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DkUG LIS1 (20)

Con[ugaLe esLrogen (remarln)
AdalaL glLs
8 norm
Pydroxyzlne (lLerax)

8uplvacalne 8
nalbuphlne (nubaln)

Cefuroxlme (Zegen)
arecoxlb (uynasLaL
nalbuphlne (nubaln)

u8uC'S nAML MeLronldazole
CLnL8lC nAML MeLronldazole
CLASSlllCA1lCn nlLrolmldazole pregnancy rlsk caLegory 8
lnulCA1lCn 1rlchomonlasls 8efracLory Lrlchomonlasls elvll lnflammaLory dlsease 8acLerlal vaglnosls
O CnS headache selzures fever verLlgo dlzzlness confuslon lrrlLablllLy depresslon weakness
O Cv edema flushlng
O LLn1 rhlnlLls slnuslLls
O Cl nausea vomlLlng abdomlnal cramplng or paln consLlpaLlon dlarrhea dry mouLh
O Cu darkened urlne vaglnlLls polyurla dysurla cysLlLls dryness of vaglna and vulva genlLal
O MusculoskeleLal LranslenL [olnL paln
O 8esplraLory upper resplraLory LracL lnfecLlon
O Skln rash
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 MonlLor glucose level ln paLlenLs wlLh dlabeLes who are Laklng Lhe suspenslon
2 1ell Lhe careglver or paLlenL Lo Lake Lhe drug wlLh food
3 Cbserve 10 rlghLs ln glvlng Lhe drugs

u8uC'S nAML Con[ugaLe esLrogen (remarln)
CLnL8lC nAML Con[ugaLed esLrogens
CLASSlllCA1lCn LsLrogen pregnancy rlsk caLegory x
lnulCA1lCn vulvar or vaglnal aLrophy

CnS dlzzlness headache sLroke and selzure
Cv edema pulmonary embollsm Ml
Cl dyspepsla Cl paln nausea consLlpaLlon or dlarrhea flaLulence pepLlc ulceraLlon and vomlLlng
Cu renal fallure
PemaLologlc decreased plaLeleL adheslon prolonged bleedlng Llme
Skln dlaphoresls pruroLus rash
Cl nausea vomlLlng abdomlnal cramplng bloaLlng lncreased appeLlLe
LLn1 worsenlng myopla or asLlgmaLlsm
Cu breakLhrough bleedlngamenorrheaalLered cervlcal secreLlon
PepaLlc cholesLaLls [aundlce
Skln melasma chloasma halrloss dermaLlLls
MeLabollc welghL changes hypercalcemla
CLher breasL Lenderness changes ln llbldo

nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 Make sure paLlenL has Lhorough physlcal exam before sLarLlng Lherapy and paLlenLs
recelvlng long Lerm Lherapy should have yearly exams erlodlcally monlLor llpld levels
blood pressure body welghL and hepaLlc funcLlon
2 Clucose Lolerance maybe lmpalred MonlLor glucose level closely ln paLlenLs wlLh dlabeLes
3 Look allkesound allke don'L confuse premarln wlLh prlmaxln provera or remeron

u8uC'S nAML AdalaL glLs
CLnL8lC nAML nlfedlplne
CLASSlllCA1lCn Calclum channel blocker pregnancy rlsk caLegory C
lnulCA1lCn PyperLenslon
CnS dlzzlness llghL headedness headache weakness syncope nervousness
Cv flushlng perlpheral edema hearL fallure Ml hypoLenslon palplLaLlons
LLn1 nasal congesLlon
Cl nausea dlarrhea consLlpaLlon abdomlnal dlscomforL
MusculoskeleLal muscle cramps
8esplraLory dyspnea pulmonary edema cough
Skln rash prurlLus
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 MonlLor 8lood pressure and hearL raLe regularly especlally ln paLlenLs who Lake beLablockers
or anLlhyperLenslves
2 WaLch for sympLoms of hearL fallure
3 Look allkesound allke don'L confuse nlfedlplne wlLh nlmodlplne or nlcardlplne

