another international organisms and NGOs workers for the peace and the defense of the human rights. To the Presidency and to the Parliament of the Republic of Colombia, to the Confederation of Religious, Conscience and Cult Freedom CONFELIREC, to the Ministry of the Interior and of Justice, to the General Procuradury of the Nation, to mass-media and to all the other civil and religious authorities and that could not be present in this meeting, so that they diffuse to their congregations the content of this Declaration. The signatories stamped our heading as symbol of adhesion with the constitutional commitment of working in fraternity and for the peace from Colombia invoking the protection of God.
Rabbi RICHARD GAMBOA BEN-ELEAZAR Manhig of Shggel Internacional Ambassador for Peace

Rev. LUIS FERNANDO SANMIGUEL Community of Hope Presbyterian Church Teusaquillo Territory of Peace Representant

Pastor PEDRO STUCKY Menonite Chuech Teusaquillo Territory of Peace Member

Mr. MAURICIO JIMNEZ Association of the Holy Spirit for Unification of the World Christianity Chapter Colombia

Lama TSULTRIM TARCHIN Karma Thegsum Chling Center

Pastor ALFREDO TORRES President Christians for Peace Foundation

Rev. DAYRO ARANZLEZ Honorable Central Presbyterium of Bogota

Rev. DAIREN JACOME Soto Zen Colombia Community

Pastor RITA GMEZ Director for Colombia of Prayer Worlds Day

Rev. EDUARDO MARTINEZ Bishop President of Colombia Luteran Evangelical Chuch

Msgr. GONZALO JARAMILLO Bishop of Vetero Catholic Church

Mother PAOLA HERNNDEZ ZEINEKAN Process of Ancestral Recovery of the Muhysca Word Community

Msgr. FREDDY CASTILBLANCO Bishop of Our Lady of Guadalupe Apostolic Catholic Church

Pastor LUIS CARLOS SERRANO Love Path Christian Community

Pastor RICARDO ANGARITA Prince of Peace Methodist Church

Rev. LEONEL MOLANO Council of Assemblies of God of Colombia

Rev. NAOTARO SHIMIZU Colombia Tenrikyo Church

Sister GLORIA CAMARGO Brahma Kumaris Association

Rev. LUIS FELIPE OLIVEROS Presbyter of Reform Missionary Church

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