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Note wherein you get to learn how much Dnisn has changed since you first met him.

(You also get to meet his childhood ex-boyfriend and Orna former guard, Surry.) Any comments in parenthesis (which I italicized) cannot be heard by the magyk having the conversation outside of them. -------Shawna: Dunisun wants to talk to Surry and Orna. ...not at the same time. Nicole: Well, Orna's here, taking care of the kids. Nicole: Surry's probably with Nore. Shawna: I would suggest having him talk to Surry first just because I know what he wants to talk about. =\ Nicole: sure thing o.o Nicole: ... do I have to wait to find out? Shawna: Yep. Nicole: BC Shawna: I don't see this being that long of a conversation though. Nicole: alright. Nicole: To your mind! MK: ...does this mean I have to go? Dunisun: ...unless you feel like watching. MK: (she gets up off his lap where she was sitting (he was comforting her from what happened for a change o.o)) No...I'll go stay with my kids... Nicole: Am I pulling Surry out? XD MK: I guess I'll go find Surry while I'm at it--no, Nicole, I got it. ^^U (she walks out) Nicole: Then I guess I'll wait here. MK: [As long as they aren't having sex. -shot-] Dunisun: (plays with a little flame on the tip of his finger - it's black, with little red sparks sort of coming out of it. He looks kind of irked by it but continues playing with it)

Surry: Alright, I'm here. (stretches) Dunisun: (blows the flame out and puts his hand down) Hi. Long time no see. Surry: Yo. What's up? Dunisun: ...I'll make this brief. I'm giving Kas executive control. *Side note: Kas is one of Dunisuns multiple personalities. Long story+ Surry: ... (tilts head) You know he hates me. Dunisun: ...which is better than my loving you. (flatly) Surry: ... (looks awkwardly at the ground) Shawna (...I don't think he's ever actually said that aloud, has he?) Dunisun: ...Kas loves Orna, she's all he ever thinks about when he's not in control. I don't know if Kas is the real me or if there even if a real me. But if I give Kas executive control...I can take Kasdaeya out with me. Surry: I'm not stopping you from doing this. I just... I'm losing my friend... Dunisun: (side glance) I think the gods would have wished us have killed each other a long time ago. Surry: ... maybe so... Dunisun: ...if you're lucky Kas might learn to like you. Kas only refuses to like you because of my feelings. Who knows. If those feelings don't exist, then maybe he can be your friend. Surry: ... maybe... Dunisun: ...Kree is the only one I'm not going to force into integration. So you'll still have him, at least. Surry: ... greeeaaaat. (pause) ^^U Dunisun: Unless Kas decides to kick him out. At this point, Kree would be much happier out here with MK than in my world of things he never even knew existed. (sort of forced amused look) Surry: ... I get the feeling your forcing yourself to just bend to other people's opinions again... but hey, your life. Dunisun: When have I ever had an opinion? Whenever I have an opinion it's the wrong one. Surry: That's usually the case with everybody. Dunisun: At this point...all I know is that I'm 45, I'm married to the Thunder Eternal, and I'm the Master of Darkness. And that's the physical world. Don't get me started on who all I am in my head. Kas wants

that kind of life; being the Master of Darkness, being married to Orna, and raising the kids, and for everyone here to stop thinking I'm a suicidal or psychotic...but none of that is what /I/ want. Surry: Then what do you want, dammit. Dunisun: I just wanted life to be /simple/. Like when we were teenagers. Yes, the Army and it's leaders and subordinates /sucked/...but people weren't all pointing at me and telling me I was fucking psychotic. People weren't expecting me to control Darkness now that my father is the Demon Lord--no one even KNEW I was the Lord of Darkness' son. No one but /you/. And if I hadn't accepted that mission... Surry: ... but see... life isn't going to /ever/ be simple. But see... no one is pointing to you and calling you psychotic now... you've proved your point. No one here is expecting you to be the Lord of Darkness... not even Alastron. At least, I don't think he is anymore.... Dunisun: (he scoffs) You asked me what I /wanted/, I wasn't expecting to recieve it. Surry: But I'm just telling you my opinion... (he sighs) If you wanted something, you have to desire to recieve it. Otherwise, you've either already achieved it or given up. Dunisun: Oh, believe me...(he gets up off the couch and goes to stand in front of Surry) I've been fighting with myself about giving up from the moment I gave Kas temporary control. Surry: (he looks at him, then looks down at the ground) Dunisun: ...(he hugs him) (...and his aura just shifted into something kind of...child-like and nostalgic. I don't think he switched, but like...that's the reading I'm picking up from him, it's kind of comforting in some weird way rather than depressing.) Surry: (looks taken off guard... and hugs him back) Dunisun: And I made my decision...because I'm tired of pulling this 'I want to be your friend, but...' crap. I can't do it, Sur. I really can't. I've been trying. This way...Kas can make everything right. Surry: ... (he looks at him, kind of in a longing/funny way) Alright... Dunisun: (he lets go of him) But it was fun while it lasted. (small smile) Life is a bit of a rollercoaster, isn't it? Fun to experience with all it's twists and turns, sometimes it makes you sick, and sometimes it's the thrill of your life. But by the time you get off, the line is too long for you to do it again. (he sort of laughs) Shawna: (...Dunisun...why...are you always...the voice of wisdom in my head...;^; ) Surry: I... guess... (he looks about ready to cry ;^; ) Shawna: (I've been crying...^^UU) Nicole: (I keep on getting distracted... but his last comment struck hard ;^; )

