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..{ P C-1ll1 '1 I lV()PIlJl..\' TJ1 1 l X Y 7.
I BM Electronic "Selectric" Composer
This desktop composer features a working memory
and keyboard contro ls that makes quali ty typesetting
almost as easy as typing. It is ideal for any work or
appli cat ion. The operator can produce justified, flush
and centered material in one typing. And eli minate
many typesett ing steps. Depending on the require
ments, the I BM Electron ic "Selectr i c" Composer can
be used as a single composing system, as part of an
existing system or i ntegrated in a word processi ng
environment. It provides new flexibility and produc
tivity and offers a rea l opportuni ty for you to enjoy
improved pri ce performance.
I BM Mag Card Composer
The I BM Mag Card Composer - with magnetic card type
setting-offers the one-time way to prepare professional
quality copy . Time is saved because justifying, formatting
and composing are automati c. Resetting time is saved,
too, as ca mera-ready proofs can be played out automat i
cally. Whenever t hey 're needed. Since t he composer
features a powerful worki ng memory, and everything
recorded in memory ca n be stored on magnetic cards,
copy revisio ns are simply keyed in. Magneti c cards also
offer multi-page composing convenience. Because any
length text can be stored on cards, t he composer can be
freed for other jobs wh ile copy is awaiting approval or
being proof read . The I BM Mag Card Composer gives your
copy a highly professional appearance. Helping t o
upgrade the quality of all YOUI' work .
\ !!\'" ki d .1' 111L' I c'l, ,I !In, 1 ;1 11<1
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d ')lll.lill (11" ,lkill' llli,I, . 11,',1"<>111:111<.',' 1,. ;llld !tl.' r"[i(,.
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.ltl d r "ll:lIh 11:ld wrilk11 :Iiloll! 1l:111I1\ ' alld 111:111. r:lllll'r
- .
. ~ ~
Font Selection
To choose the proper type f ont t o do a given j ob,
look at the identifi cat ion pr inted on t he top of
the f ont.
The f irst letters are an abbreviati on for the name of
t he type st yle. The number tell s you the point si ze of
the t ype. The las t let ter indicates the weight of t he
t ype- L-li ght, M-medi um, B-bold. An itali c type is
identifi ed by the let ter I in t he weight positi on. Oc
casionall y the lett er C will foll ow the type weight
designati on. The C indi cat es Condensed t ype-a
slender version of the normal type f ace.
Century and Cl assi fi ed News t ype sty le f onts are avail
able as regul ar Composer f onts and as speciall y de
signed Presswire Fonts. The Presswire Fonts are identi
fi ed by the add iti onal letters PW below the
weight indicati on.
Foreign language fonts are iden tifi ed by an addition
al lett er printed below t he weight. Foreign language
f onts avail abl e are: Germani c (G), Latin ( L),
Nordi c (N), and United Kingdom (UK).
For an expl anati on of Speciali zed Fonts see page 47 .
Color Coding
There are three colored triangles next to the Escape
ment Control. These t ri angl es correspond t o t he
colored tri angle on the ca p of each f ont .
To set your Composer you si mply move the lever t o
the colored triangl e whi ch corr esponds t o the one
appearing on the f ont you will be using.
These thr ee co lored tri angles repr esent the three
widths used i n the Composer syst em of typesetting.
All of the t y pe styles and si zes can be set by usi ng
one of the three color coded cat egori es, wh ich gen
eral ly incl ude t ype si zes as f ol lows:
Bl ue = 6, 7 and 8 point
Ye ll ow = 9 and 10 po int
Red = 11 and 12 poi nt
Thi s color coding system simpli fi es the setting up ti me
for using any si ze of Wpe. Color comparison of the
f ont with the Escapement Control reduces possible
errors. And this syst em wil l great ly assist in measuring
type to fi t a given space as ca n be seen in usi ng t he
col or coded t ables on t he page at right .
Sample Type Style Showing
This i nfor mat ion will enabl e To adjust y our Composer These sampl e paragraphs w ill serve
you to make i nd ividual for opt imum resul ts use as a gu ide i n determ i n i ng y ou r
lett erf or m compari sons. t hi s informat ion. se lecti on of t he proper lead i ng.
8 Pt. Press Roman Medium
1234567890$ .,": ;!?*Y,Y.'I.-O [1 =t /+%&@
tRecommended Impressi on Setting: 1 Capit al Height :
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi ca: ' 3.3
Ch aracter Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequenUy in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
dignified face, which can be utilized for varied applications.
1 Poi nt Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
dignified face, which can be utilized for varied applications.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronou nced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
dignified face, which can be utilized for varied applications.
Character Count Scales
There are onl y thr ee al phabet widths in the IBM
Composer fami ly of t ype. Shown below are t hree
st andard ref erence t abl es wh ich are color coded f or
each of t he three basi c alphabet vvicJths. Within each
t able are showings of the typical al phabet width for
that color . Also shown are pica scales w ith their cor
responding average number of charact ers and average
number of letter unit widths per pica. These reference
tables can be used to esti mat e how much area t he
typeset copy wi l l occupy when it is composed.
which includes 9 and 10 Pt. Sizestt abcderghijkJmnopqm uywxyz
Column Widt h In PIcas
Average No. Of Charon; els
Average No Of Unrts
10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
29.0 31.9 34.8 37.7 40.6 43.5 46.4 49.3 52.2 55.1 58.0 60.9 63.8 66.7 69.6 72.5 76.4 78.3 812 84.1 87 .0
140 154 168 182 196 210 224 238 252 266 280 294 308 322 336 350 364 378 392 406 420
'The pi ca referred to here is ex actly 1/ 6th of an inch o r . 16666 i nch. The tr ad i t iona l pi ca is . 16604 inch.
t Recommended Impression Sett i ng: The recommend ed i mpressi on sett i ngs are not exact. Prec ise setti ngs w il l depend on
var iati ons of ind ividual machines and t he suppli es bei ng used. 5
t t Ex cepti ons w ill be f ou nd withi n the Cent ury , Cl assifi ed News. Univers . and Copper plat e Gothi c t ype famili es. Alway s ref er
t o t he co lored triangle on the cap of each t ype f ont to deter mi ne the correc t Charac t er Count Scale t o use.
8 Pt. Aldine Roman Medium AR-8-M
abcde fghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz
1234567890S.. -":;! ?'Y2Y..%- () [l =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which makes it
an outstanding type face. Throughout its overall design. there
is a harmonious balance between thin and thick lines. Aldine
Roman is characterized by ascending and descending strokes
which are perfectly proportioned. This has the added effect
of intensifying the balanced design of each letter. Because of
Aldine Roman's outstanding visual appeal, it is particularly
suited as a text type face for a wide variety of applications.
8 Pt. Aldine Roman Italic AR-8-1
abc de fgh ijklmnopqrst v wxyz
123456 7890S., -": ;II*'/;,v.,x, - (){ J=tl+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica ' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Aldine Roman has a delicate beaty of letter which makes it
an outstanding type face. Throughout its overall design, there
is a harmonious balance between thin and thick lines. Aldine
Roman is characterized by ascending and descending strokes
which are perfectly proportioned. This has the added effect
of intensifying th e balQll ced design of each letter. BecQlHe of
Aldine Roman's outstanding "isHal appeal, it is partiwlarly
suited as a text type face for a wide variety of applications.
Order No. 1194023
1 Point Leaded
Aldil1e Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which makes it
an outstanding type face. Throughout its overall design, there
is a harmonios balance between thin and thick lines. Aldine
Roman is characterized by ascen.ding and desc ending strokes
which are perfectly proportioned. This has the added effect
of intensifying the balanced design of each letter. Because of
Aldille Roman's outstanding visual appeal, it is partiwlarly
sited as a text type face for a wide variety of applications.
2 Point Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which makes it
an outstanding type face. Throughout its ovcrall design, there
is a harmol1ious balal1ce betweel1 thin and thick lines. Aldil1e
Roman is characterized by ascendi>lg and descending strokes
which are perfectly proportiol1ed. This has the added effect
of irztensifying the balanced design of each letter. Because of
Aldine Roman's outstanding "isHal appeal, it is particularly
suited as a text type face for a wide "ariety of applications.

8 Pt. Aldine Roman Bold AR-8-B

1234567890S.,-":;!? Y2y"3/,1_() [ 1=t /+o/o&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which makes it
an outstanding type face. Throughout its overall design, there
is a harmonious balance between thin and thick lines. Aldine
Roman is characterized by ascending and descending strokes
which are perfectly proportioned. This has the added effect
of intensifying the balanced design of each letter. Because of
Aldine Roman's outstanding visual appeal, it is particularly
suited as a text type face for a wide variety of applications.
Order No. 1194022
1 POint Leaded
Aldine Roman ha.s a delicate beauty of letter which makes it
an outstanding type face. Throughout its overall design. there
is a harmonious balance between thin and rhick lines. Aldine
Roman is characterized by ascending and descending strokes
which are perfectly proportioned. This has the added effect
of intensifying the balanced design of each letter. Because of
Aldine Roman's outstanding visual appeal. it is particularly
suited as a text type face for a wide variety of appl.ications.
2 Point Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which makes it
an outstanding type face. Throughout its overall design. there
is a harmonious balance between thin and thick lines. Aldine
Roman is characterized by ascending and descending strokes
which are perfectly proportioned. This has the added effect
of intensifying the balanced design of each letter. Because of
Aldine Roman's outstanding visual appeal, it is particularly
suited as a text type face for a wide variety of applications.
Order No. 1194055
1 Point Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which makes it
an outstanding type face. Throughout its overall design, there
is a harmonious balance between thin and thick lines. Aldine
Roman is characterized by ascending and descending strokes
which are perfectly proportioned. This has the added effect
of intensifying the balanced design of each letter. Because of
Aldine Roman's outstanding visual appeal, it is particularly
suited as a text type face for a wide variety of applications.
2 Point Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which makes it
an outstanding type face. Throughout its overall design, there
is a harmonious balance between thin and thick lines. Aldine
Roman is characterized by ascending and descending strokes
which are perfectly proportioned. This has the added effect
of intensifying the balanced design of each letter. Because of
Aldine Roman's outstanding visual appeal, it is particularly
suited as a text type face for a wide variety of applications. 6
10 Pt Aldme Roman M dium AR-10-M Order No. 1194020
12345678905..-': ;!? *Y2W4-() [1 =t /+%&@
RE"C"Cin ended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 6 Poi nts
.:I . "rage j\ umber Of Charac ters Per Pi ca: - 2.9
Ch.' <H: tEr Cou nt Scale: See page 5.
30 d
di ne Roman has a delicate beaut y of letter which
rna -es it an ou tstanding face. Throughout its general
design. there is a harmonious balance between thin
and ~ t h i c k strokes. This face is especially characterized
by asce nding and desc ending lett ers which are finely
proportioned. This has a "plus" effect of intensifying
t he balanced arrangement of Aldine Roman letters.
10 Pt. Aldme Roman Italic AR-10-1
1234567890S.,-";;! ?*0%3;4-()[ J=t /+%&@
Recomme nded Impression Setting: 2 Cdpital Height: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi cn: ' 2. 9
Character Count Sca le: See page 5 .
Sol id
A.ldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which
makes it an outstanding face. Throughout its general
design, there is a harmonious balance between thin
and thick strokes. This face is especially characterized
by ascending and descending letters which are finely
proportioned. This has a " plus" effec t of intensifying
the balanced arrangement of Aldine Roman letters.
Order No. 1194021
1 POint Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of let ter which
makes it an outstanding face. Throughout its general
design, there is a harmonious balance between thin
and thick st rokes. This fac e is especially characterized
by ascending and descending letters which are finely
proportioned. This has a " plus" effect of intensifying
the balanced arrangement of Aldine Roman letters.
2 Point Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which
makes it an outstanding face. Throughout its general
design, there is a harmonious balance between thin
and thick strokes. This face is especially characterized
by ascendirlg and descending letters which are finely
proportioned. This has a "plus" effect of intensifying
the balanced arrangement of A ldine Roman letters.
10 Pt. Aldl e Roman Bold AR-10-B
1234567890S.,-" :;! ?*W434-() [1 =t /+o/o& @
Recommended Impression Setting : 4 Capital Hei ght: 6 Points
Ave rage Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Cha racter Count Scale: See page 5 .
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which
makes it an outstanding fac e. Throughout its general
design. there is a harmonious ba,lance between thin
and thick strokes. This face is especially characterized
by ascending and descending letters which are finely
proportioned. This has a "plus" effect of intensifying
the balanced arrangemelH of Aldine Roman letters.
1 Point Leaded
Aldin e Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which
makes it an outstanding face. Throughout its general
design, there is a harmonious bal ance between thin
and thick strokes. This face is especially characterized
by ascending and descending letters which are finely
proportioned. This has a "plus" effect of intensifying
the bal anced arrangement of Aldine Roman lett ers.
2 Poin t Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which
makes it an outstanding face. Throughout its general
design, there is a harmonious balance between thin
and thick strokes. This face is especially characterized
by ascending and descending lett ers which are finely
proportioned. This has a "plus" effect of intensifying
the balanc ed arrangement o f Aldin e Roman lett ers.
Order No. 1194054
1 Point Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which
makes it an outstanding face. Throughout its general
design, there is a harmonious balance between thin
and thick strokes. This face is especially characterized
by ascending and descending letters which are finely
proportioned. This has a "plus" effect of intensifying
the balanced arrangement of Aldine Roman letters.
2 Poin t Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter which
makes it an outstanding face. Throughout its general
design. there is a harmonious balance between thin
and thick strokes. This face is especially characterized
by ascending and descending letters which are findy
proportioned. This has a "plus" effect of intensifying
the balanced arrangement of Aldine Roman letters. 7
12 Pt. Aldine Roman Medium AR-12-M
1234567890$.,-":;!? () [1 =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capit,,1 Heigh t: 7 Point s
Average Number Of Charact ers Per Pica: ' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5 .
Sol id
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter
which makes it an outstanding face. It has an
even balance throughout between thick and
thin lines. Because of its strong visual appeal ,
Aldine Roman can be employed as a text type
face for an extensive variety of applications.

12 Pt. Aldine Roman Italic AR-12-1

123456 7890S.,- " ::! ?'003Ji -()[ J =t /+%&. @
Recommended Impression Setti ng: 3 Capital Heigh t: 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5 .
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter
which makes it an outstanding fac e. It has a11
even balance throughout between thick and
thin lines. Because of its strol'lg visual appeal,
Aldine Roman can be ernployed as a text type
face for an exten.sive variety of applications.
Order No. 1194019
1 Point Leaded
Alcline Roman has a delicate beauty of letter
which rnakes it an outstandirlg face. It has arl
even balance throughout between thick and
thin lines. Because of its strong visual appeal,
Aldine Roman can be employed a t ext type
face for an extensive vari ety of applications.
2 Point Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter
which makes it an outstanding fac e. It has an
even balance throughmlt between thick and
thin lines. BecaHse of its strong visual appeal,
Aldine Roman can be employed as a t ex t type
fac e for an extcrlsi!!e lJariety of applications.
12 Pt. Aldine Roman Bold AR-12-B
1234567890$. ,-":;!? [ 1=t /+%&@
Recommended I mpression Setting : 6 Capital Height: 7 Poi nts
Aver age Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 2.5
Character COllnt Scal e: See page 5.
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter
which makes it an outstanding face. It has an
even balance throughout between thick and
thin lines. Because of its strong visual appeal,
AI dine Roman can be employed as a text type
8 face for an extensive variety of applications.
Order No. 1194018
1 Point Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter
which makes it an outstanding face. It has an
even balance throughout between thick and
thin lines. Because of its strong visual appeal,
Aldine Roman can be employed as a text type
face for an extensive variety of applications.
2 Poi nt Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter
which makes it an outstanding face. It has an
even balance throughout between thick and
thin lines. Because of its strong visual appeal,
Aldine Roman can be employed as a text type
face for an extensive variety of applications.
Order No. 1194053
1 POint Leaded
Aldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter
which makes it an outstanding face. It has an
even balance throughout between thick and
thin lines. Because of its strong visual appeal,
Aldine Roman can be employed as a text type
face for an extensive variety of applications.
2 Point LCdded
A'ldine Roman has a delicate beauty of letter
which makes it an outstanding face. It has an
even balance throughout between thick and
thin lines. Because of its strong visual appeal,
Aldine Roman can be employed as a text type
face for an extensive variety of applications.
8 Pt. Baskerville Medium BA-8-M
1234567890$.,,": ;!?*WA%- ()[ 1=t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: . 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Sol id
Bas kervill e has a distinguishable style that is characterized by
its bold cont rasting weights and well proportioned, rounded
letter forms. Th e st rong definition of the vertical accents in
combination with the delicate connect ing strokes create its
individualit y. Because of its excell ent readability, Basken' ille
is widely used for a great variety of advertising material and
in addition, it is adaptable for t ex t composition. Textbooks
and manuals re present practical a pplication of this type face .
Order No. 1194098
1 Point Leaded
Baskerville has a distinguishable style that is charact erized by
its bold contrasting weights and well proportioned, rounded
Jetter-forms. The strong definition of the vertical accents in
combination with the delicate connect ing strokes create its
individuality. Becaus e of its excellent readabil ity, Baskerville
is widely used for a great variety of advertising mat erial and
in addition, it is adaptable for text composition. Textbooks
and manuals repres ent practical application of this type face.
2 Point Leaded
Basken ' ille has a distinguishable style that is characterized by
its bold contrasting weights and well-proportioned, rounded
letter-forms. The strong definition of the vertical accents in
combination with the delicate connect ing strokes create its
individuality. Because of its excellent readability, Baskerville
is widely used for a great variety of advertising mat erial and
in addition, it is adapt able for text composition. Textbooks
and manuals represent practical application of this type face.

