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;this database is protected by the european and belgian laws.

-------- value = 2
;(directive 96/9/ce - 11 march 1996 concerning the databases ---------
;protection and belgian laws of 31 august 1998 [databases protection]
;and 30 june 1994 [author's rights]). --------------------------------
;consequently, every update of this database renews its protection for
;15 years. -----------------------------------------------------------
;what has been done from the 2007.1 version: -------------------------
;- a lot of win2dos works. -------------------------------------------
;- correction of a lot of sffs. --------------------------------------
;- correction of a lot of bgs. ---------------------------------------
;- a lot of new osts / asts / adx / iso / rips added / improved. -----
;- the "diet" continues. ---------------------------------------------
;- added all new mugen stuff, as usual. ------------------------------
;--------------------earth, europe, belgium, liege, herstal 2007-09-02
;------------------------perfect select 2007.2------------------------
;-----8738 chars, 13717 bgs, 1625 add-ons* & 210 tools referenced-----
;---------global size: 98.1 go (204057 files in 25290 folders)--------
;----------------size of the present document: 1.90 mo----------------
;---all the chars and bgs of this document are for last dos version---
;----winmugen coded chars still not converted to dos aren't present---
;-------the hr bgs too aren't present: both aren't requestable--------
;--for further informations concerning the win2dos operations, visit--
;-------mike werewolf's site & fanatic mugen site and forums----------
;----------------------* directly included add-ons aren't counted here
;----------------------next release: ver. 2008.1, around 2008 on earth
;legend (l): ---------------------------------------------------------
;- (a) added ---------------------------------------------------------
;- (bees) batalla en el santuario version ----------------------------
;- (bsf) brasilian sound file ----------------------------------------
;- (c) corrected -----------------------------------------------------
;- (cmks) corrected mk sff -------------------------------------------
;- (comment) public comments -----------------------------------------
;- (csff) corrected sff ----------------------------------------------
;- (di: [correction]) dos improvement: [win bug corrected] -----------
;- (e) ending(s) -----------------------------------------------------
;- (efn) empty for now -----------------------------------------------
;- (ei) ending included ----------------------------------------------
;- (es) empty slot (reserved place for a future character) -----------
;- (esf) english sound file ------------------------------------------
;- (f) from ----------------------------------------------------------
;- (fsf) french sound file -------------------------------------------
;- (fx) fightfx ------------------------------------------------------
;- (fnt) font packs --------------------------------------------------
;- (gi) games included -----------------------------------------------
;- (h) helmet --------------------------------------------------------
;- (i) intro ---------------------------------------------------------
;- (i&e) intro & ending ----------------------------------------------
;- (i&ei) intro & ending included ------------------------------------
;- (ii) intro included -----------------------------------------------
;- (isf) italian sound file ------------------------------------------
;- (jsf) japanese sound file -----------------------------------------
;- (l) legend --------------------------------------------------------
;- (lb) life bars ----------------------------------------------------
;- (ldv) last dos version --------------------------------------------
;- (manga) from manga (fmg) ------------------------------------------
;- (me) mugen engines ------------------------------------------------
;- (mks) mortal kombat sff -------------------------------------------
;- (mkp) mortal kombat project version -------------------------------
;- (mmh) mugen museum helpers ----------------------------------------
;- (mpe) mugen plus edition ------------------------------------------
;- (ms) medium sized -------------------------------------------------
;- (mt) mugen tools --------------------------------------------------
;- (n2bu) needs to be updated ----------------------------------------
;- (n2bu: [ ]) needs to be updated: [problem] ------------------------
;- (nba) naruto battle arena version ---------------------------------
;- (nh) no helmet ----------------------------------------------------
;- (nmt) non mugen tools ---------------------------------------------
;- (nr) new rules: read them -----------------------------------------
;- (o) opening(s) ----------------------------------------------------
;- (p) platforms of (gi) ---------------------------------------------
;- (pc) personnal comments -------------------------------------------
;- (r) removed -------------------------------------------------------
;- (rsff) recompiled sff ---------------------------------------------
;- (sj) smash jump! version ------------------------------------------
;- (sffc) sff checked ------------------------------------------------
;- (sndp) sound packs ------------------------------------------------
;- (sp) screenpack(s) ------------------------------------------------
;- (ss) sub section --------------------------------------------------
;- (ssf) spanish sound file ------------------------------------------
;- (ssp) samurai shodown project -------------------------------------
;- (xss) xnd / rd / th sub section -----------------------------------
;- (t) tools ---------------------------------------------------------
;- (tqh0) tqh0 version -----------------------------------------------
;- (u) updated -------------------------------------------------------
;- (ursff) unrecompilable sff ----------------------------------------
;- (us) useful sites -------------------------------------------------
;- (wc) winmugen compatible ------------------------------------------
;- (wo) winmugen only ------------------------------------------------
;- (wo2d) winmugen only to dos mugen conversion (winonly coding 2 dos)
;- (ws) winmugen sff: needs to be converted into dos format ----------
;- (ws2d) winmugen sff converted to dos mugen ------------------------
;------------------try ctrl + f for quick search----------------------
;what are you reading?------------------------------------------------
;this document tries to be the mugen museum: the purpose of it is to--
;gather all the known mugen datas-------------------------------------
;you can request them @ electrocaid2000@yahoo.fr only or you can join-
;me on msn messenger @ electrocaid@hotmail.com------------------------
;what you can request & how (nr): read this or die!!!-----------------
;a) what you can request----------------------------------------------
;1/ about the chars & the bgs:----------------------------------------
;- how to request'em? easy: gimme their def name. what's the def-----
;name: for the chars, it's the first name of a line [the one before---
;the first ","; for the bgs, it's the name between "stage/" & ".def".-
;- chars:-------------------------------------------------------------
; - (es) big bomberder: bad example: this is not a char ---> (es)-----
; - gandhara, stages/ring.def ;the gandhara by namaguideran-----------
;---> the def name of the char is gandhara: i need only that but------
;you must precise you want a char.------------------------------------
; - ; god1, stages/boss1.def ;god by ken (first release)-------
;---> the def name of the char is god1, even there's a tab space------
;before it.-----------------------------------------------------------
;- bgs:---------------------------------------------------------------
; - (es) big bomberder: there are no traces of a stage on this line:--
;you're really stupid!!!----------------------------------------------
; - gandhara, stages/ring.def ;the gandhara by namaguideran-----------
;---> the def name is ring or ring.def, as you want, but precise that-
;you want a bg.-------------------------------------------------------
; - ; god1, stages/boss1.def ;god by ken (first release)-------
;---> the def name is boss1 or boss1.def, as you want.----------------
;2/ about the mp3s:---------------------------------------------------
;- you can only request mp3s from video games: not the ones coming----
;from my dj collection.-----------------------------------------------
;- as i've seriously reworked all the mp3s, you can only request them-
;using msn messenger: join me at electrocaid@hotmail.com & request'em-
;directly there.------------------------------------------------------
;3/ about the add-ons (any kind of):----------------------------------
;you can request them by sending me their "codename" = the one you can
;find directly after, for example, (sp), (lb), (i), (e), etc.---------
;for all datas you request, please always mention the kind of datas---
;you're requesting.---------------------------------------------------
;b) how much mugen datas you can request------------------------------
;here are limits you must comply with: if you don't, your mail will be
;deleted without further warning.-------------------------------------
;- when you join me on msn messenger: there are no limits. as long as-
;i stay online, i'll give you any kind of datas.----------------------
;- if you mail me: use electrocaid2000@yahoo.fr only!!!.--------------
; - about the "quantity" of datas you can request: 5 items / mail max.
;(e.g.: 1 char + 1 bg + 1 (sp) + 1 (mt) + 1 other thing: ok?)---------
; - about the "number of mails" you can send me: ---------------------
; - you must wait for having received the datas you've requested ----
;before sending a new mail. if i receive another requests' mail from -
;the same ppl before i've sent him/her his/her previous requests, i'll
;simply delete the older mail: you're warned.-------------------------
; - if you're not a prior member (see my forum for more detail about-
;this quality), you aren't allowed to send me more than 1 mail / week.
;you must add this rule to the previous one: if i haven't sent you the
;requested datas, you must wait before requesting again, even you ----
;requested more than 7 days before!!!---------------------------------
; - for sure you can ask me if i've received your request list or ---
;talk to me but no new request before i've replied to the first one.--
; - another new rule: your mailbox has to be 10 mo at least. i won't-
;send again the same files to the same personn.-----------------------
;i'll reply only to the requests filled according to the above rules--
;please, never forget that the museum will be better if you help us to
;complete it... so, if you own datas that you believe we don't have,-
;please sent them to electrocaid2000@yahoo.fr-------------------------
;in the same optic, please feel free to post any comment or remark to-
;me: the classification is not an easy job----------------------------
;any help will be welcome---------------------------------------------
;electrocaid <------------------------------> electrocaid2000@yahoo.fr
;nb: for futher explanations, go to the fanatic mugen site (and its---
;nb: pour de plus amples informations, voyez la rubrique mugen museum-
;de fanatic mugen (sur le site et le forum)---------------------------
;----------fanatic mugen site: http://fanaticmugen.free.fr/-----------
;----------fanatic mugen forum: http://forum.fanaticmugen.free.fr/----



;3 count bout / fire suplex (arcade, neogeo & neogeo cd) -------------

;big bomberder
;(es) big bomberder

;blubber man
;(es) blubber man

;blues hablam
;(es) blues hablam, random, music=sound/3_count_bout_iso_-

;gochack bigbomb
;(es) gochack bigbomb, random, music=sound/3_count_bout_iso_-

;leo bradlay
;(es) leo bradlay, random, music=sound/3_count_bout_iso_-

;master barnes
;(es) master barnes, random, music=sound/3_count_bout_iso_-

;roy wilson
;(es) roy wilson

;terry rogers
;(es) terry rogers

;the gandhara
gandhara, stages/ring.def, music=sound/3_count_bout_iso_-
_''fire_muscle''_macho_man_(stage_1-3-5-7-9).mp3 ;the gandhara by
namaguideran, (rsff)

;the red dragon

;(es) the red dragon, random, music=sound/3_count_bout_iso_-

;, music=sound/3cb_-_''fighting_spirit''_mountain_guy_(stage_4).mp3
;, music=sound/3cb_-_''fire_muscle''_macho_man_(stage_1-3-5-7-9).mp3
;, music=sound/3cb_-_burning_super_megaton_kick_(stage_8).mp3
;, music=sound/3cb_-_dark_free_fall_(stage_2).mp3
;, music=sound/3cb_-_dirty_mexican_wall_(stage_6).mp3
;, music=sound/3cb_-_terrible_master_barnes_(final_stage).mp3

;46 okunen monogatari (super nes) ------------------------------------

; superpez, ;superpez by roller18 with easychar, (rsff)

;64th street (arcade) ------------------------------------------------

;stages/64thstbf.def ;bus fight

;act-fancer cybernetick hyper weapon (arcade) ------------------------

;stages/actfancer_lv1.def ;level 1

;actraiser series (actraiser & actraiser 2; super nes) ---------------

; god1, stages/boss1.def, music=sound/actraiser_05_the_beast_appears.mp3 ;god

by ken (first release), (sffc)

;, music=sound/actraiser_04_fillmoa.mp3
;, music=sound/actraiser_07_bloodpool_-_casandora.mp3
;, music=sound/actraiser_08_aitos_-_temple.mp3
;, music=sound/actraiser_09_powerful_enemy.mp3
;, music=sound/actraiser_10_piramid_-_marana.mp3
;, music=sound/actraiser_11_north_wall.mp3
;, music=sound/actraiser_12_all_over_the_world.mp3
;, music=sound/actraiser_13_satan.mp3

;actraiser series remix

; god2, stages/battlecem.def, music=sound/actraiser_freestyle_oc_remix.mp3

;god by ken (last release), (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;actraiser (super nes) ===============================================

;stages/act.def ;act 1

;actraiser remix

;, music=sound/actraiser1(symphony)-the_beast_appears.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;actraiser 2 (super nes) =============================================

;stages/m4e_industen_1-1.def ;industen 1-1

;stages/tortoise.def ;tortoise island

;advent children -----------------------------------------------------

; accloud, ;cloud by ninja_naruto, (wo2d)

;adventure island / takahashi meijin no bouken jima series (adventure island / new
adventure island/ takahashi meijin no bouken jima / takahashi meijin no shin
bouken jima, adventure island 2 / takahashi meijin no bouken jima 2, adventure
island 3 / takahashi meijin no bouken jima 3, adventure island 4 / takahashi
meijin no bouken jima 4, famicom mini: adventure island, super adventure island /
takahashi meijin no daibouken jima, super adventure island 2 / takahashi meijin no
daibouken jima 2)

;(ss) ================================================================
;adventure island / takahashi meijin no bouken jima (nes) ============

;stages/advisland_lv1.def ;level 1
;stages/advisland_lv2.def ;level 2
;stages/advisland_lv3.def ;level 3
;stages/advisland_lv4.def ;level 4

;adventure island / takahashi meijin no bouken jima remix

;, music=sound/adventure_island_tribal_warfare_oc_remix.mp3
;(ss) ================================================================
;hudson selection volume 4: adventure island / takahashi meijin no bouken shima

;stages/adventure island 3d.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;super adventure island / takahashi meijin no daibouken jima (super nes)

;stages/adisland.def ;stage 1-1

;stages/sai_stage2.def ;stage 2

;agressors of dark kombat / tsuukai gangan koushinkyoku (arcade, neogeo & neogeo
;(e): kisarah ;by gamespy ----------------------------------------

;bobby (basketball ground)

;(es) bobby, stages/adkbobby.def, music=sound/aodk_-_take_it_easy_(bobby).mp3

;fuuma (forest)
fuma_ver035, stages/forest15.def, music=sound/aodk_-_rule_of_fuma_(fuma).mp3 ;
kotaro fuma by yoshi-ok, (rsff)

;goh (meeting under the bridge)

go0, stages/nightstreet.def, music=sound/aodk_-_love_and_bustle_night_(go).mp3
;go kidokoro by elecbyte / fujy, (sffc)

;joe (train station)

joe5, stages/train6.def, music=sound/aodk_-_spirit_(jo).mp3 ;joe kusanagi by
basara-kun, (wc)

;kisarah (london street)

; kisarah, ;kisarah by fervicante, (ldv), (rsff)
kisarah0, stages/london-aodk.def, music=sound/aodk_-_open_eyes_(kisarah).mp3 ;
kisarah by fervicante, (wc), (ws2d)

;lee (waterfall)
leega, stages/falldojo.def, music=sound/aodk_-_a_man_who_sells_danger_(lee).mp3
;lee by envymask666, (rsff)

;leonhalt (desert)
lionhalt, stages/desert14_up.def, music=sound/aodk_-
_epitaph_in_desert_storm_(leonhalt).mp3 ;lionhalt by arma_x, (sffc)

;sheen (bar-ring)
;(es) sheen, stages/ring3.def, music=sound/aodk_-_winners_(sheen).mp3

;agressors of dark kombat remix

ccimikuru, stages/waterfalldojo.def, music=sound/aodk_iso_-_kisarah.mp3 ;cci

mikuru by david demianoff (unrequestable status)

;, music=sound/aodk_iso_-_joe.mp3
;, music=sound/aodk_iso_-_go.mp3
;, music=sound/aodk_iso_-_fuma.mp3
;, music=sound/aodk_iso_-_lee.mp3
;, music=sound/aodk_iso_-_bobby.mp3
;, music=sound/aodk_iso_-_leonhalt.mp3
;, music=sound/aodk_iso_-_sheen.mp3

;air (pc) ------------------------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- air_dream ;by aohige -----------------------------------------
;- air_in_summer ;by aohige -----------------------------------------
;- air_in_summer_hi ;by aohige -----------------------------------

;stages/air_haieki.def ;haisen ekimae

;stages/air_okujou.def ;okujou

;, music=sound/air_-_air03.mp3

;akira (original) ----------------------------------------------------
;(sp): tetsuo ;by ex_inferis -------------------------------------

tet, stages/city_of_hutchinson.def,
music=sound/akira_ost_battle_against_the_clowns.mp3 ;tetsuo by dan akuma, (wc),

;, music=sound/akira_ost_exodus_from_the_underground_fortress.mp3
;, music=sound/akira_ost_kaneda.mp3
;, music=sound/akira_ost_tetsuo.mp3

;aladin (super nes & genesis) ----------------------------------------

;stages/a-cave.def ;arabian caves

;stages/aladin.def ;streets

;albator (original) --------------------------------------------------

;stages/arcadia.def ;arcadia ship (without albator)

;stages/arcadia_stage.def ;arcadia ship (with albator)

;alex kidd series (alex kidd in high tech world, aled kidd in miracle world, aled
kidd in shinobi world, alex kidd in the enchanted castle, alex kidd tenkuu
mashiro, alex kidd: the lost stars, bmx trial: alex kidd; arcade, genesis,
playstation 2 & master system)

;(ss) ================================================================
;master system alex kidd series (alex kidd in high tech world, alex kidd in
miracle world, alex kidd in shinobi world, alex kidd: the lost stars & bmx trial:
alex kidd; master system)

; alexkidd, stages/hforest.def, music=sound/loststr.mp3;alex kidd by lord,

fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)
; alexkidd0, ;alex kidd by orochiweapon2000 and cptmunta, (wo2d)
; alexkidd1, ;alex kidd by orochiweapon2000 and cptmunta, (wc)
; masterbonus, ;master bonus by lord sinistro, (csff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;alex kidd in shinobi world (sms) ====================================

;stages/alexkiddsw_1-1.def ;stage 1-1

;alien hominid (xbox) ------------------------------------------------

; ah, stages/ah.def, music=sound/ah.mp3 ;alien hominid by paul centola,


;alien storm (arcade, commodore 64, genesis, nes & master system) ----

;stages/alienbg.def ;alien attack

;alien vs predator series (alien vs predator; arcade, gameboy, jaguar, lynx, nes &
super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;alien vs predator (arcade) ==========================================

;alien queen (round 3-a: entrance of the mothership)

queen0, stages/avsp_round3a.def, music=sound/avsp_-_boss_3_-queen_alien_1-.mp3
;alien queen by hsr, (sffc) + (e) by rudolf27

;alien warrior (truck ride)

alien_w, stages/road0.def, music=sound/avsp_-_forced_assault_(round_3_-_5_&_7-
2).mp3 ;alien warrior by hsr, (sffc)

;(es) arachnoid

;chrysalis (boss 1 stage)

chrysalis, stages/avsp_boss1.def, music=sound/avsp_-_boss_1_-chrysalis-.mp3 ;
chrysalis by hsr, (sffc)

;linn kurosawa (crazy lift)

00linn_kurosawa, stages/avsp_sp.def, music=sound/avsp_-_forced_assault_(round_3_-
_5_&_7-2).mp3 ;lt.kurosawa by tin, (wc), (rsff)
; linn, ;linn kurosawa by nag, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
lt.kurosawa, stages/avsp_sp.def, music=sound/avsp_-_forced_assault_(round_3_-
_5_&_7-2).mp3 ;lt. kurosawa by falchion22, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

;mad predator (boss 5 stage: lift)

;(es) mad predator, stages/avsp_madp.def, music=sound/avsp_-_boss_5_-

;major d. schaefer (streets of san drad)

avp_schaefer, stages/sandrad.def, music=sound/avsp_-
_city_of_despair_(round_1_&_7).mp3 ;major d.schaefer by mouser, (wc), (rsff) + (e)
by rudolf27

;predator hunter (alien extocage)

phunter, stages/extocage.def, music=sound/avsp_-
_nightmare_in_the_lab_(round_6).mp3 ;predator hunter by desh, (rsff) + (e) by

;predator warrior (underpass elevator)

predator, stages/uelevator.def, music=sound/avsp_-
_war_in_the_underpass_(round_2_&_6-2).mp3 ;predator by kazuki, (rsff) + (e) by
predator_w, stages/uelevator.def, music=sound/avsp_-
_war_in_the_underpass_(round_2_&_6-2).mp3 ;predator warrior by hsr, (wo2d), (n2bu:

;private / power loader (round 6 bonus)

private, stages/avsp_round6bonus.def, music=sound/avsp_-
_elevator_(bonus_round).mp3 ;private by hsr, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by rudolf27

;razor claws (boss 2 stage: carnage)

razorclaws, stages/avsp_boss2.def, music=sound/avsp_-_boss_2_-razor-claws-.mp3
;razor claws by hsr, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by rudolf27

;stages/aliens-vs-predator-3.def ;underground base

;stages/aliens-vs-predator-11.def ;underground base
;stages/aliens-vs-predator-12.def ;underground base
;stages/aliens-vs-predator-13.def ;alien nest
;stages/aliens-vs-predator-15.def ;sacred forest
;stages/sacredforest.def ;sacred forest

;, music=sound/avsp_-_assault_on_a_queen_(round_4).mp3
;, music=sound/avsp_-_boss_4_-power_loader-.mp3
;, music=sound/avsp_-_final_boss_-queen_alien-2-.mp3
;, music=sound/avsp_-_(round_2-2_&_4-2).mp3

;alien vs predator remix


;altered beast / jyuohki (alt: juuouki) series (altered beast / jyuohki & altered
beast: guardian of the realms; arcade, commodore 64, gameboy advance, genesis,
nes, playstation 2, master system, turbo cd, turbo graphix 16 & zod))

; octeyes, stages/abtemple.def, music=sound/alteredbeast_arc_ost_-_07.mp3

;octeyes bonus by r�mulo, (csff)

;stages/acropolis.def ;the acropolis (sms)

;stages/altbeast1.def ;the acropolis (gen)
;stages/altbeast3.def ;stage 3 - the cave
;stages/altbeast4.def ;stage 4 - the castle (gen)
;stages/dis.def ;city of dis
;stages/underworld.def ;stage 2 - the underworld

;, music=sound/alteredbeast_arc_ost_-_01.mp3
;, music=sound/alteredbeast_arc_ost_-_02.mp3
;, music=sound/alteredbeast_arc_ost_-_03.mp3
;, music=sound/alteredbeast_arc_ost_-_05.mp3
;, music=sound/alteredbeast_arc_ost_-_06.mp3

;america's army operations -------------------------------------------


;angel eyes (playstation & arcade) -----------------------------------

;(es) angel, random, music=sound/ae_-_angel_stage.mp3

;black raiya
b_raiya, stages/castelo-de-dia.def, music=sound/ae_-_black_raiya_stage.mp3 ;black
raiya by pripri man, (sffc)

chibi1, stages/chibibg.def, music=sound/ae_-_chibi_stage.mp3 ;chibiko by
elecbyte / no, (rsff)

;h star
;(es) h star, random, music=sound/ae_-_h_star_stage.mp3

; kiriko0, ;kiriko by pc tim, (wo2d)
kiriko1, stages/akane_up.def, music=sound/ae_-_kiriko_stage.mp3 ;kiriko by pc tim,
updated by alex, (wo2d)

;(es) lina, random, music=sound/ae_-_lina_stage.mp3

;marie & king

;(es) m&k, random, music=sound/ae_-_marie_&_king_stage.mp3

mysp, stages/castelo_n.def, music=sound/ae_-_mysterious_power_stage.mp3 ;mysp
by keyu, (rsff)

raiya, stages/angelstge.def, music=sound/ae_-_raiya_stage.mp3 ;raiya mikazuchi
by orochi herman, with subaru & gatchan, (rsff)
; raiya0, ;raiya mikazuchi by asako, (rsff)

;(es) reika, random, music=sound/ae_-_reika_stage.mp3

;angel eyes remix

nudemysp, stages/castelo-de-dia.def, music=sound/ae_-_mysterious_power_stage.mp3

;mysterious power by ��^�-��#�-~-]������o�[� , (rsff)
raiyanude, stages/castelo-de-dia.def, music=sound/ae_-_raiya_stage.mp3 ;raiya
mikazuchi nude by orochi herman, with subaru, (rsff)
b_raiya0, stages/castelo-de-dia.def, music=sound/ae_-_black_raiya_stage.mp3 ;black
raiya by pripri man + nude patch by bomb, (sffc)

;angelic layer / kidou tenshi angelic layer (gameboy advance) --------

; hikaru0, ;hikaru by boufuusetu, (rsff)

;a nightmare on elm street series (a nightmare on elm street & nightmare on elm
street; commodore 64, nes & pc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;a nightmare on elm street (nes) =====================================

; freddy, stages/elmstreet.def, music=sound/anoes_-_frlair.mp3 ;freddy

kruegar by mature4evr, (rsff)
; freddy0, stages/elm.def, music=sound/anoes_-_frlair.mp3 ;freddy krueger by
archaicgamer, (rsff)


;animaniacs series (animaniacs, animaniacs: a gigantic adventure, animaniacs splat
ball & animaniacs ten pin alley; gameboy, genesis, pc, playstation & super nes)

; animaniac, stages/editingroom.def ;animaniac by mole, (sffc)

; wakko, ;wakko by sayajin_3, ricardo ziglio fatec, (rsff)

;another world series (another world; amiga, genesis & super nes) ----

; lester, ;lester night chaikin by ggq, (rsff)

;stages/anotherworld - bain.def ;bathroom

;stages/anotherworld - exterieur.def ;outside
;stages/anotherworld - labo.def ;laboratory
;stages/anotherworld - pont.def ;bridge
;stages/anotherworld - prison.def ;jail
;arcade gamer fubuki (original char) ---------------------------------

fubuki, stages/nana_station.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_their_law_cd2_-_12.mp3

;fubuki sakuragasaki by nyan��kiryu, (rsff)

;arcana heart --------------------------------------------------------
;(i): ach_op ;by aohige -----------------------------------------


;arc the lad (playstation) -------------------------------------------

; spicy, ;unsigned spicy, (rsff)

;armored core --------------------------------------------------------
;(sp): armoredcore ;by mugenforever -----------------------------

; nineball-seraph, random, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_14.mp3 ;nineball-

seraph by ayumu sekijo, (sffc)

;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_00.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_01.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_02.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_03.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_04.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_05.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_06.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_07.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_08.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_09.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_10.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_11.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_12.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_13.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_15.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_16.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_17.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_18.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_19.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_20.mp3
;, music=sound/armoredcore_ost_-_cave.mp3

;art of fighting / ryuuko no ken series (art of fighting / ryuuko no ken, art of
fighting 2 / ryuuko no ken 2, art of fighting 3 / ryuuko no ken gaiden; arcade,
turbo cd, neogeo, genesis & super nes)
;(sp): mugenaof ;by fred -------------------------------------------
;(ss) ================================================================
;art of fighting / ryuuko no ken (arcade, turbo cd, neogeo, genesis & super nes)
;(sp): aof1.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(i): aof1intro ;by dark saviour ===================================

;bonus game (inside dojo)

; bonus-a, ;bonus a by fred, (sffc)
; aofwood, stages/aofbonus.def, music=sound/aof_ost_15_bonus_game.mp3 ;
unsigned wood bonus stage, (rsff)

;jack (bar)
aof1jack, stages/aof_jackbg.def, music=sound/aof_ost_09_mame_mame_maame.mp3 ;jack
by fred, (sffc)

;john (airport)
john1, stages/aof_johnbg.def, music=sound/aof_ost_21_koukuu_bokaan!.mp3 ;john
by fred, (sffc)

;king (piano bar "l'amor")

aof1king, stages/lamor.def, music=sound/aof_ost_13_michaiya.mp3 ;king by fred,
; aofking, ;aofking by kain the supreme, (rsff)

;lee (chinatown)
lee3, stages/aof_leebg.def, music=sound/aof_ost_11_chuugoku_roujin.mp3 ;lee pai
long by fred, (sffc)

;micky (backyard)
micky, stages/aof_mickybg.def, music=sound/aof_ost_19_gottsuuee_kanji.mp3 ;micky
by lord sinistro, (i&ei), (rsff)
; micky2, stages/streetaof.def ;micky by lord sinistro, (i&ei), (rsff)

;mr. big (the factory)

;(es) mr big, stages/aof_mrbigbg.def,

;mr. karate (temple)

aofmrkarate, stages/aof_mrkaratebg.def, music=sound/aof_ost_26_the_tengu_show.mp3
;mr karate by fred, (sffc)

;robert (comment: no proper bg)

aof1robert, stages/aof_johnbg2.def, music=sound/aof_ost_08_yuri-chan_motto-
ite_ya.mp3 ;robert garcia by fred, (sffc)

;ryo (comment: no proper bg)

aofryo, stages/aof_mrkaratebg.def, music=sound/aof_ost_25_ato_chotto.mp3 ;
unsigned ryo, (sffc)

;todo (outside dojo)

aof1todo, stages/aof_todobg.def, music=sound/aof_ost_06_art_of_fight.mp3 ;todo
by fred, (sffc)

;art of fighting / ryuuko no ken remix

jc, stages/aofsearching.def, music=sound/aof_ost_01_art_of_fight_(tribal_mix).mp3

;john crawley by smogon+the_none, (sffc)
; ryou, ;ryo.sakazaki by kani, (wc), (ws)


;(ss) ================================================================
;art of fighting 2 / ryuuko no ken 2 (arcade, neogeo & super nes) ====
;(sp): aof2.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(i): aof2intro ;by dark saviour ===================================

;bonus games (bonus 1: forest / bonus2: outside bar / bonus 3: in front of the
;(es) bonus 1, stages/aof2forest.def,
;(es) bonus 2, stages/aof2jack.def,
;, music=sound/aof2_ost_13_chohissatsuwazadenju_-

;eiji (airport)
eiji2, stages/aof2_eijibg.def, music=sound/aof2_ost_17_shinobi-
no_michi_(eiji_kisaragi_bgm)_way_of_the_ninja.mp3 ;eiji by fred, (sffc) + (e)
by garuda

;geese (geese tower)

aof_geese, stages/geese2.def, music=sound/aof2_ost_24_geese-ni_kiss_-cyber_edit-
_(geese_howard_bgm).mp3 ;aof_geese by sweater, (rsff) + (e) by geese manufacture
geese1, stages/aof2geese.def, music=sound/aof2_ost_24_geese-ni_kiss_-cyber_edit-
_(geese_howard_bgm).mp3 ;geese by fred, (sffc) + (e) by geese manufacture committee
geese_age26, stages/sdbh.def, music=sound/aof2_ost_24_geese-ni_kiss_-cyber_edit-
_(geese_howard_bgm).mp3 ;geese howard by geese manufacture committee, (ei), (sffc)

;jack (outside bar)

jack, stages/aof2jack.def, music=sound/aof2_ost_06_zoku_(jack_turner_bgm).mp3
;jack by andre lopes, (rsff)

;john (crawley air field)

john, stages/john.def, music=sound/aof2_ost_16_mustang_man_(john_crawley_bgm).mp3
;john by sweater, (rsff)
john2, stages/john.def, music=sound/aof2_ost_16_mustang_man_(john_crawley_bgm).mp3
;john crawly by raiwa, (rsff)
john3, stages/aof2john.def,
music=sound/aof2_ost_16_mustang_man_(john_crawley_bgm).mp3 ;john crawley by
adamskie, (rsff)

;king (park)
;(es) king, stages/aof2-southtownpark.def, music=sound/aof2_ost_08_kabocha-
;lee (asian street)
;(es) lee, stages/aof2lee0.def, music=sound/aof2_ost_07_chuugokurohjin_-

;micky (boxing club)

aof2micky, stages/aof2micky.def, music=sound/aof2_ost_10_eikoh-
e_jokyoku_(micky_rogers_bgm).mp3 ;micky by fred, (sffc)

;mr. big (parking)

;(es) mr big, stages/parking-garage.def,

;robert (robert's house)

;(es) robert, stages/aof2robertbg.def,

;ryo (horse place)

;(e): ryoend ;by nikkio78 aka garuda

;(es) ryo, stages/ryoaof2bg.def, music=sound/aof2_ost_03_uma-


;takuma (karate dojo)

takuma4, stages/karate-gym.def,
music=sound/aof2_ost_20_shihan_(takuma_sakazaki_bgm).mp3 ;takuma by fred, (sffc)

;temjin (harbour)
temjin, stages/aof2temjin.def,
music=sound/aof2_ost_18_muteki_(temjin_bgm)_foghorn.mp3 ;temjin by adamskie,

;yuri (gym club)

;(e): yuri ;by gamespy

yuriaof2, stages/aof2yuribg_up.def,
music=sound/aof2_ost_19_diet_(yuri_sakazaki_bgm).mp3 ;yuri by andre lopes, (rsff)

;art of fighting 2 / ryuuko no ken 2 remix


;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_blue_moon_factory_-oh_oh_big_mix_ii-_(mr.big).mp3
;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_chuugoku_roujin_-metal_percus_mix-
;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_diet_(yuri_sakazaki).mp3
;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_eikou_e_no_jokyoku_(micky_rogers).mp3
;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_geese_ni_kissu_-cyber_dub-_(geese_howard).mp3
;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_kabocha_to_pierrot_(king).mp3
;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_mustang_man_(john_crawley).mp3
;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_muteki_(temjin).mp3
;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_shihan_-ver.2-_(takuma_sakazaki).mp3
;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_shinobi_no_michi_(kisaragi_eiji).mp3
;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_swing_the_house_-jazzy_bop-_(robert_garcia).mp3
;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_uma_to_boku_-ver.2-_(ryo_sakazaki).mp3
;, music=sound/aof2_img_-_yakara_(jack_turner).mp3
;, music=sound/aof2_matchwithyuri_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;art of fighting 3 / ryuuko no ken 3 (arcade & neogeo) ===============
;(sp): aof3.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(i): aof3intro ;by dark saviour ===================================

;jin fuwa (train yard [night])

; 00fuwajin, ;fuwa jin by tin, (ldv), (rsff)
; 00fuwajin0, ;fuwa jin by tin + cannon musume cmd patch, (rsff)
00fuwajin2, stages/trainyard.def, music=sound/aof3_-_mojo_(mojo_ramble).mp3 ;fuwa
jin by tin, (wc)

;karman cole (oil bank [night])

;(es) karman, stages/aof3catus-up.def, music=sound/aof3_-

;kasumi todoh (bar santana)

kasumi4, stages/aof3santana-up.def, music=sound/aof3_-
_stone_in_santana_(bass_groove).mp3 ;kasumi todo by nyo

;lenny creston (temple of water [day & night])

lenny, stages/maya.def, music=sound/aof3_-_get_high_(goa_trance).mp3 ;lenny
creston by keyu, (rsff)
;stages/aof3pow-founta.def ;night
;stages/temple5.def ;day
;stages/quixotec temple.def ;day
;stages/templeaaof3tx.def ;day
;stages/templebaof3tx.def ;night

;robert garcia (sieste cafe)

aof3robert, stages/siestecafe.def, music=sound/aof3_-_mojo_(theme_of_robert).mp3
;robert garcia by desouza, (rsff)

;rody birts (festival)

;(es) rody, stages/festival.def, music=sound/aof3_-_mojo_(mojo_boogie).mp3

;ryo sakazaki (oil bank [sunset])

;(es) ryo, stages/oilbank.def, music=sound/aof3_-_get_high_(theme_of_ryo).mp3

;sinclair (wyler's mansion)

; sinclair, ;sinclair by tof, (sffc)
sinclair0, stages/aof3pow-sinclair.def, music=sound/aof3_-
_liberation_hallucination_(theme_of_freia).mp3 ;sinclair by luchini, (rsff)
;wang koh san (train yard [day])
;(es) wang, stages/westernaof3.def, music=sound/aof3_-_get_high_(b-mix).mp3

;wyler (cemetery [day & night])

wyler, stages/wyler_nightbg.def, music=sound/aof3_-
_muzika_jungle_(theme_of_wyler_-_edition_2).mp3;wyler by dxwho, (sffc)
;stages/aof3wyler.def ;day
;stages/cemetery.def ;day

;art of fighting 3 / ryuuko no ken gaiden remix

;stages/ridersgrave.def, music=sound/ridersgrave.mp3

;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_03.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_08.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_09.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_11.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_12.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_13.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_14.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_15.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_16.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_19.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_20.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_21.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_22.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_23.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_24.mp3
;, music=sound/aof3_iso_-_25.mp3

;ashburton -----------------------------------------------------------

;stages/ashcolcourtyard.def ;ashburton college: a block courtyard

;stages/ashcol_entrance.def ;ashburton college: entranceway (day)
;stages/ashcol_entrances.def ;ashburton college: entranceway (sunset)
;stages/ashcol_ice.def ;ashburton college (ice)
;stages/ashcol_library.def ;ashburton college: library (night)
;stages/ashmemorial.def ;the anzac memorial
;stages/bloodstatue.def ;statue
;stages/bloodwall.def ;ashburton college: bloody wall
;stages/domain_ice.def ;ashburton domain (ice)
;stages/domain_ice2.def ;ashburton domain: icy landscape
;stages/s_block.def ;s block

;asterix series (asterix, asterix & obelix, asterix and obelix take on caesar,
asterix & obelix xxl, asterix and the great rescue, asterix and the magic
cauldron, asterix and the power of the gods, asterix and the secret mission,
asterix in morgenland, asterix: mega madness, asterix: search for dogmatix,
asterix: the gallic war & asterix the gaul; pc, gamegear, playstation 2, genesis,
playstation, master system, gameboy, nes, gameboy advance, arcade, atari 2600,
commodore 64 & super nes)

; asterix, stages/asterix0.def ;asterix by dadou, (sffc)

;astro robo sasa (nes) -----------------------------------------------

; sasa, ;astrorobo sasa by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)

;asuka 120 % series (asuka 120 % burning fest. final, asuka 120 % burning fest.
limited, asuka 120 % excellent, asuka 120 % maxima & asuka 120 % special;
playstation, saturn & turbo cd)

asuka, stages/shinbg.def, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-07.mp3 ;asuka by maruta,

karina, stages/shinbg.def, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-08.mp3 ;karina by maruta,

megumi, stages/shinbg.def, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-09.mp3 ;unsigned megumi,

nana, stages/shinbg.def, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-10.mp3 ;nana by maruta,

shinobu, stages/shinbg.def, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-11.mp3 ;shinobu by
testp, (rsff)
; shinobuex, ;shinobu ex by mgbenz, (wc), (sffc)
shinobuex0, stages/shinbg.def, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-11.mp3 ;shinobu ex
by mgbenz, (wc), (ws2d)

torami, stages/shinbg.def, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-12.mp3 ;torami by maruta,

;(ss) ================================================================
;asuka 120 % burning fest (pce) ======================================

;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-07.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-08.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-09.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-10.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-11.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-12.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-13.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-14.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-15.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-16.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-17.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-18.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-19.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-20.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-21.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-22.mp3
;, music=sound/a120_pce_iso_track-23.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;asuka 120 % burning festival final (playstation) ====================

;asuka honda (schoolgirl-o-rama)

asuka0, stages/af_01.def, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_04.mp3 ;honda asuka by nyo,

;cathy wild (ladies & gentlemen, the piledriver)

;(es) cathy, stages/asuka120%_cathywildstage.def,

;genichiro shindo
;(es) genichiro

;ichiko furutachi (hall monitor?)

ichiko, stages/af_14.def, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_05.mp3 ;ichiko by ashman,

;karina toyota (down in the lab)

karina_kurotuki, stages/af_02_up.def, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_09.mp3 ;karina
toyoda by � , (rsff)
karina_rs, stages/asuka120-2.def, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_09.mp3 ;karina toyoda by
� , add cns sff author tuki no turugi, (rsff)
karina_toyota, stages/asuka120-2.def, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_09.mp3 ;toyota
karina by sakuraka, (wc)

;kiyoko mitarai (batter up!)

;(es) kiyoko mitarai, stages/af_04.def

;kumi okubo (flirting with disaster)

kumi_okubo, stages/af_03.def, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_06.mp3 ;okubo kumi by
sakuraka, (wc)
; okcv, ;o.kumi c.v. by cerenas, (wo2d), (ws)

;megumi suzuki (track meet)

smcv, stages/af_06.def, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_03.mp3 ;s.megumi c.v. by
cerenas, (wo2d), (ws)

;nana owada (temple of the fist)

nana_owada, stages/af_05.def, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_08.mp3 ;owada nana by
sakuraka, (wc)

;ryuko yamazaki (serrrvice!)

;(es) ryuko, stages/af_07.def

;shinobu kwasaki (the showdown)

;(es) shinobu, stages/af_11.def

;tamaki shindo (tennis for two)

; tamaki, ;tamaki by ice, (rsff)
tamaki0, stages/af_09.def, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_07.mp3 ;tamaki shindou by
elecbyte/shinzombie, (i&ei), (rsff)

;tetsuko ogigaya (up on the roof)

;(es) tetsuko, stages/af_13.def

;torami hojyo (school o' karate)

;(es) torami, stages/af_10.def

;, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_02.mp3
;, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_10.mp3
;, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_11.mp3
;, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_12.mp3
;, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_13.mp3
;, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_14.mp3
;, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_17.mp3
;, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_19.mp3
;, music=sound/a120x_psx_-_20.mp3

;asuka 120 % burning festival final remix

; fd, ;flame demon by cerenas, (wo2d), (ws)

; qob, ;q.o.b. by cerenas, (wc), (ws)
; sa, ;d.b. sadist by cerenas, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;asura series (asura blade: sword of dynasty & asura buster: eternal warriors;

;(ss) ================================================================
;asura blade: sword of dynasy (arcade) ===============================

;alice (foughten field [night])

alice-as, stages/warafter0.def, music=sound/asura_blade_-
_foughten_field_(night).mp3 ;alice by nyo, (rsff)

;curfew (foughten field [night])

;(es) curfew, stages/warafter(blue).def, music=sound/asura_blade_-
;doppelganger (red dawn)
;(es) shadow, stages/ab-yourshadow.def, music=sound/asura_blade_-_doppelgenger.mp3

;footee (shrine's place)

;(es) footee

;goat (foughten field [dusk])

;(es) goat, stages/warafter.def, music=sound/asura_blade_-

;lightning (float castle [ground])

lightning, stages/asurablade_floatcastle-ground.def, music=sound/asura_blade_-
_floating_castle_(lower_side).mp3 ;light ning by binho, (sffc)

;rosemary (junk)
rosemary, stages/ab-dragoon.def, music=sound/asura_blade_-
_inside_of_the_castle_(final).mp3 ;rosemary by juke kisaragi, (sffc)

;s. geist (dragoon palace)

;(es) geist, stages/ab-dragoon.def, music=sound/asura_blade_-

;taros (junk)
;(es) taros

;yashaoh (float castle [air])

; yashaoh, ;yashaoh by nhk, (sffc), (ldv) + (e) by rudolf27
yashaoh0, stages/floatcastle.def, music=sound/asura_blade_-
_floating_castle_(upper_side).mp3 ;yashaoh by nhk, (wo2d)

;zam-b (dungeon)
;(es) zam-b, stages/dark_rpison.def, music=sound/asura_blade_-_dungeon.mp3

;, music=sound/asura_blade_-_chinese.mp3
;, music=sound/asura_blade_-_old_tower.mp3
;, music=sound/asura_blade_-_pub.mp3
;, music=sound/asura_blade_-_tower.mp3

;asura blade remix

rosemary0, stages/asuraenhanced.def, music=sound/asura_blade_-

_foughten_field_(dusk).mp3 ;rosemary by juke kisaragi + nudepatch by bomb,
; tqh0-04, ;rose mary by juke kisaragi, nude version by blomb, re-worked by
tetchi, (tqh0), (ldv), (csff)
; tqh0-040, ;r by juke kisaragi, patched by blomb, reworked by tetchi,
(tqh0), (wo2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;asura buster: eternal warriors (arcade) =============================
;alice (forest)
;(es) alice

;chen-mao (chinese temple)

j_chen, stages/yokumin.def, music=sound/asurabuster_zinsuke.mp3 ;chen-mao by juke
kisaragi, (wo2d)

;goat (hangar)
;(es) goat, stages/abu-chateau.def

;king (shrine)
;(es) king

;leon (garden)
;(es) leon, stages/castelo da rosemary.def, music=sound/castelo.mp3

;rokurouta (rooftop)
;(es) rokurouta

;rosemary (garden)
;(es) rosemary, stages/castelo da rosemary.def, music=sound/castelo.mp3

;sittara (town)
;(es) sittara

;taros (junkyard)
;(es) taros, stages/tower_of_pride.def

;vebel (cave)
;(es) vebel

;yashaou (town)
;(es) yashaou

;zam-b (rooftop)
;(es) zam-b

;zinsuke (mountain)
;(es) zinsuke, stages/asurabuster_zinsuke.def, music=sound/asurabuster_zinsuke.mp3

;stages/abu_bask.def ;castle of baskervilles - extra stage

;stages/castelo de baskervilles.def ;castle of baskervilles - extra stage

;azumanga fighter - comeback (pc) ------------------------------------

kagura, stages/neighborhood.def, music=sound/neighborhood.mp3 ;kagura by

wickydoo, (wo2d), (ws2d)
osaka, stages/sportyard.def, music=sound/sportyard.mp3 ;ayumu kasuga by
kotoyuki, (wc), (ws2d)

;babel sword (original) ----------------------------------------------
;(sp): bs ;by tatsu ------------------------------------------------
; copys, stages/neonoah-2.def ;# by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with
; hh-a, stages/neonoah-2.def ;4 by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with
; hh-d, stages/neonoah-2.def ;5 by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with
; hh-t, stages/neonoah-2.def ;6 by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with
; hh-x, stages/neonoah-2.def ;7 by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with
; hm-004a, stages/neonoah.def ;0 by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with
; hm-004b, stages/neonoah.def ;1 by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with
; hm-007, stages/neonoah.def ;2 by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with
; hm-009r, stages/neonoah.def ;3 by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with
; ms-9063, stages/neonoah.def ;9 by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with
; ms-s7, stages/p-m.def ;a by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with powermax])
; ms-z2, stages/p-m.def ;b by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with powermax])
; ms-z6, stages/p-m.def ;c by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with powermax])
; randoms, stages/p-m.def ;? by tatsu, (wo2d), (n2bu: [problem with powermax])

;bahamut lagoon ------------------------------------------------------

;stages/eglise0.def ;church or remembers

;stages/sauzer.def ;sauzer's room by night

;barbie series -------------------------------------------------------

;stages/barbie-beach.def ;beach
;stages/barbie-house.def ;house
;stages/barbie-texas_ranch.def ;texas ranch

;barney's hide and seek ----------------------------------------------

;stages/barneyhs.def, music=sound/hide&seek.mp3

;bastard!! series ----------------------------------------------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;bastard!! (original) ================================================
:(sp): bastard!! ;by tonyadv ========================================

abigail, stages\abigailbg.def , music=sound/original_-_show.mp3 ;abigail by tony
adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

anslasax, stages\anslasaxbg.def, music=sound/3am_rush_-
_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-_01.mp3 ;anslasax by tonyadv, (wc),

;arshes nei
arshes nei, stages\castello3.def, music=sound/daft_punk_-_discovery_-_08.mp3 ;
arshes nei by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

;dark schneider
dark schneider, stages\capella.def, music=sound/faithless_-_outrospective_-_08.mp3
;darkschneider by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

;mj dark schneider

mj dark schneider, stages\limbo.def, music=sound/the_mongo_hotline_-_(no_title)_-
_07.mp3 ;darkschneider by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

;di amon
diamon, stages\diamonbg.def, music=sound/godskitchen_-_mixed_by_mario_piu_-_13.mp3
;di-amon by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

; dragof, stages\tesoro.def ;drago by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)
; dragog, ;drago by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)
; dragov, ;drago by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

gabriel, stages\organo.def, music=sound/cherrymoon_-_vol.9_-_the_invasion_-_01.mp3
;gabriel by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

gara, stages\roccaninja.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.3_-_04.mp3 ;gara
by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

goblin, stages\villaggio.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_the_fat_of_the_land_-
_04.mp3 ;goblin by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

;kai harn
kai harn, stages\pietra_up.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.5_-_05.mp3
;kai harn by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

;kall su
kall su, stages\kcglory.def, music=sound/cherrymoon_-_the_compilation_vol.1_-
_02.mp3 ;kall su by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

lars, stages\kcgloryd.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_their_law_cd2_-_13.mp3 ;lars
ulu by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

michael0, stages\arca.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-
_13.mp3 ;michael by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)
michael2, stages\limbo2.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_remixes_-
_enjoy_the_silence_-_timo_maas_extended_remix.mp3 ;michael by tony adv, (i&ei),
(wc), (rsff)
minotauro, stages\villaggio2.def, music=sound/big_messy_summer_-_(no_title)_-
_05.mp3 ;minotauro by tony adv, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

pornodiano, stages\deserto2.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-_cd02_lange_-
_10.mp3 ;pornodiano by tonyadv (tony world s.r.l.), (i&ei), (wc), (csff)
pornodiano2, stages\pandemonio.def, music=sound/city_rockers_-_futurism_cd2_-
_01.mp3 ;pornodiano by tonyadv (tony world s.r.l.), (i&ei), (wc), (csff)

;sean harri
sean harri, stages\foresta0.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_always_outnumbered_never_outgunned_-_10.mp3 ;sean harri by tony adv, (i&ei),
(wc), (rsff)


;batman series (adventures of batman & robin, batman, batman gotham city racer,
batman returns; nes, genesis, playstation & super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;adventures of batman & robin (genesis & super nes) ==================

;stages/arkham.def ;arkham asylum

;stages/bat1.def ;city
;stages/batman_stage_4.def ;joker park
;stages/btmforest.def ;forest

;(ss) ================================================================
;batman (nes) ========================================================

;stages/flugel.def, music=sound/batman_-_flugel.mp3 ;flugelheim museum

;stages/gotham_street_up.def ;gotham city street
;stages/gothamstreet.def, music=sound/batman_-_gotham.mp3 ;gotham city street

;(ss) ================================================================
;batman gotham city racer (playstation) ==============================

;stages/gotham1.def ;gotham city

;(ss) ================================================================
;batman returns (super nes) ==========================================

; batmanr, stages/streetgotham.def ;batman by tonyadv, (rsff)

;stages/batmansewer.def ;sewer
;stages/batmantrain.def ;circus train
;stages/battle1.def ;battle in the streets
;stages/gotham_plaza.def ;ambush in gotham plaza
;stages/peng_trap.def ;the penguin's trap
;stages/roof_battle.def ;catwoman

;batman returns remix

;stages/bat.def, music=sound/bat.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;batman series (original) ============================================

; batman3, ;batman by 00sem_sombra, (sffc)

; robin, ;robin by animaraz
; robin2, ;robin by animaraz, con la revisi�n de erradicator

;battle blaze (super nes) --------------------------------------------

;filea (remains of latfunda)

filea, stages/latfunda.def, music=sound/bblaze_-_filea.mp3 ;filea by yoshida
ruiji, (rsff)

;(es) gliformoth

;gustoff (arena)
;(es) gustoff, stages/battleblazearena.def

;shnouzer (mountains of artec)

shnouzer, stages/artec.def, music=sound/bblaze_-_court.mp3 ;shnouzer by
mature4evr, (csff)

;, music=sound/bblaze_-_battle_1.mp3
;, music=sound/bblaze_-_battle_2.mp3
;, music=sound/bblaze_-_battle_4.mp3
;, music=sound/bblaze_-_battle_5.mp3

;battle blazer remix

; tesya, ;tesya by yoshida ruiji, (rsff)

;battle circuit (arcade) ---------------------------------------------

;alien green
; a-green, ;a-green by nhk, (rsff), (ldv) + (e) by rudolf27
a-green0, stages/discofever.def, music=sound/bc_-
_fever_in_the_disco!_the_den_of_evil!.mp3 ;a-green by nhk, (wo2d)

;(es) barbara, random, music=sound/bc_-_cyber_madam_barbara.mp3

;captain silver
;(es) captain silver

;cyber blue
;(es) cyber blue

;doc & jennifer

;(es) doc & jennifer, random, music=sound/bc_-_giant_mandrill_jennifer.mp3

;dr. saturn
;(es) dr. saturn, random, music=sound/bc_-_criminal_no._9696x_-_dr._saturn.mp3

;(es) jonny, random, music=sound/bc_-_johnny_the_funky_head.mp3

;master program
;(es) master program, random, music=sound/bc_-

;octpus mark 2
;(es) octpus, random, music=sound/bc_-_say_hello_to_octopus_mark_2.mp3

;pink ostrich
;(es) pink ostrich

;(es) pluto, random, music=sound/bc_-_final_battle_circuit_pluto.mp3

;yellow iris
;(es) yellow iris

;(es) zipang, random, music=sound/bc_-_battle_circuit_zipang.mp3

;stages/battlecircuit.def ;ring in space

;stages/bcdesert.def, music=sound/bc_-_dead_heat_in_the_desert!.mp3 ;dead heat
in the desert!
;stages/bc_office.def ;office
;stages/bc_skullboard.def ;skullboard
;stages/bc_street.def, music=sound/bc_-
_chase_saturn!_battle_royal_in_neo_york_city!.mp3 ;street
;stages/bc_treehouse.def ;treehouse
;stages/darkmontain.def, music=sound/bc_-
_jungle_battle!_escape_from_the_death_line!.mp3;dark montain
;stages/praia4.def ;a beach

;, music=sound/bc_-_chase_zipang_as_you_go_down_the_river!.mp3
;, music=sound/bc_-_economic_giant_'fujiyama_city'.mp3
;, music=sound/bc_-_find_out_the_shiva_system!.mp3
;, music=sound/bc_-_horrible_prison.mp3
;, music=sound/bc_-_hunters_guild.mp3
;, music=sound/bc_-_mystery_of_the_shiva_system.mp3
;, music=sound/bc_-_showdown!_a_desperate_battle_with_the_shiva_system!.mp3
;, music=sound/bc_-_sneak_in_and_foil_dr._saturn's_plans!.mp3
;, music=sound/bc_-_trap_by_saturn.mp3

;battle k-road (arcade) ----------------------------------------------
;anthony (tatami)
;(es) anthony

;cyborg d-9f (laboratory)

;(es) c9f, stages/cyborg.def

;cyborg t-8p (laboratory)

;(es) c8p, stages/cyborg.def

;dan (military base)

;(es) dan, stages/bkr_milt.def

;harimaoh (sumo ring)

;(es) harimaoh

;jeff (boxing ring)

;(es) jeff

;john (thai boxing ring)

;(es) john

;masamihi (tatami)
;(es) masamihi

;mitsuji (sumo ring)

;(es) mitsuji

;mr bear (black) (among bears)

;(es) mrbear, stages/btlkbear.def

;mr bear (brown) (among bears)

;(es) mrbear2, stages/btlkbear.def

;rick (boxing ring)

;(es) rick

;shinsaku (thai boxing ring)

;(es) shinsaku

;tyssa (dojo)
;(es) tyssa

;wolf (military base)

;(es) wolf, stages/bkr_milt.def

;yuki (dojo)
bkyuki, stages/cyborg.def, music=sound/technasia_-_future_mix_-_10.mp3 ;fuziwara
yuki by yoshida ruiji, (rsff)

;battle master - kyukyoku no senshitachi (super nes) -----------------

;(es) altia, random, music=sound/bmaster_-_west_usa.mp3

;(es) body, random, music=sound/bmaster_-_space_colony.mp3

;(es) chan, random, music=sound/bmaster_-_hong_kong.mp3

;(es) jian, random, music=sound/bmaster_-_indian_ocean.mp3

; ranmaru, ;chou ranmaru by sugio, (rsff)
; ranmaru0, ;ranmaru by sugio, (rsff)
ranmaru2, stages/bm_ranmaru.def, music=sound/bmaster_-_south_japan.mp3 ;ranmaru by
namaguideran, (wo2d)

; syoh, ;syoh by mr.pancadaria, (rsff)
syoh1, stages/syohbg.def, music=sound/bmaster_-_north_japan.mp3 ;syoh by
mr.pancadaria, (wo2d)

;(es) watts, stages/newyork1.def, music=sound/bmaster_-_east_usa.mp3

;wolvan (transylvania)
;(es) wolvan, stages/transilvania0.def, music=sound/bmaster_-_transylvania.mp3

;zeno (moon)
zeno, stages/zeno.def, music=sound/bmaster_-_moon.mp3;zeno by dark nekrobat,


;battle master - kyukyoku no senshitachi remix


;battlematic maiden --------------------------------------------------

;stages/beautiful_day.def ;beautiful day

;battle nyo ----------------------------------------------------------

digiko, stages/piyokobg.def, music=sound/puchikobg.mp3 ;di gi charat by

tokinokuni-kei, (wc), (sffc)
piyoko, stages/piyokobg.def, music=sound/puchikobg.mp3 ;pyocola a third by
tokinokuni-kei, (wc), (sffc)
puchiko, stages/puchikobg.def, music=sound/puchikobg.mp3 ;petit charat by
tokinokuni-kei, (wc), (sffc)

;battletoads series (battletoads, battletoads & double dragon - the ultimate team,
battletoads in battlemaniacs & battletoads in ragnarok's world; arcade, gameboy,
gamegear, genesis, master system, nes & super nes)

; pimple, stages/bkz.def, music=sound/bta.mp3 ;pimple by
cybersoulx/monkmonk, (rsff)
; pimple0, ;pimple by edgar de jesus endo junior, (wo2d)

; rash, stages/blair.def, music=sound/bta.mp3 ;rash by lord sinistro,
(i&ei), (rsff)

; zitz, stages/chess.def, music=sound/bta.mp3 ;zitz by cybersoulx/monkmonk,

;battle tycoon - flash hiders sfx (super nes) ------------------------

;bang (village)
;(es) bang, stages/battletycoon_bang.def, music=sound/battletyccon_bang.mp3

dmcalnarsa, stages/battletycoon_bang.def, music=sound/battletycoon_bang.mp3 ;
calnarsa by duende macabro, (sffc)

;(es) guston

harman, stages/battletycoon_bang.def, music=sound/battletycoon_bang.mp3 ;
harman by chairmankaga, (i&ei), (rsff)

;jail lance
;(es) jail lance

;ottoh (futuristic city)

;(es) ottoh, stages/battletycoon_ottoh.def, music=sound/battletycoon_ottoh.mp3

pachet, stages/battletycoon_ottoh.def, music=sound/battletycoon_ottoh.mp3 ;
pachet by juke kisaragi, (wo2d)

;seena (street)
;(es) seena, stages/battletycoon_seena.def, music=sound/battletycoon_seena.mp3

;spenoza (forum)
;(es) spenoza, stages/battletycoon_spenoza.def,

;tiria (valley)
tiria, stages/battletycoon_tiria.def, music=sound/battletycoon_tiria.mp3 ;tiria
roset by taruse, (rsff)

;beavis and butthead series (beavis and butthead, beavis & butt-head do u, beavis
& butt head bunghole in one, beavis & butt-head calling all dorks, beavis & butt-
head in virtual stupidity, beavis & butt-head: little thingies & beavis & butt-
head: weiner takes all; gameboy, gamegear, genesis, pc, playstation & super nes)

; butt-head, stages/b-b-hs.def ;butt-head by godebal, (rsff)

;stages/bbh.def ;hospital
;stages/bbps.def ;pet shop
;stages/bbstv.def ;inside tv
;stages/bbstv2.def ;inside tv
;stages/bbts.def ;toy shop
;stages/hospital5.def ;hospital

;(ss) ================================================================
;beavis & butthead in virtual stupidity (genesis) ====================

;stages/highland_high_school.def ;highland high school

;stages/highland_parc.def, music=sound/highland_parc.mp3 ;highlan park
;stages/highland_penitentiary.def ;highland penitentiary

;big bang beat series ------------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- bba ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- bbb ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------


;binary --------------------------------------------------------------

;stages/binary_cherry.def ;cherry park

;stages/binary_denkigai.def ;electrical city
;stages/binary_hankagai.def ;downtown
;stages/binary_storehouses.def ;storehouses

;biomenace (pc) ------------------------------------------------------

; skullman0, ;skullman by aokmaniac13+the_none, (wc), (ws2d)

;stages/biomenace_city.def, music=sound/biomenace_e1_14.mp3

;bionic commando series (bionic commando; arcade, commodore 64, pc, nes & game

;(ss) ================================================================
;bionic commando (gameboy) ===========================================

;, music=sound/bionic_commando(gb)_bionic_electronica_oc_remix.mp3
;(ss) ================================================================
;bionic commando (nes) ===============================================

;bionic commando remix

; bc, stages/laboratory0.def,
music=sound/bionic_commando_advance_with_caution_oc_remix.mp3 ;bionic cage by
-��#�-~-]� (elpeo.ple@nifty.com), (csff)

;black belt challenge (game boy advance) -----------------------------

; owl, ;owl by ixnaydk, (wc)

;black cat (pc) ------------------------------------------------------
;(i): blackcat_op01 ;unsigned ------------------------------------


;black hawk / black thorne (super nes) -------------------------------

;stages/blackthorne01.def ;stage 1

;blade runner (pc) ---------------------------------------------------

;stages/geneticstreet.def, music=sound/geneticstreet.mp3 ;genetic street

;stages/tyreloffice.def, music=sound/tyrel.mp3 ;tyrel office
;stages/tyreloffice2.def, music=sound/tyrel.mp3;tyrel office at night

;blandia (arcade) ----------------------------------------------------

;diokles (from the balcony)

;(es) diokles, stages/!blandia_diokles.def

;(es) gildus

;gurianos (sanctuary)
;(es) gurianos, stages/blan_gurianosbg.def

;imageo (golden castle 3)

;(es) imageo, stages/blan_imageobg.def

;irriana (temple)
irriana, stages/blan_irrianabg.def, music=sound/blandia_-_palacio.mp3 ;irriana by
mother earth, (rsff)
;jurane (water vein)
;(es) jurane, stages/blan_juranebg.def

;launa (golden castle 1)

; launa, ;launa by mother earth, (rsff)
launa0, stages/blan_launabg.def, music=sound/blandia_-_palacio.mp3 ;launa by
mother earth / nynaryo, (rsff)

;mc gill
;(es) mc gill, stages/blan_mcgillbg.def

;(es) retsuzen

;xeldus (golden castle 2)

;(es) xeldus, stages/blan_xeldusbg.def

;blandia remix


;blaster master 2 (arcade) -------------------------------------------

;stages/bm2-firenest.def, music=sound/bm2_-_tune2.mp3;stage 3 - fire hive

;stages/bm2-firenest2.def, music=sound/bm2_-_tune2.mp3 ;stage 3 - fire hive
;stages/bm2-stage1-1boss.def ;stage 1-1 boss
;stages/bm2-stage2-1boss.def ;stage 2-1 boss
;stages/bm2-stage2-2boss.def ;stage 2-2 boss
;stages/bm2-stage5boss.def, music=sound/bm2_-_tune4.mp3 ;stage 5 boss
;stages/bm2-stage6-1boss.def ;stage 6-1 boss
;stages/bm2-stage7-1boss.def ;stage 7-1 boss
;stages/bm2-stage7-2boss.def ;stage 7-2 boss
;stages/bm2-stage8boss.def ;stage 8 boss

;blazing star (neogeo) -----------------------------------------------

;stages/bstar.def ;the route of nemesis

;bleach series (bleach, bleach 2 & bleach advance; nds & gba) --------
;(sp): bleach ;by mitch ------------------------------------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;bleach (nds) ========================================================

; yoruichi, ;yoruichi by sixfortyfive

;(ss) ================================================================
;bleach advance (gameboy advance) ====================================
;stages/uraharanomise.def ;urahara no mise

;blue's journey (arcade & neogeo) ------------------------------------

; blue0, stages/bluebg.def, music=sound/bj_-_bluebg.mp3;blue by rabz, (i&ei),


;boboboubo boubobo: 9 kiwame senshi gyagu yuugou (gameboy advance) ---

; gasser, ;gasser by tetsuo

; hatenko, ;hatenko by tetsuo

;body blows series (body blows, body blows galactic & ultimate body blows (amiga,
cd32 & pc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;body blows (amiga & pc) =============================================

;dan (building site / ninja cavern)

;(es) dan, stages/bbbuildingsite.def, music=sound/bblows_-_building_site.mp3

;dug (wrestling arena)

;(es) dug, stages/bbring.def, music=sound/bblows_-_wrestling_arena.mp3

;junior (wrestling arena)

junior, stages/bbring.def, music=sound/bblows_-_wrestling_arena.mp3 ;junior by
zanasj, (wo2d)

;kossac (russian lab / russian harbour)

;(es) kossac, stages/sub.def, music=sound/bblows_-_russian_lab.mp3
;stages/bbrussianlab.def ;russian lab

;loray (shaolin temple)

loray, stages/bbbuildingsite.def, music=sound/bblows_-_shaolin_temple.mp3 ;loray
by zanasj, (wo2d)

;maria (costa brava)

;(es) maria, stages/bbcostabrava.def, music=sound/bblows_-_costa_brava.mp3

;max (building site)

;(es) max, stages/bbbuildingsite.def, music=sound/bblows_-_building_site.mp3

;mike (inside building)

mike1, stages/bbinsidebuilding.def, music=sound/bblows_-_inside_building.mp3 ;mike
by zanasj, (wo2d)

;nik (inside building / costa brava [docks])

;(es) nik, stages/bbinsidebuilding.def, music=sound/bblows_-_inside_building.mp3

;ninja (ninja cavern)

;(es) ninja, stages/bbninjacaverns.def, music=sound/bblows_-_ninja_cavern.mp3

;t17 (building site)

;(es) t17, stages/bbbuildingsite.def, music=sound/bblows_-_building_site.mp3

;yitu (shaolin temple)

;(es) yitu, random, music=sound/bblows_-_shaolin_temple.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;body blows galactic (pc) ============================================

tekno, stages/bbgtitanicaaga.def, music=sound/bblowsg_-_titanica.mp3 ;tekno by
zanasj, (wo2d)

;stages/bbgearth.def, music=sound/bblowsg_-_earth.mp3;earth
;stages/bbggellorn5.def, music=sound/bblowsg_-_gellorn5.mp3 ;gellorn5
;stages/bbgmiasma.def, music=sound/bblowsg_-_miasma.mp3 ;miasma
;stages/bbgmiasmaaga.def, music=sound/bblowsg_-_miasma.mp3 ;miasma
;stages/bbgtitanica.def, music=sound/bblowsg_-_titanica.mp3 ;titanica

;, music=sound/bblowsg_-_eclipse.mp3
;, music=sound/bblowsg_-_feminion.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;ultimate body blows (cd32) ==========================================

;stages/ubb_buildingsite.def, music=sound/ubb_buildingsite.mp3 ;building site

;stages/ubb_costarica.def, music=sound/ubb_costarica.mp3 ;costa rica
;stages/ubb_insidebuilding.def, music=sound/ubb_inside_building.mp3 ;inside
;stages/ubb_miasma.def, music=sound/ubb_miasma.mp3 ;miasma
;stages/ubb_ninjacavern.def, music=sound/ubb_ninjacavern.mp3 ;ninja cavern
;stages/ubb_russia.def, music=sound/ubb_russia.mp3 ;russia
;stages/ubb_shaolin_temple.def, music=sound/ubb_shaolin_temple.mp3 ;shaolin
;stages/ubb_titanica.def, music=sound/ubb_titanica.mp3 ;titanica
;stages/ubbwrestlingarena.def, music=sound/ubbwrestlingarena.mp3 ;wrestling arena

;bomberman series (bomberman, bomberman '93, bomberman '93 special, bomberman '94,
bomberman b-daman, bomberman collection, bomberman gb, bomberman gb2, bomberman
gb3, bomberman jetters, bomberman jetters: game collection, bomberman max 2,
bomberman max advance, bomberman online, bomberman: panic bomber, bomberman story,
bomberman tournament, bomberman users battle, bomberman world, neo bomberman,
pocket bomberman, super bomberman, super bomberman 2, super bomberman 3, super
bomberman 4, super bomberman 5, wario blast: featuring bomberman!; arcade,
dreamcast, gameboy, gameboy advance, super nes, pc-engine, neogeo & genesis)

; bomberman, stages/standard.def ;bomber man by mizu@maple.yyy.or.jp,


;boogerman (super nes) -----------------------------------------------

;stages/boogerville.def, music=sound/boogerville.mp3 ;boogerville

;stages/flatulent_swamps.def ;flatulent swamps

;breakers series (breakers & breakers revenge; neogeo & arcade) ------
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- breakersscreenpack ;by inverse ----------------------------------
;- breakers.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------------------
;(e): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- condorend ;by bluebolt ---------------------------------------
;- maherlend ;by bluebolt ---------------------------------------
;- pielleend ;by bluebolt ---------------------------------------

;alsion iii (pyramid)

alsioniii, stages/brer_alsion_iii_bg.def, music=sound/brer_-_alsion_iii.mp3 ;
alsion iii by douglas baldan -=o ilusionsta=-, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;bai-fu (city dojo)

;(es) baihu, stages/baihustage.def, music=sound/brer_-_bai-fu.mp3

;condor (train station)

;(es) condor, stages/condorbg.def, music=sound/brer_-_condor.mp3

;daolong (dojo)
daolong, stages/bre_daolongbg.def, music=sound/brer_-_dao-long.mp3 ;dao-long
100% by inverse, (i&ei), (rsff)
daolong0, stages/brer_daolongbg.def, music=sound/brer_-_dao-long.mp3 ;dao long by
charlz, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;maherl (palace)
;(es) maherl, stages/palace0.def, music=sound/brer_-_maherl.mp3

;pielle (cafe)
pielle, stages/piellebg.def, music=sound/brer_-_pielle.mp3 ;pielle by shadowtak,
(ei), (wc), (sffc)

;rila (jungle)
; rila, stages/rilabg.def, music=sound/brer_-_rila.mp3 ;rila by mr zero,
(rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
rila0, stages/brer_rilla.def, music=sound/brer_-_rila.mp3 ;rila by sankaku, (ei),

;saizo (temple roof)

saizo0, stages/brer_saizobg.def, music=sound/brer_-_saizo.mp3 ;saizo by shimon,

;sho (wooden dojo)

; sho, stages/brer_shobg.def, music=sound/brer_-_sho.mp3 ;unsigned sho,
(rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
sho0, stages/brer_shobg_a.def, music=sound/brer_-_sho.mp3 ;sho by inverse, (rsff)
+ (e) by bluebolt
sho2, stages/bre_shobg.def, music=sound/brer_-_sho.mp3 ;unsigned shin-syo
kirishima, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;tia (monk temple)

; tia, ;tia by raph99, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
tia0, stages/bre_tiabg.def, music=sound/brer_-_tia.mp3 ;tia by elecbyte /
nynaryo, (rsff)
tia1, stages/brer_tiabg.def, music=sound/brer_-_tia.mp3 ;tia by mast-chen,
(i&ei), (sffc)

;breakers series remix

; dao, ;dao long ex by o ilusionista, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

dao0, stages/stageroofrain.def, music=sound/breakers_iso_-_dao-long.mp3 ;dao
long ex by o ilusionista, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt


;, music=sound/breakers_iso_-_alsion_iii.mp3
;, music=sound/breakers_iso_-_bai-fu.mp3
;, music=sound/breakers_iso_-_condor.mp3
;, music=sound/breakers_iso_-_maherl.mp3
;, music=sound/breakers_iso_-_pielle.mp3
;, music=sound/breakers_iso_-_rila.mp3
;, music=sound/breakers_iso_-_sho.mp3
;, music=sound/breakers_iso_-_tia.mp3

;breakout series (3-d breakout, breakout, breakout 2000, super breakout; gameboy,
mac, pc, playstation, jaguar, commodore 64, arcade, atari 2600 & atari 5200)
;(sp): breakout ;by n64mario ---------------------------------------

; levels, stages/stage35.def ;levels by n64mario, (rsff)

; player3, stages/stage35.def ;player by n64mario, (rsff)
;breath of fire series (breath of fire, breath of fire 2 & breath of fire 3; super

;(ss) ================================================================
;breath of fire 2 (super nes) ========================================

;stages/bof2-babadel.def, music=sound/bof2-babadel.mp3 ;challenger: babadel

;stages/bof2-balbaroi.def, music=sound/bof2-balbaroi.mp3 ;the destiny - balbaroi
;stages/bof2-balbaroy.def, music=sound/bof2-balbaroy.mp3 ;demon: balbaroy
;stages/bof2-barbaroy.def ;demon: barbaroy again
;stages/bof2-deathevan.def, music=sound/bof2-deathevan.mp3 ;god of destruction:
death evan
;stages/bof2-goncharov.def ;inner well: goncharov
;stages/bof2-guardeye.def ;security system: guard eye
;stages/bof2-guardian.def ;original nina: guardian
;stages/bof2-habalq.def ;the gate of hell: habalq
;stages/bof2-harpys.def, music=sound/bof2-harpys.mp3 ;harpy sisters
;stages/bof2-magicdoor.def ;magic door
;stages/bof2-necromancer.def, music=sound/bof2-necromancer.mp3 ;evil priest:
;stages/bof2-nimpho.def ;womb tower: nimpho mani
;stages/bof2-wildcat.def ;wildcat: ru san jin
;stages/bof2-witch.def ;wildcat: over drink
;stages/bof2-zombie.def ;dark zombies

;brutal series (brutal - paws of fury & brutal 2; genesis, pc, sega 32x, sega cd &
super nes)
;(sp): brutal ;by doctor m ---------------------------------------

;bunny (screen)
bunny, stages/screensg.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene1&7.mp3 ;kung fu bunny by
dr m, (csff)
bunny0, stages/screeng2.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene1&7.mp3 ;kung fu bunny by
dr m converted for the global mugen engine by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;chung (cave)
chung, stages/caveg.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene2-4&5.mp3 ;chung poe by dr
m, (rsff)

;cheetah (beach)
cheetah, stages/bpotf_taicheetah.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene3&8.mp3 ;tai cheetah
by dr m, (rsff)
cheetah0, stages/landing.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene3&8.mp3 ;tai cheetah by dr
m for the global mugen engine by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;coyote (temple)
coyote, stages/bpotf_kendocoyote.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_special_move.mp3 ;kendo
coyote by dr m, (rsff)
coyote0, stages/courtyd.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_special_move.mp3 ;kendo
coyote by dr m converted for the global mugen engine by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
;croc (wall)
croc, stages/battlemt.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene1&7.mp3 ;karate croc by dr
m, (rsff)

;dali (ship)
dali, stages/shipg_up.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene2-4&5.mp3 ;dali llama by dr
m, (rsff)
dali0, stages/ship0.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene2-4&5.mp3 ;dali llama by dr
m converted for the global mugen engine by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;foxy (dojo)
foxy0, stages/dojog.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene3&8.mp3 ;foxy roxy by dr m,
foxy1, stages/dojog.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene3&8.mp3 ;foxy roxy by dr m
converted for the global mugen engine by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;ivan (dojo 2)
ivan, stages/dojo3.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_special_move.mp3 ;ivan the bear by
dr m, (rsff)
ivan0, stages/dojo3.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_special_move.mp3 ;ivan the bear by
dr m converted for the global mugen engine by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;kitty (idol)
kitty, stages/idol.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene1&7.mp3 ;psycho kitty by dr m,

;leon (mountain)
leon0, stages/mountain0.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene2-4&5.mp3 ;prince leon by dr
m, (rsff)
leon1, stages/mountain0.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene2-4&5.mp3 ;prince leon by dr
m converted for the global mugen engine by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;pantha (beach 2)
pantha, stages/beachg.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_scene3&8.mp3 ;pantha by dr m,

;rhei (wall 2)
rhei, stages/battleg_up.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_special_move.mp3 ;rhei rat by
dr m, (rsff)
rhei0, stages/battleg_up.def, music=sound/bpotf_-_special_move.mp3 ;rhei rat by
dr m converted for the global mugen engine by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;bpotf_taicheetah1.def ;cave
;stages/cave3.def ;cave
;stages/fountain.def ;fountain
;stages/waterfl.def ;waterfall

;brutal series remix


;bugs bunny in rabbit rampage ----------------------------------------

;burning fight (neogeo) ----------------------------------------------

;stages/burningfight.def ;park avenue

;stages/park_avenue.def ;park avenue

;burning rival (arcade) ----------------------------------------------

;arnold (street)
;(es) arnold

;asuka (snowy village)

;(es) asuka

;bill (stadium)
;(es) bill

;craze (downtown)
;(es) craze

;jackson (ring)
;(es) jackson

;mr. chin (chinatown)

;(es) mrchin

;santana (rooftop)
;(es) santana

;shingen (grave)
;(es) shingen

;cadillacs and dinosaurs / cadillacs kyouryuu-shinseiki (arcade & sega cd)

; dinocar, stages/cdwide.def ;cadillacs by bonusugi, (rsff)

; mustapha_caido, stages/dinolab.def ;mustapha caido by ocariocanildo, (rsff)

;stages/57.def ;57th street

;stages/armor_hallway.def ;armor hallway
;stages/c&d.def ;top of the building
;stages/computerroom.def, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_4-3.mp3 ;stage 4-3 - computer
;stages/jungle1.def ;jungle
;stages/nyb.def ;bridge of new york flooded
;stages/sea0.def ;new york flooded
;stages/swamp_forest.def ;the swamp forest

;, music=sound/c&d_-_boss_theme_1.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_boss_theme_2.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_boss_theme_3.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_boss_theme_4.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_final_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_1-1.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_1-2.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_1-3.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_2-1.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_2-2.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_4-1.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_4-2.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_5.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_7.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_8-1.mp3
;, music=sound/c&d_-_stage_8-3.mp3

;cadillacs and dinosaurs / cadillacs kyouryuu-shinseiki remix


;capcom fighting evolution / capcom fighting jam (playstation 2 & xbox)
;(sp): cfj_screenpack ;by asccort ----------------------------------
;(lb): cfj ;by most unbalance(mr. mu~) ------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- capcom_fighting_jam_-_intro_cut ;by vans1belmont -----------------
;- capcom_fighting_jam_-_intro_uncut ;by vans1belmont -----------

;(es) akuma

;shin akuma (infinity chamber remains)

;(es) shin akuma, stages/cfj-10-chamber2.def, music=sound/cfj_ost_-

;(es) alex

;(es) anakaris

;chun li
;(es) chun-li

;(es) demitri

;(es) felicia

;(es) guile

;(es) guy

;hauzer (myanmar)
hauzer, stages/cfj-01-myanmar.def, music=sound/cfj_ost_-_severe_way.mp3 ;
hauzer by mature4evr, (wc), (ws2d)

;hydron (jungle)
; hydron, ;hydron by kung fu man
nool, stages/cfj_jungle_up.def, music=sound/cfj_ost_-_the_jungle_of_a_jungle.mp3
;hydron by trasgo7, (wo2d), (ws)

;ingrid (japan)
; ingrid, ;ingrid by fraya, (wo2d)
ingrid0, stages/cfj-02-japan.def, music=sound/cfj_ost_-_goes_a_syoten-gai!.mp3
;ingrid by fraya (non doh2 version), (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])
; ingrid1, ;ingrid by beximus, (wc), (ws2d)

;(es) jedah

;(es) karin

;leo (training stage)

leo3, stages/cfj-08-training.def, music=sound/cfj_ost_-
_training_stage_(at_home).mp3 ;leo by stever76 (unrequestable status)
; leo4, ;leo by dodger, updated by span (unrequestable status)

;m. bison
;(es) m. bison

;mukuro (ruins)
; mukuro0, ;mukuro by fraya, (wo2d)
; mukuro2, stages/cfj_ruins.def, music=sound/cfj_ost_-
_prospered_fatherland.mp3 ;mukuro by fraya, edited by ???, (wo2d)
(unrequestable status)

;pyron (infinity chamber)

;(es) pyron, stages/cfj-09-chamber1.def, music=sound/cfj_ost_-

;(es) rose

;(es) ryu

;(es) sakura

;(es) urien

;(es) yun

;(es) zangief
;stages/cfj-04-underworld.def, music=sound/cfj_ost_-_to_kill_time.mp3
;stages/cfj-07-honkkong.def, music=sound/cfj_ost_-_night_of_hong_kong.mp3
;stages/cfj_newyork.def, music=sound/cfj_ost_-_at_ease!.mp3
;stages/jam_tnz.def, music=sound/cfj_ost_-_training_stage_(at_home).mp3

;, music=sound/cfj_ost_-_heat_haze.mp3
;, music=sound/cfj_ost_-_heat_haze_(instrumental).mp3

;capcom fighting evolution / capcom fighting jam remix

;- cfeg ;by zedzdead
;- mfj ;by mugen jet


;capcom sports club --------------------------------------------------

;stages/basket0.def, music=sound/csc_-_basket.mp3 ;basket court

;stages/tenish.def, music=sound/tenish.mp3 ;tennis court
;stages/tenist.def, music=sound/tenist.mp3 ;tennis court

;capcom vs snk series (capcom vs snk, capcom vs snk 2, capcom vs snk 2 eo, capcom
vs snk: millennium fight 2000 pro & capcom vs snk pro; arcade, gamecube,
playstation 2, xbox, playstation & dreamcast)
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- cvs 3 ;by elecbyte ---------------------------------------------
;- cvs3-beta ;by team m.u.g.e.n cvs 3 project -------------------
;- cvs3 by me ;by tekio23 & grunge -------------------------------
;(fnt): cvss ;unsigned ------------------------------------------

;athena (alaska)
cvsathena, stages/cvs2-sipstage.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_happiness_(barentsburg).mp3 ;athena by warusaki3, (wc),

;balrog (stadium)
cvs2_balrog, stages/cvs2_stadium0.def, music=sound/cvs2_ost_wipe_out_(osaka1).mp3
;balrog by rei, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws]]
; cvs3balrog, ;balrog by asccort (1st release), (sffc)
cvs3vega, stages/cvs2_stadium0.def, music=sound/cvs2_ost_wipe_out_(osaka1).mp3
;vega by asccort (2nd release), (rsff)

;benimaru (final fight)

; benimaru-cvss, stages/cvs1-11-finalfight.def,
music=sound/cvs_final_fight_stage_ost.mp3 ;benimaru by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
; cvs2benimaru, ;nikaido benimaru by byakko, (wo2d), (ws2d)
cvsbenimaru, stages/cvs1-11-finalfight.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_finalfight_-_needle.mp3 ;benimaru by jennifer, (rsff)

;blanka (ruins)
blanka5, stages/cvs1-07-ruins_up.def, music=sound/cvs_-_ruins.mp3 ;blanka by
h�h, edited by fantoboy, (sffc) (unrequestable status)

;cammy (kinderdijk)
; cvscammy, ;cammy by warusaki3 (cvscammy_dr0), (ldv), (sffc)
; cvscammy0, ;cammy by warusaki3 (cvscammy_dr4), (ldv), (sffc)
cvscammy1, stages/cvs2-netherland.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_fight_with_the_wind_(kinderdijk).mp3 ;cammy by warusaki3,
(wc), (ws2d)

;chang & choi (kinderdijk)

cvs2_chang&choi, stages/cvs2_kinderdijk_up.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_fight_with_the_wind_(kinderdijk).mp3 ;chang by gal129,
(wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans + [ws]]

;chunli (london [night])

; chun3, ;chun-li 3 by verconis & luvly angel, (rsff)
cvschunli, stages/cvs2-londonnight.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_this_is_true_love_makin_(london).mp3 ;chun li by conversion
world - j.lee, (wc), (sffc)
cvschunli0, stages/cvs2-londonnight.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_this_is_true_love_makin_(london).mp3 ;chun li by warusaki3,
(wc), (ws2d)

;dan (buddha)
; cvsdan, ;dan by warusaki3, (ldv), (sffc)
cvsdan0, stages/cvs1-02-buddha.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_sagat_-
_naked_blow.mp3 ;dan by warusaki3, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])
; cvsdan1, ;dan by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)
dan5, stages/cvs1-02-buddha.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_sagat_-
_naked_blow.mp3 ;dan by phantom.of.the.server, (wo2d), (ws2d)


;eagle (kinderdijk)
cvs2eagle, stages/cvs2-netherland.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_fight_with_the_wind_(kinderdijk).mp3 ;eagle by byakko,
(wo2d), (ws2d)
; eagle0, ;eagle by one winged angel, (sffc)
; eagle1, ;eagle by arma_x, (wo2d), (sffc)

;e. honda (shanghai)

cvs2_honda, stages/cvs2_shanghai.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_wicked_fight_(shanghai).mp3 ;e.honda by gal_129, (wo2d),
(ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws]]

;geese (geese tower)

cvsgeese, stages/cvs1-16-geese.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_geese_-
_vigor_force.mp3 ;cvsgeese by gargoyle, (rsff)
cvsgeese0, stages/cvs1-16-geese.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_geese_-
_vigor_force.mp3 ;geese by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)

;gouki / akuma (jungle)

cvsgouki, stages/cvs1-06-akuma.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_gouki_-
_worth_of_my_fist.mp3 ;gouki cvss by crazy for sf, (rsff) + (i) by lupe121283
; cvsgouki0, ;gouki by warusaki3 (cvsgouki_dr0), (ldv), (sffc) + (i) by
; cvsgouki1, ;gouki by warusaki3 (cvsgouki_dr4), (ldv), (sffc) + (i) by
cvsgouki2, stages/cvs1-06-akuma.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_gouki_-
_worth_of_my_fist.mp3 ;gouki by warusaki3, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])
; cvsgouki3, ;gouki by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)
gouki0, stages/cvs1-06-akuma.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_gouki_-
_worth_of_my_fist.mp3 ;gouki by sepher, (rsff) + (i) by lupe121283
gouki1, stages/cvs1-06-akuma.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_gouki_-
_worth_of_my_fist.mp3 ;akuma by sepher, updated by @ndroide, (rsff) + (i) by

;shin gouki / shin akuma (burning osaka)

cvssgouki, stages/cvs2_osaka(boss).def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_theme_of_gouki_remix.mp3 ;gouki by synk, (rsff) + unsigned
; shingouki0, stages/b_osaka0.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_theme_of_gouki_remix.mp ;shin gouki by
phantom.of.the.server, (wo2d)
shingouki1, stages/cvs2-osaka.def, music=sound/cvs2_ost_theme_of_gouki_remix.mp3
;shin gouki by phantom.of.the.server, (wo2d), (ws2d), n2bu: [trans] + [ws])

;guile (london [rain])

cvs2_guile, stages/cvs2-londonrain.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_this_is_true_love_makin_(london).mp3 ;guile by rei, (wo2d),
(ws2d), (n2bu: [trans + [ws]]

;haohmaru (aomori)
cvshaohmaru, stages/cvs2_aomori_up.def, music=sound/cvs2_ost_nebuta_(aomori).mp3
;haohmaru by z sabre user, (sffc)
haohmaru1, stages/cvs2_aomori_up.def, music=sound/cvs2_ost_nebuta_(aomori).mp3
;haohmaru by master gouken, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;hibiki (aomori)
cvshibiki, stages/cvs2_aomori_up.def, music=sound/cvs2_ost_nebuta_(aomori).mp3
;hibiki by mouser, updated by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)

;iori (capcom - conflagration)

cvs3iori, stages/stage_of_capcom.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_capcom_-
_keep_my_fire.mp3 ;iori by shaka, ver original orichi iori por anmc, (rsff)
cvsiori, stages/stage_of_capcom.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_capcom_-
_keep_my_fire.mp3 ;iori by xursinix, (sffc)
; cvs_iori0, ;iori by h�h, (ldv), (rsff)
cvs_iori1, stages/stage_of_capcom.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_capcom_-
_keep_my_fire.mp3 ;iori by h�h, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [afterimagetime] + [ws])

;orochi iori (capcom - conflagration)

cvs_iori, stages/stage_of_capcom_up.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_capcom_-
_keep_my_fire.mp3 ;iori by anmc, (sffc)

;joe (ruins)
cvs2joe, stages/cvs1-07-ruins_up.def, music=sound/cvs_-_ruins.mp3 ;joe higashi
by byakko, (wo2d)
; cvsjoe, ;joe hidashi by xursinix, (sffc)
cvsjoe0, stages/cvs1-07-ruins_up.def, music=sound/cvs_-_ruins.mp3 ;joe higashi
by xursinix, erick e omar, (sffc)
; joe_cvs, ;joe by snkguy01, (csff)
; joe0, ;joe by ahdrew, (sffc)
; joe2, ;joe higashi by shinryuke, (rsff)

;ken (final fight)

c01ken, stages/cvs1-11-finalfight.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_finalfight_-
_needle.mp3 ;ken by chosen_01, (wo2d)
; c01ken11, ;chosen ken by chosen_01, qwerwgrebew & ken34, (wo2d)
cvsken, stages/cvs1-11-finalfight.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_finalfight_-
_needle.mp3 ;cvsken by gargoyle, (rsff)
; cvsken0, ;ken by warusaki3 (cvsken_dr0), (sffc)
; cvsken1, ;ken by warusaki3 (cvsken_dr4), (sffc)
; cvsken2, ;ken by warusaki3 (ldv), (sffc)
cvsken3, stages/cvs1-11-finalfight.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_finalfight_-_needle.mp3 ;ken by warusaki3, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu:
[trans] + [ws])
; cvsken4, ;ken by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)

;kim (osaka market)

cvs2kim, stages/cvs1-10-souten.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_osaka_-_o-s-a-
k-a.mp3 ;kim kaphwan by byakko, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])
cvskim, stages/cvs1-10-souten.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_osaka_-_o-s-a-k-
a.mp3 ;cvskim by pji111, (rsff)
; ddlkim, ;kim kaphwan ddl style by darkdragonlord, (csff)
; kim7, ;master kim by eu, (csff)
mf_kim, stages/cvs1-10-souten.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_osaka_-_o-s-a-k-
a.mp3 ;kim kaphwan by mr.fong, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])

;king (london [rain])

; cvsking, ;king by jennifer (old version), (rsff)
king_cvs, stages/cvs2-londonrain.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_this_is_true_love_makin_(london).mp3 ;king by jennifer,

;kyo (paopao cafe)

cvskyo, stages/cvs1-03-paopaocafe.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_paopao_cafe_-_sonic_party.mp3 ;kyo kusanagi by mouser && byakko, (wc),
cvskyo0, stages/cvs1-03-paopaocafe.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_paopao_cafe_-_sonic_party.mp3 ;kyo by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)
kyo_cvs, stages/cvs1-03-paopaocafe.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_paopao_cafe_-_sonic_party.mp3 ;kyo by mouser & the koyotae, (sffc)
kyo_cvs0, stages/cvs1-03-paopaocafe.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_paopao_cafe_-_sonic_party.mp3 ;kyo kusanagi by mouser, (rsff)

;kyosuke (london [day])

cvs2kyosuke, stages/cvs2london.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_this_is_true_love_makin_(london).mp3 ;kagami kyosuke by
byakko, (wc), (rsff)
cvs_kyosuke, stages/cvs2_london.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_this_is_true_love_makin_(london).mp3 ;kyosuke by h�h,
(wo2d), (ws2d)
kyosuke, stages/cvs2-londonday.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_this_is_true_love_makin_(london).mp3 ;kyosuke by ahuron,

;mai (snk - arcade)

cvsmai, stages/cvs1-05-cvs.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_snk_-_b.b..mp3
;shiranui mai by shacti, (rsff)
mai4, stages/cvs1-05-cvs.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_snk_-_b.b..mp3 ;
shiranui mai by shacti (unautorized cvs2 update), (rsff) (unrequestable status)

;maki (newyork)
cvs_maki, stages/cvs2_newyork0.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_stimulation_(new_york).mp3;maki by h�h, (wo2d), (ws2d),
(n2bu: [winsff])
; maki0, ;maki by men'sjuice, (sffc)

;m. bison / balrog (vega bg: round 1)

;(es) bison, stages/cvs1-14-balrog.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_vega_-

;morrigan (morrigan's house)

morrigan2, stages/cvs1-12-morrigan.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_bonus_track_1.mp3
;morrigan by phantom.of.the.server, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])

;nakoruru (mountain)
cvsnako, stages/cvs1-13-nakoruru.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_bonus_track_2.mp3
;nakoruru by conversin world j.lee, (sffc)
; nako_cvs, ;nakoruru by tukemon, (sffc)

;raiden (snk - arcade)

; cvs_raiden, ;raiden by h�h, (ldv), (rsff)
cvs_raiden0, stages/cvs0.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_snk_-_b.b..mp3 ;
raiden by h�h, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [afterimagetime] + [ws])

;rock (desert)
cvsrock, stages/cvs2-desert0.def, music=sound/cvs2_ost_find_your_way_(nairobi).mp3
;rock by warusaki3, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])
; cvsrock0, ;rock by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)

;rugal (osaka tower)

@cvs1rugal, stages/cvs2-osakatower.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_true_spirit_(osaka2).mp3 ;rugal by @ndroide, (wc), (ws2d)
; cvs_rugal, ;rugal bernstein by @ndroide & meta gouki, (rsff)
; cvsrugal, ;rugal by warusaki3 (ldv), (sffc) + unsigned (i&e)
cvsrugal0, stages/cvs2-osakatower.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_true_spirit_(osaka2).mp3 ;rugal by warusaki3, (wo2d),
(ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])
; cvsrugal1, ;rugal by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)
; cvsurugal, ;cvs ultra rugal by warusaki3, (sffc) + unsigned (i&e)

;god rugal (osaka tower)

cvsg_rugal, stages/cvs2-osakatower.def, music=sound/cvs2_ost_the_lord_god.mp3
;g rugal by warusaki3, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans])
god_rugal, stages/cvs2-osakatower.def, music=sound/cvs2_ost_the_lord_god.mp3 ;god
rugal by kyo-k, (sffc) (unrequestable status) + unsigned (i&e)
god_rugal0, stages/cvs2-osakatower.def, music=sound/cvs2_ost_the_lord_god.mp3
;g rugal by @ndroide, (wc), (ws2d)
; godrugal, ;rugal by @ndroide, (ldv), (sffc)

;ryo (sakazaki dojo)

; cvs2ryo, ;sakazaki ryo by byakko, (wc), (rsff)
cvs2ryo0, stages/cvs_construction.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_sakazaki_-
_scrap_beats.mp3 ;sakazaki ryo by byakko, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])
cvsryo, stages/cvs_construction.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_sakazaki_-
_scrap_beats.mp3 ;cvs ryo by muhanzoa & shacti & zamtong, (rsff)
cvsryo0, stages/cvs_construction.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_sakazaki_-
_scrap_beats.mp3 ;ryo by warusaki3, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])
; cvsryo1, ;ryo by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)
;ryu (wall)
cvsryu, stages/cvs1-08-ryustage.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_ryu_-
_fist_explosion.mp3 ;cvsryu by gargoyle, (rsff)
; cvsryu0, ;ryu by warusaki3 (ldv), (sffc)
cvsryu1, stages/cvs1-08-ryustage.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_ryu_-
_fist_explosion.mp3 ;ryu by warusaki3, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])
; cvsryu2, ;ryu by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)
; ryu_cvs, ;ryu by tukemon (ldv), (sffc)
; ryu_cvs0, ;ryu by tukemon, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [movereversed] + [ws])

;evil ryu (wall)

cvseryu, stages/cvs1-08-ryustage.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_ryu_-
_fist_explosion.mp3 ;cvsevilryu by gargoyle, (rsff)
cvs_sryu, stages/cvs1-08-ryustage.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_ryu_-
_fist_explosion.mp3 ;s.ryu by sumi, (sffc)

;sagat (buddha)
;(es) sagat, stages/cvs1-02-buddha.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_sagat_-

;sakura (osaka market)

; cvssakura, ;sakura kasugano by faye, (rsff) (unrequestable status)
cvssakura0, stages/cvs1-10-souten.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_osaka_-_o-s-
a-k-a.mp3 ;sakura by warusaki3, (ldv), (sffc)
sakura4, stages/cvs1-10-souten.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_osaka_-_o-s-a-
k-a.mp3 ;sakura by phantom.of.the.server, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;terry (train)
; cvsterry0, ;terry bogard by david demianoff, (sffc) (unrequestable status)
cvsterry2, stages/cvs1-09-train.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_terry_-
_higher_and_higher.mp3 ;terry by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)
; cvsterry111, ;terry bogard by warusaki3, updated by ???, (wo2d), (ws2d)
(unrequestable status)
terry4, stages/cvs1-09-train.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_terry_-
_higher_and_higher.mp3 ;terry by mouser + don nadie, (csff)
terry_cvs, stages/cvs1-09-train.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_terry_-
_higher_and_higher.mp3 ;cvsterry by mouser, update by ex-inferis, (rsff)
terry_cvs0, stages/cvs1-09-train.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_terry_-
_higher_and_higher.mp3 ;terry bogard by mouser, (rsff)

;todoh (shanghai)
cvs2_todo, stages/cvs2_shanghai.def,
music=sound/cvs2_ost_wicked_fight_(shanghai).mp3 ;todo by rei, (wo2d), (ws2d),
(n2bu: [trans + [ws]]
; cvstodoh, ;ryuhaku todoh by dr.fischer, (wc)
; todo, ;todo by naldocb, (wo2d)

;vega / m. bison (vega stage)

; 2x, ;bison2x by !=, (rsff)
; cvsbison, ;cvsbison by team kai (saiai and koga), (sffc)
; ep, ;bisonep by !=, (rsff)
; et, ;bisonet by !=, (rsff)
; mg0, ;bisonmg by !=, (rsff)
; mn, ;bisonnm by !=, (rsff)
; mx, ;bisonmx by !=, (rsff)
cvsvega, stages/cvs1-15-bison.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_vega_-_sign.mp3
;cvsvega by gargoyle, (rsff)
; vs, ;bisonvs by !=, (rsff)
;vice (capcom - conflagration)
; cvsvice, ;vice by warusaki3, (ldv), (sffc)
cvsvice0, stages/cvs1-04-conflagration.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_capcom_-_keep_my_fire.mp3 ;vice by warusaki3, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu:
[trans] + [ws])
; cvsvice1, ;vice by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)

;yamazaki (capcom - conflagration)

; cvsyamazaki, ;yamazaki by warusaki3, (ldv), (sffc)
cvs_yamazaki, stages/cvs1-04-conflagration.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_capcom_-_keep_my_fire.mp3 ;ryuji by @ndroide & meta gouki, (sffc)
(unrequestable status)
cvsyamazaki0, stages/cvs1-04-conflagration.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_capcom_-_keep_my_fire.mp3 ;yamazaki by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)
cvs_yamazaki0, stages/cvs1-04-conflagration.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_capcom_-_keep_my_fire.mp3 ;ryuji yamazaki by @ndroide, (wc), (ws2d)
cvsyamazaki2, stages/cvs1-04-conflagration.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_capcom_-_keep_my_fire.mp3 ;yamazaki by y.y, (wc), (sffc)

;yun (shanghai)
cvsyun, stages/cvs2_shanghai.def, music=sound/cvs2_ost_wicked_fight_(shanghai).mp3
;yun by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)

;yuri (sakazaki dojo)

cciyuricvs, stages/cvs1-01-underconstr.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_sakazaki_-_scrap_beats.mp3 ;cci yuri by david demianoff
(unrequestable status)
; cvsyuri, ;cvsyuri by pji111, (rsff)
cvsyuri0, stages/cvs1-01-underconstr.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_stage_of_sakazaki_-_scrap_beats.mp3 ;cvsyuri by pji111 update zamtong, (rsff)
yuri5, stages/cvs1-01-underconstr.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_stage_of_sakazaki_-
_scrap_beats.mp3 ;yuri by phantom.of.the.server, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_final_round_-_to_the_limit.mp3


;capcom vs snk series remix

;(sp) capcom-vs-snk-slash ;by rednavi
;(i): gouki-op ;unsigned
;- gouki-ed ;unsigned
;- yuriend ;by midnight spirit

;dan edits
dandx, stages/thailand-cvs-dm.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3 ;dan dx by dragoon316, (wc)

;geese edits
osho_beta, stages/geesetower-cvs-dm.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3 ;takuan_osho by dabiitiro, (wo2d)
; reychimpa, ;rey chimpa by ximpance
; victor1, ;victor by john.m, (wc), (ws2d)

;gouki / akuma edits

; neoblood gouki, ;neoblood gouki by ninja_naruto, (wc), (ws2d)
;hibiki edits
hibiki_cvs2, stages/geeseressurection.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3 ;hibiki by fraya, (wo2d)

;iori edits
sfaiori, stages/thailand-cvs-dm.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3 ;iori yagami by orochi herman, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;joe edits
gai0, stages/vega1.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3 ;gai
tendou by basara-kun, (sffc)
shin_joe, stages/vega1.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3
;shin joe by shunkaku66, (wo2d)

;ken edits
cvseken, stages/gouki_cvs.def, music=sound/cvs2_rmx_-
_true_love_making_(abused_at_night_remix).mp3 ;cvsevilken by pinsan, (rsff)
cvsg_ken, stages/gouki_cvs.def, music=sound/cvs2_rmx_-
_true_love_making_(abused_at_night_remix).mp3 ;evil ken by jonathan, (wo2d),
; eken, ;evil ken by metalfreekz13, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; f_ken, ;evil ken by meta gouki
furiousken_cvs, stages/gouki_cvs.def, music=sound/cvs2_rmx_-
_true_love_making_(abused_at_night_remix).mp3 ;furious ken by meta gouki
g.ken, stages/gouki_cvs.def, music=sound/cvs2_rmx_-
_true_love_making_(abused_at_night_remix).mp3 ;god ken by moldredd, (wo2d),
jigaiken, stages/gouki_cvs.def, music=sound/cvs2_rmx_-
_true_love_making_(abused_at_night_remix).mp3 ;jigai ken by suicide kyd,
corrected by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; ken9, ;ken by fraya, (wc), (rsff)

;kyo edits
; cvs2akyo, ;another kyo by mouser && byakko, (wc)
cvs2akyo0, stages/paopaocafe-cvs-dm.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3 ;another kyo by mouser && byakko, (wo2d), (ws2d),
(n2bu: [trans] + [ws])
cvsakyo, stages/paopaocafe-cvs-dm.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3 ;another kyo by mouser && byakko
; kyo_old, ;ex kyo by fraya, (wo2d)
shingo3, stages/paopaocafe-cvs-dm.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3 ;shingo yabuki by ophar
yuyu, stages/paopaocafe-cvs-dm.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3 ;yusuke by pockefreeman

;kyosuke edits
; batsu, ;batsu ichimonji by carlos romero 3, (wc), (ws2d)
hinata, stages/geeseressurection.def, music=sound/cvs2_rmx_-_london_remix.mp3
;hinata wakaba by li_kun & fervicante, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; nopantieshinata, ;no panties hinata by li_kun & fervicante, (wo2d), (ws2d)
(unrequestable status)

;mai edits
; cvsmai0, ;shiranui mai by shacti, (wo2d), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)
; nudemaicap, ;nude mai cap by link, (wo2d), (ws2d)
tqh0-10, stages/geeseressurection.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3 ;m by tetchi, (wo2d)
;maki edits
nudecvsmaki, stages/cvs2-alaska-mt_up.def, music=sound/cvspro_rmx_-
_silent_hill_nakoruru_theme_remix.mp3 ;maki by tetchi
; tqh0-02, ;maki by tetchi, (tqh0), (ldv)
; tqh0-020, ;i by tetchi, (tqh0), (wo2d)

;nakoruru edits

;rock edits
; mvcrock, ;rock by ken34, (wo2d), (ws2d)
r-rock2, stages/geeseressurection.def, music=sound/cvs2_rmx_-
_true_love_making_(gvp_instrumental_rmx).mp3 ;robo rock type-2 by y.y, (wc)

;rugal edits
; cvs3_rugal, stages/cvs2osakajou.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3 ;rugal bernstein by @ndroide & meta gouki

;ryu edits
angelryu, stages/vega1.def, music=sound/cvs_rmx_-_ryu_vs_ryo_cvs.mp3 ;angel ryu
by seth zankuten, (rsff)
cvscryu, stages/vega1.def, music=sound/cvs_rmx_-_ryu_vs_ryo_cvs.mp3 ;ryu by
cvsexryu, stages/vega1.def, music=sound/cvs_rmx_-_ryu_vs_ryo_cvs.mp3 ;exryu by
saiai84, (rsff)
; god_ryu, ;god ryu by faby_mugen + brnslash, (wc), (ws2d) (unrequestable
; riot-ryu, ;riot ryu by dark roken, (wc)
riot-ryu 2.0-edit, stages/vega1.def, music=sound/cvs_rmx_-_ryu_vs_ryo_cvs.mp3
;riot ryu by dark roken edited by darkgouken (unrequestable status)
ryu11, stages/vega1.def, music=sound/cvs_rmx_-_ryu_vs_ryo_cvs.mp3 ;ryu by
phantom.of.the.server, (rsff)
; ryu15, ;ryu by fraya, (wc), (rsff)
; ryur0, ;ryu reload by knightmare106, (wo2d), (ws2d)
sporyu, stages/vega1.def, music=sound/cvs_rmx_-_ryu_vs_ryo_cvs.mp3 ;slightly
pissed off ryu by rikard, (wc), (ws2d)

;evil ryu edits

; ryu_e, ;evil ryu by fraya, (wc), (rsff)
; ryu_eboss, ;darkside ryu by fraya, (wo2d)

;sakura edits
; sakura5, ;sakura by phantom.of.the.server + nude patch by bomb, (wo2d)

;terry edits
cvs_pocke, stages/geeseressurection.def, music=sound/cvs2_rmx_-
_true_love_making_(abused_at_night_remix).mp3 ;pockefreeman by pockefreeman,
cvsterry, stages/geeseressurection.def, music=sound/cvs2_rmx_-
_true_love_making_(abused_at_night_remix).mp3 ;terry bogard by cepo

;yun edits
mf_yun, stages/cvs2-alaska-mt_up.def, music=sound/cvs2_rmx_-
_true_love_making_(gvp_instrumental_rmx).mp3 ;asura yun by mr.fong, (wo2d),
; mf_yun0, ;yun by mr.fong, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; yun0, ;yun by fraya, (wo2d)
;yuri edits
; nudecvsyuri, ;yuri by pji111 & tetchi, (rsff)
cvsyurin, stages/thailand-cvs-dm.def, music=sound/cvs_ost_-
_final_round_(bounce_mix).mp3 ;yuri by pji111 (sprites by hanzo hattori), (rsff)
; tqh0-03, ;yuri by pji111 & tetchi, (tqh0), (ldv)
; tqh0-030, ;y by pji111 & tetchi, (tqh0), (wo2d)

;misc. cvs series edits

; editblaze, ;blaze by cap_rock, (wo2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;capcom vs snk series (capcom vs snk & capcom vs snk pro; arcade, playstation &
;(sp): cvs ;by spider-boy! ==========================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- cvsintro ;by dark saviour =========================================
;- cvspro_op ;unsigned ==========================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- cvsb ;by lupe121283 ===========================================
;- cvsgeeseending ;by lupe121283 =====================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;capcom vs snk 2 series (capcom vs snk 2, capcom vs snk 2 eo & capcom vs snk:
millennnium fight 2000 pro; arcade, gamecube, playstation 2, xbox & dreamcast)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- capcomvssnk2 ;by versus =========================================
;- capcom vs snk w fullgame system ;by rednavi ======================
;- cvs2 ;by drachir ==============================================
;- cvs20 ;by tity =================================================
;- cvs21 ;by wolfzert =============================================
;(lb): ===============================================================
;- cvs2 ;unsigned ================================================
;- life_cvs2 ;by mugen_trigger.1222.raisu@jcom.home.ne.jp =======
;- mugencvs2 ;by antony & sophie ================================
;(fx): cvs2_fightfx ;by gal129x1_4@yahoo.co.jp ===================
;(sndp): =============================================================
;- cvs2_commonsnd ;by gal129x1_4@yahoo.co.jp =========================
;- sounds_cvs2 ;by wz_4 ===========================================
;(i): intro_cvs2eo ;by hades_dios_supremo =======================

;, music=sound/cvs2_ost_real_eyes_(training_stage).mp3

;capcom vs snk 2 series remix

;(lb): cvs2-remix ;by shunkaku66


;capoeira fighter 2 --------------------------------------------------

;stages/cf2_alley.def ;alley
;stages/cf2_beach1.def ;sunny beach
;stages/cf2_beach2.def ;sunset beach
;stages/cf2_church.def ;church
;stages/cf2_forest.def ;forest
;stages/cf2_gym.def ;gymnase
;stages/cf2_street.def ;street
;stages/cf2_virtualroda.def ;virtual road
;stages/cf2_waterfall.def ;waterfall

;capoeira fighter 2 remix


;captain america and the avengers ------------------------------------

;stages/thebank.def ;the bank

;captain commando (arcade, playstation & super nes) ------------------

;baby commando
;(es) baby commando

;captain commando
;(es) captain commando

; ginzu, ;ginzu by lord sinistro, (rsff)

;mummy commando
;(es) mummy commando

;stages/cap_comm_online_leisure.def ;online leisure

;stages/capcomm_wired.def ;wired place
;stages/captcom_aquarium.def, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_6_aquarium.mp3 ;level
6 - aquarium
;stages/captcomm.def ;earth lab
;stages/captcom_marine.def, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_5_ocean_chase.mp3 ;
marine lab
;stages/captcom_museum.def, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_2_museum.mp3 ;level 2 -
;stages/ninjahouse.def, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_3_ninja_shrine.mp3 ;level
3 - ninja house
;stages/sho.def, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_4_circus_arena.mp3 ;level 4 - circus
;stages/ub.def, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_8_space_ship.mp3 ;level 8 - space
;stages/undergroundbase.def, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_7_underground_base.mp3
;level 7 - underground base

;, music=sound/captcomm_-_final_boss_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/captcomm_-_final_boss_beginning.mp3
;, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_1_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_1_city.mp3
;, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_2_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_3_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_4_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_4_circus_entrance.mp3
;, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_5_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_6_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_7_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_8_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/captcomm_-_level_9_callisto.mp3

;cardcaptor sakura series (cardcaptor sakura & cardcaptor sakura: crow card magic;

ccisakura, stages/bgjin.def, music=sound/ccs_-_bgmoon.mp3 ;cci sakura by david

demianoff (wc) (unrequestable status)
; ccsakura, ;ccsakura by elecbyte, (rsff)
; sakuracard, ;sakuracardcaptors by sakura, (rsff)

;stages/bgland.def ;circus at night

;stages/bgmoon.def, music=sound/ccs_-_bgmoon.mp3 ;tower at night - final judge
;stages/bgnight.def ;tower at night - final judge
;stages/bgpen.def ;park
;stages/bgschool.def, music=sound/ccs_-_bgmoon.mp3 ;school
;stages/bgtown.def ;street
;stages/bgtown2.def ;street at afternoon
;stages/bgwater.def ;aquarium
;stages/sakura2.def ;park 2

;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_01.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_02.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_03.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_04.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_05.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_06.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_07.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_08.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_09.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_10.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_11.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_12.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_13.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_14.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_15.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_16.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_17.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_18.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_19.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_20.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_21.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_22.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_23.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_24.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_25.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_26.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_27.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_28.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_29.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_30.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_31.mp3
;, music=sound/ccs_ost_-_32.mp3

;cardcaptor sakura series remix


;castlevania / akumajo dracula (demon castle dracula) series ---------
;(gi): akumajo dracula x: chin no rondo / akumajo dracula x: circle of blood,
akumajo dracula xx / castlevania - vampire's kiss / dracula x, castlevania /
akumajo dracula, castlevania 2 - belmont's revenge / legend of dracula 2, akumajo
special boku dracula-kun, castlevania 2 - simon's quest / dracula ii - accursed
seal, castlevania 3 - dracula's curse / legend of demon castle, castlevania 64,
; castlevania advance, castlevania: aria of sorrow, castlevania:
bloodlines / the new generation, castlevania chronicles, castlevania circle of the
moon, castlevania: harmony of dissonance, castlevania symphony of night,
castlevania: the adventure / legend of dracula, castlevania - the next generation,
haunted castle dracula: the arcade game / akumajo dracula: the arcade game, kid
dracula / akumajo special - dracula-kun, super castlevania iv / akumajou dracula
;(p): arcade, gameboy, gameboy advance, genesis, msx, nes, pc-engine, super
nes, ultra 64 & x68000
;(sp): castlevania rage of power ;unsigned ------------------------

; trevor1, ;trevor c belmont by raigugiraru, (wo2d)

;stages/boss rush.def
;stages/boss rush2.def
;stages/castlevaniax.def, music=sound/castlevaniaxs1.mp3
;stages/castlevaniaxs-2.def, music=sound/castlevaniaxs2.mp3
;stages/legion (corpse).def
;stages/legion (saint).def

;castlevania / akumajo dracula series remix

; hana, stages/cvania.def, music=sound/cv_-_techno.trance_-_castlevania_-

_vampire_killer_(dance_remix).mp3 ;hana akuma by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)
; zombies, stages/cvania.def, music=sound/cv_-__gothic_techno_remix.mp3 ;
zombie master by combo chef kyo

;(ss) ================================================================
;akumajo dracula / vampire killer (x68000) ===========================

; simon, stages/castlevania.def, music=sound/adx68000_ost_vampire_killer.mp3

;simon belmondo by foxtlot, (rsff)

;stages/vkoc.def ;outside castle (level 0)

;, music=sound/adx68000_ost_03.mp3
;, music=sound/adx68000_ost_04.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;akumajo dracula x: chin no rondo / akumajo dracula x: circle of blood / dracula
x: rondo of blood (pc-engine)

; death, stages/draculax.def, music=sound/cv_dxcob_stage0.mp3 ;death by

; frankenstein, ;frankenstein by dxwho
; giantbat, ;giant bat by dxwho
; rockdevil, stages/wolf0.mp3, music=sound/cv_dxcob_beginning_(stage4).mp3
;rockdevil by dxwho

;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_bloody tears_(stage3).mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_cemetery_(stage3').mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_opposing bloodlines_(stage1).mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_opus 13_(stage2').mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_picture of a ghost ship_(stages_5&5').mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_slash_(stage4').mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_the den_(stage7).mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_track10.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_track17.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_track18.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_track5.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_ost_bloodlines.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_ost_mary_samba.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_dxcob_vampire killer_(stage2).mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;castlevania / akumajo dracula (nes) =================================

; simon0, stages/stage9.def, music=sound/cv_ost_vampire_killer.mp3 ;simon by

; simonbelmont, stages/courtyard0.def, music=sound/cv_ost_vampire_killer.mp3
;simon belmont by sho shingo

;, music=sound/cv_ost_stage_2.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_ost_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_ost_stage_4.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_ost_stage_5.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_ost_stage_6.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_ost_03.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_ost_dracula's_chamber.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_ost_final_battle.mp3

;castlevania remix

;, music=sound/cv_-_bloody_tears_&_vampire_killer_-_nino.com.br.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_the_raven_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_wicked_orchestra_oc_remix.mp3
;(ss) ================================================================
;castlevania 2 - simon's quest / dracula ii - accursed seal (nes) ====

;, music=sound/castle2_castlevania.mp3
;, music=sound/castle2_daytime2.mp3
;, music=sound/castle2_daytime3.mp3
;, music=sound/castle2_draculabattle.mp3
;, music=sound/castle2_ending.mp3
;, music=sound/castle2_game_over.mp3
;, music=sound/castle2_mansion.mp3
;, music=sound/castle2_nightime.mp3
;, music=sound/castle2_town.mp3

;castlevania 2 remix

;, music=sound/cv2_downtown_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/cv2_nofleshallowed_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/cv2_simons_town_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;castlevania 3 - dracula's curse / legend of demon castle (nes) ======

; trevor, random, music=sound/castle3_anxiety.mp3;pneophen's trevor belmont by

patrick ching, (rsff)

;, music=sound/castle3_aquarius.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_beginning1.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_bigbattle.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_clocktower.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_deadbeat.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_dejavu.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_demonseed.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_evergreen.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_madforest.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_nightmare.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_overture.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_prelude.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_pressure.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_riddle.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_rising.mp3
;, music=sound/castle3_stream.mp3
;, music=sound/cv3_ost_clock_tower.mp3
;, music=sound/cv3_ost_prologue.mp3

;castlevania 3 remix

;, music=sound/castle3_beginning2.mp3
;, music=sound/cv3_stained_glass_filth_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;castlevania: aria of sorrow =========================================

;(es) death, stages/aosdeath.def
;stages/0topfloor.def ;top floor
;stages/aosarena.def ;arena
;stages/aosarena2.def ;arena 2
;stages/aoschapel.def ;chapel
;stages/castle_aos.def ;destroyed corridor
;stages/dancehall.def ;dance hall
;stages/djlainbrm.def ;boss arena

;(ss) ================================================================
;castlevania bloodlines / the new generation (genesis) ===============

;stages/castlev1.def ;moonlight
;stages/castlev2.def ;long corridor

;(ss) ================================================================
;castlevania circle of the moon ======================================

;(es) death, stages/cotmdeath.def

;stages/battlearenasmall.def ;battle arena

;stages/ccotm.def ;dungeon
;stages/observatory.def ;observatory / vs hugh baldwin

;castlevania circle of the moon remix

;, music=sound/cv_cotm_rude_awakening_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;castlevania: harmony of dissonance ==================================

; cvshimon, stages/castleb.def, music=sound/entrada.mp3;castlevania��-� by

masa, (rsff)

;stages/castle1.def ;castle's corridor

;stages/stage30.def ;chapel of dissonance

;castlevania: harmony of dissonance remix

;, music=sound/cvhod_-_nino_-_juste's_theme_-_nino.com.br.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;castlevania symphony of the night (playstation) =====================
;(e): castlevania_game_over ;by wolfzert@gmail.com =================

; alucard, stages/castlevania4.def, music=sound/saladodrakula.mp3 ;alucard by

cybersolx, (rsff)
; alucard0, stages/olrox.def, music=sound/saladodrakula.mp3 ;alucard by dxwho
; gaibon, ;gaibon by dxwho
; trevor2, ;trevor c belmont by raigugiraru, (wc)

;stages/alchemy0.def ;alchemy lab

;stages/bloodfountain.def ;blood fountain
;stages/bodies.def ;bodies
;stages/castlekeep.def ;intro
;stages/colosseum.def ;colosseum
;stages/dxcolism.def ;arena
;stages/granfalloon_up.def ;granfalloon's lair
;stages/hallway_passage.def ;hallway passage
;stages/rip.def, music=sound/rip.mp3 ;rest in peace room

;castlevania symphony of night remix

;, music=sound/cv_sotn_rmx_-_nothingbutapileofdancemoves!_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_sotn_thedevilinside_(italodiscomix)_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;castlevania: the adventure / legend of dracula (gameboy) ============

;castlevania: the adventure remix

;, music=sound/cv_adv_cv2k_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/cv_adv_quasikaotic_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;castlevania - vampire's kiss / akumajo dracula xx / dracula x (super nes)

; axe, ;unsigned axearmor, (rsff)

; richter, stages/castlex1.def, music=sound/dracula_x_-_beginning.mp3 ;
richter by kyo kusanagi
; richter0, ;richter belmont by raigugiraru, (wo2d), (ws)

;stages/flames2.def ;introduction

;, music=sound/dracula_x_-_bloodlines.mp3
;, music=sound/dracula_x_-_bloody_tears.mp3
;, music=sound/dracula_x_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/dracula_x_-_cemetery.mp3
;, music=sound/dracula_x_-_cerberus.mp3
;, music=sound/dracula_x_-_den.mp3
;, music=sound/dracula_x_-_illusionary_dance.mp3
;, music=sound/dracula_x_-_overture.mp3
;, music=sound/dracula_x_-_picture_of_the_ghost_ship.mp3
;, music=sound/dracula_x_-_slash.mp3
;, music=sound/dracula_x_-_vampire_hunter.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;castlevania x (original) ============================================
;(sp): castlevania x ;by falchion22 ===============================

; a-henric, ;richter by falchion22

; b-lucius, ;richter by falchion22
; stage11, stages/stage123.def ;stage 1 by falchion22
; stage20, stages/stage215.def ;stage2 by falchion22
; stage30, stages/stage38.def ;stage3 by falchion22

;(ss) ================================================================
;haunted castle dracula: the arcade game / akumajo dracula: the arcade game

;stages/hc_stg1.def ;stage 1

;, music=sound/hcd_ost_01.mp3
;, music=sound/hcd_ost_02.mp3
;, music=sound/hcd_ost_03.mp3
;, music=sound/hcd_ost_05.mp3
;, music=sound/hcd_ost_06.mp3
;, music=sound/hcd_ost_bloody_tears.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;super castlevania 4 / akumajou dracula (super nes) ==================
;(sp): castlevania ;by mike werewolf ============================

;stages/akumaclock.def ;clock tower

;stages/bookstore.def ;book store
;stages/c4.def, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_prologue_(level1-0).mp3 ;stage
0 - prologue
;stages/c4-cavern.def, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_the_cave_(level3-1).mp3
;stage 3-1 - cave
;stages/c4-demoniacjungle.def, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-
_in_the_castle_(level5-1).mp3 ;stage 5-1 - jungle
;stages/c4-forest.def, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-
_forest_of_monsters_(level2-1).mp3 ;stage 2-1 - forest of monsters
;stages/c4-fort.def, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_rotating_room_(level4-
1).mp3 ;level 4-1 - castle
;stages/c4-madness.def ;illusion of madness
;stages/c4-medusa.def, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_boss_1.mp3 ;medusa
;stages/c4-portal.def, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_theme_of_simon_(level1-
1).mp3 ;stage 1-1 - portal
;stages/c4-ruins.def, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-
_forest_of_monsters_(level2-1).mp3 ;stage 2-1 - ruins
;stages/c4-seadragons.def, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-
_the_submerged_city_(level3-3).mp3 ;stage 3-3 - submerged city
;stages/c4waterfalls.def, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-
_the_waterfalls_(level3-2).mp3 ;stage 3-2 - the waterfalls
;stages/castle4-1-2.def, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_theme_of_simon_(level1-
1).mp3 ;stage 1-1 - garden
;stages/castlegate.def ;stage 0 - prologue
;stages/castlevania1.def ;stage 0 - prologue
;stages/comein.def ;garden
;stages/dracslair.def ;dracula's lair
;stages/insidecastle.def ;inside castle gates
;stages/sc4ds.def ;dracula's coffin
;stages/sc4gs.def ;balcony
;stages/scivdg.def ;dracula's grave (game introduction)

;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_beginning.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_bloody_tears.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_boss_1.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_boss_2.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_cellar.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_chandeliers.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_dracula's_death.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_dracula's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_dracula_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_entrance_hall.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_pillared_corridor.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_room_of_close_associates.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_secret_room.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_spinning_tale.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_the_castle's_gate.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_treasury_room.mp3
;, music=sound/super_castlevania_4_-_vampire_killer.mp3

;super castlevania 4 / akumajou dracula remix


;, music=sound/cv4_castletrance_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/cv4_curse_curse_revolution_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/cv4_houseparty_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/cv4_intothecorridorofshadows_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/cv4_prologue_painmix_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;castlevania original stuff ==========================================


;cave story / doukutsu monogatari ------------------------------------

;stages/balcony0.def, music=sound/balcony.mp3 ;balcony

;cb char wars --------------------------------------------------------

;stages/cbcw_st10.def, music=sound/cbcw_st1_1.mp3 ;school road

;stages/cbcw_st10e.def, music=sound/cbcw_st1_1.mp3 ;school road (extended)
;stages/cbcw_st11.def, music=sound/cbcw_st1_1.mp3 ;school road
;stages/cbcw_st12.def, music=sound/cbcw_st1_1.mp3 ;schoolyard
;stages/cbcw_st13.def, music=sound/cbcw_st1_1.mp3 ;in front of the school
;stages/cbcw_st14.def, music=sound/cbcw_st1_1.mp3 ;secret base
;stages/cbcw_st14e.def, music=sound/cbcw_st1_1.mp3 ;secret base (extended)
;stages/cbcw_st15.def, music=sound/cbcw_boss.mp3 ;stage 1 - boss

;chapolin vs dracula -------------------------------------------------

; chap, ;chapolin by san, (rsff)

;chester cheetah too cool to fool / chester cheetah wild wild quest (genesis &

; chester, ;chester cheetah by douglas

;chip'n'dale rescue rangers ------------------------------------------

;stages/library.def ;the library

;cho aniki (super nes) -----------------------------------------------

; adon2, ;adon by aniki01adon, (wo2d)
; g.adon, ;god adon by aniki01adon, (wo2d)

; samson, stages/aniki_2.def, music=sound/ca_-_aniki2.mp3 ;samson by touch
my harbl, (i&ei), (wo2d), (rsff)


;chronicles of lodoss war (original) ---------------------------------

; deedrit, ;deedrit by ayumu sekizyo

;chrono cross --------------------------------------------------------

;stages/viper.def ;viper manor

;chrono trigger (super nes) ------------------------------------------

;crono (bar)
; crono, stages/taverna.def, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-
_boss_battle_2.mp3 ;crono by kyo kusanagi ;crono by kyo kusanagi
; crono2, stages/taverna.def, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_last_battle.mp3
;unsigned crono, (rsff)

;frog (guardia forest)

; frog, ;frog by shadow watcher
; frog0, stages/guardia.def , music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-
_frog's_theme.mp3 ;frog by the nightcrawler, (wo2d)
;lucca (trial)
; lucca, stages/tribunal.def, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_the_trial.mp3
;lucca by kyo kusanagi

;magus (zenan bridge)

; magus, stages/zenan.def, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-
_battle_with_magus.mp3 ;magus by kyo kusanagi

;marle (p. lena)

; marle, stages/pracalena.def, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_battle_1.mp3
;marle 2 by kyo kusanagi
; marle0, stages/pracalena.def, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-
_battle_2_(unreleased).mp3 ;marle by skuld-chan, (rsff)

;slash (12 000)

; slash0, stages/12000.def, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-
_undersea_palace.mp3 ;slash by xardion, (rsff)

;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_a_shot_of_crisis.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_ayla's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_bike_chase.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_black_omen.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_boss_battle_1.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_burn!_bobonga!.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_chrono_trigger.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_confusing_melody.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_delightful_spekkio.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_determination.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_dome-16's_ruin.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_fanfare_1.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_gato's_song.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_guardia_millenial_fair.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_lavos'_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_magus'_castle.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_manoria_cathedral.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_memories_of_green.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_primitive_mountain.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_remains_of_the_factory.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_robo's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_robo_gang_johnny.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_ruined_world.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_schala's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_secret_of_the_forest.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_silvard.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_the_hidden_truth.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_time_circuits.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_to_far_away_times.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_tyrano_castle.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_underground_sewer.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_world_revolution.mp3
;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ost_-_zeal_palace.mp3

;chrono trigger remix


;, music=sound/chrono_trigger_ast_thebrinkoftime_-_world_revolution.mp3

;chuck rock (genesis & super nes) ------------------------------------

;stages/chuck.def ;dinosaur graveyard

;clannad (pc & playstation 2) ----------------------------------------

;stages/zasiki.def ;furukawa zashiki

;clay fighter series (clay fighter, clay fighter 2: judgement clay & clay fighter
tournament edition; super nes)

;bad mr. frosty (cf: ice castle / cf2: frosty workshop / cfte: ice castle)
mrfrosty, stages/frosty.def, music=sound/cf_bad_mr._frosty.mp3 ;bad mr frosty by
frantic, (csff)
;stages/frosty2.def ;cf2

;blue suede goo (cf: piano in flames / cf2: blue's piano / cfte: blue's piano)
blue, stages/el_up.def, music=sound/cf_blue_suede_goo.mp3 ;blue suede goo by
;stages/suede2.def ;cf2

;bonker (cf1: toy palace [violet] / cfte: toy palace [green] - toy palace
;(es) bonker, stages/bonker.def, music=sound/cf_bonker.mp3
;stages/bonker2.def ;cfte

;butch (chimney)
;(es) butch

;googoo (the crib)

;(es) googoo, stages/baby.def

;helga (cf: stage / cfte: stage)

;(es) helga, stages/helgan.def, music=sound/cf_helga.mp3
;stages/helga.def ;cfte

;hoppy (camp catastrophe)

hoppy, stages/octo2.def, music=sound/cf_taffy_&_n._boss.mp3 ;hoppy by lord
sinistro, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

;ice (frosty workshop)

;(es) ice, stages/frosty2.def

;ickybod clay (cf: haunted house / cf2: chimney / cfte: road to haunted castle)
clay, stages/ickst.def, music=sound/cf_ickybod_clay_&_the_blob.mp3 ;ickybod
clay by shadowtak, (wc)
;stages/icky.def ;cfte
;stages/claykeep.def ;cf2
;jack (under the clay)
;(es) jack, stages/octo.def

;kangoo (ring)
;(es) kangoo, stages/clayringue.def

;nana (bungle jungle)

;(es) nana, stages/nana.def

;n. boss (cf: clay planet [green] / cfte: mushrooms' cave)

nboss, stages/boss.def, music=sound/cf_taffy_&_n._boss.mp3 ;n.boss by shadowtak,
;stages/nboss2.def ;cfte

;octo (under the clay)

octo, stages/octo.def, music=sound/cf_taffy_&_n._boss.mp3 ;octo by shadowtak,

;peelgood (bungle jungle)

;(es) peelgood, stages/nana.def

;sarge (camp catastrophe)

;(es) sarge, stages/octo2.def

;slick (oozeville)
;(es) slick, stages/ooze.def

;spike (the crib)

;(es) spike, stages/baby.def

;taffy (cf: clay factory [red & yellow] / cfte: clay factory [violet & green] -
clay factory [green & brown])
taffy, stages/taffy.def, music=sound/cf_taffy_&_n._boss.mp3 ;taffy by
shadowtak, (wc)
;stages/taffy2.def ;cf
;stages/taffy3.def ;cfte
;stages/taffy4.def ;cfte

;the blob (cf: clay planet [green] / cf2: oozeville / cfte: clay planet [brown])
blob0, stages/ooze.def, music=sound/cf_ickybod_clay_&_the_blob.mp3 ;blob by
;stages/theblob.def ;cf

;thunder (ring)
;(es) thunder, stages/clayringue.def

;tiny (cf: coliseum / cf2: chimney / cfte: dungeon [grey] - dungeon [green])
;(es) tiny, stages/tine.def, music=sound/cf_tiny.mp3
;stages/tiny2.def ;cfte

;(ss) ================================================================
;clay fighter 2 - judgement clay (super nes) =========================

;stages/mountmush.def ;mount mushmore (extra stage)

;clock tower (super nes) ---------------------------------------------

;stages/clocktower0.def ;inside the house

;stages/courtyard2.def ;courtyard

;cobra (original) ----------------------------------------------------

; cobra, ;cobra by butchy (graphics) & mike werewolf (code)

; cobra0, ;cobra by butchy (graphics) & mike werewolf (code), sounds and
palettes 2-5 added by oscarnaiz
cobra2005, stages/cobra.def, music=sound/cobra_rmx_-_mekapower.mp3 ;cobra 2005
by butchy and dadou

;, music=sound/cobra_rmx_-_fox-trot.mp3
;, music=sound/cobra_rmx_-_armada.mp3
;, music=sound/cobra_oav_ost_yello_night_baby.mp3
;, music=sound/cobra_oav_ost_yello_suite_909.mp3
;, music=sound/cobra_oav_ost_yello_zebra.mp3
;, music=sound/cobra_ost_espionnage.mp3
;, music=sound/cobra_ost_l'assaut.mp3
;, music=sound/cobra_ost_le_duel.mp3
;, music=sound/cobra_ost_poursuite_sur_mars.mp3
;, music=sound/cobra_ost_la_partie_commence.mp3
;, music=sound/cobra_ost_voyage_dans_l'espace.mp3

;comipa --------------------------------------------------------------

;stages/comipa_bigsite.def ;big site

;stages/comipa_mansion.def ;mansion (noon)
;stages/comipa_mansion2.def ;mansion (night)
;stages/comipa_mansion3.def ;mansion (evening)
;stages/comipa_mansion4.def ;mansion (snow)

;commander keen series (pc) ------------------------------------------

;stages/keenborder.def, music=sound/keenborder.mp3 ;border village

;stages/wellofwishes.def ;well of wishes

;contra / probotector series (contra / probotector, contra 2 / probotector 2,
contra 3 - the alien wars / contra spirits / super probotector - the alien rebels,
contra the hardcorps; gen, nes & super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;(nes) contra / probotector series (contra / probotector, contra 2 / probotector

; maddog, stages/contra0.def, music=sound/contra.mp3 ;mad dog by kazmer13

and smi, (i&ei), (rsff)
; m-nes_game2, stages/m-nes_stage2.def ;m-nes stage 2 by bane84, (wc),

;stages/cjungle_up.def ;stage 1 - jungle

;(ss) ================================================================
;contra 3 - the alien wars / contra spirits / super probotector - the alien rebels
(super nes)

; contra, stages/contra30.def, music=sound/contra3_-_ground_zero.mp3 ;

contra by weagle37@yahoo.com (http://come.to/windeagle), fixed by gohan ssm2,

;stages/contra3_1.def ;stage 1
;stages/contra3_2.def ;stage 2

;, music=sound/contra3_-_invasion.mp3
;, music=sound/contra3_-_neo_kobe_steel_factory.mp3
;, music=sound/contra3_-_nesting_in_the_sands.mp3
;, music=sound/contra3_-_no_man's_land.mp3
;, music=sound/contra3_-_point_of_entry.mp3
;, music=sound/contra3_-_road_warriors.mp3
;, music=sound/contra3_-_tearing_up_the_turnpike.mp3
;, music=sound/contra3_-_the_final_gauntlet_(part_1).mp3
;, music=sound/contra3_-_the_final_gauntlet_(part_2).mp3
;, music=sound/contra3_-_the_final_gauntlet_(part_3).mp3

;contra 3 - the alien wars / contra spirits / super probotector - the alien rebels

;, music=sound/super_c_against_the_rest_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;contra the hardcorps (genesis) ======================================

;stages/cthc-noiman.def ;virtual zone - noiman cascade 2

;stages/cthc-noiman2.def ;virtual zone - noiman cascade 2

;comic party doujin game ---------------------------------------------
;(i): cp_r_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------

eimi, random, music=sound/tresor_-_demo_tracks_1999_-_11.mp3 ;eimi by maruta,


;comix zone (genesis) ------------------------------------------------

; sketch, stages/comixzone.def, music=sound/czone_-_19.mp3 ;sketch turner by

atomicdog2020, (rsff)


;, music=sound/czone_-_01.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_02.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_03.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_04.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_05.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_06.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_07.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_08.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_09.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_10.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_11.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_12.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_13.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_14.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_15.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_16.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_17.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_18.mp3
;, music=sound/czone_-_20.mp3

;cosmic carnage (sega 32x) -------------------------------------------

;(es) cylic

;(es) deamon

;(es) jake

;(es) karl

;(es) naja

;(es) naruto

;(es) ray

;(es) talmac

;(es) tyr

;(es) yug

;(es) zena-lan

;counter strike (pc) -------------------------------------------------
;(sp) counterpack ;by junior chillage --------------------------------


;cowboy bebop (original) ---------------------------------------------

;stages/entrepot.def ;warehouse

;crayon shin-chan ----------------------------------------------------

;stages/cshinchan_st1_1.def, music=sound/cshinchan_st1.mp3 ;stage 1 - 1

;crime fighters ------------------------------------------------------

;stages/crime fighters.def, music=sound/crimef_-_crimfght.mp3 ;metro station

;cross channel -------------------------------------------------------

;stages/cc_tazaki.def ;takazi store front: noon

;stages/cc_tazaki2.def ;takazi store front: night
;stages/cc_tazaki3.def ;takazi store front: evening

;crossed sword (arcade & neogeo) -------------------------------------


;cruel fate (original) -----------------------------------------------
;(sp): cruel_fate ;by most mysterious & smogon -----------------------

patriot, stages/blanco.def, music=sound/blade_iii_ost_-_overseer_-_skylight.mp3

;patriot by most mysterious & smogon

;ctracer -------------------------------------------------------------
;stages/gangnam.def ;gangnam station, seoul

;cyberbots full metal madness (arcade) -------------------------------
;(sp): cyberbots ;by |[dmz]| ----------------------------------------

;blodia (doomsday weapon)

cyberbots_blodia, stages/warlock.def, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_doomsday_weapon.mp3
;blodia by cyberbots, (wo2d)

;(es) cyclone

;fordy (machine arena [evening])

fordy, stages/machinearena_e.def, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_machine_arena.mp3 ;fordy
by freezell, (rsff)

;gaits (launching base)

gaits_v1.0, stages/launching.def, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_gaits_theme.mp3 ;gaits
by team weapon-x hideppe&mar

;(es) guldin

;helion (airport)
helion, stages/cybair.def, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_helion_theme.mp3 ;uva-02
helion by enjuo, (wc), (rsff)

;jackal (panic in downtown)

cyberbots_jackal, stages/downtown.def, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_megalopolis.mp3
;jackal by cyberbots, (wo2d)

;killer bee
;(es) killer bee

;(es) lightning

;(es) reptos

;(es) riot

;super 8 (ocean bottom)

super8, stages/wstage_up.def, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_super_8_theme.mp3 ;super-8 by
fujy, (wc) + (e) by rudolf27

;(es) swordsman

;tarantula (machine arena)

cyberbots_tarantula, stages/cb-arenastage.def, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-
_machine_arena.mp3 ;tarantula by cyberbots, (wo2d)

;(es) vise
;warlock (doomsday weapon)
warlock, stages/doom.def, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_warlock_theme_1.mp3 ;warlock by
; warlock0, random, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_warlock_theme_2.mp3 ;warlock by
kung fu man

;z-akuma / z-gouki (town 3)

z-akuma, stages/town3.def, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_colonial_satellite.mp3 ;z-
akuma by n64mario

;, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_airport.mp3
;, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_power_station.mp3
;, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_secret_hq.mp3 ;launching bgm
;, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_space_fleet.mp3
;, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_underwater_1.mp3
;, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_underwater_2.mp3
;, music=sound/cfmm_ost_-_volcano.mp3

;cyberbots full metal madness remix


;daiakuzi ------------------------------------------------------------

;stages/daiakuzi_hany.def ;hany civil

;stages/daiakuzi_makai.def ;dark world
;stages/daiakuzi_mystery.def ;mystery plain
;stages/daiakuzi_nekken.def ;nekken training room
;stages/daiakuzi_noson.def ;falm village
;stages/daiakuzi_wakamegumi.def ;wakamegumi
;stages/daiakuzi_yama.def ;itako mountain
;stages/daiakuzi_zinja.def ;osaka shrine

;dance dance revolution series ---------------------------------------
;(gi): dance dance revolution, dance dance revolution 2nd mix, dance dance
revolution 2nd remix, dance dance revolution 2nd remix: append club version vol.
1, dance dance revolution 2nd remix: append club version vol. 2, dance dance
revolution 3rd mix, dance dance revolution 3rd mix plus, dance dance revolution
4th mix, dance dance revolution 4th mix plus, dance dance revolution 5th mix,
dance dance revolution best hits, dance dance revolution club version dreamcast
edition, dance dance revolution disney mix, dance dance revolution disney's rave,
; dance dance revolution extra mix, dance dance revolution extreme, dance
dance revolution extreme (japan), dance dance revolution featuring disney
characters, dance dance revolution gb, dance dance revolution gb 2, dance dance
revolution gb 3, dance dance revolution gb disney, dance dance revolution konamix,
dance dance revolution party collection, dance dance revolution solo 2000, dance
dance revolution solo bass mix, dance dance revolution ultramix, dance dance
revolution ultramix 2, dance dance revolution usa,
; ddrmax: dance dance revolution 6th mix, ddrmax2: dance dance revolution
7th mix, oha star dance dance revolution, oha star dance dance revolution gb
;(p): arcade, dreamcast, gameboy color, ultra 64, pc, playstation,
playstation 2 & xbox
;(sp): ddrkonamix ;by heejun184 --------------------------------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;dance dance revolution (playstation 2) ==============================

;dance dance revolution remix

;, music=sound/ddr_4f73r_m3_oc_remix.mp3

;daraku tenshi: the fallen angels (arcade) ---------------------------

;carlos (meeting room)

;(es) carlos, stages/carlos.def

;cool (prison)
;(es) cool, stages/cool.def

;haiji (rooftop)
8, stages/haiji.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_14.mp3 ;haiji
by tommy-gun
; haiji, ;haiji by tommy-gun, modified by brrr (unrequestable status)
haiji0, stages/haiji.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.3_-_03.mp3 ;haiji
by gargoyle, (rsff)

;harry ness (burning heliport)

;(es) harry, stages/harry.def

;roche (cemetery)
;(es) roche, stages/dtcemetery.def

;taro (scrapyard)
;(es) taro, stages/dtscrap.def

;torao (backyard)
; torao, ;torao onigawara by nhk, (ldv)
torao0, stages/torao.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_their_law_cd2_-_02.mp3 ;torao
onigawara by nhk, (wo2d)

;trigger (destroyed room)

;(es) trigger

;yuiran (bar [bright])

;(es) yuiran

;yuiren (bar [dark])

;(es) yuiren

;daredevil (gameboy advance) -----------------------------------------

;stages/trilhos.def ;railways
;darius series (darius, darius 2, darius 3, darius alpha, darius force, darius
gaiden, darius plus, darius r, darius twin, g-darius, super darius, super darius
2; arcade, gameboy advance, pc, playstation, saturn, turbo cd, super nes, genesis
& pc-engine)

; darius, stages/darius.def, music=sound/g-darius_track03.mp3 ;silver hawk

kuzu-bei(kuzubei@yahoo.co.jp), (rsff), (wc)
; fossil, stages/alloy.def, music=sound/g-darius_track03.mp3 ;king fossil by
foxtlot, (rsff)
; kuzira, stages/alloy-hr.def, music=sound/g-darius_track02.mp3 ;hyper
greatthing by kuzu-bei, (rsff)

;dark legend / suiko enbu: outlaws of the lost dynasty (saturn) ------

;(es) gong, stages/darklegend_gongstage.def, music=sound/darklegend_gongstage.mp3

;lin chong
;(es) lin, stages/darklegend_linchongstage.def,

;darkstalkers / vampire series (darkstalkers / vampire - the night warriors,
darkstalkers 2, darkstalkers 3, darkstalkers chronicles, vampire hunter / night
warriors, vampire saviour & vampire saviour 2; arcade & playsation)
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- vampire_saviour ;by r.o.q.u.e. -------------------------------
;- vs.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------------------------
;(lb): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- vampire_saviour ;by slushzer ---------------------------------
;- vslifebars :by cabbit007 --------------------------------------
;(fnt): vsfonts ;by orochi herman ----------------------------------
;(sndp): vampiresavior ;unsigned ------------------------------------
;(e): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- bbh-end ;by zelgadis296 ------------------------------------------
;- morrigan ;by gamespy ----------------------------------------------

;anakaris (egypt [inside & outside the pyramid])

; anakaris, ;unsigned anakaris, (rsff) + (e) by wolvie
anakaris0, stages/thirst.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_18-red_thirst-
anakaris.mp3 ;anakaris by third, (rsff) + (e) by wolvie
anakaris1, stages/dstlkana.def, music=sound/vampire_-_thenightwarriors_ost_-
_anakaris_stage_(egypt).mp3 ;anakaris by cngsoft, (rsff) + (e) by wolvie
anakaris2, stages/nwarrana.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_anakaris_bgm.mp3
;anakaris by mith, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; anakaris3, ;anakaris by mith, (wo2d)
;stages/dsegypt.def ;darkstalkers

;baby bonnie hood / bulleta (war agony)

bbh, stages/agony.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_32-war_agony-lilith-
bulleta.mp3 ;baby bonnie hood by baby bonnie hood, (ei)
bulleta, stages/agony.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_32-war_agony-lilith-
bulleta.mp3 ;bulletta by moranj, (rsff)
;bishamon (abaraya / in front of the igloo)
bisha, stages/abaraya.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_28-abaraya-2-
bishamon.mp3 ;oboro bishamon by elecbyte / amakiti@yahoo.co.jp, (rsff) + (e)
by wolvie
bishamon, stages/dstlkbis.def, music=sound/vampire_-_thenightwarriors_ost_-
_bishamon_stage_(japan).mp3 ;bishamon by 3ha, (ei), (rsff)
;stages/abaraya2.def ;abaraya - vs2
;stages/nwarrbis.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_26-abaraya-1-
;, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_bishamon_bgm.mp3

; dee0, ;dee by kung fu man, (wo2d)

;demitri (throne room)

demi, stages/demitri_stage.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_demitri_bgm.mp3
;demitri by amakiti, (rsff) + (e) by wolvie
demitri, stages/nwarrdem.def, music=sound/vampire_-_thenightwarriors_ost_-
_demitri_stage_(romania).mp3 ;demitri by angel myst, (rsff) + (e) by wolvie
demitris, stages/dstlkdem.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_06-
feast_of_the_damned-demitri.mp3 ;demitri by vanity13 + (e) by wolvie

;donovan (throne room)

donovan, stages/nwarrdon.def, music=sound/donovan_music.mp3 ;donovan by
zelgadis296, (ei), (rsff)
;stages/donovan.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_donovan_bgm.mp3

;felicia (cats' rooftop / tower of arrogance)

felicia, stages/nwarrfel.def, music=sound/vampire_-_thenightwarriors_ost_-
_felicia_stage_(usa).mp3 ;felicia by pji111, (rsff) + (e) by zelgadis296
felicia0, stages/tower_of_arrogance.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_22-
tower_of_arrogance-felicia.mp3 ;felicia by amago, (rsff) + (e) by zelgadis296
; felicia1, ;felicia by nail, (rsff) + (e) by zelgadis296
; felicia4, ;felicia by ahuron + (e) by zelgadis296
felicia5, stages/dstlkfel.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_felicia_bgm.mp3
;felicia by mgbenz, zelgadis296 (ei), (wc)
; felicia7, ;felicia by mgbenz, (ei), (wc), (ws2d)

;jedah (foetus of god)

jedah, stages/jedahbg.def, music=sound/jedah_music.mp3 ;crossover jedah by
jedah0, stages/fog.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_26-fetus_of_god-jedah.mp3
;jedah by deuce updated by baby bonnie hood, junior chillage (ei)

;gallon / talbain (concrete cave / full moon street)

gallon, stages/concrete-cave.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_05-
concrete_cave-gallon.mp3 ;gallon by rehap + (e) by nikkio78 aka garuda
jon, stages/nwarrjon.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_gallon_bgm.mp3 ;j.
talbain by moxmaniac + (e) by nikkio78 aka garuda
talbain, stages/dstlkjon.def, music=sound/vampire_-_thenightwarriors_ost_-
_gallon_stage_(england).mp3 ;jon talbain by splode + (e) by nikkio78 aka garuda
; talbain0, stages/concrete_cave.def ;john talbain by renzo
;hsien-ko / lei-lei (vanity paradise [morning & sunset] / cemetary)
hsien-ko, stages/nwarrlei.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_leilei_bgm.mp3
;hsien-ko by zelgadis296, (i&ei)
leilei, stages/vanity_paradise.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_10-
vanity_paradise-leilei.mp3 ;leilei by maruta + (e) by zelgadis296
lei-lei, stages/vanityparadise0.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_10-
vanity_paradise-leilei.mp3 ;lei-lei by phantom.of.the.server, (wo2d), (n2bu:
[trans]) + (e) by zelgadis296
; lei-lei0, stages/vapara_m.def ;lei-lei by phantom.of.the.server, (wo2d),

;lilith (war agony)

;(e): lilithend ;by doa_x

lilith, stages/agony.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_32-war_agony-lilith-

bulleta.mp3 ;lilith by m.m.r. + (e) by zelgadis296
; lilith1, ;lilith by j. reed, omega red, koyotae update by tenebrous + (e)
by zelgadis296
; lilith2, ;lilith by j. reed, omega red, koyotae, fixed by electrocaid +
(e) by zelgadis296
; lilith3, ;lilith aensland by baby bonnie hood, zelgadis296 (ei)
lilith4, stages/agony.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_32-war_agony-lilith-
bulleta.mp3 ;lilith aensland by baby bonnie hood (lilithsafe)
; lilith5, ;lilith aensland by baby bonnie hood (lilithrisky)
miluslilith, stages/agony.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_32-war_agony-
lilith-bulleta.mp3 ;milus lilith by shuichi milus, (wc)
slilith, stages/agony.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_32-war_agony-lilith-
bulleta.mp3 ;lilith por ssonic, + (e) by zelgadis296

;morrigan (castle)
;(e): morriganend ;by doa_x

morrigan, stages/dstlkmor.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_morrigan_bgm.mp3

;morrigan by vital zero & (e)magius + (e) by zelgadis296
morrigan0, stages/chateau.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_01-
deserted_chateau-morrigan.mp3 ;ultimate morrigan by poncho based on vital zero &
(e)magius, zelgadis296 (ei)
morrigan1, stages/nwarrmor.def, music=sound/vampire_-_thenightwarriors_ost_-
_morrigan_stage_(scotland).mp3 ;morrigan by di gi jared + (e) by zelgadis296

;phobos / huitzil (robot factory)

0phobos, stages/dstlkhui.def, music=sound/vampire_-_thenightwarriors_ost_-
_phobos_stage_(mexico).mp3 ;phobos by zolagun
;stages/nwarrhui.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_phobos_bgm.mp3

;pyron (hellstorm)
pyron, stages/dstlkpyr.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_pyron_bgm.mp3 ;pyron
by ���ʂ���
pyron0, stages/dstlkpyr.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_pyron_bgm.mp3 ;pyron
by wanwan+mgbenz
pyrons, stages/nwarrpyr.def, music=sound/vampire_-_thenightwarriors_ost_-
_pyron_stage_(hellstorm).mp3 ;pyron by vanity13

;q-bee (iron horse)

q-bee, stages/iron_horse.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_22-
iron_horse_iron_terror-q-bee.mp3 ;q-bee by m@ppy + (e) by zelgadis296
qbee, stages/ihorse.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_22-
iron_horse_iron_terror-q-bee.mp3 ;q-bee by mith, (wo2d)

;rikuo / aulbath (brasilian forest / green scream)

rikuo, stages/dstlkrik.def, music=sound/vampire_-_thenightwarriors_ost_-
_aulbath_stage_(brazil).mp3 ;rikuo by splode + (e) by wolvie
;stages/nwarrrik.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_aulbath_bgm.mp3
;stages/scream.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_15-green_scream-

;sasquatch (sasquatch village / green scream)

; sasquatch, stages/vs2gs.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_15-
green_scream-aulbath-sasquatch.mp3 ;sasquatch by ���ʂ��� + (e) by zelgadis296
sasquatch0, stages/dstlksas.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_sasquatch_bgm.mp3
;sasquatch 71113 by sander71113, (wc) + (e) by zelgadis296
sasquatchx, stages/nwarrsas.def, music=sound/vampire_-_thenightwarriors_ost_-
_sasquatch_stage_(canada).mp3 ;sasquatch by sander71113, (ldv) + (e) by zelgadis296

;victor (laboratory / forever torment)

00victor, stages/lordraptorbg.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_11-
forever_torment-zabel-victor.mp3 ;victor by tin + (e) by wolvie
victor, stages/dstlkvic.def, music=sound/vampire_-_thenightwarriors_ost_-
_victor_stage_(germany).mp3 ;victor von gerdenheim by mr_karai + (e) by wolvie
victor0, stages/nwarrvic.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_victor_bgm.mp3 ;
victor by cngsoft + (e) by wolvie

;zabel / lord raptor (haunted cemetary)

zabel, stages/dstlkrap.def, music=sound/vampire_-_thenightwarriors_ost_-
_zabel_stage_(australia).mp3 ;zabel by zelgadis296, (ei)
;stages/nwarrrap.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_ost_-_zabel_bgm.mp3

;stages/ds3-training.def ;darkstalkers 3
;stages/vs-revengers.def ;vampire saviour (comment: dunno who's the bg)
;stages/vs-revengersb.def ;vampire saviour (comment: dunno who's the bg)
;stages/vs-unknown.def ;vampire saviour (comment: unknown bg)

;darkstalkers / vampire series remix

;(sp): vampire ;by zesensei
;(i): intro-vampire ;by zesensei

;anakaris edits
neo anakaris, stages/alientemple.def, music=sound/alientemple.mp3 ;anakaris by
third and beximus (unrequestable status)

;bishamon edits

;demitri edits

;donovan edits
;felicia edits
; fel2, ;feline by mr zero
; fel20, ;feline by mr zero (fela sff)
; felicia2, ;unsigned felicia nude
; felicia3, ;unsigned felicia nude
; felicia8, ;felicia by [fraya], (wo2d)
; felicia9, ;felicia by nail
nudefelicia, stages/marine_dragon.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_danceremix_-_07-
felicia.mp3 ;felicia by pji111 & tetchi
; pico, ;pico by christopher moore, (wc)
; tqh0-08, ;felicia by pji111 & tetchi, (tqh0), (ldv)
; tqh0-080, ;f by pji111 & tetchi, (tqh0), (wo2d)

;gallon / talbain edits

; werewolf, ;werewolf by yuski

;hsien-ko / lei-lei edits

; leilei0, ;lei-lei by [fraya], (wo2d)
lei-lei1, stages/leileivh.def, music=sound/vampirehunter_danceremix_-_08-
leilei.mp3 ;lei-lei by phantom.of.the.server + nude patch by bomb, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;lilith edits
; lilin, ;lilin by ipushiron
lilith0, stages/donovan2_up.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_37-
deserted_chateau-remix.mp3 ;nude lilith by m.m.r.
lilith_mvc, stages/donovan2_up.def, music=sound/vampiresaviour_ost_-_37-
deserted_chateau-remix.mp3 ;lilith by sludge, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; nudelilith, ;nude lilith by ipushiron
; sexy lilin, ;sexy lilin by ipushiron

;morrigan edits
; nudemorrigan, ;morrigan by di gi jared, updated by ryochi, (wc), (ws2d)
(unrequestable status)
; shera, ;she-ra by hystalin & ryou win
; tinmorrigan, random, music=sound/vampirehunter_danceremix_-_03-morrigan.mp3
;kuradoberi morrigan by tin

;, music=sound/vampire_chronicle_-for_matching_serivce-_ost_-

;darkstalkers / vampire series original char

; d_momo, ;d-momo by kyou_shinsi

;(ss) ================================================================
;darkstalkers chronicles (psp) =======================================

;stages/dsc-chaostower.def ;chaos tower

;dead dance / tuff e nuff (super nes) --------------------------------

;beans (tower gates)

beans, stages/beanstg.def, music=sound/ddance_09_beans.mp3 ;beans by the
aboriginal one, (wc)

;dolf (icbm silo)

dolf, stages/icbmsilo.def, music=sound/ddance_10_dolf.mp3 ;dolf by cadavelico,
; dolf0, stages/dolfstg.def ;dolf by the aboriginal one, (wc)

;gajet (destroyed floor)

gajet, stages/gajetstg.def, music=sound/ddance_12_gajet.mp3 ;gajet by the
aboriginal one, (wc)

;jade / jado (tower top)

a0cbt, stages/jadostg.def, music=sound/ddance_15_jado_(jade).mp3 ;cheap boss type
by pneophen
; jade0, ;jade by the aboriginal one, (wo2d), (n2bu)

;kotono (coliseum)
aakoto, stages/kotonostg.def, music=sound/ddance_07_kotono.mp3 ;kotono + by
patrick ching(pneophen)
; kotono, ;kotono by the aboriginal one, (wc)

;k's (over lava)

k's,stages/k'sstg.def, music=sound/ddance_14_k's.mp3 ;k's by the aboriginal one,

;rei (wooden floor)

rei0, stages/reistg.def, music=sound/ddance_11_rei.mp3 ;rei by the aboriginal
one, (wo2d)

;sirou (ninja's room)

sirou, stages/hanzo0_up.def, music=sound/ddance_13_sirou.mp3 ;sirou by the
aboriginal one, (wo2d)

;syoh (coliseum)
syoh0, stages/syohstg.def, music=sound/ddance_05_syoh.mp3 ;syoh by the aboriginal
one, (wc)

;vortz (coliseum)
vortz, stages/vortzstg.def, music=sound/ddance_08_vortz.mp3 ;vortz by the
aboriginal one, (wc)

;zazi (coliseum)
zazi, stages/zazistg.def, music=sound/ddance_06_zazi.mp3 ;zazi by the aboriginal
one, (wc)

;dead dance / tuff e nuff remix

syohex, stages/syohstg.def, music=sound/ddance_25_dolf_(alternate).mp3 ;syoh ex by

elecbyte / duende macabro, (wc), (ws2d)

;dead or alive series (dead or alive, dead or alive 2, dead or alive 2 ultimate &
dead or alive 3; playstation 2, xbox & dreamcast)

;(ss) ================================================================
;dead or alive (playstation & xbox) ==================================

;stages/doa_bass.def ;bass

;(ss) ================================================================
;dead or alive 2 (playstation 2, xbox & dreamcast) ===================
;(sndp): doa2snd ;by big eli king a.k.a x-calibre ===================

; kasumi'0, ;kasumi' by enjuo, sprite edit by m0n0t0ne

kasumi'1, stages/doa_zack.def, music=sound/blur_vs._the_prodigy_-
_song_2_smack_my_bitch_up.mp3 ;kasumi by enjuo, original by someone??

;dead or alive 2 remix

kasumi', stages/doajannlee.def, music=sound/tresor_-_vol.5_-_05.mp3 ;kasumi' by

enjuo, (wc)
; kasumi2 ;unsigned kasumi

;(ss) ================================================================
;dead or alive 2 ultimate (xbox) =====================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;dead or alive 3 (xbox) ==============================================


;death brade (super nes) ---------------------------------------------

;(es) amazoness

;(es) beast

;(es) fighter

;(es) hercules

;(es) minotaur

;, music=sound/dbrade_-_2.mp3
;, music=sound/dbrade_-_3.mp3
;, music=sound/dbrade_-_4.mp3
;, music=sound/dbrade_-_5.mp3
;, music=sound/dbrade_-_6.mp3
;, music=sound/dbrade_-_8.mp3
;death crimson series (death crimson, death crimson 2 & death crimson ox;
dreamcast, playstation 2 & saturn)

; echizen, ;combat echizen by nrf

; echizenex, ;combat echizen by nrf

;demonbane -----------------------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- de_evil ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- shine ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------


;demon's crest (super nes) -------------------------------------------

;stages/dcrest_boss1.def ;colloseum
;stages/dcrest_reservoir.def ;reservoir
;stages/dmncrest1.def ;abandonned village
;stages/dragon0.def ;dragon temple

;denjin makai 2 - guardians (arcade) ---------------------------------

; dobermann, ;dobermann by cenobite 53, (wc)

;(es) girulian

;(es) jinrei

kurokisi, stages/grdians_dock.def, music=sound/tresor_-_demo_tracks_1999_-_01.mp3
;kurokishi by ihoo1836, (wc)

mantis, stages/grdians_dock.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_experience_-_05.mp3
;evil mantis by cenobite 53, (wo2d)
; mantis0, ;evil mantis by cenobite 53, (ldv)

;p. belva
;(es) p. belva

;(es) rou

;(es) skullbyule
;(es) tulks

zel, stages/grdians_dock.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_101_cd1_-
_behind_the_wheel.mp3 ;unsigned zel-dia (unrequestable status)

;diablo series (pc) --------------------------------------------------
;(sp): diablopack ;by dragoon ----------------------------------------


;dig dug / zig zag series (dig dug / zig zag, dig dug 2 & dig dug: deeper; arcade,
atari 26000, atari 5200, atari 7800, atari 8-bit, commodore 64, famicom disc
system, gameboy, intellivision, nes & pc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;dig dug / zig zag (arcade, atari 2600, atari 5200, atari 7800, atari 8-bit,
commodore 64, famicom disc system, gameboy & nes)

; dig, ;dig dug by elecbyte / haruwo

; digdug, ;dig dug by mature4evr

;digi charat series (digi charat: digi communication & digi charat fantasy
excellent; gameboy advance & playstation 2)
;(sp): deji_s ;by tanaka -----------------------------------------
;(i): digi_01op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------

digi, random, music=sound/blade_iii_ost_-_the_crystal_method_-

_weapons_of_mad_distortion.mp3 ;di gi charat by nyan��kiryu
usada, random, music=sound/blade_iii_ost_-_the_rza_-_fatal.mp3 ;usada hikaru by

;digimon series (digimon battle spirit & digimon battle spirit 1.5; gameboy
advanced & wsc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;digimon battle spirit series (digimon battle spirit & digimon battle spirit 1.5;
gameboy advanced & wsc)

;digimon battle spirit remix

; renamon0, ;renamon by el tigre enmascarado, (wc), (ws2d)

; veemon, ;veemon by tigermask, (wc), (ws2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;digimon series original stuff =======================================
; garugo, ;gargomon by kizuka
; metal, ;unsigned metal greymon fixed by gohan ssm2
omega0, stages/marte.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.6_-_04.mp3 ;
omegamon by watati
parumon, stages/puc.def, music=sound/mayday_-_rave_olympia_live_ep_-_02.mp3 ;
parumon by watati
; teria, ;teria mon by kizuka
; teriamon, ;tariamon by elecbyte
; teriamon0, ;terriermon by elecbyte
; teriamon1, ;teriamon by elecbyte / kazuka
weregaruru, stages/stage141.def, music=sound/daft_punk_-_homework_-_03.mp3 ;
weregarurumon by the great matsutzu, (wc)

;disgaea series (disgaea the hour of darkness & disgaea 2; pc) -------

;(ss) ================================================================
;disgaea the hour of darkness (pc) ===================================

;stages/sacred.def ;sacred altar

;(ss) ================================================================
;disgaea 2 (pc) ======================================================

;stages/battlec0.def ;battle arena

;stages/battlez.def ;zenon battlefield
;stages/ogate.def ;overlord gate
;stages/townf.def ;town fields
;stages/zenonp.def ;zenon palace

;dividead (pc) -------------------------------------------------------

;stages/divedead.def ;sinodrom

;donkey kong series (diddy kong's quest, dixie kong's double trouble, donkey kong,
donkey kong 3, donkey kong jr., super donkey kong , super donkey kong 2, super
donkey kong 3; nes & super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;diddy kong's quest (super nes) ======================================

;stages/diddy.def, music=sound/dkq_-_diddy.mp3 ;floating boxes

;(ss) ================================================================
;donkey kong (arcade) ================================================

; dkmario, ;donkeymario by tako

;(ss) ================================================================
;donkey kong country series (diddy's kong quest, dixie kong's double trouble,
donkey kong country, donkey kong country 2, donkey kong country 3; super nes)

;diddy kong
; diddy, ;diddy kong by the aboriginal one

;donkey kong
; dk, ;donkey kong by robo z, corrected by electrocaid + (e) by rudolf27
; dk0, ;donkey kong by infiinma + (e) by rudolf27

;king krool
; krool, ;kingkrool by raikou


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;donkey kong country (super nes) =====================================

;stages/banana.def, music=sound/dkc_-_bad_boss_boogie.mp3 ;boss 1

;stages/coraldk.def, music=sound/dkc_-_aquatic_ambiance.mp3 ;coral capers
;stages/gpgalleon.def, music=sound/dkc_-_gang-plank_galleon.mp3 ;gang-plank
;stages/jungledk.def, music=sound/dkc_-_jungle_groove.mp3 ;jungle hijinxs
;stages/junglej.def ;jungle japes
;stages/krool.def ;gang-plank galleon
;stages/nevada.def, music=sound/dkc_-_northern_hemispheres.mp3 ;snow world
;stages/oil.def, music=sound/dkc_-_fear_factory.mp3 ;oil drum alley
;stages/underwater level.def, music=sound/dkc_-_aquatic_ambiance.mp3 ;underwater

;, music=sound/dkc_-_bonus_room_blitz.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc_-_cave_dweller_concert.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc_-_dk_island_swing.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc_-_forest_frenzy.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc_-_funky's_fugue.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc_-_ice_cave_chant.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc_-_life_in_the_mines.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc_-_mine_cart_madness.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc_-_misty_menace.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc_-_simian_segue.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc_-_treetop_rock.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc_-_voices_of_the_temple.mp3

;donkey kong country remix

;, music=sound/dkc_chekan_winter_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;donkey kong country 2 (super nes) ===================================

;stages/brambles.def, music=sound/brambles.mp3 ;brambles in the breeze

;stages/dk.def ;king k. rool's air strip
;stages/dk-2.def ;warehouse
;stages/dkc2-blackice.def ;black ice battle
;stages/hornet.def ;hornet hole
;stages/kannon.def ;kannons klaim
;stages/kremland.def ;kremland
;stages/krockkore.def ;krodile kore
;stages/krockore.def ;krocodile kore
;stages/mainbrace.def ;mainbrace mayhem
;stages/topsail.def ;topsail trouble

;, music=sound/dkc2_-_bad_bird_rag.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_bayou_boogie.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_boss_bossanova.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_cranky's_conga.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_crocodile_cacophony.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_disco_train.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_donkey_kong_rescued.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_fade_to_red.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_flight_of_the_zinger.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_forest_interlude.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_funky_the_main_monkey.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_haunted_chase.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_hot_head_bop.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_in_a_snow_bound_land.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_jib_jig.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_k._rool_returns.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_klomp's_romp.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_klubba's_reveille.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_krook's_march.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_lockjaw's_saga.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_lost_world_anthem.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_mining_melancholy.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_primal_rave.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_run!_rambi_run!.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_school_house_harmony.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_snakey_chanty.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_steel_drum_rhumba.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_stickerbush_symphony.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_stronghold_showdown.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_swanky_swing.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_the_flying_krock.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_titular_tableau.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_token_polka.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_token_tango.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc2_-_welcome_to_crocodile_isle.mp3

;donkey kong country 2 remix

;, music=sound/dkc2_rmx_-_tricky_swamp_style_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;donkey kong country 3 (super nes) ===================================

;stages/canyon_level.def ;canyon level

;stages/doorstop.def ;doorstop dash
;stages/waterfall_level.def ;waterfall

;, music=sound/dkc3_-_baddies_on_parade.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_big_boss_blues.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_bonus_time.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_boss_boogie.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_brothers_bear.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_cavern_caprice.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_chase.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_cranky's_showdown.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_crazy_calypso.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_crystal_chasm.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_dixie_beat.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_enchanted_riverbank.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_frosty_frollics.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_get_fit_a-go-go.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_hangin'_at_funky's.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_hot_pursuit.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_jangle_bells.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_jungle_jitter.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_krematoa_koncerto.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_mama_bird.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_mill_fever.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_northern_kremisphere.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_nuts_and_bolts.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_pokey_pipes.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_rocket_run.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_rockface_rumble.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_stilt_village.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_sub-map_shuffle.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_swanky's_sideshow.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_treetop_tumble.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_water_world.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_wrinkly's_save_cave.mp3
;, music=sound/dkc3_-_wrinkly_64.mp3

;doom series (doom, doom 2 & doom 3; pc) -----------------------------

; flynn, stages/doom3.def ;flynn taggart by david demianoff, (rsff), (wc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;doom 3 (pc) =========================================================


;doomsday warrior / taiketsu! brass numbers (super nes) --------------

;(es) amon, random, music=sound/dwarrior_amon_-_heavy_metal_king.mp3

;(es) ashura, random, music=sound/dwarrior_ashura_-_right_arm_of_god.mp3

;(es) daisy, random, music=sound/dwarrior_daisy_-_dancing_plant.mp3

;dz. main
;(es) dz. main, random, music=sound/dwarrior_dz._main_-_the_brazen_god.mp3

;(es) grimrock, random, music=sound/dwarrior_grimrock_-_beast_trooper.mp3

;(es) layban, random, music=sound/dwarrior_layban_-_deserter_brasshat.mp3

;nuform / lc-38x
;(es) nuform / lc-38x, random, music=sound/dwarrior_lc-38x_(nuform)_-

;p. lump
;(es) p. lump, random, music=sound/dwarrior_p._lump_-_fatty_bomber.mp3

;(es) shadow, random, music=sound/dwarrior_shadow_-_left_hand_of_god.mp3

;(es) sledge, random, music=sound/dwarrior_sledge_-_the_brassy_hero.mp3

;doraemon series (doraemon meikyu daisakusen, doraemon nobita no dorabian night;

; dora_the, ;dora by watati
; doraemon, ;doraemon by sugiemon
; doraemon_h, ;draemon by skysuika

; jaian, ;jaian by sugian

; mimidora, ;mimidora by mimisugi

; nobita, ;nobita by sugita

; sizuka, ;sizuka by sugika

; suneo, ;suneo by sugio

;(ss) ================================================================
;doraemon series original ============================================

; nobita0, stages/habitacion_de_nobita.def ;nobita nobi by real_espectro

(hdbl), (wo2d), (ws)

;double dragon series (double dragon, double dragon 2, double dragon 3, double
dragon 4, double dragon v - the shadow falls, return of double dragon; nes, super
nes, genesis, arcade & neogeo)

;(ss) ================================================================
;arcade double dragon series =========================================

; ddragon, stages/cityslum.def, music=sound/cityslum.mp3 ;billy & jimmy lee

by leonardo
; doppel, stages/bwbase.def, music=sound/bwbase.mp3 ;doppelganger by

;stages/2dragon.def ;stage 1
;stages/ddlvl2.def ;stage 2
;stages/ddrg_m1.def, music=sound/ddarcm1m.mp3 ;stage 1
;stages/double dragon.def ;last stage

;, music=sound/dd_arc._ost_-_01.mp3
;, music=sound/dd_arc._ost_-_02.mp3
;, music=sound/dd_arc._ost_-_05.mp3
;, music=sound/dd_arc._ost_-_07.mp3
;, music=sound/dd_arc._ost_-_08.mp3
;, music=sound/dd_arc._ost_-_09.mp3
;, music=sound/dd_arc._ost_-_11.mp3
;, music=sound/dd_arc._ost_-_12.mp3

;arcade double dragon series remix


;, music=sound/dd_-_megadriver_-_double_dragon_-_nino.com.br.mp3
;, music=sound/dd_-_megadriver_-_the_streets_-_nino.com.br.mp3
;, music=sound/dd_-_megadriver_-_warehouse_-_nino.com.br.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;double dragon (neogeo) ==============================================

;abobo (destroyed path)

abobo, stages/dd-abubo.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_abobo.mp3 ;abobo by
sankaku, (ei)

;amon (on the plane)

;(es) amon, stages/dd-amon.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_amon.mp3

;billy (in the street)

; billy0, ;billy from snk's double dragon by dario372, (rsff)
; billy2, ;zsk-billy by zsk, (rsff)
; billy4, ;billy by bola�Os, (rsff)
billyx, stages/billy.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_dd_theme.mp3 ;zsk-billyx
by zsk-billyx, (rsff)
dd_billy, stages/billy.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_billy.mp3 ;billy by
bad darkness, (rsff)

;burnoy (city under flames)

;(es) burnoy, stages/burnoy.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_burnoy.mp3

;cheng-fu (harbour [day, evening & night])

;(es) cheng-fu, stages/chengfu.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_cheng_fu.mp3

;duke (shuko's entrance)

;(es) duke, stages/dd-duke.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_duke.mp3

;dulton (city under water)

dulton, stages/dulton.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_dulton.mp3 ;dulton by
sodonhid, (ei), (rsff)

;eddie (the waterfall)

;(es) eddie, stages/eddie.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_eddie.mp3

;jimmy (dojo)
jimmy, stages/dd_jimmy.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_jimmy_lee.mp3 ;jimmy lee
by dario372, (rsff)
jimmyx, stages/dd_jimmy.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_dd_theme.mp3 ;zsk-jimmyx
by zsk-billyx, (rsff)

;marian (arcade gallery)

marian, stages/marian.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_-_marian.mp3 ;marian by
; marian-tm, ;marian by pc tim, (wo2d)

;rebecca (temple in flames)

; rebecca, ;rebecca by ocariocanildo
rebecca1, stages/dd-rebecca.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_rebecca.mp3 ;
rebecca by sakuraka, (wc)

;shuko (shuko's palace)

shuko, stages/shuko.def, music=sound/ddragonsnk_iso_-_shuko.mp3 ;kszsk-shuko by
kszsk, (rsff)

;double dragon remix

; s-jimmy, stages/dam.def ;jimmy by elecbyte, (rsff)

; rebecca0, ;rebecca by ocariocanildo

;(ss) ================================================================
;double dragon v - the shadow falls (super nes) ======================

;billy lee
billy_lee, stages/dungeon1.def, music=sound/ddragonv_-_metro_city_sewer_system.mp3
;billy lee by ocariocanildo

;(es) blade, random, music=sound/ddragonv_-_chemical_factory.mp3

;(es) bones, random, music=sound/ddragonv_-_dusty's_garage.mp3

;(es) dominique, random, music=sound/ddragonv_-_shadow_dojo_exterior.mp3
;(es) icepick, random, music=sound/ddragonv_-_dragon_dojo_exterior.mp3

;jimmy lee
;(es) jimmy lee, random, music=sound/ddragonv_-_dragon_dojo_interior.mp3

;(es) sekka, random, music=sound/ddragonv_-_metro_city_hotel.mp3

;s. master
;(es) s. master, random, music=sound/ddragonv_-_shadow_dojo_interior.mp3

;, music=sound/ddragonv_-_fusion_plant_exterior.mp3
;, music=sound/ddragonv_-_fusion_plant_interior.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;nes double dragon series (double dragon, double dragon 2 & double dragon 3)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;double dragon (nes) =================================================

; abobo0, stages/doubled2.def, music=sound/ddstage1.mp3;abobo by mature4evr

;stages/ddnesvs.def, music=sound/ddvs.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;double dragon 2 (nes) ===============================================

;stages/ddrag2m1.def :mission 1 - the heliport

;, music=sound/dd2_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/dd2_-_mission_1-into_the_turf.mp3
;, music=sound/dd2_-_mission_2-at_the_heliport.mp3
;, music=sound/dd2_-_mission_3-battle_in_the_chopper.mp3
;, music=sound/dd2_-_mission_4-undersea_base.mp3
;, music=sound/dd2_-_mission_5-forest_of_death_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/dd2_-_mission_5-forest_of_death_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/dd2_-_mission_6-mansion_of_terror.mp3
;, music=sound/dd2_-_mission_7-trap_room.mp3
;, music=sound/dd2_-_mission_8-the_double_illusion.mp3
;, music=sound/dd2_-_boss_mission_8.mp3
;, music=sound/dd2_-_mission_9-the_final_confrontation(final_boss_part1).mp3
;, music=sound/dd2_-_mission_9-the_final_confrontation(final_boss_part2).mp3

;double dragon 2 remix

;, music=sound/dd2_twin_blood_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;double dragon 3 (nes) ===============================================

; billy_h, ;billy_h by ill
;(es) chin, random, music=sound/dd3_-_china_boss(chin).mp3

;(es) jimmy

;princess noiram
;(es) noiram, random, music=sound/dd3_-_egypt_boss(princess_noiram).mp3

;(es) ranzou, random, music=sound/dd3_-_japan_boss(ranzou).mp3

;, music=sound/dd3_-_usa_stage_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/dd3_-_usa_stage_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/dd3_-_usa_stage_part3.mp3
;, music=sound/dd3_-_usa_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/dd3_-_china_stage_part1_&_2.mp3
;, music=sound/dd3_-_japan_stage_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/dd3_-_japan_stage_part_2_&_3.mp3
;, music=sound/dd3_-_italy_stage_part1_&_2.mp3
;, music=sound/dd3_-_italy_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/dd3_-_egypt_stage_part1_&_4.mp3
;, music=sound/dd3_-_egypt_stage_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/dd3_-_egypt_stage_part3.mp3
;, music=sound/dd3_-_egypt_stage_part5.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;super double dragon (super nes) =====================================

;stages/ddr-chin.def, music=sound/sdd_-_mission_2.mp3;chinatown rooftop

;stages/ddr-ctwn.def ;the streets of china town
;stages/ddr-gcan.def ;bridge over the grand canyon

;, music=sound/sdd_-_intro_and_mission_7.mp3
;, music=sound/sdd_-_mission_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sdd_-_mission_3.mp3
;, music=sound/sdd_-_mission_4.mp3
;, music=sound/sdd_-_mission_5.mp3
;, music=sound/sdd_-_mission_6.mp3

;super double dragon remix


;downtown special ----------------------------------------------------

;stages/inaba.def ;desert
;stages/suruga.def, music=sound/downtown special suruga.mp3 ;suruga

;dragon ball legend: fighting spirits (original) ---------------------
;(sp): dblfighters ;by micah betts ------------------------------

; giro, ;giro by micah betts, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)

; raku, ;raku by micah betts, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

; rei, ;rei by micah betts, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)

; seth0, ;seth by micah betts, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)

; siblo, ;g-z18 siblo by micah betts, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)
; torin, ;torin by micah betts, (rsff)

; torin0, ;torin by micah betts, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)

;dragon ball series --------------------------------------------------
;(gi): dragon ball advance adventure, dragon ball gt final bout, dragon ball
gt: transformation, dragon ball z, dragon ball z 2 super battle, dragon ball z
budokai, dragon ball z budokai 2, dragon ball z budokai 3, dragon ball z bu yu
retsuden, dragon ball z hyper dimension, dragon ball z: legendary super warriors,
dragon ball z legends / idainaru dragonball densetsu, dragon ball z: shin
butouden, dragon ball z sparking!, dragon ball z super butoden, dragon ball z
super butoden 2 / dragon ball z super butoden 2 la legende saien, dragon ball z
super butoden 3, dragon ball z super gokuu den totsugeki hen, dragon ball z super
saiya densetsu, dragon ball z supersonic warriors, dragon ball z taiketsu, dragon
ball z ultimate battle 27, dragon ball z - ultime menace
;(p): arcade, gameboy, gameboy advance, gamecube, genesis, pc-engine, saturn,
playstation, playstation 2 & super nes

; chibi_nightmare_broly, ;chibi nightmare broly by jerrydrizzt, (wc), (ws2d)

; cloud2, ;cloud by rice/tetsuo9999/rice9999, (wc), (ws)
; pssjtrunksjb, ;ssjtrunksjb by jabi de d.g.z, (wc), (ws2d)


;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball advance adventure (gameboy advance) =====================
;(lb): dblifebar ;by dabou ==========================================

;bear thief (forest)

; beart, stages/forest_stage.def ;bear thief by cenobite 53, (wo2d)

;blue commander (treasures' cave)

;(es) bcommander, stages/cave5.def

;gohan (kame's sister arena)

;(es) gohan, stages/arena2.def

;goku (songohan's house)

; chibi_goku, ;goku by kal-em(veyita_88), (wo2d)
; dbgoku, stages/dragonball forest.def, music=sound/db1.mp3 ;son goku by
tetsuo, (wc), (ws2d)

;jackie choun (tenkaichi budokai)

; jackie0, stages/tenkaichi_budokai.def ;jackie by gouketsu, (wc), (ws2d)

;krillin (kame house)

;(es) krillin, stages/kamehouse1.def

;piccolo daimao (king's castle)

;(es) piccolo, ;stages/dbaa_piccolo.def

;tao pai pai (karin's tower)

;(es) tao, stages/korintower.def, music=sound/dbaaff.mp3

;yamcha (desert)
;(es) yamcha, stages/yamcha_stage.def

;stages/karintemple.def ;karin temple

;stages/muscletower.def, music=sound/muscle_tower.mp3;muscle tower
;stages/village3.def ;destroyed village

;dragon ball advance adventure remix

;stages/baba arena.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball gt final bout (playstation) =============================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- dbfinalbout ;by lordlee ========================================
;- fb3 ;by emuboarding ==========================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- bandailogo ;by dominicanzero! =================================
;- dbgtfbintro ;by gohanssm2 ======================================

;baby / oozura (ssj)

; oozurababy, stages/stage50.def, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-
_super_baby's_theme.mp3 ;baby by darkmemphis & luiz barin, (rsff)

;(es) boo, random, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_boo's_theme.mp3

;(es) cell, random, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_cell's_theme.mp3

;(es) frieza, random, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_frieza's_theme.mp3

(es) gohan, random, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_gohan's_theme.mp3

;goku (chibi)
;(es) goku, random, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_little_goku's_theme.mp3

;goku (chibi) (ssj)

;(es) goku, random, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_super_little_goku.mp3

;(es) goku, random, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_goku's_theme.mp3

;goku (ssj)
;(es) goku, random, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_super_saiyan_goku's_theme.mp3

;goku (ssj4)
; gokussj4d, stages/saladotempo_fb.def ;goku sjj 4 normal by luiz barin,
gokussj4gt, stages/stage211.def, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-
_super_sayian_4_goku's_theme.mp3 ;son goku ssj4 by nemesis82 & biohazard82,
; s4, ;unsigned super goku 4, (rsff)

; pan, stages/tenkaichi0.def, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_pan's_theme.mp3 ;pan
by princevegeta, (rsff)

;(es) piccolo, random, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_piccolo's_theme.mp3

;(es) trunks, random, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_trunk's_theme.mp3

;trunks (super)
;(es) trunks, random, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_super_trunks'_theme.mp3

;trunks (ssj)
; sstrunks, stages/stage40.def, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-
_super_saiyan_trunks'_theme.mp3 ;sstrunks by princevegeta, (rsff)

;(es) vegeta, random, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3

vegeth@, stages/stage112.def, music=sound/dbgtfb_osv_-_vegetto's_theme.mp3 ;
vegeth@ by nemesis82 & biohazard82, (rsff)

;, music=sound/dbgtfb_ost_-_bouken_no_kassen_-_classic_arrange_version.mp3
;, music=sound/dbgtfb_ost_-_hero_of_heroes.mp3
;, music=sound/dbgtfb_ost_-_kou_hibiki_shi_fuku_shou.mp3
;, music=sound/dbgtfb_ost_-_kou_hibiki_shitan_-_majin.mp3
;, music=sound/dbgtfb_ost_-_mon_hikaru_potara!_-_techno_house_version.mp3
;, music=sound/dbgtfb_ost_-_son_gokuu-en_takeshi_-
;, music=sound/dbgtfb_ost_-_son_gokuu_shin-tana_hitobushou!_-
;, music=sound/dbgtfb_ost_-_yamasui_iro_no_sen_tsuchi_-

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball gt: transformation (gameboy advance) ====================

;stages/dm-earth.def ;earth (bridge)

;stages/dm-luud.def ;luud cellars
;stages/dm-m2.def ;planet m2

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z (arcade) ==============================================

;burta (namek land)

;(es) burta, stages/namek-2.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_burta.mp3

;freeza (destroyed namek)

frieza0, stages/namek-3.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_freeza.mp3 ;frieza by
choujin, (wc), (ws2d)
; frieza1, ;freezer by choujin, squall, (wc), (ws)

;ginyu (in front & inside freeza's ship)

;(es) ginyu, stages/devant-vaisseau-freezer.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_ginyu2.mp3
;stages/asp40_nave_do_freeza.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_ginyu1.mp3
;stages/vaisseau-freezer.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_ginyu1.mp3

;gohan (kame house)

; gohan12, stages/kame-house.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_gohan.mp3 ;gohan by
ssjsongoku, (wo2d), (ws)

;goku (tenkaichi budokai)

; ccigoku, ;son goku by david demianoff
; songoku0, ;son goku by david demianoff + choujin, (wc), (ws2d)
songoku1, stages/arene-tournoi.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_goku.mp3 ;son goku by
choujin, (wc), (ws2d)

;ssj goku (tenkaichi budokai)

ssjsongoku, stages/arene-tournoi.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_goku.mp3 ;super goku
by choujin, (wc), (ws2d)

;piccolo (kamisama temple)

ccipiccolo, stages/palais-tout-puissant.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_piccolo.mp3
;piccolo daimao by david demianoff
;stages/asp40_templo_kamisama.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_piccolo.mp3

;recoom (namek village)

;(es) recoom, stages/namek18.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_recoom.mp3

;vegeta (rocks)
; ccivegeta, ;prince vegeta by david demianoff
; vegeta12, ;vegeta by stig87
vegeta15, stages/rocher.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_vegeta.mp3 ;vegeta by
choujin, (wc), (ws2d)

;dragon ball z remix

; piccoloaf, ;junior by ralphyboy, squall, (wc), (ws2d)

ssj vegeta, stages/dinodesert.def, music=sound/dbz_arc._-_vegeta.mp3 ;vegeta by
choujin, updated by stig87, (wc), (ws2d)


;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z 2 super battle (arcade) ===============================
;(lb): dbzlifebars ;by dadou ====================================

;android 16 (red ribbon base)

; a16, ;android 16 by majita, (wo2d), (ws2d)
android16, stages/baserubanrouge.def, music=sound/dbz2sb_-_android_16.mp3 ;
android 16 by choujin, (wc)

;android 18 (futuristic city)

181, stages/a18stage.def, music=sound/dbz2sb_-_android_18.mp3 ;eighteen by big
eli king, (wc)
; 182, ;eighteen by big eli king (eng snd), (wc)

;android 20 (dr. gero's laboratory)

;(es) android 20, stages/labogero.def, music=sound/dbz2sb_-_android_20.mp3

;cell (cell games)

; cell1, ;cell by majita, (wo2d)
cell6, stages/cellgame2_up.def, music=sound/dbz2sb_-_cell.mp3 ;perfect cell by
choujin, (wc), (ws2d)
; cell7, ;cell by choujin, squall, (wc), (ws)

;gohan (jungle)
;(es) gohan, stages/dbzjungle.def, music=sound/dbz2sb_-_gohan.mp3

;goku (tenkaichi budokai)

gokou, stages/tenkaichi.def, music=sound/dbz2sb_-_goku.mp3 ;gokou by dadou + (e)
by rudolf27
;stages/arene2.def ;ground (sunset)
;stages/arene 3.def ;ground (night)
;stages/budoukai0.def ;ground (day)
;stages/ciel.def ;air (day)
;stages/ciel2.def ;air (sunset)
;stages/ciel3.def ;air (night)
;stages/tenka12.def ;ground (day)

;mr. satan (satan stadium)

mrsatan0, stages/satan.def, music=sound/dbz2sb_-_hercule.mp3 ;mr satan by
choujin, (wc)
; mrsatan1, ;mr satan by choujin, ai patched by majita, (wo2d)

;piccolo (piccolo's temple)

piccolo4, stages/dbzfire.def, music=sound/dbz2sb_-_piccolo.mp3 ;piccolo by
choujin, (wc), (ws2d)

;trunks (destroyed future)

trunks5, stages/hope.def, music=sound/dbz2sb_-_trunks.mp3 ;trunks by majita,
(wo2d), (ws2d)

vegeta14, stages/dbzjungle.def, music=sound/dbz2sb_-_vegeta.mp3 ;vegeta by majita,
(wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [coding] + [ws])

;dragon ball z 2 super battle remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z budokai series (dragon ball z budokai, dragon ball z budokai 2 &
dragon ball z budokai 3; gamecube & playstation 2)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;dragon ball z budokai 3 (playstation 2) =============================
;(lb): lifebars-budokai ;by lcguille =================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z bu yu retsuden (genesis) ==============================
;(sp): dragonballz.style ;by claudio toxi =======================

;android 18 (street)
mand18, stages/segastreet.def, music=sound/genesis2.mp3 ;mega and.18 by
gohanssm2, (rsff)

;cell (beach)
cellgen, stages/sbeach.def, music=sound/genesis6.mp3 ;cell genesis by gohanssm2,

;freeza (boiling namek)

frieza, stages/seganamek.def, music=sound/genesis5.mp3 ;mega frieza by
gohanssm2, (rsff)
freeza2, stages/seganamek.def, music=sound/genesis5.mp3 ;freeza by the disciple
x, (i&ei), (rsff)

;ginyu (namek)
; captginyu, ;captain ginyu by ginyu (revived_ginyu)
; ginew, ;ginew by kuririn, (rsff)
ginyu, stages/namek-md.def, music=sound/genesis1.mp3 ;captain ginyu by gohanssm2,

;gohan (spirit & time)

; chibigohan, stages/saladotempo-md.def ;chibi gohan by ssjtrunks, (rsff)
; demogohan, ;demogohan by diryomenssj, (rsff)
megagohan, stages/segakame.def, music=sound/genesis3.mp3 ;mega gohan by
gohanssm2, (rsff)
; p-gohan, ;gohan ssj2 by barrado, (rsff)

;goku (tenkaichi budokai)

mgoku, stages/budou-md.def, music=sound/genesis7.mp3 ;mega goku by gohanssm2,
; ssjgoku, ;ssjgoku by ssjtrunks, (rsff)

;kurilin (tenkaichi budokai)

krillind, stages/budou-md.def, music=sound/genesis7.mp3 ;krillin by gohanssm2,
; kurilin, ;unsigned kuririn, (rsff)
; kuririn1, ;kuririn by emuboarding, (rsff)

;piccolo (namek)
mpiccolo, stages/namek-md.def, music=sound/genesis1.mp3 ;mega piccolo by
gohanssm2, (rsff)

;recoome (rocks 2)
; recoom, ;recoom by lucifer, (rsff)
recoome, stages/segarocks2.def, music=sound/genesis3.mp3 ;recoome by gohanssm2,

;trunks (coast)
; ssjtrunks, ;ssj trunks by ultra ssj5 vegeta and emuboarding-mugenow, (rsff)
trunksb, stages/praia3.def, music=sound/genesis3.mp3 ;trunks briefs by gohanssm2,

;vegeta (rocks)
mvegeta, stages/rocks-md.def, music=sound/genesis2.mp3 ;mega vegeta by
gohanssm2, (rsff)
; vegetag, ;ssjvegeta by ssjtrunks, (rsff)

;dragon ball z bu yu retsuden remix

;android 18 edits
android_18, stages/byrbeach-daytime.def, music=sound/genesis2.mp3 ;android 18
by burori, (rsff)
; aphrodite, ;aphrodite by burori (unrequestable status)

;freeza edits
; janemba beta2, stages/porunga_stage.def, music=sound/genesis5.mp3 ;
janemba by majin gotenks, (rsff)

;ginyu edits
; burta, ;burta beta by princevegeta, (rsff)
ginyu2, stages/namekcolina.def, music=sound/genesis1.mp3 ;ginyu by aphex &
; jeice, ;jeice by rhian kay, (rsff)
; kingcold, ;king cold by future_vegetto, (rsff)
; nappa, ;nappa by diryomenssj, (rsff)
; nappa2, ;nappa by lucifer, (rsff)
raditz, stages/planetnamek_up.def, music=sound/genesis1.mp3 ;raditz by
kakaroto, (rsff)
; raditz0, ;raditz by kakaroto, cut and modified by biohazard82 and
nemesis82, (rsff)
; ssj3raditz, ;raditz by sword happy trunks and cloud strife ff7h, (rsff)
; radish-ssj4, ;radish ssj4 by the vicious, (rsff)
; raditz ssj5, ;raditz ssj5 by killaclown17
; raditz-ssj5, ;raditz ssj5 by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
; reivegeta, ;reivegeta by deus sayajin, (i&ei), (csff)
; reivegeta ssj, ;reivegeta supersayajin by deus sayajin, (i&ei), (rsff)
; roi vegeta ssj4, ;roi vegeta by r13, (ei), (csff)
; turles, ;turles by kao, (csff)

;kurilin edits
krillin_jb, stages/planetnamek_up.def, music=sound/genesis7.mp3 ;krillin_jb by
kurihan, stages/planetnamek_up.def, music=sound/genesis7.mp3 ;kurihan by
kurihan, (rsff)
; kurilincabeludo, ;kurilin c/ cabelo by flame goku, (ei), (rsff)
; kuriringt, ;crilin sposato by double b, (csff)
; picorin, ;picorin by sabrewolf, (rsff)
; picurin, ;picurin by rafael dbz, (rsff)

;piccolo edits
; piccolo_m, ;piccolo by man m, (rsff), (ldv)
piccolo_m0, stages/namekuzei.def, music=sound/genesis1.mp3 ;piccolo by man m,
(rsff), (wo2d)

;recoome edits
napa, stages/highcliff.def, music=sound/genesis3.mp3 ;napa by bardock, (rsff)
; ssjnappa, ;ssj nappa by sword happy trunks and cloud strife ff7h, (rsff)
recoome0, stages/highcliff.def, music=sound/genesis3.mp3 ;recoome by
chrono_strife, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; spopovich, stages/byrcanyon-daytime.def ;spopovich by secret member / erick
malv�o bernardino o (bardock), (rsff)

;trunks edits
n-trunks0, stages/island_up.def, music=sound/genesis3.mp3 ;n-trunks by
emuboarding, (rsff)
; ssj4trunks, stages/babidi.def ;ssj4 trunks by matthew ross(iam2weird), (csff)
; trunksgt1, ;trunks gt ssj by princevegeta, (rsff)

;vegeta edits
; vegeta_alpha, stages/rocks_night.def, music=sound/genesis2.mp3 ;vegeta plus
by ocariocanildo

;misc. dbz bu yu retsuden edits

; lilgohan, ;li'l gohan by gohanssm2, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z hyper dimension (super nes) ===========================
;(fx): dsparks ;by hyper_go =======================================

;boo (sky)
hbuu, stages/skyhd2.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_far_above_the_earth.mp3 ;hyper buu
by gohanssm2, (rsff)
; m1dj, ;boo by natty_dread_lock_yayar_del_zion_de_jah, (i&ei), (rsff)
; mr boo, stages/skyhd.def ;mr. boo by alextp, (rsff)
mrboohd, stages/skyhd3.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_far_above_the_earth.mp3 ;
mr.boo by overmind, (rsff)

;majin boo (destroyed city)

; boo, ;boo por [majin]venon, (rsff)
buu1, stages/terra-d-hd.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_second_strike.mp3 ;kid buu by
cyanide, (rsff)
; kbuu, ;kid buu by ssj4_vegeta18, fixed by gohan ssm2
; kidbuu, ;kid buu by nijsteninc, (rsff)
; m2dj, ;majin boo by natty_dread, (i&ei)
; majin, ;majin boo por ronaldo, (rsff)
; perfect ultimate boo, ;perfect ultimate boo by majin brolly, (i&ei), (rsff)
shinbuu, stages/terra-d-hd.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_second_strike.mp3 ;shin buu by
dragonballfury (aka mugenfury), (wc), (ws2d)
super boo, stages/terra-d-hd.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_second_strike.mp3 ;super
boo by super vegetto, (rsff)
; ultima~1, ;unsigned ultimate boo, (rsff)

;cell (earth)
; cdj, stages/earth0.def ;cell by natty_dread, (i&ei)
cellhd, stages/terra-n-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_intense_fear.mp3 ;cell
por ssonic, (rsff)
; hdcell, ;cell por ssonic, (rsff)
; perfcell, ;perfect cell by gama
perfect_cell, stages/terrahd.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_intense_fear.mp3 ;cell
by burori, (rsff)
perfect-cell, stages/plains.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_intense_fear.mp3 ;perfect
cell by souza

;freeza (namek)
; freeza0, stages/namek-d-hd.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_dark_side.mp3 ;
freeza by aj, (rsff)
; freeza3, ;freeza by akira, (rsff)
; freeza4, ;freeza by _vision, (rsff)
freezahd, stages/boilnamek.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_strangeness.mp3 ;freeza by
overmind, (rsff)
frezerbeta, stages/namek-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_dark_side.mp3 ;freezer by

;gohan (tenkaichi budoukai - night)

gohan-hd, stages/budoukai-hd-n_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;gohan hd - normal-ssj by mugenguy and red-
spider, (rsff)
mystic gohan, stages/budoukai-hd-n_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;son gohan por zero_x

;goku (tenkaichi budoukai)

gokuhd, stages/tournamentd.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;goku hd by maylon, (csff)
; gokussj2, ;ssj2 goku by hyper_goku, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
goku-ssj2, stages/tournamentt.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;goku ssj2 by ribeiro, (rsff)
goku-ssj20, stages/tournaments.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;goku ssj2 by souza, (i&ei)
;gotenks (kamisama temple)
; gdj, ;gotrenk's by natty_dread
gotenks, stages/kamisama-n.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_decisive_battle.mp3 ;
gotenks ssj3 by gohanssm2, (rsff)
gotenks0, stages/kamisama-n.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_decisive_battle.mp3 ;
gotenks ssj3 by danil, (rsff)
gotenks1, stages/kamisama-t_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_decisive_battle.mp3 ;
gotenks ssj3 by sodonhid, (rsff)
; gotenks3, ;gotenks ssj 3 by alextp - alextp@ig.com.br -
www.dbzmugen.hpg.com.br, (rsff)
; gotenks4, ;ssj3 gotenks by hyper_goku and ssj4vegeta19, fixed by
electrocaid, (rsff)
gotenks_ssj3, stages/kamisama-t_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_decisive_battle.mp3
;gotenks ssj3 by cyanide, (csff)

;piccolo (namek)
piccolo, stages/n-namek-hd.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_dark_side.mp3 ;piccolo por
ssonic, (rsff)
picollohd, stages/n-namek-hd.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_dark_side.mp3 ;picolo by

;vegeta (earth - sunset)

; d-vegita, ;ssj2 vegita by wang-d, (rsff)
; majin_vegeta, ;majin vegeta by souza
; vdj, stages/terra.def ;vegeta by natty_dread
; vegetabeta01, ;vegetabeta01 by [pepsi_man], (rsff)
vegetahd, stages/terra-t-hd.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_moment_of_fate.mp3 ;majin
vegeta by overmind, (rsff)

;vegetto (rotating earth)

3u-vegetto, stages/u-blue.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;
ultimate-vegetto by ssjlyncoln
svegettogs, stages/u-blue.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;super
vegetto by gatosoft s.a.
vegeex, stages/u-blue.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;vegetto ex
by shishi-ryu, (rsff)
vegetto, stages/u-blue.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;vegetto by
kakaroto, (rsff)
vegetto0, stages/u-blue.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;vegetto by
gokku hyper, (rsff)
; vegetto2, ;vegetto by kakaroto, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; vegitto, ;vegitto by nail, (rsff)

;dragon ball z hyper dimension remix

;buu edits
; dai kaio, stages/nuvens1.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_far_above_the_earth.mp3
;dai kaio by every ok, (rsff)
; daikaioshin, ;dai kaioshin by franz-kaioken, (rsff)

;majin buu edits

; ssjboo, ;unsigned ssjboo, (rsff)

;cell edits
; cell2, stages/cell_game_hd.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_intense_fear.mp3 ;cell
form 2 hd by maioral, (rsff)

;freeza edits
; fire, ;fire by overmind and _vision, (rsff)
; freeza1, ;freeza 1st form by princevegeta, (rsff)
; freezaf2, ;freeza_form_2 por gothenks, (rsff)
; cyberf, ;cyber freeza by future_vegetto, (rsff)
; koola, ;koola by princevegeta, (rsff)
; koola2, ;koola by soopafly/ssj rhian, (rsff)
; koola3, ;koola by princevegeta, (rsff)
; koolahd, ;koola-hd by solid, (rsff)
; metal-kooler hd, stages/namekstage.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_dark_side.mp3
;m-kooler by future_vegetto, (rsff)

;gohan edits
; gman, ;great s. man by princevegeta, (rsff)
; mgohan, ;unsigned majin son gohan, (csff)
; mysticgohan, ;mystic gohan by supermystery, (wo2d)
ssj gohan, stages/budoukai-hd-n-r.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;ssj gohan by linkepona1, (csff)
; supergohan3hd, ;gohan ssj3 hd by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
; gohan0, ;gohan gt by princevegetal, (rsff)
; ssjgohangt, ;gohan gt ssj by nail, (rsff)

;goku edits
; hdbardock, ;bardock by new koola, (rsff)
gocule, stages/budoukai-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;gocule by r13, (rsff)
; gocule_ex, ;gocule ssj/ssj3 by r13, (rsff)
; goculessj, ;gocule ssj by r13, (rsff)
gogeta-n-hd, stages/budoukai-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;gogeta normal hd by super gotenks, (rsff)
gogetassj2, stages/budoukai-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;gogetassj2 by csff7h, (rsff)
; gogetaexplus, ;gogeta ex by diryomenssj, (rsff)
; gogeta z, ;gogeta z by lip ultra ssj, (rsff)
; gogetassj3, ;gogeta super saiyan 3 by son gohan ssj4, (rsff)
; gogeta, ;gogeta - ssj4 by sarevok, (rsff)
; gogeta-ssj4, ;gogeta-ssj4 by pocket_danyell, (rsff)
; gogetassj4, ;gogeta by sarevok, (rsff)
; super gogeta ssj4, ;super gogeta ssj4 by super gotenks ssj4, (rsff)
kidgohanhd, stages/budoukai-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;kid gohan hd by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
hd_young_gohan, stages/budoukai-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;young gohan hd by jezero
; gohan hd, ;gohan teen hd by every ok, (ii)
; ssj4gohan, ;ssj4gohan by ssjtrunks, (csff)
; gohan-ssj5, ;gohan ssj5 by _cr@sh_, (rsff)
goku_hd, stages/budoukai-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;gokuh by dizzy
; kakoratto, ;kakarotto by vegetagokou, (rsff)
; gukuex, ;gokuex by zak, (rsff)
goku-n-hd, stages/budoukai-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;goku-n-hd by emuboarding, (rsff)
; m-goku, ;m-goku by goro san, (rsff)
; goku@, ;goku@ by nemesis 82 and biohazard82, (rsff)
goku-nex, stages/budoukai-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;goku nex by slayer, (ei), (rsff)
goku2, stages/budoukai-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;goku by erny & luke, (rsff)
; goku1, ;super saiyajin by chuck toy, (rsff)
; goku_off, ;goku off por shingo, (i&ei), (rsff)
; goku-hsj-hd, ;hypergoku by nerve, (rsff)
son_goku, stages/budoukai-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;son goku by metal-mind, (rsff)
; goku-ussj, ;goku ultra saiyajin by [_dmz_], (csff)
; gohyper-goku, ;gohyper-goku by hans andringa, (csff)
; ussjgoku, ;ultra ssj4 goku by princevegeta, (csff)
; goku ssj3, ;goku ssj3 by hyperionx, (rsff)
; goku-ssj3, ;super sayjin tree by emuboarding (add-ons by ssj808), (rsff)
; goku-ssj30, ;goku ssj3 by gokussj, (rsff)
; gokussj30, ;super sayjin 3 by ssjxtreme ss3goku.koolhost.com, (rsff)
; gokussj31, ;super sayjin tree by emuboarding, (rsff)
; ssj3goku, ;ssj3 goku by the_bizkit, (rsff)
; gokou ssj4, ;unsigned goku ssj4, (rsff)
; goku-ssj4, ;goku ssj4 by _vision and mrp, (rsff)
; gokussj4, ;ssj4goku by ssjtrunks, (rsff)
; gokussj40, ;ssj four goku by billman424, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; evil-goku, ;evil goku by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
; goku-ssj5, ;goku ssj4 e ssj5 by guerreiro_z, (csff)
; gokussj5, ;ssj5 goku (by omega), (rsff)
; gokussj5no, ;goku by sjrio and bigtic, (rsff)
; kakaroto ssj5, ;kakaroto ssj5 by frs games, (ei), (rsff)
; ssj5goku, ;goku super sayajin 5 by metaleiro [hm], (rsff)
; gokussj6, ;unsigned goku ssj6, (rsff)
; gokussj60, ;goku ssj6 by zero_col, (csff)
; goku-dsj, ;goku dsj by deus sayajin, (rsff)
; finalgokuhd, ;final goku hd by zak, (rsff)
; kakarotto-x, ;kakarotto-x by r13, (csff)
; gorunksssj4, ;gorunks ssj4 by son goku ssj (1/2 gorunks), (rsff)
; gotenhd, ;goten hd by ocariocanildo
; gotenssjhd, ;goten ssj hd by super goku, (rsff)
; hd_kai, ;supreme kai hd by jezero
kuririn0, stages/dbztournament2.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;kuririn hd by gokussj, (rsff)
; manuel0, ;manuel ssj4 by n4rk0, (rsff)
; myke, ;myke by myketto g.d.r., (rsff)
; nate-x, ;nathan cruz by nate cruz, (rsff)
; night-x, ;nightstalker by asiel 'shadow' patteson, (rsff)
; packy-ssj4, ;packy-ssj4 by giacky, (rsff)
tenshin-han hd, stages/budoukai-t-r-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;tenshin-han hd by ocariocanildo
trunks normal hd, stages/budoukai-t-r-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;trunks normal hd by ocariocanildo
hdturles, stages/budoukai-t-r-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;turles hd by eb-mugenow, jerbox2k, mugenalive
; yamchahd, ;yamchahd by ocariocanildo
yancha, stages/budoukai-t-r-hd_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_first_encounter_with_kid_buu.mp3 ;yancha hd by whirlwind, (rsff)

;gotenks edits
; gotenks-n, ;unsigned gotenks, (rsff)
; gotenks_3, ;unsigned gotenks 2, (i&ei), (csff)
; gotenks ssj hd, ;gotenks ssj hd by lip ultra ssj, (rsff)
gssj2, stages/kamisama0_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_decisive_battle.mp3 ;
gotenks ssj2 by douglasdgs, (rsff)
; gotenks ssj4, ;gotenks_n by r13, (rsff)
; gotenks ssj4 hd, ;gotenks ssj4 hd by orochi koe, (rsff)
; chibi trunks ssj hd2, ;chibi trunks ssj hd by future_vegetto, (rsff)

;piccolo edits
; kamiccolo, stages/porunga.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_dark_side.mp3 ;
kamiccolo by kakaroto, (csff)

;vegeta edits
gohanblackhd, stages/planeta-supremo_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_intense_fear.mp3
;gohan black hd by ocariocanildo
; gohan ssj4 hd, ;gohan ssj4 hd by lip ultra ssj & extreme creator, (rsff)
; gokuhd0, ;goku sayajin hd by every ok ou evil bread, (rsff)
hdtrunks, stages/terra-shenlong.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_intense_fear.mp3 ;
trunks ssj by jerbox2k and emboarding + black spider, (rsff)
; p-vegeta, ;prince vegeta by overmind, (rsff)
majin vegeta normal, stages/terra-shenlong.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_intense_fear.mp3 ;majin vegeta normal by lip ultra ssj, (rsff)
; e-vegeta, ;majin vegeta by moyashi, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
vegetaversion1, stages/earth-the-night.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_intense_fear.mp3
;vegeta by overmind&torankusu, (rsff)
; m-vegeta-ssj3, ;majin vegeta ssj3 by super gotenks, (rsff)
; mvegeta-ssj4hd, ;majin vegeta-ssj4 hd by packyssj4, (rsff)
; ssj4vegetahd, ;ssj4 vegeta hd by suprafly05, (rsff)
; ssj4vegetas, ;ssj4 vegeta by suprafly05, (rsff)
; vegeta-ssj4af, ;vegeta ssj4 af by bicio & packyssj4, (rsff)
; vegeta-ssj5, ;vegeta-ssj5 by vegeta dsj, (rsff)
; majin vegeta ssj6, ;majin vegeta ssj6 by majinssj6, (rsff)
; vegetahdfsj, ;final vegeta hd by zak, (rsff)
; bebihd, ;bebi vegeta form 1 hd 90% beta by forever_zero, (rsff)

;vegetto edits
; and13, ;androide n�13 by future_vegetto, (rsff)
17, stages/hdcstage.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;androide 17
hd by gokussj, (rsff)
; 17-c, ;androide 17 clone by deus_sayajin, (rsff)
; s_and_17, ;super androide 17 hd by ocariocanildo e found glory, (rsff)
; s_and_17hd, ;s_androide 17 hd by ocariocanildo
super_androide_17, stages/hdc3stage.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3
;super android 17 by master sabrewolf e insanosuke_sagara, (rsff)
; atom-x, ;atom by nate 'superman' cruz, (rsff)
bardack-hd, stages/hdc3stage.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;
bardack-hd by alive, (ei), (rsff)
bardock-ssj-hd, stages/hdc3stage.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3
;bardock ssj by lip ultra ssj, (rsff)
bardock ssj4 hd, stages/hdc3stage.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3
;bardock ssj4 hd by vegetto ssj6, (rsff)
; brolihd, ;broli by lord of games e alad sayiajin, (ei), (rsff)
; disciple, ;the disciple by nate 'superman' cruz, (rsff)
; evil-vegetto, ;evil vegetto by ne�, (Rsff)
; gogetto, ;gogetto ssj by majin kuririn, (rsff)
; li, ;li-shenlong by janemba, (rsff)
; natsel, ;natural selection by nate'superman' cruz, (rsff)
vegetto3, stages/hdc2stage.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;
vegeto by danil, (rsff)
vegetto-n0, stages/hdc2stage.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;
normal vegetto by pocket_danyell, (rsff)
vegetto_ns, stages/hdc2stage.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;
vegetto - ns by super gotenks ssj4, (rsff)
vejyto, stages/hdc2stage.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;vegetto by
metal-mind...mugen pages, (csff)
vegettox, stages/hdc3stage.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;
vegetto by hyperionx & zgteam, (rsff)
u-vegetto, stages/hdcstage.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_fat_buu_appears.mp3 ;
ultimate-vegetto by ssjlyncoln, (rsff)
; vegssj3, ;unsigned vegetto, (rsff)
; ss4 vegettio, ;ss4 vegettio by viper9043, (rsff)
; vegettossj4, ;vegetto ssj4 by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
; hdvegetunx, ;vegetunks by hd portal 22, (i&ei), (rsff)
; hdvegetunx2, ;vegetunks by hd portal 22, (i&ei), (rsff)
; vegetto-n, ;unsigned vejabba, (rsff)

;misc. dbz hd edits

; hdcelljr, ;super cell jr by jerbox2k, (rsff)
dbzgt, stages/cellgamehd-noite_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-_intense_fear.mp3 ;
dragonball z/gt by the disciple x, (rsff)
; dbz-tt, ;dbz-tt by {ranma-kun}, (rsff)
goku sayajin, stages/cellgamehd-noite_up.def, music=sound/dbz_hd_-
_intense_fear.mp3 ;goku sayajin by doink-mugen ssj, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z: legendary super warriors (gb) ========================

;dragon ball z: legendary super warriors remix

; drake, ;drake by rice/tetsuo, (wc), (ws2d)

; kamenrider0, ;kamen rider 1 by tetsuo/rice
; sas, ;sasword by tetsuo/ricebowl/rice
; thebee, ;thebee by ricebowl/tetsuo, (wc), (ws2d)
; yusuke1, ;yusuke by rice/tetsuo, (wc), (ws2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z pc-engine =============================================

;goku (kid)
; gokuk, stages/torre-de-karin.def, music=sound/dbz_pce_iso_-_track04.mp3
;goku kid by emuboarding, (rsff)
; goku-p, stages/torre-de-karin.def, music=sound/dbz_pce_iso_-_track09.mp3
;goku kidd by emuboarding, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

; gokupce, stages/floresta.def, music=sound/dbz_pce_iso_-_track09.mp3 ;goku
pce by ssjtrunks, (rsff)

;prince vegeta
; princevegeta, stages/jungle-db.def, music=sound/dbz_pce_iso_-_track06.mp3
;vegeta by overmind, (rsff)

;tenshin han
; tenshin-han, stages/jungle-db.def, music=sound/dbz_pce_iso_-_track07.mp3
;tenshin-han by emuboarding, (rsff)

;dragon ball z pc-engine remix

; gohan7, stages/torneio.def, music=sound/dbz_pce_iso_-_track08.mp3 ;gohan
by espeon & lotuswing & sho-ryu, (rsff)
; gaiden, stages/torneio.def, music=sound/dbz_pce_iso_-_track10.mp3 ;goku
gaiden by silvestro86, (rsff)
; goku-dc, stages/torneio.def, music=sound/dbz_pce_iso_-_track11.mp3 ;goku
gt by wolferbaby, (rsff)
; gssj, stages/torneio.def, music=sound/dbz_pce_iso_-_track15.mp3 ;goku kid by
[sw]goku_ssj4, (rsff)
; goku_ssj4, stages/torneio.def, music=sound/dbz_pce_iso_-_track15.mp3 ;goku
super sayajin 4 by super gotenks, (rsff)
; yamcha db pce, stages/torneio.def, music=sound/dbz_pce_iso_-_track05.mp3
;yamcha pce by lip ultra ssj & junior ssj4, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z sparking! (playstation 2) =============================
;(i): introdbzsparking-ps2 by nadimix ;by nadimix--dgzteam =======


;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z super butoden (super nes) =============================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- dbz_butoden ;by ze sensei ======================================
;- sb1 ;by komodo ===============================================

;android 16 (coast)
and16, stages/camponor-dbz1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_android_16.mp3
;android 16 by gohanssm2, (rsff)
; and.16, ;androide 16 by pocket_danyell, (i&ei), (rsff)

;android 18 (road)
and18, stages/estrada-dbz1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_android_18.mp3 ;
android 18 by gohanssm2, (rsff)

;android 20 (battlecamp)
and20, stages/campo2-dbz1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_android_20.mp3 ;20
(dr. gero) by gohanssm2, (rsff)
; drgero, ;dr gero by gotenssj3, convertido por power_z, (rsff)

;cell (1st form) (destroyed battlecamp)

cell, stages/campo-des-dbz1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_cell.mp3 ;cell
by gohanssm2, (rsff)
; cell-i, ;imperfect cell by metaleiro, (rsff)
protocell, stages/campo-des-dbz1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_cell.mp3 ;
protocell by cadavelico, (wc)

;cell (3rd form) (cell games)

ccell, stages/localdetreino-dbz1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-
_theme_of_perfect_cell.mp3 ;complete cell by gohanssm2, (rsff)

;freeza (namek)
mfrieza, stages/nameknor-dbz1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_freeza.mp3 ;
maximum frieza by gohanssm2, (rsff)

;gohan (spirit & time)

; gohanssj1, ;gohan super sayajin by [mugen art] white_fox, (rsff)
kgohan, stages/saladotempo0_up.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-
_theme_of_gohan_&_trunks.mp3 ;kid gohan ssj1 by gohanssm2, (rsff)

;goku (tenkaichi budoukai)

; gokou0, ;son-gokou by tako
; kakaroto2, ;kakaroto by kakaroto, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
sbgoku, stages/tenka1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_piccolo.mp3 ;son goku by
sugio, (rsff)
; sgoku0, ;goku by jaceguay@zaz.com.br fixed by electrocaid, (csff)
gokusb1, stages/tenka1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_piccolo.mp3 ;goku sb1 by
gohanssm2, (rsff)

;goku ssj (tenkaichi budoukai)

gokussj1, stages/tenka1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_piccolo.mp3 ;goku ssj1
by gohanssm2, (rsff)

;piccolo (tenkaichi budoukai)

sbpiccolo, stages/boundokai.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_piccolo.mp3 ;
piccolo by sugio, (rsff)
piccolo1, stages/boundokai.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_piccolo.mp3 ;
piccolo sb1 by gohanssm2, (rsff)
; picollo, ;picollo by kakaroto, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;trunks (spirit & time)

; future_trunks_ssj_2, ;future trunks by marcelojudaspriest@bol.com.br,
; trunks3, ;trunks by kakaroto, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
trunkssb1, stages/saladotempo0_up.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-
_theme_of_gohan_&_trunks.mp3 ;trunks sb1 by gohanssm2, (rsff)
; trunks-ssj, ;unsigned miari trunks, (rsff)

;vegeta (cliffs)
; nvege, ;vegeta by ssj4_vegeta, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
vegetasb1, stages/rocks1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_vegeta.mp3 ;vegeta sb1
by gohanssm2, (rsff)

;vegeta ssj (cliffs)

vegetassj1, stages/rocks1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb_-_theme_of_vegeta.mp3 ;
vegeta ssj1 by gohanssm2, (rsff)

;dragon ball z super butoden remix

;android 16 edits
; bebi, random, music=sound/dbz_sb1_ast_-_battle_stage_7_-
_android_16's_theme.mp3 ;bebi vegeta by princevegeta 2000, (rsff)

;android 18 edits
; and170, stages/montanha30.def, music=sound/dbz_sb1_ast_-_battle_stage_5_-
_android_18's_theme.mp3 ;unsigned android 17, (rsff)

;android 20 edits

;cell (1st form) edits

cell10, stages/terradbz1-tarde.def, music=sound/dbz_sb1_ast_-_battle_stage_6_-
_cell's_theme.mp3 ;cell by loki, (rsff)
; cell5, ;cell by sawwen, (wo2d), (ws)

;cell (3rd form) edits

cellform2, stages/cell_game_up.def, music=sound/dbz_sb1_ast_-_battle_stage_8_-
_perfect_cell's_theme.mp3 ;cell forma 2 by bicio, (rsff)

;freeza edits
; freeza100, stages/montanha30.def, music=sound/dbz_sb1_ast_-_battle_stage_3_-
_freeza's_theme.mp3 ;freeza dbz1 by by white_fox, (rsff)

;goku edits
; bardock0, ;unsigned bardock, (rsff)
; ssjbardock, ;bardock by ficktion / gemini, (rsff)
sgoku, stages/montanha30.def, music=sound/dbz_sb1_ast_-_super_fighting_legend_-
_theme_of.mp3 ;goku stile snk by anotherlive, (rsff)
yamcha1, stages/montanha30.def, music=sound/dbz_sb1_synth.alt.arrange_-
_kameha_mea.mp3 ;unsigned yamcha, (rsff)

;piccolo edits
; classic_tenshinham, ;classic tenshinham by yamcha z, (rsff)
tensinhan, stages/montanha30.def, music=sound/dbz_sb1_ast_-_battle_stage_1_-
_piccolo's_theme.mp3 ;tensinhan by sugio, (rsff)

;trunks edits
gohan, stages/spirit_and_time.def, music=sound/dbz_sb1_synth.alt.arrange_-
_vegeta.mp3 ;gohan by sodonhid and super trunks, (rsff)
; ntrunks, ;normal trunks by ssj4_vegeta19, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
trunks saiyajin ex, stages/cellgame-tarde.def,
music=sound/dbz_sb1_synth.alt.arrange_-_vegeta.mp3 ;trunks saiyajin ex by lip
ultra ssj, (rsff)
; trunksssj4, ;trunks ssj4 by son goku ssj, (rsff)

;vegeta edits
; pknew, random, music=sound/dbz_sb1_ast_-_battle_stage_2_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3
;pk by rick, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z super butoden 2 / dragon ball z super butoden 2 la legende saien
(super nes)

;bojack (sandstorm)
bojack, stages/deserto-dbz2-temp.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_bojack's_theme.mp3
;bojack by gohanssm2, (rsff)
bojack0, stages/sb2sandstorm.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_bojack's_theme.mp3 ;
bojack by sodonhid, (rsff)
;broli (rocks - night)
; broli, stages/rocks-vs_cell-dia-noite.def ;broli by kuzu-bei and the
necromancer, (rsff)
; broli2, ;broli by kuzu-bei, (rsff)
; broliex, ;broli ex by kakaroto, (rsff)
kakaroto0, stages/montagne-n.def, music=sound/brolli-2.mp3 ;kakaroto the nightmare
by the necromancer, (i&ei), (rsff) (unrequestable status)

;cell (earth - day)

cell0, stages/mont-dbz2-dia.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_cell's_theme.mp3 ;cell
by the necromancer, (rsff)
; cell3, ;perfect cell by _vision, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
cell11, stages/mont-dbz2-dia.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_cell's_theme.mp3 ;cell
by komodo, (rsff)
cell-sb2, stages/mont-dbz2-dia.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_cell's_theme.mp3 ;cell
by mugenguy, (rsff)
; cell+jrs, ;cell by loona, (rsff)
; dest-rin, ;destroid cell by rincho
; p-cell, ;perfect cell by _vision, (rsff)
; perfectcell, ;perfect cell by bacteria, (rsff)

;cell junior (earth - sunset)

; androidno18, ;cell junior3. by orestes, (csff)
; cell-j, ;cell junior by _vision, (rsff)
; cell-jr, ;cell j�nior by yamcha_z, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)
cell-jr0, stages/mont-dbz2-tarde.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_cell's_theme.mp3 ;cell-
jr by goten88, (csff)

;gohan (forest - day)

gohan1, stages/forest8.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_son_gohan's_theme.mp3 ;gohan
by komodo, (rsff)
; gohanss2, ;chibi gohan ssj2 by lucifer, (rsff)
; songohan2, ;songohan by kakaroto, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
songohan3, stages/forest8.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_son_gohan's_theme.mp3 ;son
gohan by bird, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;goku (forest - sunset)

son goku, stages/jungle-dbz2-t_up.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_son_gohan's_theme.mp3
;son goku by duende macabro, (wc), (ws2d)
; songoku2, ;son goku by bird, (wo2d), (ws)
; supersaiyangoku, ;super saiyan goku by sammyb, (wc), (ws2d)

;piccolo (mountain [day & sunset])

dragonduff, stages/sb2earth-daytime.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_piccolo's_theme.mp3
;dragon_duff by the necromancer, (i&ei), (rsff) (unrequestable status)
piccolo2, stages/sb2earth-sunset.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_piccolo's_theme.mp3
;piccolo by the necromancer, (i&ei)
; picollodb2, stages/penhasco-t.def ;picollo dbz 2 by necromancer & kakaroto,
fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; sn, stages/cliff0.def ;super namek stage2 piccolo by piccolo d, (rsff)
; spiccolo, ;super piccolo by loki, (rsff)
; super piccolo, ;sn stage2 piccolo by piccolo daimaou, (rsff)

;mr. satan (tenkaichi budoukai)

mr.satan, stages/budou-dbz2-dia.def, music=sound/hercule.mp3 ;mr. satan by
kaiof95, (rsff)
; satan, stages/sb2tournament-daytime.def, music=sound/hercule.mp3 ;mr,satan by
btakashiggg@mail.goo.ne.jp, (csff)
; satan1, stages/budou-dbz2-tarde.def, music=sound/hercule.mp3 ;mr. satan
by ssj4_vegeta19, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;trunks (ocean [day & night])

trunks2, stages/mar-tarde.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_trunks'_theme.mp3 ;trunks by
x-treme jedi, (rsff)

;vegeta (rocks - day)

pracvegeta, stages/rocks-vs_cell-dia-tarde.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-
_vegeta's_theme.mp3 ;practice vegeta by detah (1000 health version), (rsff)
; pracvegeta0, ;practice vegeta by detah (3000 health version), (rsff)
ssjvejita, stages/sb2rocks-daytime.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3
;ssjvejita by khmaibq, (rsff)
vegeta1, stages/rocks-vs_cell-dia.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3
;vegeta by komodo, (rsff)
; vegita, ;vegita by kakaroto, (rsff)
ultravegeta, stages/rocks.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3 ;ultra
vegeta by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
u-vegeta, stages/sb2rocks-sunset.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3
;ultimate vegeta by menwaiz, (rsff)
; vegeta6, ;vegeta ssj by mattasaur, (csff)
; vegeta9, ;vegeta by duende macabro, (ldv), (rsff)
vegeta10, stages/rocks_tarde.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3 ;
vegeta by duende macabro, (wc)
; vegeta17, ;vegeta by bird, (wo2d), (ws)

;zangya (snowfield)
s-zangya, stages/mont2-dbz2.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_zangia's_theme.mp3 ;
zangya by ssj3 vejita, (rsff)
zangya, stages/mont2-dbz2-nev.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_-_zangia's_theme.mp3 ;
zangya by kuzu-bei, (rsff)
; zangya sb2, ;zangya sb2 by noturno, (rsff)

;dragon ball z super butoden 2 / dragon ball z super butoden 2 la legende saien
;- strifebars ;by -=[c]csff7h=- (chrono_strife)...
;- strifebars2 ;by -=[c]csff7h=- (chrono_strife)...