Shawna: (Dunisun...is like, the one person I'm most attached to, as I'm sure you're well-aware. For Dunisun to relinquish control to Kas...I won't stop him, but I can't connect to Kas the way MK and I do with Dunisun. Dunisun is like...literally a piece of /me/. ._.) Nicole: (So you've mentioned... but, if Surry can't change his mind... then... I don't know who can.... I feel like Orna's going to react the same way Surry did) Surry: .... (he wipes his eye) Shawna: (I was going to say, though...I don't think Dunisun plans on asking Orna. I think he's basically saying goodbye to Surry as himself and turning Orna over to Kas...) Nicole: (I guess that sounds like Dunisun though....) Nicole: (... I do think that Surry will probably tell Orna though) Shawna: (Dunisun will always be Dunisun. =\) Nicole: (... for some reason, I can't see this ending well between Orna and Surry... ^^U) Shawna: (I don't think Dunisun is trying to hide it from her, that's the thing.) Nicole: (she probably got a hint from him the last time they talked. But Surry doesn't need another reason to detest Orna ^^U) Shawna: (Heh...) Nicole: (I also feel like Surry's gonna do something irrational (... maybe its not so irrational?) before Dunisun goes) Shawna: (...Irrational is Surry's middle name. -shot-) Nicole: (yes it is) Shawna: (now if only I could remember what his last name was. XD) Nicole: (oh my god, its something complicated.) Nicole: (that's all I remember XD) Shawna: (Pffft. Everything in the magyk world is complicated. -shot-) Surry: Well... I guess I shouldn't keep you waiting... (he's looking at the floor awkwardly) Dunisun: (tilts his head at him) Oh, don't look so dismal. You won't miss me that much. ^^U Surry: ... (he looks up at him) .,.

Dunisun: I mean, it's not like I'm dying, right? I'll still be here. You'll find Kas and I have a lot of the same mannerisms. I mean--we are the same person, after all. Shawna: (...Dunisun, why do you seem so...positive all of a sudden.) Surry: ... Dunisun... (he looks away awkwardly again) Dunisun: (tilts his head at him again) Surry: (hugs him tightly) ... Dunisun: -! ... (he hugs him back) Everything's going to be okay, Sur. Honest. Surry: .. (tighter hug) Dunisun: (slightly puzzled look) Are you...okay? Surry: ... (he kisses his cheek) ... Dunisun: o,o ...that's, er, not exactly, uh, the reaction I was expecting. ^^U Heh... Surry: Well... I could... (he sheepishly looks away---- have you noticed how adorable Surry is when he's all flustered?) Shawna: (Surry is adorable no matter what he's doi--(shotandbrick'd) ...I'm not the best person to ask, okay?? XD) Shawna: (...but yes. XD) [Side note: I have a fangirl crush on Surry. >w>] Dunisun: ...you don't really want to get into this now, do you? Surry: ... (shrugs) I actually just like hugging you... but hey, I could let go. (pause) Besides, you're kind of warm. Dunisun: I'm a Fyre Magyk, Captain Obvious. (...that was kind of in his old Kree tone) Surry: Don't mock me B' (raises an eyebrow) Hey, I could've taken it a lot farther. Dunisun: (he sort of gives him a 'Riiiight...' look and then shakes his head) Surry: I still can, but you said not to get into it, so I'm just enjoying holding on to you. Dunisun: I said you probably don't /want/ to. There's a difference. Surry: (kinda looks at him, and then goes back to just holding onto him) Dunisun: (amused snort)...I'm starting to feel like a banana tree with a monkey on it.

Surry: [At least I'm not inventing new ways of making out.] .... [Oh god, and now my mind is going for the gutter...] Shawna: (I totally just asked myself if bananas grow on trees. XD;) Nicole: (.... I'm trying SO HARD to keep my mind out of the gutter...) Shawna: (...(/goes back to drawing ^^UU)) Surry: (trying his best to cover his face XD He's all red) Dunisun: (raises an eyebrow) Uh...did I miss something. Shawna: (Obviously.) Surry: Think about it; Banana tree. Dunisun: (blinkblink) Surry: ... (points to himself) Monkey. (points to Dunisun's... package) Banana. (points to him in general) Tree. Dunisun: ...seriously? -_- You're such a pervert, Sur. Surry: You're the one who said it Dunisun: It was an innocent comment! Surry: Not so innocent to me :D Dunisun: ...(slowly pries himself away from Surry) ^^U I suppose somethings never change. Surry: :c Why are you pulling away? Dunisun: Because your mind is in the gutter. >> Surry: But... I can't help it! Dunisun: (sigh) Alright. Surry: Yay :D Dunisun: ...is there any particular reason you're delaying the inevitable? Surry: ... (shrugs) ---Notes cuts off at this point: basically Dunisun changed his mind and stayed in control.-----Part two--- (days later)

