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Grand Rapids FRC Bulletin

October 16, 2011 9:30 AM Christs Strong Compassion in Gadara Scripture: Mark 5: 1-20 Text: Mark 5: 1-20

October 22 (Saturday) Elders and Deacons' Conference will be held at the London FRC at 1274 Tote Rd., London. Pastor G. R. Procee will speak on the Belgic Confession as we celebrate its 450th birth-date. Coffee and fellowship at 10 AM. Speaker at 10:30 AM. Lunch will be provided at noon. Discussion time at 1 PM. Collection to cover costs with the remainder donated to PRTS. October 22 (Saturday) 7 PM (YABS) Young Adult Book Study. We will be studying Chapter 5 of Dug Down Deep. Young Adult Book Study is a community of young adults from like minded reformed churches that get together regularly for social events and for Bible study. If you are 18-30, whether single, dating or married, youre welcome to join us as youre able. We meet every other week at PRTS for our study\discussion evening and on the alternate every other week for a social events or activities. Currently, we are studying Dug Down Deep by Josh Harris. If youre interested in learning more or would like to be added to our email list, please dont hesitate to talk with Mark Moerdyk or Cherise Bergsma. October 23 (Sunday) 4 PM Young Peoples meeting. Snack: Moerdyk October 25 (Tuesday) 9:30 AM Ladies Bible Study. Coffee is at 9:30. The lesson starts at 10. Nursery is provided. Women of all ages are welcome. We will be finishing chapter 2 (start at day 4); and then starting Chapter 3. October 25 (Tuesday) 6:30 PM Word & Deed dinner at Bethany United Reformed Church. Keynote speakers Randy & Karen Lodder. Please call the Word & Deed office at 1-866-391-5728 for tickets. October 26 (Wednesday) 7 PM Boys & Girls Club. Gym night for boys. We will start collection food items for Mel Trotter. October 27(Thursday) 7 PM congregational hymn sing. This is instead of our usual Wednesday evening fellowship meeting. We encourage all of our congregation to be present for an evening of praise and fellowship. Vineland Sr. Youth Annual Meeting- Please join us at the Vineland Church for our Annual Meeting on Oct. 28 @ 8 pm. Our speaker for the evening is Evelyn VanSloten, who will be speaking on the topic "Purity: Not Just an Action". Evelyn is the Director of the Share Program at Crossroads Pregnancy Center, in Rochester, MI. Billeting is provided for the night, and we will be hosting an Amazing Race the next day. If you have any questions, please email Jeanette @ danjeanettedevries@hotmail.com November 5 (Saturday) 7 AM Mens Bible study breakfast Study at Rainbow Grill in Hudsonville.

5:50 PM - SONG SERVICE Psalter 286: 1, 6 & Psalter 255: 2, 4 6 PM - The Mediator Revealed to Seeking Souls Scripture: John 1:19-42 Text: John 1: 35-39; Lords Day 6
Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.

Colossians 3: 2

~ From The Consistory ~

Visitors, welcome. We hope you are blessed through worshiping with us. May God be worshipped acceptably under His Word today. Dr. Jerry Bilkes will conduct our services, today and next Lords Day. Next Lord's Day morning, the sacrament of baptism is scheduled to be administered to Jonathan Gerrit Kleyn, Suzanne and Gerrit's son. The Sunday School/catechism classes (Beginners 7 grade) Psalter of the month is # 317: 1, 2.

At their November meeting the consistory will, the Lord willing, be considering the callable FRC ministers as they seek the Lords will with respect to calling a pastor to minister to our congregation. The consistory earnestly covets your prayers that clarity would be given in this most important consideration. On October 31 at 7:30 PM we are planning a combined worship service with the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation at their Crescent Street building to remember Gods providence preserving His church through the Reformation until the present. Dr. G.M Bilkes is our speaker. Everyone is encouraged to attend.

