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Soil Testing Experiments

100 points

Choose two different soils from the Nido Campus to test. Students must record data during the lab in their own notebook. Assessment: (data collection, processing and presentation) 6 points

Day 1 1. Write observations of the soil area in your notebook. Look for evidence of productivity by noting plants growing in the soil you are testing. 2. Soil texture by feel: Follow the instructions located in the lab. Write down the texture you found from this simple test. 3. a) b) c) d) e) % of water (Percent soil moisture) Measure the mass of a dish. (Day 1) Half-fill with fresh soil and re-weigh the mass. (Day 1) Place the soil in the oven to dry the soil. (Day 1) Reweigh the soil after it is dry. (Day 2) Use the following formula to calculate the % of water content: Loss in mass after drying x 100 = % water content Mass of fresh soil

Day 2 4. Soil Texture Grind the dry soil with a mortar and pestle. Weigh 100.0 grams of soil. Shake the dry soil through the sieves. Weigh each part, calculate the percentages of each layer and use the triangle to classify the texture of the soil. 5. % of organic matter/humus content a) Take dry soil and transfer to a crucible of known mass. b) Heat strongly over a Bunsen burner, re-weigh every 5 minutes until no further weight loss is detected. c) Weigh the burnt soil. d) Use the following formula to calculate the % of humus content: Loss in mass after heating x 100 = % humus content Mass of dry soil 6. Soil pH test: follow the instructions on the soil testing kit. 7. Use the Nitrogen soil kits to test for nitrogen in the soil. Follow the instructions in the kit

Data Collection: Table with data and observations Data processing: Calculations Data presentation: Table of results, Graphs
Data Collection and Processing Records appropriate quantitative and associated qualitative raw data, including units, correct significant figures, and range of uncertainty. The data is organized in a table Processes data correctly: includes grouping, mean values percentages, indices, and/or statistical tests. A clear sample calculation is shown. Significant digits are correct Presents processed data appropriately and effectively to assist analysis including charts, graphs, maps, flow diagrams, kite diagrams, and annotated drawings

Aspect 1 Recording Raw Data

Records appropriate quantitative and associated qualitative raw data, but with some mistakes or omissions.

Does not record any appropriate quantitative raw data or raw data is incomprehensible.

Complete 2 Partial 1 Not at all 0 NE

Aspect 2 Processing Raw Data

Processes data but with some mistakes and/or omissions.

No processing of data is carried out or major mistakes are made in processing.

Complete 2 Partial 1 Not at all 0 NE

Aspect 3 Presenting Raw Data

Presents processed data appropriately but lacks clarity or with some mistakes and/or omissions..

Presents processed data inappropriately or incomprehensibly.

Complete 2 Partial 1 Not at all 0 NE

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