(I apologize for the first part being just Nik and I talking, but it gives you a more in-depth explanation of Dunisun and Surry. kind of.) Nicole: (apparently, as I work on the later chapters of Stwom, a lot of people considered themselves to be friends of Forseth, but greater friends with Haseo... because Forseth was tempermental) Shawna: Sounds like Surry and Dunisun's situation too. Dunisun had tons of friends who like, tolerated Surry, but typically though he was an asshole whore. XD Nicole: XD Shawna: Then again, Surry had his own "friends". (-SHOT-) Nicole: Surry appears for like, a couple panels at the end of chapter 4, because the timing if this is like, during Dunisun's and Surry's time with Orna and Nore. So, I'm assuming either the timing is RIGHT before they leave or sometime in the middle, and Surry was pulled back to "welcome" the new soldiers. I don't know XD Nicole: Yes. Nicole: Surry had "friends" Nicole: fuck-buddies :D Shawna: ...heehee. Fuckbuddies. Shawna: Dunisun was Surry's only 'friend'. XD ...(actually, he doesn't count either, does he? -shot again-) Nicole: ... did Surry and Dunisun ever like, have sex? o.o Nicole: I get the impression that they didn't, but then I get the impression that they did. Shawna: I get that impression too. Shawna: I don't know. Shawna: Dunisun's never said anything one way or another, the only thing he's ever said is, 'I don't know whether or not Surry was faithful to me, and I honestly don't have the heart to ask or find out.' Nicole: ... you know, even though Surry was very... loose, I get the impression that he would have been faithful to Dunisun. Nicole: I also think he might have slipped up at the end, causing them to break up. Shawna: Dunisun has hinted at Nico having pulled something at the end of their relationship, but he never really explained.

Nicole: So maybe Nico seduced or tricked Surry into something, then started blackmailing him, and Dunisun found out... Nicole: or maybe, Nico said something, caused one of them to question, and thus... a fight, leading to a breakup Shawna: That's what it sounds like. But if that's the case...how exactly, if Dunisun was in charge of the mission to assassinate Orna, did he end up partnered with Surry? Nicole: I think... Nicole: the way that I was told Nicole: Dunisun was picked to chose someone to assist him in assassinating Orna Nicole: maybe he picked Surry because he was closest to him, or knew he could depend on him... Nicole: or maybe it was the first person to come to mind Nicole: and he didn't realize it until after he said his name Shawna: Well, yeah, but...hmm. According to Dunisun, he and Surry started dating when he was 21 (Surry was 15), and they broke up when he was 24. Which means they broke up shortly before going ON that mission. (I'm actually looking at that "life narrative" Dunisun wrote. XD) "When I was twenty-one Cemplis was taken away for an "operation" and Sisco was created. Surry had calmed down a bit eventually and we actually became friends. Surrys actions and personality were still suspicious, such as the slip between a Northern and Southern accent within the span of a few hours which he didnt even seem to realize he was doing. I only bothered to point it out once, but Surry insisted that he didnt hear any difference in the way he spoke. I knew they were still drugging him, but either Surry didnt believe me, or he chose to ignore my warnings out of fear of what they would do to him if he didnt obey. ...(skipping) Surry and I basically said fuck our age gap (Surry wasnt even sixteen, and I didnt think it was right), fuck the rules (the Army had been trying for a while to keep us as friends), and ended up in a relationship. How it happenedI dont exactly remember. We were friends, Surry had actually come to terms with the termyet I always believed that it was drugs that tricked Surry into believing he could actually like me, the same drugs that allowed him to believe he could fuck whoever he wanted whenever he felt like it. I dont know if Surry was still a whore when we dated or not, I never had the nerve to ask himin reality, I dont think I wanted to know."

"When I was twenty-four Surry and I broke up...and it's not anything I plan on discussing without Surrys consent (nor do I particularly want to, anyway). We were still friends after having broken up, but there was an unspoken tension between the two of us following it. No one had the nerve to question either of us about it. Dr. Kravk told Lord Versaeus and Lord Niraya that Princess Onaria was of interest, and that she ought to be assassinated. We never got the full story, but Surry and I were chosen for the mission. It was the first time they had sent Surry out on a mission in years, and I didnt know why. " Shawna: so either Dunisun is lying about knowing why he and Surry were both sent...or we have yet another unanswered question. XD Nicole: ... maybe, they chose Dunisun to pick the mission while he and Surry were still dating, and both of them offered to go Shawna: And then they broke up right before the mission? That sounds unlikely, considering they still seem pretty friendly towards each other in the flashback of first meeting Orna. If they had just broken up, I feel like they would be more hostilities. Nicole: maybe they didn't "break up" Nicole: like, maybe they put their relationship to a standstill to prevent their feelings from getting in the way Shawna: So, what, they then broke up because of Nore and Orna? Nicole: which would probably explain why Surry was so upset with Dunisun being in love with Orna and vise versa Nicole: maybe that's what Nico had to do with it; he told Surry that Dunisun wasn't in love with him... Shawna: I wish we could actually ASK them this...instead of just speculating. But that sounds plausible. ...but why would Nico even know about their mission? Shawna: ("When I was thirty Orna stopped the school girl-like crushing and outright told me that she loved me. The four of us were in the kitchen making lunch; I remember Nore dropping the knife he'd been using, Surry laughing hysterically, and me falling out of my chair onto the floor in shock. Orna got mad at Surry for laughing at her, kicked him some place she shouldn't have and then ran out of the room crying because I didnt and couldn't respond to her. " ^ That still cracks me up for some reason. I can totally see a chibi Orna just being all forward and like, 'I LOVE YOU. ;^;' ) Nicole: ... d'aaaaw c: Shawna:: You should totally draw that scene. XD