8 Pt. Baskerville Italic BA-8-1

1234567890$.,-":;/Y*'M,,3),-()[ j=t/+%&@
Rec ommended Impression Se tting: 1 Capito l Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Charac ters Per Pica: 3.3
Charilcter Count Sca le: See page 5.
Sol ,d
Baskerville has a distinguishable style that is characterized by
its bold contrasting weights and well-proportioned, rounded
lett er-forms. The strong definition of the vertical accents in
combination with the delicate connecting strokes create its
individuality. Because of its excellent readability, Baskerville
is widely used for a great variety of advertising material and
in addition, it is adaptable for text composition. Textbooks
and manuals represent practical application of this type face.
Order No. 1194099
1 Pai n' Leilded
Baskerville has a distinguishable style that is characterized by
its bold contrasting weights and well-proportioned.. rounded
letter-forms. Th e s-trong definition of th e vertical accents in
combination with the delicate connec ting strokes create its
individuality. Because of its excellent readability, Baskerville
is widely used for a great variety of advertising material and
in addition, it is adaptable for t ext composition. Textboolis
and manllals represent practical application of this type face.
2 Poi nt Leuded
Baskerville hilS a distinguishable style that is charac terized by
its bold contrasting weights and well-proportioned.. rounded
lett er-forms. The strong definition of the vertical accents in
combination with the delicate connecting strokes create its
individuality. Because of its excell ent readability, Baskerville
is widely used for a great variety of advertising material and
in addition, it is adaptable for t ex t composition. Text books
and manuaiI represent practical application of this type face .

8 Pt. Baskerville Bold BA-8-B

123456 i890$.,.": ;!?*I/z',4%-()[ 1=t/+%&@
Recommended I mpression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 5 Points
Aver age Number Of Charac ters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Cou nt Scale: See page 5.
Baskerville has a distinguishable style that is characterized by
its bold contrasting weights and well-proportioned, rounded
letter forms. The strong definition of the vertical accents in
combination with the delicate connecting strokes create its
individuality. Because of its excellent readability, Baskerville
is widely used for a great variety of advertising material and
in addition, it is adaptable for text composition. Textbooks
and manuals reprcscnt practical application of this type face.
Order No. 1194100
1 Point Leaded
Baskerville has a distinguishable style that is characterized by
its bold contrasting weights and well proportioned, rounded
letter-fonns. The strong definition of the vertical accents in
combination with the delicate connecting strokes create its
individualit y. Because of its excellent readability, Baskerville
is widely used for a great variety of advertising material and
in addition, it is adaptable for text composition. Textbooks
and manuals represent practical application of this t ype face.
2 Point Leaded
Baskerville has a distinguishable style that is characterized by
its bold contrasting weights and wellproportioned.. rounded
Jetter-forms. The strong definition of the vertical accents in
combination with the delicate connecting strokes create its
individuality. Because of its excellent readability, Baskerville
is widely used for a great variety of advertising material and
in addition, it is adaptable for text composition. Textbooks
and manuals represent practical application of this type face.
9 Pt. Baskerville Medium BA-9-M Order No. 1194095
1234567890$. ,''' : ;!?*'i2'A%-O [] =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Stale: See page 5.
Basknville has a distinguishable graphic style that is
characterized by its contrasting weights and graceful,
rounded construction. The strong, crisp ddinition of
the vertical accents in combination with the delicate
connecting strokes create its individuality. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely used for
advertising material as well as fine text composition.
9 Pt. Ba kerville Italic BA-9-1
1234567890$.,- ":;f?*WkJj,-()[ J=t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height : 6 Po int s
Average Number Of Characters Per Picd: 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style that is
characterized by its contrasting weights and graceful,
rounded construction. The strong, crisp definition of
the vertical accents in combination with the delicate
connecting strokes create its individuality. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely used for
advertising mat erial as well as fine text composition.
Order No. 1194096
1 Point Leaded
Baskerville has a distingw'shable graphic style that is
characterized by its contrasting weights and graceful,
rounded construction. The strong, crisp definition of
the vertical accents in combination with the delicate
connecting strokes create its individuality. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely used for
advertising material as well as fine text composition.
2 Point Leaded
Baskervz:tle has a distinguishable graphic style that is
characteriz ed by its contrasting weights and graceful,
rounded construction. The strong, crisp definition of
the vertical accents in combination with the delicate
connecting strokes create its individuality. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely used for
advertising material as well as fine text co mposition.
9 Pt. Baskerville Bold BA-9-B
1234567890$.,": ;!?*W:4%- O [] =t /+%&@
Recommended Impress ion Setting: 3 Capital Height : 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style that is
characterized by its contrasting weights and graceful,
rounded construction. The strong, crisp definition of
the vertical accents in combination with the delicate
connecting strokes create its individuality. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely used for
advertising material as well as fine text composition.
1 Point Leaded
Baskerville has a distinguishable 6'Taphic style that is
characterized by its contrasting weigh ts and graceful,
rounded construction. The strong, crisp definition of
the vertical accents in combination with the delicate
connecting strokes create its individuality. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely used for
advertising material as well as fine text composition.
2 Point Leaded
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style that is
characterized by its contrasting weights and graceful,
rounded construction. The strong, crisp definition of
the vertical accents in combination with the delicate
connecting strokes create its individuality. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely used for
advertising material as well as fine text composition.
Order No. 1194097
1 Point Leaded
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style that is
characterized by its contrasting weights and graceful,
rounded construction. The strong, crisp definition of
the vertical accents in combination with the delicate
connecting strokes create its individuality. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely used for
advertising material as well as fine text composition.
2 Point Leaded
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style that is
characterized by its contrasting weights and graceful,
rounded construction. The strong, crisp definition of
the vertical accents in combination with the delicate
connecting strokes create its individuality. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely used for
advertising material as well as fine text compositions. 10
11 Pt. Baskerville Medium BA-11-M
123-1567890$.,-": ;!?*W,4%-() [] =t j+%&@
Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height : 7 Points
..:.... ,,-"ge Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.5
Cnaracter Count Scale: See page 5.
So lid
Baskerville has a distinguishable gTaphic style
that is characterized by its contrasting weights
and graceful, rounded construction. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely
used for many types of advertising material as
well as being adaptable for text composition.
11 Pt. Baskerville Italic BA-11-1
1234567890$.,-": ;!?*WI43)J- ()[J=t/+o/&@
Recomme nded Impression Setting: 3 Capital Heig ht: 7 Points
Aver. ge i umber Of ChJr Jcters Per Pica:' 2.5
Ch arac ter Cou nt Scale: See page 5 .
Sol id
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style
that is characterized by its contrasting weights
and graceful, rounded construction. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely
used for many types of advertising material as
well as being adaptable for t ext composition.
Order No. 1194093
1 Point Leaded
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style
that is characterized by its contrasting weights
and graceful, rounded construction. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely
used for many types of advertising mat erial as
well as being adaptable for text composition.
2 Point Lead ed
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style
that characterized by its contrasting weights
and graceful, rounded construction. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely
used for many types of advertising mat erial as
well as b eing adaptable for text composition.
11 Pt. Baskerville Bold BA-11-B
1234567890$.,-": ;!?*Wh%-() [] =t j+%&@
Recommended Impress ion Setting: 5 Capital Height : 7 Points
Average Numbe r Of Cha racters Per PiCd: ' 2.5
Charac ter Count Scale: See poge 5.
So li d
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style
that is characterized by its contrasting weights
and graceful, rounded construction. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely
used for many types of advertising material as
well as being adaptable for text composition.
Order No. 1194092
1 Point Leaded
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style
that is characterized by its contrasting weights
and graceful, rounded construction. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely
used for many types of advertising material as
well as being adaptable for text composition.
2 Point Leaded
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style
that is characterized by its contrasting weights
and graceful, rounded construction. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely
used for many types of advertising material as
well as being adaptable for text composition.
Order No. 1194094
1 Poin t Leaded
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style
that is characterized by its contrasting weights
and graceful, rounded construction. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely
used for many types of advertising material as
well as being adaptable for text composition.
2 Point Leaded
Baskerville has a distinguishable graphic style
that is characterized by its contrasting weights
and graceful, rounded construction. This type
face, with its easily read characters, is widely
used for many types of advertising material as
well as being adaptable for text composition. 11
8 Pt. Bodoni Medium B-8-M
1234567390S.,-": :!?*Y2Y4%- ()[ 1=t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capilal Height: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi ca:' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Bodoni features an upright and clearly delineated style. It is
a strong type face with many applications and is earmarked
by distinctly contrasting thick and t11in strokes. The thick
area predominates in the center section of each letter, giving
it a firm, substantial appearance. II'!oreover, the Bodoni serifs
are distinctive, designed with perfectly even lines. The strong
vertical accent of each letter marks it decisivelv as a modem
face. It might be used as a text type for many applications.
8 Pt. Bodoni Italic 8-8-1
12.H.56 7890S., o:;! ?"'WI,ii4- (){ J=ti+'YC&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 6 Point s
Aver age Number Of Characters Per Pica : ' 3.3
Char"cter Count Scale: See page 5.
Bodoni features an upright and clearly delineated style. It is
a strong type face with many applications and is earmarked
by distinctly con trasting thick and thin strokes. The thick
area predominates itl the center section of each letter, giving
il a firm, SIlbstantial appearance. Moreover, the Bodo'li serifs
are distinctive, designed with perfectly even lines. The strong
vertical accent of each letter marks it decisively as a modem
face. It migh t be used as a text type for many applications.
Order No. 1194029
1 Poi nt Leaded
Bodoni features an upright and clearly delineated style. It is
a strong type face with many applications alld is earmarked
by distinctly contrasting thick and thin strokes. The thick
are/J predominates in th e cen ter section of each letter, giving
it a firm, substantial appearance. Moreover, the Bodoni serifs
are distinctive, designed with perfec tly even lines. The strong
vertical accen t of each let.ter marks it decisively as a modem
face. It might be used as a text type for many applications.
2 Point Leaded
Bodoni features an upright and clear/y delineated style. It is
a strong type face with many applications and is earmarked
by distinctly contrasting thi ck and thin strokes. The thick
area predominates in the center section of each letter, giving
it a firm, substantial appearance. Moreover, the Bodoni serifs
are distinctive, designed with perfec tly even lines. The strong
vertical accent of each letter marks it decisively as a modem
face. It might be used as a text type for many applications.
8 Pt. Bodoni Bold 8-8-B
1234567890S.,-": ;! ?*YzWA-() [I =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 6 Points
Aver age Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 3.3
Charact er Count Scale: See page 5.
Bodoni f('-atures an upright and clead)' delineated style. It is
a strong type face with many applications and is earmarked
by distinctly contrasting thick and thin strokes. The tIlick
area predominates in tile center section of each letter, giving
it a firm, suhstan tial appearance. Moreover, the Bodoni serifs
are distinctive, designed with perfectly even lines. The strong
vertical accent of each letter marks it decish'ely as a modem
face. It might be used as a text type for many applications.
Order No. 1194028
1 Point Leaded
Bodoni features an upright and clearly delineated style. It is
a strong type face w-ith many applications and is earmarked
by distinctly con trasting thick and t1un strokes. The thi ck
area predominates in the center section of each letter, giving
it a firm, substantial appearance. Moreover, the Bodoni serifs
are distin ctive, designed with perfectly even lines. The strong
verhcal accent of each letter marks it decisively as a modem
face. It migh t be used as a text type for many applications.
2 POint Leaded
Bodoni features an upright and clearly delineated style. It is
a strong type face with many applications and is earmarked
by distinctly contrasting thick and thin strokes. The tIlick
area predominates in the center section of each letter, giving
it a finn, substanhal appearance. Moreover, the Bodoni serifs
are distinctive, designed with perfectly even lines. The strong
verhcal accent of each letter marks it decisively as a modern
face. It might be used as a text type for many applications.
Order No. 1194058
1 Point Leaded
Bodoni features an upright and clearly delineated style. It is
a strong type face with many applications and is earmarked
by distinctly contrasting thick and thin strokes. The thick
area predominates in tile center section of each letter, giving
it a firm, substantial appearance. Moreover, the Bodoni serifs
are distinctive, designed witll perfectly even lines. The strong
vertical accent of each letter marks it decisively as a modem
face. It might be U8ed as a text type for many applications.
2 Point Leaded
Bodoni features an upright and dearJ), delineated style. It is
a strong type face witll many applications and is earmarked
b)' distinctly contrasting thick and thin strokes. The tIlick
area predominates in the center section of each letter, giving
it a firm, substantial appearance. Moreover, the Bodoni serifs
are distincti,'e, designed with perfectly even lines. The strong
vertical accent of each letter marks it decisively as a modern
face. It might be used as a text type for many applications. 12
10 Pt. Bodon! edlum B-10-M
al,, d, tghii k Imnopqn:tuvwxyz
I :?:n:; ):-WJOS..-'::! 1=+/ I %& J.ii
ed Impression Setting : 2 Capital Height : 7 Points
A'crage umber Of Characters Per Pica: 2.9
C a ra<:l er COunt Scale: See page 5.
B"doni features an upri ght, clearly delineated style. It
i., es pecialh' characterized by distinctly contrasting
thick alld thin strokes. Its serifs are al so di stinctive,
with a perfec tly flat line. The strong vertical accent
in th,> eOllstruction of each let ter marks it clearlv as
a modern face. Because of its easy readabilit;., it
can hi' used a,; a text type for numerous applications.
10 Pt_ Bodom ItaliC B-10-'1
abcdefghijklmllopqrstlwwX yz
12345678908.,-"': ;!?*'/:/,4%- (){] =t/+%&@
Recomme nded Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 7 Points
Average Of Characters Per Pi ca: ' 2.9
C arac ter Cou n t Scale: See page 5.
So lid
lJorioni features an upright. clearly delineated style. It,
is especiail\' chara('( erized by distinctly contrasting
thick and thin strokes. it s are also distin ctive,
ll ;ith a perfectly pat line. The strong vertical accent
in th e COllstruction of each letter marks it dearly as
a modem Iype foce. Becouse of il s easy readability, it
can be llsed a.s a tex t t\pe for numerous applications.
Order No. 1194027
1 Po in t Leaded
Rodoni features an upright, clearly delineat ed style. it
is especially characterized by distinctly contrastill/5
thick and thin stro/.;es. Its serifs are also distinct ive,
with a perfec tly .f/at line. The strong vertical accent
ill the construction of each leUer marks it clearly as
a modern type face. Because of its easy readability, it
can be used as a tex t type for numerous applications.
2 POint Leaded
Bodolli features an upright, clearly delineated style. It
is especially characterized by distinctly contrasting
thick and thill strokes. Its serifs are also dist inct ive.
with a perfectly flat line. The strong vertical accent
in the construdion of each lett er morks it clearly as
a modem type face. Because of its eas), readability, it
can be used as a Lex L type for numerous applications.
10 Pt. Bodoni Bold B-10-B
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx yz
1234567890S.,-" :;!?'I.'Y2Y.i%-()[ I =T /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 4 Capit al Height: 7 Po ints
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Bodoni feahlres an upright. clearly delineated style. It
is especially characterized by distinctly contrasting
thick and thin strokes. Its serifs are also distinctive,
with a perfectly tlat line. The strong vertical accent
in the construction of each letter marks it clearly as
a modern type face. Because of its easy readability, it
can be used as a text type for numerous applications.
Order No. ll 94026
1 Point Leaded
Bodoni features an upright, ci earl y delineated style. It
is especiaHy characteri zed by distinctly contrasting
thi ck and thin strokes. Its serifs are also di stinctive,
with a perfectl y Oat line. The strong vertical accent
in the construction of each le tter marks it clearly as
a modern type face. Because of its casy readability, it
can be used as a tex t type for numerous applications.
2 Point Leaded
Bodoni fea tures an upri ght, clearly delincated style. It
is especially characterized by di stinctly contrasting
thick and thin strokes. I ts serifs are also distinctive,
with a perfec tly nat line. The ;; trong vertical accent
in the construction of each letter marks it clearlv as
a modern type face. Because of its easy readabilit.y, it
can be used as a text type for Ilumerous applications.
Order No. 1194057
1 Po int Leaded
Bodoni features an upright, clearly delineated style. h
is especially characterized by distinctly contrasting
thick and thin strokes. Its selifs are also distinctive.
with a perfectly nat line. The strong vertical accent
in the construction of each letter marks it clearly as
a modem type face. Because of Hs easy readability, it
can be used as a text type for numerous applications.
2 Poi nt Ledded
Bodoni features an uprigh t. clearly delineated style. It
is especially characterized by di stinctly con trasting
thick and thin strokes. Its serifs are also di stinctive.
with a perfectly nat line. The strong vertical accent
in the construction of each letter marks ,it clearly as
a modern type face. Because of its easy readability, it
can be used as a text type for numerous applications.
12 Pt. Bodoni Medium B-12-M Order No. 1194024
1234567890S.,-":;! ll-i /+%&:J!:
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 25
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Bodoni features a dignified , clearly delineated
type style. It is particularly char acterized by
sharpl y contrasting broad and narrow lines.
Its serifs are also clearly marked, highlighting
perfectly even lines. The vertical line of each
letter indicates it is definitely a modern face.