;bojack edits
; bio_broly, stages/desert4.def ;bio broly by r13, (c), (csff)
bojack1, stages/sb2desert-sunset.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_bojack's_theme.mp3
;bojack by chrono_strife and dw, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; super13, stages/tempareia.def ;super #13 by ssjtrunks, (rsff)

;broli edits
; broli1, ;broli1 by deus sayajin, (rsff)
; broli4, ;broli by kuzu-bei + sff patch by gatchan, (rsff)
broly, stages/planetvegeta.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_suite2_final_battle_-
_ending.mp3 ;broly by ztitus, (rsff) (unrequestable status)
brolit, stages/storm10.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_suite2_final_battle_-
_ending.mp3 ;broli by toad, (wc), (ws2d)
; broli3, ;unsigned ssj three broli corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)
; ss3broli, ;broli ssj3 by kuzu-bei, (rsff)
; brolissj4, ;broli ssj4 by princevegeta, (csff)
; brolyssj4, ;broly sjj 4 by ^izzi^, (rsff)
; broli-ssj5, ;broli by scorpion x, (rsff)
; brollyssj5, ;broli ssj5 by ocariocanildo, (csff)
; finalbroli, ;final broli by zakssj, (rsff)
; buster, ;buster by nate 'superman' cruz, (rsff)
himan, stages/sb2rocks-night.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_suite2_final_battle_-
_ending.mp3 ;himan zellode by gulthor, (wc), (ws)
; li-sheron, ;li-shenlong ver0.70 based on broli remix ver1.2 of kuzu-bei and
the necromancer by pierz, (rsff)
; the nightmare ssj3, ;the nightmare ssj3 by gulthor (stolen version),
(i&ei), (rsff) (unrequestable status)
; the nightmare ssj30, ;the nightmare ssj3 by gulthor (clean version),
(i&ei), (rsff)
; the nightmare ssj3hd, ;the nightmare ssj3 by gulthor, (wc), (ws)
; the nightmare ssj3hd0, ;the nightmare ssj3 by gulthor, (wc), (rsff)
; the nightmare ssj3hd(soft), ;the nightmare ssj3 by gulthor, (wc), (ws)
; the nightmare ssj3hd(soft)0, ;the nightmare ssj3 by gulthor, (wc), (rsff)

;cell junior edits

; celljrs, ;cell junior's by black anime, (csff)
chiaotzu, stages/sb2cellgames.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_cell's_theme.mp3
;chiaotzu by goten88, (csff)
; chiaotzu0, ;chiaotzu by goten88 (old version), (csff)

;gohan edits
; baby_form1, ;baby form 1 by r13, (rsff)
; namek gohan, ;unsigned namek gohan, (csff)
gohanex, stages/sb2tournament-sunset.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_songohan's_theme.mp3 ;extreme gohan by csff7h, (rsff)
; son-gohan, ;chibi gohan by emuboarding and black_spider-mugenow, (rsff)
; songohan, ;unsigned young gohan, (rsff)
; gohan armor, ;saiyan armor gohan by [scoth], (ii), (rsff)
; armgohan, ;unsigned armored gohan ssj, (rsff)
; gohan-ssj1, ;gohan ssj1 by drogu, corrected by electrocaid, (csff)
; gohanmovie9, ;gohan-movie 9 by [c]csff7h, (ei), (rsff)
gohan2mov9, stages/budoukai1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_songohan's_theme.mp3
;gohan by chrono_strife and neocide, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; gohann0, ;gohan by mtrunks, (rsff)
; eagohan, ;earth arm gohan by majin gibran, (rsff)
; nagohan, ;namek arm gohan by majin gibran, (rsff)
; eagohanssj, ;earth arm gohan ssj by majin gibran, (rsff)
; nagohanssj, ;namek arm gohan ssj by majin gibran, (rsff)
; son_gohan sb2, ;son gohan by vegetto ssj6, (rsff)
; chibi_gohan_ssj3, ;chibi gohan ssj3 by r13, (rsff)
; n-gotenks, ;n-gotenks by goten88, (rsff)
n-gotenks0, stages/budoukai1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_songohan's_theme.mp3
;gotenks by goten88, editado por _vision, (rsff)
; super-gotenks, ;super-gotenks editado por ficktion, (rsff)
; s_gotenks-ssj4, ;gotenks ssj4 by super gotenks, (csff)
; minoshya, ;minoshya by immortal janemba, (rsff)
; chibiubuu, ;chibi ubuu by emuboarding and princevegeta, (rsff)
; chibiubuu0, ;chibi ubuu by danil, (rsff)
; kid-vegeta, ;kid vegeta by deus_sayajin, (rsff)

;goku edits
kakaroto, stages/jungle-dbz2-t_up.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_suite1_super_butoden_mode.mp3 ;kakaroto by kakaroto, (rsff)
; gokun, ;goku normal by legolas, prince of mirkwood
agoku, stages/jungle-dbz2-t_up.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_suite1_super_butoden_mode.mp3 ;another goku by hyperionx & iron mask
darksayajin, stages/jungle-dbz2-t_up.def,
music=sound/dbz_sb2_kamehameha_mega_mix.mp3 ;dark sayajin by kurihan, (rsff)
; final_goku, ;goku gt by gokussj, (ii), (csff)
; gokugt0, ;goku gt by sly, (rsff)
gokugt1, stages/jungle-dbz2-t_up.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_suite1_super_butoden_mode.mp3 ;goku gt by kurihan, (i&ei)
vegetto sb2, stages/jungle-dbz2-t_up.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_suite1_super_butoden_mode.mp3 ;vegetto sb2 by vegetto ssj6, (rsff)

;piccolo edits
; boo copycat, ;bou copycat 3 by copycat, (rsff)
; super17, ;super 17 by mayunia
superbuu, stages/sb2earth-night.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_piccolo's_theme.mp3
;superbuu by chaos, (rsff)
daimao, stages/gicliff.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_piccolo's_theme.mp3 ;
daimao by bardock, (csff)
; kami, ;kami from piccolo sb2 by gohanssm2, (rsff)
; nail, ;nail by gocyn / the necromancer, (rsff)
; supernail, ;super nail by majin gibran, (rsff)
; paikuhan, ;paikuhan by kurihan and cypher, (rsff)
piccolo0, stages/polunga-stage.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_piccolo's_theme.mp3
;piccolo by flowagirl
; piccolo3, ;piccolo by flowagirl, (wc)
; tenshinham, ;unsigned tenshinham, (rsff)
tien0, stages/ceu.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_piccolo's_theme.mp3 ;tien by
goten88, (rsff)
; yacoon, ;yacoon by every ok, (rsff)

;satan edits
satan0, stages/torneo_dbz.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_opening.mp3 ;mr. satan
gt by ssj4 gogeta, (ei), (rsff)

;trunks edits
; c13, ;c-13 by r13, (rsff)
and171, stages/sb2watercliff-sunset.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_trunks's_theme.mp3 ;android 17 by hyperionx, (rsff)
; super android 17, ;super andriod 17 by hyperionx, (rsff)
; cloud, ;cloud by [chrono]cloud strife ff7h, (ii), (rsff)
; davis1, ;davis by elecbyte / rai tei a.k.a billy, (i&ei), (wo2d), (ws2d)
; strife, ;cloud strife by chrono_strife, (ei), (wo2d), (ws2d)
; dude, ;the dude by son goten the super saiyan, (rsff)
teen_gohan, stages/sb2watercliff-sunset.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_trunks's_theme.mp3 ;gohan by genocide & burori, (rsff)
; gotengt, ;goten gt by goten88, (ei), (csff)
gotengt0, stages/sb2watercliff-sunset.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_trunks's_theme.mp3 ;goten gt by pextin, (wc), (ws2d)
; gotengt nex, ;goten gt nex by goten88, (ei), (csff)
extreme goten gt, stages/oceanfloor_up.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_trunks's_theme.mp3 ;extreme goten gt by majin vegeta ssj4, (ei), (csff)
; baby-goten, ;baby goten by ssj3gohan, (csff)
; jesse, ;jesse cruz by jesse cruz, (rsff)
; locke, ;locke cole by delita and csff7h, (rsff)
; squall, ;squall by emuboarding-mugenow, (rsff)
; dark-trunks, ;dark trunks by ne�, (Rsff)
; e-trunks, ;evil trunks by mtrunks, (rsff)
n-trunks, stages/sb2watercliff-sunset.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_trunks's_theme.mp3 ;n-trunks by emuboarding, (rsff)
; ttrunks, ;trunks by namek scott, (rsff)
trunks1, stages/sb2watercliff-sunset.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_trunks's_theme.mp3 ;adult trunks by zgteam, (csff)
trunkz0, stages/sb2watercliff-sunset.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_trunks's_theme.mp3 ;trunkz by chrono_strife and lonewolf, (wo2d), (ws2d)
trunks4, stages/sb2watercliff-daytime.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_trunks's_theme.mp3 ;trunks normal by chrono_strife and lonewolf
; trunksarm, ;trunks by csff7h and zero-x, (rsff)
; trunkse, ;future trunks por ssonic, (rsff)
ns-trunks, stages/sb2watercliff-daytime.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_trunks's_theme.mp3 ;normal sword trunks by dm2, (rsff)
; ultra ssj trunks, ;ultra ssj trunks by cloud strife ff7h and mewsadopt,
; ftrunks, ;trunks por ssonic, (rsff)
; ftrunks1, ;future trunks by ssonic & dude, (rsff)
ftrunks2, stages/sb2watercliff-sunset.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_trunks's_theme.mp3 ;future trunks2 by ssonic & dude, (i&ei)
ftrunks-b, stages/sb2watercliff-daytime.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-
_trunks's_theme.mp3 ;future trunks by ssonic & dude, (i&ei), (wc), (ws2d),
trunks7, stages/planetadeyaccon.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_trunks's_theme.mp3
;trunks ex by wasaby, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; future trunks ssj3, ;future trunks ssj3 by ssonic, (rsff)
; future trunks ssj4, ;trunks ssj4 by lip ultra ssj & extreme creator,
; trunksssj4-hd, ;trunks ssj4 by deus-sayajin, (i&ei), (rsff)
; trunksdsj-hd, ;trunks dsj by deus-sayajin, (rsff)
; trunksgt, ;trunks gt by princevegeta, (rsff)
; trunksgt0, ;trunks gt by danil, (rsff)
; baby-trunks, ;baby trunks by ssj3gohan, (rsff)
; ubuu, ;ubuu by le@ndro, (csff)
; ubuugt, ;ubuu by le@ndro, (csff)
; ultimate-ubu, ;ultimate ubu by souza

;vegeta edits
; bardock, ;bardock by crunk_firefox e alunfla / bardock by alunfla and
updated by react0rz, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)
; fusion, ;fusion ultime by g the boss w / ussjgreg, (rsff) (unrequestable
gohan_black, stages/rocks.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3 ;gohan
by gokussj e mune, (rsff)
; gohansaiyajinex, ;gohan saiya-jin ex byocariocanildo, (rsff)
; gohan_saiya-jin, ;gohan saiya-jin by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
; gohan_saiya_jin_ssj, ;gohan saiya-jin ssj by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
; jeice0, ;jeice by cyanide, (rsff)
; puipui, ;puipui by bardock, (rsff)
; tapion, ;tapion by ianb2_01.mp3 ;tenshin-ham by pocket_danyell and
mr_wheres, (rsff)
trks, stages/rocks.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3 ;trunks by
mansonik (unrequestable status)
; trunks, ;trunks normal by zanzoru-corporacaoz, (rsff)
; trunksx, ;trunks x by zero bass, (rsff)
; ultra, ;ultra trunks by the next level (unrequestable status)
; vegerunks, ;vegerunks-ssj by deus sayajin, (ei), (rsff)
ex-vegeta, stages/rocks.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3 ;ex -
vegeta by super vegetto, (rsff)
; vegeta7, ;vegeta by szymon, (csff)
; vegeta_dgz, ;namek vegeta by mugenfan2005 d-generacionz - team, (wc),
vegeta normal 2, stages/rocks.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3
;vegeta by emuboarding-mugenow, (rsff)
vegetarp, stages/rocks.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3 ;
vegeta by aphex & redneck
vegeta extreme, stages/rocks.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3
;vegeta extreme by lip ultra ssj, (rsff)
vegeta z, stages/rocks.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3 ;
vegeta z by vegetto ssj6, (rsff)
; vegeta0, ;vegeta by spawnicar
vegetabig, stages/rocks.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3 ;
vegeta by emuboarding
vegita0, stages/rocks.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3 ;
vegeta by dizzy, (rsff)
vegita1, stages/rocks.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3 ;
vegeta by hyuga
usspv, stages/rocks.def, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_vegeta's_theme.mp3 ;another
vegeta by kiki, zan, (wc), (csff)
; evilvegeta0, ;evil vegeta beta 1 by the_bizkit39, (rsff)
; vegetassj3, ;vegeta ssj3 by diryomenssj, (rsff)
; ssj4vegetasvc, ;ssj4 vegeta by ninja_naruto, (wc), (ws2d)
; ape, ;oozura vegeta by nail, (rsff)
; shadowvegeta, ;shadow vegeta by mattasaur, (csff)
; vegetahsj, ;vegeta hsj by nerve, (rsff)
; baby, ;baby-vegeta by {ranma-kun}, (rsff)
; veydoc, ;veydoc by blackxknight, (rsff)

;zangya edits
;, music=sound/dbz_sb2_ast_-_zangya's_theme.mp3

;misc. dbz sb2 edits

; u-oob, ;ultimate oob by enhancer, char based on son gohan by eb, (rsff)
; ultimate-oubssj, ;ultimate oub ssj by r13, (rsff)

;(ss) =================================================================
;dragon ball z super butoden 3 / dragon ball z - ultime menace (super nes)

;android 18 (tenkaichi budoukai)

; 18, ;c18 by anotherlive, (rsff)
; 180, ;no. 18 by ssj4_vegeta19, fixed by gohan ssm2
; and-18, ;androide 18 by _vision, (rsff)
androide-18, stages/tenkaichi1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_4.mp3
;androide 18 by viena

;buu (babidi spaceship)

buu0, stages/templo-majin.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_2.mp3 ;majin
buu by gohanssm2, (rsff)
majinboo, stages/majin.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_2.mp3 ;majin
boo by bacteria, (rsff)
majinboo0, stages/majin.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_2.mp3 ;majin
boo by orestes, (rsff)

;dabura (clouds - storm)

; dabula, ;dabula by mindspeaker_2@hotmail.com, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
dabura, stages/sb3lcloud.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_tenkaichi_budoukai.mp3 ;
dabura by gohanssm2, (rsff)
;gohan (earth - night)
adultgohan, stages/terra3.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_3.mp3 ;adult
gohan by komodo, (rsff)
; gohan6, ;gohan by kakaroto, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; gohan10, ;ssj gohan by kamekaze, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; gohan11, ;ssj gohan by kamekaze, (wo2d)
; gohanssj, ;songohan by sodonhid, (rsff)
; gohanssj0, ;son gohan by diegomo@uai.com.br, (rsff)
; gohanssj2, ;gohan ssj by dmz, (rsff)
; miraigohan, ;mirai gohanssj2 by gokussj3, (rsff)
; songohan0, ;son gohan by gohan, (ii), (csff)
; songohan1, ;son gohan by demitri, (ii), (csff)
supergohan, stages/terra3.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_3.mp3 ;
supergohan by supergohan, (rsff)
ultimate-gohan, stages/terra3.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_3.mp3
;ultimate-gohan by master sabrewolf, (rsff)

;goku (earth - day)

goku0, stages/fields.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_3.mp3 ;goku
ssj by sodonhid, (ii), (rsff)
goku3, stages/fields.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_3.mp3 ;goku
by komodo, (rsff)
; goku4, ;songoku by destino_pt, fixed by gohan ssm2, (csff)
; goku_ssj, ;son goku by sonic_spin, (rsff)
; gokussj, ;goku super sayajin by roken, (rsff)
gokussj0, stages/fields.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_3.mp3 ;goku
ssj by gokussj, (ii), (rsff)
; songoku, ;son-goku ssj by mantov�o, (i&ei), (rsff)
; ultimategoku, ;ultimate goku by demitri, (rsff)

;goten (tenkaichi budoukai)

; goten, ;goten by alunfla, (rsff)
; goten-ssj2, ;goten-ssj2 by neto-ssj4, (rsff)
goten-z-3, stages/budou-dbz3-dia.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-
_exhibition_battle_4.mp3 ;goten-z-3 by metal-mind, (rsff)

;kaioshin (clouds)
; kaioshin, stages/clouds2.def ;kaio shin por alunfla, (rsff)
kaioshin0, stages/clouds.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_budoukai_final_round.mp3 ;
kaioshin by shin hayato, (rsff)
shin, stages/sb3dcloud.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_1.mp3 ;
kaioshin by evil-guizmo, (csff)
; shin0, stages/nuvens.def ;kaiou shin by kuzu-bei, (rsff)
shings, stages/sb3scloud.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_1.mp3 ;shin
by gatosoft s.a., (ei)

;chibi trunks (tenkaichi budoukai)

chibi trunks, stages/budou-dbz3-dia.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-
_exhibition_battle_4.mp3 ;chibi trunks by murilo
; ctrunks, ;chibi trunks by ssj4_vegeta19, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
c-trunks, stages/budou-dbz3-dia.def, music=sound/sb3-futuretrunks.mp3 ;chibi
trunks by emuboarding, (rsff)
; ytrunks, ;young trunks by gohanssm2, (rsff)

;vegeta (earth - sunset)

majinvedita, stages/terra-t.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_3.mp3
;majin vedita by bacteria, (i&ei), (csff)
majinvegeta, stages/terra-t.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_3.mp3
;majin vegeta by komodo, (rsff)
; supervegeta, ;super vegeta by dexter, (rsff)
vegeta, stages/terra-t.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_-_exhibition_battle_3.mp3 ;
vegeta by mystique, (rsff)
; vegeta5, ;unsigned vegeta fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; vegeta11, ;unsigned vegeta
; vegeta_ssj, ;vegeta ssj (buu saga) by kuririn, (rsff)

;dragon ball z super butoden 3 / dragon ball z - ultime menace remix

;android 18 edits (tenkaishi budoukai remix)

; and17, ;android 17 by trunksssj4, (rsff)
; and-17, ;androide 17 by joe, (rsff)
androidno180, stages/tenkashi3d.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_young_trunks'_theme_variation_~_super_warrior_from_the_future.mp3 ;android no.
18 by orestes
; c182, ;androide 18 by _super vegetto
; bra, ;bra by mira, (rsff)
; bra0, ;bra by black anime, (csff)
; bra1, ;bra by mattia suardi, (rsff)
; bra3, ;bra by milliardo peacecraft, (ei), (csff)
; nude-bra, ;nude bra by majin gibran, (rsff)
; brassj, ;bra super saiyan by son gohan ssj4, (rsff)
; bra ussj, ;bra ussj by frs games, (ei), (rsff)
; bra_ussj, ;ussj bra by frs games, (wc), (ws2d)
; bra ssj3, stages/sfxvigoku.def ;bra super saiyan 3 by r13, (rsff)
; bulma2, ;bulma by cloud strife ff7h & ff7 heaven, (rsff)
; chichi, ;chichi by heroijapa and w1ll_smith, (rsff)
; lunch, ;lunch by cartoon king, (rsff)
; kushami, ;launch2 by cartoon king, (rsff)
; lunchex, ;lunch by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
; panchan, ;pan by ssonic, (rsff)
; panchan0, ;panssj by netoliga, (rsff)
; pan hd, ;pan hd by scorpion x, (rsff)
; tifa, ;tifa by cloud strife ff7h and vision, (rsff)
; tifa0, ;tifa lockheart by cloud strife ff7h, (rsff)
videl, stages/videlbg2.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_young_trunks'_theme_variation_~_super_warrior_from_the_future.mp3 ;videl by
mrp�, (rsff)
; videl2, ;videl aux cheveux long by r13, (rsff)

;buu edits
; and19, ;android 19 by snowfire (http://go.to/piccolo82), (rsff)
; babidi, ;babidirk by kakaroto, (rsff)
; obaba, ;uranai baba by super gotenks, (rsff)
; popo, ;sr.popo by deus sayajin, (rsff)

;dabura edits (badibi spaceship remix)

dabura0, stages/babidisspaceship.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_ending_theme_iii_~_grandchild_goku_variation.mp3 ;dabura by d-generacionz -
team, (wc), (ws2d), (i&ei)

;gohan edits (earth - night remix)

; bryandbz, ;bryandbz by mr.pancadaria, (rsff)
; gek, ;gek by rick, (rsff)
; gohann, ;mirai gohanssj2 by trunks, (rsff)
; gohan normal, ;gohan normal by lip ultra ssj, (rsff)
; gohan z, ;gohan z by lip ultra ssj, (ei), (csff)
; gohan2, ;son gohan by xxxdexterxxx, (ii), (rsff)
gohan5, stages/dbdesertrain.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_opening_theme_iii_~_tenkaichi_budoukai_meeting_of_upheaval.mp3 ;gohan by [roken]
and [insydious], (rsff)
gohan9, stages/dbdesertrain.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_opening_theme_iii_~_tenkaichi_budoukai_meeting_of_upheaval.mp3 ;gohan by tenshin-
ssj2gohan, stages/dbdesertrain.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_majin_buu_variation_~_the_evil_magician_appears.mp3 ;gohan ssj2 by zgte, (rsff)
; gohan3, ;mystic gohan by son gohan, (rsff)
mistic-gohan, stages/dbdesertrain.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_overture_~_you_can_do_it_!!_tenkaichi_budoukai.mp3 ;mistic gohan by bardock,
; mystic-gohan, ;mystic gohan by hyperionx, (rsff)
mystic-gohan0, stages/deadnight.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_overture_~_you_can_do_it_!!_tenkaichi_budoukai.mp3 ;another gohanb by tenshin-
; gohan school, ;gohan normal by majin kuririn, (rsff)
; gohan school0, ;gohan school by yradjobe, (rsff)
; gohan-zeta, ;gohan zeta by {ranma-kun}, (i&ei), (csff)
; gohan-zeta2, ;gohan zeta by {ranma-kun}, (i&ei), (csff)
; future_gohan, ;future gohan by super gotenks, (rsff)
; gohan ssj3, ;gohan ssj3 by deus sayajin, (ei), (rsff)
; gohan-ex-gt, ;gohan by ssj3gohan, (ei), (rsff)
; beby-gohan, ;beby gohan by deus sayajin, (ei), (rsff)
; tlpsaiya-jin, ;the legend power saiya-jin by ocariocanildo, (csff)
; kibitoshin, ;kibitoshin by evil bread, (rsff)
; maul, ;darth maul by spinicci giacomo (king star), (rsff)
; tien, ;tien by princevegetal, (rsff)
; viper9043, ;viper9043 by viper9043, (rsff)
; yancha0, ;yamcha by k-bum, (rsff)
; yamcha, ;yamcha by yuski, (rsff)
; yamcha0, ;yamcha by db frank, (rsff)
; yamchasb3, ;yamcha by chrono_strife
; yamcha2bsb3, ;yamcha by chrono_strife, (wo2d)
; yamcha2sb3, ;yamcha by chrono_strife, (wo2d), (ws2d), (ei)
yamcha3sb3, stages/deadnight.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_the_new_z_warrior_~_the_true_battle_begins_!_~.mp3 ;yamcha by chrono_strife,
(ei), (wo2d), (ws2d)
; yamcha-ssj, ;yamco ssj by yuski the dog, (rsff)
; yamcha super ;yamcha super powerd by yuski the dog, (rsff)

;goku edits (earth - day remix)

bardock1, stages/darkearth.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_majin_buu_~_majin's_resurrection.mp3 ;bardock by bardock, (wo2d)
ultimate_bu, stages/darkearth.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;ultimate bu by sniper85
dragonknight, stages/cellbg.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;kakarotto by kakaroto,
modified by kakaroto & poseidon, (csff) (unrequestable status)
; gogeta0, ;gogeta by gerardo viglizzo, (rsff)
; ssjgogeta0, ;unsigned gogeta, (rsff)
ngoku, stages/cellbg.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;son-goku by sabre
son gokou, stages/cellbg.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;gokou by froggy, (rsff)
; gk, ;goku ssj by chava63, (rsff)
goku10, stages/cellbg.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;goku by hyuga
goku6, stages/cellbg.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;goku by the necromancer
son gokou0, stages/cellbg.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;gokou by ssj4goku, (rsff)
; kakaroto1, ;kakaroto by kakaroto, (rsff)
; mystic goku, ;mystic goku by vegetto ssj6, (ii), (rsff)
; newgoku, ;goku by trunten
ssj2-goku, stages/cellbg.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;goku ssj 2 by bardock,
(i&ei), (rsff)
; dgokussjita, ;dark goku super saiyan by nerve, (rsff)
; gokussjita, ;goku super saiyan by nerve, (rsff)
; gokussj-gt, ;ssj goku gt by yamcha z, (rsff)
; goku ssj3 gt, ;goku gt ssj3 by yamcha z, (rsff)
; gotenks gt, ;gotenks gt by lip ultra ssj, (rsff)

;goten edits (tenkaishi budoukai remix)

db, stages/dbz1.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;goku db by goten88 & dbzpd,
; dende, ;dende by bardock (old version), (rsff)
sdende, stages/tenkaichi2.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;dende by bardock, (rsff)
; goku db, ;goku by lip ultra ssj & junior ssj4, (rsff)
; goku jr, ;goku jr. by goku jr., (rsff)
; gokugtex, ;goku gt ex by lip ultra ssj, (rsff)
; gokugt, ;goku gt by _vision, (rsff)
; gokudbgt, ;chibi goku ssj by goku jr, (rsff)
; goten0, ;goten by alunfl@, (rsff)
; ng, ;goten hyperdimension by felipe, (rsff)
goten1, stages/budoukai-dbz3-t.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_grandchild_goten_~_trunks_~_boys'_section_final_match.mp3 ;goten by bardock,
; goten2, ;trans base by cyanide, (rsff)
son-goten, stages/budokai-sunset.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_grandchild_goten_~_trunks_~_boys'_section_final_match.mp3 ;son-goten by
sayajin_z, (rsff)
goten3, stages/bodokaio-t-dbz3-chuva.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_grandchild_goten_~_trunks_~_boys'_section_final_match.mp3 ;goten by pextin, toad
& maybe redneck, (wc), (ws2d)
; san goten ex, ;extreme sangoten by sayajin_z, (rsff)
; goten20, ;unsigned goten ssj - iiii, (rsff)
; gotenssj42, ;goten ssj4 by -= freak!=-, (rsff)
; ssj4goten, ;ssj4 goten by kao, (rsff)
kuririn db, stages/budokai.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_young_trunks'_theme_variation_~_super_warrior_from_the_future.mp3 ;krilin by
lip ussj & junior ssj4, (rsff)
chibipan, stages/budou-dbz3-dia-nar.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_young_trunks'_theme_variation_~_super_warrior_from_the_future.mp3 ;pan by
bardock, (rsff)
; trunten, ;trunten by emuboarding, (rsff)

;chibi trunks edits (tenkaichi budoukai remix)

; gokugt2, ;goku ssj3 by future_vegetto, (ei), (csff)
; son-trunks, ;son trunks by lucifer, (rsff)
; l-trunks, ;little trunks by xxxdexterxxx, (rsff)
; n-chibi trunks, ;normal chibi trunks by ian, (rsff)
; pequenotrunks, ;trunks by souza
; traka, ;little trunks by xxxdexterxxx, (rsff)
; trunks-sk8, ;trunks sk8 by vegeto ssj, (rsff)
trunkz, stages/dbztournament.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_grandchild_goten_~_trunks_~_boys'_section_final_match.mp3 ;trunks by toad,
redneck and maybe pextin, (wo2d), (rsff)
vegeta junior, stages/dbudokai.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_finale_~_evil_warrior_vegeta_power_up_version.mp3 ;kid vegeta by felipe, (rsff)

;vegeta edits (earth - sunset remix)

; vegerunksssj, ;vegerunks ssj by r13, (ei), (rsff)
bejita, stages/sb3earth-storm.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_finale_~_evil_warrior_vegeta_power_up_version.mp3 ;vegeta by enhancer and
thrawn, (rsff)
vegeta2, stages/sb3earth-storm.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_finale_~_evil_warrior_vegeta_power_up_version.mp3 ;vegeta dbz 3 by metal-mind,
vegeta-classic, stages/sb3earth-storm.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_finale_~_evil_warrior_vegeta_power_up_version.mp3 ;vegeta classic by kurihan,
vegeta-n-3, stages/sb3earth-storm.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_finale_~_evil_warrior_vegeta_power_up_version.mp3 ;vegeta normal 3 by
emuboarding, (rsff)
; mega vegeta, ;mega vegeta by mega vegeta
vegeta-type-r, stages/sb3earth-storm.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_finale_~_evil_warrior_vegeta_power_up_version.mp3 ;vegeta-san by roken, (wc),
ssj2-majin-vegeta, stages/sb3earth-storm.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_finale_~_evil_warrior_vegeta_power_up_version.mp3 ;magin-vegeta by bardock,
(i&ei), (rsff)
; finalvegeta, ;vegeta final sj by alcor, (rsff)
majin-vegeta, stages/sb3earth-storm.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_finale_~_evil_warrior_vegeta_power_up_version.mp3 ;majin-vegeta by bardock,
; evilvegeta, ;evil vegeta by diryomenssj, (rsff)
; v3, ;vegeta ssj3 by junior, (rsff)
; vssj3, ;vegeta ssj3 by emuboarding, (rsff)
; vssj30, ;vegeta ssj3 by emuboarding / ssj raz, (rsff)
; ss4vegeta, ;vegeta ss4 by kratos, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; vegeta13, ;vegeta ss4 by �rago�, (wo2d)
; vegeta-ssj4, ;vegeta ssj4 by eb and bs / emuboarding-mugenow, (rsff)
ssj4-vegeta, stages/sb3earth-storm.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_finale_~_evil_warrior_vegeta_power_up_version.mp3 ;ssj4 vegeta by redspider4k &
goten88, (csff)
; goldvegeta-ssj5, ;gold vegeta ssj5 by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
; vegetassj5, ;vegeta ssj 5 por songoku, (rsff)
; vegeta gt, ;vegeta gt by double b, (ei), (rsff)
vegeta-gt, stages/sb3earth-storm.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_finale_~_evil_warrior_vegeta_power_up_version.mp3 ;vegeta-gt by dmz, (ei),
; vegeta3, ;vegeta gt by le@ndro, (csff)
vegetagt, stages/sb3earth-storm.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_finale_~_evil_warrior_vegeta_power_up_version.mp3 ;vegeta gt by hyperionx &
zgteam, (rsff)
; vegetagt0, ;vegeta gt by hyperionx, (rsff)
vegeta4, stages/sb3earth-storm.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_finale_~_evil_warrior_vegeta_power_up_version.mp3 ;vegeta gt ssj by le@ndro,
; ultrassj5vegeta, ;ultra ssj5 vegeta by ultra ssj5 vegeta and emuboarding,
; vegeta ssj6, ;vegeta ssj6 by r13, (rsff)
; ssj6vegeta, ;ssj6vegeta by solid, (csff)
; vegetagtssj3, ;vegeta gt ssj3 by r13, (rsff)
; beby-vegeta, ;beby-vegeta by k-bum, (rsff)
; vegetabebi, ;bebivegeta by princevegeta, (rsff)

;misc. dbz sb3 edits

android20, stages/tenkashi3d.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;android 20 by redneck and
the masters of the sb4, (wo2d), (ws2d)
gogeta1, stages/tenkashi3d.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;gogeta by orestes, (rsff)
fusion0, stages/tenkashi3d.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;super gogeta by jedistardust
& sniper85
gohan2 tien, stages/tenkashi3d.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_opening_theme_iii_~_tenkaichi_budoukai_meeting_of_upheaval.mp3 ;gohan-kun by
tenshin-han, (i&ei)
gohaninterg, stages/tenkashi3d.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_opening_theme_iii_~_tenkaichi_budoukai_meeting_of_upheaval.mp3 ;gohan
intergalactique by gogeta93, (rsff)
goku-type-z, stages/tenkashi3d.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;goku-san by roken, (wc),
; grimmy, ;grimmy rehper by the disciple x, (rsff)
vegetto4, stages/tenkashi3d.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;vegito by wasaby, (wc),
vegettosb3, stages/tenkashi3d.def, music=sound/dbz_sb3_ast_-
_goku_and_vegeta_medley_~_destiny's_determination.mp3;vegetto by [c]csff7h

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z super gokuu den totsugeki hen / super saiya densetsu (super nes)

; burter, stages/namekw.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-bad.mp3 ;burterrk by ssj
rhian/soopafly, (rsff)

; chosu, stages/kaio.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-budoukai.mp3 ;chosu by nail,

; dodoria, stages/namekw.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-namekbattle.mp3 ;dodoriark
by ssj rhian/soopafly, (rsff)

;freeza (normal)
; n-freeza, stages/namekd.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-frieza.mp3 ;normal
freeza by sly, (rsff)

;freeza (3rd form)

; freeza f3, stages/namekd.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-frieza.mp3 ;freeza by
deus sayajin, (csff)
; guldo, stages/namekw.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-ginyu.mp3 ;unsigned guldork,
; guldo0, ;guldo by redneck, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; gurudo, stages/namekw.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-battlemusic1.mp3 ;gurudo by
bobobo, (rsff)

;king kaio
; kingki, stages/kaio.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-goku.mp3;kingki by nail, (rsff)

; kui, stages/earthsg2.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-minorchars.mp3 ;unsigned
kuirk, (csff)

; saibaman, stages/earthsg2.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-saiyans.mp3 ;unsigned
saibaman, (rsff)

; zarbon2, stages/namekw.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-ginyu.mp3 ;zarbon2 by
soopafly /ssj rhian, (rsff)

;dragon ball z super gokuu den totsugeki hen / super saiya densetsu remix

; gill, stages/capsule2.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-perspective.mp3 ;gill by

deus sayajin, (rsff)
; greguri, stages/capsule2.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-perspective.mp3 ;
greguri by super goku, (rsff)
; puipui0, stages/capsulevsvegeta.def, music=sound/dbz_gd2-perspective.mp3
;puipui by r13, (csff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z: supersonic warriors / dragon ball z: bukuu tougeki (gamboy

;kid gohan
; kid_gohan_dos, stages/nameku.def, music=sound/dbzssw_-
_saiyan_pride_~goku_and_gohan~.mp3 ;kidgohan by vlad, (wc)

; gohan8, stages/dbzsea.def, music=sound/dbzssw_-
_saiyan_pride_~goku_and_gohan~.mp3 ;adult gohan by vlad

; goku8, stages/prairie.def, music=sound/dbzssw_-
_saiyan_pride_~goku_and_gohan~.mp3 ;goku by vlad

; trunks6, stages/time_chamber.def, music=sound/dbzssw_-
_loyal_allies_~krillin_and_trunks~.mp3 ;trunks by vlad

;, music=sound/dbzssw_-_couragerous.mp3
;, music=sound/dbzssw_-_decisive_battle_~majin_buu~.mp3
;, music=sound/dbzssw_-_desperate.mp3
;, music=sound/dbzssw_-_feeling_of_familiarity.mp3
;, music=sound/dbzssw_-_heroic.mp3
;, music=sound/dbzssw_-_no_longer_human_~dr_gero_and_#18~.mp3
;, music=sound/dbzssw_-_peaceful.mp3
;, music=sound/dbzssw_-_powerful_rivals_~piccolo_and_vegeta~.mp3
;, music=sound/dbzssw_-_striving_for_perfection_~frieza_and_cell~.mp3
;, music=sound/dbzssw_-_versus!.mp3
;, music=sound/dbzssw_-_whimsical_feeling_~ginyu_fat_buu_gotenks~.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z taiketsu (gameboy advance) ============================
;(e): ================================================================
;- brolend ;by rudolf27 =============================================
;- buuend ;by rudolf27 =============================================
;- picoend ;by rudolf27 =============================================

;stages/destroyedcity.def ;destroyed city

;stages/dr.jackal_dbzcity.def ;city
;stages/satancity.def ;city

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball z ultimate battle 27 / dragon ball z: shin butouden (playstation &
;(sp): ub22screenpack ;by tetsuroh =================================
;(i): ub27i ;by gohanssm2 ============================================

;android 16 (desert)
a-16, stages/desert20.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_frieza_-_cell_-_android_16.mp3
;a-16 by angel enrique aceves menendes, (rsff)

;android 18 (destroyed city [raging flames])

18ub22, stages/trunks.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_android_18.mp3 ;android 18 by
gohanssm2, (wc), (ws2d)
; 18ub22normal, ;android 18 by gohanssm2, (wc), (ws2d)
c18, stages/trunks.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_android_18.mp3 ;android 18 by ssj
trunks, (rsff)

;mr. boo (coast)

fatbuu, stages/coast3.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_majin_buu_-_dabura.mp3 ;buu
by gohanssm2, (wc)
; fatbuunormal, stages/earth2.def, music=sound/ub22-03.mp3 ;buu by gohanssm2,
; fatbuuub22, ;majin buu by supermystery, (wo2d)
; fatbuux, ;fat buu by gohanssm2, (wc)
; fatbuuxnormal, ;fat buu by gohanssm2, (wc)

;super boo (room of space & time)

; buu, ;super boo by ssjtrunks, (rsff)
buu2, stages/spaceub22.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_super_buu.mp3 ;super buu by
stig87, (wc), (ws2d)
; superbooub22, ;super buu by supermystery and windom, (wo2d)
; superbuuub22, ;super buu by supermystery (2nd ver.), (wc)

;cell (cell arena)

; cellub22, ;cell by supermystery (old version), (wo2d)
cellub220, stages/cell1.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_frieza_-_cell_-_android_16.mp3
;cell by supermystery (new version), (wo2d)
; perfect cell, ;cell ub22 by mugenie, (rsff)
;dabula (hell)
dabura22, stages/daburabg.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_majin_buu_-_dabura.mp3 ;
dabura by gohanssm2, (wc)
; dabura22normal, ;dabura by gohanssm2, (wc)
; dabura22x, ;dabura by gohanssm2, (wc)
; dabura22xnormal, ;dabura by gohanssm2, (wc)

;freeza (namek)
; freeza, ;freeza by shin hayato, (rsff)
freeza5, stages/namek11.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_frieza_-_cell_-_android_16.mp3
;ultimate freeza by jardel, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; friezaub22, ;frieza by super mystery and windom, (wo2d)

;gogeta (4 branches temple)

; gogeta2, ;gogeta ssj by jardel, (rsff), (ldv)
; gogeta3, ;gogeta by supermystery, (wc)
gogeta4, stages/gogeta1.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_gogeta.mp3 ;gogeta ssj by
jardel, (wc), (ws2d)
; gogeta5, ;gogeta by supermystery (patched twice), (wo2d)
; ssjgogeta, ;gogeta ssj by fudencio, (rsff)

;gohan (cell arena)

gohan4, stages/cell1.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_gohan.mp3 ;gohan by jrsupersaiyan
+ (i) by r13
; gohanssj2 ub22, ;ssj2 gohan by metalmario182, (wo2d)
; gohanub22, ;gohan by super mystery and windoms, (wo2d)
; gohanub220, ;gohan by supermystery (ver. 2)

;great saiyaman (tenkaichi budokai)

; great, ;great sayaman by lucifer, (rsff)
saiyaman, stages/tenka4.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_gotenks_-_great_saiyaman.mp3
;saiyaman by overmind and lucifer, (rsff)

;chibi goku (tenkaichi budokai)

; chibigoku, ;chibi goku by ssjtrunks, (rsff)
ygoku, stages/tenka30.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_goku_(kid).mp3 ;young goku by
gohanssm2, (wc), (ws2d)
; ygokunormal, ;young goku by gohanssm2, (wc), (ws2d)

;goku (tenkaichi budokai)

; gokuub220, ;super goku by super mystery and windom, (wo2d), (n2bu: [prob.
with the new patch])
gokuub221, stages/tenka10.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_goku_(ssj).mp3 ;super goku
by supermystery (2nd ver.), (wc)
; gokuv3dot5, ;ultimate ss goku by sammyb, (wc), (ws)
neokakaroto, stages/tenka10.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_goku_(ssj).mp3 ;neokakaroto
by kakaroto & gamegod, (ii), (rsff)
sgokou, stages/tenka10.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_goku_(ssj).mp3 ;ssj2 gokou
by blackshinobi, (rsff)
supergokou, stages/tenka10.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_goku_(ssj).mp3 ;
supersaiyan2 songokou by tetsuroh, (rsff)
; ub22gokuv2, ;super goku by sammyb, (wc), (ws2d)

;ssj3 goku (coast)

; gokussj3, ;ssj3 goku by son goku jr., (rsff) + (i) by r13kame
; gssj3, ;ssj3 goku by overmind and lucifer, (rsff)
; super sayan 3, ;super sayan 3 by collosus, (rsff)
ss3goku, stages/coast2.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_goku_(ssj3).mp3 ;goku by
warusaki3, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu)
; ssj3, ;gokussj3 by narigao&dg and ozaru goten, (wc), (ws2d)

;goten (desert)
gotenub22, stages/desert7.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_tien_-_krillin_-_goten_-
_trunks_(kid)_-_supreme_kai.mp3 ;goten by supermystery, (wc)

;gotenks (room of space & time)

; gotenks2, ;gotenks ssj by fudencio, (rsff)
gotenksub22, stages/spaceub22.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_gotenks_-
_great_saiyaman.mp3 ;super saiyan gotenks by supermystery, (wo2d)

;(es) ginyu, random, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_zarbon_-_ginyu_-_recoome.mp3

;(es) kaioshin, random, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_tien_-_krillin_-_goten_-

;kame-senin (tenkaichi budokai)

; kame, ;kame by emuboarding, (rsff)
; kame0, ;kame by emuboarding (black kame), (rsff)
roshiub22, stages/tenka5.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_piccolo_-_master_roshi.mp3
;master roshi by supermystery, (wc)

;kurilin (tenkaichi budokai)

; krillin, ;krillin by vincej18, (rsff)
krillinub22, stages/tenka6.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_tien_-_krillin_-_goten_-
_trunks_(kid)_-_supreme_kai.mp3 ;krillin by supermystery, (wo2d)

;piccolo (kamisama temple)

; picco, ;picco by pioupiou, (rsff)
piccoloub22, stages/kamis.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_piccolo_-_master_roshi.mp3
;piccolo by supermystery, (wc)

;recoome (namek)
recoomeub22, stages/namekub22.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_zarbon_-_ginyu_-
_recoome.mp3 ;recoome by supermystery, (wo2d)

;satan (cell arena)

mrsatan, stages/cell1.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_hercule.mp3 ;mr.satan by ssj
trunks, (rsff)

;tenshinhan (tenkaichi budokai)

; tienshinhan, ;tien ub22 by gohanssm2, (wc)
tienshinhannormal, stages/tenka10.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_tien_-_krillin_-
_goten_-_trunks_(kid)_-_supreme_kai.mp3 ;tien by gohanssm2, (wc)

;chibi trunks (earth)

kidtrunksub22, stages/earth4.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_tien_-_krillin_-_goten_-
_trunks_(kid)_-_supreme_kai.mp3 ;little trunks by supermystery, (wo2d), (n2bu:
[prob with new patch])

;trunks (destroyed city [day & evening])

ccitrunks, stages/ut.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_trunks_(future).mp3 ;mirai
trunks by david demianoff, (wc)
; ftrunks0, ;future trunks by vincej18, (rsff)
trunksa, stages/bridge4.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_trunks_(future).mp3 ;teen
trunks by supermystery, (wo2d)

;vegeta (desert)
; majin-vegeta0, ;majin-vegeta by sabrewolf, (ii), (rsff)
vegeta8, stages/desert30.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_vegeta.mp3 ;vegeta by
tetsuroh, updated by blackshinobi, (rsff)
; vegetaub, ;vegeta by tetsuroh, (rsff)
; vegetaub22, ;vegeta by supermystery, (wo2d)
vegetaub220, stages/desert10.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_vegeta.mp3 ;majin
vegeta by supermystery (ver. 2), (wc)

;zarbon (namek)
zarbom, stages/namek10.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_zarbon_-_ginyu_-_recoome.mp3
;zarbom by emuboarding-mugenow, (rsff)

;stages/desert11.def ;desert
;stages/desert8.def ;desert
;stages/desert9.def ;desert
;stages/earth1.def ;earth
;stages/earth3.def ;earth
;stages/gogeta5.def ;gogeta - 4 branches temple
;stages/namek15.def ;namek
;stages/namek20.def ;namek
;stages/namek6.def ;namek

;dragon ball z ultimate battle 27 / dragon ball z: shin butouden remix

; gogetaub22, ;cheap gogeta type by supermystery

; ssjchibigoku, ;super saiyan chibi goku by ffx2k, (rsff)
; goku, ;son goku by db3k, ssjx4 goku (ssj roken) & kakaroto, (csff)
gokualpha, stages/lookout-ub.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_goku_(ssj).mp3 ;goku
transformer by nemesis 82, (csff)
; gokuub22, ;son goku by gamegod, (csff)
; omegagoku, ;last adult goku by omega007, (csff)
gotenks-ssj, stages/lookout-ub.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_gotenks_-
_great_saiyaman.mp3 ;gotenks by pextin, (wc), (ws2d)
; gotenks_ssj3_ub22, ;gotenks ssj3 by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
; super trunks, ;super trunks by angel enrique aceves menendez, (csff)
trunks0, stages/lookout-ub.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_trunks_(future).mp3 ;
trunks ssj by maylon, (csff)
; trunkssj3ub22, ;trunks by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
super-vegeta, stages/lookout-ub.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_vegeta.mp3 ;super-
vegeta ub22 by biohazard 82, (rsff)
; tvegeta, ;unsigned vegeta, (rsff)
; m-vegeta-ssj30, ;majin vegeta ssj3 ub22 by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
vegeth, stages/lookout-ub.def, music=sound/dbz_ub27_-_gogeta.mp3 ;unsigned vegeth
ssj2 ub22, (ii), (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon ball original stuff ==========================================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- attack ;by christian lund =======================================
;- dbaf mugen project ;by elecbyte and chrono_strife ===============
;- dbssj ;by supervegito ==========================================
;- dbwt ;by www.smile-info.de ====================================
;- dbxmilenio ;by goku dragon (lins) =============================
;- dbxtreme ;unsigned ================================================
;- dbz3 ;by dragonball-fury ======================================
;- dbz-eternity-2 ;by lcguille(contadorgm) ===========================
;- dbz_me_1 ;by emuboarding ==========================================
;- dbz_me_2 ;by 2k mugenow ===========================================
;- dbz_millenium ;unsigned ==========================================
;- dbzss ;by elecbyte and chrono_strife ===========================
;- dbzstyle_screenpack ;by jabi =====================================
;- dbz-winmugen ;by lcguille(contadorgm) ===========================
;- dragonballf ;unsigned ==========================================
;- dragon ball gt ;by ssj4 gogeta ====================================
;- dragon ball real bout ;by dark z =============================
;- dragon_ball_screenpack ;by mitch ==============================
;- dragon ball z ;by supernic3 ======================================
;- dragonballzandroidssaga ;by maximummugen =======================
;- dragonballz beta ;by mugenzone team ===========================
;- dragonballzcellsaga ;by maximummugen =============================
;- dragonballzfriezasaga ;by maximummugen =======================
;- dragonballzultrasaiyansaga ;by maximummugen =======================
;- final tournament ;by steven webber ============================
;- mugen ;by biohazard82 & nemesis82 ==============================
;- supervegito's add on ver.2 ;by supervegito ========================
;(lb): life-bar(shenlong) ;by bardock ============================
;(i): ================================================================
;- bardock ;by nadimix ==============================================
;- dbz ;by david demianoff ======================================
;- dbz-m ;_kronos_ ================================================
;- final_majin_vegeta_by_nadimix ;by nadimix ======================
;- freezer_by_nadimix ;by nadimix ==================================
;- future_gohanintro by nadimix ;by nadimix ======================
;- intro1 ;by lcguille =============================================
;- intro5 ;unsigned ================================================
;- intro_a18_by_nadimix ;by nadimix ==================================
;- intro-dbz_buusaga ;by bardock ==================================
;- intro_reecom_by_nadimix ;by nadimix--caballero z ===============
;- introvegeta_namek ;by nadimix ==================================
;- logo-dgz ;by lcguille =============================================
;- mechacoola_by_nadimix ;by nadimix --caballero z ==============
;- vegettointro ;by stich_907 ======================================
;(e): dbaend ;by bluebolt =======================================

; bebi0, ;bebi vegeta by physix

; broly0, ;broly by squall, claudio84, (wo2d), (ws)
broly557, stages/dbz_basin.def, music=sound/dbz_evil_inside.mp3 ;broly by elecbyte
; bulma_(bike), ;bulma_(bike) by ocariocanildo
esfvegeta, stages/nameksdestruction.def, music=sound/dbz_battle_theme_02.mp3 ;
vegeta by ninja_naruto,3d model by unknown, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; garlic, ;garlic junior by bicio, (csff)
goku5, stages/cellgame_up.def, music=sound/dbz_battle_1.mp3 ;goku by vixen x e
sodonhid, (wc) + (i) by nadimix
; goku7, ;goku by vixen x e sodonhid, modified by evil man
; gokujr, ;goku jr. by legendaryxm90, squall, (wc), (ws)
; gokux, ;goku x by vixen x e sodonhid, modified by jabi
; gotenaf, ;goten by claudio84, squall, (wo2d), (ws)
; gotenks fantasma, ;gotenks fantasma by vib (deus saiyajin?), (rsff)
; jess, ;jess by m@jin veget@, (rsff)
; superjess, ;superjess by m@jin veget@, (rsff)
; lilde, ;mega lilde by ssj4 gogeta, (csff)
; li-shenglong, ;li sheng long by deus sayajin, (ei), (rsff)
mgohanaf, stages/light_storm.def, music=sound/dbz_movie_11_-_battle_theme.mp3
;gohan by supermystery, squall, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; olong, ;olong by wise(codice)&asmodai(grafica), (rsff)
; oozaru, ;oozaru by princevegeta by princevegeta + sting, (rsff)
; oozaru0, ;gold oozaru by princevegeta by vegetto ssj4, (rsff)
; osaru, ;osaru by hyuga, (csff)
; pual, ;plume by deus sayajin, (rsff)
; r-scen, ;ryan scenron by ssj4 gogeta & ssj2 karax, (rsff)
taopaipai, stages/jaguardome.def, music=sound/dbz_movie_8_-_background_music_9.mp3
;taopaipai by bardock, (wo2d)
; tencha, ;tencha by dav ssj, squall, ssjsongoku, (wo2d), (ws)
; trunkz1, ;trunks by veg94 (son gohan ssj4), squall, (wo2d), (ws)
; bbvegettohd, ;bom-bom vegeto hd by majin gibran, (rsff)
; vegetto1, ;vegetto by vib (bom-bom vegeto), (rsff)


;, music=sound/dbz_-_solid_state_scouter.mp3
;, music=sound/majinbtl.mp3
;, music=sound/sn0b005.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;dragon ball - ost 1 =================================================

;, music=sound/db_chikyuu_marugoto_chou_kessen.mp3
;, music=sound/db_gekitotsu!!_100_oku_power_no_senshitachi.mp3
;, music=sound/db_kono_yo_de_ichiban_tsuyoi_yatsu.mp3
;, music=sound/db_kyokugen_battaru!!_san_bai_suupa_saiyajin.mp3
;, music=sound/db_super_saiyajin_son_gokou.mp3
;, music=sound/db_tobikiri_saikyou_tai_saikyou.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;dragon ball - ost 2 =================================================

;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_akai_ribbon.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_dai_niijuunikai_tenka-ichi_budokai.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_dai_nijuuikkai_tenka-ichi_budokai.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_doragonbaru_no_nazo.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_haran_no_tenka-ichi_budokai.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_hikaru_buuru_no_manako.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_in'en_no_taiketsu!_gokuu_to_piccolo.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_kamesennin_saigo_no_mafuba.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_karin-tou_no_karin-sama.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_kiken_ga_ippai.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_koroshi-ya_tao_paipai.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_makafushigi_adventure_(instrumental).mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_piccolo_daimao_no_kyoufu.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_shenlon_shutsugen.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_son_gokuu_no_gyakushuu.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_tabidachi.mp3
;, music=sound/db_ost2_-_yashin.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;dragon ball z gaiden ost ============================================

;, music=sound/dbz_gaiden_ost_-_a_one-eyed_old_doctor.mp3
;, music=sound/dbz_gaiden_ost_-_a_skirmish.mp3
;, music=sound/dbz_gaiden_ost_-_four_emperores.mp3
;, music=sound/dbz_gaiden_ost_-_grand_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/dbz_gaiden_ost_-_main_theme_of_''gaiden''.mp3
;, music=sound/dbz_gaiden_ost_-_pacify_a_storm.mp3
;, music=sound/dbz_gaiden_ost_-_planet_darkness.mp3
;, music=sound/dbz_gaiden_ost_-_polluted_town.mp3
;, music=sound/dbz_gaiden_ost_-_the_earth_field.mp3

;dragon buster series (dragon buster & dragon buster 2; arcade, msx & nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;dragon buster (arcade, msx & nes) ===================================

; clovis, stages/dragonb.def ;clovis by foxtlot, (rsff)

;dragon quest series (dragon quest, dragon quest 2, dragon quest 3, dragon quest
4, dragon quest 5, dragon quest 6, dragon quest 7, dragon quest 8, dragon quest 9
& dragon quest m caravan heart)

; dora3yusya, stages/dq3_2.def, music=sound/dq_-_3sentou.mp3 ;dragon quest3

yusya by kero, (rsff)
; iishujinkou, ;dqii shujinkou by tomoki, (rsff)
; ishujinkou, ;dqi shujinkou by tomoki, (csff)
; papas, random, music=sound/dq_-_5sentou.mp3 ;papas by tomoki, (rsff)
; ryuou, stages/desupisaro.def, music=sound/dq_-_desupisaro.mp3 ;ryuou by
tomoki, (rsff)
; vshujinkou, ;dqv shujinkou by elecbyte, (rsff)
; vshujinkouy, ;dqv shujinkou by elecbyte, (rsff)

;dragon - the bruce lee story (genesis & super nes) ------------------

lee1, stages/blgrave.def, music=sound/dbtls_-_fight_10.mp3 ;bruce lee by

samusaran78, (rsff)
; post, stages/post.def, music=sound/dbtls_-_bonus_stage.mp3 ;training post by
aj, (rsff)

;stages/dragonset.def ;enter the dragon set

;stages/out.def ;alley outside kitchen

;, music=sound/dbtls_-_fight_1.mp3
;, music=sound/dbtls_-_fight_2.mp3
;, music=sound/dbtls_-_fight_3.mp3
;, music=sound/dbtls_-_fight_4.mp3
;, music=sound/dbtls_-_fight_5_&_6.mp3
;, music=sound/dbtls_-_fight_7.mp3
;, music=sound/dbtls_-_fight_8.mp3
;, music=sound/dbtls_-_fight_9.mp3

;dragon slayer 4 -----------------------------------------------------


;dragoon might (arcade) ----------------------------------------------

;(es) dogma

;(es) drake

;(es) jaoh

;(es) kodama

layla, random, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_remixes_-_strangelove_-_blind_mix.mp3
;layla by sakuraka, (ei), (wc)

;(es) reggie

;(es) ryan

;(es) sarumaru

;(es) suiko

;(es) tekkamen

;tsurugi / tsugumi
tsugumi, random, music=sound/3am_rush_-
_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-_02.mp3 ;tsugumi by sakuraka, (ei),

;(es) yamato

;(es) zack

;dr slump (original) -------------------------------------------------


;duck hunt (nes) -----------------------------------------------------

; duckhunt, ;duck hunt by phantom.of.the.server, (wo2d)


;duel saviour --------------------------------------------------------
;(i): destiny ;unsigned ------------------------------------------

;stages/arena3.def ;arena
;stages/arena20.def ;arena (afternoon)
;stages/bridge6.def ;bridge
;stages/cemetery1.def ;cemetery
;stages/classroom.def ;classroom
;stages/curio(chocolat_savior).def ;restaurant
;stages/entrance.def ;entrance
;stages/last_stage.def ;last stage
;stages/library1.def ;library
;stages/library2.def ;library
;stages/open_space.def ;open space
;stages/open_space2.def ;open space (afternoon)
;stages/open_space3.def ;open space (night)
;stages/passage.def ;passage
;stages/royal_family.def ;royal family
;stages/ruins4.def ;ruins
;stages/secret_weapon.def ;secret weapon
;stages/shrine4.def ;shrine
;stages:south_sako_island(beach).def ;south sako island beach
;stages/street9.def ;street (empty)
;stages/street_ver2.def ;street (ver. 2)
;stages/underground_shrine.def ;underground shrine
;stages/village4.def ;village
;stages/way.def ;way (afternoon)
;stages/way2.def ;way (night)

;duke nukem 3d (pc) --------------------------------------------------
; duke, stages/la_meltdown0.def ;duke(v1.4) by juan carlos, (rsff)
; duke1, ;duke nukem by juan carlos, edited by thecraftytitan, (rsff)

;dune series (dune & dune 2; pc) -------------------------------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;dune 2 (pc) =========================================================
;(sp): dune2_screenpack ;by general chicken ==========================
;(lb): dune2_lifebar_320x240 ;by general chicken ====================
;(i): dune2_intro ;by general chicken ================================


;dungeons & dragons (arcade) series (dungeons & dragons & dungeons & dragons:
shadow over mystara ;arcade)

;(es) beholder

;black dragon
;(es) black dragon

;(es) chimera

;dark warrior 1
;(es) dark warrior 1

;dark warrior 2
00darkw, stages/altar.def, music=sound/ht.mp3 ;dark warrior2 by tin, (rsff)

;d. beast
;(es) d. beast

;(es) dimsdale

draven, stages/ht_up.def, music=sound/ht.mp3 ;d'raven by ihoo1836, (ei), (wc)

;(es) ezerhorden

;flame salamander
;(es) flame salamander

;frost salamander
;(es) frost salamander

;gnoll warrior
; gnollw, ;gnoll warrior by cenobite 53, (ldv)
gnollw0, stages/ds0.def, music=sound/rdl.mp3 ;gnoll warrior by cenobite 53,

;(es) grassus

;green dragon
;(es) green dragon

;(es) greldon

;(es) harpy

;(es) hendel

; jarred, stages/stairs.def, music=sound/cueva.mp3 ;unsigned jarred,
(rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

;(es) kayla

;(es) lich

;(es) lucia

;man scorpion
;(es) man scorpion

;(es) miles

;(es) moriah

;(es) nagpa

;ogre master boss

; ogro, stages/rdl.def, music=sound/rdl.mp3 ;ogro by easychar + (e) by rudolf27

;(es) shannon

;(es) synn

syous, stages/dd2_nagpa.def, music=sound/rdl.mp3 ;syous by jc, (csff) + (e) by

;(es) telarin
;war machine
;(es) war machine

;stages/aengmoreskies.def ;skies over aengmore

;stages/arena revisited.def, music=sound/ddarena.mp3 ;arena revisited
;stages/broken lands.def ;brocken lands
;stages/cathedral.def ;cathedral (empty)
;stages/cathedral0.def ;cathedral (with ball)
;stages/caverns.def ;caverns
;stages/draglair.def ;dragon's lair
;stages/darkw1-2.def, music=sound/wagon.mp3 ;dark warrior / iron char
;stages/ddarena0.def, music=sound/ddarena.mp3 ;arena
;stages/ddarena2.def, music=sound/ddarena.mp3 ;arena revisited
;stages/dd-battleroyal-1.def ;infinite stairs (animated)
;stages/ddsomboss1.def ;ddsom boss 1
;stages/ddsomtreasures.def ;cavern / treasures stage
;stages/dragao.def ;red dragon's lair (facing the dragon)
;stages/dragons.def, music=sound/dragons.mp3 ;there must be dragons
;stages/fungus.def ;fungus forest
;stages/innerheart.def, music=sound/innerheart.mp3 ;cathedral
;stages/reddragonlair.def, music=sound/reddragonlair.mp3 ;red dragon's lair (no
;stages/skyship.def ;sky ship
;stages/synn1.def ;cathedral
;stages/tavern.def ;tavern
;stages/the mountains.def ;the mountains

;dungeons and dragons series remix


;earthbound ----------------------------------------------------------

; jeff, stages/onett0.def ;jeff by drowin

; ness, stages/twoson.def, ;ness by drowin
; zness, ;zinn ness by lorenzo the comic, (wc), (ws2d)

; paula, stages/onett.def, ;paula by drowin

; poo, ;poo by drowin

;earthbound remix

;stages/threed.def, music=sound/threed.mp3

;earthworm jim series (earthworm jim & earthworm jim 2; genesis & super nes)
; worm, ;earthworm jim by broliblood11 and ssonic, (rsff)

;, music=sound/ewj_-_andy_asteroids.mp3
;, music=sound/ewj_-_buttville_~_the_descent.mp3
;, music=sound/ewj_-_buttville_~_the_queen's_lair.mp3
;, music=sound/ewj_-_for_pete's_sake.mp3
;, music=sound/ewj_-_level_5.mp3
;, music=sound/ewj_-_new_junk_city.mp3
;, music=sound/ewj_-_psycrow.mp3
;, music=sound/ewj_-_snot_a_problem.mp3
;, music=sound/ewj_-_what_the_heck_.mp3
;, music=sound/ewj_-_who_turned_out_the_lights.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;earthworm jim 2 (genesis & super nes) ===============================

;stages/iso9000.def, music=sound/ej2_-_iso_9000_music.mp3 ;iso 9000

;stages/iso_9000.def, music=sound/ej2_-_iso_9000_music.mp3 ;iso 9000
;stages/levelate.def, music=sound/meat.mp3 ;meat level

;ed hunter -----------------------------------------------------------

;stages/22acacia.def ;22 acacia street

;ehrgeiz (arcade & playstation) --------------------------------------
;(i): ehrgeiz_trial ;unsigned ------------------------------------

; ecloud, ;cloud by anmc, (rsff)

;eightman (arcade & neogeo) ------------------------------------------

;stages/8man_facility.def ;laboratory

;elevator action -----------------------------------------------------

; ere, ;elevator action syujinkou by elecbyte, (csff)

;elfmania (amiga) ----------------------------------------------------

;janika (the pirate harbour)

;(es) janika

;kosken (the dungeon)

;(es) kosken

;matiki (the kings hall)

;(es) matiki
;seven (the castle)
;(es) seven

;taiki (the village)

;(es) taiki

;tenko (the waterfalls)

;(es) tenko

;elk attack (atari) --------------------------------------------------

; eaship, ;elk attack ship by archaicgamer, (rsff)

;esp ra de (arcade) --------------------------------------------------

irori, random, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-_06.mp3 ;irori

by iwac

;eternal champions series (eternal champions & eternal champions: challenge from
the dark side; genesis & mega cd)
;(sp): screeenpack eternal champions ;by juan carlos ------------

;(es) blaster

;chin wo
;(es) chin

;(es) crispy

;dark eternal champion

;(es) dark eternal champion

;dawson mc shane
;(es) dawson, random, music=sound/ec_segacd_rip_-_dawson.mp3

;eternal champion (ec: eternal shrine)

;(es) eternal champion, stages/eternal.def

;(es) hooter

;jetta max (ec: shrine)

;(es) jetta, random, music=sound/echamp._-_jetta's_stage.mp3

;jonathan blade (ec: desert)

blade, stages/bladebg.def, music=sound/echamp._-_blade's_stage.mp3 ;jonathan
blade by keioh, (rsff)
;larcen tyler (ec: movie theater)
larcen, stages/larcen.def, music=sound/echamp._-_larcen's_stage.mp3 ;larcen by
juan carlos, (csff)

;mid(k)night (ec: park)

; midnight, random, music=sound/ec_segacd_rip_-_midnight.mp3 ;midnight by juan
carlos con inteligencia artificial, (csff)
midnight2, stages/eternal.def, music=sound/echamp._-_midknight's_stage.mp3 ;
midnight by juan carlos sin inteligencia artificial+facil, (csff)

;ramses iii (nil valley)

ramses, stages/ramsesiii_up.def, music=sound/ec_segacd_rip_-_ramses.mp3 ;
ramses iii by juan carlos, (ii), (rsff)

;(es) raven, random, music=sound/ec_segacd_rip_-_raven.mp3

;rax coswell (ec: cage)

rax, stages/raxstage.def, music=sound/echamp._-_rax's_stage.mp3 ;rax coswell by
juan carlos, (ii), (rsff)

;riptide de medici
;(es) riptide, random, music=sound/ec_segacd_rip_-_riptide.mp3

;(es) senator

;shadow yamamoto (ec: rooftop by night)

;(es) shadow, random, music=sound/echamp._-_shadow's_stage.mp3

;slash (ec: jurassic earth)

eslash, stages/slashstage_up.def, music=sound/echamp._-_slash's_stage.mp3 ;slash
by keioh, (rsff)

;(es) slither

;(es) thanatos

;trident (ec: aquatic city)

trident, stages/tridenbg.def, music=sound/echamp._-_trident's_stage.mp3 ;
trident by keioh, (ii), (csff)

;xavier pendragon (ec: middleaged village)

xavier, stages/xavier_up.def, music=sound/echamp._-_xavier's_stage.mp3 ;xavier
pendragon by keioh and juan carlos, (ii), (csff)

;(es) yappy
;(es) zuni

;, music=sound/echamp._-_battle_room.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._-_unknown.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._-_unknown_2.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._-_unknown_3.mp3
;, music=sound/ec_segacd_rip_-_hidden_stage_1.mp3
;, music=sound/ec_segacd_rip_-_hidden_stage_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ec_segacd_rip_-_hidden_stage_3.mp3

;eternal champions series remix


;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_blade.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_dawson.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_hidden_stage_1.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_hidden_stage_2.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_hidden_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_jetta.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_larcen.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_midnight.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_ramses.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_rax.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_raven.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_riptide.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_shadow.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_slash.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_trident.mp3
;, music=sound/echamp._(redbook)_-_xavier.mp3

;eternal fighter zero series -----------------------------------------
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- bme ;by sim0n@jcom.home.ne.jp --------------------------------
;- efz-add ;by http://homepage2.nifty.com/taso/ ---------------------
;- efz_memorial_addon ;by fmirumausu_sai@excite.co.jp --------------
;(lb): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- efz_bme lifebar ;by maxamaxa_twoweb@mail.goo.ne.jp -----------
;- efz lifebar ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- efzm lifebar ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- lifeb_efz_bme3 ;by maxamaxa_twoweb@mail.goo.ne.jp -----------------
;(sndp): efz_badmoon_system ;unsigned ------------------------------

;akane satomura (raining field)

akane_satomura, stages/efz_ame_no_akichi.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-
_akane_satomura.mp3 ;akane satomura by reiga, (rsff)
;stages/vacant lot of rain.def

;akiko minase (snowy fountain park [night])

aki, stages/efz_kouen_night.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_akiko_minase.mp3 ;akiko
minase by shimon

;ayu tsukimiya (forest)

ayu_tukimiya, stages/efz_hajimari_no_ki.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-
_ayu_tsukimiya.mp3 ;ayu tukimiya by arche

;ikumi amasawa (fargo laboratory)

efz_ikumi, stages/efz_fargo_kenkyuu_shisetsu.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-
_ikumi_amasawa.mp3 ;ikumi by nana, (csff)
ikumi, stages/ikumi.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_ikumi_amasawa.mp3 ;ikumi by toshi,

;kanna (cry for the moon)

kanna, stages/efz_mugen_sora.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_kanna.mp3 ;kanna by
kuri, (csff)
kanna0, stages/kanna.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_kanna.mp3 ;kanna by mikage, (wc)
kanna1, stages/efz_mugen_no_sora.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_kanna.mp3 ;kanna by
mikage (old version)

;kano kirishima (temple [noon & night])

kano0, stages/kano.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_kano_kirishima.mp3 ;kano kirishima by
;stages/efz_bg21.def ;night
;stages/efz_jinjya_night.def ;night
;stages/efz_jinjya_noon.def ;noon
;stages/efz_kano2.def ;night
;stages/efz_sora_ni_chikai_jinja.def ;noon
;stages/efz_sora_ni_chikai_jinja_n.def ;night
;stages/efz_temple.def ;noon

;kaori misaka (snowy park [night])

kaori, stages/efz_kaori2.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_kaori_misaka.mp3 ;kaori
misaka by km
kaori_misaka, stages/kaori.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_kaori_misaka.mp3 ;kaori
misaka by rouge noir, (wo2d)
; kaori_misaka0, ;kaori misaka by rouge noir, (ldv)
kaori_r, stages/efz_yuki_no_kouen_n.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_kaori_misaka.mp3
;kaori misaka by rouge noir(+rekku), (wo2d)
; kaori_r0, ;kaori misaka by rouge noir(+rekku), (ldv)

;mai kawasumi (wheat field & the school of a full moon)

d-mai_kawasumi, stages/efz_bg00.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_mai_kawasumi.mp3 ;mai
by nachel, (wc), (ws2d)
mai_k, stages/efz_mai2.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_mai_kawasumi.mp3 ;mai_k by
mai_kawasumi, stages/tsfm.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_mai_kawasumi.mp3 ;mai
kawasumi by mikage (unrequestable status)
;stages/efz_mangetsu_no_nakaniwa.def ;the school of a full moon
;stages/efz_nakaniwa_night.def ;the school of a full moon
;stages/efz_school2.def ;the school of a full moon
;stages/full moon.def ;the school of a full moon

;makoto sawatari (shopping district [sunset])

makop, stages/efz_shoutengai.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-
_mishio_amano_or_makoto_sawatari_(pre-bad_moon).mp3 ;makoto sawatari by r-r
; makop0, stages/efz_street.def ;makoto sawatari by el (pirate version:
vitter), (wo2d)
makoto_sawatari, stages/makoto.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-
_makoto_sawatari_(bad_moon).mp3 ;makoto sawatari by reiga

;mayu shiima (garden 1 & 2)

mayu, stages/efz_mayu2.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_mayu_shiima.mp3 ;mayu by
;stages/efz_bg11_2.def ;garden 2

;minagi tohno (dilapidated station [noon & sunset])

minagi, stages/minagi.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_minagi_tohno.mp3 ;minagi by
;stages/efz_eki_noon.def ;noon
;stages/efz_eki_sunset.def ;sunset
;stages/efz_haieki.def ;noon
;stages/efz_haieki_e.def ;sunset
;stages/efz_station.def ;noon
;stages/efz_stationn.def sunset
;stages/michiru.def ;sunset

;mio kodouki (gymnasium)

mio, stages/efz_taiikukan.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_mio_kodouki.mp3 ;mio by daba

;misaki kawana (sunset rooftop)

misaki, stages/misaki0.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_misaki_kawana.mp3 ;misaki
kawana by rouge noir, (wo2d)
; misaki0, ;misaki kawana by rouge noir, (ldv)
misaki_kawana, stages/efz_yuuyake_no_okujo.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-
_misaki_kawana.mp3 ;misaki kawana by reiga
;stages/the rooftop of sunset.def

;mishio amano (green field)

mishio, stages/mishio.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-
_mishio_amano_or_makoto_sawatari_(pre-bad_moon).mp3 ;mishio by toma
misshi, stages/misio.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-
_mishio_amano_or_makoto_sawatari_(pre-bad_moon).mp3 ;misio amano by r-r

;misuzu kamio (wooden house)

misuzu, stages/efz_kamioke_mae.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_misuzu_kamio.mp3 ;
misuzu by hanma, (wo2d)
; misuzu0, stages/efz_village.def ;misuzu by hanma, (ldv)
misuzu_k, stages/misuzu.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_misuzu_kamio.mp3 ;misuzu_k by

;mizuka nagamori (fountain park [day])

mizuka_nagamori, stages/efz_park.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_mizuka_nagamori.mp3
;mizuka nagamori by r-r
nagamori, stages/efz_tsuugakuro_no_kouen.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-
_mizuka_nagamori.mp3 ;mizuka by toshi
nagamori0, stages/nagamori.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_mizuka_nagamori.mp3 ;
mizuka nagamori by hanma
;stages/height park.def

;nayuki minase (snowy street [noon & night])

nayu, stages/nayuki1.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_nayuki_minase.mp3 ;nayuki
minase by tuki no turugi
;stages/beforeminasehouse.def ;noon
;stages/efz_akiko.def ;night
;stages/efz_minaseke_mae.def ;noon
;stages/efz_minaseke_mae_n.def ;night
;stages/efz_minase_morning.def ;noon
;stages/efz_minase_night.def ;night
;stages/efz_nayuki.def ;noon
;stages/efz_nayuki2.def ;night
;stages/efz_snow.def ;noon
;stages/nayuki2.def ;night

;rumi nanase (fountain park [night])

exnanase, stages/efz_bg04.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_rumi_nanase.mp3 ;exnanase by
nanase, stages/efz_tsuugakuro_no_kouen_n.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-
_rumi_nanase.mp3 ;nanase developed by twilight-frontier, mugenized by maruta
nanase_r, stages/efz_park2.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_rumi_nanase.mp3 ;rumi nanase
by rekku, (wo2d)

;sayuri kurata (sunny school)

; sayuri, ;sayuri kurala by roque, (ldv)
sayuri0, stages/noon_recess.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_sayuri_kurata.mp3 ;
sayuri by mill
sayuri1, stages/efz_hiruyasumi_no_nakaniwa.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-
_sayuri_kurata.mp3 ;sayuri kurata by roque, (wc)
sayurin, stages/efz_school.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_sayuri_kurata.mp3 ;
sayuri kurata by doppel

;shiori misaka (snowy fountain park [day])

shiori, stages/efz_shiori2.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_shiori_misaka.mp3 ;
shiori by shimon
shiori0, stages/asp.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_shiori_misaka.mp3 ;shiori by daba

;unknown / little mizuka (heaven)

mizuka, stages/efz_unknown.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_unknown_(little_mizuka).mp3
;unknown by hanma, (wo2d)
; mizuka0, ;unknown by hanma, (ldv)
unknown2, stages/mizuka.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_unknown_(little_mizuka).mp3
;unknown by kuri

;eternal fighter zero series remix

black_nayu, stages/bloody_moon.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_shiori_misaka.mp3 ;anri

nayu by black-air, (wo2d) (unrequestable status)
d-t_mai, stages/yellow1.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_shiori_misaka.mp3 ;mai by
michiru, stages/mb-bluesky.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_shiori_misaka.mp3 ;
michiru by rouge noir
minase, stages/efzbackbg.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_shiori_misaka.mp3 ;minase by
black-air, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; minase_004, ;minase by black-air, (wo2d), (ws2d)
minis, stages/mb-bluesky.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_shiori_misaka.mp3 ;minis mahn
by kuon, (ii), (sffc)
nayu0, stages/cry_for_the_moon.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_shiori_misaka.mp3 ;
nayuki minase by el, (wo2d) (unrequestable status)
; nayu1, ;nayuki minase by el (pirate version: sonor), (wo2d)
(unrequestable status)
shiiko_r, stages/etc_kano3.def, music=sound/efz_adx_-_shiori_misaka.mp3 ;
shiiko yuzuki by rekku, (wo2d)

;evangelion series ---------------------------------------------------
;(sp): evasp ;by ades -------------------------------------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;unclassed evangelion series chars ===================================

; 01, ;eva-01 by spinicci giacomo (king star), (rsff)

eva, stages/eva513.def, music=sound/karl_o_connor_&_peter_sutton_-
_against_nature_-_08.mp3 ;unsigned eva-01, (rsff)
; syamsheru, ;syamsheru by maser97@excite.co.jp, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;neon genesis evangelion (original) ==================================
;(sp): ngebytonyadv ;by tonyadv (tony world s.r.l.) ==============

010, stages/stage010.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_the_singles_86_-_98_-_cd1_-
_strangelove.mp3 ;1th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)
03, stages/stage03.def, music=sound/karl_o_connor_&_peter_sutton_-
_against_nature_-_02.mp3 ;3th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)
; 04, stages/stage04.def ;4th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)
; 05, stages/stage05.def ;5th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)
; 06, stages/stage06.def ;06th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)
07, stages/stage07.def, music=sound/original_-_organic.mp3 ;7th angel by tonyadv,
; 08, stages/stage08.def ;08th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)
; 09, stages/stage09.def ;09th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)
; 10, stages/stage101.def ;10th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)
11, stages/stage1110.def, music=sound/marusha_-_deep_-_01.mp3 ;11th angel by
tonyadv, (wo2d)
; 120, stages/stage120.def ;12th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)
130, stages/stage130.def, music=sound/zillion_-_vol.5_club_edition_cd2_-_09.mp3
;13th angel by tonyadv, (ei), (wo2d)
; 14, stages/stage140.def ;14th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)
; 15, stages/stage150.def ;15th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)
; 16, stages/stage160.def ;16th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)
170, stages/stage170.def, music=sound/zillion_-_the_second_cd2_-_10.mp3 ;17th
angel by tonyadv, (ei), (wo2d)
; 02, stages/stage190.def ;18th angel by tonyadv, (wo2d)

00, stages/stage011.def, music=sound/zillion_-_vol.5_club_edition_cd2_-_10.mp3
;eva-00 by tonyadv, (i&ei), (wo2d)
00pt, stages/stage011.def, music=sound/zillion_-_the_second_cd2_-_15.mp3 ;eva-
00 by tonyadv, (i&ei), (wo2d)
011, stages/stage011.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_the_singles_86_-_98_-_cd1_-
_world_in_my_eyes.mp3 ;eva-01 by tonyadv, (i&ei), (wo2d)
02a, stages/stage011.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_the_singles_86_-_98_-_cd1_-
_enjoy_the_silence.mp3 ;eva-02 by tonyadv, (i&ei), (wo2d)
02k, stages/stage011.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-
_songs_of_faith_and_devotion_live_-_walking_in_my_shoes.mp3 ;eva-02 by
tonyadv, (i&ei), (wo2d)
030, stages/stage011.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-
_songs_of_faith_and_devotion_live_-_in_your_room.mp3 ;eva-03 by tonyadv, (i&ei),
040, stages/stage011.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_the_singles_86_-_98_-_cd2_-
_in_your_room.mp3 ;eva-04 by tonyadv, (i&ei), (wo2d)
050, stages/stage180.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_songs_of_faith_and_devotion_-
_in_your_room.mp3 ;eva-05 by tonyadv, (i&ei), (wo2d)

;jet alone
ja, stages/stage200.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_the_singles_86_-_98_-_cd1_-
_personal_jesus.mp3 ;jet alone by tonyadv, (wo2d)

;excited bike (nes) --------------------------------------------------

;stages/excited_bike.def ;field

;falling down de mover (original game) -------------------------------
;(sp): falling down de mover ;by shredboy ---------------------------

psyanide, stages/thelogo.def, music=sound/city_rockers_-_futurism_cd1_-_09.mp3

;psyanide by shredboy, (csff)

;famicom detective club / famicom tantei club series (famicom mini: famicom tantei
club - kieta koukeisha, famicom mini: famicom tantei club part ii - ushiro ni
tatsu shoujo zengouhen, famicom detective club part ii: the girl who stands at the
back / famicom tantei club part ii; gameboy advance & super nes)
;(sp): fc-dc ;by tokinokuni-kei ---------------------------------

;famicom wars (nes) --------------------------------------------------

; fwars, stages/famicomwars.def, music=sound/fw_-_famicomwars.mp3 ;famicomwars

by sugio, (rsff)

;family guy vs american dad ------------------------------------------

peter, stages/family_guy.def, music=sound/from_bonzai_with_love_-_'99_-_03.mp3

;peter by warner
; peter0, ;peter griffin by warner/judgespear, (wc), (ws2d)

;fantasy zone (super nes & pc-engine) --------------------------------

; f-zone, stages/fantasybg.def ;opa_opa by foxtlot, (rsff)

;far east of eden series (pc-engine) ---------------------------------

zeami, stages/zeamibg.def, music=sound/zeami.mp3 ;zeami by taruse, (ei),


;fatal fury series (fatal fury, fatal fury 2, fatal fury special, fatal fury 3,
fatal fury: wild ambition, mark of the wolves, real bout, real bout 2, real bout
fatal fury special)

;fatal fury series remix

;(sp): garou geese ;by elecbyte

; fatalf, ;madgear by sugio e kain the supreme, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;fatal fury (neogeo, super nes & genesis) ============================
;(sp): ff1.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================

;andy bogard (geese tower [day])

andyff, stages/ff1-geese1.def, music=sound/ff_ost_2p_taisen_bgm.mp3 ;andy bogard
by namaguideran + (e) by bluebolt
; andy_ff, ;andy bogard by montana, (ii) + (e) by bluebolt
ff1_andy, stages/ff1-geese1.def, music=sound/ff_ost_2p_taisen_bgm.mp3 ;andy bogard
by rin, (wc)

;billy kane (southtown bridge)

ff1_billy, stages/south-town-village.def,
music=sound/ff_ost_10_billy_kane's_theme.mp3 ;billy kane by lewis + rin & bat,

;bonus games (southtown beach [naked])

; ba, stages/ba.def, music=sound/ff_-_bonus_area.mp3 ;bonus area by masa,
; bonus3, stages/ba.def, music=sound/ff_-_bonus_area.mp3 ;bonus by

;duck king (west subway [day, afternoon & night])

duck, stages/ff1-westsubway.def, music=sound/ff_ost_02_duck_king's_theme.mp3 ;duck
king by j.k (j_k-2469@geocities.co.jp), fixed by electrocaid & corrected by faye,
ff1_duck, stages/duckff1n.def, music=sound/ff_ost_02_duck_king's_theme.mp3 ;duck
king by lewis, (wc), (ws2d)
;stages/duckff1a.def ;afternoon
;stages/duckff1d.def ;day

;geese howard (geese tower [day, evening & night])

ff1_geese, stages/ff1-geese3.def, music=sound/ff_ost_2p_taisen_bgm.mp3 ;geese
howard by rin & bat, (wc)
; geese3, stages/gb.def, music=sound/gb.mp3 ;geese howard by masa

;hwa jai (happy park [day, evening & night])

ff1_hwa, stages/ff1-05b-hwa2.def, music=sound/ff_ost_07_hwa_jai's_theme.mp3 ;hwa
jai by rin & bat
hwajai, stages/ff1-05a-hwa1.def, music=sound/ff_ost_07_hwa_jai's_theme.mp3 ;hwa
jai by lord sinistro, (wc)
;stages/ff1-05c-hwa3.def ;night
;stages/ff1-hwa1.def ;day
;stages/ff1-hwa2.def ;evening
;stages/ff1-hwa3.def ;night

;joe higashi (geese tower [evening])

ff1_joe, stages/ff1-geese2.def, music=sound/ff_ost_12_geese_howard's_theme.mp3
;joe higashi by rin & bat, (wc)
; joeff, ;joe higashi by the iceman, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff) +
(e) by bluebolt

;michael max (southtown beach [day, evening & night])

ff1_michael, stages/ff1-michael3.def,
music=sound/ff_ost_04_michael_max's_theme.mp3 ;michael max by rin, (wc)
; michael, ;michael max by elecbyte, (rsff)
michaelmax, stages/ff1-michael1.def, music=sound/ff_ost_04_michael_max's_theme.mp3
;michael max by lord sinistro, (rsff)
;stages/ff1-michael2.def ;evening

;raiden (amusement park)

ff1_raiden, stages/raiden_ff.def, music=sound/ff_ost_08_raiden's_theme.mp3 ;
raiden by rin & bat, (wc)
; raiden, stages/ff1raiden.def ;raiden by lord-s, fixado por shadowtak (first
release), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt and gorjeador
; raiden0, ;unsigned raiden, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt and gorjeador
raidenff, stages/raiden.def, music=sound/ff_ost_08_raiden's_theme.mp3 ;raiden by
lord-s (second - awesome edition), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt and gorjeador

;richard myer (pao pao cafe)

ff1_richard, stages/ff1-01-richard.def,
music=sound/ff_ost_03_richard_meyer's_theme.mp3;richard myer by rin & bat, (wc)
;terry bogard (geese tower [night])
ff1_terry, stages/ff1-geese3.def, music=sound/ff_ost_2p_taisen_bgm.mp3 ;terry
bogard by rin & bat, (wc)
; ff1terry, ;terry bogard by mr.pancadaria, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; terry5, ;terry bogard by masa, (ei)

;tung fu rue (howard arena [windy, rainy & stormy])

ff1_tung, stages/howard-arena2.def, music=sound/ff_ost_05_tung_fu_rue's_theme.mp3
;tung fu rue by rin & bat, (wo2d)
;stages/howard-arena.def ;rainy
;stages/howard-arena3.def ;stormy

;fatal fury remix


;, music=sound/ff_-_megadriver_-_raging_metal_-_raging_storm_-

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;garou densetsu last resort ==========================================

;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_2p_taisen_bgm.mp3
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_billy_kane's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_continue_~_game_over_~_flower_dancing_[ranking].mp3
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_don't_touch_me_baby_[stage_5-1]_~_fear_[stage_5-
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_duck_king's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_geese_howard's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_hwa_jai's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_jack_to_the_metro_(last_resort_arrange_version).mp3
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_michael_max's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_raiden's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_richard_meyer's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_sonar_[stage_3]_~_cold_machine_[boss_3].mp3
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_the_melting_point_[stage_4]_~_dusky_[boss_4].mp3
;, music=sound/gdlr_ost_tung_fu_rue's_theme.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;fatal fury 2 & fatal fury special (genesis, neogeo & super nes) =====

;andy bogard
a-andy, stages/garosp_andy.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_06_pasta_[italy_stage]_andy_bogard.mp3 ;andy bogard by
falchion22, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
andy_bogard, stages/andyff2d.def,
music=sound/ff2_ost_09_pasta_[italy_stage]_andy_bogard.mp3 ;andy bogard by
;stages/andyff2b.def ;ff2 day
;stages/andyffsa.def ;ffsp afternoon
;stages/andyffsd.def ;ffsp day
;stages/andyffsn.def ;ffsp night

;axel hawk (ff2 ring [day & night])

; axel, ;axel hawk by kozy, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
axelhawk, stages/axelff2d.def,
music=sound/ff2_ost_19_kinkukonku_[america_stage_ii]_axel_hawk.mp3 ;axel hawk
by mugenmage, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
;stages/axelff2n.def ;ff2 night

00bigbear, stages/ff2-bigbear.def, music=sound/ff2_ost_12_taa-
kun_to_kita_pii_[australia_stage]_big_bear.mp3 ;bigbear by tin, (rsff) + (e) by
; bigbear, ;bigbear by hiro, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; bigbear0, stages/bigbearff2d.def ;big bear by hiro and mugenmage, (rsff),
;stages/bigbearbg.def ;ff2 morning
;stages/bigbearbg2.def ;ff2 morning
;stages/bigbearff2b.def ;ff2 morning
;stages/ff2bigbear.def ;ff2 morning

;cheng sinzan
cheng, stages/chengffsn.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_12_pangyago_houho_[hongkong_stage]_cheng_sinzan.mp3 ;cheng
by adam_skie@geocities.co.jp, (csff) + (e) by bluebolt
music=sound/ff2_ost_15_pangyago_houho_[hongkong_stage]_cheng_sinzan.mp3 ;ff2
;stages/chengff2b.def ;ff2 (bright)
;stages/chengff2d.def ;ff2 (dark)
;stages/chengffsa.def ;ffsp (afternoon)
;stages/chengffsd.def ;ffsp (day)

;jubei yamada
jubei0, stages/ff2-jubei.def,
music=sound/ff2_ost_13_juubei_[nippon_stage_i]_yamada_jubei.mp3 ;jubei yamada by
mugenmage, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
yamada, stages/ffspjubei.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_10_juubei_[nippon_stage_i]_yamada_jubei.mp3 ;jubei yamada by
adamskie + (e) by bluebolt
;stages/ff2jubei.def ;ff2

;kim kaphwan
ccikim0, stages/ffspkim.def,
music=sound/ff2_ost_16_seoul_ni_ikou!_[korea_stage]_kim_kaphwan.mp3 ;cci kim
zero by david demianoff + (e) by bluebolt

;laurence blood
laurence, stages/garosp_laurence.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_18_hataraku_tougyuushi_[spain_stage]_laurence_blood.mp3 ;
laurence blood by adamskie + (e) by bluebolt
;mai shiranui
a-mai, stages/river0.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_11_enryuujin_[nippon_stage_ii]_shiranui_mai.mp3 ;mai
shiranui by falchion22, (ii), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
maiffs, stages/river0.def,
music=sound/ff2_ost_14_enryuujin_[nippon_stage_ii]_shiranui_mai.mp3 ;mai
shiranui by mr.pancadaria, (ei), (rsff)

;terry bogard
a-terry, stages/newterry.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_05_kurikinton_[america_stage_i]_terry_bogard.mp3 ;terry
bogard by falchion22, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; terry20, stages/terrybg1.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_05_kurikinton_[america_stage_i]_terry_bogard.mp3 ;terry
bogard by masa, (ei)
terryff2, stages/terry0.def,
music=sound/ff2_ost_08_kurikinton_[america_stage_i]_terry_bogard.mp3 ;terry
bogard by star platnium, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
;stages/terrybg2.def ;ffsp day
;stages/terrybg_s.def ;ffsp day

;wolfgang krauser
krauser2, stages/krauserffs2.def,
_krauser.mp3 ;krauser by laiso_7, (ei)

;fatal fury 2 & fatal fury special remix

; p-chan, ;p-chan by makoto, (csff)

;, music=sound/ffsp_rmx_-_sygw-terry_classic_remix.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;fatal fury 2 (game gear) ============================================

;stages/bb.def, music=sound/ff2_ggear_-_bigbear.mp3 ;bigbear

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;fatal fury 2 (neogeo) ===============================================
;(sp): ff2.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- ff2andy ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- ff2cheng ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- ff2joe ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- ff2mai ;by bluebolt =============================================

;billy kane (under big ben [dawn & night])

;(es) billy kane, random,
;stages/billyff2d.def ;dawn
;stages/billyff2n.def ;night

;joe higashi (thai river [day & night])

joeff2, stages/joeff2d.def,
shi.mp3 ;joe higashi by star platnium, (rsff)
;stages/joeff2n.def ;night

;wolfgang krauser (germany - cathedral)

gd2krauser, stages/krauserffs2.def,
krauser.mp3 ;w. krauser by masa

;, music=sound/ff2_ost_17_fukyou_o_buttobase!!_[bonus_stage].mp3 ;bonus

;fatal fury 2 remix


;, music=sound/ff2_-_megadriver_-_big_bear_-_nino.com.br.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;fatal fury special (neogeo & super nes) =============================
;(sp): ffsp.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- ffsjoe ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- ffskrauser ;by bluebolt =======================================

;axel hawk (ring [afternoon, dawn & night])

axel4, stages/axelffsa.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_17_kinkukonku_[america_stage_ii]_axel_hawk.mp3 ;axel hawk
by adamskie
axl0, stages/axelffsn.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_17_kinkukonku_[america_stage_ii]_axel_hawk.mp3 ;axel hawk
by montana, (wc), (ws2d) + (e) by bluebolt
;stages/axelffsd.def ;dawn

gspbigbear, stages/bigbearffsn.def, music=sound/ffsp_ost_09_taa-
kun_to_kita_pii_[australia_stage]_big_bear.mp3 ;big bear by masa, (ei)
;stages/bigbearffsa.def ;afternoon
;stages/bigbearffsd.def ;foggy
;stages/ffspbigbear.def ;foggy

;billy kane (under big ben [afternoon, dawn & night])

ffsbilly, stages/billyffsn.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_16_london_march_[england_stage]_billy_kane.mp3 ;billy kane
by smogon and star platinum, (ei), (csff)
; ffsbilly0, ;billy kane by smogon + (e) by bluebolt
;stages/billyffsa.def ;afternoon
;stages/billyffsd.def ;dawn

;duck king
duck0, stages/duckbg.def,
_king.mp3 ;duck king by daisuke, fixed by electrocaid & corrected by faye, (rsff)
+ (e) by bluebolt
duck1, stages/duckkingspecial.def,
_king.mp3 ;duck king sp by elecbyte / quake.moon + (e) by bluebolt
duck-king, stages/duckkingspecial.def,
_king.mp3 ;duck king by laiso_7, (ei)

;geese howard
; geese8, ;geese howard by spaz&punt, (wo2d)
geese93, stages/ffspgeese3.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_19_geese_ni_shouyu_[america_stage_iv]_geese_howard.mp3 ;geese
by keyu, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; geesesp, stages/geesebg1.def, music=sound/geesebg.mp3;geese howard by masa,
gspgeese, stages/geesebg.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_19_geese_ni_shouyu_[america_stage_iv]_geese_howard.mp3 ;geese
howard by masa, (ei)
;stages/ffsp_geesestage.def ;night
;stages/sa.def ;afternoon

;joe higashi (thai river [day, afternoon & night])

;(es) joe, stages/joeffsn.def,
;stages/joeffsa.def ;afternoon
;stages/joeffsd.def ;day

;kim kaphwan
kimffs, stages/ffspkim.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_13_seoul_ni_ikou!_[korea_stage]_kim_kaphwan.mp3 ;kim kap
hwan by zamtong + (e) by bluebolt
kimffs0, stages/ffspkim.def,
music=sound/ff2_ost_16_seoul_ni_ikou!_[korea_stage]_kim_kaphwan.mp3 ;kim kap
hwan by zamtong (old version), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;ryo sakazaki
ffspryo, stages/ffspryos.def,
aki.mp3 ;ryo sakazaki by raiwa (ver. 1), (rsff)
ffspryo0, stages/ryoffsn.def,
aki.mp3 ;ryo sakazaki by raiwa (ver. 2), (rsff)
ffspryo1, stages/ryoffsa.def,
aki.mp3 ;ryo sakazaki by raiwa (ver. 3), (wc), (rsff)
gspryo, stages/ryoffsd.def,
aki.mp3 ;ryo sakazaki by masa, (ei)
; ryoffs, stages/ffryo.def ;ryo sakasaki by mr.pancadaria, (rsff)
; ryos, ;ryo sakazaki by son_gohan, (rsff)
; ryosp, random, music=sound/ryobg.mp3 ;ryo sakazaki by masa

;terry bogard
gspterry, stages/terryffsa.def,
music=sound/ffsp_ost_05_kurikinton_[america_stage_i]_terry_bogard.mp3 ;terry
bogard by masa, (ei)
terry_gsp, stages/terryffsn.def,
music=sound/ff2_ost_08_kurikinton_[america_stage_i]_terry_bogard.mp3 ;terry
bogard by nyan��kiryu, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
;stages/terryffsd.def ;ffsp day

;tung fu rue (chinese valley [afternoon, dusk & night])

gsptung, stages/tungffsai.def,
tung_fu_rue.mp3 ;tung fu rue by masa, (ei)
tan, stages/tungffsdi.def,
tung_fu_rue.mp3 ;tung fu rue by kozy, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
;stages/tungffsni.def ;night

;wolfgang krauser
gspkrauser, stages/krauserffs1.def,
_krauser.mp3 ;w. krauser by masa, (ei)

;fatal fury special remix

; gd2kim, stages/duckkingspecialducks.def ;tung kaphan by masa

ryo4, stages/london_ffs.def, music=sound/ffsp_img_-
_ryuuko_no_ken_ver.230000000.0_(ryo_sakazaki).mp3 ;ryo sakazaki by ken, (rsff)

;stages/kof_ discoclub.def

;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_duck_dub_dub_(duck_king).mp3
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_enryuujin_(shiranui_mai).mp3
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_geese_ni_shouyu_(geese_howard).mp3
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_hataraku_tougyuushi_(lawrence_blood).mp3
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_juubei_(yamada_jubei).mp3
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_kachou_fuugetsu_otome_mai_(shiranui_mai_-
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_kinkukonku_(axel_hawk).mp3
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_kurikinton_(terry_bogard).mp3
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_kurikinton_(terry_bogard)_-naniwa_version-.mp3
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_london_march_(billy_kane).mp3
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_pangyago_houho_(cheng_sinzan).mp3
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_pasta_(andy_bogard).mp3
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_seoul_ni_ikou!_(kim_kaphwan).mp3
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-
;, music=sound/ffsp_img_-_yuusha_raiden_(big_bear_-neo_mix-).mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;fatal fury special (nes hack) =======================================

;stages/8train.def, music=sound/ffsp_nes_-_8train.mp3;terry bogard

;(ss) ================================================================
;fatal fury 3 & real bout series (fatal fury 3, fatal fury real bout, fatal fury
real bout 2 & fatal fury real bout special; arcade & neogeo)

;alfred airhawk
alfred, stages/ranch.def, music=sound/rb2alfred.mp3 ;alfred by luvly angel,
alfred_dm, stages/alfred.def, music=sound/rb2alfred.mp3 ;alfred airhawk by
taruse, (ei), (rsff)

;andy bogard
andy_rb, stages/andy_ff3.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_raihakou_(andy_bogard).mp3
;andy bogard by bad darkness, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;bob wilson
!bob_ex, stages/paopao2_up.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_mitu_no_azi_(bob_wilson).mp3
;bob wilson ex by o ilusionista, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
bob, stages/paopao2_up.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-_mitsu_no_mi_(bob_wilson).mp3
;bob wilson por douglas baldan - o ilusionista, (ii) + (e) by wolf/kof99
bob_pro, stages/rb2_bob_up.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-_mitsu_no_mi_(bob_wilson).mp3
;bob wilson by crosscat + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;cheng sinzan
t_cheng_dos, stages/rb2-chengstage.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_hapushu!_fuuu_(cheng_sinzan).mp3 ;cheng by terra, (wc), (csff)

;duck king
a0dk, stages/bridge2.def, music=sound/rbff_-_duck!_duck!_duck!_(duck_king).mp3
;duck king by pneophen, (rsff)
duck2, stages/duckkingrb2.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_duck!duck!duck!_(duck_king).mp3 ;duck king by 3ha, (wc) + (e) by wolf/kof99
duck_king, stages/bridge2.def, music=sound/rbff_-
_duck!_duck!_duck!_(duck_king).mp3 ;duck king by m@ppy, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99
duckking, stages/duckkingrb2.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-
_duck!duck!duck!_(duck_king).mp3 ;duck king by cadicle, (wo2d) + (e) by
wolf/kof99 team

;franco bash
franco, stages/ff3_bash.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_siroi_branko_(franco_bash).mp3
;franco bash by perfect dark + blackjacks additions, (rsff) + (e) by

;geese howard
geese, stages/geese_rb+.def, music=sound/rbff_-
_kiss_geese_(geese_howard_final).mp3 ;unsigned geese howard corrected by
electrocaid, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
geese0, stages/ff3geesef.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_gi-
su_zya!!i_(geese_howard_1).mp3 ;geese howard by mouser, (rsff) + (e) by
geese6, stages/geese_ff3.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_gi-
su_ni_tyuusite_(geese_howard_2).mp3 ;geese howard by marcelojudaspriest@bol.com.br,
(rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
irongeese, stages/rbff1-tower.def, music=sound/rbff_-
_here's_geese!_(geese_howard).mp3 ;geese howard by david demianoff, (rsff) + (e)
by gorjeador

;hon fu
honfu, stages/porttown_up.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-_donchika!!_chi!!_chi!!_(hon-
fu).mp3 ;hon fu by mouser, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
rbhonfu, stages/porttown_up.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-
_ti!!ti!!ti!!ti!!_(hon_fu).mp3 ;honfu by montana, (wc), (ws2d) + (e) by
;jin chonrei (ff3: delta park fire (round 1 & 2])
chonrei, stages/shrine02.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_pandora_no_hako_yori_daisanban_'ketsudan'_(jin_chonshu_&_jin_chonrei).mp3 ;jin
chonrei by luchini, (ei), (rsff)
chonrei0, stages/d-park3.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_meimu_(jin_chonrei).mp3 ;
chonrei by zero_col, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
chonrei1, stages/d-park4.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-
_pandora_no_hako_yori_daisanban_-_ketsudan_(jin_chonshu_&_jin_chonrei).mp3 ;
chonrei by warusaki3 + (e) by bluebolt

;jin chonshu (ff3: delta park water [round 1 & 2] & forest [round 1 & 2])
ccichonshu, stages/d-park1.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_sougu_(jin_chonshu).mp3
;chonshu by david demianoff + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
chonshu, stages/chonshu_ff3.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-
_pandora_no_hako_yori_daisanban_-_ketsudan_(jin_chonshu_&_jin_chonrei).mp3 ;
chonshu by butti, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
chonshu1, stages/shrine01.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_pandora_no_hako_yori_daisanban_'ketsudan'_(jin_chonshu_&_jin_chonrei).mp3 ;jin
chonshu by mouki, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
chonshu2, stages/d-park2_up.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_sougu_(jin_chonshu).mp3
;chonshu by warusaki3 + (e) by bluebolt

;joe higashi
joe, stages/ff3-joe1.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_wani_no_azi_(joe_higashi).mp3
;joe higashi by neogouki, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;kim kaphwan
kim0, stages/kim_rbs_02.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-_seoul'ssu_(kim_kaphwan).mp3
;kim by kingpin, (csff) + (e) by bluebolt
my_kim, stages/kim_rbs_03.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-_seoul'ssu_(kim_kaphwan).mp3
;kim kap hwan by gabriel maeng, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;laurence blood
; blood, stages/blood.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_ushi_to_otawamure_(laurence_blood).mp3 ;unsigned laurence, (rsff) + (e) by
laurence0, stages/laurencebg.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-
_ushi_to_otawamure_(laurence_blood).mp3 ;laurence by fujy, (wc) + (e) by
wolf/kof99 team

;mai shiranui
mai0, stages/rb2_maibg.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-_mai_mai_kyuun_(shiranui_mai).mp3
;rbsmai by neogouki, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
rbmai, stages/rb2_maibg.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_mai_mai_kyuun_(shiranui_mai).mp3 ;r.b mai by shacti, zolagun, rugh82, (rsff) +
(e) by gorjeador

;mochizuki sokaku
sokaku, stages/farwest.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-
_taku_hatsu_(sokaku_mochizuki).mp3 ;sokaku.m by 3ha, (rsff) + (e) by gorjeador

;rick strowd
rick2, stages/rbff2-rick.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_exceed_the_limit_(rick_strowd).mp3 ;rick by rick, (rsff)

;ryuji yamazaki
ironryuji, stages/ryuji_ff3.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_c62_-srokuni-
_(ryuji_yamazaki).mp3 ;cc iron ryuji by david demianoff (beta release 1) + (e) by
wolf/kof99 team
ironryuji0, stages/ryuji_rb2.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-_c62_-shirokuni-
_ver.2_(yamazaki_ryuji).mp3 ;cc iron ryuji by david demianoff + patch by winane
(beta release 2) + (e) by bluebolt

;tung fu rue
tung, stages/tung_rb2.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_chuugoku_yonsen'nen_no_rekishi_to_wa_ika_ni_ii_(tung_fu_rue).mp3 ;tung fu rue
by silencer, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
tung_rb, stages/rbs_tungbg.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-
_chuugoku_yonsen'nen_no_rekishi_to_wa_ika_ni_ii_(tung_fu_rue).mp3 ;tung fu rue
by bad darkness, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;wolfgang krauser
00kra, stages/rb2_krauser_up.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_requiem_k.626_[lacrimosa]_(wolfgang_krauser).mp3 ;tin's krauser, (rsff) + (e)
by wolf/kof99 team
; krauser3, ;krauser by akira, (wc)
; krauser4, ;krauser by akira, (wo2d)
wolfgang, stages/krauser.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_requiem_k.626_[lacrimosa]_(wolfgang_krauser).mp3 ;krauser by cadicle + (e) by
wolf/kof99 team

;fatal fury 3 & real bout series remix

;alfred edits

;andy edits

;blue mary edits

j_maryr, stages/yancyst_up.def, music=sound/ff3_ast_kiss_me_(blue_mary_stage).mp3
;juke mary r by juke
j_maryr0, stages/yancyst_up.def,
music=sound/rbsp_ast_blue_mary's_blues_(blue_mary).mp3 ;juke mary r by juke +
nudepatch by bomb
; rbsmary, ;blue mary by the evil psychotic hentai brothers, fixed by
electrocaid, (rsff)

;geese howard edits

; geese11, ;geese by kacchang, (wo2d)
geesehoward, stages/kof_geese_tower.def,
music=sound/ff3_ast_geese_ja!!_i_(geese_howard_stage_1).mp3 ;geese howard by
don drago, (wc)
; geese_mmx, ;geese by eido, (csff)
geese_mmx0, stages/garageff3.def,
music=sound/ff3_ast_geese_ja!!_i_(geese_howard_stage_1).mp3 ;geese by eido
(geese_mmx no bar), (csff)
m_geese, stages/rb2-geesestage-n.def,
music=sound/ff3_ast_geese_ni_chuushite_(geese_howard_stage_2).mp3 ;master
geese by cannon musume, (rsff)

;honfu edit
ash3, stages/neblina-bridge.def, music=sound/rb2_ast_donchika!!_chi!!_chi!!_(hon-
fu).mp3 ;ash by tonyadv, the pizzaman, mr.chainsaw & vegetto, (rsff)
;jin chonshu edits
;(es) jin, stages/kof_chonsu's_shrine.def

;jin chonrei edits

; darkangel, ;dark angel by luchini, (ei), (rsff) (unrequestable status)

;kim kaphwan edits

edstan, stages/outsideni.def, music=sound/rb_ast_kim_kaphwan.mp3 ;eddy stanley by
david demianoff, (rsff), (wc)

;mai shiranui edits

yuen, stages/samurai_garden1.def, music=sound/ff3_ast_ivonnu_rurouru_e_no_gensou-
yori_-_fuyuu_(shiranui_mai_stage).mp3 ;yueng soi leng by yousuke-kouki, (rsff)

;rick strowd edits

; wild_terry_2002, random,
music=sound/ff3_ast_big_shot!_(terry_bogard_stage).mp3 ;wild terry 2002 by

;ryuji yamazaki edits

laurent, stages/kof_chinatown_(rb2edit).def, music=sound/ff3_ast_c62_-shirokuni-
_(yamazaki_ryuji_stage).mp3 ;laurent demianoff by david demianoff, (wc)

;wolfgang krauser edits

lord, stages/england_castle.def, music=sound/rb_ast_geese_howard_final.mp3 ;lord
krauser by terrykuo, updated to last mugen by exinferis, (rsff)
; lord0, ;lord by terrykuo, (rsff)

;misc. fatal fury 3 & real bout series edits

; wood, stages/apocalypse.def ;unsigned bonus stage, (rsff)


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;fatal fury 3 (arcade & neogeo) ======================================
;(sp): ff3.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(i) ff3intro ;by dark saviour ===================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- ff3andy ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- ff3bob ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- ff3mai ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- ff3mary ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- ff3sok ;by bluebolt =============================================

;andy bogard (howard arena)

;(es) andy, stages/ff3_andy_bg.def

;blue mary (pioneer plaza [morning, afternoon & night]

;(es) mary, stages/blue_marybg.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_kiss_me_(blue_mary).mp3
;blue mary (round 1)
;stages/ff3mary1.def ;morning
;stages/ff3mary2.def ;afternoon
;stages/ff3mary3.def ;night
;stages/ff3-marystage.def ;morning
;stages/pioneer2.def ;night

;franco bash (south town airport [day & sunset])

;(es) franco, stages/ff3franco2.def

;jin chonrei (delta park (fire) [red & blue])

;(es) jin, stages/ff3jinai1.def
;stages/ff3jinai2.def ;blue

;jin chonshu (delta park [day & evening])

;(es) jin, stages/ff3jin1.def
;stages/ff3jin2.def ;evening

;joe higashi (national park [day & evening])

;(es) joe, stages/ff3joe1.def
;stages/ff3joe2.def ;evening

;mai shiranui (east side park [round 1, 2 & 3])

; mai_rb, stages/es-park2.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_ivonnnu_ruro-
ru_heno_~_huyuu_(mai_shiranui).mp3 ;mai shiranui by ana, (wo2d), (ws)
;stages/es-park1.def ;round 1
;stages/ff3-mai2.def ;round 2

;ryuji yamazaki (train station)

;(es) ryuji, stages/ff3yamazaki.def

;terry bogard (sound beach)

terry30, stages/terry_ff3.def, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_big_shot!_(terry_bogard).mp3
;terry bogard by star platinum, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;stages/ff3jinwa1.def ;delta park water (round 1)

;stages/ff3jinwa2.def ;delta park water (round 2)

;, music=sound/ff3_ost_-_engage_(accidental_fight).mp3

;fatal fury 3 remix

;, music=sound/ff3_ast_chi!!_chi!!_chi!!_chi!!_(hon-fu_stage).mp3
;, music=sound/ff3_ast_wani_no_mi_(joe_higashi_stage).mp3
;, music=sound/ff3_ast_raihatou_(andy_bogard_stage).mp3
;, music=sound/ff3_ast_shiroi_franco_(franco_bash_stage).mp3
;, music=sound/ff3_ast_taku-hatsu_(mochizuki_sokaku_stage).mp3
;, music=sound/ff3_ast_mitsu_no_mi_(bob_wilson_stage).mp3
;, music=sound/ff3_ast_pandora_no_hako_yori_dai'ichiban_-
;, music=sound/ff3_ast_pandora_no_hako_yori_dainiban_-

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;fatal fury real bout (arcade & neogeo) ==============================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- rb1.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- rb_pak ;by david demianoff ======================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- rb1andy ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- rb1joe ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- rb1mai ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- rb1mary ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- rb1sokaku ;by bluebolt =======================================

;andy bogard (east side park [day])

;(es) andy, stages/rbff1-park.def, music=sound/rbff_-

;billy kane (subway [night])

rb_billy, stages/subway_rb1.def, music=sound/rbff_-_n.d.r_(billy_kane).mp3 ;billy
karn by mouser, (wo2d)

;blue mary (subway [day])

bluemary, stages/subwayrb1.def, music=sound/rbff_-_kiss_me_(blue_marry).mp3 ;
bluemary by keyu, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;bob wilson (east side park [evening])

;(es) bob, stages/rbff.def, music=sound/rbff_-_taste_of_honey_(bob_wilson).mp3

;duck king
;(es) duck, stages/rb1-soundbeachstage.def

;franco bash
;(es) franco, random, music=sound/rbff_-_white_franco_(franco_bash).mp3

;(es) honfu, random, music=sound/rbff_-_tch!_tch!_tch!_tch!_(hon_fu).mp3

;jin chonrei
;(es) jin, random, music=sound/rbff_-

;jin chonshu
;(es) jin, random, music=sound/rbff_-

;joe higashi
;(es) joe, random, music=sound/rbff_-_taste_of_alligator_(joe_higashi).mp3

;kim kaphwan
;(es) kim, random, music=sound/rbff_-_seoul_town_(kim_kaph_wan).mp3

;mai shiranui
;(es) mai, random, music=sound/rbff_-

;ryuji yamazaki
;(es) ryuji, random, music=sound/rbff_-_c62_(ryuji_yamazaki).mp3

;sokaku mochizuki
;(es) sokaku, stages/rb1-westsubwaystage.def, music=sound/rbff_-

;terry bogard (harbour [evening])

;(es) terry, stages/terry_rb1.def, music=sound/rbff_-_big_shot!_(terry_bogard).mp3
;fatal fury real bout remix

;, music=sound/rb_ast_duck_king.mp3
;, music=sound/rb_ast_bob_wilson.mp3
;, music=sound/rb_ast_billy_kane.mp3
;, music=sound/rb_ast_geese_howard.mp3
;, music=sound/rb_ast_jin_chonrei.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_andy_bogard.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_billy_kane.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_bob_wilson.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_duck_king.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_geese_howard.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_geese_howard_final.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_jin_chonrei.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_kim_kaphwan.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_mai_shiranui.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_05.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_08.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_10.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_13.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_16.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_17.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_20.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_21.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_30.mp3
;, music=sound/rbff_iso_-_33.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;fatal fury real bout 2 (arcade & neogeo) ============================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- rb2 ;by mugen-spirits ========================================
;- rb2.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- realbout2 ;by ookani =========================================
;(i): rbff2intro ;by dark saviour ===================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- billyending ;by sacrijinan =====================================
;- chengend ;unsigned ================================================
;- duck_end ;by gamespy ==============================================
;- endandy ;by gorjeador ============================================
;- endbash ;by gorjeador ============================================
;- endsokk ;by gorjeador ============================================
;- endterry ;by gorjeador ============================================
;- terryending ;by sacrijinan =====================================
;- tung ;by gamespy ==============================================

;andy bogard
;(es) andy, stages/andy_rb2.def

;billy kane (dojo [dark])

billyrb2, stages/rb2-billystage.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_london_march_(billy_kane).mp3 ;billy kane rbs by starplatinum, (rsff)

;blue mary (streets at night)

;(es) mary, stages/rb2-mary.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-

;franco bash (thai ring [sunset])

bash, stages/rb2_franco.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-_goli-rock_(franco_bash).mp3
;franco bash by smogon and starplatinum, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;geese howard (dojo [bright])

; @geese, ;geese howard by terra, (ldv) + (e) by gorjeador
t_geese, stages/rb2geese.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_geese_ni_shouyu_to_okehitto_(geese_howard).mp3;geese howard by terra, (wo2d) +
(e) by gorjeador

;jin chonrei
;(es) jin, stages/dragonrb2tx.def

;jin chonshu (dragon shrine [yellow])

;(es) jin, stages/rbff2-chonshu.def

;joe higashi (thai ring [night])

; joe4, stages/rbff2-joe.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_thai_nanbu_ni_tsutawatta_sp_no_shi_(joe_higashi).mp3;joe higashi by fatfreddy,
fixed by electrocaid, (csff) + (e) by gorjeador

;kim kaphwan (korean dojo [day & night])

kimrb2, stages/rb2kim.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-_seoul'ssu_(kim_kaphwan).mp3 ;kim
by kazuya, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
;stages/kimrb2.def ;day

;li xiangfei (pigs crossing [day & evening])

; lixiangfei, ;li xiangfei by ���ʂ���, (rsff)
lixiangfeirb2, stages/pigs.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_ooshii_seijou_kouen_~kyoujoushi~_(li_xiangfei).mp3 ;li xiangfei by starplatinum,
;stages/pigs0.def ;evening

;mochizuki sokaku (temple gates [night])

;(es) sokaku, stages/rbff2_sokaku.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-_taku-hatu-

;rick strowd (desert road [sunset])

; rick, ;rick by http://www.geocities.com/mugencreation, (rsff)
rick1, stages/rbff2-rick.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_exceed_the_limit_(rick_strowd).mp3 ;rick by
http://www.geocities.com/mugencreation, updated and altered to last mugen by
exinferis, (rsff)

;ryuji yamazaki (hong kong rooftop [night])

;(es) ryuji, stages/rb2-yamazakistage.def

;terry bogard (desert road [day])

terry1, stages/rb2-terrystage.def, music=sound/rb2_ost_-
_kuri_to_itsu_made_mo_(terry_bogard).mp3 ;terry by pioupiou, (rsff) + (e) by
;wolfgang krauser (krauser's castle [night])
;(es) krauser, stages/rb2krauser.def

;fatal fury real bout 2 remix

;, music=sound/rb2_ast_exceed_the_limit_(rick_strowd).mp3
;, music=sound/rb2_ast_get_the_sky_-with_your_dream-_(alfred).mp3
;, music=sound/rb2_ast_ooshii_seijou_kouen_~kyoujoushi~_(li_xiangfei).mp3
;, music=sound/rb2_ast_raihatou_gaiden_(andy_bogard).mp3
;, music=sound/rb2_ast_shooting_star_(terry_bogard).mp3
;, music=sound/rb2_ast_yukaiteki_rinrinjou_(li_xiangfei).mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;fatal fury real bout special series (fatal fury real bout special & fatal fury
real bout special: dominated mind; arcade, playstation & neogeo)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- rbs-b95 ;by spider-boy / aracnor / nepey bsb! ====================
;- rbsfight ;by david demianoff ======================================
;- rbs.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(lb): rbs_lifebars ;by ironmugen, updated by dark saviour (wc) ==
;(i&e): ==============================================================
;- maisb ;unsigned ================================================
;- sokakusb ;unsigned ================================================
;- tungsb ;unsigned ================================================
;(i): rbffsintro ;by d saviour ======================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- rbffsbash ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================
;- rbffsbilly ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================
;- rbffscheng ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================
;- rbffsjoe ;by wolf/kof99 team ======================================
;- rbffssokaku ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================

;andy bogard (rbs & rbsdm: sakura dreams [round 1: evening])

;(es) andy, stages/rbffsdm-andy.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-

;billy kane (rbs: stage / rbsdm: brocken stage [day & night])
rbspbilly, stages/billy_rbs.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-
_london_march_(billy_kane).mp3 ;billy kane by montana, (wc), (ws2d)
;stages/billy_stage.def ;rbs
;stages/rbffsdm-billy.def ;rbsdm (day)
;stages/rbffsdm-billyb.def ;rbsdm (night)
;stages/rbs-billystage.def ;rbs

;blue mary (rbs & rbsdm: beach [day])

;(es) mary, stages/rbs-marystage.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-

;cheng sinzan (rbs & rbsdm: hong kong [evening])

;(es) cheng, stages/rbffsdm-cheng.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-

;duck king (rbs: beach [sunset])

;(es) duck, stages/beachrbstx.def
;franco bash
;(es) franco, random, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-_goli-rock_(franco_bash).mp3

;geese howard (rbs & rbsdm: dojo)

geeserbs, stages/rbspgeese.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-
_geese_ni_shouyu_(geese_howard).mp3 ;geese howard by david demianoff, (rsff), (wc)
+ (e) by gorjeador
;stages/geesehoward.def ;rbs
;stages/geesetower.def ;rbs
;stages/rbffsdm-geese.def ;rbsdm

;honfu (rbs & rbsdm: hong kong [day])

rbshonfu, stages/rbffsdm-honfu.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-
_donchika!!_chi!!_chi!!_(hon-fu).mp3 ;hon fu by burning ranger, (rsff) + (e)
by wolf/kof99 team
;stages/rbs-hon-fustage.def ;rbs

;joe higashi (rbs: jungle)

;(es) joe, stages/jungle.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-

;kim kaphwan (rbs: korean dojo [day, evening & cloudy] / rbsdm: korean dojo [day])
rb_kim, stages/kim_rbs_01.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-_seoul'ssu_(kim_kaphwan).mp3
;kim kaphwan by mouser, (wo2d) + (e) by bluebolt
;stages/kim_rbs_02.def ;rbs (evening)
;stages/kim_rbs_03.def ;rbs (cloudy)
;stages/rbffsdm-kim.def ;rbsdm

;laurence blood (rbs & rbsdm: castle entrance [day, sunset & dusk])
;(es) laurence, stages/rbs-laurence2.def
;stages/rbffsdm-blood.def ;rbsdm (day)
;stages/rbffsdm-bloodb.def ;rbsdm (sunset)
;stages/rbffsdm-bloodc.def ;rbsdm (dusk)
;stages/rbsplaurence.def ;rbs (day)

;mai shiranui (rbs: sakura dreams)

;(es) mai, stages/rbs-maistage.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-

;mochizuki sokaku
;(es) sokaku, random, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-_taku-hatsu-

;ryuji yamazaki (rbs & rbsdm: hong kong [nght])

;(es) ryuji, stages/rbshonfu.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-_c62_-shirokuni-

;terry bogard (beach [evening & night])

cciterryrbs, stages/terry_rbs.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-
_kuri_to_itsu_made_mo_(terry_bogard).mp3 ;cci terry by david demianoff & omega,
terryrbs, stages/rbs-terrystage.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-
_kuri_to_itsu_made_mo_(terry_bogard).mp3 ;terry bogard by david demianoff, (rsff)
+ (e) by wolf/kof99 team
;tung fu rue (rbs & rbsdm: chinese lake)
;(es) tung, stages/rbffsdm-tung.def

;white (rbsdm: puppets room [part 1 & 2])

white, stages/rbsd_whitebg1st.def, music=sound/rbsdm_-_white_fight.mp3 ;white by
dark nekrobat, (rsff)
;stages/rbffs-white.def ;part 1
;stages/rbffs-whiteb.def ;part 2
;stages/rbsd_whitebg1st_2.def ;part 1
;stages/rbsd_whitebg2nd.def ;part 2
;stages/rbsd_whitebg2nd_2.def ;part 2

;wolfgang krauser (rbs & rbsdm: castle [night])

ccikrauser, stages/rbffsdm-krauser.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-
_requiem_k.626_[lacrimosa]_(wolfgang_krauser).mp3 ;cci krauser by david
demianoff (new version) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
krauser_rbs, stages/castle2_rbs.def, music=sound/rbsp_ost_-
_requiem_k.626_[lacrimosa]_(wolfgang_krauser).mp3 ;wolfgang krauser by david
demianoff (old version), (ei), (rsff)

;fatal fury real bout special remix

;, music=sound/rbsp_ast_goli-rock_(franco_bash).mp3
;, music=sound/rbsp_ast_kuri_to_itsu_made_mo_(terry_bogard).mp3
;, music=sound/rbsp_ast_dear_mai_boy_(shiranui_mai).mp3
;, music=sound/rbsp_ast_ushi_to_otawamure_(laurence_blood).mp3
;, music=sound/rbsp_ast_pandora_no_hako_yori_daisanban_-
;, music=sound/rbsp_ast_geese_ni_shouyu_(geese_howard).mp3
;, music=sound/rbsp_ast_seoul'ssu_(kim_kaphwan).mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_joe.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_mai.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_billy.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_duck.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_geese.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_krauser.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_laurence.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_05.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_07.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_09.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_13.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_14.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_15.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_17.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_18.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_20.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_21.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_22.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_23.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_29.mp3
;, music=sound/rbffsp_iso_-_track_32.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;fatal fury mark of the wolves (neogeo) ==============================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- garou ;by spider-boy / aracnor / barata / nepey ================
;- garou_ex ;by m.m.r. ===============================================
;- garou_ex_1129 ;by m.m.r. =========================================
;- gmotw ;by unknown one ==========================================
;- motw.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- mugen_omega ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(lb): garou_lifebar ;by fail =====================================
;(i&e): hotarusb ;unsigned ==========================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- customgarouintro ;by alexandre ================================
;- omega_intro ;by claudio toxi ===================================

;b. jenet (blue wave harbour [part 1, 2 & 3])

; jenet, ;unsigned b.jenet, (rsff) + (e) by gorjeador
jenet0, stages/motw-07b-jenet2.def, music=sound/motw_ost_bonne_jenet.mp3 ;
b.jenet by john converted by ayustat, (rsff) + (e) by gorjeador
jenet1, stages/motw-07a-jenet1.def, music=sound/motw_ost_bonne_jenet.mp3 ;b
jenet updated to last mugen by exinferis, (rsff) + (e) by gorjeador

;freeman (slam "free field")

free, stages/slam.def, music=sound/motw_ost_freeman.mp3 ;freeman by exinferis,
(rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
free0, stages/motw-freemanstage.def, music=sound/motw_ost_freeman.mp3 ;freeman by
john converted by ayustat, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; freeman, stages/motw-10-freeman.def ;unsigned freeman, (rsff) + (e) by
; freeman0, stages/freetx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_freeman.mp3 ;freeman by
zero, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; freeman_tx, ;freeman by claudio, (wo2d)

;gato (barbaroi falls [morning, day & night])

00gato, stages/fallsmorntx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_gato.mp3 ;gato by tin
gato, stages/fallsdaytx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_gato.mp3 ;gato by deuce, (rsff)
+ (e) by gorjeador
gato0, stages/fallsnighttx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_gato.mp3 ;gato by deuce,
updated to last mugen by exinferis, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
;stages/garou_c.def ;day
;stages/gato_bg.def ;day
;stages/gato_bgm.def ;morning
;stages/gato_bgn.def ;night
;stages/gaton_bg.def ;night
;stages/motw-06a-gato1.def ;day
;stages/motw-06b-gato2.def ;night
;stages/motw-06c-gato3.def ;morning

;grant (dark palace basement)

grant, stages/basementtx_up.def, music=sound/motw_ost_grant.mp3 ;grant by m.m.r.,
(rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;griffon / tizoc (universal arena)

griffon, stages/arenatx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_the_griffon.mp3 ;the griffon
by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;hokutomaru (5th ave. & 2nd st. [part 1, 2 & 3])

hokutomaru, stages/motw-09b-hokutomaru2.def, music=sound/motw_ost_hokutomaru.mp3
;hokutomaru by m@ppy, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
;stages/5thavetx.def ;part 1
;stages/motw-09a-hokutomaru1.def ;part 1

;hotaru futaba (philantropy belfry [day, day bis & night]

dhotaru, stages/belfrydaytx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_hotaru_futaba.mp3 ;
hotaru futaba by dizzy, (ursff)
hotaru, stages/motw-05a-hotaru1.def, music=sound/motw_ost_hotaru_futaba.mp3 ;
hotaru by jin kazama, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
hotaru0, stages/motw-05b-hotaru2.def, music=sound/motw_ost_hotaru_futaba.mp3 ;
hotaru futaba by tunin, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
hotaru1, stages/motw-05c-hotaru3.def, music=sound/motw_ost_hotaru_futaba.mp3 ;
hotaru by strider hiryu and shadow watcher, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
hotaru_mow, stages/hotaru_bgn.def, music=sound/motw_ost_hotaru_futaba.mp3 ;
hotaru futaba by adamskie + (e) by bluebolt

;kain r. heinlein (dark palace donjon)

; jkain, ;unsigned jkain fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
kain, stages/motw-14-kain.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kain_r._heinlein.mp3 ;kain
by sancyo, (ei), (rsff)
kain0, stages/darkpalace.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kain_2.mp3 ;kain r heinlein
by sancyo and butti, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
kain2, stages/darkpalace.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kain_2.mp3 ;kain r heinlein
by sancyo and butti, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; kain_tx, ;kain by claudio, (wo2d)

;kevin rian (s.s.p. maneuver field [sunset, evening & night])

kevin, stages/maneuversunsettx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kevin_ryan.mp3 ;kevin
rian by m@ppy, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
;stages/kevin_bgn.def ;night
;stages/kevinn_bg.def ;night
;stages/maneuverevetx.def ;evening
;stages/maneuvernighttx.def ;night
;stages/motw-12a-kevin1.def ;sunset
;stages/motw-12b-kevin2.def ;evening
;stages/motw-12c-kevin3.def ;night

;kim dong hwan (oriental casino "woo")

dong, stages/motw-03-kimdong.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kim_dong_hwan.mp3 ;kim
dong hwan by kazuya, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
dong1, stages/casino.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kim_dong_hwan.mp3 ;kim dong hwan by
gabriel maeng, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
donghwan, stages/casino.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kim_dong_hwan.mp3 ;kim dong
hwan by tukemon, (wo2d) + (e) by bluebolt
; donghwan0, ;kim dong hwan by tukemon, (wc) + (e) by bluebolt
; hwan, stages/casinotx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kim_dong_hwan.mp3 ;kim
dong hwan by angel myst, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
hwan0, stages/casinotx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kim_dong_hwan.mp3 ;dong hwan
by pysolex & angelmyst, (ei), (rsff)

;kim jae hoon (yok chong market [part 1 & 2])

jae, stages/motw-04a-kimjae1.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kim_jae_hoon.mp3 ;kim
jae hoon by kazuya + (e) by bluebolt
jae0, stages/motw-04a-kimjae1.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kim_jae_hoon.mp3 ;kim
jae hoon by gabriel maeng, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
jaehoon, stages/jaehoonbg.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kim_jae_hoon.mp3 ;jae hoon by
pysolex, (csff) + (e) by bluebolt
jaehoon0, stages/jaehoonbg.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kim_jae_hoon.mp3 ;kim jae
hoon by tukemon, (wc) + (e) by bluebolt
jaehoon1, stages/markettx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kim_jae_hoon.mp3 ;jae hoon by
angel myst, (csff) + (e) by bluebolt
jaehoon2, stages/markettx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_kim_jae_hoon.mp3 ;kim jae
hoon by dloop@puckoff.com (http://dloop.virtualave.net), fixed by gohan ssm2,
(csff) + (e) by bluebolt
; jaohoon, ;kim jao hoon by jeff, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;marco rodriguez / khushnood butt (sarah forest [part 1 & 2]

andrew, stages/motw-08a-marco1.def, music=sound/motw_ost_marco_rodriguez.mp3 ;
andrew by blue heart, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
andrew0, stages/foresttx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_marco_rodriguez.mp3 ;andrew by
myketto g.d.r., (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
marco, stages/marcobg.def, music=sound/motw_ost_marco_rodriguez.mp3 ;marco
rodriguez by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;rock howard (live house "old line")

;(e): rock_end ;by gamespy

k-wix, stages/motw-02-rock.def, music=sound/motw_ost_rock_howard.mp3 ;impulse

rock by neogouki(originalrock) & k-wix(editing), (wc), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
rock, stages/motw-02-rock.def, music=sound/motw_ost_rock_howard.mp3 ;neorock by
neogouki + (e) by bluebolt
rock0, stages/oldlinetx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_rock_howard.mp3 ;rock howard
by ahuron + (e) by bluebolt
rock1, stages/oldlinetx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_rock_howard.mp3 ;rock by
hideyuki@capella.freemail.ne.jp, (csff) + (e) by bluebolt
rock2000, stages/oldlinetx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_rock_howard.mp3 ;rock howard
por ssonic, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;terry bogard (freight express [part 1, 2 & 3])

ff4terry, stages/terry_motw.def, music=sound/motw_ost_terry_bogard.mp3 ;terry
bogard by [yagami], (ursff) + (e) by gorjeador
; jterry, stages/freight3rd.def, music=sound/motw_ost_terry_bogard.mp3 ;
unsigned jterry, (rsff) + (e) by gorjeador
terry motw, stages/expressseatx.def, music=sound/motw_ost_terry_bogard.mp3 ;terry
bogard by makomako + (e) by gorjeador
;stages/expressbridgetx.def ;round 3
;stages/expressstoptx.def ;round 1
;stages/terrymotw3.def ;round 3
;stages/motw-01b-terry2.def ;round 2
;stages/motw-01c-terry3.def ;round 3

;fatal fury mark of the wolves remix

;(i): hotaru-op ;unsigned
;(e): hotaru-ed ;unsigned

;freeman edits
ella, stages/kof_harbor.def, music=sound/motw_astr_10_-_all_over_with_blood.mp3
;ella by aiduzzi, (wc)
ravenous, stages/ravebg.def, music=sound/ravebg.mp3 ;ravenous by ex-inferis,

;gato edits
lauren, stages/amazonia.def, music=sound/motw_astr_06_full_moon_-_a_groan.mp3
;hel'lauren by jack bandit rt, (rsff)
; sanosuke, stages/amazonia.def, music=sound/motw_astr_06_full_moon_-
_a_groan.mp3 ;sanosuke by ocariocanildo
tenshiro, stages/amazonia.def, music=sound/motw_astr_06_full_moon_-_a_groan.mp3
;tenshiro by juanabl, (rsff)

;hotaru futaba edits

af, stages/tizoc.def, music=sound/motw_astr_05_full_moon_-_heartfull.mp3 ;a.f
by elecbyte / ryoh80@hotmail.com, (rsff) (unrequestable status)
luna, stages/v-m_arena.def, music=sound/motw_astr_05_full_moon_-_heartfull.mp3
;luna by toshi, (rsff) (unrequestable status)
shira, stages/tizoc.def, music=sound/motw_astr_05_full_moon_-_heartfull.mp3 ;shira
by doagui, (csff)
; zero_hotaru, ;zero hotaru by arche, (rsff)
zero_hotaru0, stages/v-m_arena.def, music=sound/motw_astr_05_full_moon_-
_heartfull.mp3 ;zero hotaru by mikage sougetu, (rsff)

;kain r. heinlein edits

clarens, stages/moon_base.def, music=sound/dj-van-the_beast.mp3 ;omega clarens by
ta-chan and clarence, (rsff)
kain1, stages/syns_bg.def, music=sound/motw_astr_14_dignity_palace.mp3 ;kain by
���� , (rsff)
neo0, stages/ignizex.def, music=sound/dj-van-the_beast.mp3 ;neo by masterfocus &
tonyhawks, (rsff)

;kevin rian edits

jesus gardea, stages/trainmix.def,
music=sound/motw_astr_12_wilderness_policeman.mp3 ;jesus gardea by megagokux,

;kim dong hwan edits

; dong_ex_plus, stages/trainmix.def, music=sound/motw_astr_03_loose_genius.mp3
;dong by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
; dong0, stages/trainmix.def, music=sound/motw_astr_03_loose_genius.mp3 ;kung
fu man by elecbyte, (csff)
edong, stages/trainmix.def, music=sound/motw_astr_03_loose_genius.mp3 ;evil hwan
by elecbyte & aktioncom, (csff)

;kim jae hoon edits

kim2, stages/trainmix.def, music=sound/motw_astr_04_too_honest.mp3 ;kim kap
hwan by gabriel maeng

;marco rodriguez edits

; marco3, stages/terry_motw0.def, music=sound/motw_astr_08_-_from_brazil.mp3
;marco by fraya, (wo2d)
; devil0, ;devil by blue heart (devil2.sff), (rsff)

;rock howard edits

jackbandit, stages/omegastreettx_up.def, music=sound/motw_rmx_-_rock_howard.mp3
;jack bandit by jack bandit rt
; r1, ;rock by hk, (rsff)
; rock2, ;rock by fraya, (wo2d)
rockex, stages/omegastreettx_up.def, music=sound/motw_astr_01_spread_the_wings.mp3
;voidrock by chotto-komaru,alexi, (rsff)
r-rock, stages/na.def, music=sound/motw_-_rock_howard_remix.mp3 ;robo rock by y.y,
; r-rock0, ;robo rock by y.y, (ldv)
; r-rock1, ;robo rock by y.y, updated by ??? (unrequestable status)
;terry bogard edits
; ikuzo, stages/terry1.def ;ikuzo by ixnaydk, (rsff) (unrequestable
zero12, stages/ltrain.def, music=sound/motw_astr_02_sunrise_on_the_train.mp3 ;zero
arctica by zero

;, music=sound/motw_astr_07_-_bad_girl.mp3 ;jenet
;, music=sound/motw_astr_09_-_ninja_or_monkey.mp3 ;hokutomaru
;, music=sound/motw_astr_11_invincible_mask.mp3;the griffon
;, music=sound/motw_astr_13_destruction_maniac.mp3 ;grant

;(ss) ================================================================
;fatal fury: wild ambition (neogeo) ==================================

;(es) andy, random,

;(es) billy, stages/bridge_wa.def,
;(es) geese, stages/gwageese.def,
;(es) joe, random, music=sound/ffwa_ost_06_the_river_(joe_higashi_stage).mp3
;(es) kim, stages/kormakt.def,
;(es) li xiangfei, random,
;(es) mai, random, music=sound/ffwa_ost_08_hikyou_no_sato_(shiranui_mai_stage).mp3
;(es) raiden, random,
;(es) ryuji, random, music=sound/ffwa_ost_10_black_rose_(yamazaki_ryuji_stage).mp3
;(es) sakata toji, random, music=sound/ffwa_ost_11_dan'iki_(sakata_toji_stage).mp3
;(es) sendo tsugumi, random,
; terry3d, stages/terry.def,
music=sound/ffwa_ost_04_11th_street_(terry_bogard_stage).mp3 ;terry bogard 3d
by neofix, (rsff) (unrequestable status)


;, music=sound/ffwa_ost_21_geese_ni_shouyu_-end_of_the_first_nightmare-
;, music=sound/ffwa_ost_24_big_shot_xl_(boss_stage_2).mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;fatal fury series original char =====================================

; gbh, ;geese howard by nyan��kiryu, (rsff)

;fate series (fate / hollow ataraxia, fate / stay night & fate / sword dance; pc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;fate / stay night (pc) ==============================================
;(sp): fate ;by uso=bidan ============================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- fateop1 ;by shiroto ==============================================
;- fateop2 ;by shiroto ==============================================
;- fateop3 ;by shiroto ==============================================
;- realtanuaop ;by kuni ===========================================

; sirou0, ;sirou by elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d)

;stages/anrimayu.def, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_emiya.mp3
;stages/fate.def ;unlimited blade works
;stages/fate_bankpark.def ;bank park
;stages/fate_bankroad.def ;bank road (noon)
;stages/fate_bankroad2.def ;bank road (night)
;stages/fate_buildingroof.def ;building roof
;stages/fate_cavity.def ;big cavity
;stages/fate_cavity2.def ;big cavity (past)
;stages/fate_cavity3.def ;big cavity (collapsed)
;stages/fate_cavityaltar.def ;big cavity altar
;stages/fate_church.def ;kotomine church (noon)
;stages/fate_church2.def ;kotomine church (cloudy)
;stages/fate_city.def ;city (noon)
;stages/fate_city2.def ;city (night)
;stages/fate_city3.def ;city (evening)
;stages/fate_city4.def ;city (cloudy)
;stages/fate_city5.def ;city (uninhabited)
;stages/fate_city6.def ;city (midnight)
;stages/fate_crossroad.def ;crossroad (noon)
;stages/fate_crossroad2.def ;crossroad (night)
;stages/fate_crossroad3.def ;crossroad (evening)
;stages/fate_crossroad4.def ;crossroad (cloudy)
;stages/fate_daiseidou.def ;daiseidou
;stages/fate_doukutuhoukai.def ;daikuudouhoukai
;stages/fate_ekimae.def ;station front (noon)
;stages/fate_ekimae2.def ;station front (night)
;stages/fate_ekimae3.def ;station front (evening)
;stages/fate_ekimae4.def ;station front (midnight)
;stages/fate_emiyatei.def ;emiya residence (morning)
;stages/fate_emiyatei10.def ;emiya residence (dark shadow)
;stages/fate_emiyatei2.def ;emiya residence (noon)
;stages/fate_emiyatei3.def ;emiya residence (night)
;stages/fate_emiyatei5.def ;emiya residence (evening)
;stages/fate_emiyatei6.def ;emiya residence (cloudy)
;stages/fate_emiyatei7.def ;emiya residence (midnight)
;stages/fate_emiyatei8.def ;emiya residence (frost - night)
;stages/fate_emiyatei9.def ;emiya residence (frost - midnight)
;stages/fate_fire.def ;fire
;stages/fate_kyudoplace.def ;kyudo place (noon)
;stages/fate_kyudoplace2.def ;kyudo place (night)
;stages/fate_kyudoplace3.def ;kyodo place (midnight)
;stages/fate last.def ;ryuudouji_last
;stages/fate_matoutei.def ;matou mansion (noon)
;stages/fate_matoutei2.def ;matou mansion (evening)
;stages/fate_matoutei3.def ;matou mansion (night)
;stages/fate_park.def ;park (noon)
;stages/fate_park2.def ;park (night)
;stages/fate_park3.def ;park (evening)
;stages/fate_park4.def ;park (midnight)
;stages/fate_pond.def ;ryudo temple pond (night)
;stages/fate_pond2.def ;ryudo temple pond (morning)
;stages/fate_pond3.def ;ryudo temple pond (night)
;stages/fate_pond4.def ;ryudo temple pond (meet)
;stages/fate_pond5.def ;ryudo temple pond (night)
;stages/fate_rooftop.def ;the rooftop of shinto
;stages/fate_ryudo.def ;ryudo temple precinct (night)
;stages/fate_ryudo2.def ;ryudo temple precinct (caster)
;stages/fate_ryudo3.def ;ryudo temple precinct (gilgamesh)
;stages/fate_ryudo4.def ;ryudo temple precinct (morning)
;stages/fate_ryudousha_night.def ;night of ryodousha temple
;stages/fate_schoolroof.def ;school roof (noon)
;stages/fate_schoolroof2.def ;school roof (night)
;stages/fate_schoolroof3.def ;school roof (evening)
;stages/fate_schoolroof4.def ;school roof (blood)
;stages/fate_schoolyard.def ;schoolyard (noon)
;stages/fate_schoolyard2.def ;schoolyard (evening)
;stages/fate_schoolyard3.def ;schoolyard (night)
;stages/fate_schoolyard4.def ;schoolyard (blood)
;stages/fate_schoolzone.def ;school zone (noon)
;stages/fate_schoolzone2.def ;school zone (evening)
;stages/fate_shadow.def, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-
;stages/fate_sinto_day.def ;daylight of shinto street
;stages/fate_sinto_night.def ;night of shinto city
;stages/fate stay night school.def, music=sound/fate_-_fate.mp3 ;schoolyard
;stages/fate stay night kyoukai.def, music=sound/fate_-_fate.mp3 ;kotomine church
;stages/fate stay night ekimae.def, music=sound/fate_-_fate.mp3 ;station front
;stages/fate_woodland.def ;einzbren woodland (noon)
;stages/fate_woodland2.def ;einzbren woodland (night)
;stages/fate_woodlandsquare.def ;square of einzbren woodland
;stages/ryudouji.def ;temple (night)
;stages/ryudouji2.def ;ryuudouji
;stages/sakazuki.def, music=sound/fate_-_sakazuki_bgm.mp3
;stages/sink.def, music=sound/fate_-_sink.mp3
;stages/unlimited_blade_works.def, music=sound/fate_-_unlimited_blade_works.mp3

;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_a_hurricane_fencer.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_a_new_sunrise.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_all_the_ills_of_this_world.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_breach.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_changing_of_the_seasons.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_colliding_souls.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_days_(fate_ver.)_-_chino.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_during_the_dead_of_night.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_every_day_is_calm.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_in_the_rays_of_the_sun.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_into_the_night.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_king_of_gold.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_light_and_darkness.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_madder_red.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_nightmare.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_on_the_other_side_of_recollection.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_our_time_together.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_peaceful_scenery.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_surrounded_by_smiles.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_the_footsteps_of_ruin.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_the_promised_sword_of_victory.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_this_illusion_(inst.).mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_this_illusion_(piano_ver.).mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_unfading_thoughts.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_wandering_shadow.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ost_-_whirlpool_of_fate.mp3

;fate / stay night remix


;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_assassin.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_avalon.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_brilliant_years.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_come_across_the_nightmare.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_emiya.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_excalibur.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_illusion_fate.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_illusion_vision.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_memory_~_interlude_~.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_no_mercy.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_omen.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_prologue.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_sadness.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_unlimited_blade_works.mp3
;, music=sound/fatestaynight_ast_-_avalon_-_witchcraft.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;fate / hollow ataraxia (pc) =========================================
;(e): fate-bad_end ;by raien makoto =============================

; archer0, stages/fate-remains.def ;archer by drowin

; lancer, stages/fate_shoppingmall.def ;lancer by drowin
; rin, stages/iriya.def ;rin by drowin

;stages/fatehollow_bankpark.def ;bank park (noon)

;stages/fatehollow_bankpark2.def ;bank park (night)
;stages/fatehollow_bankroad.def ;bank road (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_bankroad2.def ;bank road (night)
;stages/fatehollow_bankroad3.def ;bank road (midnight)
;stages/fatehollow_bridge.def ;bridge (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_bridge2.def ;bridge (night)
;stages/fatehollow_bridge3.def ;bridge (night)
;stages/fatehollow_bridge4.def ;bridge (night)
;stages/fatehollow_bridge5.def ;bridge (night) [evil is here!]
;stages/fatehollow_buildingroof.def ;building roof (midnight)
;stages/fatehollow_buildingroof2.def ;building roof (night)
;stages/fatehollow_buildingroof3.def ;building roof (sakaduki stair)
;stages/fatehollow_church.def ;kotomine church (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_church2.def ;kotomine church (night)
;stages/fatehollow_church3.def ;kotomine church (night - demons)
;stages/fatehollow_churchruin.def ;magical ruin (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_churchruin2.def ;magical ruin (night)
;stages/fatehollow_crossroad.def ;crossroad (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_crossroad2.def ;crossroad (night)
;stages/fatehollow_crossroad3.def ;crossroad (evening)
;stages/fatehollow_crossroad4.def ;crossroad (midnight)
;stages/fatehollow_ekimae.def ;station front (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_ekimae2.def ;station front (night)
;stages/fatehollow_ekimae3.def ;station front (evening)
;stages/fatehollow_ekimae4.def ;station front (midnight)
;stages/fatehollow_emiyatei.def ;emiya residence (morning)
;stages/fatehollow_emiyatei2.def ;emiya residence (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_emiyatei3.def ;emiya residence (night)
;stages/fatehollow_emiyatei4.def ;emiya residence (evening)
;stages/fatehollow_emiyatei5.def ;emiya residence (midnight)
;stages/fatehollow_house.def ;drama house
;stages/fatehollow_magicalstar.def ;magical star (without)
;stages/fatehollow_magicalstar2.def ;magical star (with)
;stages/fatehollow_matoutei.def ;matou mansion (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_matoutei2.def ;matou mansion (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_matoutei3.def ;matou mansion (evening)
;stages/fatehollow_matoutei4.def ;matou mansion (midnight)
;stages/fatehollow_road.def ;drama road
;stages/fatehollow_ryudo.def ;ryudo temple precinct (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_ryudo2.def ;ryudo temple precinct (night)
;stages/fatehollow_ryudohall.def ;ryudo temple hall (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_ryudohall2.def ;ryudo temple hall (night)
;stages/fatehollow_ryudohall3.def ;ryudo temple hall (midnight)
;stages/fatehollow_ryudohill.def ;ryudo temple hill (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_ryudohill2.def ;behind hill (night)
;stages/fatehollow_sakaduki.def ;sakaduki
;stages/fatehollow_schoolyard.def ;schoolyard (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_schoolyard2.def ;schoolyard (evening)
;stages/fatehollow_schoolzone.def ;school zone (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_schoolzone2.def ;school zone (evening)
;stages/fatehollow_shrine.def ;tohsaka shrine (morning)
;stages/fatehollow_shrine2.def ;tohsaka shrine (noon)
;stages/fatehollow_shrine3.def ;tohsaka shrine (night)
;stages/fatehollow_shrine4.def ;tohsaka shrine (evening)
;stages/fatehollow_shrine5.def ;tohsaka shrine (early morning)
;stages/fatehollow_soccer.def ;soccer pitch
;stages/fatehollow_village.def ;village
;stages/fatehollow_wreck.def ;wreck heap (with evil)
;stages/fatehollow_wreck2.def ;wreck heap (without evil)


;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_ataraxia.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_avenger.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_back_to_the_night.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_church_of_rubble.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_cool_wind.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_door_of_the_truth.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_emiya_2.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_encounter.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_excalibur.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_false_transmigration_of_the_soul.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_flicker.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_fragment_of_happiness.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_hollow_(short_edit).mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_karen's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_last_piece.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_legend.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_let's_go_cheerfully.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_light_step.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_mirage.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_our_future_(short_edit).mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_outbreak.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_reunion.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_romance.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_strange_friend.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_stranger.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_wars.mp3
;, music=sound/fatehollowataraxia_ost_-_whisper_of_darkness.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;fate / sword dance (pc) =============================================

;archer (school)
; archer, ;archer by black-air, (wo2d)
emiya, stages/fate_school.def, music=sound/fsd_taiga.mp3 ;emiya by kuri, (wc),

;assasin (ryudohji temple)

; kojirou, stages/fsd_assassin.def ;kojirou by elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d)

;berseker (einzbren castle)

berserker, stages/ainthu.def, music=sound/fate_-_ainthu.mp3 ;berserker by
choiya-, (wc), (ws2d)
; herakuresu, stages/fate04.def ;herakuresu by elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d)

;gilgamesh (brainfield)
; giru, stages/fate02.def ;giru by elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d)

;lancer (church)
; ransa, ;ransa by elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d)

;rider (shinto business district)

; raida, stages/fsd_rider.def, music=sound/fsd_rider.mp3 ;raida by
elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d)

;saber (mansion of emiya)

saber, stages/fsd_saber.def, music=sound/fsd_rider.mp3 ;saber by kuri, (wo2d),

;tiger (tiger dojo)

; taiga, ;taiga by elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d)
taiga0, stages/fsd_taiga.def, music=sound/fsd_taiga.mp3 ;taiga&buruma by
shimon, (wc), (ws2d), (n2bu: [ws])

;felix the cat (nes) -------------------------------------------------
;stages/felix11r.def ;stage 1-1

;fifa 2001 -----------------------------------------------------------


;fight fever (neogeo) ------------------------------------------------

;bonus game (round 1: german october fest / round 2: korean docks)

;(es) bonus game, random, music=sound/ffever_-_bonus_game.mp3

;chintao (chinese temple)

;(es) chintao, random, music=sound/ffever_-_chin_tao_(china).mp3

;golrio (brazilian docks)

;(es) golrio, stages/selva0.def, music=sound/ffever_-_golrio_(brasil).mp3

;han baedal (korean docks)

hanbaedal, stages/fev_k_kenjibg.def, music=sound/ffever_-_han_baedal_(korea).mp3
;han bae dal by envymask666, (rsff)

;hophen haimer (german october fest)

; rh, ;r.heimer by k-z, (rsff)
rh2001, stages/chopp.def, music=sound/ffever_-_rophen_heimer_(german).mp3 ;
r.h.2001 by k-z, (rsff)

;kim hoon (mexican temple)

kimhoon, stages/mexicofever.def, music=sound/ffever_-_kim_hoon_(mexico).mp3 ;kim
hoon by envymask666, (rsff)

;karate kenji (japanese rooftop)

;(es) karate kenji, stages/fev_k_kenjibg.def, music=sound/ffever_-

;magic dunker (us basketball court)

;(es) magic dunker, random, music=sound/ffever_-_magic_dunker_(u.s.a).mp3

;master taekuk (korean dojo)

taekuk, stages/fev_m_taekukbg.def, music=sound/ffever_-_master_taekuk_(korea).mp3
;master taekuk by nyo

;miyuki (japanese metro station)

;(es) miyuki, stages/metr.def, music=sound/ffever_-_miyuki_(japan).mp3

;nick commando (us heliport)

;(es) nick commando, random, music=sound/ffever_-_nick_commando_(u.s.a).mp3

;fighter's history series (fighter's history, fighter's history mizoguchi kiki
ippatsu! & fighter's history dynamite / karnov's revenge; super nes & neogeo)
; clown, ;clown by {[evil kairi]}, (rsff)
clown0, stages/fh_clownbg.def, music=sound/fh_-_clown's_theme.mp3 ;clown by
{[evil_kairi]}, sounds and palletes 4-6 added by oscarnaiz
;stages/fh1_clownbg.def ;fh
;stages/fhd_clownbg1st.def ;fhd
;stages/fhd_clownbg1st_2.def ;fhd
;stages/fhd_clownbg1st_a.def ;fhd
;stages/fhd_clownbg2nd.def ;fhd
;stages/fhd_clownbg2nd_2.def ;fhd
;stages/fhd_clownbg2nd_2_a.def ;fhd
;stages/fhd_clownbg2nd_a.def ;fhd

; feilin, ;feilin by citruskid, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
fhd_feilin, stages/fhd_feilin1.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-
_feilin's_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3 ;feilin by 177
; fhd_feilin2, ;chibi feilin by 177
fhd_feilin3, stages/fhd_feilin2.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-
_feilin's_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3 ;feilin by 177
;stages/fh1_feibg.def, music=sound/fh_-_feilin's_theme.mp3 ;fh

; jean, ;unsigned jean, (csff)
jean1, stages/fhd_jeanbg1st_2.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-
_jean's_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3 ;jean by star platnium, (rsff)
jean2, stages/fh1jeanbg.def, music=sound/fh_-_jean's_theme.mp3 ;jean pielle by
;stages/fh_jean.def ;fh

karnov, stages/fhd_karnov_2nd.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-
_karnov's_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3 ;karnov by adamskie, (ei), (rsff)
karnov0, stages/fh1_karbg.def, music=sound/fh_-_karnov's_theme.mp3 ;karnov by a
(pirate version), (ei), (wo2d) (unrequestable status)

lee, stages/fhd_leebg1st.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-_lee's_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3
;lee by keyu, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

;marstrius (fh: neptune's horses / fhd: coliseum's ring)

00brody, stages/fh1_marsbg.def, music=sound/fh_-_marstorius'_theme.mp3 ;tin's
marstrius, (rsff)
;stages/marstriusbg.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-
_marstorius'_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3 ;fhd

matlock, stages/fhd_matlok_1st.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-
_matlok's_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3 ;jade matlock by star platnium, (rsff)
;stages/fh1_matbg.def, music=sound/fh_-_matlok's_theme.mp3 ;fh
;stages/fhd_matlok_2nd.def ;fhd

00mizoguchi, stages/fh1_mizobg.def, music=sound/fh_-_mizoguchi's_theme.mp3 ;tin's
mizoguchi, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
makoto_mizoguchi, stages/fhd-mizobg_up.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-
_mizoguchi's_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3 ;makoto mizoguchi by tokinokuni-kei, (i&ei),
; mizoguchi, ;unsigned mizoguchi, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

ox, stages/fhd_ray3_ox.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-_ox's_theme_(extra_round).mp3
;ox by yoshida ruiji, (rsff)

ray1, stages/fhd_ray2.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-_ray's_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3 ;ray
by falchion22, (rsff)
;stages/fh1_raybg.def, music=sound/fh_-_ray's_theme.mp3 ;fh
;stages/fhd_ray1.def ;fhd

ryoko_fhd, stages/fhd_ryokobg1st.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-
_ryoko's_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3 ;ryoko by adamskie
;stages/fh1ryoko_bg.def, music=sound/fh_-_ryoko's_theme.mp3 ;fh
;stages/fhd_ryokobg1st_2.def ;fhd (part 1)
;stages/fhd_ryokobg2nd.def ;fhd (part 2)
;stages/fhd_ryokobg2nd_2.def ;fhd (part 2)

samchay, stages/fhd-samchaybg.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-
_samchay's_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3 ;samchay by samchay manufacture committee
samchaydm, stages/fh_samchaybg.def, music=sound/fh_-_samchay's_theme.mp3 ;
samchay by duende macabro, (wc), (ws2d)
;stages/fh1_samchaybg.def ;fh
;stages/fhd_samchay1.def ;fhd (day)
;stages/fhd_samchay2.def ;fhd (evening)

yungmie, stages/fhd_karnov_1st.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-
_yungmie's_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3 ;riu yung mie by zamtong, (i&ei), (rsff)

zazie, stages/fhd_zazie_1st.def, music=sound/fhd_ost_-
_zazie's_theme_~_hurry_up.mp3 ;zazie muhaba by tokinokuni-kei, (ei), (wc)


;fighter's history series remix

; s-ryoko, stages/ryoko_mod.def, music=sound/karnov_russian_jam_oc_remix.mp3

;ryoko kano by shamanspirit

;, music=sound/fh_ast_-_clown's_theme_~_hurry_up!_clown!!.mp3
;, music=sound/fh_ast_-_feilin's_theme_~_hurry_up!_feilin!!.mp3
;, music=sound/fh_ast_-_jean's_theme_~_hurry_up!_jean!!.mp3
;, music=sound/fh_ast_-_karnov's_theme_~_hurry_up!_karnov!!.mp3
;, music=sound/fh_ast_-_lee's_theme_~_hurry_up!_lee!!.mp3
;, music=sound/fh_ast_-_marstorius'_theme_~_hurry_up!_marstorius!!.mp3
;, music=sound/fh_ast_-_matlok's_theme_~_hurry_up!_matlok!!.mp3
;, music=sound/fh_ast_-_mizoguchi's_theme_~_hurry_up!_mizoguchi!!.mp3
;, music=sound/fh_ast_-_ray's_theme_~_hurry_up!_ray!!.mp3
;, music=sound/fh_ast_-_ryoko's_theme_~_hurry_up!_ryoko!!.mp3
;, music=sound/fh_ast_-_samchay's_theme_~_hurry_up!_samchay!!.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_clown's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_feilin's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_jean's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_karnov's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_lee's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_marstorius'_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_matlok's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_mizoguchi's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_ox's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_ray's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_ryoko's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_samchay's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_yungmie's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhd_ast_-_zazie's_theme.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;fighter's history mizoguchi kiki ippatsu! (super nes) ===============

;(es) chelnov, random, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-_atomic_runner_(chelnov_stage).mp3

;(es) clown, random, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-_basement_akumu_(clown_stage).mp3

;kanou ryouko
;(es) ryoko, random, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-

;(es) karnov, random, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-_errand_of_the_god_(karnov_stage).mp3

;lee diendou
;(es) lee, random, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-

;liu feilin
;(es) feilin, random, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-
;liu yungmie
;(es) yungmie, random, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-

;mizoguchi makoto
;(es) mizoguchi, random, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-

;(es) zazie, stages/selvat.def, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-

;, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-_mizoguchi_love_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-_mizoguchi_makoto_naniwa_kaidanji-hen.mp3
;, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-_practice.mp3
;, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-_ryooko_appears!.mp3
;, music=sound/fhmki_ost_-_the_man_who_stole_a_beetle.mp3

;fighters megamix ----------------------------------------------------

;(es) bark, stages/fm_icefl.def

;(es) hornet, stages/fm_circt.def

;(es) jacky, stages/fm_jacky.def

;(es) jeffry, stages/fm_jeffry.def

;(es) kage, stages/fm_kage.def


;fighting masters (super nes) ----------------------------------------

;(es) beowulf

;(es) dio

;(es) dirk

;(es) equus

eyesight, random, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_music_for_the_jilted_generation_-
_10.mp3 ;eyesight by zilton, (rsff)
;(es) goldrock

;lord valgasu
;(es) lord valgasu

;(es) mastodon

;(es) morin

;(es) phoenix

;(es) rotundo

;(es) xenon

zygrowl, random, music=sound/rock_&_ash_-_searching_for_nena.mp3 ;zygrowl by lord
sinistro, (rsff)

;fighting spirit (amiga) ---------------------------------------------

;burk (arizona)
;(es) burk, stages/fsarizona.def, music=sound/fsarizona.mp3

;eric (mt. rushmore)

;(es) eric, music=sound/fsmountr.def, music=sound/fs_-_mount_rushmore.mp3

;(es) jenshi

;kento (japan)
;(es) kento

;lorentz (new york)

;(es) lorentz, stages/fsnewyork.def, music=sound/fs_-_new_york.mp3

;rhajang (forest)
;(es) rhajang

;shela (sun beach)

;(es) shela

shiro_asuka, stages/fsindia.def, music=sound/fsindia.mp3 ;shiro_asuka by dxwho

;shuzar (india)
;(es) shuzar, stages/fsindia.def, music=sound/fsindia.mp3

;tong lee (thailand)

;(es) tong lee

;yadon (forest)
;(es) yadon

;yuri (himalaya)
;(es) yuri

;fighting vipers series (fighting vipers & fighting vipers 2; saturn & dreamcast)

;(ss) ================================================================
;fighting vipers (saturn) ============================================


;fighting warriors (amiga) -------------------------------------------


;final fantasy series (final fantasy, final fantasy 2, final fantasy 3, final
fantasy 4, final fantasy 5, final fantasy 6, final fantasy 7, final fantasy 8,
final fantasy 9, final fantasy 10, final fantasy 11, final fantasy tactics; nes,
super nes & playstation)
;(e) gameover ;by [c]csff7h --------------------------------------

; bom, stages/figaro.def ;bom by de-chan, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)

; kaizel, stages/figaro.def ;kaizel by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;final fantasy 2 (nes) ===============================================

; ff2kain, stages/pandemo.def ;kain by legato, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;final fantasy 3 (nes) ===============================================

; celes, stages/ff3.def ;unsigned celes, (rsff)

; locke0, stages/narshe.def ;unsigned locke cole, (rsff)
; shadow1, stages/ff3.def ;unsigned shadow, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;final fantasy 4 (super nes) =========================================

; dcecil, ;unsigned dknight cecil, (rsff)

; edge, ;edge by xardion, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)
; rydia, ;rydia of mist by h cuz, (rsff)
;(ss) ================================================================
;final fantasy 5 (super nes) =========================================

; butz, stages/ff5.def ;butz by helios, (wc)

; ff5_omega, stages/vs_omega.def ;omega by hsr, (wo2d), (n2bu: [coding])
; ff5_shinryu, stages/vs_shinryu.def ;shinryu by hsr, (wo2d)


;(ss) ================================================================
;final fantasy 6 (super nes) =========================================

; edgar, stages/ff6_town.def, music=sound/ff6_finalkefka.mp3 ;unsigned edgar

figaro, (rsff)
; kefka, ;kefka by general leo, kaiokenx4@saiyan.com, (rsff)
; leo1, ;general leo by general leo, kaiokenx4@saiyan.com, (rsff)
; mash, ;mash figaro by akane, (rsff)
; mash0, ;mash figaro by general leo, kaiokenx4@saiyan.com, (rsff)
; terra, ;terra branford by mighty akuma, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;final fantasy 7 (playstation) =======================================

;stages/ancient0.def ;the temple of the ancients

;stages/battlesquare.def ;battle square
;stages/blue0.def ;the northern cave (blue)
;stages/bright.def ;the northern cave (bright)
;stages/cathedral4.def ;cathedral
;stages/chocobo.def ;chocobo farm
;stages/corel.def ;hill of corel
;stages/ff256+.def ;aeris church
;stages/ff7arena.def, music=sound/ff7-fight.mp3;battle square arena
;stages/ff7-battle.def ;the brave do not fear the grave
;stages/ff7-costadelsol.def ;costa del sol
;stages/ff7grasslands.def ;grass lands
;stages/ff7-hautvent.def ;high winds
;stages/ff7-junon.def ;junon streets
;stages/ff7-junoncanon.def ;junon canon
;stages/ff7-makoreactor.def ;mako reactor
;stages/ff7-metro.def ;subway
;stages/ff7-nibelheim.def ;nibelheim
;stages/ff7-plateforme.def ;platform
;stages/ff7-shinraoffice.def ;shinra office
;stages/ff7-sneak.def ;snake
;stages/ff7-theatre.def ;theater
;stages/ff7-trophy.def ;spoils of battle
;stages/glacier0.def ;the great glacier
;stages/grasslands.def ;grasslands
;stages/hb_inn.def ;the honey bee inn
;stages/inside.def ;inside the planet
;stages/jenovaconfinement.def ;jenova's confinement
;stages/jun_dock.def ;junon dock (with boat)
;stages/junon.def ;junon dock (without boat)
;stages/midgarst.def ;street of midgar - sector b
;stages/mount.def ;mount nibel
;stages/nibel.def ;nibel mako reactor
;stages/shinra.def ;shinra headquarters
;stages/vector.def ;vector

;final fantasy 7 remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;final fantasy 8 (playstation) =======================================

; squall0, stages/balambhotel.def, music=sound/ff8_-_balamb.mp3 ;unsigned

squall ffviii, (rsff)


;(ss) ================================================================
;final fantasy 10 (playstation 2) ====================================

;stages/ffx - bevelle.def ;bevelle

;stages/ffx - bevelle wedding.def ;bevelle wedding

;(ss) ================================================================
;final fantasy 11 (xbox 360) =========================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;final fantasy tactics ===============================================
;(lb): fftactics-lifebars ;unsigned ==============================

; agrias, ;agrias by feathers, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;final fantasy series original chars =================================

aeris, stages/ff7-ac_path_to_ajit.def, music=sound/outsoon_techno_session_-

_dj_pierre_-_02.mp3 ;aeris by the great matsutzu
; agrius, stages/ff7-ac_midgar_scrapyard.def ;agrius=oaks by kinbo,
(i&ei), (rsff)
; cactuar, ;cactuar by zwoop, (rsff)
; saboten, ;sabotender by de-chan, (rsff)
; sephi, ;one wing angel by anmc, (csff)
; sephiroth, ;sephiroth by anmc and gulthor, (ii), (csff)
; squall1, ;squall by frenchi guy, (rsff)
; squall2, ;squall by frenchi guy (3-d sff), (rsff)

;final fight series (final fight / final crash, final fight 2 & final fight 3 /
final fight tough, final fight cd, final fight guy, final fight one, final fight
revenge & mighty final fight; commodore 64, gameboy advance, saturn, sega cd, nes,
super nes & arcade)
;(sp): final fight - a batalha ;by the legend power saiya-jin(ocariocanildo)

;(ss) =================================================================
;final fight (1) series (final fight / final crash, final fight cd, final fight
guy, final fight one & mighty final fight; commodore 64, gameboy advance, nes,
sega cd, super nes & arcade)

;abigail (bay area [abigail duel])

abi, stages/m4e_bay_area.def, music=sound/ffight1_-
_something_putrid_by_the_bay.mp3 ;abigail by elecbyte / ali

;andore (andores' cage)

;(es) andore, stages/ffcage_up.def, music=sound/ffight1_-_double_andore.mp3

;bonus (glasses / trashcan)

; bonus2, random, music=sound/ffight1_-_glass-smashin'.mp3 ;bonus stage2 by
bonusugi, (rsff)
;, music=sound/ffight1_-_trashcan_trasher.mp3

;cody (stage 1: slum allyway)

; alphacody, ;alpha cody by rew12
; cody0, ;cody by nobuyuki, (ii), (csff) + (e) by gorjeador
; cody2, ;cody by ocariocanildo, (csff) + (e) by gorjeador
space2, stages/final_fight_street.def, music=sound/ffight1_-_slum_allyway.mp3
;cody by falchion22, (ei), (rsff)

;damnd (stage 1: slum allyway)

damnd, stages/ffight1.def, music=sound/ffight1_-_slum_allyway.mp3 ;damnd by
lord sinistro, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

;eddi (eddi's place)

;(es) eddi, stages/eddi(oldversion).def

;guy (secret bridge)

;(es) guy, stages/ff_cd_ponte.def

;haggar (stage 1: slum subway [at the station])

haga, stages/ffsubway.def, music=sound/ffight1_-_slim_subway_smash.mp3 ;hagger by
elecbyte / ali, (csff)

;mad gear gang (stage 1: slum subway [on the rails])

; copy, ;mad gear by copy by sugio, (rsff)
madgear, stages/final_fight_train.def, music=sound/ffight1_-_slim_subway_smash.mp3
;madgear by sugio, (rsff)

;poison (street of luxury)

poi-son, stages/final-fight-19.def, music=sound/ffight1_-_street_of_luxury.mp3
;poison by zako-1, (rsff)
;sodom (sodom ring)
;(es) sodom, stages/ffight2d.def, music=sound/ffight1_-_big_katana_boss.mp3

;stages/abigail-dm.def ;bay area

;stages/alley0.def ;alley to sodom's ring
;stages/bar-ff.def ;bar
;stages/deposit.def ;warehouse
;stages/entrada.def ;last stage
;stages/estate.def ;last stage
;stages/ffarc_industrial.def, music=sound/ffight1_-_burnin'_cycle.mp3 ;industrial
;stages/final-fight-8.def ;water closets
;stages/ind.def ;industrial area
;stages/indypark.def ;industrial park (lift before rolento)

;, music=sound/ffight1_-_boil'em_up.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight1_-_toilet-gang.mp3

;final fight 1 series remix

; kf-x_mmario, stages/sodomring.def,
music=sound/final_fight_adrenaline_rush_oc_remix.mp3 ;mmario by wara
; poi-z, stages/subway0.def, music=sound/ffight_-_megadriver_-_raging_metal_-
_abigail's_turf_-_nino.com.br.mp3 ;poizon-zak by zako-1, (rsff)


;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_battle_against_abigail.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_battle_against_rolento_-_going_up.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_battle_against_sodom.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_battle_in_westside_-_cage_match.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_bay_area_-_walk_in_the_park.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_bay_area_restroom_battle_-
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_bonus_stage_-_choose_now.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_bonus_three.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_bonus_two.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_industrial_area.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_metro_city_slums.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_metro_city_subway.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_select_your_fighter_-_bonus_one.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight_segacd_ast_-_warehouse.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;final fight 2 (super nes) ===========================================

; carlos, stages/fffrancaaeroporto.def,
music=sound/ffight2_05_carve_a_dragon_wood.mp3 ;carlos by ocariocanildo, (csff)
carlos0, stages/fffranca_up.def,
music=sound/ffight2_08_bears_are_hiding_in_the_woods.mp3 ;carlos myahmoto by
robo z, (rsff)

maki, stages/ff2_china.def, music=sound/ffight2_10_split_on_the_floor.mp3 ;maki
by ocariocanildo, (rsff)

;stages/ff2.def ;hong kong

;stages/ff2freddy.def ;vs freddy
;stages/ff2_holland.def ;holland
;stages/ff2_japan.def ;japan
;stages/france.def ;france
;stages/inglaterra2.def ;england
;stages/strem.def ;england

;, music=sound/ffight2_07_sleep_junk_down.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight2_11_the_frenzy_car_smash.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight2_13_fret_street_beat-beat.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight2_14_creeping_wheeping.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight2_15_lift_fighter_ii.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight2_16_bust_up_the_railway.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight2_17_elevatorboy_the_3rd.mp3
;, music=sound/ffight2_18_on_like_mad.mp3

;final fight 2 remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;final fight 3 / final fight tough (super nes) =======================

;(es) bonus, random, music=sound/ffight3_-_ram_slam_(bonus_stage).mp3

;(es) caine, random, music=sound/ffight3_-_inner_sanctum_(caine's_theme).mp3

;dean (round 1: city streets)

; dean, ;dean by ocariocanildo
; dean0, ;dean por l.f.maschietto jr., (rsff)
dean1, stages/finalfight3.def, music=sound/ffight3_-_for_metro_city_(round_1).mp3
;dean by basara-kun

;(es) drake, random, music=sound/ffight3_-_heavy_hitters_(drake's_theme).mp3

;guy (car cemetary / chinese rooftops)

ff3guy, stages/deposito-ff3_up.def, music=sound/ffight3_-
_down_and_out_(round_2).mp3 ;guy by demitri, (rsff)
guy2, stages/chinese.def, music=sound/ffight3_-_explosive_situation_(round_6).mp3
;guy by ocariocanildo

;haggar (bar)
; haggar0, ;haggar by ocariocanildo
haggar1, stages/final_fight_3_bar.def, music=sound/ffight3_-
_pints_and_punks_(bar).mp3 ;haggar by sephirothx2004, (wo2d)
; hagger, ;mike hagger by blackjack, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)

;lucia (round 3: ships & docks)

lucia, stages/barco-ff3.def, music=sound/ffight3_-_smeared_graffiti_(round_3).mp3
;lucia by ocariocanildo

;(es) wong, random, music=sound/ffight3_-_chinese_takeout_(wong's_theme).mp3

;stages/base.def, music=sound/ffight3_-_law_and_disorder_(prisons).mp3 ;prisons

;stages/bus-ff3.def ;bus
;stages/level3.def, music=sound/ffight3_-_smeared_graffiti_(round_3).mp3 ;round

;, music=sound/ffight3_-_straight_to_the_top_(elevator).mp3

;final fight 3 / final fight tough remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;final fight revenge (mega cd) =======================================

;damnd (meat factory)

;(es) damnd, stages/ffrdamnd.def

;poison (slums)
;(es) poison, stages/ffr-poison.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;mighty final fight (nes) ============================================

; andorenes, stages/slums.def, music=sound/mff_-_slums.mp3 ;andore jr by
smee, (wo2d)

; guynes, ;guy by smee, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; pocket guy, stages/slums0.def, music=sound/mff_-_slums0.mp3 ;pocket guy
by duende macabro, (wc), (ws2d)

;(es) haggar

;fire emblem series (fire emblem, fire emblem 2, fire emblem 3, fire emblem 4,
fire emblem 5, fire emblem 6: fuuin no tsurugi / the sealed sword, fire emblem 7,
fire emblem 8 & fire emblem: rekka no ken; gba)

;stages/fireemblem.def, music=sound/fireemblem.mp3

;fire emblem series remix

; dk1, ;dk by zinseinogomi, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;fire emblem 4 =======================================================

;stages/fe4.def, music=sound/fe4.mp3 ;plains

;(ss) ================================================================
;fire emblem 6: fuuin no tsurugi / the sealed sword (gba) ============

;stages/fe6a.def ;arches
;stages/fe6f.def ;forest
;stages/fe6hq.def ;headquarters
;stages/fe6w.def ;winter

;(ss) ================================================================
;fire emblem 7 =======================================================

;stages/fe7-s1.def ;village
;stages/fe7-s2.def ;wall
;stages/fe7-s3.def ;ship
;stages/fe7-s4.def ;garden
;stages/fe7-s5.def ;temple's gates (night)
;stages/fe7-s6.def ;temple's gates (day)
;stages/fe7-s7.def ;castle's garden
;stages/fe7-s8.def ;savage land
;stages/fe7-s9.def ;street
;stages/fe7-s10.def ;plain
;stages/fe7-s11.def ;temple's garden

;(ss) ================================================================
;fire emblem 8 =======================================================

;stages/fe8-s1.def ;castle
;stages/fe8-s2.def ;fire

;(ss) ================================================================
;fire emblem: rekka no ken (gameboy advanced) ========================

; deathlegault, ;death legault by haseo & liger

; legault, ;legault by haseo & liger
; weakerlegault, ;weaker legault by haseo & liger

;(ss) ================================================================
;fire emblem (original) ==============================================

; noish, stages/dunas.def ;noish by elecbyte, (rsff)

;flash hiders --------------------------------------------------------


;forget me not (playstation) -----------------------------------------


;friday the 13th (nes) -----------------------------------------------


;full metal panic funoffu --------------------------------------------

; bonta, ;bonta by �g�����n

;futari wa precure (original) ----------------------------------------

precure, stages/deserto12.def, music=sound/godskitchen_-_mixed_by_mario_piu_-

_10.mp3 ;precure by drowin, (i&ei)

;f-zero series (f-zero & f-zero x; super nes & ultra 64) -------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;f-zero (super nes) ==================================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;f-zero x (ultra 64) =================================================

;stages/mutecity64.def, music=sound/figureeight.mp3

;gadget --------------------------------------------------------------
;(sp): gadget ;by uso=bidan --------------------------------------

;stages/gadget_airport.def ;airport (sunny)

;stages/gadget_airport2.def ;airport (rainy)
;stages/gadget_airport3.def ;airport (snowy)
;stages/gadget_base.def ;base (sunny)
;stages/gadget_base2.def ;base (rainy)
;stages/gadget_base3.def ;base (snowy)
;stages/gadget_beach.def ;beach (sunny)
;stages/gadget_beach2.def ;beach (rainy)
;stages/gadget_beach3.def ;beach (snowy)
;stages/gadget_bridge.def ;bridge (sunny)
;stages/gadget_bridge2.def ;bridge (rainy)
;stages/gadget_bridge3.def ;bridge (snowy)
;stages/gadget_city.def ;city (sunny)
;stages/gadget_city2.def ;city (rainy)
;stages/gadget_city3.def ;city (snowy)
;stages/gadget_desert.def ;desert (sunny)
;stages/gadget_desert2.def ;desert (rainy)
;stages/gadget_desert3.def ;desert (snowy)
;stages/gadget_factory.def ;factory (sunny)
;stages/gadget_factory2.def ;factory (rainy)
;stages/gadget_factory3.def ;factory (snowy)
;stages/gadget_forest.def ;forest (sunny)
;stages/gadget_forest2.def ;forest (rainy)
;stages/gadget_forest3.def ;forest (snowy)
;stages/gadget_grassland.def ;grassland (sunny)
;stages/gadget_grassland2.def ;grassland (rainy)
;stages/gadget_grassland3.def ;grassland (snowy)
;stages/gadget_mountain.def ;mountain (sunny)
;stages/gadget_mountain2.def ;mountain (rainy)
;stages/gadget_mountain3.def ;mountain (snowy)
;stages/gadget_pit.def ;pit (sunny)
;stages/gadget_pit2.def ;pit (rainy)
;stages/gadget_pit3.def ;pit (snowy)
;stages/gadget_port.def ;port (sunny)
;stages/gadget_port2.def ;port (rainy)
;stages/gadget_port3.def ;port (snowy)
;stages/gadget_road.def ;road (sunny)
;stages/gadget_road2.def ;road (rainy)
;stages/gadget_road3.def ;road (snowy)
;stages/gadget_satellite.def ;satellite base (sunny)
;stages/gadget_satellite2.def ;satellite base (rainy)
;stages/gadget_satellite3.def ;satellite base (snowy)
;stages/gadget_swamp.def ;swamp (sunny)
;stages/gadget_swamp2.def ;swamp (rainy)
;stages/gadget_swamp3.def ;swamp (snowy)
;stages/gadget_wild.def ;wild (sunny)
;stages/gadget_wild2.def ;wild (rainy)
;stages/gadget_wild3.def ;wild (snowy)

;gaia crusaders (arcade) ---------------------------------------------

;stages/dissolution.def ;dissolution soil

;galaxy angel --------------------------------------------------------

vanillah, stages/galaxyvp1.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_remixes_-_rush_-

_spiritual_guidance_mix.mp3 ;vanilla h by taruse, (rsff)

;galaxy fight (neogeo) -----------------------------------------------
;(sp): gf.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------------------

;(es) alvan, stages/gf-alvanstage.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-

;(es) feldene, random, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_feldene_(cut).mp3

;g. done
;(es) g. done, stages/mani.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_g.done_(cut).mp3

00gunter, stages/guljefftx.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_gunter_(cut).mp3
;gunter by tin, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

00julihn, stages/gf-juristage.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_juli_(cut).mp3
;tin's julihn, (rsff)

kazuma, stages/kazumast.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_kazuma_(cut).mp3 ;
kazuma by psi-crowz / pennant, (rsff)
kazuma0, stages/kazumast.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_kazuma_(cut).mp3
;kazuma by tunin, (rsff)

musafar, stages/gf-musafarstage.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-
_musafar_(cut).mp3 ;m.u.s.a.f.a.r. by keyu, (ei), (rsff)

; rolf, ;rolf by nhk, (rsff), (ldv)
rolf0, stages/rolf_stage.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_rolf_(cut).mp3 ;rolf
by nhk, (wo2d)

; roomi, ;roomi by mattasaur, (rsff) + (e) by gorjeador
roomi0, stages/roomist.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_roomi_(cut).mp3 ;roomi
by inverse + (e) by gorjeador

rouwe, stages/rouwebg.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_rouwe_(cut).mp3 ;rouwe
by masa, (ei)

yacopu, stages/gf-yacopustage.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_yacopu_(cut).mp3
;unsigned yacopu, (csff)


;galaxy fight remix

; flame, ;flamerein by mr zero, (rsff)

!skazuma, stages/gf-vsstage.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_vs.mp3 ;shin kazuma
by o ilusionista, (wc), (ws2d)
nkazuma, stages/gf-vsstage.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_vs.mp3 ;neo kazuma
by tenebrous, original created by psi-crowz / pennant, (rsff)
roomin, stages/gf-vsstage.def, music=sound/galaxy_fight_iso_-_vs.mp3 ;unsigned
roomi lechera
; tqh0-01, ;roomi by inverse, hanzo hatori and tetchi, (tqh0), (ldv)
; tqh0-010, ;o by inverse, hanzo hatori and tetchi, (tqh0), (wo2d)

;galzoo (pc) ---------------------------------------------------------


;gambare goemon series (gambare goemon, gambare goemon 2, gambare goemon 4 &
legend of the mystical ninja; nes & super nes)

; ebisumaru, stages/goemon2.def, music=sound/goemon2.mp3 ;ebisumaru by

sugio, (rsff)
; ebisumaru0, stages/dojoentrance.def, music=sound/ninjadojo.mp3 ;ebisumaru
by boufuusetu, (rsff)
; fcgoemon, stages/goemon.def, music=sound/goemon.mp3 ;goemon by sugio,
; goe, stages/jap.def, music=sound/ninjadojo.mp3 ;goemon by kitamin, (rsff)
; goe0, stages/gg2forest.def, music=sound/ninjadojo.mp3;goemon1 by skysuika
; goemon, stages/sfc_g2r.def, music=sound/ninjadojo.mp3;goemon by boufusetu,
; sasuke0, random, music=sound/ninjadojo.mp3 ;sasuke by boufusetu, (csff)
; srobo, stages/goemonboss.def, music=sound/goemonboss.mp3 ;s.robo by sugio,

;(ss) ================================================================
;gambare goemon 2 (super nes) ========================================

;stages/ryuukyuu.def, music=sound/ryuukyuu.mp3 ;ryuukyuu resort

;(ss) ================================================================
;gambare goemon 4 (super nes) ========================================

;stages/uotta.def ;uotta highway

;(ss) ================================================================
;legend of the mystical ninja (super nes) ============================

;stages/hauntedforest.def ;horo temple

;stages/horotemple.def ;horo temple

;game and watch gallery 2 (gameboy) ----------------------------------

;ganbul series -------------------------------------------------------

; maid, ;unsigned maid san, (csff)

; mariel, ;mariel by -i-�, (csff)

;ganryu (neogeo) -----------------------------------------------------


;garfield (genesis) --------------------------------------------------


;geeks unleashed (original) ------------------------------------------
;(sp): geeks_unleashed ;by the packet sniffers ----------------------

; aestetix, ;aestetix by dosman, (wo2d)

; domo-kun, ;domo-kun by dosman, (wo2d)
; dosman, ;dosman by dosman, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; irongeek, ;iron geek by dosman, (wo2d)
; kn1ght, ;kn1ght l0rd by lowmyst, (wo2d)
; lowmyst, ;lowtek_mystik by lowmyst, (wo2d)
; pirate0, ;pirate monkey by kenny, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; tux, ;tux fighter by dosman, (wo2d)
; zach, ;zach by zach, (wo2d)

;gekido advanced (game boy advance) ----------------------------------

; tetsuo, ;tetsuo by blackjack

tetsuo_advance, random, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_06.mp3 ;
tetsuo by inverse, (rsff)

;gekisou sentai car rangers (super nes) ------------------------------

;(es) bingo

;blue racer
;(es) blue racer

;(es) donpa

;green racer
;(es) green racer

;(es) gynamo

;(es) moguu

;(es) nerenko

;pink racer
;(es) pink racer

;red racer
; ranger, stages/bar0.def ;red ranger por sumo, (rsff)

;yellow racer
;(es) yellow racer

;(es) zelmoda

;(es) zonette


;genpei toumaden (nes) -----------------------------------------------

; yoritomo, stages/kamakura.def, music=sound/gojoe.mp3 ;yoritomo by elecbyte /

nyankill, (rsff)
; yoshitune, stages/kamakura.def, music=sound/kamakura.mp3 ;kurouyoshitune
minamoto by taruse, (rsff)

;ghouls'n ghosts / dai makai-mura series (ghouls'n ghosts / dai makai-mura,
ghouls'n ghosts online / makai-mura online, super ghouls'n ghosts / chou-makai-
mura / chou makai-mura r; arcade, commmodore 64, gameboy advance, genesis, master
system, pc, playstation 2, super nes, xbox & turbografx 16)

;(ss) ================================================================
;ghouls'n ghosts / dai makai-mura (arcade, commodore 64, genesis, master system &
turbografx 16)

;, music=sound/gng_arc._-_final_boss_lucifer.mp3
;, music=sound/gng_arc._-_stage_1_boss_shielder.mp3
;, music=sound/gng_arc._-_stage_1.mp3
;, music=sound/gng_arc._-_stage_2_boss_cerberus.mp3
;, music=sound/gng_arc._-_stage_2.mp3
;, music=sound/gng_arc._-_stage_3_boss_gassuto.mp3
;, music=sound/gng_arc._-_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/gng_arc._-_stage_4_boss_ohme.mp3
;, music=sound/gng_arc._-_stage_4.mp3
;, music=sound/gng_arc._-_stage_5_boss_beelzebub.mp3
;, music=sound/gng_arc._-_stage_5.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;super ghouls'n ghosts / chou-makai-mura (super nes) =================

; arthur, stages/g&g.def, music=sound/sgng_-_haunted_graveyard.mp3 ;unsigned

arthur, (rsff)

;stages/bridge1.def ;introduction
;stages/g&g_graveyard.def ;level 1
;stages/gng_boss4.def ;boss 4
;stages/gng_cemetery.def ;cemetery
;stages/sgg-arthur.def ;inside castle

;, music=sound/sgng_-_asutaroto_and_nebiroth.mp3
;, music=sound/sgng_-_castle_of_the_emperor.mp3
;, music=sound/sgng_-_cockatrice.mp3
;, music=sound/sgng_-_crucible_of_flame.mp3
;, music=sound/sgng_-_freon.mp3
;, music=sound/sgng_-_ghouls�_stomach.mp3
;, music=sound/sgng_-_giant_barnacle.mp3
;, music=sound/sgng_-_hydra.mp3
;, music=sound/sgng_-_ice forest.mp3
;, music=sound/sgng_-_mongolian_death_worms�_third_cousin.mp3
;, music=sound/sgng_-_sardius.mp3
;, music=sound/sgng_-_sea_of_despair.mp3

;giant robo (original) -----------------------------------------------

alberto, stages/original_mars_city.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.4_-

_13.mp3 ;unsigned alberto the impacter, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;glove on fight (pc) -------------------------------------------------
;(lb): gof_life ;unsigned ------------------------------------------

;akiko (street)
minase_arcdamon_gof, stages/gof_akiko.def, music=sound/gof_cybertraxoriginal_-
_secret_jam_session_gof_mix_(akiko).mp3 ;minase_akiko by tuki no turugi, (rsff)
; minase_arcdamon_gof+, ;minase_akiko+ by tuki no turugi, (rsff)

;ayaka (shrine)
;(es) ayaka, stages/gof_ayaka0.def, music=sound/gof_cybertraxoriginal_-

;ayu (schoolyard [day])

;(es) ayu, stages/gof_ayu.def, music=sound/gof_cybertraxoriginal_-

;ciel (schoolyard [night])

;(es) ciel, stages/gof_ciel0.def, music=sound/gof_cybertraxoriginal_-

;digiko / di gi charat (cartoon city)

;(es) digiko, stages/gof_digiko.def, music=sound/gof_cybertraxoriginal_-

;ecoco (plant)
;(es) ecoco, stages/gof_ecoco.def, music=sound/gof_cybertraxoriginal_-

;mori (backyard)
;(es) mori, stages/gof_mori.def, music=sound/gof_cybertraxoriginal_-

;satsuki (park)
;(es) satsuki, stages/gof_satsuki0.def, music=sound/gof_cybertraxoriginal_-

;, music=sound/gof_cybertraxoriginal_-_track03.mp3

;glove on fight remix

;, music=sound/gof_cybertraxremix_-_track01.mp3
;, music=sound/gof_cybertraxremix_-_track02.mp3
;, music=sound/gof_cybertraxremix_-_track03.mp3
;, music=sound/gof_cybertraxremix_-_track04.mp3
;, music=sound/gof_cybertraxremix_-_track05.mp3
;, music=sound/gof_cybertraxremix_-_track06.mp3
;, music=sound/gof_cybertraxremix_-_track07.mp3
;, music=sound/gof_cybertraxremix_-_track08.mp3
;, music=sound/gof_cybertraxremix_-_track09.mp3

;godzilla: kaijuu daikessen (super nes) ------------------------------

;(es) anguirus
;(es) biollante
;(es) gigan
godzilla0, stages/yokosuka.def, music=sound/gkd_-_battle_level_4.mp3 ;godzilla by
sugila, (rsff)
; godzilla2, ;king godzilla by sugila, (rsff)
;(es) guoten
kingg, stages/yokosuka.def, music=sound/gkd_-_battle_level_6.mp3 ;king ghidorah by
sugila, (rsff)
;(es) mechagodzilla
;(es) megalon
;(es) mothra
;(es) super mechagodzilla
;, music=sound/gkd_-_bagan_area.mp3
;, music=sound/gkd_-_battle_level_1.mp3
;, music=sound/gkd_-_battle_level_2.mp3
;, music=sound/gkd_-_battle_level_3.mp3
;, music=sound/gkd_-_battle_level_5.mp3
;, music=sound/gkd_-_boss_area.mp3
;, music=sound/gkd_-_mt_fuji_area.mp3
;, music=sound/gkd_-_starting_area.mp3
;, music=sound/gkd_-_yokohama_area.mp3

;go go ackman series (go go ackman, go go ackman 2 & go go ackman 3; gameboy &
super nes)

; ackman, stages/gogoackman3_01.def ;ackman by domenico muti, (rsff)

; ackman0, stages/gogoackman3_02.def ;ackman by ta-chan (aka 5k0rx), (rsff)

;golden axe series (golden axe, golden axe 2, golden axe 3, golden axe - the duel
& golden axe: troda; genesis, sega32x, saturn & arcade)

; amazona-m2, stages/goldenaxe.def ;amazona by dragon angel

; amazona_ujin, ;amazona by dragon angel
; gilius, stages/ride.def ;gilius thunderhead by foxtlot, (rsff)
; tflare, stages/wilderne.def, music=sound/wilderne.mp3;tyris flare by

;(ss) ================================================================
;golden axe (arcade & genesis) =======================================

;stages/eaglepath.def ;eagle path

;stages/eaglepathsunset.def ;eagle path at sunset
;stages/ga1db.def ;deat adder throne room
;stages/golden0.def ;turtle village

;, music=sound/ga1_-_battle_field.mp3
;, music=sound/ga1_-_death_adder.mp3
;, music=sound/ga1_-_fiend's_path.mp3
;, music=sound/ga1_-_showdown.mp3
;, music=sound/ga1_-_sutakora_sassa!.mp3
;, music=sound/ga1_-_the_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/ga1_-_thief's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/ga1_-_turtle_village_1.mp3
;, music=sound/ga1_-_turtle_village_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ga1_-_wilderness.mp3

;golden axe remix

;, music=sound/ga_-_andy_lyons_-_death_adding.mp3
;, music=sound/ga_-_battle_field_-_nino.com.br.mp3
;, music=sound/ga_-_dead_adder_-_nino.com.br.mp3
;, music=sound/ga_-_load_error_-_supernova_mix.mp3
;, music=sound/ga_-_nino_-_path_of_friend_-_nino.com.br.mp3
;(ss) ================================================================
;golden axe 2 (genesis) ==============================================

;stages/gaxe2-darkguldchamber.def, music=sound/ga2_-_dark_guld's_chamber.mp3 ;the

chamber of dark guld

;, music=sound/ga2_-_bonus_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/ga2_-_boss_theme_(stages_1-3).mp3
;, music=sound/ga2_-_boss_theme_(stages_4-6).mp3
;, music=sound/ga2_-_castle_gates.mp3
;, music=sound/ga2_-_castle.mp3
;, music=sound/ga2_-_dragon's_throat_cave.mp3
;, music=sound/ga2_-_ravaged_village.mp3
;, music=sound/ga2_-_ruins.mp3
;, music=sound/ga2_-_tower.mp3

;golden axe 2 remix

;, music=sound/ga2_-_face_dead_adder_-_nino.com.br.mp3
;, music=sound/ga2_-_megadriver_-_battle_of_ravaged_village_-

;(ss) ================================================================
;golden axe 2 (sega32x) ==============================================

; stern, ;stern by actarus

;(ss) ================================================================
;golden axe 3 (genesis) ==============================================

; griffon0, stages/ga3gate.def, music=sound/ga3_-_the_gate_of_fate.mp3 ;

griffon king by cenobite 53

;stages/ga3field.def, music=sound/ga3_-_the_vast_field.mp3 ;the vast field

;stages/ga3mount.def, music=sound/ga3_-_death_mountain.mp3 ;death mountain

;, music=sound/ga3_-_a_voyage_to_castle.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_ancient_mound.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_bloody_street.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_bonus_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_boss_theme_1.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_boss_theme_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_cave_of_crystal.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_cursed_city.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_dim_jungle.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_prince_of_darkness_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_ride_the_whirlwind.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_tender_hamlet.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_the_castle.mp3
;, music=sound/ga3_-_the_scorching_sand.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;golden axe - the duel (saturn) ======================================
;death adder (throne room [green])
;(es) death, stages/death chamber.def, music=sound/gatd_-_death_adder.mp3

;doc (bridge)
;(es) doc, stages/docstage.def
;stages/doc stage.def

;gilius (small village)

;(es) gilius, stages/gilliusstage.def

;golden axe (throne room [blue])

;(es) g. axe

;green (swamp village)

;(es) green, stages/greenstage.def

;jamm (no proper bg)

;(es) jamm

;kain blade (warriors' village)

;(es) kain, stages/kainstage0.def

;keel (frozen forest)

;(es) keel, stages/keelstage.def

;milan flair (windmills' fortress)

;(es) milan, stages/miliastage.def

;panchos (furnace)
;(es) panchos, stages/panchosstage.def

;zoma (floating rocks)

;(es) zoma, stages/zomastage.def

;stages/gaduel01.def, music=sound/gatd_-_wilderness.mp3
;stages/gaduel02.def, music=sound/gatd_-_wilderness.mp3
;stages/gaduel03.def, music=sound/gatd_-_wilderness.mp3
;stages/gaduel04.def, music=sound/gatd_-_wilderness.mp3
;stages/gaduel05.def, music=sound/gatd_-_wilderness.mp3
;stages/gaduel06.def, music=sound/gatd_-_wilderness.mp3

;, music=sound/gatd_-_04.mp3
;, music=sound/gatd_-_05.mp3
;, music=sound/gatd_-_06.mp3
;, music=sound/gatd_-_07.mp3
;, music=sound/gatd_-_08.mp3
;, music=sound/gatd_-_09.mp3
;, music=sound/gatd_-_10.mp3
;, music=sound/gatd_-_11.mp3
;, music=sound/gatd_-_12.mp3
;, music=sound/gatd_-_14.mp3
;, music=sound/gatd_-_25.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;golden axe - the duel remix =========================================

;golden axe: troda

;stages/ga4thiefv.def ;thief village

;golgo 13 (original char) --------------------------------------------

; 13, ;golgo13 by nhk, (ldv), (csff)

; g130, ;golgo13 by nhk, (wc)

;goluah!! ------------------------------------------------------------


;gourmet sentai - bara yarou / gourmet squadron barayarou (snes) -----

;ah! yeah?
;(es) ah! yeah?

