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Padma Sutra

Restoring the Mother Light

Restoring the Mother to the Holy Trinity The Trinity of Ein Sof

Section I


"The false mother of oneness loves me, but I feel shamed. God forgive me, I have sinned. I have more to learn but I cannot forget my sin. Help me, oh God, I pray. The world will end tomorrow, but I know not how to help myself. I am doomed to failure. I cannot go on for I have not the intelligence of others or their wisdom."

We're all going through a lot of tough challenges at this time its a purifying, cleansing time. Just let it go, it is not yours to keep, just to recognize, transmute and transcend. You came from purity, you always have been purity and you remain in purity, when your heart loves God. Purity is not defined by the mistakes you make but it comes from

the intent to love, serve, and Be God. So even if you have many issues, if you want to be free of them and Be God, if you want to love and serve God, then you will when your intent is to restore your Being to purity. It is your right to be pure even after making a mistake.

I AM gratitude calling forth the protection of the guardians of the air. I AM calling forth Vishnu, Divine protector and preserver, to protect the air element in and outside the mind of man. SHIVA come forth! and destroy all unreality in the mind of man. It has no power in our world for there are no yesterdays or tomorrows, but only the eternal now. I live in ETERNITY NOW. (3x)

But I know I AM Divine Direction for I follow my heart which leads to the Eternal Father within me. I AM Victory! I will never give up! I will never turn back! I will never submit! I will bear the flame of Freedom unto my Victory! I will sustain the Glory of Life in my Being!

The good that you do today and the good that you are, people will often forget tomorrow. Do good anyway.

Section II


You don't want to know me, but I know myself. I don't need your help. Leave me alone. I will be fine without your comfort to attempt to control me. But you can get yourself your own help because I don't care what happens to you. Just leave me alone.

I AM Love Eternal. I know who I AM in God. I AM You and I AM open to my Fathers Will.

I AM willing to bend the knee Father, please help me to Be your Will, O God.

Fill me with your Divine Spirit that I know everything I need to know. I'll walk with God from this day on.

I live in eternity now! (3x)

I love you and I offer you a cup of cold water in Christ's name. Drink me while I AM drinking thee,

for I will to Be More God Being. I will Be the Immaculate Concept for You and for myself. I AM eternally grateful. And I will Be eternally grateful for your Victory.

When you find serenity, peace, and happiness, you may be resented. BE happy anyway!

Section III


You are bad and judgmental. I am good and kind. Therefore, go away and leave me alone, because you are stuck in your mental boxes and dramas and beyond help. I have come to the conclusion and decision that I no longer desire to have any kind of relationship with people like you in your current mindset. I am indeed moving on. I have left you. Do you understand? I want to be left alone."

I AM Pure and Beautiful in God. I AM More than you can imagine. I AM free and whole in Father Mother God.

I love the Purity of Father Mother God. I know who I AM. I love who I AM. I AM Being who I AM.

I AM my brother's keeper. I see you for who you are in God. I hold you in the Immaculate Concept. I see you as a Pure Being.

Therefore, I will go where no man is willing to go. I will Be by your side, regardless of your rejection and regardless of your projections of impurity upon me, for I know who I AM. And God in me can fulfill every need regardless of resistance. Do you understand?

When you are loving and pure, others may project their impurity upon you that you are being selfish, and stuck in your mental boxes. Be kind, pure and unselfish anyway.

Section IV


I love my truth. It is everything I need. Go away with your lies. You have no power over me to convince me of your lies. Stop trying to tell me what to do. Your truth vibrates of pure death and hell. I am aware that there is a perception difference, and you may not understand or accept anything I am saying because you are stuck in your dramas.

I AM Freedom everywhere in the Heart of God for where I stand there is Truth. I AM Being whole in Father Mother God for I have surrendered to his Will.

Therefore, your lies have no power over me, for they are based on selfishness and greed and a separation from God. Unreality has no power over me because God in me is More. If you love me, if you love God, adhere to Being the Truth. I AM the ascending One. I AM ascending daily! I AM soaring to the Sun.

When you are honest, truthful, and sincere, people may deceive you. BE honest and sincere anyway.

Section V


I trust in myself and my intuition.* I need no outside help. If you loved me, you would leave me alone. You are violating my free will and projecting on me your will and it wont work, even your combined minds holding the immaculate concept for me will not stop me doing what I want to do. Whatever you are attempting to do, it is black magic and the cosmic return will mirror back to you difficulties in your own life. *devoid of heart

I have Faith in God. I love Divine Direction. I know I AM in me is the doer. I love God, for I AM God in action. I AM Being whole in Father Mother God. Where I AM God in me directs my Being through love. I AM You. I and my Father are One Being. I surrender to the Will of God and the Father's Divine Direction in my life and Being. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He leadeth me beside still waters and restoreth my soul. My soul doth magnify the Lord.

When you are victorious, you may gain some unfaithful friends and some shrewd enemies. BE victorious anyway! True family are like diamonds that are precious and rare; false friends are as autumn leaves - in this world everywhere.

Section VI


My way is right. I have everything I need. I will defend it to the death. I am free you are not because I have the more. Therefore, I have everything I want and need. You don't. Therefore, I know I am right and you are wrong. But I won't tell you that you are wrong. I want you to think I am right and my wisdom is greater than yours. So, I will take down your truth and raise up my own above yours. Therefore, you are now the dishonest one. The ends justify the means. I am entitled to get and do whatever I want.

Therefore, I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh to the Father except by me. And what is me? God the Father is me when I AM willing to Be the Christ in action, but I AM More. I AM the Mother Light. She is More through me through choice. I choose to Be Father Mother God in the flow of Being ISIS.

