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Gear Train

Estimated time required: ~60 min

Weidong Guo, Mileta M Tomovic School of Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology

Topics Covered

Creating a new database file Creating gear train model

Creating gears in Solidworks Input the gears from Solidworks Creating gear train model

Simulating model Measuring model Editing measure plot

Problem Description
Planet gear

In the planetary gear train shown, the tooth numbers of two gears are z1=40, z2=20, and the module of the gears is m=5mm. The sun gear is fixed to the ground. The driving link is arm, and its angular velocity is H=30deg/s. This problem asks for the angular velocity of planet gear relative to the arm.


Sun gear

Creating Gears

In this tutorial, we will use Solidworks to create gears (begin from next page). If you do not have such kind of software, you can create Cylinders to simulate the gears. a. Select Cylinder tool. b. Create big cylinder to simulate planet gear. c. Create small cylinder to simulate sun gear. d. Rotate two gears 90 about y axial. Note! Before rotating the gears, make sure the gears are selected. Note! You should continue this tutorial from P.20 if you use cylinders to simulate the gears. b d c

Creating Gears
Creating Sun Gear
a. b. c. d. Start Solidworks. Create a New document. Select Part document. Select OK.

b c

Note! If you do not have solid creating software, you can create cylinders in Adams to express the gears.

Creating Gears
Creating Sun Gear
a. b. c. d. e. f. Click Design Library button. Select Toolbox/Ansi Metric/Power Transmissior/Gears. Right-check Spur Gear icon. Select Create Part. In Spur Gear dialog box, enter parameters of the sun gear. Select OK. The sun gear is created as shown. b c d a e

Creating Gears
Saving Planet Gear
a. b. c. d. e. Select File/Save AS from the drop down menu. Select or create a folder for Save in. Select Parasolid (*.x_t) in Save as type text field. In File name text field, enter Sun Gear. Select Save.

d c

Creating Gears
Creating Planet Gear
a. b. c. Create a New document. Select Part document. Select OK. a b

Creating Gears
Creating Planet Gear
a. b. c. d. e. f. Click Design Library button. Select Toolbox/Ansi Metric/Power Transmissior/Gears. Right-check Spur Gear icon. Select Create Part. In Spur Gear dialog box, enter parameters of the planet gear. Select OK. The planet gear is created as shown. b c d a e

Creating Gears
Saving Planet Gear
a. b. c. d. e. Select File/Save AS from the drop down menu. Select or create a folder for Save in. Select Parasolid (*.x_t) in Save as type text field. In File name text field, enter Sun Gear. Select Save.

d c

Starting Adams and Making Settings

a. b. c. d.

Start Adams (Double-click the shortcut of ADAMS-View). Create a new model. The model name is Gear_Train. Set Working Grid as along X to 300 and Y to 200, grid spacing for X and Y to 10. Set the Icon size as 20.

Creating Model
Importing Planet Gear
a. b. c. d. e. Select File/Import from the drop down menu. Select File Type to Parasolid. Select file Planet Gear.x_t in File To Read text file. Pick or enter Gear_Train for Model Name. Select OK.

b c

Creating Model
Adjusting Planet Gears Position
a. b. c. d. Select tool in Main Toolbox. In Distance text field, enter 150. Click planet gear to select it. Click Translate button to move planet gear 150mm along y direction. a

d b

Creating Model
Importing Sun Gear
a. b. c. d. e. Select File/Import from the drop down menu. Select File Type to Parasolid. Select file Sun Gear.x_t in File To Read text file. Pick or enter Gear_Train for Model Name. Select OK.

b c

Creating Model
Adjusting Gears Orientation
a. b. c. d. Select tool in Main Toolbox. In Angle text field, enter 90. Press down Ctrl key, and then click sun gear and planet gear separately. Click Rotate button to rotate the gears 90.

a c d b

Creating Model
Adjusting Gears Orientation
a. b. c. d. e. Click View Center button. Click the center of planet gear. In Angle text field enter 1. Select planet gear by clicking it. Click clockwise rotation button to adjust planet gear orientation . d

e a c

Creating Model
Renaming the Gears

Creating Model
Changing Gears Colors
a. b. c. d. Select Solid: SOLID2 of Sun_Gear. Right-click Entity Color tool. Select a color (Chose Green here ). Change the color of planet gear to Blue. d

Creating Model
Creating Markers
a. b. Select Marker tool in Main Toolbox. Create two markers at the center of sun gear. Move one of two markers 150mm along y direction. (Here MARKER_2 is moved)

c4 d a e c2 b c1 c3 c


Creating Model
Creating Arm
a. b. c. Select Link tool in Main Toolbox. Click MARKER_2. Click MARKER_1.

