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A Letters of Cred|t
1 ueflnlLlon/ConcepL
2 Covernlng laws
3 naLure of leLLer of credlL
4 arLles Lo a leLLer of credlL
a 8lghLs and obllgaLlons of parLles
3 8aslc rlnclples of leLLer of credlL
a uocLrlne of lndependence
b lraud excepLlon prlnclple
c uocLrlne of sLrlcL compllance
8 Warehouse kece|pts Law
1 naLure and luncLlons of a Warehouse 8ecelpL
a 1o whom dellvered
b klnds
c ulsLlncLlon beLween a negoLlable lnsLrumenL and a negoLlable Warehouse 8ecelpL
d 8lghLs of a holder of a negoLlable warehouse recelpL as agalnsL a Lransferee of a nonnegoLlable
warehouse recelpL
2 uuLles of a Warehouseman
3 Warehouseman's Llen
C 1rust kece|pts Law
1 ueflnlLlon/ConcepL of a 1rusL 8ecelpL 1ransacLlon
a Loan/securlLy feaLure
b Cwnershlp of Lhe goods documenLs and lnsLrumenLs under a LrusL recelpL
2 8lghLs of Lhe LnLrusLer
a valldlLy of Lhe securlLy lnLeresL as agalnsL Lhe credlLors of Lhe enLrusLee/lnnocenL purchasers for
3 CbllgaLlons and LlablllLy of Lhe LnLrusLee
a aymenL/uellvery of proceeds of sale or dlsposlLlon of goods documenLs or lnsLrumenLs
b 8eLurn of goods documenLs or lnsLrumenLs ln case of sale
c LlablllLy for loss of goods documenLs or lnsLrumenLs
d enal sancLlon lf offender ls a corporaLlon
4 8emedles avallable
D Negot|ab|e Instruments Law
1 lorms and lnLerpreLaLlon
a 8equlslLes of negoLlablllLy
b klnds of negoLlable lnsLrumenL
2 CompleLlon and dellvery
a lnserLlon of daLe
b CompleLlon of blanks
c lncompleLe and undellvered lnsLrumenLs
d CompleLe buL undellvered lnsLrumenLs
3 8ules of lnLerpreLaLlon
4 SlgnaLure
a Slgnlng ln Lrade name
b SlgnaLure of agenL
c lndorsemenL by mlnor or corporaLlon
d lorgery
3 ConslderaLlon
6 AccomodaLlon parLy
7 negoLlaLlon
a ulsLlngulshed from asslgnmenL
b Modes of negoLlaLlon
8 8lghLs of Lhe Polder
a Polder ln uue Course
b uefenses agalnsL Lhe Polder
9 LlablllLles of arLles
a Maker
b urawer
c AccepLor
d lndorser
e WarranLles
10 resenLmenL for aymenL
a necesslLy of presenLmenL for paymenL
b arLles Lo whom presenLmenL for paymenL should be made
c ulspensaLlon wlLh presenLmenL for paymenL
d ulshonor by nonpaymenL
11 noLlce of ulshonor
a arLles Lo be noLlfled
b arLles who may glve noLlce of dlshonor
c LffecL of noLlce
d lorm of noLlce
e Walver
f ulspensaLlon wlLh noLlce
g LffecL of fallure Lo glve noLlce
12 ulscharge of negoLlable lnsLrumenL
a ulscharge of negoLlable lnsLrumenL
b ulscharge of parLles secondarlly llable
c 8lghL of parLy who dlscharged lnsLrumenL
d 8enunclaLlon by holder
13 MaLerlal alLeraLlon
a ConcepL
b LffecL of maLerlal alLeraLlon
14 AccepLance
a ueflnlLlon
b Manner
c 1lme for accepLance
d 8ules governlng accepLance
13 resenLmenL for AccepLance
a 1lme/place/manner of presenLmenL
b LffecL of fallure Lo make presenLmenL