12 Pt. Bodoni Italic B-12-1
1234567890S.,- ";:! ":";:Y;/4%. - {)!/ =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Bodoni f eatures a dignifi ed, clearLy delineated
type style. it is particuLarl)! charac terized by
sharply contrasting broad and narrow lines.
Its serifs are al.so clearLy marked, highlighting
pelfectly even lines. The verticaL line of each
lette r indicates it is definitely (J modern face.
Order No. 1194025
1 Poin t Leaded
Rodoni features a dignified, clearly deLineated
type style. It is particularly characterized by
sharply contrasting broad and narrow Lines.
Us serifs are also clearly marked, highlighting
pel:fect ly even liri es. The vertical lin e of each
letter indicates it is defInitely a modem face.
2 Point Leaded
Bodoni f eatures a digniji'ed, clearly deUneated
type style. It is particularly characlerized by
sharply contrasting broad and narrow lines.
Its are also clearLy marked, highlighting
perfectly even lili es. The verlicalline of each
letter indicates it is definitely a modern face.
12 Pt. Bodoni Bold B-12-B
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx yz
1234567890$.,-" ]=1' /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 6 Capital Height 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi ca : . 2.5
Charact er Count Scale: See page 5.
Bodoni features a dignified, clearly delineated
type style. It is particularly characterized by
sharply contrasting broad and narrow lines.
Its serifs are also clearly marked, highlighting
perfectly even lines. The vertical line of each
letter indicates it is definitely a modern face.
1 Point Leaded
Bodoni features a dignified, clearly delineat ed
lype style. It is particulru'ly characterized by
sharply contrasti ng broad and narrow lines.
Its serifs are also clearly marked, highlighting
perfectly even lines. The vertical line of each
letter indi cates it is definitely a modern face.
2 Point Leaded
Bodoni features a dignified , clearly delineated
type st yle. It is particularly characterized by
sharply contrasting broad and narrow lilies.
It s serifs are also clearly marked, highlighting
perfectly even lines. The vertical line of each
letter indi cates it is definitely a modern face.
Order No. 1194061
1 Point Leaded
Bodoni features a dignified, clearly delineated
type style. It is particularly characterized by
sharply contrasting broad and narrow lines.
Its serifs are also clearly marked, highlighting
perfectly even lines. The vertical line of each
leUer indicates it is definitely a modern face.
2 Point Leaded
Bodoni features a dignified, clearly delineated
lype style. It is particularly characterized by
sharply contrasting broad and narrow lines.
Its serifs are also clearly marked, highlighting
perfectly even lines. The vertical line of each
letter indicates it is definitely a modern face. 14
6 Pt. Century Medium C-6-M
abc de fghijklmnopqrstuvwx yz
1234567890$.,-":;!"? "12W4-0[] ;t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: 3.3
Character Count Sca le: See page 5.
Century is a well-delineated face characterized b y its strong
harmonious balance, which helps to produce clear, clean type
impressions. Bec au se of its visual appeal and legi bility, this
t ype face h as been widely used for advertising matter as well
as textbooks and m anuals. Periodicals and newspapers, which
report news in great detail, very often specify Century for
body type. The strength and clarity of Century has succeeded
in making it one of th e outstanding type faces in u se today.

6 Pt. Century Italic C-6-1

a bcde(gh ijIII m rl a pqrsI u vwx yz
1234567890$." " :;! ?*'h'f,'I4-()[ J=t /+%&@
Recommended Impress ion Setting: 1 Capital Height : 5 Points
Average Number Of Charac ters Per PiCd : ' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Ce ntury is a weltdetineated face characterized by its strong
harmonious balance, which h elps to produce c l ear, cl ean I ype
impressions. Because of its visual appeal and legib ilit y, this
Iype {ace has beerl widety " sed {or advertising malt er as well
as le;.." t boo/? s and lnanuals. Pel"lodicols and newspapers. which
report rlews in great d etail, very o {t en speci{y Cenlury {or
body t yp e. The strerlgth and clarilY ol Cen U"y ha., succeeded
in ma/lirlg il Orle of the outstanding t ype laces in use 10da y.
Order No. 1194072
1 Point Leaded
Cerllury is a welldelin ea l ed {ace charact erized by it s strong
harmonious balance, which helps to produce c lear, clean type
impressions. Because of its visual appeal and l egibility, lhi:;
t yp e face has been widely used {or advertising malt er as well
(LS tex tbooks and manuals. Periodicals and newspapers, whic h
r epor t news irl great detail, very o{l en speci{y Cerltury {or
body l ype. The slrength and clarit y o{ Century has "",cceeded
irl mallirlg i l o nc of the olUstanding I ype {aces in use loda y.
2 Point Leaded
Cent ury is a welldelirleated {ace ch arac l erized by its strong
harmoni olu balance, which h el ps t o produce c lear, clearl Iype
impre:js ions. Because o f its visual appeal and legibility, this
type fac e has been w idely used (or advertising matler as well
U') lex lboohs and manuals. Periodicals and newspapers, which
report news in great detail, very ofl en specilY Cen lury (or
body t y p e. The strenglh and clari l Y o{ Cerltllry has succeeded
in making it one of th e oLltslanding t ype faces in use t oday,
6 Pt. Century Bold C-6-B
1234567890$.,-":;!?*'12W4-()[ 1;t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Sell ing: 2 Capital Height: 5 Poin ts
Average Number Of Characters Per Pic,,: . 3.3
Cha racte r Count Scale: See page 5.
So lid
Century is a well-delineated face characterized by its strong
harmonious balance, which helps to produce clear, clean type
impressions. Because of its visual appeal and legibility, this
type face has been widely used for advertising malter as well
as textbooks and manuals. Periodicals and newspapers, which
report news in great detail, very often specify Century for
body type. The strength and clarity of Century has succeeded
in making it one of the outstanding type faces in use today.
Order No. 1194068
1 Point Leaded
Century is a well-delineated face characterized by its strong
harmonious halance, which helps to produce clear, clean t y pe
impressions. Becau se of its visual appeal and legibility, this
type face has h een widely u sed for advertising matter as well
as tex tbooks and manuals. Periodicals and n e wspa pers, which
report news in great detail, very often specify Century for
body t ype. The strength and clarity of Century has succeeded
in making it one of the outstanding type faces in use today.
2 Point Leaded
Century is a well-delineated face characterized by its strong
harmonious balanc e, which helps to produce clear, clean type
impressions. Because of its visual appeal and legibilit y, this
type face has been widel y used for advertising matter as well
as t ex thooks and manuals. Pe riodicals and newspapers, which
report news in great detail, very often specify Century for
body type. The strength and clarity of Century has succeeded
in making it one of th e outstanding type faces in use today.
Order No. 1194076
1 Point Leaded
Century is a well-delineated face characterized by its strong
harmo nious balance, which helps to produce clear, clean type
impressions. Because of its visual appeal and legibility, this
type face has been widely used for advertising malter as well
as textbooks and manuals. Periodicals and newspapers, which
report n ews in great detail, very often specify Century for
body type. The strength and clarity of Century has succeeded
in making it one of the outstanding type faces in use today.
2 Point Leaded
Century is a well-delineated face characterized by its strong
harmonious balance, which helps to produce clear, clean type
impressions. Because o f its visual appeal and legibility, this
t y pe face has been widely used for advertising malter as well
as textbooks and manuals. Periodicals and newspapers, which
report news in great detail, very often specify Century f o r
body type. The strength and clarity of Century has succeeded
in making it o ne of the outstanding type faces in use today. 15
8 Pt4 Cen ury edlurn C-8-M
1234567890$.,": ;!?*W!.'i.-()[ 1=t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See p ~ g e 5.
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
Order No. 1194067
1 Point Leaded
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic a ppeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
2 Point Leaded
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, t his type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
8 Pt. Century I altc C-8-1
abcde fgh ijk I mnopqrs tuvwx yz
1234567890$., ":;'? *'12 If,,3Jz-() {J ='t/+%&@
Recomme nded Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height : 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: . 2.9
Character Coun t Scale: See page 5.
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear.
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
tex tbooks and manuals as well as advertising ma tter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
Order No. 1194071
1 Point Leaded
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legi bility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matler.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
2 Poi nt Leaded
Century is an unusually legible fa ce characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impressioll. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
8 P Century Bold C-8-B
1234567890$.,." : ;!'?*W!.%-Oll =t / +%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2 . 9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
Order No. 1194075
1 Point Leaded
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
2 Point Leaded
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type. 16
9 Pt. Cen ury Medium C-9-M Order No. 1194066
12:345678908.,-": ;!'?*WI.%-()[ 1
Im pression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 6 Points
!I . e ge \ u mber Of Characters Per Pica: 2.9
O1""Kte r Co unt Scale: See page 5.
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
9 Pt. Century' alic C-9-1
1234567890$.,- ":;'? *1f2W4-()[1
Recommended Impression Se tting: 2 Cap it a l Height: 6 Po ints
Aver age I'lu mbe r Of Characters Per Pic,, : . 2.9
Cou nt Scal e : See page 5.
Sol id
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its hannonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
Order No. 1194070
1 Point Leaded
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its hannonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matler.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
2 Point Leaded
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its hamlOnious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type lace has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
9 Pt. Century Bold C-9-B
1234567890$.,-": ;!'?*W/W..--O[ 1=t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: 2.9
Charac ter Count Scale: See page 5.
Soli d
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
1 Point Leaded
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
2 Point Leaded
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
Order No. 1194074
1 Point Leaded
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type.
2 Point Leaded
Century is an unusually legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce a clear,
clean type impression. Because of its graphic appeal
and legibility, this type face has been widely used for
textbooks and manuals as well as advertising matter.
Newspapers and periodicals which report the news in
great detail very often specify Century for body type. 17
10 Pt. Century Medium C-l0-M
1234567890$.,-":;! ?*lh%%-O [] =t j+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a dear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals
and textbooks. Century is very often specified
by periodicals which print the news in detail.
10 Pt. Century Italic C-1D-1
1234567890$.,- ": ;!?*WI4
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals
and textbooks. Century is very often specified
by periodicals which print the news in detail.
Order No. 1194069
1: Poi nt Leaded
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals
and textbooks. Century is very often specified
by periodicals which print the news in detail.
2 Point Leaded
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals
and textbooks. Century is very often specified
by periodicals which print the news in detail.
10 Pt. Century Bold C-l0-B
1234567890$.,-": ;!?*W14%-() [] =t/+%&@
Recommended I mpression Setting: 4 Capital Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals
and textbooks. Century is very often specified
by periodicals which print the news in detail.
Order No. 1194065
1 Poi nt L eaded
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals
and textbooks. Century is very often specified
by periodicals which print the news in detail.
2 Point Leaded
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals
and textbooks. Century is very often specified
by periodicals which print the news in detail.
Order No. 1194073
1 Point Leaded
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals
and textbooks. Century is very often specified
by periodicals which print the news in detail.
2 Point Leaded
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals
and textbooks. Century is very often specified
by periodicals which print the news in detail. 18
11 Pt. Century Medium C-11-M Order No. 1194115
1234567890$.,-": ;!?*lh
.4%-()[ ]=t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 8 Points
Aver age Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious b a ~ a n c e , which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals,
textbooks and periodicals that print the news .

11 Pt. Century Italic C-11-1

1234567890$.,-":;1 ?*If21f4%-()[ J=t/+%&@
Recommended Impressi on Setting: 3 Capital Height : 8 Points
Average Number Of Char acters Per Pica:' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals,
textbooks and periodicals that print the news.
Order No. 1194118
1 Point Leaded
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals,
textboohs and periodicals that print the news.
2 Point Leaded
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals,
textboohs and periodicals that print the news.

11 Pt. Century Bold C-11-B

1234567890$.,-": ;!?*W.4%-()[ ]=t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 5 Capital Height: 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals,
textbooks and periodicals that print the news.
1 Point Leaded
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals,
textbooks and periodicals that print the news.
2 Point Leaded
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals,
textbooks and periodicals that print the news.
Order No. 11941 24
1 Point Leaded
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals,
textbooks and periodicals that print the news.
2 Point Leaded
Century is a fine, legible face characterized by
its harmonious balance, which helps produce
a clear, clean type impression. Because of its
graphic appeal, this type face has been widely
used for advertising matter as well as manuals,
textbooks and periodicals that print the news. 19
6 Pt. Classified News Medium CN-6-M
abcdefgh ij kl m no pqrst uvwxy z
1234567890$.,-":;!?*1f2 1/,1/4-() [1 =t /+%& @
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 4.5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Classified News is a sans-serif, clearly delineated type face. It
is valued for its efficiency-the ability to place a maximum
number of characters in a given space while maintaining
readability. I t therefore is widely used by newspapers for
classified advertising, an application which inspired its name.
Space-saving economy makes Classified News a popular
choice for statistical copy, forms, footnotes, and letterheads.
The strong vertical accent of each letter contributes to a
distinctly modern appearance. The abil ,ity of this type face to
compress without crowding is a mark of its modernity.
Order No. 1194056
1 Point Leaded
Classified News is a sansserif, clearly delineated type face. It
is valued for its effiCiency-the ability to place a maximum
number of characters in a given space while maintaining
readability. It therefore is widely used by newspapers for
classified advertiSing, an application which inspired its name.
Space-saving economy makes Classified News a popular
choice for statistical copy, forms, footnotes, and letterheads.
The strong vertical accent of each letter contributes to a
distinctly modern appearance. The ability of this type face to
compress without crowding is a mark of its modernity.
2 Point Leaded
Classified News is a sansserif, clearly delineated type face. It
is valued for its efficiency-the ability to place a maxi mum
number of characters in a given space while maintaining
readability. It therefore is widely used by newspapers for
classified advertising, an application which inspired its name.
Space-saving economy makes Classified News a popular
choice for statistical copy, forms, footnotes, and letterheads.
The strong vertical accent of each letter contributes to a
distinctly modern appearance. The ability of this type face to
compress without crowding is a mark of its modernity.
6 Pt. Classified News Bold CN-6-B
abcdefghij kl m nopqrstuvwx yz
1 234S6 7890$.,":;!? *if"/4
/4-[) [1 =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height : 4.5 Poi nts
Aver age Number a f Characters Per Pica: ' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Classified News is a sans-serif, clearly delineated type face. It
is valued for its efficiency-the ability to place a maximum
number of characters in a given space while maintaining
readability. It therefore is widely used by newspapers for
Classified advertising, an application which inspired its name.
Spacesaving economy makes Classified News a popular
choice for statistical copy, forms, footnotes, and letterheads.
The strong vertical accent of each letter contributes to a
distinctly modern appearance. The ability of this type face to
compress without crowding is a mark of its modernity.
Order No. 1194064
1 Point Leaded
Classified News is a sansserif, clearly delineated type face. It
is valued for its effiCiency-the ability to place a maximum
number of characters in a given space while maintaining
readability. It therefore is widely used by newspapers for
classified advertising, an application which inspired its name.
Spacesaving economy makes Classified News a popular
choice for statistical copy. forms, footnotes, and letterheads.
The strong vertical accent of each letter contributes to a
distinctly modern appearance. The ability of this type face to
compress without crowding is a mark of its modernity.
2 Point Leaded
Classified News is a sansserif, clearly delineated type face. It
is valued for its effiCiency-the ability to place a maximum
number of characters in a given space while maintaining
readability. It therefore is widely used by newspapers for
classified advertising, an application which inspired its name.
Space-saving economy makes Classified News a popular
choice for statistical copy, forms, footnotes, and letterheads.
The strong vertical accent of each letter contributes to a
distinctly modern appearance. The ability of this type face to
compress without crowding is a mark of its modernity.
If' d News Medium CN-8-M
abcdefgh ij kl mnopqrstuvwx yz
1234567890$.,-": ;I? *1/2
/4-() [1 =t j+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capit al Height: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Classified News is a clearly delineated sansserif type
face. The strong vertical accent of each letter denotes
a sharp modern appearance. Its distinctive, clean look
attracts attention, making it a popular type style
selection for subheads and captions. Because of its
superb readability, Classified News can be used with
good effect as text type. Its use by newspapers for
classified advertising inspired the choice of its name.
Order No. 1194060
1 Point Leaded
Classified News is a clearly delineated sansserif type
face. The strong vertical accent of each letter denotes
a sharp modern appearance. Its distinctive, clean look
attracts attention, making it a popular type style
selection for subheads and captions. Because of its
superb readability, Classified News can be used with
good effect as text type. Its use by newspapers for
classified advertising inspired the choice of its name.
2 Poi nt Leaded
Classified News is a clearly delineated sansserif type
face. The strong vertical accent of each letter denotes
a sharp modern appearance. Its distinctive, clean look
attracts attention, making it a popular type style
selection for subheads and captions. Because of its
superb readability, Classified News can be used with
good effect as text type. Its use by newspapers for
classified advertising i'nspired the choice of its name. 20
8 Pt. CI Bold CN-8-B
abcd efgh ijkl mnopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890$.,-":;! ?*1/zl/4J/4-O [1 =t /+%&@
Recomme nded Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height : 6 Points
A'Je';;ge Numbe r Of Characters Per Pica : 2.9
Cnareete' Cou nt Scale: See page 5.
Classified News is a clearly delineated sans-serif type
face. The strong vertical accent of each letter denotes
a sharp modern appearance. Its distinctive, clean look
attracts attention, making it a popular type style
selection for subheads and captions. Because of its
superb readability, Classified News can be used with
good effect as text type. Its use by newspapers for
classified advertising inspired the choice of its name.
Order No. 1194063
1 Point Leaded
Classified News is a clearly delineated sans-serif type
face. The strong vertical accent of each letter denotes
a sharp modern appearance. Its distinctive, clean look
attracts attention, making it a popu lar type style
selection for subheads and captions. Because of its
superb readability, Classified News can be used with
good effect as text type. Its use by newspapers for
classified advertising inspired the choice of its name.
2 Point Leaded
Classified News is a clearly delineated sans-serif type
face. The strong vertical accent of each letter denotes
a sharp modern appearance. Its distinctive, clean look
attracts attention, making it a popular type style
selection for subheads and captions. Because of its
su perb readability, Classified News can be used with
good effect as text type. Its use by newspapers for
classified advertising inspired the choice of its name.
10 Pt. Classified News Medium CN-10-M
1234567890$.,-" :; ! ?*lh
/4-0[ 1=t/+%&@
Recommended Impress ion Setting: 2 Capital Height : 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: 2.5
Cha ract er Count Scale: See page 5.
Classified News is a clearly defined sans-serif
type face. The strong vertical accent of each
letter gives it a distinctly modern appearance.
Its sharp, clean look stands out, making it a
popular type style for subheads and captions.
Because of its readability, Classified News can
be used with equally good effect as text type.
Order No. 1194059
1 Point Leaded
Classified News is a clearly defined sans-serif
type face. The strong vertical accent of each
letter gives it a distinctly modern appearance.
Its sharp, clean look stands out, making it a
popular type style for subheads and captions.
Because of its readability, Classified News can
be used with equally good effect as text type.
2 Point Leaded
Classified News is a clearly defined sans-serif
type face. The strong vertical accent of each
letter gives it a distinctly modern appearance.
Its sharp, clean look stands out, making it a
popular type style for subheads and captions.
Because of its readability, Classified News can
be used with equally good effect as text type.
10 Pt. Classified News Bold CN-10-8
1234567890$.,-":;! ?*1f21f4
/4-0 [1 =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 4 Capital Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Classified News is a clearly defined sans-serif
type face. The strong vertical accent of each
letter gives it a distinctly modern appearance.
Its sharp, clean look stands out, making it a
popular type style for subheads and captions.
Because of its readability, Classified News can
be used with equally good effect as text type.
Order No. 1194062
1 Point Leaded
Classified News is a clearly defined sans-serif
type face. The strong vertical accent of each
letter gives it a distinctly modern appearance_
Its sharp, clean look stands out, making it a
popular type style for subheads and captions.
Because of its readability, Classified News can
be used with equally good effect as text type.
2 Point Leaded
Classified News is a clearly defined sans-serif
type face. The strong vertical accent of each
letter gives it a distinctly modern appearance.
Its sharp, clean look stands out, making it a
popular type style for subheads and captions.
Because of its readability, Classified News can
be used with equai lly good effect as text type. 21