~ Calendar ~

The Lord willing... James 4:15

Dorcas Guild News: The wrapped empty boxes for Operation Christmas Child are in the narthex ready to be filled by the congregation. October 19 (Wednesday) 7:30 PM Elders meeting.

~ Church Family ~
Please Remember in Our Prayers: Dave Huisjen, Jim VanderGraaf The congregation extends their condolences to Mr. Robert Nordyke and families on the passing of wife, mother, grandmother and sister, Mrs. Wini-

fred Nordyke, this past Thursday morning. The funeral is scheduled for Monday with afternoon and evening visitation today, at VanStrien Chapel on Plainfield Ave. NE. May the Lord give comfort in these difficult days. Mr. Hubert Kraayeveld had knee replacement Wednesday. The surgery went well and he had planned to come home yesterday. Shut-ins: Mr. Vincent Faasse, Mrs. Dorothy Hitchcock and Mrs. Winifred Nordyke. Servicemen: Dan Arnoudse, Jacob Hubach and Tyler Prince.

~ Nursery ~
Mother In Charge October: Taunya VanDoodewaard Today: AM A: B: PM A: B: AM A: B: PM A: B: Marieke & Rineke Ude Michelle Bilkes, Laura DeJong Margaret Kleyn, Emma VanderBoon Kathy Pols, Aileen Rittner Renee VanderHart, Lisa VanStrien Jane and Lauren Bilkes Betty Elliott, Jacqueline DeBlaay Cheryl Moerdyk, Abby Prince

The Food Pantry currently receives food from Feeding America West Michigan (formerly Second Harvest Gleaners). The most effective way to support the Food Pantry is by making a donation to the their account at Feeding America (Heritage NRC Food Pantry Agency #1919) before the end of the year, as this is the last year you can receive a 50% Michigan Food Bank tax credit (a federal charitable contribution tax credit will continue to be available). This year, your $10 donation will end up costing you only $2.50 after tax credits, and will allow Feeding America to supply 35 meals worth of food to the Food Pantry. In this way, Feeding America helps food pantries reach more families in need and maximizes their donors' dollars. To learn more go to www.feedingamericawestmichigan.org. You can donate using the donation envelopes in the narthex. There are a few items that the Food Pantry does not receive from Feeding America. If you can help supply these extra items please place them in the donation container upstairs to the left of the west front doors. Items needed are: laundry detergent, dish soap, dishwasher soap, household cleaning products, bar soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, cooking oil and coffee. Helping supply the Food Pantry is a continuing need, and we encourage you to remember it year-round. In this way we hope to fulfill Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. In Christian love, The Deacons

Next Week:

~ Ushers ~
Today Next Week AM Pete VanStrien AM Tom Karel Jr. PM Sam Moerdyk PM Andrew Bergsma

~ Offerings ~
Today 1st collection: 2nd collection: Box at Exits: 1st collection: 2nd collection: Box at Exits: General Building Denominational General Seminary Instructor Guatemala Mission

Next Week


Supporting the Heritage NRC Food Pantry Dear Congregation, We would like to draw your attention to the needs of the Heritage NRC Food Pantry. The Food Pantry not only supports PRTS students but also a growing number of people, including those in need in the church and local community. There are two ways you can help.

LITURGY October 16, 2011 Morning Service Votum & Salutation Psalter: 317 Law Scripture Reading: Mark 5: 1-20 Text: Mark 5: 1-20 Psalter: 150 Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter: 212 (second tune) Sermon: Christs Strong Compassion in Gadara Prayer Offertory Psalter: 426: 5, 9 Benediction Doxology: 196

Song Service: Psalter 286: 1, 6 & Psalter 255: 2, 4

LITURGY October 16, 2011 Evening Service Votum & Salutation Psalter: 170 Scripture Reading: John 1:19-42 Text: John 1: 35-39; Lords Day 6 Apostles Creed Psalter: 160 Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter: 164: 1, 2, 4 Sermon: The Mediator Revealed to Seeking Souls Prayer Offertory Psalter: 230: 4 - 6 Benediction Doxology: 197

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