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活出基督!耶穌關懷,我也關懷。 Live like Christ! Jesus cares, I care too.

第 840 期 ORDER OF SERVICE No. 840
主恩 2007 年 10 月 28 日 October 28th, 2007
10:00 AM • Worship service begins
1. 宣召 Call To Worship
2. 詩歌讚美 Praise Him in Hymn
3. 禱告 Invocation
4. 奉獻 Offering
5. 歡迎新友、消息與代禱 Welcome New Friends / Announcements
• Children are dismissed to Sunday school classes
• English congregation retreat to chapel for sermon
6. 證道 朱致民傳道 Message Rev. Brian Gomes
『 如何服事? 』 “ Preserving purity of teaching ”
羅馬書 15:14-21 Titus 1:10-15
7. 回應詩歌與三一頌 Responsive Hymn & Doxology
8. 祝禱 Benediction
• Youth & Adult Sunday school classes begin
• Newcomers please stay after the service for an intro of CECV
Please stay for lunch and have fellowship together
 聽道筆記 Message Notes 
1 教會安排英文部牧者高賴恩牧師的就職典禮於十一日四日舉行。教會
. 邀請了Barry Davis牧師主持就職典禮。
Our church schedules to have the English Language Pastor Installation for
Rev. Brian Gomes on Nov. 4th. Our church invites Rev. Barry Davis to
conduct the installation.

2 長老團提名鄭馬明中姊妹、林淑媛姊妹、和葛樹剛弟兄為執事候選人。
. 教會將在十二月二日開會員大會確認他們。
Our church elder board nominates one brother and two sisters to be our
deacon/deaconess candidates. They are sisters Therese M. Cheng and
Grace Lin, and brother Shugang Ge. The confirmation meeting will be held
on Dec. 2.

3 日光節約時間將在十一日四日結束。請記得在星期六把時鐘撥後一小
. 時。
Daylight saving time will end on Nov. 4. Please remember to set the clock
back one hour on Saturday

4 青少年團契將在十月三十一日週三晚 6:30-8:30 為孩童們舉辦豐收節慶

. 典活動。夾頁單張是用來邀請其他小朋友參加活動。其中有遊戲、唱
This coming Wednesday 10/31 6:30-8:30PM the church will host a Harvest
Party for children. As a way to reach out, we would like to invite
unchurched kids as well (see bulletin insert for sheet of invite flyers).
Program will consist of carnival games, singing children's songs, Bible
memory verses, and a short children's movie. There will be lots of candy
throughout. Parents are welcome to stay, as there will be program for adults
as well. For this event we need donations of ping pong balls, jars, bean
bags, tossing rings, strings, and lots of candy. Please see board outside the
sanctuary to sign up for supplies or pick up extra invite flyers.

5 你在尋找小服事卻能影響眾人的事奉機會嗎?教會在尋找有心協助翻
. 譯每週代禱事項同工,來使全教會中英文會眾都能參與於代禱事工。
Are you looking for an opportunity to serve in a small way that has a great
impact on our church? We are looking for someone with the desire to help
translate our weekly prayer requests so that our whole church can
participate in prayer for the Chinese and English speaking. Please contact
Pastor Brian or Minister Ju if the Lord is putting this on your heart.
6 親愛的家長,謝謝你們持續在教會活動開始前和結束後看守你們的孩
. 子,來支持教會物產的保持和照顧他人的安全。教會期盼你們繼續如
Dear Parents, thank you for your continued support in respecting the church
property and the safety of others by watching your children before and after
church activities. We look forward to your continued support in keeping
our children safe and caring for our church facility.

7 本週代禱宣教士:張雨、卓映雪夫婦以泰北新生命戒毒中心為基地向
. 周邊伸展,在幾個苗、瑤族村鎮建立中文補習班爲福音據點。請為卓
This week’s missionary: Yu Zhang & Ying-Sui Zhow who are base at New-
Life Drug Rehabilitation Center in Northern Thailand to reach out hilltribe
villages by establishing Chinese schools as evangelical stations. Please
especially pray for Ying-Sui Zhow who is recovering from chemotherapy.

8 下主日聯合崇拜講員:Barry Davis 牧師。

. Next week’s joint service speaker: Rev. Barry Davis.

上週主日出席統計 成人 125 孩童
Last Sunday Attendance Adults Children
經常基金 General Fund $ 4,023.75
建堂基金 Building Fund $ 0,300.00
上週主日奉獻 宣教基金 Mission Fund $ 0,333.00
Last Sunday Offering 特別奉獻 Special Offering $ 0,000.00
書房收入 Bookstore Income $ 0, 0.00
午餐收入 Lunch Income $ 0,226.00
聚會時間表 Meeting Time
09:15am 主日晨禱會 Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting
10:00am 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship Service
日 Sun 10:30am 兒童主日學 Children Sunday School
青少年主日學 Youth Sunday School 每
成人主日學 Adult Sunday School 週
二 Tue 07:30pm 教會禱告會 Church Prayer Meeting

姐妹會 Women’s Fellowship
四 Thu 10:00am 行
長青團契 Evergreen Fellowship
各團契小組: Weekly
五 Fri 07:30pm
All fellowship groups:
Adults, Youth & Children
六 Sat 08:00am 男士早餐會 Men’s Breakfast 每月第一週 1st Wk Monthly
Chinese Evangelical Church of Vancouver
900 SE Ellsworth Road, Vancouver, WA 98664
Tel: (360) 944-1556 Fax: (360) 944-3079

的 出 和 應
心 人 感 當
懷 意 謝 一
意 外 , 無

念 的 將 罣
立。 平 你 慮
比 安 們 ,

第 必 所 只
4 在 要 要
章 基 的 凡
6 督 告 事
、 耶 訴 藉
7 穌 神 著

裏 。 禱
保 神 告
守 所 、
你 賜 祈
們 、 求

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by

prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God. And the peace of God, which
transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and
your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

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