6 Pt. Copperplate Gothic Medium CG-6-M Order No. 1194417

**11111 O'.;! __%/8:=Il_@ ~ # , . ,
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 4 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
G CG-8-M
*;11111 O'.;! __- %/&={)_ @ ~ #,.:
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
1 Point Leaded
2 Poinl Leaded
Order No. 1194416
1 Point Leaded
2 Point Leaded
10 Pt. Copperplate Gothic Medium CG-10-M
1234567890-$t...+O oDuo"*+[=]?
*:1:11111 D' .; !__%/&= (} _ @ 'I #,.:
Recommended Impression Selting: 3 Capital Heighl: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi ca: ' 2.5
Charact er Cou nt Scale: See page 5.
Soli d
Order No. 11944 15
1 Point Leaded
2 Point Leaded
12 Pt. Copperplate Gothic Medium CG-12-M
1234567890-$t ... +O,D lo"*+[=]?
*:1:111 11 D'. ;!_%/&=(l - @ ~ # , . :
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Charact ers Per Pi ca:' 2.5
Charact er Count Scal e: See page 5.
Order No. 11 94414
1 Point Leaded
2 Point Leaded
8 Pt. Journal Roman Medium J-8-M
1234567890$.,-": :!? y,IH4- 0 [] =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from the fine
proportions of this well-designed classic face. This distinctive
font, with its uniform weights, and easily read characters, is
particularly well adapted for journal and book composition.
Its letter-forms, and eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its
italic face, serve to create an impression of enduring appeal.
Journal Roman's practicality and refined quality make it an
excellent choice for use in many forms of educational matter.
Order No. 1194087
1 Point Leaded
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from the fine
proportions of this well-designed classic face. This distinctive
font, with its uniform weights, and easily read characters, is
particularly well adapted for journal and book composition.
Its letter-forms, and eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its
italic face, serve to creat" an impression of enduring appeal.
Journal Roman's practicality and refined quality make it an
excellent choice for usc in many forms of educational matter.
2 Point Leaded
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from the fine
proportions of this well-designed classic face. This distinctive
font, with its uniform weights, and easily read characters, is
particularly well adapted for journal and book composition.
Its letter-forms, and eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its
italic face, serve to create an impression of enduring appeal.
Journal Roman's practicality and refined quality make it an
excellent choice for use in many forms of educational matter.
8 Pt. Journal Roman Italic J-8-1
1234567890$., - ": ;'? 'h14J4-() [J =tl+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height : 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
journal Roman derives its characteristic style from the fine
proportions of this well-designed classic face. This distinctive
fonl , with its uniform weichts, and easily read cbaracters, is
particularly well adapted Jor journal and book composition.
Its letter-[orms, and eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its
italic face, serve to create an impression of enduring appeal.
journal Roman's practicality and refined quality make it an
excellent choice for use in many forms of educational malter.
Order No. 1194088
1 Point Leaded
journal Roman derives its characteristic style from the fine
proportions of this weI/-designed classic face. This distinctive
font , with its uniform weights, and easily read characters, is
particularly well adapted for journal and book composition.
Its letterforms, and eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its
italic face, serve to create an impression of enduring appeal.
journal Roman 's praclicality and refined quality make it an
excellent choice for use ill many forms of educational matter.
2 Poi nt Leaded
journal Roman derives its characteristic style from tbe fine
proportions of this well-designed classic face. This distinctive
font, with its uniform weights, and easily read characters, is
particularly well adapted for journal and book composition.
Its letter-forms, and eccelltric calligraphic portrayal of its
italic face, serve to create an impression of enduring appeal.
journal Roman's practicality and refined quality make it an
excellent choice for use in many forms of educational matter.
8 Pt. Journal Roman Bold J-8-B
1234567890$.,-":;!? 'h'.4%-O [] =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from the fine
proportions of this well-designed classic face. This distinctive
font, with its uniform weights, and easily read characters, is
particularly wcll adapted for journal and book composition.
Its letter-forms, and eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its
italic face, serve to crcate an impression of enduring appeal.
Journal Roman's practicality and refined quality make it an
excellent choice for use in many forms of educational matter.
Order No. 1194089
1 Point Leaded
journal Roman derives its characteristic style from the fine
proportions of this well-designed classic face. This distinctive
font, with its uniform weights, and easily read characters, is
particularly well adapted for journal and book composition.
Its letterforms, and eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its
italic face, serve to create an impression of enduring appeal.
Journal Roman's practicality and refjned quality make it an
excellent choice for usc in many forms of educational matter.
2 Point Leaded
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from the fine
proportions of this welldesigned classic face. This distinctive
font, with its uniform weights, and easily read characters, is
particularly well adapted for journal and book composition.
Its letter-forms, and eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its
italic face, serve to create an impression of enduring appea\.
journal Roman's practicality and refined quality make it an
excellent choice for use in many forms of educational matter. 24

8 Pt. Journal Roman Bold Italic J-8-BI Order No. 1194135

1234567890$.,-"; ;!?*'lzl4 '4 - 0{ J=t/ +%&@
Recommended Impression Setting : 3 Capital Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
journal Roman derives its characteristic style from the fille
proportions of this well-desigl1ed classic face. This distinctive
font, with its uniform weichts, and easily read characters, is
particularly well adapted J'or journal MId book composition.
Its letter-forms, and eccelltric calligraphic portrayal of its
italic face, serve to create an impression of enduring appeal.
j01l17lal Roman's practicality and refined quality make it an
excellent choice for lise in many forms of edllcational matter.
10 Pt. Journal Roman Medium J-10-M
1234567890$., -" :;!? *'12',4%- 0 [1 =t I+ %&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capit al Height: 6 Points
Average Number Of Character s Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from
the fine proportions of this well-designed classic face.
This distinctive font, with its uniform weights, and
easily read characters, is particularly well adapted for
journal and book composition. Its letter-forms, and
eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its ita.1ic face, serve
to create an impression of enduring attractiveness.
Order No. 1194084
1 Poin t Leaded
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from
the fine proportions of this well-designed classic face.
This distinctive font, with its uniform weights, and
easily read characters, is particul arly well adapted for
journal and book composition. Its letter-forms, and
eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve
to create an ImpreSSIOn of enduring attractiveness.
2 Point Leaded
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from
the finc proportions of this well-designed classic face.
This distinctive font, with its uniform weights, and
easily read characters, is particularly well adapted for
journal and book compositio n. Its letter-forms, and
eccentric calligraphic portraY,ll of its italic face, serve
to create an impression of enduring attractiveness.
10 Pt. Journal Roman Italic J-10-1
abcdefghijklm nopq-rstuvwxyz
1234567890$., -"; ;!1* 'h!4 , - ()f J=t / +%& @
Recommended Impression Sett i ng: 2 Cap ital Height : 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
journal Roman derives its characteristic style from
the fin e proportions of this well-designed classic face.
This distinctive font , with its uniform weights, and
easily read cbaracters, is particularly well adapted for
journal and book composition. Its letterJorms, and
eccentric calligrapbic portrayal of its italic face, serve
to create an impression of enduring attractiveness.
1 Point Leaded
jOllrnal Roman derives its characteristic style from the fine
proportions of this well-designed classic face. This distinctive
font, with its uniform weights, and easily read characters, is
particularly well adapted for journal and book composition.
Its letter-[ornls, and eccemric calligraphic portrayal of its
italic face, serve to create an impressioll of enduril1g appeal.
journal Roman's practicality and refined quality make it an
excellem choice for lise in many fornls ofeducational matter.
2 Point Leaded
journal Roman derives its characteristic style from the fine
proportions of this well-designed classic face. This distinctive
font, witl> its uniform weights, and easily read characters, is
particularly well adapted for JOIln/al and book composition.
fts letter-[orms, and eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its
italic face, serve to create an impression of enduring appeal.
journal Roman's practicality and refined quality make it all
excellent choice for lise in trnlny forms of educational matter.
Order No. 1194085
1 Poi n t Leaded
journal Roman derives its characteristic style from
the fine proportions of this well-designed classic fac e.
This distinctive font , with its uniform weights, and
easily read characters, is particularly well adapted for
journal and book composition. Its letter-forms, and
eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its italic fac e, serv e
to create an impression of enduring attractiveness.
2 Point Leaded
journal Roman derives its charact eristic style from
tbe fine proportions of tbis well-designed classic fac e.
Tbis distinctive font , with its uniform weights, and
easily read cbaracters, is particularly well adapted for
journal and book composition. Its Ie tter-forms, and
eccentric calligrapbic portrayal of its italic fac e, serve
to create an impression of enduring attractiveness. 25
1 J-l0-B
abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890$.,-":;!? *1hI4%-() [] =t /+%&@
Recommended Impressi on Setting: 4 Capital Height : 6 Points
Average Number Of Ch ar acters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from
the fine proportions of this well-designed classic face.
This distinctive font, with its uniform weights and
easily read characters, is particularly well adapted for
journal and book composition. Its letterforms, and
eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve
to create an impression of enduring attractiveness.
Order No. 1194086
1 Point Leaded
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from
the finc proportions of this well-designed classic face.
This distinctive font, with its uniform weights and
easily read characters, is particularly well adapted for
journal and book composition. Its letter-forms, and
eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve
to create an impression of enduring attractiveness.
2 Point Leaded
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from
the finc proportions of this well-designed classic face.
This distinctive font, with its uniform weights and
easily read characters, is particularly well adapted for
journal and book composition. Its letter-forms, and
cccentric calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve
to create an impression of enduring attractiveness.
R m n B I It I J-10-BI
1234567890$.,- ":;!? *'Iz'4!4-(){J=tl +%&@
Recommended I mpression Setting: 4 Capital Height : 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from
tbe fine proportions of this welldesigned classic face.
This distinctive fOIlt, with its uniform weights and
easily read characters, is particularly well adapted for
journal alld book composition. Its letter-forms, and
eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve
to create an impression of elldllring attractiveness.
Order No. 1194091
1 Point Leaded
Joumal Roman derives its cbaracteristic style from
the fine proportions of tbis well-designed classic face.
This distinctive font, with its uniform weights and
easily read characters, is particularly well adapted for
journal and book composition. Its letter-fonns, and
eccentric calligrapbic portrayal of its italic face, serve
to create an impression of enduring attractiveness.
2 Point Leaded
Journal Roman derives its characteristic style from
the fine proportions of tbis well-designed classic face.
This distinctive font, witb its unifonn weights and
easily read characters, is particularly well adapted for
journal and book composition. Its letter-fonns, alld
eccentric calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve
to create all impression of enduring attractiveness.
11 Pt. Journal Roman Medium J-11-M
1234567890$.,-":;!? *liz '4%-0 [] =t I+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capit al Height : 7 Poi nts
Aver age Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
] ournal Roman derives its character from the
finely designed proportions of this classic face .
This distinctive font is well adapted for book
composition. I ts letter-forms, and eccentric
calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve to
create an impression of lasting attractiveness.
Order No. 1194081
1 Poi nt Leaded
] ournal Roman derives its character from the
finely designed proportions of this classic face.
This distinctive font is well adapted for book
composition. Its letter-forms, and eccentric
calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve to
create an impression of lasting attractiveness.
2 Point Leaded
] ournal Roman derives its character from the
finely designed proportions of this classic face.
This distinctive font is well adapted for book
composition. I ts letter-forms, and eccentric
calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve to
create an impression of lasting attractiveness. 26
11 Pt. Journal Roman Italic J-11-1 Order No. 1194082
1234567890$.,- "; ;! ?*0 I4Y4- ()[} =t l +%&@
Reco mmended Impressiol) Setl ing: 3 Cap it al Height. 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: . 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Sol id
Journal Roman derives its character from the
finely designed proportions of this classic face.
This distinctive font is well adapted for book
composition. Its letter-forms, and eccentric
calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve to
create an impresslOn of lasting attractiveness.
11 Pt. Journal Roman Bold J-11-B
1234567890$. ,-":;!? * Yl 1,4 %-0 [) =t I+%&
Recommended Impression Selling : 5 Capital Height : 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi ca:' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Journal Roman derives its character from the
finely designed proportions of this classic face.
This distinctive font is well adapted for book
composition. Its letter-forms, and eccentric
calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve to
create an impression of lasting attractiveness.
Order No. 1194083
1 Poi n t Leaded
Journal Roman derives its character from the
finely designed proportions of this classic face.
This distinctive font is well adapted for book
composition. Its letter-forms, and eccentric
calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve to
create an impression of lasting attractiveness.
2 Point Leaded
Journal Roman derives its character from the
finely designed proportions of this classic face.
This distinctive font is well adapted for book
composition. Its letter-forms, and eccentric
calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve to
create an impression of lasting attractiveness.
11 Pt. Journal Roman Bold Italic J-11-BI
1234567890$.,- "; ;!? *1JzI4J4-() [] =tl+%&@
Recommended Impression Setling: 5 Capit al Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
journal Roman derives its character from the
finely designed proportions ofthis classic face.
This distinctive font is well adapted for book
composition. Its letter-forms, and eccentric
calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve to
create an impresslOll of lasting attractiveness.
1 Point Leaded
Journal Roman derives its character from the
finely designed proportions of this classic face.
This distinctive font is well adapted for book
composition. Its letter-forms, and eccentric
calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve to
create an impression of lasting attractiveness.
2 Point Leaded
Journal Roman derives its character from the
finely designed proportions of this classic face.
This distinctive font is well adapted for book
composition. Its letter-forms, and eccentric
calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve to
create an impression of lasting attractiveness.
Order No. 1194090
1 Point Leaded
journal Roman derives its cbaracter from tbe
finely designed proportions of this classic face.
This distinctive font is well adapted for book
composition. Its letter-forms, and eccentric
calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve to
create an impression of lasting attractiveness.
2 Point Leaded
journal Roman derives its character from the
finely designed proportions of this classic face.
This distinctive font is well adapted for book
composition. Its letter-forms, and eccentric
calligraphic portrayal of its italic face, serve to
create an impression of lasting attractiveness. 27
7 Pt. Press Roman Medium PR-7-M
abcdefghijkJ mnopqrstuvwx yz
1234567890$.,": ;!'1 y,y.J,4-0[ I =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capi tal Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
upright face, rich in feeling and quality, which can be used
for varied applications, including newsletters and brochures.
7 Pt. Press Roman Italic PR-7-1
1234567890$. ,, " : ;/?*'/JI4'A- ()[ J=t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height : 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has all overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descellders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
upright face, rich in feeling and quality, which can be used
for varied applications, inc/uding newsletters alld brochures.
Order No. 1194010
1 Poi n t Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, wltich is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An allalysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasillg. The short
ascellders and descenders, also cltaracteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
uprig/t t face, rich in feelillg alld quality, which can be used
for varied applications, including newsletters and brochures.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a praG1icai type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constn/cted,
upright face, rich in feeling and quality, which can be used
for varied applications, including ne wsletters and brochures.
7 Pt. Press Roman Bold PR-7-B
a bcdefghijkJmnopqrs tuvwxy z
1234567890$,":;!?*'j,y.t.\-O[ I =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height : 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica : ' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. 11 has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
upright face, rich in feeling and quality, which can be used
for varied applications, including newsletters and brochures.
Order No. 1194009
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
upright face, rich in feeling and quality, which can be used
for varied applications, including newsletters and brochures.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
upright face, rich in feeling and quality, which can be used
for varied applications, including newsletters and brochures.
Order No. 1194153
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legi bility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. 11 has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
upright face. rich in feeling and quality, which can be used
for varied applications, including newsletters and brochures.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analy sis of Press Roman reveals tha t it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. 11 has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. 11 is a sturdily constructed,
upright face, rich in feeling and quality, which can be used
for varied applications, including newsletters and brochures.

7 Pt. Press Roman Bold Italic PR-7-BI Order No. 1194' 50

abcdef ghijklmnopqrstuvwxy z
1234567890$.,":;!?"1,i'4.J1. - () [1=t 1+% *@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 5 Point s
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5 .
Soli d
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
upright face, rich in feeling and quality, which can be used
for varied applications, including newsletters and brochures .