What is abundance? Abundance is the flow of energy that comes to us from the universal source of life as both spiritual and material prosperity. It is More. It cannot be owned. Abundance is love and wisdom, talents and virtues, money and material goods-whatever we need to fulfill our life's purpose. I claim my right to be the Christ in action. Therefore, know that I AM You. (3x)

People are often unreasonable, irrational, self-centered and dishonest, and lie without recourse or shame. Forgive them anyway.

Section VII


I know I am free of any doubt that I am right and what I receive is real. I have the way; you don't. I'm free; you're not. I can discern reality without your help. Therefore, go your way for I have mine and I do not need you telling me what to believe in God. I love myself as pure awareness. And I dont listen to anyone outside myself. You can't Be. But you must listen to me; but do not question my oneness with God.

I think I can feel the difference in vibration; and my intuition always is above any guru here or outside my intuition, which is consistently right on. So dont think that you own any sense of perception in what you think of me that will lend credibility to your appearance of loving me. For I know only unconditional love and you do not have it.

Now I know I AM free, for I know the Way. God in me is Real. God's Reality through me ISIS the Way. I love Being who I AM. For my God ISreal.

Therefore, get thee behind me Satan! My power comes from God the Father through His Son, and through Being the Mother Light. I AM willing to Be the sacrificial Lamb, for I love God more than my life.

Smash, blast, annihilate, shatter, dissolve, and consume! (x9) all fear of making mistakes and not following Divine Direction -- that we may ascend daily and Be in the Light and free, thereby wooing the earth up

with us until the Kingdom of God is manifest as Above so below. I AM willing to Be the sacrificial Lamb, for I love God more than my life. (x3, or more)

The Way you are today will often be ridiculed. Regardless of the resistance Be the Wayshower, blazing that trail of Victory to the heavens!

Section VIII


You think you know it all, but I know better. You are a fool, for you follow the outer Guru instead. Think again, my beloved. Do you honestly believe you have the true Guru? I have all that you need to know. Get thee behind me, all ye wounded, blind, judgmental, angry, unintelligent, controlled minions, stuck in your epic dramas and mental boxes.

It is a pity to see that you are suffering under such serious mental disorders and emotional imbalances. Who are you to point out the beams in the eye of another, when you are not perfect yourself? Nevertheless, I respect your free will to project upon me whatever you wish. And I love you with the unconditional love of the Mother, the unconditional reality seeing you for what you are. In higher oneness I singularity. Christ Love.

There is only one You. I AM You. I love God Being More through me. Would you believe that I AM happy in my Guru-chela relationship? For I AM, because God in me ISIS.

Therefore, "love thy neighbor as thyself" comes into new meaning in my world. I know the God in others will restore them to reality. I can assist in that restoration by Being the Mother Light and my Christ Self.

So look again, my beloved, for the beam in your eye is reflecting back what you project upon me. Therefore, in respect of my God, I call forth the Judgment upon the beam in your own eye for what you do not see.

By the Grace of God, I AM free of your projections upon me, for the Judgment judges that which is unreal and frees me from your unreality. Through my freedom I AM able to cut others free. In Loving Truth I AM

In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between others impressions of you, your reality and Being anyway.

Section IX


That Conscious You IS, pay attention now, it is the key to your oneness with singularity. Think again, beloved, you thought the Christ was the way to oneness. But I stand before you as a witness to a higher oneness through the Conscious You. Throw out the past! You don't need it anymore! The old way, namely the Piscean Age, is pass.

Follow me to pure awareness. Let go! Your karma is no more. GET OVER IT!! Thus, the violet flame is no more. Master More is the way! Listen carefully now. The I AM Presence is designed; the Conscious You is not. Therefore, the I AM Presence becomes finite; the Conscious You/I One IS will manifest the infinite. Do you see the significance here, my beloved?

The fact of the matter is, we are united in Christ. Our Victory is in Christ. Give me your tired, your poor and I will show them ChristLove.

Wherefore the love of my heart is the key because through my heart I AM able. The love of Christ is More. The love of Christ ISIS. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

The Way through Being the Christ is the path of suffering. But it is not the suffering of man, but the suffering of Being the judgment of Antichrist. It is the Way to your ascension. Be with me where I AM in The Way to Peace. Do you see that Christ is The Way, The Way to Divine Direction and Purity? No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

When you are Being the Christ and humble, people will persecute you. Be the Christ and humble anyway.

Section X


I have more, you can't have the more. I think you know what I mean. You can't be, for I am the singularity, cosmic oneness that IS. You are only what I am not. For I am higher in God than you are. I can't be that which you project that I am, or what you feel that I am, because I am more than your images of me. I can be all that I want to be, but you can't. Do you get my drift? For I am more than you are.

Do you want The Way? The path is hard; The Way is difficult. Yet, the upward trek is worth the inconvenience. I love The Way. Although the path is hard, my heart is full with Joy. There is great Joy in overcoming.

Forgive me, Father, for I have prolonged The Way in thinking that there was a shortcut following the Conscious You. But now I know Your Way is my Way. Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a soul like me. I once was lost but now I am found, Was blind, but now I see. T'was Grace that taught my heart to sing, And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear

The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares We have already come; 'Twas Grace that brought us safe thus far and Grace will lead us home. The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess within the veil, A life of joy and peace. When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the Sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise

Than when we've first begun.

I AM pure, regardless of the "mistakes"! (3x) I have the right to be pure, regardless of the "mistakes"! (3x)

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