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Environmental Geochemistry and Health (2006) 28:499–507  Springer 2006

DOI 10.1007/s10653-005-7570-y

Mercury pollution in two typical areas in Guizhou province, China and its
neurotoxic effects in the brains of rats fed with local polluted rice

Jinping Cheng1,4, Tao Yuan1, Wenhua Wang1, Jinping Jia1, Xueyu Lin2, Liya Qu3 & Zhenhua Ding1
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 200240, Shanghai, P.R.
School of Environment and Resources, Jilin University, 130026, Changchun, P.R.China
Guizhou Institute for Environmental Protection, Guiyang, P.R. China
Author for correspondence (tel.:+86-21-54745262; fax: +86-21-54740825; e-mail: jpcheng@sjtu.edu.cn)

Received 26 April 2004; Accepted 12 May 2005

Key words: ecological effects, mercury contaminated rice, mercury pollution, neurotoxicity

Guizhou province, which located in southwestern of China, is an important mercury (Hg) production
center. This study was to investigate the environmental levels and ecological effects of mercury in two
typical Hg polluted areas in Guizhou province. In addition, to improve the understanding of the neurotoxic
effects of Hg, a rats based laboratory study was also carried out in this study. Samples of water, soil, plants,
crops and animals collected from Wanshan mercury mine area, Guzhou province, were analyzed by
mercury analyzer. The effects of Hg contaminated rice on the expression of c-jun mRNA in rat’s brain and
the expression of c-JUN protein in cortex, hippocampus were observed using reverse transcription poly-
merase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunocytochemical methods. The results showed that the mercury
contents in most environmental samples of aquatics, soil, atmosphere and the biomass of corn, plant and
animals, were higher than the national standard and the corresponding data from unpolluted area. It was
found mercury pollutions were significant in soil and air. In the laboratory study, the expression of c-jun
mRNA and its protein was significantly induced by Hg polluted rice collected from local area. Selenium
could reduce the Hg accumulation in the body and had antagonist effect on Hg in terms of the expression of
c-jun mRNA and c-JUN protein. The environmental data and Hg levels in different creatures collected in
this study will facilitate the environmental and ecological risk assessment of Hg in the polluted areas. It was
urged to be alert of mental health problem in human beings when any kind of Hg-polluted food was taken.
More efforts should be performed to protect the local ecosystem and human health in the mercury polluted
area of Wanshan, Guizhou province of China.

Introduction countries with the high amount of mercury pro-

ducer and consumer in the world. Guizhou prov-
Mercury (Hg) is a silvery, liquid metal at room ince, which located in Southwestern China
temperature. It is harmful to human beings and (N2430¢–2913¢, E1031¢–10930¢, 1100 m above
advanced creatures. In addition, methylmercury is sea level, subtropical humid climate), is currently
a neurotoxic compound and capable of inducing one of the most important mercury production
cancer, deformity and mutation (Pamphlett & areas in the world. Hg mining in China approxi-
Kum-Jew 2001; Karimi et al. 2002). Concerns mately started from 3,000 years ago. Guizhou has
about mercury are based on its effects on both a history of Hg production about 600 years. The
ecosystem and human health. China is one of the cinnabar deposit reaches to about 80,000 tons in
500 j. cheng et al.