;(es) bonjour

;ex bunny
;(es) ex bunny

;f cpu
;(es) f cpu

;gun jerk
; dansyaku, ;dansyaku by nyo, (rsff)

; kiriko, ;kiriko by yoshida ruiji, (rsff)

;(es) madame

;tres bien
;(es) tres bien

;gradius series (gradius, gradius 2 & gradius 3; pc-engine, nes & super nes)

; b-core, stages/botanical.def ;big core by foxtlot, (rsff)

; big, stages/gradius2-4.def ;big viper by j_k-2469@geocities.co.jp, fixed
by electrocaid, (rsff)
; vic, stages/gradius2-7.def ;vic viper by j_k-2469@geocities.co.jp fixed by
electrocaid, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;gradius 3 (arcade, super nes & ps2) =================================

;stages/crystallabyrinth.def, music=sound/crystallabyrinth.mp3

;grand chase ---------------------------------------------------------


;great teacher onizuka -----------------------------------------------
;(i): gto_02op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------


;gremlins series (gremlins 2 - the new batch & gremlins - stripe vs. gizmo;
gameboy advance & nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;gremlins 2 - the new batch (nes) ====================================

;electric gremlin
;(es) egremlin, stages/electric gremlin.def

; gizmo, stages/gift_shop.def, music=sound/gift.mp3 ;gizmo by mature4evr,

;(es) mohawk, stages/mohawk1.def

;uzi mohawk
;(es) umohawk, stages/mohawk2.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;gremlins - stripe vs. gizmo (gameboy advance) =======================


;groove adventure rave series (groove adventure rave, groove adventure rave:
fighting live, groove adventure rave: hikari to yami no daikessen 2, groove
adventure rave: mikan no hiseki & groove adventure rave: plue no daibouken;
gameboy advance, gamecube & playstation)

; gale, ;gale glory by me

; haru, stages/platpedr.def ;haru by binho-rj, (rsff)
; lucia0, ;lucia raregrove by me
;growlanser series ---------------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- gl6 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- grb ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- grg ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------


;guardian heroes series (advanced guardian heroes & guardian heroes; gameboy
advance & saturn)

;(ss) ================================================================
;advanced guardian heroes (gameboy advance) ==========================

;stages/advghm01.def ;map 01
;stages/advghm02.def ;map 02

;(ss) ================================================================
;guardian heroes (saturn) ============================================

han, random, music=sound/guardianh_-_borelo_of_finale.mp3 ;samuel han by

nicole, random, music=sound/guardianh_-_escape_from_xx.mp3 ;nicole neil by wz_4
; randy, ;randy m. green by splode, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
randy0, random, music=sound/guardianh_-_fighters_of_pain.mp3 ;randy m. green by
splode, updated by kung fu man, (wc)

;, music=sound/guardianh_-_''toki''_meki_saxophone.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_a_happy_new_world.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_brave_parade.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_complex_soldiers.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_dear_''amadeus''.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_guardian_heroes.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_guardian_heroes_(karaoke_version).mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_hero's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_i'm_not_alone.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_indy.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_it's_alive.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_jazzy_sabotage.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_methods.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_notorious_don.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_open_your_heart.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_pointer_bros_&_sis.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_rough_and_lady.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_round_about.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_setsu_nai_anata_ni.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_setsu_nai_anata_ni_(karaoke_version).mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_shuffler_in_the_dark.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_the_plot.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_the_sord.mp3
;, music=sound/guardianh_-_trap.mp3
;guild wars (pc) -----------------------------------------------------


;guilty gear series (guilty gear, guilty gear isuka, guilty gear judgment, guilty
gear slash, guilty gear x, guilty gear xx, guilty gear xx accent core, guilty gear
xx advance, guilty gear xx reloaded & guilty gear xx slash; pc, gameboy advance,
gamegear, playstation, playstation 2 & dreamcast)
;(i): sol_s ;by minstral ---------------------------------------------

;guilty gear series remix

;(sp): haorhe ;by dresmasher
;- ky-op ;by eof
;- robo-ky-op0 ;by eof
;- sol-op ;by eof
;- ky-ed ;by eof
;- robo-ky-ed0 ;by eof
;- sol-ed ;by eof

;anji edits
;(es) anji, random, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-_fuuga_(anji).mp3

;axl edits
;(es) axl, random, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-_make_oneself_(axl).mp3

;baiken edits
baiken0, stages/duskcolony.def, music=sound/deathwish.mp3 ;baiken ex by angel
myst (hikitty on #mugen), new super update by ex-inferis, (rsff)
baiken2, stages/el_mar2.def, music=sound/deathwish.mp3 ;baiken by [fraya],
; kenshin, ;kenshin by nemo, (rsff)
kenshin0, stages/el_mar.def, music=sound/deathwish.mp3 ;rurouni kenshin by the
disciple x, (rsff)
; kenshin3, ;kenshin himura by nobu x, (rsff)

;bridget edits
; bridget0, stages/deserted_woods.def, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-
_simple_life_(bridget).mp3 ;bridget by [fraya], (wo2d)

;chipp edits
;(es) chipp, random, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-_suck_a_sage_(chipp).mp3

;dizzy edits
; dizzy2, ;dizzy by [fraya], (wo2d)
; super dizzy, random, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-_awe_of_she_(dizzy).mp3
;super dizzy by nana/seven

;ino edits
ino0, stages/ggxx_bg_eddino.def, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-_till_next_time.mp3
;i-no by [fraya], (wo2d)
; ino_boss, ;requiem i-no by [fraya], (wo2d)

;jam edits
; jam, ;jam by [fraya], (wo2d)
jam0, stages/lets_jam_tonight.def, music=sound/deathwish.mp3 ;jam by rem (lele-
ist-hotos), (wc)

;johnny edits
johnny1, stages/cityofnowhere.def, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-
_liquor_bar_&_drunkard_(johnny).mp3 ;johnny by [fraya], (wo2d)

;ky edits
ky2, stages/blackdahliatower.def, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-
_holy_orders_(be_just_or_be_dead)_(ky).mp3 ;ky by [fraya], (wo2d), (n2bu:

;may edits
;(es) may, random, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-_blue_water_blue_sky_(may).mp3

;millia edits
nmillia, stages/city_night.def, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-_till_next_time.mp3
;nude millia by ���̌�(tuki no turugi), (rsff) (unrequestable status)
; millia2, stages/garden4.def ;millia by [fraya], (wo2d)

;potemkin edits
mukin0, stages/gg_baldhead_a.def, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-
_nothing_out_of_the_ordinary_(same_character).mp3 ;mecha mukin by fujy, (wc),

;slayer edits
slayer0, stages/slayer2.def, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-
_existence_(vs_assasin).mp3 ;slayer by [fraya], (wo2d)

;sol edits
; sol2, ;sol by [fraya], (wo2d)
; solex, ;ex sol by [fraya], (wo2d)

;testament edits
testament0, stages/gg_testament_a.def, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-
_till_next_time.mp3 ;testament by aoao (testament with kliff), (rsff)
(unrequestable status)
testament1, stages/babylone_paradoxa.def, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-
_till_next_time.mp3 ;testament by m.i.t, (rsff)
;zappa edits
;(es) zappa, random, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-

;zato edits
elque, stages/unknown1.def, music=sound/ggxx_sound_alive_-
_the_midnight_carnival_(boss_fight).mp3 ;elque by yuki, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;guilty gear (playstation) ===========================================
;(i): ggintro ;by xgargoyle ======================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- axlending ;by shinzombie =====================================
;- axl_ending ;by zesensei =======================================
;- baiken_ending ;by aluckard =======================================
;- balending ;by shinzombie =====================================
;- chippending ;by shinzombie =====================================
;- chipp_ending ;by zesensei =======================================
;- drbaldheadend ;by yamatano =======================================
;- justicend ;by shinzombie =====================================
;- kliffend ;by yamatano =============================================
;- kyend ;by yamatano =============================================
;- ky_ending ;by zesensei =======================================
;- mayend ;by yamatano =============================================
;- milliaend ;by yamatano =======================================
;- milia_ending ;by zesensei =======================================
;- potemkinend ;by yamatano =======================================
;- potemkinending ;by shinzombie =====================================
;- solending ;by shinzombie =====================================
;- zatoend ;by yamatano =============================================
;- zatoending ;by shinzombie =====================================

;(es) axl, stages/gg-axl.def,

baiken, stages/gg_baiken.def, music=sound/gg_ost_momentary_life_(baiken).mp3 ;
baiken by luvly angel, (ei)
baiken1, stages/gg_baiken.def, music=sound/gg_ost_momentary_life_(baiken).mp3
;baiken by zkil + (e) by luvly angel

baldhead, stages/gg_baldhead.def,
music=sound/gg_ost_suspicious_cook_(dr._baldhead).mp3;baldhead by bad darkness,
(ei), (rsff)

chipp, stages/chipp_up.def, music=sound/gg_ost_suck_a_sage_(chipp).mp3 ;chipp
zanuff by luvly angel, (ei), (rsff)

;(es) justice, stages/gg_justicebg.def,

;(es) kliff, stages/gg_kliff.def, music=sound/gg_ost_pride_and_glory_(kliff).mp3
; kk, ;ky=kiske by hk, (ei), (rsff)
; ky, ;ky by lucifer7, (ei), (rsff)
ky0, stages/gg_ky.def,
music=sound/gg_ost_holy_orders_(be_just_or_be_dead)_(ky).mp3 ;ky kiske by aoao,
(i&ei), (rsff)
ky1, stages/gg_ky.def,
music=sound/gg_ost_holy_orders_(be_just_or_be_dead)_(ky).mp3 ;ky kiske by aoao
and yhujin yutomi, (rsff) + (e) by shinzombie

may, stages/may.def, music=sound/gg_ost_unidentified_child_(may).mp3 ;may by
staran, (rsff) + (e) by shinzombie
may2, stages/may.def, music=sound/gg_ost_unidentified_child_(may).mp3 ;may by
tender, (ei), (rsff)

millia, stages/gg_millia.def, music=sound/gg_ost_writhe_in_pain_(millia).mp3 ;
millia by ���̌�(tuki no turugi), (ei), (rsff)
millia0, stages/gg_millia2.def, music=sound/gg_ost_writhe_in_pain_(millia).mp3
;millia by aoao, (rsff) + (e) by shinzombie

mukin, stages/gg_potemkin.def, music=sound/gg_ost_in_slave's_glory_(potemkin).mp3
;mukin by fujy, (ei), (rsff)

sol, stages/gg_sol.def, music=sound/gg_ost_keep_yourself_alive_(sol).mp3 ;sol
badguy by superscott, (ei), (rsff)
sol0, stages/gg_sol.def, music=sound/gg_ost_keep_yourself_alive_(sol).mp3 ;sol
badguy by aoao and yhujin yutomi, (i&ei), (rsff)
sol1, stages/gg_sol.def, music=sound/gg_ost_keep_yourself_alive_(sol).mp3 ;sol
badguy by aoao, (i&ei), (rsff)
solb, stages/gg_sol.def, music=sound/gg_ost_keep_yourself_alive_(sol).mp3 ;sol
by wakarohi, (rsff) + (e) by zesensei

testament, stages/gg_testament.def,
music=sound/gg_ost_a_fixed_idea_(testament).mp3;testament by aoao, (ei), (rsff)

zato, stages/gg_zato.def, music=sound/gg_ost_black_soul_(zato).mp3 ;zato-1 by
��� ���� �� �q�@��, niku-q@r22.cno.ne.jp, mikaboshi@hotmail.com, (ei), (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;guilty gear isuka (arcade, playstation 2, xbox) =====================
;(fnt): isuka_stage ;unsigned ====================================

aba, stages/zepp0_up.def,
music=sound/ggi_ost_the_fellow_(who_makes_it_bored_is_killed).mp3 ;a.b.a by
[fraya], (wo2d)
bo-zako, stages/gg_iuska_wildemessgravemarker.def,
music=sound/ggi_ost_sheep_will_sleep_(if_you_become_fatigued).mp3 ;bonus-zako
by komi, (rsff)
zako-c, stages/ggi_kingdum.def, music=sound/ggi_ost_home_sweet_grave.mp3 ;zako-
c by zako-1, (rsff)
;stages/antarctica.def, music=sound/ggi_ost_drumhead_pulsation.mp3 ;antarctica
;stages/gg_iuska_fosilhamlet.def ;fossil hamlet
;stages/ggisuka_china.def, music=sound/ggi_ost_lady_fascination.mp3 ;china
;stages/gg_isuka_china.def ;china
;stages/ggisuka_colony.def, music=sound/ggi_ost_drumhead_pulsation.mp3 ;colony
music=sound/ggi_ost_drunkard_does_make_wise_remarks.mp3 ;england
;stages/gg_isuka_forest.def ;hell's forest / dizzy
;stages/ggisuka_frasco.def ;frasco / room
;stages/gg_isuka_frasco.def ;frasco / room
;stages/ggisuka_hells forest.def, music=sound/ggi_ost_push_a_bush.mp3 ;hell's
forest / dizzy
;stages/ggisuka_kingdom cemetery.def, music=sound/ggi_ost_home_sweet_grave.mp3
;kingdom cemetery
;stages/ggisuka_may beach.def, music=sound/ggi_ost_exceptional_routine_work.mp3
;may beach
;stages/ggisuka_ninjatraining.def ;ninja training
;stages/ggisuka_paris0.def, music=sound/ggi_ost_the_irony_of_chaste.mp3 ;paris
;stages/ggisuka_pirate fort.def, music=sound/ggi_ost_riches_in_me.mp3 ;pirate fort
;stages/ggisuka_under sea factory.def ;under sea factory
;stages/ggisuka_underseafactory.def ;under sea factory
;stages/ggisuka_wildemess gravemarker.def,
music=sound/ggi_ost_sheep_will_sleep_(if_you_become_fatigued).mp3 ;wilderness

;, music=sound/ggi_ost_calculating_king.mp3
;, music=sound/ggi_ost_hunt_a_soul.mp3
;, music=sound/ggi_ost_hurry_somebody_up.mp3
;, music=sound/ggi_ost_kill_dog_as_a_sacrifice_to_dog.mp3
;, music=sound/ggi_ost_peep.mp3
;, music=sound/ggi_ost_the_cat_attached_to_the_rust.mp3
;, music=sound/ggi_ost_the_god_bites_own_lip_in_chagrin.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;guilty gear judgment (playstation 2) ================================

;stages/ggj-judgment.def ;fatal judgment

;stages/ggj-survival1.def ;rural chaos

;(ss) ================================================================
;guilty gear slash (playstation 2) ===================================
;(lb): ggxxs_life_bar ;by fail =====================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- aba_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- anji_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- axl_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- baiken_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- bridget_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- chipp_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- dizzy_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- eddie_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- faust_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- ino_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- jam_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- johnny_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- justice_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- ky_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- may_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- millia_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- o-sol_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- potemkin_ggs_ed ;by minstral =================================
;- roboky_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- slayer_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- sol_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- testament_ggs_ed ;by minstral =================================
;- venom_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- zappa_ggs_ed ;by minstral =======================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;guilty gear x series (guilty gear x, guilty gear xx, guilty gear xx accent core,
guilty gear xx reloaded & guilty gear xx slash; pc, dreamcast, neogeo pocket &
playstation 2)
;(i): ================================================================
;- anji_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- anji_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- anji_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- axl_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- axl_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- axl_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- baiken_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- baiken_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- baiken_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- bridget_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- bridget_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- bridget_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- chipp_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- chipp_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- chipp_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- dizzy_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- dizzy_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- dizzy_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- eddie_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- eddie_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- eddie_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- faust-op ;unsigned ================================================
;- faust_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- faust_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- faust_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- ino_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- ino_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- ino_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- jam_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- jam_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- jam_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- johnny_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- johnny_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- johnny_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- ky_story ;unsigned ================================================
;- ky_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- ky_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- may_intro ;unsigned ==========================================
;- may_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- may_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- may_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- millia_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- millia_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- millia_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- potemkin_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- potemkin_story2 ;unsigned ====================================
;- potemkin_story3 ;unsigned ====================================
;- robo-ky-op ;unsigned ==========================================
;- slayer-op ;unsigned ==========================================
;- slayer_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- slayer_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- slayer_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- sol_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- sol_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- sol_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- testament_story ;unsigned ====================================
;- testament_story2 ;unsigned ====================================
;- testament_story3 ;unsigned ====================================
;- venom-op ;unsigned ================================================
;- venom_story ;unsigned ==========================================
;- venom_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- venom_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- zappa_story_set ;unsigned ====================================
;- zappa_story2 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- zappa_story3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- anji_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- axl_ending0 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- baiken_ending0 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- bridget_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- chipp_ending0 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- dizzy_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- eddie_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- faust-ed ;unsigned ================================================
;- faust_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- i-no_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- jam_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- johnny_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- justice_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- ky_ending0 ;unsigned ==========================================
;- may_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- millia_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- potemkin_ending ;unsigned ====================================
;- robo-ky-ed ;unsigned ==========================================
;- robo-ky_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- slayer-ed ;unsigned ==========================================
;- slayer_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- sol_ending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- testament_ending ;unsigned ====================================
;- venom-ed ;unsigned ================================================
;- venom_ending ;unsigned ==========================================

anji0, stages/ggx_autum.def, music=sound/ggx_ost_13_-_elegance_(anji).mp3 ;anji
by meka, (wc)
anji1, stages/colony4.def, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-
_riding_the_clouds_(anji's_theme).mp3 ;anji by meka, patched by ???
(infinity_uljp00006), (wc), (ws2d)

axl, stages/ggx_axl.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-_make_oneself_(axl_low).mp3
;axl low by meka, (wc) + (e) by aluckard

baiken_ggx, stages/autumnggx.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-
_momentary_life_(baiken).mp3 ;baiken by nanashi-saso + (e) by aluckard

; bridget, ;bridget by y-h / rem-rhyme, (rsff)
bridget2, stages/ggxx_verdent.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_a_simple_life_~bridget's_theme~.mp3 ;bridget by el (candana), (wo2d)
; bridget3, ;bridget by james, (wc), (ws)
; bridget20, ;bridget by james, (wc), (ws)

chipp_ggx, stages/ggx_colony.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-
_suck_a_sage_(chipp).mp3 ;chipp by meka, (wc) + (e) by aluckard

dizzy, stages/ggx_dz_bg.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-_awe_of_she_(dizzy).mp3
;dizzy by third, aluckard (ei), (rsff)
dizzy0, stages/ggx_dz_bg.def, music=sound/ggx_ost_-_202-awe_of_she_(dizzy).mp3
;dizzy by taiyakiugh@yahoo.co.jp, aluckard (ei), (csff)
dizzy1, stages/ggxx_grove0.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_awe_of_she_~dizzy's_theme~.mp3 ;dizzy by nana, (csff) + (e) by rudolf27
dizzy-t, stages/ggxx_grove.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_awe_of_she_~dizzy's_theme~.mp3 ;dizzy by tokinokuni kei, (ii) + (e) by

fau, stages/ggx_ve_bg.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-_the_original_(faust).mp3
;faust by muteki, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [movereversed])

i-no, stages/ggxx_ino.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-_shade_celebration_~i-
no's_theme~.mp3 ;i-no by meka
; ino, stages/ggxx_babylon0.def ;ino by ashman
; ino2, stages/ggxx_babylon.def ;ino by ashman

jam_kuradoberi, stages/china1.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-
_babel_noise_(jam).mp3 ;jam kuradoberi by aoao, aluckard (ei), (rsff)
jam_xx, stages/ggxx_china0.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_babel_nose_~jam's_theme~.mp3 ;jam by muteki, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu:

joh, stages/may_ship_xx.def, music=sound/ggxxr_-_may_ship_xx_bgm.mp3 ;johnny by
muteki, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans])
johnny, stages/ggx_ma_bg.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-
_liquor_bar_and_drunkard_(johnny).mp3 ;johnny by aoao, aluckard (ei), (rsff)
johnny0, stages/ggx_ma_bg.def, music=sound/ggx_ost_12_-
_liquor_bar_&_drunkard_(johnny).mp3 ;johnny by the k.m.d., aluckard (ei)
justice0, stages/ggx_justice.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_meet_again_(streamload)_~justice's_theme~_(from_ggx+).mp3 ;justice by aoao,
(i&ei), (rsff)
justice1, stages/ggxx_justice.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_meet_again_(streamload)_~justice's_theme~_(from_ggx+).mp3 ;justice by aoao and
yhujin yutomi - yutomi@arnet.com.ar, (i&ei), (rsff)
justice2, stages/heven.def, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-
_the_day_of_judgement_(justice's_theme).mp3 ;justice by muteki, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; justice3, stages/stages/ggxx_heaven.def ;justice by muteki, updated by ???,
(wo2d), (ws)
; justice-ggxx#r, ;justice by tonan, (wo2d), (ws)

;(es) kliff, stages/ggx_kliffbg.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-

ky_ggx, stages/paris.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-_holy_orders_(ky).mp3 ;ky by
meka, (wc)

;robo ky
robo_ky, stages/ggxxr_axlstage3.def, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-
_vortex_infinitum_(robo-ky's_theme).mp3 ;robo-ky by mimi, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; robo_ky_u, ;robo-ky�u by mimi, (wo2d), (ws2d)

may_ggx, stages/ggx_ma_bg.def, music=sound/ggx_ost_04_-
_blue_water_blue_sky_(may).mp3 ;may by ���̌�(tuki no turugi), aluckard (ei),
may_x, stages/ggx_ma_bg.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-
_blue_water_blue_sky_(may).mp3 ;may by meka, (wc) +(e) by aluckard

millia1, stages/ggxx_russia.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_writhe_in_pain_~millia's_theme~.mp3 ;millia by nana, (csff) + (e) by aluckard
millia_rage, stages/ggx_millia.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-
_writhe_in_pain_(millia_rage).mp3 ;millia rage by r-r, aluckard (ei)

00potemkin, stages/po_bg.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-
_burly_heart_(potemkin).mp3 ;potemkin by tin, aluckard (ei)
pot, stages/ggxxr_fauststage.def, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-
_megatona_furioso_(potemkin's_theme).mp3 ;potemkin by muteki, (wo2d), (ws2d),
(n2bu; [movereversed] + [ws])
pote, stages/ggxx_zepp.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_burly_heart_~potemkin's_theme~.mp3 ;potemukin by ponta, aluckard (ei), (rsff)

slayer, stages/ggxx_slayer.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_haven't_you_got_eyes_in_your_head_~slayer's_theme~.mp3 ;slayer by lupanda76,
(wc), (ws2d)
; slayer1, ;slayer by lupanda76, (ldv)

amc_sol, stages/customggxsolbg.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-
_keep_yourself_alive_(sol).mp3 ;sol by amachi, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans])
sol_badguy, stages/customggxsolbg.def, music=sound/ggx_ost_02_-
_keep_yourself_alive_2_(sol).mp3 ;sol badguy by aoao, aluckard (ei), (rsff)

;order sol
; osol, ;order sol by djfue
o_sol, stages/gg_slash_a.d.2172.def, music=sound/ggx_ost_02_-
_keep_yourself_alive_2_(sol).mp3 ;order sol by [fraya], (wo2d)
; o_sol_boss, ;order sol by [fraya]

;(es) testament, stages/te_bg.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-

venom_ggxx, stages/ggx_ve_bg.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-
_a_solitude_that_asks_nothing_in_return_(venom).mp3 ;venom by muteki, (wo2d),

zappa, stages/ggxx_zappa.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_good_manners_and_customs_~zappa's_theme~.mp3 ;zappa by [fraya], (wo2d)

;zato / eddie
eddie1, stages/ggxx_nirvana.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_feel_a_fear_~eddie's_theme~.mp3 ;eddie by muteki, (wo2d), (ws2d)
zato-1, stages/ggx_ve_bg.def, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-_feel_a_fear_(zato-1).mp3
;zato-1 by ponta, aluckard (ei), (rsff)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;guilty gear x (dreamcast & playstation 2) ===========================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- data246ggxp ;by chronos + doorhenge ============================
;- data306ggxp ;by chronos + doorhenge ============================
;- ggx ;by kanaduki =============================================
;- ggx0 ;by chronos + doorhenge ==================================
;(lb): ===============================================================
;- ggxbars ;by doorhenge ============================================
;- ggxlife ;by cabbit007 ============================================
;- ggxrihu ;by �l�n��. ==============================================
;(sndp): =============================================================
;- fight_ggx ;by wz_4 ===========================================
;- system_ggx ;by wz_4 ===========================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- anji_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- anjix ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- axl_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- axlx ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- baiken_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- baikenx ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- chipp_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- chippx ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- dizzy_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- dizzyx ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- faust_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- faustx ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- jam_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- jamx ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- johnny_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- johnnyx ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- ky_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- kyx ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- may_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- mayx ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- millia_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- milliax ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- potemkin_ggx_ed ;by minstral =================================
;- potemkinx ;by wolfzert =======================================
;- sol_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- solx ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- testament_ggx_ed ;by minstral =================================
;- testamentx ;by wolfzert =======================================
;- vemon_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- venomx ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- zato_ggx_ed ;by minstral =======================================
;- zatox ;by wolfzert =============================================

;stages/ggx_kliffbg2.def ;kliff

;, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-_fatal_duel_(same_character_battle).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-_fuuga_(anji).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-_no_mercy_(sol_vs_ky).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_heavyrock_-_still_in_the_dark_-_(zato_vs._millia).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_01_-_no_mercy_(sol_vs._ky).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_03_-_holy_orders_(be_just_or_be_dead)_2_(ky).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_05_-_make_oneself_(axl).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_06_-_feel_a_fear_(zato).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_07_-_suck_a_sage_2_(chipp).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_08_-_burly_heart_(potemkin).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_09_-_the_original_(faust).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_10_-_writhe_in_pain_2_(millia).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_11_-_momentary_life_2_(baiken).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_14_-
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_15_-_babel_nose_(jam).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_-_201-bloodsained_lineage_(testament).mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_-_203-fatal_duel_-_same_character_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/ggx_ost_-_204-still_in_the_dark_-_zato_vs._millia.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;guilty gear x petit (neogeo pocket) =================================
;(i): kypetit ;by yamatano =======================================

; sol3, stages/paris0.def, music=sound/ggx_ngp_-_paris.mp3 ;pocket sol badguy

by ixnaydk

;stages/china3.def, music=sound/ggx_ngp_-_china.mp3 ;jam

;stages/colony0.def, music=sound/ggx_ngp_-_colony.mp3;anji / baiken
;stages/grove.def, music=sound/ggx_ngp_-_grove.mp3 ;dizzy
;stages/grove0.def, music=sound/ggx_ngp_-_grove.mp3 ;dizzy
;stages/heel.def, music=sound/ggx_ngp_-_heel.mp3 ;testament
;stages/london.def, music=sound/ggx_ngp_-_london.mp3 ;axl
;stages/mayship.def, music=sound/ggx_ngp_-_mayship.mp3 ;may
;stages/nirvana.def, music=sound/ggx_ngp_-_nirvana.mp3 ;johnny / zato
;stages/russia0.def, music=sound/ggx_ngp_-_russia.mp3;millia
;stages/zepp.def, music=sound/ggx_ngp_-_zepp.mp3 ;potemkin

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;guilty gear xx (playstation 2) ======================================
;(lb): ggxx_lifebar ;by fail =====================================
;(sndp): system_ggx2 ;by wz_4 =====================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- customggxxintro ;by alexandre ================================
;- ggxxop ;by ddsnet31@hotmail.com =================================
;- xmas ;by aohige ===============================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- anji ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- axl ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- baiken ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- bridget ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- chipp ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- cliff ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- dizzy ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- eddie ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- faust ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- ggxx(gameover) ;by minstral =======================================
;- i-nno ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- jam ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- johnny ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- justice ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- ky ;by wolfzert ===================================================
;- may ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- millia ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- potemkin ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- roboky ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- slayer ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- sol ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- testament ;by wolfzert =======================================
;- venom ;by wolfzert =============================================
;- zappa ;by wolfzert =============================================

;stages/customggxaxlbg.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-_make_oneself_~axl's_theme~.mp3
;stages/ggxx-baiken-mt.def ;baiken
;stages/ggxx_castle.def ;slayer
;stages/ggxx_colony.def ;anji
;stages/ggxx_hell.def ;testament
;stages/ggxx_kliff.def ;kliff
;stages/ggxxkor.def ;korea
;stages/ggxx_korea0.def ;korea
;stages/ggxx_korea1.def ;korea
;stages/ggxx_nirvana0.def ;zato
;stages/ggxx_paris.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_holy_orders_(be_just_or_be_just_dead)_~ky's_theme~.mp3 ;ky
;stages/ggxx_unnoun.def, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
_the_midnight_carnival_~boss_fight~.mp3 ;boss

;, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
;, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-_bloodstained_lineage_~testament's_theme~.mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-_blue_water_blue_sky_~may's_theme~.mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-_existence_~vs_assassin_theme~.mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-_fuuga_-_elegance_~anji's_theme~.mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-_keep_yourself_alive_2_~sol's_theme~.mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-_liquor_bar_and_drunkard_~johnny's_theme~.mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-_momentary_life_~baiken's_theme~.mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-_noontide_~sol_vs_ky_theme~.mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-
;, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-_suck_a_sage_~chipp's_theme~.mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_ost_-_the_original_~faust's_theme~.mp3

;guilty gear xx remix

;(lb): ggxx_lifebar(arrenge) ;by ffail


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;guilty gear xx accent core (playstation 2) ==========================
;(i): ================================================================
;- ggxaccent ;by _kronos_ =======================================
;- ggxxac ;unsigned ================================================
;- ggxxac0 ;unsigned ================================================
;- ggxxac_op ;by tene ===========================================


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;guilty gear xx advance (gameboy advance) ============================

;stages/kysolstage.def ;ky - sol

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;guilty gear xx reloaded (arcade & playstation 2) ====================
;(sp): ggxx trial product ;by minstral ===========================
;(i): ggxx#r_op ;by aohige ===========================================

;stages/amc_ggxx-justice.def ;justice
;stages/china10.def ;jam
;stages/grove_xx.def, music=sound/grove_xx_bgm.mp3 ;dizzy
;stages/ggxx_axl&eddie2.def ;axl
;stages/ggxxr_axlstage2.def ;axl
;stages/ggxxr_baikenstage.def ;baiken
;stages/ggxxr_inostage.def ;ino
;stages/ggxxr_jamstage.def ;jam
;stages/ggxxr_solstage.def ;sol & ky
;stages/ggxxr_testamentstage.def ;dizzy
;stages/ggxxr_venom_stage.def ;zato & venom
;stages/hell_xx.def, music=sound/ggxxr_-_hell_xx_bgm.mp3 ;testament
;stages/kliff.def ;kliff
;stages/london_xx.def, music=sound/ggxxr_-_london_xx_bgm.mp3 ;axl
;stages/nirvana0.def ;zato & venom
;stages/russia_xx.def, music=sound/ggxxr_-_russia_xx_bgm.mp3 ;millia

;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_blacklight_babe_(i-no's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_child_of_the_wild_(chipp's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_crash_and_burn_(bridget's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_dead_silence_(same_character_type-
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_dementia_(eddie's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_desert_dust_(johnny's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_ditto_(same_character).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_dogs_on_the_run_(axl's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_faith_shall_save_thee_(sol_vs_ky_type-
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_get_out_of_my_way_(may's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_red_crossroads_(millia_vs_eddie_type-
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_revelations_(sol_vs_ky).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_ricochet_(baiken's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_rogue_hunters_(assassins).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_seizures_(zappa's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_starchaser_(sol_badguy's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_sticks_and_stones_(jam's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_take_the_pain_(faust's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_tears_are_forever_(dizzy's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_the_great_empress_(millia's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_the_vampire_saga_(slayer's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/ggxx_reload_kor._ost_-_vengence_is_mine_(kliff's_theme).mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;guilty gear xx slash (arcade & playstation 2) =======================


;gunbound ------------------------------------------------------------

;stages/gunbound.def, music=sound/gunbound.mp3

;gundam series (gundam-sd hero general decisive battle, gundam seed battle
assault, gundam seed destiny, gundam wing, gundam wing 2, gundam wing endless
walz, kido buto den gundam g, mobile suit gundam, mobile suit gundam ex revue, sd
gundam - power formation puzzle, sd kidou senshi gundam 2, sd kidou senshi gundam
v, shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel; super nes, arcade & playstation)
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- fighttdx ;by tdx --------------------------------------------------
;- gundamscreenpack ;by viena ------------------------------------

; omni, ;o.m.n.i.enforcer by ssss, (wo2d), (ws)

;(ss) ================================================================
;non-sd gundam chars (gundam battle assault, gundam battle assault 2, kido buto
den gundam g, mobile suit gundam, mobile suit gundam ex revue & shin kidoesenki
gundam wing - endless duel; arcade, playstation & super nes)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;gundam battle assault series (gundam battle assault & gundam battle assault 2;

;acguy (gba: acguys' factory / gba2: launching area)

agcuy, stages/acguybg.def, music=sound/gba2_-_jaburo.mp3 ;agcuy by syu, (csff)

;altron (gba2: launching area)

;(es) altron

;ball (gba: spaceship / gba2: base entrance)

ball0, stages/ziongbg.def, music=sound/gba_-_zeong.mp3 ;ball by syu, (rsff)

;big zam (gba: towers / gba2: platform)

;(es) zam

;bolt (gba2: protected dome)

;(es) bolt, random, music=sound/gba2_-_harbor.mp3

;burning (gba2: protected dome)

;(es) burning, random, music=sound/gba2_-_harbor.mp3

;char's zaku (gba: hangar)

; zaku(s), stages/zakubg.def ;ms-06 zaku (s) by taurusac195, (wo2d)

;dark (gba2: base in flames)

;(es) dark, random, music=sound/gba2_-_dark_gundam.mp3

;deathscythe (gba2: elevator)

;(es) deathscythe

;dragon (gba2: protected dome)

;(es) dragon, random, music=sound/gba2_-_harbor.mp3

;epyon (gba2: generator)

;(es) epyon

;gp02a / gp-02a (gba: village / gba2: platform))

;(es) gp02a, stages/gp02bg.def, music=sound/gba_-_gp-02a.mp3

;gundam (gba: elevator)

gd, stages/zbg.def, music=sound/gba2_-_gundam_fight_final.mp3 ;gungul by tommy-
gun, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;heavy arms (gba2: elevator)

;(es) heavyarms

;hydra (gba2: destroyed base)

;(es) hydra

;hy-gogg / hygogg (gba: destroyed buildings / gba2: platform)

;(es) hy-gogg, stages/hygogbg.def, music=sound/gba2_-_colony.mp3
;master (gba2: city by night)
;(es) master, random, music=sound/gba2_-_city_night.mp3

;maxter (gba2: dome)

;(es) maxter, random, music=sound/gba2_-_harbor.mp3

;neue ziel (gba2: corridor)

;(es) nziel, random, music=sound/gba2_-_space.mp3

;psycho / psycho mkiii (gba: city / gba2: white steel zone)

; gundam psycho mkiii, random, music=sound/gba_-_psycho_mk_iii.mp3 ;psycho
mkiii by taurusac195, (wo2d), (ws) (unrequestable status)

;q-mantha / quin mantha (gba: hall / gba2: corridor)

;(es) q-mantha, stages/quinbg.def, music=sound/gba2_-_colony_2.mp3

;qubeley (gba: rooftop)

;(es) qubeley, stages/qubeleybg.def, music=sound/gba_-_qubeley.mp3

;rose (gba2: protected dome)

;(es) rose, random, music=sound/gba2_-_harbor.mp3

;rx-78 (gba2: white steel zone)

;(es) rx-78

;sandrock (gba2: city by night)

; gundam sandrock custom, random, music=sound/gba2_-_city_night.mp3 ;"" by
taurusac195, (wo2d)

;sazabi (gba: stadium / gba2: outside base)

; sasami, ;sasami by elecbyte, (rsff)
sazabi0, stages/hygogbg.def, music=sound/gba_-_sazabi.mp3 ;sazabi by syu /
panpukin, (rsff)

;tall geese (gba2: generator)

;(es) tall geese

;the o (gba: airship)

;(es) the o, random, music=sound/gba_-_the-o.mp3

;u-gundam (gba: frozen mountains / gba2: corridor)

rx-93, stages/hammabg.def, music=sound/gba2_-_space.mp3 ;rx-93 by elecbyte,

;w-gundam / wing (gba: mountain / gba2: corridor)

wing2, stages/qubeleybg.def, music=sound/gba_-_wing_gundam.mp3 ;wing gundam by
syu, (rsff)

;zaku ii (gba: hangar / gba2: launching area)

z1, stages/zakubg.def, music=sound/gba_-_zaku_ii.mp3 ;zuku by tommy-gun, (wo2d),

;zaku ii s (gba2: city by night)

;(es) zaku ii s, random, music=sound/gba2_-_city_night.mp3

;zeong (gba: garbage place / gba2: garbage area)

;(es) zeong, stages/ziongbg.def, music=sound/gba_-_zeong.mp3
;z-gundam (gba: elevator)
2, stages/zbg.def, music=sound/gba2_-_extra.mp3;left wing by tommy-gun, (wo2d),

;zz-gundam / gundam zz (gba: ruins / gba2: platform)

;(es) zz-gundam, stages/fzzbg.def, music=sound/gba_-_zz_gundam.mp3

;, music=sound/gba_-_keep_it_smooth.mp3
;, music=sound/gba_-_new_beat.mp3
;, music=sound/gba_-_noooo!!.mp3
;, music=sound/gba_-_piano_solo.mp3
;, music=sound/gba_-_rockin_hyo.mp3
;, music=sound/gba_-_shop_craze.mp3
;, music=sound/gba_-_take_it_up_a_noucth.mp3
;, music=sound/gba_-_the_wedding.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;gundam seed series (gundam seed battle assault & gundam seed destiny; gameboy
;(i): seed_03op ;unsigned ==========================================

;(ss3) ===============================================================
;gundam seed battle assault (gameboy advance) ========================
;(sp): gsbav1 ;by gend0 ==========================================

freedom0, stages/atmosphere.def, music=sound/gsba_-_atmosphere.mp3 ;freedom

gundam by rikard, (wc), (ws2d)

;stages/alaska1.def ;alaska battle

;stages/alaskaba.def ;alaska battle
;stages/atmosphere0.def ;atmosphere
;stages/aube coast.def ;aube coast
;stages/debrblt.def ;debris belt
;stages/desertrba.def ;desert region
;stages/genesis0.def ;genesis
;stages/gundamseedaubebase.def ;aube base
;stages/heliopolis.def, music=sound/gsba_-_heliopolis.mp3
;stages/onogoro.def ;onogoro
;stages/panbase.def ;panama base
;stages/plant0.def ;plant

;gundam seed battle assault remix


;(ss3) ===============================================================
;gundam seed destiny (gameboy advance) ===============================


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;kido buto den gundam g (super nes) ==================================
;bolt (neo russia)
bolt, stages/neo_russia.def, music=sound/kbggundam_07_bolt_in_neo-russia.mp3 ;bolt
gundam by minoru, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;devil (neo japan [shinjuku])

devi, stages/neo_japan0_up.def, music=sound/kbggundam_11_devil.mp3 ;
devil_gundam by yokko, (rsff)
; gundam devil, ;devil gundam by yokko, updated by taurusac195, (wo2d)

;dragon (neo china)

;(es) dragon, random, music=sound/kbggundam_05_dragon_in_neo-china.mp3

;god gundam (neo hong-kong)

god0, stages/neo_japan.def, music=sound/kbggundam_14_god_in_neo-hongkong.mp3 ;god
gundam by nyan��kiryu, (rsff)

;master gundam (neo japan)

mas, stages/neo_japan.def, music=sound/kbggundam_08_master_in_neo-japan.mp3 ;
master gundam by hyukke, (rsff) (unrequestable status)

;maxter (neo america)

gundam maxter 2.0, stages/maxter.def, music=sound/kbggundam_04_master_in_neo-
america.mp3 ;gundam maxter by taurusac195, (wc), (ws2d)

;rising gundam (neo canada)

;(es) rising, stages/rising.def, music=sound/kbggundam_10_rising_in_neo-canada.mp3

;rose (neo france)

roses, stages/rose0_up.def, music=sound/kbggundam_06_rose_in_neo-france.mp3 ;
gundam_rose by yokko, (rsff)

;shining gundam (neo japan)

g_gundam, stages/neo_japan.def, music=sound/kbggundam_13_shining_in_neo-japan.mp3
;shining gundam by serori
sg, stages/neo_japan.def, music=sound/kbggundam_13_shining_in_neo-japan.mp3 ;
shining gundam by nyan kiryu, (rsff)

;spiegel (neo egypt)

; spiegel, random, music=sound/kbggundam_09_spiegel_in_neo-egypt.mp3 ;
spiegel by ixnaydk

;kido buto den gundam g remix

; gundam rose, stages/shinjuku.def ;gundam rose by taurusac195, (wc), (ws2d)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mobile suit gundam (arcade) =========================================

;dom (black forest)

dom, stages/black_forest.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.3_-_10.mp3 ;dom
by sugio, (rsff)

;gelgoog 1st (solomon space)

gelgoog, stages/solomon_space.def, music=sound/heat_ost_-_13.mp3 ;gelgoog by sugio,
gelgoog0, stages/solomon_space.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_the_fat_of_the_land_-_09.mp3 ;ms-14a gelgoog by taurusac195, (wc), (ws2d)
;gelgoog 2nd (texas colony)
;(es) gelgoog, stages/texas colony.def

;gouf (desert [sunny])

gouf, stages/odessa.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_experience_-_01.mp3 ;gouf by
sugio, (rsff)

;gundam 1st (outside a baoa qu)

rx-78, stages/outside_a_baoa_qu.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_experience_-_09.mp3
;rx-78 gundam by taurusac195, (wc), (ws2d)
; whiteguy, ;gumdam by yoshitsune, (rsff)
; whiteguy0, ;amuro ray by yshitsune, (rsff)

;gundam 2nd (desert [sunny])

rx-78-2, stages/odessa.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-
_17.mp3 ;rx-78-2 gundam by taurusac195, (wc), (ws2d)

;zaku 1st (side 7)

zaku0, stages/side_7.def, music=sound/original_-_track_no11.mp3 ;zaku by sugio,

;zaku 2nd (inside a baoa qu)

redcomet, stages/a_baoa_qu.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_experience_-_04.mp3
;red-comet by yshitsune, (rsff)
cszaku, stages/a_baoa_qu.def, music=sound/bosh!_-_12_sizzling_bangers_-_03.mp3
;zaku by sugio, (rsff)

;ziong (outside a baoa qu)

;(es) ziong, stages/outside_a_baoa_qu.def

;zugock 1st (belfast base)

zugock, stages/belfast.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_experience_-_10.mp3 ;
zugock by sugio, (rsff)

;zugock 2nd (inside jaburo)

;(es) zugock, stages/insidejaburo.def

;mobile suit gundam remix

; gm1, ;gm by taurusac195, (wc), (ws)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mobile suit gundam ex revue (arcade) ================================

;acguy (giant trees planet)

;(es) acguy

;char's gelgoog (desert)

;(es) cgelgoog

;char's zaku (old temple)

;(es) czaku

;char's z'gok (mine)

;(es) czgok
;dolmel (inside spaceship)
dolmel, random, music=sound/fiocco_-_afflitto_-_03.mp3 ;ms-19 dolmel by
taurusac195, (wc), (ws2d)

;dom (forest by night)

;(es) dom

;gelgoog (spaceship)
;(es) gelgoog

;gouf (dry area)

;(es) gouf

;guncannon (airship rooftop)

guncannon 2.0, random, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.2_-_09.mp3 ;rx-77
guncannon by taurusac195, (wc), (ws2d)

;gundam (destroyed city)

;(es) gundam

;gyan (rocks)
; gyan0, ;yms-15 gyan by taurusac195, (wo2d), (ws)

;zaku (waterfall)
;(es) zaku

;z'gok (coast base)

;(es) z'gok

;ziong (space planet)

zeong, random, music=sound/outsoon_techno_session_-_dj_pierre_-_06.mp3 ;msn-02
zeong by taurusac195

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel (super nes) ==============
;(sp): gundam ;by viena ==========================================

; death-scythe, ;gundum deathscythe by mouser, (rsff)
; deathscythes, ;deathscythes by overmind, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)
; ds0, ;deathscythe by aj, (csff)
ds1, stages/deathscythe.def, music=sound/gundam_wing_endless_duel_-_port.mp3 ;
gundam death scythe by hyuga, (wo2d)

; epyon, ;epyon by patman2887 & sykotik, (csff)
; epyon1, ;gundam epyon by fadi and dhtp, (csff)
; epyon2, stages/epyon1.def ;unsigned epyon beta, fixed by electrocaid,
gundam-epyon, stages/epyon0.def, music=sound/gundam_wing_endless_duel_-_tower.mp3
;gundam epyon by yokko, (rsff)

; gh-zero, stages/heavyarms.def, music=sound/gundam_wing_endless_duel_-
_airport.mp3 ;gundam heavy arms by gelsha, (rsff)
; gundam heavy arms, ;gundam heavy arms by taurusac195, (wc), (ws2d)
heavyarms, stages/heavy0.def, music=sound/gundam_wing_endless_duel_-_airport.mp3
;heavyarms by striderx and cabbit007, (rsff)

mercurius, stages/vanmerc.def, music=sound/gundam_wing_endless_duel_-
_space_ship.mp3 ;mercurius by mouser, (rsff)
; mercurius0, ;mercurius by snowfire, (rsff)

; gundam sandrock, ;gundam sandrock by kamekaze, standardized by taurusac195,
(wc), (ws2d)
sandrock, stages/sandrock.def, music=sound/gundam_wing_endless_duel_-_desert.mp3
;sandrock by nodex, (rsff)
; sandrock0, ;sandrock by kamekaze, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [ws])

gundam shenlong, stages/canyon1.def, music=sound/gundam_wing_endless_duel_-
_seaside.mp3 ;gundam shenlong by taurusac195, (wc), (ws2d)
; shenlongn, ;shenlong by ranmasama, (csff)

tallgeese, stages/tall.def, music=sound/gundam_wing_endless_duel_-_arctic.mp3
;tallgeese by brent, (rsff)

vayeate, stages/vayeate_bg.def, music=sound/gundam_wing_endless_duel_-
_space_ship.mp3 ;vayeate by yokko, (rsff)

wing0, stages/gw_wing.def, music=sound/gundam_wing_endless_duel_-_city.mp3 ;wing
gundam by mouser, (rsff)

;wing zero
; kfm2, ;kung fu man by elecbyte (xxxg-00w0 wing gundam zero), (wo2d),
; wing gundam zero, ;wing gundam zero by jed, (wc), (ws2d)
; wingzero, ;wing zero by mighty akuma, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
wz, stages/colony1.def, music=sound/gundam_wing_endless_duel_-_city.mp3 ;wing
gundam zero by hyuga, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; wz0, ;wing zero by zero-final, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;stages/wing zero stage's.def ;wing / wing zero

;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel remix

; dg, ;dragon gundam by ssss, (wo2d), (ws)

gundam dragon, stages/gw_shen-long.def, music=sound/gwed_rmx_-_epyon.mp3 ;
gundam dragon by taurusac195
leo5, stages/gw_shen-long.def,
music=sound/gundam_wing_endless_duel_heavyarms(letmeliftthisload)_oc_rem.mp3 ;oz-
06ms leo by taurusac195, (wc), (ws2d)
; wingca, ;wing gundam ca by kwt
; zero10, ;wing zero custom by spinicci giacomo (king star), (csff)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;other non sd gundam chars ===========================================

amuroray, random, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_remixes_-_its_no_good_-

_speedy_j_mix.mp3 ;amuro ray by kwt, (csff)
; arc_maaz, ;maaz/a.w by kira, (rsff)
; asg, ;aile strike gumdam by chiba, (rsff)
; s.freedom, ;strike freedom by cutter gamma
shinn, random, music=sound/bosh!_-_12_sizzling_bangers_-_05.mp3 ;force impulse
gundam by shimon

;(ss) ================================================================
;gundam shoot-em up chars (gundam-sd hero general decisive battle, sdx)

; psyco-g, stages/gashapon.def, music=sound/gundam0.mp3;psyco-g by km, (rsff)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;gundam-sd hero general decisive battle ==============================

; clz-gundam, stages/clz.def, music=sound/clz.mp3;classic z-gundam by

tokinokuni-kei, (wc)
; cl_z-gundam, stages/clz0.def, music=sound/clz.mp3 ;classic z-gundam by
tokinokuni-kei, (wc), (ws2d)
; sdz-gundam, stages/sdz.def, music=sound/gundam0.mp3 ;z-gundam by kei

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;sdx =================================================================
;(sp): sdx ;by masquer ==============================================

; kampfar, stages/map01.def, music=sound/sdx_-_sdz.mp3 ;kampfar by masquer,

; zz0, stages/map04.def, music=sound/sdx_-_sdz.mp3 ;zz by masquer, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;sd gundam chars (gundam wing endless walz, sd gundam - power formation puzzle)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;gundam wing series (super nes)

;(ss3) ===============================================================
;gundam wing 2 (super nes)


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;gundam wing endless walz ============================================

; natakusd, ;nataku custom by spinicci giacomo (king star), (rsff)

; wzcsd, ;wing zero custom by spinicci giacomo (king star), (rsff)
;(ss2) ===============================================================
;sd gundam - power formation puzzle (super nes) ======================

; gp03, ;gp-03 by reiga, (rsff)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;sd kidou senshi gundam series (sd kidou senshi gundam 2 & sd kidou senshi gundam
v; super nes)

;(ss3) ===============================================================
;sd kidou senshi gundam v (super nes) ================================

; gundam2, ;gundam by omohiro, (rsff)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;other sd gundam =====================================================

; 61_tank, ;61_tank by @���B����, (rsff)

; ainrad, ;ainrad by km, (rsff)
; aizack, ;aizack by kero, (rsff)
; alex, ;unsigned nt 1, (rsff)
; alex1, ;unsigned rx-78-nt1 gundam alex, (rsff)
; alex2, ;unsigned rx-78-xx gundam pekusi, (rsff)
; amx-004g, ;mass-pro type qubeley by mikura, (rsff)
; ball, ;ball by sansiro, (rsff)
; bd1, ;blue destiny 1 by kero, (rsff)
; bd2, ;blue destiny 2 by kero, (rsff)
; bd3, ;blue destiny 3 by moka, (rsff)
; borinok, ;borinok-sammahn by mikura, (csff)
; bound, ;bound-doc by mikura, (rsff)
; bya, ;byalant by mikura, (rsff)
; caple, ;amx-109 caple by kero, (rsff)
; char-rick, ;rickdom-char aznable by mikura, (csff)
; death_army, ;death army by moka, (rsff)
; devil, ;devil gundam by kero, (rsff)
; dogoora, ;dogoora by �t�x, (rsff)
; doven, ;doven-wolf by mikura, (rsff)
; dra_c, ;dra-c by mikura, (rsff)
; dreissen, ;dreissen by mikura, (rsff)
; epyon0, ;epyon by syuu, (rsff)
; ez-8, ;ez-8 by tarbou, (rsff)
; f91, ;f91 by sansiro, (rsff)
; fa100-r, ;fa hyakushiki-r by herium-3, (i&ei), (rsff)
; famk3, ;gundam mk-3 fa by mikura, (rsff)
; ff-x2-fb, ;koafighter2-fb by ????, (rsff)
; gab, ;gabthley by mikura, (rsff)
; gan, ;gan cannon by sansiro, (rsff)
; gandamx, ;gandam x by boufuusetu, (csff)
; gap, ;gaplant by mikura, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)
; gaza-c, ;gaza-c by mikura, (rsff)
; gbit, ;g-bit by mikura, (rsff)
; gcanon, ;unsigned gcanon magna, (rsff)
; gedlav, ;gedlav by mikura, (rsff)
; gelgoogm, ;gelgoog-m by mikura, (rsff)
; gel-j, ;gelgoog-j by helium-3, (i&ei), (csff)
; geymalk, ;geymalk by mikura, (rsff)
; gez, ;gun eaze by �t�x, (rsff)
; gm, ;rgm-79 gm by kero, (rsff)
; god, ;god gundam by sansiro, (rsff)
; gottrla, ;gottrlatan by mikura, (rsff)
; gouf0, ;ms-07b gouf by moka, (rsff)
; gp-01fb, ;gp-01fb by sansiro, (rsff)
; gp-02a, ;gp-02a by sansiro, (rsff)
; gp04, ;rx78-gp04 by km, (rsff)
; gt-four, ;rx-78e gt-four by moka, (rsff)
; gundam, ;rx-78-2 gundam by ????, (rsff)
; gundam_mk-2, ;gundam_mk-2 [a.e.u.g] by moka, (rsff)
; gyan, ;unsigned yms-015_gyan, (rsff)
; h, ;hyukkebain by hk, (rsff)
; ham, ;hambrabi by mikura, (csff)
; hi, ;hi-newc by hk, (rsff)
; hobby, ;hobby hizaku by sansiro, (rsff)
; hober, ;hober by sansiro, (rsff)
; huri, ;zakuhuriper by http://user.shikoku.ne.jp/adati/mugen/index.htm,
; ifritekai, ;ifrite kai by sansiro, (rsff)
; jagd-doga, ;jagd-doga by mikura, (rsff)
; jegan, ;unsigned jegan, (rsff)
; juag, ;unsigned juag, (rsff)
; kampfer, ;unsigned ms-18e kampfer, (rsff)
; kinbaraito, ;unsigned kinbaraito_zaku, (rsff)
; koukidou, ;unsigned ms-06r koukidougata zaku, (rsff)
; l, ;guz l by km, (rsff)
; metas, ;msa-005 metas by moka, (rsff)
; mk2black, ;gundam mk2 black by kero, (rsff)
; ms-09h, ;ms-09h by mikura, (rsff)
; ms-14jg, ;gelgoog jager by mikura, (rsff)
; msn-03, ;jagd-doga by mikura, (rsff)
; naito-gandam, ;naito-gandam by boufuusetu, (rsff)
; nemo0, ;nemo by mikura, (rsff)
; new, ;new gundam by sansiro, (rsff)
; nishiki, ;grungust nishiki by haruki, (rsff)
; niu, ;hi n-gundam by mikura, (rsff)
; oz, ;unsigned oz-00ms, (rsff)
; p, ;unsigned rx-78-xx gundam pekusi, (rsff)
; palas, ;palas-athene by mikura, (rsff)
; pga, ;prot.g by �t�x, (rsff)
; psycho, ;mrx-009 psycho gundam by moka, (rsff)
; qube, ;qubeley by mikura, (rsff)
; quberay2, ;quberay-mk2 pultwo by kero, (rsff)
; quin1.2, ;quin_mantha by yokko, (rsff)
; q_zaku, ;kyu_zaku by kero, (rsff)
; r, ;unsigned r_jyajya, (rsff)
; r0, ;guz r by km, (rsff)
; r-1, ;r-1 by haruki, (rsff)
; r_dom2, ;ms-r09 zwei by mikura, (rsff)
; re-gz, ;re-gz by mikura, (rsff)
; rf-z, ;rf-z'gok by herium-3, (i&ei), (csff)
; rgm-79c, ;gm typec by mikura, (rsff)
; rgm-79m, ;unsigned rgm-79m, (rsff)
; rgm-79n, ;rgm-79n gm by ????, (rsff)
; rgm-79q, ;unsigned rgm-79q, (rsff)
; rgm-79sp, ;gm sniper 2 by mikura, (rsff)
; rms-117, ;rms-117 by mikura, (rsff)
; rx-77d, ;guncannon mass-pro type by mikura, (rsff)
; rx-79, ;rx-79 gundam by sansiro, (rsff)
; saikoro, ;saikoro gundam by km, (rsff)
; saiko2, ;saiko mk-2 by �t�x, (rsff)
; sazabi, ;sazabi by mikura, (rsff)
; s-gun, ;super gundam by mikura, (rsff)
; sin, ;unsigned ms-06r1 s.m koukidougata zaku2, (rsff)
; sukiure, ;sukiure by moka, (rsff)
; sya, ;ms-06s by elecbyte / http://sendai.cool.ne.jp/tamatabi/index.html,
; tanku, ;gan tanku by sansiro3 ;the-o by mikura, (rsff)
; ukszaku, ;unsigned ms-06rd-4 uks zaku, (rsff)
; v2a, ;unsigned v2 gundam a, (rsff)
; v2b, ;unsigned v2 gundam b, (rsff)
; vayeate0, ;oz-13msx1 vayeate by km, (rsff)
; wing, ;gundam w by sansiro, (rsff)
; wing0c, ;wing gundam zero-custam by kero, (rsff)
; wing3, ;gundam w by zero, (rsff)
; w0, ;wingzero by hk, (rsff)
; z, ;z by maser97@excite.co.jp, (rsff)
; zaku, ;unsigned zaku_2j, (rsff)
; zaku1r, ;ms-05 raru's_zaku1 by moka, (rsff)
; zaku2f, ;ms-06f zaku2-f by moka, (rsff)
; zaku2kai, ;zaku2 kai by sansiro, (rsff)
; zakurero, ;zakurero by km, corrected by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; zakutank, ;unsigned zakutank, (rsff)
; z-gun, ;z-gundam by ????, (rsff)
; zoloat, ;zoloat by mikura, (rsff)
; zs-c, ;unsigned zs-c, (rsff)
; zssa, ;zssa by mikura, (rsff)
; zz, ;zz gundam by sansiro, (rsff)

;gundam sd remix

; fall, ;fall by sansiro, (rsff)

; santaeasy, ;santaeasy by km, (rsff)
; shining, ;unsigned shining gundam, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;gundam series original stuff ========================================
;(i): 1stgundam_eyecatch ;unsigned ==============================

; freedom, stages/freedom.def, music=sound/freedomlanding.mp3 ;freedom

gumdam by chiba, (rsff)

;gunstar heroes (genesis) --------------------------------------------

; gunstar, stages/inthecampgreen.def ;gunstar red by atomicdog2020, (rsff)

;gyakuten saiban series (gyakuten saiban, gyakuten saiban 2, gyakuten saiben 3 &
gyakuten saiban 4)
; phoenixwright, ;phoenix wright by ld

;(ss) ================================================================
;gyakuten saiban =====================================================

;stages/gscourt.def ;courtroom
;stages/gscourto.def ;courtroom overview

;(ss) ================================================================
;gyakuten saiban 4 ===================================================

;stages/gs4court.def ;courtroom
;stages/gs4courto.def ;courtroom overview

;hack gu -------------------------------------------------------------

;stages/canyonfield.def ;canyon field

;stages/cavedungeon.def ;cave dungeon
;stages/daytimefield.def ;daytime field
;stages/doldona.def ;dol dona
;stages/doldonaview.def ;dol dona view
;stages/endwithbeaststatue.def ;end with beast statue
;stages/endwithoutbeaststatue.def ;end without beast statue
;stages/hiddenforbiddenhades.def ;hidden forbidden hades
;stages/hiddenforbiddenholyground.def ;hidden forbidden holy ground
;stages/luminacloth.def ;lumina cloth
;stages/luminaclotharenacounter.def ;lumina cloth arena counter
;stages/macanuoceanview.def ;mac anu ocean view
;stages/macanusquare.def ;mac anu square
;stages/mazedungeon.def ;maze dungeon
;stages/nighttimefield.def ;nighttime field
;stages/spiraldungeon.def ;spiral dungeon
;stages/sunsetfield.def ;sunset field

;half-life (pc) ------------------------------------------------------

grunt, stages/bmdam.def, music=sound/dmc_ost_-

_bloody_bladder_(escape_from_the_underworld).mp3 ;grunt by ninja naruto, (wc),


;halo series (halo & halo 2; xbox) -----------------------------------
;(fnt): halo_font ;by kyosuke_ex -------------------------------------


;halo zero (pc) ------------------------------------------------------

;stages/halo_zero_snow.def ;winter
;stages/halozds.def ;dead soldiers
;stages/halozf.def ;forest
;stages/halozw.def ;winter
;stages/hzcastle.def ;castle mission

;halo zero remix


;hamelin the violinist -----------------------------------------------

; h&f, ;hamel & flute by gelsha

; hamel, ;hamel by pokute@24h.co.jp, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;hammering harry / daiku no gen san series ---------------------------

; gen0, ;daiku no gen san by kazu, (rsff)

; harry, stages/genstage1.def, music=sound/hh_-_stage_1.mp3 ;harry by helios

;, music=sound/hh_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/hh_-_boss_(final).mp3
;, music=sound/hh_-_stage_2_&_4.mp3
;, music=sound/hh_-_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/hh_-_stage_5_&_6.mp3
;, music=sound/hh_-_stage_7.mp3
;, music=sound/hh_-_stage_8_&_9.mp3

;hammering harry / daiku no gen san series remix

;, music=sound/hh_-_arranged_version_of_stage_1.mp3

;hanjuku -------------------------------------------------------------
;(sp): hanjuku ;by hatabow ----------------------------------------


;harvest moon (super nes) --------------------------------------------

;stages/harvest moon.def

;higurasi ------------------------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- higurasi_01op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- higurasi_maturi_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------


;hime ----------------------------------------------------------------
;(i): hime ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------


;hiryu no ken series (hiryu no ken s - golden fighter & sd hiryu no ken; super

;(ss) ================================================================
;hiryu no ken s - golden fighter (super nes) =========================

; iron, ;iron jason by yoshida ruiji

;(ss) ================================================================
;sd hiryu no ken (super nes) =========================================

;daddy (sky temple)

daddysd, stages/roseman.def, music=sound/sdhnk_-_daddy.mp3 ;daddysd by kain the
supreme, (wc)

;e. quaker (pyramid)

;(es) e. quaker, random, music=sound/sdhnk_-_e quaker.mp3

;hayato (field)
;(es) hayato, random, music=sound/sdhnk_-_hayato.mp3

;mainohana (forest)
;(es) mainohana, random, music=sound/sdhnk_-_mainohana.mp3

;minmin (harbour)
;(es) minmin, random, music=sound/sdhnk_-_minmin.mp3

;powers (ring)
;(es) powers, random, music=sound/sdhnk_-_powers.mp3

;raima (laboratory)
darkw, stages/roseman.def, music=sound/sdhnk_-_raima.mp3 ;darkw by kain the
supreme, (wc)

;roseman (castle)
;(es) roseman, stages/roseman.def, music=sound/sdhnk_-_roseman.mp3

;ryuhi (mountain)
;(es) ryuhi, random, music=sound/sdhnk_-_ryuhi.mp3
;suzaku (shadow stages)
;(es) suzaku, random, music=sound/sdhnk_-_suzaku.mp3

;syoryu (temple)
;(es) syoryu, random, music=sound/sdhnk_-_syoryu.mp3

;tetsuo (under the bridge)

;(es) tetsuo, random, music=sound/sdhnk_-_tetsuo.mp3

;uruka (lost paradise)

;(es) uruka, random, music=sound/sdhnk_-_uruka.mp3

;wiler (jungle)
;(es) wiler, random, music=sound/sdhnk_-_wiler.mp3

;yuuka (dojo)
k_yuka, stages/roseman.def, music=sound/sdhnk_-_yuuka.mp3 ;kurenai yuuka by

;hokuto no ken series (hnk mugen, hokuto no ken, hokuto no ken 5, hokuto no ken 6:
fierce fighting legend eternal fist - way of the conquering king, hokuto no ken 7:
legend of the cracking fists - way of the eternal & hokuto no ken: typing haou
gekiuchi 2; nes, playstation, pc, saturn, genesis & super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;genesis hokuto no ken ===============================================

; hokuto0, ;hokuto bonus stage by david demianoff, (rsff), (wc)

; hokuto00, ;hokuto bonus stage by david demianoff, updated by kung fu man,
kenshiro, stages/dungeon.def, music=sound/hnk_vol2_fight_ost.mp3 ;kenshiro by david
demianoff, (i&ei), (csff)
; kenshiroumd, ;kenshirou by kobold, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;genesis hokuto no ken remix

; kenshirom, ;kenshiro by marco armellino and bubagia@yahoo.it, fixed by gohan

ssm2, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;hnk mugen (original) ================================================
;(sp); hnkmugen ;by hnk-team =======================================

; falco, ;falco by hnk team (beta 1), (rsff)
; falco0, ;falco by hnk team (beta 2), (rsff)
; falco1, ;falco by hnk team (beta 3), (ldv), (rsff)
; falco2, ;falco by hnk team (beta 3), (ldv), (rsff) + japan snd patch
falco3, stages/sfofalco.def, music=sound/hnkm_-_silent_survivor.mp3 ;falco by
hnk team (hnlm 2.3), (wo2d), (ws2d)

; jagger, ;jagger by hnk team (beta 1), (rsff)
; jagger0, ;jagger by hnk team (beta 2), (rsff)
; jagger1, ;jagger by hnk team (beta 3), (ldv), (rsff)
jagger2, stages/sfojagger.def, music=sound/hnkm_-_ichigeki_hissatsu.mp3 ;jagi
by hnk team (beta 3), (ldv), (rsff) + japan snd patch
; jagger3, ;jagger by hnk team (beta 4), (wo2d), (ws2d)
; jagi, ;jagi by hnk team, (hnkm 2.3), (wo2d), (ws2d)

;ken oh
kenoh, stages/sforaulg.def, music=sound/hnkm_-_semarikuru_kiba.mp3 ;ken@ by
hnk-team (hnkm 2.3), (wo2d), (ws2d)

; kenshiro1, ;kenshiro by hnk-team (beta 1), (rsff)
; kenshiro3, ;kenshiro by hnk-team (beta 2), (rsff)
; kenshiro4, ;kenshiro by hnk-team (beta 3), (ldv), (rsff)
; kenshiro5, ;kenshiro by hnk-team (beta 3), (ldv), (rsff) + japan snd patch
kenshiro6, stages/sfoken.def, music=sound/hnkm_-_sentoo.mp3 ;kenshiro by hnk-
team (hnkm 2.3), (wo2d), (ws2d)

raoh0, stages/sforaul.def, music=sound/hnkm_-_semarikuru_kiba.mp3 ;ra@ by hnk-
team, (hnkm 2.3), (wo2d), (ws2d)
; raoul, ;raoul by hnk-team (beta 2)
; raoul0, ;raoul by hnk-team (beta 3), (ldv)
; raoul1, ;raoh by hnk-team (beta 3), (ldv) + japan snd patch
; raoul2, ;raoul by hnk-team (beta 4), (wo2d), (ws2d)

sentei, stages/sfosauzer.def, music=sound/hnkm_-_ten_no_koe.mp3 ;sentei by hnk-
team (hnkm 2.3), (wo2d), (ws2d)

shin2, stages/sfoshin.def, music=sound/hnkm_-_kurayami_no_tsuiseki.mp3 ;shin by hnk
team & tonyadv (hnkm 2.3), (wo2d)

soria, stages/sfosorya.def, music=sound/hnkm_-_tough_boy.mp3 ;sorya by hnk
project (hnkm 2.3), (wo2d), (ws2d)
; sorya, ;sorya by hnk project (beta 2)
; sorya0, ;sorya by hnk project (beta 3), (ldv)
; sorya1, ;soria by hnk project (beta 3), (ldv) + japan snd patch
; sorya2, ;sorya by hnk project (beta 4), (wo2d)

sauzer0, stages/sfosauzer.def, music=sound/hnkm_-_ten_no_koe.mp3 ;sauzer by hnk-
team (beta 4), (wo2d), (ws2d)
; souther, ;souther by hnk-team (hnkm 2.3), (wo2d), (ws2d)

; tjukey, ;tjukey by rob & fighi, (rsff)
; tjukey0, ;tjukey by hnk-team (beta 1), (rsff)
tjukey1, stages/sfotjukey.def, music=sound/hnkm_-_ten_no_koe.mp3 ;tjukey by hnk-
team (beta 2), (ldv), (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;hokuto no ken (playstation 2) =======================================
;heart (lin's village)
;(es) heart, stages/hnk-linsvillage.def, music=sound/hnk_ps2_-_lynn's_village.mp3

;jagi (heliport)
;(es) jagi, stages/hnk - heliport.def, music=sound/hnk_ps2_-_jagi's_heliport.mp3

;juda (juda's palace)

;(es) juda, stages/hokuto_juda.def, music=sound/hnk_ps2_-_juda's_palace.mp3

;kenshiro (lin's village)

;(es) kenshiro, stages/hnk-linsvillage.def, music=sound/hnk_ps2_-

;mamiya (mamiya's village)

;(es) mamiya, stages/hnk-mamiyasvillage.def, music=sound/hnk_ps2_-

;raoh (hokuto temple)

;(es) raoh, stages/hokuto_raoh.def, music=sound/hnk_ps2_-_hokuto_temple.mp3

;rei (lin's village)

;(es) rei, stages/hnk-linsvillage.def, music=sound/hnk_ps2_-_lynn's_village.mp3

;shin (southern cross)

;(es) shin, stages/hnk-southerncross.def, music=sound/hnk_ps2_-_southern_cross.mp3

;souther (souther's pyramid)

;(es) souther, stages/hokuto_thouther.def, music=sound/hnk_ps2_-

;toki (place of the beginning)

;(es) toki, stages/cascade0.def, music=sound/hnk_ps2_-_village_of_miracles.mp3

;, music=sound/hnk_ps2_-_ai_wo_torimodose!.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_ps2_-_ai_wo_torimodose!_full_size.mp3

;hokuto no ken remix

;stages/hnk - heliport-2.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;hokuto no ken / black belt (sms) ====================================

;stages/bb_boss1.def ;vs. ryu

;stages/bb_boss2.def ;vs. hawk
;stages/bb_boss3.def ;vs. gonta
;stages/bb_boss4.def ;vs. oni
;stages/bb_boss5.def ;vs. rita
;(ss) ================================================================
;hokuto no ken: typing haou gekiuchi 2 (pc) ==========================


;(ss) ================================================================
;super nes hokuto no ken series (hokuto no ken 5, hokuto no ken 6: fierce fighting
legend eternal fist - way of the conquering king & hokuto no ken 7: legend of the
cracking fists - way of the eternal)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;hokuto no ken 6: fierce fighting legend eternal fist - way of the conquering king
(super nes)

;(es) falco, stages/hnk6_syoh.def, music=sound/hnk6_syoh.mp3

heart, stages/hnk6_heart.def, music=sound/hnk6_heart.mp3 ;heart by mikura,
; heart0, ;heart by necrosopher666, (rsff)

;(es) kaioh, stages/hnk6_kaioh.def, music=sound/hnk6_kaioh.mp3

kenshiro2, stages/ken6bg.def, music=sound/hnk6_ken.mp3 ;kenshiro by
; kenshiro7, stages/fotns.def ;kenshiro by sephirothx2004, (wo2d)

;(es) kuroyasha, stages/hnk6_kuroyasha.def, music=sound/hnk6_kuroyasha.mp3

raoh, stages/hnk6_raoh.def, music=sound/hnk6_raoh.mp3;raoh by electrocaid
(unrequestable status)

;(es) rei

;(es) shuu, stages/hnk6_shuu.def, music=sound/hnk6_shuu.mp3

;souther / sauzer
sauzer, stages/hnk6_souther.def, music=sound/hnk6_souther.mp3 ;sauzer by
necrosopher666, (rsff)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;hokuto no ken 7: legend of the cracking fists - way of the eternal (super nes)

;fang / kiba tribe chief

;(es) kiba tribe chief, random, music=sound/hnk7_kiba.mp3
;(es) heart, random, music=sound/hnk7_heart.mp3

;(es) jyuza, random, music=sound/hnk7_jyuza.mp3

; kencpu, stages/rei7bg.def, music=sound/hnk7_kenshiro.mp3 ;'gou no ken'
kenshirou by jeff jacobson, (rsff)
kenshiro0, stages/rei7bg.def, music=sound/hnk7_kenshiro.mp3 ;kenshirou by jeff
jacobson, (rsff)

raou, stages/raou7bg.def, music=sound/hnk7_raoh.mp3 ;raou by elecbyte, (rsff)
; raul, stages/raou7bg.def, music=sound/hnk7_raoh.mp3 ;raul v2.0 by rob,

;(es) rei, stages/rei7bg.def, music=sound/hnk7_rei.mp3

;(es) shin, stages/shin7bg.def, music=sound/hnk7_shin.mp3

jinsei, stages/shuu7bg.def, music=sound/hnk7_shuu.mp3;shuu by sugio, (rsff)

;(es) souther, random, music=sound/hnk7_souther.mp3

;hokuto no ken 7: legend of the cracking fists - way of the eternal remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;hokuto no ken original stuff ========================================


;, music=sound/hnk2_bart_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk2_divine_voice_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk2_jak�_OSt.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk2_srange_appearance_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk2_the_light_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk2_tough_boy_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_mov_heart_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_mov_the_followers_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_mov_ken_defeat_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_mov_assault_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_mov_jaggi_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_mov_ken's_resurrection_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_mov_raoh_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_mov_raoh's_army_parade_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_mov_raoh's_theme_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_mov_rei_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_mov_ry�ken_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_mov_shin_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_conspiracy_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_deadly_move_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_destiny_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_explosion's_point_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_fear_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_fists_of_the_hokuto_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_ken_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_killers_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_shin_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_southern_cross_town_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_the_beginning_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_the_darkness_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol1_view_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol2_anger's_flames_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol2_eternal_fight_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol2_last_moments_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol2_silent_survivor_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol2_storm_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol2_the_assault_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol2_the_final_murder_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol2_tooth_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol2_tragedy's_star_ost.mp3
;, music=sound/hnk_vol2_two_bad_stars_ost.mp3

;hunex fighters '98 --------------------------------------------------

kana0, random, music=sound/city_rockers_-_futurism_cd2_-_12.mp3 ;kana orikura by


;ice climber (nes) ---------------------------------------------------

; iceclimber, ;iceclimber by raikou

;igs oriental legend (pgm) -------------------------------------------

wukong, random, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.4_-_07.mp3 ;wu kong by

tenken3, (rsff)

;incantation ---------------------------------------------------------


;indiana jones series ------------------------------------------------


;international karate plus (atari st) --------------------------------

;stages/ikplus.def ;japan
;stages/janeiro.def ;rio de janeiro

;inuyasha: a feudal fairy tale / inuyasha sengoku otogi kassen (playstation)
;(lb): inu_lifebars ;by vincej -----------------------------------
;(i): inu_swfc ;by sizuka -----------------------------------------

;demon inuyasha
;(es) demon inuyasha

inuyasha, stages/inu.def, music=sound/inuyasha_-_caminho2mundos.mp3 ;inuyasha by
vincej, (ii), (wc), (rsff)
inuyasha0, stages/inu.def, music=sound/inuyasha_-_caminho2mundos.mp3 ;inuyasha by
meta gouki, (wc), (ws2d)
; inuyasha1, ;inuyasha by sandaime hokage

kagome, stages/caminho-2-mundos_up.def, music=sound/inuyasha_-_caminho2mundos.mp3
;kagome by vincej, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;(es) kagura

;(es) kikyo

;(es) koga

;(es) miroku

;(es) naraku

sango, stages/caminho-2-mundos_up.def, music=sound/inuyasha_-_caminho2mundos.mp3
;sango by lord sinistro && shadowtak, (i&ei), (wc)

;(es) sesshomaru

;(es) shippo

;(es) totosai

;iron leaguer --------------------------------------------------------
;(i): ironleaguer_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------


;jackie chan series (jackie chan's action kung fu & jackie chan adventures; nes,
pc-engine & gameboy advance)

;jackie chan's action kung fu (nes & pc-engine) ======================

; jackie, ;jackie chan by shinaku, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

;jackie chan's action kung fu remix

; udx1, ;udx by udx, (rsff)

;jackie chan adventures (gameboy advance) ============================
;(e): jackiend ;by rudolf27 =======================================


;jajamaru series (jajamaru gekimaden, jajamaru ninpou tobari, jajamaru no
daibouken, ninja jajamaru kun, ninja jajamaru: ginga daisakusen & oira jajamaru!
sekai daibouken; gameboy & nes)

; jaja, stages/jajamaru.def, music=sound/jajamaru_-_jajamaru.mp3 ;jajamaru by

sugio, (rsff)

;jazz jackrabbit series (jazz jackrabbit & jazz jackrabbit 2) --------


;(ss) ================================================================
;jazz jackrabbit 2 ===================================================

;jazz jackrabbit 2 remix


;jdar ii (original) --------------------------------------------------
;(sp): jdarii ;by kgenjuro ---------------------------------------

; shooter1, stages/shooterbg.def, music=sound/jd2_-_shooterbgm.mp3 ;jdarii by

kgenjuro, (csff)
; shooter2, stages/shooterbg.def, music=sound/jd2_-_shooterbgm.mp3 ;jdarii by
kgenjuro, (csff)

;jelly boy 2 (super nes) ---------------------------------------------

;stages/jb2waterf.def, music=sound/jb2waterf.mp3 ;waterfall

;jet set radio series (jet set radio & jet set radio future; playstation 2, xbox &

;(ss) ================================================================
;jet set radio (dreamcast) ===========================================


;jewel master (genesis) ----------------------------------------------

;stages/fenix.def, music=sound/fenix.mp3 ;desert

;jjang - the young boss (pc) -----------------------------------------

sangtae, random, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.6_-_11.mp3 ;hyun sang tae by

dead atom

;joe and mac series (joe and mac, joe and mac 2, tatakae genshijiin 3 - syuyaku ha
yappari joe and mac 3; super nes, arcade)

;(ss) ================================================================
;joe and mac (super nes & arcade) ====================================

;stages/joe&mac.def ;level 1
;stages/joemac.def ;bridge

;jojo series (jojo's bizarre adventure & jojo's venture; playstation & dreamcast)
;(sp): jojo2_kit_ver 155 ;by kemco_spacehuntervigor -------------
;(sndp): jojosoundpack ;by orochi herman ----------------------------

;alexi (ya big bully! / all i wanted was a haircut!)

alessi, stages/k-alessy-a.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_alessy.mp3 ;alessi by h�h,
(wc), (rsff)
; areshi, stages/k-alessy-b.def ;areshi by elecbyte, (rsff)

;avdol (tokyo high school at night)

avdol, stages/hospital2.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_avdol.mp3 ;avdol by camrat,

;cameo (ex stage 2: red desert)

cameo, stages/jojo20.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_cameo.mp3 ;judgement by
corntortillas, (wo2d)

;chaka / anubis (live by the sword)

; anubis, stages/anubisbg.def ;unsigned chaka, (rsff)
anubis0, stages/k-chaca.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_chaca.mp3 ;unsigned chaka,
ch, stages/k-chaca.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_chaca.mp3 ;chaka by tommy-gun,

;d'bo / devo (curse of the native american)

devo, stages/k-dbo.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_dbo.mp3;devo by anmc

;death 13 (the nightmare of death 13)

death13, stages/jojo08.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_death13.mp3 ;death13 by
gokuhi, (csff)
;stages/death13.def ;in daytime
;stages/death131.def ;at night
;stages/k-death13.def ;in daytime

;dio (cafe star, cairo / the clock tower: an aerial battleground / the tomb of dio
brando / final battle under the red moonlight)
dio, stages/tomb1.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_dio.mp3 ;dio by anmc, (rsff)
; dio0, ;dio by subaru, (csff)
dio1, stages/aerial.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_dio.mp3 ;dio by montana,
(wo2d), (ws2d)
dio2, stages/k-dio1a.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_dio.mp3 ;dio by warusaki3,
(wo2d), (ws2d)
dioanmc, stages/bridgemoon.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_dio.mp3 ;dio by anmc,
(i&ei), (rsff)
;stages/aerial1.def ;the clock tower: an aerial battleground
;stages/aerial2.def ;the clock tower: an aerial battleground
;stages/aerial3.def ;the clock tower: an aerial battleground
;stages/k-dio1b.def ;cafe star, cairo
;stages/tomb.def ;the tomb of dio brando
;stages/tower4.def ;the clock tower: an aerial battleground

;shadow dio (dusk and danger at cairo / come get me, old man! / the 21st tarot
; sdio, stages/cairoroad1.def ;shadow dio by orochi herman, (i&ei), (ldv),
sdio0, stages/cairoroad.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_shadow_dio.mp3 ;shadow dio
by orochi herman, (wc), (ws2d)
; shadowdio0, ;shadowdio by mugen@web.360.cc, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;enya / n-yah (justice by death)

enya, stages/jojo07.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_enya.mp3 ;enya by corntortillas,
(wc), (ws2d)

;gray fly (stowaway on the plane / who's flying this thing.)

gray, stages/jjba-towergraya.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_grayfly.mp3 ;gray fly by
haruwo, (rsff)

;hol horse (where to, podnuh?)

hol, stages/k-holhorse.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_holhorse.mp3 ;unsigned hol
horse, (rsff)
hol2, stages/k-holhorse.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_holhorse.mp3 ;hol horse by y.y,
(i&ei), (wc)
; hol20, ;hol horse by y.y, (i&ei) (unresized version)
holb, stages/k-holhorse.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_holhorse.mp3 ;hol horse &
boingo by y.y, (i&ei), (wc)
; holb0, ;hol horse & boingo by y.y, (i&ei) (unresized version)

;ice (the lobby in dio's mansion)

ice, stages/lobby.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_iced.mp3;vanilla ice by erika, (csff)
vanillaice, stages/lobby-a.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_iced.mp3 ;vanilla ice by
warusaki3, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;iggy (the fool's playground)

; 00iggy, ;iggy by ran, (rsff)
iggy, stages/desert26.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_iggy.mp3 ;iggy by hakugin,

;joseph joestar (young) (ex stage 4: ya big bully! [dusk])

; jojo1939, ;joseph joestar by yapoos, (csff)
joseph_j, stages/k-exstage4.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_joseph.mp3 ;joseph
joestar by tamago, (rsff)

;joseph joestar (old) (ex stage 1: back-alley bully)

; joseph, ;joseph jorstar by tokinokuni kei
joseph2, stages/k-exstage1.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_joseph.mp3 ;joseph joestar by
y.y, (i&ei), (wc)
; joseph20, ;joseph joestar by y.y, (i&ei), (wc)
; joseph21, ;joseph joestar by y.y, (i&ei) (jospeh2 unresized version)
; joshep(aged old), ;aged_joshep(old) by tommy-gun, (rsff)

;jotaro kujo (the demon within)

jojo, stages/jotaro_b.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_jotaro.mp3 ;jotaro kujo by
mbs, (rsff)
; jotaro, ;jo jo by sak, (i&ei), (rsff)
jotaro0, stages/jotaro_b.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_jotaro.mp3 ;kujo jotaro by
y.y, (wc)
jotaroanmc, stages/jotaro_b.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_jotaro.mp3 ;jotaro by
anmc, (i&ei), (rsff)

;khan (back-alley bully [night] / did you see that sword?)

khan, stages/k-khanb.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_khan.mp3 ;khan by bad darkness
;stages/k-khana.def ;back alley bully [night]

;mariah (touch the forbidden fruit...)

mariah, stages/k-mariah.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_mariah.mp3 ;mariah by nc,
updated to mugen version 0731 by mictlantecuhtli, (rsff)
mariah0, stages/k-mariah.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_mariah.mp3 ;mariah by aoao
and ayustat, (rsff)
mariah1, stages/k-mariah.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_mariah.mp3 ;mariah by ex-
inferis, (rsff)
;midler (a small beach island [dawn, noon & night])
midler, stages/island4.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_midler.mp3 ;midler by
sureiman, (ei), (rsff)
midler0, stages/island20.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_midler.mp3 ;midler by m.i.t,
(ei), (rsff)
midler1, stages/island30.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_midler.mp3 ;midler by
montana, (wo2d), (ws)
; mini_midler, ;mini midler by sureiman, (rsff)

;(es) ndool, random, music=sound/jba_adx_-_ndool.mp3

;noriaki kakyoin (who's going to judge this? / tokyo high school)

kakyoin, stages/hospital.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_kakyoin.mp3 ;noriaki kakyoin
by orochi herman (old version), (rsff)
; kakyoin0, ;noriaki kakyoin by orochi herman, (wc) (new version)
; noriaki, ;noriaki kakyouin by subaru, (rsff)

;petshop (rero rero rero!)

petshop, stages/k-sewers.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_petshop.mp3 ;petshop by
kemco_spacehuntervigor, (rsff)

;black polnareff (ex stage 3 / green desert)

blackpolnareff, stages/jojo21.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_black_polnareff.mp3 ;black
polnareff by warusaki3
; bpol, ;blackpolnareff by ice, (rsff)

;polnareff (a battle within folklore / tiger balm gardens)

pol, stages/tiger.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_polnareff.mp3 ;polnareff by bad
darkness, (rsff)

;rubber soul (ex stage 5: new wardrobe, good dinner / ex stage 6: we are friends,
; rubber, stages/k-exstage5.def ;rubber soul by elecbyte, (rsff)
rubber0, stages/k-exstage6.def, music=sound/jba_adx_-_rubbersoul.mp3 ;rubber soul
by bad darkness, (rsff)

;stages/k-fortune.def ;denger on the bridge

;stages/k-judgementa.def ;judgement a (what strange vegetation...)
;stages/k-judgementb.def ;judgement b (the sun across the sea)

;, music=sound/jba_adx_-_darby2.mp3
;, music=sound/jba_adx_-_darby3.mp3
;, music=sound/jba_adx_-_forever.mp3
;, music=sound/jba_adx_-_kenny.mp3
;, music=sound/jba_adx_-_ob.mp3
;, music=sound/jba_adx_-_sdan.mp3

;jojo's bizarre adventure remix

american_idiot, stages/bridgemoon1.def, music=sound/jba_-

_mvsfstlye_kakyoin_remix.mp3 ;american idiot by tommy-gun, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu:
[trans] + [ws])
bt, stages/aerial4.def, music=sound/jba_joseph_-_kof2k_instruments_remix.mp3 ;
bcciarati by yapoos, (csff)
; centipede, ;centipede by tommy-gun, (rsff)
; holm, ;hol horse(mix) by elecbyte / y.y, (wc)
killa, stages/desert2.def, music=sound/jba_joseph_-_kof2k_instruments_remix.mp3
;yoshikage killa by kemco_spacehuntervigor, (rsff)
mf_sbullet, stages/nightanubisbg.def, music=sound/jba_joseph_-
_kof2k_instruments_remix.mp3 ;s. bullet by mr.fong, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; nudemidler, ;midler by sureiman, sprites edited by rvale@dbscorp.com
(richard vale), palletes and portrait by kazmer13@aol.com (kris kazmer), (csff)
; shadowdio, ;shadow dio by orochi herman, (i&ei), (rsff) (unrequestable
the world, stages/aerial7.def, music=sound/jba_-_mvsfstlye_kakyoin_remix.mp3 ;the
world by ���z�^�����\(�㗝)
; viejo, ;viejo de la gorra by creador de personajes ridiculos, (rsff)


;joymeka fight / joy mech fighter (nes) ------------------------------
;(sp): joy ;by yamabe yuji ------------------------------------------

bocoboco, stages/jf_4-1.def, music=sound/jmf_-_joy3.mp3 ;boco boco by
tokinokuni kei, (rsff)

yy_eye, stages/jf_1-4.def, music=sound/jmf_-_joy5.mp3;eye by yamabe yuji, (wo2d)

yy_giganto, stages/jf_4-3.def, music=sound/jmf_-_joy5.mp3 ;giganto by yamabe
yuji, (wo2d)

honoo, stages/jf_3-2.def, music=sound/jmf_-_joy1.mp3 ;honoo by yamabe yuji, (wo2d)

houou, stages/jf-hououbg.def, music=sound/jmf_-_hououbg.mp3 ;houoh by
tokinokuni-kei, (ei), (wc)

hover, stages/jf_4-4.def, music=sound/jmf_-_joy5.mp3 ;hover by yamabe yuji, (wo2d)

yy_old, stages/jf_4-2.def, music=sound/jmf_-_joy5.mp3;old by yamabe yuji, (wo2d)

yy_sasuku, stages/jf_2-3.def, music=sound/jmf_-_joy2.mp3 ;sasuku by yamabe yuji,

senju, stages/jm_06.def, music=sound/jmf_-_joy5.mp3 ;senju by yamabe yuji, (wo2d)

yy_skater, stages/jf_2-boss.def, music=sound/jmf_-_joy2.mp3 ;skater by yamabe
yuji, (wo2d)
; suka, ;suka-pon by maruta, (rsff)
sukapon, stages/jf-garborg.def, music=sound/jmf_-_garborgbg.mp3 ;sukapon by
tokinokuni-kei, (i&ei), (wc)
; sukapon0, ;sukapon by masa
; yy_skapon, ;skapon by yamabe yuji, (wo2d)

superzak, stages/jf_3-4.def, music=sound/jmf_-_joy2.mp3 ;superzak by yamabe
yuji, (wo2d)

tiger0, stages/jm_09'a.def, music=sound/jmf_-_joy2.mp3 ;tiger by yamabe yuji,

zak, stages/jf_2-1.def, music=sound/jmf_-_joy2.mp3 ;zak by yamabe yuji, (wo2d)


;joymeka fight / joy mech fighter remix


;jump series (jump super star & jump ultimate star; nds) -------------

; ace2, ;ace by bird, (manga), (wo2d), (ws)
; ace3, ;ace by edtion

;allen walker
; allenwalker, ;allen walker by unknownkid

; annads, ;anna by kenshin himura

; arale, stages/jssarale.def ;arale by bird, (manga), (wo2d), (ws)

; chopper, ;chopper by koshirou, (manga), (wo2d), (ws)

; crocodile, ;crocodile by videogameguru aka mugenguru, (manga), (wo2d)

;don patch
; don patch, ;don patch by edtion

; eve0, ;eve by kari, (wo2d)

; goku9, ;son goku by theone, (wo2d), (ws)
; goku11, ;goku by blank
; goku12, ;goku by scratch_pec, (wc), (ws2d)
; goku13, ;goku by hacker@han_hin, (manga), (wo2d), (ws)
; sangoku0, ;sangoku by sasuke cs2, (sj)

;goku ssj
; ssgoku, ;super saiyan goku by vietxtc

; gon, ;gon by kari, (wo2d)

; hiei5, ;hiei by kari, (wo2d)

;hollow ichigo
; cphollow, ;kurosaki ichigo by someperson619, (wo2d), (ws2d)

; ichigo, ;kurosaki ichigo by me
; ichigo1, ;ichigo kurosaki by sasuke cs2, (sj)
; ichigo2, ;ichigo by edtion
; ichigo3, ;ichigo kurosaki by edtion
; kurisakiichigo, ;kurisaki ichigo by anjel, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;jotaro kujo
; jotaro1, ;jotaro by jerrydrizzt

; kazuki2, ;kazuki muto by anbukakashi, (wo2d), (ws2d)

; kenshin5, ;kenshin by batofara, sprites by rei master
; kenshin6, ;kenshin by bird, (manga), (wo2d)
;kyubi naruto
; kyubi naruto, ;kyubi naruto by sasuke cs2, (sj)

; light, ;light by z sabre user/panda
; lightultimate, ;light by z sabre user/panda

; luffy3, ;monkey d. luffy by sasuke cs2, (sj)
; luffy4, ;luffy by edtion

; nami, ;nami by jerrydrizzt

; futurenaruto, ;future naruto by shadow02143, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; hnaruto, ;naruto by anjel, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; naruto1, ;naruto uzumaki by sasuke cs2, (sj)
; uzumaki naruto0, ;uzumaki naruto by shadow02143, (manga), (wo2d)

; piccolo5, ;piccolo by anjel, (wo2d)

;rock lee
; rock lee, ;rock lee by sasuke cs2, (sj)

; sanji, ;sanji by marvin, (manga), (wo2d), (ws)
; sanji0, ;sanji by edtion

; fsasuke, ;future sasuke by edtion
; sasuke5, ;uchiha sasuke by uchihacody
; sasuke6, ;sasuke uchiha by t.j aka theone (naruto mugen), (wc), (ws2d)
; sasuke7, ;sasuke uchiwa by sasuke cs2, (sj)

; ulquiorra, ;ulquiorra by shadow02143, (manga), (wo2d), (ws)

; vegeta16, ;vegeta by sasuke cs2, (sj)

;yoh asakura
; player4, ;yoh by pspjunker, (wo2d)
; yoh0, ;yoh asakura by itachi-kun

; yuyu0, ;yuyu by shadow02143, (manga), (wo2d), (ws)

; zoro, ;zoro by hyuga, (manga), (wo2d), (ws)

;stages/dark_tournament.def ;dark tournament

;stages/egyptian_tomb.def ;egyptian tomb
;stages/jssd.def ;desert
;stages/jssf.def ;forest
;stages/jssg.def ;grassland
;stages/jss_grassland.def ;grassland
;stages/jssgv2.def ;grassland
;stages/jusdojo.def ;dojo

;jump series remix

; hichigo, ;hollow ichigo by anjel, spriter: albelnoxx, (wo2d), (ws2d)

; hollow_pelle, ;hollow man by anjel, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;jurassic park (genesis & super nes) ---------------------------------

; raptor, stages/jurassicpark.def ;raptor by lord sinistro, (rsff)

;justice league task force (genesis & super nes) ---------------------

aquaman, stages/aquamanbg.def, music=sound/jltf_aquaman.mp3 ;aquaman by
erradicator, (rsff), (ldv)
; aquaman0, ;aquaman by erradicator, (wo2d), (ws2d)

batman, stages/batman0.def, music=sound/jltf_batman.mp3 ;batman by the
heartburn kid, (rsff)
; batman0, ;batman by coco adaptado para la nueva version de mugen por juan
carlos, (rsff)
batman1, stages/batman0.def, music=sound/jltf_batman.mp3 ;batman by firepunk,
; batmannew, ;batman by coco, fixed by electrocaid, (csff)

cheeta, stages/apokolips.def, music=sound/jltf_cheetah.mp3 ;cheeta by madcook
(unrequestable status)

;(es) darkseid, stages/apokolips.def, music=sound/jltf_darkseid.mp3

;(es) despero, random, music=sound/jltf_despero.mp3

flash, stages/flashbg.def, music=sound/jltf_the_flash.mp3 ;unsigned flash, (rsff)
flash0, stages/flashbg.def, music=sound/jltf_the_flash.mp3 ;flash by erradicator

;green arrow
garrow, stages/apokolips.def, music=sound/jltf_green_arrow.mp3 ;green arrow by

super, stages/superman1.def, music=sound/jltf_superman.mp3 ;superman by firepunk,
atualizado by shadowtak, (rsff)
; superman, stages/supermanbg.def, music=sound/jltf_superman.mp3 ;superman by
x-treme jedi, (rsff)

wonderwoman, stages/wonderbg.def, music=sound/jltf_wonder_woman.mp3 ;wonder
woman by erradicator, (rsff)

;justice league task force remix


;kabuki klash (arcade & neogeo) --------------------------------------
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- kabukikl ;by kszsk ------------------------------------------------
;- kk.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------------------------
;(sndp): kkfight ;by lavie ------------------------------------------
;(e): manjimaru_final ;by tuzaboy ----------------------------------

;gokuraku (temple under the sea)

gokuraku, stages/m4e_gokuraku.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_04.mp3 ;gokuraku
tarou by shimon, (wc)

;jyasinsai (shiva temple)

jya, stages/jyanshynsai.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_21.mp3 ;jyasinsai by
shimon, (wc)

;kabuki (crowded village)

kabuki, stages/kk-kabuki.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_06.mp3 ;kabuki by shimon,
; kabuki0, ;kabuki by padro4567, (wo2d)

;karakuri (desert)
; karakuri, ;karakuri by mattasaur, (csff)
karakuri0, stages/kk-karakuri.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_karakuri.mp3 ;karakuri
hei by fujy, (wc)

;kinu (green road)

; kinu, ;kinu by r-r, (csff)
kinu0, stages/kinubg.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_kinu.mp3 ;kinu by r-r,
regularized by sophiex, (csff) (unrequestable status)

;lucifeller (destroyed temple)

lucifeller, stages/kamakura-lucifeller_up.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_lucifeller.mp3
;lucifeller by bad darkness, (rsff) + (e) by gorjeador

;manjimaru (on a balloon)

; manjimaru, ;zsk-manjimaru by elecbyte, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
manjimaru0, stages/manjimaru.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_10.mp3 ;~ by kszsk,
(rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

;manto (thermal source)

; manto, ;unsigned manto a, (rsff)
manto0, stages/mantobg.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_13.mp3 ;manto by kszsk,

;orochimaru (frozen village)

; orochimaru0, ;orochimaru by padro547
orochimaru1, stages/kk-orochi.def, music=sound/orochimaru.mp3 ;orochimaru by
shimon, (wc)

;tsunade (waterfall)
; tsunade, ;tsunade by roque, (ldv) + (e) by gorjeador
tsunade0, stages/tunadebg.def, music=sound/togakushi-dm.mp3 ;tsunade by roque,
tunade, stages/togakushi.def, music=sound/togakushi-dm.mp3 ;tunade by sancyo,
(rsff) + (e) by gorjeador

;yagumo (kabuki theater)

yagumo, stages/yagumo'stage1.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_yagumo.mp3 ;yagumo by
mattasaur!, (rsff) + (e) by gorjeador
yagumo0, stages/yagumo'stage1.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_yagumo.mp3 ;yagumo by
keitaro, fixed by ayustat, (rsff) + (e) by gorjeador

;ziria (ninja dojo)

z0, stages/m4e_ziria.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_03.mp3 ;ziria by master
sabrewolf, (rsff)
ziria0, stages/m4e_ziria.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_03.mp3 ;ziria by kszsk,

;, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_02.mp3
;, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_08.mp3
;, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_09.mp3
;, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_11.mp3
;, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_15.mp3

;kabuki klash remix

manjimaru1, stages/orochimaru.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_track_10.mp3 ;shin

manjimaru by iccha, (rsff)
nyagumo, stages/orochimaru.def, music=sound/kk_iso_-_yagumo.mp3 ;nude yagumo by
mattasaur, (rsff)

;kaerunyo! panyong! series -------------------------------------------

; alieta, ;alieta by -i-�, (csff)

; alisa, ;alisa by yu-giri, (csff)
; carrot, ;carrot by -i-�, (csff)
; carrot_s, ;carrot-s by -i-�, (csff)
; ellen, ;ellen by -i-�, (rsff)
; gunagan, ;gunagan by -i-�, (rsff)
; raira, ;raira by -i-�, (csff)
; raira_n, ;raira_n by -i-�, (csff)
; s, ;sharum by yu-giri, (csff)
; sharumu, ;unsigned sharumu, (rsff)
; valk, ;valkily by -i-�, (rsff)
; windy, ;windy by -i-�, (csff)

;kaiser knuckle / dan-ku-ga / global champion (arcade) ---------------
;(es) barts, random, music=sound/kaiser_knuckle_ost_-

;(es) boggy, random, music=sound/kaiser_knuckle_ost_-

;(es) gekkou, random, music=sound/kaiser_knuckle_ost_-

general0, stages/taiwankk.def, music=sound/kaiser_knuckle_ost_-
_emperor_(motif_of_general).mp3 ;general by adamskie

;(es) j-mccoy, random, music=sound/kaiser_knuckle_ost_-

;(es) kazuya, random, music=sound/kaiser_knuckle_ost_-

;li hua (taiwan)

lihua, stages/taiwankk.def, music=sound/kaiser_knuckle_ost_-
_storm_of_blossom_(theme_from_lihua).mp3 ;li hua by shacti, (rsff)

neoliza, stages/taiwankk.def, music=sound/kaiser_knuckle_ost_-
_capricious_valkyrie_(theme_from_liza).mp3 ;liza by ryokucha, (rsff)

marco4, stages/taiwankk.def, music=sound/kaiser_knuckle_ost_-
_unavailable_7004_(theme_from_marco).mp3 ;marco by nicholas james+cenobite 53
update, (rsff)
; marco_by_james nicholas, ;marco by james nicholas, (rsff)

;(es) wulong, random, music=sound/kaiser_knuckle_ost_-

;, music=sound/kaiser_knuckle_ost_-_wheel_of_fortune_(motif_of_azteca).mp3
;, music=sound/kaiser_knuckle_ost_-_great_mind_(motif_of_gonzales).mp3

;kakuge-yaro: fighting game creator (playstation) --------------------

; blaque0, ;blaque by xcb (funblaque), (wo2d), (ws) (unrequestable status)

; darkstorm, ;dark storm by double s, (rsff)
; darktetsu, ;dark tetsu by dark ray, (wo2d), (ws) (unrequestable status)
hashimoto0, random, music=sound/technasia_-_future_mix_-_03.mp3 ;hashimoto by
infinite, random, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-_07.mp3
;infinte (tiffany charles) by t-n-t, (rsff)
; platinumstorm, ;platinum storm by double s, (rsff)
; silent storm, ;silent storm by double s, (rsff)
silentstorm, random, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_the_fat_of_the_land_-_01.mp3 ;
silent storm by big eli king (silent storm patch for tetsuo yatogi by toninho 3rd)
; sstormex, ;silent storm by big eli king
; stormx0, ;perfect storm x by the disciple x, (rsff)
tetsu, random, music=sound/3am_rush_-_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-
_10.mp3 ;tetsu yatogi by big eli king
; yamato, ;yamato kazuma by captein, (csff), (ldv)
yamato1, random, music=sound/swordfish_ost_-_speed.mp3 ;yamato kazuma by
captein, (ii), (wc)

;kaname ameri (original char) ----------------------------------------

; kaname, ;kaname by chotto-komaru (oldest version), (i&ei), (rsff)

; kaname0, ;kaname by chotto-komaru (second version), (i&ei), (csff)
kaname1, stages/knmucbg.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_everybody_in_the_place_-
_02.mp3 ;kaname by chotto-komaru (last version), (csff)
knm_le, stages/yuuyake0.def, music=sound/laurent_garnier_-
_unreasonable_behaviour_-_03.mp3 ;kaname limited edition by chotto-komaru, (ei),
s_knm, stages/knmucbg.def, music=sound/technasia_-_future_mix_-_04.mp3 ;kaname by
chotto-komaru (third version), (ei), (csff)

;kanon (pc) ----------------------------------------------------------
;(sp): 1000hit ;by kal@every-mail.com -----------------------------
;(i): kanon_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------

;stages/kanon_ekimae_e.def ;ekimae (evening)
;stages/kanon_ekimae_n.def ;ekimae (night)
;stages/kanon_minaseke_veranda.def ;minaseke veranda
;stages/kanon_nakaniwa_c.def ;nakaniwa (cloudy)
;stages/kanon_nakaniwa_e.def ;nakaniwa (evening)
;stages/kanon nakaniwa n.def
;stages/kanon_nakaniwa_s.def ;nakaniwa (sunny)
;stages/kanonstation e.def
;stages/kanonstation n.def
;stages/kanon_yuki_no_kouen1.def ;yuki no kouen
;stages/kanon_yuki_no_kouen2.def ;yuki no kouen 2

;kanshakudama nage kantarou no toukaidou gojuusan tsugi / kantaro the pyro's
journey across the toukaido (nes)

; toukai53, stages/toukaidou53.def, music=sound/toukaidou53.mp3 ;kantarou by

sugio, (rsff)

;karateka (apple 2, atari 7800, commodore 64 & nes) ------------------

; karateka, stages/k_doujyou.def, music=sound/karateka_-_karateka.mp3 ;

karateka by foxtlot, (rsff)
; karateka0, stages/bg12.def, music=sound/bg.mp3 ;karateka by masa

;kart fighter (nes) --------------------------------------------------

;bowser / koopa
;(es) bowser

;donkey kong jr (castle)

; kong0, stages/kfcastle.def ;donkey kong jr. by dracul (unrequestable

;koopa troopa / nokonoko (lava mote)

kt, stages/kflava.def, music=sound/kf-nokonoko.mp3 ;koopa troopa by legatob and
titiln, (wc), (rsff)

;(es) luigi

;mario / mari
;(es) mario

;peach / princess
peach, stages/kf-peach.def, music=sound/kf-yossy.mp3 ;peach toadstool by big eli
king, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

;toad / kinopio (the woods)

;(es) toad, stages/kfwoods.def

;yoshi / yossi (mushrooms land)

yoshi3, stages/kf-yossy.def, music=sound/kf-yossy.mp3;yoshi by .\/., (wc), (ws2d)


;kart fighter remix

; dpeach, ;nega peach by big eli king, (rsff)

;kato chan & ken chan (pc-engine) ------------------------------------

; kato, stages/katoken.def ;katocha by ��-�, (rsff)

;kendo rage ----------------------------------------------------------

;stages/kendorage.def ;stage 1-1

;kenshin (original) --------------------------------------------------
;(sp): samuraix_screenpack ;by ***mitch*** ------------------------

enishi, stages/smoke.def, music=sound/kenshin_-_abattletheme.mp3 ;enishi by
tokathiki, (rsff)

; kenshin1, ;kenshin himura by warner, (wc)
; kenshin2, random, music=sound/kenshin_-_abattletheme.mp3 ;kenshin himura by
lestat (insania)
kenshin4, stages/sunstvly.def, music=sound/kenshin_-_abattletheme.mp3 ;kenshin
himura by warner & @ndroide, (wc), (ws2d)

; shishio, ;makoto shishio by warner, (ldv), (csff)
; shishio0, ;shishio by warner, original codes by chotto komaru, (wc),
shishio1, stages/haobg.def, music=sound/kenshin_-_abattletheme.mp3 ;shishio by
@ndroide & warner, (wc), (ws2d)

;kid chameleon (genesis) ---------------------------------------------

;stages/bluelake.def, music=sound/kc_-_woods.mp3

;kid dracula / boku dorakyura-kun ------------------------------------

;stages/clocktower.def, music=sound/kdracula_-_clocktower.mp3

;kid icarus (nes) ----------------------------------------------------

; pit, ;pit by kyo kusanagi, (ursff)

; pit0, ;kid icarus by cybersoulx/megamanxtrememaster
; pit1, ;pit kun by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)

;kill bill (original) ------------------------------------------------

; killbill-gogo, ;kill bill gogo by easychar

; killbill-jmoo, ;kill bill jhonny_mo by easychar / actarus
; killbill-oren, ;kill bill o-ren_ishii by easychar / actarus

;killer 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

;stages/k7_abandondepot.def, music=sound/106_succession.mp3

;killer instinct series (killer instinct, killer instinct 2 & killer instinct
gold; super nes, ultra 64 & arcade)
;(e): orchidend ;by rudolf27 ---------------------------------------

cinder, stages/cinderbg.def, music=sound/ki_-_trailblazer_(cinder).mp3 ;cinder by
(charmaker), (wc), (ws2d)

;(es) eyedol, stages/lavabridge.def, music=sound/ki_-_the_extreme_(eyedol).mp3

fulgore, stages/fulgorebg.def, music=sound/ki_-_full-bore_(fulgore).mp3 ;
fulgore by vital zero �, (rsff) + (i&e) by kazmer 13

;(es) gargos, random, music=sound/kig_gargos.mp3

; glacius, stages/ki_glacius_b.def ;glacius by carlillos, (rsff) + (i&e) by
kazmer 13
glacius1, stages/ki_glacius_up.def, music=sound/ki_-
_controlling_transmission_(glacius).mp3 ;glacius by vital zero, (rsff) + (i&e) by
kazmer 13

jago, stages/jagosbridge.def, music=sound/ki_-_do_it_now!_(jago).mp3 ;jago by

;kim wu
;(es) kim wu, random, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_kim_wu.mp3

;(es) maya, random, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_maya_(game_version).mp3

;(es) orchid, stages/orchidstage.def, music=sound/ki_-_k.i._feeling_(orchid).mp3
;(es) riptor, random, music=sound/ki_-_rumble_(riptor).mp3

;(es) sabrewolf, stages/sabrebg.def, music=sound/ki_-_tooth_&_claw_(sabrewulf).mp3

; spinal, stages/bcavspinal.def ;spinal by marcotjuh_1@hotmail.com
spinal beta, stages/spinalcavern.def, music=sound/ki_-_ya_ha_haa_(spinal).mp3
;spinal by (charmaker)

;tj combo
;(es) tj combo, random, music=sound/ki_-_yo_check_this_out!_(t.j._combo).mp3

;(es) thunder, stages/thunder's_bridge.def, music=sound/ki_-_oh_yeah_(thunder).mp3

;killer instinct series remix

; orchid, ;b.orchid by ahrimanes, (ldv)

orchid0, stages/borchid.def, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_k._i._feeling.mp3
;b.orchid by ahrimanes, (wo2d)


;, music=sound/ki_-_freeze_(special_stage).mp3
;, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_combo.mp3
;, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_fulgore.mp3
;, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_gargos.mp3
;, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_glacius.mp3
;, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_jago_(game_version).mp3
;, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_jago_(shakuhachi_remix).mp3
;, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_maya_(remix).mp3
;, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_orchid.mp3
;, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_sabrewulf.mp3
;, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_spinal.mp3
;, music=sound/kigoldcuts_-_tusk.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_controlling_transmission.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_do_it_now!.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_freeze.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_full-bore.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_humiliation!.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_it's_a_jungle.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_oh_yeah.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_rumble.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_the_extreme.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_the_instinct.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_the_way_u_move.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_tooth_&_claw.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_trailblazer.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_ya_ha_haa.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_(killer_cuts)_ost_yo_check_this_out!.mp3
;, music=sound/ki_rmx_-_gbgd-album-project-jago-temple_craigniceboy.mp3
;(ss) ================================================================
;killer instinct (super nes & arcade) ================================
;(sp): ki ;by xpander spr / alta tension programmer ================

;killer instinct remix

;, music=sound/ki_killerinstinctsenhanced_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;killer instinct 2 (arcade) ==========================================
;(sp): sp-ki2 ;by jehovanss... ===================================

;stages/sky-ki2.def ;sky

;, music=sound/ki2_-_bridge.mp3
;, music=sound/ki2_-_dojo.mp3
;, music=sound/ki2_-_dungeon.mp3
;, music=sound/ki2_-_helipad.mp3
;, music=sound/ki2_-_jungle.mp3
;, music=sound/ki2_-_museum.mp3
;, music=sound/ki2_-_sabrewulfs_castle.mp3
;, music=sound/ki2_-_spaceship.mp3
;, music=sound/ki2_-_spinals_ship.mp3
;, music=sound/ki2_-_stonehenge.mp3
;, music=sound/ki2_-_street.mp3

;kingdom hearts: chain of memories (gameboy advance) -----------------

; axel3, ;axel by mavrickindigo

; cloud0, ;cloud by hyuga, (ldv)
; cloud1, ;kh1 cloud by hyuga, (nba), (wo2d), (sffc)

; sora, ;sora by bane84 (first version), (wo2d), (ws2d)
; sora0, ;sora by bane84 (second version), (wo2d), (ws2d)
; sora_chibi, ;sora by shadow02143, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;stages/agrabah.def ;agrabah
;stages/alantis.def, music=sound/207_under_the_sea.mp3 ;atlantis
;stages/castleoblivion.def, music=sound/castleoblivion.mp3 ;castle oblivion hall
;stages/disneycastle.def, music=sound/disneycastle.mp3 ;disney castle
;stages/hmansion.def, music=sound/hmansion.mp3 ;haunted mansion
;stages/hollowbastion.def, music=sound/hollowbastion.mp3 ;hollow bastion
;stages/kingdom_hearths00.def, music=sound/halloweentown.mp3 ;halloween town
;stages/kingdonhearts01.def ;olympus
;stages/neverwas.def, music=sound/neverwas.mp3 ;the world that never was
;stages/olympic_coliseum.def, music=sound/olympuscoliseum.mp3 ;olympus coliseum
;stages/olympusc.def, music=sound/olympusc.mp3 ;olympus coliseum
;stages/ship3.def, music=sound/ship.mp3 ;captain hook's ship
;stages/thundermountain.def, music=sound/thundermountain.mp3 ;big thunder
;stages/town.def ;town
;stages/tra.def ;place
;stages/twi.def ;streets
;stages/twilighttown.def ;twilight town
;stages/wonderland0.def, music=sound/wonderland0.mp3 ;alice in wonder land's

;kingdom hearts: chain of memories remix

; wisdom sorax, ;wisdom sorax by valacent, (wc), (ws)


;king kong 2 - ikari no megaton punch (nes) --------------------------

; kong, stages/kingkong2.def, music=sound/kk2inmp_-_kingkong2.mp3 ;kingkong by

sugio, (rsff)

;king of dragons (arcade) --------------------------------------------


;, music=sound/kod_-_boss_1_2_7_&_8.mp3
;, music=sound/kod_-_boss_10.mp3
;, music=sound/kod_-_boss_11_&_13.mp3
;, music=sound/kod_-_boss_3_6_&_15.mp3
;, music=sound/kod_-_boss_4_9_&_12.mp3
;, music=sound/kod_-_final_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/kod_-_stage_1_&_16.mp3
;, music=sound/kod_-_stage_2_&_9.mp3
;, music=sound/kod_-_stage_3_6_&_13.mp3
;, music=sound/kod_-_stage_4_&_14.mp3
;, music=sound/kod_-_stage_5_&_11.mp3
;, music=sound/kod_-_stage_7_10_&_15.mp3
;, music=sound/kod_-_stage_8_&_12.mp3

;king of the monsters 2 (neogeo & genesis) ---------------------------

;atomic guy
;(es) atomic guy

;cyber woo
cyberwoo, stages/frenchcity.def, music=sound/kom2_-_frenchcity.mp3 ;cyber woo
by mongolito404 & lapin love 404 fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)

godzilla, stages/americancity.def, music=sound/kom2_-_americancity.mp3 ;godzilla by
genie, (rsff)
; kingpa, ;kingpamaty by ��h

;kingyou chuihou -----------------------------------------------------

; wapiko, ;wapiko by ��-{�j� �Nhk, (rsff)

; wapiko0, ;wapiko by nhk, (wo2d), (ws)

;kirby series (kirby, kirby and the amazing mirror, kirby's adventure, kirby's
dreamland / hoshi no kirby, kirby's dreamland 2 / hoshi no kirby 2, kirby's
dreamland 3 / hoshi no kirby 3, kirby: nightmare in dreamland, kirby super star,
kirby tilt'n' tumble, revenge of the metaknight; nes, gameboy, gameboy advanced &
super nes)

; ax_n, ;ax_knight by skysuika

; bonkers, stages/dedede0.def ;bonkers by zinseinogomi
; bonkers0, ;bonkers by di gi jared & jango, (wo2d)
; fkilby, ;fkilby by romasaga ex + (e) by rudolf27
; fkilby0, ;fkilby by raikou
; kirbysp, ;kirbysp by romasaga ex + (e) by rudolf27
; kirbystar, ;kirbystar by tako
; wdrudy, ;wdrudy by romasaga ex
; whisupi, ;whisupi-_woods by skysuika, (csff)

;stages/kbyfclv2.def, music=sound/kbyfclv2.mp3
;stages/kbyfclv3.def, music=sound/kbyfclv3.mp3
;stages/kbyfclv4.def, music=sound/kbyfclv4.mp3

;kirby series remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;kirby and the amazing mirror (gameboy advance) ======================

;stages/kirby.def ;yogurt yard

;(ss) ================================================================
;kirby: nightmare in dreamland =======================================

; dedede, stages/fntdream.def, music=sound/kbydx_yume_no_izumi.mp3 ;dedede by

kung fu man, (wc)
; dedede0, ;dedede by raikou
; gbakirby, stages/meta.def ;kirby by elecbyte

;(ss) ================================================================
;kirby's adventure (nes) =============================================

; kirby, ;nes-kirby by boku kobun (last version ???), (i&ei), (csff)

; kirby0, ;kirby by di gi jared, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; kirby2, ;nes-kirby by boku kobun (kirby), (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; kirby3, ;nes-kirby by boku kobun (optkirby), (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; kirby4, ;nes-kirby by boku kobun (wipkirby), (i&ei), (csff)

;stages/crane.def ;toy grabber machine

;stages/ka-quickdraw.def ;quick draw
;stages/kbfc_meta_knight.def ;meta knight stage
;stages/kbfc_nightmare_power_orb1.def, music=sound/kbfc_nightmare_power_orb.mp3
;nightmare power orb
;stages/kbfc_nightmare_power_orb2.def, music=sound/kbfc_nightmare_power_orb.mp3
;nightmare power orb
;stages/kbfc_yume_no_izumi.def ;fountains of dreams
;stages/kirby_col.def ;kirby's colosseum
;stages/nightmar.def, music=sound/kbfc_nightmare.mp3 ;nightmare stage

;(ss) ================================================================
;kirby's dreamland / hoshi no kirby (gameboy) ========================

;stages/float_islnds.def, music=sound/kd_-_float.mp3
;stages/float_islnds_b.def, music=sound/kd_-_float.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;kirby's dreamland 3 / hoshi no kirby 3 ==============================

;stages/kdl3-cloudypark4-3.def, music=sound/kdl3-cloudypark4-3.mp3
;stages/kdl3-grassland1-6.def, music=sound/kdl3-grassland1-6.mp3
;stages/kdl3-ripplefield2-5.def, music=sound/kdl3-ripplefield2-5.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;kirby super star / kirby fun pack (super nes) =======================
;(sp): kirbysdx ;unsigned ==========================================
;(i): kir_op ;unsigned ==========================================
;(e): kirbyend ;by rudolf27 =======================================

; biospark, stages/mtdedede.def, music=sound/kbsdx_dedede.mp3 ;bio spark

by di gi jared, (ldv), (rsff)
; biospark0, stages/nightm2.def, music=sound/kbsdx_murk.mp3 ;bio spark by di
gi jared, (i&ei), (wc)
; bugsy, ;bugsy by bird, (wc), (ws)
; kirby1, stages/kbsdx_setsuna_no_mikiri.def,
music=sound/kbsdx_setsuna_no_mikiri.mp3 ;kirbyxex by xex, (rsff) + (e) by
; kirby5, stages/forest0.def, music=sound/forest.mp3 ;kirby by bird, (wo2d),
(ws2d), (n2bu: [movereversed])
; kirbysd, stages/greengreens-dm.def, music=sound/greens.mp3 ;kirby by di gi
jared, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; knuckle, ;knuckle joe by di gi jared, (wo2d)
; knuckle joe, stages/kirbybeginnersshow-d.def, music=sound/sskirby-
timetolearnloop.mp3 ;knuckle joe by bird, (wc), (ws)
; metaknight, stages/kbsdx_meta_knight.def, music=sound/kss_-_meta.mp3 ;
metaknight by xardion, (rsff)
; metanight, stages/kbsdx_meta_knight.def, music=sound/kbsdx_meta_knight.mp3
;meta nightxex by xex, (rsff)
; sirkibble, stages/kss-megaton.def, music=sound/kss_-_meta.mp3 ;sir kibble
by legato, (rsff)
; tac0, stages/tacforest.def, music=sound/kss_-_tac.mp3;t.a.c. by kung fu man,

;stages/carm.def ;chameleo arm

;stages/crystal1.def ;crystal cave
;stages/float0.def ;float islands
;stages/hotbeat.def, music=sound/hotbeat.mp3 ;hot beat
;stages/kss-lololala.def ;boxing day mayhem
;stages/orange.def, music=sound/orange.mp3 ;orange ocean
;stages/tacgrotto.def ;tac grotto
;stages/ucastle.def ;underground castle
;stages/whale.def, music=sound/whale.mp3 ;fatty whale

;(ss) ================================================================
;kirby tilt'n' tumble (gameboy color) ================================

;stages/kirby_lv4.def ;grape garden

;(ss) ================================================================
;kirby series original stuff =========================================

; kirby6, ;kirby by zeckle(laxxe23) & boss lagomorph, (wc), (ws2d)

;kiteretsu daihyakka (gameboy, nes & super nes) ----------------------

; korosuke, ;korosuke by tomoki, (rsff)

;kitikuoh (pc) -------------------------------------------------------

;stages/kitikuoh_city.def ;city
;stages/kitikuoh_desert.def ;desert
;stages/kitikuoh_dungeon.def ;dungeon
;stages/kitikuoh_dungeon2.def ;mechanical dungeon
;stages/kitikuoh_forest.def ;forest
;stages/kitikuoh_forest2.def ;dark world forest
;stages/kitikuoh_godgate.def ;god gate
;stages/kitikuoh_mountain.def ;mountain
;stages/kitikuoh_wild.def ;wild land
;stages/kitikuoh_wild2.def ;dark world wild land

;knight mare ---------------------------------------------------------

; pop&aphr, ;popolon & aphrodite by yayutto

;knights of the round (arcade & super nes) ---------------------------

;(es) arlon, random, music=sound/kotr_-_boss_3_-_arlon.mp3

; arthur0, stages/knights.def ;arthur by dcelso@terra.es, (rsff)

;(es) balbars, random, music=sound/kotr_-_boss_5_-_balbars.mp3

;(es) braford, random, music=sound/kotr_-_boss_2_-_braford.mp3

;(es) garibaldi, random, music=sound/kotr_-_boss_7b_-_garibaldi.mp3

;iron golem
;(es) iron golem, random, music=sound/kotr_-_boss_7a_-_iron_golem.mp3

;(es) lancelot

;(es) muramasa, random, music=sound/kotr_-_boss_6_-_muramasa.mp3

;(es) perceval

;(es) phantom, random, music=sound/kotr_-_boss_4_-_phantom.mp3

;(es) scorn, random, music=sound/kotr_-_boss_1_-_scorn.mp3


;, music=sound/kotr_-_stage_1.mp3
;, music=sound/kotr_-_stage_2.mp3
;, music=sound/kotr_-_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/kotr_-_stage_4.mp3
;, music=sound/kotr_-_stage_5.mp3
;, music=sound/kotr_-_stage_6a.mp3
;, music=sound/kotr_-_stage_6b.mp3
;, music=sound/kotr_-_stage_7a.mp3
;, music=sound/kotr_-_stage_7b.mp3
;, music=sound/kotr_-_stage_8.mp3

;knights of valour series (knights of valour 2: bushou retsuden / knights of
valour 2: nine dragons, knights of valour plus & knights of valour: super heroes;

ryomou, random, music=sound/re-load_records_-_the_compilation_2_-_08.mp3 ;

ryomou by mouki, (wo2d), (rsff)
; ryomou0, ;ryomou by mouki, (ldv), (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;knights of valour plus (arcade) =====================================

diaochan, random, music=sound/cherrymoon_-_vol.9_-_the_invasion_-_09.mp3 ;diao

chan by unconventional

;(ss) ================================================================
;knights of valour 2: nine dragons (arcade) ==========================

;stages/kov2.def ;abandonned village

;stages/kov2bs01.def ;battlefield
;stages/kov2bs02.def ;foot in the water
;stages/kov2bs03.def ;destroyed village
;stages/kov2bs04.def ;forest
;stages/kov2bs06.def ;barricade
;stages/kov2bs07.def ;hot cave
;stages/kov2bslubu.def ;lu bu

;knuckle bash (arcade) -----------------------------------------------


;knuckle fighter series (knuckle fighter alpha & knuckle fighter x; original pc

monaka_tokihoshi, stages/nana_no_heya2.def, music=sound/placebo_-

_sleeping_with_ghosts_-_the_bitter_end.mp3 ;monaka tokihoshi by tokinokuni-
kei, (wc)
; monako, ;monako ogura by tokinokuni kei, (wc)
monako_ogura, stages/nana_no_heya.def, music=sound/emmanuel_top_-_spherique_-
_02.mp3 ;monako ogura by tokinokuni-kei, (wc)
; kuromonako, ;monami ogura by ibukah
monami_ogura, stages/lbosque.def, music=sound/3am_rush_-
_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-_12.mp3 ;monami ogura by tokinokuni-
kei & ibukah, (wc)
kfxsakura, stages/haruhi_kitakoukou_heisakuukan.def, music=sound/zillion_-
_the_second_cd2_-_11.mp3 ;kinomoto sakura by elecbyte, (csff)
yadamon, stages/vulcan0.def, music=sound/naked_ibiza_-
_the_salinas_beach_mix_by_jon_sa_trincha_-_11.mp3 ;yadamon by ibukah, (wc)

;konjiki no gash series (kiniro no gash bell!, konjiki no gash bell! unare! yuujou
no dengeki! & konjiki no gash bell! unare! yuujou no dengeki 2; gba)

; brago, stages/gash_brago.def ;brago&sherry by shimon, (ei)

; earth, ;earth&elie by shimon
; gash, stages/gash_gash.def ;gash&kiyomaro by shimon, (ei)
; gash-kiyomaro, ;gash&kiyomaro by yu-go, (csff)
; kaldio, ;kaldio&sauzer by shimon
; layla&al, ;layla & albert by memuu, (ei)
; paty, stages/gash_paty.def ;paty&ururu by shimon
; tedd, ;tedd&zeed by shimon
; tio, ;tio&megumi by shimon, (ei)
; uma, stages/gash_uma.def ;umagon&sunbeam by shimon, (ei)
; v0, stages/gash_victoream.def ;victoream&mohikanace by shimon, (ei)
; wonrei, ;wonrei&leein by shimon
; zatch, ;zatch&kiyomaro by shimon
; zeon, stages/gash_zeon.def ;zeon&dufow by shimon, (ei)
; zofisu, stages/gash_zofisu.def ;zofisu&coco by shimon, (ei)


;koro the supercat (original) ----------------------------------------

; koro, ;koro by koro / wuwo, (rsff)

; sim_m, ;sim m by sim m / wuwo, (rsff)

;kouryu no mimi / ear of yellow dragon -------------------------------

;stages/monastery.def ;monastery's gardens

;kujaku-oh ii --------------------------------------------------------

;stages/kujakuoh.def ;goblin castle

;kung fu man series (original elecbyte's char) -----------------------

; dalog0, ;dalog by elecbyte (johnnyfive) (xxl), (rsff)

0kfm, stages/kfmtempleatx_up.def, music=sound/technasia_-_future_mix_-_07.mp3
;kung fu man by tommy-gun
; baguromman, ;bagurom man by bagurom, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; bender, ;bender by junior chillage
bender0, stages/kfmtempleatx_up.def, music=sound/bosh!_-_12_sizzling_bangers_-
_09.mp3 ;bender by junior chillage + most mysleaded, (ei)
; bkannho, ;b kungfo!! by yansu, (rsff)
; dark_kfm, ;dark kfm by mushroom boy, (wo2d)
; dkfm, ;evil kung fu man by joy, (rsff)
; d-kfm, ;devil-kfm by gm
dkfm0, stages/kfmtempleatx_up.def, music=sound/ibiza_-_a_mutiny_mash-up!_-_03.mp3
;drunk monkey kfm by kani=doa
; esp-k, ;esper kungfuman by denmou
; esp-k0, ;esper kungfuman by gm
; evil, ;evil clone by elecbyte, (rsff)
; evilkfm, ;evil kungfuman by elecbyte&007zn
; fukkokukfm, ;kung fu man by elecbyte
; ghostkfm, ;ghost kung fu man by "", (wo2d)
; gkfm, ;ghost kung fu man by elecbyte, (rsff)
; hidkfm, ;high defense kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei), (rsff)
; hikfm, ;high speed kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei), (rsff)
; hiokfm, ;high offense kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei), (rsff)
hokuto, stages/temple_cd.def, music=sound/fatboy_slim_-_right_here_right_now.mp3
;hokuto kfm by elecbyte, (i&ei)
jdm, stages/temple_cd.def, music=sound/ibiza_-_a_mutiny_mash-up!_-_06.mp3 ;ju
doh man by kani=doa, (rsff)
; k2fm, ;kyo-zai kung fu man by mother earth
; karate0, ;karate man by elecbyte, edited by charlz, fixed by electrocaid,
karateman, stages/kfmtemplebtx_up.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_the_fat_of_the_land_-_10.mp3 ;karate man by mother earth, (i&ei)
kcm, stages/kfmtemplebtx_up.def, music=sound/cherrymoon_-_vol.9_-_the_invasion_-
_12.mp3 ;kan cho man by elecbyte / nynaryo
; kfg0, ;kung fu god by mugant zx
; kfg1, ;kung fu guy by elecbyte and thrawn, (i&ei), (rsff)
; kfm, ;kung fu man by elecbyte
; kfm0, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei)
; kfm1, ;kung fu man by elecbyte
; kfm20, ;kung fu man by elecbyte
kfm3, stages/kfmtemplebtx_up.def, music=sound/re-load_records_-
_the_compilation_2_-_01.mp3 ;kung fu man by elecbyte & ixnaydk, (i&ei)
; kfm4, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, edited by chonwang, (i&ei)
; kfm6, ;kung fu man by elecbyte + unsigned update, (i&ei)
; kfm7, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, updated by kung fu man, (i&ei), (wc)
; kfm8, ;kung fu man by elecbyte (vfm by messatsu), (wo2d)
; kfm9, ;kung fu man by elecbyte + patch by slayergatsu, (wo2d)
; kfm11, ;kung fu man by heroes, (wo2d), (ws)
; kfm12, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, updated by shunkaku66, (wo2d)
; kfm98, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei)
kfm-a4, stages/kfmtemplectx_up.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_always_outnumbered_never_outgunned_-_08.mp3 ;kung fu man by elecbyte, edited by
tatsu (a4 edition), (wc), (rsff)
; kfman, ;open eye kung fu man by bawi howard terry bodgard, (wc), (ws)
; kfmarvel, ;kung fu marvel by elecbyte & ryou win
; kfmc, ;unsigned kfmcrohn's, (ii), (rsff)
; kfmc0, ;kfm-c by hakuhatu no kishi, (wc)
kfm_cap, stages/kfmtemplectx_up.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_experience_-_08.mp3
;kung fu man by n64mario, (i&ei), (rsff)
; kfmen, ;kung fu men by elecbyte
; kfmgb, ;unsigned kung fu man gb
; kfmh3, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei)
; kfmj, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei)
; kfmj0, ;kung fu man by elecbyte (kfmj_upgrade), (i&ei)
kfm-master, stages/kfmm.def, music=sound/tresor_-_compilation_vol.6_-_04.mp3 ;kung
fu man master by elecbyte & mike werewolf
; kfm+, ;kfm plus by elecbyte, (i&ei)
; kfms, ;kfms by elecbyte, (wo2d)
; kfmssb, ;kung fu man by elecbyte/n64mario84, (i&ei)
; kfm_tag, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, tag code by aerogp, applied to kfm by
mh777, (wo2d)
; kfmu, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei), (wo2d)
; kfmv, ;kung fu man v-ism by elecbyte, (wo2d)
kfmx, stages/kfmtemplectx_up.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_wind_it_up_(rewound)_-
_05.mp3 ;kung fu man x by elecbyte / wing syo
; kungfu-ichiro, ;kungfu-ichiro by elecbyte, sprites edit by yabe ichiro
; kungfustickbeta1.1, ;kung fu stick by sonicrulez10, (wo2d)
mako, stages/temple_cd.def, music=sound/godskitchen_-_mixed_by_mario_piu_-_11.mp3
;kung fu mako by taruse, (rsff)
; mekakfm, ;mekakfm by denmou
; mekakfm0, ;mekakfm by gm
; mm_ekfm, ;evil kung fu man by most mysterious (stolen edition)
(unrequestable status)
mm_ekfm0, stages/kfmtempledtx_up.def, music=sound/city_rockers_-_futurism_cd2_-
_07.mp3 ;evil kung fu man by most mysterious (conform edition), (ii)
; mm_ekfm1, ;dirty kf man by heroes
; mvc2_kfm, ;mvc2 kfm beta by elecbyte, (wo2d)
; nanto, ;nanto kfm by elecbyte, (i&ei), (rsff)
; naok, ;new age of kfm by gatt, (wo2d)
; naok0, ;new age of kfm by gatt (cpu), (wo2d)
; naok-dv, ;naok debug ver by gatt, (wo2d)
; naok-dv2, ;naok debug ver2 by gatt, (wo2d)
; naok-m, ;naok-m by gatt, (wo2d)
; ockfm, ;oricom kung fu man by tamago
; rox, ;:sugoi by electrobite, (wo2d)
; saiakukfm, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei)
sf3kfm, stages/kfmtempledtx_up.def, music=sound/rune_-_calabria.mp3 ;sf3 kfm by
chotto-komaru, (csff)
; shadow'k, stages/shadow'k.def ;shadow'k by elecbyte remixed yayutto, (i&ei)
; shinkfm, ;shin kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei)
; skfm, ;super kung fu man by elecbyte, coauthor = vib
skfm0, stages/kfmtempledtx_up.def, music=sound/ibiza_-_a_mutiny_mash-up!_-_13.mp3
;s kung fu man by elecbyte?, (rsff)
; spkfm, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei)
; ssj-kfm, stages/temple_cd.def, music=sound/miss_kittin_-_1982.mp3 ;kung
fu man ssj by parasite, (rsff)
; syutting, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei)
; tkfm, ;terrorist k.f.m by narrow
; toumeikfm, ;toumei kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei), (csff)
; urusaikfm, ;urusai kung fu man by elecbyte, (i&ei)
; v, ;v by mother earth
; yhckfm, ;combo kung fu man by yusuke hosoi

;kung fu master (nes) ------------------------------------------------

; kungfuguy, ;thomas by no mercy video

; thomas, stages/spartanx.def, music=sound/kfm_-_spartanx.mp3 ;thomas by
sugimas, (rsff)
; tomas, ;tomas by phillip
; youjyutusi, stages/spartanx.def, music=sound/kfm_-_spartanx.mp3 ;youjyutusi
by sugio, (rsff)

;kung fu master remix

; kft, ;kung fu thomas by dxwho

; thomas0, ;thomas by magcannon (slam fist season 1), (csff)
; thomas1, stages/deviltemple1.def, music=sound/deviltemple.mp3 ;thomas by

;kunio dodgeball (super nes) -----------------------------------------

;stages/sfc_kd_ja.def ;japan
;kunio's threnody kyoko (super nes) ----------------------------------

; kyouko, ;kyouko by mother earth, (rsff)

; kyouko0, ;kyouko by mother earth / nynaryo, (rsff)
; riki0, ;riki by elecbyte / nynaryo, (rsff)

;kyomu senki (original char) -----------------------------------------

; la=gooth, ;la=gooth by nobuyuki, (csff)

;la pucelle (original) -----------------------------------------------

;stages/altern.def ;alternate netherworld

;stages/couscous.def ;couscous village
;stages/ghost.def ;ghost town
;stages/light_maiden.def ;maiden of light church
;stages/royall.def ;royal library

;legacy of kain: soulreaver (dreamcast & playstation) ----------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;legacy of kain: soulreaver original stuff ===========================

; raziel, ;eaziel by ahrimanes, (rsff)

;legend of mana ------------------------------------------------------

;stages/bejeweled_city.def ;bejeweled city

;legend of the mystical ninja ----------------------------------------

;stages/oedo.def, music=sound/oedo.mp3 ;oedo village

;lemmings series -----------------------------------------------------

; lemmings, ;lemmings by yayutto, (csff)

;lester the unlikely (snes) ------------------------------------------

; lester0, ;lester by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)

;little busters ------------------------------------------------------
;(i): little_trial ;unsigned ------------------------------------


;little fighter 2 (pc) -----------------------------------------------

; lf2batdm, ;bat by duende macabro, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; batbeta0.7, stages/batstage.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.3_-
_15.mp3 ;bat by nijsteninc, (rsff)
; batbeta0.9, ;bat sp by ninc, (rsff) (unrequestable status)

; davis, ;davis by lady death, (rsff)
; davis0, ;davis by h2othereu, (wc), (ws2d)

; deep, ;deep by spaz&punt, (wc), (ws2d)

; dennis, ;dennis by spaz&punt

; !firen, ;firen by o ilusionista

; freeze, ;freeze by spaz&punt, (wo2d)

; lf2jackdm, ;jack dm by duende macabro, (wo2d), (ws2d)

; justin, ;justin by spaz&punt

; louis, ;louis by spaz&punt, (wo2d)

; woody, ;woody by bugguy, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;stages/lf.def ;lion's forest

;little master series (little master - nijiiro no maseki & little master episode
iii - jewels of rainbow; super nes)

; kangaroo, ;kangaroo by uji, (wo2d)

; mo-mo-, ;mo-mo- by uji, (wo2d)

;little mermaid (nes) ------------------------------------------------
;stages/sunkenship.def ;sunken ship

;little nemo - the dream master (nes) --------------------------------

; nemo, ;little nemo by bane84, (rsff)

;live a live (super nes) ---------------------------------------------

;stages/live.def, music=sound/live01.mp3

;looney tunes series (unclassed chars) -------------------------------

; bugs, ;unsigned bugs bunny, (rsff)

; daffy, ;unsigned daffy duck, (rsff)
; taz, ;tasmaniam devil 0.1 beta by bytezero, (rsff)

;lord of the sword (sms) ---------------------------------------------

;stages/lordswrd.def, music=sound/lordswrd.mp3 ;kingdom of baljinya

;lost child ----------------------------------------------------------
;(i): lc ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------


;love hina -----------------------------------------------------------

momoko, random, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_16.mp3 ;aoyama

momoko by cap, (rsff)

;love hina original char

motoko_aoyama, stages/lovehina.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-

_18.mp3 ;motoko=aoyama by kinbo, (ii)

;lucky luke (super nes) ----------------------------------------------

;stages/lucky.def ;in the town

;lupin the 3rd -------------------------------------------------------
; lupin, stages/lupinst1.def, music=sound/godskitchen_-_mixed_by_mario_piu_-
_02.mp3 ;lupin the 3rd by kain the supreme, (wc), (i&ei), (rsff)
; lupin0, stages/lupins.def ;lupin the 3rd by no_miwa@hotmail.com, fixed by
gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;magical circle guruguru ---------------------------------------------

; nike-kukuri, ;nike-kukuri by accho, (wc), (ws)

;magical heroines plus (original) ------------------------------------


;magician lord (neogeo) ----------------------------------------------

;stages/ml_shrine.def ;shrine

;magic knight rayearth (super nes) -----------------------------------

hikaru, random, music=sound/zillion_-_vol.5_club_edition_cd1_-_07.mp3 ;hikaru by

elecbyte, (rsff)

;magic sword (super nes) ---------------------------------------------

;stages/msword05.def ;stage 5
;stages/msword13.def ;stage 13
;stages/msword25.def ;stage 25
;stages/msword37.def ;stage 37

;majoara -------------------------------------------------------------

;stages/ara_academy.def ;front of the academy (night)

;stages/ara_academy2.def ;front of the academy (noon)
;stages/ara_heigen.def ;grassland
;stages/ara_library.def ;library

;makai kingdom -------------------------------------------------------

;stages/slibrary.def ;sacred library

;stages/slibrary2.def ;sacred library 2
;stages/zetta.def ;lord zetta castle
;stages/zettan.def ;zetta netherworld

;makeruna makendou series (makeruna makendou & makeruna makendou 2 - kimero youkai
souri; super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;makeruna makendou 2 - kimero youkai souri (super nes) ===============

;(es) garekky, random, music=sound/mmakendou2_battle_with_robot.mp3

hikari_turugino, stages/schoolgirl.def,
music=sound/mmakendou2_master_bob_osaka_premium_mix.mp3 ;hikari by tuki no
turugi, (rsff)

;(es) macho, random, music=sound/mmakendou2_macho_-_swimmer.mp3

;(es) madonna, random, music=sound/mmakendou2_madonna_-_dancer.mp3

;(es) makenka, stages/bioman.def, music=sound/mmakendou2_battle_with_hero.mp3

;(es) makenpo, random, music=sound/mmakendou2_battle_with_king.mp3

;(es) makenro, stages/mm2makenro.def, music=sound/mmakendou2_makenro_-

;(es) makkey, stages/mm2makkey.def, music=sound/mmakendou2_makkey_-_musician.mp3

;(es) maririn, stages/maririn.def, music=sound/mmakendou2_maririn_-_maid.mp3

;(es) masoccer, random, music=sound/mmakendou2_masoccer_-_athlete.mp3

;makeruna makendou 2 - kimero youkai souri remix


;maniac mansion (nes) ------------------------------------------------

;stages/mansion0.def ;outside maniac mansion

;maniacs (original) --------------------------------------------------
;(sp): maniacs ;by bwwd -------------------------------------------

chala, stages/morninglight.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-

_music_for_the_jilted_generation_-_04.mp3 ;chala---a by bwwd, (i&ei), (rsff)
koko, stages/smallville.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_experience_-_12.mp3 ;
kokoszyn by bwwd, (i&ei), (rsff)
mar, stages/curvadoriov1.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_experience_-_11.mp3 ;
majeranek by bwwd, (i&ei), (csff)
mi, stages/syu1.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_remixes_-_walking_in_my_shoes_-
_random_carpet_mix_(full_length).mp3 ;michal by bwwd, (i&ei), (csff)
paff, stages/classicvegastage.def, music=sound/blade_iii_ost_-_thee_undatakerz_-
_party_in_the_morgue_(club_mix).mp3 ;paff-i. by bwwd, (i&ei), (csff)
swips, stages/odimen.def, music=sound/godskitchen_-_mixed_by_mario_piu_-_04.mp3
;swips by bwwd, (i&ei), (csff)

;maribato (pc) -------------------------------------------------------

sachiko, random, music=sound/laurent_garnier_-_unreasonable_behaviour_-_09.mp3

;sachiko by shimon, (sffc)

;martial master (arcade) ---------------------------------------------

;drunk master (house in the woods)

;(es) drunk master, stages/martialmaster _drunkmasterstage.def,
music=sound/martialmaster _drunkmasterstage.mp3

;ghost kick (waiting at the courtyard)

;(es) ghost kick, stages/mm-ghost-kick.def, music=sound/mm-ghost-kick.mp3

;master huang (dojo's courtyard)

masterhuang, stages/mm-huang.def, music=sound/mm-red-snake.mp3 ;master huang by
madcook (unrequestable status)

;red snake (the red market)

;(es) red snake, stages/mm-red-snake.def, music=sound/mm-red-snake.mp3

;reika (playground)
;(es) reika, stages/martialmaster _reikastage.def, music=sound/martialmaster

saojin, stages/mm-ghost-kick.def, music=sound/mm-ghost-kick.mp3 ;saojin by kenshin

;scorpion (pleasures district)

;(es) scorpion, stages/mm-scorpion.def

;tiger (british guard)

;(es) tiger, stages/mm_tigerstage.def, music=sound/mm_tigerstage.mp3

;marvel land (genesis) -----------------------------------------------

;stages/marvedun.def ;dungeon
;marvel / vs series --------------------------------------------------
;(gi): marvel super heroes, marvel super heroes vs street fighter, marvel vs
capcom, marvel vs capcom 2, x-men: children of the atom, x-men: mutant apocalypse,
x-men vs street fighter
;(p): arcade, super nes, saturn, playstation, dreamcast & xbox -

; blackheart0, ;blackheart by gerardo viglizzo, (rsff) + (e) by j dwag

;captain america (msh: captain america)

; cap-am0, ;captain america by mugenzone, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; captain_america, ;captain america by marcelojudaspriest@bol.com.br, (rsff) +
(e) by junior chillage
; justice, ;team justice by (e)magius, (rsff) + unsigned (e)

;gambit (mvc: bathroom)

gambit, stages/bath.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_gambit_stage.mp3 ;gambit by
koyotae heyska raven_azn skinnyazn, (rsff) + (e) by riccochet
; gambit4, ;gambit by caretaker, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;juggernaut (x-men: cota - space port)

cainmarko, stages/space_port.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_space_port_-juggernaut-.
mp3 ;juggernaut by tamago, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
jugg, stages/xmcota-12-spaceport.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-
_juggernaut_stage.mp3 ;juggernault by {_carnificina_}, (rsff) + (e) by j dwag

;magneto (msh & x-men: cota: magneto)

magneto2, stages/avalon.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_avalon_-magneto-.mp3 ;
magneto by overlander, (rsff) + (i) by hitmanxxviii + (e) by bluebolt

; psylocke0, ;psylocke beta 03 by cherry, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
; psylocke2, stages/consride.def ;psylocke by psi-lord, (csff) + (e) by
; scarlet dawn psylocke, ;scarlet dawn psylocke by psi-lord (unrequestable

;rogue (mshvssf: dead or alive - the show)

rogue2, stages/superheroes_up.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_rogue_stage.mp3 ;rogue
by big eli king, (wc) + unsigned (e)

; aranha, ;homem aranha by [cz]seiya, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
; spider, ;unsigned spider man, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
; spiderman2, ;spiderman by matheus, (csff) + (e) by bluebolt

;wolverine (x-men cota: savage land)

; wolve, ;wolverine by dragman, lupe121283 (ei), (rsff)
wolverine0, stages/savageland.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_savage_land_-
wolverine-.mp3 ;unsigned wolverine, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; wolverine1, ;wolverine by rehap, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; wolverine_s, ;wolverine by socc200 & szyslak, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;marvel / vs series remix

;apocalypse edits

;bulleta edits
; bulleta0, ;bulleta by [fraya], (wo2d)

;cammy edits
; batgirl, ;batgirl by elecbyte / mole, (sffc)
so_psycho, stages/darks.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;psycho weapon by ethan lives, (rsff)

;captain america edits

; spawn1, ;spawn by er
; spawn4, ;spawn by er, updated by oscarnaiz, (wc), (ws2d)
spawn5, stages/pplant.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;spawn by er, updated by oscarnaiz

;captain commando edits

; pyro, ;pyro by killa croc & blackjack
pyro0, stages/cidademambo.def, music=sound/mvc_-_captain_commando_remix.mp3 ;pyro
by killa croc, blackjack & ss5ace174

;chun-li edits
; darkchun, ;dark chun-li by big eli king, (sffc)
dchunli, stages/clearn.def, music=sound/mvc_rmx_-_chunli.mp3 ;dark chun-li by
big eli king, (wc), (sffc)
; evilchun-li, ;dark chun li by evil rodriguinho, (sffc) (unrequestable
; ice1, ;ice by smogon kane & buyog2099, (wc), (ws2d)
ice2, stages/clearn.def, music=sound/mvc_rmx_-_chunli.mp3 ;ice by smogon kane,
buyog2099, shingouken (ai), (wo2d), (ws2d)
; neodchun, ;neo dark chun-li by big eli king, (sffc)
so_dark, stages/clearn.def, music=sound/mvc_rmx_-_chunli.mp3 ;dark bolt by
ethan lives, (rsff)

;colossus edits

;cyclops edits
; banshee, ;banshee by koolaid kid a.k.a. killacroc
banshee0, stages/sinister.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;banshee by koolaid kid a.k.a. killacroc, updated by ???
(unrequestable status)
; cmarvel, ;captain marvel by micromor and 5k0rx, (ei), (rsff)
; deadpool, ;deadpool by santana, (rsff)
; deadpool0, ;masacre by santana, updated by oscarnaiz
; docock, ;doctor octopus by rehapvictimz and doc ock, (rsff)
; greenlantern, ;green lantern by madcook (sprites by maximoff), (wo2d)
; havok, ;havok by rehap&comedy, (rsff)
havok0, stages/sinister.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;kaos by rehap&comedy, updated by oscarnaiz
; morfo, ;morfo by juggernaut
; namor1, ;unsigned namor, (wc), (ws2d)
; oberom, ;lord oberom by zero_col
; supercyclops, ;super cyclops by micromor, fixed by dcelso, (rsff)

;dan edits
cyberdan, stages/fortress.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;cyber dan by blackjack, (ii), (rsff)
; cyberdan_edit, ;cyber dan by blackjack (edited by hulk1215) (unrequestable

;guile edits
; blackguile, ;black guile by mad, (rsff)
; crusherguile, ;crusher guile by marshallarts and muetai, update by leo,
; cyborg, ;cyborg by madcook (sprites by maximoff) (unrequestable status)
guileggn, stages/toe.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;guile by ggn!, (ii), (rsff)
; konel, ;superboy by slotman, (sffc)
; konel0, ;superboy by slotman, updated by oscarnaiz
liono, stages/toe.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;lion-
o by erradicator and hystalin, (wc), (sffc)
; mash_de_guile, ;mash_de_guile by houou_no_mai sinkuha o-ra_canon etc,
; morpheov, ;morpheo v by morpheov, (rsff)
rambo, stages/toe.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;rambo
by cavaleiro_negro, (sffc)
; rockeiro, ;rock 'n' roll by jack bandit rt, (rsff)
so_sonic, stages/toe.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;sonic machine by ethan lives, (sffc)

;hayato edits
; demonhayato, ;demon hayato by amplafied015, (wo2d), (ws2d)
(unrequestable status)
; hayato1, ;hayato by [fraya], (wo2d)
; soul_hayato, ;soul hayato by amplafied015, (wo2d), (ws2d) (unrequestable

;hulk edits
; apoc2, ;unsigned hulk, (rsff)
; haggar2, ;haggar by jellyfish (unrequestable status)
; haggar3, ;mike haggar by actarus
; hulk2, ;hulk by marcelojudaspriest@bol.com.br, (rsff)
; mole, ;the thing by warner, (wo2d), (ws)
; pitt, ;pitt by klener, updated by tenebrous, (rsff)
; rhino, ;rhino by silver chariot and dark zitony, (rsff) (unrequestable

;iceman edits

;ironman edits
; black_h, ;black hole by j.k, (csff)
; ironlantern, ;iron lantern by erradicator with edits by marvelvsdcu,
(wc), (ws2d)
; ironman1, ;ironman by magus, (wo2d), (ws)
; superironman, ;unsigned super ironman, (rsff)
; tb, ;iron man by savage81, (csff)
; tb0, ;unsigned thunderbird, updated by oscarnaiz

;jill edits
; cerberus, ;cerberus by the pizzaman, (wo2d)
; jill1, ;jill by ryou win,the pizzaman, (wo2d)
; tyrant, stages/helyport.def ;tyrant by the pizzaman, (wo2d)
; zombie0, ;zombie by the pizzaman, (wo2d)
zombiechaos, stages/gothamsquare.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;rac.people by harlem hero,the pizzaman, (wo2d)

;jin edits
yakumoisamu, stages/zodac.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;yakumo isamu by legion

;ken edits
aku_ma, stages/navio_fantasma2.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;aku ma by akuma, (rsff)
; ken1, ;raging ken by spinicci giacomo, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)
; ken2, ;ken masters "megamix" by yong ming & by jin kazama, (rsff)
; ken7, ;raging ken by spinicci giacomo, versione aggiornata da sniper
wolf m.c, (rsff)
; kendr, ;ken by dr, (ei), (rsff)
; ken-sh, ;ken short hair by goku ssj4, (rsff)
; orochiken, ;orochi ken by sg-666, (sffc)
; orochiken0, ;unsigned orochi ken, (sffc)
; psycho_ken, ;psycho ken by mantov�o/shinakuma2003, (ei), (rsff)
; superken, ;superken by dr, (ei), (rsff)
; vindicated ken, ;ken by fayt, (wc), (ws)
wang-d, stages/navio_fantasma2.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;wang-d by wang-d, (i&ei), (csff)
; wang-d0, ;wang-d by wang-d, (i&ei), (rsff)

;magneto edits
; captainmarvel, ;captain marvel by redhot, acey & eskro, (wc), (ws2d)
; sentry, ;sentry by redhot, acey & eskro, (wc), (ws2d)
super0, stages/metropolis0.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;superman by hannibal
; superman0, ;superman by hannibal/kal-elvis and friends, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;megaman edits
blues0, stages/futurehighwayremix.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;protoman by chaotic, (wc), (ws2d)
cutman2, stages/futurehighwayremix.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;cutman by excursion
; megaman, ;megaman plus by darkriem, (wc), (ws)
megamanexe, stages/futurehighwayremix.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;megaman.exe by xande toskomics & ribeiro, (wc), (ws2d)
; megashiryu, ;megashiryu by lord slayer, (rsff)
; proto01, ;protoman by korium, (csff)
; protoman, ;protoman by korium, frantic & magic mushroom, (csff)
; protoman1, ;protoman by korium, frantic & magic mushroom, updated by ???,
(wc), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)

;nash / charlie edits

so_blaze, stages/hillday.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;blaze agent by ethan lives, (rsff)

;omega red edits

;onslaught edits
; electro, ;electro by mole, (ii), (csff)
; electro0, ;unsigned electro, updated by oscarnaiz
; beta6, ;super adrimus beta3 by adrianmatos, (csff)

;psylocke edits
; catty, ;catwoman by stever76
; catwoman, ;catwoman by unknown
gracy, stages/exodustrain.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;gracy by er (edson renato)
janet, stages/exodustrain.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;janet by l-mo, (rsff)
; mystique, ;mystique by madcook (sprites by maximoff) (unrequestable status)
; pnude, ;psylockenude by mestre kiuju & evil_gargamel, (csff)
taki, stages/elitrain.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;taki by dampir, (csff)
ziria, stages/elitrain.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;unsigned hychaga, (rsff)

;rogue edits
; fenice, ;fenice by emanuele on gundamrx79/comedyhaha's sprites, (rsff)
; fenice0, ;fenix by emanuele on gundamrx79/comedyhaha's sprites, updated by
; jean0, ;jean grey by gundamrx79/comedyhaha, (rsff)
jeanpx, stages/glace.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;jean grey by comedy haha, (rsff)
; nuderogue, ;unsigned vampira, (rsff)
rogue_by_koyotae, stages/glace.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;rogue by koyotae, (rsff)
polaris, stages/glace.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;lorna dane by omega red, (csff)

;roll edits
nuderoll, stages/cataracts2.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;roll by ibukah
; roll1, ;roll by ibukah, (wc)

;ryu edits
; cho_ryu, ;chotto-ko ryu by chotto-komaru, (csff) + (e) by lupe121283
c_ryu, stages/brainstar.def, music=sound/mvc_rmx_-_ryu_chosen_fist.mp3 ;ryu by
chotto-komaru, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
mega_weapon, stages/brainstar.def, music=sound/mvc_rmx_-_ryu_chosen_fist.mp3 ;mega
weapon by slayer, (rsff)
; ryu, ;ryu-r by [render], (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; ryu1, ;ryu by psyler, (sffc)
; ryu1129, ;shin ryu zero by ffx2k, (rsff)
; ryu11290, ;ryu by chotto-komaru, (ei), (rsff)
; ryur, ;ryu/r by [render], (ei), (rsff)
ryu-sy, stages/brainstar.def, music=sound/mvc_rmx_-_ryu_chosen_fist.mp3 ;ryu
by shingo yabuki, (rsff)
; ryuva, ;ryuva 63 by metal sniper antes chava63, (i&ei), (csff)
; shenglong0, ;unsigned sheng long, (rsff)

;sabretooth edits
; hulk2099, ;hulk 2099 by acey, (wc), (ws2d)

;sakura edits
sakura6, stages/fmall.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;sakura by beximus, (wo2d), (ws2d)
sakuradx, stages/fmall.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;sakura dx by dragoon316

;shuma gorath edits

saya, stages/elegmshx.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;saya by uso=bidan, (wc), (ws)
; saya0, ;saya by uso=bidan

;spiderman edits
; captainuniverse, ;captain universe by silver chariot and dark zitony, (csff)
; gideon, ;gideon by tenebrous, (rsff)
gideon0, stages/bugle1_up.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-
_theme_of_zangief~midi_arrange~.mp3 ;gideon by tenebrous and the necromancer,
; greengoblin, ;green goblin by unknown (unrequestable status)
; greengoblin_mvc, ;green goblin by acey, (wo2d), (ws2d)
sener, stages/sb0_up.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-
_theme_of_zangief~midi_arrange~.mp3 ;sener by ss5ace174 aka ss5ace
; sman2099beta2, stages/spideymvsc_night.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-
_theme_of_zangief~midi_arrange~.mp3 ;spider-man 2099 by medrops, (wc), (ws2d)
sspiderman, stages/maverick_up.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-
_theme_of_zangief~midi_arrange~.mp3 ;symbiote spider-man by seth zankuten & sei
; symbiotespider, ;spider-man symbiote by freezell

;storm edits

;strider hiryu edits

; chiryu, ;chaos hiryu by shunkaku66
; chiryu_cvs2, ;chaos hiryu by shunkaku66
hien, stages/newyorkmarvel.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;strider hien by k3nshin, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
; hiryu0, ;hiryu by [fraya], (wo2d)
; ihiryu, ;insane hiryu by sinasta 1
; ihiryu1, ;insane hiryu by sinasta 1!!! (old version)
insane-hiryu, stages/newyorkmarvel.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;insane hiryu by syn (rebirth ver.), (wo2d), (ws2d)
kensou0, stages/newyorkmarvel.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;strider kensou by gundamrx79, (rsff) (unrequestable
nate, stages/newyorkmarvel.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;nate by comedyhaha&rehap, (csff)

;thanos edits
; maximus, stages/losttemple.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;maximus supremos by maximus, (rsff)

;tron bonne edits

; tron0, ;tron bonne by beximus, patched by pyrocalypse, (wc), (ws2d)

;vega / m. bison edits

so_sevil, stages/nearcaves.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;sevil nahte by ethan lives, (rsff)
;venom edits
; carnage, ;carnage mvsc by {_carnificina_}, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
carnage0, stages/oa_up.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-
_theme_of_zangief~midi_arrange~.mp3 ;carnage by jc + (e) by rudolf27
; carnage2, ;carnage by virus and zero, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
sand, stages/oa_up.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_zangief~midi_arrange~.mp3
;sandman by mccready & loganir, (ldv)
; sandman, ;sandman by mccready & loganir, (wo2d), (ws)

;warmachine edits
; mb-59, ;death machine mb-59 by kannon_lg_01@hotmail.com, (wo2d), (ws)

;wolverine edits
; droctopus, ;doctor octopus by erradicator & doc ock 4mugen (unrequestable
logan, stages/cs-kraken.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;logan by loganir & ixnaydk (unrequestable status)
; wolverine-p beta v0.25, ;the pacifier by neoule aka [haddockb]

;misc. marvel series & marvel versus capcom chars edits

alpha0, stages/alphaextreme.def, music=sound/alphaextreme.mp3 ;alpha extreme by
ariel co, (rsff)
; alphaxtreme, ;mega man x by eternaga, (wc)
batman2, stages/cats_on_the_roof.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;batman by magus, (sffc)
blackcat, stages/bobby.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;black cat by xfields & beja, (wo2d), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)
borracha, stages/gammabase-mvsc3.def, music=sound/gammabase-mvsc3.mp3 ;plastic man
by mambojambo, (rsff)
carnage3, stages/shield_helicarrier.def, music=sound/shield_helicarrier.mp3 ;
carnage by seth zankuten
crystal0, stages/despair.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;crystal by magus dcvsm, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; darkseid, ;darkseid by kal elvis & buyog, (wc), (ws2d)
; dazzler, ;dazzler by jr6 & xmenkool, (wo2d)
; hydroman, ;hydroman by hobgoblin, (wc), (ws2d)
mzero, stages/thelostlake.def, music=sound/alphaextreme.mp3 ;zero by
ddarkbeing && ariel co, (sffc) (unrequestable status)
flash1, stages/bishopstage.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;flash by erradicator and black_dragon, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; flash2, ;the flash by wally west, (wo2d) (unrequestable status)
guido, stages/mb02bg.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;strong guy by mccready / gokussj4 / buyog2099 / dg, (wc), (sffc)
; glguy, ;guy gardner by erradicator and tof, (ldv), (sffc)
glguy0, stages/rock_training.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;guy gardner by erradicator and tof, (wo2d), (sffc)
; guy6, ;guy gardner by lpjunior, sprites by ghouly mad maximoff, (wo2d),
; jubilee, ;jubilee by gou-san, (wc), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)
; justiceleague, ;justice league by madcook (sprites by too many people),
(wc), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)
; justiceleague0, ;justice league bonus by madcook (coding by sugio), (wc),
(ws2d) (unrequestable status)
kon-el, stages/frezze.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-techno_oc_remix.mp3
;superboy by seth zankuten & titan goku & kal-elvis, (wc), (ws2d)
; luthor beta, ;lex luthor by enzo, (wo2d) (unrequestable status)
nightwing, stages/cerebro_room.def, music=sound/mshvssf_-_messatsugou-
techno_oc_remix.mp3 ;nightwing by m� & Mccready (unrequestable status)
; silversurfer, ;silver surfer by cabbageconkers (unrequestable status)
; snakeeyes, ;snake eyes by acey
; sunfire, ;sunfire by jr6 & acey, (wc), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)
thor, stages/asgard_bifrost.def, music=sound/original_-_asgard_bifrost.mp3 ;thor
by loganir & blackdragon, (i&ei)
wonder, stages/themyscira.def, music=sound/themyscira.mp3 ;wonder woman by
erradicator and loganir
; wonder0, ;wonder woman by erradicator and loganir (alt. sff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;marvel super heroes (arcade, playstation & saturn) ==================
;(sp): msh ;by doorhenge ============================================
;(lb): mshlifebar ;by omega red ======================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- msh_blackheart ;by junior chillage ================================
;- msh_hulk ;by junior chillage ======================================
;- msh_shuma-gorath ;by junior chillage ==========================
;- thanend ;by rudolf27 =============================================

;anita (comment: blackheart's bg temporary)

anita, stages/blackheart_stage.def, music=sound/msh_-_blackheart_stage.mp3 ;anita
by camrat, (csff) + (e) by junior chillage

;blackheart (nether-realm)
; black_heart, ;blackheart by cyanide, (wo2d), (ws)
blackheart, stages/blackheart_stage.def, music=sound/msh_-_blackheart_stage.mp3
;blackheart by [hayte], (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;captain america (post-apocalyptic new york)

capamerica, stages/mshcapam.def, music=sound/msh_-_captain_america_stage.mp3 ;
captain america by mystikblaze, (ei), (rsff)

;dr. doom (underwater journey)

doom, stages/drdoombg0.def, music=sound/msh_-_doctor_doom_stage.mp3 ;dr. doom by
whitemagic2002, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
; drdoom, ;dr. doom by {_carnificina_}, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
drdoom0, stages/drdoombg0.def, music=sound/msh_-_doctor_doom_stage.mp3 ;dr.doom by
juan carlos, (ei), (csff)
drdoom1, stages/drdoombg0.def, music=sound/msh_-_doctor_doom_stage.mp3 ;dr.doom by
juan carlos, modified and updated by ta-chan

;hulk (amusement park at night)

; hulk, ;hulk by blackbocs@yahoo.fr, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; hulk0, ;lets rock! hulk by blackjack, (ei)
hulk1, stages/hulk_stage0.def, music=sound/msh_-_hulk_stage.mp3 ;lets rock! hulk
by erradicator, (ei)
; hulk3, ;hulk by erradicator, new intro by nemesis (unrequestable status)

;ironman (stark enterprises space station)

ironman, stages/ironman_stage.def, music=sound/msh_-_iron_man_stage.mp3 ;iron-
man by erradicator, (ei), (ldv)
; ironman0, ;iron man by gou-san, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; ironmanx, ;iron man by gou-san / domingo, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage

;juggernaut (harbour)
juggy, stages/puerto.def, music=sound/msh_-_juggernaut_stage.mp3 ;juggernaut by
splode + (e) by junior chillage

;magneto (inside asteroid m)

magneto, stages/magneto_stage.def, music=sound/msh_-_magneto_stage.mp3 ;magneto by
billykane, (rsff) + (i) by hitmanxxviii + (e) by junior chillage
magneto1, stages/asteroid.def, music=sound/msh_-_magneto_stage.mp3 ;magneto by
[kyoko], (rsff) + (i) by hitmanxxviii + (e) by bluebolt

;psylocke (uptown express)

psy, stages/express.def, music=sound/msh_-_psylocke_stage.mp3 ;psylocke by
psylocke, stages/psytrain.def, music=sound/msh_-_psylocke_stage.mp3 ;psylocke by
[shinta], (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage

;shuma gorath (mutant graveyard)

shumag, stages/msh_shuma2.def, music=sound/msh_-_shuma-gorath_stage.mp3 ;shuma
gorath by qkrtkf, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; shumag0, ;shuma gorath by beximus (unrequestable status)

;spiderman (window-washers' platform)

spiderman0, stages/spidey-msh.def, music=sound/msh_-_spider-man_stage.mp3 ;
spider-man by erradicator / thunder god / soliquidsnake, (ei)

;thanos (thanos' palace)

; thanos, ;thanos by james, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
thanos0, stages/thanos_stage.def, music=sound/msh_-_thanos_stage.mp3 ;thanos by
cpoc and splode, the cpoc (i&ei)

;wolverine (wooden bridge)

; wolverine3, stages/msh-03-rockymoutains.def ;wolverine by sander 71113,
(rsff), (ldv) + unsigned (e)
wolverine4, stages/wolvmsh.def, music=sound/msh_-_wolverine_stage.mp3 ;wolverine
71113 by sander71113, (wc) + unsigned (e)

;(ss) ================================================================
;marvel super heroes vs street fighter (arcade, playstation & saturn)
;(sp): mshvsf_spack ;by chok =====================================

;apocalypse (apocalypse now!)

apoc, stages/apocalypse_bg.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_apocalypse.mp3
;apocalypse by n64mario, (wc) + (e) by rudolf27
; apocalt, stages/mshvssf-apoc.def ;apocalypse - alt by n64mario + patch by
blackjack, (wc) + (e) by rudolf27

;armored spiderman (manhattan [evening])

; a-spiderman, ;armored spider-man by zero_x and kurihan, (rsff) +
unsigned (e)
sspidey, stages/manhattanmvs_up.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-
_theme_of_hidden_character.mp3 ;armored spider-man by sykotik, (rsff) +
unsigned (e)

;blackheart (oil refinery [night])

;- blackend ;by vans1belmont
;- mvs_blackheartend ;unsigned

;(es) blackheart

;captain america (manhattan [evening])

;(e): capend ;by vans1belmont

capamerica0, stages/manhattanmvs_up.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-

_theme_of_captain_america.mp3 ;captain america by mystikblaze, dcvm modifications
by buyog2099

;chun-li (temple of fists)

;- chunend ;by vans1belmont
;- mvs_chunliend ;unsigned

chunli3, stages/mshvsf-01-templeoffist.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-

_theme_of_chun_li.mp3 ;chun li by whitemagic2002 (old version), (rsff) + (e) by
bluebolt ;vs series / dress

;cyclops (the cataract)

;(e): cycloend ;by vans1belmont

cyclops1, stages/cataract2.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_cyclops.mp3 ;

cyclops by myth, (rsff) + (e) by rugal2
; cyclops3, ;cyclops by reza, (wc), (ws2d), (n2bu: [ws])

;dan hibiki (dead or alive: the show)

;- danend ;by vans1belmont
;- mvs_danend ;unsigned

dan2, stages/superheroes_up.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_dan.mp3 ;dan

hibiki by r., (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt

;dhalsim (the cataract)

;- dhalend ;by vans1belmont
;- mvs_dhalsimend ;unsigned

dhalsim, stages/mshvssf04.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_dhalsim.mp3 ;

dhalsim by blackjack, (rsff)

;gouki / akuma (raging inferno)

;- goukiend ;by vans1belmont
;- mvs_goukiend ;unsigned

; akumagold, ;akuma gold by vk and tenebrous, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283

; gouki, ;akuma by vk and tenebrous, (ldv), (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; gouki2, ;akuma by vk and tenebrous, updated by kazmer13, (rsff) + (e) by
; gouki5, ;akuma by k-man 2000 / majik, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
gouki7, stages/inferno2.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_gouki.mp3 ;gouki
by vk and tenebrous, (wc)
; gouki-z, ;gouki-z by zolio, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283

;hiyakeshita sakura / dark sakura (temple of fists)

ds, stages/fistsmvs.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_hidden_character.mp3
;dark sakura by blackjack + unsigned (e)
dsakuradx, stages/fistsmvs.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-
_theme_of_hidden_character.mp3 ;dark sakura dx by dragoon316
; sakura-san-fix, ;dark sakura by drugen, (wo2d)

;- hulkend ;by vans1belmont
;- mvs_hulkend ;unsigned

; hulk4, random, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_hulk.mp3 ;hulk by mgmurrow,

(wo2d), (ws)

;ken (death valley)

;- kenend ;by vans1belmont
;- mvs_kenend ;unsigned

; ken-x, ;ken by limitedmoon, (ei), (ldv), (rsff)

ken-x0, stages/mshvssf03.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_ken.mp3 ;ken by
limitedmoon, (ei), (wc), (rsff)
mvsfken, stages/mshvssf03.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_ken.mp3 ;ken &
ryu by asccort, (ei), (sffc)

;mech gouki / cyber akuma (apocalypse now! [mech gouki ver.])

cho_mech, stages/mshvssf-cyber.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-
_theme_of_hidden_character.mp3 ;mech-gouki by chotto-komaru, (csff) + (e) by
; cyber, ;cyber akuma by fox with cha-p, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; cyber0, ;mech-gouki by fox with cha-p, fixed by ayustat, (csff) + (e) by
; cyber1, ;c.a.plus by darkriem, (wc), (ws2d)
mechgouki, stages/mshvssf-cyber.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-
_theme_of_hidden_character.mp3 ;mech gouki by mystikblaze, (rsff) + (e) by

;mega zangief
;(es) mega zangief

;(e): mvs_mephistoend ;unsigned

;(es) mephisto

;norimaro (on the hilltop [night])

; norimaro, ;norimaro by akiraz, (rsff) + unsigned (e)
; norimaro0, stages/mshvssf05.def ;norimaro by saikyo ryu, fixed by
ayustat, (csff) + unsigned (e)
norimaro1, stages/hilltopnight.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_norimaro.mp3
;norimaro by jin kazama, (ei), (rsff)

;omega red
;- mvs_omegaredend ;unsigned
;- redend ;by vans1belmont

;(es) omega red, random, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_omega_red.mp3

;ryu (dead or alive: the show)

;- mvs_ryuend ;unsigned
;- ryuend ;by vans1belmont

; ryuggn, ;ryu by ggn, (sffc) + (e) by chok

ryuggn0, stages/dead.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by ggn
(new version), (sffc)
ryulee, stages/nightcooking.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_ryu.mp3 ;ryu
by jeremy lee. update by palehorse and pioupiou, (rsff) + (e) by chok
; ryulee0, ;ryu by j.lee 2000 / k-man 2000 / majik, (rsff) + ryulee's snd
file + (e) by chok

;sakura kasugano (on the hilltop [night])

;- mvs_sakuraend ;unsigned
;- sakuend ;by vans1belmont

sakura1, stages/onthehilltop_night.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-

_theme_of_sakura.mp3 ;sakura by gou-san, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283

;shadow (raging inferno)

; shadow, ;shadow by tenebrous, kenshin and blackjack, (rsff) + (e) by
; shadow4, ;shadow by uselesschicken, (ldv), (rsff), (wc) + (e) by rudolf27
; shadow6, ;shadow met@lic w@rrior by uselesschicken & @ndroide, (rsff) +
unsigned (e) (unrequestable status)
shadow13, stages/inferno2.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-
_theme_of_hidden_character.mp3 ;shadow by uselesschicken, (wc)

;shuma gorath
;- mvs_shumagorathend ;unsigned
;- shumaend ;by vans1belmont

;(es) shuma, random, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_shuma-gorath.mp3

;(e): spideyend ;by vans1belmont

;(es) spiderman, random, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_spider-man.mp3

;us agent (showdown in the park at noon)

;(e): mvs_agentend ;unsigned

usagent, stages/mshvssf01.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-

_theme_of_hidden_character.mp3 ;usagent by cleetus carnage, (rsff) + (e) by
;vega (mall mayhem)
;- mvs_vegaend ;unsigned
;- vegaend0 ;by vans1belmont

vega0, stages/marvelchopp.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_vega.mp3 ;m.

bison by vk, updated by terry kuo, adapted by tenebrous, (ldv), (rsff) + (e) by
; vega1, ;vega by visual kreations (v.k), fixed by electrocaid, (rsff) +
(e) by lupe121283

;wolverine (code red)

;(e): wolvend ;by vans1belmont

wx2, stages/mvsf-cd.def, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_wolverine.mp3 ;

wolverine by ariel co + unsigned (e)

;- mvs_zangiefend ;unsigned
;- zangend ;by vans1belmont

;(es) zangief, random, music=sound/mvssf_ost_-_theme_of_zangief.mp3

;stages/mall0.def ;mall mayhem

;stages/mall_mayhem.def ;mall mayhem
;stages/marvelshop.def ;mall mayhem

;(ss) ================================================================
;marvel vs capcom series (marvel vs capcom & marvel vs capcom 2; dreamcast)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;marvel vs capcom (arcade & playstation) =============================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- mvc ;by eduardo bonfandini ===================================
;- mvc0 ;by mgbenz ===============================================
;- mvc1 ;by doorhenge ============================================
;- mvc.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(lb): mvclifebars ;by matmut ===================================
;(fnt): ==============================================================
;- mfont_mvscname ;by primeop ========================================
;- mfont_mvsctime ;by primeop ========================================
;(sndp): mvc ;unsigned ==========================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- akuma2ending ;by lupe121283 =====================================
;- cammyending ;by lupe121283 =====================================
;- chunli2ending ;by lupe121283 =====================================
;- chunlivsending ;by lupe121283 =====================================
;- kenvsending ;by lupe121283 =====================================
;- mvczanend ;by bluebolt =======================================

;captain america
;(es) captain america, random, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_captain_america.mp3

;captain commando (cliff of desolation)

;(e): commandoend ;by midnight spirit

capcom, stages/rockdune.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_captain_commando.mp3 ;

captain commando by splode + (e) by lupe121283
; captain, ;captain commando by zolagun - conversion world, (rsff) + (e) by
; commando, ;cap.commando by overmind, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; commando0, ;captain commando by phanton link, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283

;chun-li (central super heroes)

; chunli, ;chun-li by angel myst, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
chunli1, stages/avengersmvc.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_chun-li.mp3 ;chun li by
angel myst, updated by rabidkang, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; chunli30, ;unsigned chun li fixed by electrocaid, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
chunli0, stages/avengersmvc.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_chun-li.mp3 ;chun li by
angel myst, updated by djnapalmx, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; chunli2, ;unsigned chun li, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
chunlim, stages/avengersmvc.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_chun-li.mp3 ;chun li
created originally by ang3l myst, 100% expension by terry kuo and add a super move
by misamu k young, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
chunli_rkmugen, stages/avengersmvc.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_chun-li.mp3 ;chun
li by angel myst/luvly angel, rkmugen, (wc), (ws2d), (n2bu: [ws])

;gambit (bathroom)
gambit2, stages/bath.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_gambit.mp3 ;gambit by stricker,
(rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;(es) hulk, random, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_hulk.mp3

;hyper venom
;(es) hyper venom, random, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_hidden_character.mp3

;jin saotome (neo st. petersburg)

; jin, ;jin saotome by mr_karai/b�jota, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
jin1, stages/stpetmvc.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_jin.mp3 ;jin by nobuyuki,
(rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
jin_mvc, stages/neo2.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_jin.mp3 ;jin saotome by thomas
hsieh, (rsff), (wc) + (e) by lupe121283
jinsaotome, stages/neo.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_jin.mp3 ;jin saotome by ketra,
(rsff) + (e) by lupe121283

;mech zangief (central super heroes)

; evilzangief, ;evil zangief by koyotae, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; mechzang, ;mech zangief by heyska, adapted, updated to 0627+ mugen by
tchernobog, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; mech zangief, ;mech zangief by koyotae, portrait provided by kung fu man,
(wo2d), (ws2d) + (e) by rudolf27
mech zangief0, stages/centralsuperheroes_up.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-
_hidden_character.mp3 ;mech zangief by koyotae & one winged angel, thor (ii),
ruldolf27 (ei), (wo2d), (ws), (n2bu: [gethitvar])
; mechzangief, ;zangief by kung fu man, (wc) + unsigned (e)
; mzangief, ;mech zangief by clarens, (rsff) + unsigned (e)

;megaman / rockman (dr. willy's base)

; mega2, stages/doctor_willys_base.def ;megaman by jin kazama, altered by
exinferis, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
megaman1, stages/rock2.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_rockman.mp3 ;megaman 1 by jin
kazama, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

;mega war machine / gold war machine (blue area of the moon)
warmachinegold, stages/onthemoon.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_hidden_character.mp3
;gold warmachine by one winged angel, (wo2d)

;morrigan aensland (live house of the dark realm)

morrigan_mvc, stages/drealmmvc.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_morrigan.mp3 ;morrigan by
thomas hsieh, (rsff), (wc)

;morrigan (lilith mode)

;(es) morrigan (lilith mode), random, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_hidden_character.mp3

;onslaught (nyc rooftop)


;first form
; onslaught, ;onslaught by overlander, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
onslaught0, stages/onslaught0.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_onslaught_i.mp3 ;
onslaught by onslaughtx, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

;second form
; onslaught2, random, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_onslaught_ii.mp3 ;onslaught 2 by
overlander + (e) by rudolf27

;orange hulk
;(es) orange hulk, random, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_hidden_character.mp3

;roll (dr. willy's base)

; roll, ;unsigned roll
; roll0, ;roll by captein, (rsff)
; roll2, ;roll by di gi jared
roll_mvc, stages/willymvc.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_roll.mp3 ;roll by thomas
hsieh, (rsff), (wc)

;ryu (central super heroes)

ryuclassic, stages/avengersmvc.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by
pioupiou, (rsff) + (e) by chok
; ryuclassic0, ;ryu by sodawaterboy and ssjfools
; ryuex, ;ryu by shingo-yabuki, (rsff) + (e) by chok
ryumvsc, stages/avengersmvc.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by n64mario,
; ryu-x, ;ryu-x by limitedmoon, (ldv), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
ryu-x0, stages/avengersmvc.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by
limitedmoon, (wc), (rsff)

;shadow lady (live house of the dark realm)

;(e): shadowladyend ;by mgmurrow

; shadowl, ;shadow lady by �~�e (miu �j), (rsff)

shadowlady, stages/livehouse0.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_hidden_character.mp3
;shadow lady by mgmurrow

;spider-man (the spider's web)

; spiderman, ;spider-man by erradicator, (i&ei), (ldv)
spiderman1, stages/mvc-bugle.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_spider-man.mp3 ;spider-man
by seth zankuten, (ldv), (rsff) + unsigned (e)
spiderman3, stages/mvc-dailybugle.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_spider-man.mp3 ;
spider-man by erradicator, (wc)
spidermn, stages/bugle0.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_spider-man.mp3 ;spider-man
by thundergod, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;strider hiryuu (blue area of the moon)

hiryu, stages/bluemvc.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_strider_hiryu.mp3 ;strider
hiryu by splode + (e) by bluebolt
; strider, ;strider hiryu by the teamup of shadow watcher, and strider,
(csff) + (e) by bluebolt

;venom (the spider's web)

ex, stages/web.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_venom.mp3 ;venom+ by big eli king, (wc)
venom, stages/web.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_venom.mp3 ; venom by jc, (ei)
venom0, stages/web.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_venom.mp3 ;venom by big king eli,
; venom1, ;venom 32 by jc
; venom2, ;venom by soliquidsnake (unrequestable status)
; venon, ;venon by {_carnificina_}, (rsff)

;war machine (headquarters of devil)

; war0, ;war machine by akiraz (andresato@hotmail.com), (rsff) + (e) by
; warmachine, ;war machine by war machine, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; warmachine0, ;war machine by ultimate x + (e) by lupe121283
; warmachine1, ;warmachine by one winged angel, (wo2d)
warmachine_mvc, stages/evilhq.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_war_machine.mp3 ;
warmachine by one winged angel, (wo2d)

;wolverine (live house of the dark realm)

wolverine2, stages/mvccataract.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_wolverine.mp3 ;
wolverine by blodia, (rsff) + unsigned (e)

;zangief (blue area of the moon)

mz, stages/bluemvc.def, music=sound/mvc_ost_-_zangief.mp3 ;zangief by one winged
angel, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;stages/mvc_rockman.def ;dr. willy's base

;stages/rockcastle.def ;live house of dark realm
;stages/shower.def ;bathroom (left)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;marvel vs capcom 2 (arcade, dreamcast, playstation 2 & xbox) ========
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- mvc2 ;by drachir, doorhenge & cabbit007 =======================
;- mvsc2sp ;by cabbit, drachir & ryou win ===========================
;(lb): mvc2lifebars ;by cabbit007 ================================
;(fnt): mvc2font ;unsigned ==========================================
;(sndp): mvc2hyper ;by kamek ====================================

;abyss (abyss third form bg)

;first form
abyss, stages/abyss3.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_abyss_1.mp3 ;abyss by kung fu
man, (wo2d), (n2bu)

;second form
; abyss2, ;abyss by kung fu man, (ldv)
abyss20, stages/abyss3.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_abyss_2.mp3 ;abyss by kung fu
man, (wo2d), (n2bu)

;third form
abyss3, stages/abyss3.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_abyss_3.mp3 ;abyss by kung fu
man, (wo2d)

amingo, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_desert.mp3 ;amingo by
danielps & ryou win, (ei)
amingo0, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_desert.mp3 ;
amingo by beximus, (wc), (ws2d)

;(es) anakaris

mvcblackheart, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_carnival.mp3
;blackheart by [hayte], (rsff)

;bulleta / babie bonnie hood

bulleta1, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_carnival.mp3 ;
bulleta by beximus, (wc), (ws2d)

;cable (mvc: super heroes central)
; cable, ;cable by k-man & ryou win, (i&ei)
; cable0, ;cable by majik / k-man, fixed by electrocaid, (csff)
; cable2, ;cable by ryou win and erradicator, (wc), (ws2d)
; cable3, ;cable by ryou win and erradicator, (wo2d), (ws2d)
cable4, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_cavern.mp3 ;cable by
ryou win, (wc)
; cable_mvc2, ;cable by saito aka cloudius, (wo2d), (ws2d)

; cammy_mvc2, ;cammy by alchemist, (wo2d), (ws)

;captain america
;(es) captain america

;captain commando
;(es) captain commando

;(es) chun-li

colossus_mvc2, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_cavern.mp3
;colossus by cloudius, (wc), (ws2d)

;(es) cyclops

;dan hibiki
;(es) dan

dhalsim5, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_cavern.mp3 ;
dhalsim by elecbyte / aku ma, (wc)

;dr. doom
;(es) dr. doom

mvc2felicia, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_clock_tower.mp3
;felicia by mgbenz, modified by ferchogtx, (wc), (ws2d)
; mvc2felicia0, ;felicia by mgbenz, modified by ferchogtx, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;(es) gambit

;gouki / akuma
;(es) gouki

guile12, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_cavern.mp3 ;guile
by redhot/reza, (wc), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)
; guile13, ;guile by capcom, (wc), (ws2d)
; guile14, ;guile by redhot, (wc), (ws2d)

hayato, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_clock_tower.mp3 ;
hayato by ryou win
hayato2, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_clock_tower.mp3 ;
hayato by beximus
; hayato3, ;hayato kanzaki by shunkaku66, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; hayatokanzaki, ;hayato kanzaki by ryou win
; hayatokanzaki0, ;hayato by nabeshin, (wc), (ws2d)
; hayatokanzaki1, ;hayato mvc2 by nabeshin, (wc), (ws)
hayato_mc2, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_clock_tower.mp3
;hayato kanzaki by one winged angel, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;(es) hulk

;(es) iceman

;iron man
; ironman2, ;iron-man by erradicator, (wo2d), (ws)

;jill valentine
cvsjill, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_desert.mp3 ;jill
by warusaki3, (wc), (ws2d)
; jill, ;jill valentine by {^paul^} aka fr`, (csff)
jill0, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_desert.mp3 ;jill
valentine by ryou win, (ei), (wc)
; jillvalentine, ;jill valentine by ryou win, (ei), (wc)
; xjill, ;jill by xcb, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])

jin_mc2, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_swamp.mp3 ;jin by
nobuyuki, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283

;(es) juggernaut

;(es) ken

;kobun / servbot
;(es) servbot

; magneto3, ;magneto by fiery storm, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [inguarddist] +
; magneto_mc2, ;magneto mvc2ver by nobuyuki + (i) by hitmanxxviii + (e) by
magneto_mc20, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_river.mp3 ;
magneto mvc2ver by nobuyuki, (wo2d), (ws2d)

; marrow, ;marrow by kung fu man, (wc)
; marrow0, ;marrow by buyog2099, (ei)
marrow1, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_airship.mp3 ;
marrow by buyog & ryou win

;(es) morrigan

;nash / charlie
;(es) nash

;omega red
;(es) omega red

psylocke3, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_airship.mp3 ;
psylocke by [mit], (rsff)

;(es) rockman

;(es) rogue

;(es) roll

;ruby heart
rubyheart, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_training_mode.mp3
;ruby heart by ryou win, (ei)
rubyheart0, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_training_mode.mp3
;ruby heart by beximus, (wc), (ws2d)

;(es) ryu

;(es) sabretooth
;(es) sakura

;(es) sentinel

;shuma gorath
; shuma, ;shuma gorath by sludge, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;silver samurai
;(es) silver samurai

sonson, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_factory.mp3 ;
sonson by ryou win, (ei)

;(es) spiderman

;(es) spiral

stormx, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_factory.mp3 ;storm
by double s, (rsff) + (e) by j dwag

;strider hiryu
;(es) hiryu

;(es) thanos

;tron bonne
tbonne, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_factory.mp3 ;tron
bonne by spy 0070 & ryou win
tron, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_factory.mp3 ;tron bonne
by beximus, (wc), (ws2d)
; tronbonne, ;tron bonne by legendaryxm90, (wo2d), (ws)

;vega / m. bison
;(es) vega

;(es) venom

;war machine
;(es) warmachine

; wolverine_mc2, ;wolverine-mc2 by nobuyuki, (ldv) + (e) by bluebolt
wolverine_mc20, stages/mvc2desert_stage.def, music=sound/mvc2_ost_-_factory.mp3
;wolverine-mc2 by nobuyuki, (wc) + (e) by bluebolt

;(lost adamantium) wolverine

;(es) l.a. wolverine

;(es) zangief

;(ss) ================================================================
;x-men: children of the atom =========================================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- xcota ;by doorhenge ============================================
;- x-men ;by jo ===================================================
;(sndp): xmencota ;unsigned ==========================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- xcotaakumaend ;by rugal2 =========================================
;- xcotacolossusend ;by rugal2 ===================================
;- xcotacyclopsend ;by rugal2 ===================================
;- xcotaicemanend ;by rugal2 =========================================
;- xcotaomegaredend ;by rugal2 ===================================
;- xcotasentinelend ;by rugal2 ===================================
;- xcotasilversamuraiend ;by rugal2 =============================
;- xcotaspiralend ;by rugal2 =========================================

;akuma / gouki (danger room)

gouki_cota, stages/dangerroom.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_danger_room_-cyclops-.
mp3 ;gouki by nobuyuki, (rsff)

;colossus (mutant hunting)

colossus, stages/mutant_hunting.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_mutant_hunting_-
colossus-.mp3 ;colossus_ex by koga & blackjack, (i&ei), (rsff)
; colossus0, ;colossus by thor, (rsff)
colossusex, stages/mutanthunting.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_mutant_hunting_-
colossus-.mp3 ;colossus by loki, (rsff)

;cyclops (danger room)

cyclops, stages/danger_up.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_danger_room_-cyclops-.mp3
;cyclops by sunboy, (rsff) + unsigned (e)
; cyclops0, ;cyclops by superscott, (rsff) + unsigned (e)

;iceman (iced beach)

; iceman, ;ice man by elecbyte / nemo, (csff) + (e) by doorhenge
iceman0, stages/beach0.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_ice_on_the_beach_-iceman-.mp3
;iceman by shin hayato, (rsff) + (e) by doorhenge
iceman1, stages/x-men_iceman.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_ice_on_the_beach_-
iceman-.mp3 ;iceman by splode + (e) by junior chillage

;(es) juggernaut

;(es) magneto

;omega red (the deep)

omega, stages/the_deep.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_the_deep_-omega_red-.mp3 ;omega
red by onslaughtx, (ei), (rsff)
;stages/the deep.def

;psylocke (moonlight elevator)

psylocke1, stages/moon1.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_moon_night_-psylocke-.mp3
;psylocke by whitemagic2002
;sentinel (genosha)
0senti, stages/genosha0.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_genosha_-sentinel-.mp3 ;
sentinel by zolagun, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
sentinel, stages/genosha0.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_genosha_-sentinel-.mp3
;sentinel by er (edson renato) + (e) by doorhenge

;silver samurai (samurai shrine)

silversam, stages/silversamurai_stage.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-
_samurai_shrine_-silver_samurai-.mp3 ;silver samurai by corntortillas, (wc),
(di: shuriken fx corrected), (n2bu: [di])
silversamurai, stages/silversamurai_stage.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-
_samurai_shrine_-silver_samurai-.mp3 ;silver samurai by juan carlos, (ei),

;spiral (mojo world)

spiral, stages/spiralbg.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_mojo_world_-spiral-.mp3 ;
spiral by luchini, (ei), (rsff)
spiral0, stages/spiralbg.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_mojo_world_-spiral-.mp3
;spiral by mugensys, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage

;storm (on the blackbird [noon, evening & night])

storm0, stages/storm_stage.def, music=sound/xmen_cota_-_on_the_blackbird_-storm-.
mp3 ;storm by whitemagic2002 + (e) by j dwag
;stages/on_the_blackbird_noon.def ;noon
;stages/storm_stage2.def ;evening

;(es) wolverine

;(ss) ================================================================
;x-men: mutant apocalypse (super nes) ================================

; jugg0, ;omega juggernaut by mugant zx, (rsff)

; lebeau, ;gambit by dragoon

;stages/cyclopsmission.def ;cyclop's mission

;stages/wolmidboss.def ;wolverine mid-boss fight
;stages/xmen01.def ;sentinel's grave

;(ss) ================================================================
;x-men vs street fighter (arcade, pc, playstation & saturn) ==========
;(sp): xmvssf ;by pai mei and atomicdog2020 ======================
;(i): xmvssfintro ;by pai mei and atomicdog2020 ======================
;(e): ================================================================
;- akumasfvxending ;by lupe121283 ===============================
;- cammy ;by gamespy ==============================================
;- charlieending ;unsigned ==========================================
;- xmvsf_ken ;unsigned ==========================================
;- xmvsf_magneto ;unsigned ==========================================
;- xmvsf_nash ;unsigned ==========================================
;- xmvsf_ryu ;unsigned ==========================================
;- xmvsf_sabre ;unsigned ==========================================
;- zangending ;unsigned ==========================================

;apocalypse (apocalypse now!)

; apocalypse, ;apocalypse by overlander, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; apocalypse2, ;apocalypse by onslaughtx, (csff) + (e) by rudolf27
apocalypse20, stages/apoc.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_apocalypse_stage.mp3 ;
apocalypse by onslaughtx & kung fu man

;cammy (oil refinery)

cammy1, stages/xmvssf_inferno1.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_cammy_stage.mp3 ;cammy
by luvly angel and jinkazama8, (rsff)
iycammy, stages/xmvssf_inferno1.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_cammy_stage.mp3
;cammy by ishi yama, (i&ei), (rsff)

;(es) chun-li, random, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_chun-li_stage.mp3

;cyclops (showdown in the park)

cyclops2, stages/showdown.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_cyclops_stage.mp3 ;
cyclops by blackjack, (rsff) + (e) by rugal2

;dhalsim (death valley)

dhalsim4, stages/death_valley.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_dhalsim_stage.mp3
;dhalsim by elecbyte / aku ma, (wc), (rsff)

;gambit (showdown in the park)

gambit0, stages/park0.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_gambit_stage.mp3 ;gambit by
luvly angel, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
gambit1, stages/park0.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_gambit_stage.mp3 ;gambit by
camrat, (ei), (csff)
; gambit3, ;gambit by razox, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; gambitluvlyfix2, ;gambit by luvly angel, updated by real bout terry from
infinity forums (unrequestable status), (wc), (ws2d)

;gouki / akuma (temple of fists)

akuma_s, stages/temple_of_fists.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_gouki_stage.mp3
;akuma by socc200 && szyslak, (sffc) + (e) by lupe121283

;(es) juggernaut

;ken (mall mayhem)

hken, stages/mall.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_ken_stage.mp3 ;holy ken by sub-
zero and badbassboy
; hken0, ;holy ken by sub-zero and badbassboy (old ver.)
; holyken, ;holy ken by sub-zero, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; ken3, ;ken masters by charlz, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff) + (e) by
ken5, stages/mall.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_ken_stage.mp3 ;ken master by
charlzn64, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283

;magneto (the cataract)

; magneto0, stages/xvsf.def ;magneto by nobuyuki, (rsff)
magneto_xvsf, stages/cataract.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_magneto_stage.mp3
;magneto by nobuyuki, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;nash / charlie (raging infernon [noon])

charlie, stages/raginginferno.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_nash_stage.mp3 ;
charlie by mystikblaze, (i&ei), (rsff)
; charlie3, ;charlie by mystikblaze, (rsff) + unsigned (i) + (e) by bluebolt
(old version)

;rogue (dead or alive: the show)

rogue, stages/dol_ts.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_rogue_stage.mp3 ;rogue by
splode, (ei)
; rogue0, ;rogue by thomas hsieh (cps2 sprites), (rsff) + unsigned (e)
rogue2, stages/dol_ts.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_rogue_stage.mp3 ;rogue by
big eli king, (wc) + unsigned (e)
; roguepsx, ;rogue by thomas hsieh (psx sprites), (rsff) + (e) by riccochet

;ryu (on the hill top [day])

ryuhoshi, stages/hilltop0.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_ryu_stage.mp3 ;ryu hoshi
by ultimate x, (rsff) + (e) by chok

;sabretooth (death valley)

; sabre, ;sabretooth by gama, fixed by gohan ssm2
; sabre0, stages/valley.def ;unsigned sabretooth, (rsff)
sabretooth, stages/death0.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_sabretooth_stage.mp3 ;
sabretooth by jin kazama, (ei), (rsff)

;storm (code red)

storm, stages/code_red.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_storm_stage.mp3 ;storm by
[shinta], (rsff) + (e) by j dwag

;vega / m. bison (raging infernon [noon])

vega5, stages/raginginferno0.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_vega_stage.mp3 ;m.
bison by vk, updated by terry kuo, adapted by tenebrous, (wc)

;wolverine (manhattan [night])

; wolverine_xvsf, ;wolverine-xvsf by nobuyuki, (ldv) + (e) by junior chillage
wolverine_xvsf0, stages/manhattan_night.def, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-
_wolverine_stage.mp3 ;wolverine-xvsf by nobuyuki, (wc) + (e) by junior chillage

;(es) zangief, random, music=sound/xmvssf_ost_-_zangief_stage.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;unclassed marvel series chars =======================================

; captaina, stages/alaska.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_vol.4_-_04.mp3

;captain america by km, (rsff)
; colouss, stages/arcadexmen2.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_firestarter_-
_02.mp3 ;coloussus by blackjack, (rsff)
; fera, stages/arcadexmen2.def ;fera by dragoon
; namor, stages/arcadexmen20.def ;namor by [pepsi_man], (i&ei), (rsff)
; namor0, stages/arcadexmen20.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_smack_my_bitch_up_-_03.mp3 ;namor by slotman
; psy0, stages/arcadexmen20.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_smack_my_bitch_up_-
_04.mp3 ;psylocke by dragoon
; visao, stages/sepstreet.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_breathe_-_04.mp3
;vision by slotman, (csff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;marvel series original stuff ========================================
;(sp): xmen ;by viena25 ==============================================
; galactus, ;galactus by gorjeador, (rsff)
; galactus0, ;galactus by acglass
; professorx, ;professor_x by shinkoheo, (rsff) + (i) by rugal2
sg0, stages/rockhill.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_08.mp3 ;
spider girl by kain the supreme, (rsff)
; sg1, ;spider girl by kain the supreme, updated by oscarnaiz

;marvel super heroes - war of the gems (super nes) -------------------

thething, random, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_smack_my_bitch_up_-_02.mp3 ;the thing

by slotman, (sffc)

;masked rider series (kamen rider ryuuki & kamen rider sd: shutsugeki!! rider
machine; playstation & super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;kamen rider ryuuki (playstation) ====================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;kamen rider sd: shutsugeki!! rider machine (super nes) ==============

; kamenrider, ;kamen rider by andre marques

; rider, stages/ridersd_1_3.def, music=sound/krsdsrm_-_king_dark.mp3 ;
masked rider 1st by kifune, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; rider0, stages/ridersd_1_2.def, music=sound/krsdsrm_-_battle_of_fire.mp3
;masked rider 1st by kifune, (ii), (ldv), (sffc)


;, music=sound/krsdsrm_-_akebono.mp3
;, music=sound/krsdsrm_-_big_tank.mp3
;, music=sound/krsdsrm_-_cave_baster.mp3
;, music=sound/krsdsrm_-_chinese_typhoon.mp3
;, music=sound/krsdsrm_-_crime_road.mp3
;, music=sound/krsdsrm_-_first_run.mp3
;, music=sound/krsdsrm_-_last_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/krsdsrm_-_run_of_soul.mp3
;, music=sound/krsdsrm_-_showdown.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;masked rider series (original) ======================================

555, stages/dreambg.def, music=sound/godskitchen_-_mixed_by_mario_piu_-_05.mp3

;masked rider 555 by qzak, (n2bu: [ws])
agito, stages/praia1.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.5_-_09.mp3 ;
masked rider agito by qzak, (rsff)
blade0, stages/original_white_paradise.def, music=sound/steeve_estatof_-_garde-
moi.mp3 ;masked rider blade by qzak, (rsff)
hibiki3, stages/the_big_stones.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_always_outnumbered_never_outgunned_-_02.mp3 ;masked rider hibiki by qzak,
iraira, stages/migration.def, music=sound/rune_-
_calabria_(tambeur_du_bronx_mix).mp3 ;takeshi by tommy-gun, (wc)
jb, stages/powerslave.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_the_fat_of_the_land_-_03.mp3
;masked rider jb by tommy-gun, (rsff)
rx, stages/original_living_room.def, music=sound/3am_rush_-
_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-_04.mp3 ;rx by watati, (rsff)
ryuki, stages/pov_sun.def, music=sound/fatboy_slim_-
_halfway_between_the_gutter_and_the_stars_-_06.mp3 ;masked rider ryuki by qzak,
schizoidman, stages/antartida0.def, music=sound/faithless_-_insomnia_-_01.mp3
;schizoid man by elecbyte, (rsff)

;master fighter 2 (nes hack) -----------------------------------------

;chun li
;(es) chun li

;(es) guile

;(es) ryu, stages/ryusf2.def

;(es) viga

;(es) zangief

;matsumura kuni hiroden (super nes) ----------------------------------

matsumurakarate, stages/gamecenter.def, music=sound/gamecenter.mp3 ;matsumura

karate by masa

;max payne series (max payne & max payne 2: the fall of max payne; gameboy
advance, mac, playstation 2, xbox & pc)

; max0, ;unsigned max payne, (rsff)

;mazinger z series (mazinger z; arcade & super nes) ------------------

mazin, random, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_first_mission.mp3 ;mazinger z by

nyan��kiryu, (rsff)
; mazingarz, ;mazingarz by hyuga, (sffc)
mazinger, random, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_i_am_a_boss.mp3 ;mazinger z by
usys 222, (sffc)
;(ss) ================================================================
;mazinger z (super nes) ==============================================

; mazinga, ;mazinger by d'aponte, (csff)

mazingerz, random, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_deimos.mp3 ;mazinger z by
real yagami fixed by ayustat, (csff)

;, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_boss_boroto.mp3
;, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_dark_force.mp3
;, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_docter_hell_part_2.mp3
;, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_docter_hell.mp3
;, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_ga_ga_ga_dance.mp3
;, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_ghoul_splash.mp3
;, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_iwa_panic.mp3
;, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_jet_scrander.mp3
;, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_mazinger_z.mp3
;, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_mt_fuji.mp3
;, music=sound/mazinger_z_snes_-_requiem.mp3

;medabots series (medabots ax / medabots ax: rokusho blue / medabots ax: metabee
red, medabots infinity, medabots: metabee version, medabots: rokusho version;
gameboy advance & gamecube)

; hasamu, stages/mmountain.def ;unsigned hassamu, (sffc)

; metabee, stages/mmountain.def ;metabee by ron, (rsff)
; rokusyou, stages/mmountain.def ;rokusyou by sui, (sffc)

;megaman / rockman series --------------------------------------------
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- megaman ;by calamix ----------------------------------------------
;- rockman-battlearena ;by khmaibq ----------------------------------
;- rockman - mugen edition ;by khmaibq ----------------------------
;(lb): mmfight ;by nodex / dark x ---------------------------------
;(e): megamanend ;unsigned ------------------------------------------


;megaman / rockman series remix

;(sp): rof ;by �‫�ٻ‬

; burger king, ;burger king by jay_high19

; mega10, ;mega man by n64mario, (wo2d), (csff)
; mega20, ;mega man by n64mario, (wo2d), (csff)
megamanxa, stages/robot_museum.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-
_wood_man_stage_remix_(saturn_exclusive).mp3 ;megaman x by xande toskomics,
(wc), (ws2d)
; neoseph, stages/hallway2.def, music=sound/mm_-_megaman_ii-iii-iv_remix.mp3
;neo-sephiroth by luvly angel, (rsff)
; nightmarex, ;nightmare x by ard-kiro, (rsff)
; nightmarex0, stages/robot_museum.def,
music=sound/gc_remix_of_ridley's_theme.mp3 ;virus x by em20xx, (ei), (sffc)
; phyco, stages/robot_museum.def,
music=sound/megaman_theme_techno_remix_(trance).mp3 ;phyco (zero) by
trunkszero157@yahoo.com, (rsff)
; saiya, ;saiyajin by elecbyte, (sffc)
; shadow0, stages/robot_museum.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-
_cut_man_stage_remix_(saturn_exclusive).mp3 ;shadow by fireblayze" ;and aj =p,
; stewie, ;stewie by easychar - shazzo edit, (wc), (ws2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;22xx grand tournament (mugen game) ==================================
;(sp): 22xxgt ;by elecbyte =======================================

; ab, ;atomic butterfly by heat team pro, (wc), (ws2d)

; delta, ;delta by heat team pro, (wc), (ws2d)
; fusion1, stages/factory11.def ;fusion by heat team pro, (wc), (ws2d)
; glide, stages/desert24.def ;glide by heat team pro & khmaibq, (wc), (ws2d)
; kuroberto, ;kuroberto by heat team pro, (wc), (ws2d)
; rvo, stages/bamboo2.def ;reaver.o by heat team pro, (wc), (ws2d)
; zero16, stages/digital0.def ;zero by heat team pro, (wc), (ws2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;(classic) megaman / rockman series (megaman / rockman, megaman 2 / rockman 2,
megaman 3 / rockman 3, megaman 4 / rockman 4, megaman 5 / rockman 5, megaman 6 /
rockman 6, megaman 7 / rockman 7, megaman 8 / rockman 8, megaman & bass / rockman
& forte)

; classmega, ;classic megaman by vincej18, (rsff)

; nesmegaman, ;nes megaman by thomas hsieh, (csff)
; rockman, ;rockman by vincej, (wc), (rsff)

;(classic) megaman / rockman series remix

; mmzelda, ;megaman zelda by calamix, (wc)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman / rockman gameboy games: exclusive bosses (gameboy) =========

;(es) ballade
;(es) enker
;(es) jupiter
;(es) mars
; mmvmercury, ;mercury by calamix, (wc)
;(es) neptune
;(es) pluto
;(es) punk
;(es) quint
;(es) saturn
;(es) terra
;(es) uranus
;(es) venus
;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman / rockman (nes) =============================================

;bomb man
; bombman, stages/bombman.def, music=sound/mm1_-_bomb_man.mp3 ;bombman by
dxwho, (sffc)

;cut man
; cutman0, stages/cutmanstage0.def, music=sound/mm1_-_cut_man.mp3 ;cutman by
km, (rsff)

;dr. wily
;(es) dr. wily, random, music=sound/mm1_-_wily_boss.mp3

;elec man
; elecman1, stages/elecman.def, music=sound/mm1_-_elec_man.mp3 ;elecman by
dxwho, (sffc)
; elecman3, ;elecman by pyramidhead87, (wo2d), (ws)

;fire man
; fireman, stages/fireman.def, music=sound/mm1_-_fire_man.mp3 ;fireman by
dxwho, (sffc)

;guts man
; gutsman1, stage/gutsman.def, music=sound/mm1_-_guts_man.mp3 ;gutsman by

;ice man
;(es) ice man, stages/icestage.def, music=sound/mm1_-_ice_man.mp3

;mega man
;(es) mega man

;, music=sound/mm1_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/mm1_-_wily_1.mp3
;, music=sound/mm1_-_wily_2.mp3

;megaman / rockman remix

;, music=sound/mm1_ast_-_bombman.mp3
;, music=sound/mm1_ast_-_boss_battle_1.mp3
;, music=sound/mm1_ast_-_boss_battle_2.mp3
;, music=sound/mm1_ast_-_cutman.mp3
;, music=sound/mm1_ast_-_dr._wily_mini-boss.mp3
;, music=sound/mm1_ast_-_elecman.mp3
;, music=sound/mm1_ast_-_fireman.mp3
;, music=sound/mm1_ast_-_gutsman.mp3
;, music=sound/mm1_ast_-_iceman.mp3
;, music=sound/mm1_ast_-_wily_stages_1-2.mp3
;, music=sound/mm1_ast_-_wily_stages_3-4.mp3
;, music=sound/mm_electrolytic_man_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm_endtheme_raveland_oc_remix.mp3
;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman 2 / rockman 2 (nes) =========================================

;air man
; airman, stages/airman_bg.def, music=sound/mm2_-_air_man.mp3 ;air man by
khmaibq, (ldv), (ursff)
; airman0, ;air man by khmaibq, (wc)

;bubble man
; bubbleman, stages/bubbleman_bg.def, music=sound/mm2_-_bubble_man.mp3 ;
bubble man by khmaibq, (ldv), (ursff)
; bubbleman0, ;bubble man by khmaibq, (wc)

;crash man
; crashman0, stages/crashman3.def, music=sound/mm2_-_crash_man.mp3 ;crash man
by khmaibq, (ldv), (ursff)
; crashman1, ;crash man by khmaibq, (wc)

;dr. wily
;(es) dr. wily, random, music=sound/mm2_-_wily_stage_3-5.mp3

;flash man
; flashman, stages/flashman.def, music=sound/mm2_-_flash_man.mp3 ;flash man
by khmaibq, (ldv), (ursff)
; flashman0, ;flash man by khmaibq, (wc)

;heat man
; heatman0, stages/heatman_bg.def, music=sound/mm2_-_heat_man.mp3 ;heat man by
khmaibq, (ldv), (ursff)
; heatman1, ;heat man by khmaibq, (wc)

;mega man
; rockman0, ;rockman by khmaibq, (wc)

;metal man
; metalman, stages/metalman_bg.def, music=sound/mm2_-_metal_man.mp3 ;metal
man by khmaibq, (ldv), (ursff)
; metalman0, stages/metalman0.def, music=sound/mm2_-_metal_man.mp3 ;metalman by
vincej, (rsff)
; metalman1, ;metal man by khmaibq, (wc)

;quick man
; quick, stages/quickman0.def, music=sound/mm2_-_quick_man.mp3 ;quick man
by j.k (j_k-2469@geocities.co.jp), fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; quickman, stages/quickman.def, music=sound/mm2_-_quick_man.mp3 ;quick man
by khmaibq, (ldv), (ursff)
; quickman1, ;quick man by khmaibq, (wc)

;wood man
; woodman0, stages/woodman_bg.def, music=sound/mm2_-_wood_man.mp3 ;wood man by
khmaibq, (ldv), (ursff)
; woodman1, ;wood man by khmaibq, (wc)

;, music=sound/mm2_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_-_wily_stage_1-2.mp3

;megaman 2 / rockman 2 remix

;, music=sound/iceclimbersflash_-_mm2_-_flashman_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_airman_windshear_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_blachlywily_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_bubbleman(wantstoget)funkedup_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_bubbleman_electron_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_crashman_centuria_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_crashmancrashandburn_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_drasuul_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_drwily_haunts_flashman_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_duckandcover_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_evilhorde_heatman_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_flashfire_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_heat_man_rapid_fire_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_its_about_time_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_metalman_goes_clubbing_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_metalmanstainlesssteel_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_oxygen_flare_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_quickdraw_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_teknowily_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_the_tallest_building_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_too_hot_for_heatman_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_unleashed_(remix).mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_wily_meets_flashman_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_wilys_mosh_pit_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm2_withthequickness_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman 3 / rockman 3 (nes) =========================================

;doc robot
;(es) doc robot, random, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_boss_battle.mp3

;dr. wily
;(es) dr. wily, random, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_wily.mp3

;gemini man
;(es) gemini man, stages/mm3gemini.def, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_geminiman.mp3

;hard man
; 3hard, stages/hardman.def, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_hardman.mp3 ;hard man by
calamix, (wc)

;magnet man
;(es) magnet man, stages/magnetman0.def, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_magnetman.mp3

;mega man
;(es) mega man
;needle man
; needle, stages/needleman.def, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_needleman.mp3 ;
needle man by calamix, (wc), (sffc)

;shadow man
; 3shadow, stages/shadowman.def, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_shadowman.mp3 ;
shadow man by calamix, (wc)

;snake man
; 3snake, stages/snakeman.def, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_snakeman.mp3 ;snake man
by calamix, (wc)

;spark man
;(es) spark man, stages/sparkman.def, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_sparkman.mp3

;top man
;(es) top man, stages/topman.def, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_topman.mp3

;, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_wily_fortress_intro.mp3
;, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_wily_stages_1-2.mp3
;, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_wily_stages_3-4.mp3
;, music=sound/mm3_ost_-_wily_stages_5-6.mp3

;megaman 3 / rockman 3 remix

;, music=sound/mm3_bluelightning_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm3_its_boss_time_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm3_magnet_man_goes_west_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm3_mega_man_2003_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm3_-_sadorf_-_insulationsubjugation_rts.mp3
;, music=sound/mm3_snakemangetdown_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm3_sparkman_ocremix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm3_wily_metal_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman: the wily wars (genesis) ====================================

;busterrod g
;(es) busterrod g

; mechfish, ;mech. fish by n-mario, (wc), (ursff)

;megawaters s
;(es) megawaters s

;hyperstorm h
;(es) hyperstorm h

;stages/cutmanwwboss.def ;cutman

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman 4 / rockman 4 (nes & gameboy) ===============================
;(sp): mm4motif ;by heejun184 ======================================
;bright man
;(es) bright man, stages/brightman.def, music=sound/mm4_-_bright_man.mp3

;dive man
;(es) dive man, stages/diveman.def, music=sound/mm4_-_dive_man.mp3

;dr. cossack
;(es) dr. cossack, stages/cossack.def, music=sound/mm4_-_cossack_stage_1-2.mp3

;dr. wily
;(es) dr. wily, random, music=sound/mm4_-_final_boss.mp3

;drill man
;(es) drill man, stages/drillman.def, music=sound/mm4_-_drill_man.mp3

;dust man
;(es) dust man, stages/dustman.def, music=sound/mm4_-_dust_man.mp3

;mega man
;(es) mega man

;pharaoh man
; pharaohman, stages/pharaoh.def, music=sound/mm4_-_pharaoh_man.mp3 ;
pharohman by dxwho, (sffc)

;ring man
; 4ring, stages/ringman.def, music=sound/mm4_-_ring_man.mp3 ;ring man by
calamix, (wc)

;skull man
; skullman, stages/skull0.def, music=sound/mm4_-_skull_man.mp3 ;skullman by
archaicgamer, (rsff)

;toad man
; metatoadman, stages/toadman.def, music=sound/mm4_-_toad_man.mp3 ;meta
toadman by neon tiger, (sffc)

;, music=sound/mm4_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/mm4_-_cossack_stage_3-4.mp3
;, music=sound/mm4_-_wily_stage_1-2.mp3
;, music=sound/mm4_-_wily_stage_3-4.mp3

;megaman 4 / rockman 4 remix

; metatoadman0, ;meta toadman by neon tiger (key q), (wc), (ws2d)

;, music=sound/mm4_cossackhotsteppin_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm4_lettherebelight_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm_sp_ast_-_mm4_-_skull_man.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman 5 / rockman 5 (nes & gameboy) ===============================

;charge man
;(es) charge man, stages/charge.def, music=sound/mm5_-_charge_man.mp3

;crystal man
;(es) crystal man, stages/crystalman0.def, music=sound/mm5_-_crystal_man.mp3

;dark man
;(es) dark man, stages/darkman.def

;dr. wily
;(es) dr. wily, random, music=sound/mm5_-_final_boss.mp3

;gravity man
;(es) gravity man, stages/gravityman.def, music=sound/mm5_-_gravity_man.mp3

;gyro man
;(es) gyro man, stages/gyroman0.def, music=sound/mm5_-_gyro_man.mp3

;mega man
;(es) mega man

;napalm man
; napalmman, stages/napalmman.def, music=sound/mm5_-_napalm_man.mp3 ;
napalmman by elecbyte / dxwho, (sffc)

;proto man
;(es) proto man, random, music=sound/mm5_-_protoman.mp3

;star man
;(es) star man, stages/starman.def, music=sound/mm5_-_star_man.mp3

;stone man
;(es) stone man, stages/stoneman.def, music=sound/mm5_-_stone_man.mp3

;wave man
; 5wave, random, music=sound/mm5_-_wave_man.mp3 ;wave man by calamix, (wc)

;, music=sound/mm5_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/mm5_-_wily.mp3

;megaman 5 / rockman 5 remix

;, music=sound/mm5_-_analoq,_mae_-_smack_me_gaman_up.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman 6 / rockman 6 (nes) =========================================

;blizzard man
;(es) blizzard man, stages/blizzard1.def, music=sound/mm6_-
;centaur man
;(es) centaur man, random, music=sound/mm6_-_centaur_man's_stage.mp3

;dr. wily
;(es) dr. wily, random, music=sound/mm6_-_the_final_battle.mp3

;flame man
; flameman, stages/flame.def, music=sound/mm6_-_flame_man's_stage.mp3 ;
flameman by shoshingo, (rsff)

;knight man
;(es) knight man, random, music=sound/mm6_-_knight_man's_stage.mp3

;jet mega man

;(es) jet mega man

;mega man
;(es) mega man
; prock, stages/flame.def, music=sound/mm6_-_robot_master_battle.mp3 ;power
rockman by anikiti, (rsff)

;mr. x
;(es) mr. x, random, music=sound/mm6_-_the_mr_x_stages.mp3

;plant man
; plantman, stages/flame.def, music=sound/mm6_-_plant_man's_stage.mp3 ;
plantman by shoshingo, (ursff)

;tomahawk man
;(es) tomahawk man, random, music=sound/mm6_-_tomahawk_man's_stage.mp3

;wind man
;(es) wind man, random, music=sound/mm6_-_wind_man's_stage.mp3

;yamato man
;(es) yamato man, random, music=sound/mm6_-_yamato_man's_stage.mp3

;, music=sound/mm6_-_the_dr_wily_stages.mp3

;megaman 6 / rockman 6 remix

;, music=sound/mm6_master_of_flame_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mm6_-_neminem_-_odyssey_beyond_the_porcelain.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman 7 / rockman 7 (super nes) ===================================

;bass / forte
; bassmm7, stages/mm7bass.def, music=sound/mm7_-_bass_&_treble.mp3 ;bass(forte)
by shoshingo, (rsff)

;burst man
;(es) burst man, random, music=sound/mm7_-_burstman.mp3

;cloud man
;(es) cloud man, stages/cloudmanstage.def, music=sound/mm7_-_cloudman.mp3
;dr. wily
;(es) dr. wily, random, music=sound/mm7_-_dr_wily_final.mp3

;freeze man
;(es) freeze man, stages/rm7-freezeman.def, music=sound/mm7_-_freezeman.mp3

;junk man
;(es) junk man, random, music=sound/mm7_-_junkman.mp3

;mega man / rock man

; rock7, stages/destroyedtown.def ;rock7 by kitamin, (rsff)

;shade man
;(es) shade man, stages/shademan_bg.def, music=sound/mm7_-_shademan.mp3

;slash man
;(es) slash man, stages/slashmanstage.def, music=sound/mm7_-_slashman.mp3

;spring man
; 7spring, random, music=sound/mm7_-_springman.mp3 ;spring man by calamix,
(wc), (ws)

;turbo man
;(es) turbo man, stages/turboman.def, music=sound/mm7_-_turboman.mp3

;stages/shade.def ;shade man
;stages/turbo.def ;turbo man

;, music=sound/mm7_-_boss_1.mp3
;, music=sound/mm7_-_boss_2.mp3
;, music=sound/mm7_-_dr_wily_1.mp3
;, music=sound/mm7_-_dr_wily_2.mp3
;, music=sound/mm7_-_dr_wily_3.mp3
;, music=sound/mm7_-_dr_wily_4.mp3
;, music=sound/mm7_-_lab_destroyed.mp3
;, music=sound/mm7_-_robot_museum.mp3
;, music=sound/mm7_-_shademan_(alternate).mp3

;megaman 7 / rockman 7 remix


;, music=sound/mm7_-_gll_-_journeyintoshadow_rts.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman 8 / rockman 8 (playstation & saturn) ========================

;aqua man
;(es) aqua man, stages/rm8-aquaman.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_aqua_man_stage.mp3
;astro man
;(es) astro man, random, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_astro_man_stage.mp3

;bass / forte
; forte1, stages/rm8-introstage.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-
_forte's_(bass)_theme.mp3 ;unsigned forte, (rsff)

; blob, stages/aquaman.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_final_battle.mp3 ;green
devil by ayce, (rsff)

;clown man
;(es) clown man, stages/rm8-clownman1-1.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-

;dr. wily
;(es) dr. wily, stages/rm8-wily.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-

;(es) duo, stages/rm8-duo.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_duo's_theme.mp3

; pbblizzard, ;blizzard man by calamix, (wc), (ws)

;frost man
; frostman, stages/rm8-frostman.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-
_frost_man_stage.mp3 ;frostman by lord sinistro, (rsff), (wc)

;grenade man
;(es) grenade man, random, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_grenade_man_stage.mp3

;mech. whale
; mechwhale, stages/aquaman.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_aqua_man_stage.mp3
;mech. whale by n64mario, (ursff)

; metol, stages/aquaman.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_aqua_man_stage.mp3 ;
metol-sv by blue-b-sky, (csff)
; metool, stages/aquaman.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_aqua_man_stage.mp3 ;
metool by n64mario, (rsff)

;search man
;(es) search man, stages/rm8-searchman.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-

;sword man
;(es) sword man, stages/rm8-swordman1-1.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-

;tengu man
;(es) tengu man, stages/rm8-tenguman.def, music=sound/mm8_sat._-

;, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_dr._wily_stage_1.mp3
;, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_dr._wily_stage_2.mp3
;, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_dr._wily_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_dr._wily_stage_4.mp3
;, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_intro_and_mid_boss_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_intro_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_intro_stage_underground.mp3
;, music=sound/mm8_sat._-_robot_master_battle.mp3

;megaman 8 / rockman 8


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman and bass / rockman and forte (super nes & gameboy advanced) =

;astro man
;(es) astro man, stages/astroman.def, music=sound/r&f_-_astroman.mp3

;bass / forte
; bass, stages/mm&b_robot_museum.def, music=sound/r&f_-_boss.mp3 ;bass by
victor ssj3, (rsff)
; mm9bass, stages/mm&b_robot_museum.def, music=sound/r&f_-_boss.mp3 ;mega
man 9 bass by true bass, (rsff)
; forte, stages/mm&b_robot_museum.def, music=sound/r&f_-_boss.mp3 ;unsigned
forte corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)

;burner man
;(es) burner man, stages/burner.def, music=sound/r&f_-_burnerman.mp3

;cold man
; 9cold, stages/coldmanfdos.def, music=sound/r&f_-_coldman.mp3 ;cold man by
calamix, (wc)

;dr. wily
;(es) dr. wily, stages/wily9.def, music=sound/r&f_-_last_boss.mp3

;dynamo man
;(es) dynamo man, stages/dynoman.def, music=sound/r&f_-_dynamoman.mp3

;ground man
;(es) ground man, stages/ground1.def, music=sound/r&f_-_groundman.mp3

;(es) king, stages/rfking.def, music=sound/r&f_-_king_castle.mp3

;magic man
;(es) magic man, stages/magicman.def, music=sound/r&f_-_magicman.mp3

;mega man / rock man

; megamangs, stages/jack.def, music=sound/r&f_-_museum.mp3 ;mega man by
gatosoft s.a., (sffc)
;pirate men
; pirate, stages/mm&b_robot_museum.def, music=sound/r&f_-_pirateman.mp3 ;
pirate men by spectru, (rsff)

; brhino, ;bonus rhino by calamix, (wc)

;(es) seals, random, music=sound/r&f_-_seals.mp3

;tengu man
;(es) tengu man, random, music=sound/r&f_-_tenguman.mp3

;stages/coldman.def ;cold man

;stages/coldmansdos.def ;cold man
;stages/future.def ;magic man
;stages/ground2.def ;ground man
;stages/ground3.def ;ground man
;stages/magic2.def ;magic man
;stages/rm&f-intro2.def ;intro
;stages/rock&forte.def ;intro

;, music=sound/r&f_-_wily_castle.mp3

;megaman and bass / rockman and forte remix


;, music=sound/rockman_and_forte_hyperrock_fortisimo_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;megaman battle network / rockman.exe series (megaman battle chip challenge /
rockman.exe battle chip gp, megaman battle network / rockman.exe, megaman battle
network 2 /rockman.exe 2, megaman battle network 3 / rockman.exe 3 & megaman
battle network 4: redsun and bluemoon / rockman.exe 4: redsun and bluemoon,
megaman network transmission / rockman.exe transmission; gameboy advanced &

; buru-su, stages/megamanbattlestage.def, music=sound/battle-ground.mp3 ;buru-
su by boufuusetu, (rsff)

; gattuman, stages/megamanbattlestage.def, music=sound/battle-ground.mp3 ;
gattuman by boufuusetu, (rsff)

;megaman.exe / rockman.exe
; exe, stages/megamanbattlestage.def, music=sound/battle-ground.mp3 ;
megaman exe by sion184, (rsff)
; megaexe, stages/megamanbattlestage.def, music=sound/battle-ground.mp3 ;
megaman exe by sion184, (rsff)
; rockman_exe, stages/megamanbattlestage.def, music=sound/battle-ground.mp3
;rockman_exe by elecbyte, (rsff)
; rockmanexe, stages/megamanbattlestage.def, music=sound/battle-ground.mp3
;rockman exe by boufuusetu, (csff)
; rockmanexe0, ;rockman_exe by tako, (wo2d)
; wood0, stages/megamanbattlestage.def, music=sound/battle-ground.mp3 ;
rockman exe by tako, (csff)

; yamato0, stages/oven.def, music=sound/battle-ground.mp3 ;yamatoman by
zinseinogomi, (sffc)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman battle chip challenge / rockman.exe battle chip gp (gameboy advanced)

;(es) ring.exe

;(es) roll.exe

;(es) turboman.exe

;(es) navi

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman battle network / rockman.exe (gameboy advanced) =============

;(es) bombman.exe

;(es) coloredman.exe

;dream virus
; dreamv, ;dream v by elecbyte, (sffc)

;(es) elecman.exe

;(es) iceman.exe

; fireman2, stages/oven.def, music=sound/battle-ground.mp3 ;fireman.exe by
neon tiger, (sffc)
; firemanexe, stages/oven.def, music=sound/battle-ground.mp3 ;fireman.exe by
neon tiger, (sffc)

;(es) lifevirus

; magicman, stages/oven.def, music=sound/battle-ground.mp3 ;magicman by tako,

;(es) numberman.exe

;(es) pharaohman.exe

;(es) rockman.exe

;(es) shadowman.exe

;(es) sharkman.exe

;(es) skullman.exe

;(es) stoneman.exe

;(es) woodman.exe

;, music=sound/mmbn_traffic.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman battle network 2 / rockman.exe 2 (gameboy advanced) =========

;(es) airman.exe

;bass.exe / forte.exe
; forte2, stages/gospel.def, music=sound/mmbn2_www.mp3 ;forte.exe by villian,
; forte3, stages/rmexe2-forte.def ;forte by 187

; cutman1, stages/bombnet.def, music=sound/mmbn2_undernet.mp3 ;cutman by
zinseinogomi, (sffc)

;(es) freezeman.exe, stages/oven.def

; gateman, stages/castlenet.def, music=sound/mmbn2_www.mp3 ;gateman by
zinseinogomi&tako, (csff)

;(es) gospel

;(es) heatman.exe

;(es) knightman.exe

;(es) magnetman.exe

;megaman.exe / rockman.exe
;(es) rockman.exe

;(es) napalmman.exe

; quickman0, stages/www.def, music=sound/mmbn2_www.mp3 ;quickman by
zinseinogomi, (csff)

;(es) snakeman.exe

;(es) thunderman.exe

;(es) toadman.exe

;(es) planetman.exe

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman battle network 3 / rockman.exe 3 (gameboy advanced) =========

;(es) alpha, stages/battle-ground.def, music=sound/battle-ground.mp3

;bass gs
;(es) bass gs

;(es) beastman.exe

; exebowl, ;bowlman by calamix, (wc)

;(es) bubbleman.exe

;(es) darkman.exe

;(es) desertman.exe

;(es) drillman.exe

;(es) flameman.exe

;(es) flashman.exe
; kingman, ;kingman by higure

;megaman.exe / rockman.exe
;(es) rockman.exe

;(es) mistman.exe

;(es) metalman.exe

;(es) plantman.exe

;(es) punk.exe

;(es) serenade

;yamato.exe / japanman.exe
;(es) yamato.exe / japanman.exe


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman battle network 4: redsun and bluemoon / rockman.exe 4: redsun and
bluemoon (gameboy advanced)

;(es) aquaman.exe

;bass.exe / forte.exe
;(es) bass.exe

;(es) burnerman.exe

;(es) coldman.exe

;(es) duo

;(es) evilstandardnavi

;(es) fireman.exe

;(es) gutsman.exe

; kendou, ;kendo-man by elecbyte, (sffc)
;(es) junkman.exe

;(es) laserman.exe

;megaman.exe / rockman.exe
;(es) megaman.exe

;(es) metalman.exe

;(es) numberman.exe

;(es) protoman.exe

;(es) searchman.exe

;(es) shademan.exe

;(es) sparkman.exe

;(es) standardnavi

;(es) roll.exe

;(es) thunderman.exe

;(es) topman.exe

;(es) videoman.exe

;(es) windman.exe

;(es) woodman.exe


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman battle network 5 / rockman.exe 5 (gameboy advanced) =========


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman network transmission / rockman.exe transmission (gamecube) ==

;(es) coloredman.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_coloredman.mp3

;(es) elecman.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_elecman.mp3

;(es) fireman.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_fireman.mp3

;(es) gravityman.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_gravityman.mp3

;(es) iceman.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_iceman.mp3

;megaman.exe / rockman.exe
;(es) megaman.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_hero.mp3

;(es) needleman.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_needleman.mp3

;(es) pharaohman.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_pharaohman.mp3

;(es) quickman.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_quickman.mp3

;(es) shadowman.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_shadowman.mp3

;(es) starman.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_starman.mp3

;(es) swordman.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_swordman.mp3

;(es) zero.exe, random, music=sound/mmnt_ost_zero.mp3

;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_battlewin.mp3
;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_complete.mp3
;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_dreamvirus.mp3
;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_firewall.mp3
;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_internet.mp3
;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_laststage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_relax.mp3
;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_room.mp3
;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_suspicious.mp3
;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_threat.mp3
;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_zerobattle.mp3
;, music=sound/mmnt_ost_zerorecover.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;megaman: powered up / rockman rockman ===============================

;(ss) ================================================================
;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power battles series (megaman - the
power battles / rockman - the power battles, megaman 2 - the power fighters /
rockman 2 - the power fighters; arcade)

;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power battles series remix


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power battles (arcade) ==
;(e): ================================================================
;- megamanend-mmtpb ;unsigned ====================================
;- protoend-mmtpb ;by calamix ========================================

;blues / protoman
; bass2, ;bass by -mighty akuma, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff) + (e) by
; bloos, ;bloos by http://i.am/zakro, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
; blues, ;blues by renzoku, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
; protoman0, ;protoman by sodonhid, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage

;crash man (garbage factory [black])

; crashman, stages/rockman.def ;crashman by onslaughtx, (sffc)

;cut man (elevator)

; cutman, stages/rmtpb-cutman.def ;unsigned cutman, updated by
mictlantecuhtli, (rsff)

;cloud man (flying very high [day])

;(es) cloud man, stages/rmtpb-cloudman.def, music=sound/rmtpb-cloudman.mp3

;dr. wily (tunnel 2)

; wily, stages/wilypb.def, music=sound/wilypb.mp3;dr. wily by xardion, (rsff)

;dust man (garbage factory [blue])

;(es) dust man, stages/dustmanpb.def, music=sound/dustmanpb.mp3

;freeze man (ice land [evening])

; pbfreeze, stages/iceman2bg.def ;freezeman by calamix, (wc), (ws)

;gemini man (frozen pool [day])

; gemini, stages/gemini1.def, music=sound/gemini1.mp3 ;geminiman by calamix,
; gemini0, ;gemini man by mugant zx and dry31, (rsff)

;guts man (megalopolis [day])

; gutsman, ;gutsman by onslaughtx, (rsff)
; gutsman0, stages/rmtpb-gutsman.def ;gutsman by onslaughtx & kung fu man,

;gyro man (flying high [day])

;(es) gyro man, stages/rmtpb-gyroman.def

;heat man (flying high [evening])

; heatman, stages/rmtpb-heatman2.def, music=sound/heatman.mp3 ;heatman by
freeze man, (sffc)

;ice man (ice land [day])

; icemanbeta, stages/iceman1.def ;iceman by calamix, (sffc)

;junk man
;(es) junk man, stages/rmtpb-junkman.def, music=sound/rmtpb-junkman.mp3

;magnet man (elevator [evening])

; magnet, stages/elevador.def ;magnetman by calamix, (rsff)
; pbmagnet, ;magnet man by calamix, (wc)

;megaman team
; megateam, ;megaman/bass/protoman by ribeiro, (rsff) + (e) by junior

;napalm man (megalopolis [evening]

; pb_nap, stages/rmtpb-napalmman.def, music=sound/rmtpb-napalmman.mp3 ;
napalm man by shimon

;plant man (willy land [night])

; pb_plant, stages/wily-land.def ;plant man by shimon

;(es) pumpkin

;shade man
;(es) shade man

;slash man
;(es) slash man

;turbo man (megalopolis [night])

;(es) turbo man, stages/rmtpb-turboman.def

;wood man (willy land [day])

; woodman, stages/rockman2.def ;woodman by mauricio e., (rsff)

;yellow devil (tunnel 1)

; yellow, stages/yellow.def, music=sound/yellow.mp3 ;yellow devil by nemo,
; yellow devil, ;unsigned yellow devil, (csff)

;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power battles remix

;, music=sound/megaman_the_power_fighters_reimx_of_shade_man's_theme.mp3
;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman 2 - the power fighters / rockman 2 - the power fighters (arcade)
;(e): ================================================================
;- bass2 ;by junior chillage ======================================
;- duo2 ;by junior chillage ======================================
;- megaman2 ;by junior chillage ======================================
;- protoman2 ;by junior chillage ================================

;air man (flying high [day])

; pbair, stages/rtpf-airman.def, music=sound/rtpf-airman.mp3 ;airman by
calamix, (wc)

;bass / forte
; sforte, ;super forte by ssss, (wo2d)

;blues / protoman
;(es) blues

;bubble man (deep sea diver [day])

;(es) bubble man, stages/rmtpf-bubbleman.def, music=sound/rmtpf-bubbleman.mp3
;stages/rmtpf-bubbleman2.def, music=sound/rmtpf-bubbleman2.mp3

;centaur man (willy's fortress [night])

;(es) centaur man, stages/willyft-mt.def

;cut man (battle at city [day])

;(es) cut man, stages/cutman's_stage.def

;dive man (deep sea diver [green])

;(es) dive man, stages/rmtpf-diveman.def, music=sound/ocean0.mp3

;dr. wily
;(es) dr. wily, stages/dicro.def, music=sound/qg willy.mp3

; duo, ;duo by shimon

;elec man (willy's fortress [day])

; elecman, ;elecman by iori 09(mauricio e.), (rsff)
; elecman0, stages/elecmanpf.def, music=sound/elecman.mp3 ;elecman by
calamix, (ii), (sffc), (wc)
; elecman2, ;elecman by tako, (wo2d)

;gemini man (frozen ocean [day])

;(es) gemini man, stages/rmtpf-geminiman.def, music=sound/ice1.mp3

;guts man (battle at city [morning])

;(es) guts man, stages/rmtpf-gutsman.def

;gyro man
;(es) gyro man

;heat man (hidden volcano)

;(es) heat man, stages/rmtpf-heatman.def
;mad grinder
;(es) mad grinder

;mecha dragoon / mech dragon

;(es) mecha dragoon

;mega man
;(es) mega man

;napalm man (lava land)

;(es) napalm man, stages/rmtpf-napalmman.def, music=sound/rmtpf-napalmman.mp3

;pharaoh man (egypt in danger [night])

;(es) pharaoh man, stages/rmtpf-pharaohman.def, music=sound/egito.mp3

;plant man (egypt in danger [day])

;(es) plant man, stages/plantman's_stage.def, music=sound/plantman's_stage.mp3

;quick man
; pb_quick, ;quick man by shimon

;shade man (flying high [evening & night])

;(es) shade man, stages/rmtpf-shademan.def

;shadow man (battle at the city [evening])

; shadow5, stages/shadow.def, music=sound/shadowman's_stage.mp3 ;shadowman
by sodonhid, (rsff)
; shadowman, stages/shadowman's_stage.def, music=sound/shadowman's_stage.mp3
;shadowman by dark nekrobat, (rsff)

;slash man (blue ocean)

;(es) slash man, stages/rmtpf-slashman.def, music=sound/rmtpf-slashman.mp3

;stone man (egypt in danger [evening])

; stoneman, ;stone man by neon tiger, (csff)
; stoneman2, stages/rmtpf-stoneman.def ;stone man by neon tiger, (csff)

;yellow devil
;(es) yellow devil

;stages/ar.def ;flying high (evening)

;stages/battle-at-the-city-mt.def ;battle at the city (night)
;stages/cidadenoite-rockman2thepowerbattle.def ;battle at the city (night)

;megaman 2 - the power fighters / rockman 2 - the power fighters remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;megaman x / rockman x series (megaman x / rockman x, megaman x 2 / rockman x 2,
megaman x 3 / rockman x 3, megaman x 4 / rockman x 4, megaman x 5 / rockman x 5,
megaman x 6 / rockman x 6, megaman x 7 / rockman x 7, megaman x 8 / rockman x 8;
playstation, saturn & super nes)

; x0, ;x by ninja, (wo2d)

; x1, ;mega man x by andr� Pires correa, (wc), (ws2d)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman x / rockman x (super nes) ===================================
;(sp): megamanx ;by falchion22 && gcnmario =========================
;(fnt): mmx ;by dominican zero / darkzero ============================

;armored armadillo
; armor0, random, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_armor_armarge_stage_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_1).mp3 ;armor armarge by shimon, (sffc)

;boomer kuwanger
; boomer, stages/kuwanga.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_boomer_kuwanger_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;boomer kuwanger by shimon,

;chill pinguin
; chill, stages/arctic.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_icy_penguigo_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;icy penguigo by shimon, (sffc)

;flame mammoth
; flame0, stages/mammoth.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_burnin'_noumander_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;burning naumander by shimon,

; guardfish, stages/oceanbase.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_launcher_octopuld_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;guard fish by calamix, (wc),

; guardian, stages/futurehighway.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_opening_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;guardian mmx by calamix, (wc), (sffc)

;launcher octopus
; launch, stages/octpa.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_launcher_octopuld_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;launcher octopuld by shimon

;megaman x / rockman x
; mega1, stages/futurehighway.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_opening_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;megaman x by falchion22 && gcnmario,
; megamanx, stages/futurehighway.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_opening_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;megaman x by n64mario84, (rsff)
; megamanx0, stages/megamanbg.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_opening_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;megaman x by kyo kusanagi, (ursff)
; mmx, stages/mmxstage.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_opening_stage_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_1).mp3 ;unsigned x, (rsff)
; rockmanx, stages/megamanx.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_opening_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;rockmanx by blue-b-sky, (csff)
; rockmanx1, stages/penguimbattle.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_opening_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;rockman-x by blue-b-sky, (csff)

; sigma, stages/sigma1.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_sigma_1st_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_1).mp3 ;sigma by n64mario, (rsff)

;spark mandrill
; spark, stages/spark.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_spark-
mandriller_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;spark mandriller by shimon,

;storm eagle
; storm1, stages/stormeagle.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_storm_eagleed_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;storm eagleed by shimon, (sffc)

;stage 1
; stage10, stages/stage114.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_opening_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;stage 1 by falchion22, (rsff)

;stinger chameleon
; sting, stages/forest5.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-
_sting_chameleao_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3 ;sting chamelero by shimon,

;vava / vile
; vava, stages/futurehighway.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_vava_1_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_1).mp3 ;unsigned vile, (csff)
; vile, stages/futurehighway.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_vava_2_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_1).mp3 ;vile by syquest, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)
; vile0, stages/futurehighway.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_vava_2_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_1).mp3 ;vile by kyo kusanagi, (ursff)

; zero11, stages/futurehighway.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_zero_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_1).mp3 ;zero by falchion22 && gcnmario, (rsff)
; zlr, stages/futurehighway.def, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_zero_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_1).mp3 ;zero legends by ariel alex co., (rsff)

;stages/mmx.def ;storm eagle
;stages/mmx_ice.def ;chill penguin
;stages/penguimcave.def ;chill penguin

;, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_boss_1_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_boss_2_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_sigma_stage_1_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_sigma_stage_2_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_sigma_stage_3_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_sigma_stage_4_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx_ost_-_sigma_2nd_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3

;megaman x / rockman x remix

; ultimate_x, ;ultimate_x by gm

;, music=sound/mmx_airbased_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx_brainsickmetal_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx_-_megadriver_-_boomer.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx_-_megadriver_-_storm_eagle.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx_sigmatism_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman x 2 / rockman x 2 (super nes) ===============================

;(es) agile

;bubble crab
;(es) bubble crab, stages/dseabase.def, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-

;crystal snail
;(es) crystal snail, stages/crystalsn.def, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-

;flame stag
;(es) flame stag, stages/sutagga.def, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-

;magna centipede
;(es) magna centipede, stages/magnacent.def, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-

;megaman x / rockman x
;(es) megaman, random, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-_opening_stage_(rockman_x1-

;morph moth
;(es) morph moth, random, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-

;overdrive ostrich
;(es) overdrive ostrich, stages/overdrive.def, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-

;(es) sigma, random, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-_sigma_1st_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3

;(es) serges

;wire sponge
;(es) wire sponge, random, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-_wire_hetimarl_stage_(rockman_x1-

;wheel gator
;(es) wheel gator, stages/gator.def, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-

;(es) violen, stages/violenb.def, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-

; bosszero, stages/gator.def, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-_zero_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_1).mp3 ;boss zero by sho shingo? (sffc)
; ovzero, ;overdrive zero by lorenzo the comic, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;stages/bubble.def ;bubble crab

;stages/desertbase.def ;overdrive ostrich
;stages/desert16.def ;overdrive ostrich
;stages/magnacent2.def ;magna centipede
;stages/x2stage.def ;intro

;, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-_another_boss_1_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-_another_boss_2_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-_boss_1_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-_boss_2_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-_counter_hunter_stage_2_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx2_ost_-_sigma_2nd_(rockman_x1-6_disc_1).mp3

;megaman x 2 / rockman x 2 remix


;, music=sound/mmx2_beamsabre_beat_zerov2_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman x 3 / rockman x 3 (pc, playstation & super nes) =============

;(es) bit

;blast hornet
;(es) blast hornet, stages/airfield.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-

;blizzard buffalo
;(es) blizzard buffalo, stages/gelo0.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-

;(es) byte

;crush crawfish
;(es) crush crawfish, stages/battleroom.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-

;dr. doppler
;(es) dr. doppler, stages/rx3_doppler2.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-

;gravity beetle
;(es) gravity beetle, stages/beatle.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-
; mac, stages/zerobg0.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-_boss_1_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_2).mp3 ;mac by tutio, (rsff)

;megaman x / rockman x
; mmx3, stages/battleroom.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-
_opening_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3 ;megaman x3 by metagenki, (rsff)

;neon tiger
;(es) neon tiger, stages/neon.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-

;(es) sigma, stages/rmx3-sigmastage.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-

;toxic seahorse
;(es) toxic seahorse, stages/waterfall1.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-

;tunnel rhino
;(es) tunnel rhino, stages/constructionstage.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-

;vava / vile
; vava2, stages/construction.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-
_vava_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3 ;vava mk-2 by barubaru, (rsff)

;volt catfish
;(es) volt catfish, random, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-

; hzero, stages/zerobg0.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-_zero_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_2).mp3 ;hiper zero by mr.pancadaria, (rsff)
; hzero0, stages/zerobg0.def, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-_zero_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_2).mp3 ;hipper zero by mr.pancadaria, (rsff)

;stages/gelo.def ;blizzard buffalo
;stages/icycity.def ;blizzard buffalo
;stages/megaforest.def ;forest
;stages/mountain.def ;tunnel rhinos
;stages/underwater.def ;toxic seahorse

;, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-_boss_2_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-_doppler_stage_1_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-_doppler_stage_2_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-_doppler_stage_boss_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_psx_ost_-_sigma_2nd_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_acid_seaforce_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_boss_1_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_boss_2_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_doppler_demo_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_doppler_stage_1_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_doppler_stage_2_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_doppler_stage_boss_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_electro_namazuros_stage_(rockman_x1-
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_explose_horneck_stage_(rockman_x1-
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_frozen_buffalio_stage_(rockman_x1-
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_gravity_beetbood_stage_(rockman_x1-
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_opening_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_scissors_shrimper_stage_(rockman_x1-
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_screw_masaider_stage_(rockman_x1-
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_shining_tigerd_stage_(rockman_x1-
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_sigma_1st_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_sigma_2nd_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_vava_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_snes_ost_-_zero_(rockman_x1-6_disc_2).mp3

;megaman x 3 / rockman x 3 remix


;, music=sound/mmx3_househornet_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx3_memory_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman x 4 / rockman x 4 (playstation & saturn) ====================

; colonel, stages/rmx4-memorialhall.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-
_colonel&general_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3 ;colonel by diego sanches & z-sabre
user, (sffc)
; colonel0, stages/reploid_hall.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-
_colonel&general_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3 ;colonel by shikkoku, (wc)

;cyber peacock
; cyber-peacock, stages/rmx4-kujackerroom.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-
_cyber_kujacker_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3;cyber-peacock by snowwolf, (wo2d),
; cyber-peacock0, ;cyber-peacock by snowwolf, (wc), (ws2d)

; doble, stages/final-weapon-a-1.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-
_double_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3 ;doble by gm

;frost walrus
;(es) frost walrus, stages/fwsnowb.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-

; general, stages/rmx4-general.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-
_colonel&general_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3 ;general by diego sanches, (sffc)

; iris, random, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-_iris_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3 ;iris
by shikkoku, (rsff)

;jet stingray
; jet-stingray, stages/jetsmb.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-
_jet_stingren_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3 ;jet-stingray by snowwolf, (w02d),
; jet-stingray0, ;jet-stingray by snowwolf, (wc), (ws2d)

;magma dragoon
; dragoon, stages/dragoon1.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-
_magmard_dragoon_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3 ;magma dragoon by jack bandit
rt, (sffc)
; magmadraagon, ;unsigned magma draagon, (rsff)
; magma-dragoon, ;magma-dragoon by snowwolf, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; magma-dragoon0, ;magma-dragoon by snowwolf, (wc), (ws2d)
; m-dragoon, ;magmard-dragoon by denmou

;megaman x / rockman x
; mega, stages/skylagoon.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-
_opening_stage_x_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3 ;megamanx by megamanxtrememaster,
; mega0, ;megaman x4 by heroijapa, (rsff)
; rockmanx0, ;rockman x by taihei, (sffc)
; ultimatex, ;ultimate x by nightmare zero, (csff)

;sigma (1st ver. = reaper)

;(es) sigma, stages/rmx4-reapersigma.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-

;sigma (2nd ver. = normal)

;(es) sigma, stages/rmx4-reapersigma.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-

;sigma (3rd ver. = giant)

;(es) sigma, random, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-_sigma_2nd_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3

;slash beast
; beast, random, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-_slash_beastleo_stage_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_3).mp3 ;slash beast by dark x, (rsff)
; slash-beast, ;slash-beast by snowwolf, (wc), (ws2d)
; slashbeast, ;slash beast by helios, (wc), (ursff)
; slashbeastleo, ;slash beastleo by diego sanches, (rsff)

;split mushroom
;(es) split mushroom, stages/rmx4-splitmushram.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-

;storm fukuroul / storm owl

; fukuroul, ;storm fukuroul by denmou, (sffc)
; fukuroul0, stages/owl_2.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-
_storm_fukuroul_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3;storm fukuroul by gm

;web spider
;(es) web spider, stages/jungle7.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-

; zako, stages/skylagoon.def ;zako1 by denmou, (sffc)
; zako2, ;zako2 by denmou, (sffc)

; normalzero, stages/skylagoon.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-
_opening_stage_zero_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3 ;normal zero by maximus, (rsff)
; szero0, ;super zero by maximus, (rsff)
; x4_zero, ;zero by shikkoku, (wo2d), (sffc), (n2bu: [movereversed])
; zelo, ;zelo by romasaga ex, (sffc)
; zero0, ;zero by nightmare zero, (rsff)
; zero2, ;zero by kaze - updated by libido18, (rsff)
; zero4, ;unsigned zero corrected by electrocaid, (csff)
; zero7, ;zero by trunkszero157@yahoo.com, (rsff)
; zero8, ;zero by vegettossj2 and {|spider-man|}, (i&ei), (rsff)
; zero15, ;zero(beta 0.7) by vegettossj2 and shyver, (i&ei), (rsff)
; zero17, ;zero by raikou
; zeroex, ;zero ex by kaze - ariel co, (rsff)
; zerorm, ;zero by rob molinaro, corrected by electrocaid, (csff)
; zerox0, ;zero by z sabre user, (rsff)

;stages/city4.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-_final_weapon_stage_2_(rockman_x1-6-
disc_3).mp3 ;final weapon stage 2 (space station)
;stages/rmx4-spaceportstage.def, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-
_final_weapon_stage_1_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3;final weapon stage 1 (spaceport)

;, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-_boss_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx4_ost_-_eregion_(rockman_x1-6_disc_3).mp3

;megaman x 4 / rockman x 4 remix

; zero_n, ;zero-nightmare by gm
; zero_v, ;zero virus by gm

;, music=sound/mmx4_stageselect_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx4_thefatherofall_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx4_zero_sky_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx4_zerotheultimatewarrior_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman x 5 / rockman x 5 (playstation) =============================

;axle the red / spike rosered

;(es) axle the red / spike rosered, random, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-

;black devil
;(es) black devil, stages/rmx5-blackdevil.def
;dark dizzy / dark necrobat
;(es) dark dizzy / dark necrobat, stages/necrobat.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-

;duff mcwhalen / tidal makkoeen

;(es) duff mcwhalen / tidal makkoeen, random, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-

;(es) dynamo, stages/rmx5-dynamo1.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_dynamo_(rockman_x1-

;grizzly slash / crescent grizzly

;(es) grizzly slash / crescent grizzly, stages/rmx5-cresentgrizzly.def,

;izzy glow / shining hotarunicus

;(es) izzy glow / shining hotarunicus, random, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-

;mattrex / burn dinorex

; mattrex, random, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_burn_dinorex_stage_(rockman_x1-6-
disc_4).mp3 ;mattrex by snowwolf, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; mattrex0, ;mattrex by snowwolf, (wc), (ws2d)

;megaman x / rockman x
; x, stages/rmx5-revelations.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-
_opening_stage_x_(rockman_x1-6_disc_4).mp3 ;x by jojo / �‫�ٻ‬, (sffc)

;(es) sigma, stages/sigma.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_sigma_1st_(rockman_x1-
;stages/rmx5-sigma2.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_sigma_2nd_(rockman_x1-

;squild adler / bold kraken

;(es) squild adler / bold kraken, random, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-

;the skiver / spiral pegacion

; theskiver, stages/rmx5-vspegacion.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-
_spiral_pegacion_stage_(rockman_x1-6_disc_4).mp3 ;theskiver by snowwolf, (wc),
; theskiver0, ;theskiver by snowwolf, (wo2d), (ws)

; azero, stages/rmx5-introstage.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-
_opening_stage_zero_(rockman_x1-6_disc_4).mp3 ;awakened zero by taihei, (sffc)
; zero1, stages/rmx5-introstage2.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-
_opening_stage_zero_(rockman_x1-6_disc_4).mp3 ;zero by jojo, (rsff)
; zero5, stages/rmx5-introstage.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-
_x_vs_zero_(rockman_x1-6_disc_4).mp3 ;zero by take, (i&ei), (csff)
; zero9, stages/neo1.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_zero_stage_1_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_4).mp3 ;zero by robnius, (sffc)
; zerox, stages/neo1.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_zero_stage_2_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_4).mp3 ;zerox by �‫�ٻ‬, (i&ei), (rsff)
; zolio, stages/neo1.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_zero_stage_2_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_4).mp3 ;zolio by zolio, (rsff)

;stages/rmx5-rangda.def, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_lamdabamda_(rockman_x1-
6_disc_4).mp3 ;rangda bangda mk-ii
;stages/rmx5_sigma1.def ;virus
;stages/rmx5_sigma2.def ;virus
;stages/rmx5_sigma3.def ;virus
;stages/rmx5_sigma4.def ;virus
;stages/rmx5-trainingstage.def ;training stage
;stages/rmx5-virus1.def ;virus
;stages/rmx5-virus2.def ;virus
;stages/rmx5-virus3.def ;virus
;stages/rmx5-virus4.def ;virus
;stages/rmx5-virus9.def ;virus
;stages/rmx5-virusboss.def ;virus (boss)
;stages/zero virus.def ;zero virus zone

;, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_boss_(rockman_x1-6_disc_4).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_shadow_devil_(rockman_x1-6_disc_4).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_unused_track_''armagedon''_(rockman_x1-
;, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_unused_track_''deep_sea''_(rockman_x1-
;, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_unused_track_''mission_report''_(rockman_x1-
;, music=sound/mmx5_ost_-_unused_track_''zero_dead''_(rockman_x1-

;megaman x 5 / rockman x 5 remix


;, music=sound/mmx5-_zero_and_gundam_wings_(remix).mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman x 6 / rockman x 6 (playstation) =============================

;blaze heatnix
;(es) blaze heatnix, stages/phenix.def, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-

;blizzard wolfang
; wolfang, stages/blizzardwolfstage.def, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-
_blizzard_wolfang_stage.mp3 ;b. wolfang by z sabre user, (wc), (rsff)

;commander yammark
;(es) commander yammark, random, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-

; gate, stages/rmx6-gate1.def, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-_gate.mp3 ;gate by
o_experto, (rsff)
; gate0, stages/gate_stage.def, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-_gate.mp3 ;gate by gm

;ground scaravich
;(es) ground scaravich, random, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-_ground_scaravich_stage.mp3

; highmax, stages/himax.def, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-_hi-max.mp3 ;highmax by

;infinity mijinion
;(es) infinity mijinion, stages/wcenter.def, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-

;metal shark player

;(es) metal shark player, random, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-

;rainy turtloid
;(es) rainy turtloid, stages/turtleloidstage.def, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-

;(es) sigma, stages/rmx6-finalsigma.def, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-_sigma_2nd.mp3

;shadow x
; sx, stages/x6opening.def, music=sound/wcenter.mp3 ;shadow x by jojo,
(wc), (sffc)

;shield sheldon
;(es) shield sheldon, stages/rmx6-shelldonmini.def, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-

; xigema, stages/wcenter.def, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-_boss.mp3 ;xigema by �
‫�ٻ‬, (sffc)

; kzero, stages/recycle0.def, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-_zero.mp3 ;king of
zero by �‫( ?�ٻ‬i&ei), (wc) ,(sffc)
; zerox6, stages/recycle0.def, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-_zero.mp3 ;zero by
hiro_alien, (wo2d), (csff)


;, music=sound/mmx6_ost_-_alia_&gate.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman x 7 / rockman x 7 (playstation) =============================

;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_a_naughty_boy_-_theme_of_axel.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_awake_road_again_-_highway_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_beginning_-_theme_of_red.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_black_plotting.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_bomb_recovery_-_central_circuit_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_burning_water_-_kombinat_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_combination_-_vs_mega_scorpio.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_conclusion_-_vs_sigma_final.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_conflict_-_escape_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_cyber_geometry_-_cyber_field_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_decisive_battle_-_vs_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_fate_-_theme_of_sigma.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_higher_the_air_-_air_force_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_infiltration_-_crimson_palace_stage_1.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_just_before_red_-_palace_road_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_lazy_mind.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_mod_electric_wave_-_radio_tower_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_naval_battle_-_battleship_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_no_holdin'_back_-
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_our_blood_boils_-_vs_sigma_1st.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_relation_-_vs_red.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_revealing.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_ruins'n_vains_-_deep_forest_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_soul_asylum_-_crimson_palace_stage_2.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_suffering.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_theme_of_alia.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_theme_of_signas.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_theme_of_x.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_thorny_path.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_tragedy.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx7_ost_-_underground_-_tunnel_base_stage.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman x 8 / rockman x 8 (playstation) =============================

;stages/gravit.def, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_primrose_stage.mp3

;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_battle_intensifies.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_booster_forest_ride_armor.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_booster_forest_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_boss_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_boss_confrontation.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_central_white_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_conversation.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_copy_sigma_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_determination.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_dr_light_capsule.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_dynasty_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_gateway_destruction.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_gateway_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_gateway_stage_(alternate).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_inferno_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_inferno_volcano_escape.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_intermission.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_jakob_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_lumine_battle_1.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_lumine_battle_2.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_metal_valley_mechaniloid_chase.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_metal_valley_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_minor_boss_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_noahs_park_ambience.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_opening_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_opening_stage_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_paradise_lost.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_pitch_black_alarm_trip.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_pitch_black_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_r&d_laboratory.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_sad_conversation.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_sigma_confrontation.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_sigma_palace_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_sigma_revealed.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_troia_base_cutman_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_troia_base_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_troia_base_stage_(training).mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_true_sigma_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_vile_at_jakob.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_vile_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_vile_captures_lumine.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_vile_confrontation.mp3
;, music=sound/mmx8_ost_-_zero_and_layer.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;megaman xtrem / rockman xtrem series (megaman xtrem / rockman xtrem & megaman
xtrem 2 / rockman xtrem 2; gameboy)

;(es) zain

;(es) geemel

;(es) gareth

;(es) beranka

;(ss) ================================================================
;megaman zero / rockman zero series (megaman zero / rockman zero, megaman zero 2 /
rockman zero 2, megaman zero 3 / rockman zero 3 & megaman zero 4 / rockman zero 4;
gameboy advance)

; fefnir, ;fefnir by elecbyte / evil dude, improvements made by chonwang,
(wc), (ws2d)

; harpu, ;harpuia by evil dude, (wc), (ws2d)
; pocketharpu, ;harpuia by evil dude, (wc)

;(es) leviathan

; mmzero, ;zero_by_diego_sanches, (rsff)
; zero18, ;zero by death68forgm, (wo2d)

;stages/area_zero.def, music=sound/area_zero.mp3
;stages/mm3weillab.def ;dr weil's lab - beginning
;stages/mm4weil1.def ;fate - weil battle 1

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman zero / rockman zero (gameboy advance) =======================

;anubis necromancess iii

;(es) anubis necromancess iii

;aztec falcon
;(es) aztec falcon

;blizzard stargroff
;(es) blizzard stargroff

;copy x / omega x
;(es) copy x / omega x

;(es) hanumachine

;herculious anchortus / anchus

;(es) herculious anchortus / anchus

;maha ganeshariff
;(es) maha ganeshariff

;(es) phantom

;rainbow devil
;(es) rainbow devil


;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_area_of_zero~main_theme_of_zero.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_captive_legend.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_crash.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_cyberelf.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_deadzone.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_emergency.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_enemy_hall.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_express_ug.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_fake.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_for_endless_fight.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_guarder_room.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_hell_plant.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_infiltration.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_neo_arcadia.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_resistance.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_scorching_desert.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_the_ruins_of_lab.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz_remast_ost_theme_of_zero_(from_rockman_x).mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman zero 2 / rockman zero 2 (gameboy advance) ===================

;burbble hekerot
;(es) burbble hekerot

;(es) elpiza, stages/erebus.def

;fefnir machine
;(es) fefnir machine

;harpuia machine
;(es) harpuia machine, random, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_harpuia.mp3

;hewligg urobokkle
;(es) hewligg urobokkle

;kuwagust anchortus
;(es) kuwagust anchortus

;leviathan machine
;(es) leviathan machine

;panther furacross
; panter-flauclaws, stages/rockman_z_2.def ;panter-flauclaws by snowwolf,
(wo2d), (ws2d)

;phoenix magmaneon
;(es) phoenix magmaneon, stages/nuclear.def

;polar kamubears
;(es) polar kamubears

;stages/rmz2-introstage.def ;introduction stage
;stages/rmz2-originalx.def ;original x - dark elf seal
;stages/rz2op.def, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_departure.mp3 ;intro stage

;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_awakening_will.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_combustion.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_cool_hearted_fellow.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_cool_water.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_crash_ii.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_cyberelf.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_darkelf.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_flash_back.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_for_endless_fight_ii.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_gravity.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_guarder_room.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_ice_brain.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_imminent_storm.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_in_mother's_light.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_instructions.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_labo.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_melt_down.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_momentary_peace.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_neo_arcadia_ii.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_passionate.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_platinum.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_power_bom.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_resistance_force.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_sand_triangle.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_silver_wolf_-_yggr-drasill_-.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_spreading_darkness.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_strong_will.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_supreme_ruler.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_the_cloudy_stone.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_the_end_of_legend.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_the_last_-_the_wish_punished_-.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_uneasy.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz2_ost_-_x_the_legend.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman zero 3 / rockman zero 3 (gameboy advance) ===================

;anubis necromancess v
;(es) anubis necromancess v

;blazin' flizard
; mz3blazingf, stages/rmz3-flizzardroom.def ;blazing flizzard by calamix, (wc)

;blizzack stagroff r
;(es) blizzack stagroff r, stages/blizzak.def

;chilldre inarabitta
;(es) chilldre inarabitta

;crea & prea (aka the baba elves)

;(es) crea & prea (aka the baby elves)

;copy x mk2
;(es) copy x mk2, stages/copy-x mk ii.def

;deathants mantisk
;(es) deathtants mantisk, stages/deathtanz mantisk.def

;glacher le cactank
;(es) glacher le cactank

;hanumachine r
;(es) hanumachine r

;hellbat silt
;(es) hellbat silt, stages/hellbat.def

;kyubit foxstar
;(es) kyubit foxstar

;(es) omega, stages/rmz3-omegaxz.def

;(es) phantom

;tretesta cerberian
;(es) tretesta cerberian

;volteel biblio
;(es) volteel biblio


;, music=sound/mmz3_-_apocalypse_now.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_break_out.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_cannon_ball.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_cold_smile.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_crash_iii.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_creer_and_prier.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_curse_of_bile.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_curse_of_bile_-_stage_version_-.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_darkelf.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_darkness_over_world.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_everlasting_red.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_exiled_one_-_omega_-.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_final_count_down.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_for_endless_fight_iii.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_forbidden_ark.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_guarder_room.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_hell's_gate_open.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_high-speed_lift.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_i_0_-_your_fellow.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_infiltration_ii.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_judgement_day.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_labo_-_system-a-ciel_-.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_neo_arcadia_iii.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_neo_arcadia_march.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_old_life_space.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_omega_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_omega_missile.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_prismatic.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_reborn_mechanics.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_result_of_mission_iii.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_return_to_zero.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_sand_triangle_ii.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_scrapped_beat.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_submerged_memory.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_trail_on_powdery_snow.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_visor_eyes.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_volcano.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_water_city.mp3
;, music=sound/mmz3_-_x_the_legend.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;megaman zero 4 / rockman zero 4 (gameboy advance) ===================

; ekrail, ;pegasolta-ekrail by barubaru, (sffc)

;fenri lunaedge
; fenri-lunaedge, stages/rmz4-lunaedgeroom.def ;fenri-lunaedge by snowwolf,
(wc), (ws2d)

;stages/caravan.def ;caravan
;stages/caravan2.def ;caravan: post kraft attack
;stages/fallofragnarok.def, music=sound/fallofragnarok.mp3 ;fall of ragnarok
;stages/hgardens.def ;hanging gardens
;stages/megaman_zero_4_camp.def ;burning camp
;stages/rmz4-craftstage.def ;neige rescue
;stages/rmz4-ragnarokcraft.def ;ragnarok control room - craft

;megaman zero 4 / rockman zero 4 remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;megaman zx (ds) =====================================================

;stages/area-d.def, music=sound/zx-highway.mp3 ;area d - highway

;stages/area-n.def, music=sound/zx-doomsdaydevice.mp3;area n - black hole
;stages/area-nb.def, music=sound/zx-cannonball.mp3 ;area n - black hole
;stages/metpark.def, music=sound/zx-dangerattraction.mp3 ;area h - mettaur theme

;(ss) ================================================================
;rockman battle and fighters (neogeo pocket) =========================

;(ss) ================================================================
;megaman / rockman series original stuff =============================

;stages/mundov.def, music=sound/original_-_mundo_virtual.mp3

;megamari - marisa no yabou (pc) -------------------------------------
;(i): mm_title ;by sui --------------------------------------------

;stages/remilia.def ;remilia
;stages/yuyuko.def ;yuyuko
;stages/yuyuko2.def ;yuyuko

;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_boss_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_cirno_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_copy_marisa_mischief.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_hakurai_reimu_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_izayou_sakuya_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_konpaku_youmu_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_patchouli_castle_boss_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_patchouli_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_patchouli_stage_4.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_patchouli_stage_5.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_patchouli_stages_1_&_2.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_prologue_&_title_theme_(final_battles).mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_reisen_udongein_inaba_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_remilia_scarlet_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_saigyouji_yuyuko_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/megamari_ost_-_yagokoro_eirin_stage.mp3

;melty blood series (melty blood, melty blood act-cadenza, melty blood re-act &
melty blood re-act final tuned; arcade, pc & ps2)
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- akaakiha_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- akiha_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- akiha_intro0 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- aoko_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- arc_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- ciel_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- hisui_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- hisukoha_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- kohaku_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- len_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- mekahisui_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------
;- miyako_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- nanaya_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- nero_intro ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- satsuki_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- shiki_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- sion_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- tc ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------------
;- vsion_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- warakia_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- warc_intro ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;(e): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- akaakiha_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- akiha_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------------
;- arc_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------------
;- ciel_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------------
;- hisui_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------------
;- hisukoha_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- kohaku_ed ;by by minstral ------------------------------------
;- len_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------------
;- mekahisui_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- miyako_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- nero_ed ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- satsuki_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- shiki_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------------
;- sion_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------------
;- vsion_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------------
;- warakia_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------
;- warc_ed ;by minstral ---------------------------------------------

;akiha tohno (mb & mbr(ft): the town of a shadow picture)

akiha, stages/shadowstreettx.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-
_fearless_(city_of_shadow_pictures).mp3 ;akiha by nana, (ldv), (csff)
akiha0, stages/kagee.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-
_fearless_(city_of_shadow_pictures).mp3 ;akiha by tukemon, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu:
akiha1, stages/esekage_up.def, music=sound/mbr_adx_-
_fearless_(city_of_shadow_pictures).mp3 ;akiha by daba, (wo2d), (csff)

;akiha tohno (kurenaisekisyu / vermillion)

;(es) akiha kurenai.