8 Pt. Press Roman Medium PR-8-M

abcdefghijk.lmno pqrstuvwxyz
1234567890$. ,," :;!?*V,Y.%-O[ 1 =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setti ng : 1 Capi t al Height : 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi ca : " 3.3
Charact er Count Scale: See page 5 .
Press Roman is a practical t y pe face, which is characterized
both by its di stinctive appearance as well as by it s legibilit y.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thi ck and thin strokes as are fou nd frequentl y in other type
faces. I t has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characterist ic of the t y pe fac e,
create a large lower case letter. I t is a sturdil y constructed,
dignified [ace, whi ch can be utili zed for vari ed appli cations.
Order No. '1 94006
, Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practi cal type face, which is characterized
both by its di stinctive appearance as well as by its legibilit y.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin st ro kes as are found frequ ently in other ty pe
faces. I t has an overall symmet ry that is pl easing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteri stic of the type face,
create a large lower <: ase letter. It is a sturdil y constru cted,
digni fied face, which can be utilized for varied appli cations.
2 Poin t Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type fa ce, whi ch is charac terized
both by its di stinc tive appearance as well as by its legibilit y.
An analysis o f Press Roman reveals tha t it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other t ype
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characterist ic of the t ype face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdil y constructed,
dignifi ed face, which can be utilized fo r varied a pplications.
8 Pt. Press Roman Italic PR-8-1
1234567890$. , ":,I? * Y,y.,'J{,_()/J =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setti ng: 1 Cap it ol Height: 6 Point s
Average Number Of Characters Per Pic,,: ' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
So li d
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinct iJle appearance as well as by its legibilit y.
An analysis of Press Ro man reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strok es as are f ound frequently in other type
fac es. It has an overall sy mmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the ty pe face,
creat e a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily construct ed,
dignified face, which can be utilized jor l'ilried applications.
1 Poi nt Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a Sfllrdily constructed,
upright face, rich in feeling and quality , which can be used
for varied applications, including newsletters and brochures.
2 Poi nt Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face ,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
upright face. rich in feeling and quality, which can be used
for varied applications, including newsletters and brochures.
Order No. 1194007
1 Poin t Leaded
Press Roman is a practical t y pe face, which is charact erized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibilit y.
An analysis of Press Roman reveah that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strok es as are jound frequently in other ty pe
faces. It has an overall sy mmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteriWic of the ty pe fac e,
create a large lo wer case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
dignif ied face, which can be utilized j or varied applications.
2 Poi nt Leaded
Press Roman is a practical t y pe face, which is charact erized
both by its distincti ve appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Ronza n reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
jaces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also charact eristic of the ty pe face,
creat e a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily construct ed,
dignified jace, which can be utilized for varied applications. 29
8 Pt. Press Roman Bold PR-8-B
1234567890$.,": ;!?*Y2\\.%-O[ 1=t /+o/o&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Heigh!: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica :' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. I t has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
dignified face, which can be utilized for varied applications.
Order No. 1194008
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
dignified face, which can be utilized for varied applications.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has no pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constructed,
dignified face, which can be utilized for varied applications.
8 Pt. Press Roman Bold Italic PR-8-BI
1234567890$." ":;/?*Uy.,X-()I/=tl+'JIO&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Hei gh !: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has I/O pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are found frequently in other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descel/ders. also characteristic of the type face.
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constmcted.
dignified face. which call be utilized for I'aried applications.
Order No. 1194132
1 Poin! Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinc/iJle appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has I/O pronounced
thick and thill strokes as are found frequently ill other type
faces. It has an overall symmetry that is pleasing. The short
ascenders and descenders, also characteristic of the type face ,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constmcted,
dignified face, which can be utilized for varied applica tions.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face, which is characterized
both by its distinctive appearance as well as by its legibility.
An analysis of Press Roman reveals that it has 110 pronounced
thick and thin strokes as are foulld frequently in other type
faces. It has an ol'erall symmetry that is pleasillg. The short
ascenders and descenders. also characteristic of the type face,
create a large lower case letter. It is a sturdily constmcted.
dignified face, which can be utilized for Ilaried applications.
9 Pt. Press Roman Medium PR-9-M
abcde fghij kim nopq rs tuvwxyz
1234567890$.,-: ;!? *Y2'1.
1. - () [ 1=t j+%&@
Recommended Impression Selling: 2 Capi!al Hei gh!: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi ca" 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type fa ces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
Order No. 1194077
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces . The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. I t is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face whi c h ca n be used for a variety of applications.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roma n is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case lett er. I t is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
9 PR-9-1
123456 7890$., -":;! ?*Y:JY<,% - () f / =t/+% &@
Recommended I mpression Selling: 2 Capital Height : 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily construct ed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
Order No. 1194078
1 Point Leaded
Press Romall is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large 10lver
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Charact eristi cally, Press
Roman has no pronollnced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently ill other ty pe faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily construct ed type
face which ca n be used for a variety of applications.
1234567890$.,-" : ;!?*'M:'..-O[ 1=t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height : 6 Poi nts
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
Order No. 1194079
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces . The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
abcdefghijklmnapqrs /U vwxyz
1234567890$.,- ":;1?*Y:JY<,%-() f f =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height : G Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fille legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
Order No. 1194127
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large 10 wer
case leiter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibili/y. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications. 31
" 10 Pt. Pres Roman Medium PR-l0-M
1234567890$.,-": =t j+o/o&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capit ,, 1Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: . 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
So lid
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
10 Pt. Press Roman Italic PR-1O-1
1234567890$.,- ":;1 ] =t/+'fo&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Charact ers Per Pic,, : ' 2.9
Ch"racter Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristical(v, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thill strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety uf applications.
Order No. 1194004
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Ramon has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constntcted type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently ill other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constntcted type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
10 Pt. Press Roman Bold PR-l0-8
1234567890$.,-": 1=t j+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 4 Capital Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
Order No. 1194003
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
Order No. 1194005
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications. 32
10 Pt. Press Roman Sold Italic PR-l0-SI
Recommended I mpressi on Setting : 4 Capital Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Charact ers Per Pi ca:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Sol id
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
Order No. 1194121
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically, Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily constructed type
face which can be used for a variety of applications.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a unique type face highlighting both
appearance and fine legibility. Characteristically. Press
Roman has no pronounced thick and thin strokes as
are found frequently in other type faces. The short
ascenders and descenders help to create a large lower
case letter. It is a dignified, sturdily cOllstmcted type
face which can be used for a variety of applications .
11 Pt. Press Roman Medium PR-ll-M
1234567890$.,-" : ;!?*Wi4%- O[ 1=t /+%&@
Recommended I mpression Selling: 3 Capital Height : 8 Points
Aver age Number Of Charact ers Per Pica: ' 2.5
Charact er Count Scal e: See page 5 .
Press Roman is a practical type face featuring
excell ent form and clarity. Characteristically,
Press Roman has no pronounced thick or thin
lines as found frequently in other type faces.
It is a sturdily constructed face, rich in feeling,
that can be employed for numerous purposes.
Order No. 1194000
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face featuring
exceBen t form and clarity. Characteri stically,
Press Roman has no pronounced thick or thin
lines as found frequently in other type faces.
It is a sturdily constructed face, rich in feeling,
that can be employed for numerous purposes.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face featuring
excellent form and clarity. Characteristi cally,
Press Roman has no pronounced thick or thin
lines as found frequently in other type faces.
It is a sturdily constructed face, rich in feeling,
that can be employed for numerous purposes .
11 Pt. Press Roman Italic PR-ll-1
abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz
J234567890$. ,- ": ;/ ?*!12!4%- ()( J=t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capit al Height : 8 Points
Average Number Of Charact ers Per Pi ca: ' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5 .
Sol id
Press Roman is a practical ty pe face f eaturing
excellent f orm and clarity. Characteristically,
Press Roman has no pronounced thick or thin
lines as f ound frequently in other ty pe faces.
It is a sturdily constructed fa ce, rich in f eeling,
that can be employed fo r numerous purposes.
Order No. 1194001
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face f eaturing
excellent f orm and clarity. Charact eristically ,
Press Roman has no pronounced thick or thin
lines as found frequently in uther ty pe fa ces.
It is a sturdily constructed face, rich in f eeling,
that can be employed f or numerous purposes.
2 POint Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face f eaturing
excellent form and clarity. Charact eristically,
Press Roman has no pronounced thick or thin
lines as found frequently in other ty pe faces.
It is a sturdily constructed face, rich in feeling,
that can be employ ed f or numerous purposes. 33
11 Pt. Press Roman Bold PR- 11-B Order No. 1194002
1234567890$.,-" : ;!?*W.4%-()[] =,j+%&@
Recommended Impr ession Sett i ng: 5 Capital Heigh t : 8 Poi nts
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi ca: ' 2.5
Charact er Count Scale: See page 5.
So li d
Press Roman is a practical type face fea turing
excellent form and clarity. Characteristically,
Press Roman has no pronounced thick or thin
lines as found frequently in other type faces.
It is a sturdily constructed face, rich in feeling,
that can be employed for numerous purposes.
11 Pt. Press Roman Bold Italic PR- l 1-BI
1234567890$. ,-":;!?*W4%-{}/ J=t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Sett ing: 5 Capital Height : 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi ca: ' 2.5
Charact er Count Scale: See page 5.
Press Roman is a practical type face featuring
excellent form and clarity. Characteristically.
Press Roman has no pronounced thick or thin
lines as found frequently in other type faces.
It is a sturdily constmcted face, rich in feeling,
that can be employed for numerous purposes.
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face featuring
excellent form and clarity. Characteristically,
Press Roman has no pronounced thick or thin
lines as found frequently in other type faces.
It is a sturdily constructed face, rich in feeling,
that can be employed for numerous purposes.
2 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face featuring
excellent form and clarity. Character,istically,
Press Roman has no pronounced thick or thin
lines as found frequently in other type faces.
It is a sturdily constructed face, rich in feeling,
that can be employed for numerous purposes.
Order No. 11941 16
1 Point Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face featuring
excellent form and clarity. Characteristically ,
Press Roman has no prollounced thick or thin
lines as found frequently ill other type faces.
It is a sturdily constructed face, rich in feeling,
that can be employed for numerous purposes.
2 Poin t Leaded
Press Roman is a practical type face featuring
excellent form and clarity. Characteristically ,
Press Romall has 110 pronounced thick or thin
lines as foulld frequently in other type faces.
It is a sturdily constructed face, rich in feeling,
that can be employed for numerous purposes.

8 Pt. Pyramid Medium P-8-M Order No. 1194034

1234567890$. ,-" :;' ?*1/2WI. -() [1 =t I +%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capit al Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Charact ers Per Pica: 3.3
Charact er Count Scal e: See page 5.
Pyramid is a uniquely designed face featuring a square serif.
Because of it s excellent ability to hold the reader's attention,
it lends itself particularly well to material requiring special
emphasis. Although it often is used for subheads in printed
material, it can also be used with equally good effect as a
text type face. A prime example of Pyramid's application as
a text face is its frequent use for catalog copy. Other areas
where it can be used are in advertising and promotion pieces.

8 Pt. Pyramid Italic P-8- 1

1234567890$.,-": ;'?*'iHr.%-()[ J=tl+"IO&@
Recommended I mpression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 3. 3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Pyramid is a uniquely designed face featuring a square ser if.
Because of its excellent a bility to hold the reader's attention,
it lends itself particularly well to material requiring special
emphasis. Although it often is used for subheads in printed
material, it can also be used with equally good effect as a
text type face. A prime example of Pyramid's application as
a text fac e is its frequent use for catalog copy. Other areas
where it can be used are in advertising and promo tion pieces.
Order No. 1194035
1 Poin t Leaded
Pyramid is a uniquely designed face featuring a square serif.
Because of its excellent ability to hold the reader's attention,
it lends itself particularly well to material requiring special
emphasis. Although it oft en is used for subheads in printed
material, it can also be used with equally good effect as a
text type face. A prime example of Pyramid's application as
a text face is its frequent use for catalog copy. Other areas
where it can be used are in advertising and promotion pieces.
2 Poi nt Leaded
Pyramid is a uniquely design ed face featuring a square serif.
Because of its excellent ability to hold the reader's attention,
it lends itself particularly well to mat erial requiring special
emphasis. Although it often is used for subheads in printed
material, it can also be used with equally good effect as a
text type face. A prime example of Pyramid's application as
a text face is its frequent use for catalog copy. Other areas
where it can be used are in advertising and promotion pieces
10 Pt P mid M diurn P-10-M
1234567890$. ,-" : ;!?*YzV-!1il - ()[] =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting : 2 Capi ta l Height : 7 Points
Aver age Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Char acter Count Scale: See page 5.
So lid
Pyramid is a uniquely designed face featuring a square
serif. Because of its outstanding ability to hold the
reader's attention, it lends itself particularly well to
material requiring special emphasis. Although it often
is used for subheads in printed material, it can also be
used with especially good effect as a text type face_
An example of this is Pyramid's use for catalog copy_
1 Poi nt Leaded
Pyramid is a uniquely designed face featuring a square serif.
Because of its excellent ability to hold the reader's attention,
it lends itself particularly well to material requiring special
emphasis_ Although it often is used for subheads in printed
material, it can also be used with equally good effect as a
text type face. A prime example of Pyramid's application as
a text face is its frequent use for catalog copy. Other areas
where it can be used are in advertising and promotion pieces.
2 Point Leaded
Pyramid is a uniquely designed face featuring a square serif.
Because of its excellent ability to hold the reader's attention,
it lends itself particularly well to material requiring special
emphasis. Although it often is used for subheads in printed
material, it can also be used with equally good effect as a
text type face_ A prime example of Pyramid's application as
a text face is its frequent use for catalog copy. Other areas
where it can be used are in advertising and promotion pieces_
Order No. 1194032
1 Point Le"decl
Pyramid is a uniquely designed face featuring a square
serif. Because of its outstanding ability to hold the
reader's attention, it lends itself particularly well to
material requiring special emphasis_ Although it often
is used for subheads in printed material, it can also be
used with especially good effect as a text type face.
An example of this is Pyramid's use for catalog copy.
2 Poi nt Leaded
Pyramid is a uniquely designed face featuring a square
serif Because of its outstanding ability to hold the
reader's attention, it lends itself particularly well to
material requiring special emphasis_ Although it often
is used for subheads in printed material, it can also be
used with especially good effect as a text type face.
An example of this is Pyramid's use for catalog copy. 35
10 Pt Pyramid Italic P-10-1
1234567890$.,":;!?*Y:z14%- ()[ j=tl+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height : 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Pyramid is a uniquely designed face featuring a square
serif. Because of its outstanding ability to hold the
reader's attention, it lends itself particularly well to
material requiring special emphasis. Although it often
is used for subheads in printed material, it can also be
used with especially good effect as a text type face.
An example of this is Pyramid's use for catalog copy.
Order No. 1194033
1 Point Leaded
Pyramid is a uniquely designed face featuring a square
serif. Because of its outstanding ability to hold the
reader's attention, it lends itself particularly well to
material requiring special emphasis. Although it often
is used for subheads in printed material, it can also be
used with especially good effect as a text type face.
An example of this is Pyramid's use for catalog copy.
2 Point Leaded
Pyramid is a uniquely designed face featuring a square
serif. Because of its outstanding ability to hold the
reader's attention, it lends itself particularly well to
material requiring special emphasis. Although it often
is used for subheads in printed material, it can also be
used with especially good effect as a text type face.
An example of this is Pyramid's use for catalog copy.
12 Pt. Pyramid Medium P-12-M
1234567890$.,-": ;!?*Y2'14*-O[] =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height : 8 Point s
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: 2.5
Character Count Scale: See P"ge 5.
Pyramid is a uniquely designed type face with
a square serif. Because of its ability to hold
the reader's attention, it lends itself especially
well to material requiring emphasis. Although
it is often used to designate subheads, it can
be used with equally good effect as text type.
Order No. 1194030
1 Poi nt Leaded
Pyramid is a uniquely designed type face with
a square serif. Because of its ability to hold
the reader's attention, it lends itself especially
well to material requiring emphasis. Although
it is often used to designate subheads, it can
be used with equally good effect as text type.
2 Point Leaded
Pyramid is a uniquely designed type face with
a square serif. Because of its ability to hold
the reader's attention, it lends itself especially
well to material requiring emphasis. Although
it is often used to designate subheads, it can
be used with equally good effect as text type.
12 Pt. Pyramid Italic P-12-1
1234567890$.,-": ;!?*y?4%- ()[] =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height : 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Pyramid is a uniquely designed type face with
a square serif. Because of its ability to hold
the reader's attention, it lends itself especially
well to material requiring emphasis. Although
it is often used to designate subheads, it can
be used with equally good effect as text type.
Order No. 1194031
1 Point Leaded
Pyramid is a uniquely designed type face with
a square serif. Because of its ability to hold
the reader's attention, it lends itself especially
well to material requiring emphasis. Although
it is often used to designate subheads, it can
be used with equally good effect as text type.
2 Point Leaded
Pyramid is a uniquely designed type face with
a square serif. Because of its ability to hold
the reader's attention, it lends itself especially
well to material requiring emphasis. Although
it is often used to designate subheads, it can
be used with equally good effect as text type. 36
S Pt. Theme Medium TS-M
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxy l
12345 67890$.,-":; ! HY2'4'l4_() [ I=t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi ca: . 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Theme is a distinctive type face which occupies a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs. I t is
highly contemporary in appearance, having a crispness and
clarity much sought after by tod ay's designers. In having
the simplicity of a sa ns-serif combined with the legibility
of the roman letter-fo rm, Theme is ideally suited for book
and catalog composition. Using this beautifully formed type
face will extend the scope of your graphics immeasurably.
Order No. 1194123
1 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face which occupies a special
place between the roman and sans-ser if type designs. I t is
highly cont emporary in appearance, having a crispness and
clarit y much sought after by today's designers. In having
the sim plicity of a sans-serif combined with the legibility
of the ro man letter-form, Th eme is ideally suited for book
and catalog composition. Using thi s beautifully formed ty pe
face will extend the scope of your graphics immeasurabl y.
2 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face which occupies a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs. It is
highly contemporary in a ppearance, having a crispness and
clarity much so ught after by today's designers. I n having
the simplicity of a sans-serif combined with the legibility
of the rom an letter-form, Theme is ideally suited for book
and catalog com position. Using this beautifully formed type
face will extend th e scope of your graphics immeasurably.
S Pt. Theme Italic T-S-I
7234567890$.,- ":;/ ?' 0i4f$- ()! j=t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Cha racter Count Scale: See page 5.
Theme is a distinctive type face IVhich occupies a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs. It is
highly contemporary in appearance, having a crispness and
clarity much 50ught after by today's designers. In hOl'ing
the simplicity of a sans-serif combined with the legibility
of the roman letter-form, Theme is ideally suited for book
and catal og composition. Using this beautifully formed type
face will extend the scope of your graphics immeasurably .
Order No. 1194128
1 Point Leaded
Theme i s a distinctive type face which occupies a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type desigllS. It is
highly contemporary in appearance, having a crispness and
clarity much sought after by today's designers. In hOl' ing
the simplicity of a sans-serif combined with the legibility
of the roman letter-form, Theme is ideally suited for book
and catalog composition. Using this beautifully formed type
face will extend the scope of your graphics immeasurably.
2 Point 'Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face which occupies a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs. It is
highly contemporary in appearance, having a crispness and
clarity much sought after by today's designers. In having
the simplicity of a sans-serif combined with the legibility
of the roman letter-form, Theme is ideally suited for book
and catalog composition. Using this beautifully formed type
face will extend the scope of your graphics immeasurably.
S Pt. Theme Bold T-S-B
abcdefghi jkl m no pqrstuvwx yz
1234567890$. ,-": ;!? V, '4'l4- () [I =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Theme is a distinctive type face which occupies a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs. It is
highly contemporary in appearance, having a crispness and
clarity much sought after by today's designers. In having
the simplicity of a sans-serif combined with the legibility
of the roman letter-form, Theme is ideally suited for book
and catalog composition. Using this beautifully formed type
face will extend the scope of your graphics immeasurably.
Order No. 11941 31
1 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face which occupies a special
place between the roman and sa ns-serif type designs. lit is
highly contemporary in appearance, having a crispness and
clarity much so ught after by today's designers. In having
the simplicity of a sans-serif combined with the legibility
of the roman letter-form, Theme is ideally suited for book
and catalog composition. Usi ng this beautifully formed type
face will extend the scope of your graphics immeasurably.
2 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face which occupies a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs. I t is
highly contemporary in appearance, having a crispness and
clarity much sought after by today's designers. In having
the simplicit y of a sa ns- serif combined with the legibility
of the roman letter-form, Theme is ideally suited for book
and catalog composition. Using this beautifully formed type
face will extend the scope of your graphics immeasurably. 37
10 Pt. Theme Medium T-10-M Order No. 1194126
abcdefgh i j k I mnopqrs tuvwxyz
1234567890$.,-":;! [1 =t /+%&@
Recommended Impressio n Setting: 2 Capital Height : 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi ca: ' 2.9
Charac ter Count Scale: See page 5.
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs.
Theme is highly contemporary in appearance, having
a crispness and clarity much sought after by today's
designers. In having the simplicity of a sans-serif
combined with the legibility of the roman letter-form,
Theme is ideally suited for book and catalog setting.
10 Pt. Theme Italic T-10-1
1234567890$. , - j =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Cap itaf Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pi ca:' 2.9
Cl,aracter COLint Scale: See page 5.
Th eme is a distinctive type face oCCLIpying a special
place between the roman and sal1S-serif type designs.
Theme is highly contemporary in appearance, having
a crispness and clarity much sought after by today's
designers. In having the simplicity of a sans-serif
combined with the legibility of the roman letter-form,
Theme is ideally suited far book and catalog setting.
Order No. 1194130
1 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs.
Theme is highly contemporary in appearance, having
a crispness and clarity much sought after by today's
designers. In having the simplicity of a sans-serif
combined with the legibility of the roman letter-form,
Theme is ideally suited for boo/? and catalog setting.
2 Poi nt Leaded
Them e is a distinctive type face occupying a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs.
Theme is highly contemporary in appearance, having
a crispness and clarity much sought after by today's
designers. In haVing the simplicity of a sans-serif
combined with the legibility of the roman letter-form,
Theme is ideally suited for book and catalog setting.
10 Pt. Theme Bold T-10-B
1234567890$.,-": ;!? =t/ +%&@
Recommended Impression Set ting: 4 Capital Height: 7 Poin ts
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: - 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs.
Theme is highly contemporary in appearance, having
a crispness and clarity much sought after by today's
designers. In having the simplicity of a sans-serif
combined with the legibility of the roman letter-form,
Theme is ideally suited for book and catalog setting.
1 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs.
Theme is highly contemporary in appearance, having
a crispness and clarity much sought after by today's
designers. In having the simplicity of a sans-serif
combined with the legibility of the mman letter-form,
Theme is ideally suited for book and catalog setting.
2 Poi nt Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs.
Theme is highly contemporary in appearance, having
a crispness and clarity much sought after by today's
designers. I n having the simplicity of a sans-serif
combined with the legibility of the roman letter-form,
Theme is ideally suited for book and catalog setting.
Order 1'<0. 1194134
1 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs.
Theme is highly contemporary in appearance, having
a crispness and clarity much sought after by today's
designers. I n having the sim pi icity of a sans-serif