Guizhou province and occupies 70% of the total provide the basic information of exposure and the
deposits in China. The total output was reported risk assessment for human beings.
to be 26,000 tons from 1949 to 1981. The peak
annual mercury emission from mining and refining
to the atmosphere reached 11 tons (Xiao et al. Materials and methods
1998; Tan et al. 2000; Horvat et al. 2003). In
addition, Guizhou province is one of the major Behaviors of mercury in the environment and food
coal production provinces in China. Combustion chain in WS area
of coal contributes about 80% of the total energy
consumption in a population of 34 million people. Sampling
Currently, about 40 million ton per annum of coal WS sampling stations were located in the valley of
were combusted for both industrial and domestic the Dashuixi River, into which waters from min-
purposes in Guizhou province. The average mer- ing and ignition residue disposal sites are leached.
cury concentration in coals from Guizhou coal All samples were collected in the beginning of
mines was 0.55 mg g)1. Thus, about 20 t of mer- November 2002. Soil (3–10 cm from the surface),
cury was released into the environment from coal rice and crop samples were taken from the fields
combustion process in Guizhou province in 1955 along the river. Water samples were collected from
(Feng & Hong 1999). Another source of Hg in the the river. Two pigs, which were fed with local rice
environment of Guizhou province is the emission and crops for 10 months, were collected. Fish
from chemical industries in which Hg is used as a were caught from the Dashuixi River by a local
catalyst for the production of acetaldehyde and fisherman. Seven ducks were bred freely in the
other organic compounds (Horvat et al. 2003). Hg river for 8 months before collection. Anther rice
is also used in agriculture, medicine and the elec- samples were taken from a field near QZ district
trical industry, etc. Emissions of mercury from the where Hg is used as a catalyst for the production
province to the global atmosphere have been esti- of acetaldehyde. QZ district is located in the
mated to be around 12% of the world total emis- vicinity of the city of Qingzhen. It discharges
sions (Tan et al. 2000). The local population wastewater into the channel and irrigation areas
exposure to mercury may occur due to inhalation for the sampling field.
of mercury in air and consumption of mercury
pollution food and water. Sample preparation
In this study, two typical areas in Guizhou All precautions were taken in order to avoid any
province, i.e. WS district (Wanshan mercury mine contamination during sampling. Samples were
area) and QZ district (Qingzhen chemical plant stored in a refrigerator before further processing.
area), were selected to investigate the environmen- All the results are expressed on a dry weight basis.
tal behaviors, distributions and ecological effects of Rice samples were divided into two parts, i.e.
Hg in these areas. The basic information collected with and without hull. The hull removed part
in this study will facilitate the environmental and stands for white rice, which was used as feed for
ecological risk assessment of Hg in the aforecited the later laboratory study.
areas. Additionally, to better understand the toxi- Bigger particles in soil samples, e.g. stones and
cological effects of Hg and its possible adverse ef- plant residues were removed. Soil samples were
fects on human beings, a rats based laboratory then ground to pass a 100-mesh sieve. During the
study was also carried out in this study. As the whole sample preparation procedure, special pre-
neurotoxic effect of Hg is one of the most seriously cautions were necessary to avoid cross-contami-
concerned aspects, the laboratory study is to ob- nation of samples, including the sequence of
serve the expression of c-jun in the brains of rats fed sample treatment. Thus, homogenization process
with local polluted rice. The c-jun gene is a member was conducted in the following order, control
of immediate early genes. Expression of the c-JUN samples, less contaminated samples and more
protein product has been used as a marker of the contaminated samples. Homogenized samples
induced neuronal activation. The laboratory results were collected using plastic containers, which were
obtained in this study will enhance the under- sealed by polyethylene bags. The bags were then
standing of neurotoxic effects induced by Hg and stored in a refrigerator until further processing.
mercury pollution in two typical areas 501

Tissue samples from animals were carefully with the Shanghai rice amalgamated with MeHg.
collected from the fish (n=7), ducks (n=7) and To simulate the rice produced in the QZ, the
pigs (n=2). They were put into polyethylene vials amount of MeHg was added as 0.16 mgHg kg)1.
and then stored in deep frozen ()70 C). Before Similarly, SMG were fed on the Shanghai rice
sample aliquots were taken for analysis, tissues amalgamated with Na2SeO4 and HgCl2 to simu-
were cut using a clean scalpel and macerated in the late the rice produced in the WS. The added
sterilized glass plates. A homogeneous mass was amount of Hg and Se were 0.13 mgHg kg)1 and
obtained and aliquots of the mass were sampled 0.80 mgSe kg)1, respectively. MCG were fed with
for total Hg determination. Laboratory tools and the Shanghai rice but only amalgamated with
ware needed for samples preparation were washed HgCl2 to observe the influence of Se when com-
with detergent solution, soaked in hot nitric acid, paring with SMG. Vitamin mix, Corn oil and
rinsed with double distilled Hg-free water and Minerals were added to all diet in order to ensure
dried before use. To avoid changes of water con- the reasonable nutrition (Domene et al. 2001).
tents in the tissues, the processing of tissues Every rat was fed on 50 g d)1 of rice (it was en-
homogenization was carried out immediately after ough). Rats were weighted at 9.00 a.m every other
maceration. day. After being fed for 20 days, rats were an-
Water samples were collected at the water body aesthetized with 10% ketamine clorhydrate
surface (20 cm depth) and put into seven acid- (0.005 ml g)1 weight) before perfusion via the
cleaned Teflon bottles. Samples were stored at ascending aorta with 0.1 M phosphate buffered
4 C until further processing in the laboratory. saline. The brains were quickly dissected out of the
skull. One part of tissue was post-fixed in the
Analytical method for mercury and selenium buffer of 4% paraformaldehyde solution for 24 h,
Total mercury (T–Hg) was determined by AMA- washed in water, dehydrated and then embedded
254 liquid/solid mercury analyzer (Milestone, in paraffin. They were cut in arrowy aspect (the
Italy). Selenium (Se) was determined using a thickness was 5 lm). Five sections per rat (five
Hitachi Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-450 rats per treatment) were used to examine the
(Hitachi, Japan). c-JUN expression. Another part of tissue was
rapidly removed and immediately frozen by
Effect of Hg-contaminated rice on c-jun expression immersion in liquid-nitrogen cooled and stored at
in the brains of rats )70 C refrigerator until later assay.