;g-akiha / akiha tohno (giant) (mb & mbr(ft): destroyed lobby 2)

g-akiha, stages/mb-gakiha.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-_a_g_man_(g_akiha).mp3 ;g-
akiha by drowin, (ursff)

;aoko aozaki (mbr(ft): prairie [day, night & snow])

aoko-ex, stages/mbreactex.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_aoko_-_wonderful_boy.mp3
;lady aozaki by ex-inferis, (wc), (ws2d)
;stages/mb-prairie_evening.def ;day
;stages/mb-prairie_night.def ;night
;stages/mb_prairie_night.def ;night
;stages/mb_prairie_noon.def ;day
;stages/mb-prairie_snow.def ;snow
;stages/mb_prairie_snow.def ;snow

;arcueid brunestud (mb, mbr(ft) & mbac: millenium castle)

; arcueid, ;arcueid by chotto-komaru, (ldv), (csff)
arcueid0, stages/arcstage.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-
_the_end_of_1000_years_(millenium_castle).mp3 ;arcueid by chotto-komaru, (wc)

;ciel (mb, mbr(ft) & mbac: lobby - night)

ciel, stages/lobby_night.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-_troublesome_visiter_(lobby_-
_night).mp3 ;ciel by sumi, (sffc)

;hisui (mbac: classic home huge library)

hisui, stages/mbac-hisui.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_hisui_-_tenseness.mp3 ;hisui
by r-r, (sffc)
hisui0, stages/mbac_hisui.def, music=sound/mbac_adx_-_hisui_-_tenseness.mp3 ;hisui
by toma, (wc), (ws2d)

;hisui & kohaku (mb & mbr(ft): lobby)

hisui&kohaku, stages/lobby2.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-_hisui(&kohaku)_-
_elegant_summer_(tohno_house_lobby).mp3 ;hisui&kohaku by r-r, (csff)

;kohaku (mb, mbr(ft) & mbac: tohno house - exterior)

kohaku, stages/mb-tohnokegaikan.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-
_noble_mind_(tohno_house_exterior).mp3 ;kohaku by toshi, (rsff)

;kouma kishima (mbac: forest of king cruel [blue & red])

kishima, stages/mb_kouma.def, music=sound/mbac_adx_-_kouma_kishima_-
_blood_heat!.mp3 ;kishima kouma by drowin, (wc), (ws2d)
;stages/mbac-kishima.def ;red
;stages/mbac-kishima_blue.def ;blue

;len (mbr(ft): crossroad [day, sunset & night])

;(es) len, stages/mb-cross_night.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_len_-_stray_cat.mp3
;stages/mb-intersection_noon.def ;day
;stages/mb-intersection_night.def ;night
;stages/sunset_cross.def ;sunset
;stages/sunset_cross2.def ;sunset

;mech hisui (mbac: dr. kohaku garage)

mehisui, stages/mbac_mechhisui.def, music=sound/mbac_adx_-_mech_hisui.mp3 ;mech
hisui by 100%ex-inferis, (rsff)
m-hisui2, stages/mb_m-hisui.def, music=sound/mbac_adx_-_mech_hisui.mp3 ;meka hisui
mk-ii by kannnaduki & tokinokuni-kei & ibukah, (rsff)

;miyako arima (mb: destroyed lobby 1 [dark & clear floor] / mbr(ft) & mbac:
tohno's mansion central garden)
j_miyako, stages/mb_miyako.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-_miyako_-
_chinese_girl_(old_capital).mp3 ;miyako by juke kisaragi, (wo2d), (ws2d),
(n2bu: [trans] + [ws])
; miyako, ;miyako arima by ddsnet31@hotmail.com, (rsff)
miyako0, stages/mb-miyako.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-_miyako_-
_chinese_girl_(old_capital).mp3 ;miyako arima by tokinokuni-kei, (wc), (sffc)
miyako_arima, stages/mbac_miyako.def, music=sound/mbac_adx_-_miyako_arima_-
_severe_person.mp3 ;miyako arima by r-r, (csff)
;stages/mbmiyako.def ;mb - dark
;stages/mb_miyako0.def ;mbac
;stages/mb_miyako_ver2.def ;mb - clear
;stages/toonokehoukaigo.def ;mb - dark

;neco-arc (mbac: great cats village)

necoarc, stages/mbac_neco.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_neko_arc_-_lurk....mp3
;neco-arc by toma, (wc), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans])

;neco-arc chaos (mbac: great cats village [dark])

;(es) neco-arc chaos, stages/mbac_neco_c.def, music=sound/mbac_adx_-
;, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_neco_arc_chaos_-_gcv2005.mp3

;nero / nrvnqsr (nero) chaos (mb, mbr(ft) & mbac: kingdom in the depths of earth)
$nchaos, stages/mb-tohnokechika.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-_pe-ri-
ca_(the_underground_kingdom).mp3 ;n.chaos by ex-inferis, (sffc)
nero, stages/mb-tohnokechika.def, music=sound/mbac_adx_-_pe-ri-
ca_(the_underground_kingdom).mp3 ;nero by tuki no turugi, (csff)
nero_chaos, stages/mbkderth.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_pe-ri-
ca_(the_underground_kingdom).mp3 ;nero_chaos by kamikaze, (sffc)

;satsuki yumiduka (mbac: battlefield)

satsuki, stages/mbac_satuki.def, music=sound/mbac_adx_-_satsuki_-_obscure_zone.mp3
;satsuki yumiduka by �h, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans])

;shiki nanaya (mb, mbr(ft) & mbac: before the shrine)

nanaya, stages/shurain.def, music=sound/mbac_adx_-_encount_(before_the_shrine).mp3
;shiki_nanaya by kamikaze, (sffc)
nanaya0, stages/mbshrine.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-_encount_(before_the_shrine).mp3
;nanaya shiki by ibukah, (wc), (sffc)
; nanaya_shiki, ;nanaya_shiki by k-k, (wo2d), (ws2d)
nanaya_t, stages/mb_shrine.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-
_encount_(before_the_shrine).mp3 ;nanaya_t by toma, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu:

;shiki tohno (mb, mbr(ft) & mbac: midnight at the park)

shiki0, stages/kouen_s.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-
_midnight_raider_(the_park_at_night).mp3 ;shiki by kamikaze, (csff)
shiki4, stages/park2.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-
_midnight_raider_(the_park_at_night).mp3 ;shiki by daba, (wo2d), (sffc)
shiki_t, stages/park5.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-
_midnight_raider_(the_park_at_night).mp3 ;tohno shiki by ibukah, (wc), (sffc)
shiki_tohno, stages/kouen_s.def, music=sound/mbac_adx_-
_midnight_raider_(the_park_at_night).mp3 ;shiki_tohno by tuki no turugi, (rsff)
tohno, stages/park5.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-
_midnight_raider_(the_park_at_night).mp3 ;shiki tohno by rouge noir, (wc), (n2bu:
; tohno_shiki, ;shiki tohno by ina, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;sion eltnam atlasia (mb, mbr(ft) & mbac: shrine rooftop - blue)
sion0, stages/shrine_blue.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-
_stillness_dark_(shrine_rooftop_-_blue).mp3 ;sion eltnam atlasia by makoto,

;vampire sion / sion eltnam atlasia (vampire / tatari) (mb & mbr(ft): bloody back
sion_t, stages/mbsalley.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-
_emergency_occurrence_(blood_spattered_alley).mp3 ;sion_tatari by shiroto,
(wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans])
v_sion, stages/blood0.def, music=sound/mbr_adx_-
_emergency_occurrence_(blood_spattered_alley).mp3 ;sion by chotto-komaru,
vsion, stages/mb-blood-rojibg.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_v_sion_-_basillica.mp3
;v-sion by drowin, (sffc)

;warakia (mb, mbr(ft) & mbac: shrine rooftop - red)

warakia, stages/shrine_red.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-_warakia_-
_for_crimson_air_(shrine_rooftop_-_crimson).mp3;warakia by meka, (wc), (rsff)
warakia_t, stages/mbshrinr.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_warakia_-
_for_crimson_air_(shrine_rooftop_-_crimson).mp3;warakia by toma, (wc), (ws2d)

;warcueid / arcueid brunestud (tatari / red) (mb, mbr(ft) & mbac: back alley)
red_arcueid, stages/mb_alley.def, music=sound/mbac_adx_-
_theme_of_arcueid_(in_the_back_alley).mp3 ;red arcueid by toma, (wo2d), (ws2d)
warcueid, stages/mbballey.def, music=sound/mb_ost_-
_theme_of_arcueid_(in_the_back_alley).mp3 ;warcueid by sumi, (sffc)
warcueid_t, stages/alley1.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-
_the_theme_of_arcueid_(in_the_back_alley).mp3 ;warcueid by toma, (wc), (ws2d)

;white len (mbr(ft) & mbac: church)

w_len, stages/mb-church.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_white_len_-
_fairy_tale_transparently.mp3 ;len by juke kisaragi, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans]
+ [ws])

;melty blood series remix

;(e): mugen-ed-mb ;unsigned

akaitsuki, stages/shiki.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_assailant.mp3 ;akaitsuki

by shiroto, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans])
akihaf, stages/mb_backalley2.def, music=sound/mb_npost_-_phantom_night.mp3 ;
akihaf by nekozuki@, (wc), (ws2d)
; gmh, ;g.mech-hisui by sui, (wo2d), (ws)
hisui&kohaku1, stages/mb_mansion.def, music=sound/mb_npost_-
_bad_memory_idaydream_jh_remix.mp3 ;hisui&kohaku by r-r (aurola / giselle), (wc)
mahoro, stages/mb_shrinefront.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_modemism_street.mp3
;mahoro by elecbyte / km, (rsff)
m_hisuiex, stages/mb_shrinefront2.def, music=sound/mb_npost_-_ready.mp3 ;
m_hisui ex by ururyun, (sffc)
minawa, stages/zutazuta.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_bad_presentiment.mp3 ;
minawa by shimon, (ei), (sffc)
mi_ya_ko, stages/mb-miti.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_easy_job!.mp3 ;miyako by
alice, (sffc)
miyako_ah, stages/mb_backalley.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_maze_walker.mp3 ;
miyako r=s by aohige, (ii)
; shiki_r, ;ryougi-siki by toki, (sffc)
; s_mehisui, ;super mech hisui by kari, (wo2d), (ws2d)
willow, stages/mb-hiru.def, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_gcv2007.mp3 ;willow by ice
king, (wc)

;stages/in front of shrine morning.def
;stages/in front of shrine night.def

;, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_silent_rumble.mp3
;, music=sound/mbr_pc_ost_-_wanderer.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;melty blood (pc) ====================================================
;(sp): mb ;by kannnaduki ===========================================
;(lb): ===============================================================
;- mb_life ;unsigned ================================================
;- mb lifebar ;unsigned ==========================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- mb_op ;unsigned ================================================
;- melty_op ;by mr.x-file ============================================
;(sndp): =============================================================
;- mbsnd ;by big eli king a.k.a x-calibre =========================
;- mb_system ;unsigned ==========================================

;stages/mb-school.def ;school
;stages/mb_school.def ;school
;stages/mb_school0.def ;school
;stages/mb_school1.def ;school
;stages/mbschool.def ;school
;stages/mbschool0.def ;school

;(ss) ================================================================
;melty blood act-cadenza (arcade, pc & ps2) ==========================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- mbac-addon ;by raien makoto ===================================
;(lb): ===============================================================
;- ac_lifebar_portrait ;by raien makoto =============================
;- mb_actcadenza ;by kurisu =========================================
;- mb_actcadenza2 ;by kurisu =========================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- mbac_op ;unsigned ================================================
;- mbac_op_b ;by sizuka =========================================
;- mbac_verb_op ;unsigned ==========================================
;- mbmop ;unsigned ================================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;melty blood re-act series (melty blood re-act & melty blood re-act final
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- mb-react ;by kannnaduki ===========================================
;- mb_react ;unsigned ================================================
;- mbr.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- react_round ;unsigned ==========================================
;(lb): ===============================================================
;- mb_re.act_lb ;by ades ===========================================
;- mb_react_lb ;unsigned ==========================================
;(sndp): =============================================================
;- common_snd-react ;by raien makoto =============================
;- mb_react_system ;unsigned ====================================

;stages/mb_hall.def ;hall

;memories off series (memories off & memories off 2nd; pc) -----------

;(ss) ================================================================
;memories off (pc) ===================================================

;stages/mem_kouen1.def ;kouen / park

;stages/mem_kouen2.def ;kouen / park
;stages/mem_mon.def ;sumisorakoukou

;(ss) ================================================================
;memories off 2nd (pc) ===============================================

;stages/hamasaki.def ;hamasaki station

;stages/mem2_hotaru.def ;hotaru
;stages/mem2_ressac.def ;ressac family restaurant
;stages/mem2_sea.def ;seaside

;messiah (pc) --------------------------------------------------------


;metal & lace series (metal & lace 2 & metal & lace: the battle of the robo babes;

caviar, random, music=sound/original_-_mayday.mp3 ;unsigned caviar?, (rsff)

;j. mantis
j_mantis, random, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.3_-_08.mp3 ;j_mantis by r
marker, (rsff)

mimi, random, music=sound/tresor_-_vol.5_-_12.mp3 ;mimi by luchini, (ei),

;ming ming
mingming, random, music=sound/godskitchen_-_mixed_by_mario_piu_-_06.mp3 ;ming
ming by by ed s. aka burning ranger #23, (rsff)

souryu, random, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_12.mp3 ;unsigned

;metal gear series (metal gear, metal gear acid, metal gear acid 2, metal gear
solid, metal gear solid 2, metal gear solid 3, metal gear solid special missions,
metal gear solid: the twin snakes; nes, gamecube, psp, playstation, playstation 2
playstation 3 & pc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;metal gear solid series (metal gear solid, metal gear solid 2, metal gear solid
3, metal gear solid 4, metal gear solid special missions & metal gear solid: the
twin snakes; gamecube, playstation, playstation 2, playstation 3 & pc)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;metal gear solid (1) series (metal gear solid, metal gear solid special missions
& metal gear solid: the twin snakes; playstation & gamecube)


;metal slug series (metal slug, metal slug 2, metal slug 3, metal slug 5, metal
slug advanced: twins, metal slug x: super vehicle; arcade, gameboy advance &

; fio0, ;fio by 3ha, (sffc) + (e) by rudolf27

; kwhale, ;killer whale by n64mario, (ursff)
; marco0, ;marco rossi by g1289, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; marco1, ;marco by rehap, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; shin_marco, ;marco rossi by lord decay
; marco-airplane, ;unsigned marco-airplane, (csff) + (e) by rudolf27
; mstrain, ;metal slug train by inverse, (sffc)
; tarma, ;tarma by http://kbpun.126.com/, (csff) + (e) by rudolf27
; tarma0, ;tarma by renzoku, (sffc) + (e) by rudolf27
; tarma-camel, ;unsigned tarma-camel, (csff) + (e) by rudolf27


;metal slug series remix

; neptune0, ;neptune by n64mario,the pizzaman, (wo2d)

; walter, ;walter by tako, (wo2d), (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;metal slug (neogeo) =================================================

;stages/mssubmarine.def ;rusty submarine

;stages/ms1st3.def ;stage 3 - frozen battlefield
;stages/msancient.def ;ancient ruins
;stages/trainsta.def ;train station
;, music=sound/ms_ost_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/ms_ost_-_final_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/ms_ost_-_stage_1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms_ost_-_stage_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms_ost_-_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/ms_ost_-_stage_4.mp3
;, music=sound/ms_ost_-_stage_5.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;metal slug 2 (neogeo) ===============================================

;stages/arabia.def ;stage 1 - arabian streets

;stages/ms2-mission1.def ;stage 1 - arabian streets
;stages/ms2street.def ;streets
;stages/ms2zomby.def ;sewers
;stages/mslug2.def ;stage 1 - arabian city entrance
;stages/mslug2-6.def ;stage 6 - alien invasion
;stages/mstrnbg.def ;train
;stages/stage116.def ;desert

;, music=sound/ms2_ost_-_boss_theme_1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms2_ost_-_boss_theme_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms2_ost_-_boss_theme_3.mp3
;, music=sound/ms2_ost_-_stage_1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms2_ost_-_stage_2_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms2_ost_-_stage_2_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms2_ost_-_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/ms2_ost_-_stage_4_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms2_ost_-_stage_4.mp3
;, music=sound/ms2_ost_-_stage_5_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms2_ost_-_stage_5_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms2_ost_-_stage_5_part3.mp3

;metal slug 2 remix

;, music=sound/ms2_no_need_to_reload_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;metal slug 2 x (neogeo) =============================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;metal slug 3 (neogeo, playstation 2 & xbox) =========================
;(sp): metalslug3.style ;by claudio toxi =============================

; g_crab, ;giant crab by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (ursff) + (e) by rudolf27

;stages/b.militaire.def ;military base

;stages/djlainms3t1.def ;spaceship entrance
;stages/djlainms3t2.def ;spaceship corridor
;stages/djlainms3t3.def ;frozen path
;stages/metal2.def ;stage 1 - beach attack
;stages/metalunknow.def ;under the sand
;stages/ms3b1.def ;sea at evening
;stages/ms3b2.def ;asteroid
;stages/ms3icecave.def ;ice cave
;stages/ms3spaceship.def ;spaceship entrance
;stages/ms3wine.def ;wine vault
;stages/zombibg.def ;zombies' battlefield

;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_final_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_1_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_1_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_2_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_2_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_2_part3.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_3_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_3_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_3_part3.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_4_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_4_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_4_part3.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_4_part4.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_5_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_5_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_5_part3.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_5_part4.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_5_part5.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_5_part6.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_5_part7.mp3
;, music=sound/ms3_ost_-_stage_5_part8.mp3

;metal slug 3 remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;metal slug 4 (neogeo) ===============================================

;stages/cidade1.def ;stage 1 - streets (part 1)

;stages/djlainms4s1#1.def ;stage 1 - streets (part 1)
;stages/djlainms4s1#2.def ;stage 1 - streets (part 2)
;stages/djlainms4s1#3.def ;stage 1 - streets (part 3)
;stages/djlainms4s4#2.def ;stage 4 - ruins
;stages/djlainms4s4#3.def ;stage 4 - destroyed mansion
;stages/djlainms4s6#1.def ;stage 6 - factory (part 1)
;stages/djlainms4s6#2.def ;stage 6 - factory (part 2)
;stages/djlainms4s6#3.def ;stage 6 - factory (part 3)
;stages/djlainms4s6boss.def ;stage 6 - boss
;stages/djlainms4s6mboss.def ;stage 6 - middle boss
;stages/ms4crevasse.def ;frozen valley
;stages/ms4old.def ;old city
;stages/ms4ship.def ;ship
;stages/ms4underground.def ;underground base

;, music=sound/ms4_ost_-_boss_theme_1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms4_ost_-_boss_theme_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms4_ost_-_escape.mp3
;, music=sound/ms4_ost_-_final_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/ms4_ost_-_stage_1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms4_ost_-_stage_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms4_ost_-_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/ms4_ost_-_stage_4.mp3
;, music=sound/ms4_ost_-_stage_5.mp3
;, music=sound/ms4_ost_-_stage_6.mp3

;metal slug 4 remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;metal slug 5 (neogeo & playstation 2) ===============================


;, music=sound/ms5_ost_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/ms5_ost_-_final_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/ms5_ost_-_stage_1_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms5_ost_-_stage_1_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms5_ost_-_stage_2_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms5_ost_-_stage_2_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms5_ost_-_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/ms5_ost_-_stage_4_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms5_ost_-_stage_4_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/ms5_ost_-_stage_5_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/ms5_ost_-_stage_5_part2.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;metal slug 6 (arcade & playstation 2) ===============================

;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_aim_high_chase_fast.mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_asian_impact.mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_awesome_rush.mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_bridge_256.mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_cliff_and_cave.mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_critical_maneuver.mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_discharge.mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_final_attack_[ms6_version].mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_inner_goldfield.mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_last_resort.mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_main_theme_from_ms6.mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_steel_beast_6+7_beets.mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_the_military_system_[ms6_version].mp3
;, music=sound/ms6_ost_-_unavoidable_duel.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;metal slug advanced: twins (gameboy advance) ========================

;(ss) ================================================================
;metal slug x: super vehicle (neogeo) ================================

;stages/egito1.def ;egypt - pyramid

;stages/egypt.def ;desert - city entrance
;stages/finalmission.def ;final mission - alien invasion
;;stages/metalslugbg1.def ;mission 0 - egyptian city at night
;stages/ms4_st1.def ;stage 1 - road
;stages/ms4_st2.def ;stages 2 - ruins
;stages/ms4_st3.def ;stage 3-1 - frozen cave
;stages/ms4_st3_2.def ;stage 3-2 - boss
;stages/ms4_st4.def ;stage 4 - haunted house
;stages/msx_blowingcanopies2.def ;blowing canopies
;stages/ruins_metal_slug_stage.def ;ruins
;stages/sphinx.def ;sphynx
;stages/submarine.def ;submarine

;metal warriors (super nes) ------------------------------------------

; drache, ;drache by kain the supreme, (wc), (rsff)

;metamoqester (arcade) -----------------------------------------------

yukihime, stages/metamoqester-inglaterra.def, music=sound/metamoqester_-_som-

inglaterra-stage.mp3 ;yukihime by sepher, (i&ei), (rsff)
yukihime0, stages/metamoqester-inglaterra.def, music=sound/metamoqester_-_som-
inglaterra-stage.mp3 ;yukihime by sakuraka, (ii), (sffc)

;metroid series (metroid, super metroid, metroid fusion, metroid prime, metroid:
zero mission ; nes, super nes, gameboy advanced & gamecube)


;(ss) ================================================================
;metroid (gameboy) ===================================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;metroid (nes) =======================================================

; samus0, stages/metkraidhoos.def, music=sound/metroid_ost_-

_kraid's_chamber.mp3 ;samus aran by keyu, (rsff)
; samusx, stages/metkraidhoos.def, music=sound/metroid_ost_-
_kraid's_chamber.mp3 ;samas aran by
cybersoulx/monkmonk/zindintimeyum@hotmail.com, (rsff)

;, music=sound/metroid_ost_-_appearance_fanfare_~_brinstar.mp3
;, music=sound/metroid_ost_-_escape.mp3
;, music=sound/metroid_ost_-_norfair_area.mp3
;, music=sound/metroid_ost_-_ridley's_chamber.mp3
;, music=sound/metroid_ost_-_tourian.mp3
;, music=sound/metroid_ost_-_zebetite.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;metroid fusion (gameboy advanced) ===================================

; samus1, stages/bspacial.def ;samus by romasaga ex, (sffc)

; samus2, ;samus by raikou
; samus3, ;samus aran by edgar de jesus endo junior, (wo2d)
; samusf, stages/maindeck.def ;samus aran by heejun184, (rsff)


;(ss) ================================================================
;metroid prime (gamecube) ============================================

;metroid prime remix

;stages/talloniv.def, music=sound/talloniv.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;metroid: zero mission (gba) =========================================

; samuslarge, ;samus aran by zeckle(coding and spriting) and

kujo(portrait and pallette), (wc), (ws2d)
; samus(not this one), ;samus aran by zeckle(laxxe23 for those of you that i
forum with) and kujo, (wc), (ws2d)
; samussmall, ;samus aran by zeckle(coding and spriting) and
kujo(portrait and pallette), (wc), (ws2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;super metroid (super nes) ===========================================

; metroid0, stages/sm-statue.def, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-

_mother_brain.mp3 ;metroid by n64mario, (ursff)
; metroid1, stages/metroid_up.def, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-
_mother_brain.mp3 ;super metroid by n64mario, (ldv), (ursff)
; samus, stages/zebes.def, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-
_planet_zebes_~_arrival_on_crateria.mp3 ;samus aran by sion184, (rsff)

;stages/brinstar.def, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-
_overgrown_with_vegetation_(brinstar_area).mp3 ;brinstar
;stages/mlab.def, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-_wrecked_ship.mp3 ;ceres space
;stages/tourian_up.def, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-_tourian.mp3 ;tourian

;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-_ancient_ruins_(norfair_area).mp3
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-_boss_confrontation_(kraid_crocomire_p).mp3
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-_crateria_~_the_space_pirates_appear.mp3
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-_escape.mp3
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-_hot_lava_(norfair_area).mp3
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-_mysterious_statue_chamber.mp3
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-_red_soil_swampy_(brinstar_area).mp3
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-_rocky_underwater_(maridia_area).mp3
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-_theme_of_samus_aran_~_galactic_warrior.mp3
;, music=sound/supermetroid_ost_-_theme_of_super_metroid.mp3

;super metroid remix


;, music=sound/super_metroid_dirty_sam_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/super_metroid_energy_tank_oc_remix.mp3

;michael jackson's moonwalker (genesis) ------------------------------

; mjj, ;michael jackson by ryuui sinyongkwon, (wo2d), (ws)


;mickey series (mickey mania, mickey no tokyo disneyland daibouken; genesis &
super nes)


;(ss) ================================================================
;mickey mania (genesis) ==============================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;mickey no tokyo disneyland daibouken (super nes) ====================


;midnight vanderers (arcade) -----------------------------------------
;(sp): 3wonderins ;by kain the supreme -------------------------------

; ggl, stages/gaiast.def, music=sound/gaia.mp3 ;gaia by kain the supreme,

; louair, stages/larus.def, music=sound/gaia.mp3 ;lou_air by kain the supreme,
; louarcade, stages/moebanst.def, music=sound/gaia.mp3 ;lou by kain the
supreme, (rsff)
; mw, stages/stage01a.def, music=sound/stage01.mp3 ;midnight wonder bonus
stage by kain the supreme, (rsff)
; sivaair, stages/iseegoblins.def, music=sound/gaia.mp3;siva_air by kain the
supreme, (rsff)
; sivaarcade, stages/mw_dougarstage.def, music=sound/gaia.mp3 ;siva by
kain the supreme, (csff)

;stages/celestialcastle-dm.def, music=sound/celestialcastle-dm.mp3
;stages/magicforest-dm.def, music=sound/magicforest-dm.mp3
;stages/wonderersstage4.def, music=sound/wonderersstage4.mp3
;stages/wonderersstage5.def, music=sound/wonderersstage5.mp3

;mighty morphin power rangers series (mighty morphin power rangers, mighty morphin
power rangers - fighting edition & mighty morphin power rangers - movie exition;
super nes)

; greenranger, stages/powerrangers01.def, ;the green ranger by kokuryu,

; greenranger0, ;green ranger by kokuryu, updated by ???, (wc), (ws2d)
(unrequestable status)
; changedragon, ;change dragon by andre marques

;(ss) ================================================================
;mighty morphin power rangers - fighting edition (super nes) =========
;(i): printro ;by most unbalance(mu a.k.a making addicted) =======

;(es) goldar, stages/mmprairport.def, music=sound/mmprtfe_07_airport.mp3

;ivan ooze
;(es) ivan ooze, stages/palace1.def, music=sound/mmprtfe_09_ivan_ooze.mp3

lipsyncher, stages/pr-prsv.def, music=sound/mmprtfe_06_city_square.mp3 ;lipsyncher
by alucard4ever, (sffc)

;lord zedd
;(es) lord zedd, stages/zed.def, music=sound/mmprtfe_08_dragon_space_platform.mp3

;mega tigerzord
;(es) mega tigerzord, random, music=sound/mmprtfe_04_data_zone.mp3
;ninja megazord
;(es) ninja megazord, random, music=sound/mmprtfe_04_data_zone.mp3

;shogun megazord
;(es) shogun megazord, random, music=sound/mmprtfe_04_data_zone.mp3

;silver horns (grand canyon)

silverhorns, stages/pr-prsv.def, music=sound/mmprtfe_05_grand_canyon.mp3 ;
silver horns by douglas, (rsff)

;thunder megazord
thunder-mega, stages/mmprsilver.def, music=sound/mmprtfe_04_data_zone.mp3 ;
unsigned thunder megazord, (rsff)

;stages/lordz.def ;lord zedd / ivan ooze

;stages/serpenterra.def ;lord zedd / ivan ooze

;(ss) ================================================================
;mighty morphin power rangers - movie edition (super nes) ============

;adam / black ranger

;(es) adam

;aisha / yellow ranger

;(es) aisha

;billy / blue ranger

;(es) billy

;cannon top
;(es) cannon top

;ivan ooze
;(es) ivan ooze

;kimberly / pink ranger

:(es) kimberly

;magnet brain
;(es) magnet brain

;main frame
;(es) main frame

;mirror maniac
;(es) mirror maniac

;rocky /red ranger

; redranger, stages/agrove2.def, music=sound/mmprtm_-_escaping.mp3 ;the red
ranger by cybersolx, (ii), (sffc)

;silver horn
;(es) silver horn

;(es) skelerena
;tommy / white ranger
; tommy, stages/agrove2.def, music=sound/mmprtm_-_boss_battle.mp3 ;tommy white
ranger by micromor, (ii), (rsff)


;, music=sound/mmprtm_-_aircraft_carrier.mp3
;, music=sound/mmprtm_-_cargo_train.mp3
;, music=sound/mmprtm_-_energy_generator_lab.mp3
;, music=sound/mmprtm_-_frozen_mountains.mp3
;, music=sound/mmprtm_-_ivan_ooze.mp3
;, music=sound/mmprtm_-_main_frame_centre.mp3
;, music=sound/mmprtm_-_shopping_center.mp3

;mighty morphin power rangers - movie edition remix

; goldranger, stages/powerangers.def ;the gold ranger by cybersolx, (rsff)

;mind arms (pc) ------------------------------------------------------

;stages/dreamcitysviewpoint.def, music=sound/dreamcitysviewpoint.mp3

;momo tarou series (momo tarou densetsu 2, momo tarou densetsu gaiden, momo tarou
densetsu turbo, momo tarou katsu geki, super momo tarou dentetsu, super momo tarou
dentetsu 2; pc-engine)

; momotaro, ;momotaro by reiga, (csff)

;money idol exchanger ------------------------------------------------


;monkey island series (monkey island & monkey island 2) --------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;monkey island =======================================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;monkey island 2 =====================================================

;stages/campo.def, music=sound/puerto_pollo.mp3
;stages/crypta.def, music=sound/crypta.mp3
;monster in my pocket (nes) ------------------------------------------


;monster rancher -----------------------------------------------------

sue, random, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_their_law_cd2_-_01.mp3 ;suezo by shig,

suezo, random, music=sound/massive_attack_and_mos_def_-_i_against_i.mp3 ;
unsigned suezo, (rsff)

;montezuma series (montezuma, montezuma advanced; nes & gameboy advanced)

;stages/montezumas.def, music=sound/montezuma.mp3

;moonstone (amiga) ---------------------------------------------------

; sirgodber, stages/moonstone.def, music=sound/moonstonemusic.mp3 ;sirgodber

by dxwho, (sffc)
; sirrichard, stages/moonstone.def, music=sound/moonstonemusic.mp3 ;sirrichard
by dxwho, (sffc)

;mortal kombat series ------------------------------------------------
;(gi): mortal kombat, mortal kombat [super-3-in-1 pirate k3m07], mortal kombat
2, mortal kombat 3, mortal kombat 4, mortal kombat: deadly alliance, mortal
kombat: deception, mortal kombat gold, mortal kombat mythologies: sub-zero, mortal
kombat mystification, mortal kombat trilogy, ultimate mortal kombat 3, mortal
kombat v1996 turbo 30 peoples
;(p): nes, genesis, super nes, playstation, dreamcast, gameboy, arcade
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- mkintegral ;by cipher44 (ninfan45@hotmail.com) ----------------
;- mk_proyect ;by ratonmalo --------------------------------------


;mortal kombat series remix

;(sp): black dragon v1.0 ;by ninotane
;(fnt): mk3 style (win) ;by blac-dragoon
;(i): mkintro ;by rugal2

; mk, stages/!templo.def, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_juno_reactor_-_conga_fury.mp3

;mk lost in time by kain the supreme, (rsff)
; nimbus, stages/for.def, music=sound/mktm_ost_psykosonik_-
_unlearn_[wink's_live_mix].mp3 ;nimbus by cipher44, (cmks)


;, music=sound/mktm_ost_buckethead_-_george_s._clinton_-_goro_vs._art.mp3
;, music=sound/mktm_ost_george_s._clinton_-_taste_of_things_to_come.mp3
;, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_george_s._clinton_original_motion_picture_score_-
;, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_joseph_bishara_-_death_is_the_only_way_out.mp3
;, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_kasz_&_beal_-
;, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_kmfdm_-_megalomaniac.mp3
;, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_libra_presents_taylor_-
;, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_lunatic_calm_-
;, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_pitchshifter_-_genius.mp3
;, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_psykosonic_-_panik_kontrol.mp3
;, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_scooter_-_fire.mp3
;, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_shaun_imrei_-
;, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_the_future_sound_of_london_-
;, music=sound/mk2tm_ost_the_immortals_-

;(ss) ================================================================
;mortal kombat [super-3-in-1 pirate k3m07] (nes) =====================


;(ss) ================================================================
;mortal kombat (arcade, super nes & genesis) =========================
;(e): liuend ;by bluebolt =======================================

;goro (goro's lair)

goro, stages/mk1_goro-lair.def, music=sound/mk_deluxe_ost_-_goro.mp3 ;unsigned
goro, (rsff)
; goro0, ;goro by gorjeador, (i&ei), (rsff), (ldv)
; goro1, ;goro by gorjeador, (i&ei), (rsff), (wc)

;johnny cage (the courtyard)

; cagemk1, ;johnny cage mki by bwwd&rugal2, (mks), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; ccage, random, music=sound/mk_deluxe_ost_-_the_courtyard.mp3 ;classic
cage by shadowtak, (csff) + (e) by bluebolt
jcage, stages/mk1_the-courtyard.def, music=sound/mk_arc._ost_-_the_courtyard.mp3
;johnny cage by gorjeador, (i&ei), (rsff)

;kano (the warriorshrine)

; hidden1, ;kano by cipher44 (mk2i version), (cmks) + (e) by bluebolt
hidden10, stages/warriorshrine_up.def, music=sound/mk_deluxe_ost_-_02.mp3 ;kano
by cipher44 (mk2i version), (ms), (c), (cmks) + (i&e) by rugal2
; kanomk1, ;kano mki by bwwd&rugal2, (mks), (rsff) + (i&e) by rugal2
;liukang (the pit)
; liukang, ;unsigned liu kang, (rsff) + (i&e) by gorjeador
liukangmo, stages/mk1_the-pit-1.def, music=sound/mk_arc._ost_-_the_bridge.mp3
;liu kang by mike obrecht

;raiden (the palace gates)

aacraidenmkt, stages/mk1_palace-gates.def, music=sound/mk_arc._ost_-
_the_temple_gate.mp3 ;classic raiden by patrick ching(pneophen), (rsff) + (e) by

;reptile (the pit bottom)

; creptile, ;classic reptile by mortal kombat project team & rugal2, (wc),
reptilemk, stages/mk1_bottom.def, music=sound/mk_deluxe_ost_-_the_bridge.mp3 ;
reptile by interloko (mk2i version),(ms), (c), (cmks) + (i&e) by rugal2
; reptilemk0, ;reptile by ratonmalo & interloko, (mks) + (i&e) by rugal2
; reptilemk1, ;reptile by interloko (mk2i version), (mks) + (i&e) by

;scorpion (the throne room)

; scorpion2, ;scorpion by kombate sangriento (mk2i version), (mks) + (e) by
; scorpion3, ;scorpion by ratonmalo & interloko, (mks) + (e) by bluebolt
; scorpion4, ;scorpion by kombate sangriento (mk2i version), (ms), (c), (cmks)
+ (e) by bluebolt
; scorpionmk, random, music=sound/mk_deluxe_ost_-_the_cavern.mp3 ;scorpion by
lord sinistro, (i&ei), (wc), (sffc)
scorpionmka, stages/mk1_throne-room.def, music=sound/mk_arc._ost_-_the_cavern.mp3
;scorpion by lord sinistro, (i&ei), (wc), (sffc)

;shang tsung (the warriorshrine)

shang1, stages/warriorshrine_up.def, music=sound/mk_arc._ost_-
_goro_and_the_emperor.mp3 ;shang tsung by gorjeador, (rsff)

;sonya (the palace gates)

; sonya1, ;mk sonya by cipher44 (mk2i version), (cmks) + (e) by bluebolt
sonyamk1, stages/mk1_palace-gates.def, music=sound/mk_deluxe_ost_-
_the_temple_gate.mp3 ;sonya mki by bwwd&rugal2, (mks) + (e) by bluebolt

;subzero (the throne room)

a0sub1, stages/throneroom.def, music=sound/mk_deluxe_ost_-_16.mp3 ;sub-zero by
pneophen, (rsff) + (i) by havoc + (e) by bluebolt
; subzero0, ;sub zero by cipher44 (mk2i version), (mks) + (i) by havoc + (e)
by bluebolt
; subzero1, ;sub-zero by ratonmalo & interloko, (mks) + (i) by havoc + (e) by
; subzero2, ;sub zero by cipher44 (mk2i version), (ms), (c), (cmks) + (i) by
havoc + (e) by bluebolt
; subzero-ninja, ;sub zero by kakaroto, (rsff)

;stages/mk1_the-pit-10.def ;the pit

;stages/mk1_warriors_shrine.def ;the warrior shrine
;stages/pit1.def ;the pit

;, music=sound/mk_arc._ost_-_victory.mp3
;, music=sound/mk_deluxe_ost_-_07.mp3
;, music=sound/mk_deluxe_ost_-_13.mp3
;, music=sound/mk_deluxe_ost_-_09.mp3
;, music=sound/mk_deluxe_ost_-_20.mp3
;, music=sound/mk_deluxe_ost_-_goro_and_the_emperor.mp3

;mortal kombat remix

mk1ermac, stages/mk-outworldvortex.def, music=sound/mk-outworldvortex.mp3 ;

classic ermac by mk team, ermac-210, maximillian arturo

;stages/goro-lair rain.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;mortal kombat 2 (arcade, genesis, super nes) ========================
;(sp): mk2 ;by doorhenge ============================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- mk2johnnycageend ;by rugal2 ===================================
;- mk2subzero ;by bluebolt =======================================
;- mk2subzeroending ;by rugal2 ===================================

;baraka (the armory)

baraka, stages/mk2_armory.def, music=sound/mk2_arc._ost_-_the_armory.mp3 ;
baraka by kazmer13, (cmks), (i&ei)
; baraka0, ;baraka by cipher44 (mk2i version), (cmks) + (e) by bluebolt
; baraka2, random, music=sound/mk2_deluxe_ost_-_the_armory.mp3 ;baraka by
nyo, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;jade (the deadpool)

jade, stages/pool.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_dead_pool.mp3 ;jade by cipher44
(mk2i version), (ms), (c), (cmks)
; jade1, stages/thedeadpool.def ;jade by cipher44 (mk2i version), (mks)

;jax (the portal)

; jax, ;jax by cipher44 (mk2i version), (mks) + (e) by bluebolt
jax0, stages/mk2_the_portal.def, music=sound/mk2_arc._ost_-_the_portal.mp3 ;jax
by cipher44 (mk2i version), (ms), (c), (cmks) + (e) by bluebolt
; jax1, random, music=sound/mk2_deluxe_ost_-_the_dead_pool.mp3 ;jax by nyo,
(rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;johnny cage (the deadpool)

cage, stages/deadpool1.def, music=sound/mk2_arc._ost_-_the_dead_pool.mp3 ;cage
by cipher44 (mk2i version), (cmks) + (e) by bluebolt

;kintaro (the pit 2)

kintaro, stages/pit20.def, music=sound/mk2_deluxe_ost_-_air_kombat.mp3 ;kintaro by
mike obrecht, (wc)
; kintaro0, ;kintaro by cipher44 (mk2i version), (cmks)
;kitana (the wasteland)
; kitana, ;kitana by cipher44 (mk2i version), (cmks) + (e) by bluebolt
kitana1, stages/mk2_wasteland.def, music=sound/mk2_arc._ost_-_prologue-
_the_battlefield.mp3 ;kitana by kazmer13, (cmks), (i&ei)
; kitana3, ;kitana by nyo, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;kunglao (the pit 2)

; kunglao, ;kung lao by cipher44, (ei), (rsff)
kunglao0, stages/pit20.def, music=sound/mk2_deluxe_ost_-_air_kombat.mp3 ;kung
lao by cipher44 (mk2i version), (cmks) + (e) by by bluebolt

;liukang (the living forest)

; liu, ;liu kang by chonwang, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; liu-kang, random, music=sound/mk2_arc._ost_-_the_screaming_forest.mp3 ;liu
kang by gus, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
liukang0, stages/mk2_living_forest.def, music=sound/mk2_deluxe_ost_-
_the_screaming_forest.mp3 ;liukang by kazmer13, (i&ei), (csff)
; liukang1, ;liu kang by cipher44 (mk2i version), (cmks) + (e) by bluebolt

;mileena (the tower)

mileena, stages/mk2_the-tower.def, music=sound/mk2_deluxe_ost_-_the_tower.mp3
;mileena by kazmer13, (mks), (i&ei)
; mileena0, ;mileena by cipher44, (mks) + (e) by by bluebolt

;noob saibot (the tower)

; noobsaibot, ;noob saibot by cipher44 (mk2i version), (mks)
noobsaibot0, stages/mk2_the-tower.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_tower.mp3 ;noob
saibot by cipher44 (mk2i version), (ms), (c), (cmks)

;raiden (the pit 2)

raiden1, stages/pit20.def, music=sound/mk2_deluxe_ost_-_air_kombat.mp3 ;raiden by
chairmankaga/kazmer13, (mks), (i&ei)
; raiden2, ;raiden by chairmankaga/kazmer13/cipher44 (mk2i version), (mks) +
(e) by bluebolt
; raiden3, ;raiden by chairmankaga/willoughbyjackson, (rsff) + (e) by

;reptile (the pit 2)

reptile0, stages/mk2_pit2.def, music=sound/mk2_arc._ost_-_air_kombat.mp3 ;
reptile by cipher/kazmer13, (i&ei), (csff)
; reptile1, ;reptile by cipher44 (mk2i version), (mks) + (e) by bluebolt

;scorpion (the kombat tomb)

scorpion0, stages/mk2_kombat-tomb.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_kombat_tomb.mp3 ;
scorpion by kazmer13, (i&ei), (csff)
; scorpion1, ;scorpion by cipher44 (mk2i version), (mks) + (e) by bluebolt

;shang tsung (the kombat tomb)

; shang, ;shang tsung by cipher44 (mk2i version), (mks) + (e) by bluebolt
shang2, stages/mk2_kombat-tomb.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_kombat_tomb.mp3 ;shang
tsung by cipher44 (mk2i version), (ms), (c), (cmks) + (e) by bluebolt

;smoke (the kombat tomb)

smoke, stages/mk2_kombat-tomb.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_kombat_tomb.mp3 ;smoke
by kazmer13, (csff)
; smoke0, ;smoke by cipher44 (mk2i version), (mks)

;subzero (the kombat tomb)

subzero, stages/mk2_kombat-tomb.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_kombat_tomb.mp3 ;
subzero by kazmer13, (i&ei), (csff)

;, music=sound/mk2_arc._ost_-_wdylma.mp3
;, music=sound/mk2_deluxe_ost_-_the_portal.mp3
;, music=sound/mk2_deluxe_ost_-_the_portal(2).mp3
;, music=sound/mk2_deluxe_ost_-_wdylma.mp3
;, music=sound/mk2_deluxe_ost_-_03.mp3
;, music=sound/mk2_deluxe_ost_-_12.mp3

;mortal kombat 2 remix

; chameleon, ;chameleon by chonwang, (rsff)

cyd, stages/gstage0.def, music=sound/mk2_arc._ost_-_mk_ii_audio_tour.mp3 ;cyd
by cipher44, (ii), (c), (cmks)
; ermac0, stages/mk2_deadpool.def ;ermac by cipher44, (mks)
ermac2, stages/subcave_up.def, music=sound/mk2_arc._ost_-_mk_ii_death_jam.mp3
;ermac by cipher44, (ms), (c), (cmks)
; linkuei, stages/linkuei.def ;the lin kuei by kazmer13, cipher, and
chonwang, (mks)
lyssa, stages/mk2_kombat-tomb2.def, music=sound/mk2_arc._ost_-
_mk_ii_audio_tour.mp3 ;lyssa by cipher44, (ii), (c), (cmks)
; hidden2, stages/bog.def ;reiko by cipher44, (mks) + (i) by rugal2
hidden20, stages/subzerostage.def, music=sound/mk2_arc._ost_-_mk_ii_death_jam.mp3
;reiko by cipher44, (ms), (c), (cmks) + (i) by rugal2

;(ss) ================================================================
;mortal kombat 3 series (mortal kombat 3, mortal kombat trilogy & ultimate mortal
kombat 3; playstation & super nes)

;baraka (the bridge)

; baraka1, ;unsigned baraka, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
baraka3, stages/mk3_bridge.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_bridge.mp3 ;unsigned
baraka, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;cyrax (the bridge)

cyrax, stages/mk3_bridge.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_bridge.mp3 ;cyrax by
ratonmalo-interloko-joemcenroe-themiracle-cipher44, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; cyrax0, ;unsigned cyrax, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
cyrax1, stages/mk3_bridge.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_bridge.mp3 ;unsigned
cyrax, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)
; hidden5, ;cyrax by cipher44, (ms), (c), (cmks) + (e) by bluebolt
; hidden50, ;cyrax by cipher44, (mks) + (i&e) by rugal2

;ermac (the bank)

;(i&e): mkdermac ;by rugal2

a0ermac, stages/mk3_the_bank.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_the_bank.mp3 ;ermac by

pneophen, (rsff) + (i&e) by rugal2
; ermac, ;ermac by the impaler, (rsff) + (i&e) by rugal2
; ermac1, ;ermac by the impaler (new version), (wc), (mks) + (i&e) by
; ermac3, ;unsigned ermac, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
ermac4, stages/mk3_the_bank.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_bank.mp3 ;unsigned
ermac, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)
; ermacmo, ;ermacmo by mike obrecht, (rsff)
;goro (khan's arena)
;(i&e): mkgoro ;by rugal2

goro2, stages/karena.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_kahn's_arena.mp3 ;unsigned goro,

(mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;jade (the bank)

; jade2, ;unsigned jade, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
jade3, stages/thebank0.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_bank.mp3 ;unsigned jade,
(mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;jax (the street)

jax2, stages/mk3_street.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_street.mp3 ;unsigned
jax, (mkp), (wo2d), (ws)
; jax-mk3, ;jax by capitan_trueno, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; jax_mk3, ;jax by souza

;johnny cage (the pit 1)

; cage0, ;unsigned johnny cage, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i) by rugal2
cage1, stages/mkt_pit.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_12.mp3 ;unsigned johnny cage,
(mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;kabal (soul chamber)

; kabal, ;kabal by cipher44 + (e) by bluebolt
; kabal0, ;kabal by male, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
kabal1, stages/mk3_soul_chamber.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_lost.mp3 ;unsigned
kabal, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;kano (soul chamber)

; kano, ;mk3kano by the impaler, (csff) + (e) by bluebolt
; kano1, ;unsigned kano, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
kano2, stages/mk3_soul_chamber.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_lost.mp3 ;unsigned
kano, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;kintaro (khan's arena)

;(i&ei): mkkintaro ;by rugal2

; kintaro1, ;unsigned kintaro, (mkp), (mks), (wc)

kintaro2, stages/karena0.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_kahn's_arena.mp3 ;unsigned
kintaro, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;kitana (waterfront)
; kitana0, ;kitana by the impaler, (sffc) + (i&e) by rugal2
; kitana2, ;unsigned kitana, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
kitana4, stages/umk3_waterfront_up.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_11.mp3 ;unsigned
kitana, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;kunglao (waterfront)
kung_lao, stages/umk3_waterfront_up.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_11.mp3 ;unsigned
kung lao, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)
; lao, ;unsigned kung lao, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2

;liukang (waterfront)
; kang0, ;unsigned liu kang, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
liu_kang, stages/umk3_waterfront_up.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_11.mp3 ;unsigned
liu kang, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;mileena (waterfront)
mileena1, stages/umk3_waterfront.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_11.mp3 ;unsigned
mileena, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;motaro (the balcony)

;(i&e): mkmotaro ;by rugal2

; motaro0, ;unsigned motaro, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

motaromk3u, stages/tbalconyv1.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_16.mp3 ;motaro by
jehovanss, (i&ei), (csff)

;nightwolf (soul chamber)

; nightwolf, ;nightwolf by equin�cio, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; nightwolf0, ;unsigned nightwolf (latest ver.), (mkp), (wo2d)
nightwolf1, stages/mk3_soul_chamber.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_lost.mp3 ;
unsigned nightwolf (normal portraits edition), (mkp), (wo2d), (rsff)

;noob saibot (the subway)

; noob, ;noob saibot by the impaler, (rsff) + (i&e) by rugal2
noob0, stages/mk3_subway_up.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_subway.mp3 ;noob saibot
by the impaler (new version), (wc), (mks) + (i&e) by rugal2
; noob1, ;unsigned noob saibot, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
; noobmo, ;noobmo by mike obrecht, (rsff) + (i&e) by rugal2
noob_saibot, stages/mk3_subway_up.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_the_subway.mp3 ;
unsigned noob saibot, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;raiden (the subway)

; raiden4, ;unsigned raiden, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
raiden5, stages/mk3_subway_up.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_the_subway.mp3 ;
unsigned raiden, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;rain (khan's arena)

; mklrain, ;rain by cipher44, (mks) + (i&e) by rugal2
; rain, ;rain by the impaler, (rsff) + (i&e) by rugal2
rain0, stages/karena2.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_kahn's_arena.mp3 ;rain by the
impaler (new version), (wc), (rsff) + (i&e) by rugal2
; rain1, ;unsigned rain, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
rain2, stages/karena2.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_kahn's_arena.mp3 ;unsigned
rain, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)
; rainmo, ;rain by mike obrecht, (wc)

;reptile (the bell tower)

; reptile, ;reptile by the impaler, (rsff) + (i&e) by rugal2
; reptile2, ;unsigned reptile, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
reptile3, stages/mk3_belltower.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_tower.mp3 ;
unsigned reptile, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)
; reptilemo, ;reptile by mike obrecht, (wc)

;scorpion (scorpion's lair)

scorp, stages/umk3_scorpions_lair.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_scorpion's_lair.mp3
;scorpion by the impaler (new version), (wc), (csff) + (i&e) by rugal2
; scorpion, ;scorpion by willoughbyjackson, (rsff) + (i&e) by rugal2
; scorpion5, ;unsigned scorpion, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
scorpion6, stages/umk3_scorpions_lair.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-
_scorpion's_lair.mp3 ;unsigned scorpion, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)
; scorpiongs, ;scorpion by gatosoft s.a., (ei), (sffc)
; scorpionmo, ;scorpionmo by mike obrecht, (rsff) + (i&e) by rugal2
;sektor (the bridge)
sektor, stages/mk3_bridge.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_the_bridge.mp3 ;sektor by
ratonmalo-interloko-themiracle-cipher44, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; sektor1, ;unsigned sektor, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
; sektor2, ;unsigned sektor, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;shang tsung (the graveyard)

; shang0, ;shang tsung ex by mugen d. ruffy, (mks) + (e) by bluebolt
; shang3, ;shang tsung by bwwd & ratonmalo, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by
shang_tsung, stages/mk3_graveyard.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_graveyard.mp3
;unsigned shang tsung, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;shao kahn (the pit 3)

; kahn, ;shao kahn by cipher44, obreck (sprites), (mks) + (i&e) by rugal2
; shao, ;unsigned shao kahn, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
; shao0, ;unsigned shao kahn, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)
shaokahn, stages/pit3arc.def, music=sound/pit3.mp3 ;shao kahn by kazmer13,
(i&ei), (csff)
shaokahnmo, stages/pit3arc.def, music=sound/pit3.mp3 ;shao kahn by mike obrecht,

;sheeva (the street)

; sheeva, ;unsigned sheeva, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
; sheeva0, ;sheeva by nyo, (rsff)
sheeva1, stages/mk3_street.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_the_street.mp3 ;unsigned
sheeva, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;sindel (the street)

; sindel, ;sindel by ratonmalo e interloko, (mks) + (e) by bluebolt
; sindel0, ;sindel by ratonmalo e interloko & blackjack, (mks) + (e) by
; sindel1, ;unsigned sindel, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
sindel2, stages/mk3_street.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_the_street.mp3 ;unsigned
sindel, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;human smoke (the cave)

;(i&e): mk3hsmoke ;by rugal2

; hsmoke, ;human smoke by kobra logan (1st ver.), (mks)

human_smoke, stages/umk3_cavern.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_the_cave.mp3 ;human
smoke by kobra logan (2nd ver.), (mks)
; human_smoke0, ;unsigned human smoke, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)
; smoke1, ;smoke by the impaler, (mks) + (i&e) by rugal2
smoke2, stages/umk3_cavern.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_the_cave.mp3 ;smoke by
the impaler (new version), (wc), (rsff) + (i&e) by rugal2

;smoke (the cave)

;(i&e): mk3smoke ;by rugal2

; smoke3, ;unsigned smoke, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2

; smoke4, ;unsigned smoke, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)
mk3-smoke, stages/umk3_cavern.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_cave.mp3 ;smoke by
ratonmalo-interloko-themiracle-cipher44, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; smokemo, ;smoke by mike obrecht, (wc)

;sonya (the desert)

; sonya, ;sonya blade by shadowtak, (i&ei), (csff)
; sonya0, ;mk3sonya by the impaler, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; sonya2, ;sonya by bwwd & ratonmalo, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
sonya3, stages/umk3_jade_desert.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_the_desert.mp3 ;
unsigned sonya, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;stryker (the desert)

; hidden4, ;stryker by cipher44, (mks) + (e) by bluebolt
; stryker, ;stryker by bwwd & ratonmalo, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by
stryker0, stages/jadesdesert.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_the_desert(2).mp3 ;
unsigned stryker, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)

;classic subzero (the temple)

; csubzero, ;unsigned sub-zero, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i) by rugal2
csubzero0, stages/mk3_temple_up.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_the_temple.mp3 ;
unsigned classic sub-zero, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)
; sub-zero, ;sub-zero by the impaler, (rsff) + (i) by rugal2 + (e) by
sub-zero2, stages/mk3_temple_up.def, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_temple.mp3 ;
classic sub-zero by the impaler (new version), (wo2d), (ws2d) + (i) by rugal2 +
(e) by bluebolt
; sub-zerogs, ;sub-zero by gatosoft s.a., (ei), (sffc) + (i) by rugal2

;subzero (the temple)

sub_zero, stages/mk3_temple_up.def, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_the_temple.mp3 ;sub-
zero by jehovanss, (rssf) + (e) by bluebolt
; sub-zero0, ;sub-zero by jehovanss & ratonmalo, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; subzero3, ;unsigned sub-zero, (mkp), (mks), (wc) + (i&e) by rugal2
; subzero4, ;unsigned subzero, (mkp), (mks), (wo2d)
; subzeromo, ;sub-zero by mike obrecht, (wc)
; szero, ;sub-zero by vincej18, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt


;, music=sound/mk3_ost_-_kung_fu_part_1.mp3
;, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_living_forest.mp3

;mortal kombat 3 series remix

;- mkhydro ;by rugal2
;- mkkhameleon ;by rugal2
;- mktremor ;by rugal2

; chameleon0, ;chameleon by armand, (wc), (ws2d)

; diabolic, ;diabolic-beta1 by shadowtak, (csff)
gladia~1, stages/mk3_the_roof.def, music=sound/mktm_ost_george_s._clinton_-
_demon_warriors-final_kombat.mp3 ;el gladiador by aiolia78@aol.com, (i&ei),
hydro, stages/livingforest2.def, music=sound/mktm_ost_george_s._clinton_-
_demon_warriors-final_kombat.mp3 ;hydro by ram, (mkp), (wo2d), (ws2d)
kahnthrone, stages/mkr_the-outworld.def, music=sound/mktm_ost_juno_reactor_-
_traci_lords_-_control_[juno_reactor_instrumen.mp3 ;shao kahn by mike obrecht,
; khameleon, ;khameleon by ratonmalo, modified by rugal2, (mks)
; megamix, ;lin-kuei megamix by the impaler, (rsff)
; motaro, ;motaro sangriento by jehovanss, (i&ei), (csff)
noob_mk3, stages/mk3_noobs_dorfen.def, music=sound/mktm_ost_juno_reactor_-
_traci_lords_-_control_[juno_reactor_instrumen.mp3 ;noob by smoke, based on char
by the impaler, (rsff)
slashmo, stages/cn-frozencavern.def, music=sound/mktm_ost_the_immortals_-
_techno_syndrome_(mortal_kombat)_[7'_mix].mp3 ;slash by mike obrecht
; tremor, ;tremor by armand, (wc), (ws2d)
; tremor2, ;tremor by mr.fong, (wc), (ws2d)
tremormo, stages/metropolis3.def, music=sound/mktm_ost_the_immortals_-
_techno_syndrome_(mortal_kombat)_[7'_mix].mp3 ;tremor by mike obrecht, (wc)
; zeal, ;zeal by the impaler, (rsff)


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mortal kombat 3 (playstation & super nes) ===========================
;(i&e): ==============================================================
;- mk3jax ;by rugal2 ===============================================
;- mk3mileena ;by rugal2 =========================================
;- mk3nightwolf ;by rugal2 =========================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- mk3kung ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- mk3liu ;by bluebolt =============================================
;- mk3sheeva ;by bluebolt =======================================


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mortal kombat trilogy (playstation) =================================
;(sp): mk trilogy ;by impaler ========================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- logomktrilogy ;unsigned ==========================================
;- mktstart ;by doorhenge ============================================


;, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_kung_fu_part_i.mp3
;, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_the_portal.mp3
;, music=sound/mkt_ost_-_wasteland.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;ultimate mortal kombat 3 (playstation) ==============================
;(e): mkend ;by rugal2 ===============================================

;(ss) ================================================================
;mortal kombat 4 series (mortal kombat 4 & mortal kombat gold; arcade, playstation
& dreamcast)

;(es) baraka
;(es) cage
;(es) cyrax
;(es) jarek
;(es) jax
;(es) kitana
;(es) kunglao
;(es) liukang
;(es) mileena
;(es) quanchi
;(es) raiden
;(es) reiko
;(es) reptile
;(es) scorpion
;(es) shinnok
;(es) sonya
;(es) subzero
;(es) tanya

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mortal kombat 4 (playstation & arcade) ==============================
;(i): ================================================================
;- mk4cyraxintro ;by rugal2 =========================================
;- mk4goro ;by rugal2 ===============================================

;stages/[betochac] mk4 shaolin stage.def, music=sound/sky_temple.mp3

;stages/icearena.def, music=sound/mksound.mp3
;stages/mk4-prision.def, music=sound/mk4-prision-1.mp3
;stages/mk4-prision-1.def, music=sound/mk4-prision-1.mp3
;stages/mk4-prison.def, music=sound/mk4-prision-1.mp3
;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mortal kombat gold (dreamcast) ======================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;mortal kombat 5 series (mortal kombat 5 & mortal kombat: deadly alliance
(playstation 2 & xbox)

; scorp0, stages/losttomb.def, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_acid_bath.mp3 ;scorpion by

sza bee and gang, (rsff)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mortal kombat 5 (playstation2 & arcade) =============================

;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_drum_arena.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_house_of_pekara.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_konquest_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_kuatan_palace.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_lava_shrine.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_lin_kuei_temple.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_lost_tomb.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_lung_hai_temple.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_moloch's_lair.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_nethership.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_palace_grounds.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_portal.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_quan_chi's_fortress.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_sarna_ruins.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_shang_tsung's_palace.mp3
;, music=sound/mk5_ost_-_wu_shi_academy.mp3

;mortal kombat 5 remix


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mortal kombat: deadly alliance (xbox) ===============================


;(ss) ================================================================
;mortal kombat: deception (arcade) ===================================
;(lb): mkd lifebars ;by the impaler ==============================

;(ss) ================================================================
;mortal kombat mystification =========================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;mortal kombat mythologies: sub-zero (playstation) ===================

;stages/mk-mytho-fire-1.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-fire-2.mp3 ;fire pit

;stages/mk-mytho-inmortality.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-inmortality-2.mp3 ;
;stages/mk-mytho-inmortality-1.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-inmortality-2.mp3 ;
;stages/mk-mytho-netherealm-wind.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-wind-0.mp3 ;netherealm
- wind
;stages/mk-mytho-pit-earth.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-heart-2.mp3 ;pit - earth
;stages/mk-mytho-pit-water-1.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-water.mp3 ;pit - water
;stages/mk-mytho-pit-water-3.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-water.mp3 ;pit - water
;stages/mk-mytho-prision-1.def ;jail
;stages/mk-mytho-prision-2.def ;jail
;stages/mk-mytho-shaolin.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-shaolin-0.mp3 ;shaolin
;stages/mk-mytho-water.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-water-0.mp3 ;water
;stages/mk-mytho-water-1.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-water-2.mp3 ;water
;stages/mk-mytho-wind.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-wind-0.mp3 ;wind
;stages/mk-mytho-wind-1.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-wind-2.mp3 ;wind
;stages/mk-mytho-wind-2.def, music=sound/mk-mytho-wind-3.mp3 ;wind

;(ss) ================================================================
;mortal kombat v1996 turbo 30 peoples (hack) =========================


;(ss) ================================================================
;mortal kombat series orignal ========================================

kano3, stages/sky_temple.def, music=sound/mktm_ost_utah_saints_-

_utah_saints_take_on_the_theme_from_mortal_komb.mp3 ;kano by binho, (wo2d),
; mkbonus, ;mortal kombat bonus by elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d) (unrequestable
scorpion7, stages/armory0.def, music=sound/mktm_ost_the_immortals_-
_techno_syndrome_(mortal_kombat)_[7'_mix].mp3 ;scorpion by binho, (wo2d), (ws2d)
sub-zero1, stages/blue1.def, music=sound/mktm_ost_bile_-_i_reject.mp3 ;sub-zero by
binho (old version), (wo2d), (ws2d)
sub-zero4, stages/shangisland.def, music=sound/mk_komplete_kontrol_oc_remix.mp3
;sub-zero by binho (new version), (wo2d), (ws2d)

;mr nutz (super nes) -------------------------------------------------


;m.u.s.c.l.e. (nes) --------------------------------------------------

; ramen, stages/kinnikuman.def, music=sound/kinnikuman.mp3 ;ra-menman by

sugio, (rsff)

;unclassed m.u.s.c.l.e. char

raamen, random, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_everybody_in_the_place_-_03.mp3 ;

unsigned raamenman fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)

;mutation nation (neo geo) -------------------------------------------
;(lb): life-bars-mt ;by shammahalfa1 -----------------------------

;stages/mutation.def ;downtown
;stages/mutation2.def ;docks
;stages/mutation3.def ;highway
;stages/mutnat_suite.def ;destroyed suite

;mystic quest --------------------------------------------------------


;namco x capcom (arcade) ---------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- nc ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------------
;- nxc_op ;by aohige -----------------------------------------------

allo, stages/nxcegypt.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_regina's_challenge_(dino_crisis_2).mp3 ;allosaurusu by shimon, (sffc)

cammy_nxc, stages/ohhh.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_stage_sakura_(street_fighter_alpha_2).mp3 ;cammy by drowin, (sffc)

;(es) chunli, random, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_stage_china_chun-
demi0, stages/morrigannvc.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_demitri_stage_[romania]_(darkstalkers).mp3 ;demitri by shimon, (sffc)

fel, stages/morrigannvc.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_demitri_stage_[romania]_(darkstalkers).mp3 ;felicia by shimon, (sffc)

;gilgamesh / gill
; gill4, ;gilgamesh by white hair knight, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; hyper, ;hyper gill by white hair knight, (wo2d), (ws2d)

hei, stages/nxc_floor.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_opening_movie_(tekken_3).mp3
;heihachi mishima by shimon, (wc), (ws2d)
; heihachi, ;heihachi mishima by ikuzeexodia, (wo2d)

hideo, stages/rival.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_we'll_protect_our_school!_(rival_schools).mp3 ;hideo&kyoko by shimon, (wo2d)

;hyper knight
; hyperk, ;hyper knight by white hair knight

jin2, stages/nxc_temple.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_opening_movie_(tekken_3).mp3
;jin by tkw, (sffc)
; jin3, ;jin kazama by one winged angel, (wo2d)

karin7, stages/ohhh.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_stage_sakura_(street_fighter_alpha_2).mp3 ;sakura&karin by shimon, (wc),

;(es) ken, random, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_stage_u.s.a._ken_(street_fighter_ii).mp3

king1, stages/nxc_1.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_opening_movie_(tekken_tag_tournament).mp3 ;king by shimon, (sffc)

kos-mos, stages/gate13.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_battle_(xenosaga_episode_i).mp3
;kosmos by drowin, (rsff)
; kosmos0, stages/gate13.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_battle_(xenosaga_episode_i).mp3 ;kosmos by shimon, (sffc)

;(es) leilei, random, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_lei-

li0, stages/blah.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_morrigan_stage_[scotland]_(darkstalkers).mp3 ;lilith by shimon, (sffc)
; lilith6, stages/blah.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_morrigan_stage_[scotland]_(darkstalkers).mp3 ;lilith by kifune, (sffc)

;mike haggar
; mike2, random, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_stage5_[bgm6]_(final_fight).mp3 ;
m.hagger by white hear knight, (wc), (ws2d)

;mirror knight
; mirrork, ;mirror knight by white hair knight

moku, stages/yess.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_opening_movie_(tekken_3).mp3 ;
mokujin by shimon, (sffc)

momo0, stages/nxcpalace.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_game_bgm_(wonder_momo).mp3
;momo by shimon, (sffc)

mori1, stages/morrigannvc.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_morrigan_stage_[scotland]_(darkstalkers).mp3 ;morrigan by shimon, (sffc)

; big_quox, ;quox by memuu, patched by uji, (wc), (ws2d)
; nc_quox, stages/druaga_bg2.def, music=sound/quox.mp3 ;quox by memuu, (wo2d),

raptor0, stages/nxcegypt.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_regina's_challenge_(dino_crisis_2).mp3 ;raptor by shimon, (sffc)

;rockman & roll

; rock3, stages/nvc2.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_flutter_vs._gesselschaft_(megaman_legends).mp3;rock by shimon, (sffc)
rock4, stages/nvc2.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_flutter_vs._gesselschaft_(megaman_legends).mp3;rock&roll by shimon, (sffc)
; roll3, stages/nvc2.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_flutter_vs._gesselschaft_(megaman_legends).mp3;roll by shimon, (sffc)

; nc_roper, ;roper by memuu (unrequestable status)

; ak-ryu, ;ryu by akreator, (sffc)
nxc_ryu, stages/ohhh.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_stage_japan_ryu_(street_fighter_ii).mp3 ;ryu by cybaster, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;evil ryu
nxc_eryu, stages/ohhh.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_stage_japan_ryu_(street_fighter_ii).mp3 ;ryu by shimon, (sffc)

;(es) sakura, random, music=sound/nxc_ost_-

shaomu, stages/wth.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_99.mp3 ;shaomu by drowin

shion0, stages/nxcclocks.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_meeting_a_profusion_of_evil.mp3 ;shion by shimon, (sffc)
;stan aileron
to stan, stages/nxc_frozentime.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_leon_~victim_of_fate~_(tales_of_destiny).mp3 ;stan aileron by miyaji, (wo2d),

sylphie, stages/blacknxc.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_arisu_of_the_wavering_city.mp3
;sylphie by memuu, (wc), (ws2d)

; tbone, ;tbone by shimon

; toron, stages/fosho.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_accelerating_chaos.mp3 ;toron
by shimon, (wc), (ws2d)

wal, stages/wah.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_main_theme_(legend_of_valkyrie).mp3
;walkyrie by tkw, (wc), (ws2d)
; walkure, ;walkure by white hear knight, (wc), (ws2d)

zabe, stages/morrigannvc.def, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
_demitri_stage_[romania]_(darkstalkers).mp3 ;zabel by shimon, (sffc)

;stages/bah.def ;new school ver of ghosts and goblins

;stages/nxccityan.def ;city at noon
;stages/streets3.def ;rival school stage

;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_brave_sword_braver_soul_(soul_calibur_ii).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_main_theme_(return_of_ishtar).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_dig_dug_ii.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_bay_yard_[1st_day]_(burning_force).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_yoshitsune_(genpei_toumaden).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_bravoman.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_stepping_wind_(klonoa_2).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_stage_1_[city]_(captain_commando).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_1st_bgm_(ghouls_n_ghosts).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_1_round_bgm_(forgotten_worlds).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_fighting_kos-mos_(xenosaga_episode_i).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_quox_(return_of_ishtar).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_druaga_[entrant_hall]_(return_of_ishtar).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_main_theme_(shadowland).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_dice_dojo_(shadowland).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_zulu_(legend_of_valkyrie).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_post-transformation_bgm_(wonder_momo).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_guntz_(klonoa_heroes).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_brave_or_grave_(street_fighter_alpha_3).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_shoppin'_(lost_world).mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_like_that_time_of_dreams.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_arisu_of_the_wavering_city_~title_ver.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_a_locus_towards_ultimate_victory.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_that_shadow_from_over_there.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_facing_the_wind.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_footfalls_of_time.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_flickering_darkness.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_positive_sinking.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_the_unsealed_foor_of_fate.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_to_those_who_leave.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_everything_is_within_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_enshrouding_dark_clouds.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_forgotten_gains_a_promise_of_a_distant_day.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_it's_a_path_that_must_be_taken.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_break_time.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_subarashiki_shin_sekai_~piano_ver..mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_subarashiki_shin_sekai_~inst._ver.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_a_storm_called_destiny.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_subarashiki_shin_sekai.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_violent-fighting-before-night.mp3
;, music=sound/nxc_ost_-_someday_surely_beneath_the_moonlight.mp3

;namco x capcom remix


;nankoku shounen papuwa-kun / papuwa (gameboy & super nes) -----------

; shin_mar, stages/papuwa.def, music=sound/papuwa.mp3 ;shintaro by mar,


;naruto series (naruto: narutimate hero, naruto ninja council & naruto ninja
council 2; playstation 2) --------------
;(sp): naruto battle arena ;by elecbyte + drachir -----------------

;stages/uchiha district.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;naruto ninja council series (naruto ninja council & naruto ninja council 2;
gamboy advance)

; albel, stages/narutonc2ns.def ;albel (grass nin) by coding: commandercool
spriting: the [nu] team, (nba), (wo2d), (sffc)

; anbu, ;kakashi by marvin, (nba), (wo2d), (ws)

;fat soundnin
; fat soundnin, ;fat soundnin by .:rare.juice:., (wc), (ws2d)

; gaara, ;gaara by uchihacody
; gaara0, ;gaara by naruto1230, (wo2d), (ws)
; gaara1, ;gaara by edtion

;haruno sakura
; haruno sakura, ;haruno sakura by kaitsu-gohan, (nba), (wo2d), (ws)

; jirobou, ;jirobou by edtion

; kabuto, ;kabuto by videogameguru--a.k.a.--mugenguru, (sffc)

; kakashi, ;kakashi by mugenguru, (nba), (wo2d), (sffc)
; kakashi0, ;kakashi by z sabre user, (wo2d), (sffc)

; kgaara, ;the kazekage by anjel (less auto sand ver.), (wo2d)
; kgaara0, ;the kazekage by anjel (plus auto sand ver.), (wo2d)

; kiba_chibi, ;inuzuka kiba by koshirou, (nba), (wo2d), (ws)

; kisame0, ;kisame by edtion

; lee5, stages/leestage.def, music=sound/nba_-_chibirocklee.mp3 ;lee by
hyuga, (sffc)
; rlee, ;b by hyuga, (nba), (wo2d), (ws)

; chibi naruto, ;uzumaki naruto by kaitsu-gohan, (nba), (wo2d), (ws)
; kyuubinaruto, ;kyuubi naruto by tyler, (wc), (ws2d)
; kyuubi(s)naruto, ;kyuubi naruto by shadow02143, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; naruto0, ;naruto by mario
; naruto2, ;chunnin naruto by edtion
; naruto_chibi, ;unsigned a, (wc), (ws2d)
; nh3 fnaruto, ;future naruto by edtion
; noobieta, stages/tourn.def, music=sound/nba_-_strong_and_strike.mp3 ;a by
noobieta, (nba), (wo2d), (sffc)

; neji, ;neji by edtion
; nezi, ;nezi by hyuga, (sffc)
; nezi0, ;neji by hyuga, (nba), (wo2d), (sffc), (n2bu: [trans])
; nezi1, ;neji by hyuga, (manga), (wo2d)

; obito, ;obito by hacker@han_hin, (nba), (wo2d), (ws)

; orochimaru, stages/orochimaru stage.def, music=sound/nba_-
_orochimaru_fight.mp3 ;orochimaru by videogameguru aka mugenguru, (nba), (wo2d),
; orochimaru2, ;orochimaru by edtion

; riku, ;riku by blank
; riku0, ;riku by unknownkid

; sakura_c, ;sakura by cyanide, (wo2d), (ws2d)

; sandaime, ;sandaime by sandaime hokage

; sasuke2, stages/mountains2.def, music=sound/nba_-_thunder_break.mp3 ;
sasuke by hyuga, (sffc)
; sasuke3, ;sasuke by cyanide, (wc), (ws2d)
; sasuke4, ;sasuke by cyanide, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; sasuke8, ;sasuke by edtion
; uchihasasuke, ;sasuke by shadow02143, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; uchisasu, ;sasuke uchiha by thefirekitty, (wc), (ws2d)
; usasuke, ;sasuke by hyuga, (nba), (wo2d), (sffc)

;f. sasuke
; f_sasuke, ;f_sasuke by dark-sama

; shikamaru, ;shikamaru by jordz187, (nba), (wo2d), (ws)

; shino, ;shino by coding: jay (commandercool), spriting: marvin (some bug
attacks by commandercool and yamato), (nba), (wo2d), (ws)

; soundnin, ;soundnin by unknownkid
; soundnin0, ;soundnin by arblast

;uchiha itachi
; itachi1, ;itachi by edtion
; itachi2, ;nh3 itachi by edtion
; uchiha itachi, ;uchiha itachi by kaitsu-gohan, (nba), (wo2d), (ws)

; zabuza, ;momochi zabuza by yamato and commandercool, (nba), (wo2d),

; zaku_chibi, stages/zabuzastage.def, music=sound/nba_-_heavy_violence.mp3
;unsigned zaku, (nba), (wo2d), (ws)
; zaku_chibi0, ;zaku by nonick, (wc), (ws2d)

;stages/forest13.def ;forest
;stages/mthokage.def ;mount hokage
;stages/ninjagym.def, music=sound/ninjagym.mp3 ;training room

;naruto series remix

; cs1sasuke, ;uchiha sasuke(cs) by shadow02143, (wo2d), (ws2d)

; kfm10, ;kung fu man by elecbyte, updated by ???, (wo2d)
; kimimaro, ;kaguya kimimaro by killua a.k.a koshirou, (nba), (wo2d), (sffc)
; kimimaro0, ;kimimaro by shadow02143, (manga), (wo2d), (ws)
; kisuke, ;inuzuka kisuke by dark-sama, (wo2d)
; obito0, ;uchiha obito by hacker, (wo2d)
; wryondaime, ;white-robed yondaime by arblast, (wo2d)


;(ss) ================================================================
;naruto: narutimate hero (playstation 2) =============================
;(lb): lifebarsn ;by keidash ========================================

;stages/konoha.def, music=sound/naruto.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;naruto (original) ===================================================

itachi, stages/lagonev.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.4_-_03.mp3 ;

itachi by drowin, (sffc)
; leestick, ;leestick by shadow02143, (wo2d)
; narustick, ;narustick by shadow02143, (wo2d), (ws2d)
naruto, stages/indigo_up.def, music=sound/blade_ost_mantronik_vs._epmd-
strictly_buisness_(mant.mp3 ;naruto by drowin, (i&ei), (sffc)
naruto-kun, stages/crunch2.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_always_outnumbered_never_outgunned_-_12.mp3 ;naruto kun by youkai, (wo2d),
; ryuukumo, ;kanetsu ryuukumo by shadow02143, (wo2d)
; sakurastick, ;sakurastick by shadow02143, (wo2d)
sasuke-kun, stages/intheforest.def, music=sound/cherrymoon_-
_the_compilation_vol.1_-_05.mp3 ;sasuke kun by youkai, (ei), (wo2d), (ws2d),
(n2bu: [gethitvar] + [ws])
; sasustick, ;sasustick by shadow02143, (wo2d)

;natsuki crisis battle (super nes) -----------------------------------

;(es) bigaro

;(es) endo

;(es) kandori

;(es) natsuki

;(es) rina

;(es) rondo

;(es) tsuguo

;(es) yanagisawa

;nba jam series ------------------------------------------------------


;need for speed series (need for speed, need for speed 2, need for speed 3 hot
pursuit, need for speed most wanted; pc, playstation 2 & xbox)


;(ss) ================================================================
;need for speed 3 hot pursuit (pc) ===================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;need for speed most wanted (pc) =====================================

;stages/nfs_most_wanted_bus_central.def ;bus central

;stages/nfs_most_wanted_city.def ;city
;stages/nfs_most_wanted_forest.def ;forest
;stages/nfs_most_wanted_service_station.def ;service station
;stages/nfs_most_wanted_stroll.def ;stroll

;nekketu series (go! go! nekketu hockey multi sport battle club, nekketsu
dodgeball pc, nekketu dunk heroes, nekketu monogatari & syodai nekketsu kouha
kunio kun ; pc-engine, game boy & super nes)

; kanhu, stages/nekketu.def, music=sound/nekketu.mp3 ;taro kanhu by arukari,

; kunimasa, stages/nekketu.def, music=sound/nekketu.mp3;kunimasa by arukari,
; kunio1, stages/nekketu.def, music=sound/nekketu.mp3 ;kunio by elecbyte /
tom / lizard valeth, (rsff)
; kunio4, ;kunio by di gi jared
; saotome, stages/nekketu.def, music=sound/nekketu.mp3 ;saotome by arukari,


;nekketu series remix

; nukunuku, ;nukunuku by accho, (wc), (ws2d), (n2bu: [ws])

; stu, ;jesse by elecbyte, (i&ei), (wo2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;go! go! nekketu hockey multi sport battle club (game boy) ===========

; kunio, stages/nekketu.def, music=sound/nekketu.mp3 ;unsigned kunio, (rsff)

; kunio2, stages/nekketu.def, music=sound/nekketu.mp3 ;kunio by masa, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;nekketsu dodgeball pc (pc-engine) ===================================

;stages/ndb_jpn.def ;japan
;stages/ndb_usa.def ;usa

;(ss) ================================================================
;nekketu dunk heroes (game boy) ======================================

; riki, stages/nekketu.def, music=sound/nekketu.mp3 ;riki by xardion,


;(ss) ================================================================
;nekketu hockey multi-sport battle ===================================

; kunio3, stages/nekketu.def, music=sound/nekketu.mp3 ;kunio by xardion,


;(ss) ================================================================
;nekketu monogatari ==================================================

; ryuichi, stages/ryuichibg.def, music=sound/ryuichibg.mp3 ;ryuichi hattori

by tokinokuni-kei, (wc), (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;syodai nekketsu kouha kunio kun (super nes) =========================

; kunio0, random, music=sound/snkkk_-_boss_theme.mp3 ;kunio by arukari,


;, music=sound/snkkk_-_battle_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_big_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_bike.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_checking_station.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_ebisuchou.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_final_confrontation.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_koushien.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_nanba.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_osaka_docks.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_parking_lot.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_rising_sun.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_sewer.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_shinsai.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_shodai_medley.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_tsuutenkaku.mp3
;, music=sound/snkkk_-_umeda.mp3
;neogeo battle coliseum (arcade) -------------------------------------
;(sp): nbc-addon ;by realorochi -------------------------------------
;(lb): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- nbc ;by by most unbalance ------------------------------------
;- nbc_a ;by taihei -----------------------------------------------
;- nbc_c ;by taihei -----------------------------------------------
;(fx): nbc ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;(sndp): nbc ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- nbc_op ;by kurisu -----------------------------------------------
;- neogeo_battle_coliseum_-_intro ;by vans1belmont -----------------
;- ngbc ;by dr.fischer -------------------------------------------

;ai (snk planet [lights off])

;(e): nbcyuki&aiending ;by rockuro

ngbc_ai, stages/nbc-planetarium-close-stage.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_planet.mp3

;ai by fervicante, (wo2d), (n2bu: [trans])

;akari ichijo
;(es) akari

;asura (stage / kurukuru [day])

asura_nbc, stages/kurukuru1.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_kurukuru.mp3 ;asura by

;athena asamiya (column [day])

athena-g, stages/ngbc-pillars.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_column.mp3 ;athena by

;cyber woo (kom [night])

l-cyberwoo, stages/kom2.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_kom.mp3 ;cyber woo by ����

;fuuma (column [day])

;(e): nbc_hanzo_fuuma ;by rockuro

ngbc_fuuma, stages/nbc_dragon1_up.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_column.mp3 ;

kotaro fuuma by fervicante, (wo2d)

;geese howard (japan castle [night])

geese7, stages/castle20.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_castle.mp3 ;geese by

;genjuro kibagami
;(e): nbc_haohmaru_genjyuro ;by rockuro

;(es) genjuro

;goodman (goodman bg)

goodman, stages/nbc-goodman.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_goodman.mp3 ;goodman by
mdk, (wc), (n2bu: [trans])
goodman_nbc, stages/nbc-goodman.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_goodman.mp3 ;
goodman by ahuron, (wo2d)

;hanzo (snk planet [lights off])

;(e): nbc_hanzo_fuuma ;by rockuro
nbc_hanzo, stages/planet2.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_planet.mp3 ;hanzo by mouser,
(wo2d), (di: [collision box problem]), (ws2d)

;haohmaru (image [blue])

;(e): nbc_haohmaru_genjyuro ;by rockuro

; haohmaru4, ;haohmaru by hirohiro, (wo2d), (ws2d)

haohmaru5, stages/image1.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_image.mp3 ;haohmaru by
hirohiro, (wo2d) + eye patch
; haohmaru6, ;haohmaru by hirohiro, (wo2d)

;hotaru (last resort [blue])

j_hotaru, stages/ngbc-lastresortb.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_lastresort.mp3 ;
hotaru by juke kisaragi, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;iori yagami (last resort [grey])

;(e): nbc_iori_kyo ;by rockuro

iorinbc, stages/lastresort1.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_lastresort.mp3 ;iori by

beppu, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;jin chonrei (japan castle [day])

chonrei_nbc, stages/castle10.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_castle.mp3 ;chonrei by

;jin chonshu (column [day])

ccichonshungbc, stages/column1.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_column.mp3 ;chonshu by
david demianoff, (wc)
; ironchonshu, ;chonshu by david demianoff (ug version) (unrequestable

;k' (last resort [grey])

k_nbc, stages/ngbc-lastresort.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_lastresort.mp3 ;k' by
syacho-, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;kaede (image [blue])

kaede3, stages/image1.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_image.mp3 ;kaede by
jjong1917, (wc), (ws2d)
nbc_kaede, stages/image1.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_image.mp3 ;nbc kaede by

;keiishiro washizuka
;(es) washizuka

;kim kaphwan (japan castle [day])

nbckim, stages/castle10.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_castle.mp3 ;kim by spaz&punt,
(wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [ws])

;kisarah westfield (last resort [grey])

nbc_kisarah, stages/nbc_last_resort-1.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_lastresort.mp3
;kisarah by mouser, (wo2d), (ws2d)
ngbc_kisarah, stages/d_nbc_last_resort-1.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-
_lastresort.mp3 ;kisarah westfield by fervicante, (wo2d)

;kyo kusanagi (antenna [day])

;(e): nbc_iori_kyo ;by rockuro
; kyonbc, ;kyo by beppu, (wc), (ws2d)
kyonbc0, stages/antenna1.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_antenna.mp3 ;kyo by beppu,
(wo2d), (ws2d)

;lee pai long (antenna [night])

lee_nbc, stages/antenna2.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_antenna.mp3 ;lee by ahuron

;mai shiranui (stage / kukuru [night])

;(e): nbc_mai_nakoruru ;by rockuro

mainbc, stages/kurukuru2.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_kurukuru.mp3 ;mai by

m.m.r., updated by scratch_pec, (wc), (ws2d)

;marco rossi (kom [day])

marco_nbc, stages/kom1.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_kom.mp3 ;marco by ahuron,

;mars people
;(es) mars

;mizuchi (mizuchi bg)

mizuchi, stages/nbc-mizuchi.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_mizuchi.mp3 ;mizuchi by

;moriya minakata (image [red])

; moriya2, ;moriya by stephengi (new version, with kaede)
; moriya20, ;moriya by stephengi (old version, withouth kaede)
moriya3, stages/image2.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_image.mp3 ;moriya by
stephengi (moriyastory version)
ngbc_moriya, stages/image2.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_image.mp3 ;moriya by raposo,

;mr. big
;(es) mr. big

;mr. karate / ryo sakazaki (japan castle [night])

mrkaratedm, stages/nbc_japan2.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_castle.mp3 ;mr. karate
by duende macabro, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;mudman (image [blue])

ngbc_mudman, stages/image1.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_image.mp3 ;mudman by
fervicante, (wo2d)

;(e): nbc_mai_nakoruru ;by rockuro

;(es) nakoruru

;neo-dio (neodio bg)

neodio2, stages/nbc-neodio.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_neo-dio.mp3 ;neodio by
jin, (wo2d)
; neodio3, ;neodio by jin, (wc)

;robert garcia (column [night])

;(e): nbc_ryo_robert ;by rockuro
l-robert, stages/column2.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_column.mp3 ;robert by ���� &
nbcrobert, stages/column2.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_column.mp3 ;nbcrobert by jin,
; nbcrobert0, ;robert nbc by jin + d4-patch-nbcrobert-new, (wc), (ws)

;rock howard (column [day])

;(e): nbc_rock_terry ;by rockuro

rock5, stages/ngbc-pillars.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_column.mp3 ;rock by

jin, (wc)
rock6, stages/ngbc-pillars.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_column.mp3 ;rock by
hirohiro, (wc), (ws2d)
; rock8, ;rock by hirohiro, (wc)
; rock9, ;rock by nanchousha
; rock10, ;rock by jin + d4-patch-rock, (wc), (ws)
; rockxi, ;rock by beppu, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [problem with the cmd])

;ryo sakazaki
;(e): nbc_ryo_robert ;by rockuro

;(es) ryo

;(es) shermie

;(es) shiki

;shishioh (shishioh bg)

00nbc_shishioh, stages/nbc-shis.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_shishioh.mp3 ;
shishi-oh by tin
shishioh, stages/nbc-shis.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_shishioh.mp3 ;shishioh by
jin, (wo2d)
; shishioh0, ;shishioh by jin, (wc)

;shin shishioh (shishioh bg)

00nbc_shin_shishioh, stages/nbc-shis.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_shishioh.mp3
;shin-shishi-oh by tin

;terry bogard
;(e): nbc_rock_terry ;by rockuro

;(es) terry

;tung fu rue (japan castle [day])

kof_tung_fu_rue, stages/nbc-japan-daytime-stage.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-
_castle.mp3 ;tung fu rue by raposo, (wo2d)

;washizuka (japan castle [day])

washizuka1, stages/nbc-japan-daytime-stage.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_castle.mp3
;washizuka by jjong1917, (wc), (ws), (n2bu: [ws])
; washizuka2, ;washizuka by jjong1917 + voicepatch, (wc), (ws)

;yuki (snk planet [lights on])

;(e): nbcyuki&aiending ;by rockuro

; yuki_fzl, ;yuki by bug�� ����, (wo2d), (ws)

yuki_nbc, stages/planet1.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_planet.mp3 ;yuki by ahuron,

;neogeo battle coliseum remix

; akof-iori, ;iori by jin + patch, (wc), (ws)

d-yagami, stages/nbc-cave-rd-stage.def, music=sound/ngbc_ast_adx_-_planet.mp3
;d-yagami by jin
god_orochi, stages/strider_hq.def, music=sound/ngbc_ast_adx_-_mizuchi.mp3 ;god
orochi by ahuron, (wo2d), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)
; god_orochi_boss, ;god orochi by ahuron, (wo2d), (ws2d) (unrequestable
iori_yagami0, stages/nbc-base-rd-stage.def, music=sound/ngbc_ast_adx_-_antenna.mp3
;iori yagami by zelgadis, (wc)
rock_ex, stages/base_ngbc.def, music=sound/ngbc_ost_-_antenna.mp3 ;rock_ex by
jin/zean_d, (wc), (ws2d)
yagamiakof, stages/nbc-neogeomecha-rd-stage.def, music=sound/ngbc_ast_adx_-
_lastresort.mp3 ;yagami by jin, (wc)
; yagamiakof0, ;yagami by jin + d4-patch_yagamiakof, (wc), (ws)


;, music=sound/ngbc_ast_adx_-_castle.mp3
;, music=sound/ngbc_ast_adx_-_column.mp3
;, music=sound/ngbc_ast_adx_-_goodman.mp3
;, music=sound/ngbc_ast_adx_-_image.mp3
;, music=sound/ngbc_ast_adx_-_kom.mp3
;, music=sound/ngbc_ast_adx_-_kurukuru.mp3
;, music=sound/ngbc_ast_adx_-_neo-dio.mp3

;neogeo pocket fighting games series (fatal fury f-impact, gals fighters, samurai
shodown!, samurai shodown!, samurai shodown: warrior's rage, the king of fighters
r-1, the king of fighters r-2, snk vs capcom - match of the millenium; neo geo
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- data_pdc ;by spiderboy & o ilusionista ----------------------------
;- svcpack ;by junior chillage --------------------------------------
;- svcpocket ;by zero oh ----------------------------------------
;(i): svcmotm_intro ;by sophiex@laposte.net ----------------------

;(es) akari, random, music=sound/svc_motm_-_akari.mp3

; poke-akuma, stages/kofr1-08-orochilair.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_akuma.mp3
;poke-akuma by shingo-yabuki, (rsff)

;(es) andy, stages/fatalfury1stc_andy.def

;athena asamiya
; pokeathena, random, music=sound/svc_motm_-_athena.mp3;pokeathena! wai! by
limitedmoon, (ldv), (rsff)
; pokeathena0, stages/kofr2japan.def,
music=sound/kofrs_ost_psycho_soldier_remix_'97.mp3 ;pokeathena by limitedmoon,
(wc), (sffc)

;baby bonnie hood

;(es) bbh, random, music=sound/svc_motm_-_bbhood.mp3

;billy kane
;(es) billy kane, stages/ff1c-05-bkanestage.def

; pokechunli, stages/kofr1-04-bali.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_chun-li.mp3
;pocket chunli by blackjack, (sffc)
; pokechunli0, stages/tmp.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_chun-li.mp3 ;pocket
chunli by kurihan and subway, (rsff)

;dan hibiki
; poc-dan, stages/kofr1-05-ruscascorner.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_dan.mp3
;dan by n64mario, (rsff)
; pocketdan, stages/kof_arabia.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_dan.mp3 ;pocket dan
hibiki by [dbzc]son_goku e w1ll_smith, (rsff)

; feliciapocket, stages/kofr1-03-koreanexhib.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-
_felicia.mp3 ;feliciapocket by julio c. campos, (rsff)

;geese howard
;(es) geese, stages/ff1c-06-geesestage.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_geese.mp3

; pguile, stages/kofr1-02-vocalconcert.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_guile.mp3
;guile by dgs, (sffc)

; haohmarup, stages/samsho2m-04.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_haohmaru.mp3 ;
haohmaru pocket by neofix, (rsff)

;iori yagami
; iori, stages/kofr2-05-trainstation.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_iori.mp3
;iori pocket by sodonhid, (rsff)

;orochi iori
;(es) oiori, random, music=sound/svc_motm_-_eviliori.mp3

;joe higashi
;(es) joe, stages/ff1c-01-joestage.def

;(es) kaede, stages/lb_kaede.def, music=sound/ngpc-lb_kaede.mp3

;(es) ken, random, music=sound/svc_motm_-_ken.mp3
;evil ken
; evilkenpocket, stages/kofr-2boss.def, music=sound/kofrs_ost_fairy.mp3 ;evil
ken pocket by freezell, (sffc)

;kim kaphwan
;(es) kim, stages/ff1c-02-kimstage.def, music=sound/kofrs_ost_seoul_town.mp3
;stages/ngpc-kofr2_korea.def, music=sound/ngpc-kofr2_korea.mp3

; sdkouryu, stages/kofr2-06-blacknoah.def,
music=sound/kofrs_ost_kurikinton.mp3 ;sd kouryu by sorrowedge, (rsff)

;kyo kusanagi
; pkyo, stages/pocketstage.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_kyo.mp3 ;pockey kyo
by seath, (rsff)

;(es) leona, random, music=sound/svc_motm_-_leona.mp3

;li xiangfei
;(es) xiangfei, stages/ngpc-fatalfury1stc_lixiangfei.def, music=sound/ngpc-

;mai shiranui
;(es) mai, stages/ff1c-03-maistage.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_mai.mp3

; m.bison, random, music=sound/svc_motm_-_mbison.mp3 ;m.bison by o
ilusionista, (wo2d), (rsff)

; morriganchan, stages/ngpc-svc-motm_england-noon.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-
_morrigan.mp3 ;morrigan chan by xed, (wc), (ws)

;(es) nakoruru, random, music=sound/svc_motm_-_nakoruru.mp3

;(es) rugal, random, music=sound/kofrs_ost_ketchaku_r_&_d.mp3

;ryo sakazaki
; pocketryo, stages/kofr-2stage3.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_ryo.mp3 ;
pocket ryo by duende macabro, (sffc)
; ryo8, stages/kofr-2stage3.def, music=sound/kofrs_ost_art_of_fight.mp3 ;ryo
by junior chillage, (wo2d), (n2bu)
; ryopocket, stages/kofr-2stage3.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_ryo.mp3 ;ryo
pocket version by satan's child

; ryu17, ;ryu by fiery storm, (rsff)
; pokeryu, stages/kofr-2stage2.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_ryu.mp3 ;pokeryu by
desouza, (i&ei), (rsff)
; pocket ryu, ;pocket ryu by duende macabro, (sffc)
; ryu_p, ;ryu by sublimado, (wod2), (ws2d)
; ryu_p0, ;ryu by sublimado, antigo kurihan, (ldv), (rsff)
; ryuzito, stages/kofr1-06-flamedestiny.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_ryu.mp3
:ryuzito de souza by desouza (last version), (rsff)
;evil ryu
; eryu_dos, stages/kofr1-07-parchearth.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_clone.mp3
;ryu by mj/nobody, (wc)
; evilryu1, stages/kofr2-01-middleeast.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_clone.mp3
;evil ryu by kurihan and evil guizmo, (rsff)
; evilryu10, stages/kofr2-02-koreandock.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_clone.mp3
;evil ryu by spinicci giacomo, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; evilryu2, stages/kofr2-03-japanstreet.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_clone.mp3
;evil ryu by {neto-ssj4}, (rsff)

; pokesakura, stages/kofr1-01-frontierharbor.def,
music=sound/kofrs_ost_shin!_senritsu_dora.mp3 ;mac-psakura by taton, (rsff)
; psakura, stages/galsfighter.def, music=sound/kofrs_ost_mad_fantasy.mp3 ;
pocket sakura by mune, (rsff)
; sakurachan, ;sakura chan by xed, (wc), (ws)
; skr_dos, stages/galsfighter.def, music=sound/kofrs_ost_fanatic_waltz.mp3
;sakura by mj/nobody (wc)

;shingo yabuki
; pokeshingo, stages/osaka.def, music=sound/kofrs_ost_esaka.mp3 ;pocket
shingo by cuecax && karai && bejota, (rsff)
; sdshingo, ;shingo by mr_karai e b�Jota

;terry bogard
; poketerry, stages/terryfc.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_terry.mp3 ;terry
bogard by diego sanches, (rsff)

;(es) ukyo, stages/ngpc-svc-motm_japan1-noon.def, music=sound/ngpc-svc-

;wolfgang krauser
;(es) krauser, stages/krausermotm.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_requiem.mp3

;yuri sakazaki
; pokeyuri, stages/kofr2-04-spain.def, music=sound/kofrs_ost_diet.mp3 ;jhcx-
py by jorge h campos, (ii), (rsff)

; zgf_dos, stages/ff1c-04-xiangstage.def, music=sound/svc_motm_-_zangief.mp3
;zangief by mj/nobody (wc)

;(es) zero, random, music=sound/music=sound/kofrs_ost_zero.mp3

;stages/ngpc-svc-motm_japan3-noon.def, music=sound/ngpc-svc-motm_japan3-noon.mp3
;stages/pocket stage.def

;, music=sound/kof_arabia.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_bloody.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_control_crisis.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_cool_jam.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_episode_iii.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_esaka!.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_esaka_forever.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_fanatic_waltz.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_get_'n_up.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_in_spite_of_one's_age.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_kaigen.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_rhythmic_hallucination.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_the_origin_of_mind.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_the_rr.mp3
;, music=sound/kofrs_ost_xx.mp3

;neo geo pocket fighting games series remix

; #pkurainaito, ;kurai naito by cavaleiro_negro, (ursff)

; arma_x, ;arma_x by arma_x, (sffc)
; hapok, ;hapok by hades_dios_supremo/ hades, (wo2d), (ws)
; !ilu, ;pocket o ilusionista by o ilusionista, (rsff)
; kdyuri, stages/kofr-2boss.def, music=sound/kofrs_ost_mai_mai_kyuun.mp3 ;kai
doll yuri by jorge h campos reborn edition, (rsff)
; pocketkenshin, stages/kofr2japan.def, music=sound/kofrs_ost_mirthless.mp3
;pocket kenshin by insanosuke_sagara, (rsff)
; poc-luigi, stages/kofr2japan.def, music=sound/kofrs_ost_mirthless.mp3 ;luigi
by n64mario & tmasta, (wc), (rsff)
; poc-mario, ;mario by n64mario, tmasta & soliduma, (wc), (rsff)
; metmario, ;metal mario by n64mario, tmasta & soliduma, (wc), (rsff)
; ryukisd, ;ryukisd by ei, (sffc)
; sean0, stages/kofr-2korea.def, music=sound/kofrs_ost_still_green.mp3 ;sean
pocket by sodonhid, (rsff)
; smoke&claudia8b, ;smoke & claudia by smoke, (wc)
; snkcap, ;[shinta]'s snk-capcom team by sunboy, (rsff)
; pocketsongoku, stages/kofr2japan.def, music=sound/kofrs_ost_still_green.mp3
;pocket son goku by [dbzc]son_goku, (rsff)
; tiger_mask, ;tiger mask by tiger mask, (wc), (ws2d), (n2bu: [ws])
; tiger_mask0, ;tiger mask by tiger mask, (wc), (sffc)
; zeroh, ;zeroh by zero oh


;nicktoons: freeze frame frenzy (gameboy advance) --------------------

; gir, ;gir by shinobix2

;nightmare in the dark (neogeo) --------------------------------------

;stages/nitd.def, music=sound/nitd.mp3

;night slashers (arcade) ---------------------------------------------


;nights of certamen --------------------------------------------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;nights of certamen original chars ===================================

ainsley, stages/celestial.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-

_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-_03.mp3 ;ainsley beth castleria by jason thibeault
(ragnarok), (rsff)
dex, stages/highway.def, music=sound/daft_punk_-_daft_club_-_12.mp3 ;dexter
wilhelm by jason thibeault (ragnarok), (rsff)

;nijikaku (original) -------------------------------------------------
;(sp): nijikaku ;by futaba nijiura ---------------------------------

2k, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/fatboy_slim_-

_halfway_between_the_gutter_and_the_stars_-_04.mp3;2k by woman, (wo2d), (ws)
950, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/laurent_garnier_-_the_cloud_making_machine_-
_02.mp3 ;95 by woman, (wo2d)
95ani, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/tresor_-_compilation_vol.6_-_01.mp3 ;95 no
danna by man, (wo2d)
98, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_remixes_-_enjoy_the_silence_-
_reinterpreted.mp3 ;98 by woman, (wo2d)
a-jissou, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/brooklyn_bounce_-_restart_-
_bass_beats_and_melody.mp3 ;another jissou seki by woman, (wo2d), (ws)
abe, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/superstar_djs_-_judge_jules_-_01.mp3 ;
takakazu abe by man, (wo2d), (ws)
; abui, stages/abui_highway.def ;abui by woman, (wo2d), (ws)
; atusi, ;atusi by man, (wo2d)
chloe&maumau, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/swordfish_ost_-_unafraid.mp3 ;chloe
by woman, (wo2d), (ws)
; cvwakamoto, stages/yosinoya.def ;cv wakamoto by man, (wo2d)
; d-muscle, ;double muscle by elecbyte, (wo2d), (ws)
; doriru, ;doriru asamin by "", (wo2d)
; drillasamin, ;drill asamin by woman, (wo2d)
; dunbai, ;dunbai san by woman, (wo2d)
flor, stages/room3.def, music=sound/lost_classics_-
_undiscovered_anthems_from_mixmag's_secret_vaults_-_01.mp3 ;floren by elecbyte,
gobo, stages/zangyou.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_one_love_-_02.mp3 ;gobotenn by
woman, (wo2d), (ws)
; godman, ;godman by man, (wo2d)
; gyouza, ;tara-gyouza by man, (wo2d)
; harpagos, ;harpagos by man, (wo2d)
hato, stages/sumou.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_always_outnumbered_never_outgunned_-_06.mp3 ;unsigned hato sabure battle,
(wo2d) ;quid? ;nijikaku
; hebiitigo, ;hebiitigo by woman, (wo2d), (ws)
; higyopam, ;higyo-pam by man, (wo2d), (ws)
; hina, ;hina ichigo by elecbyte, (wo2d)
; huninki, ;huninki by woman, (wo2d)
iki0, stages/sasuke.def, music=sound/fatboy_slim_-
_halfway_between_the_gutter_and_the_stars_-_02.mp3 ;ikisan by woman, (wo2d)
; inaisan, ;inai san by elecbyte, (wo2d)
; iwao, stages/iwaoboss.def ;iwao by "", (wo2d)
; jissou, ;jissou seki by woman, (wo2d)
; kanaria, ;kanaria by elecbyte, (wo2d)
; kanmi, ;kanmi chan by woman, (wo2d)
mako0, stages/yangoto.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_03.mp3
;mako by man, (wo2d), (ws)
; marie, ;marie by �u�v, (wc)
; maysuyan, ;maysuyan by elecbyte, (wo2d)
me, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/the_chemical_brothers_-_exit_planet_dust_-
_03.mp3 ;windows me by woman, (wo2d), (ws)
; me2, ;me by woman, (wo2d)
miza, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/city_rockers_-_futurism_cd1_-_02.mp3 ;miza
by woman, (wo2d)
; nenaiko, ;nenaikodareda by man, (wo2d), (ws)
neyu, stages/okujou.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_experience_-_02.mp3 ;neyufeulle
by mother earth, (wo2d)
; nobuhiko, ;nobuhiko by man, (wo2d)
; nyaonyao, ;nyaonyao by woman, (wo2d)
; ogita, ;ogita by man, (wo2d)
ojisama_c, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/kill_bill_vol.1_ost_-_santa_esmeralda_-
_don't_let_me_be_misunderstood_-_esmeralda_suite.mp3 ;ojisama-chaos by man,
(wo2d), (ws)
ore, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_their_law_cd2_-_03.mp3 ;ore
by man, (wo2d), (ws)
pengintou, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_11.mp3
;pengintou by woman, (wo2d), (ws)
; rinfa, stages/rinfasroom.def ;rinfa by woman, (wo2d), (ws)
runa, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/tresor_-_compilation_vol.6_-_07.mp3 ;araki
runa by woman, (wo2d), (ws)
ryuuou, stages/heika_c.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.2_-_05.mp3 ;
ryuuoutan by woman, (wo2d)
; saba, ;saba by woman, (wo2d)
; simonkin, ;simonkin by man, (wo2d)
; sinku, ;sinku by "", (wo2d)
; souseiseki, ;aoi-ko by woman, (ei)
; sparta_heika, stages/heika_c2.def ;sparta_heika by woman, (wo2d)
; spelunker1, ;spelunker by man, (wo2d)
; spelunker_sensei, ;spelunker_sensei by man, (wo2d)
suwari_heika, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/zillion_-_the_first_-_14.mp3 ;heika
by man, (wo2d)
tetuwo, stages/datte.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.2_-_07.mp3 ;
tetuwo by man, (wo2d)
; tibigintou, ;tibigintou by woman, (wo2d), (ws)
tiger, stages/c_bloc.def, music=sound/karl_o_connor_&_peter_sutton_-
_against_nature_-_09.mp3 ;tiger by man, (wo2d), (ws)
; vicviper, ;vicviper by woman, (wo2d)
; yodare, ;unsigned yodare, (wo2d)
wagahai, stages/2k_stg.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_17.mp3
;wagahai by woman, (wo2d), (ws)
; xanmi, ;xanmi chan by woman, (wo2d)
; yosinani, ;yosinani by elecbyte, (wo2d)
; zettaiaku, ;unsigned zettaiaku, (wo2d)
; zettaiaku2, ;unsigned zettaiaku, (wo2d)

;nijuei --------------------------------------------------------------


;ninja gaiden series (ninja gaiden, ninja gaiden 2, ninja gaiden shadow, ninja
gaiden trilogy; super nes, nes, gameboy & genesis)

; rh0, ;ryu hayabusa by ssss, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;ninja gaiden (nes) ==================================================

; hayabusa, stages/ng_stage1.def ;ryu hayabusa by bane84, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;ninja gaiden 2 (nes) ================================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;ninja gaiden shadow (game boy) ======================================

; ninja, stages/ngsst1.def ;shadow warrior by heejun184, (rsff)


;ninja master's (neogeo) ---------------------------------------------
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- ninjamas ;by nobun ------------------------------------------------
;- nm.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------------------------

;goemon (underground cavern)

;(es) goemon, stages/fall.def, music=sound/nm_-

;houoh (sea [day & night])

;(es) houoh, stages/ninjamasters.def, music=sound/nm_-_crashed_reality_(houoh).mp3
;stages/sea1.def ;day
;stages/sea_bg.def ;night

;kamui (inland shore)

;(es) kamui, stages/shore.def, music=sound/nm_-_mad_nightmare_(kamui).mp3

;karasu (old house)

karasu, stages/morning_karasu.def, music=sound/nm_-_blank_minute_(karasu).mp3
;karasu by adam_skie@geocities.co.jp, (csff) + (e) by kain the supreme
;stages/night_karasu.def ;night

;kasumi (temple)
; kasumi0, ;kasumi by hiroki, (rsff)
; kasumi3, ;kasumi by k-z, (rsff)
nm-kasumi, stages/kasumi.def, music=sound/nm_-_sakura_in_full_bloom_(kasumi).mp3
;kasumi by be, (wo2d)

;natsume (shuri castle)

; natsume, ;natsume by the impaler, (rsff) + (e) by kain the supreme
natsume0, stages/ninja_massacre.def, music=sound/nm_-_sexiness_(natsume).mp3 ;
natsume by keyu, (rsff) + (e) by kain the supreme

;nobunaga (nobunaga's palace [red & violet])

; cpu, stages/nobunpal.def ;cpu nobunaga by nobun, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)
; noai, stages/nin_nobunaga'bg.def ;nobunaga by nobun, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)
nobunaga, stages/nin_nobunagabg.def, music=sound/nm_-
_illume_decaying_dream_(nobunaga).mp3 ;nobunaga by nobun, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

;raiga (fortress [day & night])

;(es) raiga, stages/raiga_bg.def, music=sound/nm_-_reverie_of_might_(raiga).mp3
;stages/nm_raiga_2.def ;night

;ranmaru (battlefield [day & sunset])

; cpu1, ;cpu ranmaru by nobun, (wc)
; noai1, ;ranmaru by nobun, (wc)
ranmaru1, stages/nin_ranmarubg.def, music=sound/nm_-_amphichrome_(ranmaru).mp3
;ranmaru by nobun, (wc)
;stages/nin_ranmaru'bg.def ;day

;sasuke (fall)
sasuke, stages/river1.def, music=sound/nm_-_yasha_power_(sasuke).mp3 ;sasuke by
adam_skie@geocities.co.jp, (i&ei), (csff)
; sasuke1, ;sasuke by tunin, (rsff) + (i) by adam_skie@geocities.co.jp + (e)
by kain the supreme

;tenhho (forest ([day & evening; with & without dust])

;(es) tenho, stages/nm-tenhob.def, music=sound/nm_-_drizzle_(tenho).mp3
;stages/nm-tenho.def ;day
;stages/nm-tenho2.def ;evening
;stages/nm-tenho2b.def ;evening & dusty

;unzen (snowy forest)

;(es) unzen, stages/red-faith.def, music=sound/nm_-_stound_(unzen).mp3
;ninja master's remix

nudenatsume, stages/afternoon_karasu.def, music=sound/nm_iso_-_natsume.mp3 ;

natsume by keyu, (sffc)


;, music=sound/nm_iso_-_goemon.mp3
;, music=sound/nm_iso_-_houoh.mp3
;, music=sound/nm_iso_-_kamui.mp3
;, music=sound/nm_iso_-_karasu.mp3
;, music=sound/nm_iso_-_kasumi.mp3
;, music=sound/nm_iso_-_nobunaga.mp3
;, music=sound/nm_iso_-_raiga.mp3
;, music=sound/nm_iso_-_ranmaru.mp3
;, music=sound/nm_iso_-_sasuke.mp3
;, music=sound/nm_iso_-_tenho.mp3
;, music=sound/nm_iso_-_unzen.mp3

;ninja spirit --------------------------------------------------------


;ninja warriors (original) -------------------------------------------
;(sp): ninja warriors ;by richard lockard --------------------------

skye, stages/nwg_train.def, music=sound/kosheen_-_hide_you.mp3 ;skye by rich

lockard, (rsff)


;nosferatu (super nes) -----------------------------------------------

;stages/noslv1.def, music=sound/noslv1.mp3 ;mansion

;stages/noslv2.def, music=sound/noslv2.mp3 ;steps
;stages/noslv3.def, music=sound/nosferatu_-_stage_3.mp3 ;rocks
;stages/noslv4.def, music=sound/nosferatu_-_stage_4.mp3 ;crypt
;stages/noslv5.def ;graveyard

;ojyamajyo dremi (original) ------------------------------------------

;aiko senoo
aiko, stages/aiko.def, music=sound/puresia.mp3 ;aiko senoo by taruse, (csff)

;etoile c tokiko
; ec-tokiko, stages/ectokikobg.def, music=sound/ectokikobg2.mp3 ;etoile c
tokiko by tokinokuni-kei, (wc)
; tokiko, stages/doremi2.def, music=sound/puresia.mp3 ;etoile c tokiko by
tokinokuni kei

;hana makihatayama
hana0, stages/doremi.def, music=sound/puresia.mp3 ;hana makihatayama by pripri
man, (sffc)
; hanachan, ;hana makihatayama by tokinokuni kei

;onpu segawa
onpu, stages/onpubg.def, music=sound/puresia.mp3 ;onpu segawa by taruse, (ei),

;one must fall 2097 (pc) ---------------------------------------------
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- omf ;by aokmaniac13 ------------------------------------------
;- onemustfall2097_screenpack ;by general chicken --------------------
;(lb): onemustfall2097_lifebar_320x240 ;by general chicken --------
;(sndp): omfsnd ;by aokmaniac13 ------------------------------------

;chronos (fire pit)

chronos, stages/firepit0.def, music=sound/omf2097_-_firepit.mp3 ;chronos by
aokmaniac13, (wo2d), (sffc)

;electra (fire pit)

electra, stages/firepit0.def, music=sound/omf2097_-_firepit.mp3 ;electra by
aokmaniac13, (wc), (sffc)

;flail (fire pit)

flail, stages/firepit0.def, music=sound/omf2097_-_firepit.mp3 ;flail by
aokmaniac13, (wc), (sffc)

;gargoyle (spike pit)

gargoyle, stages/omf1_up.def, music=sound/omf2097_-_dungeon&pit.mp3 ;gargoyle by
aokmaniac13, (wc), (sffc)

;jaguar (desert)
jaguar, stages/omf4_up.def, music=sound/omf2097_-_desert.mp3 ;jaguar by
aokmaniac13, (wc), (sffc)

;katana (spike pit)

katana, stages/omf1_up.def, music=sound/omf2097_-_dungeon&pit.mp3 ;katana by
aokmaniac13, (wc), (sffc)

;nova (desert)
nova, stages/omf4_up.def, music=sound/omf2097_-_desert.mp3 ;nova by aokmaniac13 +
most kickbuttroxhowarded, (wc), (sffc)

;pyros (stadium)
pyros, stages/stadium.def, music=sound/omf2097_-_stadium.mp3 ;pyros by
aokmaniac13, (wc), (sffc)

;shadow (power plant)

shadow7, stages/powerplant.def, music=sound/omf2097_-_powerplant.mp3 ;shadow by
aokmaniac13, (wo2d), (sffc)

;shredder (power plant)

shredder, stages/powerplant.def, music=sound/omf2097_-_powerplant.mp3 ;shredder by
aokmaniac13, (wc), (sffc)

;thorn (stadium)
thorn, stages/stadium.def, music=sound/omf2097_-_stadium.mp3 ;thorn by
aokmaniac13, (wc), (sffc)

;one must fall 2097 remix

ice0, stages/powerplant.def, music=sound/omf2097_-_powerplant.mp3 ;ice by

aokmaniac13, (wo2d), (sffc)

;one piece series (one piece / shonen jump's one piece, one piece: grand battle
swan colloseum; gameboy advance, wsc)

; luffy1, ;monkey d. luffy by tyler

;(ss) ================================================================
;one piece / shonen jump's one piece (gameboy advance) ===============

;stages/on board.def
;stages/rocks-island.def, music=sound/rocks-island.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;one piece: grand battle swan collosseum (wsc) =======================

; luffy2, ;luffy by umudo

;stages/going-merry-mt.def, music=sound/going-merry-mt.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;one piece (original) ================================================

; luffy, ;monky d luffy by elecbyte / amakiti@yahoo.co.jp, (rsff)

; luffy0, ;luffy by bird, (sffc)
ruffy, stages/bb1.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.2_-_13.mp3 ;monkey d.
ruffy by mugen d. ruffy, (sffc)
;onesan (nec) --------------------------------------------------------


;onita atsushi fmw (super nes) ---------------------------------------

;(es) asako
;(es) killer m.
;(es) onita
;(es) ricky
;(es) yashajin

;open mortal (original) ----------------------------------------------

aisha, stages/original_black_sand.def, music=sound/tresor_-_demo_tracks_1999_-

_02.mp3 ;aisha by bane84, (sffc)
; boxer, ;boxer by bane84 (old version), (ldv), (sffc)
boxer0, stages/myst.def, music=sound/godskitchen_-_mixed_by_mario_piu_-_07.mp3
;boxer by bane84 (new version), (wc), (ws2d), (sffc)

;osu! karatebu (super nes) -------------------------------------------

;andou / makoto
;(es) andou, random, music=sound/ok_-_fight_1_-_makoto.mp3

;(es) chiyo

;jinrai / jin-rai
;(es) jinrai

;kira / imawara
;(es) kira

;(es) nakai

;(es) rick

;ryuko / ryuutaka
;(es) ryuko

;ryu-un / ryuu-un
;(es) ryu-un

;(es) sakuma

;(es) sotokawa, stages/osukaratebu02.def

;(es) suenaga

;(es) takagi

;super takagi
;(es) super takagi

;(es) tanaka

;stages/osukaratebu01.def ;extra bg 2

;, music=sound/ok_-_fight_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ok_-_fight_3.mp3
;, music=sound/ok_-_fight_4.mp3
;, music=sound/ok_-_fight_5.mp3
;, music=sound/ok_-_fight_6.mp3
;, music=sound/ok_-_fight_7.mp3
;, music=sound/ok_-_fight_8.mp3
;, music=sound/ok_-_fight_9_&_10.mp3
;, music=sound/ok_-_fight_11.mp3

;ougon no siro / golden castle (arcade) ------------------------------

; irene, ;irene by ruji yoshida, (rsff)

;pacman series (ms. pac-man, pac-attack, pac-man, pacman, pac-man 2 - the new
adventures, pac-land; pc-engine, arcade, super nes & genesis)

; pac, stages/pacland.def ;pacman by nee, (rsff)

; pacman, stages/labyrinth0.def, music=sound/labyrinth.mp3 ;pacman by "" /


;panzer bandit (playstation) -----------------------------------------

; ein, stages/grecia_pb.def ;ein by arma_x, (sffc) (unrequestable status)

; jin4, stages/panzer_bandit01.def ;jin by z sabre user/panda, (wc), (ws2d)
; koh, stages/white_pb.def ;koh by arma_x, (sffc)
; kou, stages/panzer_bandit04.def ;kou by z sabre user/panda, (wc), (ws2d)

;stages/multi0.def ;battle coliseum

;stages/panzer_bandit02.def ;cpu room

;parappa the rapper (playstation) ------------------------------------
; parappa, ;unsigned parappa, (rsff)

;parfait -------------------------------------------------------------

;stages/cross.def ;cross
;stages/ekimae(palfe).def ;ekimaed
;stages/ekimae(palfe_christmas.ver).def ;ekimae (christmas ver.)
;stages/ekimae_night(palfe).def ;ekimae night
;stages/ekimae_night(palfe_christmas.ver).def ;ekimae night (christmas ver.)
;stages/roji_night(palfe).def ;roji night
;stages/roji_snow_night(palfe).def ;roji snownight
;stages/shopping_mall.def ;shopping mall
;stages/shopping_mall(before opening).def ;shopping mall (before opening)
;stages/shopping_mall(christmas.ver).def ;shopping mall (christmas ver.)
;stages/shopping_mall(nightchristmas.ver).def ;shopping mall night (christmas
;stages/university(palfe).def ;university
;stages/university2(palfe).def ;university entrance

;parodius series (parodius, parodius non-sense fantasy; snes) --------

; moai, stages/par4_0.def, music=sound/from_bonzai_with_love_-_'99_-_08.mp3

;moai by skysuika, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;parodius non-sense fantasy ==========================================

;stages/pcloudys.def, music=sound/parodius non-sense fantasy - cloudy stage.mp3

;parasite eve series (parasite eve & parasite eve 2; playstation) ----

;(ss) ================================================================
;parasite eve (playstation) ==========================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;parasite eve 2 (playstation) ========================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;parasite eve original chars =========================================

aya, stages/parasite_eve.def, music=sound/pe_primaleyes(tapeworm)_oc_remix.mp3

;aya brea by vn artist, (i&ei), (rsff)
; burner, ;burner by anmc, (csff)
;pbsimulator (original) ----------------------------------------------

; player10, stages/target_range.def ;player 1 by khmaibq, (sffc)

; player2, stages/target_range.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.6_-
_01.mp3 ;player 2 by khmaibq, (rsff)
; targetrange, stages/target_range.def ;target range by khmaibq, (sffc)

;perfect dark (ultra64) ----------------------------------------------


;phantasy star iv - the end of the millenium (genesis) ---------------

;stages/motavia.def, music=sound/end of the millennium.mp3 ;planet motavia

;phantasy star iv - the end of the millenium remix

;stages/darkforce.def, music=sound/laughter.mp3

;phantasy star online (dreamcast) ------------------------------------


;(ss) ================================================================
;phantasy star online (original) =====================================

; rappy, stages/crepusculo.def ;rag rappy by mature4evr, (rsff)

;phantom brave -------------------------------------------------------

;stages/anothern.def ;another neterworld

;stages/bloodf.def ;bloody fortress
;stages/carnage.def ;land of carnage
;stages/deserti2.def ;desert island 2
;stages/desertt.def ;desert island
;stages/devils.def ;devil island
;stages/halld.def ;hall of dead
;stages/hinterland.def ;hinterland island
;stages/ices.def ;ice seal
;stages/icicle.def ;icicle island
;stages/mone2.def ;monetopia edge
;stages/noman.def ;no man's land
;stages/overlord2.def ;overlord castle
;stages/tragedy.def ;tragedy stage
;stages/verdantg.def ;verdant guardiana
;stages/windmill0.def ;windmill promontory
;phantom fighter (nes) -----------------------------------------------

; kyonsy, stages/reigendoushi.def, music=sound/reigendoushi.mp3 ;kyonsy by

sugio, (sffc)

;pink goes to hollywood (super nes) ----------------------------------


;pirates of dark water (super nes) -----------------------------------

; renwip, stages/pandawa.def, music=sound/podw_-_bloth's_last_attack.mp3 ;

prince ren by hystalin, (sffc)

;, music=sound/podw_-_across_the_oceans_of_mer.mp3
;, music=sound/podw_-_andorus_forest.mp3
;, music=sound/podw_-_atani_palace.mp3
;, music=sound/podw_-_banjamaar_temple.mp3
;, music=sound/podw_-_city_of_pandawa.mp3
;, music=sound/podw_-_dragon's_maw.mp3
;, music=sound/podw_-_minions_of_bloth.mp3
;, music=sound/podw_-_miregone_jungle.mp3
;, music=sound/podw_-_mobo_island.mp3
;, music=sound/podw_-_prologue_(part_1).mp3
;, music=sound/podw_-_prologue_(part_2).mp3
;, music=sound/podw_-_the_maelstrom.mp3
;, music=sound/podw_-_the_search_continues.mp3

;pitfall series (pitfall, pitfall2, pitfall 2 - the lost caverns, pitfall 3d /
pitfall: beyond the jungle, pitfall gb / pitfall: beyond the jungle, pitfall harry
/ pitfall: the lost expedition, pitfall: the mayan adventure / pitfall: mayan no
daibouken, super pitfall; arcade, atari 2600, atari 5200, colecovision, commodore
64, gameboy advance, gameboy, gamecube, genesis, intellivision, jaguar, msx, nes,
pc, playstation, playstation 2, sega 32x, sega cd, sg 1000, super nes & xbox)


;(ss) ================================================================
;pitfall: the mayan adventure / pitfall: mayan no daibouken (gameboy advance,
genesis, jaguar, pc, sega 32x, sega cd & super nes)

; pitfall, stages/pitfall0.def, music=sound/pitfall.mp3;pitfall by dadou,

(sffc) (unrequestable status)

;pit-fighter series (master system, genesis, super nes & arcade) -----
;(ss) ================================================================
;pit-fighter (sms) ===================================================

; buzz_sms, ;buzz by smee, (sffc)

; kato_sms, ;kato by smee, (sffc)

; ty_sms, ;ty by smee, (sffc)

;pokemon (original) --------------------------------------------------
;(fnt): pokemonrs font ;by blac-dragoon -----------------------------

; bulbassauro, ;unsigned bulbasaur, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)

chansey, stages/hagley_park.def, music=sound/moby_-_i_like_to_score_-_02.mp3 ;
chansey by brandon clay, rosserick daperson, (wo2d)
; charmander, ;unsigned charmander corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)
; chicolita, ;chicolita by omega clarens, fixado por shadowtak, (rsff)
; diglet, ;diglet by pokeman, (rsff)
; dodo, ;dodo by raikou
; e-fi, ;e-fi by kent, (sffc)
; gas, ;evil gastly by mighty akuma, (rsff)
; ghost, ;ghost by km & jadouyarou, (rsff)
haruka, stages/artico.def, music=sound/big_messy_summer_-_(no_title)_-_02.mp3
;haruka by tokathiki, (sffc)
; haruka0, ;haruka by tokathiki, updated by ???
; haruka_sp, ;haruka_sp by tokathiki, (sffc)
; hino, ;hinoarashii by kent, (sffc)
jp, stages/forestp.def, music=sound/city_rockers_-_futurism_cd1_-_05.mp3 ;
jigglypuff by willoughby jackson, (rsff)
; koffing, ;koffing by moyashi, corrected by electrocaid, (sffc)
; koiru, ;magnemite by km, (rsff)
; mada, ;unsigned bellsprout, (rsff)
; myu2, ;myu�u by men, (rsff)
; nukenin, ;nukenin by terui, (sffc)
; pika, ;pikachu by xgargoyle, (rsff)
; pikachu, ;unsigned pikachu, (rsff)
; pikachu0, ;pikachu by kumako@t.toshima.ne.jp, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; pikachu1, ;pikachu by pokeman, (rsff)
psyduck, stages/fortcity.def, music=sound/cherrymoon_-_the_compilation_vol.1_-
_04_(cut).mp3 ;psyduck by willoughby, original update by react0rz, (rsff)
; rea, ;magneton by km, (rsff)
; squirtle, ;unsigned squirtle, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)
; unknown0, ;unsigned unknown, (rsff)
; upa, ;wooper by omega clarens, fixer shadowtak, (rsff)
; utu, ;unsigned ututudon, (rsff)
; weezing, ;weezing by terui, (sffc)

;polynesian kid ------------------------------------------------------

; pkid, stages/ishintabo.def, music=sound/takeshi.mp3 ;polynesian kid by

ayustat, (i&ei), (rsff)


;pop 'n' twinbee series (detana!! twinbee, pop 'n' twinbee - rainbow bell
adventure; pc-engine & super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;pop 'n' twinbee - rainbow bell adventure (super nes) ================

; twinbee, ;twinbee by tilin@shikoku.ne.jp, (rsff)

;postal 2 (pc) -------------------------------------------------------

;stages/postal desert.def

;power dolls ---------------------------------------------------------

; claudia, ;claudia by claudiaprogramii, (wo2d)

;power instinct series (power instinct, power instinct 2, power instinct 3 /
groove on fight, power instinct legend & power instinct matrimelee; arcade,
neogeo, saturn, super nes & genesis)

;(ss) ================================================================
;power instinct / power instinct 2(super nes & neogeo) ===============

;angela belti (pi: street / pi2: rock stage)

angela, stages/angelabg.def, music=sound/pi_-
_day_of_the_killer_(angela_belti's_theme).mp3 ;angela belti by eder guido
(ryoga_rg), (sffc)

;annie hamilton (pi: ruins / pi2: hotel hall)

@annie hamilton, stages/powerannie.def, music=sound/pi2_-
_first_love(hajimete_no_ai)-annie's_theme.mp3 ;annie hamilton by yaten kou
pi_annie, stages/anniebg.def, music=sound/pi_-
_ai_ni_ikiru_(annie_hamilton's_theme).mp3 ;annie by 177, (ei)
; pi_annie2, ;chibi annie by 177, (ei)


;chuck (pi2: hotel hall)

;(es) chuck

;kanji kokuin (pi2: garden)

;(es) kanji, random, music=sound/pi2_-_jinsei_hitoritabi-kanji's_theme.mp3

;keith wayne (pi: parking / pi2: street)

keith0, stages/keithbg_up.def, music=sound/pi_-
_eiyuu_ni_naritai_(keith_wayne's_theme).mp3 ;keith wayne by basara-kun, (sffc)

;kinta kokuin (pi2: playground)

;(es) kinta

;kurara hananokoji (pi2: balcony)

kurara, stages/angelabg.def, music=sound/pi2_-_mahou_mitai_na_koishitai-
kurara's_theme.mp3 ;kurara hanakouji by amago, (rsff)

;kuroko (pi2: hotel hall)

;(es) kuroko

;oshima goketsuji (pi2: sky)

;(es) oshima, random, music=sound/pi2_-_okinawan-oshima's_theme.mp3

;otane goketsuji (pi: church / cemetary / pi2: hotel hall)

otane, stages/g_otane.def, music=sound/pi_-_bochi_no_haru_(otane's_theme).mp3
;otane goketuji by capitan_trueno, (ei), (wc), (sffc)

;oume goketsuji (pi: church / pi2: shrine)

pi_oume, stages/powertemple.def, music=sound/pi_-_komatta_toki_no_midare-
uchi_(oume's_theme).mp3 ;oume by 177, (ei)
; pi_oume2, ;chibi oume by 177, (ei)

;poochy (pi2: playground)

;(es) poochy

;reiji oyama (pi: hangar / pi2: sunset)

reiji1, stages/keithbg_up.def, music=sound/pi_-
_otoko_no_karatemichi_(reiji_ooyama's_theme).mp3 ;reiji oyama by basara-kun,

;sahad asran ryuto (pi2: arabian temple)

;(es) sahad, random, music=sound/pi2_-_kechabian-ryuto's_theme.mp3

;saizo hattori (pi: lake / pi2: in the shrine)

!saizo, stages/saizobg.def, music=sound/pi_-
_jonjon_garagara_(hattori_saizou's_theme).mp3 ;saizo hattori by ilusionista,

;super kurara (balcony)

;(es) skurara

;thin-nen (pi: temple's front / pi2: futuristic monks)

thin, stages/powerthin.def, music=sound/pi_-_chinpuu_(thin_nen's_theme).mp3 ;thin
nen by capitan_trueno, (ei), (wc), (rsff)
thinnen, stages/powerthin.def, music=sound/pi2_-_bozu_de_dadada-
thin_nen'stheme.mp3 ;thin nen by ihoo1836, (wc), (sffc)

;white buffalo (pi: tribe / pi2: tribe at night)

wb, stages/powerwhite.def, music=sound/pi_-_amiyai-
zoku_tatanka_no_uta_(white_buffalo's_theme).mp3;white buffalo by basara-kun

;, music=sound/pi2_-_warugaki_youchien_enka.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
power instinct legend (neogeo) =======================================

;(es) angela, stages/pileg_angbg.def

;(es) keith, stages/pileg_keibg.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;power instinct 3 / groove on fight (arcade & saturn) ================

;bristol weller (chessboard palace)

;(es) bristol, stages/pim3_chessboard_palace.def, music=sound/pi3_-_god_of_death_-

;bristol-d (chessboard hell)

;(es) bristol-d, stages/pim3_chessboard_hell.def, music=sound/pi3_-_god_of_death_-

;chris wayne (labyrinth)

;(es) chris, stages/pim3_labyrinth.def, music=sound/pi3_-_world_step_-

;damian shade (nuclear factory)

;(es) damian, stages/pim3_nuclear_factory.def, music=sound/pi3_-_red_bird_-

;falco (plane)
;(es) falco, stages/pim3_plane.def, music=sound/pi3_-_fly_away_-

;gartheimer rudolph (nuclear factory)

;(es) gartheimer, stages/pim3_nuclear_factory.def, music=sound/pi3_-_incarnation_-

;larry light (labyrinth)

;(es) larry, stages/pim3_labyrinth.def, music=sound/pi3_-_world_step_-

;m.a.d. (laboratory)
;(es) m.a.d., stages/pim3_laboratory.def, music=sound/pi3_-_m.a.d_-

;otogiri remi (horlogium)

neoremi, stages/tit.def, music=sound/pi3_-_time_is_tango_-
_remi_and_popura_theme.mp3 ;mvcremi by ryokucha, (rsff)

;oume & otane (plane)

taneume, stages/pim3_plane.def, music=sound/pi3_-_fly_away_-
_oume_and_otane_theme.mp3 ;otane oume by elecbyte / nynaryo, (rsff)

;popura / popula (horlogium)

popura, stages/tit.def, music=sound/pi3_-_time_is_tango_-
_remi_and_popura_theme.mp3 ;popura by elecbyte / nynaryo, (rsff)

;solis r8000 (laboratory)

;(es) solis, stages/pim3_laboratory.def, music=sound/pi3_-_m.a.d_-

;tenjinbashi sujiroku (japanese gate)

;(es) tenjinbashi, stages/pim3_japanese_gate.def, music=sound/pi3_-_kamikaze_-

;yukinoue hizumi (japanese gate)

;(es) hizumi, stages/pim3_japanese_gate.def, music=sound/pi3_-_kamikaze_-

;, music=sound/pi3_-_bad_partner_-_leader_vs_partner_battle.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;power instinct matrimelee (neogeo) ==================================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- matrimelee.style ;by claudio toxi =============================
;- pimspack ;by matmut ===============================================
;(lb): pimlifebars ;by matmut ===================================
;(i): matrim_sisiyintro ;by chachacha ================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- anny_end ;unsigned ================================================
;- buntaro_end ;unsigned ==========================================
;- chinnen_end ;unsigned ==========================================
;- clara_end ;unsigned ==========================================
;- hikaru_end ;unsigned ==========================================
;- kanji_end ;unsigned ==========================================
;- keith_end ;unsigned ==========================================
;- matrim_reiji ;by chachacha ======================================
;- matrim_saizou ;by chachacha ======================================
;- matrim_white ;by chachacha ======================================
;- olofend ;by mugenie ==============================================
;- poochyend ;by mugenie ========================================
;- poochy_end ;unsigned ==========================================
;- reijiend ;by mugenie ==============================================
;- saizoend ;by mugenie ==============================================
;- shintarend ;by mugenie ========================================
;- shintaro_end ;unsigned ==========================================
;- sissyend ;by mugenie ==============================================
;- sissy_end ;unsigned ==========================================
;- tane_end ;unsigned ================================================
;- ume_end ;unsigned ================================================
;- whitend ;by mugenie ==============================================

;anny (stage: flyin' singer)

00anny, stages/clara.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-
_a_little_happiness_(void_version).mp3 ;anny by tin, (rsff) + (e) by mugenie

;buntaro (shop)
buntaro, stages/shintaro.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_overclock_of_palpitation.mp3
;buntaro by h�h, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by mugenie

;chinnen / thinnen (ceremony)

chinnen, stages/onmyouzi.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-
_lets_go!_yin_yang_fortune_teller.mp3 ;chinnen by wara, (sffc) + (e) by mugenie

;clara (stage: flyin' singer)

clara, stages/clara.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_a_little_happiness.mp3 ;clara by
nhk, (sffc) + (e) by mugenie
; ironclara, ;cc iron clara by david demianoff, (ei), (rsff) (unrequestable

;elias (room: the shower)

;(es) elias, stages/pim_elias.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_pleasure!_(mr._jones).mp3

;goketuji / ume / tane (stage: one woman show)

goketuji, stages/ume.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_wonderful_internet.mp3 ;goketuji
oume by luchini, (ei), (rsff)
tane, stages/powerinst4.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_wonderful_internet.mp3 ;tane
by h�h, (rsff) + (e) by mugenie
ume, stages/matrimelee_ume&tane.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_wonderful_internet.mp3
;ume by h�h, (rsff) + (e) by mugenie
ume_tane, stages/ume&tane.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_wonderful_internet.mp3 ;
goketuji, (rsff) by h�h

;hikaru (stage: space invaders)

ccihikaru, stages/hikaru.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_our_secrets.mp3 ;cci hikaru
by david demianoff (unrequestable status)
hikaru1, stages/hikaru.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_our_secrets.mp3 ;hikaru by
nyankoro, (wc) + (e) by mugenie
; ironhikaru, ;cc iron hikaru by david demianoff, (rsff) + (e) by mugenie
(unrequestable status)
; ironhikaru0, ;hikaru by david demianoff (ug version) (unrequestable

;jimmy (room: teepee)

;(es) jimmy, stages/pim_jimmy.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_anger!_(jimmy).mp3

;kanji (night cafeteria)

kanji, stages/kanji.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_secret_love_gouketsuji.mp3 ;kanji
by silencer, (sffc) + (e) by mugenie

;keith (stage: rock band)

keith, stages/pim_debu.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_hyakkan_(the_big).mp3 ;keith
wayne by mouser, (wc), (csff) + (e) by mugenie

;lynn (room: thinnen's sleepin')

;(es) lynn, stages/pim_lynn.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_sorrow!_(lynn).mp3
;stages/matrimelee_room a copy.def

;mr. jones
;(es) mr. jones, random, music=sound/pim_ost_-_heavy!_(elias).mp3

;olof (stage: rock band)

olof, stages/pim_debu.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_hyakkan_(the_big).mp3 ;olof by
meka, (ei), (wc), (sffc)

;poochy (stage: space invaders)

poochy, stages/pim_clara_stage.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-
_our_secrets_(full_chorus_version).mp3 ;poochy by shimon

;reiji (stage: one man show)

reiji0, stages/reiji.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_the_poor_kanenaijah.mp3 ;reiji
by yu-go, (ei), (rsff)

;saizo (night cafeteria)

saizo, stages/pim_saizo.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_secret_love_gouketsuji.mp3
;saizo by yu-go, (ei), (rsff)

;shintaro (shop)
shintaro, stages/pim_shintaro.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-
_overclock_of_palpitation.mp3 ;shintaro by ryo 2005, (wo2d), (sffc)

;sissy (stage: angels)

sissy, stages/toukon-sissybg.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-
_matrimelee_march_(sissy).mp3 ;sissy by chloe, (ei), (sffc) (unrequestable status)

;white (stage: arcade gamers)

white1, stages/white.def, music=sound/pim_ost_-_battle_game_of_youth.mp3 ;white
by shimon

;power instinct matrimelee remix

; mr_duck, stages/tpsn.def ;mr duck by chloe & m@th, (rsff)


;power moves / power athlete / deadly moves (genesis & super nes) ----
;(sp): pm ;by namaguideran & lord-s --------------------------------

;baraki (kenya)
baraki, stages/powermoveskenya.def, music=sound/powerm_-_baraki.mp3 ;baraki by
namaguideran, (wo2d)

bonus5, stages/bonus2.def, music=sound/powerm_-_ranker.mp3 ;bonus round by
pwcr(kusanagi), (sffc)

;buoh (japan)
; buoh, ;buoh by mr.pancadaria, (rsff)
buoh0, stages/pm_japan.def, music=sound/powerm_-_buoh.mp3 ;buoh by mr.pancadaria,
; buoh1, ;buoh by mr.pancadaria, (wo2d)

;gaoluon / gaulong (china)

gaoluon, stages/powermoveschina.def, music=sound/powerm_-_gaoluon.mp3 ;gaoluon by
namaguideran, (wo2d)

;joe (usa)
joemove, stages/nickbg.def, music=sound/powerm_-_ranker.mp3 ;joemove by lord
sinistro, (sffc)
; joemove0, ;joemove by lord sinistro, (wo2d)

;nick (spain)
;(es) nick, stages/nickbg.def, music=sound/powerm_-_nick.mp3

;ranker (germany)
ranker, stages/cyberbit_up.def, music=sound/powerm_-_ranker.mp3 ;ranker by lord-s,
; ranker0, ;ranker by lord-s, (wo2d)

;reayon (thailand)
; reayonis, ;reayonis by lord sinistro, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)
reayonis0, stages/pm_thailand.def, music=sound/powerm_-_reayon.mp3 ;reayonis by
lord sinistro, (wo2d)

;vagnad (russia)
vagnad, stages/pm_hawaii.def, music=sound/powerm_-_vagnad.mp3 ;vagnad by
namaguideran, (wo2d)

;warren (polynesia)
;(es) warren, stages/pm_hawaii.def, music=sound/powerm_-_warren.mp3

;power moves / power athlete remix

; cyberwarren, ;cyberwarren by lord sinistro, (rsff)

cyberwarren0, stages/!gaulong.def, music=sound/powerm_-_gaoluon.mp3 ;cyberwarren
by lord sinistro, (wo2d)

;power puff girls series (power puff girls: him and seek / hi hi puffy ami yumi:
kaznapped (gameboy advance)

; buttercupd, ;buttercup by pgreedrgb, (wc), (ws2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;power puff girls: him and seek / hi hi puffy ami yumi: kaznapped (gameboy

; ami, stages/cartoonbg.def, music=sound/amiyumiinst.mp3 ;ami by kenshin

; amibf, stages/downtownbig.def ;ami bf by kenshin himura
; yumi0, stages/puffylounge.def ;yumi by kenshin
; yumibeach, stages/osakagirl.def ;yumi bf by kenshin
; yumibf, ;yumi bf by kenshin
; yumibf2, ;yumi bf2 by kenshin


;(ss) ================================================================
;power puff girls (original) =========================================

blossom, stages/antartica.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-_cd02_lange_-_16.mp3

;blossom by omegapsycho, (sffc) + (e) by rudolf27
buttercup, stages/praia2_up.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_their_law_cd2_-_14.mp3
;buttercup by ssonic, updated by kenshin
evil0, stages/entbg009.def, music=sound/bosh!_-_12_sizzling_bangers_-_04.mp3 ;
evilbut by ssonic, (csff)
; girls, ;buttercup por ssonic, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
lindinha, stages/temple8.def, music=sound/zillion_-_vol.5_club_edition_cd2_-
_05.mp3 ;lindinha by 007, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

;power spikes (neo geo) ----------------------------------------------


;prehistoric man (snes) ----------------------------------------------


;primal rage series (super nes & arcade) -----------------------------
;(sp): prmotif ;by lord-s -----------------------------------------

;(es) armadon

;(es) blizzard
;(es) chaos

diablo, stages/pr_jungle.def, music=sound/prage_-_volcano.mp3 ;diablo by lord
sinistro, (i&ei), (wc)

;(es) sauron

; talon, stages/pr_jungle.def, music=sound/prage_-_jungle_waterfall.mp3 ;talon
by cyanide, (rsff)
talon0, stages/pr_jungle.def, music=sound/prage_-_jungle_waterfall.mp3 ;talon by
lord sinistro, (wc), (i&ei), (sffc)

vertigo, stages/thetomb.def, music=sound/prage_-_stonehenge.mp3 ;vertigo by lord
sinistro, (wc), (i&ei), (sffc)

;, music=sound/prage_-_glacier.mp3
;, music=sound/prage_-_red_beach.mp3
;, music=sound/prage_-_shattered_city.mp3
;, music=sound/prage_-_stalagtite_cave.mp3

;prince of persia series (prince of persia, prince of persia - sands of time; pc,
super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;prince of persia - sands of time (pc) ===============================

;stages/persa 3d.def

;princess crown (saturn) ---------------------------------------------

gradriel, random, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_the_fat_of_the_land_-_02.mp3 ;

gradriel by keitaro fixed by ayustat, (rsff)

;prisoners of war (arcade) -------------------------------------------

; pow, stages/powcamp.def, music=sound/powcamp.mp3 ;snake by leonardo

;pro evolution soccer 3 (pc) -----------------------------------------

; titi, stages/titistage.def, music=sound/titistage.mp3;thierry henry by rabz,

(wc), (i&ei), (sffc)

;psychic force series (psychic force, psychic force 2 & psychic force 2012;
playstation & dreamcast)
;(i): pf01 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------


;pulirula (arcade & playstation 2) -----------------------------------

mel, random, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-_15.mp3 ;mel

by elecbyte / nynaryo, (rsff)

;pulseman (genesis) --------------------------------------------------

; pulseman, ;pulseman by n64mario, (rsff)

;punch out series (punch out & super punch out; arcade, nes & super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;punch out (arcade) ==================================================

; wireboxer, ;wireboxer by dxwho, (wo2d), (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;punch out (nes) =====================================================

; doc, ;doc louis by n-mario

; miketyson, stages/boardwalk.def, music=sound/boardwalk.mp3 ;mike tyson by
bane84, (wo2d), (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;super punch out (super nes) =========================================

;stages/minor circuit.def

;puyo puyo series (super puyo puyo, super puyo puyo 2 & super puyo puyo 2 remix;
super nes)

; arle, stages/puyopuyo.def, music=sound/puyo_puyo_-_versus.mp3 ;unsigned

arle, (rsff)
; aruru, stages/puyopuyo.def, music=sound/puyo_puyo_-_versus.mp3 ;aruru by
sugio, (rsff)

;puzzle bubble / bubble bobble (neogeo, nes & super nes) -------------

; bub, random, music=sound/swordfish_ost_-_password.mp3;bub by patman, fixed

by electrocaid, (rsff)
; bub0, random, music=sound/the_chemical_brothers_-_surrender_-_10.mp3 ;bub
by carra, (rsff)
; bubble, ;bubble by strider from typhoon crew fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)
; hyewon, random, music=sound/cosmic_gate_-_rhythm_&_drums_-
_mental_atmosphere_(video_mix).mp3 ;project hye won by tenshin, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;bubble bobble (nes) =================================================

; bubblum, ;bubblum by andres borghi, (wc)

;puzzle fighters series (super gem fighters mini mix, super puzzle fighter 2
turbo; playstation)
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- pocket_fighter_spack ;by chloe (unrequestable status) -------------
;- sgf.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------------------
;- spf.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------------------
;(lb): gemslifebars ;by cabbit007 --------------------------------
;(i&e): sakura ;by chok -------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- capcom-logo-mt ;by mantov�o ---------------------------------------
;- pfeliciaintro ;by bluebolt ---------------------------------------
;- psakuraintro ;by bluebolt ---------------------------------------
;- ptessaintro ;by bluebolt ---------------------------------------
;(e): pocryuend ;by rudolf27 ---------------------------------------

;chun li (tessa's den)

pchunli, stages/pockettessa.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-_tessa's_den.mp3 ;chun li by
splode, (rsff) + (i&e) by lupe121283
pocket_chun-li_beta, stages/tessbg.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-_tessa's_den.mp3 ;
pocket_chun-li_beta by black_dahlia_isis, (wo2d)

;dan (dee jay's bar "maximum")

; pdan, ;dan pocket fighter by cuecax, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
sddan, stages/pocketbar.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-_deejay's_bar_[maximum].mp3 ;dan
hibiki by arma_x, (ii), (wc), (rsff) + unsigned (e)

;(es) devilot, stages/spf2td.def, music=sound/spf2x_ost_-_debirott.mp3

;(es) donovan, stages/spf2tdo.def, music=sound/spf2x_ost_-_donovan.mp3

;felicia (gen's restaurant)

felicia6, stages/ramenbg.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-
_gen's_restaurant_[daihanjyo].mp3 ;felicia by cuervinator, (i&ei), (rsff)

;gouki / akuma (moonlight dark castle)

pakuma, stages/mdcastle.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-_moonlight_dark_castle.mp3 ;akuma
by eminator, (i&ei), (rsff)

;shin gouki / shin akuma (moonlight dark castle)

pocshingouki, stages/mdcastle.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-_moonlight_dark_castle.mp3
;shin gouki by phantom.of.the.server, (sffc) + (i&e) by lupe121283

;ibuki (beach house safrill)

; 00ibuki, stages/pocketbeach.def ;ibuki_r by ran, (rsff) +(i) by bluebolt
+ (e) by lupe121283
; ibuki, stages/beachpf-mt.def ;ibuki pocket by ice, (rsff) + (i&e) by
ibuki0, stages/safril.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-_beach_house_[safrill].mp3 ;ibuki
by violet, (sffc) + (i&e) by lupe121283
; pokeibuki, stages/pf_safuriru.def ;ibuki 3rd s.g.m. by renzoku, (rsff) +
(i&e) by lupe121283

;ken (gen's restaurant)

ken3rd, stages/pocketrestaurant.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-
_gen's_restaurant_[daihanjyo].mp3 ;ken 3rd s.g.m. by renzoku, (rsff) + (i) by
pocketken, stages/spf2tk.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-
_gen's_restaurant_[daihanjyo].mp3 ;pocket ken by ribeiro, (sffc) + (e&i) by chok

;(es) leilei, random, music=sound/spf2x_ost_-_lei_lei.mp3

;morrigan (demitri's castle)

mori, stages/pocketdemitri.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-_demitri's_moving_mansion.mp3
;morrigan by ryu ken, (rsff) + (i&e) by chok
mori0, stages/maoubg.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-_demitri's_moving_mansion.mp3 ;
morrigan by aqua@mutt.freemail.ne.jp, (rsff) + (i&e) by chok

;ryu (toy shop "dhalsim")

; mini_ryu, ;mini_ryu by 007, (ursff)
; miniryu, ;mini ryu by g0devil, (rsff) + (e&i) by chok
miniryu0, stages/pocketshop.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-_toy_shop_[dhalsim].mp3 ;mini
ryu by leon, (rsff) + (e&i) by chok
pocryu, stages/pocketshop.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-_toy_shop_[dhalsim].mp3 ;
pocket ryu by gilgamesh_ex, (rsff) + (e&i) by chok

;(es) sakura, stages/spf2ts.def, music=sound/spf2x_ost_-_sakura.mp3

;(es) tabasa

;zangief (ski resort "la menkoi")

pzangief, stages/snowpf.def, music=sound/pf_ost_-_ski_resort_[la_menkoi].mp3 ;
zangief by sodonhid, (rsff)
; zangief1, ;unsigned mini zangief fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)
; zangief3rd, ;zangief 3rd s.g.m. by renzo


;, music=sound/pf_ost_-_running_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/spf2x_ost_-_dan_no_saikyo_ryuu_puzzle_dojo.mp3

;puzzle fighters remix

; kai, ;kai by elecbyte, (wo2d)

; evilminiken, ;evilminiken by reu, (csff)
pocket evil ken, stages/catdragon.def, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_ken.mp3 ;pocket evil
ken by renzoku, edited by roy hunter, (wc), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)
; tuss, ;tuss by c division, (wc), (ws2d)

;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_''i_want_you_to_know''_-
;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_''i_want_you_to_know''_-
;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_chun-li.mp3
;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_dan's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_dan_no_saikyo_ryu_puzzle_dojo.mp3
;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_devilot.mp3
;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_donovan.mp3
;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_felicia.mp3
;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_gouki.mp3
;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_lei-lei.mp3
;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_morrigan.mp3
;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_ryu.mp3
;, music=sound/spf2x_ast_-_sakura.mp3

;quake 3 arena (pc) --------------------------------------------------


;queen of dualist alpha plus -----------------------------------------

bee, stages/ryuhobg.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_remixes_-_barrel_of_a_gun_-

_underworld_hard_mix.mp3 ;rugal bee by nyan��kiryu, (rsff)
; ryuho, ;ryuho by nyankiryu, (rsff), (ldv)
ryuho0, stages/ryuhobg.def, music=sound/technasia_-_future_mix_-_11.mp3 ;ryuho
by nyankiryu, (wc), (ws2d)

;rabbit (arcade & saturn) --------------------------------------------

;egith (market)
;(es) egith, stages/rabbit_egithstage.def

;hou-en / rou-en (dragon room)

;(es) hou-en, stages/rabbit_hou-en.def

;ja-koh (marionets' room)

;(es) ja-koh

;little-eddie / eddy (circus)

;(es) little-eddie

;rex (rooftop)
;(es) rex, stages/rbbt-rex.def

;tian-ren (village)
;(es) tian ren, stages/rbbt-tre.def

;wu-ling (chinese garden)

;(es) wu ling, stages/rbbt-wul.def

;yu-lan (nightstreet)
;(es) yu lan, stages/rabbit_yulanstage.def

;zao-long (forest)
;(es) zao-long

;rabbit remix


;rage of the dragons (neogeo) ----------------------------------------
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- rotd ;by juan carlos ------------------------------------------
;- rotd.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------------------
;(lb): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- rotd ;by mr. mu~ ----------------------------------------------
;- rotd-bar ;by fryo -------------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- rageintro ;by shywolf28@hotmail.com --------------------------
;- rodrintro ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- rotdintro ;by dark saviour -----------------------------------

;abubo (subway)
abubo, stages/subway_rotd.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_exclamation.mp3 ;abubo by
100% ex-inferis, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
;alice (church)
alice0, stages/church_rotd.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_exorcism.mp3 ;alice by
nhk, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt

;annie (disco)
annie, stages/disco.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_beat_out.mp3 ;annie murakami by
nyankoro, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;billy (china dojo)

billy3, stages/chinadojo_rotd.def,
music=sound/rotd_ost_splendid_string_from_china.mp3 ;william lewis by mouki,
(rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
billyrotd, stages/rdojo.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_splendid_string_from_china.mp3
;billy by ryo 2005, (wo2d), (rsff)

;cassandra (factory)
cassandra, stages/factory3.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_violent_death.mp3 ;cassandra
by jackson, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
cassandra0, stages/factory_rotd.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_violent_death.mp3 ;
cassandra by jack bandit, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
cassandra1, stages/rotd_factory.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_violent_death.mp3 ;
cassandra by h�h, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;elias (church)
elias, stages/rchurch.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_exorcism.mp3 ;elias patrick by
inverse, (ursff) + (e) by bluebolt
; elias0, stages/rotd-church.def ;elias by tunin, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
elias1, stages/stage_elias.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_exorcism.mp3 ;elias by
helios, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;jimmy (parking)
jimmy0, stages/park1.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_funky_togetherness.mp3 ;james lewis
by ted, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
jimmylee, stages/parking.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_funky_togetherness.mp3 ;jimmy
lee by jin kazama, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;johann (palace)
johann, stages/rpalace.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_statelessness.mp3 ;johann by
adamskie, (sffc) + (i) by rudolf27

;jones (ring)
jones, stages/rotd_ring.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_dragons_blues.mp3 ;jones by
jennifer, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
jones0, stages/ring_rotd.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_dragons_blues.mp3 ;jones by
conversion wolrd - j.lee, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;kang (ring)
kang, stages/rring.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_dragons_blues.mp3 ;kang jae mo by
zamtong & shacti, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;lynn (china dojo)

lynn, stages/rotd_dojo_up.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_splendid_string_from_china.mp3
;lynn baker by taruse, (ei), (rsff)
lynn0, stages/rotd_dojo_up.def,
music=sound/rotd_ost_splendid_string_from_china.mp3 ;lynn baker by chloe & roque
(new version), (wc), (ei), (sffc) (unrequestable status)
lynn1, stages/rotd_dojo_up.def,
music=sound/rotd_ost_splendid_string_from_china.mp3 ;lynn by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e)
by faye & roque
lynnb, stages/rotd_dojo_up.def,
music=sound/rotd_ost_splendid_string_from_china.mp3 ;lynn by faye & roque (old
version), (ei), (sffc) (unrequestable status)

;oni (factory)
oni, stages/rfactory.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_violent_death.mp3 ;oni inomura v1.55
by inverse, (ursff) + (e) by bluebolt
oni0, stages/rfactory.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_violent_death.mp3 ;oni by
meka, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt

;pepe (school)
pepe, stages/pepebg.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_cheer_up!.mp3 ;pepe by adamskie,
(sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
pepe0, stages/rotdschool.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_cheer_up!.mp3 ;pepe by ken,
(sffc) + (e) by bluebolt

;pupa (school)
pupa, stages/rschool.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_cheer_up!.mp3 ;pupa salgueiro by
nyan��kiryu + (e) by bluebolt
pupa0, stages/school_rotd.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_cheer_up!.mp3 ;pupa by
villian, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;radel (disco)
radel, stages/rdisco.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_beat_out.mp3 ;radel by
nyankoro, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;sonia (parking)
sonia, stages/rparking.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_funky_togetherness.mp3 ;sonia
by jennifer, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
sonia0, stages/rparking.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_funky_togetherness.mp3 ;sonia
by keyu, (rsff)
; ironsonia, ;iron sonia by david demianoff, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;rage of the dragons remix

;- rdcustomend ;by bluebolt
;- rdspecialend ;by bluebolt

; angel2, ;unsigned angel aceves2, (i&ei), (wc), (ursff)

bane, stages/doju-dragon-ken.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_glorious_heart.mp3 ;bane
by ex-inferis+loganir, (sffc)
; bloodsmoke, ;smoke(evil blood) by smoke, (ei), (rsff)
; jessicasmoke, ;j.smoke by smoke, (wc)
john000, stages/young.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_glorious_heart.mp3 ;john by
john.m, (sffc)
lord_roger, stages/ssp.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_glorious_heart.mp3 ;lord roger
by elecbyte / smoke
neolynn, stages/prueba.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_glorious_heart.mp3 ;lynn baker
by faye & roque, (wc), (sffc)
; ortsac, ;ortsac by arielco, (wc), (rsff)
ortsac0, stages/rotd_dojo_s_up.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_glorious_heart.mp3 ;
ortsac by arielalexco, (wc), (ws2d)
; pepe2, ;pepe by tunin, (rsff)
; shin3, ;shin xxx by basara-kun
; smokenorm, ;smoke (normal) by smoke, (ei), (rsff)
xxx, stages/catedral5.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_glorious_heart.mp3 ;xxx by
basara-kun, (wc), (sffc)
yamagata, stages/dfactory.def, music=sound/rotd_ost_glorious_heart.mp3 ;kawakami
yamagata by pockefreeman, (sffc)

;ragnagard (neogeo) --------------------------------------------------
;(sp): or.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------------------

;(es) arcorion,

benten, stages/shin_benten.def, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_track_17.mp3 ;
benten by adamskie, (sffc) + (e) by rudolf27

;(es) behemoth, stages/behemoth.def, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_behemoth.mp3

;(es) binten, stages/shin_binten.def

;(es) chichi-nene, stages/chi2-ne2.def, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_chichi-

;(es) gokuu, stages/shin_gokuu.def

;(es) igret, stages/igret.def, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_igret.mp3

;(es) lucifer

;(es) seena, stages/shin_seena.def

;(es) susano, stages/shin_susano.def

;(es) syuten-dozi, stages/shin_syuten-dozi.def

;stages/finaltri.def, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_lucifer.mp3 ;clone

;stages/shin_arcorion.def ;clone

;, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_track_04.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_track_08.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_track_09.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_track_10.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_track_11.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_track_14.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_track_18.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_track_19.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_track_20.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_track_23.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnagard_iso_-_track_24.mp3

;ragnagard remix

;stages/templo buda.def

;ragnarok battle series (ragnarok battle offline & ragnarok battle online; pc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;ragnarok battle offline (pc) ========================================
;(i): off ;unsigned ================================================

;stages/payon_cave.def ;payon cave

;stages/prontera0.def ;prontera

;(ss) ================================================================
;ragnarok battle online (pc) =========================================

gm0, stages/prontera.def, music=sound/ragnarok_online_ost_-_an_ant-lion's_pit.mp3

;game master by kuon
; mutumi, ;mutumi by ???, (rsff)
; poring, stages/piramides.def, music=sound/ragnarok_online_ost_-
_temp_it_up.mp3 ;poring by the necromancer, (sffc)


;, music=sound/ragnarok_online_ost_-_dreamer's_dream.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnarok_online_ost_-_everlasting_wanderers.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnarok_online_ost_-_nano_east.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnarok_online_ost_-_ready~.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnarok_online_ost_-_risk_your_life.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnarok_online_ost_-_tempoison.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnarok_online_ost_-_temporsche.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnarok_online_ost_-_through_the_tower.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnarok_online_ost_-_time_up!!.mp3
;, music=sound/ragnarok_online_ost_-_welcome_mr._hwang.mp3

;rainbow six ---------------------------------------------------------

; r6vguy, ;rainbow six vegas guy by the_none, (wo2d)

;rambo (nes) ---------------------------------------------------------
;stages/rambo2.def, music=sound/rambo.mp3

;rance series --------------------------------------------------------

;stages/rance6mori.def, music=sound/rance_-_rancemori.mp3
;stages/rance7_base.def ;base: noon
;stages/rance7_base2.def ;base: noon
;stages/rance7_base3.def ;base: night
;stages/rance7_beach.def ;beach
;stages/rance7_beach2.def ;beach
;stages/rance7_dungeon.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon2.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon3.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon4.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon5.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon6.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon7.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon8.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon9.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon10.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon11.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon12.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon13.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon14.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon15.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon16.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon17.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon18.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon19.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon20.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon21.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon22.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_dungeon23.def ;dungeon
;stages/rance7_forest.def ;forest
;stages/rance7_forest2.def ;forest
;stages/rance7_forest3.def ;forest
;stages/rance7_forest4.def ;forest
;stages/rance7_forest5.def ;forest
;stages/rance7_fort.def ;fort
;stages/rance7_fort2.def ;fort
;stages/rance7_fort3.def ;fort
;stages/rance7_fort4.def ;fort
;stages/rance7_fort5.def ;fort
;stages/rance7_fort6.def ;fort
;stages/rance7_grassland.def ;grassland
;stages/rance7_grassland2.def ;grassland
;stages/rance7_grassland3.def ;grassland
;stages/rance7_hall.def ;hall
;stages/rance7_hall2.def ;hall
;stages/rance7_plain.def ;plain
;stages/rance7_plain2.def ;plain
;stages/rance7_plain3.def ;plain
;stages/rance7_plain4.def ;plain
;stages/rance7_plain5.def ;plain
;stages/rance7_plain6.def ;plain
;stages/rance7_plain7.def ;plain
;stages/rance7_snowfield.def ;snowfield
;stages/rance7_snowfield2.def ;snowfield
;stages/rance7_wild.def ;wild land
;stages/rance7_wild2.def ;wild land
;stages/rance7_wild3.def ;wild land
;stages/rance7_wild4.def ;wild land

;ranma 1/2 series (ranma 1/2 bun no 1 - akanekodan no hihou, ranma 1/2 1 - chonai
gekitou hen, ranma 1/2 2 - bakuretsu rantou hen / ranma 1/2 / ranma 1/2 hard
battle, ranma 1/2 4 - chogi ranbu hen, ranma 1/2 bun no 1 - ougi jyaanken; super
nes & pc-engine)
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- ranma ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- ramna0 ;by elecbyte + drachir + ssj17vegeta ---------------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;ranma 1/2 (pc-engine) ===============================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;ranma 1/2 1 - chonai gekitou hen (super nes) ========================

;(es) colon, stages/hcdojo.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_1_-

genma-sama, stages/street7.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_1_-_genma_saotome.mp3 ;genma
saotome by timji, (csff)

h0, stages/stage28.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_1_-_bonus_game_1_=_happosai.mp3 ;
happousai by masa, (sffc)

;kahuna kuno
kahuna, stages/prinoffice.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_1_-_kouchou_[head_master].mp3
;unsigned kahuna kuno, (rsff)

;(es) kodachi, stages/girderbattle.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_1_-_kodachi_kunou.mp3
;(es) kuno, stages/temple16.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_1_-_tatewaki_kunou.mp3

ranma1, stages/deliverytruck.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_1_-_ranma_saotome.mp3 ;ranma
by masa, (sffc)

;(es) ryoga, stages/ryogastage.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_1_-_ryouga_hibiki.mp3

;(es) shampoo, stages/shampoo_stage2.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_1_-_shampoo.mp3

;stages/tendo_dojo.def ;happosai / colon

;ranma 1/2 1 - chonai gekitou hen remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;ranma 1/2 2 - bakuretsu rantou hen (super nes) ======================

;(es) akane, stages/akaneshouse-dm.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_akane.mp3

;(es) genma, stages/zhou.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_genma.mp3

chonjung, stages/gosunkugi_stage.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_gosunkuji.mp3 ;
chonjung by elecbyte, (rsff)
; gosunkugi, stages/gosunkugi.def ;hikaru gosunkugi by timji, (csff)

; happy, ;happosai by timji, (rsff)
happosai, stages/kocho.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_happosai&taro.mp3 ;happosai by
dr. m, (rsff)

;mister king
b_king, stages/kings_casino.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_king.mp3 ;bakuchiou king by
puppet, (sffc)
; king2, ;king by span, (wo2d)
; mister king, stages/king0.def ;mister king by timji, (csff)

;(es) mousse, stages/chapiteau.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_mousse.mp3

;ranma (female)
ranma0, stages/estuairesoir.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_ranma.mp3 ;ranma
saotome by nyan��kiryu, (rsff)

;ranma (male)
;(es) ranma (male), stages/estuairejour.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_ranma.mp3
;(es) ryoga, stages/ryogaroof.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_ryoga.mp3

;(es) shampoo, stages/shampootrain.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_shampoo.mp3

nylonstrumpf_taro, stages/taro2.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_happosai&taro.mp3
;nylonstrumpf taro by timji, (csff)

;transformed taro
taro, stages/taro_stage.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_happosai&taro.mp3 ;super taro
by timji, (rsff)

ukyo0, stages/ukyoubg.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_2_ukyo.mp3 ;ukyo by elecbyte /
nynaryo, (rsff)

;ranma 1/2 2 - bakuretsu rantou hen remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;ranma 1/2 4 - chogi ranbu hen (super nes) ===========================

;akane (fountain)
akane, stages/fonte_akane.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_akane.mp3 ;akane tendo by
kgenjuro, (rsff)

;genma (jungle)
genma, stages/ryougabg.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_genma.mp3 ;genma saotome by
kgenjuro, (rsff)
; genma0, jungle8.def ;genma saotome by kgenjuro, (rsff)

;herb (greece)
herb, stages/ranma_up.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_herb.mp3 ;kraeutlein by timji,

;hinako (africa)
hinako0, stages/ranma_africa.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_hinako.mp3 ;hinako
nimomiya by timji, (csff)

;transformed hinako (africa)

hinako_nimomiya, stages/ranma_africa.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_hinako.mp3 ;
hinako nimomiya by timji, (csff)

;kodachi (taj mahal)

kodachi, stages/ranma_india.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_kodachi.mp3 ;kuno
kodachi by charimankaga, (rsff)

;kuno (falls)
kuno, stages/kuno0.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_kuno.mp3 ;tatewaki kuno by
kgenjuro, (rsff)

;mariko (stadium)
; mariko, ;mariko konjo by timji, (rsff)
mariko0, stages/mariko_stadio.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_mariko.mp3 ;mariko
konjou by fervicante, (wc)

;mousse (new york)

mousse, stages/mousse_stage.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_mousse.mp3 ;unsigned
mousse, (rsff)

;ranma (female) (hawai beach)

; ranma4, ;ranma saotome by timji (die pcx files von doctor m), (rsff)
; ranma-chan, ;ranma saotome by doctor m, (rsff)
ranmachan, stages/beach_ranma.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_ranma.mp3 ;ranma
saotome female by jerome, (rsff)
; ranmachan0, ;ranma saotome by rexxon, (rsff)

;ranma (male) (hawai beach)

a0ranma, stages/beach_ranma.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_ranma.mp3 ;ranma + by
patrick ching(pneophen), (rsff)
ranma, stages/beach_ranma.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_ranma.mp3 ;ranma saotome by
doctor m, (rsff)
; ranma2, ;ranma by moyashi, fixed by gohan ssm2, (sffc)
ranma saotome, stages/beach_ranma.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_ranma.mp3 ;ranma
s. by evil k'999, (wc), (ws2d)

;ryoga (glace place)

ryouga, stages/ryoga_stage.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_ryoga.mp3 ;hibiki ryouga by
kbpun, (ursff)
; ryouga0, ;ryouga hibiki by ranmasama, (rsff)
ryouga1, stages/glac.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_ryoga.mp3 ;ryouga by legatob,

;shampoo (bridge)
shampoo, stages/shampoo_stage.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_shampoo.mp3 ;unsigned
shampoo, (ursff)
xshampoo, stages/shampoob.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_shampoo.mp3 ;x-shampoo
by pctim, (wc), (csff)

;ukyo (loch ness)

ukyok, stages/ukyo1.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_ukyo.mp3 ;ukyo kuonji by jorge h
campos, (rsff)

;ranma 1/2 4 - chogi ranbu hen remix

; kaoru, stages/ran_grec.def ;kaoru by battousaix, (csff)

nuderanma, stages/ranmabg.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_4_herb.mp3 ;nude ranma by
rexxon the mighty, (rsff)
; winnie, ;winnie the pooh by elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d)


;(ss) ================================================================
;ranma 1/2 series original stuff======================================

granny, stages/happosai0.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_cat-fu_fighting.mp3

;granny by gouketsu, (wo2d), (rsff)
happo, stages/happosai0.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_curse_of_the_full-
body_cat_tongue.mp3 ;happo by gouketsu, (wo2d), (rsff)
; happosai0, stages/happosai0.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_danger.mp3
;hapossai by gouketsu, (ldv), (rsff)
ranma3, stages/jusenkyo0.def, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_no_surrender.mp3 ;ranma
saotome by garci, (csff)

;, music=sound/ranma0.5_strongest_music_collection_ost_-_eiga_no_you-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_strongest_music_collection_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_strongest_music_collection_ost_-_saigo_no_tokkun.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_big_trouble_in_nekoron_-_china_soundtrack_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_big_trouble_in_nekoron_-_china_soundtrack_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_big_trouble_in_nekoron_-_china_soundtrack_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_big_trouble_in_nekoron_-_china_soundtrack_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_big_trouble_in_nekoron_-_china_soundtrack_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_big_trouble_in_nekoron_-_china_soundtrack_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_big_trouble_in_nekoron_-_china_soundtrack_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_big_trouble_in_nekoron_-_china_soundtrack_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_big_trouble_in_nekoron_-_china_soundtrack_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_nihao_my_concubine_ost_-_genjutsu-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_nihao_my_concubine_ost_-_harem_palace.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_nihao_my_concubine_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_nihao_my_concubine_ost_-_momo_no_mi!-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_nihao_my_concubine_ost_-_nankai_dai-kettou_i-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_nihao_my_concubine_ost_-_nankai_dai-kettou_ii-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_nihao_my_concubine_ost_-_nankai_dai-kettou_iii-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_nihao_my_concubine_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_nihao_my_concubine_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_nihao_my_concubine_ost_-_survival_game.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_nihao_my_concubine_ost_-_tekichi_sen'nyuu-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_nihao_my_concubine_ost_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ost4_-_ongaku-no-tenji_-_03.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ost4_-_ongaku-no-tenji_-_04.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ost4_-_ongaku-no-tenji_-_12.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ost4_-_ongaku-no-tenji_-_16.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ost4_-_ongaku-no-tenji_-_17.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ost4_-_ongaku-no-tenji_-_19.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ost4_-_ongaku-no-tenji_-_20.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ost4_-_ongaku-no-tenji_-_24.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ost4_-_ongaku-no-tenji_-_29.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ova_&_movie3_soundtrack_-_akane_no_dai_pinchi.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ova_&_movie3_soundtrack_-_hakai.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ova_&_movie3_soundtrack_-_houou_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ova_&_movie3_soundtrack_-_huroba_no_daikessen.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ova_&_movie3_soundtrack_-_ichidai_kesshin.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ova_&_movie3_soundtrack_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ova_&_movie3_soundtrack_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ova_&_movie3_soundtrack_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ova_&_movie3_soundtrack_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ova_&_movie3_soundtrack_-_ranma_vs_houou_ken.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_ova_&_movie3_soundtrack_-
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_anything-goes_takeout.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_beat_the_clock.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_carnaval.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_cut_to_the_chase_part_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_cut_to_the_chase_part_3.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_cut_to_the_chase.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_danger_threatens.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_eldritch_arts.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_for_the_sake_of_the_art.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_greetings_from_china.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_happy_shiny_morning.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_here's_ranma.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_here_comes_a_new_challenger.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_his_'n'_her_suffering.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_i'll_get_you_next_time_for_sure.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_in_the_throes_of_combat.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_it_all_comes_down_to_this.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_kung_fu_action_part_1.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_kung_fu_action_part_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_me!_marry_that_pervert!.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_meet_ranma_saotome.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_mousse_needs_women.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_off_the_top_rope.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_prepare_for_the_worst.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_put_your_money_where_your_mouth_is.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_ranma_vs_ryoga.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_same_as_it_ever_was.mp3
;, music=sound/ranma0.5_tv_ost_-_you'd_better_let_me_handle_this.mp3

;rave master attack force --------------------------------------------

; elie, ;elie by kenshin

;rayman series (rayman, rayman 2, rayman 3 & rayman advance; gameboy advance,
playstation, playstation 2 & xbox)
;(ss) ================================================================
;rayman (playstation) ================================================

; rayman, stages/plant.def ;rayman by cyanide, (rsff)

; rayman0, stages/plant.def ;rayman by nizan, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;rayman advance (gameboy advance) ====================================


;really really -------------------------------------------------------

;stages/reallyreally_hokensitu.def ;room
;stages/reallyreally_hokensitu_yuugure.def ;room (evening)
;stages/reallyreally_huyouke_ribingu.def ;living room
;stages/reallyreally_huyouke_ribingu_yuugure.def ;living room (evening)
;stages/reallyreally_kouyougakuen.def ;front gate
;stages/reallyreally_kouyougakuen_yuugure.def ;front gate (evening)
;stages/reallyreally_kouyougakuen_yoru.def ;front gate (night)
;stages/reallyreally_kouyougakuen_haru.def ;front gate (bloom)
;stages/reallyreally_kouyougakuen_haru_yuugure.def ;front gate (bloom - evening)
;stages/reallyreally_kouyougakuen_haru_yoru.def;front gate (bloom - night)
;stages/reallyreally_kouyougakuen_rouka.def ;between the stairs
;stages/reallyreally_kouyougakuen_rouka_yoru.def ;between the stairs (night)
;stages/reallyreally_kouyougakuen_rouka_yuugure.def ;between the stairs (evening)
;stages/reallyreally_seitosidousitu.def ;classroom
;stages/reallyreally_seitosidousitu_yuugure.def;classroom (evening)

;rent a hero series (rent a hero & rent a hero no. 1; dreamcast, genesis, pc &

; renta, stages/rh-living.def ;unsigned rent a hero, (rsff)

;resident evil / biohazard series (resident evil / biohazard, resident evil
director's cut / biohazard director's cut, resident evil 0 / biohazard 0, resident
evil 2 / biohazard 2, resident evil 3 / biohazard 3, resident evil 4 / biohazard
4, resident evil: code veronica / biohazard: code veronica, resident evil dead aim
/ biohazard dead aim, resident evil outbreak / biohazard outbreak, resident evil
outbreak file 2 / biohazard outbreak file 2, resident evil survivor / biohazard
survivor; playstation, playstation 2, dreamcast & pc)

;resident evil / biohazard series remix

;stages/raccoon city.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;resident evil / biohazard series (resident evil / biohazard & resident evil
director's cut / biohazard director's cut; gamecube & playstation)


;(ss) ================================================================
;resident evil 0 / biohazard zero (gamecube) =========================

;stages/bio1_01.def, music=sound/re0_-_thunderstorm.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;resident evil 2 / biohazard 2 (gamecube, playstation & pc) ==========

leon, stages/rpd0_up.def, music=sound/re2_ost_24.mp3 ;leon by koyotae, (rsff)


;, music=sound/re2_ost_01.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_02.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_03.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_04.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_05.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_06.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_07.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_08.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_09.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_10.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_11.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_12.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_13.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_14.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_15.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_16.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_17.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_18.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_19.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_20.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_21.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_22.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_23.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_25.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_26.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_27.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_28.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_29.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_30.mp3
;, music=sound/re2_ost_31.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;resident evil 3 / biohazard 3 (playstation & gamecube) ==============

;stages/quadra.def, music=sound/raccoon.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;resident evil 4 / biohazard 4 (gamecube) ============================
;(sndp): sound packs resident evil 4 ;by the_god_bogard =========


;(ss) ================================================================
;resident evil outbreak / biohazard outbreak (playstation 2) =========

;stages/resident evil.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;resident evil survivor (playstation) ================================

;stages/arcade1.def, music=sound/arcade.mp3
;stages/barclub.def, music=sound/barclub.mp3
;stages/barclub2.def, music=sound/barclub2.mp3
;stages/cassino0.def, music=sound/cassino.mp3
;stages/ell.def, music=sound/ell.mp3
;stages/f0umbrella.def, music=sound/f0umbrella.mp3
;stages/f13umbrella.def, music=sound/f13umbrella.def.mp3
;stages/gate0.def, music=sound/gate.mp3
;stages/home1.def, music=sound/home.mp3
;stages/hos.def, music=sound/hos.mp3
;stages/paradise.def, music=sound/paradise.mp3
;stages/side.def, music=sound/side.mp3
;stages/umbrella.def, music=sound/umbrella.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;resident evil / biohazard series (original) =========================
;(sp): resident_evil_beta2 ;by the pizzaman,maxim =================

black.t, stages/forest21.def, music=sound/retm_ost_method_man_-

_release_yo_delt_(prodigy_mix).mp3 ;black.t by harlemhero,the pizzaman, (wo2d)
; nemesis, stages/resident4.def, music=sound/retm_ost_marilyn_manson_-
_seizure_of_power.mp3 ;nemesis by elecbyte, (rsff)
; nemesis1, stages/hercules.def ;nemesis by cavalheiro de gotham,the pizzaman,
; zombie, stages/resident.def ;zombie_a by anmc, (rsff)

;revolution x (arcade & playstation) ---------------------------------


;rinstar (genesis) ---------------------------------------------------

;stages/planetflora.def, music=sound/rinstar.mp3

;rise of the robots series (rise of the robots & rise of the robots 2:
resurrection; saturn, genesis & super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;rise of the robots (genesis & super nes) ============================

;ape (ape area)

;(es) ape, stages/ape.def, music=sound/rotrobots_-_ape.mp3

;crusher (r&d department)

;(es) crusher, stages/rotr2.def, music=sound/rotrobots_-_crusher.mp3

;(es) cyborg

;loader (warehouse)
;(es) loader, stages/deposit0.def, music=sound/rotrobots_-_loader.mp3
;stages/rotr3.def ;alt. bg?

;military (command center)

militarymd, stages/rotr4_up.def, music=sound/rotrobots_-_military.mp3 ;military by
cadavelico, (wc), (rsff)

;sentry (out in the city)

;(es) sentry, stages/rotr1.def, music=sound/rotrobots_-_sentry.mp3

;(es) supervisor, random, music=sound/rotrobots_-_supervisor.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;rise of the robots 2: resurrection (saturn) =========================

;(es) anil-8

;(es) assault

;(es) chromax

;(es) crusher

;(es) cyborg

;(es) deadlift
;(es) detain

;(es) griller

;(es) insane

;(es) loader

;(es) lockjaw

;(es) mayhem

;(es) necroborg

;(es) prime-8

;(es) rook

;(es) salvo

;(es) steppenwolf

;(es) suikwan

;(es) supervisor

;(es) v1

;(es) vandal

;(es) vitriol

;(es) war

;rival school series (project justice & rival school; playstation & dreamcast)
;(e); kyosuke ;unsigned ------------------------------------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;project justice (dreamcast) =========================================
;(sndp): pjusticesnd ;by chiba mamoru x ===========================

;stages/gorin doom.def, music=sound/pj_ost_-_gorin_dome.mp3 ;gorin dome

;stages/jigi parks.def, music=sound/pj_ost_-_ziggy_amusement_park.mp3 ;ziggy
amusement park
;stages/jastice gakuen.def, music=sound/pj_ost_-_justice_schools.mp3 ;justice
;stages/justice gakuen saisekijou.def, music=sound/pj_ost_-
_justice_school_mountain_area.mp3 ;justice school mountain area
;stages/konjyou shrine.def, music=sound/pj_ost_-_kanjo_shrine.mp3 ;kanjo
;stages/moe!_justice gakuen.def, music=sound/pj_ost_-_justice_schools.mp3 ;
justice schools
;stages/rooftop.def, music=sound/pj_ost_-_taiyo_school_rooftop.mp3 ;taiyo
school rooftop
;stages/seijyun jyogakuin.def, music=sound/pj_ost_-
_seijyun_girls_high_school_courtyard.mp3 ;seijyun girls high school courtyard
;stages/seisyun station.def, music=sound/pj_ost_-_aoharu_station_square.mp3 ;
aoharu station square
;stages/taiyou gakuen.def, music=sound/pj_ost_-_taiyo_school_rooftop.mp3 ;taiyo
school rooftop
;stages/yamato teibou.def, music=sound/pj_ost_-_embankment_on_the_yamato_river.mp3
;enbankment on the yamato river

;, music=sound/pj_ost_-_taiyo_school_classrooms.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;rival school (playstation) ==========================================
;(sp): rsspack ;by matmut =========================================
;(lb): rslifebars ;by matmut =========================================
;(e): hinata ;by adam doyle =====================================

;stages/drivetheater.def, music=sound/rs_ost_-_drive-in_theater.mp3 ;drive-in

;stages/gedoriver.def, music=sound/rs_ost_-
_at_the_riverbed_in_front_of_evil_high_school.mp3 ;at the riverbed in front of
evil high school
;stages/gedoworksite.def, music=sound/rs_ost_-
_construction_site_at_the_back_of_evil_high_school.mp3 ;construction site at
the back of evil high school
;stages/goringym.def, music=sound/rs_ost_-_gym_1_of_five_rings_high_school.mp3
;gym 1 of 5 rings high school
;stages/gorinseaside.def, music=sound/rs_ost_-
_in_front_of_five_rings_high_school's_seaside_training_camp.mp3 ;in front of 5
rings high school's seaside training camp
;stages/illusionspace.def, music=sound/rs_ost_-_space_of_illusion.mp3 ;space of
;stages/justicegate.def, music=sound/rs_ost_-
_in_front_of_the_main_gate_of_justice_high_school.mp3;in front of the main gate of
justice high school
;stages/justicelibrary.def, music=sound/rs_ost_-
_in_the_library_of_justice_high_school.mp3 ;in the library of justice high
;stages/justiceroom.def, music=sound/rs_-_justiceroom.mp3 ;justice hs meeting
;stages/pacificgate.def, music=sound/rs_ost_-
_in_front_of_pacific_high_school's_back_gate.mp3 ;in front of pacific high
school's back gate
;stages/taiyoclass.def, music=sound/rs_ost_-
_in_a_classroom_of_sunshine_high_school.mp3 ;in a classroom of sunshine high
;stages/taiyoground.def, music=sound/rs_ost_-
_the_school_yard_of_sunshine_junior_high_school.mp3 ;the school yard of sunshine
junior high school
;stages/taiyoroof.def, music=sound/rs_ost_-
_on_the_rooftop_of_sunshine_high_school.mp3 ;on the rooftop of sunshine high

;river city ransom series (river city ransom, river city ransom 2, river city
ransom 3 & river city ransom ex; gameboy advance & nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;river city ransom 3 =================================================

;stages/kunioprison.def, music=sound/rcr3_-_kunio.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;river city ransom ex (gameboy advance) ==============================

;stages/sticksville.def, music=sound/running around the city -nes-.mp3

;road runner (super nes)

;stages/coyote2.def, music=sound/wile_e.'s_revenge.mp3

;robocop series (nes, super nes) -------------------------------------
;(sp): robocopsp ;by ryou win ---------------------------------------

; ed209, stages/ocppress.def ;ed 209 by ryou win, (ii), (sffc)

; ed-209, stages/ocptop.def ;ed-209 by ryou win, (ii), (sffc)
; ironsuit, stages/ironsuit-bg.def ;ironsuit by ryou win, (sffc)
; iron-suit, ;iron suit by ryou win, (sffc)
; robocain, ;robocain 2 by ryou win, (sffc)
; robo-cain, ;robocain 2 by ryou win, (sffc)
robocop, stages/robocop2.def, music=sound/robocop.mp3;robocop by ryou win, (i&ei),
; robo-cop, stages/ocpfront.def ;robocop by ryou win, (i&ei), (sffc)

;robot army (neogeo) -------------------------------------------------

;stages/la casse.def
;stages/robotic area.def
;robot army remix

;stages/crazy monkey.def

;robotech (original) -------------------------------------------------


;rocket knight (genesis) ---------------------------------------------

; sparckster, ;sparckster by chava63, (rsff)

; sparkster, stages/sparkster.def ;pneophen's sparkster by patrick ching,

;, music=sound/rocket_knight_adventures_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/rocket_knight_adventures_-_final_boss_a.mp3
;, music=sound/rocket_knight_adventures_-_final_boss_b.mp3
;, music=sound/rocket_knight_adventures_-_level_1-1.mp3
;, music=sound/rocket_knight_adventures_-_level_1-2.mp3
;, music=sound/rocket_knight_adventures_-_level_2-1.mp3
;, music=sound/rocket_knight_adventures_-_level_2-2.mp3
;, music=sound/rocket_knight_adventures_-_level_3.mp3
;, music=sound/rocket_knight_adventures_-_level_4.mp3
;, music=sound/rocket_knight_adventures_-_level_5-1.mp3
;, music=sound/rocket_knight_adventures_-_level_6.mp3
;, music=sound/rocket_knight_adventures_-_sub_boss.mp3

;rocky (sms) ---------------------------------------------------------

; rockybalboa, ;rocky balboa by jessica smoke

;rokudenashi blues (super nes) ---------------------------------------

; hatanaka, ;hatanaka by ���z�^�����\

;stages/rokubox.def, music=sound/rokubox.mp3

;romancing saga 3 ----------------------------------------------------

; elen, ;elen by ����@�m, (wo2d)

;rozen maiden (original) ---------------------------------------------
;(sp): rozenmugen ;by drowin2 ----------------------------------------
;(i): rozen03 ;by shiroto ----------------------------------------

barasuishou, stages/final0.def, music=sound/tr_tm2_ost_lunatic_calm-

leave_you_far_behind.mp3 ;barasuisyo by drowin3, (i&ei), (wc)
hinaichigo, stages/final0.def, music=sound/tresor_-_compilation_vol.6_-_05.mp3
;hinaichigo by drowin2, (i&ei), (wc)
jun0, stages/shibasaki.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_experience_-_03.mp3 ;jun
by drowin2, (i&ei), (wc)
kana, stages/junhouse.def, music=sound/blade_iii_ost_-_black_lab_-_this_blood.mp3
;kanaria by drowin3, (i&ei), (wc)
; kunkun, stages/kunkun.def ;kunkun by drowin, (wc)
; omake, ;bonus game by drowin2, (wc)
shink, stages/0jun.def, music=sound/blade_ii_ost_marco_beltrami_&_danny_saber.mp3
;shinku by drowin2, (i&ei), (wc)
shinkj, stages/0jun.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_music_for_the_jilted_generation_-_12.mp3 ;jank shinku by drowin2, (wc)
souseiseki-d, stages/final0.def, music=sound/blade_ii_ost_the_roots_&_bt_-
_tao_of_the_mac.mp3 ;souseiseki by drowin2, (i&ei), (wc)
suigintoh, stages/0suigin.def, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_remixes_-
_never_let_me_down_again_-_split_mix.mp3 ;suigintou by drowin2, (i&ei), (wc)
suigintohf, stages/0suigin.def, music=sound/blade_ost_new_order-
confusion_(pump_panel_reconstruc.mp3 ;suigintou-final by drowin, (wc)
suiseiseki, stages/0sekaiju_up.def, music=sound/tr_tm_ost_galaxy_bounce_-
_chemical_brothers.mp3 ;suiseiseki by drowin2, (i&ei), (wc)

;r-type series (r-type, r-type 2, r-type 3 - the third lightning, super r-type,
super r-type 2; pc-engine, gameboy & super nes)

; r-type, stages/cave0.def ;r-9 by foxtlot, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27


;(ss) ================================================================
;super r-type (super nes) ============================================


;rushing beat series (rushing beat / rival turf, rushing beat ran - fukusei toshi
/ brawl brothers, rushing beat syura / the peace keepers; super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;rushing beat / rival turf (super nes) ===============================

;douglas bild / oozie nelson

;(es) douglas bild / oozie nelson, stages/rb_s.mountain.def, music=sound/rbeat_-

;rick norton
norton, stages/rb_station.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_streets_of_los_angeles.mp3
;rick norton by mature4evr, (wc), (csff)

;stages/rb_bus.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_gang_rumble.mp3 ;bus brawl

;stages/rbcs1.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_city_stadium.mp3.mp3 ;city stadium
(part 1 - stadium)
;stages/rbcs2.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_city_stadium.mp3.mp3 ;city stadium
(part 2 - backstages)
;stages/rbcs3.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_city_stadium.mp3.mp3 ;city stadium
(part 3 - parking)
;stages/rbho1.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_fight_to_the_finish.mp3 ;hideout (part 1)
;stages/rbho2.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_fight_to_the_finish.mp3 ;hideout (part 2)
;stages/rbho3.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_fight_to_the_finish.mp3 ;hideout (part 3)
;stages/rbpolst1.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_streets_of_los_angeles.mp3 ;streets of
los angeles (part 1 - street)
;stages/rbpolst3.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_streets_of_los_angeles.mp3 ;streets of
los angeles (part 3 - stadium entrance)
;stages/rbsk1.def ;skyscraper (part 1 - street)
;stages/rbsk2.def ;skyscraper (part 2 - elevator)
;stages/rb_skyscraper.def ;skyscraper (part 3 - rooftop)
;stages/rbsmts1.def ;southern mounts (part 1 - forest)
;stages/rbsmts2.def ;southern mounts (part 2 - jails)
;stages/rbsmts3.def ;southern mounts (part 3 - battle with captain)
;stages/rbspt1.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_dockyard_brawl.mp3 ;southern port (part 1
- docks)
;stages/rbspt2.def ;southern port (part 2 - warehouse)
;stages/rbspt3.def ;southern port (part 3 - offices / boss)
;stages/rb_s.port.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_dockyard_brawl.mp3 ;southern port
(part 1 - docks)
;stages/rtlocker.def, music=sound/rbeat_-_city_stadium.mp3.mp3 ;city stadium
(part 2 - backstages)

;, music=sound/rbeat_-_things_are_looking_up.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeat-06.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeat-07.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeat_-_bizarre_lab.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeat_-_battle_with_big_al.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;rushing beat ran - fukusei toshi / brawl brothers (super nes) =======

;douglas bild / oozie nelson

bildr2, stages/brawlbros_steelcage-d.def, music=sound/rbeat2_-
_imposter_attack!.mp3 ;douglas bild by cadavelico, (wc), (sffc)

kazan, stages/bb-airplane.def, music=sound/rbeat2_-_air_fortress_adler.mp3 ;kazan
by hyriu, (csff)

;lord j.
;(es) lord j.

