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The festering wound oozed ominously. Pus and water freely flowed. The muscles and tissues in her leg were gradually withering away. To put it bluntly, Pattys leg was rotting. It was slowly decaying and with no signs of recovery. What started as a minor injury had turned into a life-threating leg ulcer that had reduced the Zimbabwean to a life of total dependency on others. The pains were severe and the prognosis grim. However, when it seemed all hope had been lost, Pattys son in Zimbabwe introduced her to Emmanuel TV. Upon learning there was a branch of The SCOAN in London, her faith soared. Could this finally be the end of her ordeal? My name is Patty Mbambo. I live here in Britain in Sheffield but I am originally from Zimbabwe. The problem that brought me to SCOAN London was a leg ulcer. It started off as a minor injury and as time went on it developed into an infected ulcer which was getting worse day by day. The day it started, I had a dream. In this dream, I saw a snake that began circling around me. I was so scared. It suddenly leapt from the floor, cruelly bit my finger and the blood started flowing. I woke up in a cold sweat, confused. I went to work. Just one hour after having this dream, it happened. As I was pushing a foot trolley, the wheel turned suddenly and went straight into my leg. The blood flowed, exactly as I saw in my dream. Thats how the ulcer started. From the onset, I knew it was not an ordinary ulcer. The doctors were surprised at how it was changing, getting worse day by day despite the medication. I was having antibiotics regularly. I was taking seven per day, including other tablets I was having. But the medication was simply not working. The nurse who was looking after me was a very lovely woman. She really wanted me to be back to normal but it was beyond her powers. During this time, I felt I was losing it, losing my grip on life. I was in such a depression. I felt like somebody with a very big stick was hitting me all over my body. I was in pain. All the time it was oozing this vile liquid. My leg had even turned grey instead of pink. I would wake up every morning and change the bandages because of the fluid coming out. When I took the bandage off, I would see the rotten skin. It was smelling horribly. My leg was becoming smaller, turning grey and rotting away. The flesh inside my leg was actually rotting away. I could smell it. When I was touching my leg, I could feel my fingers going deep inside. I was wasting away with no power to restore anything. It was a very difficult time. I could do virtually nothing in the house, even to wash myself. I had to rely on my son to do everything for me. I couldnt go anywhere. I was afraid of going out because if I meet people, they would say I smelt. If somebody came near me, I was so scared that if something hit my leg, it would be even worse. If something just brushed my leg, the pains would make me scream.

My son who was in Zimbabwe told me about a church he was watching everyday on Emmanuel TV with Prophet T.B. Joshua. He gave me the website and I found The SCOAN in London. I decided to travel down for the monthly prayer line. When I was prayed for, I didnt feel anything physically but had faith that everything would be alright. The evangelists followed up with a visit and gave me Anointing Water to use daily on my leg. They told me not to put on the bandage. I slept that night, expecting to wake up with the bed wet from the wound. However, when I woke up and took out my foot from the bed, it was not wet! I thought I was not seeing properly. I took a lamp and held it close to my leg. I saw that the opening of the wound was closing up! I put my finger there, thinking it would break and fluid would come out. Nothing! When the nurse came that morning, I gave her the bandage. They were special bandages because the infection had to be kept in check. She took it, opened it up and looked astonished. It was dry. She said, My God! What is happening? She touched my leg and said to me, Oh, you were taking about going for prayer. Did you actually go? She was so surprised! She told me not to put the bandage back and follow any instruction I was given by the church. She said that in the whole of her professional life, she had never seen this kind of miracle! Thats how everything changed. From that day, I knew there was something going on inside my leg but it was not painful. I understood it was the tissues building up. My leg changed colour from grey back to pink. Right now, I can even hit my leg no pains at all! To cap it all off, I have now returned to my work this week. Thank You, Jesus, for saving my life! The Anointing Water is the real deal. If you have this blessing and you have the faith in you, everything will be alright. I would advise everyone who has a problem to come to Jesus Christ. He is the only Saviour, the One who created you. Abide in Him and let Him abide in you. To add further credence to this wonderful testimony, Pattys son accompanied her. My name is Major Dube. I was one of those looking after my mum when she had this leg ulcer. It was a gradual process where first it was a small injury but it became worse and worse. As time went on, it became more depressing for all of us in the family. We were just worried. What is happening? We didnt seem to have any explanation or any way of dealing with it. It was overwhelming. Its not easy to see your mum suffering while you cannot do anything. You just have no way of solving the situation. I had no idea what to do. I was powerless. The day it happened after she received Anointing Water at the prayer line, when she woke up and the wound had started to cover up, it was such a big surprise! I knew healing had happened for my mother and indeed for everyone in the family. It was a glad day, a wonderful day. God uses the Anointing Water as a medium. Your faith and His Spirit will work wonders for you through the Anointing Water, in Jesus name! SOURCE: SCOAN London Blog http://www.scoanlondon.wordpress.com/

SCOAN London is an international branch of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations based in Lagos, Nigeria under the leadership of Prophet T.B. Joshua (http://www.scoan.org/). Please feel free to contact us on +44 (0) 2070 603939, +44 (0) 7985 034222, +44 (0) 7432 696657 for more information. Our email address is uk@scoan.org.

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