c ulshonor by nonaccepLance
16 romlssory noLes
17 Checks
a ueflnlLlon
b klnds
c resenLmenL for paymenL
(1) Llme
(2) effecL of delay
L Insurance Code
1 ConcepL of lnsurance
2 LlemenLs of an lnsurance ConLracL
3 CharacLerlsLlcs/naLure of lnsurance ConLracLs
4 Classes
a Marlne
b llre
c CasualLy
d SureLyshlp
e Llfe
f Compulsory MoLor vehlcle LlablllLy lnsurance
3 lnsurable lnLeresL
a ln Llfe/PealLh
b ln roperLy
c uouble lnsurance and Cver lnsurance
d MulLlple or Several lnLeresLs on Same roperLy
6 erfecLlon of Lhe ConLracL of lnsurance
a Cffer and AccepLance/ConsensuallLy
(1) uelay ln accepLance
(2) uellvery of ollcy
b remlum aymenL
c nonuefaulL CpLlons ln Llfe lnsurance
d 8elnsLaLemenL of a Lapsed ollcy of Llfe lnsurance
e 8efund of remlums
7 8esclsslon of lnsurance ConLracLs
a ConcealmenL
b MlsrepresenLaLlon/Cmlsslons
c 8reach of WarranLles
8 Clalms SeLLlemenL and SubrogaLlon
a noLlce and roof of Loss
b Culdellnes on Clalms SeLLlemenL
(1) unfalr Clalms SeLLlemenL SancLlons
(2) rescrlpLlon of AcLlon
(3) SubrogaLlon
I 1ransportat|on Law
1 Common Carrlers
a ulllgence 8equlred of Common Carrlers
b LlablllLles of Common Carrlers
2 vlgllance over goods
a LxempLlng Causes
(1) 8equlremenL of Absence of negllgence
(2) Absence of uelay
(3) uue dlllgence Lo prevenL or lessen Lhe loss
b ConLrlbuLory negllgence
c uuraLlon of llablllLy
(1) uellvery of goods Lo common carrler
(2) AcLual or consLrucLlve dellvery
(3) 1emporary unloadlng or sLorage
d SLlpulaLlon for llmlLaLlon of llablllLy
(1) vold sLlpulaLlons
(2) LlmlLaLlon of llablllLy Lo flxed amounL
(3) LlmlLaLlon of llablllLy ln absence of declaraLlon of greaLer value
e LlablllLy for baggage of passengers
(1) Checkedln baggage
(2) 8aggage ln possesslon of passengers
3 SafeLy of assengers
a vold sLlpulaLlons
b uuraLlon of llablllLy
(1) WalLlng for carrler or 8oardlng of carrler
(2) Arrlval aL desLlnaLlon
c LlablllLy for acLs of oLhers
(1) Lmployees
(2) CLher passengers and sLrangers
d LxLenL of llablllLy for damages
4 8lll of Ladlng
a 1hreefold characLer
b uellvery of goods
(1) erlod for dellvery
(2) uellvery wlLhouL surrender of blll of ladlng
(3) 8efusal of conslgnee Lo Lake dellvery
d erlod for flllng clalms
e erlod for flllng acLlons
3 MarlLlme Commerce
a CharLer arLles
(1) 8areboaL/uemlse CharLer
(2) 1lme CharLer
(3) voyage/1rlp CharLer
b LlablllLy of Shlpowners and Shlpplng AgenLs
(1) LlablllLy for acLs of capLaln
(2) LxcepLlons Lo llmlLed llablllLy
c AccldenLs and uamages ln MarlLlme Commerce
(1) Ceneral Average
(2) Colllslons
d Carrlage of Coods by Sea AcL
(1) AppllcaLlon
(2) noLlce of Loss or uamage
(3) erlod of rescrlpLlon
(4) LlmlLaLlon of llablllLy
6 ubllc Servlce AcL
a ueflnlLlon of ubllc uLlllLy
b necesslLy for cerLlflcaLe of publlc convenlence
(1) 8equlslLes
(a) ClLlzenshlp