;rick norton / hack

;(es) norton / hack

;(es) wendy

;, music=sound/rbeat2_-_down_in_the_sewers.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeat2_-_last_assault.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeat2_-_race_through_the_jungle.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeat2_-_rooftop_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeat2_-_street_beat.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeat2_-_underground_base.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;rushing beat syura / the peace keepers (super nes) ==================

;dick / al
;(es) dick / al, stages/rbeat.def

;elfin / echo
;(es) elfin / echo, stages/rbeat.def

;jimmy / prokop
;(es) jimmy / prokop, stages/rbeat.def

;kythring / flynn
;(es) kythring / flynn, stages/rbeat.def

;(es) m-frame, stages/rbeat.def

;rick norton
;(es) norton, stages/rbeat.def


;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_abandoned_hospital.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_boss_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_dangerous_back_alley.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_deadly_desert_island.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_decisive_battle_with_valk.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_dm_headquarters.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_high_tech_laboratory.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_imminent_danger!.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_kulmbach's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_long_staircase.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_mutant's_dungeon.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_one-way_trip_to_hell.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_sadness.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_sakura_garden.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_the_beginning.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_underground.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_waterfall_pass.mp3
;, music=sound/rbeatsyura_-_yamaoka's_dojo.mp3

;saga ----------------------------------------------------------------

; haniwa, ;haniwa by tuki no turugi, (rsff)

; haniwa+, ;haniwa by tuki no turugi, (rsff)
; system, ;final defence system by tuki no turugi, (rsff)

;sailor moon series (bishoujo senshi sailor moon super s: various emotion,
bishoujo senshi sailor moon super s: zenin sanka!! shuyaku soudatsusen, pretty
soldier sailor moon, sailor moon, sailor moon: another story, sailor moon s &
super sailor moon s / super famicom fighter bishojo senshi sailormoon supers
shuyaku soudatsusen; arcade, genesis, playstation, saturn & super nes)
;(lb): lifebar beta2.5-sailor moon s ;by zir --------------------

; beryl, ;queen beryl by udx, (rsff)

;sailor neptune
neptune, stages/pod_people_(pssmoon).def, music=sound/transfor.mp3 ;neptune by
neocargalpha, (rsff)

;sailor moon
smoongs, stages/pod_people_(pssmoon).def, music=sound/transfor.mp3 ;sailor moon
by gatosoft s.a., (ii), (sffc)

;sailor saturn
; saturn, ;unsigned sailor saturn, (rsff)

;sailor uranus
ur, stages/pod_people_(pssmoon).def, music=sound/transfor.mp3 ;sailor urano by
neocargalpha, (csff)

;sailor venus
venus, stages/pod_people_(pssmoon).def, music=sound/transfor.mp3 ;sailor venus by
cartoon king, (rsff)

;stages/sailormoon_st1_1.def, music=sound/sailormoon_st1.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;bishoujo senshi sailor moon super s: various emotion (saturn) =======

;stages/sat.def, music=sound/sat.mp3

;bishoujo senshi sailor moon super s: various emotion remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;bishojou senshi sailor moon s (3do) =================================

;chibi moon
;(es) chibi moon
;sailor jupiter
;(es) jupiter

;sailor mars
;(es) mars

;sailor mercury
;(es) mercury

;sailor moon
;(es) moon

;sailor neptune
sailor_neptune, stages/pod_people_(pssmoon).def, music=sound/hinotemple.mp3 ;
sailor neptune by pockefreeman and zir, (rsff)

;sailor pluto
;(es) pluto

;sailor uranus
;(es) uranus

;sailor venus
;(es) venus

;(ss) ================================================================
;pretty soldier sailor moon (arcade & playstation) ===================

;sailor jupiter
sailor_jupiter, stages/pssm-beryl.def, music=sound/sailor_moon_supers_psx_-
_jupiter's_theme.mp3 ;sailor jupiter by sakuraka, (wc), (sffc)

;sailor mars
sailor_mars, stages/sm0.def, music=sound/sailor_moon_supers_psx_-_mars'_theme.mp3
;sailor mars by sakuraka, (wc), (sffc)

;sailor mercury
sailor_mercury, stages/pssm-tower.def, music=sound/sailor_moon_supers_psx_-
_mercury's_theme.mp3 ;sailor mercury by sakuraka, (wc), (sffc)

;sailor moon
; moon1, ;moon by nyo, (rsff)
; moon2, ;sailormoon by mugenno�, (rsff)
moon3, stages/pod_people_(pssmoon).def, music=sound/sailor_moon_supers_psx_-
_moon's_theme.mp3 ;moon by nyo (ex), (rsff)

;sailor venus
sailor_venus, stages/sailor_moon_parc.def, music=sound/sailor_moon_supers_psx_-
_venus'_theme.mp3 ;sailor venus by sakuraka, (wc), (sffc)
; s_venus_k, ;sailor venus k by idono soko, (sffc)

;, music=sound/sailor_moon_supers_psx_-_chibi_moon's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/sailor_moon_supers_psx_-_neptune's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/sailor_moon_supers_psx_-_pluto's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/sailor_moon_supers_psx_-_saturn's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/sailor_moon_supers_psx_-_uranus'_theme.mp3
;(ss) ================================================================
;sailor moon (super nes) =============================================

;, music=sound/sm_-_boss_theme_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sm_-_boss_theme_2.mp3
;, music=sound/sm_-_final_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/sm_-_stage_1_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/sm_-_stage_1_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/sm_-_stage_2_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/sm_-_stage_2_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/sm_-_stage_3.mp3
;, music=sound/sm_-_stage_4_part1.mp3
;, music=sound/sm_-_stage-4_part2.mp3
;, music=sound/sm_-_stage_5.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;sailor moon: another story ==========================================
;(e): chibimoon ;by gamespy ========================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;super sailor moon s / super famicom fighter bishoujo senshi sailor moon super s -
zenin sanka!! shuyaku soudatsusen (super nes)
;(i): bintro ;by hello millie ===================================

;chibi moon
chibi, stages/megaversopower_up.def, music=sound/tscorridor.mp3 ;unsigned sailor
chibi moon, (csff)
chibi0, stages/megaversopower_up.def, music=sound/tscorridor.mp3 ;sailor chibimoon
by ryoga_rg, (sffc)
; chibi2, ;super sailor chibi moon by poshpsylocke, (wo2d), (ws)

;sailor jupiter
; jupiter, ;sailor jupiter by kamek@crosswinds.net, (ldv), (rsff)
jupiter0, stages/gameosap.def, music=sound/gameosap.mp3 ;sailor jupiter by
dark_hiei, (rsff)
; jupiter1, ;sailor jupiter by neo-kamek, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;sailor mars
; mars, ;sailor mars by alunfla, (rsff)
mars1, stages/hinotemple.def, music=sound/hinotemple.mp3 ;sailor mars by rage
; mars2, ;sailor mars by poshpsylocke, (wo2d), (ws)

;sailor mercury
mercury, stages/tokio.def, music=sound/tscorridor.mp3;sailor mercury by alunfla
and updated by react0rz, (rsff)
; mercury0, ;sailor mercury by poshpsylocke, (wo2d), (ws)

;sailor moon (moon castle)

moon0, stages/moon9.def, music=sound/sm.mp3 ;moon by masa, (ei), (sffc)
; moon4, ;super sailor moon by poshpsylocke, (wo2d), (ws)
; smoon, ;sailor moon by emanuele, (i&ei), (rsff)
;sailor neptune (docks)
;(es) neptune, stages/bayside.def

;sailor pluto (time portal)

pluto, stages/smportal.def, music=sound/tscorridor.mp3 ;sailor pluto by mira_,
; pluto0, ;sailor pluto by poshpsylocke, (wo2d), (ws)

;sailor saturn (laboratory)

saturn0, stages/someguysthrone.def, music=sound/someonesthrone.mp3 ;sailor
saturn by poshpsylocke, (wc), (ws2d)

;sailor venus (dead moon circus at night)

s-venus, stages/smss-venus.def, music=sound/sm.mp3 ;sailor venus by
mr.pancadaria, (rsff)

;super sailor moon (moon castle)

ssmoon, stages/sm.def, music=sound/sm.mp3 ;sailor moon by alunfla, (rsff)
; serena, ;serena by marcelojudaspriest@bol.com.br, (rsff)

;super sailor moon s / super famicom fighter bishoujo senshi sailor moon super s -
shuyaku soudatsusen remix

chibimoon, stages/bayside2.def, music=sound/tscorridor.mp3 ;chibimoon by ryoga,

; esmoon, ;eternal sailormoon by mugenfan, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;sailor moon series (original) =======================================

; sailorpig, stages/smcrystal_up.def ;sailorpig by michiru, (rsff)

;saint seiya / les chevaliers du zodiaque series (saint seiya perfect edition;

;(ss) ================================================================
;saint seiya perfect edition (wonderswan) ============================

; pseiya, ;seiya by cavaleiro de gothan, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;saint seiya (original) ==============================================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- asgardbattle ;by huby ===========================================
;- asp40_addon_cavaleiros2 ;by 007 & ikki =========================
;- asp40_saintseiya ;by projeto cdz br ===========================
;- batalla en el santuario ;by dragon5851475 ======================
;- cdz demo ;by mim, cheitta, thespakka & codekeeper =================
;- cdz_hades_ps2 ;by mitch ==========================================
;- cdz_hades-screenpack ;by ***mitch*** ==============================
;- cdz_screenpack ;by ***mitch*** ====================================
;- hades_battle ;by chenhyokoto ====================================
;- hades_sp ;by jorge-the-cowboy =====================================
;- mugen_saint_seiya ;by macross59 ================================
;- mugen.saint.seiya ;by saga france ===========================
;- neosseiya win ;by tony adv =======================================
;- saintseiya ;by saga france =================================
;- saint seiya hades ;by jorge-the-cowboy =========================
;- screenpack_caballeros ;by mugen new generation ===============
;- seiya mugen ;by fido ===========================================
;- shun vs jabu ;by microcosmo, mugeneration, asgard project =======
;- tonyworld - saintseiya ;by tony adv (wc) ======================
;(lb): barlifes saint seiya ;by [chen 11] ==========================
;(i): saintseiyaintro ;by royrob69 =================================

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;steel saints / chevaliers d'acier ===================================

;daichi (athena garden)

daichi, stages/garden0.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_coliseum.mp3 ;daichi da
armadura da terra by link and beja, (ii), (rsff)

;shadir / sho (athena garden)

shadir, stages/garden0.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_coliseum.mp3 ;shadir by tonyadv
- tmich & vegeth85, (wc), (rsff) + (i) by seiyadivin
; sho1, ;black cygnus by guillaume li (shakka) / tmich + (i) by
seiyadivin, (rsff)

;ushio (athena garden)

ushio, stages/garden0.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_coliseum.mp3 ;lear by tonyadv,
beja, argol & vegeth1985, (rsff)

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;bronze saints (first armor) / chevaliers de bronze (premi�re armure)
;(i): ================================================================
;- intro_andromeda ;by nadimix ==================================
;- intro_geki_del_oso ;by nadimix ==================================
;- jeki ;by seiyadivin ===========================================

;ban (arena)
;(es) ban

; geki0, ;oso by pioshin,youngzac, (bees), (rsff)

;hyoga (siberia)
; cisne, ;cisne en espa�ol by flavio fagoti, catellanizado por ^|ryu|^,
(ssf), (csff) + (i) by midtaurus
cisne0, stages/siberia_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_siberie.mp3 ;hyoga de cisne by
shin striker, (ssf), (rsff) + (i&e) by royrob - modif : seiyadivin
cisne1, stages/siberia_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_siberie.mp3 ;cisne by
tecla2000, (ei), (bees), (rsff)
; hyoga, ;hyoga de cisne by [cz]seiya, (ssf), (rsff) + (i&e) by royrob -
modif : seiyadivin
; hyoga0, ;hyoga by erradicator, flavio and chrystian cattaneo(cheitta),
(ssf), (ii), (rsff)
; hyoga1, ;hyoga du cygne by naruto.sasuke, (ssf), (i&ei), (csff)
; hyoga3, ;hyoga du cygne by naruto.sasuke, (fsf), (i&ei), (sffc)
hyoga6, stages/siberia_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_siberie.mp3 ;hyoga du cygne by
flavio fagoti pelim et modif par aries.a, (fsf), (i&ei), (csff)
; hyogaman, ;hyoga de cisne by flavio fagoti pelim, (fsf), (csff) + (i) by
; bonus30, stages/h-b-s.def ;bonus 3 by chen11 - update : seiyadivin,
; hyoga-bonus, ;hyoga-bonus by tmich, (rsff)

;ichi (arena)
; ichi, ;ichi de l'hydre by c.h.p, (csff) + (i) by seiyadivin
ichi0, stages/palazzo_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_palazzo.mp3 ;hydra by c.h.p,
(bees), (csff)

;ikki (death island)

: ikki, ;ikki du phenix by unofficial *saga*, (csff) + (i) by royrob,
modified by seiyadivin
; ikki1, ;ikki by phenix by unofficial *saga* + addflz, (csff) + (i) by
midtaurus y el octavo sentido
; ikki2, ;ikki du phoenix by gouketsu the griffin and the grey, (rsff) +
(i) by midtaurus y el octavo sentido
; ikki3, ;ikki by flavio modifi� par saga, (csff) + (i) by midtaurus y el
octavo sentido
ikki4, stages/iledemort_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_deathqueen.mp3 ;ikki du
phoenix by flavio of cdzclan and modifs. aries.a and gouketsu, (fsf), (i&ei),
ikki5, stages/iledemort_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_deathqueen.mp3 ;ikki del
fenix by gouketsu the griffin and the grey and aries a and flavio, (ssf), (rsff) +
(i) by midtaurus y el octavo sentido
; ikki6, ;ikki du phoenix by a.roux, (fsf), (csff) + (i) by midtaurus y el
octavo sentido

;bad ikki (death island)

; iki, ;ikki maligno by gouketsu programmer and reediter and flavio sprites of
firts version, (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus
phoenix maligno, stages/iledemort_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_rocheuse.mp3 ;
phoenix maligno by gouketsu programmer and reediter and flavio sprites of firts
version, (isf), (i&ei), (rsff)

;jabu (arena)
; jabu, ;jabu by fgjrtjfz, (rsff) + (i) by alberich88
; jabu0, ;jabu by erradicator, (sffc) + (i) by midtaurus
; jabu1, ;jabu by mugeneration, (ssf), (sffc) + (i) by midtaurus
jabu2, stages/palazzo_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_palazzo.mp3 ;jabu by
mugeneration, (sffc) + (fsf) by arcadia + (i) by arcadia

;nachi (arena)
; nachi, ;nachi du loup by m� de jamir(original: seiya-claudio ricci), no
snd, (csff) + (i) by seiyadivin
nachi0, stages/palazzo_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_palazzo.mp3 ;nachi loup mineur
by m� de jamir (original: seiya), (fsf), (csff) + (i) by seiyadivin

;seiya (greece)
; pegasus, ;seiya (pegasus) by erradicator, (nh), (rsff) + (i&e) by royrob -
modif : seiyadivin
; pegasus1, ;seya de pegasus by sabrewolf, (h), (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus (1)
seiya, stages/grece.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_pf.mp3 ;seiya by claudio ricci(mim),
(fsf), (nh), (csff) + (i) by midtaurus (1)
seiya0, stages/grece.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_pegasus.mp3 ;seiya de pegase by
claudio ricci(mim), (fsf), (h), (i&ei), (csff)
seiya3, stages/grece.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_pf.mp3;pegasus by claudio
ricci(mim), (h), (csff) + (jsf) + (i) by midtaurus (2)
; bonus10, ;bonus 1 by chen11 - update : seiyadivin, (rsff)
; seiya bonus, ;seiya_bonus by shakka 11, (rsff)

;shiryu (dragon falls)

shiryu, stages/5picchi.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_glide.mp3 ;shiryu by chrystian
cattaneo(cheitta), (fsf), (nh), (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus
; shiryu0, ;shiryu by chrystian cattaneo(cheitta), (h) by kanon and saga,
(fsf), (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus
; shiryu1, ;shiryu by chrystian cattaneo(cheitta), paletas y sonido en
castellano por calamix, (nh), (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus
; shiryu3, ;shiryu du dragon by chrystian cattaneo(cheitta), (fsf), (h),
(i&ei), (rsff)
shiryu4, stages/5picchi.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_glide.mp3 ;dragon by
tecla2000, (i&ei), (bees), (rsff)

;shun (andromeda island)

; andromeda, ;andromeda by ralus, (csff) + (i&e) by seiyadivin
; shun0, ;shun de andromeda by basarov, (ii), (csff)
; shun2, ;shun de andromeda by kalangueb y gouketsu la parejita, (isf),
(i&ei), (sffc)
shun3, stages/andromedaisle0.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_andromedabgm.mp3 ;
andromeda by tecla2000, (ei), (bees), (rsff)

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;bronze saints (second armor) / chevaliers de bronze (deuxi�me armure)

;hyoga (siberia)
; crystal, ;crystal il cigno by naruto.sasuke / modifiche by tonyadv e tux,
(isf), (ii), (rsff)
hyoga2, stages/sib.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_siberie.mp3 ;hyoga du cygne by
naruto.sasuke et pour la retouche de sprite "chevalierphenix" et pour les autres
retouches "tmich", (ei), (csff) + hyoga5 snd
; hyoga5, ;hyoga du cygne by naruto.sasuke et pour la retouche de
sprite"chevalierphenix", (i&ei), (csff)

;ikki (death island)

ikki20, stages/iledemort_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_deathqueen.mp3 ;ikki f�nix
by darksaga, (i&ei), (rsff)
phoenix, stages/iledemort_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_deathqueen.mp3 ;phoenix
ikki by darksaga - tonyadv (tony world s.r.l.) - tux, (isf), (rsff)
phoenix2a, stages/iledemort_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_deathqueen.mp3 ;
phoenix la luce by tonyadv (tony world s.r.l.), (h), (isf), (rsff)

;seiya (greece)
;(i): seiyaintro ;by seiya_86 ;(pc): d:\mugen\extrastuff\add-

; pegasus0, ;seiya de pegasus by [cz]seiya, (rsff) + (i&ei) by octavo sentido

and midtaurus
; pegasus2, ;seiya di pegasus by sprites by claudio ricci(mim) and sarednab -
code by gouketsu and tux, (isf), (ii), (rsff)
; seiya20, ;pegasus seiya by sprites by claudio ricci(mim) and sarednab -
code by gouketsu and tux, (isf), (rsff) + (i&ei) by octavo sentido and midtaurus
; seiya21, ;seiya 2 by darksaga, programador beta = calamix, (sffc) + (i&ei)
by octavo sentido and midtaurus
; seiya22, ;pegasus di fuoco by claudio ricci(mim) and sarednab, code by
gouketsu and tux, (wc), (ws2d), (sffc)
seiya23, stages/grece.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_pf.mp3 ;seiyar de pegase by
claudio ricci(mim) and sarednab - code by gouketsu and tux, (fsf), (rsff) + (i&ei)
by octavo sentido and midtaurus
; seiya5, ;seiya by darksaga, (rsff) + (i&ei) by octavo sentido and

;shiryu (dragon falls)

shiryu2, stages/5picchi.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_glide.mp3 ;shiryu 2nd cloth
by original shiryu1:chrystian cattaneo(cheitta)/ shiryu2 sff by m�!/Shura spec. by
aries.a, lastmodifs by neodarkhuby, (fsf), (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus
; shiryuii, ;shiryu caballero del dragon by chrystian cattaneo(cheitta),
(fsf), (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus
; shiryuii0, ;shiryuii by chrystian cattaneo(cheitta), armure 2 par mu, (fsf),
(rsff) + (i) by midtaurus
; shiryuii1, ;shiryu du dragon 2 by chrystian cattaneo(cheitta)! modif par
aries.a, (fsf), (csff) + (i) by midtaurus
; shiryuii2, ;shiryu du dragon by m�-Chrystian cattaneo(cheitta), (isf),
(rsff) + (i) by midtaurus
; sirio, ;sirio il dragone by chrystian cattaneo(cheitta)/ shiryu2 sff by
m�!/Shura spec. by aries.a, lastmodifs by neodarkhuby, (isf), (ii), (rsff)
sirio2a, stages/5picchi.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_glide.mp3 ;sirio il dragone
by chrystian cattaneo(cheitta)/ shiryu2 sff by m�!/Shura spec. by aries.a,
lastmodifs by neodarkhuby, lastmodifs by tonyadv, (isf), (ii), (rsff)

;shun (andromeda forest)

; andromeda0, ;andromeda shun by kingseiya & tonyadv, (isf), (rsff)
andromeda la notte, stages/andromeda2bg.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_andromedabgm.mp3
;andromeda by tony adv & kingseiya, (wc), (rsff)
andromeda la notte0, stages/andromeda2bg.def, music=sound/sseiya_-
_andromedabgm.mp3 ;andromeda by tony adv & kingseiya, (wc), (rsff) + (fsf) by seiya
; shun, ;shun d'andromede by hagen59, (rsff)

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;bronze saints (third armor) / chevaliers de bronze (troisi�me armure)
;(i): sei3intro ;by midtaurus ======================================

;shun (andromeda island)

shun3rd, stages/andromedaisle.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_glide.mp3 ;shun
andromede by (original shun by basarov) saga ssga, (csff)

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;black saints / chevaliers noirs =====================================

;black andromeda (empty arena)

andromede_noir, stages/coliseum0_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_coliseum.mp3 ;
andromede noir by kalangueb y gouketsu la parejita, aries.a for modif, (fsf),
; andronegro, ;andromeda negro by kalangueb y gouketsu, (sffc)
; shun1, ;shun de andromeda by basarov, (csff)

;black cygnus (empty arena)

; cygnenoir, ;cygnenoir by guillaume li (shakka), (fsf), (csff)
cygnenoir0, stages/coliseum0_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_coliseum.mp3 ;cygne noir
by flavio fagoti pelim et modif par aries.a, (fsf), (csff)
; noirhyoga, ;cisne negro by esgrac, (ssf), (rsff)

;black dragon (empty arena)

blackdragon, stages/coliseum0_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_coliseum.mp3 ;
dragon noir by (modif. par) aries.a, (fsf), (nh), (rsff) + (i&e) by midtaurus
; blackdragon0, ;blackdragon by metaljoke, (sffc) + (i&e) by midtaurus
; dragonnegro, ;dragone nero by ussia antonio(armonking), (ssf), (nh),
(rsff) + (i&e) by midtaurus
; dragonnegro0, ;black dragon by gouketsu, sprites cheitta and mim, (ssf),
(h), (rsff) + (i&e) by midtaurus
; dragones negros, ;dragones negros by angel aceves, (nh), (rsff) + (i&e) by
dragonnoir, stages/coliseum0_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_coliseum.mp3 ;dragonnoir
by chrystian cattaneo(cheitta), (isf), (h), (rsff) + (i&e) by midtaurus
dragonnoir0, stages/coliseum0_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_coliseum.mp3 ;
dragonnoir by gouketsu, sprites cheitta and mim, arcadia (fsf), (h), (rsff) +
(i&e) by midtaurus

;black pegasus (empty arena)

blackpegasus, stages/coliseum0_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_coliseum.mp3 ;
pegase noir by (pour les modif).aries.a, (h), (fsf), (csff)
; pegasenoir, ;blackpegasus by seiyar_ updated by macross59 & shaka 11,
; pegasenoir0, ;blackpegasus by claudio ricci(mim) modifi� par seiyar_,
; pegasenoir1, ;pegaso negro by seiyar_, updated by macross59 & shaka 11
et aqualudo!!!!!!, (bees), (csff)

;black phoenix (city battle)

; blackphoebonus, ;bonus black phoenix by maniakiller & seiyadivin, (ii),
; phenixblack, ;fenix negro by esgrac, (rsff)
phoenixnoir, stages/battle2.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_blackphoenix.mp3 ;phoenixnoir
by saga, (fsf), (csff)
; phoenixnoir0, ;phoenix noir by a.roux, (fsf), (csff)

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;ghost saints / chevaliers fant�me ===================================

;dolphin (jungle)
; golfinho, stages/jungle6.def ;golifnho by tiburon, (bees), (rsff)

;gyste (ghost ship)

gyste, stages/barco0.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_coliseum.mp3 ;jisty de varan by
demoniac link and leandro bej@, (ii), (rsff)

; medusa, ;medusa by idm & invincible84, (bees), (rsff)

; serpente, ;serpiente by [!22!], (bees), (rsff)

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;silver saints / chevaliers d'argent =================================

albior, stages/albior-sunset_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_albior.mp3 ;albior by
tof, (csff)
;stages/albior-day.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_albior.mp3
;stages/albior-night.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_albior.mp3

;araknen (mountains)
; aracne, ;chevalier de l'araignee by pegasuseb, first sprite = metaljoke,
(fsf), (sffc)
araknen, stages/aracnebg.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_aracnebgm.mp3 ;araknen by
erradicator and gemeaux, (sffc)

;argol (canyon)
; argol, ;argol d perseo by ivan de mexico para el mundo
http://mx.geocities.com/algolmexico/index.html, (rsff)
argol0, stages/argolcanyon_rmx.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_mistybeach.mp3 ;
persus argol by tmich le sagittaire, (csff)
; argol1, ;argol de perseo by gouketsu and fenril ,silver team and tmich,
(isf), (csff)
; argol2, ;persus argol by ivan, (csff)

; asterion, ;asterion by " ", (ii), (bees), (rsff)

;babel (destroyed stadium)

; babel, ;babel by erradicator, cinzas de f�nix, (sffc) + (i) by
babel0, stages/babelbg_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_babel.mp3 ;babel by cinzas
de f�nix ,erradicator, (sffc) + (fsf) by lordkrauser22 + (i) by midtaurus
babel1, stages/babelbg_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_babel.mp3 ;babel du centaure
by lordkrauser22, (sffc) + (i) by midtaurus

;capella (foggy mountain)

; capella, ;agape by mccready, s�bio & m�, (Isf), (sffc)
; capella0, ;capella by mccready, s�bio & m�, (Ii), (bsf), (wc), (sffc)
; capella1, ;agape by mccready, s�bio & m�, (Sffc) + (fsf) by lordkrauser22
capella2, stages/cliffs1_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_cliffs.mp3 ;capella by
mccready, m� ,& s�bio, (ii), (fsf), (wc), (sffc)
; capella3, ;capella by mccready, m� ,& s�bio, (ii), (jsf), (wc), (sffc)

;crystal (ice pyramid)

;(es) crystal, stages/pyramide.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_pyramide.mp3

;jamian (crow's night)

; jamian, stages/jamiannight.def ;cuervo by tuki no turugi, (bees), (rsff)

;llama (forest in flames)

; llama, ;llama by calamix, programadores: calamix y gouketsu el
superpatata, midtaurus, (i&ei), (rsff)
; llama0, ;llama by calamix, (csff) + (fsf) by chixounet + (i&e) by
llama2, stages/llamabg.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_llamabgm.mp3 ;caballero de la
llama by calamix, (csff) + (i&e) by midtaurus

;marin (greece)
castalya, stages/grece.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_pf.mp3 ;castalya by ftb,
marin, stages/grece.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_pf.mp3 ;marin del aguila by angelux,

;maya (in front of aries house)

; maya, stages/arieshouse0.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_mistybeach.mp3 ;maya,
chevalier de la fleche d'argent by macross59, (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus
tremy, stages/arieshousenight.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_mistybeach.mp3 ;unsigned
tremy, (ii), (bees), (rsff)

;misty (beach)
; misty, stages/silverbeach.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_mistybeach.mp3 ;
misty/eris by metal joke (grafica), invincible84, maxter, rick pk liquid snake
(programmazione), (sffc) + (i) by midtaurus
misty0, stages/misty.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_mistybeach.mp3 ;misty/eris by
metal joke (grafica), invincible84, maxter, rick pk liquid snake
(programmazione)aries.a et feed(pour les modifs!!), (fsf), (sffc) + (i) by
misty1, stages/beach5.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_beach0.mp3 ;misty by m�, Mccready,
& metaljoke, (jsf), (wc), (sffc)
;stages/mistybeach.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_mistybeach.mp3

;moses (cross beach)

;(es) moses, stages/crossbeach.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_sunsetbeach.mp3

;orfeo (temple)
orfeo, stages/orfeobg.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_orfeobgm.mp3 ;orfeo by tony
adv, (wc), (rsff)
; orfeo0, ;orfeo by tony adv, (wc), (rsff) + (fsf) by seiya divin

;shina (temple)
; sheena, ;unsigned shina de cobra, (sffc)
; tisifone, ;tisifone by tony adv & kingseiya, (wc), (rsff)
tisifone0, stages/tisifonebg.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_tisifonebgm.mp3 ;tisifone by
tony adv & kingseiya, (wc), (rsff) + (fsf) by seiya divin

;shiva (cloudy mountain)

;(es) shiva, stages/shivastage.def

;sirios (forest)
sirios, stages/bosque.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_bosque.mp3 ;sirios by calamix,

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;gold saints / chevaliers d'or =======================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- aiorintro ;by seiyadivin =====================================
;- ariesintro ;by midtaurus ======================================
;- intro afrodita by nadimix ;by nadimix ============================
;- intro aioria by nadimix ;by nadimix ============================
;- intro_aioria_by_nadimix ;by nadimix ============================
;- taurointro ;by midtaurus ======================================

;afrodita (fish temple)

; afrodita, ;afrodita de piscis by basarov, (ssf), (csff) + (i) by midtaurus
; afrodita0, stages/rose.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_aphrodite.mp3 ;afrodita de
piscis by basarov, (fsf), (csff) + (i) by midtaurus
afrodita1, stages/pisces.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_aphrodite.mp3 ;picis by
tecla2000, (bees), (rsff)

;aioria (lion temple)

; aioria, stages/casa de aioria.def ;aioria du lion by flavio fagoti pelim,
(fsf), (ii), (csff)
aioria0, stages/temple_lion0_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_leo.mp3 ;aioria by
flavio fagoti pelim, (jsf), (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus
; leo de ova, ;leo de ova by copycat, (ii), (rsff)

;aioros (sagittarius temple)

; aioros, ;aioros by tmich, modif flach arcadia, seiyadivin (ii), (csff) +
(e) by midtaurus
micene, stages/sagittarius4_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_sagittarius.mp3 ;
micene di sagitter by tmich - modif flach arcadia - italian version by tonyadv ,
sound by tony adv & andrea capricorn, seiyadivin (ii), (csff) + (e) by midtaurus

;aldebaran (bull temple)

; aldebaran, ;aldebaran by neo cali y gouketsu, (ssf), (rsff) + (i) by
aldebaran0, stages/templotauro0.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_tauro.mp3 ;aldebaran
by neo cali y gouketsu, (h) by hello, (rsff) + (fsf) by saintorro + (i) by
aldebaran1, stages/templotauro0.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_tauro.mp3 ;tauro by
nose, helmet by hello, (bees), (rsff)
; aldebaran2, ;aldebaran by neo cali y gouketsu, (h) by hello, (rsff) +
(i) by seiyadivin

;camus (aquarius temple)

camus, stages/aquariusg.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_camus.mp3 ;camus du verseau
by aqualudo, aqualudoganymede@aol.com, ssga team, (fsf), (csff) + (i) by
; camus0, ;camus du verseau by aqualudo, (csff) + (i) by seiyadivin
camus2, stages/aquariusg.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_camus.mp3 ;camus by lessard,
saga, erradicator, (ssf), (rsff) + (i) by seiyadivin

;deathmask (cancer temple)

; cancer, ;mascara de muerte by elrosso, (rsff)
cancer0, stages/cancer_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_death.mp3 ;deathmask by
elrosso, deathmask, (rsff)
; cancer1, ;mascara de muerte by elrosso y despues de mil reprogramaciones
las final de gouketsuuuuuu, (ssf), (rsff)
cancer2, stages/cancer_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_death.mp3 ;mascara de muerte
by elrosso y despues de mil reprogramaciones las final de gouketsuuuuuu, (rsff) +
(fsf) by arcadia

; dohko, ;dohko by powerchane, (sffc) + (i) by midtaurus
dohko0, stages/libra.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_librahouse.mp3 ;dohko de libra by
tecla2000, (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus
; libra, ;dohko by zolio, (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus

;milo (scorpion temple)

milo, stages/m.scorpion.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_scorpio.mp3 ;milo 4.0 by
gerome -:-djg dt-:-, (fsf), (csff)
milo0, stages/scorpiotemple_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_scorpio.mp3 ;milo effets
by gerome djg dt, terry and ^jorge^ the cowboy, (csff)
; milo1, ;milo 4.0 by gerome -:-djg dt-:-, (csff) + (jsf)
; milo2, ;milo by gerome, sonido midtaurus, (csff)
; miloof, ;milo beta 1 by gerome djg dt, (csff)

;mu (aries temple) (comment: currently aldebaran's bg)

; mu0, ;m� de jamir by m�, Cyril simoes (modif:arcadia), (ii), (rsff)
; mu1, ;mu by m�, (Jsf), cyril simoes (modif:arcadia) (ii), (rsff)
; mu2, ;mu de aries by the necromancer, cyril simoes (modif:arcadia), (ii),
mu3, stages/templotauro0.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_belier.mp3 ;aries by
tecla2000, (rsff)

;saga (gemini temple)

geminic, stages/casagemelli.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_selectsaga.mp3 ;gemini by
tonyadv & the pizzaman, (rsff)
; kaitos, ;kaitos hyral by kaitos
; saga, ;gemini by chrystian cattaneo(cheitta), (rsff) + (i) by
saga0, stages/geminio_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_gemini.mp3 ;saga des gemeaux
by feed, (sffc) + (i) by seiyadivin
; saga1, ;saga de gemeos by master saga, (isf), (wc), (ws2d) + (i) by
; saganew, ;saga by master saga, y actualizado para winmugen por genmaken,
(wc), (ws2d)
; bonus20, ;bonus 2 by seiyadivin, (rsff)

;shaka (virgin temple)

; shaka, stages/entradavirgo.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_shaka.mp3 ;shaka by
gouketsu, (h) by shaka, (nh), (rsff) + (i) by seiyadivin
; shaka0, ;shaka by gouketsu, (h) by shaka, (h), (rsff) + (i) by seiyadivin
; shaka1, ;shaka de virgo by gouketsu ((h) + cape), (rsff) + (i) by
; shakaaa, ;shaka by gouketsu, (h) by lucifer (no helmet), (sffc) + (i) by

; shura0, ;shura by gabriel, (rsff) + (i) by seiyadivin
; shura2, stages/canyond'excalibur_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_excalibur.mp3
;shura by gabriel, traducion esgrac, (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;bronze saints with golden armor / chevaliers de bronze portant une armure d'or

;hyoga (siberia)
; cristal oro, ;cristal il cigno by naruto.sasuke / modifiche by tonyadv e
tux, (isf), (rsff)
; hyogags, ;aquarius saint by saga, (csff)

ikki de leo, stages/toscuro.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_deathqueen.mp3 ;ikki de leo
by angel enrique aceves menendez, flavio y sahjan daemonicus., (csff)
; ikkidl, ;ikkidl by angel aceves, (rsff)
; ikkidl0, ;ikkidl by angel aceves y flavio, (rsff)
; ikkidl1, ;ikkidl by ikki de le�o |& flavio, (rsff)
; phoenix oro, ;ikki di phoenix by tonyadv (tony world s.r.l.), helmet,
(isf), (rsff)
; loupdor, stages/tclaro.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_deathqueen.mp3 ;loup d'or
by m� de jamir(original: seiya-claudio ricci), bidouill� par captaine.jayce,

; pegasus divino, ;seiya di pegasus by pegasuseb seb704@hotmail.com - tony
adv, italian version by tony adv, (rsff)
; seiya2, ;pegasus by claudio ricci(mim), (fsf), (sffc)
; seiya4, ;pegasus by claudio ricci(mim), (ssf), (sffc)
; seiyavor, ;pegasus by claudio ricci(mim), (csff)

; cablibra, ;shiryu de libra by gustavo moraes (saint_mugen), (rsff)

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;asgard saints / chevaliers d'asgard =================================

; alberich, ;alberich de megrez guerrier divin de delta by shakka 11, (csff)
; alberich0, ;alberich de megrez by neo, (rsff)
alberich1, stages/megresbg.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_asgardbgm.mp3 ;alberich de
megrez by neo/m�, (Rsff)
; alberich2, ;alberich by neo sur modif de hyoga de flavio, (sffc)
megres, stages/megresbg.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_asgardbgm.mp3 ;megres by tonyadv
& kayo, (wc), (rsff)
; bonus4, ;bonus 4 by seiyadivin, (rsff)

; cyd0, stages/mizarstage_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_mizar_stage.mp3 ;cyd
de mizard by xzblue, (csff)
; mizard, ;cyd de mizard by ertetgeg, (rsff)
; mizard0, ;cyd de mizard by ertetgeg & voldiar, (rsff)

doll, stages/corridor_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_corridor.mp3 ;doll de gamma by
tmich the sagittarius et le concepteur des sprites emprunt�s, (ii), (rsff)
; toll, ;toll de fegda by tmich the sagittarius, (csff)

; fenril, ;fenril loup divin by aries.a pour les modifs !!, (fsf), (i&ei),
; luxor, ;luxor by biagio (painkiller) leopanto & kain the supreme, (ssf),
(ii), (rsff)
; luxor0, ;luxor by biagio "painkiller" leopanto(grafica) & simone
"wise"(codice), (ssf), (ii), (rsff)
; luxor1, ;fenril d'epsilon by biagio "painkiller" leopanto(grafica) &
simone "wise"(codice), pals and french version by huby, (ii), (rsff)
luxor2, stages/cascata_luxor_stage.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_newwars.mp3 ;luxor
by terric(grafica),youngzac & wise(codice), (sffc) + unsigned (i)
luxor3, stages/cascata_luxor_stage.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_newwars.mp3 ;
fenril d arioto by terric(grafica),youngzac & wise(codice), sndvf by
lordkrausser+ajout de code cns&cmd, (sffc) + unsigned (i)

artax, stages/caverne_hagen_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_cavhagen.mp3 ;artax by
tmich & voldiar - italian version by tony adv, (ii), (csff)
; hagen, ;hagen de merak by hagen59 (hagen59@aol.com), (csff)
; hagen0, ;hagen by tmich, (csff)
hagen1, stages/caverne_hagen_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_cavhagen.mp3 ;hagen de
mearak by tmich & voldiar, som: gustavo moraes, (csff)

; mime, stages/mimebg.def ;mime by aqualudo et pegasuseb saint seiya alliance
team, (csff)

; alpha, ;sigfried by zanzoru, (rsff)
orion, stages/corridor2_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_asg.mp3 ;sigfried di orion
by aqualudo et pegasuseb - italian version by tonyadv, (ii), (rsff)
; sigfried, ;sigfried by cavaleiro z, (rsff)
; sigfried0, ;sigfried by djin84, (csff)
sigfried1, stages/corridor2_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_asg.mp3 ;sigfried by
aqualudo et pegasuseb saint seiya alliance team, (fsf), (csff)

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;poseidon saints / chevaliers de pos�idon ============================
;(i): ================================================================
;- bianintro ;by seiyadivin =====================================
;- isaakintro ;by seiyadivin =====================================
;- kanonintro ;by seiyadivin =====================================
;- krishnaintro ;by seiyadivin =====================================
;- sorenteintro ;by seiyadivin =====================================
;- tethysintro ;by seiyadivin =====================================

; bonus0, stages/bonus.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_poseidon.mp3 ;unsigned

colonna, (rsff)

; cavallodelmare, ;cavallo del mare by tonyadv (tony world s.r.l.), (i&ei),
cavallodelmare0, stages/baian.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_baian.mp3 ;cavallo del
mare by tonyadv (tony world s.r.l.), (i&ei), (rsff) + (fsf) by lordkrauser22

;(es) chrysaore, stages/chrysaore.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_chrysaore.mp3

; isaac, stages/abadir.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_poseidon0.mp3 ;isaac de
kraken by kain and beja, (ii), (rsff)

; kanon, ;kanon by tonyadv, (i&ei), (csff)
kanon0, stages/kanon.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_kanon.mp3 ;kanon by tonyadv,
(i&ei), (csff) + (fsf) by saintorro

; kaysa, stages/lemuri.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_lemuri.mp3 ;kaysa de limnades
by esgrac, (csff) + (i) by seiyadivin

; poseidon, stages/nettuno.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_nettuno.mp3 ;poseidon by
xzblue, (fsf), (csff) + (i) by seiyadivin
kyra, stages/kira.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_kira.mp3 ;io by tonyadv & arcadia,
(rsff) + (i) by seiyadivin
scylla0, stages/kira.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_kira.mp3 ;scylla by tonyadv &
angelus, arcadia (fsf), (rsff) + (i) by seiyadivin

sorento, stages/sirya.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_sirya.mp3 ;sorento by fido,
(wo2d), (ws2d)

; tethys, ;tethys by kingseiya, (i&ei), (rsff)
tethys0, stages/tethysbg.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_tethys.mp3 ;tethys by
kingseiya, (i&ei), (rsff) + (fsf) by lordkrauser22
tethys1, stages/tethysbg.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_tethys.mp3 ;tethys by
kingseiya & tonyadv, (wc), (rsff)

;stages/atene.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_wall0.mp3
;stages/crollo.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_nettuno.mp3
;stages/temple_poseidon.def ;facing poseidon

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;hades saints / chevaliers d'had�s ===================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- afrodita espectro intro ;by nightwing ==========================
;- sagaespectrointro ;by real_espectro (h.d.b.l) ==================
;- sagaintro ;by midtaurus ======================================

; camus_noir, ;camus by macross59, (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus

cancer_specter, stages/cancertemple-shaka.illusions-3.def, music=sound/sseiya_-
_cancer0.mp3 ;spectre du cancer by macross59 && kakaroto the nightmare, (jsf),
(rsff) + (i) by midtaurus
; deathmaskspectre, ;deathmask by elrosso, deathmask, (ssf), (rsff) + (i)
by midtaurus
deathmaskspectre0, stages/cancertemple-shaka.illusions-3.def, music=sound/sseiya_-
_cancer0.mp3 ;deathmask spectre by elrosso, deathmask, (fsf), (rsff) + (i) by

; eligol-beta, ;eligol by chen 11(chenhyokoto), (rsff)

; hades, ;had�s by chen 11(chenhyokoto), (rsff)
; hades0, ;hades by angel aceves, (csff)

; ikkilion, ;ikki chevlier du lion by flavio (sprites d'origine) and tmich,

miros, stages/abismodelhades.def, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ix_jokyoku.mp3 ;miros
by fido, (wo2d)
;(es) mu, stages/templo_de_mu_ovas_de_hades.def, music=sound/sseiya_-

; myu, ;myu by felipe lopera, (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus

pharaoh, stages/pharao.def, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ix_pandora_no_hako.mp3 ;
pharaoh by fido, (wo2d)

; radamanthys, ;radamanthys de wyvern by kanon / demoniac link / bej@ /
kain, (rsff)
radamanthys0, stages/radastage.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_radastage.mp3 ;rhadamantis
della viverna by tux (code) / tripticon (first sprite) / kanon (sprites) / zahori
(special effects), (wc), (sffc)

; seiyadivin, ;seiya de pegase by pegasuseb seb704@hotmail.com, (fsf),

shiryuad, stages/hades-risco.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_hadesbelier.mp3 ;guerrier
divin du dragon by hagen59, (rsff)
shiryudivino, stages/santuarycdz.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_hadesbelier.mp3 ;
shiryu divino by hagen59 - new version by tonyadv, (isf), (csff)
; shiryugs, ;guerrero divino del drag�n by hagen59, (rsff)
sirio0, stages/santuarycdz.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_hadesbelier.mp3 ;sirio il
dragone by hagen59 - new version by tonyadv, (rsff)

;shion / sion
; shion, ;shion de aries by ikki de le�o (ikkideleao@hotmail.com), (rsff)
+ (i) by midtaurus (1)
; sion1, ;sion by tonyadv, (rsff) + (i) by midtaurus (2)

;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ix_greatest_eclipse.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ix_wakaki_saint-tachi_yo.mp3

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;oav's saints / chevaliers des oav ===================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- fenix1ova ;by midtaurus ======================================
;- ianintro ;by midtaurus ============================================

; belsebu, ;belsebu by basarov, (csff)
; belsebuth, ;belsebuth by flavio fagoti, catellanizado por ^|ryu|^, (shakka
11 : j'ai fais la ver.jouable...), (csff)

; jao, ;jao del lynce leopardo by darksaga, (rsff)
jao0, stages/tempioapollo_up.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_tempioapollo.mp3 ;jao
del lynce leopardo by darksaga y gouketsu, (rsff)

; yagab-3, stages/twinsal.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_legendary.mp3 ;yaga by
lessard, (csff)

;stages/atardecer0.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_atardecer.mp3
;stages/craifus.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_craifus.mp3
;stages/yggdrasil.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_yggdrasil.mp3

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;others saint seiya chars / autres persos saint seiya ================
;(i): ================================================================
;- athena ;by seiyadivin ===========================================
;- kiki2intro ;by seiyadivin =====================================
;- kiki3intro ;by seiyadivin =====================================

;(es) arles, stages/arles.def

; athena, stages/sanctuaireii.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_battle.mp3;athena by
tonyadv (tony world s.r.l.), (i&ei), (rsff)

; cassius, stages/colisee.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_temple.mp3 ;cassius by
ricko, (ii), (rsff)

; hercules, stages/sala_del_patriarca.def ;docrates by gustavo moraes e vitor
uchoa, (csff)

dohkov, stages/5picchi.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_glide.mp3 ;dohko by gouketsu,

; giganto, stages/sa0.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_battle.mp3 ;giganto de
ciclope by kyesse the saint, (rsff)

; guilty, stages/templo1.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_temple.mp3 ;guilty by
seiyaaa gouketsu, (rsff)

june, stages/andromedaisland.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_island.mp3 ;june de
camaleao by m�, (Rsff)

; kiki, stages/jamir.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_belier.mp3 ;kiki by
kingseiya, (i&ei), (rsff)
; kikiasgard, stages/picco.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_battle.mp3 ;kiki by
kingseiya poseidon project, (isf), (i&ei), (rsff)
; kikijamir, ;kiki serie1 by kingseiya, (isf), (i&ei), (rsff)

skeletri, stages/jamir.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_belier.mp3 ;scheletri del
jamir by tony adv - thank to king seiya & sarednab for basic frames, (rsff)
skeletro, stages/jamir.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_belier.mp3 ;esqueleto de
jamir by tony adv - thank to king seiya & sarednab for basic frames, (rsff)
;(ss1) ===============================================================
;original saints / persos originaux ==================================

; ares, ;ares by krakernutss, (rsff)

; cervantes, ;cervantes a partir de shun3 par krakernutss, (csff)
; chronikles, ;chronikles du chrusifie by krakernutss, helmet by hello,
; pan0, ;pan by krakernutss et la zeus team, (csff)

;(ss1) ===============================================================
;saint seiya extra stuff =============================================

;stages/geminin.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_wall.mp3 ;face � l'illusion du

chevalier des g�meaux
;stages/virgo.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_wall.mp3 ;d�couverte du chevalier de
la vierge

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;saint seiya 1st ost (chapter #1): sanctuary-hen (1986) ==============

;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-1_pegasus_ry�seiken.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-2_prologue_#4_-_ry�seiken_wo_gekite.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-3.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-7b_prologue_#1.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-15.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-17_shadow_is_approching.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-17_shadow_is_approching_(reprise).mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-19.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-20.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-26_sanctuary_shi_no_kairitsu.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-27_sanctuary_shi_no_kairitsu.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-28_precept_of_death.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-30.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-31.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-32_h�_Yoku_ten_sh�_-
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-38_prologue_#3.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-40_mother_complex.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-41.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-43_prologue_#2.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-44_moeru_cosmo.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-61_death_queen.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-62_black_saint's_challenge.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-63_fukush�-ki_phoenix.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_m-64_revenger_phoenix.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_new m-3.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_new_m-4_tobe_!_pegasus.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_new m-5.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_new m-6.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_new_m-8_karei_naru_�gon_saint.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_new m-9.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_new_m-10_shikaku_no_mure.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_new_m-13_mechanic_war.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_new_m-19_mystic_virgo's_house.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_new_m-26_prologue_#5.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_new_m-27.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_new_m-34_bridge.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_i_-_pegasus_fantasy_(instrumental_version).mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;saint seiya 2nd ost (ova #1): gekij�ban (1987) ======================

;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ii_-_m-7._jaakushin_eris.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ii_-_m-10.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ii_-_m-13.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ii_-_m-14.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ii_-_m-19._yume_no_naka_ni.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ii_-_m-21a.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ii_-_m-21b.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ii_-_m-25._stringer_requiem.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ii_-_m-26b._stringer_requiem.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ii_-_m-36.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_ii_-_m-37.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;saint seiya 3rd ost =================================================

;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iii_ares'_shadow.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iii_direction_of_heated_fights.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iii_enter!_steps_of_evil.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iii_hoo_yoky_ten_shoo_-
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iii_intense!_cosmo.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iii_launch_rye_sei_ken.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iii_sanctuary's_shudder.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;saint seiya 4th ost (ova #2): kamigami no atsuki tatakai (1988) =====

;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iv_-_m-7._tachiki_reta_y�j�.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iv_-_m-8._mj�lnir's_hammer.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iv_-_m-10._loki's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iv_-_m-11._god_warrior_vs_saint.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iv_-_m-11._god_warrior_vs_saint_(no_scat).mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iv_-_m-12.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iv_-_m-15._frey_-_ai_to_seigi_no_y�sha.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iv_-_m-16._kamigami_no_tasogare_-_ragnarok.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_iv_-_m-18b._bridge.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;saint seiya 5th ost (ova #3): shinku no sh�nen densetsu (1988) ======

;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_v_-_m-303._abel's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_v_-_m-310._shakunetsu_no_saint.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_v_-_m-311._meikai.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_v_-_m-312._phoenix_gen_ma_ken.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_v_-_m-313._phoenix_gen_ma_ken.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_v_-_m-315._gemini_no_hank�.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_v_-_m-316._fukutsu_no_t�shi.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_v_-_m-318.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_v_-_m-319._taiketsu.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_v_-_m-321._taiy�_Shinden_no_h�kai.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_v_-_m-328a._abel's_theme.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;saint seiya 6th ost (chapter #2): �gon no yubiwa (the golden ring) - asgard-hen

;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vi_m-201._kib�_no_saint_yo_eien_ni.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vi_m-202.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vi_m-202b.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vi_m-204.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vi_m-205._walhalla_ky�den_wo_mezase.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vi_m-214._j�wareta_megami.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vi_m-215._hilda's_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vi_m-220._densetsu_no_god_warriors.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vi_m-221.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vi_m-222._warriors_vs_saints.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vi_m-234._shintanaru_sengumo.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vi_m-235._kanashiki_y�sha_tachi_no_namida.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;saint seiya 7th ost (chapter #3): poseidon-hen (1988) ===============

;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vii_-_m-405._pose�don_densetsu.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vii_-_m-407._hakametsu_no_toki.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vii_-_m-411._jinsakana_no_yobikoe.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vii_-_m-413._seisen_futatabi.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vii_-_m-414._seisen_futatabi.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vii_-_m-415._shichi_daikai_sh�gun.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vii_-_m-416._prologue_#6.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_vii_-_m-418._kigayake_!_bronze_cloth.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;saint seiya 8th ost (ova #4): saish� Seisen no senchi tachi / warriors of the
last holy war (1989)

;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_viii_-_m-501._josh�_~_reimei.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_viii_-_m-502._gy�_no_ko_lucifer.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_viii_-_m-504._fukuma_shinden.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_viii_-_m-510._seimatenshi_tai_saint.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_viii_-_m-512._belzebuth.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_viii_-_m-517._�gon_no_t�r�.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_viii_-_m-524.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;saint seiya 10th ost (ova #5): saint seiya movie ~tenkai-hen josou overture~

;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_x_-_artemis_no_shutsugen.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_x_-_athena_no_ketsui.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_x_-_ikki_toujou.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_x_-_kyuukyoku_no_shou'uchuu.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_x_-_seiya_vs_icarus.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_x_-_shun_vs_theseus.mp3
;, music=sound/sseiya_ost_x_-_tsurai_tatakai.mp3

;sakura taisen series (sakura taisen, sakura taisen 2 & sakura taisen 3 - ecole de

;(ss) ================================================================
;sakura taisen =======================================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;sakura taisen 3 - ecole de paris ====================================
;(i): sakura-paris ;by tof ======================================


;salamander / life force (nes) ---------------------------------------


;samurai deeper kyo (playstation) ------------------------------------
;(sp): sdk_project ;by sam3 -------------------------------------
;(i): sdk-intro ;by cerisier ---------------------------------------

;(es) ajira, stages/akira_stage.def

;hanzo (garden of delight [sunset])

;(es) hanzo, stages/garden-03.def

;kageboushi no benitora (cherry blossoms [day])

;(es) benitora, stages/blossom-02.def

kyo_oni, stages/sdkyo_kyobg.def, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_kakusei.mp3 ;kyo by
aoao, (rsff)

;(es) kyousirou, stages/sdkyo_kyousiroubg.def

;mahiro (garden of delight [day])

;(es) mahiro, stages/garden-02.def

;(es) mukuro, stages/sdkyo_karadabg.def

;(es) nobunaga, stages/sdkyo_nobunagabg.def

;(es) sasuke, stages/sdkyo_sasukebg.def

;shiseiten hontenmaru (cherry blossoms [night])

;(es) hontenmaru, stages/blossom-03.def

yukimura, stages/sdkyo_yukimurabg.def, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_shiai_1.mp3 ;
yukimura sanada by aoao, (rsff)

;(es) yuya, stages/sdkyo_yuyabg.def

;samurai deeper kyo remix


;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_aban.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_ashioto.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_boppatsu.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_dark_moon.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_get_excited.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_hibuta.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_jukai_yori.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_memories.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_mysterious.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_semari_kuru_toki.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_shiai_2.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_shiai_3.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_yokoku.mp3
;, music=sound/sdk_oav_ost_zone.mp3

;samurai jack (arcade, gameboy advance, gamecube and playstation 2) --

; samjack, ;samurai jack by cybersolx, (rsff)

; samurai_jack, ;samurai jack by pockefreeman, (rsff)

;samurai shodown / samurai spirits series (samurai shodown / samurai spirits,
samurai shodown ii / shin samurai spirits: haohmaru jigokuhen, samurai shodown iii
/ blades of blood: samurai shodown iii / samurai spirits: zankuro musouken,
samurai shodown iv / samurai spirits: amakusa kourin, samurai shodown v / samurai
spirits zero, samurai shodown v special / samurai spirits zero special, samurai
shodown 64 / samurai tamashii: samurai spirits, samurai shodown 64 ii, samurai
shodown rpg / shinsetsu samurai spirits bushidouretsuden, samurai shodown
warrior's rage, samurai shodown warrior's rage 2 / samurai spirits 2: asura
zanmaden; 3do, arcade, gamegear, genesis, playstation, playstation 2, neogeo,
genesis, saturn, sega cd, super nes & gameboy)

;samurai shodown / samurai spirit series remix

;(sp): samuraishodownproject003 ;by elecbyte / recruta42

galford1, stages/tqh-012.def, music=sound/ss_-_nino_-_charlotte_-_nino.com.br.mp3

;shin galford by seiryu, (csff)
lobo, stages/lanocheenjapon.def, music=sound/ss_-_nino_-_earthquake_-
_nino.com.br.mp3 ;poppy by shadow_fang, (rsff) (unrequestable status)

;(ss) ================================================================
;samurai shodown / samurai spirits (3do, arcade, gamegear, genesis, neogeo, sega
cd & super nes)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- samsho1.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- samuraishodown ;by lord sinistro ==================================

amakusass, stages/amakusa2.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_darkness_(amakusa_shirou_tokisada_2).mp3 ;amakusa by lord sinistro, (ii), (wc),
;stages/amakusa1.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_pulsation_(amakusa_shirou_tokisada_1).mp3 ;amakusa (1)
;stages/stages/ss1amakusa1.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_pulsation_(amakusa_shirou_tokisada_1).mp3 ;amakusa (1)
;stages/ss1amakusa2.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_darkness_(amakusa_shirou_tokisada_2).mp3 ;amakusa (2)
;stages/ss_piedra.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_pulsation_(amakusa_shirou_tokisada_1).mp3 ;amakusa (1)

;(es) bonus, stages/ssbonus.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
;, music=sound/ss1_bonusstage.def
;, music=sound/ssi_bonus stage 3..def

;(es) charlotte, stages/versailles.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

earthquake, stages/sam_earthquake.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_ground_(earthquake).mp3 ;earthquake by ayce, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)

galford, stages/ssgalford.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_tuna_(galford).mp3
;galford by moxmaniac, (rsff)

;(es) genan, stages/ssgenan.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

;(es) hanzo, stages/ss-hanzou.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
haohmaruss, stages/haohmaru.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_the_man_time_(haohmaru).mp3 ;haohmaru by lord sinistro, (i&ei), (wc), (sffc)

jubei, stages/ss_carrizo.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_bamboo_thicket_(yagyuu_jubei).mp3 ;yagyu jubei by kgenjuro, (rsff)

;(es) kyoshiro, stages/sskyoshiro.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_comma-

01nakoruru, stages/ss_osito.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_banquet_of_nature_(nakururu).mp3 ;01nakoruru by yoshi-ok, (rsff)

tamtamss, stages/tamtambg.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_foreigner_(tam_tam).mp3 ;tam tam by lord sinistro, (i&ei), (wc)

;(es) ukyo, stages/ukyo0.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_the_man_time_-

;(es) wanfu, stages/sswanfu.def, music=sound/ss1_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

;(ss) ================================================================
;samurai shodown ii / shin samurai spirits: haohmaru jigokuhen (neogeo, pc)
;(sp): samsho2.style ;by claudio toxi =============================
;(e): ================================================================
;- chamcham ;by gamespy ==============================================
;- nicoend ;by rudolf27 =============================================

; c, ;cham cham boomerang by ckusirojin, (rsff)
cham, stages/marsh0.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_brutal_woman_(cham_cham).mp3 ;cham cham by kusirojin, (rsff)

;(es) charlotte, stages/ss2charl.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

earthquake0, stages/ss2earth.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_malicious_(earthquake).mp3 ;earth quake by fujy, (wc), (sffc)
; earthquake2, ;earthquake2 by ayce, (rsff)

galford0, stages/ss2galfordbg.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_bluefin_tuna_(galford).mp3 ;galford by falchion22, (rsff)
gen-an, stages/ss2genan.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_evil_ways_(shiranui_gen'an).mp3 ;gen-an shiranui by basara-kun
genan, stages/ss2genan.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_evil_ways_(shiranui_gen'an).mp3 ;genan by kojya, (rsff)
genan0, stages/ss2genan.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_evil_ways_(shiranui_gen'an).mp3 ;gen-an by gen_an, (rsff)

;(es) genjuro, stages/susuki.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

hanzo0, stages/ss2hanzobg.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_portrait_(hattori_hanzou).mp3 ;hanzo hattori by hanzo (hanzo@milclan.com),
hanzo10, stages/hanzo2.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_portrait_(hattori_hanzou).mp3 ;hanzo by star platinum aka damnd, (rsff)

;(e): haohmaruend ;by adam boyle

a-haohmaru, stages/haohmaru2.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

_street_of_a_man_(haohmaru).mp3 ;haohmaru by falchion22, (rsff)
haoumaru, stages/bghaoumaru.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_street_of_a_man_(haohmaru).mp3 ;haoumaru by nrf

;(es) jubei, stages/ss2_carrizo-nevado.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

kuroko, stages/ss2kuroko.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_six_sentences_(kuroko).mp3 ;kuroko by crazykimo@kimo.com.tw / �Ьp, (c), (rsff)
kuroko1, stages/ss2kuroko.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_six_sentences_(kuroko).mp3 ;kuroko by laiso_7, (ei), (sffc)

;(es) kyoshiro, stages/edo2.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_comma-

;miduki (mt. osore)

r_miduki, stages/ssii-mizuki.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_wicked_heart_(rashouzin_mizuki).mp3 ;rasyouzin miduki by r marker, (rsff) +
(e) by rudolf27
r_miduki2, stages/ss2_casita-del-mal.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_wicked_heart_(rashouzin_mizuki).mp3 ;rasyouzin miduki <n> by r marker, (rsff)
+ (e) by rudolf27

;(es) nakoruru, stages/cci_nakoss2.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

nicotine, stages/cci_project0_a.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_hesitation_mist_(nicotine).mp3 ;nicotine by kgenjuro, (ei), (rsff)

sieger, stages/sieger.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_knight_(neinhalt_seiger).mp3 ;sieger by k3nshin, (rsff)
sieger0, stages/siegerbg.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_knight_(neinhalt_seiger).mp3 ;sieger by 3ha, (sffc)

;(es) ukyo, stages/ss2_playa-noche.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

wanfu, stages/wanfu1.def, music=sound/ss2_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_the_tiger_king_(wan_fu).mp3 ;wan-fu by mugenmage, (rsff)

;samurai shodown ii / shin samurai spirits: haohmaru jigokuhen remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;samurai shodown iii / blades of blood: samurai shodown iii / samurai spirits:
zankuro musouken (arcade, neogeo & playstation)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- samsho3 ;by shin =================================================
;- samsho3.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================

;(es) amakusa, stages/amakusa_ss3.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

;basara (ruined mansion [red & blue])

basara, stages/ss3-basara1.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_three_destinies_of_lamentation_(kubikiri_basara).mp3;basara by yuto, (rsff)
;stages/ss3-basarastage.def ;blue
;stages/ss3-basara_up.def ;red

;gaira (temple's stairs [normal, foggy & sudden death])

;(es) gaira, stages/ss3-gairab.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
;stages/ss3-gaira.def ;foggy
;stages/ss3-gairaa.def ;foggy
;stages/ss3-gairab0.def ;normal
;stages/ss3-gairasd.def ;sudden death
;stages/gaira.def ;normal

;(es) galford, stages/ss3galford.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

genjuro0, stages/samsho3-ghosttown.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_demon_song_(kibagami_genjuro).mp3 ;genjuro by capuchino, (sffc)

;(es) hanzo, random, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_dake_(hattori_hanzou).mp3

haohmaru, stages/sakura_garden.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_a_sake_for_a_man_(haohmaru).mp3 ;haohmaru by superscott, (rsff)

;kuroko (among peers [normal & sudden death])

kuroko0, stages/kuroko.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_maitougeki_(kuroko).mp3 ;kuroko by gonzo-, (rsff)
;stages/ss3-kuroko.def ;normal
;stages/ss3-kurokosd.def ;sudden death

;kyoshiro (kabuki theater)

kyoshiro, stages/samuraishodown3_kyoshiro.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_party_dance_(senryou_kyoushirou).mp3 ;senryo kyoshiro by team weapon-x
hideppe&mar, (sffc)

muranako, stages/nako3.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_nature_breath_(nakoruru).mp3 ;muranako by ayustat, (rsff)
nako_xvi, stages/ss3nakoruru.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_nature_breath_(nakoruru).mp3 ;unsigned nako_xvi, (csff)
;stages/d_nako3.def ;fall
;stages/ss3-nakorurustage.def ;fall

;rimururu (nakoruru's house [normal & sudden death])

00rimruru_ilr, stages/ss3-rimururusd.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_heart_mirror_(rumururu).mp3 ;rimururu ilr ver. by tin, (rsff)
rim, stages/rimururubg.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_heart_mirror_(rumururu).mp3 ;rimururu by mugeni (ss3.snd), (csff)

oni-shizumaru, stages/bamboo1.def, music=sound/ss3_hisame_shuzumaru_ost.mp3 ;oni-
shizumaru by masquer, (rsff)
shizumaru, stages/bamboo1.def, music=sound/ss3_hisame_shuzumaru_ost.mp3 ;
hisame shizumaru by masquer, (rsff)

buyon_ukyo, stages/samsho3-kizuriver.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_river_(tachibana_ukyou).mp3 ;ukyo tachibana by buyon, based on kgenjuro, (wo2d)

zank, stages/zan_bg.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_last_edge_(zankurou_2).mp3 ;zankuro by ali, (wc), (rsff)
;stages/ss3-zankuro.def, music=sound/ss3_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

;samurai shodown iii / blades of blood: samurai shodown iii / samurai spirits:
zankuro musouken remix

nakoru, stages/ss3-nakorurustage-s.def, music=sound/ss_symphst_11_amakusa.mp3

;nakoruru by r-r, (csff)
nausicaa, stages/ss3-nakorurustage-s.def, music=sound/ss_symphst_11_amakusa.mp3
;nausicaa by elecbyte / nemo, (csff)
shadow oblivion, stages/tsuki_up.def, music=sound/ss_symphst_11_amakusa.mp3 ;
shadow oblivion by kgenjuro, (ii), (rsff) (unrequestable status)
s_rimururu, stages/shurennotaki.def, music=sound/ss_symphst_11_amakusa.mp3 ;
successor rimururu by r-r, (ii), (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;samurai shodown iv / samurai spirits: amakusa kourin (arcade, neogeo & saturn)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- samsho4.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- ss4 ;by mgbenz ===============================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- ss4galfordintro ;by ss5ace ===================================
;- ss4sogetsuintro ;by ss5ace ===================================
;- ss4ukyointro ;by ss5ace =========================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- amakend ;by rudolf27 =============================================
;- charlottend ;by rudolf27 =======================================
;- galend ;by rudolf27 =============================================
;- genjuro ;unsigned ================================================
;- haohend ;by rudolf27 =============================================
;- kazend ;by rudolf27 =============================================
;- nakoend ;by rudolf27 =============================================
;- shizend ;by rudolf27 =============================================
;- ss4galfordending ;by ss5ace ===================================
;- ukyoend ;by rudolf27 =============================================

;amakusa (amakusa castle stage)

akuamakusa, stages/amakusaj.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_confusion_at_shizuka_(amakusa_shirou_tokisada).mp3 ;aku-amakusa by masquer,
amakusa, stages/ss4_verde_up.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_confusion_at_shizuka_(amakusa_shirou_tokisada).mp3 ;amakusa by masquer, (rsff) +
(i&e) by ss5ace
amakusa0, stages/ss4_verde_up.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_confusion_at_shizuka_(amakusa_shirou_tokisada).mp3 ;amakusa by haruwo, (rsff)
;stages/ssiv-amakusab_up.def ;amakusa's lying

;basara (old temple stage [green])

basara0, stages/koga.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_old_temple_(old_temple_stage_1).mp3 ;basara by k-z, (csff)

;charlotte (town stage)

charlotte, stages/samuraistyle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_successively_foreign_girl_(charlotte).mp3 ;charlotte by masquer, (rsff) +
(i&e) by ss5ace
charlotte0, stages/samuraistyle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_successively_foreign_girl_(charlotte).mp3 ;charlotte by pji111, (sffc)

;gaira (old temple 2 stage)

gaira, stages/ss4koga2.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_the_two_guardians_(old_temple_stage_2).mp3 ;kafuin gaira by fujy, (rsff), (wc)

;galford (old temple stage [red])

gal, stages/ss4_roja.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_tuna_incarnation_(galford).mp3 ;galford by mugeni, (wc), (sffc)
galford2, stages/ss4_roja.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_tuna_incarnation_(galford).mp3 ;galford by vib, (rsff)

;genjuro (town stage)

genjuro, stages/samuraistyle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_demon_song_-
revision-_(kibagami_genjuro).mp3 ;kibagami genjuro by kgenjuro, (rsff)

;haohmaru (cherry blossom stage)

; haoh, ;haohmaru by faye, (sffc) (unrequestable status)
haohmaru0, stages/arie.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_scene_of_carnage_(haohmaru).mp3 ;haohmaru by sonkyo, (rsff)
haohmaru2, stages/nightpark.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_scene_of_carnage_(haohmaru).mp3 ;haohmaru by k3nshin, (csff)
haohmaru3, stages/nightpark.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_scene_of_carnage_(haohmaru).mp3 ;haohmaru by capuchino, (sffc)

;hanzo (rocky mountain stage)

hanzo, stages/kusenbut.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_vapour_(rocky_mountain_stage).mp3 ;hattori hanzo by kgenjuro, (ei), (rsff)
hanzou0, stages/kusenbut.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_vapour_(rocky_mountain_stage).mp3 ;hanzou by masquer, (rsff) + (i) by ss5ace +
(e) by rudolf27

;jubei (bamboo stage)

; jubei1, ;jubei by slayer and sonkyo, (ii), (rsff)
jubei2, stages/ss4_carrizo-morado.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_bamboo_thicket_(bamboo_stage).mp3 ;jubei by mouki, (wo2d), (rsff)

;kazuki (fire stage)

kazuki, stages/ss4fukae.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_blaze_(kazama).mp3
;kazuki by windeagle, (csff)
kazuki0, stages/burning.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_blaze_(kazama).mp3
;kazama kazuki by ckenni and system id, (ei), (csff)

;kyoshiro (execution place stage)

;(es) kyoshiro, stages/ss4dohsaki.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

;nakoruru (town stage)

00nako, stages/samuraistyle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_banquet_of_nature_(nakoruru).mp3 ;unsigned nakoruru, (rsff)
0nakoruru, stages/samuraistyle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_banquet_of_nature_(nakoruru).mp3 ;nakoruru by conversin world, (rsff)
nakoruru, stages/samuraistyle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_banquet_of_nature_(nakoruru).mp3 ;unsigned nakoruru, (ei), (csff)
nakoruru0, stages/samuraistyle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_banquet_of_nature_(nakoruru).mp3 ;nakoruru by ibukah, (wc), (sffc)
newnako, stages/samuraistyle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_banquet_of_nature_(nakoruru).mp3 ;nakoruru by roque, (sffc)
newnako0, stages/samuraistyle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_banquet_of_nature_(nakoruru).mp3 ;new nakoruru by roque (classic nakoruru),
newnako1, stages/samuraistyle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_banquet_of_nature_(nakoruru).mp3 ;nakoruru (plus) by roque, updated by suija
carlos, (wo2d)

;rimururu (town stage)

; chain_rim, ;rimururu by tukemon, (rsff)
rim0, stages/samuraistyle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_heart_mirror_(rimururu).mp3 ;rimururu by mugeni (ss4.snd), (csff)
; rimururu, ;rimururu by tukemon, (wc), (sffc)
rimururu1, stages/samuraistyle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_heart_mirror_(rimururu).mp3 ;rimururu by tukemon, (wo2d)

;shizumaru (bamboo stage)

shizumaru0, stages/kushiyama.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_bamboo_thicket_(bamboo_stage).mp3 ;shizumaru by abster, (sffc)
shizumaru1, stages/kushiyama.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_bamboo_thicket_(bamboo_stage).mp3 ;shizumaru by capuchino, (sffc)

;sogetsu (under the sea stage)

sogetsu, stages/undersea.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_nizuno_incarnation_(sougetsu).mp3 ;sogetsu kazama slash by sela, (rsff)
sogetsu0, stages/undersea.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_nizuno_incarnation_(sougetsu).mp3 ;sogetsu by sonkyo, (rsff)
sogetsu1, stages/undersea.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_nizuno_incarnation_(sougetsu).mp3 ;kazama sogetsu by ckenni and system id, (rsff)
sogetsu2, stages/undersea.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_nizuno_incarnation_(sougetsu).mp3 ;sogetsu by raziel, (rsff)
sogetsu3, stages/undersea.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_nizuno_incarnation_(sougetsu).mp3 ;sogetsu kazama by sela, updated 100% to new
mugen by ex inferis, (rsff)

;tamtam (seaside stage)

; tamtam, stages/beach-ss4.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_sannomiya_(seaside_stage).mp3 ;tamtam by sorrowedge, (csff)
tamtam0, stages/beach-ss4.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_sannomiya_(seaside_stage).mp3 ;tamtam by ironhead, (sffc)
; tamtam1, stages/beach-ss4.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_sannomiya_(seaside_stage).mp3 ;tamtam by evil maiak, (csff)
tamtamrc_by_recruta, stages/beach-ss4.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_sannomiya_(seaside_stage).mp3 ;tam tam by recruta, (sffc)

;ukyo (seaside stage)

ukyo, stages/beach-ss4.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_river_-revision-
_(tachibana_ukyou).mp3 ;tachibana ukyo by kgenjuro, (ei), (rsff)

;zankuro (amakusa castle stage)

zan, stages/amcastle.def, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_confusion_at_shizuka_(zankurou).mp3 ;zankuro by yuto, (rsff)

;stages/ssiv-dohsakib.def ;(comment: unknown bg)

;stages/ssvi-dohsakib.def ;(comment: unknown bg)

;, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
;, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_dog_(town_stage).mp3
;, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_flame_(fire_stage).mp3
;, music=sound/ss4_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_worthy_rival_(rival_last_battle).mp3

;samurai shodown iv / samurai spirits: amakusa remix

garu, stages/dark20.def, music=sound/ss_symphst_11_amakusa.mp3 ;garu by kojya,

; shinobi4, ;shinobi by pirata cibern�tico, (rsff)
shizumaru2, stages/tqh-013_up.def, music=sound/ss_symphst_11_amakusa.mp3 ;
shizumaru by fraya, (wo2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;samurai shodown v / samurai spirits zero series (samurai shodown v / samurai
spirits zero & samurai shodown v special / samurai spirits zero special; arcade,
neogeo & playstation 2)

;amakusa (kusenbuttake)
;(es) amakusa, stages/ssvspamakusa.def

;basara (old temple [red & green] [buddha])

basara1, stages/abandoned_house.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_old_temple_(old_temple_stage).mp3 ;basara by montana, (wo2d)
;stages/ghosts_scenery.def ;rage
;stages/izumo0.def ;green
;stages/izumo2.def ;red

;charlotte (dejima / ship [day] [rose])

;(es) charlotte, stages/ship_ss5.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
;stages/ssv-shipb.def ;rage

;enja (bridge [day & sunset])

enja, stages/bridge-02.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_dinner_of_the_moonlit_night_(inseparable_relationship_with_a_monster).mp3 ;enja
by ahuron, (sffc)
;stages/bridge-01.def ;sunset
;stages/stages/temple_at_dawn.def ;sunset

;gaira (temple [flames])

;(es) gaira, stages/forest_temple.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

;galford (waterfall [blue waterfall])

;(es) galford, stages/dewa.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

;gaoh hinowanokami kyougoku (form 1: battlefield / form 2: cursed battlefield)

gaoh, stages/cursed_battlefield.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_flame_(fire_stage).mp3 ;gaoh by shimon, (sffc)
;stages/battlefield0.def ;battlefield
;stages/gaou.def ;battlefield
;stages/gaou2.def ;cursed battlefield
;stages/ssvgaoh.def ;battlefield

;genjuro (ghost town [red desert])

;(es) genjuro, stages/ghost_town.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

;hanzo (volcanic ground [blue & red] [nude ground])

;(es) hanzo, stages/hanzo3.def
;stages/noflashhanzo3.def ;blue
;stages/obama.def ;red
;stages/samurai_shodown_zero 09_n.def ;rage
;stages/volcanic_ground.def ;blue

;haohmaru (cherry blossom [day] [cherry blossom rain])

;(es) haohmaru, stages/ssvhaohmaru.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

;jubei (bamboo forest [evening] [trees' shadows])

;(es) jubei, stages/bamboo2_ss5.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-

;kazama (under fire [red desert])

kazuki1, stages/ssvkazuki2.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_nizuno_incarnation_(kazama).mp3 ;kazuki by montana, (wo2d)

;kuroko (dojo [day & night])

;(es) kuroko, stages/ssvsp-training2.def
;stages/doujou.def ;day
;stages/doujou2.def ;night
;stages/ss0.def ;night
;stages/ss5s_training_night.def ;night
;stages/ss5s_training_night0.def ;night
;stages/ssvspdojo.def ;day
;stages/training_room_day.def ;day
;stages/training_room_night.def ;night

;kusaregedo (after carnage [blue & red] [green fogs])

kusaregedo, stages/ssv-kusaregedo.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_dinner_of_the_moonlit_night_(inseparable_relationship_with_a_monster).mp3 ;
kusaregedo by h�h, (wc), (rsff)
; kusareqedo, ;kusareqedo by elrayzeur, (sffc)
;stages/bloody_field_death.def ;ssv
;stages/bloody_field_red.def ;ssvsp
;stages/sado.def ;ssv
;stages/sado2.def ;ssvsp
;stages/ssvkusaregedo.def ;ssv
;stages/ssvspgedo.def ;ssvsp

;kyoshiro (kabuki place [show off])

;(es) kyoshiro, stages/ssvkyoshiro.def

;liu yunfei (buddha valley [dark buddha])

ssvyunfei, stages/carved_buddha.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_rule_(kill_cloud_rook).mp3 ;yunfei by john.m, (sffc)
;stages/buda_ss5.def ;ssv
;stages/chinese_mountains.def ;ssvsp
;stages/sin0.def ;ssvp
;stages/sin2.def ;ssvsp
;stages/ss5spclf.def ;ssvsp

;mina (ryukyu temple [afternoon & night] [big demons])

; mina, ;mina majikina by r-r, (sffc)
mina0, stages/ryukyu-02.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_good_luck_(pure_mirror_mina).mp3 ;mina majikina by pripri man (2nd release),
; mina2, ;mina majikina by pripri man (1st release), (sffc)
mina3, stages/ryukyu-03.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_good_luck_(pure_mirror_mina).mp3 ;mina majikina by r-r (andromeda), (wo2d)
mina4, stages/ryukyu-03.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_good_luck_(pure_mirror_mina).mp3 ;mina majikina by roque & chloe (unrequestable

;mizuki (ozoborean)
miduki, stages/makai_gates.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-_masaru_oyo.mp3
;miduki by fujy, (wc), (rsff)

;nakoruru (ezo kamuikotan [dark] [blue snow])

nakoruruss0, stages/ezo.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_banquet_of_nature_(nakoruru).mp3 ;nakoruru by warusaki3, (rsff)

;poppy (bamboo forest [night])

poppy, stages/bambn.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_bamboo_thicket_(bamboo_stage).mp3 ;poppy by kane_taku, (csff)
poppy_zero, stages/bambn.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_bamboo_thicket_(bamboo_stage).mp3 ;poppy by taruse, (ei), (wc), (sffc)

;rasetsumaru (cherry blossom [night] [cherry blossom rain])

rasetumaru, stages/ssvrasetsumaru.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_cherry_blossom_(haomaru).mp3 ;rasetumaru by montana, (wo2d), (csff)

;rera (northern country [evening])

; rera, ;rera by roque, (ldv), (sffc)
rera0, stages/ss5-rera.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_the_visit_of_southern_barbarians_(dejima_stage).mp3 ;rera by roque, (wo2d),
rera1, stages/ss5-rera.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_the_visit_of_southern_barbarians_(dejima_stage).mp3 ;rera by ibukah, (wc), (sffc)

;rimururu (northern country [day])

; rim1, ;rimururu by mugeni, (ldv), (sffc)
rimssv, stages/ss5-rimuru.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_heart_mirror_(rimururu).mp3 ;rimururu by mugeni, (wc), (sffc)
rimururu0, stages/ss5-rimuru.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_heart_mirror_(rimururu).mp3 ;rimururu by minmeisyobou, (sffc)
; rimururu_ss5, ;rimururu by choiya, base by minmeisyobou
rimururuss5, stages/ssv_snow.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_heart_mirror_(rimururu).mp3 ;rimururu by pripri man, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; rimururuss50, ;rimururu by pripri man, (ldv), (sffc)

;sankuro (cherry blossom [day] [cherry blossom rain])

sankuro, stages/yoshino.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_cherry_blossom_(haomaru).mp3 ;sankuro yorozu by taruse, (wc), (ei), (sffc)

;shizumaru (bamboo forest [day] [trees' shadows])

;(es) shizumaru, stages/bamboos_forest.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
;stages/ssv-forestb.def ;rage
;sogetsu (walking on water [summer] [walking on fog])
;(es) sogetsu, stages/ss5-sogetsu.def

;suija (walking on water [fall])

suija, stages/ss5-suija.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_527_lamentation_(sumeragi's_darkness).mp3 ;suija by montana, (wo2d), (csff)

;tamtam (dejima / ship [night] [indian fetishes])

;(es) tamtam, stages/dejima_n.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
;stages/ssv-ship2b.def ;rage

;ukyo (seaside [underwater])

ukyo1, stages/akou.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_sannomiya_(seaside_stage).mp3 ;ukyo by intense_mc, (wc), (ws2d)

;yoshitora (yoshitora's room [summer & winter] [red tatamis])

yoshitorarc, stages/ssvspyoshitora.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_shogun_(tokugawa_keiki).mp3 ;yoshitora by recruta42
yoshitora_tokugawa, stages/yoshitora.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_shogun_(tokugawa_keiki).mp3 ;yoshitora by meka, (wc), (rsff)
;stages/fujiyama.def ;ssv
;stages/fujiyama_ss5.def ;ssv
;stages/ssv-temple2b.def ;rage
;stages/ssvyoshitora.def ;ssv
;stages/tokugawa.def ;ssv
;stages/winter_garden.def ;ssvsp
;stages/yoshitora2.def ;ssvsp
;stages/yoshitora_stage.def ;ssv

;yumeji (yomigahara / battlefield border)

yumeji, stages/yumeji.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_original_underground_spring_(kurokouchi's_dream).mp3;yumeji kurokouchi by taruse,
(wc), (sffc)

;zankuro (dohsaki)
copia, stages/zankuro.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_dinner_of_the_moonlit_night_(inseparable_relationship_with_a_monster).mp3 ;
zankuro by ironhead, (sffc)

;stages/gairyu.def ;seaside / in front of mt. fujy (day)

;stages/gairyu2.def ;seaside / in front of mt. fujy (night)
;stages/sea_castle_day.def ;seaside / in front of mt. fujy (day)
;stages/sea_castle_night.def ;seaside / in front of mt. fujy (night)
;stages/ss5sp_casita_en_el_mar.def ;seaside / in front of mt. fujy (day)
;stages/ssvsp-sea-morning.def ;seaside / in front of mt. fujy (day)
;stages/ssv_st2.def ;seaside / in front of mt. fujy (night)

;samurai shodown v / samurai spirits zero series remix

; ssvjun, ;jun by john.m, (sffc)

mina1, stages/ryukyu-04.def, music=sound/ss5_-_ngsndtrckbox_-
_good_luck_(pure_mirror_mina).mp3 ;mina by [fraya], (wo2d)
; u.mizuki, stages/bridge-07.def ;mizuki by lom2b, (w02d), (ws2d)
; u.mizuki0, ;mizuki by lom2b, (wc), (ursff)
; ssvrumai, ;rumai by john.m, (wc), (ws2d)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;samurai shodown v / samurai spirits zero (arcade & neogeo) ==========
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- samsho5.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- ssv ;by hatabow ==============================================
;(e): zanend ;by rudolf27 =======================================

;stages/kamuikotan_forest.def ;kamuikotan forest

;stages/ssv-isle2b.def ;(comment: unknown bg)
;stages/ssv-isleb.def ;(comment: unknown bg)

;samurai shodown v / samurai spirits zero remix

;stages/am_garden_r_dos.def, music=sound/am_garden.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;samurai shodown v special / samurai spirits zero special (arcade & neogeo)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- samsho5sp ;by shin ===========================================
;- samsho5sp.style ;by claudio toxi =============================
;- samurai ;by r.o.q.u.e. ===========================================
;- ss5s ;unsigned ================================================
;- ssv-sp2_public ;by john.m =========================================

;stages/ssvsp-training2b.def ;(comment: unknown bg)

;(ss) ================================================================
;samurai shodown tenkaichi kenkakuden (arcade & playstation 2) =======
;(sp): samuraispirits6 ;by drowin ===================================

andrew1, stages/ss6usa-sjump.def, music=sound/ss6_-_usa.mp3 ;andrew by
montana, (wo2d), (ws2d)

iroha, stages/castlecornell.def, music=sound/ssvi_-_10.mp3 ;iroha by montana,

magaoh, stages/sstenka-gaoh.def, music=sound/ssvi_-_19.mp3 ;magaoh by montana,
(wo2d), (ws2d)

zankuro, stages/samurai_boss.def, music=sound/ssvi_-_20.mp3 ;zankuro by
montana, (wo2d), (ws2d)
;stages/nigeria.def, music=sound/ss6_-_africa.mp3 ;nigeria
;stages/ss6africa.def, music=sound/ss6_-_africa.mp3 ;africa
;stages/ss6africasjump.def, music=sound/ss6_-_africa.mp3 ;africa
;stages/ss6doll.def, music=sound/ss6_-_doll.mp3;dolls
;stages/ss6dollsjump.def, music=sound/ss6_-_doll.mp3 ;dolls
;stages/ss6dragon.def, music=sound/ss6_-_dragon.mp3 ;dragon
;stages/ss6dragonsjump.def, music=sound/ss6_-_dragon.mp3 ;dragon
;stages/ss6festival.def ;festival
;stages/ss6festival2.def ;festival
;stages/ss6machu-picchu.def, music=sound/ss6_-_machu_pichu.mp3 ;mountainside
;stages/ss6machu-picchusjump.def, music=sound/ss6_-_machu_pichu.mp3 ;
;stages/ss6matsuri.def, music=sound/ss6_-_matsuri.mp3;festival
;stages/ss6matsurisjump.def, music=sound/ss6_-_matsuri.mp3 ;festival
;stages/ss6nigeria.def, music=sound/ss6_-_africa.mp3 ;africa
;stages/ss6pirate.def, music=sound/ss6_-_pirate.mp3 ;pirate ship
;stages/ss6pirate2.def, music=sound/ss6_-_pirate.mp3 ;pirate ship (2)
;stages/ss6pirate2sjump.def, music=sound/ss6_-_pirate.mp3 ;pirate ship (2)
;stages/ss6piratesjump.def, music=sound/ss6_-_pirate.mp3 ;pirate ship
;stages/ss6snow.def, music=sound/ss6_-_snow.mp3;dojo in winter
;stages/ss6snow0.def, music=sound/ss6_-_snow.mp3 ;dojo in winter
;stages/ss6snowsjump.def, music=sound/ss6_-_snow.mp3 ;dojo in winter
;stages/ss6sunpu.def, music=sound/ss6_-_sunpuu.mp3 ;sunpu presence game
;stages/ss6sunpusjump.def, music=sound/ss6_-_sunpuu.mp3 ;sunpu presence game
;stages/ssvim.def ;mountainside
;stages/ssvinieve.def ;dojo in winter
;stages/sunpu.def, music=sound/sunpupb.mp3 ;sunpu presence game

;, music=sound/ssvi_-_05.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_-_06.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_-_07.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_-_08.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_-_09.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_-_11.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_-_12.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_-_13.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_-_14.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_-_15.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_-_16.mp3

;samurai shodown tenkaichi kenkakuden remix

eroha, stages/porto0.def, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0016.mp3 ;eroha-tan by choiya-


;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0003.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0004.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0005.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0006.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0007.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0008.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0009.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0010.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0011.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0012.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0013.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0014.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0015.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0017.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0018.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0019.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0020.mp3
;, music=sound/ssvi_ast_-_0021.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;samurai shodown warrior's rage series (samurai shodown warrior's rage & samurai
shodown warrior's rage 2 / samurai spirits 2: asura zanmaden; playstation)

;(es) asura
;(es) brute
;(es) daruma
;(es) galford
;(es) garyo the whirlwind
;(es) genjuro kibagami
; haito, stages/oboro.def, music=sound/sswr2_ast_gandara_(final_boss).mp3
;haito kanakura by arma_x, (sffc)
;(es) hanzo hattori
;(es) haohmaru
;(es) iga ninja's
;(es) jin-emon hanafusa
;(es) jushiro sakaki
;(es) kazuki kazama
;(es) mikoto
;(es) minto
;(es) mugenzi
;(es) nakoruru
;(es) oboro's amazons, stages/gr8forest.def
;(es) ran po
;(es) rimururu
rinka, stages/akatukimura_hiruma_bg.def,
music=sound/sswr2_ast_gandara_(final_boss).mp3 ;rinka yoshino by ���̌�, (csff)
; rinkas, ;rinka yoshino by ���̌�, (csff)
;(es) samurai
;(es) saya
;(es) seishiro kuki
;(es) seishiro kuno
;(es) shiki
;(es) sougetsu kazama
;(es) tashon mao
;(es) taisan morozumi
;(es) tohma kuki
;(es) ukyo tachibana
;(es) yaci izanagi
;(es) yagyu hanma
;(es) yuda

;stages/cave_sswr.def ;cave
;stages/mon_hiruma_bg.def ;gate
;stages/woods_of_death.def ;woods of death

;samurai shodown warrior's rage series remix

;, music=sound/sswr2_ast_''true''_tuna_(galford).mp3
;, music=sound/sswr2_ast_blood_brush_(morozumi_taizan).mp3
;, music=sound/sswr2_ast_demon_song_(kibagami_genjuro).mp3
;, music=sound/sswr2_ast_gandara_(final_boss).mp3
;, music=sound/sswr2_ast_perpetual_darkness_(shiki).mp3
;, music=sound/sswr2_ast_puppetmaster_(kaitei_yuga).mp3
;, music=sound/sswr2_ast_slasher_demon_(asura).mp3
;, music=sound/sswr2_ast_snow_(rimururu).mp3
;, music=sound/sswr2_ast_supreme_champion_(haohmaru).mp3
;, music=sound/sswr2_ast_wind_(nakoruru).mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;samurai shodown / samurai spirit series unclassed chars =============

; haohma, ;haohma ruu by baki@maple.yyy.or.jp, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

; tatibana, ;tatibana by baki@maple.yyy.or.jp, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;samurai shodown / samurai spirit series original char ===============

; shiki, stages/marte0.def, music=sound/ss_symphst_11_amakusa.mp3 ;shiki by vn

artist, (rsff)

;sango fighter series (sango fighter & sango fighter 2; pc) ----------
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- mujang2 ;by general chicken --------------------------------------
;- sangofighter_screenpack ;by general chicken --------------------
;(lb): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- sangofighter_lifebar_320x240_bg ;by general chicken --------------
;- sangofighter_lifebar_320x240_nbg ;by general chicken --------------
;- sangofighter_lifebar_320x240_original ;by general chicken --------
;- sangofighter_lifebar_640x480_bg ;by general chicken --------------
;- sangofighter_lifebar_640x480_nbg ;by general chicken --------------
;(i&e): sangofighter_intro&credits ;by general chicken --------------

;dian wei
dianwei, stages/jisan.def, music=sound/jisan.mp3 ;dian wei by general chicken,
(i&ei), (wo2d)

;gan ning
ganning, stages/yusugu.def, music=sound/yusugu.mp3 ;gan ning by general chicken,

;guan yu
guanyu, stages/hwayongdo.def, music=sound/hwayongdo.mp3 ;guan yu by general
chicken, (i&ei), (w02d), (n2bu: [gethitvar])
; guanyu0, ;guan yu by general chicken, (i&ei), (wc)

;huang zhong / huang jong

huangzhong, stages/cheontangsan.def, music=sound/cheontangsan.mp3 ;huang zhong
by general chicken, (i&ei), (wo2d)
; huangzhong0, ;huang zhong by general chicken, (i&ei), (wc)
;lu bu / lyu bu
; lubu, ;lu bu by kuco
lubu0, stages/xhdbg.def, music=sound/gamaengguan.mp3 ;lu bu by general chicken,

;ma chao / ma chau

machao, stages/gamaengguan.def, music=sound/gamaengguan.mp3 ;ma chao by
general chicken, (i&ei), (wo2d)
; machao0, ;ma chao by general chicken, (i&ei), (wc)

;syu hwang
;(es) syu hwang

;tsau tsau
;(es) tsau tsau

;xia hou dun / sya hou chuen

xiahoudun, stages/sopae.def, music=sound/sopae.mp3 ;xia hou dun by general
chicken, (i&ei), (wo2d)
; xhd, ;xia hou dun by testp

;xia hou yuan / sya hou yuan

xiahouyuan, stages/jeonggunsan.def, music=sound/jeonggunsan.mp3 ;xia hou yuan by
general chicken, (i&ei), (wo2d)

;xua huang
xuhuang, stages/dongguan.def, music=sound/dongguan.mp3 ;xu huang by general
chicken, (wo2d)
; xuhuang0, ;xu huang by general chicken, (i&ei), (wc)

;xu chu / syu ju

xuchu, stages/ojangwon.def, music=sound/ojangwon.mp3 ;xu chu by general chicken,
(i&ei), (wo2d)

;zhang fei / jang fei

zhangfei, stages/jangpangyo.def, music=sound/jangpangyo.mp3 ;zhang fei by
general chicken, (wo2d)
; zhangfei0, ;zhang fei by general chicken, (i&ei), (wc)

;zhang liao
zhangliao, stages/seoju.def, music=sound/seoju.mp3 ;zhang liao by general
chicken, (i&ei), (wo2d)

;zhao yun / chao yun

; chaoyun, ;unsigned chaoyun
chaoyun0, stages/jangpanpa.def, music=sound/jangpanpa.mp3 ;unsigned chaoyun (new)
zhaoyun, stages/jangpanpa.def, music=sound/jangpanpa.mp3 ;zhao yun by general
chicken, (wo2d)
; zhaoyun0, ;zhao yun by general chicken, (i&ei), (wc)

;stages/tingchun.def, music=sound/tingchun.mp3

;saturday night slam masters / muscle bomber series (saturday night slam masters /
muscle bomber & saturday night slam masters ii: ring of destruction / super muscle
bomber: the international blowout; arcade & super nes)
;astro / the scorpion
astro, stages/bwa0.def, music=sound/bwa.mp3 ;astro by mouser, (rsff)

gunloc, stages/gunlocbg.def, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-
_locked_and_loaded_(gunloc).mp3 ;gunloc by falchion22, (rsff)
; gunloc0, ;gunloc by falchion22, personal update mikebzh, (rsff)
(unrequestable status)

haggar, stages/slammasters.def, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-
_final_fight_(mike_haggar).mp3 ;haggar by mugenmage, (rsff)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;saturday night slam masters / muscle bomber (super nes & arcade) ====

;astro / the scorpion

;(es) astro, random, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-

;biff / zalazof
;(es) biff / zalazof, random, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-

;jumbo jack
;(es) jumbo jack, random, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-

;grater / sheep
;(es) grater / sheep, random, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-

;(es) gunloc

;(es) haggar, random, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-

;oni / budo
;(es) oni / budo, random, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-

;rasta / gomes
;(es) rasta / gomes, random, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-

;stinger / el stingray
;(es) stinger, random, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-_ultra-

;(es) titan, random, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-

;, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-_calgary.mp3
;, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-_hanover.mp3
;, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-_london.mp3
;, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-_los_angeles.mp3
;, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-_mexico.mp3
;, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-_moscow.mp3
;, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-_new_york.mp3
;, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-_sydney.mp3
;, music=sound/saturday_night_slam_masters_-_tokyo.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;saturday night slam masters ii: ring of destruction / super muscle bomber: the
international blowout (arcade)

;biff (moscow)
;(es) biff, stages/moscow_ring.def

;black widow (hannover)

;(es) black widow, stages/hannover.def

;(es) greater

;(es) gunloc

;(es) jumbo

;haggar / hagger (new-york)

;(es) haggar

;(es) oni

;(es) ortega

;rasta (san domingo)

;(es) rasta, stages/domingo.def, music=sound/smbtib_-_santo_domingo.mp3

;(es) saber

;scorpion (bwa)
;(es) scorpion, stages/bwa.def, music=sound/bwa.mp3

;(es) stingray

;titan / titanic (london)

;(es) titan, stages/london_ring.def

;wraith / wrath (new dehli)

;(es) wraith, stages/dali.def, music=sound/smbtib_-_new_delhi.mp3

;savage reign / kizuna encounter super tag battle (neogeo) -----------
;(sp): ke.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------------------

;carol stanzack (park / building's heights)

carol, stages/sav_carol.def, music=sound/chungsr.mp3 ;carol stanzack by
fervicante, (csff)
k_carol, stages/tag03.def, music=sound/chungsr.mp3 ;carol stanzack by
fervicante, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;chung paifu (chinese streets)

;(es)chung, stages/thestreet0.def, music=sound/chungsr.mp3

;gordon bowman (boat in flames)

;(es) gordon, stages/midport.def

;gozu (lava cave)

;(es) gozu, stages/sav_gozu.def

;joker (joker's factory)

joker, stages/sav_joker.def, music=sound/chungsr.mp3 ;joker by fervicante, (wc),

;jyazu (jyazu's world)

; jyazu, ;jyazu by fuuma & z-neo, (rsff)
jyazu0, stages/jyazu_bg.def, music=sound/ke_ost_-_kensetsuchuu_kousou_biru_150-
kai.mp3 ;jyazu by fuuma & z-neo, updated by oscarnaiz

;kim sue-il (docks)

; kim3, ;kim sueil by mouki (1st release), (ldv), (rsff)
kim8, stages/dock0.def, music=sound/ke_ost_-_kimyou_na_kuukan.mp3 ;kim sueil
by mouki (2nd release), (wo2d)

;max eagle
;(es) eagle

;mezu (ice cave)

mezu, stages/sav_mezu.def, music=sound/ke_ost_-_risuiro.mp3 ;mezu by lord
sinistro, (i&ei), (rsff)

;nicola zaza (laboratory)

nicola, stages/laboratory1.def, music=sound/ke_ost_-_slum-machi.mp3 ;nicola zaza
by fervicante, (csff)

;rosa (destroyed highway [night])

rosa, stages/kizunac.def, music=sound/ke_ost_-_kousoku_douro_ryoukinjo.mp3 ;rosa
by mother earth, (sffc)

;shishioh (lion's palace)

00shishioh, stages/sr-kinglion.def, music=sound/ke_ost_-_shishioh-miya.mp3 ;tin's
shishioh, lupe121283 (ei), (rsff)
00shishioh2, stages/sr-kingleo.def, music=sound/ke_ost_-_shishioh-miya.mp3 ;
s_shishi-oh by tin, (sffc)
; cpu0, ;king lion by nobun, (wc), (ws2d)
kinglion, stages/lionpal.def, music=sound/ke_ost_-_shishioh-miya.mp3 ;king lion
by nobun, (wc), (ws2d)
; noai0, ;king lion by nobun, (wc), (ws2d)

;syo hayate (temple)

;(es) hayate, stages/trainingtemple.def

;stages/destruction.def ;destroyed highway (day)

;stages/kizuna1.def ;alley (day)
;stages/kizuna2.def ;alley (night)
;stages/kizuna-batimenj.def ;building's heights
;stages/kizunad.def ;alley (night)
;stages/mkysuna1.def ;destroyed highway (night)
;stages/mkysuma2.def ;alley (day)
;stages/mkysuna4.def ;docks (day)
;stages/tag02.def ;destroyed highway (day - rain)

;, music=sound/ke_ost_-_rinji_(bonus_stage).mp3

;savage reign / kizuna encounter super tag battle remix


;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_03.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_04.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_05.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_07.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_08.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_09.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_11.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_12.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_14.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_15.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_17.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_18.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_20.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_21.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_23.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_27.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_28.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_29.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_30.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_31.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_32.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_33.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_34.mp3
;, music=sound/savreign_iso_-_35.mp3

;savage warrior ------------------------------------------------------


;savage warrior remix


;saya ----------------------------------------------------------------
;(sp): saya add-on ;by uso=bidan --------------------------------


;scooby-doo (super nes) ----------------------------------------------


;secret of mana / seiken densetsu series (seiken densetsu, secret of mana / seiken
densetsu 2 & seiken densetsu 3; super nes)

; mana, stages/seiken2.def, music=sound/som_-

_happenings_on_a_moonlight_night.mp3 ;mana knight by guyjapinan, (rsff)

;, music=sound/som_-_danger.mp3
;, music=sound/som_-_did_you_see_the_sea.mp3
;, music=sound/som_-_flight_into_the_unknown.mp3
;, music=sound/som_-_give_love_its_rightful_time.mp3
;, music=sound/som_-_meridian_dance.mp3
;, music=sound/som_-_prophecy.mp3
;, music=sound/som_-_secret_of_the_arid_sands.mp3

;secret of mana / seiken densetsu series remix

;, music=sound/secret_of_mana_beyond_comprehension_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/secret_of_mana_fearoftheflava_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/secret_of_mana_wandering_the_wild_forest_oc_remix.mp3

;seed destiny --------------------------------------------------------


;seifuku densetsu pretty fighter series (seifuku densetsu pretty fighter & seifuku
densetsu pretty fighter x; super nes & saturn)

;(ss) ================================================================
;seifuku densetsu pretty fighter (super nes) =========================

;ai (along river)

;(es) ai, random, music=sound/sdpf_-_ai.mp3

;chris / kris (clocktower)

;(es) chris, stages/big.def, music=sound/sdpf_-_chris.mp3

;julie / jyuri (dancefloor)

;(es) julie, random, music=sound/sdpf_-_julie.mp3

;kei / keiko (street)

;(es) kei, random, music=sound/sdpf_-_kei.mp3

;marin (seaside)
;(es) marin, random, music=sound/sdpf_-_marin.mp3

;minami (rooftop)
;(es) minami, stages/dotonbori.def, music=sound/sdpf_-_minami.mp3

;oriyoo / ryoko (moutains' temple)

;(es) oriyoo, stages/pret.def, music=sound/sdpf_-_oriyoo.mp3

;yawara / yurera (stadium)

;(es) yawara, stages/stp.def, music=sound/sdpf_-_yawara.mp3

;seifuku densetsu pretty fighter remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;seifuku densetsu pretty fighter x (saturn) ==========================

;ai momoyama
ai2, random, music=sound/sdpfx_-_03.mp3 ;ai momoyama by nyo, (rsff)

;christel maria
;(es) christel

;juri akasaka
;(es) juri

;keiko konno
;(es) keiko

;kurisu siratori
;(es) kurisu

;marin aoki
;(es) marin

;minami midorikawa
;(es) minami

;ryouko kiori
;(es) ryouko

;shizuka minakami
;(es) shizuka

;sorami shizaki
;(es) sorami

;tokiko tsuchiya
;(es) tokiko

;yawara yamabuki
;(es) yawara

;, music=sound/sdpfx_-_02.mp3
;, music=sound/sdpfx_-_04.mp3
;, music=sound/sdpfx_-_05.mp3
;, music=sound/sdpfx_-_06.mp3
;, music=sound/sdpfx_-_07.mp3
;, music=sound/sdpfx_-_08.mp3
;, music=sound/sdpfx_-_09.mp3
;, music=sound/sdpfx_-_10.mp3
;, music=sound/sdpfx_-_11.mp3
;, music=sound/sdpfx_-_12.mp3
;, music=sound/sdpfx_-_13.mp3

;sengoku series (sengoku, sengoku 2, sengoku 3; neogeo) --------------
;(sp): sengoku2001.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------

!falcon, stages/sengoku.def, music=sound/kagetsura_stage.mp3 ;falcon by o
ilusionista, (rsff)

kagetsura, stages/kagetsurastage.def, music=sound/kagetsura_stage.mp3 ;kagetsura
by juan carlos, (i&ei), (csff)
; kagetsura0, ;kagetsura by star platinum, (rsff)
kurenai, stages/sengoku_samurai_house.def, music=sound/kagetsura_stage.mp3 ;
kurenai by inverse v1.0, (sffc) + (e) by gorjeador
kurenai0, stages/sensub.def, music=sound/kagetsura_stage.mp3 ;kurenai by fraya,
(rsff) + (e) by gorjeador


;sengoku series remix

; kurenai1, ;kurenai by fraya, (wc), (rsff)

kurenai2, stages/chafaris.def, music=sound/chafaris.mp3 ;kurenai by fraya
; wu&wen, ;wu & wen by tiger-genocide, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;sengoku 2 (arcade & neogeo) =========================================

;sengoku 2 remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;sengoku 3 (arcade & neogeo) =========================================

; kongoh, ;kongoh by actarus from mugenation

; okuni, ;okuni by actarus

;senjyou no kizuna ---------------------------------------------------


;senkousha games series (senkousha game 1 & senkousha game 2; pc) ----

pioneer, random, music=sound/zillion_-_vol.5_club_edition_cd2_-_17.mp3 ;senkousha

by ayustat, (rsff)

;separation anxiety (super nes) --------------------------------------

;shadow fighter (amiga) ----------------------------------------------

;cody (new york)

;(es) cody

;electra (subway station)

;(es) electra

;fakir (arabia)
;(es) fakir

;kury (mountains)
;(es) kury

;krhome (factory)
;(es) krhome

;lee chen (chinese dojo)

;(es) lee

;manx (waterfall)
;(es) manx

;okura (japanese dojo)

;(es) okura

; pupazz, ;pupazz by the_none, (wo2d)

;salvador (rooftop)
;(es) salvador

;shadow (dark place)

;(es) shadow

;slamdunk (basketball field)

;(es) slamdunk

;soria (ring)
;(es) soria

;toni (subway station)

;(es) toni

;top knot (ring)

;(es) top

;toshio (japanese dojo)

;(es) toshio

;yarado (chinese dojo)

;(es) yarado

;yurgen (garage)
;(es) yurgen
;shadow of the beast -------------------------------------------------

; aarbron, stages/sotb.def, music=sound/sotb_-_beast.mp3 ;aarbron by dxwho,



;shadow warrior chronicle --------------------------------------------


;shaman king series --------------------------------------------------

; sh_yoh0, ;yoh by anjel

;shaman king spirit of the shamans (playstation) ---------------------

anna, stages/annatrgrounds.def, music=sound/northenlights.mp3 ;anna by elecbyte
/ kenshin himura, (wo2d)
; anna0, ;anna by elecbyte / kenshin himura, (wc)
; anna2, ;anna by elecbyte / kenshin himura, (wc)

len, stages/ioh.def, music=sound/treino_ana.mp3;len tao by jomjom, (wc), (sffc)

yoh, stages/ioh_up.def, music=sound/treino_ana.mp3 ;yoh asakura by jomjom, (wc),

;stages/treino_ana.def, music=sound/treino_ana.mp3

;shaq fu (genesis / super nes) ---------------------------------------

;(es) auroch

;(es) beast

;(es) colonel

;(es) diesel

;(es) kaori, stages/catwalkfalls.def

;(es) leotsu

;(es) mephis

;(es) nezu

;(es) rajah

;(es) sett

;(es) shaq

;(es) voodoo

;shingetsutan tsukihime (pc) -----------------------------------------

;stages/akihagarden.def ;akiha's gardent at night

;stages/aroad.def ;road toward tohno's mansion
;stages/mansion3.def ;in front of tohno's mansion

;shining force 2 (genesis) -------------------------------------------

; kraken, random, music=sound/krakenbgm.mp3 ;kraken by phantom.of.the.server,


;shinobi series (burning dancer / the secret of shinobi, revenge of shinobi,
shinobi, shinobi 2 & shinobi 3; pc-engine & genesis)

; shinobi, ;shinobi by rage_ex_plus, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)

; shinobi1, ;shinobi by the disciple x, (rsff)
; shinobi2, stages/shinobi.def ;shinobi by slack86 (shinobi), (rsff)
; shinobi3, ;shinobi by slack86 (shinobi iii), (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;burning dancer / the secret of shinobi (genesis) ====================

;stages/burning0.def, music=sound/burning.mp3 ;burning downtown

;(ss) ================================================================
;revenge of shinobi (genesis) ========================================
;stages/ibarakiprovince.def, music=sound/ibarakiprovince.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;shinobi (arcade) ====================================================

; shinobi5, stages/zeedwalls.def, music=sound/zeedwalls.mp3 ;joe musashi by


;stages/ken_oh.def ;mission 1-2

;(ss) ================================================================
;shinobi (pc-engine) =================================================

; shinobi0, stages/shinobibg.def, music=sound/shinobi.mp3 ;joe musashi by

leon, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;shinobi 3 ===========================================================


;shiren --------------------------------------------------------------

; mammal, stages/siren-keikoku.def ;mammal(sfc) by boku kobun, (csff)

; mamuru, stages/siren-suginami.def ;mamuru(sfc) by boku kobun, (rsff)

;shock troopers - 2nd squad ------------------------------------------
;(sp): military_3 ;by mr. mu~ ----------------------------------------
;(lb): shockn2 ;by mr. mu~ ----------------------------------------

;stages/shocktr2.def, music=sound/shocktr2.mp3

;shonen ashibe (super nes) -------------------------------------------

; goma, ;gomathan by omohiro, (rsff)

;shuffle -------------------------------------------------------------

;stages/ekimae_evening(shuffle).def ;station (evening)

;stages/ekimae_shuffle.def ;station
;stages/park_evening_shuffle.def ;park (evening)
;stages/park_night_shuffle.def ;park (night)
;stages/park_rain_shuffle.def ;park (rain)
;stages/schoolyard.def ;schoolyard
;stages/schoolyard_night.def ;schoolyard (night)
;stages/shuffle_ba-benagakuin_yoru.def ;verbena school (night)
;stages/shuffle_ba-benagakuin_yuugure.def ;verbena school (evening)
;stages/shuffle_huyouke.def ;appartments
;stages/shuffle_huyouke_ame.def ;appartments (rainy)
;stages/shuffle_huyouke_mayonaka.def ;appartments (night)
;stages/shuffle_huyouke_yoru.def ;appartments (night)
;stages/shuffle_huyouke_yuugure.def ;appartments (evening)
;stages/shuffle_kaerimiti.def ;street
;stages/shuffle_kaerimiti_ame.def ;street (rainy)
;stages/shuffle_kaerimiti_yoru.def ;street (night)
;stages/shuffle_kaerimiti_yuugure.def ;street (evening)
;stages/shuffle_lisianthus_ame.def ;front gate (door) (rainy)
;stages/shuffle_lisianthuske.def ;front gate (door)
;stages/shuffle_lisianthus_yoru.def ;front gate (door) (night)
;stages/shuffle_lisianthus_yuugure.def ;front gate (door) (evening)
;stages/shuffle_miti.def ;in front of the school
;stages/shuffle_miti_yuugure.def ;in front of the school (evening)
;stages/shuffle_nerineke.def ;front gate
;stages/shuffle_nerineke_yoru.def ;front gate (night)
;stages/shuffle_nerineke_yuugure.def ;front gate (evening)
;stages/shuffle_okujyou.def ;rooftop (day)
;stages/shuffle_okujyou_yuugure.def ;rooftop (evening)
;stages/verbena_school.def ;verbena school
;stages/verbena_school_evening.def ;verbena school (evening)
;stages/verbena_school_night.def ;verbena school (night)
;stages/shuffle_sigureke.def ;house
;stages/shuffle_sigureke_ame.def ;house (rainy)
;stages/shuffle_sigureke_yoru.def ;house (night)

;silent hill series (silent hill, silent hill 2, silent hill 3 & silent hill 4;
playstation, playstation 2 & xbox)

;(ss) ================================================================
;silent hill (playstation) ===========================================

;stages/silentschool.def ;elementary school

;(ss) ================================================================
;silent hill 2 (playstation 2) =======================================

;stages/hospitaldesilenhill.def ;hospital
;stages/ranchosilenthill.def ;city entrance

;(ss) ================================================================
;silent hill 4 (playstation 2) =======================================

;stages/silentsub.def, music=sound/silentdawn.mp3 ;subway

;silver --------------------------------------------------------------

;simaima -------------------------------------------------------------

;stages/simaima_roof.def ;school roof (day)

;stages/simaima_roof3.def ;school roof (evening)
;stages/simaima_town.def ;town

;sinnosuke -----------------------------------------------------------

; sinnosuke, ;sinnosuke by boufuusetu, (rsff)

;sky kid series (sky kid, sky kid dx, super sky kid & vs sky kid; arcade & nes)

; sky, ;baron by haruwo, (rsff)

;skyroads (pc) -------------------------------------------------------


;slam fist (original) ------------------------------------------------

alice, stages/geleira.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_their_law_cd2_-_09.mp3 ;alice
by magcannon (season 1), (sffc)

; cheshire, ;cheshire by magcannon (season 1), (sffc)
cheshire2, stages/garage.def, music=sound/original_-_downspeed.mp3 ;cheshire by
magcannon (season 2), (sffc)

harumi, stages/stage1111.def, music=sound/blade_iii_ost_-
_ramin_djawadi_and_the_rza_-_daywalkers.mp3 ;harumi by magcannon (season 2),

kagami1, stages/rocks_and_water.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_always_outnumbered_never_outgunned_-_01.mp3 ;kagami by magcannon (season 2),

kini, stages/ship5.def, music=sound/moby_-_i_like_to_score_-_06.mp3 ;kini by
magcannon (season 2), (sffc)
kiniex, stages/cbtis230.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_breathe_-_03.mp3 ;kini
by magcannon (season 2), (sffc)

; mell, ;mell by magcannon (season 1), (sffc)
mell0, stages/rodeway2.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_breathe_-_02.mp3 ;mell by
magcannon (season 2), (sffc)

rabbit, stages/qsc.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_music_for_the_jilted_generation_-_09.mp3 ;rabbit by elecbyte / mag (season 2),

; trine, ;nekotrineb-9 by magcannon (season 1), (sffc)

;young renix
youngrenix, stages/eds.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_04.mp3
;young renix by magcannon (season 1), (sffc)

;slave ---------------------------------------------------------------

marika, stages/cement.def, music=sound/bosh!_-_12_sizzling_bangers_-_12.mp3 ;

marika m peachitree by taruse, (ii), (rsff)

;smackdown (playstation) ---------------------------------------------


;snk vs capcom chaos (arcade, playstation 2 & neogeo) ----------------
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- screenpack svc ;by akreator ---------------------------------------
;- snkvscapcom2 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- svc_final ;by spiderboy --------------------------------------
;- svc.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------------------
;(lb): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- chaosface ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- chaosnoface ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- svcset ;by ashman -----------------------------------------------
;- svc_lifebar ;by tetchi -----------------------------------------
;(i): svc_intro ;by mitch ------------------------------------------
;(e): svc_-_bad_ending ;by k4thos -----------------------------------

;akuma / gouki (guardian dogs temple 0:00)

;- svc_-_akuma_ending1 ;by k4thos
;- svc_-_akuma_ending2 ;by k4thos

gouki4, stages/svc_guardian.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[14]_the_final_fight_~boss_stage~.mp3 ;gouki by hirohiro,
(rsff) + (e) by mugenie
goukineosvc, stages/temple12.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[14]_the_final_fight_~boss_stage~.mp3 ;gouki by mike werewolf
& omega, (sffc)
svcakuma, stages/temple14.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[14]_the_final_fight_~boss_stage~.mp3 ;svc akuma by tunin,
(rsff) + (e) by mugenie
svcgouki, stages/svc_gdt_bg.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[14]_the_final_fight_~boss_stage~.mp3 ;gouki by minseo1911,
(sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
svcgouki0, stages/svc_gdt_bg.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[14]_the_final_fight_~boss_stage~.mp3 ;gouki by morisoba,
(wo2d), (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;shin akuma / shin gouki (guardian dogs temple 0:00)

;(e): svc_-_shin_akuma_ending ;by k4thos

00s_gouki, stages/svc_boss.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[14]_the_final_fight_~boss_stage~.mp3 ;s_gouki by tin, (wc),
(sffc) + (e) by mugenie
shin_gouki, stages/svc_boss.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[14]_the_final_fight_~boss_stage~.mp3 ;shin gouki by
hirohiro, (rsff) + (e) by mugenie

;athena (heaven)
svcathena, stages/svc_heaven.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[18]_the_poetry_of_heaven_~heaven_stage~.mp3 ;athena by
warusaki3, (rsff) + (e) by mugenie

;balrog (power generation room)

;- svcvega ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_vega_ending ;by k4thos
;- vegaend ;by mugenie

; balrog6, ;balrog by fixxxer, (wc), (ws2d) (svp version + common1.cns for

normal mugen)
; kofvega, ;vega by raposo, (csff) (first release)
vega7, stages/room0.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[10]_from_an_unknown_country_~ancient_stage~.mp3 ;vega by
raposo (second release)
vega_7777, stages/room0.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[10]_from_an_unknown_country_~ancient_stage~.mp3 ;balrog by
7777, (sffc)

;choi bounge
;- choiend ;by mugenie
;- svcchoi ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_choi_ending ;by k4thos

;(es) choi

;chunli (crystal shrine)

;(e): svc_-_chun-li_ending ;by k4thos

00chunli, stages/svc_cs_bg.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[09]_sacred_ground_~temple_stage~.mp3 ;chunli by tin, (sffc)
+ (e) by mr.x-file
chunli6, stages/svc_cs.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[09]_sacred_ground_~temple_stage~.mp3 ;chunli by sepp,
(wo2d), (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
svcchunli, stages/cristal_shrine.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[09]_sacred_ground_~temple_stage~.mp3 ;chun li by conversion
world - j.lee, (sffc) + (e) by mugenie

;dan (factory)
;- svcdan ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_dan_ending1 ;by k4thos
;- svc_-_dan_ending2 ;by k4thos

dan3, stages/svc_factory.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;dan by hirohiro,
(rsff) + (e) by mr.x-file
; dan4, ;dan by tatsu, (ldv), (sffc) + (e) by mugenie
dan6, stages/svc_factory.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;dan by tatsu,
(wc), (ws2d)
dan_tle, stages/svc_factory.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;dan hibiki by
mr.x-file, (i&ei), (wc)
svcdan, stages/svc_factory.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;dan by don nadie,
(sffc) + (e) by mugenie

;demitri (nude place 10:00)

;- demitri_end ;by poncho
;- svcdemitri ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_demitri_ending1 ;by k4thos
;- svc_-_demitri_ending2 ;by k4thos

demitri_svc, stages/svc_chapel.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[07]_church_grove_~rescue_meeting_stage~.mp3 ;demitri by bad
darkness, (rsff) + (e) by poncho

;dhalsim (crystal shrine)

;- svcdhalsim ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_dhalsim_ending ;by k4thos

svc_dhalsim, stages/svc_sanctua.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[09]_sacred_ground_~temple_stage~.mp3 ;dhalsim by wara,
(sffc) + (e) by mugenie

;earthquake (power generation room)

;- svcearthquake ;by wolf/kof99 team

svcearthquakeact, stages/powergen.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[10]_from_an_unknown_country_~ancient_stage~.mp3 ;svc
earthquake by actjapan, (sffc) + (e) by mugenie

;geese howard (power generation room)

;- svcgeese ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_gesse_ending ;by k4thos

geese4, stages/svc_powerroom.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[10]_from_an_unknown_country_~ancient_stage~.mp3 ;geese by
minmeisyobou, (wc), (sffc)
; geese5, stages/svc_powerroom.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[10]_from_an_unknown_country_~ancient_stage~.mp3 ;geese by
minmeisyobou, (ldv), (sffc) + (e) by mugenie
pgeese, stages/svc_powerroom.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[10]_from_an_unknown_country_~ancient_stage~.mp3 ;geese
howard by cross��CAT, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;genjyuro kibagami (forest)

00kibagami, stages/svc_forest0.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[08]_colored..._~forest_stage~.mp3 ;kibagami by tin,
(sffc) + (e) by mugenie
genjyuro, stages/svc_gof_bg.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[08]_colored..._~forest_stage~.mp3 ;genjyuro by ahuron,
(sffc) + (e) by mugenie
svcgenjyuroact, stages/svc-forest.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[08]_colored..._~forest_stage~.mp3 ;svc genjyuro by
actjapan, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;goenitz (crystal shrine)

;- svcgoenitz ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_goenitz_ending ;by k4thos

goenitz1, stages/shrine1.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[09]_sacred_ground_~temple_stage~.mp3 ;goenitz by gonzo-,
(rsff) + (e) by mr.x-file
; goenitz3, ;goenitz by hirohiro / dala, (wc), (ws2d) (svp version +
common1.cns for normal mugen)
; kof-goenitz, ;goenitz by gonzo- + patch + (e) by mr.x-file, (wc), (ws)
svc_goenitz, stages/shrine1.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[09]_sacred_ground_~temple_stage~.mp3 ;goenitz by y_matsui,
(rsff) + (e) by mugenie

;guile (station obsolete 6:00)

;(e): svc_-_guile_ending ;by k4thos

; a3, ;guile by messatsu, (wo2d)

guile7, stages/svc_railway.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;guile by
hirohiro, (rsff) + (e) by mugenie
guile9, stages/svc_railway.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;guile by
ahuron, (sffc) + (e) by mugenie
guile11, stages/svc_railway.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;guile by
messatsu & sepp, (wo2d), (rsff), (n2bu: [movereversed])
guilesvc, stages/station_obsolete.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;guile by
star platinum, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;hugo (station obsolete 6:00)

;- svchugo ;by beating godd
;- svchugo0 ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_hugo_ending1 ;by k4thos
;- svc_-_hugo_ending2 ;by k4thos

00hugo, stages/station_obsolete.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;hugo svc by
adamskie & tin, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by mugenie

;iori (nude place 10:00)

;- ioriend ;by mugenie
;- svc_-_iori_ending ;by k4thos

yiori4, stages/svc_nude0.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[07]_church_grove_~rescue_meeting_stage~.mp3 ;iori yagami by
[yagami+ihoo1836] (sprites 2001-2002-svc + svc snd file), (i&ei), (sffc)

;orochi iori (blockade space)

;- svciori ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_orochi_iori_ending ;by k4thos

yagami, stages/svc_omake.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[11]_an_expected_fight_~trespassing_stage~.mp3 ;orochi-iori
by hiro=hiro, (rsff) + (e) by mugenie

;kasumi todoh
;- kasumend ;by mugenie
;- svckasumi ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_kasumi_ending ;by k4thos

;(es) kasumi

;ken (nude place 10:00)

;(e): svc_-_ken_ending ;by k4thos

ken4, stages/svc_np_bg.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[07]_church_grove_~rescue_meeting_stage~.mp3 ;ken by hiro=hiro,
(rsff) + (e) by mugenie
svc_ken, stages/place.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[07]_church_grove_~rescue_meeting_stage~.mp3 ;ken by h�h, (wc),
(rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;violent ken (blockade space)

;- svc_-_violent_ken_ending ;by k4thos
;- svc_violentkenending ;by matrimelee
;- svc_vkenending ;by matrimelee

; sken, ;sennou ken by vans

; violent, ;violent ken by sam! & ixnaydk, (rsff)
; v-ken, stages/lift.def ;violent ken by dark roken & evo, (sffc) + (e) by
v-ken0, stages/svclift.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[11]_an_expected_fight_~trespassing_stage~.mp3 ;violent ken
by dark roken, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by mugenie
; vken, ;violent ken by chloe, (ei), (ldv), (rsff)
vken0, stages/omake.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[11]_an_expected_fight_~trespassing_stage~.mp3 ;violent ken
by chloe, (wo2d), (rsff)

;kim kaphwan
;- kimend ;by mugenie
;- svckim ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_kim_ending ;by k4thos

;(es) kim

;kyo kusanagi
;- kyoend ;by mugenie
;- svckyo ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_kyo_ending ;by k4thos

;(es) kyo

;mai shiranui
;- maiend ;by mugenie
;- svcmay ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_mai_ending ;by k4thos

;(es) mai

;mars people (station obsolete 6:00)

;(e): svc_-_mars_people_ending ;by k4thos

mars0, stages/railway.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;mars people
by ahuron, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; marspeople, stages/railway.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;mars people
by chainsawman from brazil! thanks you for downloading this personnage! by
elecbyte, (sffc) + (e) by mugenie
mars_people, stages/railway.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;mars people
by crosscat, (rsff)

;m. bison (station obsolete 6:00)

;(e): svc_-_balrog_ending ;by k4thos

balrogsvc, stages/railway.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;balrog by
tom (cadicle), (sffc) + (e) by mugenie
; mikebison, ;mike bison by sepp, (ldv), (wc), (rsff) + (e) by mugenie
mikebison0, stages/railway.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;mike bison
by sepp, (wo2d), (rsff), (n2bu: [movereversed]) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
svc_bison, stages/railway.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;m.bison by
wara, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;mr. karate (guardian dogs temple)

;- cvsmrkarate ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- hkaraend ;by mugenie
;- karatend ;by mugenie
;- svc_-_mr.karate_ending ;by k4thos
;- svc_mrkarateending ;by matrimelee
;- svc_-_shin_mr.karate_ending ;by k4thos

; irontakuma, ;unknown by david demianoff (ug version) (unrequestable

karate2, stages/tengu.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[14]_the_final_fight_~boss_stage~.mp3 ;mr. karate by diego
sanches, (ei), (rsff)
svckarate, stages/tengu.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[14]_the_final_fight_~boss_stage~.mp3 ;mr.karate by
warusaki3, (rsff) + (e) by mr.x-file

;red arremer (hell)

arremer, stages/arremer.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[20]_the_poetry_of_hell_~hell_stage~.mp3 ;red arremer by
h�h, (rsff) + (e) by mugenie

;- ryo_chaosend ;by mr.x-file
;- svcryo ;by mugenie
;- svcryo0 ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_ryo_ending ;by k4thos

;(es) ryo

;ryu (factory)
;(e): svc_-_ryu_ending ;by k4thos

ryu9, stages/factory7.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;ryu by hirohiro,
(rsff) + (e) by mugenie
svc_ryu, stages/factory7.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;ryu by z man,
(sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
svcryu, stages/factory7.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;ryu by warusaki3,
(sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;sagat (station obsolete 6:00)

;(e): svc_-_sagat_ending ;by k4thos

a1, stages/svc_so_bg.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;sagat by
messatsu, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by mugenie
sagat3, stages/svc_so_bg.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;sagat by
hirohiro, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
sagat6, stages/svc_so_bg.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;sagat by
death smile, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by mugenie
; svcsagat, stages/station0.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;sagat by
dark saviour, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team (unrequestable status)
svc_sagat, stages/station0.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[06]_an_empty_nothing_~ruins'_station_stage~.mp3 ;sagat by
mouser, updated by h", (wc), (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;shiki (forest)
00shiki, stages/foret1.def, music=sound/svc_ost_[08]_colored..._~forest_stage~.mp3
;shiki by tin, (sffc) + (e) by mugenie
; shiki2, ;shiki by proto, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
shiki3, stages/svc_forest.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[08]_colored..._~forest_stage~.mp3 ;shiki by laiso_7,
(i&ei), (sffc)
shiki_ss3, stages/svc_forest.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[08]_colored..._~forest_stage~.mp3 ;shiki by r-r, (sffc) +
(e) by wolf/kof99 team

;tabasa / tessa (crystal shrine)

;(e): svc_-_tessa_ending ;by k4thos

neotabasa, stages/crystalshrine_up.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[09]_sacred_ground_~temple_stage~.mp3 ;mvctabasa by ryokucha,
(rsff) + (e) by mugenie
tabasa, stages/crystalshrine_up.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[09]_sacred_ground_~temple_stage~.mp3 ;tabasa by nhk, (sffc)
+ (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;terry bogard
;- svcterry ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_terry_ending ;by k4thos
;- terryend ;by mugenie

;(es) terry

;vega (factory)
;- bisonend ;by mugenie
;- svcbison ;by wolf/kof99 team
;- svc_-_m.bison_ending ;by k4thos

; a2, ;vega by messatsu, (wo2d)

svc_vega, stages/svc_fa_bg.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;vega by h�h,
(wc), (rsff) + (e) by mr.x-file

;zero (factory)
;- svc_-_zero_ending ;by k4thos
;- zsvcend ;by thor

; cvszero, ;zero by n64mario, updated by jesuszilla, (wo2d), (ws2d)

rockmanzero, stages/svc_factory0.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;rockman zero by
cross��CAT, (sffc) + (e) by mugenie
saberzero, stages/svc_factory0.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;saber zero by z
sabre user, (ei), (sffc)
svczero, stages/svc_factory0.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;zero by
ddarkbeing, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team (unrequestable status)
zero, stages/svc_factory0.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;zero by n64mario,
zero14, stages/svc_factory0.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;zero by ixnaydk,
(rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
zerosvc, stages/svc_factory0.def,
music=sound/svc_ost_[05]_ruined_town_~ruins'_factory_stage~.mp3 ;zero by n64mario,

;snk vs capcom chaos remix

;- svc_edit ;by claudio toxi
;- svc_omega ;by claudio toxi
;- betabars_svc2 ;by the_god_bogard
;- svc_edit ;by claudio toxi
;- svc_omega ;by claudio toxi

;akuma / gouki edits

akumadm, stages/silence.def, music=sound/dan_violentbg.mp3 ;akuma by duende
macabro, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans])

;benimaru edits
orochi_benimaru0, stages/bosqtrank.def, music=sound/dan_violentbg.mp3 ;o-nimaru by
hiro=hiro, (rsff)

;chunli edits
; svcchunli_nude, ;chun li [nude] by zan-master, (sffc)

;dan edits
dan_violent, stages/dan_violentbg_old.def, music=sound/dan_violentbg.mp3 ;
violent dan by mr.x-file, (ii)
go_shin, stages/sforest23.def, music=sound/dan_violentbg.mp3 ;shin go by mr.x-

;demitri edits
svcvampiro, stages/ngbf_secret.def, music=sound/dan_violentbg.mp3 ;lord
d.maximov by ex-inferis, (sffc) + (e) by mugenie

;guile edits
williamfguile, stages/bosqtrank0.def, music=sound/crystal_graveyard.mp3 ;
william f. guile by kurai naito

;hugo edits
; hugo, ;hugo by [fraya], (wo2d)

;ken edits
ken_masters, stages/violent.def, music=sound/dan_violentbg.mp3 ;ken masters by
don drago, (wc), (ws2d)
; ken_masters0, ;ken masters by don drago, (wo2d), (ws)

;kyo edits
orochi_kyo0, stages/kenshiobg.def, music=sound/dan_violentbg.mp3 ;orochi-kyo by
hiro=hiro, (rsff)

;mr. karate edits

karate1, stages/calm.def, music=sound/crystal_graveyard.mp3 ;mr.karate by don
nadie, (sffc)
mrkarate0, stages/darkness0.def, music=sound/crystal_graveyard.mp3 ;mr. karate
by kurai naito, (wc)
svc_mr.karate2, stages/darkness0.def, music=sound/crystal_graveyard.mp3 ;
mr.karate by huolisi

;ryu edits
; devilryu, ;devil ryu by xxypher, (wo2d)
d-ryu, stages/wa.def, music=sound/dan_violentbg.mp3 ;dark ryu by ahuron, (sffc)
eryu, stages/agito.def, music=sound/battle_in_the_forgotten_city.mp3 ;evil ryu by
chloe, (wc), (rsff) (unrequestable status)
ryu-hell, stages/work.def, music=sound/dan_violentbg.mp3 ;ryu-hell by cecil,
(wo2d), (sffc)
; ryusnk1, ;ryu by z sabre user/panda, (ldv)
; ryusnk2, ;ryu by z sabre user/panda, (wc), (ws2d)

;sagat edits
sagat10, stages/akof_wilderness.def, music=sound/dan_violentbg.mp3 ;sagat by
kurai naito, (wc)

;shiki edits
00shiki0, stages/lost-forest.def, music=sound/delusion.mp3 ;shiki by tin + patch
by bomb, (sffc)
; shiki1, ;shiki by [fraya], (wo2d)

;tabasa edits
; tabasa0, ;tabasa by [fraya], (wo2d)

;vega edits
; vega3, ;orochi vega by messatsu, (wo2d)

;zero edits
ozero, stages/crystal_graveyard.def, music=sound/crystal_graveyard.mp3 ;omega by
n64mario (un-official svc omega zero patch), (rsff)

;sonic blastman series (sonic blastman & sonic blastman 2; super nes)

;sonic blastman series remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;sonic blastman 2 (snes) =============================================


;sonic the hedgehog series (sonic advance, sonic advance 2, sonic advance 3, sonic
adventure, sonic adventure 2: battle, sonic battle, sonic the fighter, sonic the
hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog 2, sonic the hedgehog 3, sonic triple trouble;
dreamcast, genesis & gameboy advance)
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- king of mobius ;by boomer -----------------------------------------
;- sonic ;by ssonic -----------------------------------------------

;dr. robotnik
; robotnik, stages/deathegg.def,
music=sound/sonic1_ost_dr._robotniks_theme.mp3 ;dr. robotnik by bane84, (rsff)
; espio, stages/emeraldcoast.def, music=sound/sonic1_ost_marble_zone.mp3 ;espio
by yuski the dog, (rsff)

; naku, stages/greenhill.def, music=sound/sonic1_ost_green_hill_zone.mp3 ;
batonaku by elecbyte, (sffc)
; knuckles, stages/marble.def, music=sound/sonic1_ost_marble_zone.mp3 ;
knuckles by kyo kusanagi, (sffc)
; kte, stages/aquaticruin.def, music=sound/sonic2_ost_aquatic_ruin_zone.mp3
;unsigned knuckles, (rsff)
; kte2, stages/dethin.def, music=sound/sonic2_ost_hidden_palace_zone.mp3 ;
knuckles por ssonic, (rsff)

;mecha knuckles
; mknux, stages/egg.def, music=sound/sonic2_ost_final_boss_theme.mp3 ;
unsigned mecha knux

; mighty, stages/battery.def, music=sound/sonic1_ost_star_light_zone.mp3 ;
mighty by yuski

; shadow3, stages/dethegg.def, music=sound/sonic2_ost_death_egg_zone.mp3 ;
shadow by sion184 & ssonic, (rsff)
; shadow10, stages/doomsdayzone.def, music=sound/sonic1_ost_final_zone.mp3
;shadow by cybersolx/monkmonk, (sffc)

; sonic, stages/sonic1st1.def, music=sound/sonic1_ost_green_hill_zone.mp3
;sonic by kyo kusanagi, (rsff)
; sonic1, stages/doom0.def, music=sound/sonic1_ost_scrap_brain_zone.mp3 ;sonic
by d j kix fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)

;super sonic
; sonic0, stages/hydrocity.def, music=sound/sonic1_ost_labyrinth_zone.mp3
;super sonic vers�o 95% por ssonic, (rsff)
; ssonic, stages/mysticcave.def, music=sound/sonic1_ost_special_stage.mp3
;super sonic por ssonic, (rsff)

;mecha sonic
; metalix, stages/skysanctuary.def,
music=sound/sonic2_ost_dr._robotniks_theme.mp3 ;mecha sonic by ssjx4 goku, (rsff)

; tails, stages/icecap.def, music=sound/sonic1_ost_spring_yard_zone.mp3 ;tails
by kyo kusanagi, (sffc)
; tails2, stages/dusthill.def, music=sound/sonic1_ost_spring_yard_zone.mp3
;tails por ssonic, (rsff)

; vector, stages/s2bhpz.def, music=sound/sonic1_ost_spring_yard_zone.mp3 ;
vector chaotix 32x by yuski the dog, (rsff)


;sonic the hedgehog series remix

; dark sonic, ;dark super sonic by magefx, (wo2d)

; mighty0, ;mighty sonic by junaid, (rsff)
; u, ;sorano-sensi by romasaga ex, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;sonic advance series (sonic advance, sonic advance 2 & sonic advance 3; gameboy

;stages/slz.def, music=sound/slz.mp3 ;star light zone

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;sonic advance (gameboy advance) =====================================

;stages/emerald_hill.def, music=sound/emerald_hill.mp3 ;emerald hill

;stages/greenhillzone.def, music=sound/greenhillzone.mp3 ;green hill zone
;stages/labyrinth_zone.def, music=sound/labyrinthzone.mp3 ;labyrinth zone
;stages/marblezone.def, music=sound/marblezone.mp3 ;marble zone
;stages/nghz.def ;neo green hill zone

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;sonic advance 2 (gameboy advance) ===================================


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;sonic advance 3 (gameboy advance) ===================================

;stages/chaosangel.def ;chaos angel zone 1

;stages/chaosangel2.def ;chaos angel zone 2
;stages/route99_1.def ;route 99 zone 1
;stages/route99_2.def ;route 99 zone 2
;stages/route99_3.def ;route 99 zone 3
;stages/route99_boss.def ;route 99 boss
;stages/sunsethill.def ;sunset hill zone

;(ss) ================================================================
;sonic adventure 2 battle (playstation 2 & gamecube) =================

;stages/pumpkinhill.def ;pumpkin hill

;(ss) ================================================================
;sonic battle (gameboy advanced) =====================================
;(sp): sonic battle me ;by cyanide ==================================
;(lb): neobars ;unsigned ==========================================
; amy, ;amy by cyanide, (wo2d)
; chaos, ;chaos by cyanide, (wo2d)
; cream, ;cream by cyanide, (wo2d)
; e-102r, ;e-102r by cyanide, (wo2d)
; emerl, ;emerl by cyanide, (wo2d)
; knuckles0, ;knuckles by cyanide, (wo2d)
; robotnik0, ;robotnik by cyanide, (wo2d)
; rouge, ;rouge by cyanide, (wo2d)
; shadow8, ;shadow the hedgehog by hiro, (wo2d), (i&ei)
; shadow9, ;shadow by cyanide, (wo2d)
; shadow12, ;shadow by anjel, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; sonic2, ;sonic by cyanide, (wo2d)
; tails0, ;tails by cyanide, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;sonic battle remix

; psycho0, ;psycho sonic by magefx, (wo2d), (ws)

;(ss) ================================================================
;sonic the fighter ===================================================

;stages/auroraice.def, music=sound/06-aurora_icefield_~_black_bed.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;sonic the hedgehog (genesis) ========================================

;stages/green_hill.def ;green hill zone

;stages/scrapbrain.def ;scrap brain zone

;sonic the hedgehog remix


;, music=sound/sonic_cryptic_marble_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;sonic the hedgehog 2 (genesis) ======================================

;stages/chemplan.def ;chemical plant zone

;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_casino_night_2-player.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_casino_night_zone.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_chemical_plant_zone.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_emerald_hill_2-player.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_emerald_hill_zone.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_hidden_palace_zone.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_hill_top_zone.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_metropolis_zone.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_mystic_cave_2-player.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_mystic_cave_zone.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_oil_ocean_zone.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_sky_chase.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_special_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_star-studded_sonic.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_super_sonic.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic2_ost_wing_fortress_zone.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;sonic the hedgehog 3 & sonic & knuckles (genesis) ===================

; robotniks3, random, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-

_angel_island_zone_act_2.mp3 ;robotnik fire machine by supermystery, (wc)


;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_angel_island_zone_act_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_bonus_stage_~_blowing_ball.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_bonus_stage_~_gumball_machine.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_bonus_stage_~_slot_machine.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_boss(2).mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_carnival_night_zone_act_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_carnival_night_zone_act_2.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_death_egg_zone_act_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_death_egg_zone_act_2.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_final_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_flying_battery_zone_act_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_flying_battery_zone_act_2.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_hydrocity_zone_act_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_hydrocity_zone_act_2.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_icecap_zone_act_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_icecap_zone_act_2.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_knuckles_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_launch_base_zone_act_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_launch_base_zone_act_2.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_lava_reef_zone_act_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_lava_reef_zone_act_2.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_marble_garden_zone_act_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_marble_garden_zone_act_2.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_mushroom_hill_zone_act_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_mushroom_hill_zone_act_2.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_sandopolis_zone_act_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_sandopolis_zone_act_2.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_sky_sanctuary_zone.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_special_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_the_doomsday_zone.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_two_players_~_azure_lake.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_two_players_~_balloon_park.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_two_players_~_chrome_gadget.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_two_players_~_desert_palace.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic3&knuckles_ost_-_two_players_~_endless_mine.mp3

;sonic the hedgehog 3 & sonic & knuckles remix


;, music=sound/sonic_3_aquatic_pressure_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/sonic_&_knuckles_catapult_oc_remix.mp3
;(ss) ================================================================
;sonic triple trouble ================================================

;sonic triple trouble remix

;, music=sound/sonic_triple_trouble_anewrayoflight_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;sonic the hedgehog series original ==================================

amyrose, stages/sonic0.def, music=sound/kiko_-_monique_(david_caretta_rmx).mp3

;amy by mugen hunter
espiomh, stages/sonic0.def, music=sound/faithless_-_outrospective_-_03.mp3 ;espio
by mugenhunter
; knuckles1, ;classic knuckles by magefx, (wo2d)
metalixmh, stages/sonic0.def, music=sound/original_-_red_moon.mp3 ;metal by
mightymh, stages/sonic0.def, music=sound/3am_rush_-
_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-_03.mp3 ;mighty by mugenhunter
; hirezsonic, ;classic sonic by prowler
; hirezsonic0, ;sonic by kratos
; neosonic, ;neo sonic by midnight spirit and trial force, (ei), (rsff)
neo_sonicmh, stages/sonic0.def, music=sound/swordfish_ost_-_new_born.mp3 ;sonic
by mugen hunter
new_tails, stages/sonic0.def, music=sound/swordfish_ost_-_planet_rock.mp3 ;tails
by mugen hunter
rougemh, stages/sonic0.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_their_law_cd2_-_15.mp3 ;rouge
shadowmh, stages/sonic0.def, music=sound/daft_punk_-_homework_-_14.mp3 ;shadow by
shin_kte, stages/sonic0.def, music=sound/michael_gray_-_can't_wait_for_the_week-
end_to_begin_(club_mix).mp3 ;knuckles by mugen hunter
; tails3, ;tails by james, (wc), (ws)

;space harrier (arcade) ----------------------------------------------

;stages/spaceharrier.def, music=sound/spaceharriermain.mp3

;spawn (super nes) ---------------------------------------------------

; spawn, random, music=sound/spawn_-_enemy_encounter.mp3 ;spawn by

overmind, (rsff)
; spawn0, random, music=sound/spawn_-_enemy_talk.mp3 ;spawn by theone,
; spawn2, ;spawn by mindspeaker, (rsff)
; spawn3, random, music=sound/spawn_-_battle_with_violator.mp3 ;spawn by
jo, (wo2d)

;, music=sound/spawn_-_bedlam.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_cadaver_cave.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_castle.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_chat_with_violator.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_conspiracy.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_gateway_to_hell.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_inside_of_the_demon's_body.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_last_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_last_resort.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_overtkill.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_pyramid.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_rainy_alleyways.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_redeemer.mp3
;, music=sound/spawn_-_roofs_of_new_york_city.mp3

;spelunker series (spelunker, spelunker ++, spelunker ii & spelunker ii: yuushahe
no chousen; arcade, commodore 64 & nes)

; spelunker, stages/spelunker.def, music=sound/spelunker.mp3 ;unsigned

spelunker, (rsff)
; spelunker0, stages/spelunker.def, music=sound/spelunker.mp3 ;spelunker
by hanma, (wo2d), (sffc)

;sougetu to karasu no rondo ------------------------------------------

mai_sougetu, random, music=sound/moby_-_play_the_b_sides_-_10.mp3 ;mai

kawasumi from sougetu origin made by all and kotetsu. mugenized by maruta, (rsff)

;soul edge & soulcalibur series (soul edge, soul edge 2, soulcalibur, soulcalibur
2 & soulcalibur 3; arcade, dreamcast, playstation & xbox)

;(ss) ================================================================
;soul edge series (soul edge & soul edge 2; arcade & playstation) ====

;(ss) ================================================================
;soulcalibur series (soulcalibur & soulcalibur 2; dreamcast & xbox) ==

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;soulcalibur (dreamcast) =============================================

;(es) edge master, stages/edgebg.def

;(es) hwang
;(es) ivy, stages/ivybg.def
;(es) kilik, stages/kilikbg.def
;(es) mitsurugi, stages/mitsubg.def
;(es) nightmare, stages/nightbg.def
;(es) rock, stages/rockbg.def
;(es) seung mina, stages/minabg.def
;(es) sophitia, stages/sophi.def
;(es) taki, stages/takibg.def
;(es) voldo, stages/voldobg.def
;stages/ivybg2.def ;ivy
;stages/nightmare.def ;nightmare
;stages/sophitbg.def ;sophitia
;stages/xiabg.def ;xia

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;soulcalibur 2 (playstation 2, game cube & xbox) =====================

;stages/imperial_capital_ ayutthaya.def, music=sound/destiny awaits no one.mp3

;stages/xsr.def, music=sound/hubris.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;soulcalibur 3 (playstation 2 & arcade) ==============================
;(i): soulproject ;by darkcallisto ===================================

;stages/egyptian_temple.def, music=sound/call_of_the_ancients.mp3
;stages/ivy.def, music=sound/ivy.mp3
;stages/lotus_garden.def, music=sound/water_dance.mp3
;stages/mina0.def, music=sound/mina.mp3
;stages/mis.def, music=sound/mis.mp3
;stages/raph.def, music=sound/endless.mp3
;stages/sanctuary0.def, music=sound/sanctuary.mp3
;stages/sophitia.def, music=sound/sophitia.mp3
;stages/talim.def, music=sound/talim.mp3

;southpark (original) ------------------------------------------------


;space invaders (arcade) ---------------------------------------------

; in, ;inv by skysuika, (sffc)

;spectral souls series -----------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- ss1_op ;by sizuka -----------------------------------------------
;- ss2_op ;by sizuka -----------------------------------------------


;spider-man and venom in maximum carnage (super nes) -----------------

;stages/spidey.def, music=sound/newyorkstreets.mp3 ;new york streets

;spiderman the movie -------------------------------------------------
;stages/subway6.def ;subway

;spider-man: the videogame (arcade) ----------------------------------

; gata negra, ;gata negra by eclipse, (wo2d), (ws)

;spin master (neogeo) ------------------------------------------------

; deplayne, stages/hangar0.def ;deplayne by kgenjuro & daddelkingz, fixed by

gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;splatterhouse series (splatterhouse, splatterhouse: wanpaku graffiti,
splatterhouse 2 / splatterhouse part 2 & splatterhouse 3 / splatterhouse part 3;
arcade, famicom disc system, genesis, nes & turbografx 16)

;(ss) ================================================================
;splatterhouse (arcade) ==============================================

;splatterhouse remix

;, music=sound/splatterhouse_-_cathedral_-_nino.com.br.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;splatterhouse 2 (genesis) ===========================================

;splatterhouse 2 remix

;, music=sound/splatterhouse_ii_-_back_in_the_house_-_nino.com.br.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;splatterhouse 3 (genesis) ===========================================

shouse, stages/stagex.def, music=sound/sh3_-_0a.mp3 ;rick by sir tigol & lord

paul, (rsff)


;, music=sound/sh3_-_02.mp3
;, music=sound/sh3_-_03.mp3
;, music=sound/sh3_-_04.mp3
;, music=sound/sh3_-_05.mp3
;, music=sound/sh3_-_06.mp3
;, music=sound/sh3_-_07.mp3
;, music=sound/sh3_-_08.mp3
;, music=sound/sh3_-_09.mp3
;, music=sound/sh3_-_0b.mp3
;, music=sound/sh3_-_0d.mp3
;, music=sound/sh3_-_0e.mp3
;, music=sound/sh3_-_0f.mp3
;, music=sound/sh3_-_10.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;splatterhouse series original char ==================================

rick0, stages/prueba2.def, music=sound/original_-_deruyter.mp3 ;rick by

guadalajaraman, (i&ei), (rsff)

;stardust suplex (super nes) -----------------------------------------

;(es) beauty mutsuki

;(es) grenade kanzaki
;(es) hell takano
;(es) ifukube mikako
;(es) ifukube shoko
;(es) kurayami haja
;(es) nanto asuka
;(es) oda mariko
;(es) raja tonga
;(es) rando jun
;(es) sonoda maomi
;(es) sudo kurumi
;(es) suzaku masumi
;(es) takigawa misaki
;(es) ueda kyoko
;(es) yamana tokiyo

;starfox series (star fox & star fox 64; super nes & ultra 64) -------

;(ss) ================================================================
;starfox (super nes) =================================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;starfox series original =============================================

gx3fx, stages/ninjaroom2.def, music=sound/swordfish_ost_-_on_your_mind.mp3 ;fox

mccloud by gigan x3, (wo2d)

;star gladiator (dreamcast) ------------------------------------------


;star ocean series (star ocean, star ocean 3: director's cut, star ocean: blue
sphere, star ocean ex, star ocean: the second story & star ocean: till the end of
time; gameboy, playstation, playstation 2 & super nes)

; crawd, random, music=sound/star_ocean_ost_-_demand.mp3 ;crawd by

boufuusetu, (csff)
; rathi, random, music=sound/star_ocean_the_second_story_ost_-_ka.mi.ka.ze.mp3
;rathi by boufuusetu, (csff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;star ocean (super nes) ==============================================

;, music=sound/star_ocean_ost_-_an_ideal.mp3
;, music=sound/star_ocean_ost_-_for_achieve.mp3
;, music=sound/star_ocean_ost_-_one_challenge.mp3
;, music=sound/star_ocean_ost_-_tense_atmosphere.mp3
;, music=sound/star_ocean_ost_-_the_strong.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;star ocean ex =======================================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- soex_op ;unsigned ================================================
;- soex_op_ver_b ;unsigned ==========================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;star ocean: the second story (playstation) ==========================

;, music=sound/star_ocean_the_second_story_ost_-_beast_of_prey.mp3
;, music=sound/star_ocean_the_second_story_ost_-_field_of_nede.mp3
;, music=sound/star_ocean_the_second_story_ost_-
;, music=sound/star_ocean_the_second_story_ost_-
;, music=sound/star_ocean_the_second_story_ost_-
;, music=sound/star_ocean_the_second_story_ost_-_tangency.mp3
;, music=sound/star_ocean_the_second_story_ost_-

;(ss) ================================================================
;star ocean: till the end of time (playstation 2) ====================

;, music=sound/star_ocean_till_the_end_of_time_ost_-_brass_wings.mp3
;, music=sound/star_ocean_till_the_end_of_time_ost_-
;, music=sound/star_ocean_till_the_end_of_time_ost_-
;, music=sound/star_ocean_till_the_end_of_time_ost_-_highbrow.mp3
;, music=sound/star_ocean_till_the_end_of_time_ost_-
;, music=sound/star_ocean_till_the_end_of_time_ost_-
;star trek deep space nine - crossroads of time (super nes) ----------


;star wars series (star wars episode 1, super star wars, super star wars - empire
strikes back, super star wars - return of the jedi; super nes & ultra64)


;(ss) ================================================================
;star wars episode 1 (ultra64) =======================================


;steel empire (genesis) ----------------------------------------------

;stages/rahl.def, music=sound/rahl.mp3 ;the mine city of rahl

;steven seagal: final option (super nes) -----------------------------

; steven_seagalsnes, ;steven seagal by smoke

; steven_seagalspa, ;steven seagal by smoke

;(ss) ================================================================
;super star wars series (super star wars, super star wars - the empire strikes
back, super star wars - return of the jedi; super nes)
;(sp): star wars ;by cenobite 53 ====================================

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;super star wars (super nes) =========================================

; duros, stages/cantina.def, music=sound/ssw_-_cantina_fight.mp3 ;duros by

cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; garindan, stages/garindan.def, music=sound/ssw_-_desert_journey.mp3 ;
garindan by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; greedo, stages/cantina.def, music=sound/ssw_-_cantina_fight.mp3 ;greedo by
cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; jawa, stages/jawa.def, music=sound/ssw_-_jawa_sandcrawler.mp3 ;jawa by
cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; kalhan, stages/cantina.def, music=sound/ssw_-_cantina_fight.mp3 ;kalhan by
cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; lak, stages/cantina.def, music=sound/ssw_-_cantina_fight.mp3 ;lak sivrak
by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; luke, stages/luke.def, music=sound/ssw_-_luke_skywalker's_theme.mp3 ;luke
skywalker by cipher44, (rsff)
; pondababa, stages/cantina.def, music=sound/ssw_-_cantina_fight.mp3 ;ponda
baba by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; st, stages/st.def, music=sound/ssw_-_courage.mp3 ;storm trooper by
cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; tusken, stages/tusken.def, music=sound/ssw_-_desert_journey.mp3 ;tusken
raider by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)


;, music=sound/ssw_-_aerial_combat.mp3
;, music=sound/ssw_-_star_wars_main_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/ssw_-_the_millennium_falcon.mp3

;super star wars remix


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;super star wars - return of the jedi (super nes) ====================

; barada, stages/barada.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_speeder_chase.mp3 ;

barada by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; bib, stages/bib.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_the_rancor_pit.mp3 ;bib fortuna
by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; bigbug, ;big bug by cenobite 53 (unrequestable status)
; buosh, stages/boush.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_the_rancor_pit.mp3 ;
buossh by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; cguard, stages/cguard.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_the_rancor_pit.mp3 ;
camorrean guard by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; chewie, stages/chewie.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_forests_of_endor.mp3 ;
chewbacca by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; elite, stages/elite.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_boss_attack.mp3 ;elite guard
by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; han0, stages/han.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_return_of_the_jedi.mp3 ;han
solo by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; imperator, stages/throne-room.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-
_the_dark_emperor.mp3 ;imperator palpatine by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; leia, stages/leia.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_the_rancor_pit.mp3 ;leia by
cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; luke0, stages/swbg.def ;luke skywalker by hyriu, (ii), (csff)
; luke2, ;luke skywalker by bones, (wc), (ws2d)
; luke3, ;luke skywalker by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; oola, stages/oola.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_the_rancor_pit.mp3 ;oola by
cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; reeyees, stages/reeyees.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_the_rancor_pit.mp3 ;
reeyees by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; sts, stages/sts.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_forests_of_endor.mp3 ;scout
trooper by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; tessek, stages/tessek.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_the_rancor_pit.mp3 ;
tessek by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; vader, stages/vader.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_boss_attack.mp3 ;darth vader
by bones, (wc), (ws2d)
; vader0, ;darth vader by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; weequay, stages/weequay.def, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_speeder_chase.mp3 ;
weequay by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
;, music=sound/ssw_rotj_-_theme_of_the_jedi.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;super star wars - the empire strikes back (super nes) ===============

; 4lom, stages/4lom.def, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_cloud_city.mp3 ;4lom by

cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; boba, stages/boba.def, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_cloud_city.mp3 ;boba fett
by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; bossk, stages/bossk.def, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_cloud_city.mp3 ;bossk by
cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; dengar, stages/dengar.def, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_cloud_city.mp3 ;dengar by
cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; helper, stages/helper.def, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_imperial_march.mp3 ;
ugnaught by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; ig88, stages/ig88.def, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_cloud_city.mp3 ;ig88 by
cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; snowt, stages/hoth.def, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_snow_battle.mp3 ;snow
trooper by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; wampa, stages/hoth.def, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_snow_battle.mp3 ;wampa beast
by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)
; zuckuss, stages/zuckuss.def, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_cloud_city.mp3 ;
zuckuss by cenobite 53, (wc), (sffc)

;, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_boss_attack.mp3
;, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_dagobah_swamp.mp3
;, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_the_empire_strikes_back.mp3
;, music=sound/ssw_tesb_-_the_rebel_base.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;star wars series original chars =====================================
;(sp): jedi force fighter ;by kristopher mahon, eric finch & cheyenne

; artoo, stages/dockingbay.def ;r2-d2 (artoo deetoo) by jeff jacobson,

corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)
; darthmaul, stages/duelfates.def ;darth maul by kristopher mahon, eric
finch & cheyenne throckmorton, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)
; droid, stages/carbon.def ;droid by kristopher mahon, eric finch &
cheyenne throckmorton, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)
; mace, stages/naboo.def ;mace by kristopher mahon, eric finch & cheyenne
throckmorton, fixed by electrocaid, (sffc)
; obiwan, stages/mosespa.def ;obi wan by kristopher mahon, eric finch &
cheyenne throckmorton, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)


;stone protectors (super nes) ----------------------------------------
;(es) angus
;(es) chester
;(es) clifford
;(es) cornelius
;(es) maxwell

;street chaves (pc) --------------------------------------------------

; chaves, ;chaves by andre marques/r.a.p., (ei), (rsff)
; chaves0, ;chaves by heaven-e-hell
; chaves1, ;chaves by andre marques

; madruga, ;seu madruga by heaven-e-hell, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [coding +

;street combat (super nes) -------------------------------------------

;bonus stage
;(es) bonus, random, music=sound/sc_-_bonus_stage.mp3

;(es) cj, random, music=sound/sc_-_cj.mp3

;(es) dozo, random, music=sound/sc_-_dozo.mp3

;gi jim
;(es) gi jim, random, music=sound/sc_-_gi_jim.mp3

;(es) helmut, random, music=sound/sc_-_helmut.mp3

;(es) lita, random, music=sound/sc_-_lita.mp3

;(es) steven, random, music=sound/sc_-_steven.mp3

;(es) tyrone, random, music=sound/sc_-_tyrone.mp3

;street fighter series -----------------------------------------------
;(gi): street fighter, street fighter 2 champion edition, street fighter 2 movie,
street fighter 2 the world warrior, street fighter 2 turbo, street fighter v: 20
peoples, street fighter vi: 12 people / fighter street vi: 12 people, super street
fighter 2, super street fighter 2 - the new challengers, super street fighter 2
turbo revival, street fighter 3: 3rd strike, street fighter 3: double impact,
street fighter 3: new generation, street fighter 3: second impact, street fighter
alpha, street fighter alpha 2, street fighter alpha 2 gold, street fighter alpha
3, street fighter alpha 3 max, street fighter ex, street fighter ex 2, street
fighter ex 2 plus, street fighter: the movie / street fighter: real battle on film
;(p): pc-engine, saturn, super nes, gameboy advanced, genesis, arcade,
playstation, playstation 2, psp & dreamcast

;(ss) ================================================================
;street fighter (arcade) =============================================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- sf1 ;by falchion22 ===========================================
;- sp_sf1 ;by http://rin-mugen.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ ==================
;(lb): street fighter 1 lifebar ;by hpboy and dribbleboy =========
;(e): sf1ending ;by bluebolt =======================================

;adon (thailand - buddha)

a-adon, stages/sf-thailand10.def, music=sound/sf1_-_adon_(thai_-_sun_set).mp3
;adon by falchion22, (ei), (rsff)
;stages/9.def ;day
;stages/tndadon.def ;day

;birdie (england - city [sunny & cloudy])

a-birdie, stages/sf-england10.def, music=sound/sf1_-_birdie_(england_-
_mohican).mp3 ;birdie by falchion22, (ei), (rsff)
;stages/sf1-birdie.def ;cloudy

;bonus (dojo / stage)

sfbonus, stages/12c.def, music=sound/sf1_-_bonus_stage_(breaking_boards).mp3 ;bonus
stage by dcelso, (sffc)
; sfbonus0, ;bonus stage by dcelso, (sffc)
;stages/11a.def, music=sound/sf1_-_bonus_stage_(breaking_bricks).mp3 ;stage

;eagle (england - castle [sunny & cloudy])

a-eagle, stages/sf-england20.def, music=sound/sf1_-_eagle_(england_-
_ancient_castle).mp3 ;eagle by falchion22, (ei), (rsff)
;stages/engeagle.def ;sunny
;stages/sf1-eagle.def ;sunny

;geki (japan - mt. fujy [sunset & night])

a-geki, stages/sf-japan20.def, music=sound/sf1_-_geki_(japan_-_ninja).mp3 ;geki
by cwdevine & falchion22, (ei), (rsff)
; geki, stages/sf-japan2.def ;geki by cwdevine & falchion22 (old version),
(ei), (rsff)

;gen (china - town [day & night])

a-gen, stages/sf-china20.def, music=sound/sf1_-_yuan_(china_-_town).mp3 ;gen
by falchion22, (ei), (rsff)
;stages/chngen.def ;night
;stages/sf1-gen.def ;night

;joe (usa - trainyard [day & night])

a-joe, stages/sf-america20.def, music=sound/sf1_-_joe_(usa_-_martial_art).mp3
;joe by falchion22, (ei), (rsff)
;stages/sf1-joe.def ;day
;stages/sf-america2.def ;day

;ken (usa - trainyard [rainy])

a-ken, stages/sf-america3.def, music=sound/sf1_-_joe_(usa_-_martial_art).mp3 ;ken
by falchion22, (ei), (rsff)
; ken1987, ;unsigned ken 1987, (rsff)
; sfken, ;ken by dcelso, (ei), (sffc)
sfken0, stages/sf-america3.def, music=sound/sf1_-_joe_(usa_-_martial_art).mp3
;ken by masa, (rsff)

;lee (china - great wall)

a-lee, stages/sf-china10.def, music=sound/sf1_-_lee_(chaina_-_great_wall).mp3
;lee by falchion22, (ei), (rsff)

;mike (usa - mt. rushmore [day & sunset])

a-mike, stages/sf-america10.def, music=sound/sf1_-_mike_(usa_-_boxer).mp3 ;mike
by falchion22 &&, (ei), (rsff)
; mikefs, stages/usamike.def ;mike from street fighter 1 by mike obrecht
(obreck987@aol.com), (rsff)

;retsu (japan - shourinji temple)

a-retsu, stages/sf-japan10.def, music=sound/sf1_-_retsu_(japan_-
_shourinji_temple).mp3 ;retsu by falchion22, (ei), (rsff)
;stages/sf1-retsu.def ;cloudy
;stages/sf-japan1.def ;cloudy

;ryu (japan - shourinji temple [sunset])

a-ryu, stages/sf-japan3.def, music=sound/sf1_-_retsu_(japan_-
_shourinji_temple).mp3 ;ryu by falchion22, (ei), (rsff)
; ryu14, ;ryu by dragman, (rsff)
; ryufs, ;ryu by dragman, (rsff)
; sfryu, ;ryu by dcelso, (sffc)
sfryu0, stages/sf-japan3.def, music=sound/sf1_-_retsu_(japan_-
_shourinji_temple).mp3 ;ryu by masa, (sffc)
; yryu, ;young ryu by lord-s, (rsff)

;sagat (thailand - temple [sunny & cloudy])

a-sagat, stages/sf-thailand20.def, music=sound/sf1_-_sagat_(thai_-
_final_match).mp3 ;sagat by falchion22, (ei), (rsff)
;stages/tndsagat.def ;sunny

;street fighter remix

sfdan, stages/13d.def, music=sound/sf1_pce_iso_-_eagle.mp3 ;dan hibiki by smoke

; shingomeltaki, ;shingomeltaki by lil boi with da toy, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;street fighter 2 series (master fighter 2, street fighter 2 champion edition,
street fighter 2 movie, street fighter 2 the world warrior, street fighter 2
turbo, street fighter v: 20 peoples, street fighter vi: 12 people / fighter street
vi: 12 people, super street fighter 2, super street fighter 2 - the new
challengers; genesis, super nes, playstation & arcade)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- sf2 ;by doorhenge ============================================
;- sf2.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================

;balrog (jap) / vega (us / eur)

balrogsf2, stages/sf2-10-vega.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_balrog.mp3 ;
balrog by lord sinistro, (i&ei), (wc), (sffc)
; class_balrog, stages/ssf2-14-vega.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_balrog.mp3
;balrog by crazy for sf, (rsff) + (e) by garuda
sf2_balrog, stages/sf2ce-10-vega.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_vega.mp3 ;
balrog by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)

sf2blanka, stages/sf2-05-blanka.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_blanka.mp3 ;
blanka by pji111, (rsff) + (e) by garuda
; sf2_blanka, stages/sf2ce-05-blanka.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-
_blanka.mp3 ;blanka by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
sf2'blanka, stages/sf2ce-05-blanka.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_blanka.mp3
;blanka by masa, (ei), (sffc)
; sf2'blanka2, stages/ssf2-05-blanka.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-
_blanka.mp3 ;blanka by masa, (ei), (sffc)

cammy, stages/ssf2-10-cammy.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_cammy.mp3 ;ssf2cammy
by andre lopes, (rsff)
cammy2, stages/ssf2-england.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_cammy.mp3 ;cammy by
�l���m��-�, (rsff)
; sf2_cammy, stages/ssf2tcam.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_cammy.mp3 ;cammy
by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)

;car (bonus)
; car, stages/carbg.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_bonus.mp3 ;mercedes
benz by samusaran78, (csff)
; car0, ;bonus stage by masa, (sffc)
; sf2bonus, stages/car.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_bonus.mp3 ;sf2 bonus
stage by yayutto, (sffc)

; chun-li2, ;chun-li by jo, (ei), (wo2d), (sffc)
; chunlis, stages/chunlibg.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_chun_li.mp3 ;
chunli by masa, (ei), (sffc)
s-chunli, stages/ssf2-china.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_chun_li.mp3 ;chun
li by shacti, (rsff)
sf2'chunli, stages/sf2ce-04-chunli.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_chun_li.mp3
;chun li by masa
; sf2'chunli2, ;chun li by masa
sf2chunli, stages/ssf2-04-chunli.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_chun_li.mp3 ;
chunli by shacti, (rsff)
; sf2_chunli, ;chun li by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
ssf2xchunli, stages/sf2-04-chunli.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_chun_li.mp3
;chunli by masa, (ei), (sffc)
; ssf2xchunli2, ;chunli by masa, (ei), (sffc)

; deejay, stages/ssf2-12-deejay.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_dee_jay.mp3
;unsigned deejay, (rsff) + (e) by garuda
; sf2_deejay, stages/ssf2-12-deejay.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-
_dee_jay.mp3 ;deejay by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
ssfdeejay, stages/ssf2-12-deejay.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_dee_jay.mp3
;ssfdeejay by qkrtkf, (sffc) + (e) by garuda

dhalsim20, stages/sf2t-dhalsimstage.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_dhalsim.mp3
;dhalsim2 by != diferent, (sffc)
dhalsim3, stages/sf2-08-dhalsim.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_dhalsim.mp3 ;
dhalsim by != diferent, (sffc)
; dhalsimssf2, stages/sf2ce-08-dhalsim.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-
_dhalsim.mp3 ;dhalsim by mike werewolf, (sffc)
; sf2_dhalsim, stages/sf2ce-08-dhalsim.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-
_dhalsim.mp3 ;dhalsim by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
ssf2xdhalsim, stages/ssf2-08-dhalsim.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_dhalsim.mp3
;dhalsim by masa, (ei), (sffc)
; ssf2xdhalsim2, stages/ssf2-08-dhalsim.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-
_dhalsim.mp3 ;dhalsim by masa, (ei), (sffc)

; sf2_feilong, stages/ssf2-11-feilong.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-
_fei_long.mp3 ;feilong by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
ssffeilong, stages/ssf2-hongkong.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_fei_long.mp3
;feilong by zamtong, (c), (rsff)

;gouki (jap) / akuma (us / eur)

neoakuma, stages/gouki_stage.def, music=sound/goukibg.mp3 ;classic akuma by
neofix, (i&ei), (rsff)
classgouki, stages/gouki_stage.def, music=sound/goukibg.mp3 ;gouki by
minseo1911, (sffc)
; gouki3, stages/goukibg0.def, music=sound/goukibg.mp3 ;"" by masa, (ei),
; sf2_gouki, stages/goukibg.def, music=sound/goukibg.mp3 ;gouki by fido,
(ei), (wc), (sffc)

; guile0, stages/sf2-07-guile.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_guile.mp3 ;guile
by testp, (sffc)
; guile6, stages/guilebg1.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_guile.mp3 ;guile
by masa, (ei), (sffc)
guile10, stages/ssf2-07-guile.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_guile.mp3 ;guile
by testp, updated by kung fu man, (sffc)
; sf2guile, stages/ssf2-07-guile.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_guile.mp3
;sf2guile by kain the supreme, (rsff)
; sf2_guile, stages/sf2-07-guile.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_guile.mp3
;guile by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
sf2'guile, stages/sf2-07-guile.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_guile.mp3 ;guile
by masa, (ei), (sffc)
sf2'guile2, stages/sf2ce-07-guile.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_guile.mp3 ;guile
by masa, (ei), (sffc)

; ehonda, random, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_e-_honda.mp3 ;e.honda by
tommygun, (ei), (rsff)
e_honda(classic), stages/sf2-hondastage.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_honda.mp3
;e.honda by yayutto, (ei)
; honda, stages/sf2ce-hondastage.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_honda.mp3
;unsigned edmond honda, (rsff) + (e) by garuda
sf2_honda, stages/ssf2-hondastage.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_honda.mp3 ;
ehonda by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)

ken94, stages/sf2-02-ken.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_ken.mp3 ;ken masters by
blackjack, (rsff)
kenz, stages/sf2t-ken.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_ken.mp3 ;ken masters by
1st author = d�Ʊ�(junghoongoon), 2th author = zolagun & shacti, last author =
zamtong, (rsff)
; sf2ken, stages/ssf2-02-ken.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_ken.mp3 ;ken
by raiwa, (rsff)
; sf2_ken, stages/ssf2-02-ken.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_ken.mp3 ;ken
by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
sf2'ken, stages/sf2ce-02-ken.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_ken .mp3 ;ken by
masa, (ei), (sffc)
; sf2'ken2, stages/sf2ce-02-ken.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_ken .mp3
;ken by masa, (ei), (sffc)

;m. bison (jap) / balrog (us / eur)

bison, stages/sf2-09-balrog.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_m.bison.mp3 ;
m.bison by shacti, (rsff) + (e) by yyzlin
; sf2_bison, ;m.bison by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
sf2_bison0, stages/sf2ce-09-balrog.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_m.bison.mp3
;m.bison by rin & bat, (wc)

classryu, stages/sf2-01-ryu.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;classic ryu
by crazy for sf, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
ryu0, stages/sf2-01-ryu.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by
strideryriu, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; ryu12, stages/sf2-01-ryu.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;unsigned
ryu, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
ryu2k2, stages/sf2ce-01-ryu.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by
slack86 (ryu c-ex 0.90 limited edition ryu legend project), (rsff) + (e) by
ryu2x, stages/sf2ce-01-ryu.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;master ryu
by strideryriu, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; ryu7, stages/ryubg3.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by
masa, (ei), (sffc)
ryufax, stages/sf2ce-01-ryu.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by
fusion armor x, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
ryujrp, stages/ssf2-01-ryu.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by
charlzn64, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; ryuturbo, stages/ryubg4.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by
masa, (ei), (sffc)
; sf2_ryu, stages/ssf2-01-ryu.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu
by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
sf2'ryu, stages/ssf2-01-ryu.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by
masa, (ei), (sffc)
; sf2'ryu2, stages/ssf2-01-ryu.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu
by masa, (ei), (sffc)
; sfcturboryu, stages/ryubg0.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu
by masa, (i&ei), (sffc)
; sagat1, ;classic sagat by robo z, (rsff)
sf2sagat, stages/sf2ce-11-sagat.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_sagat.mp3 ;class
sagat by zamtong, (rsff)
; sf2_sagat, ;sagat by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
sf2'sagat, stages/ssf2-15-sagat.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_sagat.mp3 ;sagat
by masa, (ei), (sffc)
sf2_sagat0, stages/sf2-11-sagat.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_sagat.mp3 ;sagat
by rin & bat, (wc)
; sf2'sagat2, ;sagat by masa, (ei), (sffc)

;t. hawk
sf2_thawk, stages/ssf2-09-thawk.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_t.hawk.mp3 ;thawk
by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
; t.hawk, stages/ssf2-09-thawk.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_t-_hawk.mp3
;t.hawk by ocariocanildo, (rsff)

;vega (jap) / m. bison (us / eur)

; evilbison, ;evil bison by lord, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff) + (e) by
; mbison, ;m.bison by cipher44, (rsff) + (e) by doorhenge
sf2vega, stages/sf2-12-bison.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_vega.mp3 ;classic
vega by zolagun, (rsff) + (e) by doorhenge
; sf2_vega, stages/sf2-12-bison.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_m-_bison.mp3
;vega by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
; sf2_vega0, ;vega by rin & bat
sf2'vega, stages/sf2-12-bison.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_vega.mp3 ;vega
by masa, (ei), (sffc)
; sf2'vega2, stages/sf2-12-bison.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_vega.mp3
;vega by masa, (ei), (sffc)

; sf2_zangief, stages/sf2ce-06-zangief.def, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-
_zangief.mp3 ;zangief by fido, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
sf2'zangief, stages/sf2-06-zangief.def, music=sound/sf2_arc._ost_-_zangief.mp3
;zangief by masa, (ei), (sffc)
sf2'zangief2, stages/ssf2-06-zangief.def, music=sound/ssf2_arc._ost_-_zangief.mp3
;zangief by masa, (ei), (sffc)

;stages/bo.def ;barrels
;stages/bonus0.def ;barrels

;street fighter 2 series remix

;(e): endguile ;by riccochet

;balrog (jap) / vega (us / eur) edits


;blanka edits

;bonus edits
; bsvegetacapsule, ;bonus stage! vegeta capsule by majin gibran, (csff)

;cammy edits
; cammy2x, ;ssf2cammy custom by �l���m��-�, (csff) + (e) by riccochet
cammycustom, stages/castle.def, music=sound/ssf2_rmx_-
_dancing_in_the_sky_oc_remix.mp3 ;cammy by cannon musume, (ei)

;chunli edits
sf2chunli0, stages/guilestagedg.def, music=sound/sf2_rmx_-
_china_street_beat_oc_remix.mp3 ;chun li by kazmer13, (i&ei), (csff)
shin-chunli, stages/guilestagedg.def, music=sound/sf2_tribute_chun-li_stage.mp3
;chunli by mast-chen, (ei), (sffc)

;deejay edits

;dhalsim edits

;e. honda edits


;feilong edits

;gouki / akuma edits

;guile edits
evilguire, stages/guilerain.def, music=sound/sf2_guile(r.a.h.mix)_oc_remix.mp3
;evil guire by testp and robert the small

;ken edits
; bater, stages/kenstage1.def ;mr bater by nyan��kiryu, (rsff)
; ken, stages/kenstagedg.def ;classic ken rmx by kingpin, (rsff)

;m. bison / balrog


;ryu edits
; darkryu, ;dark ryu by charlzn64, (rsff)
; evil_ryu_sft, ;evil ryu sft by ocariocanildo, (sffc)
; ryu4, ;classic ryu by crazy for sf updated by gscool, (rsff)
ssf2xryu, stages/ryustagedg.def, music=sound/sf2_rmx_-
_ryuinterpretation_oc_remix.mp3 ;ryu by masa, (ei), (sffc)
; ssf2xryu2, ;ryu by masa, (ei), (sffc)
; ssf2xryu3, ;ryu by masa, (ei), (sffc)
; ssf2xryu4, ;ryu by masa, (ei), (sffc)
sfxvigoku, stages/ryustagedg-night.def, music=sound/sf2_instr_ryu.mp3 ;sfxvi goku
by taruse, (rsff)
; gohibiki, ;go hibiki by kaiof95, (rsff)
gohibiki0, stages/newtemple.def, music=sound/sf2_psx_ast_-_ryu's_theme.mp3 ;go
hibiki [2.0d] by darkmasters (unrequestable status)
sheng, stages/!newryu_up.def, music=sound/sf2_bota_-
_akumajobelmont_&_braincells_r_u_overdrive_(ryu_stage).mp3 ;sheng long by
cipher44, (rsff)
; shenglong, ;sheng long by emg, capcom und rr1, (rsff)

;sagat edits
; namihei, ;namihei by elecbyte, (rsff)
; sf2sagat0, stages/tailandia-ssf2.def, music=sound/sf2_rmx_-
_sagats_moonbike_oc_remix.mp3 ;sagat by gscool, (rsff)

;t. hawk edits


;vega / m. bison edits

; final vega, ;final vega by unknown (ver1.3), (wc), (ws2d)
(unrequestable status)
vegasam, stages/akumaflamestage.def, music=sound/sf2_bota_-
_malcos_tribute_to_the_master_(m._bison_stage).mp3 ;vega by elecbyte / ali,

;zangief edits

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;master fighter 2 (nes hack) =========================================

;stages/mf2_chun.def ;chun-li
;stages/mf2_guil.def ;guile
;stages/mf2_ryu.def ;ryu
;stages/mf2_zang.def ;zangief

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;street fighter 2 (nes hack) =========================================

;(es) balrog, stages/sf2vega1.def, music=sound/sf2_nes_-_vega.mp3

; blankanes, stages/sf2blanka1.def, music=sound/sf2_nes_-_blanka.mp3 ;
blanka by smee, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;(es) chunli, stages/sf2chunli1.def, music=sound/sf2_nes_-_chunli.mp3

; dhalsimnes, stages/sf2dhalsim1.def, music=sound/sf2_nes_-_dhalsim.mp3 ;
dhalsim by bia, (wo2d), (ws2d)

; guilenes, stages/sf2guile1.def, music=sound/sf2_nes_-_guile.mp3 ;guile by
smee, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; kennes, stages/sf2ken1.def, music=sound/sf2_nes_-_ken.mp3 ;ken by smee,
(wo2d), (ws2d)

; ryunes, stages/sf2ryu1.def, music=sound/sf2_nes_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by smee,
(wo2d), (ws2d)

; sagatnes, stages/sf2sagat1.def, music=sound/sf2_nes_-_sagat.mp3 ;sagat by
smee, (wo2d), (ws2d)

; veganes, stages/sf2bison1.def, music=sound/sf2_nes_-_bison.mp3 ;vega by
smee, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;street fighter 2 movie (playstation) ================================

;stages/sf2-battle.def, music=sound/sf2m_-_thunder.mp3 ;brother vs. brother

;stages/sf2-cyborg.def, music=sound/sf2m_-_darkfire.mp3 ;the devil's laboratory

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;street fighter 2 - the world champion (arcade, genesis, super nes) ==
;(lb): st2 ;by fngt@ngt-a.com =======================================


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;street fighter 2 champion edition ===================================


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;super street fighter 2 - the new challengers ========================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- ata01 ;by kal@every-mail.com ===================================
;- ata01s ;by kal ==================================================
;- screenpack_ssf2 ;by genmaken & nightwing =====================
;- ssf2-full ;by mike werewolf & ghow ===========================
;- ssf2-light ;by werewolf & ghow ================================
;(fnt): ssf2 ;by dominicanzero ==================================
;(i): introssf2 ;by mike werewolf ==================================

;stages/ssf2-03-honda.def ;honda
;stages/ssf2-spain.def ;balrog

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;super street fighter 2 turbo (pc) ===================================

;, music=sound/ssf2t_pc_ost_-_balrog.mp3
;(ss2) ===============================================================
;super street fighter 2 turbo revival (game boy advanced) ============
;(i): sf2tr_intro ;by nightwing ======================================

;(es) bonus, stages/bonus_gba.def

;gouki / akuma
;(es) gouki, stages/akuma_gba.def

;(es) guile, stages/guile-gba.def

;(es) ken, stages/gbakenbg.def

;m. bison / balrog

;(es) m. bison, stages/balrog_gba.def

;(es) ryu, stages/ryu_gba.def

;(es) sagat, stages/sagatstage.def

;vega / m. bison
;(es) vega, ssf2r_bison.def

;(es) zangief, stages/ussr-gba.def

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;super street fighter 2 x (arcade, 3do & dreamcast) ==================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- winssf2x ;by hatabow ==============================================
;- wssf2x ;by fido =================================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;street fighter 3 series (street fighter 3: 3rd strike, street fighter 3: double
impact, street fighter 3: new generation, street fighter 3: second impact; arcade,
playstation 2 & dreamcast)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- mugensf3 ;by dany-the-dog =========================================
;- s3 ;by drachir ====================================================
;- sf3 ;by aj and kyo-san kanzaki ===============================
;(lb): sf3ts_lifebars ;by matmut ===================================
;(sndp): =============================================================
;- fight_sfiii3mono ;by wz_4 =====================================
;- system_sfiii3 ;by wz_4 ===========================================
;- system_sfiii3mono ;by wz_4 =====================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- introsf3 ;by dany-the-dog =========================================
;- sf3gaintro ;by rugal2 =========================================
;- sf3newgenerationintro ;by rugal2 =============================
;- smallintro ;by mu =============================================

;alex (sf3.1: usa - new york alley / sf3.2: usa - new york rooftop / sf3.3: usa -
new york subway station [yellow])
;(e): alexendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

alex4, stages/3rd_alex.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_alex_&_ken_stage_-

jazzy_nyc_'99-.mp3 ;alex by yo-, (wo2d)
mm_tssm, stages/alexng.def, music=sound/sf3.1_ost_-
_jazzy_nyc_(underground_edit)_~stage_new_york_1~.mp3 ;alex by sander71113.... i
mean sander iii
sf3_alex, stages/sf3si-alex.def, music=sound/sf3.2_ost_-_jazzy_nyc_-_alex&ken.mp3
;alex by gm, (wo2d), (n2bu: [teammode problem])
sf3alex, stages/alexstage.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_alex_&_ken_stage_-
jazzy_nyc_'99-.mp3 ;alex by ex-inferis

;bonus stages
;(es) sf3.3 basket ball break, stages/basketball.def,
;(es) sf3.3 car smashing, stages/sf3junkyard.def,
;stages/bonus4.def ;car smashing

;chunli (sf3.3: china - chinese restaurant)

;(e): chunliendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

sf3chunli, stages/chunlistage.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_chun-li_stage_-

china_vox-.mp3 ;chun li by conversion world - j.lee, (wc)

;dudley (sf3.2: england - london / sf3.3: england - main street)

;(e): dudleyendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

00dudley, stages/sf3si-dudley.def, music=sound/sf3.2_ost_-_leave_alone_-

_dudley.mp3 ;dudley by tin
dudley, stages/dudleystage.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_dudley_stage_-
you_blow_my_mind-.mp3 ;dudley by gargoyle, (wo2d)
; dudleystreets, ;dudley streets by knightmare106, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;elena (sf3.1: kenya - bridge / sf3.3: kenya - savanna)

;- elenaend.def ;unsigned
;- elenaendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

elena, stages/elenastage.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_elena_stage_-

beats_in_my_head_[tribal_dance]-.mp3 ;elena by phirmost, joseph o (ei)
; elena0, ;elena by phirmost + patch by videoman (1st ver.)
elena1, stages/sf3ngelenar1.def, music=sound/sf3.1_ost_-
_tomboy_~stage_africa~_elena.mp3 ;elena by phirmost + patch by videoman (2nd
ver.), (wc), (ws2d)

;gill (sf3.2: hidden shrine / sf3.3: unknown place)

;(e): gillendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

gill1, stages/sf3ts-gill.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_gill_stage_-psych_out-.mp3

;gill by adamskie, (wo2d)
gill2, stages/sf3si-gill.def, music=sound/sf3.2_ost_-_the_judgement_day_-_gill.mp3
;gill by slayergatsu, (wo2d)
; gill3, ;gill by villain, (wo2d) (unrequestable status)

;gouki / akuma (sf3.2: japan - mount fuji / sf3.3: japan - kousyu street [normal])
;(e): goukiendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

sf3-akuma0, stages/sf3si-akuma.def, music=sound/sf3.2_ost_-_the_flame_-_gouki.mp3

;akuma by kung fu man, (ldv)
; sf3gouki, ;gouki by rolento187 (unrequestable status)
sf3gouki0, stages/goukistage.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_gouki_stage_-
killing_moon-.mp3 ;gouki by crazy for s.f., (wc)
;stages/sf3sigouki.def ;sf3.2

;shin gouki / shin akuma (sf3.3: japan - kousyu street [dark])

; sf3shinakuma, ;akuma by kung fu man, (ldv)
sf3shinakuma0, stages/sf3-3-shinakuma.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_gouki_stage_-
killing_moon-.mp3 ;akuma by kung fu man, (wo2d), (n2bu)

;hugo (sf3.3: germany - home sweet home, 7:30 pm)

;(e): hugoendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

sf3hugo, stages/sf3ts-hugo.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_hugo_stage_-the_circuit-.mp3

;hugo by adamskie & tin
sf3hugo0, stages/sf3ts-hugo.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_hugo_stage_-the_circuit-.
mp3 ;hugo by eminator

;ibuki (sf3.1: japan - kyoto [day] / sf3.2: japan - kyoto [night] / sf3.3: japan -
a road in kyoto)
;(e): ibukiendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

ibuki1, stages/ibukistage0.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_ibuki_stage_-twilight-.mp3

;ibuki by pji, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; ibuki4, ;ibuki by jetsetgo
;stages/ibuking.def, music=sound/sf3.1_ost_-
;stages/kyoto.def, music=sound/sf3.1_ost_-
;stages/sf3si-ibuki.def, music=sound/sf3.2_ost_-_sharp_eyes_-_ibuki.mp3

;ken (sf3.2: usa - san francisco docks / sf3.3: usa - new york subway station
;(e): kenendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

; ken34, ;ken by ken34, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [trans] + [ws])

ken_sf3, stages/kenstage2.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_alex_&_ken_stage_-
jazzy_nyc_'99-.mp3 ;ken by ikuzeexodia aka saito, (wc), (ws2d)
sf3ken, stages/sf3si-ken.def, music=sound/sf3.2_ost_-_jazzy_nyc_-_alex&ken.mp3
;ken by ex-inferis, (wc)
sf3_ken, stages/sf3si-ken.def, music=sound/sf3.2_ost_-_jazzy_nyc_-_alex&ken.mp3
;ken by cloudius, (wc), (ws2d)

;makoto (sf3.3: japan - the dojo of rindo-kan)

;(e): makotoendinghq ;by dany-the-dog
makoto, stages/makotostage.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_makoto_stage_-spunky-.mp3
;makoto by nhk

;necro (sf3.3: russia - mosque [day])

;(e): necroendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

; necro, ;necro by saito aka ikuzeexodia, (wc), (ws2d)

necro0, stages/necrostage.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_necro_&_twelve_stage_-
snowland-.mp3 ;necro by saito aka ikuzeexodia, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; necro_mx, ;necro by fido (nacro&system), (wo2d), (ws2d)
; necro_mx0, ;necro by fido (nacro&system), (wo2d)
; sf3necro, ;necro by cloudius

;oro (sf3.3: brazil - santos harbor [4:48 pm])

;(e): oroendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

oro, stages/sf3ts-oro.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_sean_&_oro_stage_-

the_longshoreman-.mp3 ;oro by theigniter, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;q (sf3.3: hong kong shopping district [without yang])

;(e): qendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

q, stages/3rd_yun.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_the_theme_of_q_-q-.mp3 ;q by wild

; q0, ;q by adamskie
; q-2, ;q by wild ali
q-d, stages/3rd_yun.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_the_theme_of_q_-q-.mp3 ;q by
drowin, (wo2d), (ws2d)
sf3 q (umihei), stages/3rd_yun.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_the_theme_of_q_-q-.mp3
;q by umihei, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;remy (sf3.3: france - club metro)

;(e): remyendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

; remy0, ;remy by one winged angel (first release), (wc), (ws2d)

sf3remy, stages/remystage.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_remy_stage_-the_beep-.mp3
;remy by one winged angel (second release), (wo2d)
; sf3 remy (umihei), ;remy by umihei, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;ryu (sf3.1: thermal sources / sf3.3: japan - suzaku stronghold)

;(e): ryuendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

ryudg, stages/ryustage3.def, music=sound/sf3.1_ost_-

_good_fighter_~stage_japan_2~_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by dg
sf3 ryu (umihei), stages/ryustage2.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_ryu_stage_-
kobu_[inspiration]-.mp3 ;ryu by umihei, (wo2d), (ws2d)
;stages/sf3-suzaku.def ;sf3.3

;sean (sf3.1: new york / sf3.2: brazil - sao paulo / sf3.3: brazil - santos harbor
[11:18 pm])
;(e): seanendinghq ;by dany-the-dog
seandg, stages/sf3ts-sean.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_sean_&_oro_stage_-
the_longshoreman-.mp3 ;sean by dg
;stages/seanstage.def ;sf3.3
;stages/sf3si-sean.def, music=sound/sf3.2_ost_-_sao_paulo_-_sean.mp3 ;sf3.2
;stages/sf3ng-sean1.def ;sf3.1
;stages/sf3ng-sean2.def ;sf3.2

;twelve (sf3.3: russia - mosque [night])

;(e): twelveendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

12, stages/twelvestage.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_necro_&_twelve_stage_-snowland-.

mp3 ;twelve by fraya, (wo2d)
twelve, stages/twelvestage.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_necro_&_twelve_stage_-
snowland-.mp3 ;twelve by kung fu man, (wo2d), (n2bu)

;urien (sf3.2: egypt - hamunaptra / sf3.3: mexico - ormeca ruins)

;(e): urienendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

sf3urien, stages/urienstage.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_urien_stage_-

crazy_chili_dog-.mp3 ;urien by one winged angel (third release), (wo2d), (ws2d)
sf3 urien (umihei), stages/sf3si-urien.def, music=sound/sf3.2_ost_-_07-nile.mp3
;urien by umihei, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; urien, ;urien by one winged angel (first release), (wc), (ws2d)
; urien0, ;urien by one winged angel (second release), (wo2d)

;yang (sf3.3: hong kong shopping district [rainy night])

;(e): yangendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

yang, stages/roof_view.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_yun_&_yang_stage_-

crowded_street_[third_edit]-.mp3 ;yang by intense_mc, (wc), (ws2d)
yang_mx, stages/yangdi.def, music=sound/sf3.2_ost_-_crowded_street_-_yang.mp3
;yang by fido, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;yun (sf3.3: hong kong shopping district [with yang])

;(e): yunendinghq ;by dany-the-dog

yun, stages/yunstage0.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_yun_&_yang_stage_-

crowded_street_[third_edit]-.mp3 ;yun by flowagirl, (wo2d)

;, music=sound/sf3.2_ost_-_bottoms_up.mp3
;, music=sound/sf3.2_ost_-_funky_bay.mp3
;, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_let's_get_it_on.mp3
;, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_moving_on.mp3
;, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_third_strike_[rm1-short_edit].mp3
;, music=sound/sf3.3_ost_third_strike.mp3

;street fighter 3 series remix

;alex edits
alex3, stages/sf3_ryu_night.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ast_(ps2)_-
_alex_&_ken's_stage_-_jazzy_nyc_'99_-.mp3 ;alex by fraya, (wo2d)
;bonus games edits

;chunli edits
chunli7, stages/chinanight.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ast_(ps2)_-_chun-li's_stage_-
_china_vox_-.mp3 ;chunli by fraya, (wo2d)

;dudley edits

;elena edits

;gill edits
; gill0, ;gill by tom (cadicle)

;gouki edits
gouki6, stages/bloody-goukisf3-mt.def, music=sound/bloody-goukisf3-mt-djv.mp3
;gouki by fraya, (wc)

;hugo edits
poison, stages/goukentemplenight.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ast_(ps2)_-_hugo's_stage_-
_the_circuit_-.mp3 ;poison by dampir & ryou win
; poison0, ;poison by p, (wo2d), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)
; poison_eoh, ;poison by span, (wc), (ws2d)
so_andore, stages/the_ring_up.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ast_(ps2)_-_hugo's_stage_-
_the_circuit_-.mp3 ;andore jr by ethan lives

;ibuki edits
ibuki2, stages/sf3ggxx4.def, music=sound/sf3.1_ast_-_sharp_eyes_-_ibuki.mp3 ;ibuki
by fraya, (wo2d)
ibuki3, stages/samurai_champloo.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ast_(ps2)_-_ibuki's_stage_-
_twilight_-.mp3 ;ibuki by midnight spirit, (ei)

;ken edits
ken_3rd, stages/goukenstemple.def, music=sound/sf3.1_ast_-
_jazzy_nyc_[latin_mix].mp3 ;ken by fraya, (wo2d)
; mm_rox, ;rox howard clones by most mysterious

;makoto edits
makoto0, stages/temple_of_the_moon.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ast_(ps2)_-
_makoto's_stage_-_spunky_-.mp3 ;makoto by fraya, (wo2d)

;necro edits

;oro edits

;q edits
q1, stages/sf3ggxx6.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ast_(ps2)_-_the_theme_of_q_-_q_-.mp3
;q by fraya, (wo2d)

;remy edits

;ryu edits
ryu_3rd, stages/dj-van_-_sazuka_castle.def, music=sound/sf3.1_ast_-_good_fighter_-
_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by fraya, (wo2d)
; ryulvl2, stages/purple_heron_castle.def, music=sound/sf3.3_ast_(ps2)_-
_ryu's_stage_-_kobu_-.mp3 ;ryu lvl 2 by azcal, (wo2d), (ws) (unrequestable

;sean edits

;twelve edits

;urien edits
; urigill, ;urigill by one winged angel, (wo2d)

;yang edits

;yun edits


;, music=sound/sf3.1_ast_-_jazzy_nyc_[light_edit].mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;street fighter v: 20 peoples (hack) =================================

;(ss) ================================================================
;street fighter vi: 12 people / fighter street vi: 12 people (hack) ==

;stages/sfiv-chunfo.def ;chun-li
;stages/sfvi-ken.def, music=sound/sfvi-ken.mp3 ;ken
;stages/sfvi-ryu.def, music=sound/sfvi-ryu.mp3 ;ryu

;(ss) ================================================================
;street fighter alpha series (street fighter alpha, street fighter alpha 2, street
fighter alpha 2 gold, street fighter alpha 3 & street fighter alpha 3 max; psp,
saturn, playstation & dreamcast)

;birdie (f) sfa, sfa2 & sfa3

birdie0, stages/restroom.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_birdie.mp3 ;birdie by jin
kazama, (ei), (rsff)
birdie1, stages/trnwreck.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_behind_you_-theme_of_birdie-.
mp3 ;biride by qkrtkf! & ���!, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
birdie2, stages/gare0.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_behind_you_-theme_of_birdie-.mp3
;birdie by neocargalpha, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

vschunli, stages/sfa1chun.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_chun-li_stage.mp3 ;chun-li by
adam_skie@geocities.co.jp, (rsff), (comment: [vs style + pants]) + (e) by bluebolt

;dan (f) sfa, sfa2 & sfa3

dan1, stages/hkmarket.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_dan.mp3 ;dan by cngsoft, (rsff)
+ (e) by bluebolt

;dhalsim (f) sfa2 & sfa3

; dhalsim1, stages/sfa3dhalsim.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_praying_-
theme_of_dhalsim-.mp3 ;dhalsim by {ranma-kun}, (i&ei), (rsff)
dhalsim2, stages/sfa2-dhalsim.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_dhalsim.mp3 ;dhalsim by
whitemagic2002, (rsff)
; dhalsimvs, stages/sunrisepark.def ;dhalsim vs by blackjack, (rsff)

;guy (f) sfa, sfa2

guy, stages/sfa1guyz.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_guy_stage.mp3 ;guy by conversion
wolrd - zolagun, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
guy4, stages/ffight.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_guy.mp3;guy by k3nshin & d@rk-sun,
lupe121283 (ei), (rsff)
; guy5, ;guy by x-treme jedi, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt

;rose (f) sfa, sfa2 & sfa3

rose, stages/venice.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_rose.mp3 ;rose by the impaler,
(rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
rose1, stages/sfa1rose.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_rose_stage.mp3 ;rose by juke
kisaragi, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
rose2, stages/sfa1rose.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_rose_stage.mp3 ;rose by beximus

;sodom (f) sfa, sfa2 & sfa3

sodom, stages/sfa1sodo.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_sodom_stage.mp3 ;sodom by
splode, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; sodom0, stages/sfa1sodo.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_sodom_stage.mp3 ;sodom
by bj+fa, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
sodomggn, stages/trucker.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_sodom.mp3 ;sodom by ggn!,
(rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
sodom-ss, stages/zero3_sodom.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_tower_of_shogun_-
theme_of_sodom_type._1-.mp3 ;sodom by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;zangief (f) sfa2 & sfa3

zangief, stages/factory.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_zangief.mp3 ;zangief by
koyotae, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; zangief2, ;unsigned zangief, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; zangief3, ;zangief by marcelojudaspriest@bol.com.br, (rsff) + (e) by

;street fighter alpha series remix

;adon edits
adonex, stages/sfa2-adon.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3;adon ex by shin hi, (sffc) +
(e) by bluebolt
; adonexprivate, ;adon ex by shin hi, modified by ???, (wc), (ws2d)
(unrequestable status)
; ryder, ;ryder by zorc, (wc), (ws)

;balrog edits
f_balrog, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;fallen balrog by
cannon musume, (rsff)

;birdie edits
; lobo0, ;lobo by buyog2099, (ldv), (rsff)
; lobo1, ;lobo by buyog 2099, (wc), (rsff)
lobo2, stages/nirooftop_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_undergroundmixes_-
_birdie_(subterranean_mix).mp3 ;lobo by buyog 2099, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; lobo3, ;lobo by buyog 2099, (wc), (ws2d)
; nardie, ;nardie by myke and andrew, (rsff)

;m. bison edits

d_bison, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;dream bison by cannon
musume, (sffc)
; evilbalrog, ;evil balrog! by cid ninjer, (i&ei), (rsff)
; evilbalrog0, ;evil balrog by gcn mario/diabolus-8, (sffc)
; evilbalrog1, ;evil balrog by gcn mario/diabolus-8, palettes 4-11,
sounds, sprites and 6 new moves added by oscarnaiz
; mike alpha, ;mike alpha by bigboy and cookiekid, (wc), (csff)
; mvcbalrog, ;balrog by scar, (wc), (ws2d)

;blanka edits
beast0, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;the beast by slotman
; blanka_mvc, ;blanka by acey - infinity mugen team, (wc), (ws2d)
(unrequestable status)
; etrigan, ;etrigan by marvelvsdcu, (wo2d)
; thedemon, ;etrigan by marvelvsdcu, (wc), (ws2d)
; thedemon_tag, ;etrigan by marvelvsdcu, (wc), (ws2d)

;cammy edits
; bko, ;biko daitokuji by majere, (rsff)
nudecammy, stages/tqh-015_up.def, music=sound/sfa_lyla_-_remembrance_(cammy).mp3
;nudecammy by fei-hung, (rsff)
; tiazinha, ;tiazinha by stricker, (rsff)

;cody edits

;chunli edits
ath-chunli, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa_chun_li's_theme_(remix).mp3
;ath-chun li by falchion22, (rsff)
; chun-li, ;chun-li by makomako, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; chun-li1, ;chun-li by er updated by gscool, (i&ei), (rsff)
; chunli5, ;chun li ver 1.1 by mr zero, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; ice-li, ;ice chun li by tony bogard, (rsff)
; nude_chun, ;nude chun li by shinkhoeo, (rsff)
; safire, ;safire by ss5ace174, (sffc)

;dan edits
; evildan, ;evil dan by shin hi, (sffc)
evildan0, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/evildan.mp3 ;evil dan by ilcane87,
(wc), (rsff)
go, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa_dan's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;go hibiki
by n64mario (version 1), (rsff)
go1, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa_dan's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;go hibiki
by n64mario (version 2b), (rsff)
gou, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa_dan's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;gou hibiki
by n64mario, (rsff) + (i) by riccochet
hoshikuro, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_undergroundmixes_-
_dan_(old_skool_mix).mp3 ;hoshikuro by corprus nocturnis, (sffc)
mdan, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_undergroundmixes_-
_dan_(old_skool_mix).mp3 ;mean dan by rehap, (rsff)
oyaji, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_-_tdua_-_dan_remix.mp3 ;tengu gou
hibiki by dan, updated by n64mario84, (csff)
oyaji0, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_-_tdua_-_dan_remix.mp3 ;oyaji by
dan, (csff)
; sdan, ;shinobi dan by junaid, (rsff)
shindan, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_undergroundmixes_-
_dan_(old_skool_mix).mp3 ;shin dan by shin hi, (sffc)
; superdan, ;super dan by r., edited by jacob stallings a.k.a king of
california, (rsff)

;deejay edits
bruno, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3:bruno de souza by
pockefreeman, (rsff) (unrequestable status)
; deejay0, ;dee jay by n64mario updated by gscool, (rsff)

;dhalsim edits
; dhalsims, ;dhalsims by nrf (old_dhalsims), (rsff)
dhalsims0, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_undergroundmixes_-
_dhalsim_(head_in_the_clouds_mix).mp3 ;dhalsims by nrf

;feilong edits
; capcom0, ;fei-long by bigsally and jim kooljz
; feilong0, ;feilong by gncmario updated by gscool, (rsff)
; feilongt, ;fei-long by bigsally and jim kooljz
; sfeilong, ;master fei-long by supermystery and spx
;gen edits
; binladen, ;bin laden by deciderio.cjb.net, (i&ei), (csff)
soulgen, stages/hongkongmatrix_up.def, music=sound/dj-van_sincity.mp3 ;soulgen by
ipuzero, (rsff)
;stages/sincity.def, music=sound/dj-van_sincity.mp3

;gouki edits
; aragon, ;aragon by zero_col, (sffc)
; gouken, ;gouken by slayer and khardgar, (rsff)
gouken0, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa_akuma's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;
gouken by dripht, (rsff)
gouken1, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa_-_gouki_128_rmx.mp3 ;old gouken
by capcom & rr1, (rsff)
; deathogre, ;death ogre by jun (unrequestable status)
ogre, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa_-_gouki_128_rmx.mp3 ;the ogre by jun,
; ogre2, ;the ogre by jun + ogrefix by masa_nr, (rsff)
; ogre3, ;ogre 3 by jun (unrequestable status)
; ogre4, ;shin ogre by jun (unrequestable status)
; ogre10, ;ogre akuma by jun (unrequestable status)
; ogre20, ;ogre 2 by jun (unrequestable status)
; shinakuma, ;shin akuma by xxxdexterxxx, (i&ei), (rsff)
shingouki, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa3gouki_remix.mp3 ;shin gouki
by synk, (rsff)
superakuma-edit, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa3gouki_remix.mp3 ;
ultimate shin akuma by b.skryo-rextrion (unrequestable status)

;guile edits
guile5, stages/fortal.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;guile by n64mario, (rsff)
lohan, stages/fortal.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;lohan by ss5ace174, (rsff)
tigrenegro, stages/fortal.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;tigrenegro by
maximus_mambojambo, (i&ei), (sffc)

;guy edits
; guy0, ;guy by kallystto updated by gscool, (rsff)
; mkspartan, ;spartan by kallystto, (rsff)

;juli edits
nudejuli, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;nudejuli by fei-hung,
satsuki0, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;satsuki by juke
kisaragi, edited sprites by bloo j (unrequestable status)

;juni edits
aprile, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;aprile by juke
kisaragi, sprites edited by bloo j. (unrequestable status)
; johanna, ;johanna o'malley by actarus
nudejuni, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;nudejuni by fei-hung,
; qth, ;q.t.honey by mith, (sffc)

;karin edits
cvs_karin, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa3_rmx_-_karin.mp3 ;karin by
pji111, changed into cvs by chloe, (sffc) (unrequestable status)
dark-karin, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa3_rmx_-_karin.mp3 ;dark karin
by drowin, (wc), (ws2d)
; karin1, ;karin by juke kisaragi, (rsff)
; karin2, ;karin by juke kisaragi, sprites edited by videoman, (rsff)
; karin3, ;karin by fraya, (wo2d)
karin4, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa3_rmx_-_karin.mp3 ;karin by juke
kisaragi + patch by bomb (nude-karin), (rsff)
; karin5, ;karin by juke kisaragi + patch by bomb (thong-karin), (rsff)
karin8, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa3_rmx_-_karin.mp3 ;karin by beximus,
(wc), (ws2d)
; tqh0-05, ;karin by juke kisaragi, nude version by blomb, re-worked by
tetchi, (tqh0), (ldv), (rsff)
; tqh0-050, ;k by juke kisaragi, patched by blomb, reworked by tetchi,
(tqh0), (wo2d)

;ken edits
; evilken, ;evil ken by reu (old version), (ii), (csff) + (e) by rugal2
evilken0, stages/birthday0.def, music=sound/sfa2_undergroundmixes_-
_ken_(beyond_nature_mix).mp3 ;evil ken by reu (new version), (wc), (sffc) + (e) by
; evilken2, ;evil ken by reu, updated by ???
; kengang, ;ken & gang by tenshin, (csff)
; shinken, ;shin ken by new striker, (rsff)
shinken0, stages/birthday0.def, music=sound/sfa_rmx_-_ken_masters.mp3 ;shin ken by
shin striker and bacteria, (rsff)
; shotokan, ;unsigned x-2002, (sffc) (unrequestable status)
; wild_ken, ;wild ken ex by mantov�o, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; wild_ken_ex, ;wild ken ex by mantov�o, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
wkex-mt, stages/birthday0.def, music=sound/sfa2_undergroundmixes_-
_ken_(beyond_nature_mix).mp3 ;wild ken ex by mantov�o (latest version), (sffc) +
(e) by bluebolt

;mika edits
; bunnygirl, ;bunny girl by actarus
; harleyquinn, ;harley quinn by madcook (unrequestable status)
mika, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;rainbow mika by andre lopes,
updated by exinferis!, (rsff)
; mika0, ;rainbow mika nude by andre lopes, (rsff)
; shard, ;shard by ss5ace174 and mythsoftaboo (unrequestable status)
; tqh0-06, ;mika by andre lopes, re-worked by tetchi, (tqh0), (ldv), (csff)
; tqh0-060, ;a by andre lopes, reworked by tetchi, (tqh0), (wo2d)

;nash edits
carlos1, stages/blackbird.def, music=sound/sfa2_-_charlie_-_nino.com.br.mp3 ;
carlos by n64mario, (rsff)
; charlie6, ;charlie by @ndroide & usseleschiken, (wc), (ws2d)
; chris2, ;chris by magus,5k0rx,the pizzaman, (wo2d)
; chrisredfield, ;chris redfield by magus & 5k0rx, (i&ei), (rsff)
chrisredfield0, stages/blackbird.def, music=sound/sfa2_-_charlie_-_nino.com.br.mp3
;chris redfield by magus & 5k0rx, palettes 1-5, sounds and 5 new moves added
by oscarnaiz
nash0, stages/blackbird.def, music=sound/sfa2_-_charlie_-_nino.com.br.mp3 ;
charlie by uselesschicken, (rsff) (unrequestable status)

;ryu edits
exryu, stages/sonson24_o.def, music=sound/sfa_rmx_-_yoim-
ryu_through_the_air_hardcore_world_champion.mp3;ryu ex by saiai84, (i&ei), (rsff)
; exryu0, ;ryu ex by saiai84, modified by ??? (unrequestable status)
; holy ryu, ;holy ryu by reu and kingtigre, updated by teros (unrequestable
; holy ryu-edit, ;holy ryu by darkgouken, (wc), (ws) (unrequestable status)
; legendaryryu, ;legendary ryu by deldreka, (wc), (ws) (unrequestable
; ryu-akuma, ;dark ryu by vgfreddy, (wo2d), (ws2d)
ryudev, stages/xiiibg.def, music=sound/sblv-
street_fighter_ryu_path_of_a_fighter_oc.mp3 ;ryu by devast8or, (sffc)
ryuplus-ms, stages/sfz_ryu_night_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_undergroundmixes_-
_ryu_(beyond_nature_mix).mp3 ;ryu plus by mattasaur, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
ryusf, stages/snowmaster.def, music=sound/snowmvc.mp3;ryu by n64mario, (rsff) +
(e) by bluebolt
; sfaryu, ;ryu by ninja_naruto, (wc), (ws2d)
shinryu, stages/sfa3-japonnoche.def, music=sound/sfa3_rmx_-_ryu_the_road_remix.mp3
;shin ryu by sophaer, (sffc)

;sagat edits
anji, stages/africa2.def, music=sound/sfa_sagat's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;anji by
tiger-genocide, (rsff)
karl, stages/australian_outbackdg.def, music=sound/original_-_storm.mp3 ;karl
by masterstyle, (ursff)
mb-02, stages/africa2.def, music=sound/original_-_storm.mp3 ;mb-02 by sodonhid
and o ilusionista, (rsff)
so_mb02, stages/africa.def, music=sound/original_-_storm.mp3 ;mb-02 by
sodonhid, o ilusionista and ethan lives, (sffc)
; pysagat, ;pysagat by trunkszero, (rsff)
; ricardo, ;ricardo santos by macabro - rs ( ricardo ), (i&ei), (rsff)
; sagat8, ;sagat by ssjfools and bigboy, (rsff)
sagatdx, stages/australian_outbackdg.def, music=sound/original_-_storm.mp3 ;sagat
dx by dragoon316, (wc)
; sektor0, ;sektor by shadow dio, (sffc)
; yangtze, ;yang tze by actarus

;sakura edits
a0sak, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_sakura_(with_lyrics).mp3 ;
kasugano by patrick ching(pneophen), (rsff)
ako, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_sakura_(with_lyrics).mp3 ;eiko magami
by majere, (csff)
; akonoundies, ;eiko magami by majere, (csff)
enmko, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_undergroundmixes_-
_sakura_(spilt_poppers_mix).mp3 ;enmko made by ss5ace174 and enmko, (sffc)
hotsakura, stages/so_fiji_up.def,
music=sound/sfa2_kasugano_(bootymix)_oc_remix.mp3 ;sakura by gusanoxsus,
updated by tetchi, (csff)
kasugano0, stages/so_fiji_up.def,
music=sound/sfa2_kasugano_(bootymix)_oc_remix.mp3 ;sakura kasugano by adamskie
+ nudepatch by bomb, (sffc)
kyokugen-sakura, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_undergroundmixes_-
_sakura_(hot_thigh_mix).mp3 ;rina by haru, (csff)
; nudesakura, ;nude sakura by orochi herman, (rsff)
; nudesakuradirty, ;sakura, original por hanzo hatori - retrabajo por tetchi,
; osakura, ;orochi sakura by edgar aguilar (aka:cliente), (rsff)
; sakura0, ;unsigned sakura kasugano, (rsff) + (e) by vampipe
sakura2, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_undergroundmixes_-
_sakura_(hot_thigh_mix).mp3 ;dirty sakura by hanzo hattori, (sffc)
; sakura7, ;unsigned sakura
sakuraplus, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/sfa2_undergroundmixes_-
_sakura_(hot_thigh_mix).mp3 ;sakura by alchemist, (wc), (ws2d)
; shadowl0, ;hot sakura by gusanoxsus, (csff)
; tqh0-07, ;sakura by adamskie, nude version by blomb, re-worked by tetchi,
(tqh0), (ldv), (sffc)
; tqh0-070, ;s by adamskie ,patched by blomb, reworked by tetchi, (tqh0),
; tqh0-09, ;sakura by gusanoxsus, updated by tetchi, (tqh0), (ldv), (rsff)
; tqh0-090, ;h by gusanoxsus, updated by tetchi, (tqh0), (wo2d)

;t. hawk edits

!so_mexican, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;mexican typhoon
by o ilusionista, (rsff)

;vega edits
; bison2, ;m.bison by n-mario (april fools edition), (wc), (ws2d)
shinbison, stages/cvsr_base.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;shin bison by b.skryo-
rextrion, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;zangief edits
; brimstone, ;brimstone by elecbyte, (wo2d) (unrequestable status)
; brimstone0, ;brimstone by elecbyte / marvelvsdcu, (wc), (ws)
; zangief4, ;zangief by [fraya], (wo2d)
zangief6, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;zangief by
minmeisyobou, (wc)
zangyura, stages/so_fiji_up.def, music=sound/so_fiji.mp3 ;zangyura by 3ha,
(wo2d), (di: [multiple snd & sparks]), (c: dhalsims' throws)

;misc. sfa edits

; ace, ;ace by ss5ace aka ss5ace174 (second version) (first release), (sffc)
(unrequestable status)
; ace0, ;ace by ss5ace aka ss5ace174 (second version), (sffc)
; ace1, stages/acebg0.def ;ace by ss5ace (first version), (rsff) (unrequestable
aceex, stages/acebg.def, music=sound/sfa_adon's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;ace ex by
ss5ace aka ss5ace174, (sffc)
azrael, stages/coldscaffold.def, music=sound/sfa_adon's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;
azrael darkbringer by franklin e. hollis iii, (sffc)
; blackjack, ;blackjack by blackjack, (i&ei), (rsff)
blackjackex, stages/tokyo-3.def, music=sound/sfa_adon's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;
blackjack-ex by blackjack, (sffc)
dyan, stages/forever.def, music=sound/sfa_adon's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;dyan silva
by pirata cibern�tico, (csff)
; goldberg, ;goldberg by roken & zgteam, (sffc)
koga, stages/tropical.def, music=sound/sfa_adon's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;koga by
koga, (i&ei), (rsff)
koga0, stages/rpd.def, music=sound/sfa_adon's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;kogason by koga,
; koga1, ;kogason by koga + kogaexp patch, (rsff)
major, stages/rpd2.def, music=sound/sfa_adon's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;major by ed s.
aka burning ranger, (rsff)
mbs, stages/valleyofbliss.def, music=sound/valleyofbliss.mp3 ;m.b. shotoman by
dragoon316, (wc)
pax, stages/shadown.def, music=sound/sfa_adon's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;pax by pax
(pax@zworg.com), (rsff)
regina, stages/desertw.def, music=sound/sfa_adon's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;regina by
er, (ii), (rsff)
; sangoku, ;gokou by darkmemphis and emuboarding, (rsff)
aa-sean, stages/castlecr.def, music=sound/sfa_adon's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;sean by
falchion22 && n64mario, (rsff)
; sean, ;sean by n64mario, (rsff)
so_sean, stages/sweden.def, music=sound/sfa_adon's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;sean
matsuda by ethan lives, (sffc)
shurian, stages/goutetsu-stage.def, music=sound/sfa_adon's_theme_(remix).mp3 ;
shurian by the lord exorcist and bacteria, (rsff)
; trunks8, ;fire trunks by loverman, palettes 2-4, sounds, sprites and 10
new moves added by oscarnaiz
; trunksbeta, ;trunks beta by loverman, (sffc)
ubu, stages/gattotopo.def, music=sound/sfa2_-_adon_-_nino.com.br.mp3 ;ubu by
aiduzzi, (wc)
xiii, stages/mont-entardecer.def, music=sound/sfa2_-_adon_-_nino.com.br.mp3 ;the
pain beta by ss5ace174
zexx, stages/moon10.def, music=sound/sfa2_-_adon_-_nino.com.br.mp3 ;zexx by
ss5ace174 (unrequestable status)
; zombitrunks, ;zombi trunks by loverman / oscarnaiz
zorc, stages/venezuela_sf.def, music=sound/sfa2_-_adon_-_nino.com.br.mp3 ;zorc
by zorc

;stages/piccolo's waterfall.def

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;street fighter alpha (arcade & playstation) =========================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- sfa1.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- zero ;by www.trialforce.hpg.com.br ============================

;adon (thai buddha [day])

adon, stages/sfaadon.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_adon_stage.mp3 ;adon by pioupiou,
(rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; adon0, stages/sfa1adon.def ;adon by ownko, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283

;birdie (italy [day])

birdie, stages/sfa1bird.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_birdie_stage.mp3 ;birdie by
capitan_trueno, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;chun-li (china [night])

chunli4, stages/sfa1chun.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_chun-li_stage.mp3 ;chun li by
falchion22, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
chunliex, stages/sfachun.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_chun-li_stage.mp3 ;chun-li ex
by blackjack, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;dan (thai buddha [evening])

dan, stages/sfadan.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_dan_stage.mp3 ;dan hibiki by r.
updated by ilcane87, (i&ei), (csff), (comment: i know, this is mshvssf dan but
it'll stay under the sfa section till there's an sfa one, lol)

;gouki (jap) / akuma (us / eur)

zxakuma, stages/sfa1akum.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_gouki_stage.mp3 ;akuma by
master gouken, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;ken (usa, east [sunset])

ken8, stages/sfa1kenm.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_ken_stage.mp3 ;ken masters by k-
man 2000 / majik, (rsff), (comment: i know, this is xmvssf ken but it'll stay
under the sfa section till there's an sfa one, lol) + (e) by bluebolt
; newken, ;unsigned ken & gang, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;nash (jap) / charlie (us / eur) (usa, east [night])

; charlie1, ;charlie by n64mario, (rsff) + unsigned (i) + (e) by bluebolt
; charlie2, ;charlie by matheus, (rsff) + unsigned (i) + (e) by bluebolt
charlie5, stages/sfa1char.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_nash_stage.mp3 ;charlie by
n64mario, updated/screwed up by fantoboy, (wo2d), (sffc) (unrequestable status)

;ryu (japan [day])

; ryu2, ;ryu by mugenite, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
ryusfa, stages/sfa1ryuh.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_ryu_stage.mp3 ;ryusfa by
n64mario, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;sagat (thailand [night])

sagatz, stages/sfasagat.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_sagat_stage.mp3 ;sagat z by
zamtong, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;vega (jap) / m. bison (us / eur) (usa, west [day])

;(es) vega, stages/sfa1biso.def, music=sound/sfa_ost_-_vega_stage.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;street fighter alpha 2 series (street fighter alpha 2 & street fighter alpha 2
gold; arcade, saturn, super nes & playstation)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- screenpack_alpha2 ;by nightwing ================================
;- sfa2.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(fnt): zero2__font ;by lavie ====================================
;(lb): sfa2lifebar ;by chok =====================================
;(i): sfa2intro ;by lupe121283 =====================================

;adon (thai marsh)

adon1, stages/marsh.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_adon.mp3 ;adon by sepp, (wo2d),
(n2bu: [coding]), (comment: i know, this is sfa3 adon but it'll stay under the
sfa2 section till there's an sfa2 one, lol)

;birdie (water closets)

;(es) birdie, stages/birdiesfa2.def, music=sound/sfa2g_ost_-_birdie_stage.mp3

;cammy (venezuela waterfalls)

;(es) cammy, stages/sfa2-venezuela0.def, music=sound/sfa2g_ost_-_cammy's_theme.mp3

;chun-li (pants ver.) (beijing rush hour)

@chun-li, stages/cyclists.def, music=sound/sfa2g_ost_-_chun_li_stage.mp3 ;chun-
li by yaten kou
chun-li0, stages/cyclists.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_chun_li.mp3 ;chun-li by er,
(ei), (rsff)

;dan (hong kong marked)

;(es) dan, random, music=sound/sfa2g_ost_-_dan_stage.mp3
;dhalsim (elephant temple)
;(es) dhalsim, random, music=sound/sfa2g_ost_-_dhalsim_stage.mp3

;gen (rundown back alley)

; gen1, stages/bckalley.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_gen.mp3 ;gen by renzo,

;gouki (jap) / akuma (us / eur) (cave)

uselessakuma, stages/cave.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_gouki.mp3 ;akuma by
uselesschicken, (wc), (rsff), (i&ei)

;guy (under the bridge)

;(es) guy, random, music=sound/sfa2g_ost_-_guy_stage.mp3

;ken (happy birthday eliza)

ken0, stages/birthday.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_ken.mp3 ;ken by er (edson
renato), (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283

;nash (jap) / charlie (us / eur) (detroit highway)

charlie0, stages/highway0.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_nash.mp3 ;charlie by
sodonhid, (rsff) + unsigned (i) + (e) by bluebolt
; nash1, ;nash by saikyo ryu, fixed by ayustat, (rsff) + unsigned (i) +
(e) by bluebolt
; nash3, ;nash by saikyo ryu, (wo2d)

;rolento (metro city skyline)

rolento, stages/metro.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_rolento.mp3 ;rolento schugerg
by tenshin, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283

;rose (venezia)
;(es) rose, random, music=sound/sfa2g_ost_-_rose_stage.mp3

;ryu (birthplace of the shotokans)

ryu3, stages/snowfld.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_ryu.mp3 ;ryu by cngsoft, (sffc)
+ (e) by lupe121283

;sagat (in the eyes of buddha / australian outback)

sagat, stages/buddha.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_sagat.mp3 ;sagat by sorrowedge,
(rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
sagat2, stages/ryuvssagat.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_sagat_vs_ryu.mp3 ;sagat by
skl - http://www.mgbr.net/mugenko/, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
;stages/australi.def ;australian outback
;stages/outback.def ;australian outback

;sakura (kasugano backyard)

;(e): sakura_end ;by adam boyle

sakura, stages/backyard.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_sakura.mp3 ;sakura kasugano

by orochi herman, (rsff), (comment: i know it's an sfa3 ver. but it'll stay here
till there's an sfa2 conversion) + (e) by lupe121283

;sodom (truck)
;(es) sodom, random, music=sound/sfa2g_ost_-_sodom_stage.mp3

;vega (jap) / m. bison (us / eur) (in front of the vtol / venezuela waterfalls
[nash vs vega :-p])
mbison0, stages/sfa2bcomp.def, music=sound/sfa2_ost_vega.mp3 ;m. bison by vk,
updated alpha-ized by dripht, (rsff)
;stages/sfz2a-venezuela.def ;venezuela waterfalls
;stages/vtol.def ;in front of the vtol

;zangief (russian steelworks)

;(es) zangief, stages/stelwrks.def, music=sound/sfa2g_ost_-_zangief_stage.mp3

;(ss3) ===============================================================
;street fighter alpha 2 (nes hack) ===================================

;stages/bar2.def ;ryu

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;street fighter alpha 3 series (street fighter alpha 3 & street fighter alpha 3
max; arcade, dreamcast, psp & playstation)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- +zero3 ;by hatabow ==============================================
;- sfa3sp ;by ades =================================================
;- sfa3.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- street fighter alpha 3 ;by dmz ================================
;(lb): sfz3lbar ;by garuda(aka nikkio78) ===========================
;(sndp): sfa3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;(fnt): ==============================================================
;- sfa3 combo font (avg2 colors) ;by igniz ========================
;- sfa3 survival fonts (final ver.) ;by igniz ========================

;adon (lost temple)

sfz3adon, stages/adonbg0.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_proof_of_divinity_-
theme_of_adon-.mp3 ;adon by h�h, (i&ei), (rsff)

;balrog (jap) / vega (us / eur) (spanish castle)

; balrog2, stages/spain.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_crimson_-theme_of_balrog-.
mp3 ;balrog by m.m.r., (rsff)
; claw&mask_off, ;balrog by n64mario, (rsff)
; claw_off, ;balrog by n64mario, (rsff)
; mask_off, ;balrog by n64mario, (rsff)
; svega, ;vega by mhz, (rsff)
vega, stages/sfa3veganc.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_crimson_-theme_of_balrog-.mp3
;balrog by n64mario, (rsff)
; vega2, ;unsigned vega, (rsff)

;m. bison (jap) / balrog (us / eur) (las vegas)

balrog, stages/sfa3las.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_untamable_fists_-
theme_of_m._bison-.mp3 ;balrog by tom (cadicle), (i&ei), (balrog 12), (rsff)
balrog0, stages/sfa3las.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_untamable_fists_-
theme_of_m._bison-.mp3 ;balrog by shin hayato, (ii), (rsff)
; balrog1, ;balrog by mhz, (sffc) + unsigned (i)
; balrog3, ;balrog by n64mario (old version), (rsff)
; balrog4, ;balrog by n-mario (remake version), (ldv)
; balrog5, ;balrog by n-mario, (wc), (ws2d), (n2bu: [invalid ai])
cbalrog, stages/sfa3las.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_untamable_fists_-
theme_of_m._bison-.mp3 ;balrog by n-mario (remake version), (ldv)
; cbalrog0, ;balrog by n-mario, (wc), (ws2d), (n2bu: [invalid ai])
bison0, stages/sfa3-balrog.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_untamable_fists_-
theme_of_m._bison-.mp3 ;m.bison by h�h, (ii), (rsff)
sz3bison, stages/sfa3-balrog.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_untamable_fists_-
theme_of_m._bison-.mp3 ;m.bison by shacti, (rsff) + unsigned (i)

;blanka (jungle)
; blanka, ;blanka by hyakki gouryuu & _mhz_, (rsff)
; blanka0, ;blanka by gou-san, (rsff)
blanka1, stages/blanka0.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_wild_nature_-theme_of_blanka-.
mp3 ;blanka by h�h, (ii), (rsff)
; blanka3, ;blanka by mhz, (rsff)
; blanka4, ;blanka by conner_mcloud

;cammy (greece)
cammy3, stages/cammy.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_doll_eyes_-theme_of_cammy-.mp3
;cammy by adamskie, (sffc)

;chun-li (dress ver.) (china - tai chi)

; alphac, ;chun li by omega red, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
; chun_li, ;chunli by h�h, (sffc) + (e) by lupe121283
; chunlidx, ;chun-li by dragoon316, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
sz3chunli, stages/tai_chi.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_resolution_-theme_of_chun-li-.
mp3 ;chun li by shacti, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;cody (jail break)

; cody, ;cody by moxmaniac, (rsff) + (i) by riccochet + (e) by nikkio78
aka garuda
cody1, stages/jailbrk.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_stripes_-theme_of_cody-.mp3 ;cody
by gou-san, (rsff) + (i) by riccochet + (e) by nikkio78 aka garuda
; cody3, stages/cody.def ;cody by moxmaniac, updated to last mugen by
exinferis!, (rsff) + (i) by riccochet + (e) by nikkio78 aka garuda
; cody4, ;cody by messatsu, (wo2d)

;dan (playground)
dan0, stages/playgrnd.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_performance_-theme_of_dan-.mp3
;dan hibiki by adamskie, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by lupe121283

;deejay (jama�ca)
; dee, ;dee jay by the iceman, (rsff)
deejay1, stages/sfa3-deejay.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_dee_jay.mp3 ;dee jay by
n64mario, (rsff)

;dhalsim (elephants' temple)

dhalsim0, stages/zero3_dhalsim.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_praying_-
theme_of_dhalsim-.mp3 ;dhalsim by 3ha, (rsff)

;feilong (hong kong)

fei-long, stages/sfa3-feilong.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_fei-long.mp3 ;fei-long by
n64mario (new version), (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; fei-long0, ;fei-long by n-mario (old version), (wc), (rsff)
; feilong, ;fei-long by blackbocs, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; feilong1, ;unsigned fei-long fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

;gen (victoria harbour)

gen, stages/gen0.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_moments_-theme_of_gen-.mp3 ;gen by
luvly angel, (rsff)

;gouki (jap) / akuma (us / eur)

gouki8, stages/kiga.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_feel_the_cool_-
theme_of_gouki_type._1-.mp3 ;gouki by sepp, (wo2d)
; sfz3gouki, stages/gouki1.def ;gouki by sepp, (sffc) + (i) by vampipe + (e)
by bluebolt
; sfz3gouki0, ;gouki by sepp, (wo2d), (sffc)
s.gouki, stages/kiga.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_feel_the_cool_-
theme_of_gouki_type._1-.mp3 ;gouki by m.m.r., (rsff) + (i) by vampipe + (e) by

;shin gouki (jap) / shin akuma (us / eur) (red cave)

shinakuma0, stages/sfa3-s_akuma.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_groan_-
theme_of_gouki_type._2-.mp3 ;shin akuma by b.skryo-rextrion, (rsff) + (i) by
vampipe + (e) by bluebolt
shin-akuma, stages/sfa3-s_akuma.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_groan_-
theme_of_gouki_type._2-.mp3 ;shin akuma by b.skryo-rextrion, (rsff) + (i) by
vampipe + (e) by bluebolt

;guile (train)
; dbz_guile, ;unsigned guile, (rsff)
guile, stages/guilebg2.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_guile.mp3 ;unsigned guile, (rsff)
guile1, stages/guilebg2.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_guile.mp3 ;william f. guile by
shin hayato, (rsff)
guile2, stages/guilebg2.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_guile.mp3 ;guile by keyu, (rsff)
; guile_2, ;unsigned guile, (rsff)
guile3, stages/guilebg2.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_guile.mp3 ;guile by hey ska and
wonko, update by blackbocs in 2000,2002, (rsff)
guile4, stages/guilebg2.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_guile.mp3 ;guile by synk, (rsff)
guile8, stages/guilebg2.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_guile.mp3 ;guile by koyotae,
guileui, stages/guilebg2.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_guile.mp3 ;guile by uchuu itsu,

;guy (under the bridge)

guy1, stages/guy.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_no_more_swingin'_-theme_of_guy-.mp3
;guy by adamskie, (ei), (wc), (rsff)
guy3, stages/guybg.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_no_more_swingin'_-theme_of_guy-.mp3
;guy by phantom.of.the.server, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
guy7, stages/guy.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_no_more_swingin'_-theme_of_guy-.mp3
;guy by phantom.of.the.server, (wo2d), (sffc), (n2bu) + (e) by bluebolt
guycvs, stages/guybg.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_no_more_swingin'_-theme_of_guy-.mp3
;guy by splode, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt

;honda (dohyou)
honda0, stages/sfz3honda.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_mach-smasher_-
theme_of_e._honda-.mp3 ;e.honda by h�h, (ii), (rsff)
; honda1, ;e. honda by whitemagic2002, (rsff)
honda2, stages/dohyou.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_mach-smasher_-theme_of_e._honda-.
mp3 ;e.honda by gargoyle, (rsff)

; ingrid-sfa, ;ingrid by kung fu man & n64mario, (wc), (ws2d)
; ingrid-sfa0, ;ingrid by kung fu man & n64mario

;juli (tempest [violet] [rain])

ajuli, stages/secretpoint1.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_high-tech_-
theme_of_juli_&_juni-.mp3 ;juli + by patrick ching(pneophen), (rsff) + (e) by
juli, stages/secretpoint1b.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_high-tech_-
theme_of_juli_&_juni-.mp3 ;juli by the impaler, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; juli0, ;juli by death smile, (wo2d), (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; juri, ;juri by juke, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

;juni (tempest [violet] [no rain])

juni, stages/junijuli.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_high-tech_-theme_of_juli_&_juni-.
mp3 ;unsigned juni, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
juni0, stages/junijuli.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_high-tech_-theme_of_juli_&_juni-.
mp3 ;juni by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

;karin (on boat / shopping mall [night])

;- karin ;by adam doyle ;(pc): d:\mugen\extrastuff\add-
;- karinend ;by midnight spirit ;(pc): d:\mugen\extrastuff\add-

; karin, ;karin kanzuki by orochi herman (new version = resized), (rsff)

karin0, stages/karin2.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_simple_rating_-theme_of_karin-.mp3
;kanzuki karin by pji111, (rsff)
karin6, stages/sfa3-karin.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_simple_rating_-
theme_of_karin-.mp3 ;karin kanzuki by orochi herman (old version = non
resized), (rsff)

;ken (swimming pool)

; ken6, ;ken by yongming, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
ken-zero3, stages/ken_sfa3.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_active_red_-theme_of_ken-.mp3
;ken by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
;mika (on the sand)
mika2, stages/mika0.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_prismatic_stars_-theme_of_r._mika-.
mp3 ;rainbow mika by andre lopes, (rsff)
mika20, stages/fightonbeach.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_prismatic_stars_-
theme_of_r._mika-.mp3 ;rainbow mika by andre lopes, updated by exinferis, (rsff)
; raibowmika, ;rainbow mika by alan carlos do kofdash2002, (rsff)
r_mika, stages/rainbow.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_prismatic_stars_-
theme_of_r._mika-.mp3 ;r.mika by tamago

;nash (jap) / charlie (us / eur) (hangar)

nash, stages/hangar.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_decisive_bout_-theme_of_nash-.mp3
;nash by adamskie, (wc), (rsff) + unsigned (i) + (e) by bluebolt

;rolento (underground headquarters)

rolento2, stages/subway2.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_gimmick_-theme_of_rolento-.mp3
;rolento by tenshin (old version), (csff) + (e) by lupe121283

;rose (balcony)
rose0, stages/balcony.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_scala_-theme_of_rose-.mp3 ;rose
by forgra@kmail.com.au, (rsff) + (i&e) by rugal2

;ryu (suzaku castle in basalt plain)

ryu8, stages/suzaku.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_the_road_-theme_of_ryu_type._1-.mp3
;ryu by adamskie, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by lupe121283

;evil ryu (blue cave)

; evil_ryu, ;evil ryu by marcelojudaspriest@bol.com.br, (rsff) + (e) by
; evilryu, ;evil ryu by spinicci giacomo, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; evilryu0, ;evil ryu by reu and kingtigre (old version), (sffc) + (i&e) by
evilryu3, stages/sfa3-e_ryu.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_black_power_-
theme_of_ryu_type._2-.mp3 ;evil ryu by reu and kingtigre (new version), (wc),
(sffc) + (i&e) by rugal2
evilryumb, stages/sfa3-e_ryu.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_black_power_-
theme_of_ryu_type._2-.mp3 ;evil ryu by mystikblaze, (ei), (rsff)
evilryu-ms, stages/sfa3-e_ryu.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_black_power_-
theme_of_ryu_type._2-.mp3 ;evil ryu by mattasaur, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; ryu6, ;unsigned evil ryu fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

;sagat (in the eyes of buddha)

sagat0, stages/sfz3_sagat.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_shining_one_-theme_of_sagat-.
mp3 ;sagat by kogason, (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
sagat4, stages/sagat3.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_shining_one_-theme_of_sagat-.mp3
;sagat by adamskie, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; sagat5, ;sagat by marcelojudaspriest@bol.com.br, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
sagat7, stages/tailandia-sfa3.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_shining_one_-
theme_of_sagat-.mp3 ;sagat by sepp, (wo2d), (n2bu: [movereversed])

;sakura (shopping mall [day])

kasugano, stages/sakura4.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_breeze_-theme_of_sakura-.mp3
;sakura kasugano by adamskie, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by lupe121283
;sodom (manhattan building 49f)
;(es) sodom, stages/towerofshogun.def

;t. hawk (desert)

hawk, stages/thawk_bg_sfa3.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_t._hawk.mp3 ;thunder hawk by
adamskie, (sffc)
thawk, stages/thawk_bg_sfa3.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_t._hawk.mp3 ;t.hawk by
n64mario, (rsff)

;vega (jap) / m. bison (us / eur) (tempest, night [with & without rain])
bison1, stages/sfa3-bisonf.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_fatal_depth_-
theme_of_vega_type._1-.mp3 ;m. bison by the necromancer, (sffc) + (e) by
; fbison, ;m.bison by n-mario, (wc)
fbison0, stages/shinmb.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_brave_or_grave_-
theme_of_vega_type._2-.mp3 ;m.bison by n-mario, (wc), (di: [psycho crusher
problem]), (ws2d), (n2bu)
; mbison1, ;m.bison by n-mario, (wc) ;sfa3
mbison2, stages/shinmb.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_brave_or_grave_-
theme_of_vega_type._2-.mp3 ;m.bison by n-mario, (wc), (di: [psycho crusher
problem]), (ws2d), (n2bu)

;zangief (blast furnace)

zangief0, stages/sfa3-zangief.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_heavy_swell_-
theme_of_zangief-.mp3 ;zangief by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by lupe121283
zangief5, stages/sfa3-zangief.def, music=sound/sfa3_ost_heavy_swell_-
theme_of_zangief-.mp3 ;zangief by sepp, (wo2d)

;stages/sfa3-extra1.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_dramatic_battle.mp3 ;secret point

31580 (day)
;stages/sfa3-extra2.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_dramatic_battle.mp3 ;secret point
31580 (night)
;stages/sfa3-extra3.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_dramatic_battle.mp3 ;secret point
31580 (green)
;stages/sfa3-extra4.def, music=sound/sfa3_-_dramatic_battle.mp3 ;secret point
31580 (red)

;, music=sound/sfa3_ost_seek_no_escape_-
;, music=sound/sfa3_-_training_mode.mp3

;street fighter alpha 3 series remix

;- poison_intro ;by riccochet
;- sl-intro ;by n64mario

;(ss) ================================================================
;street fighter ex series (street fighter ex, street fighter ex 2, street fighter
ex 2 plus & street fighter ex plus alpha; playstation)

kairi, stages/the_sunset.def, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_strage_sunset.mp3 ;kairi by

mondu_the_fat, (sffc)
skullo, stages/airport_up.def, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_strage_sunset.mp3 ;
skullo by dark nekrobat, (csff)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;street fighter ex series (original) =================================

blair_dame, stages/ytr0.def,
music=sound/sfex_pullum_summer_trance_mix_2002_oc_remix.mp3 ;blair dame by
dampir & ryou win, (wc), (sffc)
; blair_dame_mvsc, ;blair dame by dampir & ryou win, (wc), (sffc)
; blair_dame_sfex, ;blair dame sfex by dampir & ryou win, (wc), (sffc)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;street fighter ex (playstation) =====================================

;(es) allen
;(es) blair
;(es) chun-li
;(es) c. jack
;(es) darun
;(es) d. dark
;(es) guile
;(es) gouki
;(es) hokuto
;(es) kairi
;(es) ken
;(es) pullum
;(es) ryu
;(es) skullomania
;(es) vega
;(es) zangief

;, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_amusementive_crime.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_arabesque.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_cherry_trees_in_full_bloom_at_night.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_cold_pope.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_dance_song_for_heavenly_legs.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_garnet_sky.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_god_hands.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_guardian_deity_of_light.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_irreconcilably.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_rising_dragoon.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_stronger.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_ost_-_under_tube.mp3

;street fighter ex remix

;, music=sound/sfex_rmx_-_evil_ryu.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_rmx_-_evil_ryu_special_edition.mp3
;, music=sound/sfex_rmx_-_guile_special_edition.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;street fighter ex 2 plus (playstation) ==============================
;(fnt): ==============================================================
;- ex2combo ;by dominican zero / darkzero! ===========================
;- ex2plus ;by dominican zero / darkzero! ===========================
;(sndp): sfex2plussnd ;by chiba mamoru x ===========================

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;street fighter ex plus alpha (playstation) ==========================
;(e): exeryuend ;by mh777 ==========================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;street fighter: the movie / street fighter: real battle on film (arcade, saturn &
;(e): sf2movie ending ;unsigned ====================================

;(es) arkane

;balrog / vega (cage)

;(es) balrog

;(es) blade

;blanka (lab)
blanka2, stages/street_fighter_movie_up.def, music=sound/sftm.mp3 ;blanka by
diego sanches & ryou win, (sffc)

;cammy (dock)
cammysfm, stages/street_fighter_movie_up.def, music=sound/sftm.mp3 ;cammy by
lord sinistro, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

;chun li (morgue)
;(es) chunli

;deejay (furnace)
deejay2, stages/bisonbase_up.def, music=sound/sftm.mp3 ;dee jay by diego
sanches & ryou win, (sffc)

;e.honda (harem)
;(es) honda

;(es) f7

;gouki / akuma
;(es) gouki

;guile (u.n. headquarters)

;(es) guile

;ken (market)
sftmken, stages/street_fighter_movie_up.def, music=sound/sftm.mp3 ;ken masters
by j.smoke
sftmken0, stages/street_fighter_movie_up.def, music=sound/sftm.mp3 ;ken masters
by j.smoke (arcade_big_size ver.)