u8uC'S nAML 8 norm
CLnL8lC nAML loslnoprll Sodlum
CLASSlllCA1lCn ACL lnhlblLor regnancy rlsk CaLegory C u ln 2
and 3
PyperLenslon and PearL fallure
CnS dlzzlness sLroke headache faLlgue paresLhesla sleep dlsLurbance
Cv Ml chesL paln anglna pecLorls rhyLhm dlsLurbance palplLaLlons hypoLenslon orLhosLaLlc
LLn1 LlnnlLus slnuslLls
Cl pancreaLlLls nausea vomlLlng dlarrhea dry mouLh abdomlnal dlsLenLlon and paln consLlpaLlon
Cu sexual dysfuncLlon renal lnsufflclency hepaLlLls
MeLabollc Pypercalemla
MusculoskeleLal musculoskeleLal paln
8esplraLory dry perslsLenL Llckllng nonproducLlve cough bronchospasm
Skln urLlcarla rash phoLosenslLlvlLy reacLlons prurlLus
CLher angloedema decrease llbldo gouL
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 MonlLor 8lood ressure for drug effecLs
2 MonlLor oLasslum lnLake and poLasslum level ulabeLlc paLlenLs Lhose wlLh lmpalred renal
funcLlon and Lhose recelvlng drugs LhaL can lncrease poLasslum level may develop
3 Look allkesound allke uon'L confuse foslnoprll wlLh llslnoprll uon'L confuse monoprll wlLh

u8uC'S nAML LlplLor
CLnL8lC nAML ALorvasLaLln calclum
CLASSlllCA1lCn PMCCoA reducLase lnhlblLor pregnancy rlsk caLegory x
O ln paLlenLs wlLh cllnlcally evldenL coronary hearL dlsease Lo reduce Lhe rlsk of nonfaLal Ml faLal
and nonfaLal sLrokes anglna hearL fallure and revascularlzaLlon procedures
O 1o reduce Lhe rlsk of Ml sLroke anglna or revascularlzaLlon procedures ln paLlenL wlLh mulLlple
rlsk facLors for CAu buL who don'L yeL have Lhe dlsease
O Ad[uncL Lo dleL Lo reduce LuL LoLal cholesLerol apollpropoLeln 8 and Lrlglycerlde levels and Lo
lncrease PuL levels ln paLlenLs wlLh prlmary hypercholesLerolemla and mlxed dysllpldemla
ad[uncL Lo dleL Lo reduce Lrlglycerlde level prlmary dysbeLallpoproLelnemla ln paLlenLs who
don'L respond adequaLely Lo dleL
O Alone or as an ad[uncL Lo llpldlowerlng LreaLmenLs such as LuL apheresls Lo reduce LoLal and
LuL CholesLerol ln paLlenLs wlLh homozygous famlllal hypercholesLerolemla
O PeLerozygous famlllal hypercholesLerolemla

O CnS headache asLhenla lnsomnla
O Cv perlpheral edema
O LLn1 harynglLls 8hlnlLls SlnuslLls
O Cl Abdomlnal aln ConsLlpaLlon ularrhea dyspepsla flaLulence nausea
O Cu u1l
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 aLlenL should follow a sLandard cholesLerollowerlng dleL before and durlng Lherapy
2 8efore LreaLmenL assess paLlenL for underlylng causes for hypercholesLerolemla and obLaln a
basellne llpld proflle CbLaln perlodlc llver funcLlon LesL resulL and llpld levels before sLarLlng
LreaLmenL and aL 6 and 12 weeks afLer lnlLlaLlon of afLer an lncrease ln dosage and perlodlcally
3 WaLch for slgns of myoslLls
u8uC'S nAML Pydroxyzlne (lLerax)
CLnL8lC nAML Pydroxyzlne dlPCL
CLASSlllCA1lCn lperazlne derlvaLlve pregnancy rlsk caLegory n8
lnulCA1lCn AnxleLy reoperaLlve and osLoperaLlve ad[uncLlve Lherapy for sedaLlon prurlLus
sychlaLrlc and emoLlonal emergencles lncludlng acuLe alcohollsm nausea and vomlLlng (excludlng
nausea and vomlLlng of pregnancy) AnLeparLum and posL parLum ad[uncLlve Lherapy
CnS drowslness lnvolunLary moLor acLlvlLy
Cl dry mouLh consLlpaLlon
Skln aln aL lM ln[ecLlon slLe
C1PL8 PypersenslLlvlLy reacLlons
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 lf paLlenL Lakes oLher CnS drugs waLch for oversedaLlon
2 Llderly paLlenL maybe more senslLlve Lo adverse anLlchollnerglc effecLs monlLor Lhese paLlenLs
for dlzzlness excesslve sedaLlon confuslon hypoLenslon and syncope
3 Look allkesound allke don'L confuse hydroxyzlne wlLh hydroxyurea hydrogeslc or hydralazlne
uon'L confuse vlsLarll and resLorll


