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3029EPS English 2 Curriculum area: English Academic Objective(s): Ways of Working Recognise and select vocabulary to describe subject

t matter. Interpret how people, characters, places and events and things have been represented. Reflect and identify how language elements in texts represent people, characters, places, events and things in similar and different ways. Reading and Viewing Words, groups of words, visual resources and images elaborate ideas and information, and portray people, characters, places, events and things in different ways. Language Elements Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and prepositional phrases, develop and elaborate ideas and portray people, characters, places, events and things in different ways. Prior Knowledge: The students would have previously explored the synergy of the text and the importance of descriptive language to create the imagery in picture books. The students would have an understanding of what a simile is and have explored narratives with similes used to help describe the setting. Year Grade: 3 Learning Content This lesson is developing the awareness within students the elements within the setting of a narrative and the important role of description, including the use of figurative language. Students are learning to analyse excerpts from a text to understand how the language is used in particular ways to create evocative images of setting. Embedded within this lesson is the ability for students to use critical literacy skills to identify the elements within the text in order to create a well-developed setting. The skill of visual literacy is also embedded within this lesson in getting students to analyse an image and assist the teacher in creating a welldeveloped descriptive setting. Date: 7.10.11 Formative & Summative Assessment Formative Assessment Questioning students to identify their level of understanding. Anecdotal notes of their learning and ability to highlight the important elements within a setting. Interviews during group work to identify each students understanding and ability to work collaboratively. Summative Assessment Within this section of the unit, in lesson six students will be expected to work individually to create a well-developed setting for a section with The BFG. They will then be expected to type there paragraph onto a the classroom blog for the parents and peers to read.

Resources The novel, The BFG Handout with paragraph from p.14. Interactive Whiteboard Coloured pencils Handout with setting questions to assist students in analysing and writing setting. Scanned images from The BFG.

Teaching & Learning Activities:

Focus Questions

Teacher Resources

Diverse Learners 1

3029EPS English 2 Steps and Timing Orientation (10 MINS): -Activate students prior knowledge by questioning the class about what they explored in the previous lesson. -This will ensure the students are focused and engaged with the topic because they have begun the lesson by remembering what they learnt last lesson. If they are unsure about the meaning of the word simile, ensure to remind them or correct students because that is a vital element in their understanding. -Gain the students level of understanding about the elements to include within the setting. Use the whiteboard to brainstorm with students.

-What do you know about the setting in a narrative? -How did the description in the BFG last lesson help you draw your pictures? -Who can tell me what a simile is? What is an example? -Who can tell me what you need to include in the setting? -Why are these elements important? -What language would you use to describe the setting? Whiteboard

Enhancing (20 MINS): -Use the novel The BFG by Roald Dahl to explore a paragraph within the text about the setting (the setting description on p.14). The students need to be modelling specifically about how to create an effective setting. -As the teacher, it will be engaging for the visual learners in the classroom to re-type the selected paragraph from the novel into a word document then display this onto the Interactive Whiteboard. -It is important that students understand that the setting is the environment in which a story or event takes place. Setting can include specific time and place or can simply be descriptive. To create setting, provide information about time and place and use descriptive language to evoke vivid sights, sounds, smells and other sensations. -Give students a printed version of the paragraph extract from The BFG, they should have access to coloured pencils so they can practice the teachers modelling strategy. -Use the Interactive Whiteboard tool, the highlighter, to demonstrate to the students the specific elements that

-The novel, The BFG by Roald Dahl -Use an excerpt from the text to teach students about the setting. The specific excerpt for this lesson is found on P.14 of the text. The beginning sentence is, They were in a country of think forests and rushing rivers...

-Handout of the paragraph from p.14 of The BFG -Coloured Pencils -Interactive Whiteboard -Highlighting tool within Interactive Whiteboard.