;(es) khyber
;m.bison / balrog (tv van)
;(es) bison

;ryu (prison)
ryu(sftm), stages/street_fighter_movie_up.def, music=sound/sftm.mp3 ;ryu by nrf,
ryu(small), stages/street_fighter_movie_up.def, music=sound/sftm.mp3 ;ryu by nrf,

;sagat (bison's office)

;(es) sagat

;sawada (jungle)
sawada, stages/street_fighter_movie_up.def, music=sound/sftm.mp3 ;captain sawada by
tamago, (csff)

;shin vega / shin bison (river by night)

;(es) svega

;vega / m.bison (bison's base)

;(es) vega

;zangief (ruins)
;(es) zangief

;street fighter 2 the movie remix

;stages/tongwarehouse.def, music=sound/tongwarehouse.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;street fighter series unclassed stuff ===============================


;(ss) ================================================================
;street fighter series original stuff ================================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- darkhadu ;by bloodtide ============================================
;- street_fighter_screenpack ;by ***mitch*** ========================
;(i): ================================================================
;- evil.ryu.intro ;by stich_907 ======================================
;- violentken ;by micky ==========================================
;- sfdhrintro ;by @lv/n ==========================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- evilken ;by micky ================================================
;- evilryu ;by micky ================================================
;- guileend ;by rugal2 ===============================================

ryu13, stages/automne.def, music=sound/sfs_rmx_-_ikoj-street_fighter_4_ken_oc.mp3

;ryu by wou, (sffc)
; ryusf3, ;unsigned evil ryu sf3 fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;, music=sound/sf2tam_ost_a_riddle_-_gouki_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/sf2tam_ost_assassination.mp3
;, music=sound/sf2tam_ost_battle_-_blanka_&_zangief.mp3
;, music=sound/sf2tam_ost_enter_vega.mp3
;, music=sound/sf2tam_ost_farewell_-_ryu_&_ken.mp3
;, music=sound/sf2tam_ost_fighting_street.mp3
;, music=sound/sf2tam_ost_mission.mp3
;, music=sound/sf2tam_ost_plot.mp3

;street hoop / street slam / dunk dreams (neogeo) --------------------


;streets of rage / bare knuckle series (streets of rage / bare knuckle, streets of
rage 2 / bare knuckle 2 & streets of rage 3 / bare knuckle 3; genesis)

;(ss) ================================================================
;streets of rage / bare knuckle (genesis) ============================

; adam, stages/immeuble.def, music=sound/sor_ost_-_round_08.mp3 ;adam by
cybersoulx/monkmonk, (csff)

;(es) axel

;(es) blaze

; signal, stages/praiasor.def, music=sound/sor_ost_-_round_03.mp3 ;signal by
easychar, (rsff)

;stages/01_aboard_ship.def, music=sound/sor_ost_-_round_05.mp3 ;round 5 - ship

;stages/01_bridge.def, music=sound/sor_ost_-_round_02.mp3 ;round 2 - bridge
;stages/01_syndicate_headquarters.def, music=sound/sor_ost_-_round_08.mp3 ;round
8 - last corridor
;stages/bateau.def, music=sound/sor_ost_-_round_05.mp3 ;round 5 - ship
;stages/pont1.def, music=sound/sor_ost_-_round_02.mp3;round 2 - bridge
;stages/sorelevator.def, music=sound/sor_ost_-_round_07.mp3
;stages/sor stage 8.def, music=sound/sor_ost_-_round_08.mp3 ;round 8 - last

;, music=sound/sor_ost_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_ost_-_last_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_ost_-_round_01.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_ost_-_round_04.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_ost_-_round_06.mp3

;streets of rage / bare knuckle remix

;(sp): goforbroke ;by jo and nino

;, music=sound/sor_-_concrete_jungle_-_nino.com.br.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_drop_and_roll_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_going_up_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_megadriver_-_rage_street.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_dub_slash.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_fuze.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_mr._x_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_sor1_streets.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_the_last_soul.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_violent_breathing.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remix_-_up_&_up.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_retouchtheboss_(short_edit)_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_rmx_-_stage_1_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_rmx_-_stage_2_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_rmx_-_stage_3_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_-_stage_6_-_syndicate_headquarters_-_nino.com.br.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_thelastdragon_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/yuzo_koshiro_-_dj_set_-_03_fighting_in_the_street_(sor).mp3
;, music=sound/yuzo_koshiro_-_dj_set_-_04_attack_of_the_barbarian_(sor).mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;streets of rage 2 / bare knuckle 2 (genesis) ========================

;abadede (arena)
;(es) abadede, stages/sor2bss4.def

axel2, stages/too_deep.def, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_too_deep_(round4_part2).mp3
;axel by chon wang, (i&ei), (rsff)
axelh, stages/alien_power.def, music=sound/sor2_ost_-
_alien_power_(round3_part2).mp3 ;axel 'hawk' stone by splode, (csff)

;blaze (stage 3 - amusement park)

; blaze0, ;blaze fielding by pieguy.exe, (wc), (ws)
blaze2, stages/sor2_amusement.def, music=sound/sor2_ost_-
_dreamer_(round3_part1).mp3 ;blaze by chon wang, (i&ei), (rsff)

;max (stage 1 - street)

max, stages/sor2stage1_up.def, music=sound/sor2_ost_-
_go_straight_(round1_part1).mp3 ;max plus by mugenmage, (sffc)

;mr. x (mr. x room)

;(es) mr x, stages/sor2l8.def, music=sound/sor2_ost_-

;shiva (mr. x room: in front of mr. x)

shiva0, stages/sor2mrx.def, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_max_man_(shiva).mp3 ;shiva by
ken, (rsff)

;stages/02_bridge_under_construction.def, music=sound/sor2_ost_-
_spin_on_the_bridge_(round2_part1).mp3 ;round 2-1 - bridge
;stages/02_dead_end.def, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_never_return_alive_(boss).mp3
;round 1 - backalley (boss)
;stages/sor2backalley.def, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_never_return_alive_(boss).mp3
;round 1 - backalley (boss)
;stages/sor2pont.def, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_spin_on_the_bridge_(round2_part1).mp3
;round 2-1 - bridge
;stages/sorlift.def, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_too_deep_(round4_part2).mp3

;, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_back_to_the_industry_(round7_part1).mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_expander_(round7_part2).mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_in_the_bar_(round1_part2).mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_jungle_base_(round6_part2).mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_little_money_avenue.mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_ready_funk_(round2_part2).mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_s.o.r._super_mix_(intro).mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_slow_moon_(round5).mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_under_logic_(round4_part1).mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_walking_bottom.mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_ost_-_wave_131_(round6_part1).mp3

;streets of rage 2 / bare knuckle 2 remix

cang-long, stages/streetofrage2.def, music=sound/sor2_go_back_oc_remix.mp3 ;cang

long by mast-chen, (wc), (i&ei), (sffc)
; linglong, ;ling long by mast-chen, (i&ei), (sffc)

;, music=sound/sor2_funkdreamer_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_-_go_straight_remix_by_tosp.mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_sid_of_rage_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_go_straight_betamix.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_go_straight_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_jungle_base.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_max_man.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_never_return_alive.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_return_to_the_industry.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_spin_on_the_bridge.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_stage_8.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_stage_8_alternative.mp3
;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_too_deep.mp3
;, music=sound/sor2_rmx_-_above_reason_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/yuzo_koshiro_-_dj_set_-_05_go_straight_(sor2).mp3
;, music=sound/yuzo_koshiro_-_dj_set_-_06_spin_on_the_bridge_(sor2).mp3
;, music=sound/yuzo_koshiro_-_dj_set_-_07_too_deep_(sor2).mp3
;, music=sound/yuzo_koshiro_-_dj_set_-_08_dreamer_(sor2).mp3
;, music=sound/yuzo_koshiro_-_dj_set_-_09_alien_power_(sor2).mp3
;, music=sound/yuzo_koshiro_-_dj_set_-_10_expander_(sor2).mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;streets of rage 3 / bare knuckle 3 (genesis) ========================
;(sp): sor3 ;by mh777 ================================================
;(lb): sor3bars ;by mh777 ==========================================

;axel (nightclub)
axel1, stages/disco0.def, music=sound/sor3_-_2_2_-_disco.mp3 ;axel stone by
blackjack, (sffc)

;blaze (city hall)

blaze, stages/cityhall.def, music=sound/sor3_-_7-2_1_-_park_-_7-2_2_-
_city_hall.mp3 ;blaze by the disciple x, (csff)

;jetpack boss (rooftop)

;(es) jet, stages/rooftop1.def, music=sound/sor3_-_6_2_-_jetpack_boss.mp3
;shiva (back alley at sunset)
shiva, stages/sunset10.def, music=sound/sor3_-_1_1_-_harbour_1_4_-_shiva_-_6_1_-
_security_building_-_7-1_4_-_robot_y_-_7-2_3_-_shiva.mp3 ;shiva by blackjack,

;(es) skate

;victy (beach)
victy, stages/praia20.def, music=sound/sor3_-_1_2 - harbour.mp3 ;unsigned victy,

;zan (warehouse)
zan0, stages/warehouse.def, music=sound/sor3_-_1_1_-_harbour_1_4_-_shiva_-_6_1_-
_security_building_-_7-1_4_-_robot_y_-_7-2_3_-_shiva.mp3 ;zan by sean lawrence,

;stages/bar5.def ;blue island bar

;stages/caminhao.def ;syndicate's truck
;stages/subway7.def, music=sound/sor3_-_4_1_-_subway.mp3 ;subway
;stages/viking.def ;viking boat
;stages/waterfront.def ;waterrfront

;, music=sound/sor3_-_2_1_-_downtown_-_5_3_-_elevator.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_2_3_-_hookers_-_3_4_-_robot_axel.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_3_1_-_construction_site.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_3_2_-_bulldozer.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_3_3_-_moving_platform.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_4_2_-_ninja_infested_subway.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_4_3_-_stealth_ninja.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_5_1_-_hideout_-_intro.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_5_2_-_hideout_new_building.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_5_4_-_mr_x.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_7-1_2_-_lab.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_7-1_3_-_dr_dahm.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_unknown_song_1.mp3
;, music=sound/sor3_-_unknown_song_2.mp3

;streets of rage 3 / bare knuckle 3 remix

drzan, stages/sor_forest.def, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-

_construction.mp3 ;dr. zan by zherg/kaos, (wo2d)

;, music=sound/sor_remake_ost_complete_-_tide_riders.mp3
;, music=sound/yuzo_koshiro_-_dj_set_-_11_inga_rasen_(sor3).mp3
;, music=sound/yuzo_koshiro_-_dj_set_-_12_crazy_train_(sor3).mp3


;(ss) ================================================================
;streets of rage original stuff ======================================

elektra, stages/2005e3.def, music=sound/swordfish_ost_-_chase.mp3 ;k.b.elektra

by ahrimanes & elektra, (wc), (ws2d)
;strider series (strider & strider 2; arcade & playstation) ----------

;(ss) ================================================================
;strider (arcade & playstation) ======================================
;(sp): strider mini game ;by falchion22 =========================

; final, stages/final.def, music=sound/final.mp3 ;final by falchion22, (rsff)

; stage1, stages/stage111.def, music=sound/stage15.mp3 ;stage 1 by falchion22,
; stage2, stages/stage210.def, music=sound/stage21.mp3 ;stage 2 by falchion22,
; stage3, stages/stage31.def, music=sound/stage32.mp3 ;stage 3 by falchion22,
; strider0, stages/final.def, music=sound/final.mp3 ;strider by falchion22,
(ei), (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;strider 2 (playstation) =============================================


;strip fighter 2 (pc-engine) -----------------------------------------

;(es) amanda

;(es) bella

;(es) martha

;(es) medusa

;(es) mina

yuki1, random, music=sound/original_-_smartbomb.mp3 ;yuki by lord sinistro,
(i&ei), (rsff)

;stuard little 2 -----------------------------------------------------


;sugoi hebereke (super nes) ------------------------------------------
;(ss) ================================================================
;sugoi hebereke original chars =======================================

hebe, stages/konokinannoki.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_09.mp3

;hebe by watati, (rsff)
o-chan, stages/neige.def, music=sound/3am_rush_-
_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-_08.mp3 ;o-chan by watati, (rsff)

;suigetu -------------------------------------------------------------


;suikoden ------------------------------------------------------------

;stages/neclord0.def, music=sound/neclord.mp3

;summon night: swordcraft story 2 (gameboy advance) ------------------

; edge0, ;edge colthearts by jimryu, (wo2d)

;summon night 3 ------------------------------------------------------
;(i): sn3 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------


;sunset riders (genesis, super nes & arcade) -------------------------


;super bikkuriman (super nes) ----------------------------------------

;dark hera
;(es) dark hera, stages/superbikkuriman_darkhera.def,

;(es) davidas, stages/superbikkuriman_davidas.def,

;devil zeus
;(es) devil zeus, stages/superbikkuriman_devilzeus.def,

;little m
;(es) little m, stages/superbikkuriman_littlem.def,

;master p
;(es) master p, stages/superbikkuriman_davidas.def,

;(es) phoenix, stages/superbikkuriman_davidas.def,

;(es) saladdin, stages/superbikkuriman_saladdin.def,

;(es) tiki, stages/superbikkuriman_tiki.def, music=sound/superbikkuriman_tiki.mp3

;super chinese series (super chinese fighter, super chinese world, super chinese
world 2 & super chinese world 3; super nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;super chinese fighter (super nes) ===================================

;(es) astrojoe, random, music=sound/scf_-_astrojoe.mp3

;(es) bokuchin, random, music=sound/scf_-_bokuchin.mp3

;(es) catgirl, random, music=sound/scf_-_catgirl.mp3

;(es) donchyu, random, music=sound/scf_-_donchyu.mp3

;(es) genziro, random, music=sound/scf_-_genziro.mp3

;(es) gofire, random, music=sound/scf_-_gofire.mp3

;(es) jack, random, music=sound/scf_-_jack.mp3

;(es) kamanchy, random, music=sound/scf_-_kamanchy.mp3

;(es) kyonsee, random, music=sound/scf_-_kyon2see.mp3
;(es) linlin, random, music=sound/scf_-_linlin.mp3

;(es) masked, random, music=sound/scf_-_masked.mp3

;(es) poi, random, music=sound/scf_-_poi.mp3

;(es) robot, random, music=sound/scf_-_robot.mp3

ryuhi, random, music=sound/scf_-_ryu.mp3 ;ryuhi by kurai naito, (wc), (rsff)

;(es) syuba, random, music=sound/scf_-_syuba.mp3

;, music=sound/scf_-_lastboss.mp3

;super dodge ball (snes) ---------------------------------------------

; kenji, ;kenji by alex, (wc)

;super fighter (pc) --------------------------------------------------

;(es) bullet, random, music=sound/super_fighter_ost_-_bullet.mp3

;(es) frank, random, music=sound/super_fighter_ost_-_frank.mp3

;indian joe
;(es) joe, random, music=sound/super_fighter_ost_-_indian_joe.mp3

;(es) jaan, random, music=sound/super_fighter_ost_-_jaan.mp3

;(es) joker, random, music=sound/super_fighter_ost_-_joker.mp3

;king tai chi

;(es) king tai chi, random, music=sound/super_fighter_ost_-_king_tai_chi.mp3

lan, stages/lanbg.def, music=sound/super_fighter_ost_-_lan.mp3 ;lan by ayce,

;(es) onimalu, random, music=sound/super_fighter_ost_-_onimalu.mp3

;pho huang
;(es) pho huang, random, music=sound/super_fighter_ost_-_pho_huang.mp3
;(es) sarorkov, random, music=sound/super_fighter_ost_-_sarorkov.mp3

;(es) widow, random, music=sound/super_fighter_ost_-_widow.mp3

;super fighters remix

; widow, ;n. widow by ayce, (rsff)

;superman series (death and return of superman, superman, superman: countdown to
apokolips, superman: man of steel, superman: shadow of apokolips, superman: the
game & superman: the man of steel; arcade, atari 2600, commodore 64, gameboy,
gameboy advance)

;(ss) ================================================================
;death and return of superman (genesis & super nes) ==================

;(es) clawster

;(es) cyborg

;(es) doomsday

; erradicator, stages/metropolis.def ;erradicator by erradicator, (rsff),
(ldv) + (e) by rudolf27
; erradicator0, ;erradicator by erradicator, (wo2d), (ws)

;man of steel
;(es) man of steel

;(es) sentinel

; superboy, stages/roof0.def ;superboy by erradicator, (rsff) + (e) by

;(es) superman

;stages/coastcity.def, music=sound/d&ros_-_coastcity.mp3

;death and return of superman remix

; scyborg, ;superman cyborg by animaraz


;(ss) ================================================================
;superman (master system) ============================================

; superman_sms, ;superman by smee, (sffc)

;super mario bros series ---------------------------------------------
;(gi): dr. mario, mario & luigi superstar saga, mario & wario, mario bros., mario
bros. 2, mario bros. 3, mario & wario, mario is missing, mario kart - super
circuit, mario's time machine, mario teaches typing, mario wrecking crew '98,
paper mario, paper mario: the thousand years door, super mario 64, super mario all
stars, super mario kart, super mario land, super mario land 2, super mario rpg -
legend of the seven stars, super mario world, super mario world 2, super paper
mario, super princess peach
;(p): gameboy advance, gamecube, genesis, gameboy, nes, nds, ultra 64 & super nes

; mario3, ;mario by tako, (sffc)

; mariosmb, ;mario by easychar - edit by shazzo, (wc), (ws)
; gbawario, ;gba wario by noburu, (wo2d), (ws)
; wario, stages/yoshi.def, music=sound/yoshi0.mp3;wario by reiga, (csff)
; yoshi1, ;yoshi by romasaga ex, (sffc)

;stages/maze song castle1.def, music=sound/maze song castle.mp3

;stages/maze song castle2.def, music=sound/maze song castle.mp3

;, music=sound/outside.mp3

;super mario bros series remix

;stages/mario_mayhem.def, music=sound/dj-van_mario-murder.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;mario & luigi superstar saga ========================================

;stages/jokesend.def, music=sound/jokesend.mp3 ;joke's end

;stages/popple.def, music=sound/popple.mp3 ;chucklehuck castle

;(ss) ================================================================
;mario & wario =======================================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;mario bros. series (mario bros., mario bros. 2, mario bros. 3 & super mario all
stars; genesis, nes & super nes)

;mario bros. series remix


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mario bros. (genesis) ===============================================

;stages/gmario.def, music=sound/gmario.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mario bros. (nes) ===================================================

; hanma, stages/smb-1-1.def, music=sound/mario0.mp3 ;hanma-burosu by

skysuika, (sffc)
; kingkoopa, stages/smb_dungeon.def, music=sound/smb_castle.mp3 ;king koopa
by archaicgamer / mature4evr
; kuppa_g, stages/kuppa.def, music=sound/smb_castle.mp3;kuppa gundan by sugio,
; mario0, stages/smb_world_3-2.def, music=sound/mario_2.mp3 ;mario by tomoki,
; m-nes_game1, stages/m-nes_stage1.def ;m-nes game 1 by bane84, (wc)
; nesmario, stages/water.def, music=sound/m1water.mp3 ;nes super mario by
thomas hsieh, (rsff)


;mario bros. remix


;, music=sound/smb_bowser_is_pissed_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/smb_super_jungle_brothers_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/smb_underworldrock_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mario bros. 2 (nes) =================================================

; kinopio, stages/smb2_world_1-1.def ;kinopio by tako, (rsff)

; kyasarin, ;birdo by raikou
; peach0, stages/stage8.def, music=sound/stagepeach.mp3;peach by masa, (rsff)

;mario bros. 2 remix

;stages/subcon.def, music=sound/subcon.mp3

;, music=sound/smb2_insomnic_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mario bros. 2 japanese version (nes) ================================


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;mario bros. 3 (nes) =================================================

; luigi, stages/m3desert.def, music=sound/smb3_ost_-_land_1.mp3 ;luigi by

sugio, (rsff)

;stages/smb3_1-1.def ;level 1-1

;, music=sound/smb3_ost_-_airship.mp3
;, music=sound/smb3_ost_-_battle_mode.mp3
;, music=sound/smb3_ost_-_bonus.mp3
;, music=sound/smb3_ost_-_bowser.mp3
;, music=sound/smb3_ost_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/smb3_ost_-_coin_heaven.mp3
;, music=sound/smb3_ost_-_fortress.mp3
;, music=sound/smb3_ost_-_hammer_bros.mp3
;, music=sound/smb3_ost_-_land_2.mp3
;, music=sound/smb3_ost_-_music_box.mp3
;, music=sound/smb3_ost_-_water.mp3

;mario bros. 3 remix

; sma4mario, stages/mario3.def, music=sound/smb3_swinginpornomix_oc_remix.mp3

;sma4mario by tako&higure(jinsei), (csff)


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;super mario all stars (super nes) ===================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;mario is missing (super nes) ========================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;mario kart - super circuit (gameboy advance) ========================

;stages/riverside park-logo.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;mario's time machine ================================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;mario teaches typing ================================================
; mario1, ;old school mario by n64mario, (wc), (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;mario wrecking crew '98 (nes) =======================================

; nasubi, ;nasubi by -takuya-, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;super mario 64 (ultra 64) ===========================================

supermario64, stages/supermario64.def, music=sound/supermario64.mp3 ;

supermario64 by hanyou, (wc), (ws2d)


;super mario 64 remix

;, music=sound/sm64_the_alternate_route_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;super mario land series (super mario land & super mario land 2; gameboy)

;stages/mario4.def, music=sound/supermario4.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;super mario land (gameboy) ==========================================

; dzamasu, stages/subsea.def, music=sound/muda.mp3 ;dragonzamasu by

archaicgamer, (csff)
; m-gb_game1, stages/m-gb_stage1.def ;m-gb game 1 by bane84, (wc), (ws2d)
; nyololin, stages/egytemple.def, music=sound/birabuto.mp3 ;nyololin by
mature4evr, (csff)

;stages/birabuto.def, music=sound/birabuto.mp3
;stages/muda.def, music=sound/muda.mp3

;super mario land remix

;, music=sound/sml_reel_big_mario_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;super mario rpg (super nes) =========================================

;stages/btower.def, music=sound/btower.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;super mario world series (super mario world & super mario world 2: yoshi's
island; super nes)
;(ss2) ===============================================================
;super mario world (super nes) =======================================

; bigteresa, stages/ghouse.def, music=sound/smw_-_haunted_house_bgm.mp3 ;big

boo by tako, (sffc)
; jugem, stages/illusion.def, music=sound/smw_-_sub_castle_bgm.mp3 ;jugem by
tako, (sffc)
; kamek, stages/dsbossroom.def, music=sound/smw_-_koopa_junior_bgm.mp3 ;kamek
the magikoopa by kammykoopa@earthlink.net, (ldv)
; kopa_tropa, stages/bfortress.def, music=sound/smw_-
_overworld_bgm_(yoshi).mp3 ;koopa tropa by marcelojudaspriest@bol.com.br, (rsff)
; luigi2, stages/supermario2.def, music=sound/smw_-_overworld_bgm.mp3 ;luigi
by tako
; nokonoko, stages/supermario.def, music=sound/smw_-_athletic_bgm.mp3 ;
unsigned nokonoko, (rsff)
; mario, stages/donuts.def, music=sound/smw_-_athletic_bgm_(yoshi).mp3 ;mario
by dr. m, (rsff)
; mario2, stages/dungeon0.def, music=sound/smw_-_the_evil_king_koopa_bgm.mp3
;mario by dr. m, unsigned remix, (rsff)
; teresa, stages/donut_ghouse.def, music=sound/smw_-_haunted_house_bgm.mp3
;teresa by tako&romasagaex, (sffc)

;stages/yoshi's island 4.def

;, music=sound/smw_-_swimming_bgm_(yoshi).mp3
;, music=sound/smw_-_swimming_bgm.mp3
;, music=sound/smw_-_the_evil_king_koopa_bgm_(final_round).mp3
;, music=sound/smw_-_underground_bgm_(yoshi).mp3
;, music=sound/smw_-_underground_bgm.mp3

;super mario world remix

;stages/dj-van_-_mario_mayhem.def, music=sound/dj-van_-_mario_murder.mp3

;, music=sound/smw_ghost_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/smw_-_monstrous_turtles!_oc_remix.mp3
;, music=sound/smw_thedarkreachesofsmw_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;super mario world 2: yoshi's island (super nes) =====================

; chomp, stages/yoshiisland.def, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_flower_garden.mp3 ;

chomper by n64mario, (rsff)
; kameck, ;kameck by romasaga ex, (sffc)
; kameck0, ;kameck by raikou
; lakitu, ;lakitu by phantom.of.the.server
; lakitudm, ;lakitu by duende macabro, (wc), (ws2d)
; yoshi2, ;yoshi by tako, (wo2d)
;stages/cave_c.rock.def ;the cave of chomp rock
;stages/domburi.def, music=sound/domburi.mp3 ;castle of big domburi
;stages/raph_castle.def ;raphael the raven's castle
;stages/ride0.def ;ride the ski lifts
;stages/wob.def ;watch out below!
;stages/wtmw.def ;monkey world
;stages/yi-babybowser.def, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_big_boss_bgm.mp3 ;baby
bowser's room

;, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_athletic.mp3
;, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_bonus_game.mp3
;, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_bowser.mp3
;, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_castle_&_fortress.mp3
;, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_kamek's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_mini-boss.mp3
;, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_overworld.mp3
;, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_powerful_infant.mp3
;, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_room_before_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_training_course.mp3
;, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_underground_bgm.mp3
;, music=sound/smb2-yi_-_yoshi's_island.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;super paper mario ===================================================

; bowser0, ;bowser by easychar - edit by shazzo, (wc), (ws2d)

; giga bowser, ;giga bowser by easychar - edit by shazzo, (wc), (ws)
; paper mario, ;paper mario by easychar - edit by shazzo, (wc), (ws2d)
; superpapermario, ;paper mario by ermac won, (wc), (ws)

;stages/drydryruins.def, music=sound/drydrydesert.mp3
;stages/superpapermario2.def, music=sound/gloamvalley.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;super princess peach (nds) ==========================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;super mario bros series original stuff ==============================

; luigi0, ;luigi by warner,n64mario, (sffc) (unrequestable status)

luigi1, stages/yoshi's_stage.def, music=sound/original_-_bowsertheme.mp3 ;luigi
by warner,n64mario & tmasta, (sffc)
; superluigi, ;unsigned super luigi, (rsff)
; superluigi0, ;super luigi by shinryoga & neo ankh, (wc), (n2bu: [problem
with the throw])
supermario, stages/nsmb2.def, music=sound/original_-_bowsertheme.mp3 ;super mario
by shinryoga and neoankh + coins patch by thomas hsieh, (i&ei), (csff)
; supermario0, ;super mario by shinryoga and neoankh, (i&ei), (ldv),
; supermario1, ;super mario by shinryoga & neoankh, (wc), (n2bu: [problem
with the throw])
; wario0, ;great wario by warner, (ii), (rsff)
; wario1, ;great wario by warner, with codes of big eli, (wc), (ws2d)
; wario2, ;great wario by warner, with codes of big eli, updated by ???,
(wc), (ws2d)
wario20, stages/bowserscastle.def, music=sound/original_-_bowsertheme.mp3 ;great
wario by warner, with codes of @ndroide, (wc), (ws2d)
; yoshi, ;yoshi by mugenyoshi14, (rsff)
; yoshi0, ;yoshi by drede17xi, (rsff)

;super marisa land (pc) ----------------------------------------------

; s.alice, stages/marisala2.def ;2toshin alice by sui, (wo2d)

;super pang (super nes) ----------------------------------------------

;stages/sp34mr.def, music=sound/sp34mr.mp3
;stages/sp35mr.def, music=sound/sp35mr.mp3

;super robot war series (super robot war compact 3, super robot wars f, super
robot war impact & super robot war og2)

; art, ;alt eisen�erise by rha-ru, (wc), (ws2d)

; asyuseiva, ;asyuseiva by boufuusetu, (csff)
; d1, ;dragna-type1 riftra by alexi, (rsff)
; daita-n3, ;daita-n3 by reiga, (csff)
; dhikasutesu, ;dhikasutesu by boufuusetu, (rsff)
; eva0, ;eva by elecbyte, (rsff)
; eva01, ;unsigned eva01 fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; eva010, ;eva01 by hyuga, (sffc)
; getta-1, ;getta-1 by boufuusetu, (rsff)
; heitai, ;unsigned speace monster, (rsff)
; neoasyu, ;ask-ado2 by alexiorkyuso, (rsff)
; nisesai, ;nisesaibasuta- by boufuusetu, (rsff)
; player, ;unsigned eva00 fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; player0, ;unsigned eva02 fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; player1, ;unsigned eva03 fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; pruzgelmir, ;unsigned pruzgelmir, (rsff)
; razuangurifu, ;razuangurifu by boufuusetu, (csff)
; rx-7, ;unsigned rx-7 nausicaa, (rsff)
; rx-93-nugundam, ;rx-93-nugundam by hyuga
; saibasuta, ;saibasuta by boufuusetu, (csff)
; soul, ;soul by raha-ru, (wc), (ws2d)
; vaisaga, ;vaisaga by boufuusetu, (csff)
; w-g-z-c, ;wing gundam zero custom by hyuga, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; yatenkou, ;yatenkou by ssss, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;super sidekicks series (super sidekicks, super sidekicks2 & super sidekicks 3;
arcade & neogeo)

;super smash brothers series (super smash brothers & super smash brothers melee;
game cube & ultra64)
;(sp): ssb brawl screenpack ;by kankuroflame -----------------------

; bowser, stages/table.def ;king koopa by link (unrequestable status)

; farco, ;farco by tako, (sffc)

; slink, ;smashlink by tako, (sffc)

;master hand
mastrhnd, stages/master_hand.def, music=sound/ssbm_-_final_destination.mp3 ;
master hand by n64mario, (ursff)
; mhand, ;master hand by n64mario, (ursff)

;mister game & watch

; mrgw, stages/flatzone1.def, music=sound/ssbm_-_flat_zone.mp3 ;mr. game &
watch by kamek, (rsff)

; psandbag, ;sandbag by n-mario
; sandbag0, ;sandbag by n-mario

;stages/dreamland1.def, music=sound/ssbm_-_dream_land_n64.mp3 ;dream land

;stages/finaldest.def ;master hand
;stages/hyrule.def ;hyrule castle
;stages/kongo.def,music=sound/ssbm_-_kongo_jungle.mp3;kongo jungle
;stages/link stage.def ;hyrule castle
;stages/links stage.def ;hyrule castle
;stages/pokestadium.def, music=sound/ssbm_-_pokemon_stadium.mp3 ;pokemon stadium
;stages/saffron.def ;saffron city

;, music=sound/ssbm_-_balloon_fight.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_battle_theme_from_pokemon_gold.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_battlefield.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_big_blue.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_brinstar.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_brinstar_depths.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_corneria.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_dr._mario.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_earthbound.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_fire_emblem.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_fountain_of_dreams.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_great_bay.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_green_greens.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_hyrule_temple.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_icicle_mountain.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_jungle_japes.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_kongo_jungle_n64.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_mach_rider.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_metal_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_mother.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_mother_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_multi-man_melee_1.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_multi-man_melee_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_mushroom_kingdom_finale.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_mushroom_kingdom_ii_finale.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_mushroom_kingdom_ii.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_mushroom_kingdom.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_mute_city.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_poke_floats.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_princess_peach's_castle.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_rainbow_cruise.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_saria's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_super_mario_bros._3.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_targets!.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_tournament_1.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_tournament_2.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_venom.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_yoshi's_island_n64.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_yoshi's_island.mp3
;, music=sound/ssbm_-_yoshi's_story.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;super smash brothers melee (game cube) ==============================

;super smash brothers melee remix

;stages/mugenstadium.def, music=sound/ssb_-_pokemonstadium.mp3

;taekwondo (super nes) -----------------------------------------------
;(lb): taekwondoln ;by most unbalance(mr. mu~) ------------------


;taekwon-do (original) -----------------------------------------------
;(sp): tkd ;by sguerra design ---------------------------------------

fernanda, stages/dojang.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-

_music_for_the_jilted_generation_-_05.mp3 ;fernanda by sguerra design, (ei), (rsff)
luiz, stages/factory8.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_music_for_the_jilted_generation_-_06.mp3 ;quintas by sguerra design, (ei), (rsff)
rave, stages/pagoda_up.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_music_for_the_jilted_generation_-_07.mp3 ;ravenous by sguerradesign, (ei), (sffc)
shin1, stages/ponte3.def, music=sound/city_rockers_-_futurism_cd1_-_13.mp3 ;ronin
by sguerradesign, (ei), (sffc)

;takeshi no chousenjou (nes) -----------------------------------------

; bt0, ;takeshi by gelsha

; tc, ;a salaried man by haruwo and hokkai no midareguma, (rsff)
;tales of series (tales of eternia, tales of destiny, tales of phantasia, tales of
the world, tales of the world: nariki dungeon 2, tales of the world: narikiri
dungeon 3; playstation, psp & super nes)
;(sp): tales of the forgotten ;by azu --------------------------------


;(ss) ================================================================
;tales of eternia / tales of destiny series (tales of destiny, tales of destiny 2
& tales of eternia; playstation & psp)

armor, stages/coliseum.def, music=sound/d2boss.mp3 ;living armor by y.y, (wc),


;(ss2) ===============================================================
;tales of destiny (playstation 2) ====================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- td ;unsigned ======================================================
;- tod_op ;unsigned ================================================

; mary agent, ;mary agent by bird, (wc)

; mighty kongman, ;mighty kongman by bird, (wc), (ws)
; stahn, ;stahn by addicted2mug, (wc), (ws)
; stahn aileron, ;stahn aileron by bird, (wc), (ws)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;tales of destiny 2 (playstation) ====================================

; barbatos goetia, ;barbatos goetia by bird, (wc), (ws)

; kyle dunamis, ;kyle dunamis by bird, (wc), (ws)
; loni dunamis, ;loni dunamis by bird, (wc), (ws)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;tales of eternia (playstation & psp) ================================
;(i): toe ;unsigned ================================================

; farah oersted, ;farah oersted by bird, (wc), (ws)

; fog, ;fog by bird, (wo2d), (ws)
; fog0, ;fog by bird, (wc), (ws2d)
; keel zeibel, ;keel zeibel by bird, (wc), (ws)
; rid hershel, ;rid hershel by bird, (wc), (ws)
; sekundes, ;sekundes by bird, (wc), (ws)

;(ss) ================================================================
;tales of phantasia (gameboy advance & super nes) ====================
;(i): top ;unsigned ================================================

; celsius, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_emergency.mp3 ;celsius by y.y,

(wc), (sffc)
; chester barklight, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_burning_tower.mp3 ;
chester barklight by ran, (rsff)
; cless, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_take_up_the_cross.mp3 ;unsigned
cless, (rsff)
; cless1, ;cless alvain by white hair knight, (wc), (ws2d)
; cless alvein, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_the_second_act.mp3 ;cless
alvein by �g�����n, (csff)
; sfctopcless, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_underground_way.mp3 ;cless
alvein by masa, (rsff)
; daos, stages/dhaos.def, music=sound/top_castle_of_the_dhaos.mp3 ;daos by
nin, (rsff)
; dhaos, ;dhaos by white hear knight, (wc), (ws2d)
; g_arche, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_arche.mp3 ;groovy arche by
nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)
; judas, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_resurrection.mp3 ;judas by alffred,
(wc), (sffc)
; klarth, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_who_is_good_or_evil.mp3 ;
klarth f lester by nin, (rsff)
; lion, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_overcome_difficulties.mp3 ;lion
magnus by y.y, (wc), (sffc)
; lion_al, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_aviators.mp3 ;lion by alffred,
(wc), (sffc)
; lion magnus, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_go_over_adversity.mp3 ;lion
magnus by �g�����n, (csff)
; lyris2, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_open_fire.mp3 ;lyris aileron by
y.y, (wc), (sffc)
; mint, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_mint.mp3 ;mint adnade by nin,
; mirald, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_final_act.mp3 ;mirald by nin,
; philia, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_fighting_of_the_spirit.mp3 ;
philia philis by nin, (sffc)
; riddo, ;rid hershel by tom, (csff)
; rutee, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_decisive.mp3;rutee kartret by nin,
; suzu, stages/top01.def, music=sound/top_dark_cave.mp3;suzu fujibayashi by
ran, (csff)
; suzu0, stages/trient.def, music=sound/top_conclusion.mp3 ;suzu fujibayashi
by y.y, (wc), (sffc)


;, music=sound/top_abyss_of_thor.mp3
;, music=sound/top_ah_my_god.mp3
;, music=sound/top_ary.mp3
;, music=sound/top_as_time_goes_on.mp3
;, music=sound/top_awakening.mp3
;, music=sound/top_be_absentminded.mp3
;, music=sound/top_biting_cold.mp3
;, music=sound/top_bright_moonlit_night.mp3
;, music=sound/top_cave_of_illusion.mp3
;, music=sound/top_contract.mp3
;, music=sound/top_desolate_road.mp3
;, music=sound/top_euclid.mp3
;, music=sound/top_field_of_sunset_(part_1).mp3
;, music=sound/top_field_of_sunset_(part_2).mp3
;, music=sound/top_forest_of_the_treant.mp3
;, music=sound/top_freeze.mp3
;, music=sound/top_fulfill_mission.mp3
;, music=sound/top_go_a_step_further.mp3
;, music=sound/top_good-by_friends.mp3
;, music=sound/top_good_wine_makes_good_blood.mp3
;, music=sound/top_harmonious_moment.mp3
;, music=sound/top_harvest_festival.mp3
;, music=sound/top_hurry_up.mp3
;, music=sound/top_hydropolis.mp3
;, music=sound/top_i_miss_you.mp3
;, music=sound/top_lake_on_ymir.mp3
;, music=sound/top_lonely_twilight.mp3
;, music=sound/top_martel.mp3
;, music=sound/top_mid_galds.mp3
;, music=sound/top_morlia_gallery.mp3
;, music=sound/top_mysterious_ja_p_on.mp3
;, music=sound/top_mystic_forest.mp3
;, music=sound/top_oasis.mp3
;, music=sound/top_olive_village.mp3
;, music=sound/top_penetrate.mp3
;, music=sound/top_perverse_religion.mp3
;, music=sound/top_piano_lesson_6.mp3
;, music=sound/top_premonition.mp3
;, music=sound/top_raising_a_curtain.mp3
;, music=sound/top_rally_x.mp3
;, music=sound/top_recovery.mp3
;, music=sound/top_retaliation.mp3
;, music=sound/top_ridge_racer.mp3
;, music=sound/top_serene_weather.mp3
;, music=sound/top_sylphis'.mp3
;, music=sound/top_tasteful.mp3
;, music=sound/top_the_stream_of_time.mp3
;, music=sound/top_threatening_sky.mp3
;, music=sound/top_tomorrow_is_a_holiday.mp3
;, music=sound/top_triumph.mp3
;, music=sound/top_unicorn.mp3
;, music=sound/top_vigorous_town.mp3
;, music=sound/top_yume_wa_owaranai_(instrumental).mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;tales of the world ==================================================

; kratos, ;kratos by alffred, (wo2d), (sffc), (n2bu: [trans])


;(ss) ================================================================
;tales of the world: nariki dungeon 2 (gameboy advance) ==============


;(ss) ================================================================
;tales of the world: narikiri dungeon 3 (gameboy advance) ============

; chelsea, ;chelsea tone by memuu

; collet, ;collet brunel by memuu, (wc)
; collet0, ;collet brunel by memuu, (wo2d), (ws)
; driller, ;driller by raikou
; gil_narikiri3, ;gil by white hair knight, (wc), (ws2d)
; kratos0, ;kratos by blank, (wc), (ws2d)
; lloyd, ;lloyd by dhgriff9, (wc), (ws2d)
; lloyd0, ;lloyd irving by white hear knight, (wo2d), (ws)
; presea, ;presea by nimaime, (wc), (ws2d), (n2bu: [ws])
; reagle, ;reagle by barubaru, (ws2d)

;stages/talesw3_castle.def ;tyrant's castle

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;tales of series original chars ======================================

cel, stages/caminho.def, music=sound/blade_ost_roger_s._feat._soulson-

wrek_tha_discothek.mp3 ;celsius by te=da, (sffc)
cless0, stages/bg06.def, music=sound/tresor_-_compilation_vol.6_-_06.mp3 ;cless
alvein by rainman, (rsff)
kyle, stages/europa.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_vol.4_-_02.mp3 ;kyle
dunamis by rainman, (rsff)
lyris, stages/ant.def, music=sound/moby_-_everything_is_wrong_-_dj_mix_album_-
_cd2_-_12.mp3 ;lyris aileron by rainman, (rsff)
rid, stages/cate_up.def, music=sound/knebworth'01_-_festival_anthems_-_15.mp3
;rid hershel by elecbyte, (csff)
; rid0, ;rid hershel by elecbyte (new_rid), (sffc)
rimle, stages/stonehenge0.def, music=sound/cherrymoon_-_vol.9_-_the_invasion_-
_04.mp3 ;rimle by rainman, (rsff)
; wadadon, ;wadadon by tako

;tales of symphonia - fire emblem: path of radiance (ngc) ------------

;stages/fireseal.def, music=sound/spirit.mp3
;stages/sylvarentbasejail.def, music=sound/law.mp3
;stages/tos.def, music=sound/tos_-_the_law_of_the_battle.mp3

;tales of symphonia - fire emblem: path of radiance remix

presea_c, stages/original_red_sand.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-

_2001_issue_02_-_01.mp3 ;presea by dedori-, (rsff)

;tatsunoko fighters (playstation) ------------------------------------

polymar, random, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_the_fat_of_the_land_-_05.mp3 ;

polymar by zanna & the pizzaman, (wc), (csff)
;tatsunoko fighters remix

; tekkaman, ;tekkaman by the pizzaman & evil tancry, (csff)

tekkaman0, stages/tekkaman0.def, music=sound/technasia_-_future_mix_-_06.mp3 ;
tekkaman by the pizzaman,maxim,evil tancry, (csff)

;tattoo assassins (arcade) -------------------------------------------

;ac current
;(es) ac current

;billy two moons

;(es) billy

;deke kay
;(es) deke

;derek o'toole
;(es) derek

;hannah hart
;(es) hannah

;karla keller
;(es) karla

;(es) koldan

;luke cord
;(es) luke

;(es) maya

;(es) prism

;(es) rhina

;tak hara
;(es) tak

;truck davis (lava arena)

;(es) truck, stages/tattoo.def

;teenage mutant hero turtles / teenage mutant ninja turtles series ---
;(gi): teenage mutant hero turtles, teenage mutant hero turtles: back from the
sewers, teenage mutant hero turtles: fall of the foot clan, teenage mutant hero
turtles: radical rescue, teenage mutant hero turtles: the hyperstone heist,
teenage mutant ninja turtles 2: the arcade game, teenage mutant ninja turtles 2:
the battle nexus, teenage mutant ninja turtles 3: the manhattan project, teenage
mutant hero turtles 4 - turtles in time, teenage mutant ninja turtles - the
hyperstone heist, teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters, tmnt mutant
;(p): gameboy, gameboy advanced, genesis, nes, super nes & arcade

; leonardotmnt, ;leonardo by easychar - edit by shazzo, (wc), (ws2d)

; tatoruzu, stages/teenage001.def ;ta-toruzu by skysuika, (csff)

;stages/tmntstage1.def, music=sound/tmntstage1.mp3

;teenage mutant hero turtles remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;teenage mutant hero turtles (amiga) =================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;teenage mutant ninja turtles (arcade) ===============================

;stages/alley4.def, music=sound/tmnt1.mp3 ;alley

;stages/sewers.def ;sewers
;stages/ship4.def, music=sound/ship0.mp3 ;ship
;stages/technodrome.def ;technodrome
;stages/tmntarc.def ;scene 1

;(ss) ================================================================
;teenage mutant ninja turtles (gameboy advance) ======================

;stages/secret of the ooze.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;teenage mutant hero turtles (nes) ===================================

; mouser, stages/mouser.def ;boss mouser by n64mario, (ursff)

; no_bg, stages/mouser-hr.def ;boss mouser by n64mario, (ursff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;teenage mutant ninja turtles 2: the battle nexus (arcade) ===========

; foot, ;foot soldier by cenobite 53

;stages/the turtle's crib.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;teenage mutant ninja turtles 3: the manhattan project (nes) =========

;(ss) ================================================================
;teenage mutant hero turtles 4 - turtles in time (super nes) =========

; donatello_tmnt4, ;tmnt4 donatello by pyamidhead87, (wo2d)

; robo, ;robot by storm0062

;stages/elevator2.def, music=sound/tmnt4_-_stage_4-technodrome_-_elevator.mp3
;stages/neon_nr.def, music=sound/tmnt4_-_stage_8-neon_night_riders.mp3 ;neon night
;stages/prehis.def, music=sound/tmnt4_-_stage_5-prehistoric_turtlesaurus.mp3 ;
prehistoric turtlesaurus
;stages/supershreder.def, music=sound/tmnt4_-_final_boss.mp3 ;cyber shredder
;stages/tmntbridge.def ;bridge
;stages/tmntcity.def ;city
;stages/tmntv.def, music=sound/tmnt4_-_versus.mp3 ;versus

;, music=sound/tmnt4_-_boss.mp3
;, music=sound/tmnt4_-_stage_1-big_apple_3_am.mp3
;, music=sound/tmnt4_-_stage_2-alleycat_blues.mp3
;, music=sound/tmnt4_-_stage_3-sewer_surfin'.mp3
;, music=sound/tmnt4_-_stage_4-technodrome_-_lets_kick_shell.mp3
;, music=sound/tmnt4_-_stage_6-skull_and_crossbones.mp3
;, music=sound/tmnt4_-_stage_7-bury_my_shell_at_wounded_knee.mp3
;, music=sound/tmnt4_-_stage_9-starbase_-

;teenage mutant hero turtles 4 - turtles in time remix


;, music=sound/tmnt_4_waste_water_wipeout_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;teenage mutant ninja turtles - the hyperstone heist (genesis) =======

; rocksteady, ;rocksteady by cenobite 53 (unrequestable status)

;stages/tmnt-shredder'shideout3-1.def, music=sound/tmnt_thh_-_tatsu1.mp3 ;stage

;stages/tmnt-shredder'shideout3-2.def, music=sound/tmnt_thh_-_tatsu2.mp3 ;stage
;stages/tmnt-tatsu.def, music=sound/tmnt_thh_-_tatsu1.mp3
;stages/tmnt-tatsu2.def, music=sound/tmnt_thh_-_tatsu2.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters (genesis) =========
;(sp): tourremix ;by pioupiou =======================================
;april o' neil
april, stages/spaceship.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-_april_o'neil.mp3 ;april
o'neil by pioupiou, (rsff)

;casey jones
casey, stages/ice.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-_casey_jones.mp3 ;casey jones by
pioupiou, (rsff)

don, stages/futuristcity.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-_donatello.mp3 ;donatello
by pioupiou, (rsff)

karai, stages/karaibg.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-_karai.mp3 ;karai by
pioupiou, (rsff)
;stages/tmnt-karai2.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-_karai_2.mp3

;(es) krang, stages/tmnt-krang2.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-_krang_2.mp3
;stages/tmnt-krang.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-_krang.mp3

leo0, stages/bio.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-_leonardo.mp3 ;leonardo by
pioupiou, (rsff)

mike0, stages/mirage.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-_michaelangelo.mp3 ;
michaelangelo by pioupiou, (rsff)

raph0, stages/magma.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-_raphael.mp3 ;raphael by
pioupiou, (rsff)

;ray fillet
ray, stages/ocean.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-_ray_fillet.mp3 ;ray fillet by
pioupiou, (rsff)

sisi, stages/jungle0.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-_sisyphus.mp3 ;sisyphus by
pioupiou, (rsff)

;(es) triceraton, stages/tmnt-triceraton.def, music=sound/tmnttf(gen)_-

;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters (super nes) =======
;(e): leonardo ;by gamespy ========================================
;armaggon (pirate ship)
armaggon, stages/pirate_ship.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_pirate_ship.mp3 ;armaggon by
the great matsutzu, (wc)

;aska (noh)
; aska, ;aska by mature4evr, (rsff)
aska-e, stages/m4e_noh-stage.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_noh_stage.mp3 ;aska by big
eli king, (wc), (rsff)

;bonus game

;chrome dome (art museum)

cdome, stages/art_museum.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_art_museum.mp3 ;c. dome by
shadowtak, (i&ei), (wc), (sffc)

;donatello (scrapyard)
donatello, stages/tmntdump.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_scrapyard.mp3 ;donatello
by erradicator, (i&ei), (rsff)

;karai (metro train)

karai0, stages/tmnt-metrotrain.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_metro_train.mp3 ;karai
by the great matsutzu, (wc)

;leonardo (back alley)

leo, stages/backalley0.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_back_alley.mp3 ;leonardo by
bytezero, (rsff)
; leonardo, ;leonardo by toby wilkerson, (i&ei), (sffc)

;michaelangelo (sky palace)

mike, stages/spalace.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_sky_palace.mp3 :michaelangelo by
the heartburn kid, (rsff)

;raphaelo (cafeteria)
; raph, ;raphael by erradicator, (ldv), (rsff)
raph1, stages/tmnt-tf-raphaelbeta.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_cafeteria.mp3 ;
raphael by erradicator, (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)

;ratking (studio 6)
ratking, stages/studio60.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_studio_6.mp3 ;rat king by

;shredder (metal works)

cshred, stages/mt.olympus.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_metal_works.mp3 ;cyber
shredder 2.1 by yamayuki / darkmasters, (rsff)
pshred, stages/mt.olympus.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_metal_works.mp3 ;psycho
shredder[s] 2.4 by yamayuki / darkmasters, (rsff)
pshred0, stages/mt.olympus.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_metal_works.mp3 ;psycho
shredder[s] 2.6b by yamayuki / darkmasters, (rsff)

;war (mt. olympus)

war, stages/mt.olympus.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_mt_olympus.mp3 ;war by
981m756a55lic, (rsff)

;wingnut (thunder dome)

;(es) wingnut, stages/tdome.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_thunder_dome.mp3

;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters remix

; t_ninja, stages/nohremix.def, music=sound/tmnttf_-_sky_palace.mp3 ;

t_ninja by gus, (sffc)


;(ss) ================================================================
;tmnt mutant melee ===================================================
;(sp): tmnt ;by claudio toxi =========================================


;tekken series (tekken, tekken 2 , tekken 3, tekken 5, tekken advance & tekken tag
tournament; arcade, gameboy advance, playstation & playstation 2)
;(sp): mtt ;by renzoku ----------------------------------------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;tekken (playstation) ================================================

;stages/kgisland.def, music=sound/tekken_ost_king_george_island_(remixed).mp3
;king george island
;stages/tk_chcgo.def, music=sound/tekken_ost_chicago_(remixed).mp3 ;chigaco

;, music=sound/tekken_ost_akropolis_(arcade).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_akropolis_(remixed).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_angkor_vat_(arcade).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_angkor_vat_(remixed).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_chicago_(arcade).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_fiji_(arcade).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_fiji_(remixed).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_king_george_island_(arcade).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_kyoto_(arcade).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_kyoto_(remixed).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_monument_valley_(arcade).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_monument_valley_(remixed).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_stadium_(arcade).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_stadium_(remixed).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_szechwan_(arcade).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_szechwan_(remixed).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_venezia_(arcade).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_venezia_(remixed).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_windermere_(arcade).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken_ost_windermere_(remixed).mp3

;tekken remix

;, music=sound/tekken_jin_kazama_(remix).mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;tekken 2 (playstation) ==============================================

;(es) alex, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-

;baek doo san

;(es) baek, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-_eastern_dance_(for_baek_doo_san).mp3

;bruce irvin
;(es) bruce, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-

;devil kazuya
;(es) d.kazuya, stages/tekken2_kazuya.def, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-

;heihashi mishima
;(es) heihashi, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-

;(es) jack-2, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-_a_man_of_artificiality_(for_jack-

;jun kazama
;(es) jun, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-_morning_field_(for_jun_kazama).mp3

;kazuya mishima
;(es) kazuya, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-

;(es) king, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-_ring_a_bell_(for_king_stage).mp3

;lei wulong
;(es) lei, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-

;marshall law
;(es) law, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-

;michelle chang
;(es) michelle, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-

;nina williams
;(es) nina, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-_silent_assassin_-

;paul phoenix
;(es) paul, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-

;(es) roger, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-
;wang jinrey
;(es) wang, random, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-_believe_(for_wang_jinrey).mp3

;(es) yoshimitsu, stages/t2yoshi.def, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-

;, music=sound/tekken2_ost_-

;tekken 2 remix

;, music=sound/tekken2_ast_-_a_man_of_artificiality_(jack-2).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken2_ast_-_as_bald_as_(heihachi).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken2_ast_-_dance_of_the_east_(baek).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken2_ast_-_more_healthy_(alex_&_roger).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken2_ast_-_morning_field_(jun).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken2_ast_-_nobody_catch_me_(michelle).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken2_ast_-_two_different_sides_(marshall).mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;tekken 3 (playstation) ==============================================

;eddy gordo
;(es) eddy, stages/eddy1.def

;(es) gon, stages/gon1.def

;heihachi mishima
;(es) heihachi, stages/heih.def

; hwoa, stages/t3_hwoarang.def, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track16.mp3 ;
hwoarang by tc, (rsff)
hwoarang, stages/t3_hwoarang.def, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track33.mp3 ;
hwoarang by silver, (wc)

;jin kazama
; jin0, stages/jin10.def, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track7.mp3 ;jin kazama
by tc, (rsff)

;(es) law, stages/t3_law.def

;(es) lei, stages/lei.def

;paul phoenix
;(es) paul, stages/pault3.def

;(es) yoshimitsu, stages/t3_yoshimitsu.def
;stages/tk3_frc1.def ;tekken force - stage 1

;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track1.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track2.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track3.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track4.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track5.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track6.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track8.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track8(2).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track9.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track9(2).mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track10.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track11.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track12.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track13.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track14.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track15.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track17.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track18.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track19.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track20.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track21.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track22.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track23.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track24.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track28.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track30.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track31.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track32.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track34.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track35.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track36.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track37.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track38.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track39.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken3_ost_-_track40.mp3

;tekken 3 remix

; djin, stages/tekken.def ;devil jin by tc, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;tekken 4(playstation 2) =============================================
;(lb): ===============================================================
;- t4 ;by mr. mu~(original by bluet.g) ===============================
;- tekken4 lifebars ;by most unbalance(mu a.k.a making addicted) =

;(es) bryan, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_bryan_fury.mp3

;(es) christie, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_christie_monteiro.mp3
;(es) craig, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_craig_marduk.mp3
;(es) heihashi, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_heihachi_mishima.mp3
;(es) hwoarang, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_hwoarang.mp3
;(es) jin, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_jin_kazama.mp3
;(es) julia, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_julia_chang.mp3
;(es) kazuya, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_kazuya_mishima.mp3
;(es) king, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_king.mp3
;(es) kuma, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_kuma.mp3
;(es) law, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_marshall_law.mp3
;(es) lee, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_lee_chaolan.mp3
;(es) lei, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_lei_wulong.mp3
;(es) nina, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_nina_williams.mp3
;(es) panda, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_panda.mp3
;(es) paul, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_paul_phoenix.mp3
;(es) steve, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_steve_fox.mp3
;(es) xiaoyu, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_ling_xiaoyu.mp3
;(es) yoshimitsu, random, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_yoshimitsu.mp3


;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_acid_timpani.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_authentic_sky.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_bit_crusher.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_combot.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_didgerhythm.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_draw_the_waveform.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_fear.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_fetus.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_fist_for_a_fist.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_gym.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_hex.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_jet.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_kitsch.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_lights.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_mob.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_nothingness.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_quadra.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_the_inner_shrine.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_the_strongest_iron_arena.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_touch_and_go.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken4_ost_-_uninhabited.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;tekken 5 (arcade) ===================================================

;stages/moonlitwilderness.def, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_moonlit_wilderness.mp3
;stages/tek5-paradise.def, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_frozen_paradise.mp3

;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_antares.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_crimson_sunset.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_formless_like_water.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_gold_rush.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_ground_zero_funk.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_ka-en-no-mai.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_massive_stunner.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_neonatal.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_orbital_move.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_poolside.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_red_hot_fist.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_street_wise_-_asura_mix_-.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_streets.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_the_finalizer.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_those_who_go_to_heaven.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_unforgiven.mp3
;, music=sound/tekken5_ost_-_who's_afraid_of...mp3

;tekken 5 remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;tekken advance (gameboy advance) ====================================
;(sp): tekken ;by gend0 ==========================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;tekken tag tournament (playstation 2) ===============================

;(es) eddy, random, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_eddy_stage_bgm.mp3

;(es) hwoarang, random, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_hwoarang_stage_bgm.mp3
;(es) jin, random, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_jin_stage_bgm.mp3
;(es) king, random, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_king_stage_bgm.mp3
;(es) law, random, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_law_stage_bgm.mp3
;(es) lei, random, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_lei_stage_bgm.mp3
;(es) nina, random, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_nina_stage_bgm.mp3
;(es) ogre, random, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_ogre_stage_bgm.mp3
;(es) paul, random, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_paul_stage_bgm.mp3
;(es) xiaoyu, random, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_xiaoyu_stage_bgm.mp3
;(es) yoshimitsu, random, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_yhosimitsu_stage_bgm.mp3


;, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_last_boss_bgm.mp3
;, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_middle_boss_bgm.mp3
;, music=sound/tekkentt_ost_school_stage_bgm.mp3

;tempo (sega 32 x) ---------------------------------------------------

;stages/hifi.def, music=sound/hifi.mp3
;stages/tempo.def, music=sound/tempo.mp3

;tenchi muyo ---------------------------------------------------------

; mihoshi, random, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_remixes_-_in_your_room_-

_the_jeep_rock_mix.mp3 ;unsigned mihoshi, (rsff)
; washuu, ;washuu by skuld-chan, (rsff)

;tenshi - angelos armas ----------------------------------------------

;terminator (genesis) ------------------------------------------------

;stages/termintr.def, music=sound/termintr.mp3

;terranigma / creation of heaven and earth (super nes) ---------------

; ark, ;ark by legato, (rsff)

;tetris (nes) --------------------------------------------------------

; mrblock, ;mr. block by carlillos corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)

;tetsuwa no atomu / astro le petit robot (super nes) -----------------

; astro-boy, random, music=sound/tna_final_battle.mp3 ;astro-boy by alex,

; atom, random, music=sound/tna_boss_battle.mp3 ;astro-boy atom by
yoshitsune, (rsff)

;, music=sound/tna_stage4.mp3
;, music=sound/tna_stage_1&7.mp3
;, music=sound/tna_stage_2&8.mp3
;, music=sound/tna_stage_3&5&6.mp3

;the bouncer (playstation 2) -----------------------------------------

; sion, stages/tstation.def, music=sound/blade_ost_junkie_xl-

dealing_with_the_roster.mp3 ;sion barzhad by mature4evr, (rsff)

;the chocolate -------------------------------------------------------


;the combatribes (snes) ----------------------------------------------

;stages/ctribea4.def ;act 4 - the stadium barbarians

;the day after tomorrow (original) -----------------------------------


;the elder scrolls iv: oblivion --------------------------------------

;stages/ardunsulblood.def ;the chapel of ardun sul (bloodstained)

;stages/door.def ;strange door
;stages/garden5.def, music=sound/15_battle_with_the_devil_tribe.mp3 ;the garden
of flesh and bone
;stages/grove1.def, music=sound/08_paint_~forest_stage~.mp3 ;grove of
;stages/oblarena.def ;imperial city arena
;stages/oblcloud.def ;cloud ruler temple
;stages/obliviongate.def ;oblivion gate
;stages/cyrodiil.def, music=sound/battle_02.mp3;cyrodiil
;stages/oblchurch.def, music=sound/09_sacrifice.mp3 ;cadlew chapel
;stages/obltemple.def, music=sound/battle_01.mp3 ;imperial city temple
;stages/sigil.def ;sigillum sanguis
;stages/tower2.def ;tower portal

;the flame of recca / recca no honoo (gameboy advance) ---------------

; crey, stages/recca1.def ;crey by yugo, (rsff)
; crey0, stages/recca5r-1.def ;crey by elecbyte / yuki, (sffc)

; domon, stages/recca4.def ;domon by yugo, (rsff)
; domon0, stages/pilastre.def ;domon by elecbyte

; hiruko, stages/recca3.def ;hiruko by yugo, (rsff)
; hiruko0, stages/recca3r-1.def ;hiruko by elecbyte, (rsff)

; hu-ko, stages/recca8.def ;hu-ko by yugo, (csff)
; hu-ko0, stages/recca9.def ;hu-ko by sim, (csff)

; kadotu, stages/recca4r.def ;kadotu by elecbyte / yugo, (rsff)

; koganei, stages/recca2r.def ;koganei by yugo, (rsff)
; koganei0, stages/recca1-1r.def ;koganei by sim, (sffc)

; mikagami, stages/recca6r-1.def ;mikagami by yugo, (rsff)
; mikagami0, stages/recca5r-2.def ;mikagami by elecbyte, (rsff)

; recca, stages/recca2.def ;recca by yugo, (rsff)
; recca0, stages/recca5.def ;recca by yuki, (sffc)


;the flintstones -----------------------------------------------------


;the great team (original) -------------------------------------------


;the king of fighters series -----------------------------------------
;(gi): king of fighters kyo, king of fighters: maximum impact, king of
fighters neowave, king of fighters xi, quiz king of fighters, the king of fighters
94, the king of fighters 95, the king of fighters 96, the king of fighters 97, the
king of fighters 98, the king of fighters 99, the king of fighters 99 evolution,
the king of fighters 2000, the king of fighters 2001, the king of fighters 2002,
the king of fighters 2003, the king of fighters dream match 99, the king of
fighters ex: neoblood, the king of fighters ex 2: howling blood, the king of
fighters special edition 2004
;(p): playstation, playstation 2, saturn, super nes, dreamcast, gameboy,
neogeo & gameboy advanced
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- addon ;by rakutai@hotmail.com ----------------------------------
;- kof2003bw ;by muta(taiwan) -----------------------------------
;- kofbn ;by mr.s, misamu k young, kw & shin dio ------------------
;- kofz ;by mugen china ------------------------------------------
;- kofzev ;by yongming ---------------------------------------------
;- mugenplus ;by genjular (wc)-----------------------------------
;(i): koflogo ;unsigned ------------------------------------------

;the king of fighters series remix

;- 20061211 ;by 543
;- dskof ;by ds (unrequestable status)
;- kof ;by riccochet (unrequestable status)
;- kof10th ;by jerzyman
;- kof2005bw ;by muta(taiwan)
;- kof93 ;by ricky
;- kofi ;by had�s-orochriz.
;- kofme ;by most unbalance
;- kof-mi-final ;by spiderboy
;- kof_rotc ;by riccochet (unrequestable status)
;- kof_ultimate ;by nonokyo
;- kofut ;by kusanagi
;- kof_yhujin ;by yhujin yutomi - yutomi@arnet.com.ar
;- komw220 ;by elzee
;- mugen custom kof ;unsigned
;- ragekof ;by nono
;- screenkofm ;by nyko
;- systemx ;by faizal
;- 2k-reset ;by ashman
;- kof me lifebar ;realorochi&ricky
;- lifebar-beta-kofrmx ;by riccochet
;- nestslifebar100 ;by saikyo
;- kof10th ;unsigned
;- kofintro ;by mr. mu~
;- rugal-op ;by eof
;- 96specialending ;by bluebolt
;- mugen-ed-kof ;unsigned
;- rugal-ed ;by eof

;adelheid edits
;(es) adel remix, stages/2003adel2.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
;stages/darkskynoah.def, music=sound/darkskynoah.mp3

;andy bogard edits

; cvs_shiva, ;cvs shiva by easychar / actarus
genji, stages/bridgenight.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_napolitan+blues.mp3 ;genji
by pockefreeman (new version), (rsff)
; genji0, random, music=sound/kof96_ast_big+shot.mp3 ;genji by pockefreeman
(old version), (i&ei), (rsff)
s-andy, stages/bridgenight.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_terry115.mp3 ;shadow andy
by ahuron, (sffc)

;angel edits
; angel3, ;angel by [rumiko], (rsff), (wc)
angel4, stages/l.a_stage.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;hentai angel by h�h + nude
patch by bomb, (sffc)
; angel5, ;angel by fraya, (wo2d)
; angel6, ;angel by [rumiko], updated by kung fu man
; angel7, ;angel by archangel, (wc), (ws2d)
; good_angel, ;good angel by juke kisaragi with john.m (i altered j.k's
version. all credits must go 2 him), (rsff)

;ash edits
; ash2, random, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_splendid_evil_(new_main_character_team_[ash_-_duolon_-_shen]).mp3 ;ash by
[fraya], (wo2d)
; eddie2, ;eddie by john.m and eddie.m, (sffc)

;athena edits
; asami, ;psycho soldier athena by djlove, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)
asamiya98k, stages/montanha_.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_senritsu_no_dora.mp3
;athena98 by chris, (rsff)
athena000, stages/kof96-herostage-t.def,
music=sound/kof97_ast_psycho+soldiers+remix+97.mp3 ;athena asamiya by m.m.r.
(athena-nude), (rsff)
; athena2ndact, ;dark athena 2nd by actjapan, (rsff)
; athena2ndactb, ;dark athena 2nd b by actjapan, (rsff)
; athenaecchix, ;athena asamiya by ei and ecchichuu, (wo2d), (ws2d)
athenaex, stages/kof95-psychicsoldierstage-a_up.def,
_you_feel_for_me_(female_fighters_team_2_[athena_-_hinako_-_malin]).mp3 ;
athena asamiya by ei, (ii), (sffc)
; athena-k97, ;athena asamiya-k97 by keitaro, (csff)
; cool-athena, ;cool athena by raken00, (csff)
; cvs_blaze, ;cvs blaze by easychar / actarus
dark athena2002, stages/kof96-herostage-t.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_will.mp3
;darkathena by kill, (wc), (ws2d)
maria, stages/osaka2002.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_psycho+soldier.mp3 ;maria by
mouki, (rsff)
mystic athena, stages/kof95-psychicsoldierstage-a_up.def,
music=sound/kof96_ast_psycho+soldier+remix+96.mp3 ;mystic athena by ard-kiro,
neoathena, stages/kof95-psychicsoldierstage-a_up.def,
music=sound/kof95_ast_senritsu+no+dora.mp3 ;neo athena by chloe, (rsff)
(unrequestable status)
; nopantiesathena97, ;no panties athena by raken (unrequestable status)
; reena, ;reena inverse by gouketsu, helmet by reena
; sexyathena, ;sexy athena by ei and ecchichuu, (wo2d), (ws)
; shin_athena97, ;shin_athena97 by tuki no turugi, (csff)
; zero_athena, ;zero_athena by yoshino s., (wo2d), (ws2d)
; zero_athena0, ;zero_athena by yoshino s. + snd patch, (wo2d), (ws2d)
(unrequestable status)

;bao edits
bao, stages/chinamix.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_psycho+sonic+trip.mp3 ;bao by
digital kreations, (rsff)

;benimaru edits
; orochi_benimaru, ;orochi benimaru by acejoker@singnet.com.sg, (rsff)
spike, stages/desert_night.def, music=sound/kof95_ast_funky+esaka.mp3 ;spike by
rick, (rsff)
;billy kane edits
bill, stages/hz.def, music=sound/kof95_ast_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3 ;bill' by
sweater, (rsff)

;blue mary edits

; buffy, random, music=sound/kof97team_theme_remix_(yama_blue&billy).mp3 ;super
mary-buffy by neohack16, (rsff)
; nudemary, stages/raill.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_sha-la-la.mp3 ;blue mary
(topless) by ranma3000, (rsff)
; nudemary0, ;blue mary nude by mostro, (rsff)

;brian battler edits

; briaso, stages/wharf.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_slum+no.+5.mp3 ;briaso by
k-z, (rsff)

;chang koenan edits

chang0, stages/thegreen.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_usa.mp3 ;chang and choi by don
nadie, (sffc)

;chris edits
@chris, stages/orain.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_rythmic_hallucination.mp3 ;chris
by ashley
chris-type-m, stages/orain.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_rythmic_hallucination.mp3
;chris by mit, (rsff)
chris-xiii, stages/genikobg.def, music=sound/kof98_ast_mad+fantasy.mp3 ;chris-xiii
by tougenkyo, (rsff)
orochi-chris, stages/decay.def, music=sound/kof98_ast_mad+fantasy.mp3 ;
orochi_chris by ���� , (sffc)
; ochris_tag, ;orochi chris by ����
s_chris, stages/kof97-orochichrisstage-ash.def,
music=sound/kof98_ast_mad+fantasy.mp3 ;chris by rage, (rsff)
schris, stages/kof97-orochichrisstage-ash.def,
music=sound/kof98_ast_mad+fantasy.mp3 ;saint chris by neogouki + patch by
cchtwk@yahoo.com.tw, (rsff)

;eiji kisaragi edits

; evileiji, ;unsigned evil eiji, (rsff)
fab, stages/kof95-rivalstage-m.def, music=sound/kof95_ast_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3
;fab by smoke, (sffc)
; sub-zero3, ;sub-zero by biotenshi, (wc), (ws2d)

;geese howard edits


;goenitz edits
b-goenitz, stages/udimension.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_thrash+head.mp3 ;
goenitz by ahuron (unrequestable status)
gaibel, stages/udimension.def,
music=sound/kof_dance_05_movin'_~favorite_blue_hyper_mix~.mp3 ;gaibel by the
supreme, (i&ei), (rsff)
; genityu, ;unsigned genityu fixed & corrected by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
goeniko, stages/udimension.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_thrash+head.mp3 ;goeniko by
gonzo-, ahuron & doomedman
; goenitz2, ;goenitz by 187, (rsff), (ldv)
; goenitz20, ;goenitz by 187, (wo2d)
g_raging, stages/udimension.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_thrash+head.mp3 ;g_raging by
raisu, (wo2d)
; omegagoenitz, ;omega goenitz by yongming, modified by illusion, (wc),
; wind, ;wind by zy5678, (wc), (rsff)
wind0, stages/udimension.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_thrash+head.mp3 ;wind by
zy5678, arranged by soyokaze (unrequestable status)
wuwo, stages/wuwo.def, music=sound/trash_head_(orochi_edit).mp3 ;wuwo by wuwo,

;heavy d edits
michael_max, stages/kof98-usawharfstage-b.def,
music=sound/kof98_ghetto_recursive_oc_remix.mp3;michael max by mr s, (rsff)

;heidern edits
; cobracommander, ;cobra commander by scar

;hinako edits
h-hinako, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;hinako shijo by m.m.r.,
undressed by sezrel, (rsff)
hinanoko, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;hinanoko by motherearth,
(sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; nude-hinako, ;hinako shijo by m.m.r., undressed by sezrel, (rsff)

;igniz edits
a-igniz, stages/igniz_akofbg.def, music=sound/igniz_akofbg.mp3 ;another igniz by
; igniz2, ;igniz by archangel, (wc), (ws2d)

;iori edits
another iori, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def,
music=sound/kof_dance_10_stormy_black_~black_mix~.mp3;another iori by --4luc4rd
h3l�!ng--, (wo2d), (sffc)
; another iori0, ;another iori by --4luc4rd h3l�!ng-- (kof sprites), (sffc)
dante0, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof97_ast_cool+jam.mp3 ;dante
b. by smoke, (rsff)
iori1, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_cool_jam_2_(iori).mp3 ;iori plus by maylon, (rsff)
iori4, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_cool_jam.mp3 ;iori
by tobi, (rsff)
; iori7, ;iori by [fraya], (wo2d)
; iori-b, ;iori bogard by krizalid@ms60.url.com.tw, (rsff)
; iorir, ;iori yasakani by suyazuka rakutai, (sffc)
iori-type-m, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-
_snk_soundworks_-_rotb_team_theme.mp3 ;iori-type-m by mit, (rsff)
; ironiori, ;cc iron iori by david demianoff, (rsff) (unrequestable status)
; ivin, ;ivin by --kaku---!!!, updated by ivin, (ii), (ursff)
ogre-i, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof_rmx_-_iori_show_no_fear.mp3
;iori yagami by proto with asshuman, (i&ei), (rsff)
shiniori, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def,
music=sound/kof98_ast_arashi+no+saxophone+98.mp3 ;iori yagami by yongming,
; shio, ;park shio by yagami, edit by kyoyagami, (csff)
yagami0, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_sadistic+eyes.mp3
;yagami by yiori, (rsff)
yagami17, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof_rmx_-_iori.mp3 ;
yagami iori by mother earth, (rsff)
yiori, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def,
music=sound/kof96_ast_arashi+no+saxophone+2.mp3;iori by rage, (rsff)
; yiori5, ;yiori by yiori, (wc), (ws2d)
;orochi iori edits
a-iori, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def,
music=sound/kof_dance_02_aquamarine_~luv_and_sax_mix~.mp3 ;orochi-iori by chin-ya
; oiori0, ;orochi iori by ironmugen, updated by jerzy
orochi-iori, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def,
music=sound/kof97_ast_control+crisis.mp3 ;orochi-iori by ���� , (rsff)

;joe higashi edits

au, stages/marybg.def, music=sound/kof95_ast_club-m+~aozora+ni+flute~.mp3 ;
another unknown by ahuron
crazyjoe, stages/italia.def, music=sound/kof95_ast_club-m+~aozora+ni+flute~.mp3
;joe higashi by david demianoff (new version), (rsff), (wc)
; crazyjoe0, ;crazy joe by david demianoff (old version), (rsff)
; demon, ;demon by hirohiro / dala, (wc), (ws2d) (svp version +
common1.cns for normal mugen)
; ironjoe, ;joe by david demianoff (ug version), (sffc) (unrequestable
joe20, stages/parque_foda.def, music=sound/kof95_ast_club-m+~aozora+ni+flute~.mp3
;demon-joe by hiro hiro, (rsff)
; ronaldo, ;ronaldinho by cavaleiro_de_gothan, (i&ei), (rsff)

;k' edits
; ak, ;anotherk' by n k, (rsff) + (i) by sizuka
ak0, stages/darkt.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-_kd_(k'_team_[k'_-
_maxima_-_whip]).mp3 ;anotherk' by nao&m., (ei), (wc), (sffc) + (i) by sizuka
akriz, stages/darkt.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-_kd_(k'_team_[k'_-
_maxima_-_whip]).mp3 ;a-kriz by dj xtool (thx kriz)
another_k', stages/th.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-_kd_(k'_team_[k'_-
_maxima_-_whip]).mp3 ;another k' by kw&mr.s&misamu k young&shin dio, (rsff) +
(i) by sizuka
bk, stages/th.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-_kd_(k'_team_[k'_-
_maxima_-_whip]).mp3 ;black k' by black & mouser
; deft, ;deft by smoke, (sffc)
dkbeta02, stages/garbage_dusk_up.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_kd-0079.mp3 ;dk by
arare, (sffc)
; k, ;k' by sander71113 (neogouki???), (rsff)
k1, stages/garbage_dusk_up.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_kd-0079.mp3 ;original k?
by chin-ya
; k2, ;unsigned orochi k', (rsff)
; k'3, ;k' by jn2, (wo2d)
; k10, ;k-1 by fraya, (wo2d)
k20, stages/garbage_dusk_up.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_kd-0084.mp3 ;k'dash by
zont, (rsff)
k21, stages/garbage_dusk_up.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_kd-0079.mp3 ;k-2 by jn2,
; k4, ;evil-k' by kaku and gogo, update by ���� 2003��2��4, (sffc)
; kaos, ;k'oss by wavebossa, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [cmd] + [ws])
; akof-k-blood, ;k-blood by jin + patch, (wc), (ws)
k-blood, stages/matrix1.def, music=sound/kof_rmx_-_k'_dash_special_edition.mp3
;k-blood by jin
kill, stages/garbage_dusk_up.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_kd-0079.mp3 ;kill by
black / mouser
; km, ;unsigned $', fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; kriz, ;kriz by kriz (last release = version 0.4), (sffc)
; kriz0, ;kriz by kriz (first release), (sffc)
kriz1, stages/matrix1.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_kd-0084.mp3 ;kriz by kriz
(second release), (sffc)
ksura, stages/prisonplanet.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_kd-0084.mp3 ;k/ by k-z,
; k-type2, ;k' type 2 by k-z, revised by toufeeqv1, (ei), (csff)
; k-zwei, ;k-zwei by fraya, (wo2d)
nao, stages/prisonplanet.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_kd-0084.mp3 ;nao by nao&m.,
(wc), (rsff)
rdash, stages/prisonplanet.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_kd-0084.mp3 ;k_hoshi by
gatt & syacho, (wc), (ws2d)
robo-k', stages/prisonplanet.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_kd-0084.mp3 ;robo-k' by
kill, (wc)
; shado, ;shardo k' by crazy for k, (wc), (ws2d)
shadow11, stages/final_evolution.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_kd-0079.mp3 ;
shadow by chin-ya
; shadowk', ;shadowk' by chin-ya (1st release)
; super k', ;super k' by danzou & o', (csff)
violent_k', stages/final_evolution.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_kd-0079.mp3 ;
violent_k' by hirohiro, (rsff)
zeron, stages/final_evolution.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_kd-0079.mp3 ;zero
nightdyne by dynamowolf, (i&ei), (sffc)

;k9999 edits
fredy, stages/l.a_stage.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;freddy krugger by mr zero,
; k99994, ;k9999 by archangel, (wc), (ws2d)
; ny, ;ny' by mouser, (sffc)
seiya6, stages/l.a_stage.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;furious seiya by
; xltima, ;xltima by xltima, (sffc), (ldv)
xltima_dos, stages/l.a_stage.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;xltima by xltima, (wc)

;kim edits
; genyama, random, music=sound/kof95_ast_ryo.mp3 ;gen yamazaki by david
demianoff (old), (sffc), (wc)
genyamazaki, stages/harbour1_up.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_seoul+road.mp3 ;gen
yamazaki by david demianoff (new), (sffc) (unrequestable status)
kimhwoarang, stages/district.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_seoul_love_(kim_team_[kim_-_chang_-_jhun]).mp3;kim hwoa rang by david demianoff,
(c), (rsff)
marco2, stages/hu_po.def, music=sound/hu_po.mp3;marco hwoarang by junior chillage
+ ironmugen, (rsff)
masago, stages/thegreen.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_the+way+to+rebirth.mp3 ;
masago by the supremes, (wc), (rsff)

;king edits
; king_95ujin0, ;king by bahamut dragon angel, (rsff)
king_mvc, stages/fest.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_getn+up.mp3 ;king by taihei,

;krauser edits
; hyoh, random, music=sound/kof96_ast_requiem+nitanchou+k.626+dies+irae.mp3
;hyoh by necrosopher666, (rsff)

;krizalid edits
asasd, stages/svc_krizalid_ex.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_dear+falling+angel.mp3
;asasd by digital asasd, (rsff)
; cluritosh, random, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-_snk_soundworks_-
_kof'99_boss_theme.mp3 ;cluritosh by cluritosh cybersta, (sffc)
; fspawn, ;future spawn by algu�m louco por divers�o, (wo2d)
; golee, stages/factory_ngbf.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_mechanical+bless.mp3
;unsigned golee, (rsff)
; krizalid_n1, ;krizalid by nyankoro (kofxi edit), (wc), (ws2d)
(unrequestable status)
; kyaga, ;kyaga by digital asasd, (rsff)

;kula edits
alty, stages/alty_labo.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_ice+place.mp3 ;alty by hanma,
; candy, ;candy by elecbyte, (rsff)
d.candy, stages/jy0.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_ice+place.mp3 ;candy by men's,
; diana, ;diana by actarus, (wc), (rsff)
; diana0, ;diana by alex peter, (wc), (rsff)
; eve_original, ;eve original by hanma
eve_original2, stages/jy0.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_ice+place.mp3 ;eve
original by hanma, (wo2d)
fliz, stages/factory_kula.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_ice+place.mp3 ;fliz by
juke kisaragi
hiel, stages/factory_kula.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_ice+place.mp3 ;hiel by
nao&m., (ei), (wc), (rsff)
isabeau, stages/fronzenscrapdumpremix-mt.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_ice+place.mp3
;isabeau by 100%ex-inferis, (sffc)
; killbill-uma, ;kill bill uma by actarus, (rsff)
; killbill-uma-ex, ;kill bill uma-ex by actarus, (rsff)
; kuku, ;kuku by kaku & wuwo, (sffc)
kukuru, stages/fronzenscrapdumpremix-mt.def, music=sound/kof_rmx_-
_fronzenscrapdumpremix-mt.mp3 ;kukuru by x, (wc), (ws2d)
; kula0, ;kula by fraya + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
kula_e, stages/kof2000-kula4_up.def, music=sound/kof_rmx_-_fronzenscrapdumpremix-
mt.mp3 ;kula & eddie by arukari, (rsff)
; kula_e0, ;kula & eddie by arukari + kulasabun patch, (rsff)
; kura, ;kula by jn2, (rsff)
kura0, stages/kof2000-kula4_up.def, music=sound/kof_rmx_-_fronzenscrapdumpremix-
mt.mp3 ;kura by elecbyte / ali, (rsff)
; kura1, ;kula by fraya, (wc)
reak, stages/jy0.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_ice+place.mp3 ;reak.f by chin-ya
robo-kula, stages/factory_kula.def, music=sound/kof_rmx_-_fronzenscrapdumpremix-
mt.mp3 ;robo-kula by kyll, (wc)
sula, stages/fronzenscrapdumpremix-mt.def, music=sound/kof_rmx_-
_fronzenscrapdumpremix-mt.mp3 ;sula by nao&t-k, (sffc)

;kyo edits
; chaos0, ;chaos by mokichi, (rsff)
ex-kyo, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof_rmx_-
_kyo_esaka_special_edition.mp3 ;ex-kyo by jin, (wo2d), (di: [snd*])
; inferiorkyo, ;inferior-kyo by chin-ya
; kirih, ;kirishima_ex2-beta by actarus, maxim, (wc)
; kirishimaex2, ;kirishima-ex 2 by actarus, maxim, (rsff)
; kirisimaex, ;kirisima ex2 by actarus, (rsff)
kusa, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof_rmx_-
_kyo_esaka_special_edition.mp3 ;kusanagi by elecbyte / ali, (csff)
; kusa0, ;hyper kusanagi by elecbyte (unrequestable status)
kusanagi11, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_tears.mp3 ;
kusanagi by chin-ya
; kyo', ;kyo` by lin_km_yu@yahoo.com.tw, (wc), (sffc)
kyo'0, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof2000_rebirth_oc_remix.mp3
;kyo' by lin_km_yu (newkyo')
kyo!, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof_rmx_-_kyo_esaka.mp3 ;
inferior-kyo by chin-ya
kyo20, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof2000_rebirth_oc_remix.mp3
;kyo kusanagi by sander 71113 (neogouki???), (rsff)
; kyo4, ;kyo by fraya, (wo2d)
; kyo7, ;kyo by biotenshi, (rsff)
; kyo8, ;kyo by 543 shout, (wc), (ws2d)
kyo-0, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_esaka+~acid+mix~.mp3
;kyo by neotype, (rsff)
kyo by slayer, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_esaka.mp3
;kyo k. by slayer, (rsff)
kyo_mi, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_esaka.mp3 ;kyo
kusanagi by ahuron, (wo2d)
kyo-proto, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof2000_rebirth_oc_remix.mp3
;kyo kusanagi by ooooo, (rsff)
kyo_r, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof_dance_03_e-
groove_~dj_turbo's_paradise_mix~.mp3 ;kyo kusanagi by rekku, (wc), (rsff)
kyo_r0, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof_dance_03_e-
groove_~dj_turbo's_paradise_mix~.mp3 ;kyo kusanagi by rekku (mowpatch), (wc),
kyorochi, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof_-_megadriver_-_esaka_-
_nino.com.br.mp3 ;orochi kyo by kakaroto, (rsff)
kyo-type-m, stages/japanstage-kof2002.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_tears.mp3 ;kyo-
type-m by mit, (rsff)
nazo, stages/livestage_up.def, music=sound/kof98_ast_esaka.mp3 ;nazo by k-z,
o-kyo, stages/livestage_up.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_blaze_(kyo).mp3 ;orochi-kyo by ahuron, (sffc)
; orochi_kyo, ;orochi kyo by ne�, (Rsff)
orochi_realkyo, stages/livestage_up.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_esaka.mp3 ;
orochi realkyo by neogouki, (rsff)
rage, stages/livestage_up.def, music=sound/kof95_ast_funky+esaka.mp3 ;rage by
rage, (rsff)
stimpy, stages/livestage_up.def, music=sound/kof97_ast_esaka+forever.mp3 ;
stimpy by cool-hero games, (wc), (ws2d)

;leona edits
aleona, stages/mz.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_rumbling+on+the+city.mp3 ;another
leona by tokia, (sffc)
; k-zleona, random, music=sound/kof97_ast_control+crisis.mp3 ;leona by k-z,
xleona, stages/mz.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_rumbling_on_the_city.mp3 ;leona
(no panties) by edo impact, (rsff)

;lucky edits
dt, stages/kof98-usawharfstage-b.def,
music=sound/kof98_ghetto_recursive_oc_remix.mp3;dt by sweater, (rsff)

;magaki edits
boss_magaki, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;nameless one by y��k,

;mai edits
; anuvi, ;anuvi by mr zero, (rsff)
; cyborg_mai, ;cyborg_mai by kain_the_supreme, (wc), (rsff)
; lindsay, ;unsigned lindsay armaou, (csff)
mai, stages/prague.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_ne!.mp3;sexy mai by andre lopes,
; mai2, random, music=sound/kof2k_ast_come+up+smiling.mp3 ;unsigned mai
nude, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; mai3, random, music=sound/kof99_ast_176th+street.mp3 ;mai (no undies) by
andre lopes and higher & lee rekka, edited by pendragon, fixed by gohan ssm2,
; mai_shiranui, ;mai by shadow_ninja22, (wo2d), (ws2d)
neomai, stages/prague.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_i'm_hot_for_you_(female_fighters_team_1_[king_-_mai_-_mary]).mp3 ;mai
shiranui by neotype, (rsff)
; nudemai, ;mai hentai by monstruog, original autor: andre lopes, (i&ei),
; nudemai0, ;mai shiranui by andre lopes, updated by el gran enigma, (wc),
nudemai2k0, stages/2.def, music=sound/kof95_ast_tsuchi+o+hau+bass.mp3 ;mai by
tetchi, (ei)

;malin edits
ex_malin, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;ex-malin by chin-ya
rize, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3;lyserg by ����@�m, (wo2d)

;maxima edits
; ghostriderbeta0.6, ;ghost rider by wucash, (wc), (ws2d)
; maxima2, ;maxima by fraya, (wo2d)
maxima60, stages/garbage_dusk_up.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_kd-0079.mp3 ;
makishi masao by mother earth, (rsff)
maxima_pro, stages/garbage_dusk_up.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_kd-0079.mp3 ;
maxima by cross��CAT, (wc), (rsff)
maxima-typeb-_akof, stages/garbage_dusk_up.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_kd-0079.mp3
;maxima-typeb- by cross��CAT, (sffc)

;original zero edits

; demitri0, ;david demitri by demitri, (ii), (rsff)
; zeroorizinaru, ;zero by iccha, (rsff)

;orochi edits
; orochi2, ;reflected orochi by terry kuo (unrequestable status)
orochir, stages/odarkness.def, music=sound/kof97_ast_the+origin+of+mind.mp3 ;
orochi rebirth by vk, updated by terry kuo,(01.01) and the necromancer(07.31) and
sorrowedge(11.29), (rsff)

;ralf edits
ralf93, stages/mz.def, music=sound/k49team-anotherkofst-ikariteam-warreport.mp3
;ralf by robo z, (ii), (rsff)
; ralf940, random, music=sound/kof94_ast_jungle+bouncer.mp3 ;ralf jones by
gscool, (rsff)
ralfz, stages/mz.def, music=sound/kof95_ast_desert+requiem.mp3 ;ralf by zont,

;ramon edits
00a_ramon, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;a_ramon by tin, (rsff)

;robert edits
; poncho, ;poncho rodriguez by poncho based on cirio's robert, (wo2d),
; poncho0, ;poncho rodriguez by poncho based on cirio's robert, (wc)
; poncho_tag, ;poncho rodriguez by poncho based on cirio's robert
robertdm, stages/japan-night.def,
music=sound/kof95_ast_ryuuko+to+ken+~yureru+otokogokoro~.mp3 ;robert garcia by
duende macabro, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;rugal edits
a_rugal, stages/rugal_tlebg.def, music=sound/rugal_tlebg.mp3 ;androide rugal by
@ndroide, (rsff)
; dtides, random, music=sound/kofbac94-00_ketchaku_r&d.mp3 ;darius tides by
bloodtide, (rsff)
god-rugal, stages/infbg.def, music=sound/infbg.mp3 ;god rugal by proto, (rsff)
mechrugal, stages/rugal_tlebg.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-_snk_soundworks_-
_kof'98_boss_theme.mp3 ;mech rugal by @ndroide & clarens, (rsff)
; mech_rugal, random, music=sound/kof98_ast_ketchaku+r_d.mp3 ;mech rugal by
@ndroide (first version), (sffc) (unrequestable status)
; mech_rugal0, ;mech rugal by @ndroide (first release), (sffc)
mech_rugal1, stages/rugal_tlebg.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_kettou+r_d.mp3 ;mech
rugal by @ndroide (second release), (wc), (ws2d)
; m_rugal, ;rugal by @ndroide, (wc), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)
o-rugal, stages/factory0_up.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_ketchaku.mp3 ;omega-rugal
by ahuron, (sffc)
; o-rugal0, ;rugal by elecbyte (unrequestable status)
o-rugal1, stages/rugal_tlebg.def,
music=sound/kof95_ast_guitar+to+omega+to+rugal+to.mp3;rugal-01 by zelgadis
; r2, ;weakest r by chin-ya
; rugal2k3, ;rugal by @ndroide, (rsff)
; rugal5, ;rugal by jn2, (wo2d)
rugalboss, stages/rugal_tlebg.def, music=sound/kof_dance_06_guiterise-~96-hyper-t-
mix~.mp3 ;rugal bernstein by suyazuka rakutai, (sffc)
; rugalbossp, ;rugal bernstein by suyazuka rakutai, (sffc)

;ryo sakazaki edits

; danyama, ;dan yamazaki by david demianoff, (sffc), (wc)
; ironryo, ;mr karate by david demianoff (ug version) (unrequestable status)
cciryo, stages/svc_98_temple.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_kamikirimushi.mp3 ;cci
ryo by david demianoff
ryo 2, stages/svc_98_temple.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_kamikirimushi.mp3 ;
mr.karate by ahuron,nero (unrequestable status)
; nkarate, ;mr. karate by lucifuego, (rsff)
ryo2002, stages/kdojo0.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_beauty+n+the+beast.mp3 ;
master-ryo by hiro hiro, (rsff)
; ryo5, ;ryo sakazaki by sai, (sffc)
ryo9, stages/kdojo0.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_kamikirimushi.mp3 ;ryo
sakazaki by [death smile], arranged by [sai]
; ryoex, ;orochi ryo by gscool, (sffc)
; ryoz, ;ryo rage z by zont, (csff)
; shadowlord, ;shadow lord by muhanzoa(ryo sakazaki)/edited by
darkdragonlord, (rsff)
; tsg-karate, ;mr.karate by ahuron, (sffc)
; unknown1, ;evil ryo by clarens & ta-chan based on muhanzoa's ryo, (rsff)

;ryuji yamazaki edits

h-killer, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;hunter killer by smoke
yamazaki_xi, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;violent yamazaki by
ahuron, (wo2d)

;saisyu edits
; saisyu3, ;saisyu by fraya, (wo2d)
saisyu_wls, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof98_ast_in+spite+of+ones+age.mp3
;saisyu by vans, (wc), (ws2d)
;shermie edits
shermieb, stages/owind.def, music=sound/kof97_ast_rhythmic+hallucination.mp3 ;sexy
orochi shermie by andre lopes, (rsff)
; sshermie, stages/orochi_mix_stage.def,
music=sound/kof98_ast_fanatic+waltz.mp3 ;shin shermie by adam_skie updated by
raoni, (sffc)

;shingo edits
; darkshingo, ;dark shingo by haru, (csff)
; fire-shingo, ;fire-shingo by wind, (rsff)
; shingo6, random, music=sound/kof97_ast_still+green.mp3 ;shingo by fraya,
; shingodna, random, music=sound/kof2k_ast_inner+shade.mp3 ;shingo dna by
jorge, vegita19, yutomi@arnet.com.ar, (sffc)
; shingo flame, ;shingo by yiori, (wc), (ws2d)
shingox, stages/desert5.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_joyrider_(japan_team_[benimaru_-_shingo_-_daimon]).mp3 ;bad shingo by wing
syo, (rsff)
; shingo_y0, ;unsigned shingo yabuki
shingo_y-ex, stages/desert5.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_kd-0079.mp3 ;ex shingo
by �ь� (unrequestable status)
; yabuki, ;yabuki by chin-ya
yabuki0, stages/desert5.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_still_green.mp3 ;yabuki by
ahuron, (sffc)

;sie kensou edits

; a-kensou, ;sie kensou by motherearth, (sffc)
; kensou2, ;sie kensou by �h��, (rsff)
kensou2k4, stages/kof95-psychicsoldierstage-a_up.def,
music=sound/kof96_psycho_rave_oc_remix.mp3 ;unsigned geo kensou, (sffc)
(unrequestable status)

;takuma edits
mrkarate, stages/ls.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_ryu-ko.mp3 ;mr karate by clarens
and tachan, (rsff)
mr.karate, stages/ls.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_ryuuko+no+hen.mp3 ;mr.karate
by cirio, (wc), (rsff)
; mrkarate2, ;mr karate by clarens, ta-chan & inverse, (rsff)
takuma, stages/ls.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_ryuuko+no+hen.mp3 ;orochi blood
takuma by stan's child, (rsff)
; takuma3, ;takuma by wen586, (rsff)

;terry edits
; evilterry, ;evil terry by cybersolx, (ursff)
; hterry, random, music=sound/kof2k_ast_terry115.mp3 ;hterry by
ym602@mediawars.ne.jp, (rsff)
; terry11, ;terry by fraya, (wo2d)
terry_wls, stages/roofbuilding.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_prolongation_(shin_garou_team_1_[terry_-_joe_-_griffon]).mp3 ;terry by vans,
(wc), (ws2d)

;vanessa edits
; lexi, ;lexi by #shaun, (wc), (ws)
; vanessa8, ;vanessa by fraya, (wo2d)

;whip edits
whipkai, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;whipkai by ryokucha, (rsff)
+ (e) by wolf/kof99 team
;yashiro edits
d-yashiro, stages/kof97-orochigoenitzstage.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-
_snk_soundworks_-_kof97_team_theme.mp3 ;d-yashiro by chin-ya
o-yashiroex, stages/kof97-orochigoenitzstage.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-
_snk_soundworks_-_kof97_team_theme.mp3 ;orochi yashiro ex by ahuron, (sffc)
yashiroex, stages/kof97-orochigoenitzstage.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-
_snk_soundworks_-_kof97_team_theme.mp3 ;yashiro ex by ahuron, (csff)

;yuri edits
akira_h, stages/tqh-016_up.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_ne!.mp3 ;akira honjoji by
yamakichi, (wc), (ws2d)
; akira_h0, ;akira honjoji by yamakichi, (wc), (rsff)
claudia_lopez, stages/tqh-016_up.def, music=sound/kof94_ast_ne!.mp3 ;claudia
lopez by smoke, (wc), (sffc)
; god yuri, ;god yuri by arukari (new version), (rsff)
god yuri0, stages/tqh-016_up.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-_kyoku-
gen_(art_of_fighting_team_[ryo_-_robert_-_yuri]).mp3 ;god yuri by arukari (old
version), (rsff)
nudeyuri98, stages/kof96_aof.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_kamikirimushi.mp3 ;yuri
nude by adamskie, (rsff) (unrequestable status)
; oyuri, ;orochi yuri by faye valentine, (rsff) (unrequestable status)
ryuri, stages/kof96_aof.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_kamikirimushi.mp3 ;yuri (c-
type) by ogg, (sffc)

;zero edits
clone_zero, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_slasher+zero.mp3 ;clone zero
by arms, (rsff)
deathm, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-_snk_soundworks_-
_kof'00_boss_theme.mp3 ;death maul by rmx, (rsff)
; smokem, ;smoke by smoke, (ursff)
; zero_col, ;zero_col by zero_col, (i&ei), (csff)
; zero_col0, ;zero_col by zero_col (zero_col boss), (i&ei), (csff)

;misc. kof edits

!, stages/another_andy.def, music=sound/dmeditation.mp3 ;! by chin-ya

009, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;009 by hiro, (csff)
; 0090, ;009 by hiro, updated by ex_inferis2000@zipmail.com.br, (csff)
; akfm, ;another kfm by the pizzaman, (sffc)
akfm0, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;kung fu dude by heroes,
(wo2d), (ws2d)
aner, stages/c_tower.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;aner by a-kue, (wo2d)
; angel aceves, ;angel aceves by angel enrique aceves menendez, (i&ei),
baitang, stages/alstage2.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_geese+ni+katakori.mp3 ;
baitang by mr s, (rsff)
s_chang, stages/sakura-night.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_fairy.mp3 ;smart-chang
by mr.s&misamu k young&shin dio, (rsff)
c_choi, stages/britain.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_hey+music+lover.mp3 ;c-choi by
mr.s&misamu k young&shin dio, (rsff)
; coolchoi, ;cool choi by ocariocanildo, (rsff)
; chouji_cosplay, ;chouji by mr ss, (rsff)
clive, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof99_ast_w.w.iii.mp3 ;clive by mit (old
version), (rsff)
clive0, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof95_ast_hal+to+bass+to+melody+to.mp3
;clive by mit (new version), (rsff)
c-orochi, stages/freddocan.def, music=sound/boss_kof_remix.mp3 ;c-orochi by
elecbyte / maser97@excite.co.jp, (rsff)
crawdo, stages/kyotor.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;cloud by rikard & crawdo,
; crawdo0, ;cloud by rikard & crawdo, (wc), (ws)
cucu, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3;cucu by smoke y tambien cucu
; cvs_axel, ;cvs axel by easychar / actarus
dante, stages/dantestage.def, music=sound/ikari_team_remix.mp3 ;dante by k-z,
dante_kof, stages/dantestage.def, music=sound/japan_team_remix.mp3 ;dante by k-
z, (csff)
dolf1, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof97_ast_bloody.mp3 ;dolf by cadavelico,
sprites edit por reginuken, (rsff)
dosu_cosplay, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof98_ast_cipher.mp3 ;dosu by mr
ss, (sffc)
duke0, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof_dance_04_trip_bass_~trippy_mix~.mp3
;duke by mr.s&misamu k young&shin dio, (rsff)
edhan, stages/sj.def,
music=sound/kof_dance_07_9th_and_divided_~ain't_got_anytime_24-7_mix~.mp3 ;edhan
magalhaes by gohan, (rsff)
eijishirow, stages/akofbg.def,
music=sound/kof_dance_01_afro_culture_~spiritual_tribal_groove_mix~.mp3 ;eiji
shirow by orochi dark cloud & rick pk liquid snake (new version), (rsff)
eijishirow0, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/orochi_iori_-_leona_edit.mp3 ;eiji
shirow by orochi dark cloud & rick pk liquid snake (old version), (rsff)
; esd, ;evil soul by kain the supreme, (rsff), (wc), (ldv)
esd0, stages/ship1.def, music=sound/kof_dance_08_happy!.mp3 ;evil soul by kain
the supreme, (wc), (ws2d)
fio, stages/sakura1.def, music=sound/kof97_ast_kaze+no+allegory.mp3 ;fio by mr
s, (rsff)
; fio1, ;fio by 187
; fiokof, ;fio by ainotenshi, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; gaara_cosplay, ;gaara by mr ss, (rsff)
gai, stages/final_evolution.def,
music=sound/kof_dance_09_moon_wolf_~km_cool_emotion_mix~.mp3 ;gai by mr s,
g_mantle, stages/namelessonebg.def, music=sound/namelessonebg.mp3 ;g-mantle by
mr.s&misamu k young, (rsff)
; haku_cosplay, ;haku by mr ss, (sffc)
hally, stages/namelessonebg_old.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_14_bonus.mp3 ;hally
by maser97@excite.co.jp, (rsff)
s_hally, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_12_bonus.mp3 ;s_hally by
maser97@excite.co.jp, (rsff)
hayate, stages/kof2k4_garden.def, music=sound/kofbac94-00_13_bonus.mp3 ;
hayate������1 by mr.s&misamu k young&shin dio, (rsff)
; hinata_cosplay, ;hinata by mr ss, (sffc)
; hokage_cosplay, ;hokage by mr ss, (sffc)
hwa_jai, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_goodbye+esaka.mp3 ;hwa jai by
kw&mr.s&misamu k young&shin dio, (rsff)
; ino_cosplay, ;ino by mr ss, (sffc)
iori-nikaido, stages/tqh-006.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_crystal.mp3 ;iori
nikaido by kyoyagami, helper hulkkyo, (csff)
; japan, ;street by wing sho, (sffc)
; jiroubou_cosplay, ;jiroubou by mr ss, (rsff)
joe(aodk), stages/tqh-005_up.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost+crystal+type+1.mp3 ;joe-
aodk by mr.s&misamu k young&shin dio, (rsff)
john0, stages/john0.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_the+trooper.mp3 ;john by mr s,
; kei0, ;kei by rikard, (wc), (ws)
kei1, stages/nighttrain.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_wild+party.mp3 ;kei by
rikard, (wc)
; kiba_cosplay, ;kiba by mr ss, (rsff)
; kfm5, ;shin kriz by kriz, (sffc)
; kushnood, ;kushnood by thedge, (wc), (ws)
kushnood0, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;kushnood by thedge
kyashan, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;kyashan by kain the
supreme,zanna,rikard, (wc), (ws2d)
; kyoko, ;kyoko by actarus, (rsff)
; kyoko0, ;kyoko by riccochet, original author actarus
kyozalid, stages/tqh-007.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-_snk_soundworks_-
_japan_team_theme.mp3 ;kyozalid by keidash, (ii), (rsff)
k-zgeese, stages/tqh-008.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-_snk_soundworks_-
_ikari_team_theme.mp3 ;geese by k-z, (rsff)
lee2, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-_snk_soundworks_-
_sports_team_theme.mp3 ;lee pai long by mr s, (rsff)
; lee_cosplay, ;lee-cosplay by mrss, (rsff)
long, stages/thaiedit.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-_snk_soundworks_-
_kof2001_team_theme.mp3 ;long by dark nekrobat, (rsff)
; maou, ;maou by raisu, (wc), (ws2d)
megumi0, stages/kwtc.def, music=sound/original_-_kwtc.mp3 ;megumi by rikard
mika1, stages/kiri-green.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_esaka_03_(kusanagi).mp3 ;mika by rikard, (ldv)
; mika3, ;mika by rikard, (wc), (ws)
mit, stages/daedongmun.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;mit by mit, (rsff)
naruto_cosplay, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_fairy_(chizuru_kagura).mp3 ;naruto by mrss, (sffc)
; neji_cosplay, ;neji by mr ss, (sffc)
; orochiwhip, ;orochi by darkschneider, (rsff)
ray0, stages/matenrou.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_sacredness_~_fairy_(mid_boss_2_[chizuru_kagura_-_maki_ver]).mp3 ;ray by
mr.s&misamu k young, (rsff)
red, stages/boss2.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost+crystal+type+a.mp3 ;fire.red(1.02) by
wing syo, (rsff)
richard_myer, stages/sidney.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_styx_(boss).mp3 ;richard myer by mr.s&misamu k young&shin dio, (rsff)
riguria, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-_snk_soundworks_-
_woman_fighters_team_theme.mp3 ;riguria izenhowar by suyazuka rakutai, (rsff)
riguria0, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_inside_skinny_(ikari_team_[leona_-_ralf_-_clark]).mp3 ;riguria izenhowar by
suyazuka rakutai (new version), (rsff)
riguriaboss, stages/duel.def, music=sound/kof_anotherday_ost_-_another_day.mp3
;!!!???? by suyazuka rakutai, (rsff)
rikard, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;rikard by rikard, (wc), (ws)
ryu5, stages/riverjungle.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ast_consumerver._-
_villainous_(shin_garou_team_2_[gato_-_billy_-_yamazaki]).mp3 ;ryu by the
supremes, (rsff)
ryusnk, stages/kiri-red.def, music=sound/kof96_ast_dust+man.mp3 ;ryu by exinferis,
sachiel, stages/neo-metro.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3;sachiel by rikard, (wc),
; sacolaman, ;sacola man by andre marques
; sakon_cosplay, ;sakon by mr ss, (sffc)
; sakura_cosplay, ;sakura by mr ss, (sffc)
sandy, stages/midnight_requiem.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-_snk_soundworks_-
_boss_team_theme.mp3 ;sandy by juanabl, (rsff)
; sasuke_cosplay, ;sasuke by mr ss, (sffc)
scylla, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;scylla by the supremes,
(rsff), (wc)
; shikamaru_cosplay, ;shikamaru by mr ss, (sffc)
shinksura, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof2k_ast_stormy+scream.mp3 ;shin k/ by
k-z, (csff)
; shino_cosplay, ;shino by mr ss, (rsff)
; shunkof, ;shun by zero oh, (sffc)
singo-yagami, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof97_ast_mirthless.mp3 ;singo-
yagami by mit, (rsff)
sk, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof_anotherday_ost_-_fight.mp3 ;ozhora by
k-z, (csff)
snk_kfm, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/kof_anotherday_ost_-_unrest.mp3 ;snk
kung fu man by pockefreeman, (rsff)
; sofia, ;sofia by naveteae (1st release), (sffc)
; sofia1, ;sofia1 by navetsea (2nd release), (sffc)
steven, stages/kiri-blue.def, music=sound/kof98_ast_zero.mp3 ;steven seagal by
the supremes, (rsff)
; tayuya_cosplay, ;tayuya by mr ss ,(sffc)
; temari_cosplay, ;temari by mr ss, (rsff)
; tenten_cosplay, ;tenten by mr ss, (rsff)
trevor0, stages/akofbg.def, music=sound/akofbg.mp3 ;trevor spacer by evil
orochi, (wc), (ws2d)
unknown, stages/tqh-017.def, music=sound/kof98_ast_the+rr.mp3 ;unknown by
mr.s&misamu k young&proto&shin dio, (rsff)
; wing1, ;wing-man by k-z, (rsff)
y', stages/bloodsport.def, music=sound/original_-_battle.mp3 ;y' by mit, (ii),
yasanagi, stages/tqh-014_up.def, music=sound/kof_-_beat92box_-_snk_soundworks_-
_boss_theme.mp3 ;yasanagi by mit, (rsff)
; zabuza_cosplay, ;zabuza by mr ss, (sffc)
; zaku_cosplay, ;zaku by mr ss, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;king of fighters kyo (playstation) ==================================
;(sp): kofkyo ;by elecbyte =======================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- kofkyo_intro ;by xursinix =======================================
;- kofkyointro ;by ken master =====================================
;- kofkyo-intro-mt ;by mantov�o & yin yang ======================


;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_advent.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_barbarous_customs_-_bamboo.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_big_shot!.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_bloody.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_blue_mary's_blues.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_c62_-_shirokuni.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_chi_wo_hau_base.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_control_crisis_1.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_control_crisis_2.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_cool_jam.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_diet.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_esaka_forever_and_more.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_esaka_forever.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_esaka.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_fairy_1.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_fairy_2.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_funky_esaka.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_geese_jha!!_i.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_geese_ni_shouyu.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_kuri_to_itsu_made_mo.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_london_march.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_maimaikyuiin.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_maimaikyuun.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_moeru_kyoudai.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_presence_of_mind.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_psycho_soldier_-_97_mix.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_psycho_soldier_-_new_mix.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_remember_esaka.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_rhythmic_hallucination.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_rumbling_on_the_city.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_ryuuko_and_ken.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_saxophone_of_storm.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_senritsu_no_dora.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_soul_su.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_still_green.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_thai_nanbu_no_tsutaetai_atarashii_shi.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_the_origin_of_mind.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_there's_a_new_sun_arisen.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_three_siblings.mp3
;, music=sound/kofkyo_ost_-_vogue.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;king of fighters maximum impact (playstation 2) =====================
;(lb): kofmin ;by most unbalance(mr. mu~) ========================
;(sndp): kof_mi_system ;unsigned ====================================
;(i): kofmira ;by xiondash =======================================

;stages/kmi-ancient ruins.def,
;stages/kmi-esaka.def, music=sound/kofmi_ost_at_toyotsu-
;stages/kmi-infernal gate.def,
;stages/kmi-infernal gate2.def,
;stages/kmi-live house.def,
;stages/kmi-south town.def,

;, music=sound/kofmi_ost_dangerous_parking_lot_[parking_area_stage].mp3
;, music=sound/kofmi_ost_enigma_machine_[iron_hell_stage].mp3
;, music=sound/kofmi_ost_flying_tremolo_arm_[airport_stage].mp3
;, music=sound/kofmi_ost_i'm_a_hyena_[hyena's_theme].mp3
;, music=sound/kofmi_ost_the_trumpeter_under_the_bridge_[downtown_stage].mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;king of fighters neowave (playstation 2) ============================
;(lb): kofnw ;by taihei =========================================

;art of fighting team: ryo sakazaki, robert garcia & takuma sakazaki

;robert garcia
;(es) robert

;ryo sakazaki
;(es) ryo

;takuma sakazaki
;(es) takuma

;dream team: saisyu kusanagi, kula diamond & shingo yabuki (harbour)

;kula diamond
kula4, stages/kofnw-harbor.def, music=sound/kofnw_ost_underwater.mp3 ;kula by
zzzasd, (wc), (ws)

;saisyu kusanagi
;(es) saisyu

;shingo yabuki
;(es) shingo

;fatal fury team: terry bogard, andy bogard & joe higashi

;andy bogard
;(es) andy

;joe higashi
;(es) joe

;terry bogard
;(es) terry

;ikari team: leona heidern, ralf jones & clark steel (plant)

;clark steel
clark1, stages/plantnw.def, music=sound/kofnw_ost_the_dark.mp3 ;clark by zzzasd,
(wc), (ws)

;leona heidern
;(es) leona
;ralf jones
;(es) ralf

;japan team: kyo kusanagi, benimaru nikaido & goro daimon (ancient ring)

;benimaru nikaido
;(es) benimaru

;kyo kusanagi
kyo2, stages/ancientnw.def, music=sound/kofnw_ost_spirits.mp3 ;kyo by zzzasd

;goro daimon
;(es) goro

;kof '96 team: iori yagami, mature & vice (clock tower)

mature3, stages/clocktowernw.def, music=sound/kofnw_ost_techno_runner.mp3 ;
mature by zzzasd, (rsff)

;iori yagami
;(es) iori

;(es) vice

;kof '97 team: ryuji yamazaki, blue mary & billy kane (green house)

;billy kane
;(es) billy

;blue mary
mary1, stages/greenhousenw.def, music=sound/kofnw_ost_arena.mp3 ;mary by zzzasd,
(wc), (ws)

;ryuji yamazaki
;(es) ryuji

;kof '98 team: yashiro nanakase, shermie & chris (bridge)

;(es) chris

;(es) shermie

;yashiro nanakase
yashiro3, stages/kofnw-bridge.def, music=sound/kofnw_ost_run_through.mp3 ;
yashiro by zzzasd, (wc), (ws)
;kof '99 team: k', maxima & whip (train harbour)

k`, stages/kofnw-hangar.def, music=sound/kofnw_ost_beyond_the_wall.mp3 ;k` by

;(es) maxima

;(es) whip

;korea team: jhun hoon, choi bounge & chang koehan

;chang koehan
;(es) chang

;choi bounge
;(es) choi

;jhun hoon
;(es) jhun

;orochi team: orochi yashiro, orochi shermie & orochi chris

;orochi chris
;(es) orochi chris

;orochi shermie
;(es) orochi shermie

;orochi yashiro
;(es) orochi yashiro

;psycho soldier team: athena asamiya, sie kensou & chin gentsai

;athena asamiya
;(es) athena

;chin gentsai
;(es) chin

;sie kensou
;(es) sie

;women fighters team: mai shiranui, yuri sakazaki & king
;(es) king

;mai shiranui
;(es) mai

;yuri sakazaki
;(es) yuri

;edit characters: ramon, vanessa & kim kaphwan

;kim kaphwan
;(es) kim

;(es) ramon

;(es) vanessa

;boss: geese howard (geese tower)

;geese howard (geese tower)

ccigeesenw, stages/geesenw.def, music=sound/kofnw_ost_speed_hucker.mp3 ;cci geese
nw by david demianoff, (wc)
geese9, stages/geesenw.def, music=sound/kofnw_ost_speed_hucker.mp3 ;geese
howard by .\/. / rolento, (wo2d), (n2bu: [coding])
; geese_nw, ;geese by ahuron, (wc)
kof_geese_y, stages/geesenw.def, music=sound/kofnw_ost_speed_hucker.mp3 ;geese
howard by rin & bat

;, music=sound/kofnw_ost_edge_of_the_knife.mp3
;, music=sound/kofnw_ost_the_everlasting.mp3

;king of fighters neowave remix


;, music=sound/kofnw_ast_-_arena.mp3
;, music=sound/kofnw_ast_-_beyond_the_wall.mp3
;, music=sound/kofnw_ast_-_edge_of_knife.mp3
;, music=sound/kofnw_ast_-_run_through.mp3
;, music=sound/kofnw_ast_-_speed_hucker.mp3
;, music=sound/kofnw_ast_-_spirits.mp3
;, music=sound/kofnw_ast_-_techno_runner.mp3
;, music=sound/kofnw_ast_-_the_dark.mp3
;, music=sound/kofnw_ast_-_the_everlasting.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;king of fighters xi (neogeo) ========================================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- king of fighters xi_mugen ;by el gran enigma =====================
;- kofxiscrp ;by sword dancer ===================================
;- kofxispbeta ;by madkat =========================================
;(lb): ===============================================================
;- kofxilb ;by vans, jesuszilla and jjwe ============================
;- kofxi_life ;unsigned ==========================================
;- kofxi lifebar (arranged) ;by sword dancer =======================
;- kof_xi_lifebars__by_jfct555_ ;by jfct555 ======================
;(fx): kofxi ;unsigned ==========================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- kofxiintro ;unsigned ==========================================
;- kofxi_op ;by kurisu ===============================================
;- kofxi_st ;by sizuka ===============================================
;(e): xi-hero-team-ed ;unsigned ====================================

;agent team: vanessa, blue mary & ramon (italy - white town)
;(e): agent_team ;by rock

;blue mary
;(es) mary

;(es) ramon

vanessa_xi, stages/xi_italy_stage.def, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_kiss_or_poison.mp3
;vanessa by ahuron, (wo2d)

;anti-kyokuugen team: malin, kasumi todoh & eiji kisaragi (italy - white town)
;(e): antikyokugen_ryu_end ;unsigned

;eiji kisaragi
eiji_xi, stages/xi_italy_stage.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-
_an_improvised_concerto.mp3 ;eiji kisaragi by ahuron, (wo2d), (di)

;kasumi todoh
;(es) kasumi

;(es) malin

;art of fighting team: ryo sakazaki, yuri sakazaki & king
;(e): kyokugen ending ;by rock

;(es) king

;ryo sakazaki
;(es) ryo

;yuri sakazaki
;(es) yuri, random, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-_diet_(yuri_sakazaki).mp3
;fatal fury team: terry bogard, kim kaphwan & duck king (japan - dojo)
;(e): shin garou mow ;unsigned

;duck king
duck_xi, stages/xijapan.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-
_duck_dub_dub_(duck_king_-_concert_stage).mp3 ;duck king by ahuron, (wo2d)

;kim kaphwan
ccikim, stages/xijapan.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_11.mp3 ;cci kim by david
demianoff, (wc)

;terry bogard
terryxi, stages/xijapan.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-
_big_shot!_(terry_bogard).mp3 ;terry by beppu, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [prob with

;hero team: ash crimson, oswald & shen woo (cambodia - ruins)
;(e): heroe team espa�ol ;unsigned

;ash crimson
ash4, stages/xicambodia.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_22.mp3 ;ash crimson by
ash5, stages/xicambodia.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_22.mp3 ;ash by jin, (wc)
; ash6, ;ash by jin + patch-ash, (wc), (ws)

oswald_xi, stages/xicambodia.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_22.mp3 ;oswald by ahuron,

;shen woo
shen0, stages/xicambodia.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_22.mp3 ;shen by jin
; shen1, ;shen by jin + d4-patch-shen, (wc), (ws)
shen_wls, stages/xicambodia.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_22.mp3 ;shen woo by vans,
(wo2d), (ws2d)

;ikari team: ralf jones, clark steel & whip
;(e): ikari_ending ;by rock

;clark steel
;(es) clark

;ralf jones
;(es) ralf

;(es) whip

;k's team: k', kula diamond & maxima (russia - ice festival)
;(e): k_ending ;unsigned
; k3, ;k'xi by dash, (wc), (ws)
k'xi, stages/kof11-icefestivalstage_up.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_queen.mp3
;k' by beppu, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [unknown problem])
; k'xi0, ;k' by beppu + patch-k-xi, (wc), (ws)

;kula diamond
ccikula, stages/kof11-icefestivalstage_up.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_queen.mp3
;cci kula by david demianoff, (wc)
; kula_xi, ;kula by bug�� ����, (wc), (ws2d)

;(es) maxima

;kyo & iori team: kyo kusanagi, iori yagami & shingo yabuki (russia - ice
;(e): kyoending ;unsigned

;iori yagami
; iori-xi, ;iori yagami by zelgadis, (wc), (ws2d)
iorixi, stages/kof11-icefestivalstage_up.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-
_cool_jam_(iori_yagami).mp3 ;iori by beppu, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [inguarddist])
iori_yagami, stages/kof11-icefestivalstage_up.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-
_cool_jam_(iori_yagami).mp3 ;iori yagami by mostefaoui anas (tombston), (wc)

;kyo kusanagi
kusanagixi, stages/kof11-icefestivalstage_up.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-
_cool_jam_(iori_yagami).mp3 ;kusanagi by chin-ya
kyo-xi, stages/kof11-icefestivalstage_up.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-
_cool_jam_(iori_yagami).mp3 ;kyo by jin, (wc)
; kyo-xi0, ;kyo by jin + d4-patch-kyo-xi-new, (wc), (ws)

;shingo yabuki
singoxi, stages/kof11-icefestivalstage_up.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-
_still_green_(shingo_yabuki).mp3 ;singo by beppu, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;mark of the wolves team: b. jenet, gato & the griffon / griffon mask / tizoc
(south - beach)
;(e): garou mow end ;unsigned

;b. jenet
xi_jenet, stages/xisouth.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-_bad_girl_(b-
jenet).mp3 ;b. jenet by fervicante, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;(es) gato

;the griffon / griffon mask / tizoc

;(es) griffon

;psycho soldier team: athena asamiya, sie kensou & momoko (spain - aqueduct)
;(e): neo psycho ending ;unsigned
;athena asamiya
athena-mast, stages/xispain.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-
_athena_song_(athena_-_concert_stage).mp3 ;athena by mast-chen, (wo2d), (n2bu:
athena_xi, stages/xispain.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-
_athena_song_(athena_-_concert_stage).mp3 ;athena asamiya by ahuron, (wo2d), (di)

j_momoko, stages/xispain.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_19.mp3 ;momoko by juke
kisaragi, (wo2d)

;sie kensou
kensou3, stages/xispain.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_19.mp3 ;kensou by jfct555
kensou_xi, stages/xispain.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_19.mp3 ;kensou by
bug�� ����, (wc), (ws2d)

;rival team: elisabeth brantorche, duo lon & benimaru nikaido (america - paopao
;(e): rival team ending ;by rock

;benimaru nikaido
benimaru_xi, stages/xiamerica.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_street_dancer.mp3 ;
benimaru by bug�� ����, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;duo lon
duolon_xi, stages/xiamerica.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_street_dancer.mp3 ;
duolon by ahuron, (wo2d), (di)

;elisabeth brantorche
elizabeth, stages/xiamerica.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_street_dancer.mp3 ;
elizabeth b. by raposo
xi_elisabeth, stages/xiamerica.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_street_dancer.mp3
;elisabeth by fervicante, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;extra characters: gai tendo, syo hayate, jyazu, silver & adelheid

;adelheid (cambodia - ruins)

;(e): adel_ending ;unsigned

o-adel, stages/xicambodia.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_22.mp3 ;o-adel by jin,

; o-adel1, ;o-adel by jin + d4-patch-o-adel, (wc), (ws)

;gai tendo (cambodia - ruins)

gai_xi, stages/xicambodia.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-
_the_kickboxer_(gai).mp3 ;gai tendo by ahuron, (wo2d)

;jyazu (cambodia - ruins)

jazu_xi, stages/xicambodia.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_secret_circumstances.mp3
;jazu by ahuron, (wo2d)

;silver (america - paopao cafe)

silver_xi, stages/xiamerica.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_smeel_of_gunpowder.mp3
;silver by ahuron, (wo2d)

;syo hayate (italy - white town)

hayate_xi, stages/xiitaly.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-
_temple_of_kahli_(hayate_2).mp3 ;sho hayate by ahuron, (wo2d)

;ps2 original characters: mai shiranui, robert garcia, tung fu rue, geese howard,
mr. big, hotaru futaba, ex kyo, shion & magaki

;ex kyo (cambodia - ruins)

kyoxi_ex, stages/xicambodia.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-_esaka_(ex-
kyo).mp3 ;ex kyo by beppu, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;geese howard (cambodia - ruins)

; geese_howard, ;geese howard by don drago, (wo2d), (ws)
n-geese, stages/xicambodia.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_(ps2ex)_-
_geese_ni_katakori_(geese_howard).mp3 ;n-geese by jin
; n-geese0, ;n-geese by jin + patch, (wc), (ws)

;hotaru futaba
;(es) hotaru

;magaki (the different space)

;(e): magaki's death ;unsigned

;(es) magaki, stages/kofxi-boss20.def


;mai shiranui (italy - white town)

j_mai, stages/xiitaly.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_kiss_or_poison.mp3 ;mai
shiranui by juke kisaragi, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;mr. big
;(es) mr. big

;robert garcia
;(es) robert

;shion (the final hall)

j_shion, stages/xi_mboss.def, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_shion.mp3 ;shion by juke
kisaragi, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;tung fu rue
;(es) tung

;, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_25.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_27.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_after_a_long_absence.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_jack.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_joker.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_kdd-0075.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_king.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_new_order.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ost_-_pure~at_good_old_days~.mp3

;king of fighters xi remix

;(e): mugen ed kof ex ed ;unsigned

athena_type-m, stages/tibet2007.def, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_queen.mp3 ;unsigned

athena asamiya, (wo2d), (ws2d)
benimaru4, stages/yoru0.def, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_11.mp3 ;benimaru by
hirohiro, (wc), (ws2d)
; shingo_momoko, ;unsigned shingo & momoko, (wc), (ws2d), (n2bu: [ws])
; shingo_momoko0, ;unsigned shingo & momoko, (wc)


;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_19.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_22.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_25.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_27.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_after_a_long_absence.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_an_improvised_concerto.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_jack.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_joker.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_kdd-0075.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_king.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_new_order.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_pure~at_good_old_days~.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_secret_circumstances.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_shion.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_smell_of_gunpowder.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_ast_-_street_dancer.mp3
;, music=sound/kofxi_rmx_-_team_kyo,iori,shingo_demo_verison(oc_music).mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;quiz king of fighters (neogeo) ======================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters 94 (neogeo) ====================================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- kof94 ;by eduardo bonfandini ===================================
;- kof94.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
:(i): kof94intro ;by dark saviour ===================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- kof94england ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================
;- kof94korea ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================
;- luckyend ;by rudolf27 =============================================

;art of fighting team: robert, ryo sakazaki & takuma sakazaki (mexico)

;robert garcia
robert94, stages/pao_up.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_ryuuko+no+hen.mp3 ;robert
garcia by smi, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;ryo sakazaki
;(es) ryo sakazaki

;takuma sakazaki
;(es) takuma sakazaki

;fatal fury team: andy bogard, joe higashi & terry bogard (italy)

;andy bogard
andy94dm, stages/kof94italy0.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_napolitan+blues.mp3 ;andy
bogard by duende macabro, (wo2d), (ws2d)
andy-tb, stages/kof94italy0.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_napolitan+blues.mp3 ;andy
bogard by true bass, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;joe higashi
;(es) joe higashi

;terry bogard
cciterry94, stages/italy94.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_napolitan+blues.mp3 ;cci
terry by david demianoff (unrequestable status)
terry94dm, stages/italy94.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_napolitan+blues.mp3 ;terry
bogard by duende macabro, (wo2d), (ws2d)
terry-tb, stages/venice0.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_napolitan+blues.mp3 ;terry
bogard by true bass, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;hero team: benimaru, goro daimon & kyo kusanagi (japan)

;benimaru nikaido
benimaru94dm, stages/kof94japan.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_esaka.mp3 ;benimaru by
duende macabro, (wo2d), (ws2d)

;goro daimon
;(es) goro daimon, stages/94esaka.def

;kyo kusanagi
kyo94, stages/hero94.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_esaka.mp3 ;unsigned kyo'94,
(rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; kyo940, ;kyo by g.d, (wc), (ws2d)

;ikari team: clark, heidern & ralf (brazil)

;(es) clark, stages/ikari94.def

;(es) heidern, stages/sajungle.def

ralf94, stages/94_brazil.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_jungle+bouncer.mp3 ;ralf jones
by robo z, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;korean team: cheng koenan, choi bounge & kim kaphwan (korea)

;cheng koenan
;(es) cheng koenan, stages/korea94.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_usa.mp3

;choi bounge
;(es) choi bounge, stages/kof94-koreastage.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_usa.mp3

;kim kaphwan
;(es) kim kaphwan, stages/kof94-korea.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_usa.mp3

;ladies team: king, mai shiranui & yuri sakazaki (england)

;(es) king, stages/kof94women.def

;mai shiranui
;(es) mai, stages/englnd94.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_ne!.mp3

;yuri sakazaki
;(es) yuri sakazaki, stages/94_england.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_ne!.mp3

;psycho soldier team: athena, chin gentsai & sie kensou (china)

;athena asamiya
athena94, stages/kof94_china.def,
music=sound/kof94_ost_psycho+soldier+~k.o.f.+version~.mp3 ;athena a. by raiwa,
(ii), (wc), (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;(es) chin, stages/kof94-chinastage.def

;sie kensou
;(es) sie kensou, stages/kof94china.def

;us team: bryan battler, heavy d & lucky glauber (usa)

;bryan battler
;(es) bryan battler, stages/usa94.def

;heavy d
;(es) heavy d

;lucky glauber
lucky0, stages/usa-94.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_slum+no.+5.mp3 ;lucky kof94 by
robo z, (csff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
;boss: rugal 1st and 2nd form (black noah)

;rugal (first form)

; 94rugal, ;rugal '94 by omega clarens, (rsff)
rugalb, stages/kof94blacknoah1.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_kettou+r_d.mp3 ;rugal
b by bad darkness, (ii), (rsff)

;rugal (second form)

ccirugal94, stages/kof94blacknoah2.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_ketchaku.mp3 ;cci
rugal by david demianoff (unrequestable status)
; rugal94, ;rugal94 by bad darkness, (ii), (csff)
rugal94boss, stages/rugal940.def, music=sound/kof94_ost_ketchaku.mp3 ;
rugal94(boss) by bad darkness, (ii), (csff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters 95 (neogeo, playstation & saturn) ==============
;(sp): kof95sp ;by dark saviour ===================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- kof95intro ;by cirio ==========================================
;- kof95intro0 ;by dark saviour ===================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- kof95gv ;by cirio ================================================
;- kof95iw ;by wolf/kof99 team ======================================
;- kof95korea ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================

;art of fighting team: robert, ryo sakazaki & takuma sakazaki (japan / dojo

;robert garcia
ccirobert95, stages/aofbg-kof95.def,
music=sound/kof95_ost_ryuuko+to+ken+~yureru+otokogokoro~.mp3 ;cci robert by
david demianoff (unrequestable status)
robert3, stages/aofbg-kof95.def,
music=sound/kof95_ost_ryuuko+to+ken+~yureru+otokogokoro~.mp3 ;robert garcia by
suyazuka rakutai, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;ryo sakazaki
cciryo95, stages/kof95-aof.def,
music=sound/kof95_ost_ryuuko+to+ken+~yureru+otokogokoro~.mp3 ;cci ryo by david
demianoff, (wc) (unrequestable status)
; ryo95, stages/kof95-ryukostage.def ;ryo sakazaki by death smile, (ldv),
(rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
ryo950, stages/kof95-aof.def,
music=sound/kof95_ost_ryuuko+to+ken+~yureru+otokogokoro~.mp3 ;ryo sakazaki by
death smile, (wo2d), (rsff)

;takuma sakazaki
ccitakuma95, stages/kof95-sakazakidojob.def,
music=sound/kof95_ost_ryuuko+to+ken+~yureru+otokogokoro~.mp3 ;cci takuma by
david demianoff (unrequestable status)
;fatal fury team: andy bogard, joe higashi & terry bogard (italy / italian port)

;andy bogard
cciandy95, stages/italy95.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_club-m+~aozora+ni+flute~.mp3
;cci andy by david demianoff (unrequestable status)
andy95, stages/italy95.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_club-m+~aozora+ni+flute~.mp3
;andy bogard by sorrowedge, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;joe higashi
ccijoe95, stages/kof95garou.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_club-
m+~aozora+ni+flute~.mp3 ;cci joe by david demianoff (unrequestable status)

;terry bogard
cciterry95, stages/kof95-garoustage.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_club-
m+~aozora+ni+flute~.mp3 ;cci terry by david demianoff (unrequestable status)
terry2, stages/kof95-garoustage.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_club-
m+~aozora+ni+flute~.mp3 ;terry bogard by sander71113, (rsff)

;hero team: benimaru, goro daimon & kyo kusanagi (usa / neogeo land)

;benimaru nikaido
;(es) benimaru

;goro daimon
;(es) goro daimon

;kyo kusanagi
ccikyo95, stages/neogeo_land.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_funky+esaka.mp3 ;cci
kyo by david demianoff (unrequestable status)
; kyo95, ;unsigned kyo'95, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;ikari team: clark, heidern & ralf (brazil / military outpost)

;(es) clark

;(es) heidern

;(es) ralf, stages/kof95-ikari.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_desert+reqiuem.mp3

;iori's team: billy kane, eiji & iori (usa / industrial park)

;billy kane
95, stages/kof95-iori.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3 ;billy
95 by sela, updated by ???, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; 951, ;old billy by sela

;eiji kisaragi
2002eiji, stages/kof95-iori.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3
;eiji kisaragi by ahuron, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
eiji, stages/kof95-iori.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3 ;eiji
kisaragi by misamu k young, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
eiji0, stages/kof95-iori.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3 ;eiji
kisaragi by conversion world - j.lee, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; eiji3, ;eiji kizaragi by devil pooh, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
eiji4, stages/kof95-iori.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3 ;eiji
by violet, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;iori yagami
cciiori95, stages/kof95-iori.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3
;cci iori by david demianoff, (wc) (unrequestable status)
iori3, stages/kof95-iori.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3 ;iori
yagami by suyazuka rakutai, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
pieriori, stages/kof95-iori.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3
;iori yagami by pierwolf, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; yiori3, ;iori yagami by [yagami+ihoo1836] (sprites 95-2000 + 95-2000 snd
file), (i&ei), (sffc)

;korean team: chang koenan, choi bounge & kim kaphwan (korea / korea)

;chang koenan
;(es) chang koenan

;choi bounge
chois, stages/kof95korea_up.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_ryo.mp3 ;choi special by
fangke, (sffc)

;kim kaphwan
ccikim95, stages/kof95-kimi.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_ryo.mp3 ;cci kim by david
demianoff (unrequestable status)

;ladies team: king, mai shiranui & yuri sakazaki (england / club la bijoux)

95king, stages/kof95-women.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_tsuchi+o+hau+bass.mp3 ;king
by t^t, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
king_95ujin, stages/kof95-women.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_tsuchi+o+hau+bass.mp3
;king_95ujin by bahamut dragon angel, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;mai shiranui
ccimai95, stages/kof95-women.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_tsuchi+o+hau+bass.mp3
;cci mai by david demianoff (unrequestable status)

;yuri sakazaki
cciyuri95, stages/kof95-women.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_tsuchi+o+hau+bass.mp3
;cci yuri by david demianoff (unrequestable status)
yuri, stages/kof95-women.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_tsuchi+o+hau+bass.mp3 ;yuri
sakazaki by suyazuka rakutai, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;psycho soldier team: athena, chin gentsai & sie kensou (china / chinese springs)
;athena asamiya
athena95, stages/kof95-psycho.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_senritsu+no+dora.mp3
;athena by raiwa, (csff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;chin gentsai
;(es) chin gentsai

;sie kensou
kensou95, stages/kof95-chinastage.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_senritsu+no+dora.mp3
;sie kensou by dark saviour, (sffc) (unrequestable status)

;bosses: saisyu kusanagi & omega rugal (rugal stage)

;saisyu kusanagi
ccisaisyu95, stages/kof95-saisyu.def,
music=sound/kof95_ost_hal+to+bass+to+melody+to.mp3 ;cci saisyu by david

ccirugal95, stages/kof95-rugal.def,
music=sound/kof95_ost_guitar+to+omega+to+rugal+to.mp3;cci o.rugal by david
demianoff (unrequestable status)
omegarugal, stages/kof95-rugal.def,
music=sound/kof95_ost_guitar+to+omega+to+rugal+to.mp3;omega rugal by bad darkness,
(rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
; rugal4, ;rugal by sykotik, (sffc)

;, music=sound/kof95_ost_naki+no+r+-+aishuu+no+d.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters 96 (neogeo, playstation & saturn) ==============
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- kof96 ;by kitsune sniper =======================================
;- kof960 ;by muegn-spirit =========================================
;- kof961 ;by ookani ===============================================
;- ultrarox_kof96 ;by orochikof97 ====================================
;(i): kof96intro ;by dark saviour ===================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- 96standending ;by goenitz96 ======================================
;- aof96 ;by goenitz96 ============================================
;- garou96end ;by liam ===========================================
;- goenitz ;by goenitz96 ============================================
;- heroteam96end ;by liam ===========================================
;- ikari96 ;by goenitz96 ============================================
;- kim96 ;by goenitz96 ============================================
;- kof96aof ;by wolf/kof99 team ======================================
;- kof96fft ;by wolf/kof99 team ======================================
;- kof96ikary ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================
;- kof96iory ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================
;- kof96japan ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================
;- kof96korea ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================

;art of fighting team: robert, ryo sakazaki & yuri sakazaki (usa / american
midwest, dusk & cloudy)
;stages/suburb96tx.def ;cloudy
;stages/suburbb96tx.def ;dusk

;robert garcia (cloudy)

;(es) robert, stages/96eveningex.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_kamikirimushi.mp3

;ryo sakazaki (dusk)

;(es) ryo sakazaki, stages/k96ost5.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_kamikirimushi.mp3

;yuri sakazaki (cloudy)

cciyuri96, stages/aof96_up.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_kamikirimushi.mp3 ;cci
yuri by david demianoff (unrequestable status)
yuri96, stages/art96.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_kamikirimushi.mp3 ;yuri
sakazaki by yuri / 'rgjoh0', (rsff)

;boss team: geese howard, mr big & wolfgang krauser (italy / gondola ride)

;geese howard
ccigeese96, stages/kof96-boss1.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_geese+ni+katakori.mp3
;cci geese96 by david demianoff (unrequestable status)
dgeese, stages/kof96-boss1.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_geese+ni+katakori.mp3 ;geese
howard by deuce, updated by kitsune sniper, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; dgeese0, ;geese howard by deuce, (sffc) + (e) by goenitz96
geese2, stages/kof96-boss1.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_geese+ni+katakori.mp3 ;geese
howard by jin kazama (new version), (rsff) + (e) by goenitz96
; geese10, ;geese howard by jin kazama (old version)

;wolfgang krauser
00krauser, stages/boss96bg.def,
music=sound/kof96_ost_requiem+nitanchou+k.626+dies+irae.mp3 ;krauser by tin,
(rsff) + (e) by goenitz96
ccikrauser96, stages/boss96bg.def,
music=sound/kof96_ost_requiem+nitanchou+k.626+dies+irae.mp3 ;cci krauser96 by
david demianoff, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by goenitz96
krauser, stages/kof96-bossstage.def,
music=sound/kof96_ost_requiem+nitanchou+k.626+dies+irae.mp3 ;wolfgang krauser
by conversion wolrd - j.lee (new version), (rsff) + (e) by goenitz96
; krauser1, ;krauser by conversion wolrd - j.lee (old version), (rsff) + (e)
by goenitz96

;mr. big
; big0, ;mr. big by johnny
ccimrbig, stages/kof96boss.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_dust+man.mp3 ;cci mr.big
by david demianoff (unrequestable status)
mrbig, stages/kof96boss.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_dust+man.mp3 ;mr big by jin
kazama, (sffc) + (e) by goenitz96
mr_big2000, stages/96_boss.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_dust+man.mp3 ;mr. big by
sweater, (csff) + (e) by goenitz96
; mr_bigcg, ;mr. big by cyber joker, (sffc) + (e) by goenitz96

;fatal fury team: andy bogard, joe higashi & terry bogard (usa / american midwest,

;andy bogard
;(es) andy bogard, stages/kof96_american.def

;joe higashi
;(es) joe higashi, stages/midway.def

;terry bogard
; e-terryx, stages/midway.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_big+shot!.mp3 ;[e]-terry
71113 by sander71113 & maximillian j[e]nus, (rsff) + (e) by goenitz96
terry10, stages/kof96_american.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_big+shot!.mp3 ;e-
terry 71113 by sander71113 & maximillian j[e]nus, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by goenitz96

;hero team: benimaru, goro daimon & kyo kusanagi (japan / osaka, 11:00 pm)

;benimaru nikaido
;(es) benimaru

;goro daimon
;(es) goro daimon

;kyo kusanagi
kyo-k, stages/kof96-hero.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_esaka.mp3 ;kyo kusanagi by
kaku, (rsff) + (e) by goenitz96

;ikari team: clark, leona & ralf (brazil / military barge)

;(es) clark

leona1, stages/kof96-ikaristage.def,
music=sound/kof96_ost_rumbling+on+the+city.mp3 ;leona by suyazuka rakutai, (sffc)

;(es) ralf

;iori's team: iori, mature & vice (usa / wharf)

;iori yagami (round 1)

;(es) iori, stages/kof96-yagamistage.def,

;mature (round 2 / 3)
mature96, stages/iori96_.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_arashi+no+saxophone+2.mp3
;mature by mature4evr, (rsff) + (e) by goenitz96

;vice (round 2 / 3)
;(es) vice, stages/iori96_.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_arashi+no+saxophone+2.mp3
;korean team: chang koenan, choi bounge & kim kaphwan (korea / fortress enclosure)

;chang koenan
;(es) chang koenan, stages/kof96changbg.def

;choi bounge
;(es) choi bounge, stages/kof96choibg.def

;kim kaphwan
e-kim, stages/kof96-korea.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_seoul+road.mp3 ;kim kaphwan
by jenus, (rsff)

;ladies team: kasumi todoh, king & mai shiranui (england / king's club)

;kasumi todo
ccikasumi, stages/kof96-women.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_getn+up.mp3 ;cci kasumi
by david demianoff
; ironkasumi, ;kasumi by david demianoff (ug version) (unrequestable
kasumi96, stages/kof96-womenfighters'stage.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_getn+up.mp3
;kasumi by ryo 2005, (wo2d), (rsff)

;(es) king

;mai shiranui
;(es) mai shiranui

;psycho soldier team: athena, chin gentsai & sie kensou (japan / osaka, 02:00 pm)

;athena asamiya
athena96, stages/kof96-psycho.def,
music=sound/kof96_ost_psycho+soldier+remix+96.mp3 ;athena asamiya by zolagun,
(rsff) + (e) by goenitz96
athena960, stages/kof96-psycho.def,
music=sound/kof96_ost_psycho+soldier+remix+96.mp3 ;athena by nana, (wo2d),

;chin gentsai
chin96, stages/kof96-psycho.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_psycho+soldier+remix+96.mp3
;chin gentsai by onewithdarkness, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;sie kensou
;(es) sie kensou

;bosses: chizuru & goenitz (stadium)

;chizuru (stadium)
;(es) chizuru, stages/kof96-chizuru.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_fairy.mp3
;goenitz (destroyed stadium)
goenitz, stages/k96_goenitzbg1st.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_thrash+head.mp3 ;
goenitz by yongming, (rsff) + (i&e) by nobun
goenitz0, stages/goenitz_up.def, music=sound/kof96_ost_thrash+head.mp3 ;goenitz by
deuce, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage

;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters 97 (neogeo, playstation & saturn) ==============
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- kof97 ;by orochikof97 ==========================================
;- kof97.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
:(i): kof97intro ;by dark saviour ===================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- 97aofending ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================
;- 97realending ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================
;- beniend ;by nikkio78 aka garuda ==================================

;art of fighting team: robert, ryo sakazaki & yuri sakazaki (indonesia / bali)

;robert garcia
;(es) robert, stages/bali97tx.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_bari.mp3

;ryo sakazaki
;(es) ryo sakazaki, stages/kof97-balistage.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_bari.mp3

;yuri sakazaki
@yuri, stages/kof97-balistage.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_bari.mp3 ;yuri by
yaten kou
yuri2, stages/kof97-bali.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_bari.mp3 ;yuri sakazaki ver
3bd special by jorge h campos, (rsff)

;chris' team: chris, shermie & yashiro (japan / '97 vocal concert)

chris, stages/97newface.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_bloody.mp3 ;chris by
neogouki, (rsff)


yashiro0, stages/kof97-japanstage.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_bloody.mp3 ;
yashiro nanakase by sodonhid, (ii), (rsff)

;fatal fury team: andy bogard, joe higashi & terry bogard (usa / frontier harbour)

;andy bogard
andy97, stages/usa97.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_america.mp3 ;andy bogard by
dark saviour, (wc), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)
;joe higashi
;(es) joe higashi, stages/usa97.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_america.mp3

;terry bogard
;(es) terry bogard, stages/usa97.def,

;hero team: benimaru, goro daimon & kyo kusanagi (japan / '97 vocal concert)

;benimaru nikaido
;(es) benimaru

;goro daimon
;(es) goro daimon, stages/vocal_concert.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_japan.mp3

;kyo kusanagi
classkyo, stages/vocal_concert.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_esaka+forever.mp3 ;kyo
kusanagi by jin kazama, (rsff)

;ikari team: clark, leona & ralf (monaco / ruscass corner)

;(es) clark, stages/monaco97.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_monaco.mp3

;(es) leona, stages/monaco97.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_monaco.mp3

;(es) ralf, stages/kof97-monacostage.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_monaco.mp3

;korean team: chang koenan, choi bounge & kim kaphwan (korea / korean exhibition)

;chang koenan
;(es) chang koenan, stages/kof97-koreastage0.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_korea.mp3

;choi bounge
;(es) choi bounge, stages/kof97-koreastage0.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_korea.mp3

;kim kaphwan
;(es) kim kaphwan, stages/kof97-koreastage0.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_korea.mp3

;ladies team: chizuru, king & mai shiranui (monaco / ruscass corner)

;(es) chizuru, stages/monaco_kof97.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_monaco.mp3

;(es) king, stages/monaco_kof97.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_monaco.mp3

;mai shiranui
;(es) mai shiranui, stages/monaco_kof97.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_monaco.mp3

;orochi team: orochi chris, orochi shermie & orochi yashiro (the fire of sin,
anger of the sin, wounds of the earth)

;orochi chris
ochris, stages/ochris.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_rhythmic+hallucination.mp3 ;
orochi chris by neogouki + patch by cchtwk@yahoo.com.tw, (rsff)

;orochi shermie
shermie-b, stages/oshermie.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_rhythmic+hallucination.mp3
;shermie' by pikachiu and dj love, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)

;orochi yashiro
yashiro2, stages/oyashiro.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_rhythmic+hallucination.mp3
;yashiro nanakase by suyazuka rakutai, (wc), (sffc)
yashirox, stages/earth.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_rhythmic+hallucination.mp3 ;
yashiro by elecbyte / mmugenn@hotmail.com, (i&ei), (csff)

;psycho soldier team: athena, chin gentsai & sie kensou (china / kowloon

;athena asamiya
; athena97, random, music=sound/kof97_ost_china.mp3 ;unsigned athena
asamiya, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
athena970, stages/kof97-kowloon.def,
music=sound/kof97_ost_psycho+soldier+remix+97.mp3 ;athena asamiya by j.lee,
(rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;chin gentsai
;(es) chin gentsai

;sie kensou
;(es) sie kensou

;yamazaki's team: billy kane, blue mary & ryuji yamazaki (monaco / ruscass corner)

;billy kane
; bill0, ;billy by j.lee (l.j.c) (old version), (csff)
billy, stages/monaco_kof97.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_london+march.mp3 ;billy kane
by conversion wolrd - j.lee, (rsff)

;blue mary
mary, stages/monaco_kof97.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_blue+marys+blues.mp3 ;blue
mary by testp

;ryuji yamazaki
;(es) ryuji yamazaki, stages/monaco_kof97.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_c62+-

;extra chars: iori, orochi iori, orochi leona & shingo

;iori (usa / frontier harbour)

;(es) iori, stages/kof97-usastage.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_cool+jam.mp3

;orichi iori
; 111oiori, stages/rotb.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_control+crisis.mp3 ;
orochi yagami by kaku, (rsff) + (i&e) by sander71113
; b-iorip, stages/rotb.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_control+crisis.mp3 ;iori
yagami by proto, original author is mvp & updated by kaku, sander71113 (i&ei),
ioricr, stages/kof97-concertrotb.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_control+crisis.mp3
;iori yagami by elecbyte / ali
oiori, stages/kof97-concertrotb.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_control+crisis.mp3
;orochi yagami by kaku, update by neotype, (rssf) + (i&e) by sander71113
o_iori, stages/kof97-orochikoreastage.def,
music=sound/kof97_ost_control+crisis.mp3 ;orochi iori by david demianoff, (sffc),
(wc) + (i&e) by sander71113
; shiniori0, stages/kof97-orochiusastage.def,
music=sound/kof97_ost_control+crisis.mp3 ;shin iori by kaku, (rsff) + (i&e) by

;orochi leona
leonaex, stages/kof97-orochichinastage.def,
music=sound/kof97_ost_control+crisis.mp3 ;leona by ssonic, (rsff)

;shingo (usa / frontier harbour)

; ironshingo, ;shingo by david demianoff (ug version) (unrequestable
ccishingo, stages/kof97-usastage.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_still+green.mp3 ;cci
shingo by david demianoff (unrequestable status)
shingo4, stages/kof97-usastage.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_still+green.mp3 ;
shingo yabuki by suyazuka rakutai, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;boss: orochi (orochi stage)

orochi, stages/orochibg3.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_the+origin+of+mind.mp3 ;
orochi by vk, updated by terry kuo,(01.01) and the necromancer(07.31), (csff) +
(e) by aluckard
; orochi_, stages/orochibackground.def,
music=sound/kof97_ost_the+origin+of+mind.mp3 ;orochi by orochi herman (1st
version), (wo2d)
; orochi_0, stages/orochibg0.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_the+origin+of+mind.mp3
;orochi by orochi herman (2nd version), (wo2d)
orochi_1, stages/orochibg1.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_the+origin+of+mind.mp3 ;
orochi by orochi herman (winmorochi), (wo2d)
orochi0, stages/orochibg2.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_the+origin+of+mind.mp3 ;
orochi by gonzo-, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
orochi97, stages/orochibg.def, music=sound/kof97_ost_the+origin+of+mind.mp3 ;
orochi by carra, (rsff) + (e) by nikkio78 aka garuda

;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters 98 & the king of fighters dream match 99 (dreamcast, neogeo,
playstation & super nes)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- kof98addon ;by ruddy�i��ł����j ==============================
;- kof98addonw ;by butti, and ruddy, and musou ====================
;- kof98.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(lb): kof98_a ;unsigned ==========================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- kof98intro ;by dark saviour ===================================
;- kof99dmintro ;by dark saviour ===================================
;(fnt): ==============================================================
;- 98 ;by iema =======================================================
;- 98r ;by iema =================================================

;ancients team: heidern, saisyu kusanagi & takuma sakazaki (spain / la alhambra

orochi_heidern, stages/spain21.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_in+spite+of+ones+age.mp3
;heidern by sweater, (rsff)

;saisyu kusanagi
ccisaisyu, stages/spain21.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_in+spite+of+ones+age.mp3
;cci saisyu by david demianoff
; saisyu, ;saisyu kusanagi by deuce, (rsff)
saisyu0, stages/spain21.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_in+spite+of+ones+age.mp3 ;
kusanagi saisyu by makomako, (sffc)
saisyu1, stages/spain21.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_in+spite+of+ones+age.mp3 ;
saisyu by minmeisyobou, (rsff)
saisyu2, stages/spain21.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_in+spite+of+ones+age.mp3 ;
saisyu by warusaki3, (rsff)

;takuma sakazaki
takuma1, stages/spain21.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_in+spite+of+ones+age.mp3 ;
takuma sakazaki by diego sanches, (rsff)
takuma20, stages/spain21.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_in+spite+of+ones+age.mp3 ;
anastakuma by mostefaoui anas (tombston)

;art of fighting team: robert, ryo sakazaki & yuri sakazaki (japan / japanese

;robert garcia (night)

robert, stages/98_mexico.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_ryuuko+no+ken.mp3 ;robert
garcia 98 by conversion world - j.lee, (sffc)
robert1, stages/kof98-jpntemplestage.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_ryuuko+no+ken.mp3
;robert garcia by death smile, (rsff)
robert4, stages/kof98-jpntemplestage.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_ryuuko+no+ken.mp3
;robert garcia by terry kuo from robert v0.8 made by carlos, (rsff)
robert98, stages/kof98-jpntemplestage.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_ryuuko+no+ken.mp3
;robert garcia by dark saviour (unrequestable status)

;ryo sakazaki (round 4)

;(es) ryo sakazaki, stages/japan4-98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_ryuuko+no+ken.mp3

;yuri sakazaki (round 5)

yuri98, stages/j_temple_r5.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_ryuuko+no+ken.mp3 ;yuri
sakazaki by adamskie, (ei), (rsff)

;chris' team: chris, shermie & yashiro (spain / la alhambra [night])

chris0, stages/spain3.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_mad+fantasy.mp3 ;chris by
octopus2, (sffc)

shermie, stages/spain3.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_fanatic+waltz.mp3 ;shermie by
neogouki, (rsff)
shermieb2, stages/spain3.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_fanatic+waltz.mp3 ;orochi
shermie by andre lopes, (rsff)

orochiyashiro, stages/spain3.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_rhythmic+hallucination.mp3
;orochi yashiro by metalpaul, (rsff)
; yashiro, ;yashiro nanakase by angel myst, (rsff)
yashiro1, stages/spain3.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_bloody+final.mp3 ;yashiro
nanakase by angel myst + fangke's update, (sffc)
yashiro-b, stages/spain3.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_bloody+final.mp3 ;yashiro
nanakase by angel myst, (rsff)

;fatal fury team: andy bogard, joe higashi & terry bogard (spain / la alhambra

;andy bogard
andy0, stages/kof98-spainstage.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_spain.mp3 ;andy bogard
by satan's child, (rsff)

;joe higashi
;(es) joe higashi

;terry bogard
ironterry, stages/kof98-spainstage.def,
music=sound/kof98_ost_kurikinton+gomame+~guitar+ver.~.mp3 ;cc iron terry by david
demianoff, (sffc), (wc)
; ironterry0, ;terry by david demianoff (ug version) (unrequestable
terry0, stages/kof98-spainstage.def,
music=sound/kof98_ost_kurikinton+gomame+~guitar+ver.~.mp3 ;terry bogard by
blackbocs, (rsff)

;hero team: benimaru, goro daimon & kyo kusanagi (japan / tokyo street)

;benimaru nikaido (stopped in the crossroad)

benimaru_by_kakaroto, stages/jap98c.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_esaka+forever.mp3
;benimaru nikaido by kakaroto, (rsff)

;goro daimon (traffic jam)

; daimon, ;daimon by wongmugen, (csff)
daimon0, stages/kof98-jpnstreetstage.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_esaka.mp3 ;
daimon by wongmugen, updated to last mugen by exinferis, (csff)
daimon1, stages/kof98-jpnstreetstage.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_esaka.mp3 ;
daimon 71113 by sander71113, (wc), (sffc)
; daimonx, ;goro daimon by sander71113, (ldv), (rsff)

;kyo kusanagi (normal traffic)

ironkyo, stages/jap98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_japan.mp3 ;kyo kusanagi by david
demianoff, (ei), (rsff)
; ironkyo0, ;kyo by david demianoff (ug version) (unrequestable status)
; kusanagi0, ;kyo kusanagi by sander71113, (ei), (ldv), (rsff)
kusanagi3, stages/jap98.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_funky+esaka.mp3 ;kyo 71113
by sander71113, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
kyo6, stages/jap98.def, music=sound/kof95_ost_funky+esaka.mp3 ;kyo by mast-chen,
(rsff), (wc)
kyo98, stages/jap98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_japan.mp3 ;kyo98 by hiro=hiro,
kyo980, stages/jap98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_esaka2.mp3 ;kyo kusanagi by arms,
kyou, stages/jap98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_esaka2.mp3 ;kyou kusanagi by
arukari, (wo2d)
; kyou0, ;kyou kusanagi by arukari, (ldv), (rsff)
; kyox, ;kyo kusanagi by sander71113, (ei), (ldv), (rsff)
kyox0, stages/jap98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_esaka2.mp3 ;kyo 71113 by
sander71113, (wc), (sffc)
; skyo, ;kyo kusanagi by superscott, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)

;ikari team: clark, leona & ralf (usa / train station [round 4])

00clark, stages/usa_yard-r4.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_rumbling+on+the+city.mp3
;clark by tin, (rsff)
clark0, stages/usa_yard-r4.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_rumbling+on+the+city.mp3
;clark by yongming, fixed by gohan ssm2 (clark98), (rsff)

;(es) leona

;(es) ralf

;iori's team: iori, vice & mature (middle east market)

;iori yagami
iori98, stages/kof98-mid.eaststage.def,
music=sound/kof98_ost_arashi+no+saxophone+2.mp3;iori98 71113 by sander71113,
(i&ei), (rsff)

98o_vice, stages/kof98-mid.eaststage.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_cool+jam.mp3 ;vice
by mother earth, (sffc)
vice, stages/kof98-mid.eaststage.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_cool+jam.mp3 ;vice
by wongmugen, (csff)
vice0, stages/kof98-mid.eaststage.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_cool+jam.mp3 ;vice
by m.m.r., (rsff)

ccimature, stages/middleeast0.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3
;cci mature by david demianoff, (wc), (sffc)
; mature, ;mature by edo impact, (rsff)
mature0, stages/middleeast0.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3
;mature by butti, (rsff)
; mature1, ;mature by [vice], (rsff)
mature4, stages/middleeast0.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_arashi+no+saxophone.mp3
;mature by [vice], updated by kung fu man

;korean team: cheng koenan, choi bounge & kim kaphwan (korea / korean dock)

;chang koenan
;(es) chang koenan

;choi bounge
;(es) choi bounge

;kim kaphwan
; kim98, ;kim kaphwan by mugen.zone
; kimm, stages/kof98-koreastage.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_soul+town.mp3 ;kim
kaphwan by misamu k young, (rsff)
kimm0, stages/korea98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_korea.mp3 ;kim by misamu k young
(old version), (sffc)

;ladies team: chizuru, king & mai shiranui (usa / train station)

;chizuru (evening, round 5)

; chizuru, ;chizuru by g.a., (rsff)
chizuru2, stages/usa_yard-r5.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_fairy.mp3 ;chizuru
71113 by sander71113, (i&ei), (wc), (sffc)
; chizurux, ;chizuru kagura by sander71113, (ldv), (rsff)

;king (morning)
dking, stages/usayard.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_ne!.mp3 ;king by deuce, (rsff)

;mai shiranui
;(es) mai shiranui

;psycho soldier team: athena, chin gentsai & sie kensou (china / yang tse river)
;athena asamiya
; asamiya4b, stages/98_china.def,
music=sound/kof98_ost_shin!+senritsu+no+dora.mp3 ;athena98 by chris, (rsff)
; athena98, stages/kof98-chinastage.def ;athena asamiya by zolagun, (rsff)
athena980, stages/china98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_shin!+senritsu+no+dora.mp3
;athena by warusaki3, (rsff)

;chin gentsai
;(es) chin gentsai, stages/lago_kof98.def,

;sie kensou
; 00kensou, stages/china.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_shin!+senritsu+no+dora.mp3
;tin's kensou2, (rsff)

;us team: bryan battler, heavy d & lucky glauber (usa / wharf)

;brian battler (evening)

brian, stages/usawharf1.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_slum+no.5.mp3 ;brian battler by
fangke, (rsff)
; brian0, ;brian by kamiya, (rsff)
brian1, stages/wharfeve.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_slum+no.5.mp3 ;brian by
minmeisyobou, (sffc)

;heavy d (foggy, round 4)

d, stages/usawharf4-98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_usa.mp3 ;heavy d by 3ha, (rsff)

;lucky glauber
; lucky, ;lucky_d by didi, (rsff)
lucky1, stages/usawharf2.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_slum+no.5.mp3 ;lucky 71113
by sander71113, (wc), (sffc)
; luckyx, stages/usawharf3.def ;lucky glauber by sander, (ldv), (rsff)

;yamazaki's team: billy kane, blue mary & ryuji yamazaki (usa / train station)

;billy kane
;(es) billy kane, random, music=sound/kof98_ost_london+march.mp3

;blue mary (evening, round 3)

;(es) blue mary, stages/usa_yard-r3.def,

;ryuji yamazaki (evening, round 6)

ryuji, stages/usa_yard-r6.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_c62.mp3 ;ryuji yamazaki by
tenshin, (rsff)
ryuji0, stages/usa_yard-r6.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_c62.mp3 ;yamazaki 71113 by
sander71113, (i&ei), (wc), (sffc)
; ryujix, ;ryuji yamazaki by sander71113, (i&ei), (ldv), (rsff)
yamazaki, stages/usa_yard-r6.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_c62.mp3 ;yamazaki by
minmeisyobou, (csff)
;extra char: rugal & shingo (japan / temple [night])

00g_rugal, stages/temple98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_still+green.mp3 ;g rugal by
tin, (ei), (rsff)
g.rugal, stages/temple98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_still+green.mp3 ;god rugal
by iccha, (rsff)
; orugalb, ;rugal by cyber joker (old version), (ei), (sffc)
rugal, stages/temple98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_still+green.mp3 ;rugal
bernstein by proto, original author vk and update by terry kuo, (rsff)
rugal0, stages/temple98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_still+green.mp3 ;rugal
bernstein by erika, (rsff)
; rugal1, ;rugal bernstein by proto, original author vk and update by terry
kuo + patch, (rsff)
; rugal3, ;rugal bernstein by suyazuka rakutai, (sffc)

; shingoms, ;shingo by minseo1911, (rsff)

;boss: omega rugal (deep ocean / black noah)

;omega rugal
omegarugal98, stages/black_noah.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_xxx.mp3 ;omega rugal
by gonzo-, (rsff)
rugal6, stages/rugal98.def, music=sound/kof98_ost_the+rr.mp3 ;rugal bernstein
by elphizo, (wo2d), (rsff)

;, music=sound/kof98_ost_zero.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters 99 series (the king of fighters 99 & the king of fighters 99
evolution; neogeo, playstation & dreamcast)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- kof99e ;by omega red & yongming =================================
;- kof99evo.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- kofnew ;by ryo ==================================================
;- mugen_king_of_fighters_evolution ;unsigned ========================
;(fnt): ==============================================================
;- 99 ;by iema =======================================================
;- 99r ;by iema =================================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- kof99_intro ;by kusanagi =======================================
;- kof99intro ;by dark saviour ===================================

;art of fighting team: robert, ryo sakazaki, takuma sakazaki & yuri sakazaki
(japan / airport)
;stages/kof99-airport-2nd-stage.def ;airport 1

;robert garcia (airport 1)

; robert0, ;robert garcia by adeli, (rsff)
; robert2, ;robert garcia by mook, (rsff)
robert99m, stages/airport2.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_ryu-ko.mp3 ;robert garcia by
misamu k young, (sffc)
robertm, stages/airport2.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_ryu-ko.mp3 ;robert garcia by
misamu k young updated by alpha dreams, (rsff)

;ryo sakazaki (airport 1)

ryo, stages/99airport.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_ryu-ko.mp3 ;ryo sakazaki' by
muhanzoa, (rsff)

;takuma sakazaki (airport 2)

takuma0, stages/kof99-airport-1st-stage_up.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_ryu-ko.mp3
;takuma by wen586, (rsff)
takuma-b, stages/kof99-airport-1st-stage_up.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_ryu-ko.mp3
;takuma sakazaki by mouser, (rsff)

;yuri sakazaki (airport 2)

yuri99, stages/airport99tx.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_ryu-ko.mp3 ;yuri sakazaki by
hamad, (csff)
yuri990, stages/airport0.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_ryu-ko.mp3 ;yuri99 by
max2040@mail.goo.ne.jp, (csff)

;benimaru's team: benimaru, k, maxima & shingo (korea / sewer, sewer sector 2 &
underground sewer lift)
;(e): k'end ;by gamespy

;benimaru nikaido (sewer 1)

benimaru, stages/sewer99tx.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_kd-0079.mp3 ;benimaru
nikaido by acejoker@singnet.com.sg, (rsff)
benimaru0, stages/sewer0.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_kd-0079.mp3 ;benimaru nikaido
by deuce, (rsff)
; benimaru1, ;benimaru nikaido by deuce, updated by sander71113, (ldv), (rsff)
benimaru3, stages/kof99-sewerstage.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_kd-0079.mp3 ;
benimaru nikaido by deuce, updated by sander71113, (wc)

;k' (underground sewer lift)

; k', ;k' by kaku and gogo, (rsff)
; k'0, ;k' by kaku, (rsff)
; k0, ;k' by neogouki, (rsff)
k'2, stages/elevator99tx.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_kd-0079.mp3 ;k' by kaku (+
orochi mode version)

;maxima (sewer 2)
maxima, stages/sewer2.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_kd-0079.mp3 ;maxima by m.m.r.,
; maxima1, ;maxima by faizal, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;shingo (sewer 2)
; shingo, ;shingo by neogouki, (sffc)
shingo5, stages/sewer2.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_kd-0079.mp3 ;shingo by
neogouki + patch by mgbenz, (sffc)
shingo_y, stages/sewer2.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_kd-0079.mp3 ;shingo yabuki by
-ь� / rage, (rsff)

;fatal fury team: andy bogard, joe higashi, mai shiranui & terry bogard (usa /
garden park [cloudy])

;andy bogard
;(es) andy

;joe higashi
; joe1, ;joe higashi by ahdrew, (rsff)
; joem, ;joe higashi by misamu k young (kofz version), (rsff)
joem0, stages/99_park_2.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_176th+street.mp3 ;joe higashi
by misamu k young (old version), (rsff)

;mai shiranui
maikof, stages/garden_kof99.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_176th+street.mp3 ;mai
shiranui by andre lopes, (rsff)

;terry bogard
terry99m, stages/garden_kof99.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_176th+street.mp3 ;terry
bogard by bagaliao & misamu k young, (sffc)
; terrym, ;terry bogard by misamu k young (kofz version), (sffc)

;ikari team: clark, leona, ralf & whip (brazil / dinosaur world)

;clark (ground)
clark, stages/dino99.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_w.w.iii.mp3 ;clark steel by
yongming, (rsff)
; ultrarox_clark, stages/dinoworld.def ;clark by orochikof97 (kof02 snd),
(ldv), (sffc)
; ultrarox_clark0, ;clark by orochikof97 (kof03 snd), (ldv), (sffc)

;leona (1st floor)

leona, stages/j-park.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_w.w.iii.mp3 ;leona by edo
impact, (rsff)
; leonap, ;leona by proto (old kofz version), (rsff)

;ralf (ground)
0ralf, stages/kof99_dinosaurworld.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_w.w.iii.mp3 ;ralf
jones by conversion world, (rsff)
ralf, stages/kof99_dinosaurworld.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_w.w.iii.mp3 ;ralf
jones by smi & misamu k young, (sffc)

;whip (1st floor)

whip, stages/j-park.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_w.w.iii.mp3 ;whip by ryokucha,
(rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
whip2, stages/j-park.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_w.w.iii.mp3 ;whip by orochi
herman, (rsff)

;korean team: chang koenan, choi bounge, jhun & kim kaphwan (china / china town)

;chang koenan (evening)

chang, stages/chinatown.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_the+way+to+rebirth.mp3 ;chang
koehan by m.m.r., (rsff)

;choi bounge (evening)

choi, stages/chinatown.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_the+way+to+rebirth.mp3 ;choi
bounge by adamskie, (rsff)

;jhun hoon (midnight)

ccijhun, stages/chinatown2.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_the+way+to+rebirth.mp3 ;cci
jhun by david demianoff, (i&ei), (wc)
; hoon, ;jhun hoon by adamskie, (rsff)
jhun, stages/chinatown2.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_the+way+to+rebirth.mp3 ;jhun
hun by conversion wolrd - zolagun, (rsff)
; jhun0, ;jhun by genjular (mpe), (wc), (sffc)
; jhun-2001, ;jhun by genjular-2001 (mpe), (wc), (sffc)
; jhun-g, ;jhun hoon by genjular, (mpe), (ldv), (sffc)
jhunm, stages/99street_n.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_the+way+to+rebirth.mp3 ;jhun
hoon by misamu k young, (sffc)
jhun_s, stages/99street_n.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_the+way+to+rebirth.mp3 ;jhun
hun by socc200, (rsff)

;kim kaphwan (evening)

kim, stages/kof99-chinatown-1st-stage.def,
music=sound/kof99_ost_the+way+to+rebirth.mp3 ;kim by mugen.zone /
zolagun(guntemplar@hanmail.net) / neoguile, (i&ei), (rsff)
; kim-k, ;kim by mugen.zone / zolagun(guntemplar@hanmail.net) / neoguile,
(ksf), (i&ei), (rsff)
kim1, stages/kof99-chinatown-1st-stage.def,
music=sound/kof99_ost_the+way+to+rebirth.mp3 ;kim kaphwan by mouser, (rsff)
kim4, stages/kof99-chinatown-1st-stage.def,
music=sound/kof99_ost_the+way+to+rebirth.mp3 ;kim by hiro=hiro, (rsff)

;ladies team: blue mary, kasumi todoh, king & li xiangfei (usa / garden park

;blue mary
maryact, stages/99_park_1.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_sha-la-la.mp3 ;blue mary
by actjapan, (sffc)
; mary_mar, ;blue mary by mar, (rsff)

;kasumi todo
; kasumi1, ;kasumi todo by daisuke, fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)
kasumi5, stages/k99-oh1.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_sha-la-la.mp3 ;kasumi todo by
m.m.r. (old ver.)

king, stages/parks99.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_sha-la-la.mp3 ;king by jin
kazama, (rsff)
king0, stages/99_park_1.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_sha-la-la.mp3 ;king by
max2040@mail.goo.ne.jp, (csff)

;li xiangfei
ccixiangfei, stages/garden99.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_sha-la-la.mp3 ;cci
xiangfei by david demianoff, (wc)
; ironxiangfei, ;xiangfei by david demianoff (ug version) (unrequestable
xiangfei, stages/parksun.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_sha-la-la.mp3 ;xiangfei by
yongming, (rsff)

;psycho soldier team: athena, bao, chin gentsai & sie kensou (park 2)

;athena asamiya
; athena99, ;athena asamiya by max2040@mail.goo.ne.jp, (csff)
athena990, stages/feria.def,
music=sound/kof99_ost_psycho+sonic+trip+~dance+at+the+paddy+field~.mp3 ;athena
asamiya by misamu k young, (csff)


;chin gentsai
chin0, stages/feria.def,
music=sound/kof99_ost_psycho+sonic+trip+~dance+at+the+paddy+field~.mp3 ;chin
gentsai by sorrowedge, (rsff)

;sie kensou
kensou, stages/feria.def,
music=sound/kof99_ost_psycho+sonic+trip+~dance+at+the+paddy+field~.mp3 ;sie kensou
by neogouki, (rsff)
; kensou1, ;sie kensou by neogouki + patch by mgbenz, (rsff)

;extra chars: iori, kyo, clone 1 & clone 2 (usa / garden park [rainy])

;clone 1
; kusanagi, ;kusanagi by nag, (rsff) + (i&e) by mr. mu~
kyo-1, stages/kof99-park-rain-stage.def,
music=sound/kof99_ost_esaka+~acid+mix~.mp3 ;kyo-1 by sunboy & d@rk-sun, mr.
mu~ (i&ei), (rsff)
kyo-10, stages/kof99-park-rain-stage.def,
music=sound/kof99_ost_esaka+~acid+mix~.mp3 ;kyo-1 by hiro=hiro, (rsff) + (i&e)
by mr. mu~
kyo-1&kyo-2, stages/kof99-park-rain-stage.def,
music=sound/kof99_ost_esaka+~acid+mix~.mp3 ;kyo-1&kyo-2 by arms, (rsff)
kyo-mk2, stages/kof99-park-rain-stage.def,
music=sound/kof99_ost_esaka+~acid+mix~.mp3 ;kyo mk-2 by proto, (rsff) + (i&e)
by mr. mu~

;clone 2
clonekyo, stages/kof99-park-rain-stage.def,
music=sound/kof99_ost_esaka+~acid+mix~.mp3 ;clone kyo by crazy for s.f, (ii),
; kyo-2, ;clone kyo-2 by crazy, mr. mu~ (i&ei), (rsff)
kyo-20, stages/kof99-park-rain-stage.def,
music=sound/kof99_ost_esaka+~acid+mix~.mp3 ;kyo-2 by hiro=hiro, (rsff) + (i&e)
by mr. mu~

;iori yagami
; iori8, ;iori by genjular (mpe), (wc), (sffc)
; iori-g, ;iori yagami by genjular, (mpe), (ldv), (sffc)
ioriwen, stages/kof99-park-rain-stage.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_sadistic+eyes.mp3
;iori yagami by wen586@sina.com.tw, (csff)

;kyo kusanagi
; kyo, ;kyo kusanagi by suzuki inoue (old version), (i&ei), (rsff)
kyo-17, stages/kof99-park-rain-stage.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_tears.mp3 ;kyo
kusanagi by k-17, (rsff) + (i&e) by mr. mu~
; kyo5, ;kyo by genjular, (mpe), (wc), (sffc)
kyo99, stages/kof99-park-rain-stage.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_tears.mp3 ;kyo
by beppu, (wo2d), (ws2d), (n2bu: [unknown])
; kyo-g, ;kyo kusanagi by genjular, (mpe), (ldv), (sffc) + (i&e) by mr.
kyo-xiii, stages/kof99-park-rain-stage.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_tears.mp3 ;kyo
kusanagi by tougenkyo, (rsff) + (i&e) by mr. mu~
; neokyo, ;kyo by neogouki, (rsff) + (i&e) by mr. mu~
; neokyo0, ;kyo kusanagi by neogouki, fixed by electrocaidn (rsff) + (i&e)
by mr. mu~

;boss: krizalid 1st & 2nd form (site vector 70599 a & b)
;(i): krizalid-op ;unsigned

;krizalid (1st form)

kriza, stages/krizalid.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_mechanical+bless.mp3 ;krizalid by
digital kreations, (rsff) + (i&e) by mr. mu~
krizaldo, stages/krizalid.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_mechanical+bless.mp3 ;
krizalid by yaquimx, (sffc) + (i&e) by mr. mu~
; krizarid-, ;krizarid by chin-ya
n-krizalid, stages/krizalid.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_mechanical+bless.mp3 ;
krizalid by conversion wolrd - j.lee, (sffc) + (i&e) by mr. mu~
; krs, ;krizalid by wing syo, mr. mu~ (i&ei), (rsff)

;krizalid (2nd form)

kri, stages/krizalid20.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_dear+falling+angel.mp3 ;
krizalid by ���ʂ���, (rsff) + (e) by garuda
; krizalid, ;krizalid by visual kreations (v.k), updated by the necromancer,
mr. mu~ (i&ei), (rsff)
; krizalid1, ;krizalid by visual kreations (v.k), (rsff)
krizalid_n, stages/krizalid20.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_dear+falling+angel.mp3
;krizalid by nyankoro (snd-default), (wc)
; krizalid_n0, ;krizalid by nyankoro (snd-enja), (rsff)
; nkriz, ;krizalid r by alpha dreams (kofz version), (rsff) + (e) by
haniel aka loser
krizalid0, stages/krizalid20.def, music=sound/kof99_ost_dear+falling+angel.mp3
;krizalid by yongming, mr. mu~ (i&ei), (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters 2000 (neogeo & playstation 2) ==================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- kof2000 ;by jerzyman =============================================
;- kof2000.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- kof2000z ;by kszsk ================================================
;- kof2k ;by m.m.r. ===============================================
;- kof2kaddon ;by danzou =========================================
;(lb): kof2kb ;unsigned ==========================================
;(fnt): ==============================================================
;- kof2k_fnt ;by ashman =========================================
;- r-kof2k414 ;by ashman =========================================
;(fx): kof2k_spk ;by mattasaur ======================================
;(sndp): kof2k ;unsigned ==========================================
;(i): kof2kintro ;by dark saviour ===================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- 2kending ;by wolf/kof99 team ======================================
;- 2kktending ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================
;- whip ;by gamespy ==============================================

;art of fighting team: king, robert, ryo sakazaki & takuma sakazaki (factory)

;(es) king

;robert garcia
ironrobert, stages/2k_01.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd107_beauty+n+the+beast.mp3
;iron robert by david demianoff, (sffc), (wc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
robert2k, stages/factory2.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd107_beauty+n+the+beast.mp3
;robert garcia by muhanzoa, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; robert7, ;iron robert (alt) by david demianoff / seyar, (rsff) + (e) by
wolf/kof99 team (unrequestable status)

;ryo sakazaki
; ryo1, ;ryo' by muhanzoa, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
ryo2k, stages/factory6.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd107_beauty+n+the+beast.mp3
;ryo' by muhanzoa, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;takuma sakazaki
takuma2k, stages/factory4.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd107_beauty+n+the+beast.mp3
;takuma by adeli, updated by k-shizouka, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;benimaru's team: benimaru, lin, seth & shingo (desert)

;benimaru nikaido (storm)

benimarum, stages/kof2k-desert.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd105_inner+shade.mp3
;benimaru nikaido by misamu k young, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;lin (storm)
; lin, stages/kof2k_desert.def ;lin (kof2k) by slayer_zero, (csff) + (e) by
wolf/kof99 team
linm, stages/egypt0.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd105_inner+shade.mp3 ;lin by
misamu k young (special version), (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
linm0, stages/egypt1.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd105_inner+shade.mp3 ;lin by
misamu k young (kofz version), (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;seth (quiet)
seth, stages/desert20000.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd105_inner+shade.mp3 ;seth
by adamskie, (rsff)

;shingo yabuki (quiet)

; rshingo, ;singo yabuki by kumamotoeiyuu@lycos.ne.jp & rgeese@lycos.ne.jp,
shingo0, stages/egypt2.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd105_inner+shade.mp3 ;
shingo yabuki by mouser, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
shingo1, stages/desert0.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd105_inner+shade.mp3 ;
shingo by hiro=hiro, (rsff)

;fatal fury team: andy bogard, blue mary, joe higashi & terry bogard (shipyard)

;andy bogard
andy, stages/harbour0.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd106_terry115.mp3 ;andy bogard
by pysolex, (ursff)
; andyntz, ;andy by natty dread lock yayar, (sffc)

;blue mary
; bluemary2k, stages/kof2000-shipyardstage.def ;mary by mit (one striker
version), (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
mary0, stages/scrapdumpdr.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd106_terry115.mp3 ;mary
by mit (two strikers version), (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;joe higashi
;(es) joe higashi

;terry bogard
terry, stages/scrapdump0.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd106_terry115.mp3 ;terry
bogard by mouser, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
terry00m, stages/shipyard.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd106_terry115.mp3 ;
unsigned terry bogard, (csff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;ikari team: clark, leona, ralf & whip (factory)


leona0, stages/kof2k-factory.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd108_the+trooper.mp3
;leona by hero, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

ralf2k, stages/kof2000-factorystage.def,
music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd108_the+trooper.mp3 ;ralf jones by mouser, (rsff) + (e)
by wolf/kof99 team

whip2000, stages/kof2000-factorystage.def,
music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd108_the+trooper.mp3 ;whip by ryokucha updated by
shingin and e, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
whip-m2, stages/kof2000-factorystage.def,
music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd108_the+trooper.mp3 ;whip by minky momo, (rsff)

;k's team: k, maxima, ramon & vanessa (garbage dump)

;k' (part 2)
k'00, stages/scrpyard.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd103_kd-0084.mp3 ;k' by
danzou, (rsff) + (e) by garuda
; k2000, ;k' by kaku and gogo / danzou, (rsff) + (e) by garuda
; k20001, ;k' by kaku and gogo + patch by walt, (rsff) + (e) by garuda

;(es) maxima

;ramon (part 2)
ramon0, stages/construct2.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd103_kd-0084.mp3 ;ramon 71113
by sander71113, (ei), (wc), (sffc)
; ramonx, stages/slam2000b.def ;ramon by sander71113, (ldv), (rsff) + (e) by
wolf/kof99 team

;vanessa (part 1)
; dvanessa, ;dvanessa by deuce updated by sander 71113, (ldv), (rsff) + (e)
by wolf/kof99 team
; vanessa, ;vanessa by butti & motherearth, (sffc)
; vanessa0, ;vanessa by crazy for s.f. + 00.snd, (rsff)
; vanessa1, ;vanessa by butti & motherearth + krud
; vanessa2, ;vanessa by [vanessa], (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; vanessa3, ;vanessa-p by proto, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; vanessa5, ;vanessa by keyu, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
vanessa7, stages/2k_03.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd103_kd-0084.mp3 ;vanessa by
deuce, updated by sander 71113, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
vanessa9, stages/thrum2000.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd103_kd-0084.mp3 ;
vanessa by [vanessa], updated by kung fu man

;korean team: chang koenan, choi bounge, jhun & kim kaphwan (korea)

;chang koenan
;(es) chang koenan, stages/korstret.def,

;choi bounge
;(es) choi bounge

;jhun hoon
;(es) jhun

;kim kaphwan
; kim6, ;kim by genjular, (mpe), (wc), (sffc)
kim-g, stages/kof2000street.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd112_wild+party.mp3 ;kim-g
by genjular, (mpe), (ldv), (sffc)

;ladies team: hinako, kasumi todoh, mai shiranui & yuri sakazaki (aquarium)

hinako, stages/2k_02.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd111_come+up+smiling.mp3 ;
hinako shijo by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;kasumi todo
j_kasumi, stages/2k_02.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd111_come+up+smiling.mp3 ;
kasumi by juke kisaragi, (sffc)
kasumi, stages/2k_02.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd111_come+up+smiling.mp3 ;
kasumi todo by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;mai shiranui
mai00, stages/2k_02.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd111_come+up+smiling.mp3 ;mai
shiranui by by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;yuri sakazaki
yuri0, stages/2k_02.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd111_come+up+smiling.mp3 ;yuri
sakazaki by jorge h campos, (rsff)
yuri1, stages/2k_02.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd111_come+up+smiling.mp3 ;yuri
sakazaki by nana, (rsff)

;psycho soldier team: athena, bao, chin gentsai & sie kensou (aquarium)

;athena asamiya
athena00, stages/aquarium0.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd110_will.mp3 ;athena
asamiya by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
; athena2k, ;athena by vincej19

; baom, ;bao by misamu k young (kofz version), (sffc)
baom0, stages/aquarium0.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd110_will.mp3 ;bao by
misamu k young (old version), (rsff)

;chin gentsai
chin, stages/aquarium0.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd110_will.mp3 ;chin gentsai by
shinriyo, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;sie kensou
;(es) sie kensou

;extra chars: iori, kula & kyo (factory, frozen factory & frozen shipyard,

;iori yagami (factory)

iori00, stages/kof2k-factory.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd115_stormy+scream.mp3
;iori yagami by arms, (rsff)
iori2, stages/kof2k-factory.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd115_stormy+scream.mp3
;iori yagami by samuelshoes, (sffc)
; iori2k, ;iori yagami by jovibr, (rsff)
iori2k-b, stages/kof2k-factory.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd115_stormy+scream.mp3
;iori yagami by [yagami], (rsff)
; iorip, ;iori yagami by proto, original author is mvp & updated by kaku
(kofz version), (rsff)
yiori0, stages/kof2k-factory.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd115_stormy+scream.mp3
;iori yagami by [yagami+ihoo1836] (sprites + snd file: 2000), (i&ei), (sffc)

;kula (frozen factory & frozen harbour)

kula, stages/kof2000-kula2.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd117_ice+place.mp3 ;kula
by kaku, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
kula1, stages/kulafactoryanim.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd117_ice+place.mp3 ;kula
by gilgamesh_ex, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
kula3, stages/frozenfactory.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd117_ice+place.mp3 ;kula
by kaku update to kofz by alpha dreams, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
;stages/kof2k-factory2.def ;factory

;kyo kusanagi (factory)

kyo3, stages/kof2k-factory.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd114_good+bye+esaka.mp3
;kyo kusanagi by suzuki inoue (latest version), (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99
; kyo-2k, ;kyo kusanagi by zante, mr. mu~ (i&ei), (rsff)

;boss: zero (zero's temple)

zero13, stages/kof2k_zero.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd119_slasher+zero.mp3 ;zero

by iccha, (rsff) + (e) by haniel
zero3, stages/kof2k_zero2.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd119_slasher+zero.mp3 ;zero
by third, (rsff) + (e) by haniel
zero6, stages/zero3.def, music=sound/kof2k_ost_cd119_slasher+zero.mp3 ;zero by
gonzo-, (rsff) + (e) by haniel

;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters 2001 (neogeo & playstation 2) ==================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- kof2001.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- kof2k1 ;by ckenni & system id ===================================
;- screenpack kof 2001 ;by akreator =================================
;(lb): ===============================================================
;- 2k1bars ;by vampirekiss ==========================================
;- kof2001 ;by ashman ===============================================
;- kof2k1 ;by mr. mu~ ==============================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- 2k1intro ;by ckenni ===============================================
;- kof21kintro ;by dark saviour ===================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- 2k1ending ;by ckenni =========================================
;- 2k1ending0 ;by wolf/kof99 team ================================
;- kof2k1 ;by ckenni ===============================================
;- kof2k1gv ;by cirio ================================================

;art of fighting team: robert, ryo, takuma & yuri (mexico)
; ryukoact, ;team ryuko by actjapan, (csff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;robert garcia
robertact, stages/2k1mx-ks.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_11_ryuuko_fight_spirit_-
_art_of_fighting_team.mp3 ;robert 2k1 by actjapan, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99
robertacz, stages/2k1mx-ks.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_11_ryuuko_fight_spirit_-
_art_of_fighting_team.mp3 ;robert garcia by actjapan, updated by z man, (rsff)
+ (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;ryo sakazaki
ryo2, stages/mexico2001.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_11_ryuuko_fight_spirit_-
_art_of_fighting_team.mp3 ;ryo sakazaki by mouser, (rsff)
ryo3, stages/mexico2001.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_11_ryuuko_fight_spirit_-
_art_of_fighting_team.mp3 ;ryo by hiro=hiro, (rsff)
ryo7, stages/mexico2001.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_11_ryuuko_fight_spirit_-
_art_of_fighting_team.mp3 ;ryo sakazaki by mouser, <d@rk-sun>, (rsff), (wc)
ryoact, stages/mexico2001.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_11_ryuuko_fight_spirit_-
_art_of_fighting_team.mp3 ;ryo 2k1 by actjapan, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
ryo-z, stages/mexico2001.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_11_ryuuko_fight_spirit_-
_art_of_fighting_team.mp3 ;ryo-z by zolio, (rsff)

;takuma sakazaki
takuma2, stages/kof01_mexico.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_11_ryuuko_fight_spirit_-
_art_of_fighting_team.mp3 ;takuma sakazaki by cirio, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99

;yuri sakazaki
; yuri3, ;cute yuri by faye, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
(unrequestable status)
; yuri4, ;yuri by chloe, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team (unrequestable
yuriact, stages/mexico2k1.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_11_ryuuko_fight_spirit_-
_art_of_fighting_team.mp3 ;yuri 2k1 by actjapan, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99

;fatal fury team: andy, joe, mary & terry (italy)

;andy bogard
; andym, ;andy bogard by misamu k young, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
ironandy, stages/italy-2k1.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_10_all_ok!_-
_fatal_fury_team.mp3 ;andy bogard by david demianoff, (ei), (sffc), (wc)

;joe higashi
;(es) joe

;blue mary
maryact2nd, stages/italy-2k1.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_10_all_ok!_-
_fatal_fury_team.mp3 ;mary 2k1 by actjapan, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; maryf, ;blue mary by fangke, (sffc)

;terry bogard

;japan team: benimaru, goro, kyo & shingo (japan)

;benimaru nikaido
;(es) benimaru

;goro daimon
;(es) goro

;kyo kusanagi
kyo01, stages/kof2001-japanstage.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_07_matchless_flame_-
_japan_team.mp3 ;kyo kusanagi by butti, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
kyo1, stages/kof2001-japanstage.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_07_matchless_flame_-
_japan_team.mp3 ;kyo by hiro=hiro, (rsff)
; kyo-2001, ;kyo by genjular-2001, (mpe), (wc), (sffc)
; neokyox, ;neokyo kusanagi x by sander71113, (ei), (ldv), (rsff)
neokyox0, stages/japan2k1tx.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_07_matchless_flame_-
_japan_team.mp3 ;neokyo 71113 by sander71113, (wc), (sffc)
r_kyo, stages/kof2001-japanstage.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_07_matchless_flame_-
_japan_team.mp3 ;kyo kusanagi by r.b., (i&ei), (rsff)

;shingo yabuki
a-tshingo, stages/mexico3.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_07_matchless_flame_-
_japan_team.mp3 ;shingo by kira, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
shingo2, stages/kof01_japan.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_07_matchless_flame_-
_japan_team.mp3 ;shingo yabuki by kszsk, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;ikari team: clark, heidern, leona & ralf (brazil)

;(es) clark

heidern, stages/kof2001_brazil.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_09_the_whip_of_atashi_-
_ikari_warriors.mp3 ;heidern by tatsu, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; heidernex, ;heidern ex by saiai84, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

00leona, stages/kof2001_brazil.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_09_the_whip_of_atashi_-
_ikari_warriors.mp3 ;leona by tin
leona_s, stages/kof2001_brazil.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_09_the_whip_of_atashi_-
_ikari_warriors.mp3 ;leona by socc200 & szyslak, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99

;(es) ralf

;iori's team: iori, seth, ramon & vanessa (brazil)

;iori yagami
aiori, stages/kof2001-brazilstage.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_08_immortal_sun_-
_iori_team.mp3 ;iori yagami by sander71113, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
iori0, stages/kof2001-brazilstage.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_08_immortal_sun_-
_iori_team.mp3 ;iori by hirohiro, (rsff)
iori01, stages/kof2001-brazilstage.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_08_immortal_sun_-
_iori_team.mp3 ;iori yagami by butti, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; iori-2001, ;iori by genjular-2001 (mpe), (wc), (sffc)
iori5, stages/kof2001-brazilstage.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_08_immortal_sun_-
_iori_team.mp3 ;iori 71113 by sander71113, (i&ei), (wc), (sffc)
; iori6, ;iori 71113 by sander71113, (i&ei), (wc), (sffc) + (esf) by
orochi herman
; iorix, ;iori yagami by sander71113, (i&ei), (ldv), (rsff)
; yiori1, ;iori yagami by [yagami+ihoo1836] (sprites 2001-2002-svc + 2001
snd file), (i&ei)

;(es) seth

;(es) ramon

;(es) vanessa

;korean team: chang, choi, kim & may lee (korea)

;chang koenan
;(es) chang

;choi bounge
;(es) choi

;kim kaphwan
kim-2001, stages/korea2k1.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_15_nerichagi_-
_south_korea_team.mp3 ;kim by genjular-2001, (mpe), (wc), (sffc)

;may lee
00maylee, stages/koreabg.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_15_nerichagi_-
_south_korea_team.mp3 ;may lee by tin, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
maylee, stages/kof01_korea.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_15_nerichagi_-
_south_korea_team.mp3 ;may lee by juan carlos, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;k's team / hero team: k', lin, maxima & whip (japan)

k'dash01, stages/japan2k1.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_06_big_pain_-_hero_team.mp3
;k'dash01 by kofbestdash, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

lin0, stages/japan2k1.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_06_big_pain_-_hero_team.mp3
;lin by cross��CAT, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
lin1, stages/japan2k1.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_06_big_pain_-_hero_team.mp3
;lin by zzzasd + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;(es) maxima

;(es) whip

;ladies team: hinako, king, li xiangfei & mai (usa)

ccihinako, stages/kof2k1_city.def,
music=sound/kof2k1_ost_12_the_queen_of_fighters_-_female_fighters_team.mp3 ;cci
hinako by david demianoff, (wc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

cciking, stages/kof2k1-usa.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_12_the_queen_of_fighters_-
_female_fighters_team.mp3 ;cci king by david demianoff and chloe
; ironking, ;king by david demianoff and chloe (ug version) (unrequestable
king01, stages/kof2k1-usa.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_12_the_queen_of_fighters_-
_female_fighters_team.mp3 ;king by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
kingact, stages/kof2k1-usa.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_12_the_queen_of_fighters_-
_female_fighters_team.mp3 ;king by actjapan, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;li xiangfei
lixiang, stages/kof2k1_city.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_12_the_queen_of_fighters_-
_female_fighters_team.mp3 ;li xiang fei by conversion world - j.lee, (rsff)

;mai shiranui
;(es) mai

;nests team: angel, foxy, k9999 & kula (usa)

angel0, stages/usa2k1.def,
_nests_team.mp3 ;[rumiko]'s angel, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
ironangel, stages/usa2k1.def,
_nests_team.mp3 ;iron angel by david demianoff, (sffc), (wc) + (e) by rudolf27
j_angel, stages/usa2k1.def,
_nests_team.mp3 ;angel by juke kisaragi

foxy, stages/usa2k1.def,
_nests_team.mp3 ;foxy by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

k9999, stages/usa2k1.def,
_nests_team.mp3 ;k9999 by mouser, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; k99991, ;k9999 by silencer, (rsff) (unrequestable status)
k99993, stages/usa2k1.def,
_nests_team.mp3 ;k9999 by black / mouser
; ultrarox_k9999, ;k9999 by silencer & orochikof97, (ldv), (sffc)
ultrarox_k99990, stages/usa2k1.def,
_nests_team.mp3 ;k9999 by silencer & orochikof97 (2k1 snd), (w02d), (sffc)
; ultrarox_k99992, ;k9999 by silencer & orochikof97 (2k1 snd), (wc), (sffc)

kula2, stages/usa2k1.def,
_nests_team.mp3 ;kula by makomako, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; kula_kof2k1, ;kula by tarot, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;psycho soldier team: athena, bao, chin & sie (china)

;athena asamiya
01athena, stages/china2001.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_14_psycho_fellows_-
_psycho_soldiers.mp3 ;athena asamiya by m.m.r., (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; 01athena0, ;athena by m.m.r. + p9-auto patch by sezrel, (rsff) + (e) by
wolf/kof99 team
athena0, stages/kof01_china.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_14_psycho_fellows_-
_psycho_soldiers.mp3 ;athena asamiya by jennifer, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99
athena01, stages/china2k1.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_14_psycho_fellows_-
_psycho_soldiers.mp3 ;athena by chloe, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
(unrequestable status)

;(es) bao

;chin gentsai
;(es) chin

;sie kensou
kensouact, stages/china6.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_14_psycho_fellows_-
_psycho_soldiers.mp3 ;kensou 2k1 by actjapan, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

;bosses: igniz & zero (igniz stage & zero stage)

;igniz (igniz stage)

igniz, stages/igniz2001.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_22_i'm_the_strongest_-
_ignis.mp3 ;igniz by gonzo-, (rsff) + (e) by aluckard
igniz0, stages/igniz2k1.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_22_i'm_the_strongest_-
_ignis.mp3 ;igniz by third, (rsff) + (e) by aluckard
igniz1, stages/igniz.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_22_i'm_the_strongest_-_ignis.mp3
;igniz by butti, (rsff) + (e) by aluckard
; ignizm, stages/ignizbg.def ;igniz by misamu k young (kofz version), (rsff)
+ (e) by rudolf27

;original zero (original zero stage)

originalzero, stages/zercol.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_20_0_-_original_zero.mp3
;original zero by iccha, (i&ei), (rsff)
; originalzero2k1-c, stages/zero_originalbg.def ;zero by tarot
or-zero, stages/kof01_boss1.def, music=sound/kof2k1_ost_20_0_-_original_zero.mp3
;original zero by ahuron, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters 2002 (neogeo) ==================================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- 2k2 ;by orochikof97 ==========================================
;- kof02vsscreen ;by evilness =======================================
;- kof2002sp ;by valek ==========================================
;- kof2002.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(lb): kof2002 ;by tetchi =========================================
;(fx): kof2k2 ;unsigned ==========================================
:(i): kof2k2intro ;by dark saviour ===================================
;(e): ending_rugal2002 ;by aluckard =================================

;art of fighting team: robert, ryo & takuma (mexico)

;robert garcia (morning)

robert5, stages/kof2k2-mexico1.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_beauty+n+the+beast.mp3
;robert by cirio, (wc), (rsff)
; robert6, stages/kof2k2mexico1.def ;robert by hiro=hiro, (rsff)

;ryo sakazaki (afternoon)

; ryo2k2, stages/mexicoa2k2tx.def ;ryo 2k2 by ocariocanildo, (sffc)
ryo6, stages/2002mexico2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_beauty+n+the+beast.mp3 ;ryo
by cirio, (wc), (sffc)

;takuma sakazaki (night)

; takuma5, stages/mexicob2k2tx.def ;takuma by cirio (remake), (wc), (rsff)
takumaact, stages/2002mexico3.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_beauty+n+the+beast.mp3
;takuma 2k2 by actjapan, (sffc)

;chris' team: chris, shermie & yashiro (cambodia)

chris1, stages/cambodia2k2tx.def,
music=sound/kof2k2_ost_violent+lightning+fire+earth.mp3 ;chris by zzzasd

ccishermie, stages/cambodia2k2.def,
music=sound/kof2k2_ost_violent+lightning+fire+earth.mp3 ;cci shermie by david
demianoff, (wc)
shermie02, stages/cambodia2k2.def,
music=sound/kof2k2_ost_violent+lightning+fire+earth.mp3 ;shermie by adamskie,
(wc), (sffc)

ultrarox_yashiro, stages/cambodia_rain.def,
music=sound/kof2k2_ost_violent+lightning+fire+earth.mp3 ;yashiro by
orochikof97, (wc), (sffc)
yashiroact, stages/cambodia_rain.def,
music=sound/kof2k2_ost_violent+lightning+fire+earth.mp3 ;yashiro 2k2 by
actjapan, (wc), (sffc)

;fatal fury team: andy, joe & terry (italy)

;andy bogard (part 1)

andy1, stages/italy2k2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_napolitan+trance.mp3 ;andy
by zzzasd, (wc), (ws)
;joe higashi (part 2)
joe3, stages/italy2k2_2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_napolitan+trance.mp3 ;joe
by dala, (rsff)

;terry bogard (part 3)

terry3, stages/kof2002-italy-nests-stage.def,
music=sound/kof2k2_ost_kurikinton+gomame.mp3 ;terry by hirohiro, (rsff)
terry-classic, stages/italy2k2_3.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_kurikinton+gomame.mp3
;terry by zzzasd, (wc), (ws)

;hero team: benimaru, goro & kyo (japan)

;benimaru nikaido (morning)

benimaru2, stages/2002japan1.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_j.mp3 ;benimaru by
hiro=hiro, (rsff)

;goro daimon (afternoon))

;(es) goro, stages/2002japan2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_j.mp3

;kyo kusanagi (night)

kyoakof, stages/2002japan3.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_esaka.mp3 ;kyo by beppu,
(wo2d), (ws2d)
; akof-kyo, ;kyo by beppu + patch, (wo2d), (ws)

;ikari team: clark, leona & ralf (italy)

;clark (part 1)
; ultrarox_clark1, ;clark by beat92box a.k.a orochikof97, updates by cdnateur
(kof 2002 snd), (sffc)
; ultrarox_clark3, ;clark by beat92box a.k.a orochikof97, updates by cdnateur
(kof mi usa snd), (sffc)
; ultrarox_clark4, ;clark by beat92box a.k.a orochikof97, updates by cdnateur
(kof mi jap snd), (sffc)
ultrarox_clark5, stages/kof2k2-italy1.def,
music=sound/kof2k2_ost_jungle+bouncer.mp3 ;clark by orochikof97 (kof02 snd), (wc),
; ultrarox_clark7, ;clark by orochikof97 (kofmi snd), (wc), (sffc)
; ultrarox_clark8, ;clark by orochikof97 (kofmi_j snd), (wc), (sffc)

;leona (part 2)
;(es) leona, stages/kof2k2-italy2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_jungle+bouncer.mp3

;ralf (part 3)
ralf0, stages/kof2k2-italy3.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_jungle+bouncer.mp3 ;ralf
by zzzasd, (wc), (ws)
ralfact, stages/kof2k2-italy3.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_jungle+bouncer.mp3 ;ralf
2k2 by actjapan, (rsff)

;iori's team: iori, mature & vice (japan)
;stages/japanb2k2tx.def ;afternoon

;iori yagami (morning)

yiori2, stages/japan2002.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_arashi_no_saxophone2.mp3
;iori yagami by [yagami+ihoo1836] (sprites 2001-2002-svc + 2002 snd file),
(i&ei), (sffc)

;mature (morning)
mature2, stages/japan2k2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_festive+mood.mp3 ;mature by
butti (2nd release), (rsff)

;vice (afternoon & night)

ultrarox_vice, stages/japan2k2_3.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_festive+mood.mp3
;vice by orochikof97, (wc), (sffc)
; ultrarox_vice0, ;vice by orochikof97 (cvs2_snd), (wc), (sffc)
vice1, stages/japan2k2_2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_festive+mood.mp3 ;vice by

;kof2000 team: ramon, seth & vanessa (mexico)

;ramon (afternoon)
00ramon, stages/mexico2k2_2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_tacos+dance.mp3 ;ramon
by tin
ramon, stages/mexico2k2_2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_tacos+dance.mp3 ;ramon by
gargoyle, (rsff)

;seth (morning)
seth_n, stages/mexico2k2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_tacos+dance.mp3 ;seth by
nyankoro, (rsff)

;vanessa (night)
; vanessa4, ;vanessa by crazy for s.f. + 02.snd, (rsff)
vanessa6, stages/mexico2k2_3.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_tacos+dance.mp3 ;
vanessa by crazy for s.f. + patch by mgbenz, (rsff)

;korean team: chang, choi & kim (korea)

;chang koenan (morning)

;(es) chang, stages/2002korea1.def

;choi bounge (afternoon)

choi0, stages/2002korea2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_lets+go+to+seoul.mp3 ;choi
bounge by crazy for s.f, (rsff)

;kim kaphwan (night)

; ironkim, stages/2002korea3.def ;cci kim by david demianoff
ironkim0, stages/korea2k2_3.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_lets+go+to+seoul.mp3 ;cci
kim by david demianoff (korean voice)
; ironkim1, ;kim by david demianoff (ug version) (unrequestable status)
;k's team: k', maxima & whip (cambodia)

; akof-k', ;k' by nao&m. + patch, (wc), (ws)
k'1, stages/2002cambodia.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_kd-0079.mp3 ;k' by hirohiro,
k'_akof, stages/2002cambodia.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_kd-0079.mp3 ;k' by
nao&m., (wc)

maxima0, stages/2002cambodia.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_kd-0079.mp3 ;maxima by
gargoyle, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team

whip1, stages/cambodia.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_deserted+town.mp3 ;whip by
whip02, stages/cambodia.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_deserted+town.mp3 ;whip by
h�h, (rsff)

;ladies team: mai, may lee & yuri (holland - day)

;mai shiranui
maiact, stages/2002holland1.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_diet.mp3 ;mai 2k2 by
actjapan, (sffc)

;may lee
maylee0, stages/kof2k2-netherlands1.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_diet.mp3 ;
maylee by ahuron, (sffc)

;yuri sakazaki
yuri02, stages/kof2k2-netherlands1.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_diet.mp3 ;yuri
by h�h, (rsff)

;nests team: angel, k9999 & kula (cambodia)

angel, stages/storm_kof2002.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_deserted+town.mp3 ;angel
by butti, (rsff)
angel1, stages/storm_kof2002.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_deserted+town.mp3 ;angel
by h�h, (rsff)

; k99990, ;k9999 by ei, (sffc) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
; k99992, ;k9999 by adzeer, (rsff) + (e) by wolf/kof99 team
ultrarox_k99991, stages/storm_kof2002.def,
music=sound/kof2k2_ost_deserted+town.mp3 ;k9999 by silencer & orochikof97 (2k2
snd), (wo2d), (sffc)
; ultrarox_k99993, ;k9999 by silencer & orochikof97 (2k2 snd), (wc), (sffc)

; ironkula, ;kula by david demianoff (ug version), (rsff) (unrequestable
kula_akof, stages/storm_kof2002.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_deserted+town.mp3
;kula by nao&m., (wc), (sffc)

;orochi team: orochi chris, orochi shermie & orochi yashiro (cambodia)

;orochi chris
;(es) orochi chris

;orochi shermie
oshermie2k2, stages/kor2k2.def,
music=sound/kof2k2_ost_violent+lightning+fire+earth.mp3 ;orochi shermie by
mauri gonzalez, (wc), (ws2d)

;orochi yashiro
yashirooact, stages/kor2k2.def,
music=sound/kof2k2_ost_violent+lightning+fire+earth.mp3 ;yashiro 2k2 by
actjapan, (wc), (sffc)

;psycho soldier team: athena, chin & sie (china)
;stages/2002china1.def ;morning
;stages/china2k2.def ;morning

;athena asamiya (noon)

athena02, stages/2002china2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_psycho+soldier.mp3 ;
athena by chloe, (rsff) (unrequestable status)

;chin gentsai (afternoon)

chin-kofm, stages/2002china3.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_psycho+soldier.mp3 ;chin
gentsai by zelgadis

;sie kensou (night)

;(es) sie, stages/2002china4.def

;yamazaki's team: billy, mary & yamazaki (italy)

;billy kane
billyf, stages/2002italy1.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_bloody.mp3 ;billy by fangke,

;blue mary
maryact3rd, stages/2002italy1.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_bloody.mp3 ;mary 2k2 by
actjapan, (csff)

;ryuji yamazaki
kof_yamazaki, stages/2002italy2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_bloody.mp3 ;yamazaki by
h�h, (wc), (rsff)
ultrarox_yamazaki, stages/2002italy2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_bloody.mp3 ;
yamazaki by fmt, (sffc)
;extra char: kusanagi (holland - afternoon)

ccikusanagi, stages/2002holland2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_the+netherlands.mp3
;kusanagi by david demianoff
; ironkusanagi, ;kusanagi by david demianoff, (sffc)
; ironkusanagi0, ;kusanagi by david demianoff (ug version) (unrequestable
kusanagi1, stages/2002holland2.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_the+netherlands.mp3
;kusanagi by hiro=hiro, (rsff)

;boss: omega rugal (rugal's plane)

;omega rugal
2002_rugal, stages/rugal02.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_last+dance.mp3 ;2002 rugal
by tin, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
rugal2, stages/rugal_omega2002bg.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_last+dance.mp3 ;rugal
bernstein by cyber joker (new version), (sffc)
rugal_tle, stages/rugal_omega2002bg.def, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_last+dance.mp3
;rugal bernstein by mr.x-file

;stages/2002nest.def ;italy (part 3)

;stages/kof2k2_japan.def ;japan (morning)

;, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_kd-0084.mp3
;, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_progress.mp3
;, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_red+wind.mp3
;, music=sound/kof2k2_ost_yuuwaku+no+toki.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters 2003 (arcade & neogeo) =========================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- kof2003.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;- spkof2k3 ;by ken master ===========================================
;- ultrarox_kof2k3 ;by orochikof97 ==============================
;(lb): ===============================================================
;- 2k3set ;unsigned ================================================
;- kof2k3_lifebar ;unsigned ==========================================
;(fx): kof2k3 ;unsigned ==========================================
;(i): kof2003intro ;unsigned ====================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- benimaru ;by junior chillage ======================================
;- korea ;by junior chillage ======================================

;art of fighting team: robert, ryo & yuri (mexico / temple)

;robert garcia (night)

robert03act, stages/kof2k3_greece2.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_kyoku-gen.mp3 ;
robert 2k3 by actjapan, (csff) + (e) by junior chillage

;ryo sakazaki
;(es) ryo

;yuri sakazaki (day)

j_yuri, stages/kof2k3_greece1.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_kyoku-gen.mp3 ;yuri
by juke kisaragi, (sffc) + (e) by junior chillage

;benimaru's team: benimaru, daimon & shingo (japan / park)

;benimaru nikaido
benimaru03, stages/kof2k3_japon.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_joyrider.mp3 ;
benimaru by zzzasd

;goro daimon
;(es) daimon

;shingo yabuki
;(es) shingo

;fatal fury team: griffon, joe & terry (new zealand / train)

;griffon mask
2003griffon, stages/2003australia.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_pops+beat.mp3 ;
griffon mask by ahuron, (sffc)
griffon_pro, stages/2003australia.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_pops+beat.mp3 ;
griffon by cross��CAT, (sffc)
; tizoc0, ;tizoc by raposo, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage

;joe higashi
kof_joe, stages/kf2k3_lokomotive.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_pops+beat.mp3 ;joe
by h�h, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage

;terry bogard
2003terry, stages/steamlocomotive.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_pops+beat.mp3 ;terry
bogard by ahuron, (sffc)
kof2k3_terry, stages/steamlocomotive.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_pops+beat.mp3
;terry bogard by mouser, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
terry03, stages/steamlocomotive.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_pops+beat.mp3 ;terry
by hirohiro, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
terry2k3, stages/steamlocomotive.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_pops+beat.mp3 ;terry
by don nadie (kof2k3-sff + kof2k3-snd), (sffc) + (e) by junior chillage
; terry2k30, ;terry by don nadie (garou-sff + kof2k1-snd), (sffc) + (e) by
junior chillage
terry8, stages/steamlocomotive.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_pops+beat.mp3 ;terry
by ixnaydk + (e) by junior chillage
terry9, stages/steamlocomotive.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_pops+beat.mp3 ;terry
by dark roken, (wo2d), (sffc) + (e) by junior chillage

;ikari team: clark, leona & ralf (egypt / pyramides [evening])

; ultrarox_clark2, stages/kof2k3kusanagi1.def ;clark by beat92box a.k.a
orochikof97, updates by cdnateur (kof 2003 snd), (sffc)
ultrarox_clark6, stages/kof2k3_desert1.def,
music=sound/kof2k3_ost_inside+skinny.mp3 ;clark by orochikof97 (kof03 snd), (wc),

leona_akof, stages/kf2k3_desert.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_inside+skinny.mp3
;leona by nao&m., (wc) + (e) by junior chillage

;(es) ralf

;k's team: k', maxima & whip (egypt / pyramides [night])

k'dash_2k3, stages/kof2k3_egypt2.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_kd.mp3 ;k'03 by
kei&dash, (csff) + (e) by junior chillage

;(es) maxima, stages/kf2k3_desert2.def

whip0, stages/egyptn.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_kd.mp3 ;whip by h�h, (rsff),

;kof 2003 team: ash, duolon & shen (hong kong / neons)

;ash crimson (green)

ash, stages/2003korea.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_splendid+evil.mp3 ;ash by
alpha dreams, (sffc) + (e) by junior chillage
ash0, stages/2003korea.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_splendid+evil.mp3 ;ash crimson
by nyan��kiryu, (sffc) + (e) by junior chillage
ash1, stages/2003hongkong1.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_splendid+evil.mp3 ;ash
by helios, (sffc) + (e) by junior chillage
ash_crimson, stages/2003hongkong.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_splendid+evil.mp3
;ash by meta gouki, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
ash crimson, stages/2003hongkong.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_splendid+evil.mp3
;ash crimson by stephengi, (sffc)

;duolon (blue)
duolon, stages/kf2k3_hunt.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_splendid+evil.mp3 ;
duolon by bad darkness, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage

;shen woo (blue)

00shen_mvc, stages/kof2003_korea2.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_splendid+evil.mp3
;shen_mur by tin, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
shen, stages/kof2003_korea2.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_splendid+evil.mp3 ;shen
woo by evil orochi, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
shen_akof, stages/kof2003_korea2.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_splendid+evil.mp3
;shen woo by nao&m., (wc) + (e) by junior chillage

;korean team: chang, jhun & kim (china / deck)
;chang koenan (day)
;(es) chang, stages/kof2k3_china.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_seoul+love.mp3

;choi bounge (noon)

choi1, stages/2003china1.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_seoul+love.mp3 ;choi by
h�h, (rsff), (wc)

;kim kaphwan (day)

kim5, stages/kof2k3_seaside.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_seoul+love.mp3 ;kim by

;ladies team: king, mai & mary (czech / street [evening])

;blue mary
;(es) mary

king03act, stages/kf2k3_town.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_im+hot+for+you.mp3 ;king
2k3 by actjapan + (e) by junior chillage

;mai shiranui
;(es) mai

;psycho team: athena, hinako & malin (mexico / temple)

;athena asamiya (day)

athena03act, stages/kf2k3_bleed.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_you+feel+for+me.mp3
;athena 2k3 by actjapan + (e) by junior chillage
athena03nact, stages/kf2k3_bleed.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_you+feel+for+me.mp3
;athena 2k3 by actjapan + (e) by junior chillage

;hinako (day)
hinakoact, stages/kof2k3_bleed1.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_you+feel+for+me.mp3
;hinako 2k3 by actjapan + (e) by junior chillage

;malin (night)
j_malin, stages/kf2k3_bleed2.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_you+feel+for+me.mp3 ;malin
by juke kisaragi, (sffc) + (e) by junior chillage
malin, stages/kof2k3_bleed2.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_you+feel+for+me.mp3 ;malin
by meta gouki, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
malin0, stages/2003mexico1.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_you+feel+for+me.mp3 ;malin
by h�h, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage

;yamazaki's team: billy, gato & yamazaki (czech / street [night])

;billy kane
2003billy, stages/kof2003night.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_villainous.mp3 ;billy
by ahuron, (sffc)
billy03, stages/kof2003night.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_villainous.mp3 ;billy
kane by conversion wolrd - j.lee, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
gato03act, stages/2k3street.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_villainous.mp3 ;gato 2k3 by
actjapan + (e) by junior chillage

;ryuji yamazaki
cciryuji, stages/kf2k3_town2.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_villainous.mp3 ;cci
ryuji by david demianoff + (e) by junior chillage
; ironryuji1, ;yamazaki by david demianoff (ug version) (unrequestable
kof_yamazaki03, stages/chushingai.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_villainous.mp3 ;
yamazaki by h�h, (wc), (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
yamazaki03, stages/2003czech1.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_villainous.mp3 ;
yamazaki by zzzasd

;xtra chars: iori & kyo (czech / street [evening])

;iori yagami
;(es) iori, random, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_cool+jam+2.mp3

;kyo kusanagi
;(e): kyoend0 ;by gamespy

ccikyo, stages/kof2k3czech1.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_blaze.mp3 ;cci kyo by

david demianoff
kyo03, stages/kof2k3czech1.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_blaze.mp3 ;kyo by hiro hiro,
(rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
kyo030, stages/kof2003evening.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_blaze.mp3 ;kyo by
crazy for s.f, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage

;bosses: adel, chizuru, kusanagi, maki & mukai (sky noah, chizuru bg, mukai bg)

;adelheid (sky noah)

;(e): adelend ;by peyo

adel, stages/adel_bg.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_etude+of+revolution+-+rii.mp3

:adel by bad darkness, (rsff) + (e) by junior chillage
adel0, stages/kf2k3_skynoah.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_etude+of+revolution+-
+rii.mp3 ;redl bernstein by stephengi, (wc)
adelheid, stages/2003adel.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_etude+of+revolution+-
+rii.mp3 ;adelheid by @ndroide, (wc) + (e) by junior chillage
adelheid_tle, stages/adelhaidbg.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_etude+of+revolution+-
+rii.mp3 ;adelheid bernstein by mr.x-file

;chizuru (mukai's gate)

j_chizuru, stages/chizuru-bg.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_fairy.mp3 ;chizuru by
juke kisaragi

;kusanagi (egypt [night])

;(i): kusanagi_intro ;unsigned

kusanagi2, stages/kof2k3_desert2.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_easka+03.mp3 ;

kusanagi by zzzasd
;maki (mukai's gate)
j_maki, stages/cs-03st.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_sacredness+-+fairy.mp3 ;maki
by juke kisaragi

;mukai (cave)
; 00mukai, ;mukai_mvc by tin, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27
mukai, stages/2003mukai.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_styx.mp3 ;mukai by gonzo-,
(rsff) + (e) by uriel
mukai0, stages/kf2k3_cave.def, music=sound/kof2k3_ost_styx.mp3 ;mukai by cyanide,
(wo2d), (ws2d)

;, music=wound/kof2k3_ost_heavens.mp3
;, music=wound/kof2k3_ost_prolongation.mp3
;, music=wound/kof2k3_ost_serious.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters ex series (the king of fighters ex: neoblood & the king of
fighters ex 2: howling blood; gameboy advance)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;the king of fighters ex: neoblood (gameboy advance) =================

; moe, ;moe by fangke, (ldv), (sffc)

moe0, stages/nb02.def, music=sound/faithless_-_reverence_-_03.mp3 ;moe by
fangke, (wc)

;stages/estrada.def ;bigbear
;stages/geesegba.def ;geese howard
;stages/kofex_iori.def ;iori nikaido
;stages/nb03.def ;geese howard

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;the king of fighters ex 2: howling blood (gameboy advance) ==========
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- kofex2sp ;by mgbenz ===============================================
;- kofex2.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(lb): kofex2 ;by no nick and goki444 ============================
;(fx): kofex2 ;by no nick and goki444(aka mugenangel and goki555)

miu, stages/kofex2_parking.def, music=sound/zillion_-_the_second_cd2_-_13.mp3

;miu kurosaki by memuu, (sffc)
reiji, stages/kof_ex2_rua.def, music=sound/zillion_-_the_second_cd2_-_12.mp3 ;reiji
ogami by shinriyo, (rsff)

;stages/kofex2boss.def ;sinobu

;the king of fighters ex 2: howling blood remix

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;the king of fighters special edition 2004 (arcade) ==================

;stages/dojo4.def ;china
;stages/egypt4.def ;egypt
;stages/inthepyramide.def ;mexico
;stages/kof04.def, music=sound/kof04.mp3
;stages/kof04-mexico.def ;mexico
;stages/naked_port.def ;brazil

;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters gameboy series (the king of fighters 95 & the king of
fighters 96; gameboy)

; andygb, ;andy by smi, (sffc)

; karate, ;mr karate by smi, (ldv), (sffc)
; karate3, ;mr karate by smi, (wo2d), (sffc)
; hnnkarate, stages/gbkof96_goenitzstage.def ;mr karate by smi, (sffc)
; kyo0, ;kyo kusanagi by kyo kusanagi, (rsff)
; ralfgb, ;ralf by smee, (wo2d), (sffc)
; rugalgb, ;omega rugal by smi, (sffc)
; ryogb, ;ryo by smi, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;the king of fighters original =======================================

; kula_new, ;kula_new by anamochi, (wo2d), (ws)

;the kung fu / china warrior (pc-engine) -----------------------------

pce_kunnfuu, stages/kunnfuu.def, music=sound/tkf_-_kunnfuu.mp3 ;the kunnfuu by

on, (csff)
pce_kunnfuu_boss, stages/kunnfuu.def, music=sound/tkf_-_kunnfuu.mp3 ;
pce_kunnfuu_boss by on, (csff)
pce_kunnfuu_iti, stages/kunnfuu.def, music=sound/tkf_-_kunnfuu.mp3 ;
pce_kunnfuu_iti by on, (rsff)
pce_kunnfuu_ni, stages/kunnfuu.def, music=sound/tkf_-_kunnfuu.mp3 ;
pce_kunnfuu_iti by on, (csff)
; wan, stages/kunnfuu.def, music=sound/tkf_-_kunnfuu.mp3 ;wan_kunfu- by
skysuika, (sffc)

;the last blade series (the last blade, the last blade 2 / bakumatsu rouman dai ni
maku - gekka no kenshi: tsuki ni saku hana, chiri yuku hana; arcade & neogeo)
;(i&e): sb akari ichijo ;unsigned ------------------------------------
;(e): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- kaedend ;by gamespy ----------------------------------------------
;- sb hibiki ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- sb setsuna ;unsigned ------------------------------------------

;akari (lb1: holy day / lb2: 13 porttown)

akari, stages/elephant1.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_13_porttown.mp3 ;akari
ichijo by m@ppy, (rsff) + (i&e) by roque
akari1, stages/holyday.def, music=sound/tlb_-_akari_bgm.mp3 ;akari ichijo by
roque, (wc)
; newakari, ;ichijo akari by roque, (i&ei), (ldv), (sffc)

;amano (lb1: the bridge / lb2: the night before yuki-machi)

amano, stages/yuki_machi.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_the_night_before_'yuki-
machi'.mp3 ;amano by pacificangra, (rsff)
amano0, stages/lb-amanostage.def, music=sound/tlb_-_bgm1.mp3 ;amano by luchini,
(ei), (rsff)
; amano1, ;amano by luchini (old version), (rsff)
; amano2, stages/bridge.def ;amano hyo by luchini + karai(???) patch
(amanop), (rsff)

;evil akari
;(es) evil akari

;evil shigen
;(es) evil shigen

;hakure hitogata
;(es) hakure

;hibiki (shimiji pass)

; hibiki, ;hibiki takane by max2040@mail.goo.ne.jp, (rsff) + unsigned (i) +
(e) by rudolf27
hibiki0, stages/shimijipass0.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_shimiji_pass.mp3 ;
hibiki by sos, (ei), (rsff) + unsigned (i)
hibiki1, stages/blue_sky.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_shimiji_pass.mp3 ;hibiki by
nana, (csff) + unsigned (i) + (e) by sos

;juzo (lb1: last street's / lb2: 13 porttown)

juzo, stages/10zobg.def, music=sound/tlb_-_juzo_bgm.mp3 ;kanzaki juzo by
nyankoro, (csff)
; juzo0, stages/juzo_bg.def, music=sound/tlb_-_juzo_bgm.mp3 ;kanzaki juzo by
gama, (rsff)

;kaede (lb1: autumn fort / lb2: shimiji pass)

kaede, stages/fort.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kaede.mp3 ;kaede by dala, (rsff) + (e)
by rudolf27
kaede0, stages/fort.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kaede.mp3 ;kaede by arms, (ii), (rsff)
+ (e) by rudolf27
; kaede_1, ;kaede by hirohiro / dala, (wc), (ws2d) (svp version +
common1.cns for normal mugen)
kaede2, stages/fort.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kaede.mp3 ;kaede by ribeiro, (rsff) +
(e) by rudolf27

;awakened kaede (lb1: autumn fort / lb2: shimiji pass)

; kaede1, ;kaede by ghow, (sffc) + (e) by rudolf27
; kaede_2, ;kaede by hirohiro / dala, (wc), (ws2d) (svp version +
common1.cns for normal mugen)
kaedem, stages/kaedestage-dm.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kaede.mp3 ;kaede by
bagaliao, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27

;kagami (1st form) (lb1: the kagami house / lb2: battle of cloudy sky)
kagami, stages/kagamistage.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagami.mp3 ;kagami by orochi
herman, (rsff)

;kagami (2nd form) (lb1: the kagami house [destroyed])

kagami0, stages/kagamistagelb1.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;
shinnosuke kagami by third, (rsff)

;kojiroh (orginal ver. [psx])

;(es) kojiroh

;kojiroh (lb2: fire at the wadamoya)

kojiroh, stages/lb2-wadamoya-01.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-
_fire_at_the_wadamoya.mp3 ;kojiroh sanada by mappy, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
kojiroh0, stages/lb2-wadamoya-01.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-
_fire_at_the_wadamoya.mp3 ;sanada kojiroh by ���z�^�����\(�㗝)
kojirohsanada, stages/lb2-wadamoya-01.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-
_fire_at_the_wadamoya.mp3 ;kojiroh by rabz, (i&ei), (sffc)

;kotetsu naoe
;(es) kotetsu

;kouryu (the gate of hell)

kouryu, stages/lb2_gate.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_the_gate_of_hell.mp3 ;
kouryu by third, (rsff) + (e) by gorjeador

;lee (lb1: sunset harbour / lb2: village of twilight)

leereka, stages/leerekkabg.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;lee recca
by french guy & melonman0, (rsff) + (e) by gorjeador
leereka0, stages/wharftx.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;lee recca
by french guy, updated to last mugen by exinferis, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27 (lb1)
; leereka1, ;lee reka by frenchi guy, (rsff) + (e) by rudolf27 (lb2)
leerekka, stages/village.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_village_of_twilight.mp3 ;lee
by rabz, (sffc)

;moriya (lb1: the duel of a moonlight night / lb2: battle of cloudy sky)
; dmoriya, ;dmoriya by ym602@mediawars.ne.jp, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
moriya, stages/moriyastage.def, music=sound/tlb_-_naturalmoriya.mp3 ;minakata
moriya by deuce, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
moriya0, stages/moriya_lb.def, music=sound/tlb_-_naturalmoriya.mp3 ;moriya
minakata by dala, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
; moriya1, ;moriya minakata by orochi herman, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
; moriya4, ;moriya by hirohiro / dala, (wc), (ws2d) (svp version +
common1.cns for normal mugen)

;mukuro (fire at the wadamoya)

mukuro, stages/flames1.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_fire_at_the_wadamoya.mp3 ;
mukuro by mappy, (rsff)

musashi, stages/musashistagelb1.def, music=sound/tlb_-_musashistagelb1.mp3 ;
musashi akatsuki by third, (csff)

;okina (lb1: misty clearing / lb2: forest of forgetfullness)

okina, stages/mist.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;genbu okina by
nyankoro, (csff) + (e) by rudolf27

;setsuna (battle of cloudy sky)

setsuna, stages/battlefiled.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_battle_of_cloudy_sky.mp3
;setsuna by orochi herman, (rsff) + unsigned (i) + (e) by rudolf27

;shigen (lb1: cave / lb2: forest of forgetfullness)

shigen, stages/cave1.def, music=sound/tlb_-_shigen.mp3 ;shigen naoe by m.m.r.,

;shikyoh (belltower ruins)

shikyoh, stages/shikyohbg.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;shikyoh by
m@ppy, (rsff)

;washizuka (lb1: a night in the bakumatsu era / lb2: fire at the wadamoya)
washizuka, stages/lb-washizukastage.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3
;keiichiro washizuka by kyouku, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
washizuka0, stages/night.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;washizuka
by dala, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)

;yuki (lb1: snowy clearing / lb2: the night before yuki-machi)

yuki0, stages/lb1yuki.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;yuki by aya,
(rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
yuki2, stages/lb1yuki.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;yuki by third,
(rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
yuki3, stages/yuki_machi.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_the_night_before_'yuki-
machi'.mp3 ;yuki_a by amago, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
yuki4, stages/yuki'sstage.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;yuki by
nana, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)

;zantetsu (lb1: below deck / lb2: village of twilight)

; zantetsu, ;zantetsu by deuce, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
zantetsu0, stages/cargo.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;zantetsu by
deuce, updated to last mugen by exinferis, (rsff) + unsigned (i&e)
zantetsu1, stages/village1.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_village_of_twilight.mp3
;zantetsu by nyankoro, (wc) + unsigned (i&e)

;the last blade series remix

;hibiki edits
; ex_hibiki, ;ex hibiki by ainotenshi, (wc), (ws2d)
; hibiki2, ;hibiki by jn2, (wo2d)
; soujiro, ;seta soujiro by aoshi24, (i&ei), (csff)
; s_sakura, ;sakura shingouji by haruwo midareguma mikami kengo, (rsff)
; s_sakura0, ;sakura shingouji by haruwo midareguma mikami kengo (s_sakura-rin
by rin), (rsff)
; zero_hibiki, ;zero hibiki by falconzero, (wo2d)

;kaede edits
; skaede, ;unsigned skaede, (rsff)
zemial, stages/kaede_lb.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;zemial by
sepher, (rsff)

;kagami edits
; aoshi, ;shinomori aoshi by aoshi24, (rsff)

;lee edits
dark lee, stages/lb-musashistage-b.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;dark
lee by the pizzaman, (wo2d)
; darklee, ;dark lee by the pizzaman, (sffc)
; evilshaolin, ;lin gohen by anthonykiedis and guimabrothers creations
team of friends, (csff)

;moriya edits
; hiko, ;super hiko seijyuurou by ggq, (rsff)
; hiko0, ;hiko seijyuurou by tasogare, (rsff)
; hikome, ;super hiko seijyuurou millennium edition by ggq, (rsff)
; shougo, ;amakusa shougo by aoshi24, (rsff)
; yan, ;yan by moriya-mouse, (ei), (rsff)

okina edits
; kameryu, ;turtle by kgenjuro & daddelkingz, (rsff)
kameryu0, stages/chinachute_1.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;
kameryu by kgenjuro & daddelkingz, updated by smoth, (wc), (rsff)

;setsuna edits
; seph, ;sephiroth by gulthor, (wc), (ws)
; sephdos, ;sephiroth by gulthor, (wc), (rsff)
; setsuna0, ;setsuna by fraya, (wo2d)
; ssvdimaano, ;dimaano by john.m featuring eddie.m, (sffc)