Creating Model
Renaming Arm

Creating Model
Creating Joint_A
a. b. c. d. e. f. Click Revolute Joint tool in Main Toolbox . In Construction field, select 2 Bod-1 Loc and Normal To Grid. Click the sun gear. Click the arm. Click the center of the sun gear. Rename the joint to JOINT_A. Note! You must click the sun gear first and the arm second.

a d

b e

c f

Creating Model
Creating Joint_B
Click Revolute Joint tool in Main Toolbox . b. Click the planet gear. c. Click the arm. d. Click the center of the planet gear. e. Rename the joint to JOINT_B. Note! You must click the planet gear first and the arm second. e b a d c a.

Creating Model
Creating Joint_C
a. b. c. d. e. Click Fix Joint tool in Main Toolbox . Click the sun gear. Click the ground. Click the center of the sun gear. Rename the joint to JOINT_C. a

d b c

Creating Model
Creating Joint_D (Gear Joint)

Creating Model
Creating Joint_D
a. b. c. d. e. Select Marker tool in Main Toolbox. Select Add to Part. Click the arm. Click bottom end of the arm. Move the marker (MARKER_19) 100mm along y direction. Note! MARKER_19 is pitch point of the gears. Two gears have the same velocity at this marker. a

c e e2 d e1

Creating Model
Creating Joint_D
Rotate the marker (MARKER_19) 90about y axial. Make sure that z direction of the marker is the direction of the velocity of gears at the pitch point.

c d b

Creating Model
Creating Joint_D
a. b. c. d. e. Select Gear joint tool in Main Toolbox. Enter JOINT_D in Gear Name text field. Pick or enter JOINT_A and JOINT_B in Joint Name text field. Pick or enter MARKER_19 in Common Velocity Marker text field. Select OK. a

Gear Joint

Note! MARKER_19 is pitch point of the gears. Two gears have the same velocity at this marker.

c d e

Creating Model
Adding Motion
a. b. Select Rotational Joint Motion tool. Click JOINT_A to apply motion to Joint_A.

Simulating Model

a. b. c. d. e.

Click Interactive Simulation Controls button. Select Kinematic analysis. In End Time text field enter 12. In Steps text field enter 1000. Click Start or continue simulation button to start simulation.

e b c d

Measuring Model
Measuring Angle Translation of Arm
a. b. Select Build/Measure/Angle/New from the drop down menu. In Measure Name text field in Angle Measure dialog box, enter MEA_ANGLE_H. Right-click First Marker text field. Select Marker/Pick from the drop down menu. Click Arm_cm. Fill Middle Marker text field with MARKER_1 as steps c-e. Fill Last Marker text field with MARKER_2. Select OK . The measure result appears.

c. d. e. f. g. h.

b c f g

Measuring Model
Measuring Angle Translation of Planet Gear
a c

a. b. c. d.

Select Marker tool. Select Add to Part. Click the planet gear. Click the MARKER_19. MARKER_20 which is on the planet is created.

d b

Measuring Model
Measuring Angle Translation of Planet Gear
a. b. Select Build/Measure/Angle/New from the drop down menu. In Measure Name text field in Angle Measure dialog box, enter MEA_ANGLE_2H. Right-click First Marker text field. Select Marker/Pick from the drop down menu. Right-click the MARKER_19. Select MARKER_20. Select OK. Fill Middle Marker text field with MARKER_3. Put Arm.cm into Last Marker text field. Select OK. The measure result appears.

c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

b c h i g j f

Transmission Ratio Calculation

Planet gear
H 2 H z = 1 = 2 z2 1H 1 H

H 2 =

z1 H z1 40 1 = H = H = 2 H 20 z2 z2

H 2

Sun gear

The End

http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/PLM/SME/Gear_Train.bin http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/PLM/SME/Planet_Gear.x_t http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/PLM/SME/Sun_Gear.x_t

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