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2010 8est Wr|ter Award | llorlda lnLernaLlonal unlverslLy

Lv C|ay Scho|arsh|p 2009 | ubllc 8elaLlons SocleLy of Amerlca (8SA) Mlaml ChapLer
Cutstand|ng Leadersh|p Award | llorlda lnLernaLlonal unlverslLy ubllc 8elaLlons SLudenL SocleLy of Amerlca


Soc|a| Med|a Commun|ty Manager | I|or|da Internat|ona| Un|vers|ty | M|am|, IL | Cctober 2010 resent
ueveloped Lhe unlverslLy's flrsL lnLegraLed markeLlng and soclal medla plan. Also responslble for produclng a weekly serles,
8eLsy 8eads ?our CommenLs, and conLrlbuLlng feaLures Lo Lhe unlverslLy's news slLe and magazlne.

Ir. Account Lxecut|ve | C-Com Group, Inc. | Coconut Grove, IL | August 2009 Iune 2010
Worklng prlmarlly wlLhln Lhe Plspanlc markeL and provldlng publlc relaLlons wrlLlng, assembllng cllpplng reporLs, crlsls
communlcaLlons, evenL coordlnaLlon and sLraLegy developmenL servlces. 8esponslble for plannlng and execuLlng all soclal
medla lnlLlaLlves. LsLabllshed buslness developmenL and governmenL procuremenL deparLmenL. LxecuLed large evenLs,
lncludlng Llncoln Mk1 Launch and Alr Luropa Madrld-Mlaml lnauguraLlon. CllenLs lnclude !ohnson's 8aby, 1erra.com, lord, Alr
Luropa, Larly Learnlng CoallLlon of Mlaml-uade/Monroe.

Market Deve|opment Intern | (add)ventures | M|am|, IL | Iune 2009 Iu|y 2009
CoordlnaLed Lhe openlng of Lhe new Mlaml offlce, whlch lncluded schedullng flre code lnspecLlons and obLalnlng governmenL
llcenses and permlLs. AsslsLed ln research and developmenL for cllenL proposals. ConducLed markeL research and compeLlLlve
revlews relaLed Lo bulldlng and lmplemenLlng a new buslness developmenL sLraLegy. rovlded agency wlLh soclal medla
lnslghLs and besL pracLlces.

ub||c ke|at|ons Intern | Lease1rader.com | Aventura, IL | Ianuary 2009 Apr|| 2009
AsslsLed Lhe markeLlng communlcaLlons deparLmenL wlLh medla llsL bulldlng, sLory developmenL, wrlLlng press releases,
follow-ups and medla Lour research. uLlllzed lndusLry sofLware: PA8C and rofneL. 8eporLed dlrecLly Lo vlce resldenL of
MarkeLlng CommunlcaLlons.

Med|a ke|at|ons Vo|unteer | M|am| Iash|on Week | M|am|, IL | March 2009
CoordlnaLed lnLernaLlonal, naLlonal and local medla coverage.

kecept|on|st | I|or|da Internat|ona| Un|vers|ty| M|am|, IL | August 2008 May 2009
under Lhe Work/SLudy program, provlded clerlcal servlces Lo Lhe SLudenL Servlces deparLmenL. ConLrlbuLed Lo reaccredlLaLlon
efforLs, whlch lnvolved communlcaLlng wlLh sLudenLs regardlng dlfflculL lssues and conducLlng research.

Correspondent | Daytona 8each News-Iourna| | Daytona 8each, IL | Cctober 2006 Iebruary 2007
lnLervlewed newsmakers, lncludlng Lhose holdlng governmenL elecLed poslLlons. 8eporLed dlrecLly Lo edlLor. WroLe news
arLlcles and full-lengLh feaLures.


I|or|da Internat|ona| Un|vers|ty | M|am|, IL | December 2010
8achelor of Sclence ln CommunlcaLlon wlLh an emphasls ln ubllc 8elaLlons and PosplLallLy

Daytona 8each Commun|ty Co||ege | Daytona 8each, IL | May 2008
AssoclaLe of ArL Summa Cum Laude


V of New Med|a and 1echno|ogy | ub||c ke|at|ons Student Soc|ety of Amer|ca (kSSA) | May 2009 Apr|| 2010
8eorganlzed and redeslgned Lhe Web slLe, along wlLh enLlre soclal medla lmage. Managed blog conLenL and made sure soclal
medla presence was boLh currenL and relevanL. LsLabllshed naLlonal recognlLlon among 8SSA chapLers.


ubllc 8elaLlons WrlLlng, C8M, Coogle Adwords, L-mall MarkeLlng, CommunlcaLlon Skllls, lluenL ln Lngllsh and Spanlsh.
3242 Mary SLreeL #216 | Mlaml, lL 33133 | Cell: 303-913-4098 | beLsy.soler[gmall.com| Scr|bd.com]bso|er

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