;washizuka edits
; saitoh, ;saitoh hajime by aoshi24, (rsff)
; s.hinsengumi, ;s.hinsengumi by dala (unrequestable status)

;yuki edits
judith, stages/lb-moriyastage-r.def, music=sound/tlb_-_kagamistagelb1.mp3 ;
judith by sepher, (rsff)


;(ss) ================================================================
;the last blade (arcade & neogeo) ====================================
;(sp): lastblade1.style ;by claudio toxi =============================
;(fx): lb_fightfxpack ;unsigned ====================================

;stages/cargotx.def ;below deck

;stages/daytime.def ;kagami stage 1
;stages/inntx.def ;the bridge
;stages/jinjiatx.def ;holy day
;stages/magmatx.def ;musashi
;stages/villagetx.def ;village of twilight

;(ss) ================================================================
;the last blade 2 / bakumatsu rouman dai ni maku - gekka no kenshi: tsuki ni saku
hana, chiri yuku hana (arcade & neogeo)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- lastblade2.style ;by claudio toxi =============================
;- lb2 ;by fail =================================================
;- lb2spack ;by matmut ===============================================
;(lb): ===============================================================
;- lb2_lifebar ;by fail ===========================================
;- lb2lifebars ;by matmut =========================================
;(e): ================================================================
;- kouryuend ;by rudolf27 =======================================
;- lb2end1 ;by winane ===============================================
;- lb2end2 ;by winane ===============================================
;- lb2hibie ;by winane ===============================================
;- lb2morie ;by winane ===============================================

;stages/battlefield.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_battle_of_cloudy_sky.mp3 ;
battle of cloudy sky
;stages/cloudy.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_battle_of_cloudy_sky.mp3 ;battle of
cloudy sky
;stages/elephant.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_13_porttown.mp3 ;elephant place
;stages/forest3.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_forest_of_forgetfulness.mp3 ;forest of
;stages/graveyard3.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_graveyard.mp3 ;graveyard
;stages/graveyrd.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_graveyard.mp3 ;graveyard
;stages/lb2_kouryu.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_the_gate_of_hell.mp3 ;kouryu
;stages/shigenforesttx.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_forest_of_forgetfulness.mp3
;forest of forgetfullness
;stages/shrineofthevanquished.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-
_shrine_of_the_vanquished.mp3 ;shrine of the vainquished
;stages/wtrfalls.def, music=sound/lb2_ost_-_forest_of_forgetfulness.mp3 ;
forest of forgetfullness

;the legend of successfull joe (neogeo) ------------------------------

s_joe, stages/kourakuen_h.def, music=sound/from_bonzai_with_love_-_'99_-_04.mp3

;s_joe by elecbyte, (rsff)


;the lion king / le roi lion (genesis & super nes) -------------------

; simba, stages/lion.def ;simba by cyanide, (rsff)

;stages/eleph-yard.def ;the elephant graveyard

;stages/lionking-stage5.def, music=sound/lionking-stage5.mp3 ;stage 5

;the mask (genesis & super nes) --------------------------------------

; mascara, ;la mascara by juan carlos, (rsff)

;the masters of the universe (original) ------------------------------

;stages/grayskull.def, music=sound/he-man_the-me-end.mp3
;the matrix (original) -----------------------------------------------
;(sp): matrix ;by zesensei (unrequestable status) ----------------

; neo, stages/matrix.def, music=sound/matrix_ii_ost_burly_brawl.mp3 ;neo

by spinicci giacomo (king star), (rsff)

;stages/matrix castelo merovingian.def
;stages/matrix chapelaria hel.def

;, music=sound/matrix_ost_hive_-_ultrasonic_sound.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ost_lunatic_calm_-_leave_you_far_behind.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ost_meat_beat_manifesto_-_prime_audio_soup.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ost_propellerheads_-_spybreak!_(short_one).mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ost_rob_d_-_clubbed_to_death_(kurayamino_mix).mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ost_rob_zombie_-_dragula_(hot_rod_herman_remix).mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ii_ost_chateau.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ii_ost_dread_rock.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ii_ost_furious_angels.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ii_ost_mona_lisa_overdrive.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ii_ost_reload.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ii_ost_session.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ii_ost_this_is_the_new_shit.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_ii_ost_zion.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_iii_ost_juno_reactor_&_don_davis_-_navras.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_iii_ost_juno_reactor_&_don_davis_-_tetsujin.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_iii_ost_saw_bitch_workhorse.mp3
;, music=sound/matrix_iii_ost_the_matrix_revolutions_main_title.mp3

;the ninjawarriors series (the ninjawarriors & the ninjawarriors again; super nes)

; kamaitachi, stages/aereodotto.def ;kamaitachi by cadavelico, (wc), (rsff)

;(es) kunoichi
;(es) ninja


;(ss) ================================================================
;the ninjawarriors (super nes) =======================================

;stages/ninjawl1.def ;stage 1

;(ss) ================================================================
;the ninjawarriors again (super nes) =================================
;stages/boss4.def, music=sound/boss4.mp3 ;boss 4
;stages/boss5.def ;boss 5
;stages/boss6.def, music=sound/boss6.def ;boss 6
;stages/tnwa-boss7.def, music=sound/tnwa-boss7.mp3 ;boss 7
;stages/tnwa-stage1-1.def, music=sound/tnwa-stage1-1.mp3 ;stage 1-1
;stages/tnwa-stage1-2.def ;stage 1-2
;stages/tnwa-stage2-2.def, music=sound/tnwa-stage2.mp3 ;stage 2-2
;stages/tnwa-stage5-1.def, music=sound/tnwa-stage5-1.mp3 ;stage 5-1
;stages/tnwa-stage5-2.def, music=sound/tnwa-stage5-2.mp3 ;stage 5-2

;the promised land (psp) ---------------------------------------------

; hector, ;hector the magi by haseo

;the punisher (arcade & super nes) -----------------------------------

;bone breaker
;(es) bone breaker

;(es) bushwacker

;(es) guardroid

;(es) guardroid2

kingpin, stages/tp-kingpin.def, music=sound/punisher.mp3 ;kingpin by slotman,

;nick fury
; nickfury, ;nick fury by pepethelpfan, (ursff)

; justiceiro, ;justiceiro by . : �clip�e : ., (wo2d), (rsff)
; punisher, ;punisher by santiago, corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)
punisher0, stages/punisher2.def, music=sound/punisher.mp3 ;punisher by neofix,

;(es) scully

;stages/bus1.def ;stage 1 boss

;the queen of heart / party's breaker series (party's breaker: the queen of heart
2001 , the queen of heart '98 & the queen of heart '99; pc)
;(i): qoh_intro ;by tanaka -----------------------------------------
;(e): qohed ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------

;hm-12 (castle)
hm-12, stages/hm-12.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_sl98.mp3 ;hm-12 by mikura,

;hmx-12 (castle)
hmx12, stages/hm-12.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_sl98.mp3 ;hmx-12
multi.&c.b.s by tender, (rsff)
hmx-12, stages/hm-12.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_sl98.mp3 ;hmx-12 by mikura,

;hmx-12 2 (castle)
m0, stages/hm-12.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_sl98.mp3 ;hmx-12-2 m-custom
by miyako, (rsff)

o_akari, stages/mizukibg.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_sl98.mp3 ;akari_osage
by elecbyte, (rsff)
o_akari0, stages/mizukibg.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_sl98.mp3 ;osage akari
by �^�p�v, (rsff)

sayurinn, stages/mizukibg.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_sl98.mp3 ;sayurinn by
elecbyte, (csff)

yue, stages/pia2stage.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_sl98.mp3 ;yue by mill,


;the queen of heart / party's breaker series remix

; s_akari, ;super akarin by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)

asahi0, stages/jinja_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_akari.mp3 ;asahi
sakurai by �ϋ{�y�� (cab), (sffc)
; athena2, ;athena by ibukah, (wc), (ws2d)
; athena20, ;athena by ibukah, (ldv), (rsff)
; athena-chibi(private), ;athena by ikari, (wc), (ws) (unrequestable status)
chi-chan, stages/kouen_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_bb.mp3 ;chi-chan by
tuki no turugi, (rsff)
chiduru, stages/kouen_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_bb.mp3 ;
kasiwagi_chiduru by r marker & maruta, (rsff)
; chise, ;chise by creep, (csff)
chiseex, stages/kouen_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_bb.mp3 ;chise by
creep, (csff)
edifel, stages/kyuudou_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_kaede.mp3 ;neo
edifel by m-and-m-shoji@sannet.ne.jp, (rsff)
hatune, stages/kyuudou_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_sl98.mp3 ;hatune by
elecbyte / nynaryo, (wo2d), (rsff)
kanako, stages/kyuudou_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_sl98.mp3 ;kanako by
maruta, (rsff)
; kuroneko, ;kuroneko by yuki, (rsff)
maid_serio, stages/kashiwagi_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_ruriko.mp3
;maid serio by tuki no turugi, (rsff)
m_multi0, stages/kashiwagi_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_ruriko.mp3 ;made
multi by tuki no turugi + sff patch by blue-insect, (rsff)
okada, stages/kouen_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_oni.mp3 ;okada by
raienn jadou, (rsff)
; remi, ;remi jingu by ���̌�(tuki no turugi), (csff)
ristill, stages/jinja_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_oni.mp3 ;ristill by
-i-�, (rsff)
; sebas, ;sebastian by misoshiru@kazu-net.ne.jp, fixed by gohan ssm2,
; sebastian, ;sebastian by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)
simako, stages/jinja_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_oni.mp3 ;simako todo
by shimon, (wc), (ws2d)
; tito, ;tito de andromeda by lord slayer, (i&ei), (rsff)
yoshino, stages/jinja_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_oni.mp3 ;yoshino
shimazu by shimon, (wc)
yumi, stages/jinja_tuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_(ex)_-_oni.mp3 ;yumi
fukuzawa by shimon, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;party's breaker: the queen of heart 2001 (pc) =======================

;asahi sakurai (park [night])

asahi, stages/pb_asahi0.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-
_asahi_stage_(sorairo_asagao).mp3 ;asahi by toshi, (rsff)
; asahi_sakurai, stages/pb park-1.def ;asahi_sakurai by tuki no turugi, (rsff)
; asahi_sakurai0, ;asahi_sakurai by tuki no turugi (asahi_sakurai.snd),

;aya hasabe (materials shop)

aya0, stages/pb-aya.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-
_aya_hasabe_stage_(tsuki_no_douwa).mp3 ;aya hasebe by mill, (csff)

;chisa tsukamoto (street)

chisa, stages/pb-chisa.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-
_chisa_stage_(happy_happy_life).mp3 ;chisa tsukamoto by tokinokuni kei, (sffc)

;eimi ohba (demonstration)

eimi0, stages/pb_eimi.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-_eimi-chan-
sama_stage_(princess_time).mp3 ;eimi ohba by shimon, (wc), (ws2d)

;ikumi tachikawa (rooftop)

ikumi_tatikawa, stages/pb-ikumibg.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-
_ikumi_stage_(romantic).mp3 ;ikumi tatikawa by mikage, (rsff)

;minami makimura (hall)

minami, stages/pb_minami0.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-_minami-
san_stage_(mori_no_ochakai).mp3 ;minami by r marker & maruta, (rsff)
minami_makimura, stages/pb-minami.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-
_minami-san_stage_botsu_kyoku_(mori_no_ochakai).mp3 ;minami_makimura by tuki no
turugi, (rsff)

;mizuki takase (schoolyard)

mizuki_takase, stages/pb-mizuki.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-
_mizuki_stage_(kaze_wa_itsumo_haru_ichiban).mp3;mizuki takase by tokinokuni-kei,
(i&ei), (sffc)

;peach mizuki (playground)

;(es) peach mizuki, stages/pb-peach.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-

;reiko kaga (exposition)

reiko, stages/cos_space.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-
_reiko_stage_(99%_mutenka_shoujo).mp3 ;kaga reiko by
alexiandstevenormoutakusanokatagata, (rsff)

;reiko kaga 94 (exposition)

;(es) reiko94, stages/cos_space.def

;subaru mikage (waterfall)

;(es) subaru, stages/subarustage.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-

;suzuka kazami (source)

;(es) suzuka, stages/pb_yu0.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-

;yu inagawa (source)

yu, stages/pb-yu.def, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-
_yu_inagawa_stage_(datte_sou_ya_mon).mp3 ;yu inokawa by km, (rsff)

;, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-
;, music=sound/qoh2k1_ast_mad_tea_party_-_hinomori_stage.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;the queen of heart '98 (pc) =========================================
;(sp): qoh98-ad ;by tokinokuni kei =================================

;stages/98_1.def ;building
;stages/98_2.def ;school
;stages/98_3.def ;rooftop

;(ss) ================================================================
;the queen of heart '99 (pc) =========================================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- add_qoh99se ;by fmirumausu_sai@excite.co.jp ====================
;- scr_qoh99 ;by maxamaxa_twoweb@mail.goo.ne.jp =================
;(fnt): ==============================================================
;- fnt_qoh99 ;by maxamaxa_twoweb@mail.goo.ne.jp =================
;- qohitalics ;by orochi herman ==================================
;(e): qoh'99_ending ;by mr.x-file ================================

;akari (sunny park)

akari0, stages/akari.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_akari.mp3 ;akari kamigisi by
gatyuo, (rsff)

;aoi (shinto shrine)

; aoi, stages/qoh_aoi0.def ;aoi matsubara ver 1.00 by umineko, (rsff)
aoi_matsubara, stages/aoi.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_aoi.mp3 ;aoi matsubara by
tuki no turugi, (rsff)

;ayaka (river bank)

; ayaka, stages/qoh_ayaka0.def ;ayaka by r marker & maruta, (rsff)
ayaka_c, stages/ayaka.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_ayaka.mp3 ;kurusugawa ayaka
by hikaru, (rsff)
rapied changing ayaka, stages/qoh_ayaka.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_ayaka.mp3
;changing ayaka by hikaru, (rsff)

;azusa (station 1st)

azusa, stages/k_azusa.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_azusa.mp3 ;azusa by maruta,
corrected by electrocaid, (rsff)

;azusa himonori (station 1st)

azusa0, stages/qoh_azusa0.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_azusa.mp3 ;azusa hinomori by
mill, (rsff)
azusa_hinomori, stages/qoh_azusa0.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_azusa.mp3 ;azusa
hinomori by yuki, (rsff)

;chizuru (close to the forest)

chizuru0, stages/chiduru.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_chizuru.mp3 ;chizuru by
r marker & maruta, (rsff)
chizuru1, stages/qoh_chiduru.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_chizuru.mp3 ;oni chizuru
by mill, (rsff)

;comode serika (miss sorceress / comode vs rapied)

comode_sericha, stages/qoh_comode.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_c_serika.mp3 ;
comode_sericha by tuki no turugi, (rsff)
c_serika, stages/qoh_comode2.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_c_serika.mp3 ;c_serika by
-i-�, (csff)

;corin (the front of arena)

corin, stages/qoh_corin.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_corin.mp3 ;corin by sos,

;hatune (wall)
h_hatune, stages/hatune.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_hatune.mp3 ;huryou_hatune by
tuki no turugi, (rsff)

;kaede (lake)
kasiwagi_kaede, stages/kaede.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_kaede.mp3 ;kaede
kasiwagi by a-tye, (rsff)
kaede_kasiwagi, stages/kaede.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_kaede.mp3 ;kaede
kasiwagi rsmix by tuki no turugi, (csff)
;kotone (basketball ground)
kotone_himekawa, stages/kotone.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_kotone.mp3 ;
kotone_himekawa by tuki no turugi, (csff)

;made multi (game park [day])

m_multi, stages/multi.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_multi.mp3 ;made multi by
tuki no turugi, (rsff)
multi, stages/multi_bg.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_multi.mp3 ;multi by zin,

;mizuho (schoolyard)
mizuho, stages/mizuho.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_mizuho.mp3 ;unsigned mizuho,

;mizuki (downstairs / comipa)

mizuki, stages/mizuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_mizuki.mp3 ;mizuki by r
marker, (rsff)

;oni chizuru (forest at midnight)

oni_chizuru, stages/qoh_ochiduru.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_o_chizuru.mp3 ;oni
chizuru by mill, (csff)
bousou_oni-chiduru, stages/o_chizuru.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_o_chizuru.mp3
;kasiwagi_chiduru by sumi, (rsff)

;rapied ayaka (dry riverbed)

rapied_ayaka, stages/qoh_rapied.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_r-ayaka.mp3 ;
rapied ayaka by arche, (rsff)

;remy (archery gymnasium)

j_lemmy, stages/remy.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_remiy.mp3 ;lemmy by juke
kisaragi, (sffc) (unrequestable status)
remy, stages/qoh_remy0_up.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_remiy.mp3 ;remy by -i-�
(kil), (rsff)

;rina (rina on stage)

rina, stages/rina.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_rina.mp3 ;rina by maruta, (rsff)

;rio (station)
rio, stages/qoh_rio0.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_rio.mp3 ;rio by
nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)
rio0, stages/rio_up.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_rio.mp3 ;rio hinayama by
tokinokuni-kei, (sffc)

;ruriko (rooftop [sunset])

ruriko, stages/ruriko.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_ruriko.mp3 ;ruriko by maruta,

;saori (gymnasium)
saori, stages/qoh_saori0.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_saori.mp3 ;saorin by sos,
saorin, stages/saori.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_saori.mp3 ;hs_saorin by tuki
no turugi, (rsff)
;serika (clubroom)
serika, stages/qoh_serika0.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_serika.mp3 ;serika by
serika, (rsff)
serika_a, stages/qoh_serika0.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_serika.mp3 ;serika
kurusugawa by serika advanced, (rsff)

;serio (game park [night])

serio, stages/serio.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_serio.mp3 ;serio by maruta,

;shiho (in front of ycdonalds)

shiho, stages/siho.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_shiho.mp3 ;shiho nagaoka by
doppel, (rsff)

;tiria (playground [day & night])

queen, stages/tiria3.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_tiria.mp3 ;queen of heart by
a-tye, (csff)
tiria0, stages/tiria0.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_tiria.mp3 ;tiria fley by a-
tye, (csff)
; tiria1, ;tiria=flay by mikage@arche, (csff), (ldv)
tiria2, stages/tiria0.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_tiria.mp3 ;tiria=flay by
mikage, (wc)

;tomoko (school entrance)

tomoko, stages/tomoko_s.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_tomoko.mp3 ;unsigned tomoko,

;yosie (dojo)
;(es) yosie, stages/qoh_yosie.def

;yuki (yuki on stage)

yuki_m, stages/yuki.def, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_yuki.mp3 ;morikawa yuki by sos,

;, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_sakasita.mp3
;, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_tpowr.mp3
;, music=sound/qoh99_ost_-_wa_med.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;the queen of heart / party's breaker sd (to heart) ==================

; seriko, stages/ayuto.def, music=sound/pb-subaru.mp3 ;seriko by gatt, (rsff)

; shiho0, stages/aoito.def, music=sound/pb-subaru.mp3 ;shiho nagaoka by
max2040@mail.goo.ne.jp fixed by electrocaid & corrected by faye, (rsff)

;stages/hatuneto.def ;hatune
;stages/maito.def ;mai
;stages/multito.def ;multi
;stages/rurikoto.def ;ruriko

;the rapid angel (playstation) ---------------------------------------

natumi, stages/natumibg.def, music=sound/laurent_garnier_-

_unreasonable_behaviour_-_10.mp3 ;natumi takasimada by taruse, (rsff)

;the ren & stimpy show - veediots ------------------------------------

;stages/stimpyhouse.def, music=sound/stimpyhouse.mp3
;stages/stimpymouth.def, music=sound/stimpymouth.mp3

;the rumble fish (arcade) --------------------------------------------
;(sp): the.rumble.fish. screen pack ;by keidash ----------------------

;(es) aran
;(es) boyd
;(es) garnet
;(es) hikari
;(es) kaya
;(es) orville
;(es) typhon
;(es) viren
;(es) zen

;the simpsons series (the simpsons, virtual bart; arcade, nes & super nes)

; bart, stages/simps1ds.def ;bart by ichiban36, (rsff)

; homer, stages/simps1ds.def ;homer by ichiban36, (rsff)
; lisa, stages/springfield.def ;lisa by ichiban36, (rsff)
; marge, stages/springfield.def ;marge by ichiban36, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;the simpsons (arcade) ===============================================

;stages/burns office.def ;mr. burns office

;stages/springfield butte.def, music=sound/simpsons.mp3 ;springfield butte

;(ss) ================================================================
;the simpsons series original chars ==================================

3dhomer, stages/moe.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-

_12.mp3 ;homer simpson by john_macenroe, (ii), (rsff)
; homero, ;homero by warner el tochix, (sffc)
homero0, stages/simpsonshouse.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-
_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-_11.mp3 ;homero by @ndroide & warner, (wc), (ws2d)
homero1, stages/sprschool.def, music=sound/3am_rush_-
_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-_07.mp3 ;homero by warner, code by h
; jshomer, ;homer simpson by warner el
tochix/h"/judgespear/kingshadow3/bbhood217/gigabowserx, (wo2d), (ws)
; krusty, ;krusty by warner, (ldv), (rsff)
; krusty0, ;krustowsky by warner, nuevos supers agregados por gscool, (rsff)
; krusty1, ;krusty by warner, (wc)
krusty2, stages/moes.def, music=sound/3am_rush_-
_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-_07.mp3 ;krusty by warner & @ndroide,
(wc), (ws2d)
; krusty3, ;krusty the clown by warner (english)


;the tick (super nes) ------------------------------------------------

; thetick, ;the tick by scrabblecock

; tick, ;unsigned the tick, (sffc)

;the true warrior tournament / ayb2 el torneo del deseo (original) ---
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- ayb2 ;by asccort ----------------------------------------------
;- the true warriror tournament ;by asccort ----------------------

; alexi, stages/aurora0.def, music=sound/original_-_stage1.mp3 ;alexi -a-

by asccort (ayb2 version), (ldv), (rsff)
; alexi0, ;alexi -a- by asccort (ttwt version), (wc)
; contreras, stages/taxicabl.def, music=sound/original_-_stage1.mp3 ;
contreras -b- by asccort (ayb2 version), (ldv), (sffc)
; contreras0, ;contreras -b- by asccort (ttwt version), (wc)
; cristian, stages/aozora0.def, music=sound/original_-_stage1.mp3 ;cristian-c-
by asccort (ayb2 version), (ldv), (sffc)
; cristian0, ;cristian-c- by asccort (ttwt version), (wc)

;thunder spirits (super nes) -----------------------------------------

; t-force, ;fire leo 3 [styx] by foxtlot, (sffc)

;tick tack -----------------------------------------------------------


;tim burtons - the nightmare before christmas (gameboy advance) ------

;stages/tnbcim.def ;inside mansion

;time killers (arcade & genesis) -------------------------------------

;death (hell)
;(es) death, stages/tkdark_underworld.def, music=sound/tkdark_underworld.mp3

;leif (drakkar)
;(es) leif

;lord wulf (castle)

;(es) lord wulf

;mantazz (futuristic city [blue])

;(es) mantazz

;matrix (futuristic city [yellow])

;(es) matrix

;musashi (wooden building)

;(es) musashi

;orion / orian (space station)

;(es) orion

;rancid (rooftop)
; rancid, ;rancid by the rancid, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
rancidex, stages/tkdark_underworld.def, music=sound/tkdark_underworld.mp3 ;
rancid ex by the rancid, (rsff)

;thugg (killed dinosaur)

;(es) thugg

;tintin series (super nes) -------------------------------------------


;tiny toons adventures - buster busts loose! (super nes) -------------


;tiny toons remix

;stages/tiny stage.def

;titus the fox: to marrakech and back (amiga) ------------------------

;stages/titus.def ;on the foxy trail

;toejam & earl (genesis) ---------------------------------------------

; toejam, stages/tjemedow.def, music=sound/toejam.mp3 ;toejam by songoku,


;stages/planetearth.def, music=sound/toejam.mp3

;to heart 2x rated ---------------------------------------------------
;(i): th2 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------

;stages/before_a_gymnasium.def ;in front of a gymnasium

;stages/school_gate.def ;school gate (fall)
;stages/school_gate_night.def ;school gate night
;stages/school_gate2.def ;school gate (spring)
;stages/school_gate3.def ;school gate (summer)
;stages/school_yard.def ;school yard (day)
;stages/the_bank_of_a_river.def ;the bank of a river
;stages/the_bank_of_a_river_evening.def ;the bank of a river (evening)
;stages/the_roof_of_a_school.def ;the roof of a school
;stages/the_roof_of_a_school_night.def ;the roof of a school (night)
;stages/to_heart2_kawara.def ;the bank of a river
;stages/to_heart2_miti.def ;outsided stairs
;stages/to_heart2_miti2.def ;street
;stages/to_heart2_seitokaisitu.def ;meeting room
;stages/to_heart2_syokudou.def ;diner room
;stages/to_heart2_tamaki_heya.def ;bedroom
;stages/to_heart2_tosyokan.def ;library
;stages/to_heart2_yuuhi.def ;school yard (evening)

;tokimeki war --------------------------------------------------------

fujisaki, random, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_voodoo_people_(fix).mp3 ;fujisaki by

maruta, (rsff)

;tom & jerry ---------------------------------------------------------


;top hunter (neogeo) -------------------------------------------------

; bionic, stages/frozen paths.def, music=sound/th.mp3 ;cpt. bionic by by

kgenjuro & daddelkingz, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; cathey, stages/tophbg01st.def, music=sound/th.mp3 ;cathey-kai by m@ppy,
; roddy, stages/tophbg01.def, music=sound/th.mp3 ;roddy by die, (rsff)

;torneko no daibouken - fushigi no dungeon / taloon's great adventure (snes)
; toruneko, ;toruneko by omohiro, (rsff)

;touhou suimusou (pc) ------------------------------------------------
;(sp): th_sui_karisp ;by sui --------------------------------------
;(lb): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- immaterial lifebar ;unsigned ------------------------------------
;- suimusou_lifebar ;unsigned ------------------------------------
;- toho lifebar ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- otomebayashi ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- toho ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- ts1 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------

;alice (the mansion of magatoroido)

;(es) alice, stages/toho-alice_daytime.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-
;stages/toho-alice_night.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_doll_judgement_-
_alice_(nighttime).mp3 ;pm 9:00

;marisa (house in woods)

marisa, stages/toho-marisa_daytime.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_love-
colored_magic_-_marisa_(daytime).mp3 ;marisa by toma, (ldv)
marisa0, stages/toho-marisa_night.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-
_magical_girls'_ball_-_marisa_(nighttime).mp3 ;marisa kirisame by toma, (wo2d),

;patchouli (koumakan large bookroom)

patchouli, stages/toho-patchouli_daytime.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-
_the_locked_girl_in_the_secret_room_-_patchouli_(daytime).mp3 ;patchouli by
toma, (wo2d), (ws2d)
;stages/soutosyo.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_voile_the_magic_library_-
_patchouli_(nighttime).mp3 ;pm 8:00
;stages/toho-patchouli_night.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-
_voile_the_magic_library_-_patchouli_(nighttime).mp3 ;pm 9:00

;reimu (shrine)
reimu, stages/toho-reimu_night.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_capriccio_-
_reimu_(nighttime).mp3 ;reimu hakurei by nadeshiko
;stages/toho-reimu_daytime.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-
_mystic_oriental_love_consultation_-_reimu_(daytime).mp3 ;pm 2:00
;stages/toho-reimu_evening.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_demystify_feast_-
_reimu_(sunset).mp3 ;pm 5:00

;remilia (benibenican lobby)

remilia, stages/toho-remilia.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-
_septette_for_the_dead_queen_-_remilia.mp3 ;remilia by kuri, (wc), (ws2d)
;stages/soumakan.def ;am 3:00

;sakuya (roof of scarlet estate - koumakan clock tower)

sakuyaos, stages/toho-sakuya_daytime.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-
_the_maid_and_the_pocket_watch_of_blood_-_sakuya_(daytime).mp3 ;sakuya izayoi os
by gatt, (wo2d)
sigc5, stages/toho-sakuya_midnight.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_the_moon_clock_-
_sakuya_(nighttime).mp3 ;s.i.g.c.5 by gatt, (wo2d)
; sygc, ;satomi2 by rougenoir+gatt, (wo2d), (ws2d)
;stages/toho-sakuya_night.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_the_moon_clock_-
_sakuya_(nighttime).mp3 ;pm 9:00

;suika (fantasy village / pandemonic land)

;(es) suika, stages/toho-suika.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_missing_power_-

;youmu (cemetary)
; myon, ;youmu by black-air, (wo2d)
youmu_konpaku, stages/toho-youmu_night.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-
_ancient_temple_-_youmu_(nighttime).mp3 ;youmu_konpaku by rouge noir, (wo2d),
;stages/bochi600.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_youmu_(daytime).mp3 ;pm
;stages/toho-youmu_daytime.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_youmu_(daytime).mp3
;pm 1:30

;yukari (kyoukai pm 5:00)

;(es) yukari, stages/toho-yukari.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_evening_star_-

;yuyuko (white gem tower)

;(es) yuyuko, stages/toho-yuyuko.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_border_of_life_-

;touhou suimusou remix

; s1, ;s.i.g.c.1 by gatt, (wo2d)

s40, stages/suimu.def, music=sound/touhou_adx_-_the_moon_clock_-
_sakuya_(nighttime).mp3 ;s.i.g.c.4 by gatt, (wo2d)
; sigc, stages/tokeidai130.def ;s.i.g.c. by gatt, (wo2d)

;toxic crusaders (genesis) -------------------------------------------

; toxic avenger, ;toxic avenger by doe kamui, (sffc)

;toy story (super nes) -----------------------------------------------


;transformers series (transformers - comvoy no nazo / transformers - mystery of
comboy; nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;transformers - comvoy no nazo / transformers - mystery of comboy (nes)

; magnus, ;ultra magnus by nrf, (ursff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;transformers (original) =============================================
; chromia, stages/br31.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;chromia by omega supreme
; elita_one, stages/original_white_sand.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;elita one by omega supreme
; fortress_maximus, ;fortress maximus by omega supreme
; galvatron, random, music=sound/transformers_-_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3
;galvatron by omega supreme
; god_ginrai, ;god ginrai by omega supreme
; grimlock, stages/original_carraibean_sunny.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;grimlock by jeff jacobson, (ii), (rsff)
; grimlock0, ;grimlock by jeff jacobson, (ii) (private update)
; ironhide, stages/ultimecia.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;ironhide by omega supreme
; jazz, stages/onett1.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;jazz by omega supreme
; megatron, stages/rockway_beach.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;megatron by omega supreme
; megatron0, ;unsigned megatron, (csff)
; optimus, stages/pyramids.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;optimus prime by shany.g, (csff)
; optimus_prime, stages/plane0.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;optimus prime by omega supreme
; overlord, ;overlord by omega supreme
; reflector, random, music=sound/transformers_-_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3
;reflector by omega supreme
; rodimus_prime, random, music=sound/transformers_-_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3
;rodimus prime by omega supreme
; scorponok, ;scorponok by omega supreme
; shockwave, stages/guro.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;shockwave by omega supreme
; sideswipe, stages/graveyard20.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;sideswipe by omega supreme
; skywarp, stages/trainingroom.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;skywarp by omega supreme
; soundwave, random, music=sound/transformers_-_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3
;soundwave by omega supreme
; starscream, stages/lost_world.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;starscream by omega supreme
; starscream0, stages/patio.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;starscream by shany.g, (csff)
; sunstreaker, stages/agrave.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;sunstreaker by omega supreme
; thundercracker, stages/arcosur.def, music=sound/transformers_-
_enerjon_club_dance_mix.mp3 ;thundercracker by omega supreme
; victory_saber, ;victory saber by omega supreme

;tri-ace (original) --------------------------------------------------

iseria, stages/black.def, music=sound/zillion_-_the_second_cd2_-_03.mp3 ;

iseria queen by helios, (wc), (rsff)

;trigun (original) ---------------------------------------------------
vash, stages/mountainpath.def, music=sound/tresor_-_demo_tracks_1999_-_07.mp3
;vash the stampede by drowin, (i&ei), (sffc)

;tsuki-hime (pc) -----------------------------------------------------

;stages/forest_of_nanaya.def, music=sound/nanaya_no_mori.mp3

;tuyokisu ------------------------------------------------------------


;twisted fate (original) ---------------------------------------------
;(sp): twistedfate ;by kris kazmer & marc echave ----------------

id, stages/ids.def, music=sound/silverbrain.mp3;id by kazmer13, (rsff)

kyndle, stages/ids3.def, music=sound/pulses.mp3;kyndle by kazmer13, (rsff)
thedead, stages/cursed.def, music=sound/cursed.mp3 ;the dead by kazmer13, (rsff)


;twisted metal 2 -----------------------------------------------------

;stages/drop_zone.def ;twisted metal 2

;ueki no housoku shinki sakuretsu! nouryokumono battle (gameboy advance)

; ueki, ;ueki by kari & anjel, (wo2d)

;stages/unhp.def ;park

;ultimate fighter (super nes) ----------------------------------------


;ultimate fighting championship (gamecube, dreamcast, playstation 2 & xbox)
;(sp): ufc ;by david demianoff --------------------------------------


;ultimate muscle - the patch of the superhero (gameboy advance) ------

;stages/muscle_planet.def, music=sound/ultimate_muscle2.mp3
;stages/tatami ring.def, music=sound/ultimate_muscle4.mp3
;stages/temple_coldbone.def, music=sound/ultimate_muscle3.mp3

;ultraman series (sd the great battle, sd ultra battle - seven & ultraman,
ultraman, ultra seven, ultraman - towards the future; super nes)

; tiga, ;ultraman tiga by kaiser demon bryan, (csff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;sd ultra battle - seven & ultraman (super nes) ======================

;(es) baltan, stages/sd05.def;, music=sound/sd.mp3

;(es) eleking, stages/sd04.def;, music=sound/sd.mp3

;king joe
;(es) king joe, stages/sd02.def;, music=sound/sd.mp3

; redking, stages/sd01.def, music=sound/tg2.mp3 ;red king sd by gorjeador,
(ei), (rsff)

;ultra 7
; ultra7, stages/sdxx.def, music=sound/ultra.mp3 ;ultra seven sd by gorjeador,
(ei), (rsff)

; ultraman2, stages/sd77.def, music=sound/sd77.mp3 ;ultraman sd by
gorjeador, (ei), (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;ultraman (super nes) ================================================

;alien baltan
baltan, random, music=sound/faithless_-_the_bedroom_sessions_-_06.mp3 ;alien
baltan by sugio, (rsff)

;(es) bemular

;(es) bullton

jamyra, random, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_music_for_the_jilted_generation_-_02.mp3
;jamyra by sugio, fixed by ayustat, (rsff)

;(es) telesdon

ultraman1, random, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_music_for_the_jilted_generation_-
_03.mp3 ;ultraman by elecbyte, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;ultra seven (super nes) =============================================

;(es) alien borg

;(es) alien guts
;(es) alien icarus
;(es) alien metron
;(es) agira
;(es) dally
;(es) eleking
;(es) gander
; gyeron, ;gyeron by mature4evr
;(es) imt seven
;(es) kingjoe
;(es) micras
;(es) ultra seven
;(es) windom

;(ss) ================================================================
;ultraman - towards the future (super nes) ===========================

barrangas, stages/pcity.def, music=sound/uttf_-_barrangas.mp3 ;barrangas by
mature4evr, (rsff)

;(es) bogun, stages/bogunst.def, music=sound/uttf_-_bogun.mp3

;(es) degola, stages/degolast.def, music=sound/uttf_-_degola.mp3

;(es) gudis, stages/red_terrain.def, music=sound/uttf_-_gudis.mp3

;gudis ii
;(es) gudis ii, stages/gudis2st.def, music=sound/uttf_-_gudis_ii.mp3
;(es) kilazee, stages/kilazeest.def, music=sound/uttf_-_kilazee.mp3

;(es) kodalar, stages/kodalarst.def, music=sound/uttf_-_kodalar.mp3

majaba, stages/mregion.def, music=sound/uttf_-_majaba.mp3 ;majaba by mature4evr,

ultraman, stages/gudis2st.def, music=sound/uttf_-_hidden_song.mp3 ;ultraman by
syquest, (rsff)
ultraman0, stages/gudis2st.def, music=sound/uttf_-_hidden_song.mp3 ;ultraman by
lord sinistro, (i&ei), (rsff)

;(es) zebokon, stages/zebokonst.def, music=sound/uttf_-_zebokon.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;ultraman (original) =================================================

!ultraman0, stages/kiri.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_05.mp3

;ultraman by kuma, (wc), (ws2d)

;ultra vortex (jaguar) -----------------------------------------------

;buzzsaw (hidden palace)

;(es) buzzsaw

;carbon (hells kitchen)

;(es) carbon

;dreadloc (room of reflections)

;(es) dreadloc

;grok (the stoned poseidon)

;(es) grok

;guardian (plain of the lost souls)

;(es) guardian

;lucius (land of the storm bringer)

;(es) lucius

;mercury (inter city chaos)

;(es) mercury

;shadow (earthquake zone)

;(es) shadow

;skullcrusher (temple of the vortex)

;(es) skullcrusher

;volcana (subway passage)

;(es) volcana

;undercover cops (arcade & super nes) --------------------------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;undercover cops (arcade) ============================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;undervcover cops (super nes) ========================================


;unreal tournament (pc) ----------------------------------------------


;unreal 2 (pc) -------------------------------------------------------


;urban champion series (urban champion & vs. urban champion; arcade, e-reader &

;stages/urbanchamp.def ;downtown

;ushio no tora (super nes) -------------------------------------------

;(es) tora
;(es) ushio

;utawarerumono -------------------------------------------------------
;(sp): utaware_add-on ;by uso=bidan --------------------------------
;(sndp): utaware_system ;unsigned ------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- utaware_op1-0000 ;unsigned ------------------------------------
;- utaware_op2 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
; aruru_ah, ;aruruu by aohige, (wc), (ws)
; eruru_ah, ;eruruu nu aohige, (wo2d), (ws)
; priest, ;priest by sanki, (wc), (ws)


;uturunndesu ---------------------------------------------------------

; kawauso, ;kawauso by elecbyte / haruwo, (rsff)

;utyu no kishi tekkaman blade (super nes) ----------------------------

; dagger, stages/dagger.def, music=sound/unktb_-_aurora_over_the_mountains.mp3

;tekkaman dagger by mugant, (rsff)
; nmdagger, stages/axe.def, music=sound/unktb_-_asteroid_field.mp3 ;tekkaman
dagger: nightmare mode by mugant, (rsff)


;, music=sound/unktb_-_anger_and_deception.mp3
;, music=sound/unktb_-_biological_core.mp3
;, music=sound/unktb_-_derelict_space_station.mp3
;, music=sound/unktb_-_mechanical_base.mp3
;, music=sound/unktb_-_wild_mecha_battle.mp3

;valkyrie fight series (valkyrie fight & valkyrie fight tag; pc) -----

;(ss) ================================================================
;valkyrie fight tag (pc) =============================================

;stages/vf_bg.def, music=sound/vfbgm.mp3

;valkyrie no densetsu series (valkyrie no densetsu / the legend of valkyrie;
arcade, nes & turbografx 16)

; walk, ;walkure-n3 by white hear knight, (wc), (ws2d)

; walkyrie, ;valkyrie by elecbyte / kotoyuki, (wc), (ws2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;valkyrie no densetsu series original chars ==========================

neovalkyrie, stages/praiaanoitecendo.def, music=sound/outsoon_techno_session_-

_dj_pierre_-_09.mp3 ;valkyrie by ryokucha, (rsff)
valkyrie, stages/stage122.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.6_-_02.mp3
;valkyrie by yoshida ruiji, (rsff)

;valkyrie profile / valkyrie profile (limited deluxe pack) (playstation)

; valkyrie0, stages/oddrock.def, music=sound/valkyrie_profile_ost_-

_an_illusion_of_the_brainstem.mp3 ;lady_valkyrie by bold_one, (rsff)
; vp, stages/amenti.def, music=sound/valkyrie_profile_ost_-
_confidence_in_the_domination.mp3 ;valkyrie by drowin, (i&ei), (sffc)
; vvalkyrie, stages/villnore.def, music=sound/valkyrie_profile_ost_-
_sky_gate.mp3 ;valkyrie by elecbyte / kotoyuki, (wc), (ws2d)


;, music=sound/valkyrie_profile_ost_-_distortions_in_the_void_of_despair.mp3
;, music=sound/valkyrie_profile_ost_-_fighting_the_shadowy_gods.mp3
;, music=sound/valkyrie_profile_ost_-_the_first_unison.mp3
;, music=sound/valkyrie_profile_ost_-_the_true_nature_of_all.mp3
;, music=sound/valkyrie_profile_ost_-_turn_over_a_new_leaf.mp3

;vampires dawn: the tournament (original) ----------------------------
;(sp): vampires dawn the tournament ;by doe kamui --------------------

; abraxas, stages/baldr02.def, music=sound/baldr02.mp3 ;abraxas ethar by doe

kamui, (wc), (sffc)
; alaine, stages/siru.def, music=sound/siru.mp3 ;alaine frynia by doe kamui,
(wc), (sffc)
; arachnut, ;arachnut by doe kamui and nickssoft, (wc), (sffc)
; asgar, stages/adesert.def ;asgar serran by doe kamui, (wc), (sffc)
; aysha, stages/penhasco.def ;aysha darnus by doe kamui, (wc), (sffc)
; dieb, stages/mexico0.def ;dieb by doe kamui, (wc), (sffc)
; fleex, stages/costa0.def ;fleex by doe kamui and nickssoft, (wc), (sffc)
; garg, stages/wlol.def ;garg by nickssoft and doe kamui, (wc), (sffc)
; jayna, stages/hoj.def ;jayna by doe kamui, (wc), (sffc)
; mortimer, stages/fpbg01.def ;mortimer mcmire by doe kamui, (wc), (sffc)
; nyria, stages/peakvalley.def ;nyria by doe kamui, (wc), (sffc)
; poison slug, ;poison slug by doe kamui, (wo2d), (sffc)
; robored, stages/fpbg02.def ;robored by doe kamui and nickssoft, (wc),
; ustra, stages/dontforg.def ;pharao ustra by doe kamui, (wc), (sffc)
; valnar, stages/tika.def ;valnar darnus by doe kamui, (wc), (sffc)
; vincent, stages/lokaum.def ;vincent weynard by doe kamui, (wc), (sffc)
; vorticon, stages/fpbg03.def ;vorticon by doe kamui, (wc), (sffc)
; yorp, stages/fpbg04.def ;yorp by doe kamui and nickssoft, (wc), (sffc)

;variable geo series (advanced variable geo, advanced variable geo 2, super
variable geo, variable geo custom, variable geo max, variable geo neo, variable
geo rebirth, variable geo rebirth dash; playstation, saturn, super nes & pc)
;(sp): variable geo ;unsigned ------------------------------------
;(i): vgneo ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------

;variable geo series remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;advanced variable geo series (advanced variable geo & advanced variable geo 2;
playstation & saturn)
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- advanced_variable_geo ;by checho� - m.u.g.e.n. latinoamerica =
;- vg2_screnpack ;by checho� ========================================
;(lb): avg2_bars ;by checho� ========================================
;(i): ================================================================
;- vg2 ;by sizuka ===============================================
;- vg2_op ;by mr.x-file ============================================
;- video ;by junda@bewnet.com.br ==================================

;(es) ayako, random, music=sound/avg2_-_ayako.mp3

;(es) chiho, random, music=sound/avg2_-_chiho.mp3

;(es) elirin, random, music=sound/avg2_-_elirin.mp3

;(es) jun, random, music=sound/avg2_-_jun.mp3

;(es) kaori, random, music=sound/avg2_-_kaori.mp3
kyoko_kirisima, random, music=sound/avg2_-_kioko.mp3 ;kirisima kyoko by sakuraka,

;(es) manami, random, music=sound/avg2_-_manami.mp3

material, random, music=sound/avg2_-_miranda.mp3 ;material by
s_makoto@mcn.ne.jp, (rsff)

mira, random, music=sound/avg2_-_miranda.mp3 ;miranda by ashman, (sffc)

;(es) reimi, random, music=sound/avg2_-_reimi.mp3

saki, random, music=sound/avg2_-_saki.mp3 ;saki shinjyo by maruta, (rsff)

; satomi, ;unsigned satomi yajima, (ei), (rsff)
satomi1, stages/satomibg.def, music=sound/avg2_-_satomi.mp3 ;satomi yajima by

;(es) tamao, random, music=sound/avg2_-_tamao.mp3

;(es) yuka, random, music=sound/avg2_-_yuka.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;variable geo custom (pc) ============================================

ayako, stages/vgeo04.def, music=sound/avg2_-_ayako.mp3 ;ayako by luchini,
(i&ei), (rsff)

chihokai, stages/vgc-chiho.def, music=sound/avg2_-_chiho.mp3 ;matsuda chiho by
hiryu nj, (rsff)
chiho_masuda, stages/vgc-chiho.def, music=sound/avg2_-_chiho.mp3 ;chiho masuda by
mizukisakuraka, (wc)

erina, stages/vgeo05.def, music=sound/yukabg.mp3 ;elirin by luchini, (i&ei),

kaori0, stages/vgc_parking.def, music=sound/avg2_-_kaori.mp3 ;kaori by x-
calibre blade, (wc), (sffc)

kubota, stages/vgeo02.def, music=sound/avg2_-_jun.mp3;jun kubota by luchini,
(i&ei), (rsff)

manami, stages/manamibg.def, music=sound/avg2_-_manami.mp3 ;kusunoki manami by
captein, (ei), (csff)
manami0, stages/manamibg.def, music=sound/avg2_-_manami.mp3 ;manami kusunoki
by nyan��kiryu

reimi, stages/reimibg.def, music=sound/avg2_-_reimi.mp3 ;reimi jyahana by
legatob, (i&ei), (rsff)

tamao, stages/vgc_cafe.def, music=sound/avg2_-_tamao.mp3 ;tamao miturugi by
seifer, (rsff)
tamao0, stages/vgc_manoir.def, music=sound/avg2_-_tamao.mp3 ;tamao mitsurugi
by nyan��kiryu

cho_yuka, stages/yuka.def, music=sound/avg2_-_yuka.mp3 ;yuka takeuchi by
chotto-komaru, (ei), (csff)
yuka, stages/yuka.def, music=sound/yukabg.mp3 ;yuka takeuchi by nyan��kiryu
yuka_vg, stages/yuka.def, music=sound/avg2_-_yuka.mp3;yuka by tkw, (ii), (wo2d),
; yuka_vg0, ;yuka by tkw, (ii), (wc), (ws2d)


;(ss) ================================================================
;super variable geo (super nes) ======================================

;(es) ayako, random, music=sound/svg_-_ayako.mp3

;(es) chiho, random, music=sound/svg_-_chiho.mp3

;erina / erilin
;(es) erina, random, music=sound/svg_-_erina.mp3

;(es) jun, random, music=sound/svg_-_jun.mp3

;(es) kaori, random, music=sound/svg_-_kaori.mp3

manami_kusunoki, stages/manamibg0.def, music=sound/svg_-_manami.mp3 ;manami by
elecbyte / km, (i&ei), (rsff)

;(es) reimi, random, music=sound/svg_-_reimi.mp3

;(es) satomi, random, music=sound/svg_-_satomi.mp3

sfcvgyuka, stages/yukabg.def, music=sound/svg_-_yuka.mp3 ;yuka by masa, (i&ei),
; yuka0, ;yuka by masa, (ei), (sffc)

yuki, stages/yukabg.def, music=sound/svg_-_yuka.mp3 ;yuki by mattasaur, (rsff)


;(ss) ================================================================
;variable geo max (pc) ===============================================

;chiho masuda
;(es) chiho masuda

;jun kubota
;(es) jun kubota

;kaori yanase
yanase, stages/s_kaori.def, music=sound/yukabg0.mp3 ;kaori by juke kisaragi,
(sffc), (wo2d)
; yanase0, ;kaori by juke kisaragi, (sffc), (ldv)

;manami kusunoki
kusunoki, stages/yukabg0.def, music=sound/yukabg0.mp3;manami by juke kisaragi,

masako, stages/s_masako.def, music=sound/yukabg0.mp3 ;masako by juke kisaragi,

;reimi jyahana
;(es) reimi jyahana

satomi0, stages/yukabg0.def, music=sound/yukabg0.mp3 ;satomi by rougenoir, (sffc)

tamaosd, stages/yukabg0.def, music=sound/yukabg0.mp3 ;tamao v.g-max by nyan��kiryu

vgmaxyuka, stages/yukabg0.def, music=sound/yukabg0.mp3 ;yuka by mas, (ei),

yumiko, stages/yukabg0.def, music=sound/yukabg0.mp3 ;yumiko by juke kisaragi,

;vendetta / crime fighter 2 ------------------------------------------


;virtua fighter series (virtua fighter, virtua fighter 2, virtua fighter 3, virtua
fighter 4, virtua fighter 4 evolution, virtua fighter 5, virtua fighter kids &
virtua fighter remix; mega-cd, playstation 2, dreamcast & arcade)

;stages/campo battle.def
;stages/sarah.def ;sarah
;stages/virtual_fighter.def ;akira

;(ss) ================================================================
;virtua fighter (saturn) =============================================

;jeffry (desert)
;(es) jeffry, stages/vfjeffry.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;virtua fighter 2 (gen) ==============================================

;akira yuki (shrine)

; akira, stages/vf2akirabg.def, music=sound/vf_-_sarah.mp3 ;unsigned akira,

;dural (ruins)
;(es) dural

;jacky bryant (arena)

;(es) jacky

;jeffry mcwild (beach)

;(es) jeffry, stages/vf2je.def

;kage-maru (forest)
; kage, stages/kage.def, music=sound/vf_-_kage.mp3 ;kage-maru by x-treme
jedi, (i&ei), (csff)

;lau chan (forest)

;(es) lau

;pai chan (shrine)

;(es) pai

;sarah bryant (arena)

;(es) sarah

;wolf hawkfield (beach)

;(es) wolf

;(ss) ================================================================
;virtua fighter 5 ====================================================
;(lb): vf5lb ;by zedzdead =======================================


;virture fighter 4 "akira" parody ------------------------------------
j0, stages/montanhas_nevadas.def, music=sound/3am_rush_-
_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-_09.mp3 ;j.yu by dead atom, (sffc)

;vjedogonia ----------------------------------------------------------


;voltage fighter gowcaizer (neogeo) ----------------------------------

;brider (underground laboratory)

brider, stages/brider_bg.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-
_it_is_defeated_transformation_school_gang_leader_-_back_of_(brider).mp3 ;
brider by pokute, (sffc)
brider0, stages/brider_bg.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-
_it_is_defeated_transformation_school_gang_leader_-_back_of_(brider).mp3 ;
brider by serori

;captain atlantis (rooftop)

;(es) captain atlantis, stages/vfg-captain.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-

;fudomaru (ninja dojo)

;(es) fudomaru, stages/vfg-fudomaru.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-

;gowcaizer (burning earth)

;(es) gowcaizer, stages/gow_gowcaizerbg.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-

;karin (china wall)

vfkarin, stages/karin1.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-_admirable_daughter_-
_large_ventures_loving_to_(karin).mp3 ;vf karin by andre lopes, (rsff)

;kyosuke (church)
;(es) kyosuke, stages/gow_kyosukebg.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-

;marion (mecha factory)

;(es) marion, stages/vfg-marion.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-

;ohga (lair)
;(es) ohga, stages/gow_ohgabg.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-_heroes.mp3

;platonic twins (underwater city)

ptwins, stages/gow_ptwinsbg.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-_kengorythm.mp3 ;platonic
twins by luchini, (ei), (rsff)

;shaia (shaia on stage)

; shaia, ;shaia by fer (cuculero), (rsff)
shaia0, stages/shaia.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-_heart_jack_(shaia).mp3 ;shaia by
staran, (i&ei), (rsff)
; small_shaia, ;shaia by staran, (i&ei), (rsff)

;shenlong (night life)

;(es) shenlong, stages/gow_shenlongbg.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-

;stinger (rock show)

;(es) stinger, stages/rock_show.def, music=sound/vfg_ost_-


;voltage fighter gowcaizer remix

nego, stages/shaiabg.def, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_09.mp3 ;nego by

xxxdexterxxx, (rsff)


;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_10.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_11.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_12.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_13.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_14.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_15.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_16.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_17.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_18.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_19.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_20.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_21.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_22.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_23.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_24.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_25.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_26.mp3
;, music=sound/vfgowcaizer_iso_-_track_27.mp3

;v.r fighter vs taken 2 (gen hack) -----------------------------------

; kazuya, ;unsigned kazuya, (rsff)

; paul_phoenix, ;paul phoenix by ocariocanildo, (sffc)

;wagyan land series (super wagyan land, super wagyan land 2, wagyan land, wagyan
land 2, wagyan land 3 & wagyan paradise; nes & super nes)

; cl_wagyan, stages/cl_wagyanbg.def, music=sound/cl_wagyanbg.mp3 ;classic

wagyan by tokinokuni-kei, (wc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;super wagyan land series (super wagyan land & super wagyan land 2; super nes)

; wagyan, ;wagyan by kazukazu04@hotmail.com, (rsff)

;(ss2) ===============================================================
;super wagyan land (super nes) =======================================

;stages/swland_st1.def ;stage 1
;stages/swland_st2.def ;stage 2
;stages/swland_st2e.def ;stage 2 (extended)
;stages/swland_st7.def ;stage 7
;stages/swland_st7b.def ;stage 7 (without ennemies)

;waku waku 7 (neogeo) ------------------------------------------------
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- wakuwaku7.style ;by claudio toxi -----------------------------
;- ww7 ;by mgbenz -----------------------------------------------
;(lb): waku2_life_bar_121 ;by slushzer ---------------------------
;(sndp): ww7fight ;by lavie ------------------------------------------
;(e): arina_final ;by tuzaboy ----------------------------------------

; arina, stages/ww7arinabg3.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-
_the_excitement_never_stops_(arina_stage).mp3 ;arina by kazuya, updated by terry
kuo,(01.01) and the necromancer(07.31), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; arina0, ;arina by nhk, (rsff), (ldv) + (e) by bluebolt
arina2, stages/arinabg.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-
_the_excitement_never_stops_(arina_stage).mp3 ;arina by nhk, (wo2d)
; arina_no_speak, ;arina by [mugen-spirit]
http://www.os.xaxon.ne.jp/~p2800/mug, k'�fp2800@maii.os.xaxon.ne.jp, fixed by
gohan ssm2, (rsff), (c)
; sarina, stages/arinasbg.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-
_the_excitement_never_stops_(arina_stage).mp3 ;super arina by hiro, (sffc) + (e)
by bluebolt
;bonus kun
; bonus1, ;bonus by masa, (ei), (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
bonuskun, stages/ww7fernandeathbg3.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-
_gently_forgiving_(bonus_stage).mp3 ;bonus kun by bad darkness, (rsff) + (e) by

;dandy j (big mecha place)

; dandy, ;dandy-j by vampipe & keioh, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; j, ;dandy j by nhk, (rsff), (ldv) + (e) by bluebolt
j1, stages/w7-djc.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-
_the_sun_sets_again_(dandy_j_stage).mp3 ;dandy j by nhk, (wo2d)
;stages/w7-dj.def ;day
;stages/w7-djb.def ;afternoon

00fernandeath, stages/city.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-
_prologue_of_death_(fernandez_stage).mp3 ;tin's fernandeath, (rsff)

mauru, stages/forest.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-
_forest_of_memories_(marurun_stage).mp3 ;mauru by inverse, (ii), (csff) + (e) by
;stages/maru_e.def ;evening
;stages/ww7marurunbg3.def ;night

;politank z
00politankz, stages/waku7p.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-
_go!_go!_politank_z_(politank_z_stage).mp3 ;politank z by tin, (rsff) + (e) by
;stages/ww7politankzbg3.def ;night

; rai, stages/escuela.def ;rai by gx, (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
; rai0, stages/waku7r.def ;rai by tunin, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
rai1, stages/rai-stage.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-
_fight!_super_adventure_boy_rai_(rai_stage).mp3;rai by liam, (rsff)
rai2, stages/ww7raibg3.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-
_fight!_super_adventure_boy_rai_(rai_stage).mp3;rai by ryoga, (sffc) + (e) by

slash, stages/slash.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-_portrait_of_fate_(slash_stage).mp3
;slash by inverse, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
;stages/ww7slashbg3.def ;day
;stages/slashbg.def ;night

; tesse, stages/tesse.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-_dream_waltz_(tesse_stage).mp3
;tesse by yokko, (csff) + (e) by bluebolt
tesse0, stages/waku7t.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-_dream_waltz_(tesse_stage).mp3
;unsigned tesse, updated for last mugen by exinferis, (rsff) + (e) by
bluebolt (unrequestable status)
; tesse1, ;unsigned tesse, updated for last mugen by exinferis, (csff) +
(e) by bluebolt (first update)
tesse2, stages/ww7tess1.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-_dream_waltz_(tesse_stage).mp3
;tesse by fujy, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
tesse3, stages/ww7tessebg3.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-
_dream_waltz_(tesse_stage).mp3 ;tesse by roque, (wo2d), (ws)
;stages/lombrozo_mansion_dusk.def ;daytime
;stages/lombrozo_mansion_evening.def ;evening
;stages/lombrozo_mansion_midnight.def ;midnight
;stages/ww7tesse1.def ;daytime

;waku waku 7 remix

; arina1, ;arina by [mugen-spirit] http://www.os.xaxon.ne.jp/~p2800/mug,

k'�fp2800@maii.os.xaxon.ne.jp, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; arinanude, ;sexy arina by mestre kiuju, (rsff)
; arina-x, ;arina-x by raken00 (raken00@yahoo.com), fixed by gohan ssm2,
; evilhaydee, ;evil haydee metalic warrior by @ndroide, colaboraci�n
especial de haydee zarza, (rsff)
; haydee_mw, ;evil haydee metalic warrior by @ndroide, colaboraci�n especial
de haydee zarza, (rsff)
; rai-ex, ;rai ex by basara-kun, (sffc)
sinex, stages/wak_tesse.def, music=sound/ww7_ost_-
_fight!_super_adventure_boy_rai_(rai_stage).mp3;rai ex by basara-kun

;warcraft series (warcraft, warcraft 2 & world of warcraft; pc) ------

;(ss) ================================================================
;world of warcraft (pc) ==============================================


;warrior blade (arcade) ----------------------------------------------


;warriors of fate / tenchi o kurau ii (arcade) -----------------------

hj, stages/enchanted_forest.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.4_-_01.mp3

;huang juong by enjuo, (wc), (rsff)

;war-zard / red earth (arcade) --------------------------------------
;(sndp): warzardsnd ;by mamoru x ---------------------------------

;bonus stage
;(es) bonus, stages/wz-bonus1.def

;jihad / blade
;(es) jihad

;gigi (two faced terror)

;(es) gigi, stages/wz-gigi.def, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_crypt_stage.mp3

;(es) hauzer

;hydron / nool (frozen place)

;(es) hydron, stages/warzard5.def

;kongou / tanuma
;(es) kongou

;lavia / luan (bird of paradise lost)

;(es) lavia, stages/wz-lavia.def

;(es) leo, random, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_theme_of_leo.mp3

;mukuro / kenji
;(es) mukuro, random, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_theme_of_mukuro.mp3

;ravange / secmento
;(es) ravange

;tabasa / tessa
;(es) tabasa, random, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_theme_of_tabasa.mp3

;tao / mai-ling
;(es) tao, random, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_theme_of_tao.mp3

;valdoll (palace)
;(es) valdol, stages/warzard2.def

;shin valdoll
;(es) s. valdoll

;stages/warzard_gora.def ;gora - grave

;stages/wz-ravange.def ;egypt

;, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_alanbird_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_bonus_stage.1.mp3
;, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_bonus_stage.2.mp3
;, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_darminor_stage.1.mp3
;, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_darminor_stage.2.mp3
;, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_darminor_stage.3.mp3
;, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_gora_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_greedia_stage.mp3
;, music=sound/war-zard_ost_-_icelarn_stage.mp3

;way of the warrior (3do) --------------------------------------------

;black dragon
;(es) black dragon

;crimson glory (graveyard)

;(es) crimson

;dragon (cliffs)
;(es) dragon

;fox (throne room)

;(es) fox

;gaines (the temple)

;(es) gaines

;gutab jamun (the cave)

;(es) gutab

;high abbot (alley fight!)

;(es) abbot

;konotori (the pit)

;(es) konotori

;kull (cemetary)
;(es) kull

;major trouble (the garden)

;(es) major trouble

;nikki chan (bridge)

;(es) nikki

;ninja (dojo)
;(es) ninja

;nobunaga (the roof)

;(es) nobunaga

;shaky jake (arena)

;(es) jake

;(es) voodoo

;weapon lord (super nes) ---------------------------------------------

;(es) bane

;(es) divada

;(es) korr

jentai, stages/wl_skulls.def, music=sound/daft_punk_-_discovery_-_02.mp3 ;
jentai by kain the supreme, (sffc)
jentai0, stages/skullgods.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-
_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-_20.mp3 ;jen-tai by dragoon, (rsff)

;(es) talazia

;(es) zarak

;(es) zorn


;white clarity (pc) --------------------------------------------------


;wild arms series ----------------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- w3_09 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- w3_12 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- w3op1 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- wf ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------------
;- wop1 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- wop2 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------


;wild west: cowboys of moo mesa --------------------------------------


;willow --------------------------------------------------------------


;wipe out series (wipe out, wipe out 2, wipe out 2097 & wipe out 3; playstation)
;(sp): wipeout ;by tsutomu wada -----------------------------------

;wonder momo (pc-engine) ---------------------------------------------

; momo, ;wonder momo by nhk, (ldv), (rsff)

; momo1, ;wonder momo by nhk, (wo2d)

;world heroes series (world heroes, world heroes 2, world heroes 2 jet, world
heroes perfect; neogeo, super nes)

brocken, stages/brocken_bg.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_14-
german_armored_division_dirge_#9_(brocken's_theme).mp3 ;brocken by fujy, (wc),
(sffc) + (e) by bluebolt
rene, stages/wh_brockenbg.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_brocken's_theme_''cyber_general''.mp3 ;rene by adrian

;c. kidd
ckidd, stages/c-kid_wh2.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_07-
nice_guy_of_the_seven_seas_(kidd's_theme).mp3 ;captain kidd by kaio, (rsff) + (e)
by bluebolt

dragon, stages/dragon_bg.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_12-
mighty_stroke_(dragon's_theme).mp3 ;dragon by mouser, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
dragon0, stages/wh_dragon.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_dragon's_theme_''the_man_who_was_called_the_dragon''.mp3 ;dragon by mouser
(private update), (sffc) (unrequestable status)

; erick, ;erick by shywolf, bluebolt (ei), (rsff)
erick0, stages/erick_bg.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_04-
fjord_of_the_midnight_sun_(erik's_theme).mp3 ;erick by shywolf, bluebolt (ei),
sounds and palettes 2-6 added by oscarnaiz, (rsff)

fuuma, stages/fuuma_bg.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_10-
i_am_first_in_line_(fuuma's_theme).mp3 ;unsigned fuuma, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
fuuma0, stages/wh_fuumabg.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_fuuma's_theme_''wind_and_flame''.mp3 ;fuuma by mouser, (rsff) + (e) by

hanzo1, stages/whstage02.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_hanzou's_theme_''tenka_musou_retsu_hikari_zan''.mp3 ;hanzou by mouser, (rsff) +
(e) by bluebolt
; hanzo3, ;hanzou by andre marques
hanzou, stages/whj_hanzou.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_17-
intuition_(hanzou's_theme).mp3 ;hanzou by fuuma(z-neo), (rsff) + (e) by

jack0, stages/whj_jack.def, music=sound/wh2j_ost_-
_the_person_who_lies_hidden_in_madness_(jack's_theme).mp3 ;jack by most
unbalance, (sffc)
wjack, stages/wh2jet_zeus0.def, music=sound/wh2j_ost_-
_the_person_who_lies_hidden_in_madness_(jack's_theme).mp3 ;wjack by shywolf,
bluebolt (ei), (csff)

janne, stages/wh_jannebg.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_jaenne's_theme_''karei_naru_toushi''.mp3 ;janne dulk by mouser, (rsff) + (e) by
;stages/janne_bg.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_11-
the_swordswoman_who_holds_a_grudge_(joanne's_theme).mp3 ;whj
;stages/whj_janne.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_11-
the_swordswoman_who_holds_a_grudge_(joanne's_theme).mp3 ;whj

;j. carn
j_carn, stages/carn_bg.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_15-
mongolian_dynamite_(j._karn's_theme).mp3 ;jenghis carn by t^t & zamtong, (rsff) +
(e) by bluebolt
;stages/wh_j.karn.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_j.kaan's_theme_''tairiku_no_haou''.mp3 ;wh
;stages/wh_jcarnbg.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_j.kaan's_theme_''tairiku_no_haou''.mp3 ;wh
;stages/whj_jcarn.def ;wh2j

johny, stages/max_bg.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_08-
johnny_let's_dance_(maximum's_theme).mp3 ;johny by bbaga, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

; matias, stages/mudman_bg.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_09-
m'madmeeeen!_(madman's_theme).mp3 ;unsigned matias, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
mudman, stages/whj_mudman.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_09-
m'madmeeeen!_(madman's_theme).mp3 ;mudman by die / ku-kan, (rsff) + (e) by
whjmudman, stages/whjmadman.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_09-
m'madmeeeen!_(madman's_theme).mp3 ;madman by montana, (ei), (wc)

;muscle power
; m, ;muscle power by adam_skie@geocities.co.jp, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
m1, stages/whstage01.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_muscle_power's_theme_''power_wall''.mp3 ;muscle power by
adam_skie@geocities.co.jp, sounds and palletes 2-6 added by oscarnaiz, (ei),
mp, stages/muscle_bg.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_16-black_out_#1_(muscle's_theme).mp3
;muscle power by gm, (wo2d), (ws2d)

neodio, stages/neo-dio.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_22-murder_-d-_(dio's_theme).mp3
;neo dio by lucifer7, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
neodio1, stages/neo-dio.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_21-
the_incarnation_of_a_devil_(neo_giga's_theme).mp3 ;neo-dio by bad darkness,
(rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

adrasp, stages/wh_rasputinbg.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_rasputin's_theme_''love_of_a_heretical_gentleman''.mp3 ;rasputin ;rasputin by
daisuke, patched by ayustat, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
rasp, stages/whj_rasputin.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_13-
russian_speculator_(rasputin's_theme).mp3 ;rasputin by daisuke, (rsff) + (e) by
;stages/rasputin.def ;wh2j

; ryofu, ;ryofu by shimon, (rsff)
whp_ryofu, stages/whj_ryofu.def, music=sound/wh2j_ost_-_wind_inside_of_pupil_-
eyes_of_sekitoba-_(ryofu's_theme).mp3 ;ryofu by shimon, (wc)

ryoko, stages/ryoko_bg.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_05-
the_wind_dances_the_flowers_bloom_(ryoko's_theme).mp3;izumo ryoko by bad darkness,
(rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

shura, stages/shura_bg.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_06-tiger_nail_(shura's_theme).mp3
;shura nai kanom tom by adamskie, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
; shura1, ;shura by darekasan, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
shura3, stages/shura_bg.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_06-tiger_nail_(shura's_theme).mp3
;shura by minmei shobei & basara-kun, (wc), (sffc)
; shuradm, ;shura by duende macabro, (wo2d), (ws2d)

; zeus, stages/wh2jet_zeus1.def, music=sound/wh2j_ost_-
_world_darkness_(kaimei)_(zeus's_theme).mp3 ;unsigned zeus, (rsff)

;world heroes series remix

; dpirate, stages/chinaarea.def ;unsigned dpirate, (rsff)

; honey, ;honey by ashman (mouser's janne edit), (rsff)
; jmax, ;johnny maximum nfl by bbaga / shimon / judgespear, (wc), (ws2d)
; neodio0, ;neo dio by gscool, (rsff)
ryoko-izumo, stages/nbc-ryoko-2006.def, music=sound/wh2_ost_05-
the_wind_dances_the_flowers_bloom_(ryoko's_theme).mp3;ryoko by hiram yagami,
(i&ei), (wo2d)

;(ss) ================================================================
;world heroes (arcade, neogeo & super nes) ===========================

; stone, stages/stonebg.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_bonus_stage_''go_go_j.ferry''.mp3 ;stone by kanyero, (csff)

;(es) brocken, stages/wh_brockenbg2.def

;(es) geegus, stages/wh1-geegus.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-

;(es) rasputin, stages/wh_rasputinbg2.def

;stages/deathmatch.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_death_match_mode_''loudness_gone_gone''.mp3 ;deathmatch fire
;stages/deathmatch1.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_death_match_mode_''loudness_gone_gone''.mp3 ;deathmatch needles
;stages/deathmatch2.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_death_match_mode_''loudness_gone_gone''.mp3 ;deathmatch fire
;stages/deathmatch20.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_death_match_mode_''loudness_gone_gone''.mp3 ;deathmatch h.e.
;stages/deathmatch3.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-
_death_match_mode_''loudness_gone_gone''.mp3 ;deathmatch h.e.
;stages/wire.def, music=sound/wh_ost_-_death_match_mode_''loudness_gone_gone''.mp3
;deathmatch fire

;world heroes remix


;(ss) ================================================================
;(ss) world heroes 2 (arcade, neogeo & super nes) ====================

;, music=sound/wh2_ost_20-ding!_ding!_here_we_go_(bonus_stage).mp3

; fuuma1, stages/fumawh2-dm.def ;fuuma by andre marques

;stages/deathmacth.def ;metal mesh

;stages/metalmesh.def ;metal mesh

;, music=sound/wh2_ost_18-deathmatch_mode.mp3

;world heroes 2 remix

;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-_black_out_1_(muscle_power's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-_fjord_of_the_arctic_night_(erik's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-_intuition_(hanzo's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-_jonny_let's_dance_(jonny_maximum's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-_m'madmeeeen!_(mudman's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-_mighty_stroke_(kim_dragon's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-_mongolian_dynamite_(j._carn's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-_murder-d-_(dio's_theme).mp3
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-_russian_speculator_-russian_speculator-
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-
;, music=sound/wh2_imgalb_-_tiger_nail_(shura's_theme).mp3
;(ss) ================================================================
;world heroes 2 jet (neogeo) =========================================
;(sp): wh2.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================

;c. kidd
;(es) kidd, stages/music=sound/wh2j_ost_-

;(es) dragon, stages/ydpark.def

;stages/plaza.def, music=sound/wh2j_ost_-_la_zozobla_(spain's_theme).mp3
;stages/wh2jet_berlin.def, music=sound/wh2j_ost_-
;stages/wh2jet_dome.def, music=sound/wh2j_ost_-
;stages/wh2jet_korea.def, music=sound/wh2j_ost_-_star_soldier_(korea's_theme).mp3
;stages/wh2jet_nocturne.def, music=sound/wh2j_ost_-
;stages/wh2jet_usa.def, music=sound/wh2j_ost_-_blue_edge_(usa's_theme).mp3

;, music=sound/wh2j_ost_-_be_proud_of_humanity_(bonus_stage).mp3

;world heroes 2 jet remix

;, music=sound/wh2j_imgalb_-_1st_scripture_of_evil.mp3
;, music=sound/wh2j_imgalb_-_corridor_of_the_brave.mp3
;, music=sound/wh2j_imgalb_-_la_zozobla.mp3
;, music=sound/wh2j_imgalb_-_nice_guy_of_the_great_waterfall.mp3
;, music=sound/wh2j_imgalb_-_shooting_script.mp3
;, music=sound/wh2j_imgalb_-_the_person_who_sinks_into_madness.mp3
;, music=sound/wh2j_imgalb_-_wind_inside_of_pupil_-eyes_of_sekitoba-.mp3
;, music=sound/wh2j_imgalb_-_world_darkness.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;world heroes perfect (neogeo) =======================================
;(sp): wh1.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================
;(e): ryofuend ;by bluebolt =======================================

;brocken (world war)

;(es) brocken, stages/great_war.def, music=sound/whp_-

;c. kidd (jurassic period)

kidd, stages/prehistory_island.def, music=sound/whp_-
_tri_service_of_birds_and_beasts_(jurassic_period).mp3 ;c.kidd by mouser,
(wc), (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt

;erick (medieval times)

whp_erick, stages/whp.def, music=sound/whp_-_ted_(medieval_times).mp3 ;erick by

;gokuu (genroku period)

; gokuu, ;gokuu by ryo-hei, (rsff) + (e) by bluebolt
whp_gokuu, stages/aldeaninja.def, music=sound/whp_-
_halo_in_asia_(genroku_period).mp3 ;son gokuu by shimon
;johny (modern times)
whp_johnny, stages/period.def, music=sound/whp_-_big_city_(modern_times).mp3 ;
johnny by shimon

;neo dio (final showdown)

neo-dio_dos, stages/whp_neodio.def, music=sound/whp_-_murder_-d-
_act.2_(final_showdown).mp3 ;neo-dio by nobody, (wc)

;rasputin (glacial age)

rasputin, stages/ice_age.def, music=sound/whp_-_holy_ice_gorge_(glacial_age).mp3
;rasputin by mouser, (wc), (sffc) + (e) by bluebolt

;zeus (spatiotemporal dark castle)

zeus0, stages/zeus_whp.def, music=sound/whp_-
_zeus_no.8_appassionato_(spatiotemporal_dark_castle).mp3 ;zeus by gonzo-, (rsff)

;stages/egipte.def, music=sound/whp_-_sirius_rizing_(megalithic_civilization).mp3
;stages/jugementdernier.def, music=sound/whp_-
;stages/m4e_whp_dark.def, music=sound/whp_-_ted_(medieval_times).mp3 ;medieval
;stages/m4e_whp_ice.def, music=sound/whp_-_holy_ice_gorge_(glacial_age).mp3
;stages/m4e_whp_jurassic.def, music=sound/whp_-
;stages/m4e_whp_stone.def, music=sound/whp_-_go_by_mammoth_(stone_age).mp3
;stages/whp_gendai.def, music=sound/whp_-_big_city_(modern_times).mp3
;stages/whp_hyougaki.def, music=sound/whp_-_holy_ice_gorge_(glacial_age).mp3
;stages/whp_industryage.def, music=sound/whp_-_the_foreigner_-
;stages/whpstage01.def, music=sound/whp_-_flame_blade_of_hell_(earth_genesis).mp3

;, music=sound/whp_iso_-_flame_blade_of_hell_(earth_genesis).mp3
;, music=sound/whp_iso_-
;, music=sound/whp_iso_-_holy_ice_gorge_(glacial_age).mp3
;, music=sound/whp_iso_-_go_by_mammoth_(stone_age).mp3
;, music=sound/whp_iso_-_halo_in_asia_(genroku_period).mp3
;, music=sound/whp_iso_-_ted_(medieval_times).mp3
;, music=sound/whp_iso_-_the_foreigner_-
;, music=sound/whp_iso_-_sirius_rizing_(megalithic_civilization).mp3
;, music=sound/whp_iso_-_symphony_of_evil_#2_(world_war).mp3
;, music=sound/whp_iso_-_big_city_(modern_times).mp3
;, music=sound/whp_iso_-
;, music=sound/whp_iso_-_murder_-d-_act.2_(final_showdown).mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;world heroes original char ==========================================

blockenjr, stages/desierto.def, music=sound/tresor_-_vol.5_-_06.mp3 ;unsigned

blocken jr., (sffc)

;world heroes 2 (nes pirate rom) -------------------------------------

;(es) bowser, stages/wh2-bowser.def, music=sound/wh2-bowser.mp3

;(es) goku, stages/wh2-goku.def, music=sound/wh2-goku.mp3

;(es) haggar, stages/wh2-haggar.def, music=sound/wh2-haggar.mp3

;(es) mario, stages/wh2-mario.def, music=sound/wh2-mario.mp3

;worms series --------------------------------------------------------

; worm0, ;boggy b by aku ma, (sffc) + (e) by rudolf27

;ww get the f out wrestlers (unclassed chars) ------------------------

austin, stages/wwf.def, music=sound/wwfmania.mp3 ;stone cold steve austin by

the heartburn kid, (rsff)
rocky, stages/rawiswar.def, music=sound/wwfmania.mp3 ;unsigned the rock, (rsff)

;xenogear ------------------------------------------------------------

; fei, ;fei by jo030277@teleline.es

;xenosaga ep1 --------------------------------------------------------

; kosmos, ;kos-mos by barubaru, (rsff)

;x-men - mutant war (game boy) ---------------------------------------


;x-men: reign of apocalypse (gameboy advance) ------------------------

; fenix, stages/paris2.def ;fenix by eclipse, (rsff)

; psygba, stages/xavier0.def ;psylocke by . : �clip�e : ., (wc), (ws2d)
; psylocke4, ;psylocke by eclipse, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; vampira, stages/30.def ;vampira by . : �clip�e : ., (wc), (ws2d)

;x-men: reign of apocalypse remix

; elektra0, ;elektra by eclipse, (rsff)
; psy80, ;psylocke by eclipse, (rsff)
; emma, ;emma frost by lucas eclipse, (ii), (rsff)

;x-men: the arcade game (arcade) -------------------------------------

; whitequeen, ;white queen by the great matsutzu, (wc)

;yie ar kung fu series (yie ar kung fu & yie ar kung fu 2; arcade, commodore 64,
msx & nes)

;(ss) ================================================================
;yie ar kung fu ======================================================

;bonus game
; bonus, stages/yiearkung-fu.def, music=sound/yiearkung-fu.mp3 ;bonus stage
by bonusugi, (rsff)

; chen, stages/yiearkung-fu.def, music=sound/yiearkung-fu.mp3 ;chen by
sugichen, (rsff)

; lang, stages/yiearkung-fu.def, music=sound/yiearkung-fu.mp3 ;lang by
sugilang, (rsff)

; lee4, ;lee by sugilee, (rsff)
; lee6, stages/yiear0.def ;lee by masa
; fclee_a, ;lee by sugilee, fixed by ayustat!, (rsff)

; mu, stages/yiearkung-fu.def, music=sound/yiearkung-fu.mp3 ;mu by sugiwang,

; tao, stages/yiearkung-fu.def, music=sound/yiearkung-fu.mp3 ;tao by sugitao,

; wang, stages/wang.def, music=sound/yiearkung-fu.mp3 ;wang by sugiwang,
; wang0,stages/wang.def, music=sound/yiearkung-fu.mp3 ;wang by j_k-
2469@geocities.co.jp, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)

;yie ar kung fu remix

; jaga, stages/gari.def, music=sound/gari.mp3 ;jaga by masa, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;yie ar kung fu 2 ====================================================
;(es) blues

;(es) buchu

;(es) chain

;(es) club

; yiefan, stages/yiear.def, music=sound/yiear.mp3;fan by xcb, (wo2d)

;(es) feedle

;(es) nunchu

; oolong, ;oolong by =toch=

;(es) pole

; yiestar, stages/yiear2.def, music=sound/yiear2.mp3 ;star by xcb, (wo2d)

;(es) sword

;(es) tonfun

;yo!noid (nes) -------------------------------------------------------

; yonoid, ;noid by elecbyte, (i&ei)

;yorugakuru (pc) -----------------------------------------------------

;stages/yorugakuru.def ;sakuramizudai school (night)

;stages/yorugakuru2.def ;garden
;stages/yorukuru01.def ;hazama (blue)
;stages/yorukuru_centerbuilding.def ;center building - top floor
;stages/yorukuru_hazama.def ;hazama (normal)
;stages/yorukuru_hazama2.def ;hazama (red)
;stages/yorukuru_hazama3.def ;hazama (blue)
;stages/yorukuru_hazama4.def ;hazama (green)
;stages/yorukuru_park.def ;park (noon)
;stages/yorukuru_park2.def ;park (night)
;stages/yorukuru_park3.def ;park (evening)
;stages/yorukuru_park4.def ;park (cold night)
;stages/yorukuru_school.def ;sakuramizudai school (noon)
;stages/yorukuru_school2.def ;sakuramizudai school (night)
;stages/yorukuru_school3.def ;sakuramizudai school (evening)
;stages/yorukuru_school4.def ;sakuramizudai school (cold night)
;stages/yorukuru_woranger.def ;woranger show

;yuuyuu hakusho series (yuuyuu hakusho, yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo, yuuyuu
hakusho final - makai saikyou retsuden, yuuyuu hakusho: makyo toitsusen, yuuyuu
hakusho tokubehuten; 3do, genesis & super nes)

; kurama0, stages/yuyubg.def, music=sound/yyh_-_akuukan.mp3 ;kurama by smi,



;(ss) ================================================================
;gameboy yuuyuu hakusho series =======================================

; gb_yusuke, stages/okunenjyu.def, music=sound/okunenjyu.mp3 ;yusuke urameshi

by taruse, (sffc)

;(ss) ================================================================
;yuuyuu hakusho (3do) ================================================


;(ss) ================================================================
;yuuyuu hakusho (genesis) ============================================

mdgenkai, stages/reikai.def, music=sound/reikai.mp3 ;genkai by masa, (sffc)

; hei0, ;hei by bawi howard terry bodgard
; hiei, ;hiei by strider from typhoon crew, (rsff)
hiei3, stages/yuyubg1.def, music=sound/yyh_-_akuukan.mp3 ;hiei by claudio toxi,

yusukemd, stages/yuyubg2.def, music=sound/yyh_-_akuukan.mp3 ;yusuke urameshi
by taruse, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo (super nes) =======================
;(sp): yuyu.style ;by claudio toxi ===================================

;chuu (stadium [1st round])

;(es) chuu, random, music=sound/yyh2_chuu.mp3

;fukumen senshi / masked genkai (dojo [night])

;(es) masked genkai, stages/genkaibg3_up.def,

;genkai (dojo [day])

genkai0, stages/genkaibg.def, music=sound/yyh2_genkai.mp3 ;genkai by x-calibre
blade, (wc), (sffc)

;hiei (warehouse)
hiei0, stages/hieibg2.def, music=sound/yyh2_hiei.mp3 ;hiei by hiei ssj, (rsff)
; hiei1, stages/hieibg.def ;hiei by sabrewolf, (rsff)

;jin (stadium [1st round]) (comment: stadium 2nd round till 1st is converted)
jin5, stages/trevas.def, music=sound/yyh2_jin.mp3 ;yu yu jin by sano sagara,
(wc), (ws2d)

;kurama (rooftop by night)

;(es) kurama, stages/yyhrooftop.def,

;kuwabara (park)
kuwabara, stages/kuwahara.def, music=sound/yyh2_kazuma_kuwabara.mp3 ;kuwabara
kazuma by abdul, (csff)

;shishiwakamaru (stadium [2nd round])

;(es) shishiwakamaru, stages/trevas.def, music=sound/yyh2_shishiwakamaru.mp3

;shoujo genkai / young genkai (dojo [sunset])

genkai, stages/genkaibg2.def, music=sound/yyh2_genkai.mp3 ;mestra genkai by
master sabrewolf, (rsff)

;suzaku (training room)

suzaku, stages/training-yuyu.def, music=sound/yyh2_suzaku.mp3 ;unsigned suzaku,

;toguro 30 % (yukina)
togurok, stages/yuuyuu.def, music=sound/yyh2_toguro30%.mp3 ;toguro ototo by
kazukazu04@hotmail.com, (rsff)

;toguro 80 % (stadium [2nd round])

;(es) toguro 80 %, stages/trevas.def, music=sound/yyh2_toguro80%.mp3

;toguro 100 % (stadium [2nd round])

toguro, stages/trevas.def, music=sound/yyh2_toguro100%.mp3 ;toguro ototo by
fangke, (rsff)
toguro95, stages/trevas.def, music=sound/yyh2_toguro100%.mp3 ;toguro by
{[evil_kairi]} ou gogeta_ssj5, (ii), (rsff)

yusuke, stages/genkaibg2.def, music=sound/yyh2_toguro100%.mp3 ;yusuke by
gokkuhyper, (rsff)

;yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo remix

; kuwabara0, stages/hideaway.def, music=sound/yyh_-_akuukan.mp3 ;kuwabara by

darkness skull, (rsff)

;(ss) ================================================================
;yuuyuu hakusho final - makai saikyou retsuden (super nes) ===========

;(es) hiei

; kurama, ;kurama youko by diogoagra, (rsff)

;kurama youko
; ykurama, ;youkokurama by mar, (rsff)

;(es) kuwabara

; finalmukuro, random, music=sound/yyhf_-_mokuro.mp3 ;mukuro by masa, (sffc)

;(es) raizen, stages/stage29.def, music=sound/yyhf_-_raizen.mp3

;(es) sensui, random, music=sound/yyhf_-_sensui.mp3

;sensui (sacred armor)

;(es) sensui (sacred armor), random, music=sound/yyhf_-_sensui_(sacred_armor).mp3

;(es) shigure, stages/yuyubg3.def, music=sound/yyhf_-_shigureh.mp3

;(es) shura, stages/yuyubg3.def, music=sound/yyhf_-_shura.mp3

; yakumo, random, music=sound/yyhf_-_lord_darkness.mp3 ;yakumo by dark
nekrobat, (rsff)

;(es) yomi, random, music=sound/yyhf_-_yomi.mp3

;yusuke / yuusuke
; yusuke0, ;yusuke urameshi by diogoagra, (rsff)
; yusuke_u, stages/floresta0.def ;yusuke urameshi by himura kenshin,
; yusuke_u0, stages/estadio0.def ;yusuke by himura kenshin and seth,

;yusuke (youkai)
;(es) yusuke (youkai)

;, music=sound/yyhf_-_stage_fight_1.mp3
;, music=sound/yyhf_-_stage_fight_2.mp3
;, music=sound/yyhf_-_stage_fight_3.mp3
;, music=sound/yyhf_-_stage_fight_4.mp3
;, music=sound/yyhf_-_stage_fight_5.mp3
;, music=sound/yyhf_-_stage_fight_6.mp3

;yuuyuu hakusho final remix

; yuyuteam, stages/planicie.def ;yuyuteam!y! by rage_ex_plus, (rsff)

;stages/estadio das trevas.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;yuuyuu hakusho: makyo toitsusen (genesis) ===========================

;itsuki (sub space)

;(es) itsuki, stages/subspace.def

;toguru ani (forest)

;(es) toguru, stages/mori.def

;(ss) ================================================================
;yuuyuu hakusho original stuff =======================================
;(sp): ===============================================================
;- yuyu_screenpack ;by ***mitch*** ==============================
;- yuyu2_screenpack ;by mitch ====================================

; hiei2, ;hiei by kylen(�ͺ��k), (rsff)

hiei4, stages/yyh_forest.def, music=sound/yyh_ost_-_hiei's_theme.mp3 ;hiei by
ribeiro, (wc), (ws2d)

;, music=sound/yyh_ost_-_kurama's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/yyh_ost_-_kuwabara's_theme.mp3
;, music=sound/yyh_ost_-_monster_suite.mp3
;, music=sound/yyh_ost_-_tatakai_no_toki.mp3
;, music=sound/yyh_ost_-_time_limit.mp3
;, music=sound/yyh_ost_-_yusuke's_theme.mp3

;zatch bell: tag team tournament (gameboy advance) -------------------

; brago0, ;brago by tetsuo

;zedblade (arcade & neogeo) ------------------------------------------


;zelda series (the legend of zelda, the legend of zelda 2, zelda 3: a link to the
past / zelda no densetsu - kagami no triforce, zelda: the occarina of time; game
boy, nes, super nes & ultra 64)
;(lb): zelda-lifebars ;unsigned ------------------------------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;links awakening (gameboy) ===========================================

;, music=sound/zelda_links_awakening_clashatthemountains_oc_remix.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;the legend of zelda ocarina of time (ultra64) =======================


;(ss) ================================================================
;zelda (nes) =========================================================

; link, stages/link.def, music=sound/link.mp3 ;unsigned link (sugio ???),


;, music=sound/zelda_ost_-_track_01.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda_ost_-_track_02.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda_ost_-_track_03.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda_ost_-_track_05.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;zelda 2 (nes) =======================================================

; disklink, stages/hyruletemple.def, music=sound/zelda2_ost_-_track_08.mp3

;link by masa, (rsff)
; link0, stages/chamber.def, music=sound/zelda2_ost_-_track_07.mp3 ;link by kyo
kusanagi, (ursff)
; link2, stages/zeldatemple.def, music=sound/zelda2_ost_-_track_11.mp3 ;
unsigned classic link, (rsff)

;, music=sound/zelda2_ost_-_track_01.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda2_ost_-_track_02.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda2_ost_-_track_04.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda2_ost_-_track_05.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda2_ost_-_track_06.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda2_ost_-_track_09.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda2_ost_-_track_10.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda2_ost_-_track_12.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;zelda 3: a link to the past / zelda no densetsu - kagami no triforce (super nes)
;(sp): spzelda3 ;by mike werewolf ==================================

; sfclink, stages/graveyardsanctuary.def, music=sound/zelda3_ost_-_53.mp3

;link by sugio, (rsff) (unrequestable status)

;, music=sound/zelda3_ost_-_28.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda3_ost_-_34.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda3_ost_-_38.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda3_ost_-_42.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda3_ost_-_44.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda3_ost_-_46.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda3_ost_-_48.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda3_ost_-_49.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda3_ost_-_50.mp3
;, music=sound/zelda3_ost_-_52.mp3

;(ss) ================================================================
;zelda series original char ==========================================

; evil link, ;evil link by rmx & silencer, (wc), (ws2d) (unrequestable status)
; link1, ;link by rmx & silencer, (sffc)
link3, stages/tasogare100.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_their_law_cd2_-_04.mp3
;link by rmx, silencer, eikichi, & mike werewolf, (sffc)
; linku, stages/galeria.def ;klinku by zinseinogomi, (csff)

;zombies ate my neighbors (genesis & super nes) ----------------------

;stages/zamni.def, music=sound/zamn_zamn.mp3

;zool (genesis & super nes) ------------------------------------------


;zyclunt / blade warrior (pc) ----------------------------------------

; sou, ;sou by davidgee, (rsff)

;original creations --------------------------------------------------
;(sp): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- 32x16 ;by abis -------------------------------------------------
;- 516stars ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- 524 players ;by duracelleur ------------------------------------
;- a5 ;by yuba -------------------------------------------------------
;- acqua ;by scaner -----------------------------------------------
;- add004 ;by tatsu (wo) -------------------------------------------
;- add004basic ;by tatsu ------------------------------------------
;- add008 ;by tatsu (wo) -------------------------------------------
;- add158 ;by yayutto ----------------------------------------------
;- add174 ;by yayutto ----------------------------------------------
;- add2002 ;by yayutto ----------------------------------------------
;- addon_light ;by gatt -------------------------------------------
;- add_uxinmugenn ;by maxamaxa_twoweb@mail.goo.ne.jp -----------------
;- add_winmugeso ;by fmirumausu_sai@excite.co.jp --------------------
;- akatsukidata ;by anjel ------------------------------------------
;- alpha-xmugen_screenpack ;by alpha ------------------------------
;- ash-sp ;by ashman -----------------------------------------------
;- asp40_battle_zone ;by man & 007 --------------------------------
;- asp40_bt2 ;by man & 007 --------------------------------------
;- ata04 ;by kal@every-mail.com -----------------------------------
;- ata04b ;by kal@every-mail.com -----------------------------------
;- ata05v09 ;by kal@mint.freemail.ne/jp ------------------------------
;- ata05v120 ;by kal@mint.freemail.ne/jp ------------------------
;- bad001 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- bad002 ;by elecbyte ---------------------------------------------
;- bad003 ;by ura(re:) ---------------------------------------------
;- brokenmugen[v.0.99][240z] ;by two4teezee -------------------------
;- b't x ;by saka -------------------------------------------------
;- caf ;by duracelleur ------------------------------------------
;- cci_hni_sp ;by ironmugen --------------------------------------
;- cerisier ;by cerisier (unrequestable status) ----------------------
;- cfpack ;by riccochet --------------------------------------------
;- cfs ;by the god bogard ---------------------------------------
;- clashpack ;by leonardo ---------------------------------------
;- dap ;by mugnjet ----------------------------------------------
;- data ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- db0411 ;by duracelleur ------------------------------------------
;- db vs ranma 1.2 ;by anakin skywalker und rex1 ----------------
;- dm-moogen ;by doom -------------------------------------------
;- dmv1.7 ;by rachael s., shingouki420 -----------------------------
;- doh2 ;by fraya ------------------------------------------------
;- dragon ball vs street fighter ;by shenron7 & theduke -----------
;- eternaldream ;by tekio23 & grunge -------------------------------
;- evankpack2 ;by evank ------------------------------------------
;- eve battle ;by dj-van, dr4ch1r, duracelleur, matmut, chronos, tatsu,
sopitas, neo gouki, eli, sinasta, mugen dev, and the mugen fighters guild
;- evil battle ;by elecbyte + drachir -----------------------------
;- evkpack ;by evank ------------------------------------------------
;- exmotif ;by megaman ----------------------------------------------
;- final force ;by gulthor ----------------------------------------
;- final force2006 ;by gulthor ----------------------------------
;- gals ;by r.o.q.u.e. -------------------------------------------
;- greensp ;by toninho 3rd ------------------------------------------
;- heroic ;by mike werewolf ----------------------------------------
;- ironmugen ;by david demianoff --------------------------------
;- japan robot 662 screenpack by sirius_78 ;by sirius_78 --------
;- jf3 ;by jyp --------------------------------------------------
;- kal's_add-on2 ;by kal@every-mail.com -----------------------------
;- kal's_add-on2+ ;by kal@every-mail.com -----------------------------
;- killbill ;by tiger-genocide ---------------------------------------
;- kofimmortal ;by had�s-orochriz. --------------------------------
;- kscreenpack(win) ;by kamek ------------------------------------
;- kurumin ;by fbs777 -----------------------------------------------
;- last samurai battle ;by duracelleur ------------------------------
;- lodosswarsp ;by ades -------------------------------------------
;- m4epack5 ;by destino_pt -------------------------------------------
;- macb0 ;by driphantom -------------------------------------------
;- macb0remake ;by driphantom -------------------------------------
;- macb0re ;by driphantom -------------------------------------------
;- macb3 ;by driphantom -------------------------------------------
;- macb4-sam2 ;by driphantom -------------------------------------
;- macb-sam ;by driphantom -------------------------------------------
;- macbv1.0.0 ;by abis(drephantom) -------------------------------
;- manga ;by elecbyte ---------------------------------------------
;- megamotif ;by n64mario ---------------------------------------
;- merublack ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- metalika ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- mf ;by ricky ------------------------------------------------------
;- mf_screenpack ;by lord yagami ------------------------------------
;- morpheovscreenpack ;by morpheov ---------------------------------
;- mortalkombat-killer-samuraishadown-street_vs;by mugenzpower ------
;- mp ;by ricky ------------------------------------------------------
;- mug_1305 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- mug_doubleres4 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- mugen-04-14-2001 wip kyosuke_ex (private) ;by kyosuke_ex -------
;- msfsp ;by toninho 3rd ------------------------------------------
;- mt3 ;by drachir ----------------------------------------------
;- mugen_317 ;by moreira ----------------------------------------
;- mugenpower ;by ricky ------------------------------------------
;- mugen warriorz ;by nyko -------------------------------------------
;- mugenx ;by aniven -----------------------------------------------
;- mugen_x ;by mr.x-file --------------------------------------------
;- mugenxxi ;by lnm (unrequestable status) ---------------------------
;- mugfami ;by sugio ------------------------------------------------
;- mw ;by ricky ------------------------------------------------------
;- mx ;by big eli king -----------------------------------------------
;- mxclite ;by big eli king -----------------------------------------
;- project ;by ronai sanzer -----------------------------------------
;- project eveolution ;by dj-van -----------------------------------
;- saikyo_mugen_screenpack_v1 ;by ziltama ----------------------------
;- screenmb ;by nyko -------------------------------------------------
;- screenpack1 ;by kazmer 13 --------------------------------------
;- screenpack2 ;by kazmer 13 --------------------------------------
;- screenpack20 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- screenpack3 ;by kazmer 13 --------------------------------------
;- screen_pack_final_force_mugen ;by elecbyte / gulthor -----------
;- screenpack_i ;by cerisier ---------------------------------------
;- screen_pack_mugen_destruction ;by elecbyte / gulthor -----------
;- screenpack n�03 ;by cerisier (unrequestable status) ----------
;- screenpacksnstuff ;unsigned (unrequestable status) -------------
;- shoryuken ;by trunkszero157 aka omega 157 --------------------
;- sickness_deluxe ;by ztitus -----------------------------------
;- snk_edition ;by bluet.g ----------------------------------------
;- snk_vs_playmore ;by butti, and ruddy, and musou --------------
;- sp ;by ricky ------------------------------------------------------
;- sp-00f ;by abis -------------------------------------------------
;- spa-pat ;by abis -------------------------------------------------
;- sp-ash2 ;by ashman -----------------------------------------------
;- spider ;by ex_inferis -------------------------------------------
;- stage of history - arcade perfect ;by timeout16 --------------
;- sun_faces_mugen ;by elecbyte + sunfacer ----------------------
;- suprmotif ;by n64mario ---------------------------------------
;- sxyz ;by doa_x ------------------------------------------------
;- system_y ;by elecbyte+yamabe --------------------------------------
;- the great team ;by ironmugen --------------------------------------
;- tqh0 ;by tetchi -----------------------------------------------
;- tnf ;by bomb -------------------------------------------------
;- ultimate garou ;by cc ironmugen (unrequestable status) ------------
;- ultmotif ;by n64mario ---------------------------------------------
;- wadash ;by ashman -----------------------------------------------
;- winm ;by doa_x ------------------------------------------------
;- winmoa.01 ;by hatabow ----------------------------------------
;- winmugen megamix ;by art 83 -----------------------------------
;- w_mmoa ;by hatabow ----------------------------------------------
;- wwx ;by drachir ----------------------------------------------
;- xeno ;by ex_inferis -------------------------------------------
;- yk(show down)01ver ;by yellowball9@hanmail.net ------------------
;- yugioh_screenpack ;by ***mitch*** ------------------------------
;(lb): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- barras ;by javier carracedo -------------------------------------
;- evkfight ;by evank ------------------------------------------------
;- ghost_lifebardg ;by dg ---------------------------------------
;- hydyeondk-lb ;by hydyeondk --------------------------------------
;- lbf ;by fngt@ngt-a.com ---------------------------------------
;- lifebar ;by kal --------------------------------------------------
;- lifebar ''final force'' ;by gulthor ----------------------------
;- lifebar_kai ;by hatabow ----------------------------------------
;- life bars sham1 ;by shammahalfa1 -----------------------------
;- lifebarz ;by havoc ------------------------------------------------
;- lvl2 ;by jfct555 ----------------------------------------------
;- mechalifebar ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- ml_life ;by http://kurisu.breeze.jp/ -----------------------------
;- m-spirit_lifebar_2.0 ;by mugen-spirits ----------------------------
;- mu2lb-normal ;by most unbalance ---------------------------------
;- mu2lb-rg ;by most unbalance ---------------------------------------
;- mun ;by mr. mu~ ----------------------------------------------
;- mun2 ;by mr. mu~ ----------------------------------------------
;- mxclbar ;by big eli king -----------------------------------------
;- olb-07files ;by tsutomuwada@livedoor.com -----------------------
;- origvampire ;by vampireskiss -----------------------------------
;- pao-003 ;by abis -------------------------------------------------
;- red impact perfect ;by kain the supreme -------------------------
;- red lb ;by toninho 3rd ------------------------------------------
;- red lifebars v.1.0 ;unsigned ------------------------------------
;- simple lifebar ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- wres4lifebar ;by ashman -----------------------------------------
;- woobar ;by wooshaq ----------------------------------------------
;(fnt): --------------------------------------------------------------
;- arcade fonts ;by blac-dragoon -----------------------------------
;- bedlam_(hi-res_font_by jfct555) ;by jfct555 ----------------------
;- bigfont ;by ashman -----------------------------------------------
;- buffy num ;by kain the supreme -------------------------------
;- custom small font ;by blac-dragoon -----------------------------
;- f002-l ;by ashman -----------------------------------------------
;- kalfont ;by kal --------------------------------------------------
;- macb win-ver_fnt ;by driphantom -------------------------------
;- name_nyo ;by maxamaxa_twoweb@mail.goo.ne.jp -----------------------
;- num1 ;by kain the supreme -------------------------------------
;- numfont da kof91 ;by kain the supreme -------------------------
;- olb01 ;by ashman -----------------------------------------------
;- orhf_(low-res_font_by jfct555) ;by jfct555 ----------------------
;- timer (old) ;by blac-dragoon -----------------------------------
;- winfont ;by ashman -----------------------------------------------
;(i&e): --------------------------------------------------------------
;- cammypack ;by kazmer 13 --------------------------------------
;- gouki ;by zesensei ---------------------------------------------
;- sagatpack ;by kazmer 13 --------------------------------------
;- storyboards ;by rudolf27 ---------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- aohige_intro ;by aohige -----------------------------------------
;- djmax ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- electbyte-logo ;by _kronos_ ---------------------------------------
;- e1intro ;by doorhenge --------------------------------------------
;- godman_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- gundou_eyecatch ;unsigned ------------------------------------
;- gunsword_eyecatch ;unsigned ------------------------------------
;- intro ;by mathmugen --------------------------------------------
;- intromugen ;by rudolf27 ---------------------------------------
;- jingai ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- jiraiya_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- jon_intro ;by jon undead -------------------------------------
;- ka_after_intro ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- kaa_intro ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- kazakuraen ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- kikaioho ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- kisin ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- kmiko_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- logo ;by kyosuke_ex -------------------------------------------
;- looktothesky_intro ;unsigned ------------------------------------
;- lp_intro ;by m@th -------------------------------------------------
;- lucky_star ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- m16 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- max ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- mugen_intro ;by mr.x-file --------------------------------------
;- mugen_op ;by eof --------------------------------------------------
;- mugen-op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- nadesico_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- nanoha ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- nanoha_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------------
;- p3f ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- p3fes ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- playmore_intro ;by vans1belmont -----------------------------------
;- pop ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- psplogo ;by hitmanxxviii -----------------------------------------
;- ra_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- rb_intro ;by david demianoff --------------------------------------
;- re_lucky_star ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- ryuguno_eyecatch ;unsigned ------------------------------------
;- ryuintro ;by hitmanxxviii -----------------------------------------
;- scryed_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- shadow ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- shana_01op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- sk8_intro ;by m@th -------------------------------------------
;- strikers_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- super_nintendo_intro ;by robson - 007 -----------------------------
;- test ;by ali raza husain --------------------------------------
;- wolf_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- yami_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;(e): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- andyending ;by garuda -----------------------------------------
;- credits ;by fantoboy ---------------------------------------------
;- endfulgore ;by gorjeador --------------------------------------
;- endkof01 ;by gorjeador --------------------------------------------
;- endkorea ;by gorjeador --------------------------------------------
;- ffu_ed02 ;by aohige -----------------------------------------------
;- geese ;by junior chillage aka steyn ----------------------------
;- geeseend ;by nikkio78 aka garuda ----------------------------------
;- gameover0 ;by cloud strife by [c]csff7h ----------------------
;- kingend ;by garuda -----------------------------------------------
;- kof98rugal ;by junior chillage --------------------------------
;- mugen_badend ;by mr.x-file --------------------------------------
;- mugen-ed ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- mugen-ed0 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- mugen-ed-2 ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- mugen_ed_ex_ed ;unsigned ------------------------------------------
;- mugen_end ;by mr.x-file --------------------------------------
;- rugaln2 ;by mr. mu~ ----------------------------------------------
;- terryend0 ;by garuda -----------------------------------------
;(fx): ---------------------------------------------------------------
;- lights spark pack ;by erradicator ------------------------------
;- sparks by fernandobuffa ;by fernandobuffa ----------------------
;- vereffect ;unsigned ------------------------------------------

; !nagaoka, ;g.nagaoka by kuma

; 0captcave_90, ;captain caveman by tronbonne, (wc)
; 0captcave_99, ;captain caveman by ddr, (wc), (ws)
; 0ddodgers_94_4, ;dogers by tronboone, (wc), (rsff)
; 0fatalbert_92, ;fat albert by tronboone, (wc), (rsff)
; 0marvin_99_5, ;marvin by telechy, (wc), (rsff)
; 0marvin_100_ddr, ;marvin by ddr, (wo2d), (ws)
; 0popeye_w98, ;popeye by tronbonne, (wc), (rsff)
; 0popeye_99_9_ddr_a, ;popeye by ddr, (wo2d), (ws)
; 0popeye_99_9_ddr_na, ;popeye by ddr, (wo2d), (ws)
; 0underdog_90_ddr, ;underdog by ddr, (wc)
; 0underdog_99_ddr_a, ;underdog by ddr, (wo2d), (ws)
; 0underdog_99_ddr_na, ;underdog by ddr, (wo2d), (ws)
0uzuki, stages/geedesk.def, music=sound/bosh!_-_12_sizzling_bangers_-_02.mp3 ;uzuki
by tkw, (sffc)
; 18-mario, ;mario by mikura, (rsff)
20x6, stages/stop.def, music=sound/zombie_girl_-_unknown_tracks_-_04.mp3 ;
stinko man - 20x6 by acey
; 8mona, ;8mona by shimon, (sffc)
akiko, stages/fpbeach.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.6_-_03.mp3 ;
hyuuga a akiko by captein, (ii), (csff), (wc)
alloy, stages/kamira2.def, music=sound/kamira2.mp3 ;alloy by mindchamber, (ii),
amazon, stages/chrome.def, music=sound/the_chemical_brothers_-_surrender_-_02.mp3
;amazon by luchini, (rsff)
; amerivoido, ;kaname amerivoido by project voido, (csff)
android, stages/plaine.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_the_fat_of_the_land_-_07.mp3
;android by elecbyte / km, (rsff)
; anpanman, ;anpanman by elecbyte / mith, (sffc)
; apelao, ;o char mais apelao do mundo by vib, (rsff)
; aquamaria, ;aquamaria by animaraz
; aquarius, ;princess aquarius by urkangijordi, (sffc)
; arma, ;arma by fernando buffa, (sffc)
arma0, stages/colline.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-
_always_outnumbered_never_outgunned_-_11.mp3 ;arma by nefarious ones,
originalauthor fernando buffa
; asopasomaso, ;asopasomaso by shimon, (sffc)
astro0, stages/miguel_casa.def, music=sound/technasia_-_future_mix_-_12.mp3 ;astro
by lord sinistro, (rsff)
; ateng, ;abarenbou teng by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)
; aum, ;kyoso by elecbyte
axel0, stages/chamelea.def, music=sound/re-load_records_-_the_compilation_2_-
_13.mp3 ;grossfukka axel by elecbyte / mugenmage, (rsff)
; baldios, ;baldios by spinicci giacomo (king star), (csff)
; ball1, ;mugen ball by saiai/shadowfox keishi, (sffc)
; bender1, ;bender by easychar / actarus, (wc), (rsff)
; biped, ;biped by dave t. (alpha), (sffc)
biped0, stages/foret3.def, music=sound/bosh!_-_12_sizzling_bangers_-_07.mp3 ;biped
by dave t. / alphadog303@hotmail.com
; blank, ;"" by n-mario
; blaziken, ;blaziken by brandon clay, (wc), (ws2d)
; blockhead, ;blockhead by artisto, (rsff)
blockhead0, stages/blockhead_stage.def, music=sound/original_-_martial_arts.mp3
;blockhead by artisto (enhanced version), (i&ei), (wc), (rsff)
; blue1, ;blue by d�butant
b_mahoro, stages/wall5.def, music=sound/kill_bill_vol.1_ost_-_tomoyasu_hotei_-
_battle_without_honor_or_humanity.mp3 ;battle mahoro by shimon, (ei)
; bmg, ;bmg 0.2 by kaiba, (rsff)
bola, stages/anna'sroom.def, music=sound/moby_-_i_like_to_score_-_07.mp3 ;bola
by vib, (rsff)
; boon, ;boon by kuma, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; bou, ;bou by kent, (rsff)
; bouningen, ;bouningen by toma, (sffc)
; box, ;kung fu box by jellyball, (wo2d)
; bp, ;black_pet by gm
; breno, ;breno by richardyzo, fixed by gohan ssm2, (csff)
; britney, ;britney by marcelo marani, (rsff)
budoboy, stages/desert15.def, music=sound/tresor_-_demo_tracks_1999_-_03.mp3 ;
budoboy by butchy and dadou, (sffc)
; burbujita, ;burbujita by carra, edit por kantico, (sffc)
; c0, ;c by shimon, (i&ei), (sffc)
calliellezai, stages/original_illusion.def, music=sound/from_bonzai_with_love_-
_'99_-_05.mp3 ;calliel lezai by bane84, (sffc)
; cardbox, ;card box by toninho 3rd
; cesco, ;cesco il tamarro by bubagia@yahoo.it, (rsff)
; chapoca, ;chapoca zoom-b by namaguideran, (rsff)
; cholabolivar, ;bolivar chola by yo, (rsff)
comet, stages/xp.def, music=sound/bosh!_-_12_sizzling_bangers_-_08.mp3 ;princess
comet by tokinokuni kei, (wc)
; cp_cat, ;cp cat by anjel
; craw, ;craw by deciderio.cjb.net, (i&ei), (sffc)
crimina, stages/stonehenge.def, music=sound/karl_o_connor_&_peter_sutton_-
_against_nature_-_04.mp3 ;crimina by kira, (rsff)
; crimina2, ;crimina by kira, (rsff)
; cvsval, ;valerie vultures by navetsea, (wc), (i&ei)
; dahlia, ;dahlia by kotoyuki, (wc), (ws2d)
; dai3, ;unsigned daitarn 3, (rsff)
; dalog, ;super kung fu man by elecbyte (johnnyfive), (rsff)
; dalog1, ;super kung fu man by elecbyte (johnnyfive) (sss), (rsff)
; dandy0, ;dandy blue by evilchunli, (wo2d), (ws2d)
darkreiko, stages/dark2.def, music=sound/art_meson_&_tom_snare_-_manureva_2007.mp3
;dark reiko by kamek, (wo2d), (ws)
; deathstrike, ;deathstrike by orochiweapon2000, (sffc)
; dec, ;deciderio by deciderio.cjb.net, (i&ei), (rsff)
; deciderio, ;deciderio by deciderio.cjb.net, (i&ei), (sffc)
delilah, stages/picos.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_the_fat_of_the_land_-_06.mp3
;delilah by enjuo, (wc), (rsff)
dialog, stages/rivendell.def, music=sound/tresor_-_demo_tracks_1999_-_04.mp3 ;
dialog by toma, (sffc)
; didi, ;didi by decid�rio, (i&ei), (sffc)
dino, stages/grim_forest.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-
_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-_08.mp3 ;rapterrometh by artisto16@yahoo.com, (rsff)
doomsday, stages/haruhi_kitakoukou_koumon.def, music=sound/venetian_snares_-
_einstein-rosen_bridge.mp3 ;doomsday by lord sinistro
; dopefish, ;dopefish by the_none + aokmaniac + tom hall + joe siegler +
brian kendall, (ii), (wo2d)
; dorivas, ;dorivas by namaguideran, (rsff)
; dracket, ;dracket by scaner (lincoln ferreira torres), (rsff)
dragonclaw, stages/vulcano.def, music=sound/bosh!_-_12_sizzling_bangers_-_10.mp3
;dragon claw by reu, (wo2d), (ws2d)
ed, stages/thespell.def, music=sound/karl_o_connor_&_peter_sutton_-
_against_nature_-_05.mp3 ;ed g. by kyo-kusanagi, (rsff)
; eddie, ;eddie by decid�rio, (i&ei), (sffc)
; eddie0, ;eddie by decid�rio (eddie2), (i&ei), (sffc)
; eddy, ;eddy by emuboarding and black_spider-mugenow / yuski, (rsff)
edward, stages/heliport1.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.4_-_15.mp3 ;
edward elrick by heejun184, (csff)
eiji1, stages/spell.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_13.mp3 ;eiji
kagami by kira, (rsff)
elastigirl, stages/claudiahouse.def, music=sound/ibiza_-_a_mutiny_mash-up!_-
_09.mp3 ;elastigirl by warner, (wo2d), (n2bu: [gethitvar])
elf, stages/subarc.def, music=sound/lost_classics_-
_undiscovered_anthems_from_mixmag's_secret_vaults_-_04.mp3 ;elf-00 ula by anmc,
eli, stages/pyramides_up.def, music=sound/3am_rush_-
_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-_06.mp3 ;eli king by big eli king,
; empty_tx, ;empty by claudio, (wo2d)
; emu, ;emu by dragman remixed by djyayutto@excite.co.jp, (rsff)
enigma_lien, stages/chch.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.2_-_03.mp3 ;lien
neville by gran enigma, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; eraser, ;eraser by denmou, (sffc)
; eve, ;eve by elecbyte, (csff)
; ex_usapi, ;extra usapi- by kuma, (rsff)
; f1, ;f1 by thomas hsieh, (sffc)
; fallen_angel, ;fallen angel by marcelo marani, (rsff)
; fate, ;fate by kaie, (wc)
; fer, ;fernando by cobra / rodrigo (rodcob), (csff)
; fernando, ;fernando buffa by fernando buffa, (sffc)
; fetish, ;zuni by elecbyte / smoke (yo), (rsff)
; fluffy, ;fluffy by thomas hsieh, (sffc)
fuj, stages/def.def, music=sound/technasia_-_future_mix_-_02.mp3 ;unsigned fuj
[dms], (rsff)
gachapin, stages/busuko.def, music=sound/original_-_busuko.mp3 ;gachapin by
watati, (wo2d)
genpaku, stages/genpaku_bg.def, music=sound/zillion_-_vol.5_club_edition_cd2_-
_02.mp3 ;ogata genpaku by kgenjuro, (i&ei), (rsff)
; giko, ;giko neko by shimon, (i&ei), (sffc)
; gikoneko, ;gikoneko by 2chneler, (sffc)
; godo, ;godo by decid�rio, (i&ei), (sffc)
grendok, stages/airport1.def, music=sound/moby_-_i_like_to_score_-_03.mp3 ;
grendok by artisto16, (rsff)
gura, stages/tasogare.def, music=sound/swordfish_ost_-_dark_machine.mp3 ;
guraid by -i-�, (csff)
; gurasura, ;guran_suraimu by skysuika, (sffc)
; guu2, ;guu by rusya, (rsff)
; guyver2, ;guyver2 by nadjib assani
; hamutaro, ;hamutaro by momochan, (wc), (ws2d)
hannah, stages/glenwood.def, music=sound/tresor_-_compilation_vol.6_-_10.mp3 ;
hannah by eight, (csff)
hanzo2, stages/sunset7.def, music=sound/re-load_records_-_the_compilation_2_-
_09.mp3 ;hanzo by foxphoenix imageworks, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; hashi, ;hashi by elecbyte / andres borghi, (ldv)
hashi0, stages/hombre-madera.def, music=sound/original_-_hombre_de_madera.mp3
;hashi by andr�s borghi, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; hikkoshi, ;hikkoshi_baba by 616, (sffc)
himekawano, stages/bythecliff.def, music=sound/godskitchen_-_mixed_by_mario_piu_-
_14.mp3 ;hime kawano by taruse, (i&ei), (rsff)
; hitler, ;adolf hitler by big boss, (ei)
; hitler0, ;adolf hitler by omega series, originalauthor big boss, (wo2d),
hychaga, stages/desert13.def, music=sound/swordfish_ost_-_stanley's_theme.mp3
;hichaga tales by ��scaner��, (rsff)
; iggman, ;iggman by rich lockard, (rsff)
; iggman0, ;iggman by rich lockard (special move version), (rsff)
(unrequestable status)
; iggmana, ;iggman by rich lockard (helper version), (rsff) (unrequestable
; ironball, ;iron ball by danielgula, (rsff)
itigo, stages/worldcup.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_02.mp3
;ichigo by drowin, (sffc)
jason, stages/fallingtears.def, music=sound/tresor_-_demo_tracks_1999_-_06.mp3
;jason by huracan & ixnaydk, (csff) (unrequestable status)
; jedistitch, ;jedi stitch by roo, (wc), (ws2d)
; jeremias, ;jeremias by cadavelico (unrequestable status)
; jun, ;juninho by cobra / rodrigo (rodcob), (rsff)
kabura, stages/original_carraibean_sunset.def, music=sound/the_chemical_brothers_-
_surrender_-_05.mp3 ;seisyun kaburagi by elecbyte / ibukah, (wc), (sffc)
; kakutou, ;kakutou by hakuhatu no kishi, (wc), (ws2d)
kanos, stages/graveyard1.def, music=sound/karl_o_connor_&_peter_sutton_-
_against_nature_-_10.mp3 ;kanos by rmx, (sffc)
; kao, ;kao-mozi kun by chotto-komaru, (csff)
karl0, stages/kveranda.def, music=sound/zillion_-_the_first_-_04.mp3 ;karl by
mulambo, (wc), (sffc)
kei, stages/dark_age.def, music=sound/zillion_-_vol.5_club_edition_cd2_-_11.mp3
;kei okuda by erika, (rsff)
keropi, stages/sn0b005.def, music=sound/godskitchen_-_mixed_by_mario_piu_-_16.mp3
;keropi by toma, (sffc)
; keroro, ;keroro by momochan, (wc), (rsff)
kfg, stages/outsidethecity.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_poison_-_03.mp3 ;kung
fu girl by ����Ɂ[, (i&ei), (rsff)
; kool, ;kool aid by jay_high19
; koyori, ;koyori by kotoyuki, (rsff)
kuando, stages/kuandos.def, music=sound/knebworth'01_-_festival_anthems_-_12.mp3
;kuando by aiduzzi, (wc)
kuromaru, stages/wasteland0.def, music=sound/outsoon_techno_session_-_dj_pierre_-
_11.mp3 ;kuromaru by tengu
; kuu, ;kuu by elecbyte, (sffc)
; kyastar, ;kyastar by ibata, (wc), (ws2d)
kyla, stages/grass.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.3_-_11.mp3 ;3rd sister
by kain the supreme, (rsff)
kylanude, stages/yuki1.def, music=sound/marc_et_claude.mp3 ;kyla hentai by kain
the supreme, (rsff)
; leela, ;leela by warner, (wc)
leela0, stages/equatorial.def, music=sound/karl_o_connor_&_peter_sutton_-
_against_nature_-_06.mp3 ;leela by warner & @ndroide, (wc), (ws2d)
; linux-tux, ;linux by sir tigol & lord paul, (rsff)
lloyd_irving, stages/conjurer.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.3_-_06.mp3
;lloyd irving by anamochi, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; m2, ;masayoshi by hakuhatsu no kishi, (wc), (ws2d)
; madain, ;madain by elecbyte, (i&ei), (wo2d), (ws2d)
mana0, stages/flatzone.def, music=sound/city_rockers_-_futurism_cd1_-_11.mp3 ;mana
by jony, (rsff)
; manuel, ;sargento manuel by trial force, (rsff)
margen, stages/desertsun.def, music=sound/zillion_-_vol.5_club_edition_cd2_-
_13.mp3 ;margen by elecbyte, (i&ei), (rsff)
mary_deiyon, stages/brakshouse.def, music=sound/cherrymoon_-_vol.9_-
_the_invasion_-_08.mp3 ;mary deiyon by ibukah, (wc), (sffc)
; masa, ;1st masayoshi by hakuhatsu no kishi, (wc), (ws2d)
masaru, stages/plutao.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.2_-_15.mp3 ;
masaru by t@ko & lake, (rsff)
maxine, stages/desvan.def, music=sound/desvan.mp3 ;maxine by maximo perez,
andr�s borghi, (wo2d), (ws)
; meka, ;mekazawa by fei-hung, (sffc)
menelikke, stages/castle11.def, music=sound/zillion_-_the_second_cd2_-_09.mp3
;menelikke by rikard, (wc), (ws2d)
merv, stages/battlecamp.def, music=sound/i_love_techno_-_2001_issue_02_-_15.mp3
;merv by eight, (rsff)
; michaeljfox, ;michael j. fox by dxwho, (sffc)
miffy, stages/rodeway7.def, music=sound/technasia_-_future_mix_-_15.mp3 ;miffy
by mith
; mimic, ;mimic by alcaraz, (rsff)
; minipodaa, ;minipodaa by m@th, (sffc) (unrequestable status)
; mm_666, ;omega tiger woods by most mysterious, (sffc)
; mm_6660, ;omega tiger woods by omega series, (wc), (ws2d)
; mm_dink, ;dink smallwood by most mysterious, (i&ei), (sffc)
; mm_fiunn, ;kung fu fiunn by most_mysterious, (sffc)
; mm_franko, ;franko by most mysterious, (sffc)
; mm_moorhun, ;moorhunn by most whatever, (sffc)
; mno, ;missingno. by mike, (wc), (ws2d)
; mno2, ;missingno. by mike
; mm_paperguy, ;dooby dummy by most mysterious, (sffc)
; mona, ;mona by shimon, (i&ei), (sffc)
; mona-, ;omae mona- by amazake, (rsff)
; mono, ;el mono cabron by yo, (rsff)
; monon, ;el mono by smoke, (csff)
; moon5, ;moon face by gm
; morara, ;moraler by �q����� �[, (rsff)
; morara0, ;morara by shimon, (i&ei), (sffc)
; morikawa, ;morikawa by skysuika, (sffc)
; mr increible, ;mr. increible by elecbyte / warner, (wo2d), (n2bu)
mr_increible, stages/chromatic.def, music=sound/from_bonzai_with_love_-_'99_-
_07.mp3 ;mr. increible by warner, updated by @ndroid, (wc), (ws2d)
; mr increible0, ;mr. increible by warner, updated by ???, (wo2d)
; mystery, ;mystery challenger by heartburn kid, (ursff)
nagato, stages/mansion2.def, music=sound/zombie_girl_-_unknown_tracks_-_01.mp3
;nagato yuki by drowin, (wc), (ws2d)
; namakubi, ;namakubi by ashman, (rsff)
; nario, ;nario by rice/tetsuo/tetsuo9999
; ndaf, ;dafne ordibust by gencio, mr. zero, (rsff)
neko, stages/fluor_up.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-
_04.mp3 ;myuu by jony, (ii), (csff)
; nemesis0, ;nemesis by andr�s alcaraz, (rsff)
neon, stages/gokoh.def, music=sound/3am_rush_-
_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-_05.mp3 ;neon by artisto16, (rsff)
; niggah, ;niggah by jesuszilla, (rsff)
; ninja0, ;ninja by shimon, (sffc)
nn-val, stages/nascer_do_sol.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_voodoo_people_-_03.mp3
;nn-val by navetsea, (csff)
nocturne, stages/beco_up.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.4_-_05.mp3 ;
nocturne by earth, (rsff)
; nomaneko, ;nomaneko by �ӂ�����Ȉ�����, (rsff)
; noel, ;papai noel by david e luiz, (rsff)
; nyanpyou, ;nyanpyou by skysuika, (sffc)
; nyatta, ;nyatta by kuma, (wc), (ws2d)
; oha, ;ohayou sensei by taruse, (ei), (rsff)
o_ken, stages/fb.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_the_fat_of_the_land_-_08.mp3 ;???
by k-z, (rsff)
; omegath, ;omega tom hanks by neo ankh & shinryoga, (i&ei), (csff)
; omegath0, ;omega tom hanks by omega series, neo ankh & shinryoga, (wo2d)
o-mona2giko, stages/jg.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.3_-_14.mp3 ;
gikoemon by masa, (sffc)
; s0, ;gikoemon s by masa, (sffc)
orbita, stages/stage118.def, music=sound/fatboy_slim_-
_halfway_between_the_gutter_and_the_stars_-_05.mp3 ;orbita by lgm, (sffc)
; pafman, ;pafman by calamix, (wc)
pakuman, stages/stage102.def, music=sound/naked_ibiza_-
_the_salinas_beach_mix_by_jon_sa_trincha_-_05.mp3 ;pakuman by watati, (rsff)
; papainoel, ;papai noel por songoku, (rsff)
; pedro, ;picapiedra by warner, (wo2d), (n2bu: [gethitvar])
pedro0, stages/kyuukeizyo.def, music=sound/original_-_katana.mp3 ;pedro by @ndroide
& warner, (wc), (ws2d)
; peido, ;peido by xxxdexterxxx, (sffc)
peketo0, stages/hospital3.def, music=sound/original_-_hospital.mp3 ;peketo by
andres borghi, (ldv)
; pepe1, ;pepe by thomas hsieh, (sffc)
; pepepe, ;pepepe_man by skysuika, (sffc)
pepito, stages/house0.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-_cd02_lange_-_07.mp3
;pepito by quetzalcoatl_88, (wc), (ws2d)
; pesami, ;pesami by lorenzo the comic, (wc), (ws2d)
; peter-griffin, ;peter griffin by easychar / actarus
pingu, stages/icy_village.def, music=sound/icy.mp3 ;pingu by mulambo, (wc)
pmatt, stages/yozora.def, music=sound/technasia_-_future_mix_-_13.mp3 ;proofed up
matt by mike obrecht, (wc)
; pocke, ;pockefreeman by pockefreeman, (rsff)
; pocketdarkdragonlord, ;pocket darkdragonlord by darkdragonlord, (ursff)
; podaa, ;podaa by m@th, (sffc) (unrequestable status)
; pokebola, ;pokebola by vib, (rsff)
; ps3, ;play station 3 by 1058, (wc), (ws2d)
; qoo, ;q o o by tuki no turugi, (ei), (csff)
; qtaro, ;q-taro by mith, (sffc)
qtx, stages/entbg010.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.2_-_02.mp3 ;qtx-
031 by majere, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; raisu2004, ;raisu2004 by raisu, (sffc)
raval, stages/tu-arena-02.def, music=sound/daft_punk_-_discovery_-_10.mp3 ;raval
by bane84, (sffc)
raveex, stages/himanstage.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_their_law_cd1_-_09.mp3
;lord ravenous by ex-inferis & on-off, (wc), (ws2d)
; registeel, ;registeel by brandon clay
reika, stages/reikabg.def, music=sound/tamco02.mp3 ;reika murasame by taruse,
; restroier, ;restroier by romulo, (i&ei), (sffc)
; rikku, ;rikku by maxwordlife
ripclaw, stages/road2.def, music=sound/3am_rush_-
_trance_anthems_in_the_mix_with_cosmic_gate_-_11.mp3 ;ripclaw by ixnaydk &
blitzwing, (wc), (rsff)
; robotomon, ;robotomon by keriku, (wc), (ws2d)
; rombo, ;rombo by spinicci giacomo, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; ruvea, ;ruvea by ibata
; ryouma, ;nagare ryoma by nobuyuki (oldryo), (csff)
; ryouma0, ;nagare ryoma by nobuyuki, (csff)
scaner-ex, stages/tu-arena-01.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_their_law_cd2_-
_16.mp3 ;scaner by scaner - lincoln ferreira torres, (csff)
scaner_quad, stages/xbox360l.def, music=sound/rave_zone_montini_-_vol.2_-_01.mp3
;scaner by scaner - lincoln ferreira torres, (ei), (rsff)
; segare, ;segare by cab_tn@flashmail.com fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)
; sfv, ;she falls victim by blue-insect, (rsff)
shadow2, stages/garden2.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-
_14.mp3 ;shadow by andrea rinaldi, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; shar-makai, ;shar-makai by andr�s borghi, (wo2d), (ws)
shar-makai0, stages/vhina.def, music=sound/original_-_vhina.mp3 ;shar-makai by
andr�s borghi, (ldv)
shingetter, stages/mountains1.def, music=sound/moby_-_i_like_to_score_-_08.mp3
;shingetter1 by nobuyuki, (ldv), (rsff)
; shingetter0, ;shingetter1 by nobuyuki, (wo2d), (ws2d)
shorashah, stages/choco.def, music=sound/the_chemical_brothers_-_surrender_-
_09.mp3 ;shorashah by artisto16, (rsff)
; sidney, ;changeling by andr�s alcaraz, (rsff)
slime, stages/anko.def, music=sound/swordfish_ost_-_the_word.mp3 ;slime by terui,
; slotmachine, ;slot machine by neon tiger, (sffc)
; sm, ;shadow dude by 1958
; sm1, ;sm-1 by skysuika, (sffc)
; small, ;small by winane, (sffc)
; softon, ;softon by tetsuo
; spoo, ;spoo by nanashi_shiki
; spooz, ;spoo_z by elecbyte, (wo2d), (ws2d)
sp-x, stages/rock1.def, music=sound/bosh!_-_12_sizzling_bangers_-_01.mp3 ;sp-x
by lord sinistro, (i&ei), (rsff)
stan, stages/fullmoon.def, music=sound/bosh!_-_12_sizzling_bangers_-_11.mp3 ;stan
by te=da, (sffc)
; stella, ;stella by kotoyuki, (wc), (ws2d)
; stickman, ;stickman by sorrowedge, (rsff)
; sue0, ;susan richards by loona, (ursff)
superscm3000, stages/bambu.def, music=sound/laurent_garnier_-
_unreasonable_behaviour_-_07.mp3 ;scm3000 by scm3000, (rsff)
; supoo, ;spoo by elecbyte, (i&ei), (wo2d)
; suratumu, ;suraimu_tsumuri by skysuika, (sffc)
; sword, ;sword by yuma-huzisaki, (rsff)
; sword0, ;swordman by hakuhatsu no kishi, (wc), (ws2d)
takezo, stages/takezo.def, music=sound/cherrymoon_-_vol.9_-_the_invasion_-_06.mp3
;kibagami takezo by kgenjuro, (i&ei), (rsff)
tamika, stages/underworld1.def, music=sound/godskitchen_-_mixed_by_mario_piu_-
_08.mp3 ;tamika by artisto16, (rsff)
; tamo, ;tamo saso by shimon, (sffc)
; targets, ;break the targets by kamek, (ldv), (rsff)
; targets0, ;break the targets by kamek, (wc), (rsff)
tekon, stages/entbg005.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-_cd02_lange_-_15.mp3
;tekon by elecbyte, (rsff)
; test, ;test by kent, (rsff)
; thanksgiving, ;thanksgiving by elecbyte / bigmech.com, (wo2d)
; themugenhorror, ;themugenhorror by samara, (sffc)
thomas_sheng, stages/baldr01.def, music=sound/original_-_baldr01.mp3 ;thomas
sheng by butchy and dadou, (sffc)
tiff, stages/mahora-joshikou.def, music=sound/safri_duo_-_samb_adagio.mp3 ;tiff
lagomorph by zeckle(laxxe23) & boss lagomorph, (wc), (ws2d)
; tiff0, ;tiff lagomorph by zeckle(laxxe23)(main coder) & boss
lagomorph(spriter) & kamekaze(mvc tweaks), (wc), (ws)
tokoha, stages/aquabliss.def, music=sound/cosmic_gate_-_rhythm_&_drums_-
_the_drums.mp3 ;tokoha ikeda by kira, (rsff)
; tora, ;tora by shadow02143, (wo2d)
; trey, ;trey chambers by elecbyte / zander, (sffc)
; twt, ;the girl who coaxes torture (unsigned), (csff)
; unchi, ;unchi by skysuika, (sffc)
; usapi, ;usapi- by kuma, (rsff)
; v5, ;voltus v by spinicci giacomo fixed by electrocaid, (rsff)
; val, ;valerie vultures by navetsea, (i&ei), (csff)
vampirek, stages/warzone.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-
_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-_18.mp3 ;vampire k. by david demianoff and kusanagi ky0
(small), (ei), (sffc)
; vampirek0, ;vampire k. by david demianoff and kusanagi ky0 (big), (ei),
vijay, stages/thundercleese.def, music=sound/the_chemical_brothers_-_surrender_-
_06.mp3 ;vijay by vijay kher, (rsff)
; vinny, ;vinny by decid�rio, (i&ei), (sffc)
viuda_negra0, stages/prision.def, music=sound/original_-_prision.mp3 ;viuda negra
by andr�s borghi, (ldv)
; wanwan, ;wanwan by mith
warmachine2, stages/orlando.def, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_fire_-_jericho_-_04.mp3
;war machine by ninja_naruto, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; wassyoi, ;wassyoi by shimon, (sffc)
; wins, ;winsound.exe by smoke, (ursff)
; wurns, ;wurns by andr�s alcaraz, (rsff)
; yokohama, ;yokohama by ���z�^�����\(�㗝), (wc), (ws2d)
; yoma0, ;yoma komatsu by baby bonnie hood, (ldv), (rsff)
; yui, ;yui by deciderio.cjb.net, (i&ei), (sffc)
; yukino, ;kotohara yukino by kotoyuki, (wc), (ws2d)
yuri16, stages/mneigeux.def, music=sound/moby_-_play_-_09.mp3 ;yuri sakazaki by
nyan��kiryu, (rsff)
; zagoulana, ;princess zagoulana by gus, (ei), (sffc)
; zaru, ;zarqawi by elecbyte, (sffc)
; zeus1, ;zeus by cidninja and shoshingo, (rsff)
; zidane, ;zidane by elecbyte / dogs, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; zonu, ;zonu by shimon, (sffc)

;stages/china garden.def
;stages/china house.def
;stages/hakuryou gakuen.def
;stages/kiminozo oka.def
;stages/3dbeach.def, music=sound/original_-_3d_beach.mp3
;stages/dusk skyline.def, music=sound/dusk skyline.mp3
;stages/road_ac.def, music=sound/original_-_road_ac.mp3
;stages/eden.def, music=sound/eden.mp3
;stages/playa0.def, music=sound/original_-_playa.mp3
;stages/prueba0.def, music=sound/original_-_natura.mp3
;stages/serina02.def, music=sound/serina02.mp3
;stages/serina03.def, music=sound/serina03.mp3
;stages/surreal.def, music=sound/original_-_tg3.mp3
;stages/tibetmountains.def, music=sound/original_-_tibetmountains.mp3
;stages/muro1.def, music=sound/muro.mp3
;stages/infinitymoon.def, music=sound/infinitymoon.mp3
;stages/paw_gotham.def, music=sound/paw_gotham.mp3
;stages/darkfor.def, music=sound/cricket.mp3
;stages/sky tenpuru.def
;stages/rice terraces.def
;stages/los banos.def
;stages/tokyo tower.def
;stages/mahora sakuradori.def
;stages/mahora tatumiyazinzya.def
;stages/nihonnia matinami.def
;stages/nihonnia syoutengai.def
;stages/the capital.def
;stages/canal 5.def
;stages/casa de peter.def
;stages/quick stop.def
;stages/debris garden.def
;stages/drunken clam.def
;stages/quahog school.def

;for airships


;misc. games creations -----------------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- cvn ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- intro2 ;by ali raza husain --------------------------------------
;- intro3 ;by ali raza husain --------------------------------------
;- intro4 ;by ali raza husain --------------------------------------
;- money ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- neogeo_logo ;by gaia -------------------------------------------
;- qsound ;by fmaster@nana-mizuki.com ------------------------------
;- videlectrix ;unsigned ------------------------------------------

; 8in1, ;8in1 by sweater, (csff)

; kainbs1, ;girl bonus stage by sugio e kain the supreme, (rsff)
; kenb, ;ken & bonus by masa, (sffc)
mugena, stages/cityofdarkness.def, music=sound/tranceformer_2000_-
_cd01_mauro_piccotto_-_19.mp3 ;mugena by ryan kerns (fuchikoma@hawaii.rr.com) and
andre lopes (andre.lopes@wanadoo.fr), (rsff)
; projnick, ;team nicktoon by bane84, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; prosor, ;dr. husser by gencio, (sffc)
; rash2, ;rash stand by mr zero, fulgencio z.b, (rsff)
; shooter, ;shooting game by bane84, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; xmix, ;xmix by sugio e kain the supreme, (rsff)
; xmix2, ;xmix 2 impact by sugio e kain the supreme, (rsff)

;unclassed creations -------------------------------------------------
;(lb): life_bn ;by wz_4 -------------------------------------------
;(sndp): -------------------------------------------------------------
;- fight_fv2 ;by wz_4 -------------------------------------------
;- fight_gf ;by wz_4 -------------------------------------------------
;- system_fv2 ;by wz_4 -------------------------------------------
;(fx): stpr_fightfx ;by toma -------------------------------------
;(i): ----------------------------------------------------------------
;- edsc ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- eg_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- elz ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- fumoff ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- raido_op ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- snkplogo ;by jfct555 ----------------------------------------------
;- udonge ;unsigned ------------------------------------------------
;- xboxlogo_(by_jfct555) ;by jfct555 ----------------------------

; 80, ;wasp by elecbyte / no, (rsff)

; abel, ;abel by mj, (csff)
; absol, ;absol by haseo & liger, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; adachi, ;yusaku adachi! by adachi yusaku with elo, (rsff)
; ain, ;ain by ���� �s, (rsff)
; akuzi, ;akuzi by uso=bidan
; arc, ;arc by kaie, (wc), (ws2d)
; archdemon, ;arch demon by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (csff)
; archonsorceress, stages/archon1.def ;archonsorceress by dxwho, (sffc)
; archonwizard, stages/archon1.def ;archonwizard by dxwho, (sffc)
; aresex, ;ares ex by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)
; asami0, ;asami by uso=bidan
; asha, ;asha by kazukazu04@hotmail.com, (rsff)
; atashigi, ;tashigi by anjel, (wo2d), (wc)
; azaka, ;azaka by elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d)
; barney, ;barney by jay_high19, sprites ripped by sousanator
; barole, ;barole by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (ursff)
; blackbrick, ;black brick by blue-insect, (ursff)
; bom0, ;bomber by skysuika, (sffc)
; boss, ;boss borotto by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)
; bs, ;black selena by ssss, (wo2d), (ws2d)
; buruma, ;buruma by elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d)
chad, stages/aozora3.def, music=sound/jsrf_ost_-_fly_like_a_butterfly.mp3 ;chad
by alchemist, (wc), (ws2d)
c_mizuki, stages/nbbat.def, music=sound/zoe-t2r_ost_-_leo!leo!.mp3 ;c_mizuki by
maruta, (rsff)
; cynthia, stages/yakyuken.def, music=sound/yakyuken.mp3 ;cynthia by
yoshida ruiji, (rsff)
; doropie, stages/round1.def, music=sound/round1.mp3 ;doropie by masa, (ii),
; drew, ;drew carey by dangerousjack, (wo2d)
; dronio, ;miss dronio 8bit by beppe domani: team bokan italia, (i&ei),
; dummy, ;dummy bonus stage by blackxknight, (rsff)
; edward0, ;edward by tetsuo/rice/tetsuo9999/, (wc), (ws)
; edward1, ;edward by tetsuo/rice/tetsuo9999/rice9999, (wc), (ws)
; eiriku, ;eiriku by elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d)
; elementler, ;elementer by "", (wo2d), (ws2d)
; elfbattle, stages/gauntlet.def, music=sound/gauntlet.mp3 ;elf by dxwho,
; enagy, ;enagy robo by nino@wonder.ocn.ne.jp, (rsff)
; eruru, ;eruru by aohige, (wo2d), (sffc), (n2bu: [coding])
; eruru_d4, ;eruru by aohige, (wo2d), (sffc)
; evilsupi, ;evil_supirittsu by skysuika, (sffc)
; faiba, ;faiba- by skysuika, (sffc)
; farah, ;farah by azu, (rsff)
; farao, ;farao by tako&romasagaex
; fes, ;tausentfesrar by barubaru, (sffc)
; garooda, ;garooda 2001 by yuki, (rsff)
; gasser0, ;gasser by vash_15
; godzillam, ;godzilla by mauricio, (rsff)
; g_whi, ;g_whiri- by skysuika, (sffc)
; higure, ;higuresan by elecbyte, (csff)
; hinata0, ;hinata by ""
; houdai, ;houdai by romasagaex&tako, (sffc)
; h_sura, ;haguremetaru by skysuika, (sffc)
; huzino, ;huzino by ibata, (wc), (ws2d)
; ikki0, stages/ikki.def, music=sound/ikki.mp3 ;gonbe by sugio, (rsff)
; izen, ;izen by uso=bidan
; kage0, ;samurai kage by luciano bueno iank "smi", fixed by gohan ssm2,
kernag, stages/rodge_m.def, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-
_demon's_paradise_(lucia_battle_2).mp3 ;gyaraga by oc, (wc)
; kikuko, ;kikuko by uso=bidan
; kindasichi, ;kindasichi no shiren by masa, (rsff)
; kirie, ;kirie by ibata, (wc), (ws2d)
; kisame, ;kisame by icycold2367, (wc), (ws2d)
; kiskuke, ;kisuke by lightmatt, (wo2d), (ws)
; kitarou, ;kitarou by hellywood, (c), (sffc)
; koubu, ;koubu(kai) by boufuusetu, (rsff)
; kubirai, stages/kubirai.def, music=sound/kubirai.mp3 ;kubirai by km, (csff)
; kyap, ;kyapi- by skysuika, (sffc)
lee0, stages/tokiwajinja-n.def, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-
_assault_(infested_chopper_battle).mp3 ;lee by wai wai, (rsff)
; lobomon, ;lobomon by jerrydrizzt, (wc), (ws)
; mail, ;mail by -i-� (kil), (csff)
marlu, stages/misaki.def, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-
_wings_of_the_guardian_(lucia_battle_1).mp3 ;hory marlu by taruse, (csff)
; metalcutter, ;metal cutter by gatt, (rsff)
mg, stages/episode.def, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-_uncanny_noise_(noctpteran_-
_trismagia_battle).mp3 ;haws-mg by miyako, (rsff)
; minigame, stages/koutei.def, music=sound/mechabutuke.mp3 ;bonus game by
sugio, (rsff)
; monica, ;monica by bola�os, (rsff)
; moon, ;esutebarisu-moonfream by alexi, (rsff)
; mrcloaking, ;mr. geo cloaking by geo cloaking
; mu10, ;mu-mu-seijin by skysuika, (sffc)
; musashi0, stages/musashi0.def, music=sound/musashi.mp3 ;unsigned musashi
(by sugio???), (rsff)
; naru, ;naru&yuuka by gatt, (rsff)
; nazo0, ;nazo by romasaga ex, (sffc)
nestcart, stages/rodge_n.def, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-_bust_the_beast_(goatling_-
_phantom_battle).mp3 ;nests cartel by visual kreations (v.k), fixed by gohan
ssm2, (rsff)
ogre0, stages/prefab.def, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-_show_time!_(trish_battle_1).mp3
;ogre boss by kain the supreme, (rsff)
; ramza, ;ramza by http://camr00.virtualave.net/index.html, (csff)
; reigen, stages/reigendoushi.def, music=sound/reigendoushi.mp3 ;reigendousi
by sugio, (sffc)
; render, ;render by j.l.rodriguez, (ursff)
; reon, ;reon by nrf
; reon_mini, ;reon by nrf
; rikishi, stages/dohyou0.def, music=sound/sumo.mp3 ;o-zumou by sugio,
; rin0, ;rin by ibata, (wc), (ws2d)
; robin0, ;robin by blackcat_natsume, (wc), (ws)
; roy, ;roy by tetsuo/tetsuo9999/rice/rice9999, (wc), (ws)
; ryougi, ;ryougi by elecbyte, (wc), (ws2d)
; safi, ;safi by boufuusetu, (csff)
; samurai, ;samurai by tako, (sffc)
; sandbag, ;sandbag by tako, (sffc)
sarah, stages/ironhell.def, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-
_parasitic_evil_(jokatgulm_battle).mp3 ;sarah gyger by majere, corrected by
electrocaid, (rsff)
; scare, ;scarecrow bonus stage by blackxknight, (rsff)
; selecao_brasileira, ;selecao brasileira by ocariocanildo, (sffc)
; shien, ;shien by r marker & maruta, (csff)
; striker, ;unsigned striker, (sffc)
; sura, ;suraimu by hide-o, fixed by gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; suraimu, ;suraimu by tomoki, (rsff)
; suraimu0, ;suraimu by http://www7.tok2.com/home/peten4/index.htm, fixed by
gohan ssm2, (rsff)
; suraturi, ;slime_tree by tako, (sffc)
; talulutogs, ;taluluto tarako by gatosoft s.a., (sffc)
; tibi, ;tibi by romasaga ex, (sffc)
; torlas, ;torlas by yuki, (rsff)
; tutidama, ;tutidama by skysuika, (sffc)
; tyain, ;charen_dhibomber by skysuika, (sffc)
; ufo, ;yakisoban by omohiro, (rsff)
; vairo, ;vairocana by eden, (wo2d), (csff)
; wasi, ;wasi by skysuika, (sffc)
; wasi_tr, ;wasi_jr by skysuika, (sffc)
; wolfduck, ;wolf duck by wolf duck, (wc), (ws2d)
; yatto, ;yattodetaman by fabio (beppe domani) e giacomo (king star),
(i&ei), (rsff)
; yugudo, ;yggdrasill by barubaru, (ws2d)
; yusaku, ;yusaku adachi by adachi yusaku, (rsff)
zeni, stages/bedroom_fight.def, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-
_faithful_servant_(furiataurus_battle).mp3 ;zenithrev by tawashi, (rsff)
; zippyrace, stages/zippyrace.def, music=sound/zippyrace.mp3 ;zippyrace by
sugio, (sffc)

;stages/lion stage.def
;stages/hanazono.def, music=sound/hanazono.mp3
;stages/kizin_oni.def, music=sound/kizin_oni02.mp3
;stages/fsd-palace.def, music=sound/fsd-palace.mp3
;stages/serina01.def, music=sound/serina01.mp3
;stages/luxury_liner_neighborhood.def, music=sound/luxury_liner_neighborhood.mp3
;stages/tamesi.def, music=sound/ridar1.mp3
;stages/sea_temple.def, music=sound/sea_temple.mp3
;stages/sakurazaka.def, music=sound/sakurazaka.mp3
;stages/school battle.def
;stages/halberd.def, music=sound/halberd.mp3
;stages/kubarsa.def, music=sound/kubarsa.mp3
;stages/chunter1.def, music=sound/chunter1.mp3
;stages/crystal0.def, music=sound/crystal.mp3
;stages/moekkozima haikyo.def
;stages/che.def, music=sound/che.mp3 ;fighter history ??
;stages/nsmb1.def, music=sound/nsmb.mp3
;stages/kh ending.def
;stages/moekkozima koteezi.def
;stages/ikkyu-stage.def, music=sound/ikkyu.mp3
;stages/twilight mansion.def

;for airships


;, music=sound/jsrf_ost_-_shape_da_future.mp3
;, music=sound/jsrf_ost_-_sweet_soul_brother_(remix).mp3
;, music=sound/jsrf_ost_-_teknopathetic.mp3
;, music=sound/jsr_ost_-_hideki_naganuma_-_sneakman.mp3
;, music=sound/jsr_ost_-_hideki_naganuma_-_sweet_soul_brother.mp3
;, music=sound/jsr_ost_-_toronto_-_electric_tooth_brush.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-_against_the_fate.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-_ragnarok_(the_despair_embodied_battle).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-_cry_for_the_moon_(arius_battle).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-_cursed_giant_(orangguerra_-
;, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-_darkness_instinct_(argosax_the_chaos_battle).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-_evil_tower_(nefasturris_battle).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-_spark_it_up!_(trish_battle_2).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc_ost_-_final_penetration_(underworld_stage).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc_ost_-
;, music=sound/dmc_ost_-_lock_&_load_original.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc_ost_-_mental_machine_(nightmare_battle).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc_ost_-_psycho_siren_(middle_boss_battle).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc_ost_-_pubic_enemy_(regular_battle_1).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc_ost_-_red-hot_juice_(phantom_appearance_~_battle).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc_ost_-_s_(sparda_battle_2).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc_ost_-_super_pubic_enemy_(sparda_battle_1).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc_ost_-
;, music=sound/dmc_ost_-_ultra_violet_(nelo_angelo_battle).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc2_ost_-_shoot_the_works_(dante_battle_2).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_''devils_never_cry''_(staff_roll).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_agni_&_rudra_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_arkham_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_arkham_battle_2.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_battle-1_(battle_music_1).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_battle-2_(battle_music_2).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_beowulf_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_damned_chess_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_doppelganger_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_geryon_battle_1.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_gigapede_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_heart_of_leviathan.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_lady_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_loop_demo_movie.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_m-14_end_(bike_action).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_m-6_start_(lady_v.s._7_hells).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_m-8_start_(temen-ni-gru_dive).mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_motion_capture_movie.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_nevan_battle.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_promotion_movie.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_vergil_battle_1.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_vergil_battle_2.mp3
;, music=sound/dmc3_ost_-_vergil_battle_3.mp3
;, music=sound/gta3_-_rise_fm_-_01.chris_walsh_feat._dave_beran_-
;, music=sound/gta3_-_rise_fm_-_02.slyder_-_score_[original_mix].mp3
;, music=sound/gta3_-_rise_fm_-_03.r.r.d.s._-_innerbattle.mp3
;, music=sound/gta3_-_rise_fm_-_04.shiver_-_deep_time.mp3
;, music=sound/gta3_-_rise_fm_-_05.slyder_-_neo_(the_one).mp3
;, music=sound/gta3_-_rise_fm_-_06.chris_walsh_-_shake_[end_mix].mp3
;, music=sound/gta3_-_msx_fm_-_mix_a_-_omni_trio_-_first_contact.mp3
;, music=sound/gta3_-_msx_fm_-_mix_b_-_tj_rizing_-_agent_007.mp3
;, music=sound/gta_vcs_-_amb_biker_bar.mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_aerial_fight_(2).mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_axe_army.mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_chateau_fight_(1).mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_dodge_this!_(overkill_mix).mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_free_your_mind_up_(instrumental).mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_he_is_the_one_(2).mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_hiya_fellas.mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_kung_fu_training.mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_megasmith.mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_multiple_smiths.mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_seraph's_apology_(inside_the_theater_mix).mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_subway_showdown_(1).mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_the_great_hall_(2).mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_the_great_hall_(3).mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_the_key_(1).mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_the_key_(2).mp3
;, music=sound/matrixpon_-_welcome_back.mp3
;, music=sound/sc5_ost_-_space_ship_-_trapped_in_the_galaxy.mp3
;, music=sound/zoe-t2r_ost_-_bahram_battleship.mp3
;, music=sound/zoe-t2r_ost_-_zakat.mp3

;extra bgms ----------------------------------------------------------

;, music=sound/original_-_tsc.mp3
;, music=sound/the_mongo_hotline_-_(no_title)_-_05.mp3
;, music=sound/the_mongo_hotline_-_(no_title)_-_04.mp3
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_omega_mode_#1_-
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_cd_single_#13_-_shake_the_disease.mp3
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_cd_single_#12_-_told_you_so_[live].mp3
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_the_singles_86_-_98_-_cd1_-
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_the_singles_86_-_98_-_cd1_-
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_the_singles_86_-_98_-_cd1_-
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_songs_of_faith_and_devotion_live_-
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_songs_of_faith_and_devotion_live_-
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_songs_of_faith_and_devotion_live_-_judas.mp3
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_songs_of_faith_and_devotion_live_-_rush.mp3
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_songs_of_faith_and_devotion_live_-
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_songs_of_faith_and_devotion_live_-
;, music=sound/depeche_mode_-_songs_of_faith_and_devotion_-_rush.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_angel_dust_-_a_small_victory.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_angel_dust_-_be_aggressive.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_angel_dust_-_caffeine.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_angel_dust_-_crack_hitler.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_angel_dust_-_everything's_ruined.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_angel_dust_-_jizzlobber.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_angel_dust_-_land_of_sunshine.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_angel_dust_-_malpractice.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_angel_dust_-_midlife_crisis.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_angel_dust_-_smaller_and_smaller.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_ricochet.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_who_cares_a_lot_-_digging_the_grave.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_who_cares_a_lot_-_epic.mp3
;, music=sound/faith_no_more_-_who_cares_a_lot_-_the_world_is_yours.mp3
;, music=sound/e.s._posthumus_-_ebla.mp3
;, music=sound/e.s._posthumus_-_harappa.mp3
;, music=sound/e.s._posthumus_-_menouthis.mp3
;, music=sound/e.s._posthumus_-_niveneh.mp3
;, music=sound/e.s._posthumus_-_pompeii.mp3
;, music=sound/e.s._posthumus_-_tikal.mp3
;, music=sound/e.s._posthumus_feat._dj_quick_&_bizarre-_rise to glory.mp3
;, music=sound/original_-_forever_lost.mp3
;, music=sound/the_animatrix_ost_-_big_wednesday_-_free_land.mp3
;, music=sound/the_animatrix_ost_-_conga_fury_(animatrix_mix)_-
;, music=sound/the_animatrix_ost_-_hands_around_my_throat_-
;, music=sound/the_animatrix_ost_-_red_pill_blue_pill_-
;, music=sound/the_animatrix_ost_-_supermoves_(animatrix_remix)_-
;, music=sound/moby_-_everytime_you_touch_me_-_02_(cut).mp3
;, music=sound/original_-_dstf.mp3
;, music=sound/tresor_-_demo_tracks_1999_-_10.mp3
;, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_music_for_the_jilted_generation_-_13.mp3
;, music=sound/blade_ost_expansion_union-playing_with_lightning.mp3
;, music=sound/from_bonzai_with_love_-_'99_-_09.mp3
;, music=sound/zillion_-_the_second_cd2_-_07.mp3
;, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_experience_-_07.mp3
;, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_always_outnumbered_never_outgunned_-_04.mp3
;, music=sound/the_prodigy_-_experience_-_06.mp3
;, music=sound/art_meson_&_tom_snare_-_manureva_2007_(extended_mix).mp3
;, music=sound/justin_timberlake_-_my_love.mp3
;, music=sound/justin_timberlake_-_sexyback.mp3
;, music=sound/umbrella_-_rihanna_feat._jay_z.mp3
;, music=sound/soundgarden_-_black_hole_sun.mp3
;, music=sound/trainspotting_ost_-_bedrock_featuring_kyo_-
;, music=sound/trainspotting_ost_-_pf_project_featuring_ewan_mcgregor_-
;, music=sound/trainspotting_ost_-_underworld_-_born_slippy.mp3
;, music=sound/trainspotting_ost_-_underworld_-
;, music=sound/city_rockers_-_futurism_cd2_-_02.mp3
;, music=sound/david_vendetta_-_unidos_para_la_musica.mp3
;, music=sound/david_vendetta_-_break_4_love_2006.mp3
;, music=sound/david_vendetta_vs_keith_thompson_-
;, music=sound/mathieu_bouthier_and_muttonheads-
;, music=sound/mathieu_bouthier_and_muttonheads-
;, music=sound/muttonheads_&_mathieu_boutier_-


