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Standard Competency 6. Understanding the diversity of living things Basic Competency 6.

1 Identify the characteristics of living things

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Indicators: Identify the characteristics of living things. Creating reports the characteristics of living things based on observation results. Distinguishing characteristics plant and animal.

Characteristics of Living Things 1. Respiration All living things carry on respiration. Respiration is the process of breaking up food and giving off energy. Many living things take oxygen for respiration. The respiration process produces energy, water vapor, and carbon dioxide. The energy produced during the respiration is used for living processes. Carbon dioxide released while breathing can be observed through the following activity. In the introduction, you have learned about living things. Now you will learn the characteristics of living things. 2. Moving Moving is another characteristic of an organism. A plant grows towards the sun light. Birds fly, snakes slither. Horses walk. We walk and run. Flying, slithering, walking and running are ways of moving. So, all organisms move, but not all are able to move to different places. 3. Receiving and Responding to Stimulus What do you do to find out that a Mimosa pudica (putri malu) is alive? Touch it and see what might happen. It will close its leaves. One characteristic of an organism is to respond to its surrounding, like what happens to a Mimosa pudica (putri malu) when you touch it. The environment is any factors nearby influencing the organism, such as water, weather, temperature, soil, sound and light. An example of such a response is a plant growing towards the light. 4. Growing and Developing Notice a palm or banana tree. You will see that these plants grow and produce flowers. Growing is a changing process by increasing the size and number of cells. Besides growth, there is also a maturation process in a life cycle which is recognized as development. Human beings grow from infants to adults like what happens to a chicken in the egg shell. Figure beside shows the growth and development of a frog. You are also the result of growth and development. You come from one cell. The number of cells in your body increases and you get bigger. Growth and development need a space. Some cells in your body grow and develop to become skin tissue, while others form nerve and bone cells. Such development in all organisms is not easily
1|Page Biology Material Grade VII By Iswadi, S.Pd.I

recognized, for example the development of bacteria. A single cell like a bacterium grows and then reproduces by means of cell division. Even though bacteria do not seem to develop, there are many changes happening in their cells. What Are Needed by A Living Thing? In hot weather it is very likely that your mouth and throat feel dry. You are thinking of having a glass of cold water. You are thirsty and your body needs water. When you dive your body will show a reaction. Even though enough water is available, your body needs something else such as air. Remember. Have you ever dived? Why are you unable to stay in the water for a long time? How do you feel when you come out to get some fresh air? Water and air are two out of many things needed for living things to stay alive. In the next part you will learn other needs of a living thing. 1. Living Things Need Oxygen All living things carry on respiration. In breathing they need air. Air contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor and other gases. Without oxygen in the air, living things will soon die. Oxygen is also found in water. Most organisms living in water get the oxygen from water. When a plant is making food, it produces more oxygen than it needs. The excessive oxygen is used by plants and animals to get energy. 2. Living Things Need Water All living things need water. Have you ever taken several fresh flowers and put them in a glass of water? Why do you put some water? 3. Living Things Need Food Living things need air, water, space and food. Each living thing has a different need, for example plants need light to get energy or to produce food. You have noticed that living things grow and develop, respond to any stimulus and do other activities. Where do they get the energy for their activities? Like cars which need fuel, living things also need fuel (energy) from the food. How much fuel do you need? Think about what you have eaten in one day. Write down any food and beverages that you have consumed today. Why do we need that much food? Assesment: 1. Mention completely the characteristics of organisms! 2. How do you differentiate organism from nonliving things? 3. The house of termites grows bigger from day to day. Can the house of termites be called alive? Explain!

2|Page Biology Material Grade VII By Iswadi, S.Pd.I

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