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BPRD Circular No. 11 of 2011 The Pre side nts/C hie f Ex e cutive s All Bank s / MFBs October 14, 2011

De ar Sirs/Madam s,


As pe r de cision of the Fe de ral Gove rnm e nt, vide Notification No. 2/7/2011-Public date d O ctobe r 13, 2011 five days work ing we e k will be obse rve d by State Bank of Pak istan. Accordingly, State Bank of Pak istan shall re m ain close d on Saturdays and Sundays. 2. The following office tim ings will be obse rve d by State Bank of Pak istan with im m e diate e ffe ct till furthe r orde rs: 1 2 Monday to Thursday Friday 9 am to 5.30 pm (with lunch/praye r bre ak from 1.30 pm to 2.15 pm ) 9 am to 6.00 pm (with lunch/praye r bre ak from 1 pm to 2.30 pm )

3. Howe ve r, in orde r to e nsure availability of basic bank ing facilitie s to busine ss com m unity, it has be e n de cide d that se le cte d branche s of bank s in various busine ss ce nte rs/com m e rcial hubs/ports e tc. will re m ain ope n, while the He ad O ffice s and othe r adm inistrative office s of bank s will re m ain close d on Saturdays. In this re gard, bank s m ay at the ir own de cide the num be r of branche s that will be ope ne d on Saturdays. Also, the Bank s colle ction booths locate d at C ustom House s/Ports shall re m ain ope n 24/7 as pe r e x isting practice . The bank s will subm it a com ple te list of branche s to be ope ne d on Saturdays to the Bank ing Policy & R e gulations De partm e nt by O ctobe r 18, 2011. 4. None the le ss, to e nsure that ope ning of se le cte d num be r of branche s would also support the unde rlying obje ctive of the Gove rnm e nt to conse rve e ne rgy, it has be e n de cide d that the branche s to be ope ne d on Saturdays would pe rform only those bank ing activitie s that will be absolute ly ne ce ssary to facilitate the pe ople . The list of activitie s pe rm issible to be carrie d out on Saturdays is as unde r: C ash R e ce ipts and Paym e nts C olle ction of Gove rnm e nt R e ve nue s (Tax e s, C ustom Dutie s e tc.) Gove rnm e nt Paym e nts (Pe nsions, Salarie s e tc.) O nline Transactions/Fund Transfe r (whe re ve r possible ) C olle ction of Utility Bills Issuance of De m and Drafts, Pay O rde rs, Trave le r C he que s e tc. C olle ction of C he que s and othe r re late d instrum e nts (the instrum e nts re ce ive d for cle aring will be proce sse d on ne x t work ing day) Acce ptance of Docum e nts/O pe ning of Inland & Fore ign Le tte r of C re dit (not forward cove r) 5. For the purpose , the bank s should e nsure de ploym e nt of m inim al num be r of staff absolute ly ne ce ssary to carry out the above functions with the cle ar instructions to e nsure m inim um possible use of e le ctric appliance s. The bank s will also obse rve the othe r instructions of Gove rnm e nt of Pak istan re garding e ne rgy conse rvation. 6. For the inform ation of the custom e rs, the bank s shall prom ine ntly display in the conce rne d branch that this branch will be ope ne d on Saturdays for carrying out basic bank ing activitie s (list of activitie s to be m e ntione d in the notice ). 7. Above instructions are applicable with im m e diate e ffe ct. In case of any que ry or clarification, ple ase contact the following office rs; Mr. Muham m ad Ak htar Jave d, Additional Dire ctor, BPR D Phone No. 021-32453503, 021-99221397 ak htar.jave d@sbp.org.pk

ak htar.jave d@sbp.org.pk Mr. Shahid R abbani, Se nior Joint Dire ctor, BPR D Phone No. 021-32453531, 021-99212961 shahid.rabbani@sbp.org.pk 8. Ple ase e nsure m e ticulous com pliance of the above and ack nowle dge re ce ipt.

Yours truly Sd/(Mansoor H. Siddiqui) Dire ctor

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