Animals and experimental procedures Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction

Sprague–Dawley rats (purchased from Shanghai The tissue sample was picked up from storage and
Animal Experimental Center of China Science placed on a clean surface. It was cut and weighted
Institute, weighted of 135–140 g) were housed before use. Homogenization was performed using
separately and maintained on a 12 h light/12 h a suitable vessel. Total RNA was isolated using
dark cycle. Ambient temperature was maintained the RNeasy protocol (Qiagen, Germany). The
at 22 C with free access to food and water. Rats concentration of RNA in each sample was deter-
were raised for several days before experiment. mined by photo spectroscopy. An aliquot of total
Either too active rats or retarded ones were re- RNA (0.5 lg) from each sample was used for
moved. The rats were then divided into six groups, cDNA synthesis. RT-PCR was performed using
i.e. control group (SHC), QZ group (QZP), WS Qiagen onestep RT-PCR kit (Qiagen, Germany).
group (WSM), methylmercury group (MMG), Se–
Hg group (SMG), HgCl2 group (MCG). The
concentrations of total mercury, methyl mercury Table 1. The Se and Hg content of rice in different areas.
and selenium in rice were showed in Table 1. Each Concentrations (mg kg)1) Shanghai WS QZ
group had seven rats (the males were 4, the fe-
males were 3). SHC group were fed with the rice Total mercury 0.004 0.133 0.155
which was purchased in Shanghai market. QZP Organic mercury  0.033 0.130
Selenium  0.800 0.075
and WSM groups were fed with the rice collected
from QZ and WS, respectively. MMG were fed  Below the limit of detection.
502 j. cheng et al.

It was carried out on a Touchgene Gradient PCR drops HRP substrate mixture, developed for 30
system (Touchgene Gradien, England) . PCR cy- s–10 min, or until desired stain intensity obtained;
cles consisted of denaturing at 94 C for 30 s, rinsed with demonized H2O and transferred to a
annealing at 60 C for 50 s, and extension at 72 C demonized H2O for 2 min on a stir plate; count-
for 60 s, number of cycles 30. The sequences of erstained, dehydrated and mounted slides. An
primers (Qiagen Germany) used for analysis were addition set of control slides was tested to ensure
listed in Table 2. Samples (10 ll) of PCR products the specificity of the primary antibody. These
were separated on a 2% agarose gel containing slides were included in every step of the staining
ethidium bromide using a DNA molecular weight protocol with the following exception: during the
marker for comparison purposes. After electro- primary antibody incubation, a mixture contain-
phoresis, the expression of c-jun and GADPH ing only TBS, NGS, and 10% Trition was applied.
mRNA was indicated by measuring the density of Later analysis of these slides revealed virtually no
the respective specific bands using the Electro- staining. Labeled sections were examined using
phoresis Documentation and Analysis System bright field microscopy throughout the rostra-
along with the Tanon (Shanghai, China) Image caudal extent of the striatum from each animal.
Analysis Software program (Ver.3.61).The control Digitized brightfield images were obtained with a
was set as 1.0. The amount of mRNA expression video camera attached to Microscope and ana-
was determined by dividing the densitometry value lyzed with Tanon (Shanghai, China) Image
of the mRNA RT-PCR product by that of the Analysis Software program (Ver. 3.61). The pro-
GAPDH product. (Ho et al. 2002; Regalia et al. gram was used to measure the number of labeled
2002). cells.