u8uC'S nAML 8uplvacalne hydrochlorlde
CLnL8lC nAML 8uplvacalne hydrochlorlde
CLASSlllCA1lCn amlde Lype local anaesLheLlc
producLlon of local or reglonal anesLhesla or analgesla for surgery procedures
Mlld dlzzlness or drowslness
nausea and vomlLlng
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 aLlenLs should be lnformed ln advance LhaL Lhey may experlence Lemporary loss of sensaLlon
and moLor acLlvlLy usually ln Lhe lower half of Lhe body followlng proper admlnlsLraLlon of
caudal or lumbar epldural anesLhesla
2 lnform Lhe paLlenL before uslng Lhls medlcaLlon Lo Lell hls/her docLor or pharmaclsL of all
prescrlpLlon and nonprescrlpLlon/herbal producLs he/she may use
3 uo noL sLarL or sLop any medlclne wlLhouL docLor or pharmaclsL approval

u8uC'S nAML nalbuphlne (nubaln)
CLnL8lC nAML nalbuphlne PCl
CLASSlllCA1lCn narcoLlc agonlsL/anLagonlsL
lnulCA1lCn 8ellef of moderaLe Lo severe paln reoperaLlve analgesla anesLhesla ad[uncL obsLeLrlc
lnfrequenLly sweaLlng Cl upseLs verLlgo ulzzlness
ury mouLh
Peadache allerglc reacLlons
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 use wlLh cauLlon ln presence of head ln[urles and asLhma Ml blllary LracL renal lnsufflclency
2 Cbserve CllenLs LhaL are dependenL on narcoLlcs may experlence wlLhdrawal sympLoms
3 MonlLor clrculaLory and resplraLory sLaLus and bladder and bowel funcLlon
u8uC'S nAML ALroplne
CLnL8lC nAML ALroplne SulfaLe
CLASSlllCA1lCn anLlchollnerglc belladonna alkalold regnancy rlsk caLegory C
SympLomaLlc bradycardla bradyarrhyLhmla ([uncLlonal or escape rhyLhm)
CnS headache resLlessness lnsomnla dlzzlness aLaxla dlsorlenLaLlon halluclnaLlon confuslon
Cv bradycardla palplLaLlons Lachycardla
LLn1 blurred vlslon lncrease lnLraocular pressure
Cl dry mouLh consLlpaLlon LhlrsL nausea vomlLlng
Cu urlne reLenLlon lmpoLence
CLher anaphylaxls
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 ln adulLs avold doses less Lhan 03 mg because of rlsk of paradoxlcal bradycardla
2 ALL81 waLch for Lachycardla and cardlac paLlenLs because lL may lead Lo venLrlcular flbrlllaLlon
3 Many adverse reacLlons (dry mouLh and consLlpaLlon) vary wlLh dose and MonlLor fluld lnLake
and urlne ouLpuL urug causes urlne reLenLlon and urlnary heslLancy