(b) romoLlon of publlc lnLeresLs
(c) llnanclal capablllLy
(2) rlor operaLor rule
(a) Meanlng
(b) LxcepLlons
(c) 8ulnous compeLlLlon
c llxlng of raLe
(1) 8aLe of reLurn
(2) Lxcluslon of lncome Lax as expense
d unlawful arrangemenLs
(1) 8oundary sysLem
(2) koblt sysLem
e Approval of sale encumbrance or lease of properLy
7 1he Warsaw ConvenLlon
a AppllcablllLy
b LlmlLaLlon of llablllLy
(1) LlablllLy Lo passengers
(2) LlablllLy for checked baggage
(3) LlablllLy for handcarrled baggage
c Wlllful MlsconducL
Corporat|on Law
1 1he CorporaLlon Code
a CorporaLlon deflned
b ClasslflcaLlon of corporaLlons
c naLlonallLy of corporaLlons
(1) ConLrol LesL
(2) CrandfaLher rule
d CorporaLe [urldlcal personallLy
(1) uocLrlne of separaLe [urldlcal personallLy
(a) LlablllLy for LorL and crlmes
(b) 8ecovery of damages
(2) uocLrlne of plerclng Lhe corporaLe vell
(a) Crounds for appllcaLlon of docLrlne
(b) 1esL ln deLermlnlng appllcablllLy
e CaplLal sLrucLure
(1) number and quallflcaLlons of lncorporaLors
(2) Mlnlmum caplLal sLock and subscrlpLlon requlremenLs
(3) CorporaLe Lerm
(4) ClasslflcaLlon of shares
f lncorporaLlon and organlzaLlon
(1) romoLer
(a) LlablllLy of promoLer
(b) LlablllLy of corporaLlon for promoLer's conLracLs
(2) SubscrlpLlon conLracL
(3) relncorporaLlon subscrlpLlon agreemenLs
(4) ConslderaLlon for sLocks
(3) ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon
(a) ConLenLs
(b) nonamendable lLems
(6) CorporaLe name llmlLaLlons on use of corporaLe name
(7) 8eglsLraLlon and lssuance of CerLlflcaLe of lncorporaLlon
(8) LlecLlon of dlrecLors or LrusLees
(9) AdopLlon of 8yLaws
(a) 8equlslLes of valld bylaws
(b) 8lndlng effecLs
(c) AmendmenLs
g CorporaLe powers
(1) Ceneral powers Lheory of general capaclLy
(2) Speclflc powers Lheory of speclflc capaclLy
(a) ower Lo exLend or shorLen corporaLe Lerm
(b) ower Lo lncrease or decrease caplLal sLock or lncur creaLe lncrease bonded
(c) ower Lo deny preempLlve rlghLs
(d) ower Lo sell or dlspose of corporaLe asseLs
(e) ower Lo acqulre own shares
(f) ower Lo lnvesL corporaLe funds ln anoLher corporaLlon or buslness
(g) ower Lo declare dlvldends
(h) ower Lo enLer lnLo managemenL conLracL
(l) Dtto vltes acLs
l AppllcablllLy of otto vltes docLrlne
ll Consequences of otto vltes acLs
([) uocLrlne of lndlvlduallLy of subscrlpLlon
(k) uocLrlne of equallLy of shares
(l) 1rusL fund docLrlne
(3) Pow exerclsed
(a) 8y Lhe shareholders
(b) 8y Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors
(c) 8y Lhe Cfflcers
h SLockholders and members
(1) lundamenLal rlghLs of a sLockholder
(2) arLlclpaLlon ln managemenL
(a) roxy
(b) voLlng LrusL
(c) Cases when sLockholders' acLlon ls requlred
l 8y a ma[orlLy voLe
ll 8y a LwoLhlrds voLe
lll 8y cumulaLlve voLlng
(3) roprleLary rlghLs
(a) 8lghL Lo dlvldends