Nicole: that makes me giggle, but go aw at the same time XD Shawna: (I still have questions about the Dunisun/Yasu mission too...) Nicole: Orna: Kreeeee, tuck me in ;^; Kree: But Onaria, you're already old enough to put yourself into bed ^^U Orna: ;^; Surry: Kree, go tuck the brat in -_Kree: Sur, be nice B' Orna: ;^; Kree: I'm coming... let's go ^^ Orna: :'D (They go upstairs) Kree: There, all tucked in. Orna: (mumbles something) Kree: o.o ... Goodnight, my little princess. (kisses her forehead) Orna: .,. I love you. Nicole: something like that. XD Nicole: OR. Shawna: I could totally see that too. XD Nicole: Surry could be drinking like... tea or something, and Orna would randomly jump on Dunisun and be like, "I love you!!! ;^; " and Surry snarfs his tea Shawna: Could totally see that too. XD [Shawna: ...does Surry like tea? Half my magyk like tea, and half don't. XD Nicole: I don't know, actually XD Nicole: I think... if he were to drink tea, it would be the one that would be the most bland. Shawna: (Shhh, Surry's actually drinking on duty... -shot-) Nicole: I wouldn't be surprised if that were true XD

Shawna: I wouldn't either. Was Surry drugged during that mission? Dunisun seems to think he wasn't, or if he was, he kept it hidden pretty well. Nicole: no Nicole: most of the time, Surry was really grumpy during his time with Orna; that's probably because he was off drugs. Nicole: Best person to ask about that: Nore Shawna: Dunisun said he was going out this morning (and woke me up at like, 10:30AM BC) and left, saying he'd be back (so no one would freak out of him). ...he still isn't back. And magyk time passes faster than mortal time. D: Dunisun: Why did I hear my name? ...and Kree's. Me: Ohai thar. Nice to see you finally came back. (pause, looks at him strangely) ...why is your hand behind your back? Dunisun: ...don't want to talk about it. Me: Were you cutting yourself again?? BC I swear... Dunisun: No! No, I wasn't... ._. Nicole: Maybe Kree's fighting back for something and made Dunisun bite himself. Nicole: ... Nicole: sorry, that was pretty inappropriate. Dunisun: ...if Kree wanted to get me back, he'd cut my hair. ^^U Nicole: ... weren't you the one threatening Kree and his hair? Nicole: (or was that Orna? XD) Shawna: No, I think in a flashback he threatened to cut off 'something else' if Surry didn't shut up. ^^U Shawna: Or he might have threatened Kree's ponytail too. Sounds about right. Shawna: (before Dunisun can walk out of the room) By the way...you're lying. Dunisun: ...why am I lying? Me: Because there's blood on your sleeve. Dunisun: ...

Me: Dunisun, what am I going to do with you... Dunisun: ...it isn't mine. (side glance) Nicole (Staying out of it) Shawna: ...uhuh. Okay, so who did you kill this time? Dunisun: ...can you be the least bit sensitive? Shawna: Can you be normal? ...oh wait, you can't, can you? Dunisun: ...(eyetwitch) Look, no one's dead. It was an accident. Me: Suuure it was... Nicole: Well, then... who did you get into a fight with? Dunisun: ...a dark magyk specialist. Shawna: ...a what. Dunisun: ...(sigh) Okay, in Shawna-terms, a psychiatrist. Shawna: ...seriously. Nicole: Did you pick a fight with him because you didn't like what he said? Dunisun: /I/ didn't do anything. Kaz--(which is what Kasdaeya wants to call himself now)--did. Nicole: Figures =_= Nicole: (... Athrun blew something up :D) Nicole: (he, Hikaru and Wave's kids were doing an experiment.... and whatever they were making, it blew up. And Athrun just went, "Well, that was fun. LET'S DO IT AGAIN.") Shawna: (Pffffft. Typical kids.) Nicole: (Typical Athrun -_- ) Nicole: (he's turning out to be quite the trouble-maker...) Dunisun: ...(side glance) I'm running out of options. If Kas hadn't wrestled him out of posession...I'd be in seriously trouble right now. Nicole: What options do you have left? .,. Dunisun: ...find the Derlda Incantor and have Kree removed and then give Kas executive control so that none of the others can ever come out again. ...or find some way to convince my subconscious that Kaz