u8uC'S nAML uormlcum
CLnL8lC nAML mldazolam hydrochlorlde
lnulCA1lCn SedaLlon ln remed before surglcal or dlagnosLlc procedures lnducLlon and malnLenance
of anesLhesla
nausea vomlLlngheadache hlccoughs laryngospasm dyspnea halluclnaLlon drowslness amneslc
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 Pave oxygen and resusclLaLlon equlpmenL avallable ln case of severe resplraLory depresslon
2 MonlLor blood pressure hearL raLe and rhyLhm resplraLlons alrway lnLegrlLy and arLerlal
oxygen saLuraLlon durlng procedure
3 use cauLlously ln paLlenLs wlLh uncompensaLed acuLe lllness and ln elderly or deblllLaLed

u8uC'S nAML keLamlne
CLnL8lC nAML keLamlne PCl
CLASSlllCA1lCn ulssoclaLlve anesLheLlc halluclnogen psychoLomlmeLlc
lnulCA1lCn AnesLheLlc agenL for dlagnosLlc and surglcal procedures LhaL do noL requlre skeleLal muscle
8lurred vlslon confuslon drowslness lncreased or decreased blood pressure or hearL raLe
MenLal sLaLus changes nausea vomlLlng
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 MonlLor clrculaLory and resplraLory sLaLus
2 Assess Lhe blood pressure of Lhe paLlenL before Lhe admlnlsLraLlon
3 1heophylllne should noL be coadmlnlsLered wlLh keLamlne lL may lnLeracL and can cause
unpredlcLable selzure


u8uC'S nAML AceLamlnophen
CLnL8lC nAML araceLamol
CLASSlllCA1lCn paraamlnophenol derlvaLlve regnancy rlsk caLegory 8
lnulCA1lCn Mlld paln or lever
AuvL8SL 8LAC1lCn
PemaLologlc hemolyLlc anemla leucopenla neuLropenla pancyLopenla
PepaLlc !aundlce
MeLabollc hypoglLcemla
Skln rash urLlcarla

nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCn

1 Many C1C and prascrlpLlon producLs conLaln aceLamlnophen be aware of Lhls when calculaLlng
LoLal dally dose
2 Cbserve any slgns of adverse reacLlon
3 Cbserve 10 rlghLs ln glvlng Lhe drugs

u8uC'S nAML Cmeprazole (omepron)
CLnL8lC nAML Cmeprazole
CLASSlllCA1lCn proLon pump
lnulCA1lCn ShorL Lerm LreaLmenL for gasLrlc ulcer
CnS dlzzlness headache
Cl abdomlnal paln consLlpaLlon dlarrhea flaLulence nausea vomlLlng
MusculoskeleLal back paln
8esplraLory cough upper resplraLory LracL lnfecLlon
Skln rash
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 ALL81 amoxlclllln may Lrlgger anaphylaxls ln paLlenLs wlLh a hlsLory of penlclllln
2 1ell Lhe paLlenL Lo swallow LableLs or capsules whole and noL Lo open crush or chew Lhem
3 Look allkesound allke uon'L confuse prllosec wlLh ozac rllocalne or rlnlvll

u8uC'S nAML Cllndamycln
CLnL8lC nAML Cllndamycln Pydrochlorlde
CLASSlllCA1lCn Llncomycln derlvaLlve
lnfecLlons caused by senslLlve sLaphylococcl sLrepLococcl and oLher senslLlve aeroblc and anaeroblc
Cv LhrombophleblLls
Cl nausea abdomlnal paln dlarrhea vomlLlng
Skln rashes
CLhers anaphylaxls
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 Cbserve paLlenL for slgns and sympLoms of superlnfecLlon
2 uon'L glve oplold anLldlarrheals Lo LreaL druglnduced dlarrhea Lhey may prolong and worsen
Lhls condlLlon
3 Cbserve 10 rlghLs ln glvlng Lhe drug

u8uC'S nAML ulsflaLyl
CLnL8lC nAML ulmeLhlcone/SlmeLhlcone
CLASSlllCA1lCn polydlmeLhylslloxanes
lnulCA1lCn accumulaLlon of gases ln Lhe gasLrolnLesLlnal LracL flaLulence funcLlonal gasLrlc bloaLlng
8lechlng flaLus
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 urug doesn'L prevenL gas formaLlon
2 Look allkesound allke uon'L Confuse slmeLhlcone wlLh clmeLldlne
3 Cbserve 10 rlghLs ln glvlng Lhe medlcaLlon