(b) 8lghL of appralsal
(c) 8lghL Lo lnspecL
(d) reempLlve rlghL
(e) 8lghL Lo voLe
(f) 8lghL Lo dlvldends
(4) 8emedlal rlghLs
(a) lndlvldual sulL
(b) 8epresenLaLlve sulL
(c) uerlvaLlve sulL
(3) CbllgaLlon of a sLockholder
(6) MeeLlngs
(a) 8egular or speclal
l When and where
ll noLlce
(b) Who calls Lhe meeLlngs
(c) Cuorum
(d) MlnuLes of meeLlngs
l 8oard of dlrecLors and LrusLees
(1) 8eposlLory of corporaLe powers
(2) 1enure quallflcaLlons and dlsquallflcaLlons of dlrecLors
(3) LlecLlons
(a) CumulaLlve voLlng
(b) Cuorum
(4) 8emoval
(3) lllllng of vacancles
(6) CompensaLlon
(7) ulsloyalLy
(8) 8uslness [udgmenL rule
(9) Solldary llablllLles for damages
(10) LlablllLy for waLered sLocks
(11) ersonal llablllLles
(12) 8esponslblllLy for crlmes
(13) Speclal facL docLrlne
(14) lnslde lnformaLlon
(13) ConLracLs
(a) 8y selfdeallng dlrecLors wlLh Lhe corporaLlon
(b) 8eLween corporaLlons wlLh lnLerlocklng dlrecLors
(16) LxecuLlve commlLLee
(a) CreaLlon
(b) LlmlLaLlons on lLs powers
(17) MeeLlngs
(a) 8egular or speclal
l When and where
ll noLlce
(b) Who presldes
(c) Cuorum
(d) 8ule on absLenLlon
[ CaplLal affalrs
(1) CerLlflcaLe of sLock
(a) naLure of Lhe cerLlflcaLe
(b) uncerLlflcaLed shares
(c) negoLlablllLy
l 8equlremenLs for valld Lransfer of sLocks
(d) lssuance
l lull paymenL
ll aymenL proraLa
(e) SLock and Lransfer book
l ConLenLs
ll Who may make valld enLrles
(f) LosL or desLroyed cerLlflcaLes
(g) SlLus of Lhe shares of sLock
(2) WaLered sLocks
(a) ueflnlLlon
(b) LlablllLy of dlrecLors for waLered sLocks
(c) 1rusL fund docLrlne for llablllLy for waLered sLocks
(3) aymenL of balance of subscrlpLlon
(a) Call by board of dlrecLors
(b) noLlce requlremenL
(4) Sale of dellnquenL shares
(a) LffecL of dellnquency
(b) Call by resoluLlon of Lhe board of dlrecLors
(c) noLlce of sale
(d) AucLlon sale
(3) AllenaLlon of shares
(a) Allowable resLrlcLlons on Lhe sale of shares
(b) Sale of parLlally pald shares
(c) Sale of a porLlon of shares noL fully pald
(d) Sale of all of shares noL fully pald
(e) Sale of fully pald shares
(f) 8equlslLes of a valld Lransfer
(g) lnvolunLary deallngs
k ulssoluLlon and llquldaLlon
(1) Modes of dlssoluLlon
(a) volunLary
l Where no credlLors are affecLed
ll Where credlLors are affecLed
lll 8y shorLenlng of corporaLe Lerm
(b) lnvolunLary
l 8y explraLlon of corporaLe Lerm
ll lallure Lo organlze and commence buslness wlLhln 2 years from
lll LeglslaLlve dlssoluLlon
lv ulssoluLlon by Lhe SLC on grounds under exlsLlng laws
(2) MeLhods of llquldaLlon
(a) 8y Lhe corporaLlon lLself
(b) Conveyance Lo a LrusLee wlLhln a 3year perlod
(c) 8y managemenL commlLLee or rehablllLaLlon recelver
(d) LlquldaLlon afLer Lhree years
l CLher corporaLlons
(1) Close corporaLlons
(a) CharacLerlsLlcs of a close corporaLlon