;stages/!blandia_irriana.def ;blandia - irriana remix

;stages/!elevator.def, music=sound/original_-_!elevator.mp3 ;original
;stages/!favela.def ;original
;stages/!newryu.def ;sf2 ryu remix
;stages/!warrior.def, music=sound/whitelotus.mp3 ;mortal kombat remix
;stages/0.def ;kof2001 original zero
;stages/009debug.def ;original
;stages/009debugair.def ;original
;stages/009debugbig.def ;original
;stages/009debughi.def ;original
;stages/009debuglim.def ;original
;stages/009debugnat.def ;original
;stages/009debugs.def ;original
;stages/009debugudg.def ;original
;stages/01korea.def ;kof2001 korea
;stages/02_downtown.def ;sor2 - stage 1-1 (streets)
;stages/0sekaiju.def ;original (rozen maiden)
;stages/0tokei.def ;rozen maiden
;stages/0unholytemple.def ;unclassed
;stages/1.def ;original
;stages/1-1.def ;mario bros. stage 1-1
;stages/100.def ;original
;stages/10.def ;sf sagat (cloudy)
;stages/11.def ;sf retsu
;stages/12b.def ;sf bonus (dojo)
;stages/174.def ;fatal fury 3 & real bout series remix
;stages/1cambodiaxi.def ;kofxi cambodia
;stages/1floor.def ;cadillac & dinosaurs
;stages/1sfdojo.def ;unclassed
;stages/20.def ;sf geki (sunset)
;stages/2002mexico1.def ;kof2k2 mexico (morning)
;stages/2003day.def ;kof2k3 czech / street (evening)
;stages/2003grave.def ;kof2k3 mexico (day)
;stages/2003japan.def ;kof2k3 japan / park
;stages/2003mexico2.def ;kof2k3 mexico (day)
;stages/2003night.def ;kof2k3 czech / street (night)
;stages/2004a.def ;original
;stages/2004c.def ;original
;stages/2006e3.def ;original
;stages/20ansderangers.def ;original
;stages/24tenkai.def ;dragon ball z super gokuu den totsugeki hen / super saiya
densetsu remix
;stages/2k_04.def ;kof2000 desert (storm)
;stages/2yrbadass.def ;megaman / rockman series remix
;stages/3.def ;metal slug series remix
;stages/31.def ;sf joe (cloudy)
;stages/35hb2.def ;original
;stages/3rd_akuma.def ;sf3.3 gouki
;stages/3rd_chun.def ;sf3.3 chunli
;stages/40.def ;sf mike (day)
;stages/4cestrong.def ;original
;stages/5.def ;sf lee
;stages/5heiya.def ;dragon quest series
;stages/5th.def ;motw hokutomaru (part 2)
;stages/6.def ;sf gen (night)
;stages/7.def ;sf birdie (cloudy)
;stages/70599.def ;kof 99 krizalid (2)
;stages/735.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/8.def ;sf eagle (sunny)
;stages/801.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/94_italy.def ;kof 94 italy team
;stages/95_china.def ;kof 95 psycho soldier team
;stages/95_iori.def ;kof 95 iori team (usa)
;stages/96evening.def :kof96 art of fighting team
;stages/96geese.def ;kof96 italy (bosses team)
;stages/96_iori.def ;kof96 iori's team (usa / wharf)
;stages/96iori.def ;kof96 usa - wharf (round 2 / 3)
;stages/98spain.def ;kof98 spain (day)
;stages/98_spain_2.def ;kof98 spain (evening)
;stages/98_spain_3.def ;kof98 spain (night)
;stages/98train.def ;kof98 usa yard (day)
;stages/a1.def ;melty blood - shrine
;stages/a2.def ;melty blood shrine roof - blue
;stages/a3.def ;melty blood - lobby
;stages/a4.def ;melty blood lobby - night
;stages/a6.def ;melty blood school
;stages/a7.def ;melty blood under the bridge
;stages/a8.def ;melty blood under the bridge (bloody)
;stages/a9.def ;melty blood midnight rider
;stages/abismo.def ;original
;stages/abobo.def ;double dragon (snk) abobo
;stages/abraxas tower.def ;vampires dawn: the tournament
;stages/abs.def ;original
;stages/abudo.def ;rotd subway (abubo)
;stages/acantilado.def ;gundam endless battle - shenglong
;stages/acebar.def ;marvel remix
;stages/acheron.def ;saint seiya
;stages/acimadasnuvens-rockman2thepowerbattle.def ;mmpb2 airman
;stages/actraiser1.def ;actraiser act 1
;stages/adobe.def ;original
;stages/adonstage.def ;street fighter alpha adon
;stages/advancebison.def ;ssf2tr vega/m.bison
;stages/advancebison0.def ;super street fighter 2 turbo revival vega
;stages/ae.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/ae86stage.def ;unclassed
;stages/aerial0.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure kakyoin
;stages/aerischurch.def ;final fantasy 7 - aeris church
;stages/aerobase.def ;marvel series storm
;stages/af_02.def ;asuka 120% karina toyoda
;stages/af_08.def ;asuka 120 % cathy wild
;stages/afinal.def ;kof remix
;stages/afternoon.def ;original
;stages/afueradeleo.def ;original (saint seiya leo)
;stages/ag.def ;american gladiator
;stages/agama.def ;unclassed
;stages/agauaclan.def ;power moves remix
;stages/aguilas.def ;kof2k2 remix
;stages/ah_factory_town.def ;sf3.3 remix
;stages/ah_factory_town_nochar.def ;sf3.3 remix
;stages/aiorosst.def ;saint seiya
;stages/airman0.def ;mm2 air man
;stages/airplane.def ;jjba gray
;stages/airport.def ;sfex series
;stages/airport3.def ;sf2 series remix
;stages/airport4.def ;aof2 eiji
;stages/airport5.def ;aof2 eiji
;stages/airship.def ;kof2001 original zero
;stages/airship0.def ;unclassed
;stages/ajaxhangar.def ;dragon ball legend
;stages/akane.def ;angel eyes
;stages/akaoni.def ;gba sfa3 akuma
;stages/akari_bg.def :lb akari
;stages/akejyuu.def ;original
;stages/akiba.def ;glove on fight
;stages/akiba0.def ;original
;stages/akof_drainage.def ;kof series remix
;stages/akuma.def ;sfa3 akuma 1
;stages/akuma0.def ;castlevania
;stages/akumabg.def ;sfa3 akuma 1
;stages/akumacvs.def ;cvs akuma
;stages/akumastage_japan.def ;sf3 gouki
;stages/akuma-x86k.def ;akumajo dracula
;stages/akuukan.def ;unclassed
;stages/alaska0.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/alaska0_up.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/albert.def ;original (saint seiya - alberich)
;stages/albertsabin.def ;original
;stages/albertsabin-night.def ;original
;stages/albior-sunset.def ;original (saint seiya - albior)
;stages/alchemy.def ;castlevania series
;stages/aldebaran.def ;saint seiya hades
;stages/alex.def ;sf3.3 alex & ken
;stages/alex3rds.def ;sf3 alex & ken
;stages/alexdi.def ;sf3.2 alex
;stages/alice.def ;original
;stages/alicebg.def ;rage of the dragons alice & elias
;stages/alien.def ;alien vs predator (arcade) remix
;stages/alien lord.def ;contra 3
;stages/alien queen.def ;unclassed
;stages/aliens-vs-predator-1.def ;avsp remix
;stages/aliens-vs-predator-2.def ;avsp remix
;stages/aliens-vs-predator-4.def ;avsp remix
;stages/aliens-vs-predator-5.def ;avsp remix
;stages/aliens-vs-predator-7.def ;avsp remix
;stages/aliens-vs-predator-9.def ;avsp remix
;stages/aliens-vs-predator-10.def ;avsp remix
;stages/alienvspredator.def ;avsp
;stages/alley.def ;rb2 blue mary
;stages/alley2.def ;capoeira fighter 2 - alley
;stages/alley3.def ;original
;stages/alpes-suicos.def ;original / kof remix
;stages/alphasector01.def ;original
;stages/alsionstage.def ;breakers series alsion iii
;stages/alsioniii.def ;breakers series alsion iii
;stages/alstage.def ;kof series remix
;stages/alstage3.def ;kof 2k3 adel remix
;stages/altar0.def, music=sound/emerl.mp3 ;sonic battle me (sonic series remix)
;stages/altbeast2.def ;altered beast - stage 2 - the underworld
;stages/altbstgrave.def ;altered beast stage 1 remix
;stages/altoedificio.def ;captain commando remix
;stages/aluta.def ;kof remix
;stages/am.def ;original
;stages/amakusa4.def ;ss4 amakusa castle zankuro
;stages/amakusabg.def ;samurai shodown amakusa (1)
;stages/amakusacastle.def ;ss4 remix
;stages/amakusamix.def ;ss3 amakusa remix
;stages/amakusass1.def ;ss1 amakusa (2)
;stages/amakusass11.def ;ss1 amakusa (1)
;stages/amakusass12.def ;ss1 amakusa (2)
;stages/amazonas.def ;sfa3 adon
;stages/ame_no_akichi.def ;efz akane satomura
;stages/america 2k2.def ;kof2k2 korea
;stages/americaxi.def ;kofxi america
;stages/ana.def ;original
;stages/anaconda.def ;darkstalker rikuo
;stages/anakaris.def ;darkstalkers series anakaris
;stages/an_bg.def ;guilty gear x anji / baiken
;stages/ancient.def ;breakers series alsion iii
;stages/ancient1.def ;ff7 - the temple of the ancients
;stages/ancientruins.def ;original
;stages/andromedaisle.def ;saint seiya
;stages/angelpolice.def ;unclassed
;stages/animado.def ;unclassed
;stages/a_north.def ;saint seiya
;stages/another.def ;original
;stages/antartida.def ;original
;stages/aodk.def ;agressors of dark kombat remix
;stages/aodk_fuuma.def ;aodk lee remix
;stages/aof00.def ;aof3 gas station (day)
;stages/aof01.def ;aof3 sinclair
;stages/aof1big.def ;aof1 big
;stages/aof1-chinatown.def ;aof1 lee
;stages/aof1-downtown.def ;aof1 micky
;stages/aof1-guardian.def ;aof1 john
;stages/aof1-karate.def ;aof1 mr karate
;stages/aof1kingbg.def ;aof1 king
;stages/aof1-macsbar.def ;aof1 jack
;stages/aof1street.def ;aof1 micky
;stages/aof1-thefactory.def ;mr big
;stages/aof2.def ;aof2 ryo sakazaki
;stages/aof2-airport.def ;aof2 eiji
;stages/aof2airport.def ;aof2 eiji
;stages/aof2bigbg.def ;aof2 big
;stages/aof2-boxinggym.def ;aof2 micky
;stages/aof2chinatown.def ;aof2 lee
;stages/aof2eiji.def ;aof2 eiji
;stages/aof2estabulo.def ;aof2 ryo
;stages/aof2geese0.def ;aof2 geese
;stages/aof2jackbg.def ;aof2 jack
;stages/aof2lee.def ;aof2 lee
;stages/aof2macsbar.def ;aof2 jack
;stages/aof2micky0.def ;aof2 micky
;stages/aof2mrbig.def ;aof2 mr big
;stages/aof2ryo.def ;aof2 ryo
;stages/aof2-ryo.def ;aof2 ryo
;stages/aof2ryobg.def ;aof2 ryo
;stages/aof2takuma.def ;aof2 takuma
;stages/aof2takumabg.def ;aof2 takuma
;stages/aof2temjinbg.def ;aof2 temjin
;stages/aof2yuri.def ;aof2 yuri
;stages/aof2yuribg.def ;aof2 yuri
;stages/aof3.def ;aof3 sieste cafe
;stages/aof30.def ;aof3 sieste cafe
;stages/aof3catus.def ;aof3 gas station (night)
;stages/aof3mansion.def ;aof3 sinclair
;stages/aof3mansion-up.def ;aof3 sinclair
;stages/aof3santana.def ;aof3 santana
;stages/aof3trainyard.def ;aof3 train yard (day)
;stages/aof3trainyard-up.def ;aof3 train yard (day)
;stages/aof96.def ;kof96 aof team (cloudy)
;stages/aof96bg.def ;kof96 art of fighting team
;stages/aof96-dm.def ;kof96 art of fighting team
;stages/aofbig.def ;mr big
;stages/aof-jack.def ;aof1 jack
;stages/aofjack.def ;aof1 jack
;stages/aofjohn.def ;aof1 john
;stages/aofking.def ;aof1 king
;stages/aofking0.def ;aof1 king
;stages/aofkingbg.def ;aof1 king
;stages/aof_kingbg.def ;aof king
;stages/aof_kingbg_a.def ;aof king
;stages/aoflee.def ;aof1 lee
;stages/aofmicky.def ;aof1 micky
;stages/aof-saloon.def ;aof1 king
;stages/aoftodo.def ;aof1 todo
;stages/aoftodo0.def ;aof1 todo
;stages/aoi_s1.def ;original
;stages/aomori.def ;cvs2 aomori
;stages/aomori0.def ;cvs2 aomori
;stages/aooni.def ;gba sfa3 evil ryu
;stages/aosarenaw.def ;cv aos arena
;stages/aosarena2w.def ;cv aos arena 2
;stages/aoschapelw.def ;cv aos chapel
;stages/apocabg.def ;xmvssf apocalypse
;stages/apocalypse0.def ;kof remix
;stages/apocalypse1.def ;kof remix
;stages/aquario congelado - rockman 2 the power battle.def ;megaman 2 - the power
fighters / rockman 2 - the power fighters gemini man
;stages/aquario-rockman2thepowerbattle.def ;megaman 2 - the power fighters /
rockman 2 - the power fighters bubble man
;stages/aquario tarde - rockman 2 the power battle.def ;megaman 2 - the power
fighters / rockman 2 - the power fighters dive man
;stages/aquarium.def ;kof2000 aquarium
;stages/aquarium1.def ;original
;stages/aquarium2.def ;kof2000 aquarium
;stages/aquarium3.def ;captain commando aquarium
;stages/aquarius.def ;original (saint seiya camus)
;stages/aquaticruins.def ;sonic the hedgehog series
;stages/ar0.def ;original
;stages/aracne.def ;saint seiya aracne
;stages/arcade.def ;double dragon (neogeo) remix
;stages/arcade0.def ;double dragon (neogeo) remix
;stages/arcade2.def ;double dragon (neogeo) remix
;stages/arcadexmen1.def ;unclassed
;stages/arcadexmen3.def ;unclassed
;stages/arcadexmen4.def ;unclassed
;stages/arceuidbg.def ;melty blood arcueid
;stages/arctic0.def ;gundam endless wing tallgeese
;stages/arcueid_bg.def ;melty blood arcueid
;stages/arechi.def ;final fantasy 6
;stages/arena.def ;mortal kombat 3 series khan's arena
;stages/arena0.def ;original (kirby series?)
;stages/arena01.def ;original
;stages/arena-02.def ;kof remix
;stages/arena-03.def ;unclassed + edits
;stages/arena-04.def ;original
;stages/arena1.def ;ranma 1/2 4 edit
;stages/arena96.def ;kof96 chizuru
;stages/arenad.def ;kof remix
;stages/arenaofdead.def ;mortal kombat remix
;stages/arenas.def ;unclassed
;stages/arene0.def ;dbz arcade 2
;stages/arene1.def ;ranma 1/2 2 - bakuretsu rantou hen mousse
;stages/argolcanyon.def ;original / marvel edit (saint seiya - argol)
;stages/arieshouse.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/arina.def ;ww7 arina
;stages/armabg.def ;original (arma)
;stages/armory.def ;mk2 the armory
;stages/araneta coliseum.def ;original
;stages/arremerni.def ;svc red arremer
;stages/artmuseum.def ;original
;stages/asamayama.def ;ss4 fire stage
;stages/asajyuu.def ;original
;stages/asasen.def ;original
;stages/asayam.def ;original
;stages/asgards castle.def ;vampires dawn: the tournament
;stages/asiya.def ;rozen maiden (original)
;stages/asp40_dragao_de_gelo.def ;sdk remix
;stages/asp40_sitio.def ;aof2 ryo
;stages/asterix.def ;asterix series
;stages/astral.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/asuka.def ;asuka 120 % asuka
;stages/asuka120-8.def ;asuka 120 % cathy wild
;stages/asukabg.def ;asuka 120 % asuka
;stages/asuka-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/asuka-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/atardecer.def ;sf3.3 remix
;stages/athena-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/athena-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/athf.def ;original
;stages/athfmoon.def ;original
;stages/atlante.def ;original
;stages/atlantida.def ;justice league task force (snes) aquaman
;stages/atlsur.def ;saint seiya poseidon saga
;stages/atormentados.def ;original
;stages/atsushi_chaos.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/atusir.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/atusiworld.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/aurest.def ;original
;stages/aurora.def ;original
;stages/avalon_cota1.def ;marvel cota magneto
;stages/avenge iruka.def ;original
;stages/aver.def ;original
;stages/aviao.def ;sf2 guile remix
;stages/avsp.def ;avsp alien extocage
;stages/avsp_pawns.def ;avsp razorclaws
;stages/awake.def ;original
;stages/ax_bg.def ;ggx axl
;stages/axel.def ;ffsp axel hawk (dawn)
;stages/axel0.def ;ffsp axel hawk (dawn)
;stages/axlbg.def ;ggx axl
;stages/axl_bg.def ;gg axl
;stages/aya.def ;original
;stages/ayce_chicago.def ;street fighter alpha sodom
;stages/ayce_greatwall.def ;street fighter alpha chunli
;stages/ayce_rave.def ;mk, sfa, fight fever remix
;stages/ayce_sonson.def ;street fighter alpha ryu
;stages/ayce_thailand2.def ;sfa2 sagat
;stages/ayu.def ;efz???
;stages/azotea.def ;original
;stages/azu.def ;original
;stages/azuresky.def ;original
;stages/azusa.def ;qoh azusa
;stages/babelbg.def ;kof remix (saint seiya - babel)
;stages/babidi_teleportation.def ;dbz remix
;stages/back0.def ;mb series - back alley
;stages/backalley.def ;sfa2 gen remix
;stages/back_street.def ;daraku tenshi: the fallen angels - torao
;stages/backstreet.def ;melty blood back alley
;stages/backstreet_blood.def ;melty blood bloody back alley
;stages/badgers.def ;original
;stages/baker.def ;original
;stages/balcony_sngt.def ;mortal kombat 3 remix
;stages/bali.def ;kof 97 bali
;stages/balistic.def ;original
;stages/balrog.def ;sf2 balrog
;stages/balrog0.def ;sf2 balrog
;stages/balrogbg.def ;sfa3 m. bison
;stages/balrogbg0.def ;sfa3 m. bison
;stages/bamboo.def ;ss2 jubei
;stages/bamboo0.def ;ss5 bamboo afternoon
;stages/bambooday.def ;ss3 shizumaru
;stages/bambooflorest.def ;ss jubei remix
;stages/bambooflorest_small.def ;ss jubei
;stages/banana0.def ;dk series remix
;stages/banito.def ;aof3 sieste cafe
;stages/bannri.def ;street fighter alpha chunli
;stages/baobab.def ;mvs on the hilltop [night]
;stages/bar1.def ;aof1 jack
;stages/bar3.def ;final fight series (???)
;stages/bar4.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/barbearia ;original
;stages/barbearia_anim.def ;original
;stages/barbeiro-chaves.def ;original
;stages/barco2.def ;original
;stages/barriga.def ;original
;stages/barriomarginal.def ;original
;stages/barxiao.def ;original
;stages/basara.def ;ss3 basara (red)
;stages/basarast.def ;ss3 basara (red)
;stages/basementtx.def ;motw grant
;stages/base militar.def ;sf2 remix
;stages/basket.def ;aodk bobby
;stages/bat2.def ;adventures of batman & robin - streets
;stages/bataille.def ;lb1 setsuna (battlefield)
;stages/bathhouse.def ;original
;stages/bathhouse2.def ;mvc bathhouse
;stages/bathroom2mvc.def ;marvel vs capcom honda's bath house - secret sector
;stages/bathroommvc.def ;marvel vs capcom honda's bath house
;stages/batman.def ;adventures of batman & robin
;stages/batmanbeyond.def ;original
;stages/batmanbg.def ;jltf batman
;stages/batman city.def ;adventures of batman & robin - streets
;stages/batt.def ;x-men: children of the atom colossus
;stages/battle0.def ;ss2 hanzo
;stages/battlearenatall.def ;castlevania circle of the moon - battle arena
;stages/battlec.def ;nbc japan (day)
;stages/battlecemb.def ;actraiser / castlevania series remix
;stages/battlecemf.def ;actraiser / castlevania series remix
;stages/battlecemn.def ;actraiser / castlevania series remix
;stages/battlefield1.def ;original
;stages/battlefieldtx.def ;tlb - battle field
;stages/battleg.def ;brutal 2 (wall2)
;stages/battou.def ;original
;stages/baxter.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/bay.def ;final fight bay area
;stages/bay0.def ;final fight bay area
;stages/bay_area.def ;final fight - the bay area
;stages/bb0.def ;beavis & butt-head (genesis)
;stages/b_ballcourt.def ;unclassed
;stages/bbp.def ;original
;stages/bc_pf.def ;battle circuit city
;stages/beach.def ;ss4 seaside stage
;stages/beach1.def ;original
;stages/beach2.def ;capoeira fighter 2 - sunset beach
;stages/beach3.def ;capoeira fighter 2 - sunny beach
;stages/beach4.def ;ranma 1/2 4 - chogi ranbu hen ranma
;stages/beach_rbs.def ;rbs terry
;stages/beachrock.def ;original
;stages/beach_stage.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/beacht.def ;original
;stages/beauval.def ;original
;stages/beco.def ;original
;stages/beco0.def ;avsp remix
;stages/beco1.def ;kof series remix
;stages/becomes dark.def ;svc remix
;stages/bedroom.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/beebg.def ;unclassed
;stages/behemoth_dos.def ;ragnagard behemoth
;stages/beijing.def ;sfa2 chunli
;stages/belfry.def ;motw hotaru
;stages/belfryj.def :motw hotaru
;stages/belfrynighttx.def :motw hotaru
;stages/belier.def ;saint seiya
;stages/benjo.def ;original
;stages/benten.def ;ragnagard benten
;stages/bg0.def ;original
;stages/bg02.def ;original
;stages/bg020.def ;unclassed
;stages/bg03.def ;original
;stages/bg05.def ;original
;stages/bg1.def ;asuka 120 % asuka
;stages/bg2.def ;asuka 120 % karina
;stages/bg3.def ;asuka 120 % kumi
;stages/bg4.def ;asuka 120 % kiyoko
;stages/bg5.def ;asuka 120 % nana
;stages/bg6.def ;asuka 120 % megumi
;stages/bg7.def ;asuka 120 % ryuuko
;stages/bg8.def ;asuka 120 % cathy wild
;stages/bg9.def ;asuka 120 % tamaki
;stages/bg10.def ;asuka 120 % torami
;stages/bg11.def ;asuka 120 % shinobu
;stages/bg13.def ;asuka 120 % tetuko
;stages/bg14.def ;asuka 120 % ichiko
;stages/bgcharlotte.def ;ss2 charlotte
;stages/bggen-an.def ;ss2 genan
;stages/bgjmax.def ;wh2 johnny max
;stages/bg-junkyard.def ;original
;stages/bg-north.def ;original
;stages/bgtest.def ;original
;stages/bg_teste.def ;original
;stages/bgwhite.def ;rbsdm white (part 1)
;stages/bh2.def ;resident evil 2 / biohazard 2
;stages/bh22.def ;resident evil 2 / biohazard 2
;stages/bigfire1.def ;original
;stages/bigfire2.def ;original
;stages/big_m.def ;unclassed
;stages/bigroom.def ;original
;stages/bigsight.def ;kof99 park
;stages/bigsite.def ;original
;stages/bikinibottom.def ;original
;stages/bill_cosby.def ;original
;stages/billy0.def ;rage of the dragons billy & lynn
;stages/billybg.def ;ffsp billy kane (dawn)
;stages/billybg0.def ;ffsp billy kane
;stages/billyrbs.def ;rbs billy kane
;stages/birdie.def ;sf3 birdie
;stages/birdiealpha1.def ;sfa birdie
;stages/birdiebg.def ;street fighter alpha birdie
;stages/birdiesfa1.def ;sfa birdie
;stages/bishamonbg.def ;darkstalkers bishamon
;stages/bison.def ;sf2 m. bison
;stages/bison0.def ;ssf2 turbo revival vega
;stages/bison1.def ;sf2 m.bison
;stages/bisonbase.def ;sftm / mk series remix
;stages/bisonbg1.def ;street fighter alpha sodom
;stages/bison_gba.def ;ssf2tr vega/m.bison
;stages/bison-lair.def ;original
;stages/bk-sofmap.def ;original
;stages/black0.def ;original
;stages/black_and_white.def ;original
;stages/blackb.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/blackbh.def ;sfa nash edit
;stages/blackbird1.def ;marvel remix
;stages/blackbird2.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/blackblack.def ;original
;stages/blancopuro.def ;original
;stages/blanka.def ;sf2 blanka
;stages/blankabg.def ;sf2 blanka
;stages/blanka_stage.def ;sf2 blanka
;stages/blast_furnace.def ;sfa3 zangief
;stages/blimp.def ;kabuki clash manjimaru
;stages/blizzard.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/blizzardman.def ;megaman 6 / rockman 6 blizzard man
;stages/blkheart.def ;msh blackheart
;stages/blockadespace.def ;svc blockade space
;stages/blockadespacesvctx.def ;svc blockade space
;stages/blocks.def ;original
;stages/blocks0.def ;smb remix
;stages/blood1.def ;blood 1
;stages/blood2.def ;original
;stages/blood-gulch.def ;original
;stages/bloom.def ;ss4 cherry blossom stage
;stages/blucastl.def ;original
;stages/blue.def ;original
;stages/blue20.def ;unclassed
;stages/blue3.def ;unclassed
;stages/blue4.def ;unclassed
;stages/bluemarybg.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 blue mary
;stages/blue_moon.def ;original
;stages/blueshift.def ;marvel remix
;stages/bluesky.def ;lb2 shimiji pass
;stages/bluesky0.def ;lb2 shimiji pass
;stages/blur.def ;original
;stages/bmary.def ;rb2 blue mary
;stages/bmary-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/bmary-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/bme_eien.def ;efz unknown
;stages/bme_fargo_kenkyuu_shisetsu.def ;efz ikumi
;stages/bme_gakkou ura.def ;efz mayu
;stages/bme_haieki.def ;efz minagi tohno (noon)
;stages/bme_haieki e.def ;efz minagi tohno (sunset)
;stages/bme_hajimari no ki.def ;efz ayu tsukimiya
;stages/bme_hiruyasumi_no_nakaniwa.def ;efz sayuri
;stages/bme_kamioke_mae.def ;efz misuzu
;stages/bme_mangetsu no nakaniwa n.def ;efz mai kawasumi (the school of a full
;stages/bme_minaseke mae.def ;efz nayuki minase (noon)
;stages/bme_monomi no oka.def ;efz mishio amano
;stages/bme_mugen_no_sora.def ;efz kanna
;stages/bme_shoutengai.def ;efz makoto
;stages/bme_sora ni chikai jinja.def ;efz kano kirishima (noon)
;stages/bme_sora ni chikai jinja n.def ;efz kano kirishima (night)
;stages/bme_taiikukan.def ;efz mio
;stages/bme_tsuugakuro_no_kouen.def ;efz mizuka nagamori
;stages/bme_tsuugakuro_no_kouen_n.def ;efz rumi nanase
;stages/bme_yuki no kouen.def ;efz shiori misaka
;stages/bme_yuki_no_kouen_n.def ;efz kaori misaka
;stages/bme_yuuyake_no_okujo.def ;efz misaki kawana
;stages/bmist.def ;kof remix
;stages/bmt_sf3_elena.def ;sf3.3 elena
;stages/bmt_sf3_gouki.def ;sf3.3 gouki
;stages/bmt_sf3ken.def ;sf3.3 ken & alex
;stages/bmt_sf3_necro.def ;sf3.3 necro
;stages/bmt_sf3_twelve.def ;sf3.3 twelve
;stages/bmt_sf3_urien.def ;sf3.3 urien
;stages/bnw.def ;original
;stages/boalive.def ;kof, pim & rb remix
;stages/bochi130.def ;touhou suimusou youmu pm 1:30
;stages/bochi900.def ;touhou suimusou cemetary night pm 9:00
;stages/bodiam.def ;original
;stages/bodiesnwp.def ;cv sotn - bodies (no wall)
;stages/bonefield.def ;final fantasy series
;stages/bonjovi.def ;original
;stages/bonkst1.def ;bonk's adventure
;stages/bonus1.def ;original
;stages/bonus20.def ;rozen maiden (original)
;stages/bonus3.def ;rozen maiden (original
;stages/bonus carro stf 2.def ;sf2 bonus car
;stages/bonus-stage-a.def ;aof bonus
;stages/borgata.def ;original
;stages/b_osaka.def ;cvs2 burning osaka
;stages/bosque inuyasha.def ;ss2 remix
;stages/boss0.def, music=sound/boss.mp3 ;original
;stages/boss_m_stage.def ;original
;stages/botchan.def ;original
;stages/bottom.def ;mk reptile - the pit bottom
;stages/bpit.def ;mk remix
;stages/br21.def ;original
;stages/brazil.def ;sfa3 blanka
;stages/brazil0.def ;sfa3 blanka
;stages/brazil1.def ;sfa3 blanka
;stages/brazil2.def ;ssf2x blanka
;stages/brazil2001.def ;kof2001 brazil
;stages/brazil2k1.def ;kof2001 brazil
;stages/brazildocks.def ;sf3.3 sean
;stages/brazildocks2.def ;sf3.3 oro
;stages/brazildocks3.def ;the king of fighters special edition 2004 brazil
;stages/brasilsf3.def ;sf3.3 sean
;stages/brentwood.def ;original
;stages/brer_condol.def ;breakers revenge condor
;stages/brer_mahael.def ;breakers revenge maherl
;stages/brer_piel.def ;breakers revenge pierre
;stages/bridge0.def ;project justice riverside
;stages/bridge-03.def ;ssvsp bridge (sunset)
;stages/bridge-04.def ;ssvsp bridge (day)
;stages/bridge-05.def ;ssvsp bridge (sunset) (desperation)
;stages/bridge-06.def ;ssvsp bridge (day) (desperation)
;stages/bridge2hell.def ;doom 2 remix
;stages/bridge3.def ;original
;stages/bridge30.def ;msh wolverine
;stages/bridge5.def ;msh wolverine
;stages/bridge8.def ;kofnw bridge
;stages/bridge_day.def ;ssvsp bridge (day)
;stages/bridge_sunset.def ;ssvsp bridge (sunset)
;stages/bridge_upper_water.def ;misc. games edit
;stages/brjapan1.def ;breakers revenge sho
;stages/brocken.def ;wh2 brocken
;stages/brook.def ;ss2 nakoruru
;stages/brshrine.def ;breakers revenge daolong
;stages/br_roof.def ;breakers revenge saizo
;stages/brujerizmo.def ;original
;stages/bubbleman.def ;mm2 bubble man
;stages/bubs.def ;original
;stages/budokai0.def ;dbaa tenkaichi budokai
;stages/budokai-d-dbz3-chuva.def ;sb3 remix
;stages/budoukai.def ;dbz sb1 tenkaichi budoukai remix
;stages/budoukai-dbz3.def ;dbz sb3 tenkaichi budoukai remix
;stages/budoukai-dbz30.def ;sb3 remix
;stages/budoukai-destruido.def ;dbz original
;stages/budoukai-hd.def ;dbz hd tenkaichi budoukai remix
;stages/budoukai-hd-n.def ;dbz hd tenkaichi budoukai - night
;stages/budoukai-hd-r.def ;dbz hd tenkaichi budoukai remix
;stages/budoukai-inv.def ;dbz hd remix
;stages/budoukai-night.def ;dbz hd tenkaichi budoukai night remix
;stages/budoukai-t-r-hd.def ;dbz hd tenkaichi budoukai remix
;stages/budoukai-r-hd.def ;dbz hd tenkaichi budoukai remix
;stages/bug.def ;original
;stages/bugle1.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/bugle2.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/building.def ;original
;stages/burningfactor.def ;original
;stages/burningfight0.def ;burning fight remix
;stages/burninghell.def ;original
;stages/burori.def ;dbz sb2 remix
;stages/bus.def ;punisher remix
;stages/bus0.def ;wh dragon
;stages/bus2.def ;original
;stages/bush.def ;original
;stages/busted.def ;original
;stages/butterflies.def ;original
;stages/buustage.def ;dbz ub22 coast
;stages/bythebridge.def ;original
;stages/cabg.def ;marvel vs capcom the avengers head quarter
;stages/cablecar.def ;original
;stages/cachoeira.def ;aodk lee
;stages/cafe.def ;kof95 england (ladies team)
;stages/cafe0.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters - raphaelo
;stages/cafe1.def ;kof96 ladies team (england)
;stages/cafe95.def ;kof95 england (ladies team)
;stages/cafe96.def ;kof96 ladies team
;stages/cafe960.def ;kof96 ladies team
;stages/cafe m.def ;fatal fury richard myer
;stages/cage.def ;original
;stages/calle.def ;original
;stages/cambodiaxi.def ;kofxi cambodia
;stages/caminho-2-mundos.def ;inuyasha series
;stages/cammy0.def ;ssf2 cammy
;stages/cammy1.def ;sfa3 cammy ;(pc): jo's version: inversed anim's sense
;stages/cammy-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/cammy-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/cammyssf.def ;ssf2 cammy
;stages/campinho.def ;original
;stages/campinho_anim.def ;original
;stages/camp�olilo.def ;unclassed
;stages/campodedia.def ;dbz sb3 earth - day
;stages/camponevado.def ;original
;stages/camser.def ;dbz original
;stages/canape2.def ;original
;stages/canapeduchat.def ;original
;stages/cancer.def ;original (saint seiya - deathmask)
;stages/cancer0.def ;mortal kombat series remix
;stages/canyon0.def ;mvc cliff of desolation
;stages/canyon2.def, music=sound/tails.mp3 ;sonic battle me (sonic series
;stages/canyond'excalibur.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/c&d_desert.def ;cadillacs and dinosaurs / cadillacs kyouryuu-shinseiki
;stages/canyon.def ;ki thunder
;stages/canyon_cosmo.def ;dbz sb2 remix
;stages/cap.def ;captain commando snes
;stages/capbosque.def ;mk series remix
;stages/capcorn.def ;original
;stages/capia.def ;voltage fighter gowcaizer captain atlantis
;stages/capricorne.def, music=sound/sseiya_-_cosmo-brulant.mp3
;stages/capsule.def ;dbz original
;stages/capsule corp.def ;dbz original
;stages/capsulecorp.def ;dbz original
;stages/capsulecorp1.def ;original (dbz)
;stages/capsulerua.def ;dbz original
;stages/captain.def ;voltage fighter gowcaizer captain atlantis
;stages/captain0.def ;voltage fighter gowcaizer captain atlantis
;stages/captaina.def ;voltage fighter gowcaizer captain atlantis
;stages/captain_atlantis.def ;voltage fighter gowcaizer captain atlantis
;stages/captcomsnes_museum.def ;captain commando (snes)
;stages/carlosv.def ;original
;stages/carnival.def ;sonic the hedgehog series
;stages/carpark.def ;street fighter 2 series remix
;stages/carreta.def ;original
;stages/cartoon.def ;original
;stages/casa.def ;original
;stages/casaabandonada.def ;original
;stages/casa-branca.def ;original
;stages/casa_de_tauro.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/casajaponesa.def ;yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo remix
;stages/casa_mu.def ;original (saint seiya - mu)
;stages/cascade.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/casino1.def, music=sound/rouge.mp3 ;sonic battle me (sonic series
;stages/cassino.def ;original
;stages/cast.def ;original
;stages/castel.def ;sfa3 ryu
;stages/castelo(h).def ;misc. games edit
;stages/castillo.def ;original
;stages/castle0.def ;gg millia
;stages/castle2.def ;original
;stages/castle21.def ;super mario world remix
;stages/castle3.def ;original
;stages/castle4.def ;original (super mario bros series)
;stages/castlekeep2.def ;cv sotn - intro
;stages/castle_of_doom.def ;original
;stages/castlevania0.def ;original
;stages/castlevania2.def ;castlevania original
;stages/castlevania3.def ;castlevania original
;stages/castlevondoom.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/catarata_aodk.def ;aodk lee
;stages/cate.def ;original
;stages/cathy.def ;asuka 120 % cathy
;stages/cats.def ;original
;stages/cats_eye.def ;original
;stages/catus-aof3.def ;aof3 gas station (night)
;stages/catwatching.def ;original
;stages/cavdragao.def ;dungeons & dragons edit
;stages/cave2.def ;lb shigen
;stages/caveff2.def ;final fantasy 2
;stages/cavern.def ;megaman / rockman series remix
;stages/caverne.def ;kof2k3 mukai
;stages/caverne_hagen.def ;original (saint seiya hagen)
;stages/cbcast.def ;original (cowboy bebop)
;stages/cb-citystage.def ;cyberbots full metal madness
;stages/cblook.def ;original (cowboy bebop)
;stages/cb-oceanstage.def ;cyberbots full metal madness
;stages/cci_project0_b.def ;ss3 gaira (round 1)
;stages/cci_project0_c.def ;ss3 gaira (round 2)
;stages/cebolina.def ;original
;stages/cedo.def ;original
;stages/cell2.def ;dbz ub22 cell arena
;stages/cell3.def ;dbz ub22 cell arena
;stages/cell4.def ;dbz ub22 cell arena
;stages/cellarena.def ;original
;stages/cell_fight.def ;dbz sb1 cell1 remix
;stages/cellgame.def ;original (dbz)
;stages/cell_game.def ;dbz sb1 remix
;stages/cell_game0.def ;dbz sb3 earth - day remix
;stages/cellgame0.def ;dbz sb1 cell3 remix
;stages/cell_game1.def ;dbz sb1 cell3 remix
;stages/cellgame1.def ;unclassed
;stages/cellgame2.def ;dbz 2 (arcade) cell
;stages/cellgamehd-noite.def ;dbz hd remix
;stages/cen.kevin.def ;motw kevin
;stages/central.def ;the bouncer
;stages/centralpark.def ;x-men vs street fighter showdown in the park
;stages/centralsuperheroes.def ;mvc central super heroes
;stages/cercadelacasadeseiya.def ;saint seiya
;stages/cerebro.def ;original
;stages/cfe_training.def ;cfj training zone
;stages/cfj-03-newyork.def ;cfj newyork
;stages/cfj_hongkong.def ;cfj hong kong
;stages/cfj_infinity_chamber.def ;cfj pyron
;stages/cfj_infinity_chamber_remains.def ;cfj shin akuma
;stages/cfj_japan.def ;cfj japan
;stages/cfj-japan.def ;cfj japan
;stages/cfj_japan0.def ;cfj japan
;stages/cfj_japan_d4.def ;cfj japan
;stages/cfj-japanstage.def ;cfj japan
;stages/cfj_jungle.def ;cfj jungle
;stages/cfj_myanmar_d4.def ;cfj myanmar
;stages/cfj-newyork.def ;cfj newyork
;stages/cfj_newyork0.def ;cfj newyork
;stages/cfj_ny.def ;cfj newyork
;stages/cfj-ruins.def ;cfj ruins
;stages/cfj_ruins0.def ;cfj ruins
;stages/cfj_training.def ;cfj training zone
;stages/cfj-trainingroom.def ;cfj training zone
;stages/cfj-trainingstage.def ;cfj training zone
;stages/cfj_training_zone.def ;cfj training zone
;stages/cfj_training_zone0.def ;cfj training zone
;stages/cfj_training_zone_d4.def ;cfj training zone
;stages/cfj_underworld.def ;cfj underworld
;stages/cfj_underworld0.def ;cfj underworld
;stages/cfj-underworld-hi.def ;cfj underworld
;stages/cfjwarzard.def ;cfj ruins
;stages/cha.def ;original (maniacs)
;stages/chamas3.def ;misc. games remix
;stages/chamber0.def ;dbz sb gohan / trunks
;stages/chambre.def ;original
;stages/chamcham.def ;ss2 cham cham
;stages/champ.def ;original
;stages/champ0.def ;dragon ball z (arcade) goku
;stages/chao.def ;tmhttf chrome dome
;stages/chaos.def ;original
;stages/charlie-stg.def ;sfa2 nash
;stages/char's.def ;original
;stages/chateau0.def ;ss2 charlotte
;stages/chaves.def ;original
;stages/chaves_anim.def ;original
;stages/chaves0.def ;original
;stages/chemical.def ;sonic the hedgehog series
;stages/cheng.def ;ffsp cheng
;stages/chicago.def ;original / unclassed ??
;stages/chichi.def ;ragnagard chichi-nene
;stages/chichi-nene.def ;ragnagard chichi-nene
;stages/china0.def ;sf2 chunli
;stages/china2.def ;street fighter alpha chunli
;stages/china4.def ;street fighter alpha chunli
;stages/china7.def ;street fighter alpha chunli
;stages/china8.def ;dbz hd / ff remix
;stages/china9.def ;ggi china
;stages/china95tx.def ;kof95 psycho team
;stages/china-ffs-dm.def ;ffs tung fu rue (dusk)
;stages/china11.def ;ssf2x chun-li
;stages/china-rb2.def ;rb2 tung fu rue
;stages/china-rbs.def ;rbs tung fu rue
;stages/chinart.def ;rb2 cheng sinzan
;stages/chinachute.def ;the last blade remix
;stages/chinasfz-dm.def ;sfa chunli
;stages/chinatown0.def ;kof 99 china
;stages/chinatown1.def ;kof 99 china remix
;stages/china-town2.def ;kof 99 china town
;stages/chinawf.def ;kof 95 psycho soldier team
;stages/chinen.def ;pim thinen
;stages/chinese_roof_bright.def ;rb2 cheng sinzan
;stages/chinese_roof_dark.def ;rb2 yamazaki
;stages/chinese_rumble.def ;chunli (sf3.3)
;stages/chinesestreet.def ;final fight 3 remix
;stages/chiottes.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/chipp.def ;gg chipp
;stages/chipstage.def ;gg chipp
;stages/chirasiura.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/chnlee.def ;sf1 lee (day)
;stages/chonshu_rb2.def ;rbff2 jin chonshu
;stages/chou3.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/choza_bob.def ;original
;stages/chrahine.def ;lb2 shrine of the vainquished
;stages/chrono.def ;chrono trigger remix
;stages/chrono_2.def ;chrono trigger remix
;stages/chrono_3.def ;chrono trigger remix
;stages/chrono_4.def ;chrono trigger remix
;stages/chrono_5.def ;chrono trigger remix
;stages/chungsr.def ;savage reign chung
;stages/chunli.def ;street fighter alpha gouki
;stages/chunli0.def ;street fighter alpha chunli
;stages/chunli1.def ;street fighter alpha chunli
;stages/chunli2.def ;sf2 chunli
;stages/chunlibg0.def ;sf2 chunli
;stages/chunlibg1.def ;sf3.3 chunli
;stages/chunlibg2.def ;sf2 chunli remix
;stages/chunli-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/chunli-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/chunli-nakoruru-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/chunli-nakoruru-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/chunlisf3.def ;sf3.3 chunli
;stages/church.def ;capoeira fighter 2 - church
;stages/church0.def ;voltage fighter gowcaizer kyosuke
;stages/church1.def ;rotd church (alice & elias)
;stages/church2.def ;rotd church (alice & elias)
;stages/churchsvctx.def ;svc nude place
;stages/cidade.def ;original
;stages/cidade0.def ;original
;stages/cidade2.def ;aodk
;stages/cidade anoitecendo - rockman 2 the power battle.def ;megaman 2 - the
power fighters / rockman 2 - the power fighters shadow man
;stages/cidadeinfinita.def ;mk3
;stages/cidade_fb.def ;dragon ball gt final bout
;stages/cidade-jengi.def ;dbz sb1 cell1 remix
;stages/cidade - rockman 2 the power battle.def;megaman 2 - the power fighters /
rockman 2 - the power fighters city (day)
;stages/ciel0.def ;mb midnight at the park
;stages/cinder.def ;killer instinct series cinder
;stages/cine-h.def ;original
;stages/cinistro.def ;original
;stages/city0.def ;battle circuit - dead heat in the desert!
;stages/city2.def ;waku waku 7 fernandeath remix
;stages/city5.def ;separation anxiety
;stages/city6.def ;22xx grand tournament
;stages/cityfight.def ;street fighter alpha nash
;stages/cityhunter.def ;original
;stages/city on track.def ;melty blood remix
;stages/cjungle.def ;contra / probotector - stage 1 - jungle
;stages/clarier-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/clarier-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/classickingdom.def ;smb remix
;stages/classicmario.def ;mario bros. stage 1-1
;stages/classicryubg.def ;sf2 ryu
;stages/clerks.def ;original
;stages/cliff.def ;marvel vs capcom cliff of desolation
;stages/cliff2.def ;marvel remix
;stages/cliff3.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/cliff4.def ;mvc cliff of desolation
;stages/cliffofdesolation.def ;mvc cliff of desolation
;stages/cliffs.def ;dbz sb1 rocks
;stages/cliffs0.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/cliffs1.def ;original (saint seiya - capella)
;stages/climanjaro.def ;original
;stages/clone.def ;kof 99 krizalid
;stages/clone0.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/cloudman.def ;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power battles
cloud man
;stages/cloudman stage.def ;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power
battles cloud man
;stages/co.def ;fatal fury real bout series remix
;stages/coast.def ;original
;stages/coast1.def ;dbz ub22 coast
;stages/coast4.def ;dbz ub22 coast
;stages/cobra0.def ;unclassed (g.i. joe???)
;stages/cobraneige.def ;original
;stages/codybg.def ;sfa3 cody
;stages/coffee.def ;original
;stages/coldmanbg.def ;megaman and bass / rockman and forte cold man
;stages/colisdc.def ;demon's crest
;stages/coliseum0.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/college_arches.def ;original (geeks unleashed)
;stages/college francais.def ;original
;stages/colomb.def ;lb2 shimiji pass
;stages/colony.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel wing / wing
;stages/colony2.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel wing remix
;stages/colony3.def ;ggi colony
;stages/coloseu.def ;original
;stages/colosseumnw.def ;cv sotn - colosseum (no wall)
;stages/colossus.def ;x-men: children of the atom colossus
;stages/com.def ;aodk
;stages/cometbg.def ;comet bg
;stages/comipa.def ;qoh99 mizuki
;stages/commandocliff.def ;mvc cliff of desolation
;stages/competitionplace.def ;original
;stages/congela.def ;svc remix
;stages/corr.def ;original
;stages/constr.def ;cvs sakazaki dojo
;stages/construct.def ;kof2000 garbage dump
;stages/construction0.def ;ranma 0.5 1 kodachi
;stages/contra.def ;contra remix
;stages/contra3.def ;contra 3
;stages/contrast1.def ;contra 3
;stages/corp_asp40.def ;dbz original
;stages/corp.mugen.bg.def ;original
;stages/corridor.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/corridor2.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/cortechimpa.def ;misc. games edit
;stages/costa.def ;original
;stages/courtyard.def ;mortal kombat courtyard
;stages/courtyard1.def ;mortal kombat courtyard
;stages/cowhouse.def ;original
;stages/crashman.def ;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power battles
crash man
;stages/crashman0.def ;mm2 crash man
;stages/crashman2.def ;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power battles
crash man
;stages/crashman stage.def ;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power
battles crash man
;stages/crepuscule.def ;original
;stages/cristalff2.def ;final fantasy 2
;stages/crocodile.def ;original
;stages/crossoverdg.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/crumble.def ;joymeka fight / joy mech fighter
;stages/crunch.def ;original
;stages/cruzazul.def ;original
;stages/crystal.def ;megaman x 2 crystal snail
;stages/crystalman.def ;megaman series
;stages/crystal_moi2.def ;marvel / sf2 remix
;stages/crystalpalace.def ;svc crystal shrine
;stages/crystalshrine.def ;svc crystal shrine
;stages/cs.def ;counter strike
;stages/cs2.def ;counter strike
;stages/cs3.def ;counter strike
;stages/cs_assault.def ;original
;stages/c_seaside(morning).def ;original
;stages/c_seaside(night).def ;original
;stages/c_serika0.def ;qoh comode serika
;stages/cs_mansion.def ;original
;stages/cs-militarybg.def ;wh remix
;stages/ct-courtroom.def ;chrono trigger tribunal
;stages/ctunnel.def ;mk1 remix
;stages/cuba.def ;original
;stages/cueva.def ;dungeons & dragons
;stages/culdesac.def ;original
;stages/cursed_springs.def ;ranma 1/2 2 - bakuretsu rantou hen genma
;stages/curvadoriov2.def ;original
;stages/customggxbridgetbg.def ;ggxx bridget
;stages/cut.def ;mmtpb cutman
;stages/cutman1.def ;megaman 2 - the power fighters / rockman 2 - the power
fighters cutman
;stages/cutmanstage.def ;megaman power battle cutman
;stages/cutter_stage.def ;mmpb / mmtpf - cutman remix
;stages/cvs.def ;cvs - final fight
;stages/cvs1-07-ruins.def ;cvs - ruins
;stages/cvs1-finalfight.def ;cvs - final fight
;stages/cvs2.def ;cvs2 aomori
;stages/cvs2_2.def ;cvs2 shanghai
;stages/cvs2-alaska-mt.def ;cvs2 alaska
;stages/cvs2aomori.def ;cvs2 aomori
;stages/cvs2_aomori.def ;cvs2 aomori
;stages/cvs2-desert.def ;cvs2 desert
;stages/cvs2kinderdijk.def ;cvs2 netherland - kinderdijk
;stages/cvs2_kinderdijk.def ;cvs2 netherland - kinderdijk
;stages/cvs2_newyork.def ;cvs2 new york
;stages/cvs2_newyork_up.def ;cvs2 new york
;stages/cvs2_osaka(training).def ;cvs2 training
;stages/cvs2_osaka(training)_d4.def ;cvs2 training
;stages/cvs2_stadium.def ;cvs2 stadium
;stages/cvs2-stadium.def ;cvs2 stadium
;stages/cvs2_stadium00.def ;cvs2 stadium
;stages/cvs2_stadium01.def ;cvs2 stadium
;stages/cvs2_stadium02.def ;cvs2 stadium
;stages/cvs2t.def ;cvs2 training room
;stages/cvs2_training.def ;cvs2 training room
;stages/cvs2_training_room.def ;cvs2 training room
;stages/cvs3_training.def ;original
;stages/cvsacidente.def ;capcom vs snk
;stages/cvsakuma.def ;cvs akuma
;stages/cvsbeco.def ;cvs - final fight
;stages/cvs construction2.def ;cvs sakazaki dojo
;stages/cvs_finalfight.def ;cvs - final fight
;stages/cvsgeese.def ;cvs geese howard
;stages/cvs-geese.def ;cvs geese howard
;stages/cvs_last.def ;cvs - vega
;stages/cvsmansionvega.def ;cvs remix
;stages/cvsmorrigan.def ;cvs morrigan
;stages/cvsosaka.def ;cvs osaka - conflagration
;stages/cvs_osaka.def ;cvs osaka - souten
;stages/cvs pao pao cafe.def ;cvs paopao cafe (unrequestable status)
;stages/cvsparque.def ;cvs
;stages/cvsrooftop.def ;cvs geese howard
;stages/cvsruins.def ;cvs ruins
;stages/cvsryu.def ;cvs ryu
;stages/cvss.def ;cvs
;stages/cvss2_london.def ;cvs2 london (day)
;stages/cvss2_london1.def ;cvs2 london (rain)
;stages/cvssagat.def ;cvs sagat
;stages/cvssbuddha.def ;cvs sagat
;stages/cvssdragon.def ;cvs paopao cafe
;stages/cvssfire.def ;cvs osaka - conflagration
;stages/cvssgamec.def ;cvs snk - arcade
;stages/cvssgeese.def ;cvs geese howard
;stages/cvssjapan.def ;cvs fire
;stages/cvssnk pro.def ;cvs
;stages/cvsssouten.def ;cvs
;stages/cvsstkuma.def ;cvs sakazaki dojo
;stages/cvss_training.def ;cvs2 training room
;stages/cvssvegastage.def ;cvs vega
;stages/cvstrain.def ;cvs terry bogard
;stages/cvs_vega.def ;cvs m. bison
;stages/cw2-mtrockman.def ;capcom world 2
;stages/cyber.def ;unclassed
;stages/cyber1.def ;cyberbots full metal madness panic in downtown
;stages/cyberbit.def ;power moves ranker edit
;stages/cyberbotsr.def ;cyberbots full metal madness
;stages/cyd.def ;original (saint seiya - cyd of mizar)
;stages/d.def ;original
;stages/daedongmun-diablo.def ;kof series remix
;stages/dameluz.def ;original
;stages/danbg.def ;sfa3 dan
;stages/danbg1.def ;street fighter alpha dan
;stages/dance.def ;original
;stages/dandy.def ;ww7 dandy j (morning)
;stages/dandy2.def ;ww7 dandy j (afternoon)
;stages/dandy3.def ;ww7 dandy j (night)
;stages/dandy-day-dm.def ;ww7 dandy j (day)
;stages/dandyj.def ;ww7 dandy j day
;stages/dandy-night-dm.def ;ww7 dandy j (night)
;stages/dandy-sunset-dm.def ;ww7 dandy j (sunset)
;stages/danger.def ;x-men: cota cyclops
;stages/danger0.def ;original
;stages/dangerroom.def ;xmen cota - cyclops (danger room)
;stages/dangroom.def ;x-men: chidren of the atom cyclops
;stages/dannoura.def ;original
;stages/danstage.def ;sfa2 dan
;stages/dan_violentbg.def ;svc remix
;stages/daobg.def ;breakers series daolong
;stages/daos.def ;original
;stages/darcrows.def ;original
;stages/dark.def ;motw grant
;stages/dark0.def ;original
;stages/dark1.def ;sb2
;stages/darkl2.def ;marvel remix
;stages/darkcastle.def ;megaman / rockman series remix
;stages/darkdead.def ;original
;stages/darkfight.def ;original
;stages/dark_hole.def ;kof remix
;stages/darkken.def ;sf2 series remix
;stages/darkness.def ;original
;stages/darkpalacebasement.def ;motw grant
;stages/darkruins.def ;sf3.3 urien remix
;stages/dark_queen_shermie.def ;motw kain remix
;stages/darkseid.def ;original
;stages/darkseid0.def ;original
;stages/darkstage.def ;original
;stages/darkstage0.def ;original
;stages/darktemple.def ;dbz sb3 - tenkaichi budoukai
;stages/dark_tournament_alt.def ;jss - dark tournament remix
;stages/dark wizard.def ;unclassed
;stages/dat.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/d-blue.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/db-nameksplanet.def ;dbz (arcade) remix
;stages/dbzarena.def ;sb3 budoukai
;stages/dbza_ten.def ;dbz arcade - goku
;stages/dbz-championship.def ;dragon ball z super gokuu den totsugeki hen / super
saiya densetsu
;stages/dbz_desert.def ;dragon ball z (arcade) vegeta
;stages/dbzgero.def ;dbz2 android 20
;stages/dbz_kame.def ;dragon ball z (arcade) gohan
;stages/dbzkamisama.def ;dbz hd remix kamisama
;stages/dbz-rock-landscape.def ;dragon ball z (arcade) vegeta
;stages/dbzstage.def ;dbz sb3 earth (day)
;stages/dbz_tenkaichi.def ;dragon ball z (arcade) goku
;stages/dbz_time_chamber.def ;dbz series remix
;stages/dbz_tufflep.def ;dbz / marvel series remix
;stages/dcecilbg.def ;final fantasy 4
;stages/dcstage.def ;original
;stages/dcstage2.def ;original
;stages/dd.def ;original
;stages/dd-battleroyal-2.def ;dungeons and dragons (arcade) infinite stairs remix
;stages/ddr.def ;kof remix
;stages/ddr0.def ;unclassed
;stages/ddr-hachimanguu.def ;double dragon (snk) remix
;stages/ddsom.def ;dungeons and dragons (arcade) arena
;stages/deadcity.def ;original
;stages/deadpool0.def ;mortal kombat 2 the deadpool
;stages/deadpool.def ;mk2 the deadpool
;stages/dead-shrine.def ;original
;stages/deadsky.def ;marvel remix
;stages/deadz.def ;original
;stages/deathqueen.def ;saint seiya ikki
;stages/death_scythe.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel
;stages/death_scythe0.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel
;stages/deathscythe0.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel
;stages/deathscythe_bg.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel
;stages/de_aztec.def ;original
;stages/dedede.def ;kirby series
;stages/de_dust.def ;original
;stages/deejay.def ;ssf2 deejay
;stages/deejaybg.def ;sfa3 deejay
;stages/deep blue.def ;air zonk / megaman series remix
;stages/deep_forest.def ;ggi hell's forest
;stages/deepm.def ;cyberbots super 8 - ocean bottom
;stages/deepsix.def ;cyberbots full metal madness super8
;stages/deepstar.def ;original
;stages/defense.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/deling.def ;ff8
;stages/demitri.def ;darkstalkers demitri
;stages/demoisele.def ;original
;stages/demonf.def ;unclassed
;stages/demon king.def ;unclassed
;stages/demonionaneve.def ;dbz sb2 zangya (snowfield) remix
;stages/dentrodacasa.def ;original
;stages/depositodemedabots.def ;medabots series
;stages/deposito-ff3.def ;final fight 3 - car cemetary
;stages/desert.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure hol horse / mariah (a deserted
town in saudi arabia)
;stages/desert1.def ;mario bros. 3 desert
;stages/desert14.def ;aodk leonhalt
;stages/desert17.def ;dragon ball z (arcade) vegeta
;stages/desert19.def ;dragon ball z (arcade) vegeta
;stages/desert22.def ;original
;stages/desert2000.def ;kof2000 desert (storm)
;stages/desert21.def, music=sound/shadow0.mp3 ;sonic battle me (sonic series
;stages/desert23.def ;the king of fighters special edition 2004 egypt
;stages/desert25.def ;gundam seed battle assault desert region
;stages/desert3.def ;kof2000 desert (storm)
;stages/desert40.def ;dbz ub22 desert
;stages/desert50.def ;dbz ub22 desert
;stages/desert6.def ;megaman series remix
;stages/desert60.def ;dbz ub22 desert
;stages/deserta2k3tx.def ;kof2k3 desert (dusk)
;stages/desertb2k3tx.def ;kof2k3 desert (night)
;stages/deserted_woods_hi.def ;ggxx bridget
;stages/desertmald.def ;unclassed
;stages/desertmk3.def ;mk3 the desert
;stages/desertnight.def ;original
;stages/deserto1.def ;agressors of dark kombat / tsuukai gangan koushinkyoku
;stages/deserto_sayajin.def ;original
;stages/desertosnk2.def ;cvs2 desert
;stages/desertoss.def ;ss1 earthquake
;stages/desk.def ;original
;stages/destiny.def ;unclassed
;stages/destriedbridge.def ;kizuna encounter super tag battle remix
;stages/deststad.def ;the king of fighters 96 goenitz
;stages/deststadium.def ;the king of fighters 96 goenitz
;stages/dexlab.def ;original
;stages/devilmancity.def ;devil man
;stages/devo.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure debo (curse of the native american)
;stages/df.def ;unclassed
;stages/dforest.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/dhalsim.def ;sf2 dhalsim
;stages/dhalsim0.def ;sf2 dhalsim
;stages/dhalsim1.def ;sfa2 dhalsim
;stages/dhalsim2.def ;sf2 dhalsim
;stages/dhalsim3.def ;sfa3 dhalsim
;stages/dhalsimbg.def ;sf2 dhalsim
;stages/di_bg.def ;guilty gear x dizzy
;stages/dieb road.def ;vampires dawn: the tournament
;stages/digi.def ;original
;stages/digital.def ;original
;stages/diliman.def ;original
;stages/dimensaox.def ;original
;stages/dino1.def ;original
;stages/dinocavern.def ;punisher
;stages/dinoworl.def ;kof99 dinosaur world
;stages/dio.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure dio
;stages/dio2.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure dio
;stages/disco97tx.def ;kof 97 - japan
;stages/disk3.def ;dragon ball z ginyu (arcade)
;stages/dizzy.def ;ggxx reloaded bridget
;stages/dizzybg.def ;ggx dizzy
;stages/dizzy-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/dizzy-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/djbg.def ;ssf2 deejay
;stages/dj-van_-_soul_society.def ;sf3.3 ryu remix
;stages/dk3.def ;donkey kong country
;stages/dkjungle.def ;donkey kong country remix
;stages/dm-river.def ;marvel series
;stages/dm-winter.def ;puzzle fighter
;stages/d_nbc_last_resort-2.def ;nbc last resort (blue)
;stages/doabeach.def ;dead or alive
;stages/doaice.def ;dead or alive
;stages/doasunset.def ;dead or alive
;stages/dock.def ;kof98 korea
;stages/dockautumn.def ;original
;stages/dockedship.def ;original
;stages/dockfire.def ;savage reign gordon
;stages/docks.def ;misc. games' remix
;stages/dodge.def, music=sound/battle_dodgeball.mp3 ;dodgeball
;stages/dojin.def ;ss5 room (yoshitora)
;stages/dojo.def ;vfg fudomaru
;stages/dojo0.def ;original (the matrix dojo)
;stages/dojo1.def ;ranma 1/2 2 - bakuretsu rantou hen akane
;stages/dojo2.def ;ranma 1/2 1 - chonai gekitou hen remix colon / happosai
;stages/dojo5.def ;original
;stages/dojo98tx.def ;kof98 dojo
;stages/dojo battle.def ;aof1 todo
;stages/dojohapposai.def ;ranma 1/2 1 - chonai gekitou hen remix colon /
;stages/dojosvc_ug.def ;svc remix (mr karate)
;stages/dona florinda.def ;original
;stages/dona florinda anim.def ;original
;stages/donjohn1.def ;original
;stages/donjohnq.def ;original
;stages/donjohnr.def ;original
;stages/donjohns.def ;original
;stages/donjohnt.def ;original
;stages/donjohnu.def ;original
;stages/donjontx.def ;motw kain
;stages/donjontx_old.def ;motw kain
;stages/donjontx_up.def ;motw kain
;stages/donkey.def ;donkey kong country
;stages/donnie darko.def ;original
;stages/donovan2.def ;vampire saviour 2 - donovan
;stages/doom2.def ;doom 2
;stages/doom4.def ;marvel / vs series remix
;stages/doom-championship.def ;original (blue1)
;stages/dora.def ;original
;stages/dos_bloody_docks.def ;sean (sf3.3)
;stages/dos_brasilian_delivery.def ;sf3.3 oro
;stages/dos_deep_meditation.def :gill (sf3.3)
;stages/dos_fear_dungeon.def ;twelve (sf3.3)
;stages/dos_forest_roar.def ;urien (sf3.3)
;stages/doshiagi2.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/dosiagi.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/dos_moonlight_curse.def ;gouki (sf3.3)
;stages/dos_odd_castle.def ;necro (sf3.3)
;stages/dos_peaceful_sunset.def ;ibuki (sf3.3)
;stages/dos_shotokan_temple.def ;ryu (sf3.3)
;stages/dos_subway_entry.def ;dudley (sf3.3)
;stages/dos_wild_grassland.def ;elena (sf3.3)
;stages/doubled1.def ;double dragon 1 (nes)
;stages/doubledvs1.def ;double dragon 1 (nes)
;stages/doubledvs2.def ;double dragon nes - vs stage
;stages/doukutsu.def ;dragon quest series
;stages/douzyou.def :original
;stages/dow.def ;cadillacs & dinosaurs 57th street
;stages/downtown0.def ;aof1 micky
;stages/dozecasas.def ;saint seiya
;stages/d-park2.def ;rb series jin chonshu
;stages/dq3.def ;dragon quest 3
;stages/dq4.def ;dragon quest 4
;stages/dq5.def ;dragon quest 5
;stages/dq6.def ;dragon quest 6
;stages/dq7.def ;dragon quest 7
;stages/dq7_2.def ;dragon quest 7
;stages/dq8.def ;dragon quest 8
;stages/dqmch.def ;dragon quest m caravan heart
;stages/dracoon.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/dracula.def ;castlevania symphony of night
;stages/dracula0.def ;castlevania symphony of night
;stages/dracula1.def ;castlevania symphony of night
;stages/dragon1.def ;brutal - wall
;stages/dragonquest.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/dragon(wh2).def ;wh2 dragon
;stages/dragoon.def ;mortal kombat remix
;stages/dragoon0.def ;mortal kombat remix
;stages/dragronnegro.def ;saint seiya
;stages/dragonsavage.def ;sfa / darkstalkers series remix
;stages/dramatic.def ;street fighter alpha gouki
;stages/dramatic2.def ;street fighter alpha gouki
;stages/drdoom.def ;marvel super heroes dr. doom
;stages/drdoombg.def ;marvel super heroes dr. doom
;stages/drdoombg1.def ;x-men cota drdoom
;stages/dr.doopler.def ;mmx series
;stages/dream.def ;kirby series
;stages/dream_am.def ;fatal fury (genesis) raiden
;stages/dreamland.def ;ssbm dream land
;stages/dreams.def ;smb remix
;stages/drill_of_spirits.def ;voltage fighter gowcaizer fudomaru
;stages/drip2.def ;original
;stages/drive-in.def ;rotd parking (jimmy & sonia)
;stages/driveino.def ;kof remix
;stages/drokmar.def ;unclassed
;stages/drunkenclam.def ;original
;stages/drunkenclamn.def ;original
;stages/ds.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel deathscythe
;stages/dtbar.def ;daraku tenshi: the fallen angels - carlos
;stages/dtprison.def ;daraku tenshi: the fallen angels - cool
;stages/dtstreet.def ;daraku tenshi: the fallen angels - torao
;stages/duck.def ;ff duck king - west subway (day)
;stages/duckhunt-bg.def ;duck hunt
;stages/duckkingspecialnoflash.def ;ffsp duck king
;stages/dudleybg.def ;sf3.3 dudley
;stages/dudleydi.def ;sf3.2 dudley
;stages/dudley-stage2.def ;sf3.3 dudley
;stages/duel1.def ;original
;stages/duel2.def ;original
;stages/duel03.def ;original
;stages/duel04.def ;original
;stages/duellists.def ;sfa3 remix
;stages/duke.def ;double dragon duke
;stages/duke3d1.def ;duke nukem 3d
;stages/dukeburger.def ;duke nukem 3d
;stages/dukecinema.def ;duke nukem 3d remix
;stages/dungeon2.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/duros.def ;super star wars cantina fight
;stages/dusk.def ;ninja masters raiga (dusk)
;stages/dx.def ;original
;stages/dystany.def ;original
;stages/e3.def ;original
;stages/earth20.def ;original
;stages/earth5.def ;original
;stages/earth6.def ;dbz sb3 earth - day remix
;stages/earthbg.def ;ss earthquake
;stages/earthquakebg.def ;ss earthquake
;stages/earthwaterfall.def ;dbz sb3 remix
;stages/ed209bg.def ;original
;stages/eddi.def ;final fight remix
;stages/eddy.def ;original
;stages/edge.def ;melty blood lobby
;stages/edo.def ;kabuki clash karakuri
;stages/edo0.def ;ss3 kyoshiro
;stages/efz_ayu.def ;efz ayu
;stages/efz_bg11.def ;efz mayu
;stages/efz_eien_no_sekai.def ;efz unknown
;stages/efz_fargo.def ;efz ikumi
;stages/efz_field.def ;efz akane
;stages/efz_gakkou.def ;efz mayu
;stages/efz_gakkou_ura.def ;efz mayu
;stages/efz_garden.def ;efz mayu
;stages/efz_kamio.def ;efz misuzu
;stages/efz_kanna.def ;efz kanna
;stages/efz_mai.def ;efz mai (the school of a full moon)
;stages/efz_mayu.def ;efz makoto
;stages/efz_mio.def ;efz mio
;stages/efz_misaki.def ;efz misaki
;stages/efz_misaki0.def ;efz misaki
;stages/efz_monomi.def ;efz mishio
;stages/efz_nayuki0.def ;efz nayuki (noon)
;stages/efz_nayukin.def ;efz nayuki (night)
;stages/efznightscool.def ;efz mai
;stages/efz_park2n.def ;efz rumi
;stages/efz_parkn.def ;efz akiko minase
;stages/efz_parks.def ;efz shiori
;stages/efz_sayuri.def ;efz sayuri
;stages/efz_sayuri0.def ;efz sayuri
;stages/efz_schoolb.def ;efz mayu
;stages/efz_shrine.def ;efz kano
;stages/efz_shrinen.def ;efz kano
;stages/efz_station0.def ;efz minagi
;stages/efztakadai.def ;efz mizuka
;stages/egito.def ;megaman 2 - the power fighters / rockman 2 - the power fighters
pharaoh man
;stages/egito0.def ;original
;stages/eglise.def ;gow kyosuke
;stages/egypt3.def ;breakers series alsion iii
;stages/e.honda.def ;sf2 honda
;stages/eiffel tower.def ;original
;stages/eigonobenkyou.def ;original
;stages/eiji.def ;aof2 eiji
;stages/eje5pte.def ;original
;stages/el.def ;clayfighter blue suede goo
;stages/elena.def ;sf3.3 elena
;stages/elena-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/elena-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/elev.def ;original
;stages/eliastage.def ;rage of the dragons alice & elias
;stages/empire.def ;samurai shodown 2 sieger remix
;stages/empire0.def ;samurai shodown 2 sieger remix
;stages/emr.def ;aof2 eiji
;stages/empty-house.def ;original
;stages/encimadaestatua.def ;ranma 1/2 2 happosai
;stages/endof.def ;original
;stages/end_of_bou.def ;dbz sb2 remix
;stages/endor.def ;unclassed
;stages/engbirdie.def ;sf birdie (cloudy)
;stages/england.def ;ggi england
;stages/england-94.def ;kof 94 ladies team (england)
;stages/england95tx.def ;kof 95 ladies team (england)
;stages/englandarena.def ;saturday night slam masters ii: ring of destruction
/ super muscle bomber: the international blowout england
;stages/englandsfz2.def ;sfa2 birdie
;stages/england-ssf2.def ;ssf2 cammy
;stages/enju.def ;original
;stages/entbg008.def ;original
;stages/entbg012.def ;original
;stages/entbg013.def ;original
;stages/entbg014.def ;original
;stages/entbg017.def ;original
;stages/entbg018.def ;original
;stages/entbg019.def ;original
;stages/entbg033.def ;original
;stages/entr1_dos.def ;original
;stages/entrada da vila.def ;original
;stages/entrada da vila_anim.def ;original
;stages/entrenamiento.def ;original
;stages/epyon.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel epyon
;stages/era.def ;original
;stages/era0.def ;original (maniacs)
;stages/era2.def ;original / edits
;stages/erickbg.def ;whp dark age
;stages/erin.def ;original
;stages/escola.def ;original
;stages/escola0.def ;original
;stages/esekage.def ;mb series - the town of a shadow picture
;stages/esekage2.def ;mbr(ft) the town of a shadow picture
;stages/esfera.def ;double dragon (neogeo) remix
;stages/esfingeanoitecendo-rockman2thepowerbattle.def;megaman 2 - the power
fighters / rockman 2 - the power fighters stone man
;stages/esfinge noite - rockman 2 the power battle.def ;megaman 2 - the power
fighters / rockman 2 - the power fighters pharaoh man
;stages/esfinge - rockman 2 the power battle.def ;megaman 2 - the power
fighters / rockman 2 - the power fighters plant man
;stages/espana.def ;original
;stages/esta.def ;ff8
;stages/estacionamento.def ;rage of the dragons remix
;stages/etc_doppel.def ;efz remix
;stages/etemon stage.def ;ww7 remix
;stages/eternity.def ;original
;stages/e tomb.def ;unclassed
;stages/etp.def ;original
;stages/eva00.def ;original
;stages/eva01.def ;original
;stages/eva01ver2.def ;original
;stages/evening.def ;duke nukem remix
;stages/evil.def ;earthworm jim
;stages/evil floresta.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/evilkenbreakout.def ;sfa remix
;stages/evilkenlab.def ;cvs remix
;stages/evilkenstage.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/evilryubg.def ;sf2 ryu remix
;stages/evilryubg0.def ;kof remix
;stages/evilryuintheice.def ;kof remix kula
;stages/excalibur0.def ;original
;stages/excalibur1.def ;original
;stages/exorcist.def ;original
;stages/expansivepalaceview.def ;original
;stages/expansiveshipdeck.def ;original
;stages/eye.def ;mk remix
;stages/eye0.def ;mk remix
;stages/eygpt.def ;sf3 urien
;stages/f666.def ;ff2 / ffsp remix
;stages/fabrica_robots.def ;nightwarriors phobos / huitzil
;stages/factory0.def ;kof remix
;stages/factory0_up.def ;kof series remix
;stages/factory1.def ;mortal kombat series remix
;stages/factory2ktx.def ;kof2k factory
;stages/factory9.def ;rotd factory (cassandra & oni)
;stages/factoryb2ktx.def ;kof 2000 kula (factory)
;stages/factory mr big aof snes.def
;stages/factorystage.def ;original
;stages/fair.def ;marvel super heroes hulk
;stages/fairfield.def ;original
;stages/falco6bg.def ;hokuto no ken 6: fierce fighting legend eternal fist - way
of the conquering king falco
;stages/fall0.def ;saint seiya remix
;stages/fall1.def ;original
;stages/falls.def ;last blade 2
;stages/falls0.def ;lb2 the falls
;stages/fall'sedge.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/feud.def, music=sound/familyfeud.mp3 ;unclassed
;stages/fandojo.def ;original
;stages/fantasy.def ;original
;stages/fantasy1.def ;original
;stages/fatal96bg.def ;kof 96 ff team
;stages/fate_castle.def ;einzbren castle
;stages/fate_church3.def ;kotomine church (night)
;stages/fate_kyoukai.def ;church
;stages/fate_sine.def ;kill
;stages/fatestage-1.def ;schoolyard (night)
;stages/fatestage-3.def ;kyudo place (noon)
;stages/fatestage-4.def ;school roof (noon)
;stages/fatw.def ;lb2 - fire at the wadamoya
;stages/feilong.def ;ssf2 feilong
;stages/feilong0.def ;ssf2 feilong
;stages/feilongbg.def ;sfa3 feilong
;stages/felicia-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/felicia-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/felicia_stage.def ;darkstalkers felicia
;stages/fenril.def ;saint seiya fenril
;stages/ferrari.def ;aof2 robert
;stages/festa.def ;marvel remix
;stages/festazmanha.def ;dbz sb3 tenkaichi budoukai remix
;stages/festaztarde.def ;dbz hd remix
;stages/fever.def ;battle circuit
;stages/ff.def ;original
;stages/ff1act1.def ;final fight remix
;stages/ff1billy.def ;ff billy kane
;stages/ff1geese.def ;fatal fury geese howard (night)
;stages/ff1hwa.def ;ff hwa jai (evening)
;stages/ff1mic.def ;ff michael
;stages/ff1-richard.def ;ff richard myer - paopao cafe
;stages/ff1-southtownbeach.def ;fatal fury michael max (day)
;stages/ff1_train.def ;final fight train station
;stages/ff1tung.def ;ff tung fu rue (evening - rain)
;stages/ff256.def ;final fantasy 7 - aeris church
;stages/ff2axel.def ;ff2 axel hawk (day)
;stages/ff2axel2.def ;ff2 axel hawk (night)
;stages/ff2_cheng.def ;ff2 cheng (snes)
;stages/ff2_cheng_b.def ;ff2 cheng (snes)
;stages/ff2harbor.def ;final fight 2 hong kong remix
;stages/ff2hongkong.def ;final fight 2 hong kong
;stages/ff3andy.def ;ff3 andy bogard
;stages/ff3falls.def ;final fantasy 3
;stages/ff3franco1.def ;ff3 round 1 franco bash
;stages/ff3-jinstage.def ;ff3 - jin chonshu
;stages/ff3_joe_bg.def ;ff3 joe higashi
;stages/ff3_rua.def ;final fight 3 street
;stages/ff3tboss.def ;final fantasy 3
;stages/ff4terrybg.def ;terry motw
;stages/ff50.def ;final fantasy 5
;stages/ff51.def ;final fantasy 5
;stages/ff6boss.def ;final fantasy 6
;stages/ff7-aerithchurch.def ;ff7 - aeris church
;stages/ff7-pyramide.def ;ff7 - the temple of the ancients
;stages/ff7-streetofmidgar.def ;street of midgar - sector b
;stages/ff8.def ;ff8
;stages/ff8-2.def ;ff8
;stages/ff9_l.def ;ff9 remix
;stages/ffarc_bay.def ;final fight - the bay area remix
;stages/ffbasement.def ;final fight warehouse
;stages/ff_bay.def ;final fight bay area
;stages/fffinal.def ;fatal fury remix
;stages/fffranca.def ;final fight 2 french stage
;stages/ffholanda.def ;final fight 2 holland
;stages/ffight0.def ;final fight remix
;stages/ffight10.def ;final fight (1) stage 1.1
;stages/ffight2.def ;final fight 2 remix
;stages/ffight3bg.def ;final fight 3 level 1-1
;stages/ff_ix[1].def ;ff9
;stages/ffrb2-rick.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 rick strowd
;stages/ffremix.def ;original
;stages/ffringue.def ;final fight sodom
;stages/ff_s1-1.def ;final fight
;stages/ffslum.def ;final fight (1) stage 1.1
;stages/ffspaxl.def ;ffsp axel hawk (night)
;stages/ffspbilly.def ;ffsp billy kane (afternoon)
;stages/ffsp_duck.def ;ffsp duck king
;stages/ffspjoe.def ;ffsp joe higashi night
;stages/ffspjoe2.def ;fatal fury special joe higashi remix
;stages/ffspkrauser.def ;ffsp krauser
;stages/ffsp_maistage.def ;ffsp mai shiranui - night
;stages/ffsptung.def ;ffsp tung fu rue normal
;stages/ffstage.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/ff-street.def ;final fight stage 1
;stages/ff-street2.def ;final fight stage 1: slum allyway part 2
;stages/ffstung.def ;ffsp tung fu rue (dawn)
;stages/fhd-mizobg.def ;fhd remix mizoguchi
;stages/fhd_karnovr.def ;fighter's history dynamite remix
;stages/fh_marstoriusbg.def ;fh marstorius
;stages/field.def ;ninja masters ranmaru (dusk)
;stages/field0.def ;motw kevin
;stages/field2.def ;dragon ball legend
;stages/fieldnight.def ;dragon ball legend
;stages/fig.def ;final fight stage 1
;stages/fight.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/fightc.def ;kof 99 remix
;stages/fightc2.def ;kof 99 remix
;stages/fightershd.def ;fhd zazie
;stages/fightjam1.def ;capcom fighting jam
;stages/fightshow.def ;captain commando
;stages/figi1.def ;slam fist
;stages/figi2.def ;slam fist
;stages/finalbattle.def ;galaxy fight / ss / double dragon / marvel remix
;stages/finaldest2.def ;original
;stages/finale.def ;dbz sb2 broli
;stages/finalfight.def ;final fight (triple andore cage)
;stages/final-fight-3.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final-fight-4.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final-fight-5.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final-fight-6.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final-fight-7.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final-fight-10.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final-fight-11.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final-fight-12.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final-fight-13.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final-fight-14.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final-fight-16.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final-fight-18.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final-fight-20.def ;final fight 1 series remix
;stages/final_fight_cody.def ;final fight stage 1
;stages/final_fight_fase1.def ;final fight
;stages/finaltrial.def ;ragnagard lucifer
;stages/final-weapon-a-1-2.def ;mmx4 final weapon
;stages/fio-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/fio-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/fire.def ;original
;stages/fire0.def ;lb2 fire at the wadamoya
;stages/fire bird.def ;original
;stages/fire got eyes.def ;original
;stages/firemanstage.def ;megaman / rockman remix
;stages/firesexh.def ;mortal kombat series remix
;stages/firesexhentai2.def ;kof series remix
;stages/first_evolution.def ;kof series remix
;stages/first samurai.def ;first samurai
;stages/fist_temple.def ;hokuto no ken 6: fierce fighting legend eternal fist - way
of the conquering king heart
;stages/flame_of_recca.def ;flame of recca remix
;stages/flames.def ;kof97 orochi chris
;stages/flames0.def ;kof97 orochi chris
;stages/flamesbg.def ;lb2 fire at the wadamoya
;stages/flamestx.def ;lb2 - fire at the wadamoya
;stages/flashback.def ;original
;stages/flashman1.def :mm2 flash man
;stages/flashred.def ;mm2 remix flash man
;stages/flashver.def ;mm2 remix flash man
;stages/flatulent swamps.def ;boogerman
;stages/flat.def ;ssbm flat zone
;stages/flcl.def ;original
;stages/flinstones house.def ;the flintstones
;stages/florest.def ;unclassed
;stages/floresta1.def ;original
;stages/floresta3.def ;aodk fuuma
;stages/floresta negra.def ;wh remix
;stages/florestanegra.def ;dbz sb2 forest - dark
;stages/florestbatle.def ;original
;stages/florestclound.def ;original
;stages/florestff2.def ;final fantasy 2
;stages/florinda.def ;original
;stages/florinda_anim.def ;original
;stages/flower.def ;mvc bathroom
;stages/flowery.def ;ss5 cherry blossom
;stages/fl-tijuca.def ;original
;stages/fluor.def ;original
;stages/fly.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure gray fly
;stages/flyingf.def ;unclassed
;stages/fmared.def ;original
;stages/fmbmbg.def ;fighters megamix bm
;stages/fmoon.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/fogne.def ;snk dd abubo remix
;stages/folha.def ;original
;stages/fondale.def ;saint seiya poseidon saga
;stages/fondo.def ;saint seiya
;stages/forbidfc.def ;street fighter 2 (nes hack) chunli
;stages/forest1.def ;original
;stages/forest2.def ;original
;stages/forest4.def ;lb2 the falls
;stages/forest6.def ;original
;stages/forest7.def ;svc forest
;stages/forest9.def ;original
;stages/forest11.def ;original
;stages/forest12.def, music=sound/cream.mp3 ;sonic battle me (sonic series
;stages/forest14.def ;ww7 mauru (day)
;stages/forest16.def ;misc. games edit (resident evil mugen)
;stages/foresta.def ;original
;stages/forest-cfj-dm.def ;cfj jungle
;stages/forest'house_stage.def ;dbaa - songohan's house
;stages/forestsvctx.def ;svc forest
;stages/foret2.def ;ranma 1/2 1 - chonai gekitou hen ryoga
;stages/foret4.def ;svc remix
;stages/foret perdu.def ;original
;stages/fortaleza.def ;original
;stages/fountain0.def ;kirby: nightmare in dreamland - fountain of dream
;stages/fourside.def ;original
;stages/fpbeach2.def ;original
;stages/fpm2_dos.def ;original
;stages/fprince.def ;original
;stages/fragmentos.def ;lb remix
;stages/france-ss2.def ;ss2 charlotte
;stages/frankenstage.def ;ss series remix
;stages/freemanbg.def ;motw freeman
;stages/freezeman.def ;mm7 freeze man
;stages/freezemansdomination.def ;mm7 freeze man
;stages/freezemanstage.def ;megaman 7 / rockman 7 freeze man
;stages/freezingharbor2000.def ;kof2k kula (frozen harbour)
;stages/freight.def ;terry motw
;stages/frieza's_spaceship.def ;dbz (arcade) remix
;stages/frlair.def ;a nightmare on elm street
;stages/frog.def ;tmht tournament edition aska
;stages/frog0.def ;original
;stages/frosted.def ;original
;stages/frozen01.def ;kof2k kula (frozen harbour)
;stages/frozen02.def ;kof2000 kula
;stages/frozenharbour.def ;kof2k kula (frozen harbour)
;stages/frozenjy2.def ;kof 2k kura remix
;stages/frozen throne.def ;original
;stages/fsbloodlines.def ;cv sotn - dracula's throne
;stages/f temple.def ;fight fever
;stages/fukae.def ;ss4 city in flames
;stages/fukuroul.def ;mmx4 storm fukuroul / storm owl
;stages/fulgoreb.def ;killer instinct series fulgore
;stages/fullmoonsgk3.def ;original
;stages/full_throttle's_street.def ;original
;stages/funatsu.def ;ss4 seaside stage
;stages/fun_to_golf.def ;original
;stages/future0.def ;dbz2 trunks
;stages/futurtrunks.def ;dbz2 trunks
;stages/fuuma.def ;wh fuuma (snes)
;stages/fuumastage.def ;wh fuuman (snes)
;stages/fv.def ;fighting viper series
;stages/f_wadamoya.def ;lb2 - fire at the wadamoya
;stages/g.def ;sf3.3 gouki
;stages/g3-moai.def ;gradius 3 / galaxy fight edit
;stages/ga3field0.def ;golden axe 3
;stages/gakuen.def ;unclassed
;stages/galaxie.def ;original
;stages/galaxyfight.def ;galaxy fight
;stages/galford.def ;ss galford
;stages/game.def ;original
;stages/game_center.def ;original
;stages/gamecube menu.def ;original
;stages/gammabase.def ;misc. games edits
;stages/gangplank.def ;dkc gang plank galleon
;stages/garagem.def ;original
;stages/garbagedump1.def ;kof2000 garbage dump
;stages/garbagedump2.def ;kof 2000 garbage dump
;stages/garbage_dusk.def ;kof2k edit
;stages/garden.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 mai shiranui
;stages/garden1.def ;nightwarriors leilei
;stages/gare.def ;sfa3 birdie
;stages/garfield street.def ;original
;stages/garosp_higashi.def ;ffsp joe higashi evening
;stages/garota00(h).def ;original
;stages/garota00(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/garota01(h).def ;original
;stages/garota01(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/garota02(h).def ;original
;stages/garota02(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/garota03(h).def ;original
;stages/garota03(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/garou.def ;motw terry
;stages/garou0.def ;motw grant
;stages/garou96.def ;kof 96 ff team
;stages/garou960.def ;kof series remix
;stages/garou_geese_building.def ;ff geese (16 bit)
;stages/garoupst.def ;motw freeman
;stages/garou-stage01.def ;motw grant
;stages/garou-stage02.def ;motw gato (day)
;stages/gasstation.def ;final fight
;stages/gate.def ;super sailor moon s / super famicom fighter bishojo senshi
sailormoon supers shuyaku soudatsusen
;stages/gcn.def ;original
;stages/ged-aircraftcarrier.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel
;stages/ged-battlestation.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel remix
;stages/ged-ghostgundamsdesert.def ;gundam endless wing / sf3.3 remix
;stages/ged-shenglongforest.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel
;stages/geepb.def ;kof remix
;stages/geese.def ;cvs geese howard
;stages/geese0.def ;fatal fury geese howard
;stages/geese1.def ;rb2 geese howard
;stages/geese3.def ;fatal fury geese howard (day)
;stages/geese4.def ;fatal fury geese howard (day)
;stages/geesebg.def ;fatal fury 3 & real bout series remix
;stages/geesebg0.def ;fatal fury 3 & real bout series remix
;stages/geesebg2.def ;fatal fury 3 & real bout series remix
;stages/geese building.def ;ff geese
;stages/geesecvs.def ;cvs geese howard
;stages/geese_ff1.def ;fatal fury geese howard (day)
;stages/geese_rbs.def ;rbffsp geese
;stages/geeserbs.def ;rbs geese howard
;stages/geese_room.def ;aof2 geese howard
;stages/geesestage.def ;cvs geese howard
;stages/geminio.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/genanst1.def ;ss1 genan
;stages/genma_stage.def ;ranma 1/2 1 - chonai gekitou hen genma
;stages/genosha.def ;x-men: children of the atom sentinel
;stages/geo4.def ;original
;stages/gekka.def ;lb2
;stages/gemini.def ;saint seiya saga
;stages/gen.def ;sfa3 gen
;stages/genan.def ;ss genan
;stages/gen-an.def ;ss2 gen-an
;stages/genbg.def ;samurai shodown genan
;stages/genesis.def ;whp genesis
;stages/genkaibg3.def ;yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo masked genkai remix
;stages/genkai house.def ;yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo genkai
;stages/genkai house2.def ;yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo genkai remix
;stages/gensrestaurant.def ;puzzle fighters gen's restaurant
;stages/getter.def ;original
;stages/getter-rebirth.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/gf-g.donestage.def ;galaxy fight g. done
;stages/gf-gunterstage.def ;galaxy fight gunter
;stages/gf-kazumastage.def ;galaxy fight kazuma
;stages/gf-rolfstage.def ;galaxy fight rolf
;stages/gf-roomistage.def ;galaxy fight roomi
;stages/gg_anime_vol01.def ;guilty gear series remix
;stages/gg_anime_vol02.def ;guilty gear series remix
;stages/ggear.def ;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power battles cut
;stages/gghell.def ;gg zato
;stages/ggi_paris.def ;ggi paris
;stages/ggisk_piratefort.def ;ggi pirate fort
;stages/ggisk_wildemessgravemarker.def ;ggi wilderness gravemaker
;stages/gg_isuka_kingdomcemetery.def ;ggi kindom cemetery
;stages/ggisuka_paris.def ;ggi paris
;stages/gg_isuka_underseafactory.def ;ggi under sea factory
;stages/ggi_undersea.def ;ggi under sea factory
;stages/gg_iuska_frasco.def ;ggi frasco
;stages/gg_iuska_piratefort.def ;ggi pirate fort
;stages/gg steel gate.def ;ggx series remix
;stages/ggx-axlbg.def ;ggx axl
;stages/ggx-dizzybg.def ;ggx dizzy
;stages/ggxtrial.def ;ggx ky
;stages/ggxtrial640.def ;ggx ky
;stages/ggxx_bridget.def ;ggxx bridget
;stages/ggxx_china.def ;ggxx jam
;stages/ggxx_korea.def ;guilty gear xx korea
;stages/ggxx_phantom city.def ;ggxx zappa
;stages/ggxx_phantomcity.def ;ggxx zappa
;stages/ggxxr_eddiestage.def ;ggxxr testament
;stages/ggxxr_eddiestage2.def ;ggxxr testament
;stages/ggxxr_johnnystage.def ;ggxxr may / johnny
;stages/ggxxr_milliastage.def ;ggxxr millia
;stages/ggxx_verdant.def ;ggxx bridget
;stages/ghell.def ;ss1 tamtam
;stages/ghell0.def ;ss2 chamcham
;stages/ghellplain.def ;ss5 indian fetishes
;stages/ghgate.def ;original
;stages/ghosttown.def ;ss4
;stages/ghoul.def ;super ghouls'n ghosts / chou-makai-mura
;stages/ghoulpatrol.def ;zombies ate my neighbours
;stages/giantbones.def ;original
;stages/gif_maniacos.def ;original
;stages/gifstreet.def ;original + edits
;stages/gigafun1.def ;original
;stages/gigafun2.def ;original
;stages/gigafun3.def ;original
;stages/gigalaboratory.def ;savage reign nicola
;stages/giroro_stagiamu.def ;original
;stages/gikobg.def ;gikoemon bg
;stages/gilius.def ;golden axe - the duel gilius remix
;stages/gill.def ;sf3.3 gill
;stages/gillbg.def ;sf3.3 gill
;stages/gillstage.def ;sf3.3 gill
;stages/girderbattleenhanced.def ;ranma 1/2 1 - chonai gekitou hen kodachi
;stages/girls0(cap)-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/girls0(cap)-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/girls0(snk)-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/girls0(snk)-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/girls1(cap)-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/girls1(cap)-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/girls1(snk)-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/girls1(snk)-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/girls2(cap)-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/girls2(cap)-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/girls2(snk)-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/girls2(snk)-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/girls.def ;project justice
;stages/girls(cap)-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/girls(cap)-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/girls(snk)-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/girls(snk)-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/girl_stage1.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage10.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage11.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage12.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage14.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage15.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage16.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage17.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage18.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage19.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage2.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage3.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage4.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage5.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage6.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage7.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage8.def ;original
;stages/girl_stage9.def ;original
;stages/g-isle.def ;ss
;stages/glair.def ;mk goro - goro's lair
;stages/glaucius.def ;killer instinct series glacius remix
;stages/glbg.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/glitch.def ;dk series
;stages/glitch world.def
;stages/goboten.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/god.def ;original
;stages/godsa.def ;marvel remix
;stages/goenitz.def ;kof96 goenitz
;stages/goenitzbg.def ;kof96 goenitz
;stages/gof-akiko.def ;glove on fight akiko
;stages/gof_akiko0.def ;gof akiko
;stages/gof-akiko0.def ;gof akiko
;stages/gof_ayaka.def ;glove on fight ayaka
;stages/gof-ayaka.def ;gof ayaka
;stages/gof_ayaka1.def ;gof ayaka
;stages/gof-ayu.def ;glove on fight ayu
;stages/gof_ayu0.def ;gof ayu
;stages/gof-ayu0.def ;gof ayu
;stages/gof_ciel.def ;glove on fight ciel
;stages/gof-ciel.def ;gof ciel
;stages/gof-dejiko.def ;glove on fight di gi charat / digiko
;stages/gof-digico.def ;gof digiko
;stages/gof_digiko0.def ;gof digiko / di gi charat
;stages/gof-ecoco.def ;glove on fight ecoco
;stages/gof_ecoco0.def ;gof ecoco
;stages/gof-ecoco0.def ;gof ecoco
;stages/gof-ecocobg.def ;glove on fight ecoco
;stages/gof-mori.def ;gof mori
;stages/gof_mori0.def ;gof mori
;stages/gof_satsuki.def ;glove on fight satsuki
;stages/gof-satsuki0.def ;gof satsuki
;stages/gof_satsuki1.def ;gof satsuki
;stages/gof_seika.def ;glove on fight mori
;stages/gogeta2.def ;dbz ub22 gogeta
;stages/gogeta3.def ;dbz ub22 gogeta
;stages/gogeta4.def ;dbz ub22 gogeta
;stages/gogetastage.def ;dbz ub22 gogeta
;stages/gohan e goku ssj.def ;original
;stages/gojoe.def ;unclassed
;stages/goku.def ;dbaa - songohan's house
;stages/gokuraku.def ;kk gokuraku
;stages/gold.def ;mks remix
;stages/golden.def ;unclassed
;stages/golgom.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/gony butcher.def ;original
;stages/gordon.def ;savage reign gordon
;stages/gorilaz.def ;motw remix
;stages/gorillaz.def ;motw remix
;stages/gorolair.def ;mk goro - goro's lair
;stages/goroslair.def ;mk1 goro
;stages/goten.def ;original
;stages/gotham0.def ;batman returns
;stages/gotham city.def ;adventures of batman & robin
;stages/gotham_street.def ;batman (nes) gotham city street
;stages/goukenstemplenight.def ;street fighter 3 series remix
;stages/gouki.def ;sf3.3 gouki remix
;stages/gouki3.def ;sf3.2 gouki
;stages/goukisf3-mt.def ;sf3.3 gouki
;stages/goukiwrath.def ;misc. games edit
;stages/gow.def ;gow fudomaru
;stages/gow_fudomarubg.def ;vfg fudomaru
;stages/graffite.def ;original
;stages/graffitipp8.def ;original
;stages/graffitipp8_2.def ;original
;stages/graffiti-wall.def ;original
;stages/grandecidade.def ;sfa nash edit
;stages/grandprix.def ;original
;stages/granfalloon.def ;castlevania series
;stages/grant.def ;motw grant remix
;stages/grant-motw.def ;motw grant
;stages/grantv2.def ;motw grant
;stages/grass0.def ;unclassed
;stages/grassfield.def ;dbz sb3 earth (day)
;stages/grassyplain.def ;original
;stages/grave.def ;original
;stages/grave2.def ;original
;stages/graveyard.def ;mortal kombat 3 series remix
;stages/graveyard0.def ;lb2 graveyard
;stages/graveyard2.def ;mk3 graveyard
;stages/gravityroom.def ;dbz original
;stages/gravityroom0.def ;dbz original
;stages/greatr.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/greatrefuge.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/greedo.def ;super star wars cantina fight
;stages/green0.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/greenhills.def ;sonic the hedgehog series remix
;stages/greenparallax.def ;original
;stages/griffin's house.def ;original
;stages/ground.def ;original
;stages/gruta.def ;super castlevania 4 / akumajou dracula remix
;stages/g-sfz.def ;sfa sodom
;stages/gstage.def ;mortal kombat series
;stages/gt.def ;gran turismo 2
;stages/gtemple.def ;fatal fury geese howard
;stages/gtower_rbs.def ;rbffsp geese
;stages/gtt.def ;mortal kombat series remix
;stages/guabi.def ;original
;stages/gudisst.def ;ultraman - towards the future gudis
;stages/guile.def ;sf2 guile
;stages/guilebg.def ;sf2 guile
;stages/guilebg0.def ;sf2 guile
;stages/guile_gba.def ;super street fighter 2 turbo revival guile
;stages/guile_u.s.a.def ;sf2 series remix
;stages/guilty.def ;original
;stages/guiltypocho.def ;original
;stages/guitar home.def ;original
;stages/gundam.def ;gundam endless wing wing / wing zero
;stages/gundam0.def ;gundam endless wing wing / wing zero
;stages/gundam2.def ;gundam endless wing shenlong
;stages/gundam_lv1.def ;gundam endless wing shenlong
;stages/gurando.def ;original
;stages/guysfa.def ;street fighter alpha guy
;stages/guystage.def ;street fighter alpha guy
;stages/gw_colony.def ;gundam endless wing
;stages/gw_death_scythe.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel death
;stages/gwingbg.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel wing / wing
;stages/gym.def ;capoeira fighter 2 - gymnase
;stages/h2.def ;original
;stages/hades.def ;savage reign gozu
;stages/hades1.def ;saint seiya
;stages/hades2.def ;mk3 series scorpion's lair
;stages/hadesbelier.def ;original (saint seiya - mu [hades])
;stages/hades-leo.def ;original (saint seiya hades - leo)
;stages/hades_mu.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/hadesnight.def ;original
;stages/haikyo_bg.def ;lb2???
;stages/hakurei200.def ;touhou suimusou reimu pm 2:00
;stages/hakurei230.def ;touhou suimusou reimu am 2:30
;stages/hakurei500.def ;touhou suimusou shrine evening pm 5:00
;stages/hakurei_zinja.def ;touhou suimusou reimu (daytime)
;stages/hakurei_shrine.def ;touhou suimusou shrine pm 2:00 - reimu
;stages/hakurei shrine.def ;touhou suimusou reimu pm 2:00
;stages/hakugyoku900.def ;touhou suimusou ghost estate pm 9:00
;stages/halfpipe.def ;original
;stages/halloweentown.def ;kingdom hearts: chain of memories - halloween town
;stages/hangars.def ;kof remix
;stages/hangout.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/hanzo.def ;ss hanzo
;stages/hanzo0.def ;dead dance sirou
;stages/hanzo1.def ;wh2 hanzo (snes)
;stages/haohmarubg.def ;ss3 haohmaru
;stages/happosai.def ;ranma 1/2 2 - bakuretsu rantou hen happosai
;stages/happosai1.def ;ranma 1/2 2 - bakuretsu rantou hen happosai
;stages/happypark.def ;fatal fury remix
;stages/happypark_night.def ;fatal fury remix
;stages/harbor.def ;kofnw harbour
;stages/harbor2000.def ;kof 2000 shipyard
;stages/harbour.def ;motw jenet
;stages/harbour1.def ;kof remix
;stages/harbourtx.def ;motw jenet (part 2)
;stages/harowa.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/hasi.def ;original
;stages/hato.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/hatsu.def ;original
;stages/hatten.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/hauntedcastle.def ;super mario bros original
;stages/havokbg.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/haydtr.def ;original
;stages/headquarter.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/heart6bg.def ;hnk6 heart
;stages/heatman.def ;mm2 heat man
;stages/heaven.def ;original
;stages/heaven0.def ;original
;stages/heavenbeach.def ;original
;stages/heavy.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel heavy arms
;stages/heavyarm.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel heavy arms
;stages/heejun.def ;mortal kombat series remix
;stages/heerostage-dm.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel wing zero
;stages/heika_c3.def ;nijikaku
;stages/heiya.def ;dragon quest
;stages/helfforest.def ;dungeons and dragons (arcade) fungus forest
;stages/heliopolis0.def ;gundam seed battle assault (gba)
;stages/heliport0.def ;the great team
;stages/hell.def ;mk3 series scorpion's lair
;stages/hell0.def ;svc red arremer
;stages/hell1.def ;mk3 scorpion
;stages/hellskitchen.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/hellstorm.def ;darkstalkers pyron
;stages/heng.def ;ffsp tung fu rue (night)
;stages/hentai.def ;misc. games remix
;stages/hentai1.def ;original
;stages/hentai2.def ;original
;stages/hentai3.def ;original
;stages/hentai4.def ;original
;stages/hentai5.def ;original
;stages/hero96bg.def ;kof96 hero team
;stages/hexagon.def ;original
;stages/hibikibg.def ;sf2 ryu remix
;stages/hibikibg0.def ;lb2 shimiji pass
;stages/hibikino.def ;original
;stages/hida.def ;kabuki clash manjimaru
;stages/hidden_palace.def ;sonic series
;stages/highway1.def ;original
;stages/highway3.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/highwind.def ;ff7
;stages/hikostage.def ;original
;stages/hills.def, music=sound/sonic.mp3 ;sonic battle me (sonic series remix)
;stages/hillside.def ;original
;stages/hilltop.def ;xmvssf son the hill top (day)
;stages/hilltop2.def ;mvs on the hilltop [night]
;stages/himebg.def ;original (hime kawano bg)
;stages/hinako-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/hinako-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/hinata-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/hinata-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/hiseoul.def ;kof series remix
;stages/hitokiri.def ;lb1 moriya
;stages/hknight.def ;sfa3 gen
;stages/hkstreet.def ;savage reign chung
;stages/hnk.def ;hnk ps2 jagi
;stages/hnk6_ken.def ;hokuto no ken 6 kenshiro
;stages/hnk-fountain-hi.def ;hnk ps2 rei
;stages/hnk-helipad-hi.def ;hnk ps2 jagi
;stages/hnk-lynn-hi.def ;hnk ps2 kenshiro
;stages/hnk-pyramid-hi.def ;hnk ps2 - souther
;stages/hnk-throne1-hi.def ;hnk ps2 shin
;stages/hnk-waterfall-hi.def ;hnk ps2 - toki
;stages/hoa.def ;ff hwa jai
;stages/hokage roof.def ;original
;stages/hokuto1.def ;hnk ps2 - lin's village
;stages/hokuto10.def ;hnk ps2 jagi
;stages/hokuto2.def ;hnk ps2 jagi
;stages/hokuto_jagi.def ;hnk ps2 jagi
;stages/hokuto_jagi_stage.def ;hnk ps2 jagi
;stages/hokuto_juda_stage.def ;hnk ps2 - juda
;stages/hokuto_ken.def ;hnk ps2 - lin's village
;stages/hokuto_lin'svillage.def ;hnk ps2 kenshiro
;stages/hokuto_mamiya.def ;hnk ps2 - mamiya
;stages/hokuto_mamiya'svillage.def ;hnk ps2 rei
;stages/hokuto_raoh_stage.def ;hnk ps2 raoh
;stages/hokuto-renki-toza.def ;hnk ps2 raoh
;stages/hokuto_shin.def ;hnk ps2 - shin
;stages/hokuto_shin_stage.def ;hnk ps2 shin
;stages/hokuto_thouther_stage.def ;hnk ps2 shin
;stages/hokuto_toki.def ;hnk ps2 - toki
;stages/hokuto_toki_stage.def ;hnk ps2 toki
;stages/holland2002.def ;kof2k2 holland (day)
;stages/holland2k2.def ;kof2k2 holland (day)
;stages/holland2k2_2.def ;kof2k2 holland (afternoon)
;stages/home.def ;original
;stages/home0.def ;original
;stages/homer.def ;original (the simpsons)
;stages/homerun.def ;original
;stages/homestar.def ;original
;stages/hone.def ;original
;stages/hongkong.def ;ssf2 feilong
;stages/hongkong0.def ;sfa3 gen
;stages/hongkongmatrix.def ;sfa3 gen remix
;stages/honkkong.def ;cfj hong kong
;stages/horrorstage.def ;original
;stages/hosi0.def ;original
;stages/hospitalroof.def ;nba
;stages/howard_arena.def ;ff - tung fu rue
;stages/how kong.def ;aof1 lee
;stages/hoshizora.def ;original
;stages/hosi.def ;original
;stages/hospital1.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure d'bo
;stages/hotarubg.def ;motw hotaru
;stages/hotarun_bg.def ;motw hotaru
;stages/hotarustage.def ;motw hotaru
;stages/house_of_ghosts.def ;original
;stages/hp.def ;original
;stages/h_place.def ;ranma 1/2 4 - chogi ranbu hen remix ryoga
;stages/hqofevil.def ;marvel vs capcom headquarters of devil
;stages/h.r. giger1.def ;original
;stages/hsien-ko.def ;nightwarriors leilei / hsien-ko
;stages/hspace.def ;phalanx
;stages/hstage.def ;whj hanzou
;stages/ht.def ;dungeons & dragons - hidden treasures
;stages/hugo3rd.def ;sf3 3rd hugo
;stages/hugostage.def ;sf3.3 hugo
;stages/hulkbg.def ;marvel super heroes hulk
;stages/hulk_stage.def ;marvel super heroes hulk
;stages/huon.def ;original
;stages/hwoabg.def ;tekken3 hwoarang
;stages/hwoarang.def ;tekken3 hwoarang
;stages/hydra.def ;unclassed (remix)
;stages/hydrotis.def ;original
;stages/hyperdimension.def ;original
;stages/hyrule_castle.def ;ssbm hyrule castle
;stages/hyruletemple2.def ;original
;stages/ibuki.def ;sf3.3 ibuki
;stages/ibuki3rd.def ;sf3.3 ibuki
;stages/ibukisf3bg.def ;sf3.3 ibuki
;stages/ibukistage.def ;sf3.3 ibuki
;stages/ibuki-stage3.def ;sf3.3 ibuki
;stages/ice0.def ;megaman the power battle - arcade
;stages/ice2.def ;original
;stages/ice3.def ;megaman 2 - the power fighters / rockman 2 - the power fighters
gemini man
;stages/iceb.def ;megaman 2 - the power fighters / rockman 2 - the power fighters
gemini man
;stages/icecapzone.def ;sonic the hedgehog series
;stages/iceland.def ;original
;stages/iceland0.def ;original
;stages/iceman.def ;megaman / rockman ice man
;stages/iceman_stage.def ;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power
battles ice man
;stages/iceman_stage0.def ;x-men cota - iceman
;stages/ice_pit-mk4.def ;mk4 ice pit
;stages/icetempleofquinnsveth.def ;original
;stages/ichiko.def ;asuka 120 % ichiko
;stages/ichiraku ramen.def ;original
;stages/icy.def ;original
;stages/ie-p.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/igniz1bg.def ;kof2001 original zero
;stages/igreja.def ;fatal fury 3 blue mary
;stages/igret_dos.def ;ragnagard igret
;stages/ikari95-dm.def ;kof95 ikari team
;stages/ikari96.def ;kof96 ikari team
;stages/ikari96b.def ;kof96 ikari team
;stages/ikari96bg.def ;kof96 ikari team
;stages/ikaridesert.def ;kof series remix
;stages/ikariteamstage94.def ;kof94 ikari team
;stages/ikoku.def :original
;stages/iledemort.def ;original (saint seiya - ikki)
;stages/illusion0.def ;original
;stages/illusion1.def ;original
;stages/ilusionoptica.def ;original
;stages/ilusionoptica2.def ;original
;stages/imas.def ;original
;stages/impasse.def ;sor2 back alley
;stages/imperator.def ;super star wars - super return of the jedi throne room
;stages/inamabg.def ;marvel / vs series remix
;stages/in_buu.def ;original (dragon ball z)
;stages/incas.def ;ms - ancient ruins remix
;stages/india.def ;sf2 dhalsim
;stages/india0.def ;sf2 dhalsim
;stages/india1.def ;sfa2 dhalsim
;stages/india2.def ;marvel super heroes vs street fighter temple of fists
;stages/india3.def ;sfa3 dhalsim
;stages/india4.def ;ssf2x dhalsim
;stages/indiapocket.def ;puzzle fighters house beach safrill
;stages/india-sf2.def ;sf2 dhalsim
;stages/indigo.def ;original
;stages/industri.def ;aof1 mr big
;stages/i-net.def ;original
;stages/infbg_old.def, music=sound/infbg.mp3 ;kof remix
;stages/inferisgiu.def ;original
;stages/inferno.def ;dbz sb remix
;stages/inferno0.def ;mk3
;stages/infest.def ;original
;stages/infierno_de_hades.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/inflamescolony.def ;original
;stages/inflamesjesterrace.def ;original
;stages/in force usa.def ;aof1 john
;stages/ingrid-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/ingrid-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/inmajinbu.def ;dbz original
;stages/iori96.def ;kof96 usa - wharf (round 2 / 3)
;stages/iori960.def ;kof96 usa - wharf (round 2 / 3)
;stages/inpark95bg.def ;kof 95 iori team (usa)
;stages/insideajax.def ;dragon ball legend
;stages/ironheights.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/island.def ;dbz byr remix
;stages/inverno street.def ;aof1 micky
;stages/iori&kyu.def ;original
;stages/iroha-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/iroha-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/ironmaiden.def ;real bout series remix
;stages/island0.def ;dbz ssw
;stages/island1.def ;original
;stages/island3.def ;original (mk style)
;stages/islands.def ;the last blade series remix
;stages/italy.def ;original
;stages/italy0.def ;kofxi italy - white town
;stages/italycvs3.def ;kof2001 italy
;stages/italy-kof94.def ;kof 94 italy team
;stages/itr.def ;original
;stages/ivy_garden.def ;sf3.3 remix
;stages/ivy_garden0.def ;sf3.3 remix
;stages/iwab.def ;dbz sb2 vegeta (rocks - day)
;stages/iwaba.def ;dbz sb2 vegeta (rocks - day)
;stages/izigen.def ;original
;stages/izumo.def ;kk yagumo
;stages/izumo_up.def ;kk yagumo
;stages/j1.def ;fatal fury 2 & fatal fury special remix
;stages/j2.def ;fatal fury 2 & fatal fury special remix
;stages/j3.def ;fatal fury 2 & fatal fury special remix
;stages/j4.def ;fatal fury 2 & fatal fury special remix
;stages/j_96chizuru.def ;kof96 chizuru
;stages/ja_bg.def ;guilty gear x jam
;stages/jack_aof2.def ;aof2 jack
;stages/jamaica_ssf2.def ;ssf2 deejay
;stages/jambg.def ;guilty gear x jam
;stages/jam-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/jam-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/jam_mnm.def ;cfj myanmar
;stages/jamny.def ;cfj new-york
;stages/jam_ruins.def ;cfj ruins
;stages/jamsh.def ;cfj hong kong
;stages/jam_udw.def ;cfj underworld
;stages/janembastage.def ;original (dbz)
;stages/japan0.def ;sf1 retsu (cloudy)
;stages/japan1.def ;ngbc japan castle (night)
;stages/japan2.def ;ssf2x e. honda
;stages/japan2k3tx.def ;kof2k3 japan
;stages/japan3.def ;kofxi japan
;stages/japan4.def ;kofxi japan
;stages/japan-96.def ;kof96 hero team - japan / osaka, 11:00 pm
;stages/japanflorest.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/japan-sf2.def ;sf2 ryu
;stages/jardimlja.def ;justice league task force remix
;stages/jardintendo.def ;ranma 1/2 2 akane
;stages/jedichamber.def ;star wars original
;stages/jeremiascampo.def ;original
;stages/jfklog.def ;kizuna encounter
;stages/jill-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/jill-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/jimmy.def ;double dragon - jimmy
;stages/jimmy0.def ;ddsnk jimmy lee
;stages/jimmy2.def ;double dragon jimmy
;stages/jimmy_dd.def ;ddsnk jimmy lee
;stages/jin.def ;aof3 trainyard (night)
;stages/jin0.def ;marvel vs capcom honda's bath house
;stages/jin2.def ;cardcaptor sakura - temple at night
;stages/jinjya.def ;original
;stages/jirlog.def ;ninja masters goemon
;stages/jissou.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/jjba-polnareff.def ;jjba - polnareff
;stages/jjba-polnareff-psx.def ;jjba - polnareff
;stages/jm_castlevania3d.def ;castlevania original
;stages/jm_pit.def ;mk reptile - the pit bottom
;stages/j-palace.def ;rotd johann
;stages/joe_bg.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 joe higashi
;stages/joebg.def ;rb2 bob wilson
;stages/joefc.def ;fatal fury first contact
;stages/joe_ff3.def ;ff3 joe higashi
;stages/jogocell.def ;dbz sb3 earth - day remix
;stages/jogodavelha.def ;original
;stages/johann.def ;rotd palace (johann)
;stages/johann2.def ;rotd remix
;stages/jojo01.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure jotaro kujo (the demon within)
;stages/jojo02.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure noriaki kakyoin (who's going to
judge this? / tokyo high school)
;stages/jojo04.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure polnareff (a battle within
folklore / tiger balm gardens)
;stages/jojo09.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure midler (diamond's tooth)
;stages/jojo10.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure chaka (live by the sword [day])
;stages/jojo11.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure alessi b (yellow back alley)
;stages/jojo12.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure petshop (rero rero rero!)
;stages/jojo16.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure shadow dio ss mode a (cairo road
;stages/jojo17.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure dio (the clock tower: an aerial
;stages/jojo18.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure ex stage 1 (red back alley)
;stages/jojo19.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure iggy (the fool's playground)
;stages/jojo23.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure judgement a (what strange
;stages/jojo24.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure khan a (back alley bully [night])
;stages/jojo26.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure ice b (the lobby in dio's
;stages/jojo27.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure alessi b (yellow back alley)
;stages/jojo28.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure ex stage 4 (red back alley)
;stages/jojo29.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure khan b (did you see that sword?)
;stages/jojo30.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure dio first round a
;stages/jojo33.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure dio first round b (grey/yellow
cairo road)
;stages/jojo34.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure ex stage 5 (red cairo road)
;stages/jojo35.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure midler (false illusions)
;stages/jojo37.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure shadow dio ss mode b (cairo road
;stages/jojo38.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure ex stage 6 (red cairo road)
;stages/jojo9.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure kakyoin
;stages/jojobg.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure jotaro kujo (the demon within)
;stages/joker.def ;savage reign joker
;stages/joy1.def ;unclassed
;stages/joy2.def ;unclassed
;stages/joy3.def ;unclassed
;stages/joy4.def ;unclassed
;stages/joy5.def ;unclassed
;stages/jpngeki.def ;sf1 geki (sunset)
;stages/jpnretsu.def ;sf1 retsu (cloudy)
;stages/jpn_temple.def ;kof98 japan temple (night)
;stages/jubei.def ;samurai shodown jubei
;stages/jubeibg.def ;ss1 jubei
;stages/jubei_chan.def ;ninja master remix
;stages/jubeih.def ;fatal fury 2 & fatal fury special remix
;stages/jubeih2.def ;fatal fury 2 & fatal fury special remix
;stages/jubeibg0.def ;ss jubei
;stages/jubey.def ;ss1 jubei
;stages/juggernaut.def ;dungeons and dragons (arcade) dark warrior / iron char
;stages/jumstage.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/jungle2.def ;fhd zazie
;stages/jungle21.def ;dbz pce taopaipai
;stages/jungle3.def ;capoeira fighter 2 - forest
;stages/jungle4.def ;fhd zazie
;stages/jungle5.def ;x-men vs street fighter the cataract
;stages/jungle-d.def ;dbz pce
;stages/jungle-dbz2.def ;dbz sb2 forest (day)
;stages/jungle-dbz20.def ;dbz sb2 forest (day)
;stages/jungle-dbz21.def ;dbz sb2 forest (day)
;stages/jungle-dbz2-t.def ;dbz sb2 forest (dusk)
;stages/junglejr.def ;donkey kong country remix
;stages/jun house.def ;rozen maiden (original)
;stages/junkman.def ;mmpb junk man
;stages/junkpb.def ;mmpb junk man
;stages/jusenkyo.def ;ranma 1/2 2 genma
;stages/jusenkyo1.def ;ranma 1/2 2 genma
;stages/justice.def ;guilty gear x justice
;stages/jy.def ;ffsp jubei
;stages/jy2.def ;kof remix
;stages/jyasugaku.def ;original
;stages/jyuza.def ;ms - stage 3 - frozen battlefield
;stages/kabuki.def ;ss3 kyoshiro
;stages/kaede0.def ;qoh kaede
;stages/kaede1.def ;tlb - kaede (fort)
;stages/kagamibg.def ;lb1 kagami (2nd form)
;stages/kahn.def ;mk2 kahn's arena
;stages/kahnskave.def ;mk
;stages/kain'sstage.def ;motw kain
;stages/kainst.def ;original
;stages/kainstage.def ;motw kain
;stages/kaioplanet.def ;dbz original
;stages/kaioshin_kai.def ;dbz sb2 remix
;stages/kakurega_bg.def ;unclassed
;stages/kalhan.def ;super star wars cantina fight
;stages/kamakura01.def ;original
;stages/kamakura-lucifeller.def ;kk lucifeller
;stages/kame.def ;mmx6 rainy turtloid
;stages/kameh.def ;dbz original
;stages/kamehouse.def ;dbz original
;stages/kamehouse0.def ;dragon ball z (arcade) gohan
;stages/kamesparty.def ;dbz original
;stages/kami.def ;dbz hd kamisama temple remix
;stages/kamira1.def, music=sound/kamira1.mp3 ;original
;stages/kamisama0.def ;dbz hd remix
;stages/kamisama1.def ;dbz hd remix
;stages/kamisama-t.def ;dbz hd kamisama temple
;stages/kaneco_beach.def ;fatal fury michael max
;stages/kanna no sora.def ;efz remix
;stages/kanon ekimae e.def ;kanon
;stages/kanon ekimae n.def ;kanon
;stages/kanon minaseke veranda.def ;kanon
;stages/kanon nakaniwa c.def ;kanon
;stages/kanon nakaniwa e.def ;kanon
;stages/kanon nakaniwa s.def ;kanon
;stages/kanon yuki no kouen.def ;kanon
;stages/kanon yuki no kouen2.def ;kanon
;stages/kaphwan.def ;ffsp kim
;stages/karakara.def ;mario kart 64
;stages/karakuri.def ;kabuki clash karakuri
;stages/karasu_stage.def ;nm karasu
;stages/karate.def ;aof1 mr karate
;stages/karin.def ;sfa3 karin
;stages/karin0.def ;sfa3 karin
;stages/karina.def ;asuka 120 % karina
;stages/karnov.def ;karnov
;stages/karuta.def ;aof1 todo
;stages/kasinoki.def ;original
;stages/kasumibg.def ;aof3
;stages/kasumi_bg.def ;ninja masters kazumi
;stages/kasumi(doa)-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/kasumi(doa)-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/katanaring.def ;final fight sodom
;stages/katou.def ;unclassed
;stages/kazmer1.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/kazmer2.def ;original
;stages/kazmer3.def ;original
;stages/kazuyasflorest.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/kbfc_nightmare.def ;kirby's adventure - nightmare stage
;stages/kbsdx_dedede.def ;kirby super star - dedede arena
;stages/kbsdx_murk.def ;kirby super star - nightmare battle
;stages/kbydx_mata_knight.def ;kirby: nightmare in dreamland - battle against meta
;stages/kbydx_yume_no_izumi.def ;kirby: nightmare in dreamland - fountain of
;stages/kca_04.def ;marvel remix
;stages/k-diofinal.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure dio (final battle under the blue
;stages/k-diosa.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure dio (the clock tower: an aerial
;stages/k-dioss-a.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure dio (cairo road night)
;stages/k-dioss-b.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure dio (cairo road night)
;stages/k-diotomb.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure shadow dio
;stages/kdungeon.def ;mario bros. world 1-3: dungeon
;stages/kefkabg.def ;final fantasy 6
;stages/keithbg.def ;pi keith
;stages/ken.def ;sf2 ken
;stages/ken0.def ;sfa3 ken ;(pc): jo's version: barman's anim's missin'
;stages/kenbg.def ;sf2 ken
;stages/kenbg0.def ;street fighter 2 series remix
;stages/kenbg1.def ;sf2 ken
;stages/kenbg2.def ;sfa ken
;stages/kenbg3.def ;sf2 ken
;stages/kendo rage school.def ;unclassed
;stages/ken_gba.def ;super street fighter 2 turbo revival ken
;stages/kenmaster.def ;street fighter alpha ken
;stages/kensbg.def ;sfa ken
;stages/kenshin.def ;fatal fury 3 & real bout series remix
;stages/kenshin_bg.def ;lb2 fire at the wadamoya
;stages/kenshin_bg0.def ;lb2 fire at the wadamoya
;stages/kenshios.def ;svc remix
;stages/ken_shrine.def ;mk series remix
;stages/ken_ssf2tr.def ;super street fighter 2 turbo revival ken
;stages/ken_stage.def ;sf2 ken
;stages/kenstage0.def ;sfa ken
;stages/kenstage_ssf2.def ;sf2 ken
;stages/keroro-yashiki.def ;original
;stages/kf2k3_gate.def ;kof2k3 japan
;stages/kfcloud.def ;kart fighter peach
;stages/kf-dkjr.def ;kart fighter donkey kong jr
;stages/kfm.def ;kfm
;stages/kfm0.def ;kfm remix
;stages/kfm2.def ;kfm remix
;stages/kfm_destroyed.def ;kfm remix
;stages/kfm_inid.def ;kfm remix
;stages/kfml.def ;kfm
;stages/kfmold.def ;kfm
;stages/kfms.def ;kfm remix
;stages/kfm_seed_free.def ;kfm remix
;stages/kfmtempleatx.def ;kfm remix
;stages/kfmtemplebtx.def ;kfm remix
;stages/kfmtemplectx.def ;kfm remix
;stages/kfmtempledtx.def ;kfm remix
;stages/kfm_to2_kono.def ;kfm remix
;stages/kfm_to2_tama.def ;kfm remix
;stages/kfmush.def ;kart fighter yoshi
;stages/kf-toad.def ;kart fighter toad
;stages/kfxonpubg.def ;unclassed
;stages/k-grayfly.def ;jjba - gray fly - stowaway on the plane
;stages/k-grayfly2.def ;jjba - gray fly - stowaway on the plane
;stages/kh stage.def ;kingdom hearts remix
;stages/khushnooobutt.def ;motw marco
;stages/ki2sky.def ;killer instinct 2
;stages/k-ice-a.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure ice
;stages/k-ice-b.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure ice
;stages/kid_bg.def ;wh2 c. kidd
;stages/ki_glacius.def ;ki glacius
;stages/kim.def ;rb2 kim
;stages/kimdojo.def ;original
;stages/king.def ;aof1 king
;stages/king-96.def ;kof96 ladies team
;stages/kingdom_hearths02.def ;kingdom hearts: chain of memories - castle oblivion
;stages/kingdom trial.def ;chrono trigger
;stages/kingkai.def ;dbz original
;stages/kingkai0.def ;db series remix
;stages/kinglion.def ;savage reign king lion
;stages/king_of_fuckers(rooftrop).def ;kof series remix
;stages/kingpin.def ;the punisher kingpin
;stages/king_stage0.def ;ranma 1/2 2 king
;stages/king stage aof snes.def ;aof1 king
;stages/kinniku.def ;original
;stages/kir.def ;kirby super star / kirby fun pack - green greens forest
;stages/kirbybg.def ;kirby super star - dedede arena
;stages/kirbystage.def ;kirby super star / kirby fun pack - green greens forest
;stages/kirisame100.def ;touhou suimusou marisa pm 1:00
;stages/kirisame900.def ;touhou suimusou marisa pm 9:00
;stages/kiruma.def ;original
;stages/kiss2.def ;original
;stages/kiss_stage1.def ;original
;stages/kiss_stage2.def ;original
;stages/kiss_stage3.def ;original
;stages/kiss_stage4.def ;original
;stages/kiss_stage5.def ;original
;stages/kiss_stage6.def ;original
;stages/kiss_stage7.def ;original
;stages/kitikuoh1.def, music=sound/kitikuoh01.mp3 ;unclassed
;stages/kitikuoh2.def, music=sound/kitikuoh02.mp3 ;unclassed
;stages/kizuna.def ;kizuna encounter docks (night)
;stages/kizuna3.def ;kizuna encounter docks (night)
;stages/k-jotaro.def ;jjba - jotaro kujo
;stages/k-kakyoin.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure noriaki kakyoin (who's going to
judge this? / tokyo high school)
;stages/kk-jiraiya.def ;kk ziria
;stages/kk-kinu.def ;kabuki clash kinu
;stages/k-midler.def ;jjba - midler
;stages/k-midlerb.def ;jjba - midler
;stages/knmbg.def ;kaname ameri
;stages/knotsu.def ;ss4 town stage
;stages/knuckles.def, music=sound/knux.mp3 ;sonic battle me (sonic series
;stages/kochi.def ;ss1 jubei
;stages/kodachi.def ;ranma 1/2 1 - chonai gekitou hen kodachi
;stages/kodachibg.def ;ranma 1/2 1 - chonai gekitou hen kodachi
;stages/kodai.def ;final fantasy 5
;stages/kof.def ;kof2k1 japan
;stages/kof11-icefestivalstage.def ;kofxi ice festival
;stages/kof2000.def ;kof2000 garbage dump
;stages/kof20000.def ;original
;stages/kof2000-frozenfactorystage.def ;kof2000 kula
;stages/kof2000-frozenshipyardstage.def ;kof2000 kula (harbour)
;stages/kof2000-kula.def ;kof2000 kula (harbour)
;stages/kof2000-kula3.def ;kof2000 kula remix
;stages/kof2000-kula4.def ;kof2000 kula remix
;stages/kof2000-kula5.def ;kof2000 kula (harbour)
;stages/kof2000-kula6.def ;kof2000 kula remix
;stages/kof2000_sabaku.def ;kof2000 desert (quiet)
;stages/kof2000_slum.def ;kof2000 garbage dump
;stages/kof2000-zerostage.def ;kof2000 zero (round 2)
;stages/kof2003_graveyard.def ;kof2k3 mexico (day)
;stages/kof2003_graveyard2.def ;kof2k3 mexico (night)
;stages/kof2003_japan.def ;kof2k3 japan
;stages/kof2003-kagurastage.def ;kof 2003 chizuru
;stages/kof2003-mukaistage.def ;kof2k3 mukai
;stages/kof2003_newzealand.def ;kof2k3 new zealand
;stages/kof2k1_japan.def ;kof2001 japan
;stages/kof2k1saopaulo.def ;kof 2001 brasil
;stages/kof2k1_usa.def ;kof2001 usa
;stages/kof2k2-japan3.def ;kof 2002 japan
;stages/kof2k2_training.def ;kof2k2 remix
;stages/kof2k3.def ;kof2k3 czech / street (night)
;stages/kof2k3czech2.def ;kof2k3 czech / street (night)
;stages/kof2k3hk.def ;kof 2003 hong kong
;stages/kof2k4_snow.def ;metal slug series remix
;stages/kof2k4_training.def ;original
;stages/kof2k_korea.def ;kof2000 korea
;stages/kof2k_kura1.def ;kof 2k kura remix
;stages/kof2k-scrapdump2.def ;kof2000 kula
;stages/kof4.def ;kof2k3 china
;stages/kof94-blacknoahstage.def ;kof 94 rugal (1st form)
;stages/kof94-brazilstage.def ;kof 94 ikari team (brasil)
;stages/kof94england.def ;kof 94 ladies team (england)
;stages/kof94-englandstage.def ;kof 94 ladies team (england)
;stages/kof94italy.def ;kof 94 fatal fury team (italy)
;stages/kof94italyni.def ;kof 94 italy team
;stages/kof94-italystage.def ;kof 94 fatal fury team (italy)
;stages/kof94japan0.def ;kof94 japan (hero team)
;stages/kof94-japanstage.def ;kof 94 hero team (japan)
;stages/kof94korea.def ;kof 94 korean team (korea)
;stages/kof94mexico.def ;kof 94 art of fighting team (mexico)
;stages/kof94-mexicostage.def ;kof 94 art of fighting team (mexico)
;stages/kof94-rugalstage.def ;kof 94 rugal (second form)
;stages/kof94_usa.def ;kof 94 us team (usa)
;stages/kof94usa.def ;kof 94 us team (usa)
;stages/kof94-usastage.def ;kof 94 us team (usa)
;stages/kof95_aofteam.def ;kof 95 art of fighting team (japan)
;stages/kof95_barillusion.def ;kof95 england (ladies team)
;stages/kof95_garouteam.def ;kof 95 fatal fury team (italy)
;stages/kof95-girl.def ;kof95 women team (england)
;stages/kof95-herostage.def ;kof 95 hero team (japan)
;stages/kof95_heroteam.def ;kof 95 hero team (japan)
;stages/kof95-ikaristage.def ;kof95 ikari team
;stages/kof95_ikariteam.def ;kof95 ikari team
;stages/kof95-iorib.def ;kof95 usa - industrial park
;stages/kof95-kim.def ;kof 95 korean team (korea)
;stages/kof95-kimstage.def ;kof 95 korean team (korea)
;stages/kof95korea.def ;kof95 korea
;stages/kof95-omegarugalstage.def ;kof95 omegarugal
;stages/kof95-psychicsoldierstage.def ;kof 95 psycho soldier team
;stages/kof95-psychicsoldierstage-a.def ;kof95 psycho soldier team remix
;stages/kof95-rivalstage.def ;kof95 usa - industrial park
;stages/kof95-saisyustage.def ;kof95 saisyu kusanagi
;stages/kof95_stage_final.def ;kof 95 rugal
;stages/kof95_stage_final_up.def ;kof95 omegarugal
;stages/kof95women.def ;kof95 england (ladies team)
;stages/kof96_american_midwest_3_dusk_con_mai.def ;kof96 american midwest (part
3) remix
;stages/kof96-chizurustage.def ;kof96 chizuru
;stages/kof96-garoustage.def ;kof96 ff team
;stages/kof96-goenitzstage.def ;kof96 goenitz
;stages/kof96-herostage.def ;kof96 hero team
;stages/kof96ikari.def ;kof96 ikari team
;stages/kof96ioribg.def ;kof96 iori team
;stages/kof96japan.def ;kof96 hero team - japan / osaka, 11:00 pm
;stages/kof96-kimstage.def ;kof96 korean team
;stages/kof96-psychicsoldierstage.def ;kof96 psycho soldier team (japan /
osaka, 02:00 pm)
;stages/kof96-ryukostage.def ;kof96 aof team
;stages/kof97-balistage0.def ;kof 97 bali
;stages/kof97bousou.def ;kof 97 bali (orochi)
;stages/kof97-chinastage.def ;kof97 china (kowloon celebration)
;stages/kof97_frontierharbor.def ;kof 97 usa
;stages/kof97_frontierharbor0.def ;kof 97 usa
;stages/kof97-koreastage.def ;kof 97 korea
;stages/kof97newfaceteam.def ;kof 97 bali
;stages/kof97-orochibalistage.def ;kof 97 bali (orochi)
;stages/kof97-orochichrisstage.def ;kof97 orochi chris
;stages/kof97-orochijapanstage.def ;kof97 concert in japan (rotb ver.)
;stages/kof97-orochimonacostage.def ;kof 97 monaco (orochi)
;stages/kof97usa.def ;kof 97 usa
;stages/kof97_usa.def ;kof 97 usa
;stages/kof97-vocalconcertrotb.def ;kof 97 japan (orochi)
;stages/kof98-midle-eaststage.def ;kof98 middle east
;stages/kof98-rugalstage.def ;kof98 rugal
;stages/kof98_spain.def ;kof98 spain (evening)
;stages/kof98-usayardstage.def ;kof98 usa yard (evening, round 3)
;stages/kof99.def ;kof99 remix
;stages/kof99air.def ;kof 99 airport (2)
;stages/kof99_airport.def ;kof 99 airport (2)
;stages/kof99-airport-1st-stage.def ;kof99 - airport part 2
;stages/kof99_garden.def ;kof 99 park (sunny)
;stages/kof99_plaza.def ;kof 99 park (sunny)
;stages/kofex0.def ;kofex2 remix
;stages/kofex2.def ;the king of fighters ex 2: howling blood parking
;stages/kofex2-boss.def ;the king of fighters ex 2: howling blood boss stage
;stages/kofex2shinobustage.def ;the king of fighters ex 2: howling blood
;stages/kofex2_stage.def ;kof ex 2 big roof
;stages/kofkyo.def ;king of fighters kyo
;stages/kofkyopark.def ;king of fighters kyo
;stages/kofmovie.def ;kof series remix
;stages/kofnw-01.def ;original
;stages/kofnw-02.def ;original
;stages/kof_nw_ancient.def ;kof nw ancient ring
;stages/kof_nw_boss.def ;kof nw geese howard
;stages/kof_nw_clock.def ;kof nw clock tower
;stages/kof_nw_plant.def ;kof nw plant
;stages/kofusa.def ;kof series remix
;stages/kofxi_allery.def ;kofxi america - paopao cafe
;stages/kofxi_aqueduct.def ;kofxi spain - aqueduct
;stages/kofxi_atena.def ;kof series remix
;stages/kofxi_beach.def ;kof xi beach
;stages/kofxi-boss2.def ;kof xi magaki - the different space
;stages/kofxiboss2_hi.def ;kof xi magaki - the different space
;stages/kofxi-boss-hi.def ;kof xi magaki - the different space
;stages/kofxidojo.def ;kof xi dojo
;stages/kofxi_icefestival.def ;kofxi russia - ice festival
;stages/kofxi_ruins.def ;kofxi cambodia - ruins
;stages/kofxirussia.def ;kof xi russia
;stages/kofxirussian_hi.def ;kof xi russia
;stages/kofxi_temple.def ;kofxi japan - dojo
;stages/kofxi_thedifferentspace.def ;kofxi magaki - the different space
;stages/kofxi_thefinalhall.def ;kofxi shion - the final hall
;stages/kofxi_whitetown.def ;kofxi italy - white town
;stages/kohtashouse.def ;original
;stages/kohtashouse1.def ;original
;stages/kojiro.def ;ryuudouji
;stages/kombattomb.def ;mk2 kombat tomb remix
;stages/kom-final-battle.def ;kof remix
;stages/kong.def, music=sound/kong.mp3 ;donkey kong country remix
;stages/konjyou shrine2.def ;project justice konjyou shrine
;stages/korea.def ;kof2000 korea
;stages/korea0.def ;kof2000 korea
;stages/korea1.def ;kof2001 korea
;stages/korea95bg.def ;kof 95 korean team (korea)
;stages/korea95tx.def ;kof 95 korean team (korea)
;stages/korea-96.def ;kof96 korean team (korea)
;stages/korea96b.def ;kof96 korea
;stages/korea96bg.def ;kof96 korea
;stages/korea96tx.def ;kof96 korea
;stages/korea97.def ;kof 97 korea
;stages/korea_rb2.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 kim kaphwan
;stages/korea_rbs.def ;rbs kim kaphwan
;stages/koreastreet.def ;kof2000 korea
;stages/korin.def ;dbaa - karin's tower
;stages/kotone0.def ;qoh99 kotone
;stages/kotonocoliseum.def ;dead dance - kotono
;stages/kotou.def ;original
;stages/kotr1.def ;knights of the round
;stages/kotr_s_1-1.def ;knight of the round remix
;stages/kouen.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/kouen_t.def ;mb remix
;stages/kouma_bookroom.def ;touhou suimusou koumakan large bookroom - patchouli
;stages/kouma_ctower.def ;touhou suimusou roof of scarlet estate - koumakan
clock tower - sakuya
;stages/kousha.def ;kof remix
;stages/kouchi.def ;original
;stages/kousyu2.def ;sf3 gouki
;stages/kouya.def ;dbz sb2 earth - day
;stages/kowloon.def ;kof97 china (kowloon celebration)
;stages/k-polnareff.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure polnareff (a battle within
folklore / tiger balm gardens)
;stages/krauserbg.def ;ffsp krauser
;stages/krauzer.def ;ffsp krauser remix
;stages/krizalid_1stbg.def ;kof 99 krizalid (1)
;stages/krizalid2.def ;kof 99 krizalid (2)
;stages/krizalidstage.def ;kof99 krizalid (2nd form)
;stages/krusty krab.def ;original
;stages/ks001.def ;original
;stages/ks002.def ;original
;stages/ks003.def ;original
;stages/ks004.def ;original
;stages/ks005.def ;original
;stages/ks006.def ;original
;stages/ks007.def ;original
;stages/ks008.def ;original
;stages/ks009.def ;original
;stages/ks0092.def ;original
;stages/ks0093.def ;original
;stages/ks010.def ;original
;stages/ks011.def ;original
;stages/ks012.def ;original
;stages/ks013.def ;original
;stages/ks014.def ;original
;stages/ks015.def ;original
;stages/ks016.def ;original
;stages/ks017.def ;original
;stages/ks018.def ;original
;stages/ks019.def ;original
;stages/ks020.def ;original
;stages/ks021.def ;original
;stages/ks022.def ;original
;stages/ks023.def ;original
;stages/ks024.def ;original
;stages/ks025.def ;original
;stages/ks026.def ;original
;stages/ks027.def ;original
;stages/ks028.def ;original
;stages/ks029.def ;original
;stages/ks030.def ;original
;stages/ks031.def ;original
;stages/ks032.def ;original
;stages/ks033.def ;original
;stages/ks034.def ;original
;stages/ks035.def ;original
;stages/ks036.def ;original
;stages/ks037.def ;original
;stages/ks038.def ;original
;stages/ks039.def ;original
;stages/ks040.def ;original
;stages/ks041.def ;original
;stages/ks042.def ;original
;stages/ks043.def ;original
;stages/ks044.def ;original
;stages/ks045.def ;original
;stages/ks046.def ;original
;stages/ks047.def ;original
;stages/ks048.def ;original
;stages/ksfactory.def ;dead dance k's
;stages/kulabg.def ;kof2000 kula
;stages/kula_bg.def ;kof 2000 kula
;stages/kula_bg_mix.def ;kof 2k kura remix
;stages/kulafactory.def ;kof 2000 kula
;stages/kula-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/kula-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/kulaships.def ;kof2k kula (frozen harbour)
;stages/kulastage01.def ;kof2k kula (frozen harbour)
;stages/kunfu-.def ;the kung fu / china warrior
;stages/kungfu.def ;sfa, lb, rb, etc remix
;stages/kuno.def ;ranma 1/2 1 - chonai gekitou hen kuno
;stages/kurama.def ;yyh2 kurama
;stages/kuro0.def ;original
;stages/kuroko_ss2.def ;ss2 kuroko
;stages/kuromona.def ;knuckle fighter series
;stages/kusare.def ;ss5 kusaregedo
;stages/kusugawa.def ;original
;stages/ky.def ;gg ky
;stages/ky0.def ;gg ky
;stages/kyashabg.def ;hokuto no ken 6: fierce fighting legend eternal fist - way
of the conquering king kuroyasha
;stages/kyoukai500.def ;touhou suimusou yukari
;stages/kysbigbg.def ;hokuto no ken 6: fierce fighting legend eternal fist - way
of the conquering king kuroyasha
;stages/kzstreet.def ;mk3 the street
;stages/laazotea.def ;original
;stages/lab0.def ;qtx
;stages/laboratory.def ;kof95 omegarugal
;stages/laboratry.def ;super metroid (metroid laboratory)
;stages/labyrinth.def ;tales of phantasia
;stages/lago.def ;marvel / kof series remix
;stages/lagoa.def ;original
;stages/lagoinvernal.def ;original
;stages/lagoprimaveral.def ;original
;stages/lagrandeevasion.def ;sfa3 cody
;stages/lagunarocosa.def ;kof series remix
;stages/laiddownsun.def ;sf3.3 ibuki
;stages/lak.def ;super star wars cantina fight
;stages/laluna.def ;original
;stages/la_meltdown.def ;duke nukem
;stages/land.def ;cardcaptor sakura - circus at night
;stages/landfill'.def ;kof2000 garbage dump
;stages/landsexy.def ;lb remix
;stages/laponie.def ;darkstalkers bishamon
;stages/larac-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/larac-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/last.def ;dbz sb2 broli
;stages/last0.def ;original
;stages/lastbattle.def ;original
;stages/last-blade.def ;lb series remix
;stages/lastresort2.def ;nbc last resort (blue)
;stages/lasvegas.def ;ssf2x m. bison
;stages/latavernademoe.def ;original
;stages/lava.def ;original
;stages/lava cave.def ;vampires dawn: the tournament
;stages/lavaflow.def ;cyberbots full metal madness remix
;stages/lavaflows.def ;dragon ball legend
;stages/lavieilleville.def ;darkstalkers series concrete cave
;stages/lb1yuki_dos.def ;lb1 yuki
;stages/lb2-battlefiledstage.def ;battle of cloudy sky
;stages/lb2-blueskystage.def ;lb2 shimiji pass
;stages/lb2-elephantstage.def ;lb2 elephant place
;stages/lb2-flamesstage.def ;lb2 fire at the wadamoya
;stages/lb2fll.def ;lb2 the falls
;stages/lb2-foreststage.def ;lb2 the falls
;stages/lb2-gatestage.def ;lb2 kouryu
;stages/lb2-graveyardstage.def ;lb2 graveyard
;stages/lb2shrine.def ;lb2 shrine of the vainquished
;stages/lb2'ssetunastage.def ;lb2 battle of cloudy sky
;stages/lb2-villagestage.def ;lb2 village
;stages/lb2-yuki-machistage.def ;lb2 yukimachi
;stages/lb-akaristage.def ;lb akari
;stages/lb-kaedestage.def ;the last blade kaede
;stages/lb-laststage.def ;lb1 kagami (2nd form)
;stages/lblade.def ;moriya lb 1
;stages/lb-leestage.def ;lb lee
;stages/lb-musashistage.def ;lb musashi
;stages/lb-yukistage.def ;lb yuki
;stages/lb-zantetsustage.def ;lb zantetsu
;stages/leatherface.def ;original
;stages/leebg.def ;fh lee
;stages/lei-lei-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/lei-lei-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/len.def ;mbr(ft) crossroad (day)
;stages/leon.def ;original (saint seiya leo)
;stages/leona-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/leona-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/letawwanks.def ;original
;stages/level1.def ;final fight 3
;stages/liberty.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles 4 - turtles in time facing
;stages/libra0.def ;gundam endless wing vayeate
;stages/library0.def ;original
;stages/lich's lair.def ;dungeons & dragons
;stages/light city.def ;unclassed
;stages/lightgarden.def ;original
;stages/lightwave.def ;original
;stages/lilith-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/lilith-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/limm.def ;vampires dawn: the tournament
;stages/linkin.def ;original
;stages/linkmuseum.def ;original
;stages/linsvillage.def ;hnk ps2 kenshiro
;stages/liroy.def ;original (maniacs)
;stages/livehouse.def ;motw rock
;stages/livestage.def ;kof series remix
;stages/livingforest.def ;mk3 living forest
;stages/livingforest0.def ;mk2 living forest
;stages/ll.def ;original
;stages/llamaspain_ff2.def ;ff2 remix
;stages/llamastation.def ;ff3 yamazaki remix
;stages/llamatoboku.def ;aof2 ryo remix
;stages/lobby1.def ;the last blade kagami remix
;stages/lobby900.def ;touhou suimusou remilia pm 9:00
;stages/locker_room.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/lodossruins.def ;svc remix
;stages/loja.def ;dungeons & dragons series remix
;stages/londonggxx2.def ;ggxxr axl
;stages/london-night_cvs2.def ;cvs2 london (night)
;stages/london_street.def ;aodk kisarah
;stages/londontx.def ;ffsp billy kane (afternoon)
;stages/lookingtotheheavens.def ;original
;stages/lostjungle.def ;marvel remix
;stages/lostliberty.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles 4 - turtles in time shredder
;stages/lostworld0.def ;original
;stages/loztwilight.def ;original (zelda)
;stages/luar0.def ;original
;stages/lucasaniver.def ;original
;stages/lum-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/lum-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/luneta.def ;original
;stages/m.def ;original
;stages/m0.def ;mk3 the streets
;stages/m1.def ;mk3 the subway
;stages/m2.def ;mk3 the bank
;stages/m3.def ;original
;stages/m3grass.def ;smb3 grass
;stages/m4.def ;mk3 noob's lair
;stages/m4e_alsionbg.def ;breakers alsion iii
;stages/m4e_dao-longbg.def ;breakers daolong
;stages/m4e_feilinbg.def ;fhd feilin (part 2)
;stages/m4e_manto.def ;kk manto
;stages/m4e_national_park.def ;ff3 joe higashi
;stages/m4e_tiabg.def ;breakers tia
;stages/m4e_whp_final.def ;whp neo dio
;stages/m5.def ;mk3 the bridge
;stages/m6.def ;mk3 main menu
;stages/m7.def ;megaman 7 / rockman 7 intro
;stages/m8.def ;mk3 the sould chamber
;stages/m9.def ;mk3 the belltower
;stages/m10.def ;mk3 the pit 3
;stages/m11.def ;mk3 smoke's portal
;stages/m12.def ;mk3 noob's dorfen
;stages/m13.def ;mk3 the graveyard
;stages/m14.def ;mk3 portal
;stages/m15.def ;mk3 jade's desert
;stages/m16.def ;mk3 scorpion's lair
;stages/m17.def ;umk3 the cave
;stages/m18.def ;umk3 the waterfront
;stages/m30.def ;mk3 the roof
;stages/m70.def ;mk3 the temple
;stages/ma_bg.def ;guilty gear x may / johnny
;stages/macalania.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/macalania2.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/machineroom.def ;original (geeks unleashed)
;stages/macross_city.def ;original
;stages/macross_city2.def ;original
;stages/macross_city3.def ;original
;stages/mac's-bar.def ;aof1 jack
;stages/mad.def ;original
;stages/madruga.def ;original
;stages/madruga_anim.def ;original
;stages/magic.def ;original
;stages/magic0.def ;megaman / rockman series remix
;stages/magicman0.def ;megaman and bass / rockman and forte magic man
;stages/magic sword.def ;magic sword
;stages/magma_stage.def ;voltage fighter gowkaiser
;stages/magnetbg.def ;megaman 3 / rockman 3 magnet man
;stages/magnetman.def ;megaman 3 / rockman 3 magnet man
;stages/magnetobg.def ;marvel super heroes magneto
;stages/maid.def ;original
;stages/maifc.def ;fatal fury first contact mai shiranui
;stages/mai-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/mai-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/maisonjaponaisetraditionelle.def ;sfa2 sakura
;stages/maistage.def ;rbsp mai shiranui
;stages/majin-ex.def ;dbz sb3 babidi spaceship remix
;stages/majin-room.def ;dbz sb3 babidy's shit remix
;stages/makelove1.def ;original
;stages/makelove2.def ;original
;stages/mako3rd.def ;sf3.3 makoto
;stages/makoto_stage.def ;sf3.3 makoto
;stages/makouro.def ;final fantasy 7
;stages/makuro.def ;original
;stages/mamy.def ;original
;stages/manaka-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/manaka-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/manga.def ;original
;stages/manhattan.def ;x-men vs street fighter manhattan
;stages/manhattanmvs.def ;mshvssf manhattan (night)
;stages/maniac.def ;ff8
;stages/mansao.def ;x-men: reign of apocalypse
;stages/mansao(h).def ;misc. games edit
;stages/mansion.def ;aof3 sinclair
;stages/marco.def ;motw marco
;stages/margatroid200.def ;touhou suimusou alice pm 2:00
;stages/margatroid900.def ;touhou suimusou alice pm 9:00
;stages/marine.def ;original
;stages/mario.def ;mario bros. 3 level 1-1
;stages/mario0.def ;original
;stages/mario2.def ;mario bros. 3 level 1-1
;stages/mariokart.def ;mario kart 64
;stages/market.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 li xiangfei
;stages/marketplace.def ;sf3 chun
;stages/mars.def ;original
;stages/mars0.def ;original
;stages/marte2.def ;original
;stages/maruk.def ;kirby super star - nightmare battle
;stages/marurun1.def ;ww7 mauru (day)
;stages/marurun2.def ;ww7 mauru (evening)
;stages/marurun3.def ;ww7 mauru (night)
;stages/marvelcapcom.def ;marvel vs capcom headquarters of devil
;stages/marybg-arasi.def ;kof series remix
;stages/masaru01.def, music=sound/masaru01.mp3
;stages/massiro.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/master.def ;killer instinct sabrewolf
;stages/master_hand1.def ;super smash brothers series master hand
;stages/mataknight_y_dx.def ;kirby series
;stages/matlok.def ;fh matlock
;stages/matrix0.def ;original (the matrix code)
;stages/matrix2.def ;original
;stages/matrix3.def ;original
;stages/matrix4.def ;original
;stages/matrixbg.def ;matrix original
;stages/matrix boate hel.def ;original (the matrix)
;stages/matrix-hall.def ;matrix original
;stages/matrix_relo_hall.def ;original (the matrix)
;stages/maturi.def :original
;stages/maverick.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/max2.def ;unclassed
;stages/maximum.def ;puzzle fighters deejay's bar "maximum"
;stages/may_beach.def ;ggi may beach
;stages/mayoiga.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/mayura.def ;original
;stages/mazinga.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/mb3stage1.def ;mario bros. 3 level 1-1
;stages/mbac-miyako.def ;mbac miyako (tohno's mansion central garden)
;stages/mbac_neco_d4.def ;mbac neco arc chaos
;stages/mb_city.def ;mb (story bg)
;stages/mb-cross_evening.def ;mbr(ft) crossroad (day)
;stages/mb-fair-hi.def ;mb carnival
;stages/mb-g-akiha2.def ;mb g-akiha
;stages/mb_kohaku2.def ;melty blood outside lobby - night
;stages/mb_bsba.def ;melty blood bloody back alley remix
;stages/mb_bsba-b(dos).def ;melty blood bloody back alley remix
;stages/mb-mkp.def ;mb - kingdom in the depths of earth
;stages/mb-mkp2.def ;mb - kingdom in the depths of earth
;stages/mb_palace.def ;melty blood lobby
;stages/mbparkmd.def ;mb midnight at the park
;stages/mb-school-night.def, music=sound/mb-school-night.mp3 ;melty blood remix
;stages/mb-sennen.def ;melty blood millenium castle
;stages/mb_shrine2.def ;mb warakia
;stages/mb_shrine-a.def ;mb remix
;stages/mb-shrine-asa.def ;mb remix
;stages/mb-shrine_roof_red_low.def ;mb warakia
;stages/mb-stage1.def ;melty blood
;stages/mb_street.def ;melty blood remix
;stages/mbsttown.def ;melty blood the town of a shadow picture
;stages/mcastle.def ;super sailor moon s / super famicom fighter bishojo senshi
sailormoon supers shuyaku soudatsusen
;stages/mcastle2.def ;super sailor moon s / super famicom fighter bishojo senshi
sailormoon supers shuyaku soudatsusen
;stages/mcon.def ;ffsp terry bogard
;stages/md.def ;magical drop 2 & 3 remix
;stages/mdesert.def ;mmpr fighting edition - desert (silverhorns)
;stages/medieval.def ;dungeons and dragons (arcade) series remix
;stages/mediterranean95tx.def ;kof95 fatal fury team (italy)
;stages/mega3.def ;megaman x 3
;stages/mega7in.def ;megaman 7 - intro stage
;stages/megaman0.def ;mvc dr. willy's base
;stages/megaman_7.def ;megaman 7
;stages/megamanbg0.def ;marvel series megaman
;megaversopower.def ;sailor moon series
;stages/meka.def ;mbac mech hisui - dr. kohaku garage
;stages/memorial.def ;original
;stages/mesonbg.def ;ssf2 balrog
;stages/mestage.def ;original
;stages/meta2s.def ;ms2 - sahara
;stages/meta_knight.def ;kirby series
;stages/metal.def ;original
;stages/metal0.def ;dried submarine
;stages/metalbattle.def ;original
;stages/metalgearrex.def ;mgs
;stages/metalman.def ;mm2 metal man
;stages/metalworks.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters remix
;stages/metamoqester.def ;metamoqester remix
;stages/metasp.def ;kirby super star - meta knight stage
;stages/metax.def ;metal slug
;stages/metlab.def ;super metroid (metroid laboratory)
;stages/metro0.def ;sor3 subway
;stages/metrobeta.def ;original
;stages/metrocity.def ;mighty final fight - street
;stages/metro_dream.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/metroid.def ;super metroid - battle against mother brain
;stages/metromartday.def ;sfa ryu edit
;stages/mexico.def ;ssf2 t. hawk
;stages/mexico2.def ;kof series remix
;stages/mexico_2k1_bmt.def ;kof2001 mexico
;stages/mfastage.def ;original
;stages/mflash.def ;sfa2 gen remix
;stages/mforest_alice.def ;touhou suimusou the mansion of magatoroido
;stages/mforestalice.def ;touhou suimusou alice pm 2:00
;stages/mforest_marisa.def ;touhou suimusou house in the woods - marisa
;stages/mgbr.def ;original
;stages/mgbrdocks.def ;original
;stages/mgs.def ;original = metal gear solid
;stages/mgs0.def ;mgs3 - duel vs the boss remix
;stages/mgs3finalboss.def ;mgs3 - duel vs the boss
;stages/mgs4.def ;mgs4 - intro
;stages/m_guile_st.def ;sfa3 nash
;stages/mhxmcota.def ;x-men: children of the atom colossus
;stages/miami_st.def ;driver (playstation)
;stages/mi_bg.def ;guilty gear x millia
;stages/micchan.def ;rozen maiden (original)
;stages/micro.def ;original
;stages/middleea.def ;kof98 middle east market
;stages/middleeast.def ;kof98 middle east market
;stages/midgarcliff.def ;dbz sb2 remix (final fantasy)
;stages/midlerbg.def ;jjba - midler
;stages/midnight-citys.def ;melty blood
;stages/mijinion0.def ;mmx6 infinity mijinion
;stages/mika.def ;sfa3 mika
;stages/mikabg.def ;sfa3 rainbow mika
;stages/milenium.def ;marvel remix
;stages/militar.def ;sfa3 rolento
;stages/mina.def ;ss5 ryukyu temple
;stages/mina-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/mina-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/mini.def ;puzzle fighters remix
;stages/minish.def ;zelda series
;stages/mirante.def ;misc. games edit
;stages/mirante(h).def ;original
;stages/mirc.def ;original
;stages/mirror2k3tx.def ;kof2k3 chizuru & chiduru
;stages/misato.def, music=sound/lovelystar.mp3 ;original
;stages/missiouri.def ;original
;stages/misticn2.def ;marvel remix
;stages/misty0.def ;aodk
;stages/misty_florest.def ;original
;stages/mizarstage.def ;original (saint seiya - cyd of mizar)
;stages/mizuho-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/mizuho-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/mizuki0.def ;qoh
;stages/mizuki1.def ;ss2 mizuki
;stages/mk2_pit20.def ;mk2 the pit
;stages/mk2snes_pit2.def ;mk2 the pit 2 (snes)
;stages/mk3-subway.def ;mortal kombat 3
;stages/mk3_subway.def ;mk3 subway
;stages/mk3_temple.def ;mk3 series - the temple
;stages/mk3-the-bridge.def ;mortal kombat 3
;stages/mk3tower.def ;mk3 belltower
;stages/mk3tower2.def ;mortal kombat 3 series remix
;stages/mk4-sala_vermelha.def ;mk4
;stages/mk_bg.def ;mortal kombat 3
;stages/mkbridge0.def ;sf3.1 elena
;stages/mkbushido.def ;original
;stages/mkhall.def ;mk series remix
;stages/mklforest.def ;mk2 - living forest
;stages/mk-lit.def ;mortal kombat series remix
;stages/mk_-_outworld_vortex.def ;mortal kombat 3 series remix
;stages/mk-sfc1.def :mortal kombat series
;stages/mk-sfc2.def ;mortal kombat 2 pit
;stages/mk-training-room.def ;mk remix
;stages/mkvsf2.def ;mk remix
;stages/mkvssf.def ;mk2 remix
;stages/mk_x.def ;mortal kombat series remix
;stages/mkysuna3.def ;kizuna encounter metal tower
;stages/mm1.def ;original
;stages/mm2.def ;original
;stages/mm7.def ;original
;stages/mm8.def ;original
;stages/mm7inidos.def ;megaman 7 / rockman 7 intro remix
;stages/mm7intro.def ;megaman 7 / rockman 7 intro
;stages/mmbattle.def ;megaman exe series
;stages/mmlegend.def ;megaman legends remix
;stages/m_montanhamvsc.def ;mvc cliff of desolation
;stages/mm_title.def ;megamari
;stages/moeko.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/mojo.def ;original
;stages/mojoworld.def ;marvel shuma-gorath
;stages/monaco.def ;original
;stages/monako.def ;knuckle fighter series
;stages/monarabo.def ;original
;stages/monica.def ;original
;stages/mononoke.def ;sonic series remix
;stages/monorail.def ;original
;stages/mont.def ;dbz sb2 earth - day
;stages/mont0.def ;original
;stages/mont2.def ;dbz sb2 zangya (snowfield) remix
;stages/montain.def ;original
;stages/montanha.def ;unclassed
;stages/montanhas.def ;unclassed
;stages/monte.def ;dbaa - gohan's house
;stages/mont_shiranu02.def ;vf gowkaiser remix
;stages/moon.def ;marvel vs capcom blue area of the moon
;stages/moon0.def ;puzzle fighters moonlight dark castle
;stages/moon4.def ;battle master - zeno
;stages/moon5.def ;sfa evil ryu edit
;stages/moon6.def ;original
;stages/moon7.def ;cardcaptor sakura - tower at night - final judge
;stages/moon8.def ;original
;stages/moonscape.def ;original
;stages/moontournament.def ;dbz sb1 remix
;stages/moorhun.def ;original
;stages/mordor.def ;original
;stages/morgue.def ;original
;stages/mori0.def ;original
;stages/mori1.def ;mk2 the living forest
;stages/morireirei.def ;original
;stages/morrigam-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/morrigam-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/morrigan-athena-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/morrigan-athena-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/morrigancvs.def ;cvs morrigan
;stages/morte.def ;sf2 guile remix
;stages/motoko_stage.def ;original
;stages/motw-b.jenetstage.def ;motw b. jenet
;stages/motw-donghwanstage.def ;motw dong
;stages/motw-gatostage.def ;motw gato
;stages/motw-grantstage.def ;motw grant
;stages/motw-griffonstage.def ;motw griffon
;stages/motw-hotarustage.def ;motw hotaru
;stages/motw-jaehoonstage.def ;motw jaehoon
;stages/motw-kainstage.def ;motw kain
;stages/motw-kevinstage.def ;motw kevin
;stages/motw-marcostage.def ;motw marco
;stages/motw-rockstage.def ;motw rock howard
;stages/motw-terrystage.def ;motw terry
;stages/mountain1.def ;unclassed
;stages/mountaindbz-mt.def ;sfa3 remix
;stages/mountainff2.def ;final fantasy 2
;stages/mountains.def ;dbz sb2 piccolo (mountain - sunset)
;stages/mountains0.def ;original
;stages/mountain_special.def ;lb remix
;stages/mount-mt.def ;capcom vs snk series nakoruru
;stages/movie.def ;original
;stages/movie0.def ;original
;stages/moyenmoutier.def ;original
;stages/mpress.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure remix
;stages/m'r.def ;kof series remix
;stages/mrbigbg.def ;aof2 mr big
;stages/mrbigsfactory.def ;aof mr big
;stages/mrk.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/mrm.def ;original
;stages/mr.nutz house.def ;mr. nutz
;stages/mrsata.def ;dbz2 mr. satan
;stages/mrxroom.def ;sor 2 - facing mr x
;stages/mryubg.def ;sf2 series remix
;stages/mryubg2.def ;sf2 ryu remix
;stages/mryubg_s.def ;sf2 ryu remix
;stages/m_ryu_st.def ;sf2 series remix
;stages/mryuvabg.def ;ryuva bg
;stages/ms.def ;sf3.3 gouki remix
;stages/ms1.def ;sf3.3 gouki remix
;stages/ms2m5.def ;ms2 streets
;stages/ms4m1.def ;ms4 streets
;stages/ms4st2_mix.def ;ms4 remix
;stages/ms4street.def ;ms4 stage 1 - streets (part 1)
;stages/ms_bridge.def ;original (geeks unleashed)
;stages/msh2.def ;mortal kombat remix
;stages/mshvssf06.def ;marvel super heroes vs street fighter temple of fists
;stages/mshvssf-training.def ;mshvssf training
;stages/mshwolverine.def ;msh wolverine
;stages/mshwolverine1.def ;msh wolverine
;stages/mshwolverine2.def ;msh wolverine
;stages/msshuma.def ;marvel super heroes shuma-gorath
;stages/mstormhr.def ;original
;stages/mstrain.def, music=sound/mstrain.mp3 ;metal slug remix
;stages/msx_blowingcanopies.def ;metal slug x - blowing canopies
;stages/mtpaozu.def ;dbz sb series remix
;stages/mudbg.def ;wh2j mudman
;stages/muerte.def ;mortal kombat reptile
;stages/mugen.def ;original
;stages/mugenji_bg.def ;original
;stages/mugenxrismas.def ;kof / sfa / efz edit
;stages/mugsmashers.def ;mug smashers stage 1
;stages/mukurobg.def ;lb2 fire at the wadamoya
;stages/munku.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/murk.def ;kirby series
;stages/muro.def ;original
;stages/muro0.def ;original
;stages/murr.def ;mortal kombat series remix
;stages/musashi.def ;lb musashi
;stages/muscle_tower.def ;dbaa remix
;stages/museum.def ;captain commando museum
;stages/museum0.def ;megaman 7 / rockman 7 remix
;stages/museun.def ;original
;stages/mushroomkingdom2.def ;mario bros. remix
;stages/mustang.def ;original
;stages/mvc2training.def ;mvc2 training room
;stages/mvcsecret.def ;marvel vs capcom honda's bath house - secret sector
;stages/mvc-thelair.def ;mvc devil's headquarters remix
;stages/mvc-thelair_up.def ;mvc devil's headquarters remix
;stages/mvcts.def ;mvc2 training
;stages/mvsdk_fire+1.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_fire+2.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_fire+3.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_fire1.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_fire2.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_fire3.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_fire_dk+.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_fire_dk.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_fire_mm.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_forest+1.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_forest+2.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_forest+3.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_forest1.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_forest2.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_forest3.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_forest_dk.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_forest_mm.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_jungle1.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_jungle2.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_jungle3.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_jungle_dk.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_jungle_mm.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_last.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_mario+1.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_mario+2.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_mario+3.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_mario1.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_mario2.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_mario3.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_mario_dk.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_mario_mm.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_spooky+1.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_spooky+2.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_spooky+3.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_spooky1.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_spooky2.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_spooky3.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_spooky_dk.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_spooky_mm.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_twilight+1.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_twilight+2.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_twilight+3.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_twilight1.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_twilight2.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_twilight3.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_twilight_dk.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvsdk_twilight_mm.def ;original / unclassed
;stages/mvs_police.def ;marvel super heroes vs street fighter manhattan
;stages/mvssf-tr.def ;marvel training room
;stages/mwm.def ;unclassed sd
;stages/myanmar.def ;cfj myanmar
;stages/mystaratower.def ;dungeons & dragons: shadow over mystaria
;stages/mystic-budoukai.def ;dbz sb3 tenkaichi budoukai remix
;stages/mzp.def ;mk2 living forest
;stages/naboothrone.def ;original
;stages/nako.def ;original
;stages/nako-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/nako-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/nakorururuins.def ;cvs nakoruru
;stages/nakostage.def ;cvs nakoruru
;stages/namek.def ;dbz bu yu retsuden namek
;stages/namek0.def ;dbz hd
;stages/namek1.def ;dbz ub22 namek
;stages/namek12.def ;dbz ub22 namek
;stages/namek13.def ;dbz ub22 namek
;stages/namek14.def ;dbz ub22 namek
;stages/namek16.def ;dbz ub22 namek
;stages/namek17.def ;dbz bu yu retsuden piccolo remix
;stages/namek2.def ;dbz bu yu retsuden boiling namek
;stages/namek3.def ;dbz ub22 namek
;stages/namek4.def ;dbz ub22 namek
;stages/namek5.def ;dbz ub22 namek
;stages/namek7.def ;dbz ub22 namek
;stages/namek8.def ;dbz ub22 namek
;stages/namek9.def ;dbz ub22 namek
;stages/namek-hd.def ;dbz hd freezer (namek)
;stages/namekub.def ;dbz ub22 namek
;stages/namekusei.def ;dragon ball z super gokuu den totsugeki hen / super saiya
;stages/namekusei sb1.def ;sb1 freeza
;stages/namisle.def ;dbz original
;stages/namu.def ;original
;stages/naru_stage.def ;original
;stages/naruto02.def ;kof remix
;stages/narutostage.def ;sf3 remix
;stages/narutostage3.def ;misc remix (original)
;stages/nashbg.def ;street fighter alpha nash
;stages/natal.def ;original
;stages/naufragio.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters (super
nes) armaggon
;stages/nave.def ;kof 99 remix
;stages/navio.def ;ss5 dejima day
;stages/navio_fantasma.def ;misc. games edit
;stages/naviomambo.def ;brutal remix
;stages/nazo_stage.def ;original
;stages/nb01.def ;the king of fighters ex: neoblood italian castle
;stages/nbc1.def ;nbc base (night)
;stages/nbc2.def ;nbc base (day)
;stages/nbc3.def ;nbc last resort (grey)
;stages/nbc4.def ;nbc last resort (blue)
;stages/nbc5.def ;nbc snk planet (off)
;stages/nbc6.def ;nbc snk planet (lights on)
;stages/nbc7.def ;nbc dragon shrine (night)
;stages/nbc8.def ;nbc dragon shrine (day)
;stages/nbc9.def ;nbc face (blue)
;stages/nbc10.def ;nbc face (red)
;stages/nbc11.def ;ngbc
;stages/nbc13.def ;ngbc
;stages/nbc14.def ;nbc stage (light)
;stages/nbc12.def ;nbc japan (night)
;stages/nbc15.def ;nbc kom (day)
;stages/nbc16.def ;nbc kom (night)
;stages/nbc17.def ;nbc boss
;stages/nbc18.def ;nbc shishioh
;stages/nbc19.def ;nbc neodio
;stages/nbc20.def ;nbc goodman
;stages/nbc_base2.def ;nbc base (night)
;stages/nbc-base-daytime-stage.def ;nbc base (day)
;stages/nbc-coolcooltown-night-stage.def ;nbc stage (night)
;stages/nbc_dragon1.def ;nbc column (day)
;stages/nbc-kom-night-stage.def ;nbc kom (night)
;stages/nbc_last_resort-2.def ;nbc last resort (blue)
;stages/nbc-neogeomecha-close-stage.def ;nbc last resort (blue)
;stages/nbc-neogeomechastage.def ;nbc last resort (grey)
;stages/nbc-planetarium-rd-stage.def ;nbc remix
;stages/nbc-planet-open-stage.def ;nbc snk planet (lights on)
;stages/nbgh.def ;mortal kombat 3 remix
;stages/nbridge.def ;nimbus (original)
;stages/ncity.def ;original
;stages/nebura.def ;original
;stages/neclord.def ;kof2k zero remix
;stages/necro3rd.def ;sf3.3 necro
;stages/necro-bg.def ;sf3.3 necro
;stages/neige0.def ;original
;stages/nekolieres.def ;rotd remix
;stages/nemesis.def ;original
;stages/neo0.def ;original
;stages/neodio_bg.def ;world heroes perfect neodio
;stages/neogeo.def ;kof 95 hero team (japan)
;stages/neogeola.def ;kof 95 hero team (japan)
;stages/neogeo_land0.def ;original
;stages/neogeo_training.def ;original
;stages/neohonkon.def ;gundam series
;stages/neo_japan0.def ;kido buto den gundam g devil
;stages/neon0.def ;original
;stages/neonirvana.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/neostage.def ;marvel remix
;stages/neptunelab.def ;kof remix (resident evil mugen)
;stages/nereid.def ;original
;stages/nerima.def ;ranma 1/2 2 ryouga
;stages/nests.def ;kof 99 krizalid remix
;stages/nests0.def ;kof 99 krizalid remix
;stages/nestsa99tx.def ;kof99 krizalid (1st form)
;stages/nestsb99tx.def ;kof99 krizalid (2nd form)
;stages/nestsc2k1tx.def ;kof 2k1 original zero
;stages/nests-lab.def ;kof 99 krizalid remix
;stages/nether.def ;original
;stages/nevasca.def ;marvel unclassed
;stages/neve.def ;dbz sb2 zangya (snowfield) remix
;stages/nevestage.def ;original
;stages/new.def ;original
;stages/new-beach-arena.def ;motw terry remix
;stages/new-budoukai.def ;dbz sb3 tenkaichi budoukai remix
;stages/newsdead.def ;bloodsmoke bg
;stages/newtraining.def ;original
;stages/newyear.def ;kof 97 china
;stages/newyork.def ;ranma 1/2 4 - chogi ranbu hen - mousse
;stages/newyork0.def ;misc. games remix
;stages/ngbc_antenna_night.def ;nbc antenna (night)
;stages/ngbc_castle.def ;nbc japan castle (day)
;stages/ngbc_castle_night.def ;nbc japan castle (night)
;stages/ngbc_column_night.def ;nbc column (night)
;stages/ngbc-cooltownb.def ;nbc stage / kurukuru (night)
;stages/ngbc-cooltownb-hi.def ;nbc stage / kurukuru (night)
;stages/ngbc-dojob.def ;nbc japan castle (night)
;stages/ngbc_kurukuru_night.def ;nbc kurukuru / stage (night)
;stages/ngbc-lastresort-hi.def ;nbc last resort (grey)
;stages/ngbc-lastresortb-hi.def ;nbc last resort (blue)
;stages/ngbc_monster.def ;nbc kom (night)
;stages/ngbc-pillars-hi.def ;nbc columns (day)
;stages/ngbc-pillarsb-hi.def ;nbc columns (night)
;stages/ngbc_planetarium.def ;nbc snk planet (night)
;stages/ngbc-planetarium.def ;nbc snk planet (lights on)
;stages/ngbc-planetariumb.def ;nbc snk planet (night)
;stages/ngbc-planetariumb-hi.def ;nbc snk planet (night)
;stages/ngbc-warmon-hi.def ;nbc kom (day)
;stages/ngbc-warmonb.def ;nbc kom (night)
;stages/ngbc-warmonb-hi.def ;nbc kom (night)
;stages/ngbf_dragoon.def ;neogeo battle coliseum remix
;stages/niclab.def ;savage reign nicola
;stages/nicol.def ;double dragon remix
;stages/nicol2.def ;double dragon remix
;stages/nicolearcade.def ;double dragon remix
;stages/nicolearcade2.def ;double dragon remix
;stages/nie.def ;original
;stages/night0.def ;original
;stages/night1.def ;original (maniacs)
;stages/night96.def ;kof remix
;stages/nightcity96tx.def ;kof96 iori
;stages/night_explosion.def ;yun (sf3.3)
;stages/nightmare0.def ;kirby series
;stages/nightmare powerorb.def ;kirby series
;stages/nightmare powerorb2.def ;kirby series
;stages/nightship.def ;kof series remix
;stages/night_sky.def ;guilty gear series remix
;stages/nightstage.def ;original
;stages/nightwalk.def ;kof remix
;stages/nightwarrios_stage.def ;nightwarriors jon talbain / gallon
;stages/nihon.def ;neogeo battle coliseum
;stages/nihonbashi.def ;ssvsp bridge (sunset)
;stages/nihonbashi2.def ;ssvsp bridge (day)
;stages/nine.def ;ss2 sieger remix
;stages/ninja_nobunaga.def ;ninja master's nobunaga
;stages/ninja's room.def ;dead dance sirou
;stages/ninjatemple.def ;ninja masters (temple - snow)
;stages/ninjatemple2.def ;ninja masters (temple - snow)
;stages/ninja_wars_city_at_night.def ;unclassed
;stages/nin_nobunagabg_a.def ;nm remix
;stages/nin_nobunaga'bg_a.def ;nm remix
;stages/nirooftop.def ;sfa birdie edit
;stages/n-load.def, music=sound/bd.mp3 ;original
;stages/nmkasumi.def ;nm remix
;stages/nm_unzen_2.def ;ninja masters unzen (version 2)
;stages/nobunaga_bg.def ;ninja master's nobunaga
;stages/nochedelunaroja.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/noel.def ;original
;stages/noel0.def ;original
;stages/northlight.def ;original
;stages/nosferatucave.def ;nosferatu
;stages/nosferatuv.def ;nosferatu
;stages/notebook.def ;original
;stages/notebook_stage.def ;original
;stages/nowhere.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/nowhere land.def ;original
;stages/nruins.def ;original
;stages/ntemple.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 billy kane
;stages/nts.def ;ff2 / ffsp remix
;stages/nucleo-namek.def ;dbz hd
;stages/nudes.def ;the last blade series remix
;stages/nudes02.def ;the last blade series remix
;stages/nudismo.def ;fatal fury 3 & real bout series remix
;stages/nudismo0.def ;fatal fury 3 & real bout series remix
;stages/nuit.def ;original
;stages/numel.def ;original
;stages/nuvem.def ;dbz sb3 clouds remix
;stages/nw-hsienko.def ;nightwarriors hsien-ko
;stages/nwoods.def ;unclassed
;stages/nxc00.def ;nxc remix
;stages/nxc01.def ;nxc remix
;stages/nyc.def ;rb / marvel series remix
;stages/nyc2.def ;rbff series remix
;stages/nycd.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/nyf.def ;cadillacs & dinosaurs new york flooded
;stages/nyf2.def ;cadillacs and dinosaurs / cadillacs kyouryuu-shinseiki
;stages/nyf3.def ;cadillacs and dinosaurs / cadillacs kyouryuu-shinseiki
;stages/nyf4.def ;cadillacs and dinosaurs / cadillacs kyouryuu-shinseiki
;stages/oa.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/oa0.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/oboro_amazon.def ;samurai shodown warrior's rage oboro's amazons
;stages/ocean0.def ;rmtfp diveman (deep sea diver [green])
;stages/oceanfloor.def ;dbz sb2 remix
;stages/oceanite.def ;original
;stages/oceano.def ;dbz sb2 ocean (day)
;stages/oceano-original.def ;dbz sb2 ocean (day)
;stages/ocean_surface.def ;dbz sb2 ocean (day) remix
;stages/o_chiduru.def ;qoh99 oni chizuru
;stages/ochita.def ;oha bg (original)
;stages/oct.def ;mks remix
;stages/octo0.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters armaggon
;stages/od.def ;mortal kombat 3 series remix
;stages/odin.def ;original
;stages/ohgabg.def ;voltage fighter gowcaizer ohga
;stages/0hina.def, music=sound/hina.mp3 ;rozen maiden hinaichigo
;stages/oil0.def ;mshvssf oil refinery (night)
;stages/ojoq.def ;brutal 2 - idol
;stages/oka.def :original
;stages/okonomiaki_stage.def ;ranma 1/2 2 - bakuretsu rantou hen - ukyo
;stages/oldgohans.def ;dbaa - songohan's house
;stages/oldline.def ;motw rock
;stages/oldurban.def ;original
;stages/olof.def ;pim keith & olof (stage: rock band)
;stages/omegath.def ;omegath
;stages/omegar.def ;kof95 omegarugal
;stages/omegared.def ;xmen cota - omega red (the deep)
;stages/omegastreettx.def ;motw remix
;stages/omf0.def ;one must fall - stadium
;stages/omf1.def ;omf spike pit
;stages/omf2.def ;one must fall - power plant
;stages/omf3.def ;one must fall - fire pit
;stages/omf4.def ;omf desert
;stages/onboat.def ;original
;stages/one.def ;mk series remix
;stages/oneairstage.def ;original
;stages/onetaikukanstage.def ;qoh???
;stages/onett2.def ;onett & mother remix
;stages/oni.def ;rotd factory (cassandra & oni)
;stages/onibusdarua.def ;original
;stages/onichizuru.def ;qoh oni chizuru
;stages/onigasima.def ;touhou suimusou suika
;stages/onslaugh.def ;marvel vs capcom onslaught
;stages/onslaught.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/ooeyama.def ;kabuki clash ziria
;stages/ooeyama0.def ;kabuki clash ziria
;stages/opeva013.def ;original
;stages/orcemetery.def ;ragnagard igret
;stages/orchid1.def ;killer instinct series orchid
;stages/orchid stage.def ;killer instinct series orchid
;stages/oresiki.def ;original
;stages/original_beach_at_evening.def ;original
;stages/original_carraibean_isle.def ;kof series remix
;stages/original_purple_moon.def ;original
;stages/orgy.def ;the last blade kagami remix
;stages/orgycandyass.def ;original
;stages/original_haunted_tree.def ;original
;stages/origin_yuki.def ;original
;stages/orizero.def ;kof2001 original zero
;stages/orochibg4.def ;kof97 orochi
;stages/orochispace.def ;original
;stages/orthanc.def ;original
;stages/osaka0.def ;kof96 psycho soldier team (japan / osaka, 02:00 pm)
;stages/osaka1.def ;kof96 psycho team
;stages/osakaba.def ;original
;stages/osakatower.def ;cvs2 osaka tower (god rugal)
;stages/osakatower0.def ;cvs2 osaka tower (god rugal)
;stages/osa-p.def ;sailor moon series - gameosap
;stages/osorezan.def ;ss2 mizuki
;stages/otkpstreet.def ;original
;stages/otintin.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/otomobg.def ;original
;stages/outdoor.def ;kof series remix
;stages/outdoor0.def ;kof series remix
;stages/outofthisworld.def ;hi hi puffy amiyumi remix
;stages/outpost9.def ;kof95 ikari team
;stages/outside of the castle of wario.def ;smb series
;stages/outside of the castle of wario2.def ;smb series
;stages/outside of the castle of wario3.def ;smb series
;stages/outworld.def ;original
;stages/overlord.def ;phantom brave
;stages/paesaggio-invernale.def ;original
;stages/pagnozza.def ;original
;stages/pagnozza2.def ;original
;stages/pagoda.def ;original
;stages/pain.def ;doom series
;stages/palace2.def ;saint seiya
;stages/palace3.def ;saint seiya
;stages/palace5.def ;rotd palace (johann)
;stages/palace6.def ;original
;stages/palacio.def ;original
;stages/palacio0.def ;blandia - launa
;stages/palazzo.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/pandora.def ;saint seiya
;stages/paniponi_siratori_ningyo_gekijo.def ;original
;stages/panoramic.def ;original
;stages/panzer_bandit00.def ;panzer bandit
;stages/panzer_bandit03.def ;panzer bandit
;stages/pao.def ;kof94 aof team
;stages/pao_cafe.def ;fatal fury richard myer (genesis)
;stages/pao cafe2.def ;fatal fury 3 bob wilson
;stages/paopao.def ;fatal fury richard myer
;stages/paopao2.def ;ff3 bob wilson
;stages/paopao20.def ;ff3 bob wilson
;stages/paopao21.def ;fatal fury 3 bob wilson
;stages/paopao94.def ;kof 94 art of fighting team (mexico)
;stages/paopaocafe.def ;fatal fury richard myer
;stages/paopaocafe0.def ;cvs paopao cafe
;stages/paopaocafe1.def ;fatal fury richard myer
;stages/papermariohouse.def ;paper mario remix
;stages/papermario.def ;super mario bros. series (paper mario?)
;stages/paques.def ;original
;stages/parais.def ;sf3.3 gouki remix
;stages/parais2.def ;sf3.3 gouki remix
;stages/parais2inf.def ;sf3.3 gouki remix
;stages/parallax.def ;original
;stages/par_ani.def ;original
;stages/parappa.def ;parappa remix
;stages/paris1.def ;final fight 2 france remix
;stages/paris3.def ;x-men apocalypse reign (gba)
;stages/park.def ;kof 99 park
;stages/park4.def ;sonic battle me (sonic series remix)
;stages/parkbridge.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/parkcloud.def ;kof 99 park (cloudy)
;stages/park_night.def ;melty blood midnight at the park
;stages/parque0.def ;original
;stages/parquetduchat.def ;original
;stages/parquinho.def ;original
;stages/pasillo.def ;cv iv & silent hill 2 remix
;stages/pastozza.def ;original
;stages/pastozza2.def ;original
;stages/patio2.def ;original
;stages/patio da vila.def ;original
;stages/patio da vila animado.def ;original
;stages/patio2_anim.def ;original
;stages/patioleon.def ;super mario world 2: yoshi's island
;stages/pays.def ;original
;stages/paysage.def ;original
;stages/pb_asahi.def ;party's breaker asahi
;stages/pb_aya.def ;party's breaker: the queen of heart 2001 aya
;stages/pb_chisa.def ;party's breaker: the queen of heart 2001 chisa
;stages/pb_chisa1.def ;party's breaker: the queen of heart 2001 chisa
;stages/pb-chisabg.def ;party's breaker: the queen of heart 2001 chisa
;stages/pb_ikumi.def ;pb ikumi
;stages/pb_minami.def ;party's breaker: the queen of heart 2001 minami
;stages/pbminami.def ;party's breaker: the queen of heart 2001 minami
;stages/pb_mizuki.def ;party's breaker: the queen of heart 2001 mizuki
;stages/pbottom.def ;mortal kombat reptile
;stages/pb_pia.def ;party's breaker: the queen of heart 2001 azusa
;stages/pb_pmizuki.def ;party's breaker: the queen of heart 2001 peach mizuki
;stages/pb_reiko.def ;pb reiko
;stages/pb-subaru.def ;pb subaru
;stages/pb_yomi.def ;pb eimi
;stages/pb_yu.def ;party's breaker: the queen of heart 2001 yu
;stages/pc.def ;original
;stages/pdjcpanel.def ;original
;stages/peach-c.def ;original (super mario bros series)
;stages/peach_castle.def ;original (smb series)
;stages/pedrasstage.def ;unclassed
;stages/peepshow.def ;original
;stages/peepshowdeluxe.def ;last blade edit (hentai)
;stages/pelado.def ;sfa & sf3 edits
;stages/pen.def ;cardcaptor sakura - park
;stages/pendulum.def ;super castlevania 4 / akumajou dracula remix
;stages/pengin_nankyoku.def ;original
;stages/penhasco0.def ;dbz sb2 piccolo (mountain - sunset)
;stages/periferico.def ;mmx remix
;stages/perseo.def ;original (saint saiya - argol)
;stages/petit.def ;original
;stages/pf_dotonbori.def ;seifuku densetsu pretty fighter - minami
;stages/pgen.def ;svc power generation room
;stages/phantom-land.def ;kof remix
;stages/pharaohman.def ;pharaoh man
;stages/pharaoman's_stage.def ;megaman 2 - the power fighters / rockman 2 - the
power fighters pharaoh man
;stages/pharao tomb.def ;vampires dawn: the tournament
;stages/pheg.def ;qoh
;stages/pia.def ;pb azusa himonori
;stages/pianetarekaio.def ;dragon ball z super gokuu den totsugeki hen / super
saiya densetsu
;stages/piano2k3tx.def ;kof2k3 adelheim
;stages/pib.def ;original
;stages/piccolo_stage.def ;dbaa piccolo daimao
;stages/picopper.def ;original (ubu)
;stages/pieta.def ;rbff series remix
;stages/pietra.def ;misc. games edit (bastard!)
;stages/pigyo.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/pim3_horlogium.def ;pi3 horlogium
;stages/pink_wind.def ;original
;stages/pinky.def ;original
;stages/pioneer1.def ;ff3 blue mary
;stages/pirate.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters (super
nes) armaggon
;stages/piscina.def ;aof 3 remix
;stages/pista.def ;original
;stages/pit0.def ;mortal kombat 2 deadpool
;stages/pit11.def ;original
;stages/pit2.def ;mortal kombat 2 pit
;stages/pit21.def ;mortal kombat 2 pit
;stages/pit3.def ;mortal kombat series
;stages/pit_b.def ;mortal kombat reptile
;stages/pitbottom.def ;mortal kombat reptile
;stages/pittsbur.def ;unclassed
;stages/pittsburgh.def ;original
;stages/p-kaio.def ;dbz original
;stages/plage.def ;original
;stages/planeta-supremo.def ;dbz hd earth remix
;stages/planet_express.def ;original
;stages/planetnamek.def ;dbz byr namek remix
;stages/planetoid.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/planetx.def ;marvel remix
;stages/planetz.def ;sfa3 ryu edit
;stages/playa.def ;original
;stages/playass.def ;original
;stages/plaza_juarez.def ;original
;stages/pm.def ;paper mario
;stages/pm_china.def ;power moves gaoluon
;stages/poa.def ;original
;stages/pob.def ;hnk ps2 toki
;stages/pocketcastle.def ;puzzle fighters moonlight dark castle
;stages/poisonswamp.def ;original
;stages/pokemon.def ;rb remix
;stages/pokemon0.def ;original
;stages/pokemon1.def ;original
;stages/pokemon_esmeralda.def ;original
;stages/pokes.def ;original
;stages/pokestad.def ;ssbm - pokemon stadium
;stages/polizei.def ;original
;stages/polo norte.def ;gundam endless battle
;stages/polosul.def ;original
;stages/pon.def ;ranma 1/2 4 shampoo
;stages/ponchoobeliskroom.def ;yu-gi-oh! (gba)
;stages/ponchoraroom.def ;yu-gi-oh! (gba)
;stages/ponchoslyferroom.def ;yu-gi-oh! (gba)
;stages/pondababa.def ;super star wars cantina fight
;stages/pont.def ;original
;stages/pont0.def ;original
;stages/ponte.def ;car ranger
;stages/ponte0.def ;original
;stages/ponte1.def ;ms remix
;stages/ponte2.def ;original
;stages/pontsusp.def ;original
;stages/pool0.def ;sfa remix
;stages/poordojo.def ;original
;stages/pordosol.def ;original
;stages/por do sol.def ;ninja master raiga
;stages/porta_gund.def ;gundam endless wing deathscythe
;stages/portal.def ;mk series
;stages/portal0.def ;mk2 the portal
;stages/portal2.def ;original (out)
;stages/portal3.def ;mk3 remix
;stages/portal4.def ;original
;stages/porto.def ;original
;stages/porto1.def ;super sailor moon s / super famicom fighter bishoujo
senshi sailor moon super s - shuyaku soudatsusen neptune
;stages/portonpf.def ;original
;stages/porttown.def ;ff3 honfu
;stages/poseidon.def, music=sound/poseidon0.mp3;saint seiya
;stages/posto.def ;final fight 3 remix
;stages/power.def ;megaman power battles woodman
;stages/powerdvd2.def ;original
;stages/powergenni.def ;svc power generation room
;stages/powerkeith.def ;pi keith
;stages/powermovesjapan.def ;power moves - buoh
;stages/powermovesthailand.def ;power moves - reayon
;stages/powerroomsvctx.def ;svc power generation room
;stages/power0.def ;original
;stages/ppgroom.def ;original
;stages/praia.def ;rbs terry bogard (day)
;stages/praia2.def ;original
;stages/praiadabandeira.def ;original
;stages/praia da sacanagem.def ;original hentai
;stages/praiadomugen.def ;original
;stages/praiatarde.def ;original
;stages/pr-dragonmoon.def ;mighty morphin power rangers - fighting edition lord
zedd / ivan ooze
;stages/predios.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/presidencia.def ;original
;stages/prf.def ;mighty morphin power rangers - fighting edition silver horns
;stages/prf_up.def ;mighty morphin power rangers - fighting edition silver
;stages/prf3.def ;mighty morphin power rangers - fighting edition ivan ooze / lord
;stages/prisao.def ;yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo toguro 30%
;stages/prison0.def ;mk series remix
;stages/prison_bridge.def ;original (mk)
;stages/private.def ;ss5 kusaregedo
;stages/professorxbg.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/prostibulo.def ;original
;stages/prostibulo2.def ;original
;stages/proviseur.def ;ranma 1/2 2 happosai
;stages/ps3menu.def ;original
;stages/psiche.def ;original
;stages/psp.def ;original
;stages/pspw.def ;original
;stages/psu0.def ;phantasy star series
;stages/psychedelic.def ;original
;stages/psycho94.def ;kof 94 psycho team (china)
;stages/psycho95.def ;kof95 psycho team
;stages/psycho95-dm.def ;kof95 psycho team
;stages/psychodrive.def ;kof series remix
;stages/psychodrivecommand.def ;kof 99 krizalid remix
;stages/ptrain.def ;dungeons & dragons remix
;stages/puente.def ;original
;stages/puffymemorial.def ;power puff girls: him and seek / hi hi puffy ami
yumi: kaznapped remix
;stages/punisherstage.def ;punisher
;stages/purple.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/putaria.def ;marvel remix
;stages/pw.def ;original
;stages/pwalls.def ;mk original
;stages/px2.def ;marvel remix
;stages/pyramides.def ;original
;stages/pyrobg.def ;sfa3 remix
;stages/pyron_stage.def ;nightwarriors pyron
;stages/qasa.def ;original
;stages/qoh'99-akaribg.def ;qoh99 akari
;stages/qoh_akari.def ;the queen of heart '98 akari
;stages/qoh_aoi.def ;qoh aoi
;stages/qoh_azusa.def ;the queen of heart '98 azusa
;stages/qoh_chizuru.def ;the queen of heart '98 chizuru
;stages/qoh_hatune.def ;the queen of heart '98 hatune
;stages/qoh_kaede.def ;the queen of heart '98 kaede
;stages/qoh_kaede0.def ;qoh99 kaede
;stages/qoh_komord.def ;qoh99 nightmare at school
;stages/qoh_kotone.def ;the queen of heart '98 kotone
;staegs/qoh_mizuho.def ;the queen of heart '98 mizuho
;stages/qoh_mizuki.def ;the queen of heart '98 mizuki
;stages/qoh_multi.def ;the queen of heart '98 multi
;stages/qoh_old.def ;qoh98 rooftop
;stages/qoh_onichizuru.def ;the queen of heart '98 oni chizuru
;stages/qoh_remy.def ;the queen of heart '98 remy
;stages/qoh_remy0.def ;qoh99 remy
;stages/qoh_rina.def ;the queen of heart '98 rina
;stages/qoh_rio.def ;the queen of heart '98 rio
;stages/qoh_ruriko.def ;the queen of heart '98 ruriko
;stages/qoh_saori.def ;the queen of heart '98 saori
;stages/qoh_serika.def ;the queen of heart '98 serika
;stages/qoh_serio.def ;the queen of heart '98 serio
;stages/qoh_shiho.def ;the queen of heart '98 shiho
;stages/qoh_tiria.def ;the queen of heart '98 tiria
;stages/qoh_tiria0.def ;qoh tiria
;stages/qoh_tomoko.def ;the queen of heart '98 tomoko
;stages/qoh_tomoko0.def ;qoh99 tomoko
;stages/qoh_yuki.def ;the queen of heart '98 yuki
;stages/qooitazura.def ;original
;stages/qrrbrbirlbel.def ;original
;stages/qstage.def ;sf3.3 remix
;stages/qstage1.def ;sf3.3 remix
;stages/quatrestage-dm.def ;gundam wing endless duel
;stages/quickstop.def ;original
;stages/rabodeau.def ;kof remix
;stages/raccoon.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/radabg.def ;rbff series remix
;stages/raging.def ;marvel super heroes vs street fighter oil refinery, night
;stages/ragnarok.def ;original
;stages/raiden0.def ;fatal fury raiden
;stages/raigatemple.def ;ninja masters raiga (day)
;stages/railway98tx.def ;kof98 train station
;stages/rain99.def ;kof99 usa / garden park (rainy)
;stages/rainbg.def ;kof 99 park (rainy)
;stages/rainstower.def ;mk series remix
;stages/rainyd.def ;kof series remix
;stages/rambo1.def ;rambo
;stages/ra-men.def ;original
;stages/ramsesiii.def ;eternal champions ramses iii
;stages/rance.def ;original
;stages/rancho.def ;original
;stages/rangers.def ;original
;stages/rangersdino.def ;original
;stages/ranma.def ;ranma 1/2 4 herb
;stages/ranmabg0.def ;ranma 1/2 2 genma
;stages/ranma_dir.def ;ranma 1/2 2 happosai
;stages/ranma_jungle.def ;ranma 1/2 4 - chogi ranbu hen - genma
;stages/ranma_ter.def ;ranma 1/2 2 - bakuretsu rantou hen ryoga
;stages/raphcstle.def ;super mario world 2: yoshi's island
;stages/rapyutas.def ;unclassed
;stages/rasputin_bg.def ;wh2j rasputin
;stages/rave.def ;marvel remix
;stages/r_ayaka.def ;qoh rapied ayaka
;stages/r_ayaka2.def ;qoh comode vs rapied ayaka
;stages/ray of light.def ;original
;stages/rb2-alfredstage.def ;rb2 alfred
;stages/rb2-andystage.def ;rb2 andy
;stages/rb2_bob.def ;rb2 bob
;stages/rb2-bobstage.def ;rb2 bob
;stages/rb2-chonreistage.def ;rb2 jin chonrei
;stages/rb2-chonshustage.def ;rb2 jin chonshu
;stages/rb2_duck.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 duck king
;stages/rb2-duckstage.def ;rb2 duck king
;stages/rb2-geesestage.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 geese howard
;stages/rb2_honfu.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 kim kaphwan
;stages/rb2_joebg.def ;ffrb2 joe higashi
;stages/rb2_kimbg.def ;rb2 kim
;stages/rb2_krauser.def ;rb2 krauser
;stages/rb2-laurencestage.def ;rb2 laurence blood
;stages/rb2-marystage.def ;rb2 blue mary
;stages/rb2_rickbg.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 rick strowd
;stages/rb2-rickstage.def ;rb2 rick
;stages/rb2sokakubg.def ;rb2 sokaku
;stages/rb2-sokakustage.def ;rb2 sokaku
;stages/rb2_terry.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 terry bogard
;stages/rb2terrybg.def ;rb2 terry
;stages/rb2tungbg.def ;rb2 tung fu rue
;stages/rb2-xiangfeistage.def ;rb2 li xiangfei
;stages/rb2yama.def ;rb2 yamazaki
;stages/rbsakura.def ;rb2 andy bogard
;stages/rbsd_whitebg_a.def ;rbsdm white (part 1) remix
;stages/rbsd_whitebg_b.def ;rbsdm white (part 2) remix
;stages/rbsgeese.def ;real bout special geese
;stages/rbs-geesestage.def ;rbs geese
;stages/rbskim.def ;rbs kim
;stages/rbs_krauser_bg.def ;rbs krauser remix
;stages/rbspmai.def ;rbsp mai
;stages/rbtemple.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 tung fu rue
;stages/rcanyon.def ;original
;stages/realboutstreet.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 blue mary
;stages/rebecca.def ;double dragon rebecca
;stages/rebordfenetre.def ;original
;stages/recca6r-2.def ;tales of recca
;stages/recoverychamber.def ;dbz original
;stages/red.def ;svc red arremer
;stages/red0.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/red2.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/red_arremer.def ;svc red arremer
;stages/reddragon.def ;original
;stages/redmoon.def ;marvel remix
;stages/redparallax.def ;original
;stages/redtemple.def ;sf3.3 ryu remix
;stages/redzone.def ;unclassed
;stages/referies.def ;ss3 kuroko
;stages/refinery.def, music=sound/gamma.mp3 ;sonic battle me (sonic series
;stages/reflecsiondark.def ;original
;stages/reform-m.def ;touhou suimusou alice pm 2:00
;stages/regnoag.def ;sailor moon remix
;stages/rejas.def ;original
;stages/rehabbg.def ;original
;stages/reloaded.def ;ggxx remix
;stages/remybg.def ;sf3.3 remy
;stages/remy stage.def ;sf3.3 remy
;stages/reptileshrine.def ;mk remix
;stages/resident_evil.def ;resident evil 2 / biohazard 2
;stages/restaurant.def ;aof1 king
;stages/restaurante.def ;unclassed
;stages/restaurante0.def ;original
;stages/restraunt96tx.def ;kof96 england
;stages/retro_smb.def ;mario bros. stage 1-1
;stages/riacho.def ;original
;stages/richard_myer_bg.def ;fatal fury richard myer
;stages/rick.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 rick strowd
;stages/rick_bg.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 rick strowd
;stages/rikuo_stage.def ;darkstalkers rikuo
;stages/rila.def ;breakers revenge rila
;stages/rimu-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/rimu-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/rimururu.def ;ss3 rimururu
;stages/rimururu0.def ;ss3 rimururu
;stages/rimururu1.def ;ss3 rimururu
;stages/ring1.def ;dbz hd
;stages/ring2.def ;rotd ring
;stages/ring_out.def ;aodk
;stages/rinkabg.def ;samurai shodown warrior's rage rinka
;stages/rinka_stage.def ;samurai shodown warrior's rage rinka
;stages/rinoa-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/rinoa-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/rio.def ;qoh99 rio
;stages/rio0.def ;final fight 3 remix
;stages/rio1.def ;fatal fury 3 & real bout series remix
;stages/rio_.def ;original
;stages/rise-deposito.def ;rotr loader
;stages/river.def ;ninja masters sasuke
;stages/riverdbz.def ;dragon ball z original
;stages/riverraid.def ;original
;stages/riverside.def ;project justice
;stages/riverside park.def ;mario kart - super circuit
;stages/rm.def ;r&f / mm&b robot museum entrance
;stages/rm0.def ;rbsp white
;stages/rmika-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/rmika-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/rmtpb-crashman.def ;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power
battles crash man
;stages/rmtpb-heatman.def ;megaman - the power battles / rockman - the power
battles heat man
;stages/rmtpf-cutman.def ;megaman 2 - the power fighters / rockman 2 - the
power fighters cut man
;stages/rmx2-bubblycrablos.def ;megaman x 2 - bubbly crablos
;stages/road.def ;original
;stages/road1.def ;kof series remix
;stages/road3.def ;original
;stages/robertbg.def ;aof2 robert
;stages/robocop1.def ;robocop (nes)
;stages/rocheuse.def ;original (saint seiya - bad ikki)
;stages/rock.def ;mvc cliff of desolation
;stages/rockf.def ;megaman and bass / rockman and forte remix
;stages/rocknroll.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/rocks2.def ;dbz bu yu retsuden rocks
;stages/rocks3.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/rocks-dbz2-tarde.def ;dbz sb2 rocks - sunset
;stages/rock-scenario.def ;kof series remix
;stages/rockstage.def ;motw rock
;stages/rockx5.def ;mmx5
;stages/rocky stage.def ;saturday night slammasters remix
;stages/rodeway1.def ;original
;stages/rodeway3.def ;original
;stages/rodeway4.def ;original
;stages/rodeway5.def ;original
;stages/rodeway6.def ;original
;stages/rodhistage.def ;aof3 trainyard
;stages/rolbg.def ;sfa3 rolento
;stages/rolento_stage.def ;sfa2 rolento
;stages/rome.def ;street fighter alpha rose
;stages/roof2.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/roof2k3tx.def ;kof2k3 rooftop (green)
;stages/roof_blue.def ;melty blood shrine roof - blue
;stages/roofless temple in the city.def ;original (kfm remix)
;stages/roof_red.def ;melty blood warakia
;stages/rooftop0.def ;breakers series saizo
;stages/rooftop_by_central_park.def ;marvel vs capcom onslaught
;stages/room1.def ;original
;stages/room2.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/room_of_marionettes.def ;rbsdm white (part 1)
;stages/roomx.def ;original
;stages/rose0.def ;kido buto den gundam g rose
;stages/rosebg.def ;sfa3 rose
;stages/rosenrot.def ;original
;stages/rosenrotdia.def ;original
;stages/rosesfa1.def ;sfa rose
;stages/rota66.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 rick strowd
;stages/rotd-cas-stage.def ;rotd cassandra
;stages/rotd_dojo.def ;rotd - china dojo
;stages/rotd_dojo_s.def ;rotd remix
;stages/rotdfactory0.def ;rotd factory (cassandra & oni)
;stages/rotd-china.def ;rotd china dojo (billy & lynn)
;stages/rotdchurch.def ;rotd church (alice & elias)
;stages/rotddisco.def ;rotd disco (radel & annie)
;stages/rotdfactory.def ;rotd factory (cassandra & oni)
;stages/rotd-factory.def ;rotd factory (cassandra & oni)
;stages/rotdparking.def ;rotd parking (jimmy & sonia)
;stages/rotdring.def ;rotd ring (jones & kang)
;stages/rotdsubway.def ;rotd subway (abubo)
;stages/rotr4.def ;rotr military
;stages/rou_bg.def ;lb series remix
;stages/rouka.def ;original
;stages/route.def ;original
;stages/rowa.def ;original
;stages/rox.def ;original
;stages/rpd0.def ;re2
;stages/rpdback.def ;batman returns remix
;stages/rpg.def ;original
;stages/rpgspace.def ;original
;stages/rua dos androides.def ;sb1 android 18
;stages/ruasmiami.def ;original
;stages/rue.def ;sor2 street
;stages/rugal2k2.def ;kof2k2 rugal
;stages/rugal94.def ;kof 94 rugal (1st form)
;stages/rugal94bg.def ;kof 94 rugal (2nd form)
;stages/rugal95.def ;kof95 omegarugal
;stages/rugalfac.def ;kof remix
;stages/rugal_omegabg.def ;kof95 omegarugal
;stages/rugals.def ;kof series remix
;stages/ruinas_hades.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/ruins1.def ;lb1 kagami (2nd form)
;stages/ruins2.def ;cvs ruins
;stages/ruins3.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/run of way.def ;battle circuit - street
;stages/runway.def ;kof99 airport 1
;stages/russia.def ;sf2 zangief
;stages/russia_cvsr.def ;misc. games remix
;stages/russianarena.def ;sf2 zangief
;stages/russiancastle.def ;sf3.3 necro
;stages/russiancastle2.def ;sf3.3 twelve
;stages/russia_xi.def ;kofxi russia
;stages/rvsc_stage.def ;qoh99 comode vs rapied
;stages/rx-7.def ;original
;stages/rycity.def ;original
;stages/ryobg.def ;ffsp ryo
;stages/ryobg0.def ;ffsp ryo
;stages/ryoga_stage2.def ;ranma 1/2 1 - chonai gekitou hen - ryouga
;stages/ryu.def ;sf2 series remix
;stages/ryu3rd.def ;ryu (sf3.3)
;stages/ryuadvance.def ;super street fighter 2 turbo revival ryu
;stages/ryualt.def ;sf2 series remix
;stages/ryubg.def ;sf2 ryu remix
;stages/ryubg1.def ;sf2 series remix
;stages/ryubg2.def ;sf2 ryu
;stages/ryubg20.def ;sf2 ryu
;stages/ryubg5.def ;ssf2xryu & ssf2xryux
;stages/ryubg6.def ;sf2 ryu
;stages/ryubg8.def ;sf2 ryu
;stages/ryubg9.def ;sfa3 ryu
;stages/ryubg_s.def ;sf2 ryu
;stages/ryuhakubg.def ;aof1 todo
;stages/ryuhaku_bg.def ;aof1 todo
;stages/ryujipre.def ;original
;stages/ryukyu.def ;ssv mina
;stages/ryukyu-01.def ;ssv mina remix
;stages/ryukyu-05.def ;ssv mina
;stages/ryukyu-06.def ;ssvsp mina
;stages/ryukyu-07.def ;ssv mina (desperation)
;stages/ryukyu-08.def ;ssvsp mina (desperation)
;stages/ryukyu-09.def ;ssv mina (desperation) remix
;stages/ryukyu2.def ;ssvsp mina
;stages/ryukyu_kingdom.def ;ssv mina
;stages/ryukyu_temple_day.def ;ssv mina
;stages/ryukyu_temple_night.def ;ssvsp mina
;stages/ryumemories.def ;original
;stages/ryusf2gba.def ;super street fighter 2 turbo revival ryu
;stages/ryu-sfa2.def ;sfa2 ryu
;stages/ryu_sfa2.def ;sfa2 ryu
;stages/ryu_ssf2tr.def ;super street fighter 2 turbo revival ryu
;stages/ryustage.def ;super street fighter 2 turbo revival ryu
;stages/ryustage0.def ;cvs ryu stage
;stages/ryustage1.def ;cvs ryu
;stages/ryustage_ssf2.def ;ssf2 ryu
;stages/ryuuou_stage.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/s.def ;original
;stages/s00green.def ;original
;stages/s00red.def ;original
;stages/s01green.def ;original
;stages/s01red.def ;original
;stages/sa2b.def ;sonic adventure 2: battle
;stages/sabre.def ;killer instinct sabrewolf
;stages/sabrestage.def ;killer instinct series sabrewulf
;stages/sabrewulfstage.def ;killer instinct sabrewulf
;stages/sacchin.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/sagat0.def ;sf2 sagat
;stages/sagat1.def ;sf2t sagat
;stages/sagat2.def ;sf2 sagat
;stages/sagatbg.def ;sf2 sagat
;stages/sagatbg0.def ;sf2 sagat
;stages/sagatbg2.def ;sf2 sagat
;stages/sagatsfa2.def ;sfa2 sagat (snes)
;stages/sagitario.def ;saint seiya micene
;stages/sagittarius.def ;original (saint seiya aioros)
;stages/sagittarius2.def ;original (saint seiya aioros)
;stages/sagittarius3.def ;original (saint seiya aioros)
;stages/sagittarius4.def ;original (saint seiya - aioros)
;stages/saint morning.def ;original
;stages/saiseki.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/saisyu95.def ;kof95 saisyu kusanagi
;stages/saizo.def ;breaker's revenge - saizo bg
;stages/saizo0.def ;breakers series saizo
;stages/sakasita.def ;qoh99 yosie
;stages/s-akuma.def ;svc guardian dogs temple 0:00
;stages/sakura0.def ;sfa2 sakura remix
;stages/sakura3.def ;sfa2 sakura remix
;stages/sakurabg0.def ;sfa2 sakura
;stages/sakurabgshool.def ;cardcaptor sakura - school
;stages/sakura-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/sakura-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/sakuranamikimiti.def ;original
;stages/sakuranoche.def ;cardcaptor sakura - tower at night - final judge
;stages/sakura_sfa2.def ;sfa2 sakura
;stages/sakurawar_takamura.def ;original
;stages/sakuya_yoru.def ;touhou suimusou sakuya pm 11:15
;stages/sala_anim.def ;original
;stages/saladead.def ;original
;stages/sala de aula.def ;original
;stages/saladodrakula.def ;castlevania symphony of night
;stages/sala do templo.def ;dbz ub22 room of space & time
;stages/saladotempo.def ;dbz sb1 spirit & time
;stages/saladotempo0.def ;dbz sb1 spirit & time
;stages/saladotempo1.def ;dbz sb1 spirit & time
;stages/sala-do-tempo-dbz1.def ;dbz sb1 spirit & time
;stages/salao.def ;original
;stages/salatempo.def ;dbz sb1 spirit & time
;stages/samgen.def ;ss2 genan
;stages/samouczek.def ;original
;stages/samsho.def ;ss5 yoshitora
;stages/samsho4.def ;ss4 intro stage
;stages/samshov_s2.def ;ss5 remix
;stages/samshov_s3.def ;ssv remix
;stages/samshov_s3_up.def ;ssv remix
;stages/samu.def ;ffsp geese howard evening
;stages/samurai.def ;ss3 basara (red)
;stages/samurai0.def ;x-men: children of the atom silver samurai
;stages/samurai1.def ;ss4 old temple
;stages/samurai2cyamucyamu.def ;ss2 chamcham
;stages/samurai2nakoruru.def ;ss2 nakoruru
;stages/samurai3amakusa.def ;ss3 amakusa
;stages/samurai3basara.def ;ss3 basara
;stages/samurai3rimururu.def ;ss3 rimururu
;stages/samurai_6_baloon.def ;ss6 mountain side
;stages/samuraigarden.def ;fatal fury / rb series remix
;stages/samuraigenan.def ;ss genan
;stages/samurai jack.def ;original
;stages/samuraikyoushi.def ;ss kyoshiro
;stages/samurai_shodown_zero_10.def ;ssv zankuro
;stages/samurai_shodown zero_15.def ;ssvsp kusaregedo
;stages/samuraistage.def ;original
;stages/samurai_temple_afternoon.def ;ffsp geese howard afternoon
;stages/samurai_temple_evening.def ;ffsp geese evening
;stages/samusupiaq.def ;ss earthquake
;stages/sana.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/sanctuary.def ;original
;stages/sandrock0.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel remix
;stages/sandrock1.def ;gundam endless wing sandrock
;stages/sandrock2.def ;gundam endless wing sandrock
;stages/sandwalking.def ;original
;stages/sandybeach.def ;original
;stages/sang.def ;original
;stages/sanlorenzo.def ;original
;stages/santana.def ;aof3 santana bar
;stages/santuariotarde.def ;saint seiya
;stages/saojinstage.def ;martial master - saojin
;stages/sao_paulo.def ;kof2001 brazil
;stages/saopaulo.def ;sf3.2 - sean
;stages/sarlac.def ;unclassed
;stages/sa-ryan.def ;original
;stages/sasara.def ;original
;stages/sasbg.def ;darkstalkers sasquatch
;stages/saturn.def ;super sailor moon s / super famicom fighter bishoujo
senshi sailor moon super s - shuyaku soudatsusen saturn
;stages/sauna.def ;mvc bathroom
;stages/savanna.def ;sf3 elena
;stages/sayugo.def ;unclassed
;stages/saywa.def ;original
;stages/sb.def ;fatal fury michael max
;stages/sb0.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/sbf.def ;original
;stages/sbob.def ;original
;stages/sbridge.def ;original
;stages/sc.def ;captain commando - snes
;stages/sc4ms.def ;super castlevania 4
;stages/kazmer6.def ;original
;stages/scarpata.def ;dbz sb2 piccolo (mountain - day)
;stages/scc.def ;original
;stages/scc_dojo.def ;cardcaptor sakura - temple at night
;stages/scc_feria.def ;cardcaptor sakura - park
;stages/school.def ;rotd school (pepe & pupa)
;stages/school0.def ;melty blood school
;stages/school1.def ;cardcaptor sakura - school
;stages/school2.def ;melty blood school
;stages/scorp.def ;original (saint seiya milo)
;stages/scorpiotemple.def ;original (saint seiya - milo)
;stages/scorp_lair.def ;mk3 series scorpion's lair
;stages/scrapdump.def ;kof 2000 shipyard
;stages/scrapdump1.def ;kof2000 shipyard
;stages/scrapdump-f.def ;kof2000 kula
;stages/scrapyard.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters -
;stages/screen.def ;original
;stages/scryedglare.def ;original
;stages/sdk_benitora.def ;sdk benitora
;stages/sdk_hontenmaru.def ;sdk hontenmaru
;stages/sdkyo_mahirobg.def ;sdk mahiro / hanzo
;stages/sea.def ;original
;stages/seacity.def ;captain commando
;stages/seadragon.def ;saint seiya
;stages/sean.def ;sean (sf3.3)
;stages/sean3rd.def ;sf3.2 - sean
;stages/sean3rd0.def ;sf3.2 sean
;stages/sean3rdx.def ;sf3.2 sean
;stages/sean3rdx0.def ;sf3.2 sean
;stages/sea of holes.def ;original
;stages/sea_of_the_blue_sky.def ;original
;stages/seaside.def ;dbz bu yu retsuden coast remix
;stages/second_evolution.def ;kof series remix
;stages/secretbase2.def ;slam fist (original)
;stages/secret_forest.def ;svc / sf3.3 remix
;stages/seed_plant.def ;seed destiny
;stages/segatenka.def ;dbz bu yu retsuden tenkaichi budoukai
;stages/segundo patio.def ;original
;stages/segundo patio animado.def ;original
;stages/sekishiki.def ;saint seiya cancer
;stages/seidou2_bg.def ;original
;stages/seikenbg.def ;seiken densetsu
;stages/seinaru_mori_bg.def ;unclassed
;stages/seisiki.def ;saint seiya cancer
;stages/seisyun station2.def ;project justice seisyun station
;stages/seiya_house.def ;saint seiya original
;stages/seiya_p.def ;ranma 1/2 4 - chogi ranbu hen remix herb
;stages/seiya_pn.def ;ranma 1/2 4 - chogi ranbu hen remix herb
;stages/sema.def ;original
;stages/senerbg.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/sentinals.def ;marvel remix
;stages/serika.def ;qoh serika
;stages/serika0.def ;qoh serika
;stages/serpent.def ;original
;stages/se_stg.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/setsugen.def ;original
;stages/setsuna.def ;kirby series
;stages/setsunbg.def ;lb2 graveyard
;stages/seu barriga.def ;original
;stages/seu barriga anim.def ;original
;stages/seu madruga.def ;original
;stages/seu madruga anim.def ;original
;stages/sewer1.def ;kof 99 sewer (1)
;stages/sewer20.def ;kof 99 sewer (2)
;stages/sf1-birdiestage.def ;sf1 birdie (cloudy)
;stages/sf1china.def ;sf1china
;stages/sf1-chopbonus.def ;sf bonus (stage)
;stages/sf1-eaglestage.def ;sf1 eagle (sunny)
;stages/sf1japan.def ;sf1japan
;stages/sf1-joestage.def ;sf1 joe (day)
;stages/sf1-retsustage.def ;sf1 retsu (cloudy)
;stages/sf1usa2.def ;sf1 mike (day)
;stages/sf2-03-honda.def ;sf2 honda
;stages/sf2balrogbg.def ;sf2 m. bison
;stages/sf2bison2.def ;street fighter 2 (nes hack) vega
;stages/sf2blanka2.def ;street fighter 2 (nes hack) blanka
;stages/sf2ce-03-honda.def ;sf2ce honda
;stages/sf2chunli2.def ;street fighter 2 (nes hack) chunli
;stages/sf2dhalsim2.def ;street fighter 2 (nes hack) dhalsim
;stages/sf2'_guile.def ;sf2 guile
;stages/sf2guile2.def ;street fighter 2 (nes hack) guile
;stages/sf2india.def ;sf2 dhalsim
;stages/sf2ken2.def ;street fighter 2 (nes hack) ken
;stages/sf2nes-chunli.def ;street fighter 2 (nes hack) - chunli
;stages/sf2playa.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/sf2ryu2.def ;street fighter 2 (nes hack) ryu
;stages/sf2_ryustages.def ;sf2 ryu
;stages/sf2sagat2.def ;street fighter 2 (nes hack) sagat
;stages/sf2vega2.def ;street fighter 2 (nes hack) balrog
;stages/sf3#2-sanfransisco.def ;sf3.2 - ken
;stages/sf3-2-akuma.def ;sf3.2 - gouki
;stages/sf3-2-ken.def ;sf3.2 - ken
;stages/sf3#3-carwreckage.def ;sf3.2 - sean
;stages/sf3#3-dojocourtyard.def ;sf3.3 makoto
;stages/sf3#3-hamunapatra.def ;sf3.2 - urien
;stages/sf3#3-hongkongrooftop.def ;yun
;stages/sf3#3-hugoplayroom.def ;hugo (sf3.3)
;stages/sf3#3-japancountryside.def ;ibuki (sf3.3)
;stages/sf3#3-nycsubway.def ;sf3 alex & ken
;stages/sf3#3-russiancontruction.def ;sf3.3 necro
;stages/sf3#3-suzakucastle.def ;ryu (sf3.3)
;stages/sf3-2-urien.def ;sf3.2 urien
;stages/sf3basketball.def ;sf3.3 bonus basketball
;stages/sf3bonus.def ;sf3.3 bonus (basket balls break)
;stages/sf3-bonus1.def ;sf3.3 bonus stage 1
;stages/sf3bonus2.def ;sf3.3 bonus (basket balls break)
;stages/sf3chunlibg.def ;sf3.3 chun-li
;stages/sf3_chun-listage.def ;sf3.3 chun-li
;stages/sf3_cun-li-stage3.def ;sf3.3 chun-li
;stages/sf3dudley.def ;sf3.3 dudley
;stages/sf3_dudley.def ;sf3.3 dudley
;stages/sf3dudleybg.def ;sf3.3 dudley
;stages/sf3dudly.def ;dudley (sf3.3)
;stages/sf3-elenabg.def ;sf3.3 elena
;stages/sf3england.def ;dudley (sf3.3)
;stages/sf3ggxx.def ;sf3 / ggxx remix
;stages/sf3ggxx3.def ;sf3.3 gouki remix
;stages/sf3ggxx5.def ;sf3.3 urien remix
;stages/sf3_hugo stage.def ;sf3.3 hugo
;stages/sf3_ibuki.def ;sf3.3 ibuki
;stages/sf3ibukibg.def ;sf3.3 ibuki
;stages/sf3ken.def ;sf3.2 - ken
;stages/sf3ken0.def ;sf3.3 alex
;stages/sf3kenbg.def ;sf3.3 ken & alex
;stages/sf3-long-bg.def ;sf3 sheng long
;stages/sf3makotobg.def ;sf3.3 makoto
;stages/sf3-marketplace.def ;sf3 chun
;stages/sf3newyork.def ;sf3.3 alex
;stages/sf3ngelenar1ni.def ;sf3.3 - elena
;stages/sf3orobg.def ;sf3.3 oro
;stages/sf3rdgill.def ;sf3 gill
;stages/sf3remy.def ;sf3.3 remy
;stages/sf3ryubg.def ;sf3.3 ryu
;stages/sf3-savanna.def ;sf3 elena
;stages/sf3sean.def ;sean (sf3.3)
;stages/sf3sidudley.def ;sf3.2 dudley
;stages/sf3sigill.def ;sf3.2 gill
;stages/sf3sigoukini.def ;sf3.2 gouki
;stages/sf3siken.def ;sf3.2 ken
;stages/sf3tsgill.def ;sf3.3 gill
;stages/sf3tsurien.def ;sf3.3 urien
;stages/sf3_twelve.def ;sf3.3 twelve
;stages/sf3_twelvestage.def ;sf3.3 twelve
;stages/sf3_urienstage.def ;sf3.3 urien
;stages/sf3yang.def :yang (sf3.3)
;stages/sf3yangbg.def ;sf3.3 yang
;stages/sf3_yunstage.def ;sf3.3 yun
;stages/sfa2-akuma.def ;sfa2 akuma
;stages/sfa2-hindusunset.def ;sfa2 dhalsim
;stages/sfa2-japan.def ;sfa2 sakura
;stages/sfa2_ken.def ;sfa2 ken
;stages/sfa2ryusnow-1.def ;sfa2 ryu remix
;stages/sfa2ryusnow-2.def ;sfa2 ryu remix
;stages/sfa2-sagat.def ;sfa2 sagat
;stages/sfa2-venezuela.def ;sfa2 venezuela
;stages/sfa3-japon.def ;sfa3 ryu
;stages/sfa3_ryu.def ;sfa3 ryu
;stages/sfa3-sakurastage.def ;sfa3 sakura
;stages/sfa3-zangiefstage.def ;sfa3 zangief
;stages/sfaadon0.def ;sfa adon
;stages/sfaakuma0.def ;sfa akuma
;stages/sfabison.def ;sfa m. bison
;stages/sfacharlie.def ;sfa charlie
;stages/sfachunli.def ;sfa chun li
;stages/sfadan0.def ;sfa dan
;stages/sfaguy.def ;sfa guy
;stages/sfaken0.def ;sfa ken
;stages/sfaryu.def ;sfa ryu
;stages/sfaken.def ;street fighter alpha ken
;stages/sfalpha.def ;street fighter alpha guy
;stages/sf-america1.def ;sf1 mike (sunny)
;stages/sfasagat0.def ;sfa sagat
;stages/sfasodom.def ;sfa sodom
;stages/sfbonus.def ;sf bonus (dojo)
;stages/sf-china2.def ;sf1 gen (night)
;stages/sfcsfii-ryubg.def ;sf2 ryu
;stages/sfcsfiit-ryubg.def ;sf2t ryu
;stages/sfcssfii-ryubg.def ;ssf2 ryu
;stages/sf-dojo.def ;sf bonus (dojo)
;stages/sf-england1.def ;sf1 birdie (cloudy)
;stages/sf-england2.def ;sf1 eagle (sunny)
;stages/sfiii2alex.def ;sf3.2 alex
;stages/sfiii2ken.def ;sf3.2 ken
;stages/sf-thailand1.def ;sf1 adon (day)
;stages/sf-thailand2.def ;sf1 sagat (sunny)
;stages/sfz2-kenstage.def ;sfa2 ken
;stages/sfz2-ryustage.def ;sfa2 ryu
;stages/sfz2-sakurastage.def ;sfa2 sakura
;stages/sfz2-s.goukistage.def ;sfa2 sagat vs ryu
;stages/sfz2_venezuela.def ;sfa2 venezuela
;stages/sfz2-venezuela.def ;sfa2 venezuela
;stages/sfz3akuma.def ;sfa3 gouki
;stages/sfz3-cammystage.def ;sfa3 cammy
;stages/sfz3_casa.def ;sfa3 honda
;stages/sfz3-codystage.def ;sfa3 cody
;stages/sfz3-danstage.def ;sfa3 dan
;stages/sfz3gen.def ;sfa3 gen
;stages/sfz3-guy-dm.def ;sfa3 guy
;stages/sfz3_hotel-posada-de-tampico.def ;sfa3 ken
;stages/sfz3-ken.def ;sfa3 ken
;stages/sfz3-kenstage.def ;sfa3 ken
;stages/sfz3r_mikabg.def ;sfa3 mika
;stages/sfz3-r.mikastage.def ;sfa3 mika
;stages/sfz3-rosestage.def ;sfa3 rose
;stages/sfz3-ryustage.def ;sfa3 ryu
;stages/sfz3sagat.def ;sfa3 sagat
;stages/sfz3-sakurastage.def ;sfa3 sakura
;stages/sfz3_tiendita.def ;sfa3 sakura
;stages/sfz3_trenecito.def ;sfa3 guy
;stages/sfz_buda.def ;sfa buddha
;stages/sfz_chun-li.def ;sfa chun li
;stages/sfz_gouki.def ;sfa gouki
;stages/sfz_ryu_night.def ;sfa ryu remix
;stages/sfz_sonson.def ;sfa ryu
;stages/sforest.def ;motw marco
;stages/shadawloo.def ;kof remix
;stages/shademanstage.def ;megaman 7 / rockman 7 shade man
;stages/shadoe.def :mk / megaman remix
;stages/shadow0.def ;original
;stages/shadowdiobg.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure shadow dio
;stages/shadows.def ;castlevania 4 remix
;stages/shadowsalt.def ;castlevania 4 remix
;stages/shadow sity.def ;melty blood the town of a shadow picture remix
;stages/shadowspr.def ;castlevania 4 remix
;stages/shadowsse.def ;castlevania 4 remix
;stages/shadowssh.def ;castlevania 4 remix
;stages/shadowsst.def ;castlevania 4 remix
;stages/shaia0.def ;vfg shaia
;stages/shamankingcrew.def ;original
;stages/shanghai.def ;cvs2 shanghai
;stages/shanghai0.def ;cvs2 shanghai
;stages/shaolin.def ;original
;stages/shell.def ;gg kliff
;stages/shelter.def ;original
;stages/shenglong.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel shenlong
;stages/sheng-long.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel shenglong
;stages/shenlong.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel shenlong
;stages/shenlong0.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel shen long
;stages/shermie-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/shermie-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/shibuya.def ;original
;stages/shield_lab.def ;sfa / capt. comm. remix
;stages/shiho.def ;qoh shiho
;stages/shimijipass.def ;lb2
;stages/shin_behemoth.def ;ragnagard behemoth
;stages/shindragon.def ;original
;stages/shingostage.def ;rb2 billy kane
;stages/shin_igret.def ;ragnagard igret
;stages/shinobu.def ;asuka 120 % series shinobu
;stages/shinobu_stage.def ;original
;stages/shinoku.def ;megaman remix
;stages/shintuka.def ;original
;stages/ship.def ;ss5 dejima day
;stages/ship01.def ;kof series remix
;stages/shipg.def ;brutal dali
;stages/shipn.def ;ss5 dejima night
;stages/shipyard2ktx.def ;kof2k kula (shipyard)
;stages/shirairm.def ;mk series remix
;stages/shiro.def ;amakusa ss3
;stages/shishioh_bg.def ;kizuna encounter shishioh
;stages/shobg.def ;breakers series sho
;stages/shock1.def ;shock troopers
;stages/shockb.def ;shock troopers
;stages/shore0.def ;original
;stages/shore2k3tx.def ;kof2k3 china
;stages/shotokan.def ;original
;stages/shouse.def ;mk original
;stages/shreder.def ;tmht 4 remix
;stages/shrekg.def ;shrek reekin' havoc
;stages/shrine.def ;melty blood shrine
;stages/shrine0.def ;lb2 shrine of the vainquished
;stages/shrine2.def ;kof series remix
;stages/shrine3.def ;lb2 shrine of the vainquished
;stages/shrinev.def ;lb2 shrine of the vainquished
;stages/shuffle!.def ;shuffle
;stages/shuffle_ba-benagakuin.def ;shuffle
;stages/shukaku.def ;original
;stages/shura tse.def ;hokuto no ken 6: fierce fighting legend eternal fist - way
of the conquering king raoh
;stages/shuri_castle.def ;ninja masters natsume
;stages/shurine.def ;melty blood shrine
;stages/siberia.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/siberie.def ;saint seiya
;stages/siberie0.def ;saint seiya hyoga
;stages/sigmastage.def ;mmx4 sigma
;stages/sigmax4.def ;mmx4 sigma (reaper)
;stages/sigmax6.def ;mmx 6 sigma
;stages/silence0.def ;rbff series remix
;stages/silent_hill_revenge.def ;silent hill 3
;stages/silo.def ;kof remix
;stages/simane.def ;original
;stages/simcity.def ;mk3 series remix
;stages/simpsons.def ;the simpsons
;stages/sin.def ;aof3 sinclair
;stages/sincleastage.def ;aof3 sinclair
;stages/sinnsamuraigaru.def ;ss galford
;stages/sinobu_s.def ;the king of fighters ex 2: howling blood boss stage
;stages/sinos.def ;motw hotaru
;stages/siroustg.def ;dead dance / tuff e nuff sirou
;stages/sissy.def ;pim sissy
;stages/sivatag.def ;dbz ub22 desert
;stages/skeletons.def ;marvel series shuma-gorath
;stages/sk pastmaster.def ;original
;stages/skull.def ;original
;stages/skully.def ;mshvssf shuma gorath
;stages/sky1.def ;unclassed
;stages/sky2.def ;dbz sb1 spirit & time
;stages/sky_battle.def ;mk series remix
;stages/skybg.def ;original
;stages/skyhigh.def ;killer instinct series remix
;stages/skypalace0.def ;original
;stages/skypalace1.def ;tmnttf michaelangelo - sky palace
;stages/skyragoon.def ;mmx4?
;stages/skystage.def ;original
;stages/skyview.def ;original
;stages/slair.def ;mk3 scorpion - scorpion's lair
;stages/slam2000.def ;kof2000 garbage dump
;stages/slamdunk.def ;fatal fury remix
;stages/slashstage.def ;eternal champions slash
;stages/slaught.def ;marvel vs capcom onslaught
;stages/sl_bg.def ;guilty gear x sol
;stages/slum.def ;kof 2000 garbage dump
;stages/slum0.def ;final fight (1) stage 1.1
;stages/slum1.def ;final fight
;stages/slum2.def ;final fight remix
;stages/sm11.def ;mario bros. stage 1-1
;stages/smallcity.def ;ultraman - towards the future bogun
;stages/smashmouth.def ;original
;stages/smb3_grass_lvl1.def ;mario bros. 3 level 1-1
;stages/smb3tr.def ;mario bros. 3 throne room remix
;stages/smb3trv2.def ;mario bros. 3 throne room remix
;stages/smb_new_delhi.def ;saturday night slam masters ii: ring of destruction
/ super muscle bomber: the international blowout new dehli
;stages/smb_santo_domingo.def ;saturday night slam masters ii: ring of destruction
/ super muscle bomber: the international blowout san domingo
;stages/smb_world_1-1.def ;mario bros. 1 level 1-1
;stages/smcrystal.def ;original (sailor moon)
;stages/smk01.def ;super mario kart
;stages/sm mall of asia.def ;original
;stages/smoon.def ;super sailor moon s / super famicom fighter bishojo senshi
sailormoon supers shuyaku soudatsusen
;stages/sms.def ;marvel remix
;stages/smss-mars.def ;super sailor moon s / super famicom fighter bishoujo
senshi sailor moon super s - shuyaku soudatsusen - mars
;stages/smtemple.def ;super sailor moon s / super famicom fighter bishojo senshi
sailormoon supers shuyaku soudatsusen
;stages/smu_street.def ;original
;stages/sn2.def ;ojyamajyo dremi (original)
;stages/snake.def ;dbz original
;stages/snake0.def ;dbz original
;stages/snake2k3tx.def ;kof2k3 mukai
;stages/snakestg.def ;mm3 snake man
;stages/snakeway.def ;dbz sb3 remix
;stages/snapdragon.def ;original
;stages/s-neptunebg.def ;final fight bayside
;stages/snkplanet.def ;neogeo battle coliseum remix
;stages/snkplanet_up.def ;neogeo battle coliseum remix
;stages/snoopy1.def ;original
;stages/snow0.def ;sfa2 ryu edit
;stages/snowdunes.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/snowfield.def ;original
;stages/snowmontains.def ;marvel / sfa series remix
;stages/snowmvc.def ;sfa ryu edit
;stages/snowplace.def ;lb1 yuki
;stages/snowryu-mt.def ;sf3.3 ryu remix
;stages/snowt.def ;super empire strikes back hoth
;stages/snowy.def ;lb yuki
;stages/snwystrt.def ;ranma 1/2 1 - chonai gekitou hen genma
;stages/soad.def ;original
;stages/socorrinho.def ;original
;stages/sodom.def ;street fighter alpha vega
;stages/sodom0.def ;street fighter alpha sodom
;stages/sodom1.def ;sfa3 sodom
;stages/sodom2.def ;street fighter alpha sodom
;stages/s_of_hentai.def ;original
;stages/s_of_hentai(0).def ;original
;stages/s_of_hentai(night).def ;original
;stages/so_fiji.def ;misc. games edit
;stages/sokaku.def ;rb2 sokaku
;stages/sokrates.def ;original
;stages/sol.def ;gg sol
;stages/solidao.def ;original
;stages/someguysthrone-b.def ;bishoujo senshi sailor moon super s: zenin sanka!!
shuyaku soudatsusen
;stages/son goku-ssj.def ;original
;stages/sonic.def ;original
;stages/sonic1.def ;sonic the hedgehog - green hill zone remix
;stages/sonic_boss_stage.def ;sonic series
;stages/sonic-petit.def ;sonic series remix
;stages/sonics.def ;sonic series
;stages/sonics0.def ;sonic series
;stages/sonomamamug.def ;original
;stages/sonson.def ;street fighter alpha ryu
;stages/sonson2.def ;street fighter alpha guy
;stages/sonson24_e.def ;street fighter alpha guy
;stages/sor2.def ;sor level2
;stages/sor2stage1.def ;sor2 stage1
;stages/sor2stage3.def ;sor2 - stage 3 - amusement park
;stages/sor2stage10.def ;sor2 stage1
;stages/sor3stage2.def ;sor3 stage2 (discotheque)
;stages/sor3sunset.def ;sor3 shiva - sunset
;stages/sora.def ;original
;stages/sougen0.def ;sougen0
;stages/sougen1.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/souldimension.def ;original
;stages/soushiki.def ;original
;stages/souther6.def ;hokuto no ken 6: fierce fighting legend eternal fist - way
of the conquering king souther
;stages/south-factory.def ;kof2000 factory
;stages/southtowntx.def ;rbff2 rick strowd
;stages/space.def ;original
;stages/space0.def ;original
;stages/space1.def ;original
;stages/space2.def ;original
;stages/space3.def ;original
;stages/space4.def ;svc remix
;stages/space_bridge.def ;original
;stages/spacemk.def ;mk3 remix
;stages/space-port.def ;mmx4 spaceport
;stages/space-port-2.def ;mmx4 space port
;stages/spain0.def ;sf2 balrog
;stages/spain1.def ;kof98 spain (morning)
;stages/spain3-98.def ;kof98 spain (evening)
;stages/spain4.def ;kof98 spain (day)
;stages/spain5.def ;ssf2x balrog
;stages/spain98.def ;kof98 spain (day)
;stages/spain980.def ;kof98 spain (day)
;stages/spain-98.def ;kof98 spain (day)
;stages/spain98tx.def ;kof98 spain (day)
;stages/spain_ev.def ;kof98 spain (evening)
;stages/spain-n.def ;kof98 spain (night)
;stages/spain_ni.def ;kof98 spain (night)
;stages/spain-s.def ;kof98 spain (evening)
;stages/spece.def ;original
;stages/special stage.def ;kof series remix
;stages/spider0.def ;spider-man and venom in maximum carnage new york streets
;stages/spider-man.def ;spider-man and venom in maximum carnage new york streets
;stages/spiked.def ;mk original
;stages/spine.def ;doom series
;stages/spiral.def ;unclassed
;stages/spiral_stage.def ;marvel series spiral
;stages/springfieldhospital.def ;original
;stages/spspace.def ;super aleste, tiny toons wacky, mario remix
;stages/squarteto.def ;original
;stages/srcaio.def ;dbz original
;stages/srfire.def ;savage reign gozu
;stages/srpgname.def ;super mario rpg
;stages/srw.def ;unclassed
;stages/ss.def ;ss ukyo
;stages/ss1charlotte.def ;ss1 charlotte
;stages/ss1genan.def ;ss1 genan
;stages/ss2earthquake.def ;ss2 earthquake
;stages/ss2earthquake0.def ;ss2 earthquake
;stages/ss2_floresta.def ;ss2 remix
;stages/ss2genan0.def ;ss2 genan
;stages/ss2kuroko0.def ;ss2 kurorko remix
;stages/ss2_neblina.def ;ss2 nicotine
;stages/ss2nicotinebg.def ;ss2 nicotine
;stages/ss2ukyo.def ;ss2 ukyo
;stages/ss3-basara.def ;ss3 ruined mansion (red)
;stages/ss3-galfordstage.def ;ss3 galford
;stages/ss3-haohmarustage.def ;ss3 haohmaru
;stages/ss3kyoshiro.def ;ss3 kyoshiro
;stages/ss3kyoshiro2.def ;ss3 kyoshiro
;stages/ss3_rimururu.def ;ss3 rimururu
;stages/ss3-rimururustage.def ;ss3 rimururu
;stages/ss3-shizumarustage.def ;ss3 shizumaru
;stages/ss3-ukyostage.def ;ss3 ukyo
;stages/ss4genjuro.def ;ss4 town stage
;stages/ss4intro.def ;ss4 intro stage
;stages/ss4koga.def ;ss4 old temple
;stages/ss4_playa-fresita.def ;ss4 seaside stage
;stages/ss4_pueblo.def ;ss4 town stage
;stages/ss4_verde.def ;ss4 amakusa
;stages/ss5_duela.def ;ss5 ryukyu temple
;stages/ss5_veo-algo.def ;ss5 room (yoshitora)
;stages/ss6usa.def ;ssvi usa
;stages/ss6_usa.def ;ssvi usa
;stages/ss6-yjdg.def ;ss6 mountains
;stages/ssbg.def ;lb series remix
;stages/ss_bosquecito-de-mi-mama.def ;ss4 cherry blossom stage
;stages/ss_california.def ;ss earthquake
;stages/ssf2blankabg.def ;ssf2 blanka
;stages/ssf2cammy.def ;ssf2 cammy
;stages/ssf2-ejapan.def ;ssf2 honda
;stages/ssf2feilongbg.def ;ssf2 feilong
;stages/ssf2guile.def ;super street fighter 2 guile
;stages/ssf2ryu.def ;super street fighter 2 ryu
;stages/ssf2tcammy.def ;ssf2t cammy
;stages/ssf2tken.def :sf2 ken
;stages/ssf2tryu.def ;ssf2t ryu
;stages/ssf2x-ken.def ;ssf2x ken
;stages/ssi_opening.def ;ss1 remix
;stages/ssiv-amakusab.def ;ss4 amakusa b
;stages/ssmoke.def ;smokem bg
;stages/ss_mural.def ;ss2 charlotte
;stages/ssnakoruru.def ;ss1 nakoruru
;stages/ssnakoruru0.def ;ss1 nakoruru
;stages/ss_nieve.def ;ss3 rimururu
;stages/ssonicbg.def ;sonic adventure (dc)
;stages/ss_shaka.def ;ss4 old temple 2
;stages/sssp_lacumbancha.def ;ssvsp bridge (day)
;stages/ssv_bouddha.def ;ss5 buddha
;stages/ssvcharlotte.def ;ssv charlotte
;stages/ssv_dojo.def ;ss5 room (yoshitora)
;stages/ssv_florestanoite.def ;ssv
;stages/ssvgaira.def ;ssv gaira
;stages/ssvgenjuro.def ;ssv ghost town
;stages/ssvhall.def ;ssv mina
;stages/ssvmina.def ;ssv mina
;stages/ssvroom.def ;ss5 room (yoshitora)
;stages/ssv-shizumaru.def ;ss5 bamboo day
;stages/ssvspbridge.def ;ssvsp bridge (day)
;stages/ssvspbridge2.def ;ssvsp bridge (sunset)
;stages/ssv_special_dojo.def ;ssv
;stages/ssvspmina.def ;ssvsp mina
;stages/ssv_temple.def ;ssv mina
;stages/ssv-templeb.def ;ssv mina (desperation)
;stages/ssvwater.def ;samurai shodown v nakoruru
;stages/stable.def ;aof2 ryo
;stages/stade.def ;ranma 1/2 4 - chogi ranbu hen mariko
;stages/stadia.def ;original
;stages/stage0.def ;original
;stages/stage00.def ;original
;stages/stage01.def ;original
;stages/stage0+.def ;original
;stages/stage0custom.def ;original
;stages/stage1.def ;original
;stages/stage2.def ;original
;stages/stage3.def ;original
;stages/stage4.def ;original
;stages/stage5.def ;original
;stages/stage6.def ;original
;stages/stage7.def ;castlevania - vampire's kiss / akumajo dracula xx /
dracula x
;stages/stage10.def ;original
;stages/stage11.def ;original
;stages/stage113.def ;original
;stages/stage115.def ;original
;stages/stage117.def ;sf2 deejay
;stages/stage12.def ;original
;stages/stage121.def ;original
;stages/stage13.def ;original
;stages/stage14.def ;original
;stages/stage15.def ;original
;stages/stage16.def ;original
;stages/stage17.def ;original
;stages/stage18.def ;original
;stages/stage19.def ;original
;stages/stage20.def ;original
;stages/stage21.def ;original
;stages/stage212.def ;sf2 cammy
;stages/stage213.def ;original
;stages/stage22.def ;original
;stages/stage23.def ;original
;stages/stage24.def ;original
;stages/stage25.def ;original
;stages/stage26.def ;original
;stages/stage27.def ;original
;stages/stage32.def ;original
;stages/stage33.def ;dragon ball gt final bout
;stages/stage36.def ;sf2 feilong
;stages/stage37.def ;original
;stages/stage39.def ;original
;stages/stage41.def ;sf2 blanka
;stages/stage42.def ;original
;stages/stage51.def ;original
;stages/stage60.def ;original
;stages/stage70.def ;original
;stages/stage71.def ;original
;stages/stage80.def ;original
;stages/stage81.def ;original
;stages/stage90.def ;original
;stages/stage91.def ;original
;stages/stage100.def ;original
;stages/stage110.def ;original
;stages/stage119.def ;the true warrior tournament (original)
;stages/stage131.def ;original
;stages/stage_aska.def ;tmhtte aska
;stages/stage_at_night.def ;original
;stages/stageh.def ;ss4
;stages/stagenada.def ;original
;stages/stagezero.def ;original
;stages/stagezerob&w.def ;original
;stages/stagezeroblue.def ;original
;stages/stagezerogreen.def ;original
;stages/stagezeropurple.def ;original
;stages/stagezerored.def ;original
;stages/stagezeroyellow.def ;original
;stages/stanza.def ;dbz sb1 spirit & time
;stages/stanza_set.def ;dbz sb1 spirit & time
;stages/star.def ;kirby series
;stages/starlabs.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/station.def ;sfa3 sakura
;stages/station-aof3.def ;aof3 gas station (sunset)
;stages/stationsfa.def ;street fighter alpha sodom
;stages/statue.def ;marvel remix
;stages/statuepe.def ;original
;stages/stepmania.def ;original
;stages/steps_to_paradise.def ;original
;stages/stick-battle.def ;original
;stages/stone.def ;mm5 stone man
;stages/stonecircle.def ;original
;stages/storage_chamber.def ;original
;stages/storefront.def ;original
;stages/storm.def ;original
;stages/storm0.def ;original
;stages/storm1.def ;sfa2 dramatic remix
;stages/storm2.def ;dbz sb3 earth remix
;stages/storm3.def ;dbz sb3 earth remix
;stages/storml2.def ;sfa evil ryu edit
;stages/stormy.def ;lb2 kouryu
;stages/street.def ;kof 98 japan street
;stages/street0.def ;alien vs predator (arcade) remix
;stages/street1.def ;final fight stage 1
;stages/street2.def ;batman returns - ambush in gotham plaza
;stages/street3.def ;capoeira fighter 2 - street
;stages/street30.def ;final fight 3
;stages/street31.def ;sf3.3 remix
;stages/street6.def ;capcom series remix
;stages/streeta2k3tx.def ;kof 2k3 - czech street (morning)
;stages/streetatnight.def ;kizuna encounters alley (night)
;stages/streetb2k3tx.def ;kof 2k3 - czech street (night)
;stages/street_ball.def ;aodk bobby
;stages/streetbrawl.def ;final fight eddi
;stages/streetf.def ;street fighter 2 remix
;stages/streetfight.def ;final fight damnd
;stages/street_fighter_movie.def ;sftm
;stages/street_of_dead.def ;kizuna encounter
;stages/streetofhell.def ;original
;stages/streets0.def ;sor3 remix
;stages/streets2.def ;final fight
;stages/streetsbg.def ;original
;stages/streetsbg2.def ;original
;stages/strip-hentai.def ;original
;stages/studio6.def ;tmht tournament edition ratking
;stages/studium.def, music=sound/studium.mp3 ;sonic crackers
;stages/stundra.def ;savage reign mezu
;stages/subcave.def ;mk series remix
;stages/subida.def ;original
;stages/suburbio.def ;burning fight
;stages/subway.def ;mk3 the subway
;stages/subway1.def ;darkstalkers series concrete cave
;stages/subway3.def ;fight fever remix
;stages/subway4.def ;final fight
;stages/subway5.def ;final fight remix
;stages/subway8.def ;mk3 remix
;stages/subzero_shrine.def ;mk series remix
;stages/subzerospalace.def ;mk series remix
;stages/sun.def ;original
;stages/sung_hi_lee.def ;original
;stages/sunrise.def ;mortal kombat series original
;stages/sunset.def ;original
;stages/sunset0.def ;lb2 village
;stages/sunset1.def ;original
;stages/sunset4.def ;sor3 shiva
;stages/sunset4_up.def ;sor3 shiva - sunset
;stages/sunset5.def ;original
;stages/sunset6.def ;original
;stages/sunset8.def ;original
;stages/sunset9.def ;original
;stages/sunset12.def ;original
;stages/superheroes.def ;marvel series - dead or alive - the show
;stages/superman.def ;jltf superman
;stages/superman0.def ;jltf superman
;stages/supermario0.def ;mario bros. stage 1-1
;stages/super_s_of_hentai.def ;original
;stages/sup_kai.def ;dbz sb3 remix
;stages/supoo.def ;original
;stages/supra.def ;original
;stages/sushi.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/sutori-to.def ;original
;stages/suzako.def ;yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo suzaku remix
;stages/suzaku1.def ;ssf2x ryu
;stages/suzakucastle.def ;sf3 / sfa remix
;stages/suzakudarkness.def ;sfa ryu edit
;stages/suzakujou.def ;super street fighter 2 turbo revival ryu
;stages/suzaku-st-mt.def ;street fighter alpha ryu
;stages/svcathena-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/svcathena-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/svc_crystalshrine.def ;svc crystal shrine
;stages/svc_forest1.def ;svc forest
;stages/svc_gdt_bg2.def ;svc guardian dogs temple 0:00
;stages/svc_hell.def ;svc red arremer
;stages/svc_maniac.def ;svc red arremer
;stages/svc_nude.def ;svc nude place
;stages/svc_pgr_bg.def ;svc power generation room
;stages/svc_sf.def ;svc power generation room
;stages/svegabg.def ;sfa3 balrog
;stages/swirl.def ;original
;stages/swktraining.def ;star war kids
;stages/sycaiv.def ;super castlevania 4 remix
;stages/syoh coliseum.def ;dead dance / tuff e nuff syoh
;stages/szone.def ;marvel remix
;stages/tabasa's_den.def ;puzzle fighter - tessa's den
;stages/tag01.def ;kizuna encounter super tag battle remix
;stages/tagwall.def ;original
;stages/tai.def ;original
;stages/taichi.def ;original
;stages/tailandia.def ;street fighter alpha sagat
;stages/tailandia2.def ;street fighter alpha adon
;stages/tailandia2-ssf2.def ;ssf2 sagat
;stages/tailgrab540.def ;original
;stages/taipei.def ;kof series remix
;stages/tajmahal.def ;ranma 1/2 4 - chogi ranbu hen - kodachi
;stages/takagushi.def ;kk tsunade
;stages/tallgeese.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel remix
;stages/tallgeese0.def ;gundam endless wing tallgeese
;stages/tallgeese1.def, music=sound/chaos.mp3 ;sonic battle me (sonic series
;stages/tamade.def, music=sound/tamade.mp3 ;original
;stages/tama-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/tama-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/tamaki.def ;asuka 120 % tamaki
;stages/tamariba.def ;original
;stages/tank.def ;original
;stages/tankbrigade.def ;wh2 brocken
;stages/tao-pai-pai'stage.def ;dbaa - karin's tower
;stages/taormina.def ;original
;stages/taro.def ;ranma 1/2 2 - bakuretsu rantou hen - taro (night)
;stages/tarou.def ;original
;stages/tatami.def ;original
;stages/tatami0.def ;guilty gear series remix
;stages/tb.def ;ffsp terry bogard
;stages/tbfe.def ;original
;stages/tcourts.def ;original
;stages/tdark.def ;original
;stages/t-d-sfz.def ;sfa sagat
;stages/tea-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/tea-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/tejada.def ;original
;stages/tekkaman.def ;original
;stages/telhado.def ;unclassed
;stages/temp.def ;mk original
;stages/tempete_mortel.def ;unclassed marvel series
;stages/tempioapollo.def ;original (saint seiya)
;stages/temple.def ;ss4 old temple
;stages/temple0.def ;breakers series saizo
;stages/temple1.def ;mortal kombat 3
;stages/temple11.def ;kof2000 zero
;stages/temple2.def ;kof2000 zero
;stages/temple3.def ;final fight - snes
;stages/temple4.def ;saint seiya
;stages/temple6.def ;unclassed
;stages/temple7.def ;saint seiya
;stages/temple10.def ;original
;stages/temple13.def ;sfa remix
;stages/temple980.def ;kof98 japan temple (night)
;stages/temple_herb.def ;ranma 1/2 4 - chogi ranbu hen - herb
;stages/temple in the city.def ;orignal (kfm remix)
;stages/temple_lion.def ;original (saint seiya leo)
;stages/temple_lion0.def ;original (saint seiya aioria)
;stages/templescorpio.def ;original (saint seiya milo)
;stages/temple-sunset.def ;dbz hd remix
;stages/templo.def ;(aodk)
;stages/templo0.def ;aof mr. karate
;stages/templo3.def ;killer instinct glacius remix
;stages/templo4.def ;saint seiya (out)
;stages/templo5.def ;sailor moon series
;stages/temple18.def ;ssbm - hyrule temple
;stages/templodedeus.def ;original
;stages/templodeeris.def ;saint seiya
;stages/templo demoniaco.def ;mk series
;stages/templosmoke.def ;smokenorm
;stages/templotauro.def ;original (saint seiya aldebaran)
;stages/templotauro1.def ;original (saint seiya aldebaran)
;stages/tenho.def ;ninja masters tenho
;stages/tenka11.def ;dbz hd
;stages/tenka20.def ;dbz ub22 tenkaichi budokai
;stages/tenka7.def ;dbz ub22 tenkaichi budokai
;stages/tenka8.def ;dbz ub22 tenkaichi budokai
;stages/tenka9.def ;dbz ub22 tenkaichi budokai
;stages/tenkadb1.def ;dbz sb1 tenkaichi budoukai remix
;stages/tenkahd.def ;dbz hd remix
;stages/tenkai.def ;tenkai ichi boudokai stage, from super boutuden 2
;stages/tenkaichibudokaidba.def ;dbz arcade goku
;stages/tenkaichiex.def ;hd remix
;stages/tenkaichigalera.def ;dbz sb2 remix
;stages/tenkait.def ;dbz sb3 remix
;stages/ter.def ;original
;stages/terrace.def ;original
;stages/terra-d.def ;dbz sb3 earth - day
;stages/terra-des-hd.def ;dbz hd hyper boo
;stages/terra-n-hd.def ;dbz hd earth (night)
;stages/terrarr.def ;dbz hd hyper boo
;stages/terreno baldio.def ;original
;stages/terreno baldio anim.def ;original
;stages/terry2.def ;ffsp terry bogard
;stages/terrybg.def ;motw terry remix
;stages/terrybg0.def ;motw terry
;stages/terrybg3.def ;ff2 terry
;stages/terry - fatal fury special.def ;ffsp terry bogard
;stages/terry_ff2.def ;ff2 terry
;stages/terryg.def ;original
;stages/terryrb2.def ;rb2 terry bogard
;stages/terry_sp.def ;ffsp terry bogard
;stages/tessa-home-mt.def ;puzzle fighters tessa's den
;stages/test.def ;original
;stages/testbg.def ;ggx testament
;stages/tethys.def ;saint seiya tethys
;stages/tethys0.def ;saint seiya tethys
;stages/tfa_carlosbg.def ;daraku tenshi: the fallen angels carlos
;stages/tfa_carlosbg2.def ;daraku tenshi: the fallen angels carlos
;stages/tfa_carlosbg_256.def ;daraku tenshi: the fallen angels carlos
;stages/th075_bg0a.def ;touhou suimusou reimu pm 2:00
;stages/th075_bg0b.def ;touhou suimusou reimu am 2:30
;stages/th075_bg0c.def ;touhou suimusou reimu pm 5:00
;stages/th075_bg2a.def ;touhou suimusou sakuya pm
;stages/th075_bg2b.def ;touhou suimusou sakuya pm 9:00
;stages/th075_bg2c.def ;touhou suimusou sakuya pm 11:15
;stages/th075_bg5a.def ;touhou suimusou youmu pm 1:30
;stages/th075_bg5b.def ;touhou suimusou youmu night
;stages/th075_bg6a.def ;touhou suimusou remilia pm 9:00
;stages/th075_bg7a.def ;touhou suimusou yuyuko
;stages/th075_bg8a.def ;touhou suimusou yukari
;stages/th075_bg8a_old.def ;touhou suimusou shrine - daylight & moonlight
;stages/th075_bg9a.def ;touhou suimusou suika
;stages/thai_land.def ;street fighter alpha adon
;stages/thailand0.def ;sf2 sagat
;stages/thailand1.def ;ssf2x sagat
;stages/thailand-sf2.def ;sf2 sagat
;stages/th_alice.def ;touhou suimusou the mansion of magatoroido
;stages/than.def ;marvel super heroes thanos
;stages/thanos.def ;marvel super heroes thanos
;stages/thanos1.def ;msh thanos remix
;stages/t-hawk.def ;ssf2 t. hawk
;stages/thawk.def ;ssf2 t. hawk
;stages/t-hawk0.def ;ssf2 t. hawk
;stages/the_accident_in_tokio.def ;cvs
;stages/theacidpool.def ;mortal kombat series
;stages/the_another_ world.def ;original (dbz)
;stages/the_batman.def, music=sound/dj-van_the_batman.mp3 ;original
;stages/thechinesedojo.def ;breakers series daolong
;stages/the cursed seal.def ;original
;stages/thedeadpool0.def ;mk series the deadpool remix
;stages/thedeep.def ;x-men: children of the atom omega red
;stages/the earth.def ;guilty gear series remix
;stages/the_earth.def ;guilty gear series remix
;stages/theflame.def ;original
;stages/thehiddenland.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/thehouse.def ;original
;stages/themonument.def ;naruto series - mount hokage
;stages/the_moon.def ;guilty gear series remix
;stages/the_moon0.def ;original
;stages/the_orochi_show.def ;kof remix
;stages/thepit.def ;original (out)
;stages/the_pit_3.def ;mortal kombat series
;stages/thepitremix.def ;mk remix
;stages/theplace.def ;marvel series (the plant before raging inferno)
;stages/the_ring.def ;sf3 remix
;stages/the_spot.def ;original
;stages/thestreet.def ;mk3 the street
;stages/the sun.def ;sfa3 / ff1 edit
;stages/the_ztitus_show.def ;voltage fighter gowcaizer remix
;stages/theylive.def ;kof remix
;stages/th_marisa.def ;touhou suimusou house in woods pm 1:00 - marisa
;stages/thousand_castle.def ;melty blood millenium castle
;stages/th_patchouli.def ;touhou suimusou koumakan large bookroom - patchouli
;stages/th_reimu.def ;touhou suimusou shrine pm 2:00 - reimu
;stages/throne.def ;ss2 sieger
;stages/throne0.def ;saint seiya
;stages/throne2.def ;rb remix
;stages/throwegg.def ;yoshi's island throw egg
;stages/th_sakuya.def ;touhou suimusou roof of scarlet estate - koumakan clock
tower - sakuya
;stages/thwhitebg.def ;original
;stages/th_youmu.def ;touhou suimusou cemetary - youmu
;stages/tiabg.def ;breakers series tia
;stages/tifa-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/tifa-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/tigar.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure polnareff (a battle within folklore /
tiger balm gardens)
;stages/tiger0.def ;ki2 jago
;stages/tiger_arena.def ;kof remix
;stages/tigrbaum.def ;jjba - polnareff
;stages/tiheisen.def ;original
;stages/tikivillage.def ;joe and mac series remix
;stages/time.def ;dbz sb1 spirit & time
;stages/time_chamber_fire.def ;dbz original
;stages/time_chamber_ice.def ;dbz original
;stages/tinyspecial.def ;clay fighter tiny remix
;stages/tinytoon.def ;unclassed
;stages/tiny toons zone.def ;original
;stages/tiria.def ;qoh'99 tiria
;stages/tiria1.def ;qoh tiria
;stages/titanic.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/titanicstage.def ;original
;stages/tizotto.def ;dragon quest series
;stages/tk_stad.def ;tekken 1 stadium
;stages/tk3_frc1_hr.def ;tekken 3 - tekken force stage 1
;stages/t_m.def ;original
;stages/tmnt4final(arcade).def ;teenage mutant hero turtles 4 - turtles in
time - cyber shredder
;stages/tmnt4final(snes).def ;teenage mutant hero turtles 4 - turtles in time -
cyber shredder
;stages/tmnt-april.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters
(genesis) april o neil
;stages/tmntarc_scv.def ;teenage mutant ninja turtles - scene 1
;stages/tmnt-casey.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters
(genesis) casey jones
;stages/tmnt-krang01.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters
(genesis) krang up level
;stages/tmnt-ray.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters
(genesis) ray fillet
;stages/tmnt-sisyphus.def ;teenage mutant hero turtles - tournament fighters
(genesis) sisyphus
;stages/t.m.r.stage.def ;original
;stages/tnk-nakkai.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/tocadosgatos.def ;original
;stages/todo.def ;aof1 todo
;stages/todoh_stage.def ;aof1 todo
;stages/todos guerreiros - dbgt.def ;original
;stages/togakushi-dm.def ;kk tsunade
;stages/to_heart2_hosinoumi.def ;original
;stages/tohnomansion1.def ;mb series - tohno manor
;stages/tokami.def ;dbz hd kamisama temple remix
;stages/tokeidai1115.def ;touhou suimusou sakuya pm 11:15
;stages/tokeidai250.def ;touhou suimusou sakuya am 2:50
;stages/tokeidai900.def ;touhou suimusou sakuya pm 9:00
;stages/toki.def ;original
;stages/tokiko.def ;ojyamajyo dremi original
;stages/tom.def ;original
;stages/tombecrystal.def ;saint seiya
;stages/tomoko.def ;qoh99 tomoko
;stages/tomoko0.def ;qoh tomoko
;stages/tono_appearance.def ;melty blood outside lobby - night
;stages/tono_lobby.def ;melty blood lobby
;stages/tono_lobby_night.def ;melty blood lobby - night
;stages/toon.def ;original
;stages/toon0.def ;nbc stage (light)
;stages/top.def ;unclassed
;stages/top0.def ;original
;stages/topcomet.def ;original
;stages/topfireworks.def ;original
;stages/topodopredio.def ;yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo kuwabara
;stages/topsun.def ;original
;stages/topsuna.def ;original
;stages/torcida.def ;sf2 guile remix
;stages/torneio0.def ;dbz ub22 cell arena remix
;stages/torneio1.def ;dbz2 mr. satan
;stages/torneiobg.def ;dbz sb3 tenkaichi budoukai
;stages/torneio_dbz.def ;dbz sb2 remix
;stages/torneiodeartesmarciais.def ;dbz sb2 tenkaichi budoukai remix
;stages/torre.def ;dbz arcade kamisama temple
;stages/torture.def ;sfa, ds, rotd, etc. remix
;stages/tosyo1230.def ;touhou suimusou patchouli pm 12:30
;stages/tosyo900.def ;touhou suimusou patchouli pm 9:00
;stages/toudoubill.def ;unclassed
;stages/towards.def ;original
;stages/town_built_on_ancestry.def ;unclassed
;stages/tower.def ;darkstalker 3 jedah
;stages/torneio2.def ;dbz pce remix
;stages/torneio3.def ;dbz pce remix
;stages/torneiocell.def ;dbz sb1 & sb3 remix
;stages/totem.def ;original
;stages/toukonjimmy_bg.def ;pim jimmy (room: teepee)
;stages/tounokemae_hiru.def ;original
;stages/tounoke_yaski.def ;unclassed
;stages/tourian.def ;super metroid - tourian remix
;stages/tourian-hr.def ;super metroid - tourian remix (high resolution)
;stages/tourians.def ;super metroid - tourian remix
;stages/tower0.def ;mk2 the tower
;stages/tower1.def ;dbaa - karin's tower
;stages/town (afternoon).def ;cardcaptor sakura - street at afternoon
;stages/town (morning).def ;cardcaptor sakura - street
;stages/tpoh.def ;efz series
;stages/t-portal.def ;original
;stages/tp-sshf.def ;the punisher
;stages/tq.def ;unclassed
;stages/tqh-005.def ;kof series remix
;stages/tqh-013.def ;ssiv remix
;stages/tqh-014.def ;kof / motw / ss remix
;stages/tqh-015.def ;sfa series remix
;stages/tqh-016.def ;kof remix
;stages/tradan dungeon.def ;vampires dawn: the tournament
;stages/trailscape.def ;original
;stages/train.def ;final fight train
;stages/train1.def ;final fight remix
;stages/train2.def ;final fight remix
;stages/train2k3tx.def ;kof2k3 new-zealand
;stages/train3.def ;final fight 1
;stages/train4.def ;final fight 1
;stages/train7.def ;final fight 1 train
;stages/train9.def ;original
;stages/train10.def ;kofnw train station
;stages/trainanim.def ;original
;stages/training.def ;original
;stages/training0.def ;original
;stages/training1.def ;original
;stages/training2.def ;cvs2 training stage
;stages/trainingbg.def ;original
;stages/trainingcenter.def ;original
;stages/training_room.def ;original
;stages/trainingtime.def ;dbz sb1 - trunks & gohan remix
;stages/trainingx01.def ;original
;stages/trainingz01.def ;original
;stages/transilvania.def ;original
;stages/treb.def ;original
;stages/treehouse.def ;mk series remix
;stages/trees.def ;original
;stages/treg.def ;efz misaki
;stages/treino.def ;dbz original
;stages/trem_ranma.def ;ranma 1/2 2 - bakuretsu rantou hen shampoo
;stages/trilho.def ;metal slug remix
;stages/trippy.def ;original
;stages/tron.def ;original
;stages/trophybg.def ;kof remix
;stages/tropico.def ;original
;stages/troupeau.def ;original
;stages/truck.def ;rb2 terry bogard
;stages/truck0.def ;unclassed
;stages/truck2.def ;unclassed
;stages/truckfielded.def ;kof series remix
;stages/true.def ;original
;stages/tscorridor.def ;super sailor moon s / super famicom fighter bishojo senshi
sailormoon supers shuyaku soudatsusen
;stages/tsubasa_mokona.def ;original
;stages/tsuki.def ;ss4 remix
;stages/ttn.def ;ss2 remix
;stages/ttower.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/tufflep.def ;marvel / dbz remix
;stages/tuffulbase.def ;dragon ball legend
;stages/tukiakari.def ;original
;stages/tundra.def ;savage reign mezu
;stages/tunel.def ;original
;stages/tunel0.def ;original
;stages/tunel das trevas.def ;yuyu hakusho final remix
;stages/tung.def ;fatal fury real bout 2 tung fu rue
;stages/tung0.def ;ffsp tung fu rue
;stages/tungbg.def ;ffsp tung fu rue (night)
;stages/tungbg0.def ;ffsp tung fu rue (dawn)
;stages/tungffsa.def ;ffsp tung fu rue (afternoon)
;stages/tungffsd.def ;ffsp tung fu rue (dawn)
;stages/tungffsn.def ;ffsp tung fu rue (night)
;stages/tungfurue.def ;fatal fury tung fu rue
;stages/turma8.def ;original
;stages/turtles.def ;teenage mutant heroes turtles iv - snes
;stages/turtles2.def ;teenage mutant heroes turtles iv - snes
;stages/turtles3.def ;teenage mutant heroes turtles iv - snes
;stages/turtles5.def ;teenage mutant heroes turtles iv - snes
;stages/tv.def ;original
;stages/tv0.def ;original
;stages/tv_table.def ;original
;stages/twelve.def ;sf3.3 twelve
;stages/twelve0.def ;sf3.3 twelve
;stages/twinangelstr.def ;original
;stages/twister.def ;original
;stages/twlight.def ;original
;stages/u_arena.def ;motw griffon
;stages/ubase.def ;captain commando
;stages/ug_kingdom.def ;melty blood kingdom in the depths of earth
;stages/ugw.def ;original
;stages/uk london.def ;original
;stages/uklondon.def ;dudley (sf3.3)
;stages/uknownt.def ;ffsp jubei remix
;stages/ukyo.def ;ranma 1/2 2 ukyo
;stages/ukyobg.def ;ss2 ukyo
;stages/ultimate_damage.def ;vfg marion
;stages/uminomukou.def ;original
;stages/umk3_blue-portal.def ;mk3 series remix
;stages/umk3_waterfront.def ;umk3 waterfront
;stages/under_construction.def ;kizuna encounter
;stages/underground.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/underground0.def, music=sound/underground.mp3;kof remix
;stages/underground1.def ;rotd / sfa remix
;stages/underground sanctuary.def ;vampires dawn: the tournament
;stages/underthebridge.def ;sfa3 guy
;stages/underwaterrayromano.def ;original
;stages/underworld0.def ;cfj underworld
;stages/unicorn.def ;original
;stages/universalarena.def ;motw griffon
;stages/universidade.def ;misc. games remix
;stages/universo.def ;original
;stages/universo0.def ;original
;stages/unknown.def ;sf3 gill
;stages/unknown0.def ;original
;stages/unvacation.def ;hi hi puffy amiyumi remix
;stages/unzen.def ;nm unzen
;stages/urban.def ;urban champion
;stages/urienstage2.def ;sf3.2 - urien
;stages/u.s.a.def ;ssf2x guile
;stages/usa0.def ;sf2 guile
;stages/usa1.def ;street fighter alpha ken
;stages/usa98.def ;kof98 usa yard (evening, round 3)
;stages/usa98bg2.def ;kof98 usa wharf (night)
;stages/usajoe.def ;sf1 joe (day)
;stages/usapark.def ;street fighter alpha ken
;stages/usa-sf2.def ;sf2 guile
;stages/usawharf20.def ;kof98 usa wharf (night)
;stages/usayard-kof98.def ;kof98 usa yard (evening, round 3)
;stages/u.s.s.r.def ;ssf2 zangief
;stages/ussr.def ;sf2 series remix
;stages/ussr0.def ;sf2t snes zangief
;stages/utuu.def ;original
;stages/valedaluz.def ;samurai shodown earthquake remix
;stages/valek.def ;super castlevania 4 / akumajou dracula remix
;stages/vale sombrio.def ;ss1 hanzo
;stages/vale_sswr.def ;samurai shodown warrior's rage woods of death
;stages/valley0.def ;ss1 earthquake remix
;stages/valleymvs.def ;mshvssf death valley
;stages/valley of the end.def ;nba
;stages/valis.def ;valis iv
;stages/vaisseau.def ;dbz sb3
;stages/vanessa.def ;kof remix
;stages/vanityparadise.def ;darkstalkers leilei / hsien ko
;stages/vash.def ;kof remix
;stages/ve_bg.def ;guilty gear x venom / zato
;stages/vega.def ;sf2 vega
;stages/vega0.def ;sfa3 balrog
;stages/vegabg.def ;sf2 vega
;stages/vegabg0.def ;sf2 vega
;stages/vegabg2.def ;sf2 vega
;stages/vega_stage.def ;sf2 vega
;stages/vegastage.def ;sfa3 balrog / vega (no cage)
;stages/velvet.def ;original
;stages/velvetroom.def ;persona
;stages/venecia.def ;ffsp andy bogard
;stages/venezula.def ;sfa2 venezuela
;stages/versailles0.def ;ss1 charlotte
;stages/vesuvia_river.def ;dungeons & dragons (arcade) vesuvia river remix
;stages/vhvalleta.def ;vampire saviour
;stages/vi.def ;venture brothers
;stages/victor_stage.def ;nightwarriors victor
;stages/videlbg.def ;dbz series remix
;stages/vila da folha.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/vilarpg.def ;final fantasy remix
;stages/village2.def ;joe and mac series remix
;stages/virgo0.def ;saint seiya shaka
;stages/viridan.def ;zelda 3 remix
;stages/virtualdimension.def ;original
;stages/virtualroda.def ;capoeira fighter 2 - virtual road
;stages/virtua_x.def ;original
;stages/vj.def ;original
;stages/vjedogonia_bg.def ;vjedogonia
;stages/vmorigann.def ;darkstalker morrigan
;stages/volc.def ;original
;stages/volcanov.def ;ultraman - towards the future gudis ii
;stages/vortex.def ;original
;stages/vortex0.def ;original
;stages/v-p.def ;original
;stages/vrfight.def ;original
;stages/vsav01.def ;darkstalkers series remix
;stages/vs-revengersb0.def ;vampire saviour
;stages/vs-unknown0.def ;vampire saviour
;stages/vusa.def ;darkstalker felicia
;stages/vyers.def ;original
;stages/w3h.def ;original
;stages/w7-dj0.def ;ww7 dandy j (day)
;stages/wadamoya.def ;lb2 fire at the wadamoya
;stages/wagon.def ;dungeons & dragons (arcade) dark warrior / iron char
;stages/waku7d.def ;ww7 dandy j (morning)
;stages/wall.def ;street fighter alpha chunli
;stages/wall0.def ;original
;stages/wall1.def ;original
;stages/wall2.def ;marvel remix
;stages/wall3.def ;saint seiya
;stages/wall4.def ;original
;stages/wallpaper art gallery.def ;original
;stages/wampa.def ;super empire strikes back hoth
;stages/wanfu.def ;ss wanfu
;stages/wanfu0.def ;ss wanfu
;stages/wan_fu_stage.def ;ss2 remix
;stages/warehouse-in.def ;sor3 warehouse
;stages/warehouse_nosmoking.def ;sor3 warehouse
;stages/wariocastle.def ;smb series
;stages/wariocastle0.def ;wario land 4 remix
;stages/warioware.def ;wario ware
;stages/warpped.def ;original
;stages/warriorshrine.def ;mk the warriorshrine
;stages/warriorshrine0.def ;mortal kombat the warriorshrine
;stages/warriorshrine1.def ;mk remix
;stages/warzard.def ;war-zard - egypt
;stages/warzard3.def ;war-zard - gigi
;stages/wasteland.def ;original
;stages/water1.def ;original
;stages/water2.def ;cardcaptor sakura - aquarium
;stages/waterdream.def ;original
;stages/waterfall.def ;lb2 the falls
;stages/waterfall0.def ;capoeira fighter 2 - waterfall
;stages/waterfall2.def ;aodk lee
;stages/waterfall(morning).def ;original
;stages/watertower.def ;animaniacs series
;stages/waterumk3.def ;ultimate mortal kombat 3
;stages/waves.def ;original
;stages/waydb.def ;dbaa - forest
;stages/weapon.def ;original
;stages/wedding peach.def ;unclassed
;stages/weirdforest.def ;mortal kombat / real bout fatal fury 2 remix
;stages/wert.def ;original
;stages/westernstylebuilding.def ;original
;stages/westside.def ;final fight - west side
;stages/westsub.def ;ff duck king - west subway (day)
;stages/wh1-geegusstage.def ;world heroes geegus
;stages/white0.def ;original
;stages/white1.def ;rbffsdm white (1st round)
;stages/whiteb.def ;rbffsdm white (3rd round)
;stages/wh_geegusbg.def ;wh geegus
;stages/wh_geegusbg2.def ;wh geegus
;stages/wh_geegusbg_a.def ;wh geegus
;stages/whj_brocken.def ;wh2j brocken
;stages/whj_dragon.def ;whj dragon
;stages/whj_erick.def ;whj erick
;stages/whj_fuuma.def ;whj fuuma
;stages/whj_johny.def ;whj johny
;stages/whj_muscle.def ;whj muscle
;stages/whj_ryoko.def ;whj ryoko
;stages/whj_shura.def ;whj shura
;stages/whp-genesis.def ;whp genesis
;stages/whp_stoneage.def ;whp stone age
;stages/whren.def ;mbac remix
;stages/wii menu.def ;original
;stages/wildwest.def ;kof96 art of fighting team
;stages/willows ship.def ;original
;stages/wily.def ;marvel vs capcom megaman
;stages/win.def ;original
;stages/windarena96tx.def ;kof96 goenitz
;stages/windmill.def ;original
;stages/windows.def ;original
;stages/wing.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel wing / wing zero
;stages/wing0.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel wing gundam
;stages/wing_bg.def ;shin kidoesenki gundam wing - endless duel wing / wing
;stages/winhill.def ;ff8
;stages/winme.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/wkcltf.def ;original
;stages/wmmexclusive.def ;original
;stages/wolf.def ;mmx6 blizzard wolfang
;stages/wolverine_dawn.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/wolverine_stage.def ;msh wolverine
;stages/wood.def ;marvel series remix
;stages/woodman.def ;megaman 2 / rockman 2 wood man
;stages/woodman0.def ;mm2 wood man
;stages/woods.def ;efz mayu
;stages/woods0.def, music=sound/woods.mp3 ;kid chameleon
;stages/worldgate.def ;original
;stages/worm.def ;unclassed
;stages/wrj.def ;wh2j muscle
;stages/wroom.def ;mortal kombat 2
;stages/wstage.def ;cyberbots full metal madness bottom of the ocean (super8)
;stages/wsws.def ;original
;stages/wtc.def ;marvel remix
;stages/wtc0.def ;original
;stages/ww7dand2.def ;ww7 dandy j afternoon
;stages/ww7dandyj2.def ;ww7 dandy j evening
;stages/ww7dandyjbg3.def ;ww7 dandy j evening
;stages/ww7marurunbg.def ;ww7 marurun (morning)
;stages/ww7teisebg.def ;ww7 tesse (night)
;stages/x51.def ;mmx5 opening stage
;stages/x360.def ;original
;stages/x5opening.def ;mmx5 intro stage
;stages/x hunters.def ;mmx series
;stages/xichina.def ;kofxi shion
;stages/xirussian.def ;kofxi russia
;stages/xp0.def ;sfa remix
;stages/xp2.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/xp_stage_blue.def ;original
;stages/xp_stage_og.def ;original
;stages/xp_stage_silv.def ;original
;stages/xtesta.def ;original
;stages/yagsta.def ;kabuki clash yagumo remix
;stages/yagu.def ;ss1 jubei
;stages/yagu0.def ;ss1 jubei
;stages/yagumo'stage.def ;kk yagumo
;stages/yama.def ;original
;stages/yancyst.def ;rb2 remix
;stages/yancyst0.def ;rb2 remix
;stages/yang2i.def ;sf3.2 yang
;stages/yangbg.def ;sf3.3 yang
;stages/yang-bg.def ;sf3.3 yang
;stages/yangstage.def ;sf3.3 yang
;stages/yangstage0.def ;sf3.3 yang
;stages/yanji2.def ;original
;stages/yardrat.def ;dbz sb1 remix
;stages/yashiro.def ;kof yashiro
;stages/yellow0.def ;efz series remix
;stages/yellow2.def ;efz series remix
;stages/yeti.def ;metal slug series remix
;stages/yh-buildingtop.def ;yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo kurama remix
;stages/yok.def ;motw kim jae hoon (part 1)
;stages/yoru.def ;unclassed
;stages/yorujyuu.def ;original
;stages/yorumori.def ;original
;stages/yoruyama.def ;original
;stages/yoshino2.def ;ss4 cherry blossom stage
;stages/yoshismw.def ;super mario world - yoshi's island remix
;stages/ytr.def ;original
;stages/yugure.def ;original
;stages/yuka0.def ;vg series - yuka
;stages/yuki0.def ;lb2 yukimachi
;stages/yuki2.def ;original
;stages/yukibg.def ;lb1 yuki
;stages/yukimachi.def ;lb2 yukimachi
;stages/yukimachitx.def ;lb2 yuki machi
;stages/yukinako.def ;original
;stages/yukitx.def ;lb1 yuki
;stages/yumenoizumi.def ;kirby series
;stages/yumenoizumidx.def ;kirby series
;stages/yun3rd.def ;sf3 yun
;stages/ssvyunfei.def ;ssv buddha
;stages/yunstage ;sf3 yun
;stages/yuribg.def ;aof2 yuri
;stages/yuri-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/yuri-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/yurika-hall(h).def ;original
;stages/yurika-hall(h)(small).def ;original
;stages/yurua.def ;yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo kuwabara remix
;stages/yurua_up.def ;yyh2 kuwabara
;stages/yuuhi.def ;original
;stages/yuusen.def ;original
;stages/yuuyake.def ;original
;stages/yuyubg.def ;yuuyuu hakusho series remix
;stages/yu_yu_hakusho_yukina.def ;yuuyuu hakusho 2 - kakutou no syo toguro 30 %
;stages/zabel show.def ;mvc live house of dark realm
;stages/zabel_stage.def ;darkstalkers zabel / lord raptor
;stages/zang.def ;sf2t zangief
;stages/zangief0.def ;sf2 zangief
;stages/zangief1.def ;sf2 zangief
;stages/zangief2.def ;sfa3 zangief
;stages/zangiefbg.def :sf2 zangief
;stages/zangief_gba.def ;super street fighter 2 turbo revival zangief
;stages/zato.def ;guilty gear zato
;stages/zazi coliseum.def ;dead dance / tuff e nuff zazi
;stages/zeal.def ;chrono trigger
;stages/zegengai_bg.def ;original
;stages/zelda-oot.def ;original
;stages/zeph.def ;original
;stages/zepp0.def ;ggi
;stages/zero2gouki.def ;sfa2 gouki
;stages/zero2sakura.def ;sfa2 sakura
;stages/zero2zangief.def ;sfa2 zangief
;stages/zero3_rolento.def ;sfa3 rolento
;stages/zero3_sp31580a.def ;sfa3 secret point 31580 (day)
;stages/zero3_sp31580b.def ;sfa3 secret point 31580 (night)
;stages/zero3_sp31580c.def ;sfa3 secret point 31580 (green)
;stages/zero3_sp31580d.def ;sfa3 secret point 31580 (red)
;stages/zerostage.def ;kof2000 zero
;stages/zerostage2.def ;mm series
;stages/zerotmpl.def ;kof2000 zero
;stages/zgoukiescape.def ;kof 99 krizalid remix
;stages/zgoukistage.def ;kof 99 krizalid remix
;stages/ziggy.def ;project justice
;stages/zinjak.def ;original (nijikaku)
;stages/zona_prohibida.def ;original
;stages/zool.def ;zool
;stages/zteam.def ;original
;stages/ztraining.def ;dbz sb2 remix
;stages/zufuru1.def ;dbgt final bout
;stages/zyastes.def ;rival school taiyo j.h. ground
;stages/zz.def ;jojo's bizarre adventure denger on the bridge

;(t) tools -----------------------------------------------------------

;(ss) ================================================================
;mugen engines (me) ==================================================

;fake dos+ mugen ;fake directx dos

mugen (unrequestable status)
;(es) mugen 1999.07.27
;(es) mugen 1999.08.16
;(es) mugen 1999.09.03
;(es) mugen 1999.10.19
;muk00101 ;mugen ver.
;muk00627 ;mugen ver.
;muk00731 ;mugen ver.
;mug01129a ;mugen ver.
;mug10401 ;mugen ver.
;mug10414 ;mugen ver.
14/04/2002 (lastest dos mugen version)
;mug10414_jp ;mugen ver.
14/04/2002 (lastest dos mugen version) (jap edition)
;no_limit_winmugen_patch ;winmugen - hack
of linux version (unrequestable status)
;no_limit_winmugen_fix2 ;winmugen - hack
of linux version (unrequestable status) patch 2 by another author
;no_limit_winmugen_fix_patch_only ;winmugen - hack
of linux version (unrequestable status) patch
;winmugen_02-07-04 ;winmugen - hack
of linux version (unrequestable status)
;winmugen_d507tod508 ;winmugen - hack
of linux version (unrequestable status) update
;winmugen2 ;winmugen - hack
of linux version (unrequestable status) update
;winmugen3 ;winmugen - hack
of linux version (unrequestable status) update

;(ss) ================================================================
;mugen tools (mt) ====================================================

;actedit ;act files editor

;actedit072b ;act files editor
;airfix ;updates .air
files from version 2000.01.01 of mugen to version 2000.06.27
;ans304iv ;animation shop v
;autofix ;updates old mugen
chars to recent dos mugen versions
;blaze color set ;allows to use non
act pals with pcx files
;bound ;bound calculator
;c4d ;cmd for dummys
;cbt ;mugen
installation program
;charcnsdtow ;changes the dos
cns into win one (unrequestable status)
;charsffdtow007 ;changes the dos
sff into win one (unrequestable status)
;cic ;cat image cropper
;cmdcnseditor ;cmd / cns editor
;cmdeditor ;cmd editor
;cmugenc ;cat m.u.g.e.n.
;coloredmugen ;coloredmugen
;conversor ;winmugen
conversor (unrequestable status)
;conversor(p) ;???
;custom ;m.u.g.e.n
customization files
;dm003 ;mugen translator
in mugenworld - version 0.03
;dos2win02 ;converts dos
chars into winmugen ones (unrequestable status)
;easychar04 ;easy char 04
;easyfntfinal ;easy font
;easy_stage ;easy stage
;easystage04 ;easy stage 04
;electrans ;unrequestable
;fdos ;free dos
;fighter factory ;fighter factory
;fnteditor ;font editor
;henkan ;???
;hukugen_nya ;"cleans" the
screen after having used dos mugen under xp
;infcat stconv bat generator ;infinity cat
;inmoral ;???
;intro launcher ;unrequestable
;irokae ;???
;iview312 ;infran view
;kfm-work ;kung fu man
character - work files
;kof91_sv ;stage viewer
;kstg-work ;mountainside
temple stage - work files
;lib_bor ;librarian
;mac ;mugen add-on
;mac0 ;mugen air cleaner
;mae ;mugen air editor
;makeact ;makeact
(unrequestable status)
;makeact001 ;???
;mas ;mugen add-on
;mba ;mugen browser
;mbs ;???
;mc0224 ;mugenchar
;mce112s ;???
;mcm ;mugen char maker
;mcm13j ;mugen char maker
;mcmfix ;mcm fix
;mcm_fr ;mugen char maker
;mcs105 ;m.u.g.e.n
character selector version 1.05
;mdm ;mugen device
;mee0388 ;mugen editing
ensemble (main installer, without runtimes)
;mee0388r ;mugen editing
ensemble (main installer, with runtimes)
;mee039e ;mugen editing
ensemble (update for win 95/98/me)
;mee04e ;mugen editing
ensemble (update for win 2000/xp)
;me-setup ;mugen extracter
;mfcc ;mugen font color
;mfixer ;search-and-
replace program that takes a lot of the work out of updating mugen characters.
;mfm ;mugen font maker
;mib ;unrequestable
;movementcoder ;movement coder
;mpe ;mugen photo
editor - photosuite
;msc ;???
;mse_v109a ;mse
;msm ;mugen site maker
;msu ;mugenstageupd
(unrequestable status)
;msu2 ;unrequestable
;msv ;unrequestabel
;mtools098a_dos ;mugen tools - dos
;mtools099c_linux ;mugen tools -
linux version
;mugcfgv10 ;mugen cfg v 1.0
;mugen2infinity ;???
;mugenaxis_0[1].1c ;mugenaxis
(unrequestable status)
;mugenbig ;???
;mugenchecker ;mugenchecker
;mugencleanup ;mugen cleanup
;mugen-hiselect ;mugen high
resolution select screen
;mugenerator ;mugenerator
;mugen help ;mugen help 2.0
;mugenide ;mugenide
;mugenmaker ;allows you to
launch sprmaker without using dos
;mugen_plugins_pack ;plugins
;mugenshell ;mugen screenpack
;mugen_to_tsmugen ;tsmugen 050
;mugexev0.31 ;mugen executor v
;mugsel08 ;mugen select v
;mugxpextv103 ;mugen xp patch
;mvc ;mugen var changer
;mvc_project_1[1].4 ;tag team workshop
;mwc ;mugen windows
configurator 4 (unrequestable status)
;mwc04 ;mugen windows
configurator (unrequestable status)
;mwc3f ;mugen windows
configurator (unrequestable status)
;mwc4h ;mugen windows
;nwc ;nwc
;pack de instalacion - ankoku asura tag system (snk style) [beta] ;tag system
;pack de instalacion - ankoku asura tag system (snk style) [beta] -hires- ;tag
;packmugenxp1.22 ;allows dos mugen
on win xp
;paletero107 ;paletero v 1.07
;palfus ;unrequestable
;palfxtester02 ;pal fx tester
;pcxcln15 ;pcxpal, pcxclean
& pal2act - dos version
;pcxcleanwin0063 ;cleans pcx files
(win version)
;player ;player template
;player0 ;template by
;plugins ;winmugen plugins
(unrequestable status)
;prjpaledit ;easy editing of
the pals
;randomad ;random add-on
;ranmaplace ;ranmaplace mugen
;selectmake090 ;select maker 0.97
;seswat ;library
;sff24to8_001 ;???
;sff2tr04f ;sff 2 turbo
revival version 0.4 f (unrequestable status)
;sff9 ;trialforce sff
editor beta 9
;sffer ;sffer
;sffextract-0.93 ;sffextract 0.93 -
win32 binary
;sffextract-0.93-i386 ;sffextract 0.93 -
linux binary
;sffextract-0.93-src ;sffextract 0.93 -
;sfftotext002 ;???
;snde ;unrequestable
;sndextract-0.1-i386 ;sound extract
;sndextract-0.1-src ;sound extract
;sndextract-0.1 ;sound extract
;sndm ;unrequestable
;soundsgood ;program which
will allow you to edit a current mugen snd file or even to create one from scratch
;sprmaker ;sff creator
;stage ;stage maker
;stageeditor ;stage editor
;stage_viewer_.67_beta ;allows to see
mugen bgs
;startmugen(p) ;start mugen 2.5
;startwinmugen20 ;start winmugen
;storyboard_viewer_.45_alpha ;sb viewer
;svc ;(unrequestable
;template ;template by
;velcalculator_1.6 ;program used to
caculate velocity parameters based on position values
;zcharcad ;z-charcad 7.0
(unrequestable status)
;zgesetup ;z-gameengine
(unrequestable status)
;zlib ;plugin for
winmugen: allows the chars to be zipped (unrequestable status)
;ztconv95 ;???

;(ss) ================================================================
;non mugen tools (nmt): unrequestable status =========================

;acd see 5.0 ;changes the

format of the pics
;adobe photoshop 7.0 ;modifies the pics
;advanced archive password recovery 2.20 ;pass recover for
;animget ;animget: sprite
ripping program
;ccsetup131 ;ccleaner
;cute3532 ;cute
;dgca_v105 ;digital g-archive
(un)compressing program
;divfilemaker110a ;divfilemaker
(divide it files gathering)
;divideit202 ;divide it! (file
;doswinmugen ;dos-win mugen
;dxg ;direct-xion-game
;easy cdda extractor 7.05 fr ;easy cdda fr
;editpadlite ;editpad (light)
;emule 0.47a ;p2p
;fssetup ;file shredder
;getrt430 ;get right
;golden wave 5.06 ;golden wave 5.06
;hacha ;file splitter
;hjsplit ;file splitter
;kamaleon2 ;file splitter
;karspersky 5.0.156 ;antivirus
;lame win32 ;lame win32
;mupeon ;mupeon
;mupeon_bin ;mupeon_bin
;neojuke27 ;neojukebox 2.7
;nero ;cd & dvd burner
;openmugen-beta1-bin ;openmugen
binaries (beta 1)
;openmugenbeta2bin ;openmugen
binaries (beta 2)
;openmugenbeta2scr ;openmugen sources
(beta 2)
;openmugenpsp ;openmugen on psp
;openmugenw32bin ;openmugen win
;opera_9.01_eng ;opera browser
;paint shop pro 7.04 fr ;modifies the pics
;passware password recovery kit 6.1 entreprise ;pass recover for
;pcsx2sse2-0.8.1 ;ps2 emulator
;psp7 ;psp add-on 7.0
;psp702 ;psp add-on 7.02
;psp704 ;psp add-on 7.04
;regcleaner ;register cleaner
;rhakys51002 ;rhakys
;shugendo ;shugen-do
;sstgfm ;tgfm
;winamp ;winamp
;twe231w ;twe
;unlocker_unlocker_1.8.3_francais ;unlocker
;vti ;vti
;winmx353 ;win mx
;winrar 3.0 ;rar files
;xmugen-linux ;linux mugen on
;zipzag v1.62 ;archive maker &
reader (the more universal one)
;ztcnv121 ;zt conversor

;(us) useful sites ---------------------------------------------------

;fanatic mugen: http://fanaticmugen.free.fr/

;galbadia hotel: http://gh.ffshrine.org/soundtracks.php
;gamefaqs: http://www.gamefaqs.com/
;mugen br forum: http://forum.mgbr.net/index.php?
;mugen hispania: http://www.mugenhispania.net/
;oolongv's bookmark: http://www.geocities.com/oolongv2002/mugenbookmarks.htm
;overclocked remix: http://www.ocremix.org/
;rapidshare: http://rapidshare.de/
;sammas news: http://www.freewebs.com/sammas/index.htm
;the mugen fighter's guild: http://mugenguild.com/


arcade.maxmatches = 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
team.maxmatches = 99,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

;(mmh) mugen museum helpers (thanks by alphabetical order) -----------
;big thank you to all of them for their kindness, their trust and ----
;their precious advices. ---------------------------------------------
;@ndroid -------------------------------------------------------------
;baojj ---------------------------------------------------------------
;busterben -----------------------------------------------------------
;byakko --------------------------------------------------------------
;cerisier ------------------------------------------------------------
;cadavelico mugen ----------------------------------------------------
;dadou ---------------------------------------------------------------
;david demianoff / ironmugen -----------------------------------------
;don cheng -----------------------------------------------------------
;dracul / q ----------------------------------------------------------
;dukreg --------------------------------------------------------------
;eiji ----------------------------------------------------------------
;enjuo ---------------------------------------------------------------
;enscripture ---------------------------------------------------------
;dark saviour / scal -------------------------------------------------
;faye / chloe --------------------------------------------------------
;fervicante ----------------------------------------------------------
;itsame --------------------------------------------------------------
;jo ------------------------------------------------------------------
;kung fu man ---------------------------------------------------------
;kyosuke_ex ----------------------------------------------------------
;mature4ever ---------------------------------------------------------
;mike werewolf -------------------------------------------------------
;nemesisx ------------------------------------------------------------
;neontiger -----------------------------------------------------------
;orochikof97 ---------------------------------------------------------
;orochi yamazaki -----------------------------------------------------
;oscar arnaiz --------------------------------------------------------
;pegasus_husky -------------------------------------------------------
;sammas --------------------------------------------------------------
;tetchi --------------------------------------------------------------
;the pizzaman --------------------------------------------------------
;tunin ---------------------------------------------------------------
;uselesschicken ------------------------------------------------------
;valafor -------------------------------------------------------------
;winane --------------------------------------------------------------
;xirtamon ------------------------------------------------------------
;zesensei ------------------------------------------------------------
;& all the ones i've forgotten, with my sincere apologies for that ---
;& ... you for having read till here ---------------------------------

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