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The Emotional Intelligence Appraisal, is a skill-based self-report measure of emotional intelligence (EQ) developed as a measure of emotionally competent behavior

that provides an estimate of one's emotional intelligence. Twenty-eight items are used to obtain a total EQ score and to produce four composite scale scores, corresponding to the four main skills of Daniel Goleman's model of emotional intelligence. The Emotional Intelligence Appraisal was created in 2001 by Drs. Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves and comes in both booklet and online format, allowing participants to choose their preferred method of test taking. The Emotional Intelligence Appraisal has been validated against the ability-based assessment of emotional intelligence called the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), based on the model first proposed by Mayer and Salovey in 1990. The results indicated a positive, but non-significant correlation between the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal and the MSCEIT. This suggests a distinction between the construct measured by these assessments, as one is ability-based and the other is skill-based.

The Emotional Competencies (Goleman) model The model introduced by Daniel Goleman focuses on EQ as a wide array of competencies and skills that drive leadership performance. Goleman's model outlines four main EQ constructs: 1. Self-awareness the ability to read one's emotions and recognize their impact while using gut feelings to guide decisions. 2. Self-management involves controlling one's emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances. 3. Social awareness the ability to sense, understand, and react to others' emotions while comprehending social networks. 4. Relationship management the ability to inspire, influence, and develop others while managing conflict. One study confirmed the structure of Golemans model of emotional intelligence, looking at 596 respondents to the Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI). Findings suggested strong support for a model of emotional intelligence based upon personal and social competence. An Emotional Intelligence Test will test the emotional adeptness of your personality. We actually have two minds. One part is the rational-logical, and the other is our emotional side. In the real world of working, much depends upon our emotions for success. In other words, if you can't control your emotions, thereby rubbing your boss the wrong way from something you said or did, he may hold a grudge against you. And, from that point on, you may not go as far in your career no matter how smart you are or how good a job you do.

In life, how one uses his emotions is critical and key to achieving a high degree success in relationships, and work. How one uses his emotions effectively, is actually a skill to be learned. Youve heard about street smart people. They have learned early how important it is to read a person, and how to get along with, and get what they want out of them. It is essential to know how to act and speak to others in order to receive a favorable outcome. Doing it right gets you what you want, and doing it wrong will lose you relationships and jobs. Through practice, one can improve his skills in handling his emotions to his favor. Ones emotional intelligence can be assessed through a test which asks a person to solve various emotional problems. For example, Can you read an emotion in a persons face while he is talking to someone else? In other words, can you discern if they are pleased or not pleased, or if they are Happy with this person, or not.

An emotional intelligence test can tell you how well you know yourself

For example, if you know you are an introvert, you may also know that you are a sensitive person. You may also say that you are in touch with how you feel. This will imply you are aware of whats going on inside you. Emotions play an important part in how you see yourself. In other words, if you believe you have certain abilities, you may also think these abilities may be your strong abilities. For example, you may think you have the qualities necessary to be a Police Officer. But, whether or not you actually do have the stuff to be employed within the Police Force will have to be proven through doing what it takes to get into the job. You may find that once you are in the Police hiring process, you do or do not possess the type of personality or personal make-up to be in this kind of life threatening job. The Emotional Intelligence Appraisal is a 28 question test, which measures how adept you are personally, and socially. You may also be interested in the Color Test, or Color Personality Test, which will test you to see how colors affect you in your working environment.
Emotional intelligence is a very recently described intelligence form. This concept exists since 80th years of the twentieth century. In summary, emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection and influence. The following skills belong to the highly developed emotional intelligence: independence from your own feelings and ability to adjust yourself to them, ability to recognize, name and direct your feelings, discern the nuances of feelings and use them in positive way, and, as a consummation, derive actions from it. Emotional intelligence accompanies our daily life and in many

cases as important as the common intelligence, especially in our modern society. Wonder if you are able to deal with your feelings and emotions test your EQ here!

