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Sean Casey Nash September 22, 11 English Comp 2 Obama Speech With the job market of America crashing

and the economy finding its way into debt more and more each day, a little hope is maybe becoming to much to ask. On September 8, 2011, president Obama gave a speech about how he is going to help such problems in America. In The New York Times article The Jobs Speech the opinion pages gives a negative view of those promised in Obamas speech. Saying things such as, it was vague on several important elements. The question really boils down as simply as, How can we fix the economical problems in America? The problems of debt are not going anywhere soon, and there is not a chance that the job market can be fixed overnight. Can the problem really be fixed with a speech? Can one president fix a problem that five or more in the past have been blamed for? These are the questions Americans are asking themselves every day. Speeches can, no doubt, rally the troops and be inspiring to the public, but they can definitely be one sided. The concept of combining short-term economic stimulus with long-term deficit reduction, as Obama proposed, is an excellent one. Remarkably, he outlined only the stimulative benefits he'd deliver to America and none of the painful choices he would make to eventually restrain spending. This seems to be the view of the New York Daily Times article Obamas Half Job and many Americans as well.

Can we really fix this problem without taking cuts and progressive movements? The Jobs Speech speaks about it like this, but his warning of cuts to Medicare and Medicaid lifelines to the most vulnerable raised concerns about trading one important program for another. Why is it so hard for us to accept that there is money being given to people who do not need it? The recession is over, yet does anyone have the audacity to tell the men and women who have lost their jobs about it? There are 14 million Americans without jobs, and it is hard to believe that we are coming out of a recession when the national debt clock is escalading daily and there are people living week to week with unemployment checks. Obama spoke directly to these people in his speech, The plan would provide $35 billion in state aid to prevent up to 280,000 teacher layoffs while hiring tens of thousands more, along with additional police officers and firefighters. It would create jobs to modernize 35,000 schools across the country. And it would accelerate $50 billion in improvements for highways, railroads, transit and aviation. With that much money going into the job market, surely the economy can start looking up. Does the price outweigh the reward? New York Daily News definitely did not think so with statements such as, And his assertion that his "American Jobs Act will not add to the deficit. It will be paid for," was, last night, brazenly hollow. Why is it so hard to believe that the president cannot back up his promises? Granted, politicians are not considered the most honest people on earth, but surely when our forefathers created this nation they had fire in their hearts to backup their words. Two hundred years later are we no better than those? Honesty should follow a innocent until proven guilty pattern, yet it is quite obvious that ship has sailed! Not only has our president proven to be dishonest

but he has also proven to not be the first person we should trust with our money (anyone who is willing to keep giving me money until there is no more to give can be my banker any day.) The true statement that saved President Obama in his speech was, Just as Lincoln helped start the transcontinental railroad and land-grant colleges, he said, the two parties must together push the country past its economic crisis. Waiting for the next election will waste valuable time Mainly for the fact that it simply proved that he hears Americas cry for a new president. Perhaps he is right though, the more America waits, the larger our debt will become. So that means that America should do something! Wait, how are we supposed to do something if he has all the power? I think Obama was calling for impeachment here, considering that is the only true way we can touch this magical money that seems to make its way into the hands of the government for redistribution! Should America be worried? Inspired? Confused? Maybe the answer to all three is yes! Promises are easy to make and talk is cheap, but if a politician can swim against the current and be honest and take responsibility, then no doubt he/she could solve Americas problem. There are millions of hard working people in this country that need nothing more than the calling to work, but until we have to come together as a country and work with the government to change this country, truly that is our only hope. Speeches are great, they are inspiring and informative as well, but speeches do not put bread on the table, they dont create jobs for the unemployed, they do not pay the debts and they do not keep Medicare/ Medicate money out of the palms of the perfectly capable. Actions do. An elementary school student could go behind a podium and speak words off of a teleprompter, but a true president and a true Hope only comes from

actions being taken and the words on that screen to be sprinkled on the nation. The best advice does not come from The New York Times or New York Daily News, but it comes from the roots of America instead. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.

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