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TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN . Previously I did make known I wondered if people really do read my writings appropriately and now it seems to me that people do lack proper consideration of matters and I will explain why. . In a DEMOCRACY you need to have judicial officers whos integrity is beyond question and so also with Members of parliament, and in the document 111017-CEO & Principal Registrar DEMAND to correct - etc I pointed out that because in June 2011 the Federal parliament abolished to ratify the Remuneration Tribunals decisions as to what is to be paid to a Member of parliament, judges, etc, then by this it all are unconstitutional payments, meaning that invoking s44 of the constitution not a single Member of Parliament is now entitled to be a member of parliament and not a single federal judicial officer is legitimately adjudicating. This because when the Federal Parliament abolished to ratify the decisions of the Remuneration Tribunal decisions it effectively fails to comply with the requirement of the constitution. It means that all monies paid to Members of Parliament are unconstitutional and again by s44 has automatically disqualified each and every Member of the parliament by this. . With federal judicial officer if they accept monies other then what is permitted by the constitution, meaning the parliament has to approve of it (ratify it) then basically they all are on the take (bribery) and all then no longer can adjudicate as they are receiving payments from the Commonwealth unconstitutionally. If they are in breach of law how then can they have any integrity one may ask? . Some years ago the same started in California and various judges were found to receive payments not as such authorized by its constitution, which resulted that the judges were disqualified from being judicial officers. . Actually, the same eventuated with the purported 2001 federal election where I discovered from the documents obtained under the FOI that the writs had been issued on 8 October 2001 but the Proclamation to prorogue the Parliament and to dissolve the House of Representatives was actually not published until 9 October 2001, because the Special Gazette officer had the morning off and didnt come to work until the afternoon and then the Printed didnt print it until 9 October 2001 and the dispatch documents show they were printed on either 9 October 2001 or 10 October 2001. Meaning that the writs were issued before there were any vacant seats. Then too none of the members of parliament had bothered to check if the Proclamation was actually published, as that was critical to be done before 11.59am on 8 October 2001. This also means that John Howard and others were never constitutionally validly elected and as such he neither had the protection of office of the Prime Minister when he authorized the invasion into Iraq. Constitutionally he was like any other person an ordinary citizen and had no office as Prime minister. And as a magistrate during litigation made clear that if John Howard was not validity elected in 2001 then neither could he have been in 2004. Later I comprehensively defeated the Commonwealth on 19 July 2006 in this litigation! . I do a lot of research costing me considerable amounts of time and then I put it all out in the open and so FREE OF CHARGE so people can all access it but it seems people just sit back perhaps expecting me to fight their battles for them not really appreciating that I have so to say served it up to them on a silver platter. Little wonder then that politicians and judges set themselves up, so to say, as tyrants and dictators because they know few people have the backbone and tenacity to dare to take them on as I do.
21-10-2011 Page 1 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, by fax 001161-3-94577209 or E-mail INSPECTOR-RIKATI@schorel-hlavka.com See also www.schorel-hlavka.com FREE DOWNLOADS from my blog at Http://www.scribd.com/InspectorRikati

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. People should realize that if you fail to act in certain constitutional issues because you do not care less then one day it will turn against you because then someone else may do something against you and invade your constitutional rights and then they will say that you didnt care about constitutional provisions when it suited you and so now just cop it and tyranny and dictatorship prevails! . There are for example ample of people who ask me to take on the government about the unconstitutional State land taxes and then they will benefit once the court had decided in my favour. Excuse me I am not the minister of fixing everybodys problems! I am exposing the rot and if you dont like to do something about it then cop the rot! As a CONSTITUTIONALIST I expose what I view is constitutionally offensive and it is not my job to fight in the courts everybodys problems! . Being it the Carbon Tax, the GST, the usage of crown land and a lot more people should wake up that unless they put their own butt into gear little will be achieved and all the information I put out is useless for them not because the information itself had no value but those who receive it simply cannot comprehend they are to act appropriately. Many a soldier died to fight for our democracy and to maintain it and yet we have many who sit being a computer and do absolutely nothing to ensure that they in their own way seek to protect their constitution and so their DEMOCRACY as often they simply are too lazy and leave it to others to act. . Shame on all those who fail to act appropriately as they are so to say squandering away the security of their descendants by this also! . Gerrit . Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka . 21-10-2011 . . .

21-10-2011 Page 2 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, by fax 001161-3-94577209 or E-mail INSPECTOR-RIKATI@schorel-hlavka.com See also www.schorel-hlavka.com FREE DOWNLOADS from my blog at Http://www.scribd.com/InspectorRikati

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