isn't necessary anymore and that the rest of us can live peacefully. (pause) But it's really hard to tell your subconscious something. Even if you tell it verbally, it doesn't change what you really believe. Nicole: The latter would be the hardest, but most logical... Nicole: because if you remove Kree now, wouldn't it offset your body? Dunisun: ...Kree is light, I'm dark. Kas is light and Kaz is dark. If I remove Kree and take out Kaz myself... Shawna: But that still makes no sense. Because the moment you remove Kree, the balance automatically becomes dark. So unless you have someone that can replace Kree-Dunisun: ...what if I do? Nicole: Do you? Dunisun: I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't. Nicole: Who's your backup? o.o Dunisun: ...the other Kree. Shawna: ...I thought there were three Krees in you. Dunisun: ............the second one. (he gives me an odd look) If I sacrificed my core, I'd probably either go insane or drop dead. Shawna: ...point taken. Sorry. Shawna: ...I thought he was a fragment. Dunisun: Doesn't matter. Nicole: ... I guess that makes sense, to an extent... Shawna: Couldn't you just go back to occasionally spending time with Surry? Kaz hates Surry, doesn't he? Dunisun: ...(stares blankly at me) Shawna: ...whaaat. Dunisun: ...I don't think that's really an option at this point. Shawna: ...Dunisun, I think at this point that Surry knows you still like him. Dunisun: Precisely why that's not an option. How much quality time do you spend with your exes?

Shawna: ...one slept over my house WITH my boyfriend for CTcon, and the other lived at my house for almost a year. Dunisun: ............okay, bad example. Nicole: ... Dunisun... are you afraid that you're going to do something to him? Nicole: or that Kaz is going to do something to him? Dunisun: Kaz...can't go near him. Kas can, but Kaz can't. Nicole: Oh. Nicole: Well. Shawna: ...(blinkblink) Dunisun: /I/ wouldn't do anything to him. ...in /any/ way, I'm more respectful than that. Nicole: Are you afraid that he's going to do something to you? Nicole: (I mean, he was showing signs of seduction with you the other night... ^^U) Nicole: (not in abad way) Dunisun: (blinks...and this awkward expression crosses his face) Shawna: I don't think he's exactly opposed to that idea. Dunisun: N-no, I-I mean, er...(pause) Shut up, France. B//C That's horribly disrespectful of you to say. Shawna: Horrible but truthful. Shawna: You're just afraid of hurting Nore and/or Orna. Nicole: You know... if you really wanted it... I'm sure both Nore and Orna would be understanding if you guys had a one night stand.... Nicole: Nore and Surry may be married, but Surry still is... gay for you. Nicole: Nore understands that. Nicole: Orna will love you, no matter what. Nicole: as bad as this all sounds ^^U Nicole: but also, I think either France or Shawna said to me once that you guys don't really have laws on "marriage" or polygamy. Nicole: Not that its 'okay', but...

Nicole: I dunno. Nicole: I'm not forcing you to do anythin ^^U Shawna: See, here on Earth polygamy is considered wrong. On Archaonia...it isn't. Why do you think no one here threw a fit when Forseth, being married to Crissa, was also 'dating' Sisco and Cemplis? Because it isn't a big deal to us. ^^U Nicole: Yay for using Forseth as an example \o/ Shawna: ...sorry. But still. D: Nicole: its okay ^^U Nicole: I wasn't mad at that XD Nicole: I found it a bit funny actually. Dunisun: (he looks so awkwardly embarrassed) Are you two...out of your minds? .///. Shawna: Let me guess. Your next fear is if that happened you'd be even more attached to Surry than you already are. Dunisun: Wh--I wasn't--I'm not even contempla-Shawna: You only stammer when you're nervous or lying. And I'd say you're both right now. Dunisun: ...... Nicole: I say, go for it. Nicole: ... Nore is apparently out getting food with the kids she's taking care of XD Nicole: So, now's your chance. : You two...are insane. I am not just going to go up to my best friend and ask him to sleep with me. What kind of asshole do you take me for? Nicole: He would happily oblige, btw. Nicole: Yeah, Surry would actually be kind of happy... after he left you the other night... he... was left in sexual frusteration. Yay for being sexually frusterated \o/ Dunisun: I can't do something like that. That's just...(he trails off) It's been twenty-one years. Shawna: Which means nothing if you're still obsessed. Dunisun: I-I'm not obsessed, how dare you. B///C

Shawna: d: Which reminds me, /have/ you slept with Surry before? Dunisun: That question is irrelevant. B///C # Nicole: Just do it -_Nicole: Surry still has feelings for you. Nicole: Plenty of feelings. Nicole: To do it just this once. Nicole: Just go up to him, and randomly start making out with him and go from there. Nicole: ... Nicole: okay, I don't mean to be forcing you into this ^^U Shawna: ...I don't think Dunisun knows how to initiate. XD That's why he's always the girl. Dunisun: You shut up. B' Nicole: Go talk to him, dammit. Dunisun: Okay, okay. Yeesh...(walks out of the main room) Shawna: ...and change your shirt while you're at it. (pause) Or y'know, just don't wear one. -shotDunisun: Pushing it, France...BC Shawna: Sorry. Nicole: ^^U Nicole: (in the meantime, Athrun proceeds to blow stuff up XD) Nicole: (Ash is yelling at Orna that she's a bad parent for letting Athrun run rampent) Nicole: (... and Orna bitch slapped him and told him that he needs to get laid XD) Shawna: (Pfffft. He does. XD) Shawna: (...a lot of people around here need to get laid. -shot-) Nicole: (Orna backfired at him saying, "Oh, the girl that you want to have sex with will probably never have sex with you if you're too busy intimidating others.") Nicole: (Ash is getting all defensive XD He says he's a traditional magyk that doesn't believe in having sex with others so freely)