combined with the legibility of tile roman letter-form,
Theme is ideally suited for book and catalog setting.
2 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a special
place between the roman and sans-serif type designs.
Theme is highly contemporary in appearance, having
a crispness and clarity much sought after by today's
designers. In having the simplicity of a sans-serif
combined with the Jegibility of the roman letter-form,
Theme is ideally suited for book and catalog setting. 38
11 Pt. Theme Medium T-"-M
abcdefgh i j kl mnopqrs tuvwxyz
1234567890$.,-":;! ?*Y2V4%- () [I =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height : 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a
special place between the roman and sans-serif
type designs. It is highly contemporary in
appearance having a crispness and clarity much
sought after by today's designers. It has a
simplicity ideal for book and catalog setting .
11 Pt. Theme Italic T-11-1
7234567890 $.,- ":;! ?*Y2J!4%- ()(
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height : 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a
special place between the roman and sans-serif
type designs. It is highly contemporary in
appearance having a crispness and clarity much
sought after by today's designers. It has a
simplicity ideal for book and catalog setting .
Order No. 1194119
1 Point leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a
special place between the roman and sans-serif
type designs. It is highly contemporary in
appearance having a crispness and clarity much
sought after by today's designers. It has a
simplicity ideal for book and catalog setting.
2 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a
special place between the roman and sans-serif
type designs. It is highly contemporary in
appearance having a crispness and clarity much
sought after by today's designers. It has a
simplicity ideal for book and catalog setting.
11 Pt. Theme Bold T-"-B
1234567890$.,-":;! =t/+%&@
Recommended Impressi on Setting: 5 Capital Height : 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a
special place between the roman and sans-serif
type designs. It is highly contemporary in
appearance having a crispness and clarity much
sought after by today's designers. It has a
simpl'icity ideal for book and catalog setting.
Order No. 1194117
1 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a
special place between the roman and sans-serif
type designs. I t is highly contemporary in
appearance having a crispness and cla rity much
sought after by today's designers. It has a
simplicity ideal for book and catalog setting.
2 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a
special place between the roman and sans-serif
type designs. It is highly contemporary in
appearance having a crispness and clarity much
sought after by today's designers. It has a
simplicity ideal for book and catalog setting.
Order No. 1194122
1 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a
special place between the roman and sans-serif
type designs. It is highly contemporary in
appearance having a crispness and clarity much
sought after by today's designers. It has a
simplicity ideal for book and catalog setting.
2 Point Leaded
Theme is a distinctive type face occupying a
special place between the roman and sans-serif
type designs. It is highly contemporary in
appearance having a crispness and clarity much
sought after by today's designers. It has a
simplicity ideal for book and catalog setting. 39

7 Pt. Univers Medium UN-7-M Order No. 1194052

abcdefghijk I mnopqrstuvwx yz
1234567890$. .. ;; !?' y,Y.Y.. -O [I ~ t / + % & @
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 4.5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Count Sca le: See page 5.
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the I BM "Selectric"
Composer. I t has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a cl ean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face, without
t y pographical eccentricities. It is a practical face, appropriate
for copy used in adverti sing and technological literature.
Used frequently for direct mail pieces, brochures and folders,
Univers refl ects a contemporary feeling in typography.

8 Pt. Univers Light UN-8-L

abcdefghi jklmno pqrst uvwxyz
1234567890$.. .. : ;!?*y,Y.%-() [] =t / +%&@
Recommended I mpress ion Setting: 1 Capital Height: 5 Point s
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Count Sca le; See page 5.
Thi s exampl e of Univers, a precisely defined sans-seri f f ace.
was creat ed by Adri an Frutiger for the I BM "Select r ic"
Composer . It has an el egant simplicity of st yl e. gi ving a clean,
cl ear type impr essi on. Uni vers is a st r ong face. wi thou t
typographi ca l eccentri citi es. I t is a practical face. appropri at e
f or copy used in adver tising and t echnol ogi cal l iterature.
Used fr equently for d irect mail pi eces. brochures and f ol ders,
Uni vers refl ec t s a contemporary f eeling in typography .
1 Point Leaded
This example of U nivers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM "Selectric"
Composer. I t has an elegant simplicity of style. giving a clean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face, wi thout
typographical eccen tri citi es. It is a practi ca l face, appropri ate
for copy used in advertising and technological lit er atur e.
Used frequently for direct mail pieces, brochures and folders,
Univers reflects a contemporary feeling in typogr aphy.
2 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sansvserif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the I BM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an el egant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face, without
typographical eccentri cit ies. I t is a practical face, appropri at e
f or copy used in advertising and tec hnological literature.
Used frequ entl y for direct mail pieces. brochur es and folders.
Univers reflects a contemporary feeling in t y pography .
Order No. 1194048
1 Point Leaded
Thi s exampl e of Univers, a prec isely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adr i an Frutiger for the I BM "Sel ec tri c"
Composer . I t has an el egant simplicity o f style. giving a cl ean,
clear t ype impressi on. Univers is a strong face. w ithou t
typographi cal eccent ri ci t ies. I t is a practical face. appropri ate
f or copy used in adver t ising and tec hnological lit erature.
Used frequent ly for di r ec t mail pieces, brochur es and folders.
Univers reflects a cont emporary feeli ng in typography.
2 Point Leoded
This exampl e of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif f ace.
was created by Ad ri an Fruti ger for the I BM "Selec tric"
Composer. It hasa elegant simplicity of styl e, giving a clean ,
cl ear t y pe impression. Univer s is a st r ong face, without
ty ographi cal eccent r ici ti e!.. I t is a prac t ical face, appr o ri ate
for copy used in advertising and t echnological l iterature.
Used f requently for direct mati pieces. orochur es and folders,
Uni vers r efl ect s a contemporar y feel ing i n typogra phy.

8 Pt. Univers Medium UN-8-M

abcdefgh i j kl mnopqrstuvwxy z
1234567890$. -" :; !?*y,y.%- () [] ~ t / + % & @
Recommended Impression Setting; 1 Capital Height ; 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica;' 3.3
Character Count Sca le; See page 5.
Sol id
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sansserif face.
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the I BM " Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style. giving a clean,
clear t ype impreSSion. Univers is a strong face. without
typographical eccentricities. It is a practical face. appropriate
for copy used in advertising and technological literature.
Used frequently for direct mail pieces. brochures and folders,
40 Univers r eflects a contemporary feeling in typograph y.
Order No. 1194049
1 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face.
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the I BM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an ele,gant simplicity of style. giving a clean,
clear t ype impression. Uni vers is a strong face. without
t y pographical eccentricities. It is a practical face. appropriate
for copy used in advertising and technological literature.
Used frequently for direct mail pieces. brochures and folders.
Uni vers reflects a contemporary feeling in typography.
2 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face.
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the I BM "Sel ectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face. without
typographical eccentricities. I t is a practical face, appropriat e
for copy used in advertising and technological literature.
Used frequentl y for direct mail pieces. brochures and folders,
Univers reflects a contemporary feeling in t ypography.
8 Pt. Univers Medium Italic UN-8-MI
1234567890$." " :;17* y,y,:y,,-()[J =t/ +%&@
Recommended Impression 1 Capital Height : 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica : ' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sansserif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM "Selectric "
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face, without
typographical eccentricities. It is a practical face, appropriate
for copy used in advertising and technological literature.
Used frequently for direct mail pieces, brochures and folders,
Univers reflects a contemporary feeling in typography.
8 Pt. Univers Bold UN-8-B
abcdefgh ijkl mnopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890S.,-":;!?*Y,Y.d4-() [) =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the I BM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face, without
typographical eccentricities. I t is a practical face, appropriate
for copy used in advertising and technological literature.
Used frequently for direct mail pieces, brochures and folders,
Univers reflects a contemporary feeling in typography.
Order No. 1194050
1 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face, without
typographical eccentricities. I t is a practical face, appropriate
for copy used in advertising and technological literature.
Used frequently for direct mail pieces, brochures and folders,
Univers reflects a contemporary feeling in typography.
2 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the I BM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face, without
typographical eccentricities. It is a practical face, appropriate
for copy used in advertising and technological literature.
Used frequently for direct mail pieces, brochures and folders,
Univers reflects a contemporary feeling in typography.
'0 Pt. Univers Light UN-10-L
abcdefghi Jk I mnopqrstuvwxyt
1234567890$. ,-" :; 17*,/,'/,,3,4 _ () [ 1=t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 7 Points
Average Number 0 f Characters Per Pica: ' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Thi s example of Univers, a precisely def ined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adri an Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectri c" Composer It has an elegant simpl icity of
st y le, givi ng a clean , clea r type i mpression. Univers is
a f ir m type face without typographi cal eccentr"i citi es.
It is a practical face, whi ch is appropr iate f or copy
used i n both adver tising and t echnol ogi cal l it erat ure.
Order No. 1194051
1 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face, without
typographical eccentricities. It is a practical face, appropriate
for copy used in advertising and technological literature.
Used frequently for direct mail pieces, brochures and folders,
Univers reflects a contemporary feeling in typography.
2 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face, without
typographical eccentricities. It is a practical face, appropriate
for copy used in advertising and technological literature.
Used frequently for direct mail pieces, brochures and folders,
Univers reflects a contemporary feeling in typography.
Order No. 1194044
1 Point Leaded
Thi s example of Un ivers, a prec isely defined sans-serif
type f ace, was created by Adri an Frutiger f or t he IBM
"Selectri c" Composer. I t has an elegant si mpl icity of
st yle, giving a clean, clear type i mpression. Univers is
a firm t ype face without typographi cal eccentri citi es.
It is a pract ica l face, whi ch is appropr iat e for copy
used in both advertisi ng and t echnologi cal literat ure.
2 Poi nt Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisel y defin ed sans-ser if
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Sel ectri c" Composer. It has an elegant simpli city of
style, giving a clean, clear type impressi on. Uni vers is
a f ir m type face without typographi cal eccentri cit ies.
It is a practi ca l face, whi ch is appropri at e for copy
used in both advertising and t echnologi cal l iterat ure. 41
10 P . Unive Medium UN-10-M
1234567890$.,,": ;!?*Y2'!..%-O (] =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Selling: 2 Capital Height : 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of
style, giving a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a firm type face without typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face, wh ich is appropriate for copy
used in both advertising and technological literature.
Order No. 1194045
1 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of
style, giving a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a firm type face without typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face, which is appropriate for copy
used in both advertising and technological literature.
2 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of
style, giving a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a firm type face without typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face, which is appropriate for copy
used in both advertising and technological literature.
10 P Univers Medium ItaliC UN-10-MI
%-()[} =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height : 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of
style, giving a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a firm type face without typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face, which is appropriate for copy
used in both advertising and technological literature.
Order No. 1 194047
1 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of
style, giving a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a firm type face without typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face, which is appropriate for copy
used in both advertising and technological literature.
2 Poi n t Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of
style, giving a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a firm type face without typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face, which is appropriate for copy
used in both advertising and technological literature.
10 P Univers Bold UN-10-B
1234567890$.,-": ;!?*Y2'!..%-O (] =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 4 Capital Heig l1t: 7 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per PiCd:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
This example of Un ivers, a precisely defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant Simplicity of
style, giving a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a firm type face without typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face, which is appropriate for copy
used in both advertising and technological literature.
Order No. 1194046
1 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of
style, giving a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a firm type face without typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face, which is appropriate for copy
used in both advertising and technological literature.
2 Point Leaded
This example of Un ivers, a precisely defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of
style, giving a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a firm type face without typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face, which is appropriate for copy
used in both advertising and technological literature. 42

10 Pt. Univers Medium Condensed UN-10-MC Order No. 1194080

abc defgh ijkl mno pqrstuvwx yz
1234567890$.,,": ;!?*y:.Yo'%-O [1 =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Charact ers Per Pica:' 3.3
Charac ter Count Sca le: See page 5 .
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. It is a practical face, appropriate for
copy used in advertising, direct mail pieces, and technological
literature. Univers reflects a modern feeling in typography .