(b) valldlLy of resLrlcLlons on Lransfer of shares
(c) lssuance or Lransfer of sLock ln breach of quallfylng condlLlons
(d) When board meeLlng ls unnecessary or lmproperly held
(e) reempLlve rlghL
(f) AmendmenL of arLlcles of lncorporaLlon
(g) ueadlocks
(2) nonsLock corporaLlons
(a) ueflnlLlon
(b) urposes
(c) 1reaLmenL of proflLs
(d) ulsLrlbuLlon of asseLs upon dlssoluLlon
(3) 8ellglous corporaLlons
(a) CorporaLlon sole
l naLlonallLy
ll 8ellglous socleLles
(4) lorelgn corporaLlons
(a) 8ases of auLhorlLy over forelgn corporaLlons
l ConsenL
ll uocLrlne of dolng buslness (relaLe Lo deflnlLlon under Lhe lorelgn
lnvesLmenLs AcL 8A 7042)
(b) necesslLy of a llcense Lo do buslness
l 8equlslLes for lssuance of a llcense
ll 8esldenL agenL
(c) ersonallLy Lo sue
(d) SuablllLy of forelgn corporaLlons
(e) lnsLances when unllcensed forelgn corporaLlons may be allowed Lo sue lsolaLed
(f) Crounds for revocaLlon of llcense
m Merger and consolldaLlon
(1) ueflnlLlon and concepL
(2) ConsLlLuenL v consolldaLed corporaLlon
(3) lan of merger or consolldaLlon
(4) ArLlcles of merger or consolldaLlon
(3) rocedure
(6) LffecLlvlLy
(7) LlmlLaLlons
(8) LffecLs
Secur|t|es kegu|at|on Code (kA 8799)
1 SLaLe pollcy (purpose)
2 owers and funcLlons of Lhe SLC
a 8egulaLory
b Ad[udlcaLlve
3 SecurlLles requlred Lo be reglsLered
a LxempL securlLles
b LxempL LransacLlons
4 rocedure for reglsLraLlon of securlLles
3 rohlblLlons on fraud manlpulaLlon and lnslder Lradlng
a ManlpulaLlon of securlLy prlces
b ShorL sales
c lraudulenL LransacLlons
d lnslder Lradlng
6 roLecLlon of lnvesLors
a 1ender offer rule
b 8ules on proxy sollclLaLlon
c ulsclosure rule
7 Clvll llablllLy
I 8ank|ng Laws
1 1he new CenLral 8ank AcL (8A 7633)
a SLaLe pollcles
b CreaLlon of Lhe 8angko SenLral ng lllplnas (8S)
c 8esponslblllLy and prlmary ob[ecLlve
d MoneLary 8oard owers and funcLlons
e Pow Lhe 8S handles banks ln dlsLress
(1) ConservaLorshlp
(2) Closure
(3) 8ecelvershlp
(4) LlquldaLlon
f Pow Lhe 8S handles exchange crlsls
(1) Legal Lender power
(2) 8aLe of exchange
2 Law on Secrecy of 8ank ueposlLs (8A 1403 as amended)
a urpose
b rohlblLed acLs
c ueposlLs covered
d LxcepLlons
e CarnlshmenL of deposlLs lncludlng forelgn deposlLs
f enalLles for vlolaLlon
3 Ceneral 8anklng AcL (8A 8791)
a ueflnlLlon and classlflcaLlon of banks
b ulsLlncLlon of banks from quaslbanks and LrusL enLlLles
c 8ank powers and llablllLles
(1) CorporaLe powers
(2) 8anklng and lncldenLal powers
d ulllgence requlred of banks relevanL [urlsprudence
e naLure of bank funds and bank deposlLs
f SLlpulaLlon on lnLeresLs
g CranL of loans and securlLy requlremenLs
(1) 8aLlo of neL worLh Lo LoLal rlsk asseLs
(2) Slngle borrower's llmlL
(3) 8esLrlcLlons on bank exposure Lo uCS8l (dlrecLors offlcers sLockholders and Lhelr relaLed
h enalLles for vlolaLlons