Nicole: (... and Orna just shocked him XD) Shawna: (...magyk don't all have sex either, pft.) Nicole: (^ he refers to those who don't as "traditional") Shawna: (True. XD) Nicole: (don't have sex, that is XD) Nicole: (Orna told him to go fuck a tree) Nicole: (... that quote amuses me XD) Shawna: (pfft, at least he'd get laid.) Dunisun: Do I even want to know what you two are talking about...(reappears) Shawna: ...have I ever seen you in a t-shirt? Dunisun: (awkward flushing side-glance) There's a reason for that. Shawna: Oh, okay, Mr. Sensitive-About-My-Weight. Dunisun: BP Nicole: Orna's telling Ash that he needs to go fuck a tree. Nicole: And then get splinters. Nicole: And then poison ivy on his dick. Dunisun: ...might help if he got the stick out of his ass first. (snorts) Nicole: ... Ash is telling Orna to go fuck someone. (bad comeback, Ash) Nicole: ... and Orna just shocked him again. Dunisun: ...I'm going to hold Kas back from commenting on that. Nicole: ... oi, aren't you supposed to be seeing someone? Nicole: (... oh god, they challenged each other XD) Dunisun: ...maybe. Nicole: Why don't you go see him? Or are you hesitating? Dunisun: ...

Shawna: Of course the latter. Nicole: ... careful, he might just come running out here. Nicole: Or complain that there are no shower towels. Shawna: ...uh. Shawna: (scratches head) Nicole: (shrug) Just sayin'. Shawna: Oh, just go for it. Dunisun: I...don't want to. (side glance) Kas is glaring at me. Nicole: Tell Kas this is only a one time thing, and tell him to get over it. Nicole: he can fuck Orna all he wants later. Nicole: (Don't you just love my humor? :D ) Nicole: (Nik just went: What humor?) Shawna: (...thank you, Nik. XD My thoughts exactly.) [Side note: Nicole is physical Nicole, Nik is mental Nicole.] Dunisun: ... Shawna: I think part of your problem is you don't want-Dunisun: I'm tired of hearing what you /think/, Ice Princess. Shawna: ...B[ Nicole: Me: Do what you want, really. (shrugs) (Ash comes bursting out into the hallway; he's smoking XD) Ash: Ow BC (... I should have said that he kind of tumbled into the hallway) Kas: Ooh, toasty Ashhole. Not my favorite dish of hers, though. Dunisun: (eyetwitch) Ash: (he lets out a groan, and this pained expression appears on his face) Daaamn, Princess... that really hurt...(he slowly sits up) Ow... I think I got rug burn...

Orna: So the student has surpassed the teacher? Ash: Barely... Nicole: (... I think she really hurt him o.o Yay, go Orna :D ) Shawna: (Yay...I think. XD) Orna: (looks over at Dunisun) Hi ^^ (pause) Oh god... I'll be back. I kinda have to stop Athrun from blowing stuff up... (runs off) Ash: Yes, go save the play room from devious little children.... (he twitches) Ow... Kas: You totally deserved that, Ashie-boy. Ash: ... I'm not in the mood to pick a fight with you. Kas: (shrugs) Just sayin'. Ash: ... (he can't stand .,. Dude, she really hurt him) Kas: (laughs and shakes his head) Okay, I've seen enough. How pathetic. (switches - have I mentioned that they all have different colored eyes? Kas has black and red eyes, like back then.) Dunisun: (sigh) ...[She certainly does pack a punch. Anyone who doesn't realize that is an idiot. Kas: Whadda ya mean, Ash IS an idiot. Dunisun: I didn't ask you...] Ash: (grumbles, and attempts to stand again) Maybe I'll just sit here.... Dunisun: ...do you want some help or something, Ash? Shawna: (...somehow I doubt Ash realizes you and Kas are the same person, Dunisun.) Ash: ... one minute you're mocking me, the next you're trying to help. (shakes his head) No, I'll be fine. Dunisun: (scratches the back of his neck, awkward side glance) Sorry. Ash: ... its okay, really. (pause) Since when did you become the softie? Dunisun: I don't really know who I am anymore. (looks back at him with this 'what can I say' look) Ash: ... (shrugs) Do any of us? Dunisun: Touche. Maybe you were right that Orna didn't deserve someone like me. Even Lance was better off than I am.