Question 1: Which physical symptoms have you been experiencing lately? Chose the answer that is most like what you have been experiencing, even if you haven't experienced all of the symptoms. Sweating, having the jitters, trembling, shortness of breath, muscle tension, uncomfortable stomach, feeling cold Frowning, inactivity, moving slowly, withdrawal, talking less than usual, being monotone, giving up, moping Stomach pain, having a sense of dread, crying, blushing, wanting to hide, being jittery, having a sense of suffocation Incoherence, tightness in the body, a hot face, muscles tightening, clenched teeth, feeling the impulse to hit something Question 2: Which of these actions have you been engaged in recently? Frowning, inactivity, moving slowly, withdrawal, talking little, monotonous voice, giving up, moodiness Mean expressions, clenching your teeth, a red face, verbally attacking, physically attacking, cursing, complaining, being aggressive or threatening, stomping, brooding Fearful talk, shaking, crying, yelling, pleading for help, fleeing, hiding, being speechless, having a frozen stare Withdrawing, hiding, avoiding someone you've hurt, slumped posture, apologizing, giving gifts, trying to fix things Question 3: Which of the following have you noticed recently? Irritable, grouchy, blaming yourself, hopelessness, fainting, nightmares, insomnia, disturbed appetite, numbness Disoriented, dazed, losing control, remembering threatening times, shock Avoiding thoughts, shutting down, blocking emotions, impulsivity, believing you're defective, feeling alienated Focusing on one thing that has caused you to feel upset, ruminating, numbness, depersonalization Question 4: Which of these events have happened to you recently or in the past? Being in a new place, being alone, being in a place where bad things have happened to you or someone else Things turning out badly, getting what you don't want, not getting what you need or want, the death of a loved one, loss of any kind, separation from something or someone important to you Losing power, status, and respect; being insulted; physical pain; emotional pain; being threatened; having someone enjoyable be interrupted; not getting what you want Doing someone wrong, remembering something wrong that you did, your transgression being "discovered," a private part of your life is exposed, being teased or criticized, being betrayed, failing, being rejected, having invalidated emotions

Question 5: Have you interpreted any life situations in the following ways recently? Your body is too big; you are bad; you are a failure; you are silly and stupid; you are not "good enough", believing that you are a "loser"; believing that you are unlovable Thinking that you will be separated form something important for a long time; you are worthless and not valuable; you won't get what you need; hopeless beliefs Life is unfair; things should be different; "I'm right"; judging the situation to be unfair Thinking that someone will reject, criticize, or dislike you; that you won't get the help you need; that you will lose any help you have; losing control; losing competence; believing that you could be hurt, or even die Question 6: Which of the following words would you use to describe how you've been feeling? alienation, crushed, disappointment, displeasure, grief, hurt, hopeless, sorrow culpability, guilt, embarrassment, humiliation, regret, remorse, mortification apprehension, anxiety, distress, dread, fright, overwhelmed, panic, worry agitation, annoyance, envy, frustration, irritation, torment, outrage, resentment Question 7: Do you identify with any of these words? Impatience, hurt, hostile, rage, hateful, critical Shyness, fragility, bashfulness Weariness, dissatisfaction, dubiousness, skepticism, doubtfulness, apathy, boredom, dullness Cautiousness, reluctance, suspiciousness, caginess, wariness, confused, insecure Question 8: What do you think the opposite of your recent experience would be? Sweet, friendly, tame, wise, patient, calm, successful, pleased, soothed, Trusting, loving, intimate, thoughtful, content, relaxed, serene, thankful Excited, energetic, playful, creative, aware, fascinating, amused, delightful, cheerful Proud, respected, appreciated, hopeful, important, faithful, valuable, worthwhile, intelligent, confident Question 9: If you could do anything to express the emotion you are feeling, without having to suffer the consequences, what would it be? Hide, run away, avoid people, give away money and gifts, try to make up for things I've done wrong Stomp, hit, throw, beat-up, hurt someone or something, explode, break things Crawl into a whole and die, kill myself, cry for hours, go to sleep, eat too much or too little Run away, change my name, move to a different state, hire a bodyguard Question 10: Which of the following emotions do you think you have been dealing with? Sadness Shame

Fear Anger

ANA EVALUATED All emotions are prompted either by external experiences or by internal experiences. Regardless of the source, the emotion is real, and manifests itself in the body and mind. From what you have described, it appears that you may be dealing with a great deal of sadness in your life. If you have been rejected, disliked, have discovered that you are powerless, have been with someone who has been hurting, if things have turned out badly, if you're not getting what you need, or if you've lost a loved one or a relationship, you may feel sad. Plus, if you believe that you are bad, a failure, stupid, not "good enough," a "loser," and that you are unlovable, you may feel sad. To combat sadness, it is important to engage in things that bring you pleasure, to be active, to not withdraw, and to do things that help you feel confident.

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