10 Pt. Univers Med. Ital. Condo UN-10-MIC

7234567890$.,- ":;'?*1'2 ~ % - ( ) [J =t/ +%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 2 Capital Height : 7 Points
AverJge Number Of Characters Per Pi ca :' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5 ,
So lid
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. It is a practical face, appropriate for
copy used in advertising, direct mail pieces, and technological
literature. Univers reflects a modern feeling in typography_
Order No. 11941 25
1 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. It is a practical face, appropriate for
copy used in advertising, direct mail pieces, and technological
literature. Univers reflects a modern feeling in typography.
2 Point Leaded
This example of Un ivers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. It is a practical face, appropriate for
copy used in advertising, direct mail pieces, and technological
literature. Univers reflects a modern feeling in typography .

10 Pt. Univers Bold Condensed UN-10-BC

abcdefghijkl mn opqrstuvwxyz
1234567890$.,-": ;!?*y:.Yo'%-O [] t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Set t i ng: 4 Cap it al Height: 7 Points
Average Number Of Char act ers Per Pica:' 3,3
Charact er Count Scal e: See page 5.
This exam pie of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the 'IBM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face, without
typographical eccentricities. It is a practical face, appropriate
for copy used in advertising and technological literature.
Univers reflects a contemporary feeling in typography_
1 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. It is a practical face, appropriate for
copy used in advertising, direct mail pieces, and technological
literature. Univers reflects a modern feeling in typography.
2 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the I BM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. It is a practical face, appropriate for
copy used in advertising, direct mail pieces, and technological
literature. Univers reflects a modern feeling in typography_
Order No. 11941 20
1 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face, without
typographical eccentricities. It is a practical face, appropriate
for copy used in advertising and technological literature.
Univers reflects a contemporary feeling in typography.
2 Poi nt Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined sans-serif face,
was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM "Selectric"
Composer. It has an elegant simplicity of style, giving a clean,
clear type impression. Univers is a strong face, without
typographical eccentricities. It is a practical face, appropriate
for copy used in advertising and technological literature.
Univers reflects a contemporary feeling in typography. 43
11 Pt. Univers Light UN-11-L
abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890$.,-":;! ?'*%%:y,. - () [ ] =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica : ' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
This example of Univers, a prec ise ly defined
sans-serif face, was creat ed by Adri an Frutiger
for the I BM "Select ric" Composer. Univers is
a versatile face, well sui ted f or adverti sing and
technical Iliterature. lt is eff ectively used for
direct mail pi eces, stati sti ca l copy and fold ers .
Order No. 1194036
1 Point Leaded
Thi s exampl e of Univers, a prec isely defined
sa ns-serif face, was creat ed by Adri an Frutiger
for the I BM " Selectri c" Composer. Univers is
a versatil e face, wel l suited f or adverti sing and
tech nical literature. It is effecti vely used for
direct mail pi eces, st ati sti ca l copy and f olders
2 Poi nt Leaded
This exampl e of Uni vers, a preci sely defi ned
sans-serif face, was creat ed bV Adri an Frutiger
for the I BM "Selectric" Composer, Univers is
a versatile f ace, wel l suited for advertisi ng and
techllical literat ure. I t is eff ect ivel y used for
direct mail pieces, st at ist ical copv and f ol ders.
11 Pt. Univers Medium
1234567890$.,-":;!?*%%%-O [] =t / +%&@
Recommended Impression Setting : 3 Capital Height: 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
This example of Univers, a precisely defined
sans-serif face, was created by Adrian Frutiger
for the I BM "Selectric" Composer. Univers is
a versatile face, well suited for advertising and
technical literature. It is effectively used for
direct mail pieces, statistical copy and folders .
11 Pt. Univers Medium Italic UN-11-MI
1234567890$.,- ":;!? * %% %-() [] =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting : 3 Capital Height: 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica : ' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
This example of Univers, a precisely defined
sans-serif face, was created by Adrian Frutiger
for the IBM "Selectric" Composer. Univers is
a versatile face, well suited for advertising and
technical literature. It is effectively used for
direct mail pieces, statistical copy and folders.
Order No. 1194037
1 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined
sans-serif face, was created by Adrian Frutiger
for the I BM "Selectric" Composer. Univers is
a versatile face, well suited for advertising and
technical literature. It is effectively used for
direct mail pieces, statistical copy and folders.
2 Poi nt Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined
sans-serif face, was created by Adrian Frutiger
for the I BM "Selectric" Composer. Univers is
a versatile face, well suited for advertising and
technical literature. It is effectively used for
direct mail pieces, statistical copy and folders.
Order No. 1194039
1 Point Leaded
This example of Un ivers, a precisely defined
sans-serif face, was created by Adrian Frutiger
for the IBM "Selectric" Composer. Univers is
a versatile face, well suited for advertising and
technical literature. It is effectively used for
direct mail pieces, statistical copy and folders.
2 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a precisely defined
sans-serif face, was created by Adrian Frutiger
for the IBM "Selectric" Composer. Univers is
a versatile face, well suited for advertising and
technical literature. It is effectively used for
direct mail pieces, statistical copy and folders. 44
11 Pt. Umve Light Conden ad UN-ll-LC
abcdefghi ikl mnop qrstuvwxyz
1234567890$.,-": ;!?*%/4%-O [] =t /+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
This example of Univers, a crisply defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity,
making for a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a strong type face, minus typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face for both sales and technical copy.
Order No. 1194040
1 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a crisply defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity,
making for a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a strong type face, minus typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face for both sales and technical copy.
2 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a crisply defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity,
making for a clean, cl1ear type impression. Univers is
a strong type face, minus typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face for both sales and technical copy.
11 Pt Unlvers Medium Con dens UN-11-MC
abcdefgh ijkl m nopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890$.,-":;!?*%%%-() l] =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Selting: 3 Capital Height: 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: - 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
This example of Univers, a crisply defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity,
making for a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a strong type face, minus typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face for both sales and technical copy.
Order No. 1194041
1 Poi nt Leaded
This example of Univers, a crisply defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity,
making for a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a strong type face, minus typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face for both sales and technical copy.
2 Point Leaded
This example of Univers, a crisply defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity,
making for a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a strong type face, minus typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face for both sales and technical copy.
11 Pt. Untve Med. I tal. Condo UN-l1-MIC
1234567890$.,- ":)?*%%%-()[]=t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Selting: 3 Capital Height: 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Counl Scale: See page 5.
This example of Univers, a crisply defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity,
making for a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a strong type face, minus typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face for both sales and technical copy.
Order No. 1194043
1 POlill Leaded
This example of Univers, a crisply defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity,
making for a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a strong type face, minus typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face for both sales and technical copy.
2 Poinl Leaded
This example of Univers, a crisply defined sans-serif
type face, was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity,
making for a clean, clear type impression. Univers is
a strong type face, minus typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face for both sales and technical copy. 45
11 Pt. Univers Bold UN-11-B Order No. 1194038
1234567890$.-":;!?*%%%-O[] =t/+%&@
Recommended Impression Setting : 5 Capital Height : 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 2.5
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
This example of Univers. a precisely defined
sans-serif face. was created by Adrian Frutiger
for the IBM "Selectric" Composer. Univers is
a versatile face, well suited for advertising and
technical literature. It is effectively used for
direct mail pieces. statistical copy and folders.
1 Point Leaded
This example of Univers. a precisely defined
sans-serif face, was created by Adrian Frutiger
for the IBM "Selectric" Composer. Univers is
a versatile face. well suited for advertising and
technical literature. It is effectively used for
direct mail pieces. statistical copy and folders.
2 Point Leaded
This example of Univers. a precisely defined
sans-serif face, was created by Adrian Frutiger
for the IBM "Selectric" Composer. Univers is
a versatile face. well suited for advertising and
technical literature. It is effectively used for
direct mail pieces, statistical copy and folders.
11 Pt. Univers Bold Condensed UN-11-BC
1234567890$.,-":;!?*%~ ~ - 0 [] =t/+'Yo&@
Recommended I mpression Setting: 5 Capital Height: 8 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
Character Cou nt Scale: See page 5.
This example of Univers. a crisply defined sansserif
type face. was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity.
making for a clean. clear type impression. Univers is
a strong type face, minus typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face for both sales and technical copy.
Order No. 1194042
1 Poi nt Leaded
This example of Univers. a crisply defined sans-serif
type face. was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity.
making for a clean. clear type impression. Univers is
a strong type face, minus typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face for both sales and technical copy.
2 Poi nt Leaded
This example of Univers. a crisply defined sans-serif
type face. was created by Adrian Frutiger for the IBM
"Selectric" Composer. It has an elegant simplicity.
making for a clean. clear type impression. Univers is
a strong type face. minus typographical eccentricities.
It is a practical face for both sales and technical copy.
Specialized Fonts
The growth and advancement of science and technol
ogy has resulted in an increased volume of technical
composition . To meet this need, there is a wide
variety of Composer fonts for techni cal, scientific, and
mathematical composition. This section includes
showings for the following classifications of
special ized fonts:
Presswire Fonts
Presswire Fonts were designed specifi cally for the
presswire paper tapes with numbers designed for the
4-unit escapement (en space) req uired for numeric
tables in items sent over the presswire system.
Because the Presswire Fonts are normally used to set
the narrower newspaper col umn widths, the type style
samples are set on a narrower measure.
Symbol Fonts
Symbol Fonts are available in the Press Roman type
style only. The Symbol Greek Fonts contain the capi
tal and lowercase letters of the Greek alphabet, Greek
accent marks, tariff symbols, and other miscellaneous
symbols. The Mathemati cal Fonts contain symbols
used in mathemati cal expressi ons. The Techni cal
Fonts contain symbols used mainly in composing
technical expressions for chemistry and physi cs.
Custom Fonts
For increased flexibility certain fonts can be custom
ized to include as many as 11 symbols. This saves
typesetting time and improves accuracy by eliminat
ing the need to change fonts or to type in symbol s
after the text is completed.
Ruling Font
The Ru ling Font produces the rules used in forms and
tabular composition. It can be used in conjunction
with any of the type fonts shown throughout this book.
Copperplate Gothic/Fraction, Bold/Light, Technical
Feature Fonts*
IBM " Selectric" Composers equipped with the
Copperplate Gothi c/ Fraction Feature may be used for
simple fast forms preparation.
The new Bold/Light Feature adds the capabil ity to
produce catalog and directory work more easily.
The Technical Feat ure provides a new variety of
technica l symbols and superscripts to aid in the
preparation of specification sheets, technical manuals,
and materials using formula and mathematical data.
'For use on IBM "Selectric" Composers equipped with t he Copperplate Gothic/Fraction Feature. the Bold/Light Feature, or
the Technical Feature. These features are available at addi t ional charge. Consult your IBM Representat ive for details. 47
6 Pt. Century Medium Presswire
PW Order No. 1194214
1 Point Leaded
1234567890$ .,-": ;!? *'3 57;';,1.-0I + %&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 5 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: ' 3.3
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Century Presswire has the advantages
of regular Century type plus the space
saving Presswire numerals. The upper
and lower case letters in this face are
the same balanced letters one finds in
standard Century. But the Presswire
figures are designed for work requiring
greater use of numerals. Statistical
tables and stock quotations are just a
few of the uses for this specialized face.
2 Point Leaded
Century Presswire has the advantages
of regular Century type plus the space
saving Presswire numerals. The upper
and lower case letters in this face are
the same balanced letters one finds in
standard Century. But the Presswire
figures are designed for work requiring
greater use of numerals. Statistical
tables and stock quotations are just a
few of the uses for this specialized face.
Century Presswire has the advantages
of regular Century type plus the space
saving Presswire numerals. The upper
and lower case letters in this fae e are
the same balanced letters one finds in
standard Century. But the Presswire
figures are designed for work requiring
greater use of numerals. Statistical
tables and stock quotations are just a
few of the uses for this specialized face.
8 Pt. Century Medium Presswlre PW Order No. 1194213
1 Poi nt Leaded
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Century Presswire has all the fine
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz features of Century type with the
1234567890$ . ,-": ; '? *1357 /";'/,,-()j +?t&@ added advantage of space-saving
Presswire numerals. It is a very
outstanding face, that highlights
numbers which are compressed
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 6 Points
for copy using extensive figures
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
such as stock market quotations.
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
2 Point Leaded
Century Presswire has all the fine
features of Century type with the
Century Presswire has all the fine
added advantage of space-saving
features of Century type with the
added advantage of space-saving Presswire numerals. It is a very
Presswire numerals. It is a very
outstanding face, that highlights
outstanding face, that highlights
numbers which are compressed
numbers which are compressed
for copy using extensive figures
for copy using extensive figures
such as stock market quotations. such as stock market quotations.
8 Pt. Century Bold Presswire
PW Order No. 1194216
1 Point Leaded
1234567890$ ., -' , : ;!? *13 5 7/2/.0/,,-( ) / +%&@
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 6 Points
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica: . 2.9
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
Century Presswire has all the fine
features of Century type with the
added advantage of space-saving
Presswire numerals. It is a very
outstanding face, that highlights
numbers which are compressed
for copy using extensive figures
such as stock market quotations.
2 Point Leaded
Century Presswire has all the fine
features of Century type with the
added advantage of space-saving
Presswire numerals. It is a very
outstanding face, that highlights
numbers which are compressed
for copy using extensive figures
such as stock market quotations.
Century Presswire has all the fine
features of Century type with the
added advantage of space-saving
Presswire numerals. I t is a very
outstanding face, that highlights
numbers which are compressed
for copy using extensive figures
such as stock market quotations.
9 Pt. C n ury M dlum Presswlre PW Order No. 1194212
1 Point Leaded
ABCDEFGHlJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Century Presswire has all the fine
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz features of Century type with the
123456789(l!; .,-": ;!?* 1357Iz/./s---O /+%&@ added advantage of space-saving
numerals. It is a very
outstanding face, that highlights
Recommended I mpression Setting: 2 Capital Height: 6 Points numbers which are
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 2.9
for copy using extensive figures.
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
2 Point Leaded
Solid Century Presswire has all the fine
Century Presswire has all the fine features of Century type with the
features of Century type with the added advantage of space-saving
added advantage of space-saving
Presswire numerals. It is a very
numerals. It is a very
outstanding face, that highlights
outstanding face, that highlights
numbers which are compressed
numbers which are compressed
for copy using extensive figures. for copy using extensive figures.
Pt. C ntury Bol P wlr PW Order No. 1194215
1 Point Leaded
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Century Presswire has all the fine
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx.yz features of Century type with the
1234567890$.,-": ;!?* 131;7Iz/./s---O /+?'o&@ added advantage of space-saving
Presswire numerals. It is a very
outstanding face, that highlights
Recommended Impression Setting: 3 Capital Height: 6 Points
numbers which are
Average Number Of Characters Per PiCd: . 2.9
for copy using extensive figures.
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
2 Point Leaded
Solid Century Press wire has all the fine
Century Presswire has all the fine features of Century type with the
features of Century type with the added advantage of space-saving
added advantage of space-saving
Presswire numerals. It is a very
Presswire numerals. It is a very
outstanding face, that highlights
outstanding face, that highlights
numbers which are compressed
numbers which are compressed
for copy using extensive figures. for copy using extensive figures.
6 Pt. Classified News Medium Presswire PW Order No. 1194211
1 Point Leaded
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Classified News Pres5wire is the same
abcdefgh ij kl m n opq rs t u vwxyz as Classified News, with the exclusion
1234567890$ .. ":; " * 1357 hl,18-()/+%&@ of figures. They have been condensed
in their design in comparison to those
featured in standard Classified News.
Presswire is exceptionally well-suited
for material where figures are utilized
Recommended Impression Setting: 1 Capital Height: 4.5 POints
Average Number Of Characters Per Pica:' 3.3
heavily. Numerical listings and tables
are also some of the uses for this face.
Character Count Scale: See page 5.
2 Point Leaded
Classified News Presswire is the same
as Classified News, with the exclusion
Classified News Pres5wire is the same
as Classified News, with the exclusion
of figures. They have been condensed
in their design in comparison to those
featured in standard Classified News.
Presswire is exceptionally well-suited
for material where figures are utilized
heavily. Numerical listings and tables
are also some of the uses for th is face.
of figures. They have been condensed
in their design in comparison to those
featured in standard Classified News.
Presswire is exceptionally well-suited
for material where figures are utilized
heavily. Numerical listings and tables
are also some of the llses for this face.
, ,
CG-6-DC Order No. 11 9411 4
6 Pt. Copperplate Double Case*
Recommended Impression Setti ng: 2
12345671l90$ . ," : ; 11* 'h v. # - () [] ... t / + "Ao Be c.
CG-8-DC Order No 1194 113
Co 1 rplat oub e ... ase
Recommended I mpression Setting: 2
12345678905.,-" :; ! 1* '12 1(. # -() [ ] = t /+ % & @
CG-10-DC Order No. 1194 112
10 Pt. Copperplate Double Case*
Recommended I mpressi on Setti ng: 3
12345678905.,-" : ;!? * 'I, 'I. # - ( ) [ j t / + % & @
CG-12-DC Order No. 11941 11
12 Pt. Copperplate Double Case*
Recommended Impressi on Setting: 3
1234567890$ . -" : ;!?* ' /2 #- () [ ] = t / + %& @
, ,
CG-10-F Order No. 1194133 CG-12-F Order No. 1194129
10 Pt. Copperplate/ Fraction* 12 Pt. Copperplate/ Fraction*
Recommended Impressio n Se tting: 3 Recommended I mpress,on Setting : 3
j?,;: "U'" 1234567890-=[] ? ,; :"oU ' "
' 23 45 67.901,121:;/.:1.1,/1.19, >3 4 567 8 9000 1# 11 J . 23 4567.90//21:;/.:1.1.1';.1 23 4 5676 9 00- 1# II J
UN-10-BL Order No. 11 94139 UN-11-BL Order No. 11941 38
JnJver 801 flight 11 Pt. Univers Bold/ Light*
Recommended Impression Sett ing: 2 Recommended Impression Sett, ng : 3
abcdefgh ij k I mnopqrst uvwxyz abcdefgh ij kim nopqrst uvwxyz
12345678901234567890. ,-";Y2%3/., - [J )=@ 12345678901234567890.,-" : ;%%%- [] 7=@
PR-10-MT Order No. 11 941 06
J P . P es R3man red nl at
Recommended I mpression Setting: 2
a bcdef ghijklmnopqrs tuvwxyz
1234567890: ,. 1234S07890_
X+=( )X oo1T8
PR-11 -MT Order No. 11 941 05
11 Pt. Press R oman Technical '*
Recommended I mpression Setting: 3
a bcdefghi,ik Imnopqrs tuvwx yz
123 4567890: ,. 12J4 S67890_oX+ = O><oo7re
UN-10-MT Order No. 1194108
10 P Univers T
Recommended I mpressi on Setting: 2
abcdefghijk Imnopq rstuvwx yz
1234567890:,.' 234567890- X+= ( ) ><co7f 8
UN-11-MT Order No. 1194107
11 Pt. Univers Technical*
Recommended Impression Setting: 3
1234567890:,. 123 4567890_
X+= () ><oo7T8
* For use on I BM "Selectr ic" Composers equipped with the Copperplate Gothic/ Fr action Featu re, t he Bold/ L igh t Feature, or
t he Technical Feature. These f eat ur es are avai lable at addit i onal charge. Consult your I BM Representative for detai ls.
PRX-7-G Order No. 1194013 PRX-11-G Order No. 1194011
7 Pt. Press Roman Symbol Greek 11 Pt. Press Roman Symbol Greek
Recommended I mpression Setting: 1 Recommended Impression Setting: 3
ABr A E T<I>Xq,n

a.i3'Yo el"nli ,'}l K w
aJ3'YO l/J w
[(t t # . .. . )] "".4,''' ._00. 0
[( t:t @1l # .... )1 i6:1*.*6.00. 0 o .
PRX-10-G Order No. 1194012
1m 01 G
Recommended Impressi on Setting : 2