Ash: What does it matter if she loves you? Dunisun: ...I guess it doesn't. Ash: The heart is a funny thing. It always beats at something the least expected. Dunisun: ...that it does. Ash: Think of Forseth and Crissa; Forseth is a full blood demon. No one expected someone like him to change at the sight of one girl. (looks at him) Or Yasu and Wave... why did she suddenly fall for a low-life like him? No one knows but her and him. What causes people to fall into each other is not looks or personality or anything that the mortals claim to be "turn ons"... its just... that person. Sometimes its unexpected, sometimes.... it just happens. But you can't control it. Nicole: (This sounds odd coming from someone so ego-centric XD) Dunisun: And what do you do if there doesn't happen to /be/ /one/ person. Ash: Then go with it? [Kas: ...he is not the sort of person you want to ask for advice, Dunisun.] Dunisun: ...that's ridiculous. Ash: You can't help with who you fall for... or how many. Ash: Why do you think its easier for some to move on than others? If one breaks your heart, you move on... if one has your heart, and you have eyes set for another at the same time... you risk either breaking that person, or hoping that they understand that they're not the only one. Dunisun: ...you spend far too much time reading, Ash. Ash: ... either that, or I've been crushed one too many times. Dunisun: Haven't we all. Ash: ... (looks at him) Let me guess, you're conflicted about that Surry and Orna. Dunisun: ...(gives him an odd look) Ash: Orna talks in her sleep... she's afraid of what will happen if this "Kasaedya" takes over, and what will happen it her and Surry. Dunisun: ...(he sighs) I guess I should have explained everything to her by now. Ash: That you have different people in your head? Nah, I think she knows that. That you love Surry? I think she knew that from the beginning. She's a lot brighter than you think she is. Dunisun: I never claimed she was stupid.

Ash: I know you didn't --- (he winces and falls forward) Ow... Dunisun: ...(goes over and stands in front of him) Are you sure you don't want help? Ash: Positive. I've been hurt worse... trust me. Some meager attempts of attacks like that aren't going to kill me. Dunisun: ...I never suggested you were dying. ^^U [Kas: ...that would be nice though. Dunisun. Kas. B[ Kas: Whaaat?] Ash: ... (scoffs; Me thinks he wants someone else to help him *coughcough* XDDDD) Shawna: (I don't even know if she's here. ~_~ She comes and goes.) [Side note: Talking about Shiva.] Dunisun: ...okay, then I'll just leave you there, Ash. ^^U Ash: (stands up, and cracks his back... and winces) Dunisun: ...[(sigh) Okay, Nicole. Surry would be where? I'm no psychic, and I don't feel like searching...] Nicole: (In his room) Dunisun: (wanders off in that direction) MK: (walks out of her room holding her kids - her room is next to Surry and Nore's, if you recall) Oh. Hi, Dunisun. (she looks at her kids) Say hi Uncle Dunisun. (They both just sort of stare at him in this baby-like clueless way XD) MK: We'll be in the living room watching Sailor Moon if you need me. Dunisun: Going to raise "Rini" on Sailor Moon? *Side note: MKs kids are Serenity Rini Emilia Verenerenos and Lysander Anders Rogir Verenerenos. Therere almost a year old.+ MK: You're such a fag, Dunisun. Boys don't watch Sailor Moon. Unless they're Shawna's gay exboyfriend. (It's true. ^^UU) Dunisun: (he snorts) MK: Say bye. ^^ (to the kids)

(More clueless baby staring. She leaves for the living room) Dunisun: ...(watches her leave, then sighs and knocks on the door to Surry and Nore's room) (thunk) Surry: ow.... (thunk) Surry: FUCK. (thunk) Surry: FUUUUCK. (opens the door; his hair is all messed up) Oh hi Dunisun. (his room... is a mess. XD) Dunisun: (gives him an odd look XD) Um...is now a bad time? ^^U Surry: No, its a perfect time, actually. Come on in. Surry: I lost my dog tags, that's all. And some other things... so I've been tearing the room apart. : That important, huh? Surry: ... the dogs tags were a symbol of our friendship... (sheepish look) I took them off to clean them, and I put it on top of a shirt.... my guess is that it either fell or went into the laundry.... (scratches his head) Dunisun: You'll find them. They can't have gone too far. Surry: No, things like that don't just simply get up and walk away... unless I'm crazy. (looks at him and smiles) Dunisun: I dunno, I might question that second part. (amused look) Surry: (he walks back over to him) So, what's up? (pause) Again, I apologize for the mess... Surry: I wasn't expecting guests. Dunisun: (he shrugs) A certain couple of mortals talked me into visiting you. (Shawna: Oi, don't drags us into this.) Surry: ... oh, so it wasn't on your own accord? Gee, I feel special... (snorts and touches his shoulder) Hey, its okay. I still love ya anyways.

Dunisun: (scratches the back of his neck) Well hey, I don't like bothering you. Surry: You're always free to bother me .,. Dunisun: I don't like bothering people. ^^U You know me... Surry: But I'm sayin' its alright. (smiles) Nicole: (oh just kiss him, Dunisun BC) Dunisun: [No! D:] (...awkward expression XD) Surry: What? o_o (Nicole: You know you want to~) Shawna: (...Dunisun can hear us, you realize? XD Just 'cause he's connected to MK and I, he can hear my thoughts, pft) Dunisun: N-nothing. Nicole: (XD I know) Surry: ... you sure? Dunisun: Yeah. Yeah, sure. (side glance) (Shawna: Oh, you're such an awkward turtle.) Dunisun: [Shut up...] Surry: ... I don't believe you. Dunisun: I'm okay. ^^U Surry: ... you look uneasy. Is everything okay? Dunisun: Oh, Kaz--which Kasdaeya suddenly wants to be known as--just started some shit earlier. Nothing you need worry about. ^^U Surry: ... that expression isn't very becoming of you. (pulls his cheeks) I do believe you, but there's something else you're hiding. Dunisun: Why would I hide anything from you? D: Surry: (still pulling on his cheeks, and he raises his eyebrows) Dunisun: (his expression changes to a combination of kind of awkward defeat) What, do you want me to profess my love for you again?