(1) llne lmprlsonmenL
(2) Suspenslon or removal of dlrecLor or offlcer
(3) ulssoluLlon of bank
4 hlllpplne ueposlL lnsurance CorporaLlon AcL
a 8aslc pollcy
b ConcepL of lnsured deposlLs
c LlablllLy Lo deposlLors
(1) ueposlL llablllLles requlred Lo be lnsured wlLh ulC
(2) CommencemenL of llablllLy
(3) ueposlL accounLs noL enLlLled Lo paymenL
(4) LxLenL of llablllLy
(3) ueLermlnaLlon of lnsured deposlLs
(6) CalculaLlon of llablllLy
(a) er deposlLor per capaclLy rule
(b) !olnL accounLs
(c) Mode of paymenL
(d) LffecL of paymenL of lnsured deposlL
(e) aymenLs of lnsured deposlLs as preferred credlL under ArL 2244 Clvll Code
(f) lallure Lo seLLle clalm of lnsured deposlLor
(g) lallure of deposlLor Lo clalm lnsured deposlLs
l LxamlnaLlon of banks and deposlL accounLs
ll rohlblLlon agalnsL spllLLlng of deposlLs
lllrohlblLlon agalnsL lssuances of 18Cs eLc
Inte||ectua| roperty Law (exc|ud|ng Imp|ement|ng ku|es and kegu|at|ons)
1 lnLellecLual roperLy 8lghLs ln general
a lnLellecLual properLy rlghLs
b ulfferences beLween copyrlghLs Lrademarks and paLenL
c 1echnology Lransfer arrangemenLs
2 aLenLs
a aLenLable lnvenLlons
b nonpaLenLable lnvenLlons
c Cwnershlp of a paLenL
(1) 8lghL Lo a paLenL
(2) llrsLLoflle rule
(3) lnvenLlons creaLed pursuanL Lo a Commlsslon
(4) 8lghL of prlorlLy
d Crounds for cancellaLlon of a paLenL
e 8emedy of Lhe Lrue and acLual lnvenLor
f 8lghLs conferred by a paLenL
g LlmlLaLlons of paLenL rlghLs
(1) rlor user
(2) use by Lhe governmenL
h aLenL lnfrlngemenL
(1) 1esLs ln paLenL lnfrlngemenL
(a) LlLeral lnfrlngemenL
(b) uocLrlne of equlvalenLs
(2) Clvll and crlmlnal acLlon
(3) rescrlpLlve perlod
(4) uefenses ln acLlon for lnfrlngemenL
l Llcenslng
(1) volunLary
(2) Compulsory
[ AsslgnmenL and Lransmlsslon of rlghLs
3 1rademarks
a ueflnlLlons of marks collecLlve marks Lrade names
b AcqulslLlon of ownershlp of mark
c AcqulslLlon of ownershlp of Lrade name
d nonreglsLrable marks
e rlor use of mark as a requlremenL
f 1esLs Lo deLermlne confuslng slmllarlLy beLween marks
(1) uomlnancy LesL
(2) PollsLlc LesL
g Wellknown marks
h 8lghLs conferred by reglsLraLlon
l use by Lhlrd parLles of names eLc slmllar Lo reglsLered mark
[ lnfrlngemenL and remedles
(1) 1rademark lnfrlngemenL
(2) uamages
(3) 8equlremenL of noLlce
k unfalr compeLlLlon
l 1rade names or buslness names
m CollecLlve marks
n Crlmlnal penalLles for lnfrlngemenL unfalr compeLlLlon false deslgnaLlon of orlgln and false
descrlpLlon or mlsrepresenLaLlon
4 CopyrlghLs
a 8aslc prlnclples Secs 1722 173 and 181
b CopyrlghLable works
(1) Crlglnal works
(2) uerlvaLlve works
c noncopyrlghLable works
d 8lghLs of copyrlghL owner
e 8ules on ownershlp of copyrlghL
f LlmlLaLlons on copyrlghL
(1) uocLrlne of falr use
(2) CopyrlghL lnfrlngemenL
(a) 8emedles
(b) Crlmlnal penalLles