Immunocytochemistry Statistical analysis

Five lm-thickness paraffin sections were made Statistical comparisons between exposed groups
from tissues. They were deparafinized and dehy- and control groups were made with paired Stu-
drated as required. The sections were subjected to dent’s t-test. All results were expressed as
an immunohistochemical staining procedure on means ±S.D. All significance testing took place at
microscopic slides and the results were visualized 0.05 level. (Jiang et al. 2002).
using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase method (Gib-
son & Clowry 2001; Willaime-Morawek et al.
2003). In brief, the sections were incubated for Results
20 min with 1–3 drops of serum block; after
aspirated serum from slides, immediately added 1– Behaviors of Hg in the environment and food chain
3 drops of pre-diluted primary antibody (Santa in WS area
Cruz Biotechnology, santa Cruz), incubated for
2 h; rinsed with PBS then washed in PBS twice for The concentration levels of Hg in environmental
2 min each on a stir plate, aspirated excess liquid samples and animal tissues were summarized in
from slides, incubated for 30 min with 1–3 drops Table 3. To evaluate the data, critical values re-
of biotinylated secondary antibody (Santa Cruz quired in GB (National Standard of China) were
Biotechnology, santa Cruz); washed as above, also list in the same table. It was noted that con-
incubated for 30 min with 1–3 drops of HRP- centrations for the total Hg exceed the values set
streptavidin complex; washed as above, added 1–3 by GB at almost all sampling stations. As water

Table 2. Nucleotide sequence and size of the expected PCR products for oligonucleotide primers used for RT-PCR.

Gene Sequence PCR product (bp)

¢ ¢
mercury pollution in two typical areas 503

samples are greatly affected by seasons and rain- Effect of Hg-contaminated rice on c-jun expression
fall, the data obtained from one collection only in brain of rats
reflects the specific hydrological condition of that
time. The rice sample was divided into two por- The mercury concentrations in rat brain
tions. The hull was removed from the grain to Concentrations of total mercury, organic mercury
obtain white rice. Rice grains with hull were also and selenium in rice were presented in Table 1.
analyzed in order to examine surface contamina- Evidently, in terms of absolute values, the con-
tion. The results showed there was no significant centrations of total mercury in Shanghai samples
difference of Hg concentration between rice with were much lower than that in WS and QZ samples.
and without hull. This phenomenon might proba- Total mercury in rat brains was showed in Table 4.
bly indicate that atmospheric (or external) sources The decreasing order of mercury concentra-
of mercury are minimal. The sources of Hg in rice tion was MMG>MCG>WSM>QZP>SMG>
are possibly from both the soil and atmosphere SHC. The accumulations of mercury in the brains
(through absorption by plant leaves) in these of rats, which were in the groups of MMG, MCG,
areas. It is difficult to interpret the relationship WSM and QZP, were significantly different from
between Hg concentrations in rice and that in soil. that in the brains of control rats(SHC) (p < 0.01).
There is no correlation between them. It was noted SMG had no significant influence on the total
that the uptake and retention of Hg in rice were mercury concentrations in brains comparing with
influenced by a number of factors. The concen- the SHC (p > 0.05). However, significant lower
tration of total Hg in soil might play a less Hg concentration was observed than that of MCG
important role for that. On the other hand, the (p < 0.05). The content of total mercury in MMG
concentration of total Hg in fish was very high. It increased obviously and have significant difference
was indicated that Hg could be easily bioaccu- compared with its simulating group QZP
mulated in the tissues of creatures. Similarly, the (p < 0.01). Contrary to WSM, the concentration
data obtained from ducks and pigs were consistent of mercury in its simulating group SMG was sig-
with the indication. nificantly decreased (p<0.05).

Table 3. Mercury content in samples from WS area.

Sampling Description Total Hg mg Kg)1 GB (National standard of China)