u8uC'S nAML 1ramadol
CLnL8lC nAML 1ramadol Pydrochlorlde
CLASSlllCA1lCn synLheLlc cenLrally acLlve analgeslc
lnulCA1lCn moderaLe Lo moderaLely severe paln
ulzzlness Peadache confuslon sleep dlsorder vasodllaLlon urlnary frequency nausea vomlLlng
flaLulence resplraLory depresslon rash dlaphoresls
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 MonlLor Cv and resplraLory sLaLus
2 8eassess paLlenL's level of paln aL leasL 30 mlnuLes afLer admlnlsLraLlon
3 lor beLLer analgeslc effecL glve drug before onseL of lnLense paln
u8uC'S nAML Cefuroxlme (Zegen)
CLnL8lC nAML Cefuroxlme Sodlum
CLASSlllCA1lCn SecondgeneraLlon cephalosporln regnancy rlsk caLegory 8
lnulCA1lCn erloperaLlve prevenLlon

AuvL8SL 8LAC1lCn
- Cv phleblLls LhrombophleblLls
- Cl dlarrhea nausea anorexla vomlLlng
- PemaLologlc hemolyLlc anemla
- Skln maculopapular and eryLhemaLous rashes urLlcarla paln lnduraLlon sLerlle abscesses
LemperaLure elevaLlon
- CLher hypersenslLlvlLy reacLlon serum reacLlon

nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCn
1 1ableLs and suspenslon aren'L bloequlvalenL and can'L be subsLlLuLed mllllgramformllllgram
2 MonlLor paLlenL for slgns sympLoms of superlnfecLlon
3 Look allkesound allke uon'L confuse drug wlLh oLher cephalosporlns LhaL sound allke
u8uC'S nAML arecoxlb (uynasLaL)
CLnL8lC nAML arecoxlb na
CLASSlllCA1lCn nonsLeroldal AnLllnflammaLory urugs (nSAlus)
lnulCA1lCn ShorL Lerm LreaLmenL of acuLe paln and posLop paln
osLop anemla Pypokalemla aglLaLlon lnsomnla hypoesLhesla P1n PypoLenslon arynglLls
resplLarory lnsufflclency alveolar osLelLls dyspepsla flaLulence prurlLls back paln arLhralgla ollgurla
parlpheralm edema lncrease blood creaLlnlne
nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS
1 Cbserve 10 rlghLs ln glvlng Lhe drugs
2 MonlLor vlLal slgns
3 Assess renal funcLlon of Lhe paLlenL

u8uC'S nAML keLorolac
CLnL8lC nAML keLorolac LromeLhamlne
CLASSlllCA1lCn nSAlu regnancy 8lsk CaLegory C u ln 3rd LrlmesLer
lnulCA1lCn ShorLLerm managemenL of moderaLe severe acuLe paln for slngle and mulLlpledose
AuvL8SL 8LAC1lCn
CnS dlzzlness headache drowslness sedaLlon
Cv edema hyperLenslon palplLaLlon
Cl dyspepsla Cl paln nausea consLlpaLlon or dlarrhea flaLulence pepLlc ulceraLlon and vomlLlng
Cu renal fallure
PemaLologlc decreased plaLeleL adheslon prolonged bleedlng Llme
Skln dlaphoresls pruroLus rash

nu8SlnC CCnSluL8A1lCn
1 CorrecL hypovolemla before glvlng
2 nSAlus may lncrease Lhe rlsk of serlus LhromboLlc evenLs Ml or sLokewhlch can be faLal 1he rlsk
may be greaLer wlLh longer use or ln paLlenLs wlLh Cv dlsease or rlsk facLors for Cv dlsease
3 Carefully observe paLlenLs wlLh coagulopaLhles and Lhose Laklng anLlcoagulanLs urug lnhlblLs plaLeleL
aggregaLlon and can prolong bleedlng Llme 1hls effecL dlsappears wlLhln 48 hours of sLopplng drug and
doesn'L alLer plaLeleL counL ln8 11 or 1

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