Spec|a| Laws
1 1he ChaLLel MorLgage Law (AcL 1308 ln rel Lo ArLs 1484 1483 2140 and 2141 of Lhe Clvll Code)
a LssenLlal requlslLes
b lormal requlslLes
c 8eglsLraLlon when and where
d AfLeracqulred properLy
e AfLerlncurred obllgaLlon
f 8lghL of [unlor morLgagee
g loreclosure procedure
h 8edempLlon
l Clalm for deflclency
(1) Ceneral rule
(2) LxcepLlon
(3) ArLlcle 1484
2 8eal LsLaLe MorLgage Law (AcL 3133 as amended by 8A 4118)
a Coverage
b 8emedles avallable Lo morLgagee upon defaulL of Lhe morLgagor
c need for speclal power of aLLorney
d AuLhorlLy Lo foreclose exLra[udlclally
e rocedure
(1) Where Lo flle
(2) Where Lo sell
(3) osLlng requlremenL
(4) ubllcaLlon requlremenL
(a) Sufflclency of newspaper publlcaLlon
(b) need for republlcaLlon ln case of posLponemenL
(c) ersonal noLlce Lo Lhe morLgagor when and when noL needed
f ossesslon by purchaser of foreclosed properLy
g 8emedy of debLor lf foreclosure ls noL proper
h 8edempLlon
(1) Who may redeem
(2) AmounL of 8edempLlon prlce
(3) erlod for redempLlon
(4) LffecL of pendency of acLlon for annulmenL of sale
l WrlL of possesslon
(1) MlnlsLerlal duLy of Lhe courL
(2) LnforcemenL agalnsL Lhlrd parLles
(3) endency of acLlon for annulmenL of sale
[ AnnulmenL of sale
3 1ruLh ln Lendlng AcL (8A 3763)
a urpose
b CbllgaLlon of credlLors Lo person Lo whom credlL ls exLended
c Covered and excluded LransacLlons
d Consequences of noncompllance wlLh obllgaLlon
4 AnLlMoney Launderlng Law (8A 9160 as amended by 8A 9194)
a ollcy of Lhe law
b Covered lnsLlLuLlons
c CbllgaLlons of covered lnsLlLuLlons
d Covered LransacLlons
e Susplclous LransacLlons
f When ls money launderlng commlLLed
g unlawful acLlvlLles or predlcaLe crlmes
h AnLlMoney Launderlng Councll (AMLC)
l luncLlons
[ lreezlng of moneLary lnsLrumenL or properLy
k AuLhorlLy Lo lnqulre lnLo bank deposlLsovvpbl
3 lorelgn lnvesLmenLs AcL (8A 7042)
a ollcy of Lhe law
b ueflnlLlon of Lerms
(1) lorelgn lnvesLmenL
(2) uolng buslness ln Lhe hlllpplnes
(3) LxporL enLerprlse
(4) uomesLlc markeL enLerprlse
c 8eglsLraLlon of lnvesLmenLs of nonhlllpplne naLlonals
d lorelgn lnvesLmenLs ln exporL enLerprlses
e lorelgn lnvesLmenLs ln domesLlc markeL enLerprlses
f lorelgn lnvesLmenL negaLlve LlsL
IMCk1AN1 NC1L 1hls bar coverage descrlpLlon ls noL lnLended and should noL be used by law schools as a syllabus or course
ouLllne ln Lhe covered sub[ecLs
lL has been drawn up for Lhe llmlLed purpose of ensurlng LhaL candldaLes revlewlng for Lhe bar examlnaLlons are gulded on whaL
baslc and mlnlmum amounLs of laws docLrlnes and prlnclples Lhey need Lo know and be able Lo use correcLly before Lhey can be
llcensed Lo pracLlce law More ls requlred for excellenL and dlsLlngulshed work as members of Lhe 8ar

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