[Ci:j: @ll # ... )] 'EIl*AM ..OOeo

PRX-7-M Order No. 1194109
7 Pt. Press Roman Symbol Mathematical
Recommended Impr ession Setting : 1

S 1 .J / \ II I 0 '" - I :;: = : :: . : ...: ! "'" 0= 0:
X + L sO 0 /:, _= g; "" - I t \. IT' 0
123456 7 8 9 0
PRX-10-M Order No. 1194017
Recommended Impression Setting: 2

..J.. ";;?; " .,;:: 1 . / / \ II ' .r.. a:. - ... +- + :..: ..:.. ...
V . -v- -..I( - .. -. '"
:. . .: , .;. = - X + L s D 0 6. == "'" 00
- -= + " I 0 I l' \ .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
PRX-11-M Order No. 1194015
11 Pt. Press Roman Symbol Mathematical
Recommended Impression Setting: 3
<t < *- :t,. 1 vi / \ II I :(} ex -
]: + ;.; == : :: . :. - .: ! -7- = - X + L s D
o 6 == == ;:::: 00 = - - -= + 11 0 It\- ... I
1 2 345 6 7 8 9 0

PRX-7-T Order No. 1194110

7 Pt. Press Roman Symbol Technical
Recommended Impressi on Setting: 1
[]() () A&J( t-; Ra/3'YA11 <i> bhp Qa f C;>cl ;t! *
$ E E u n C:) L I ' .-l + = - J o o -t [D
.... . . :
1 '2 3 4 5 6 i 8 9 ()
PRX-10-T Order No. 1194016
I-' P M S m ul T
Recommended Impression Setting: 2
[] () <) A 8, J( l" Be ex 'Y X 1T b hp '( a f

+>t[ .....

PRX-11-T Order No. 1194014

11 Pt. Press Roman Symbol Technical
Recommended Impression Sett i ng: 3
[1 () () A &. J( R: ex {3 'Y A. 1T if> lJ hp
Q a I9 d tit '*' *E E un C:J L 'I-.J
+=-J 1J 8 #t[
1 2 345 6 7 89 0
12 Pt. Ruling Font RX12 Order No. 1194413
Recommended I mpression Setting: Capital Height: 12 Points
The I BM Composer R ul ing Fon t has been designed
Horizontal Rules Vertical Rules spec ifi ca lly f or the construction of rul ed forms.
Round Dot Leader 3 units % point 5 units You can select from 4 vert ica l and 8 horizontal r ules
Square Dot Leader 3 units 1 point 5 units
incl uding dash and dot leaders.
Dash leader 3 units 1% points 6 units
Hairline 8 units Parallel 6 units
% point 6 units
, point 6 units
, 11, point 6 units
Parall el 6 units
Horizontal Rules
Round Dot Leader y, Point
................................................... .................
Square Do t Leader 1 Point
...... ..... .... ................... ... ........................ ...... .
Dash Leader 1 y, Point
-- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - --- - - - - - _.. - - - -- - - - - -- - - - ----- -- - -_ ... - - -- .. - - ----.
Hairline Parallel
Vertical Rules 12 points high Sample Constructions
y, Point ,
Point 1 Y2 Point Parallel
Y2 Point Rul es
1 Point Rules
Parallel and 1 ~ Point Rules
Custom Type Fonts
Charact er changes may be made in 11 posit ions on an
I BM Custom Type Font . Any 11 symbols may be sub
st ituted on one font-in compat ible character posi
tions that are not adjacent to each other on the font.
With a Cust om Font t here' s no need to change font s
or insert symbo ls. Technical j obs ca n be set wit h
no wast ed t ime. And wi th symbols and charact ers
on the same font, typefitti ng accuracy is i mproved.
I BM Cust om Type Fonts are avai lable in Press Roman
and Univers t ype styles- 7 pt., 10 pt .,l l pt . Medi um
and 10 pt . Bold .
Any eleven symbols can be substituted for any character positions on Press Roman and Univers Type Fonts
[] Brackets
Broken Brackets
Double Dagger
Reversed Cedilla
Smooth Breathing
Rough Breathing
Give, Pass Over To,
or Lead To
Forms and
Is Formed
Precipitation of
the Substance
t Indicates That the
Substance Passes
Off as a Gas
I 234 5 6 7 8 9 0
a Recipe
9 Female
c5 Male
Aa Alpha
B ,B Beta
f-y Gamma
Ali Delta
Ee Epsilon
Zs Zeta
H17 Eta
ee Theta
I L Iota
KK Kappa
AX Lambda
Nv Nu
: : : ~ Xi
00 Omicron
nrr Pi
Pp Rho
~ a Sigma
TT Tau
Tv Upsilon
<I> Phi
X x Chi
Curly Theta
Curly Phi
<; Final Sigma
Pound Sterling
a Alpha Particle
,B Beta Ray
X Wave Length
p Density
+ Plus
X Multiplication
Nearly Equals
- Identical With
=1= Unequal to
Congruent With
- Approaches
v- Equivalent
Greater Than
Less Than
~ Much Greater Than
Much Less Than
~ Greater Than or
Equal to
.,;; Less Than or
Equal to
Not Greater Than
<t Not Less Than
Plus or Minus
+ Minus or Plus
1 Perpendicular
L Angle
L Right Angle
/':, Triangle
~ Sum
.. Geometric
Contour Integral
Mathematical (cont .)
1 Between
L Cont i nued
Product of
.J Numbers From
One Upward
rr Pi (3.1416)
" Second
Varies as
a Partial
D i fferen tial
Direct Sum
II Sector
~ Angle
tR Script R
Script L- Laplace
g Script G-Real
t Increase
'. Decrease
I 2 345 6 78 9 0
Exponent Diagonal
Exponent Equals
Exponent Plus
Exponent Minus
Exponent Pi
Exponent Infin ity
Exponent Triangle
Exponent Arrow
Commercial A
# Number
/ Diagonal
Canceled Zero
,..; Check
0 Diamond
A. Angstrom
&. Erg
f Focal Length
E Is an Element of
E Is Not an
Element of
Ii Logical Product
u Logical Sum
C Is Contained in
~ Is Excluded from
$ Group Mark
Record Mark
b Substitute Mark
Segment Mark
Total Mark
Word Separator
Q Liter

Composer Type Style Abbreviations
A ldine Roman. A R
Baskel' vi li e .BA
Bodon i ..... . .B
Century .. . . . .C
Class ified News
Copperplate Goth ic
Journal Roman .. . .J
Press Roman . ... .
Press Roman Symbols. .PRX
Pyramid . .P
Ruling. .RX
Theme . .T
Composer Type Styles Avai 'lable by Language


Engl ish 0


French 0
Germanic 0
Hungarian 0
Latin & French Latin 0
Nordic 0
Poli sh 0
Portuguese 0
Romanian 0
Russian Cyr illi c 0

Turk ish 0
Yugoslavian Cyrilli c 0
Yugoslavian Lati n CJ
oThe symbols in lowercase on Copperpl ate Gothic and the f ractions in uppercase on Copperpl ate Gothic Fract ion
fon ts can be used in al l languages.
For additi onal in formati on. consult your I BM Representative for deta ils. 54
I BM Composer Font Order Numbers
For your convenience . ..
the following is a li st of I BM Composer fonts and
their corresponding order numbers. You may refer
to t his list when order ing additional fonts.
Description Number
Aldine Roman
8 pt Medium.................... 1194022
8 pt. Italic............. . .... . ... 1194023
8 pt. Bold ......... . ....... . .... 1194055
10 pt. Medium.................... 1194020
10 pt. Ital ic.................. . ... 1194021
10 pt. Bold ...................... 1194054
12 pt Medium.................... 1194018
12 pt Italic...................... 1194019
12 pt. Bold .. . ................... 1194053
8 pt Medium................ . ... 1194098
8 pt Italic .............. . ....... 1194099
8 pt Bold ............. . ........ 1194100
9 pt. Medium.................... 11194095
9 pt. Italic.................. . ... 1194096
9pt.Bold ......... . ............ 1194097
11 pt. Medium.................... 1194092
11 pt. Italic...................... 1194093
11 pt Bold ...................... 1194094
8pt.Medium.............. . ..... 1194028
8 pt Italic...... . ... . .... . ...... 1194029
8 pt. Bold ...................... 1194058
10 pt. Medium.... . ... . .... . ...... 1194026
10 pt. Italic............... . ...... 1194027
10 pt. Bold ...................... ~ 194057
12 pt. Medium.... . ... . ........... 1194024
12 pt. Italic...................... 1194025
12 pt. Bold ...................... 1194061
6 pt. Medium................ . ... 1194068
11 pt. Italic...................... 1194118
11 pt. Bold .......... . ... . ....... 1194124
6pt.ltalic..... . ........ . ... .. .. 1194072
6 pt. Bold ........ .. _ ........... 1194076
8pt.Medium.................... 1194067
8 pt. Italic...................... 1194071
8 pt. Bold .......... . ....... . ... 1194075
9 pt. Medium.... ...... . .... . ... 1194066
9 pt. Italic.......... . ........... 1194070
9 pt. Bold ..... . ................ 1194074
10 pt. Medium.................... 1194065
10 pt. Italic...................... 1194069
10 pt. Bold ...................... 1194073
11 pt. Medium.................... 1194115
Description Number
6 pt. Medium Presswire ............. 1194214
8 pt. Medium Presswire ............. 1194213
8 pt. Bold Presswire............ . ... 1194216
9 pt. Medium Presswire ............. 1194212
9 pt. Bol d Presswire................ 1194215
Classified News
6 pt. Medium.................... 1194056
6 pt Bold ...................... 1194064
8 pt. Medium... . ........ . ....... 1194060
8 pt. Bold ...................... 1194063
10 pt. Medium............ . ... . ... 1194059
10 pt. Bold ................ . ..... 1194062
6 pt. Medium Presswire ............. 1194211
Copperplate Gothic
6 pt. Medium.................... 1194417
8 pt. Medium........ . ........... 1194416
10 pt. Medium............ . ....... 1194415
12 pt. Medium.. . ................. 1194414
Gothic/Fraction Feature
6 pt. Copperplate Daub Ie Case ........ 1194114
8 pt. Copperplate Daub Ie Case ........ 1194113
10 pt. Copperplate Double Case ........ 1194112
12 pt. Copperplate Double Case ........ 1194111
10 pt. Copperplate/Fraction ........... 1194133
12 pt. Copperplate/Fraction ........... 1194129
Journal Roman
8 pt. Medium......... . ... . ... . .. 1194087
8 pt. Italic...................... 1194088
8 pt. Bold .......... . .... . ...... 1194089
8 pt. Bold Italic ............... . .. 1194135
10 pt. Medium.................... 1194084
10 pt. Italic...... . ... . ........... 1194085
10 pt. Bold ...................... 1194086
10 pt. Bold Italic ........ . ......... 1194091
11 pt. Medium.... . ... . ........... 1194081
11 pt. Italic...................... 1194082
11 pt. Bold ...................... 1194083
11 pt. Bold Italic .............. . ... 1194090
Press Roman
7 pt Medium.............. . ..... 1194009
7 pt. Bold ...................... 1194153
7 pt. Bold Italic ...... . ........ . .. 1194150
7 pt. Italic............... . ...... 1194010
Descr iption Number
Press Roman
8 pt. Medium ...... ... .. . ..... ... 1194006
8 pt. Itali c . .... ...... . .......... 1194007
8 pt. Bold ........ ..... ... . . . . . . 11 94008
8pt. Bold Itali c .. ..... . .. . . .. . . .. 11 94132
9 pt. Medium ... .. .... . . ..... .. . . 11 94077
9 pt Itali c ....... . ...... . ... ... . 1194078
9 pt . Bold ... . .. . ....... . . . .. ... 1194079
9 pt . Bold Itali c .. .. . ............. 1194127
10 pt . Medium .. . ....... ... ....... 1194003
10 pt. Italic ... .. .......... .. ..... 1194004
10 pt. Bold .... . .. . ... .. . . . ...... 1194005
10 pt. Bold Itali c . ... .. . ..... . ... .. 1194121
11 pt. Medium . . . . ..... .. ... ... ... 1194000
11 pt. Itali c ...................... 1194001
11 pt. Bold ... . .... . .. ... ... . . ... 11 94002
11 pt . Bo ld Itali c . . ... .......... . .. 1194116
8 pt. Medium ...... . . ............ 1194034
8pt. l tali c .......... .. .. .. ... . .. 11 94035
10 pt. Medium .. .... . . ............ 11 94032
10 pt . Italic .................... .. 11 94033
12 pt. Medium .. ... . . . .......... . . 11 94030
12 pt. Ital ic .... ..... ... .......... 11 94031
Ruling Font
12pt. Ru ling Font .. .. . . . ... ... . ... 11 94413
8pt . Med ium ... . ......... . ...... 1194123
8 pt. Itali c ............... . ...... 1194128
8 pt Bold . . .............. . .. ... 11941 31
10 pt. Med ium ... . ... .. ........ . . . 1194126
10 pt. Italic ........ .. .. .. .. ...... 1194130
10 pt. Bold .... ... . .. ......... ... 1194134
11 pt . Medium . .. . .. .. . . .... . .. . .. 119411 7
11 p t Itali c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 941 1 9
11 pt Bold ... .. . ...... . .... .. . . . 1194122
7 pt. Medium ...... . ...... . . . . . .. 1194052
8Pt. Light. ... ... . ..... . .... .... 11 94048
8 Pt . Medium .. . .. .. . . . . .. ... . .. . 1194049
8 pt. Medium Itali c ..... . .. .... ... . 11 94051
8 pt. Bold .......... ......... ... 1194050
10 pt Light .. .................. . . 1194044
10 pt. Medium ...... . ... ........ . . 1194045
10 pt. Medium Itali c .. .. ..... ..... . . 11 94047
10 pt. Medium Itali c Condensed ........ 1194125
10 Pt. Medium Condensed ....... . . . .. 11 94080
10 Pt. Bold . ....... .. . .. . . .. . .... 11 94046
10 pt. Bold Condensed .... .. ........ 11 94120
11 pt. Light .. .. ... ...... ..... .... 11 94036
11 pt. Light Condensed ......... . .... 1194040
11 pt. Medium .. .. . . .. ... . ...... .. 1194037
11 pt. Medium Italic . .......... . . ... 1194039
11 pt. Medium Condensed . ... . .. . .... 1194041
11 pt. Medium Italic Condensed . .. . .. . . 1194043
11 pt. Bold . .. . ... . ...... . ....... 1194038
11 pt. Bo Id Condensed .............. 1194042
Description Number
Univers Bold/Light Feature
10 pt. Bold/ Light. . . .......... 1194139
11 pt. Bold/Light .............. . ... 1194138
Technical Feature
10 pt. Press Roman Technical . ... ...... 1194106
11 pt. Press Roman Techni cal ... ..... .. 1194105
10 pt. Uni vers Technical .... .. . ...... 11 94108
11 pt. Univers Technical .... . .... .... 1194107
7 pt. Greek ........ ... ... . . .. ... 1194013
10 pt . Greek . ..... . .... .... . . ... . 1194012
11 pt. Greek . ... ...... .. . . .. . .... 1194011
7 pt. Mathemati cal ... ... " ........ 1194109
10 pt . Mathemat ical .. . ...... .. . .... 11 94017
11 pt . Mathemati cal .. .. . ... . ....... 1194015
7 pt . Technical .. . .. . . . . . ....... . 1194110
10 pt. Techn ical ...... ......... . .. 1194016
11 pt. Technical . .... .. ........... 1194014
--- -
- - ---
- ---
- - ---
- - - ---
International Business Machines Corporation
Office Products Division
For additional information, consult the nearest IBM Branch Office.
OPD Adv. Form No. G549-0206-4 Printed in USA 770/578

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