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Business Management Skills Training
A two days training on Business Management Skills held on October 18, 2011 to October 19, 2011. It
was held at Dispensary Road at the cluster oI 2 mothers groups.
The training started with the name oI Almighty Allah and Naat. PO-Training Arslan Ishaq conducted
registration. He told the participant about the Purpose and objectives oI training. He said by getting this
training you will be able you start your own business which needs very low startup cost. He said that you
can also these tactics in your home iI you are not using Ior running this business. So in this way you can
save your expenses. AIter this Arslan Ishaq PO-Training introduce Mrs. Nasreen Awan Resource Person
The Iollowing things were covered in this BMST:
O Surf Making
O andle Making
O lmond Drink Making
O 'im Powder Making
O Tie & Die
O Dry Plum attni Making
irst oI All Mrs. Nasreen Awan told about herselI to all the participants. She said you should Iocus in
what I am going to tell you today. She said today we make this our habit to purchase Irom the market Ior
our ease. But by this we also increased our expenses which are not Iavorable in this era oI inIlation. She
said in the earlier times women were used to prepare every thing at home which was oI basic need. She
said today we will learn the procedure oI making some oI the Iew things.

Session 1
She described the procedure Ior making surI. She described the ingredients Ior making the surI along with
quantity oI the ingredients. These were as Iollows:
O Nensa Powder 1Kg
O ashing Soda 400 g
O 'eera oam (hite Oil) 100 g
O Sulphonic acid (Black Oil) 200 g
She said whenever you are making some thing use plastic gloves to protect the skin oI your hands. She
said Iirstly pour 1 Kg Nensa powder in a tub. Then pour 400 g washing soda in tub. Then mix them. AIter
this mix 'eera Ioam (hite Oil) and Sulphonic Acid (Black Oil) and mix them. She said that these oils
are used in making surI because they give protection to the cloths and as well as your hand so that you
can have brighter cloths along with saving skin oI your hand. She said it just cost up to Rs. 150
maximum. She said when you will mix all these things then it will not be a reIine powder but some stones
oI mixture will be there. So you have to crush them all to get reIined surI. She said you can add Iragrance
oI your choice by purchasing Irom market. Then your surI will be Iragrance Iull. She said that these all
companies making surIs like Ariel, Bonus etc. all use the same procedure Ior this and add diIIerent
Iragrance in the surI. She explained that they are just charging higher prices because oI their packing. She
said you can make 2 Kg surI Irom the material oI 1Kg which cost very low and you can earn thereby high
proIit. hen procedure completed she asked one oI the participant to wash dirty shirt Irom the surI there
made. She washed the shirt and all participants satisIied with quality and appreciated the resource person.
Session 2
AIter this Mrs. Nasreen Awan told participant that now I will tell you about candle making which is very
important and oI great value in this time oI load shedding. She said now you are purchasing one candle oI
Rs. 10 but this just cost oI Rs. 3. So now you aIter learning the procedure oI making candle you all will be
able to save your Rs. 7. She said aIter learning the procedure oI candle making you all are not only able to
save your money but also be able to start your own business oI candle making and selling. She told the
ingredients and procedure which was as Iollows:
O Mom 1 Kg
O Asterik 20 g
O Sancha 1
O Thread 1 pack
O Scissor 1
O Mustered Oil Little bit
She said Iirstly open Sancha and put the oil on it. AIter this put thread in circle so that thread will be in
centre oI candle. AIter this close the Sancha. Use a pot to melt the mom. She said that this mom when
melt looks like water. She said when this mom is molten then put mustered oil in very small quantity in it.
AIter 5 min on stove, pour this mixture in closed Sancha. She said that you can make any shape oI the
candle as per your choice. She said even you can use any pot like glass, small boil to have diIIerent shape
oI candle. She said that you can make your candle Iragrance Iull by adding diIIerent Iragrance. She said
Ior this you will purchase that Iragrance Irom market by asking the Iragrance to put in agar batti. Because
this is the Iragrance is appear aIter burning. AIter pouring the molten mixture oI candle making into
Sancha, leave this Sancha to get cool up to 1 hour. AIter molten mixture got cool, she opened the Sancha
and candles were prepared. She gave these candles to some participants to check out the quality oI the
candles. Participants liked the candles and appreciated the quality work. Then there was a break oI 10
Session 3
AIter break Mrs. Nasreen Awan asked all the participants to be very attentive. She said now I am going to
tell you another important thing which is a drink. She said now I will tell you about how to prepare
almond drink. She said when guests come to home then we always used to purchase cold drinks Irom the
shops. This is an additional expense which we have made as necessity oI the time. But this is not right as
in the time oI 20-30 years ago people were used to prepare drinks at home to serve the guests. She said
this will be really very helpIul Ior all oI you to increase saving and start a business. And this is also very
Iavorable Ior your health. She said listen and observe the procedure oI making drink. The procedure was
as Iollows:

O Almond 250 gm
O Sugar 1Kg
O Sodium Benzoate 1 gm
O Tatri 2 gm
She said that put almonds in water Ior one whole night. She said separate the cover oI almonds and blend
them in blender. AIter blending separate water and then again mesh the blended almonds. Then put these
meshed almonds in a pot and also add sugar and bake it. She described that use Spoon in boiling mixture
as this mixture will come outside iI you didn`t use spoon. She described that bake this mixture until it got
concentrated. She explained that when this mixture gets concentrated then stop the stove and oII the pot
Irom stove and add sodium benzoit and tatri in this mixture. Then save this mixture in bottles and close
the bottle and paste mom on bottle .use this drink aIter one week. AIter making this drink instantly, she
gave it to participants Ior checking qulity and taste. All participants liked it very much and appreciated.
Then aIter this lunch was given to all participants and the 1
day oI training was Iinished.
Session 4
Second day was started with the name oI Allah and Naat. Arslan Ishaq PO-Training took the review oI
the previous day session. He asked all the participants about what they have learnt last day. He asked
some oI the participants about the ingredients and procedures oI the surI, almond drink and candle
making. All those participants told procedure to PO-Training. Then PO-Training welcomed the Resource
Person. Mrs. Nasreen greeted and asked about the health oI all participants.
She said today we will learn about Tie & Die. She assigned a group activity to the participants. ive
groups were made and have been assigned to prepare diIIerent design by tying some wheat grain, bottle
cover, almonds seeds in cloths Ior dying the cloths.
AIter group activity she described the basic colors and how to prepare diIIerent colors by using the basic
colors. This was as Iollows:
O olors (Red,Blue,Yellow,hite & Black)
O Salt
O Pot Ior dying
O Sticks
O as stove
The basic colors are those colors Irom which we can make diIIerent colors Ior the purpose oI tie and die.
These basic colors are
O Red
O Blue
O Yellow
O hite
O Black
She explained diIIerent conIiguration oI colors to prepare new color oI choice. This conIiguration was:
O Red Blue Purple
O Red Yellow Orange
O Blue Yellow reen
O Black hite ray
She then called the groups one by one and use the cloths designed by them Ior dying. She one by one
explained the all group about how to die cloths in diIIerent colors. She also explained the merits and
demerits oI changing quantity oI diIIerent colors. She said that salt is just added to make these colors
strong so that on washing color would not be separate Irom cloths. She aIter dying the all cloths asked the
women to hang these cloths in sunshine so that they can be dry. hen all cloths got dry there was
diIIerent Iantastic design and colors. All the participants appreciated the activity.
Session 5
In this session she told the procedure oI making vim powder Ior washing pots. She said its very easy and
quick way to have a lot oI powder Ior washing pots. Its have very low cost. You can also use it as your
business oI making and selling vim. She said it will be helpIul Ior you not only to save your money but
also increase in income. She told the procedure Ior making 'im Powder. And the procedure was as
O Marble Powder 1 Kg
O ashing Soda 300 gm
O Nensa Powder 200 gm
She said whenever you are making some thing use plastic gloves to protect the skin oI your hands. She
said Iirstly pour 1 Kg Marble Powder in a tub. Then pour 300 g washing soda in tub. Then mix them.
AIter this mix Nensa Powder in mixture. She said that this material just cost up to Rs. 50. She said when
you will mix all these things then it will not be a reIine powder but some stones oI mixture will be there.
So you have to crush them all to get reIined vim. She said you can add Iragrance oI your choice by
purchasing Irom market. She said you can make a lot oI vim Irom the material oI 1Kg which cost very
low and you can earn thereby have high proIit. hen procedure completed she asked one oI the
participant to wash pots Irom the vim there made. She washed the pots and all participants satisIied with
quality and appreciated the resource person.
Session 6
In this session she asked the participants whether they are learning all the things or not. She said you all
must have to muster up your courage to increase the income. Here she gave example oI some women
related to Bangladesh and Pakistan also. Then she said now we will learn about how to prepare Dry Plum
hattni. She said this is very delicious and low cost hattni and you can prepare, pack them beautiIully
and can sell to the market at a reasonable price and hence can increase your income. She told the
procedure which was as Iollows:
O Dry Plum 1 Kg
O Sugar 1 Kg
O Tartaric Acid (Tatri) 2 gm
O Sodium Benzoate 1 gm
O Red hili crushed 1 gm
O Salt 60 gm
She said Iirst put all dry plum in water Ior more than one hour or boil them in water. Sugar should be
molten. She explained that mesh these boiled or wet plum. Then put this meshed plum in the molten sugar
and bake this mixture. hen this mixture got concentrated then add red crushed chili. She said when this
mixture get more concentrated then oII this mixture Irom the stove. Then add tartaric acid (Tatri) and
sodium benzoate in the concentrated mixture. She said you can also add sugar instead oI molten sugar in
meshed plums. In this way dry plum hattni got prepared then she gave it to participants Ior quality and
taste check. All the participants gave Iull appreciation aIter tasting.

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