Soils (A) (n=7) From a rice field along the 24.31±2.5 GB(mg Kg)1): pH<6.5;Hg £ 0.3;
river Dashuixi. pH>7.5;Hg £ 1.0; 7.5>pH>6.5, Hg £ 1.5
Rice with hull (n=7) From above the same rice fields 0.142±0.015 GB2762–81–94: £ 0.020 mg Kg)1
Rice without hull (n=7) From above the same rice fields 0.133±0.02 GB2762–81–94: £ 0.020 mg Kg)1
Soil (B) (n=7) From a vegetable field along the 19.08±2.6 GB(mg Kg)1): pH<6.5;Hg £ 0.3;
river Dashuixi pH>7.5;Hg £ 1.0; 7.5>pH>6.5, Hg £ 1.5
Capsicum (n=7) From above the same vegetable fields 0.18±0.05 GB2762–81–94: £ 0.020 mg Kg)1
Potato (n=7) From above the same vegetable fields 0.018 ±0.008 GB2762–81–94: £ 0.010 mg Kg)1
Corn (n=7) From above the same vegetable fields 0.065 ±0.006 GB2762–81–94: £ 0.020 mg Kg)1
Fish muscle (n=7) From the river Dashuixi. 0.13 ±0.01 GB2762–81–94: £ 0.030 mg kg)1
Water From the river Dashuixi 0.17±0.07 lg L)1 GB/T14848–93 £ 0.1 lg L)1
Duck brain (n=7) Raised freely in river Dashuixi 0.073±0.009 GB2762–81–94: £ 0.050 mg kg)1
Duck liver (n=7) Raised freely in rive Dashuixi 4.47±1.51 GB2762–81–94: £ 0.050 mg kg)1
Pig brain (n=2) Rasied using rice and crop 0.017±0.001 GB2762–81–94: £ 0.050 mg kg)1

Mean ± S.D; Mean standard deviation of at least 5 determinations.

Table 4. The mercury concentrations in rat brain.


Total mercury ·10)3 mg Kg)1 4.7 ± 0.4 24.0 ± 3.6++ 5.38 ± 0.5++ 13.7 ± 0.3++ 480.8 ± 70.0++ 37.5 ± 0.5++
p < 0.01, compared to control group, n=7 rats in each group.
504 j. cheng et al.

c-jun mRNA expression was observed that the c-JUN positive cells in
Figure 1 showed that the expression of c-jun hippocampus and cortex of exposure groups were
mRNA. The control group (SHC) was so weak significant different from that of control group. In
that it could not show the light strip while that of all exposure groups, the expressions of c-JUN
the other groups had different extent of light strip. protein in hippocampus were increased more
The relative expression level of c-jun mRNA was obviously than that in cortex. The expression of
showed in Figure 2. It was noted that the expres- c-JUN between WSM and QZP had no significant
sions of c-jun mRNA in brains of exposure groups difference. The expressions of c-JUN protein in
were significantly different from that of control hippocampus and cortex of WSM were slightly
group (p < 0.01). The expression of c-jun mRNA higher than that of SMG, while no significant
in QZP was slightly higher than that in WSM, difference was observed between them (p > 0.05).
although there was no significant difference be- The expressions of c-JUN protein in QZP were
tween them (p > 0.05). The expression of c-jun decreased obviously and had significant difference
mRNA in MMG was obviously increased and had with that in its simulating group MMG. The
significant difference comparing with its simulating expressions of c-JUN in hippocampus and cortex
group QZP and its border upon SMG(p<0.01). In of MCG were increased significantly (p < 0.01),
addition, the expressions of c-jun in WSM and comparing to that of its simulating group SMG.
MCG were significantly higher than that in SMG
(p < 0.05).
c-JUN protein expression
Numbers of c-JUN positive cells in rat hippo- In the two selected Hg pollution areas, rice is the
campus and cortex were showed in Figure 3. It main food and provides the major caloricity for

Fig. 1. RT-PCR products of c-jun and GAPDH on a 2.0% agarose gels stained with ethidium bromide. (a) SHC, QZP and WSM
rats (lanes 1, 2 ,3 respectively) . (b) SHC, MCG, MMG and SMG rats (lanes 1, 2 ,3 respectively). DNA Marker (Songon, China)
sizes were 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300,350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750-bp from bottom to top.

Fig.2. Densitometric analysis of RT-PCR products. Each value of c-jun mRNA level was normalized with GAPDH mRNA level.
Each column and bar represents the mean±S.D. N=7 rats in each group at each time point. p < 0.05 compared to control,
p < 0.01 compared to control. p < 0.01, p < 0.5, compared between border upon two groups. compared between QZ or WS
groups to its simulation group, p < 0.01, p < 0.5.
mercury pollution in two typical areas 505

Fig.3. Number of c-JUN positive cells in rat hippocampus and cortex. Each column and bar represents the mean±S.D. N=7 rats
in each group at each time point. p < 0.05 compared to control, p < 0.01 compared to control.

