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Standard Competency To Comprehend the System of Human Life Basic Competency To describe the human digest system &

its relation to health

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Indicators: 1. Differentiating (among/between) digestive channel and digestive gland as compiler of digestive system (at) human being 2. Types of Food Elements and Their Functions 3. (Doing/Conducting) and making reportresult of attempt of food test 4. To compare mechanic and chemistry 5. To mention example of disparity and deseases on digestive system wich we find in our daily life and how to cure it THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Types of Food Elements and Their Functions Carbohydrate, protein, and fat are the sources of energy for your body. In your daily life your body needs them in great quantity. Vitamins, minerals, and water are substances needed for bodily activities but they do not give energy. Vitamins and minerals are needed inrelatively smaller quantities than water. Carbohydrate Rice, corn, wheat, potato, fruit, and honey are sources of carbohydrate. The main function of carbohydrate is to get energy. Human body stores carbohydrate in liver and muscles. Deficiency in carbohydrate may cause malnutrition (kwarsiorkor). Protein Protein can be found in dairy products such as meat, milk, eggs, cheese, as well as fish. It can also be found in plant seeds. The main function of protein is to be structural and functional components. Structural means that protein is needed to build human body and to repair or replace the damaged cells. Functional protein is the enzyme that catalyzes the biochemical processes in cells. Fat There are two sources of fat: animal and plant. Animal fat can be found in animal meat, butter, milk, fish, egg, and fish oil, whereas plant fat can be found in coconuts, nuts, avocado, etc. Fat functions as energy resource and supply. Fat is stored under skin tissues. Vitamin Vitamins can function as co-enzyme, which is the substance that triggers the work of enzymes. There are two categories of vitamin: one that solute in fat and another that does not. Vitamins which can solute in fat are storable. When the amount of such vitamin in our body is more than needed, it will be stored in fat for a long time. However, an excessive amount of vitamins which do not solute in fat will be discarded out of the body. If our body lacks the necessary vitamins, it will suffer from vitamin deficiency. Here are the names of vitamin deficiencies: a. lacking vitamin A suffers from short eyesight
Page 1 of 2 Biology Material Grade VIII By Iswadi, S.Pd.I

b. c. d. e. f. g.

lacking vitamin B1 suffers from bary-bary lacking vitamin B12 suffers from anemia lacking vitamin C suffers from scorbut lacking vitamin D suffers from rachitis lacking vitamin K suffers from unclotted blood lacking vitamin E suffers from infertility.

Minerals Minerals are important for our body. Each mineral has a certain role . Here are some diseases caused by mineral deficiencies: a. lacking Ca (calcium) causes blood coagulation problems, cramp, and bone problems. b. lacking Fe (iron) causes anemia. c. lacking I (iodine) causes goiter. Water Our body consists mostly of water. Water plays important roles in various processes in our body, either in digestion processes or chemical processes. Water is a good solvent. For instance, oxygen and food nutrients cannot enter the cells without water. Water also regulates body temperature. The importance of breastfeeding to babies Mother's breastfeeding contains all necessary nutrients for babies. Breastfeeding is the ideal food needed by babies to grow up and develop. Breastfeeding also functions to initially clear up babies' digestive systems. Babies need energy as much as 98 - 108 Kcal for every kilogram of their weight each day. Such amount is equal to 2 - 4 times adult's need. Therefore, babies need energy intake to help them grow and develop them. The biggest energy need is fat, and that is available in breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is needed by babies not only as food, but also as a protections againts various kinds of diseases and infections during the early period of their life. Breastfeeding contains essential immunity substances. In addition, by breastfeeding babies and their mothers can develop closer relationship. Especially in the first four months, breastfeeding provides babies with all they need. However, in the next months mothers are advised to give their babies extra food, such as fruit juice, fine porridge, or a variety of blended vegetables and other food. Assesment: Mention 3 kinds of foods contain carbohydrate ! Why is water the main component in body? Write down the various kind of vitamins!

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