Surry: ... maybe. Dunisun: There. I just did. Surry: Come on, I could do better than that. Surry: And that's not saying much. Dunisun: Your idea of romance is inviting a person to bed with you. ...or where ever else is available. Surry: That's not true.... (he leans close into him) I mean, everyone but you. I was... afraid that I'd lose you before... you were the only person I liked a lot, and didn't seduce into bed... Dunisun: Emotions complicate things...don't they? Surry: ... yes... yes they do... (he looks away) Dunisun: [...And yet I still can't bring myself to ask you.] Or maybe we were just two stupid kids trying to stay alive and out of the Higher Ups way. Surry: ... I guess. (he's still looking away awkwardly) Dunisun: ...(he leans on the door frame) I think I was afraid of the fact you'd sleep with anyone. I was afraid to fall in love with you because I didn't know if you could possibly understand what 'love' is without just diving into sex. ...heh. Twenty-one years later, you're married with a kid, I'm married with kids...and the irony is that I'm afraid to /stop/ loving you now. It's childish...isn't it? Surry: ... I never once slept with anyone when we were together. (he looks at him) Not once. You were... a friend.... the only person who didn't think I was insane... when we were together... I wasn't going to step on your toes for any of that. I'm not that heartless... (he looks at the floor) I haven't stopped loving you... even though I love Nore and my daughter... Dunisun: Three years without sex...how ever did you manage? (jokingly. Serious again) I think I saw a piece of myself in you after what happened to your parents, even if the circumstances were completely unrelated. I should have been looking out for you like...an older brother or something, that was my intention. (he plays with a strand of his hair) I don't know what happened. Fate has a funny way of changing its mind. (he looks at Surry) I'm afraid to bring all this up now, years later, after everything that's happened between the two of us. But I'm tired of...pretending that we're just friends and not exes. I'm tired of you telling me that you're "flattered" that I still like you. (there's like, a knot on his fingers from playing with his hair while talking ^^U) And I know...I know, I sound desperate. I just... Surry: ... (he kisses him) Dunisun: -?! (And that is probably the only way you will ever get Dunisun to shut up and stop thinking. XD God, he thinks more than I do.)

Surry: I can't... just pretend that... I don't want this... that I just want to be friends... I can't... (either he's crying, or extremely frusterated) I was always afraid that you'd... leave me because of who I was or what I am... Dunisun: What you are...? You're a person. You're a very brave and strong person...who had some unfortunate events in your life. You're not...(side glance, his shoulders tense) You're not the one...with the fucking split personalities...(he looks at Surry again, and he looks teary-eyed and...I don't want to say hysterical, but like...similar) I had it all under control back then, Sur. I felt safe with you; I thought Kaz didn't even exist anymore because I didn't need him when I was with you. But when we broke up...not only did Kaz reappear...Kas showed up. And Kas had access to the others...and I just...that whole mission...it's a blur to me. I blacked out. And when I woke up...I was back with Aura and suddenly married. ...you think there's something wrong with you. I'm /crazy/... Surry: Everyone's a bit crazy in their own way. I'm still on fucking medicine for my problems. Surry: Hell, I can't... I can't function a day without doping up. Dunisun: I thought you stopped that shit? (pause) Then again...we're still just two stupid kids, aren't we? (small smile) Surry: Just the medicine... I'm not doing anything stupid, Dunisun. (weak smile) Except... maybe this... (he kisses him again) Dunisun: (seems more okay with it this time XD) Nicole: (yaaaay \o/) Surry: ... are you okay with this? (he pulls away slightly) Dunisun: Are you? Surry: (warm smile) Yes. Dunisun: I don't want you doing anything you're going to regret for my sake. ^^U Surry: I'm not going to regret this. I promise Dunisun: (stares at him for a moment and then like, tackle-hugs him XD) Surry: (holds him close) Dunisun: It's dumb...all I ever wanted as a kid was to be loved. Aura and I were too young to know what loving each other meant. By the time I was old enough to know what love was "supposed" to be...by the time I met you...by the time we became friends...that was all I really wanted. And it all sounded...and still sounds...unrealistic. (while I /know/ that we're seeing/listening to Dunisun...I think the core personality(Kree) might be speaking through him)

Surry: ... I could say the same thing... Dunisun: ...so, um...I'm probably a horrible person for saying this now... but, er...I do...love you. .///. Surry: ... I love you too. (he kisses him) Dunisun: (kisses him back) ...if I pinch myself will I wake up? (he snorts) No, really...I promise not to keep you from your family. I just......it'd be nice to see you more than like, once a month. ^^U Surry: (snorts) Yeah, sure. Just stop by every so often. (smiles) Dunisun: Hey, why is it always /me/ who has to go looking for you? D: That makes me look like some kind of clingy girlfriend... (Shawna: You are a girl, Dunisun...-mentally zapped- OW. BC) Surry: ... because we're both married to over protective wives? ^^U Dunisun: (he shakes his head) It would make perfect sense if Nore and Orna were just as related as Nore and Yasu were. ^^U Surry: Probably ^^U --Note cuts off here. Nik and I stopped watching them, so we dont know if they had sex or not. We havent asked them. XD--

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