Grouping: The organisational flow in the beginning of this lesson involves frontloading the lesson through whole-class instruction. This choice of grouping proposes that all students stay together in a pre-reading phase that front loads the lesson and begins to level the playing field, ensuring all students will have success with the text. Explicit teaching to the group ensures all students have an understanding of the descriptive language used by the author to create visual images. 2

3029EPS English 2 are included within the paragraph to create a welldeveloped setting. -Introduce the students to the questioning the students should be using when analysing the setting of a narrative and once they write a setting what they should be asking themselves to ensure it is well-developed: Where is it? When is it? What is the weather like? What is the environment like? What special details make the setting interesting? Are there any similes in this setting? What are they trying to tell us? -Check for students understanding about the questioning and if all of them make sense. -Model to the students how you would analyse the setting using the Interactive Whiteboard. Question the students, so they are assisting in the learning process. -Use the highlighting tool on the Interactive Whiteboard to find, where the setting is. Break down the paragraph into sentences and explore one sentence at a time. Question the students if the location or place of the setting is described at all during that sentence. If the answer is yes, highlight that section. Ensure the students highlight the section on their pieces of paper as well. -Use the highlighting tool on the Interactive Whiteboard to find the time the setting is written (when is it). Use a different colour to the above colour, so the students can clearly see the difference. As above, deconstruct the paragraph and explore each sentence individually. Remind students to highlight the time on their paper as well. -Continue the same process to find the weather, environment and special details. Use a different coloured highlighter for each question, to help students differentiate. -When it comes to finding the similes within the paragraph. Question the students to check their understanding of similes. -When you know the students have the understanding of Text: Extracts from the text The BFG have been chosen to effectively engage the struggling readers. This text is a rich text with vivid descriptive language to effectively engage the students.

-Handout with setting questions for students to use when analysing and writing a welldeveloped setting. -Where is it? -When is it? -What is the weather like? -What is the environment like? -What special details make the setting interesting? -Are there any similes in this setting? What are they trying to tell us? -Do you understand why you would ask these questions? Do any of them not make sense? -Do any of these words describe where the setting is? -How does that tell you where it is?

Multiple Intelligences: As the teacher the Interactive Whiteboard to display information it is applying modes that relate to Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligences, this will help in relating to different learning styles within the classroom.

-What is a simile? What words do similes usually use to compare objects? -Can anybody see a simile in this sentence? How do you

Analysing the paragraph sentence by sentence will ensure that the all students have success with the text. This instructional strategy is ensuring that you are catering for the struggling readers to understand and have the chance to analyse the text, while the motivated learners analyse on a deeper level.

3029EPS English 2 similes, deconstruct the text by each individual sentence to see if there are any similes evident within the text. -Within this paragraph there are two similes evident. -Dead trees stood everywhere like skeletons. -Morning sun was coming up red as blood. -Once the students have identified both similes. Question them about their understanding of the literal meaning of the similes. It is important they understand what it means and how it helps the description within the text; this will help them in embedding similes in their individual writing. -Get the students to get out their writing books. Now that you have modelled how to analyse a well-developed setting, model how to write a well-developed setting. -Use the image on p.19 of the text, The BFG. Scan this image into the computer and display on the Interactive Whiteboard for the students to clearly view. -Get the students to view the elements within this picture to help develop the setting. -Get the students to use the setting questioning handout they were given to help think about the elements that need to be included to create the setting and how to make them descriptive. -Encourage students to look at the lighting, positioning, objects, body language etc. -Begin modelling how to create a setting with the students. Get the students to record this setting as an example in their books. -Now that the students have been modelled how to analyse and write well-developed settings, separate students into their groups. -Give each group an extract from the text, get the students to use their coloured pencils to analyse the setting just like they did as a class. -As the teacher understanding the students ability levels is vital for this activity. For struggling readers working with the teacher provide the students with a setting with only three-four sentences and less description so it is easier for them to comprehend and analyse. For gifted students provide them with a setting within the text of know it is a simile? -What do you think this simile means? Why do you say that? What is it comparing the sun to? What are the features of blood? So what do you think it is saying about the sun? How does this help make this a descriptive setting?

-Scanned image on p.19 of The BFG.

-How would you write where the setting is? What does this picture tell you? Does it look like it is outside or inside? Etc. -What are the objects around? What describing words could you use to develop the setting?

-Extracts for each group from, The BFG. -Coloured pencils

Grouping: Largely multiability groups- this way it allows students to help one another as the whole class does the same activity. Although, the struggling readers will be working with the teacher: Shane, Mike, Darren, Lizzie and Ahmet for extra assistance and explanation.

3029EPS English 2 great depth and length so them to deeply analyse. -Ensure the students are using different colours for each question. Synthesising (10 MINS): -Once the students have been given sufficient amount of time to complete the task, regain their attention. -Give each group an opportunity to share with the class the different elements within the setting their found. -As a teacher, fill in any gaps the students missed to ensure the understanding is sufficiently developed. -What did your group find? -How did you know that those phrases described the _____? -What did the similes mean in your text? What were they comparing?

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