the local residents. Hg Exposure of the local from 1.19 to 1. In WS, however, selenium was
population may occur due to inhalation and con- present in a substantial surplus and with the Se/Hg
sumption of Hg contaminated food and water. In ratio of 15.28 (Table 1). The simultaneous intak-
the air, the major form of Hg is volatile elemental ing of selenium may have protective effect on the
Hg. It was reported that the highest value of Hg in Hg accumulation in body due to the interactive
air in the vicinity of the smelting furnace is close to role of Se in mercury metabolism. Previous studies
1.0 lg m)3 (Tan et al. 1997). These values con- suggested that the formation of 1:1 Hg–Se com-
siderably exceed over the USA EPA Reference pounds may explain Se detoxification effects on
Concentration (RfC) for chronic Hg exposure Hg (Falnoga et al. 2000).
(0.0004 mg m)3). Concentrations of Hg in air We determined the levels of both c-jun mRNA
fluctuated dramatically and depended on the and c-JUN protein in brains of rats exposed to
temperature, wind direction, humidity, vicinity of different rice. It was found that polluted rice
the sources of Hg, etc. Tan et al. (1997) found could induce the expression of c-jun gene (Fig-
mercury was about 1000 ng m)3 in air near ures 2, and 3). The increase of c-jun mRNA and
smelting furnace. Wang et al. (1995) investigated its protein product were observed when rats had
urine mercury and hair mercury of workers in been exposed for 3 days (data not shown). It was
Wanshan mercury mine. Very high Hg contents found that the c-JUN protein plays a causal role
were found in both urine and hair. in the activation of apoptosis. It was reported
The accumulations of mercury in rats brain of that the administration of cadmium could induce
exposure groups were very significant different apoptotic cell death in the proximal tubules, testis
from that of control group (Table 4). The level of and liver of experimental animals. In cultured
mercury contents in the brains of rats, which ex- LLC-PK1 renal epithelial cells, it was also found
posed to rice of WS (WSM) for 20 days, was about that incubation with cadmium results in DNA
1.75 times higher than that of rats exposed to rice fragmentation (Habeebu et al. 1998; Masato
of QZ (QZP). The accumulation process depends et al. 2000). Expression of c-jun is part of a
on the Hg species. In the groups of WSM, SMG, mitogenic response that is required for cell pro-
QZP and MCG, the process was slower than that liferation. Transcription of the c-jun gene is reg-
of MMG. The uptake of MeHg by brain was ulated in part by cAMP response element and
easier than that of HgCl2. It was probably due to serum response element. Increased Ca2+ can
the higher affinity of MeHg. Selenium (Se) showed activate c-jun transcription through the latter
an antagonist effect on the Hg accumulation. The mechanism while a rise in nuclear Ca2+ can
atomic weights of mercury and selenium are activate c-jun transcription through CREB
200.59 and 78.96, respectively. The molar ratio of phosphorylation (Misra et al. 2002). The increase
selenium/mercury was calculated for the different of c-jun gene expression level in hippocampus
areas. In QZ, the molar ratios of Se/Hg ranged had a great link with the impairment of learning
506 j. cheng et al.

and memory induced by mercury in rats. It may the local population. Further studies are needed to
be one of the molecule mechanisms of mercury- address and investigate the role of Se. According to
induced impairment of learning and memory. the well known antagonistic effects of co-accumu-
JNK (c-JUN N-terminal kinase) may be an lated Se in mercury exposed populations (Falnoga
important signal for the cell death caused by Hg et al. 2000), Se in rice and probably in other foods
(Matsuoka et al. 1997). Hg can induce c-jun may play an important protective role against Hg
expression and phosphorylate JNK to a higher toxicity in local populations. In addition, much
extent than other heavy metals do (Matsuoka more efforts should be performed to protect the
et al. 1997). The possible role of c-jun in mer- local ecosystem and human health in the mercury
cury-induced apoptosis is still not clear. To reveal polluted area of WS, Guizhou province of China.
the relationship between c-jun induction and
apoptosis, further examinations on susceptible
tissues in c-jun knockout rat exposed to mercury Acknowledgments
are required. In view of above, it was suggested
to be alert of mental health problem in human The authors acknowledge the financial support
beings when Hg-polluted food was taken. of Chinese National Natural Science Foundation
In addition, it was noted that induced c-jun (20607014) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences
expression took place much earlier than apparent for Key and Innovation Projects (KZCX3-
cell apoptosis when the rat was exposed to Hg SW-437) and Chinese Ministry of Science and
(Habeebu et al. 1998; Masato et al. 2000). Thus, Technology 973 Project 2003CB415003.
the expression change of immediately early gene
(IEG) c-jun in rats’ brain is possible to be applied
as the early warning for the neuotoxicity of mer- References
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